ffiBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XX.—NO. 204 LEVENING BULLETIN. wHffilJ K VEBY EVENING, (Bmm ay’s excepted,) U SB SEW BULLETIN BUILD INS, <507 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia ; BY THK “Evening Bulletin Association.” PBOPBIBTOBSt peacock;, iernest o.Wallace. 7. L. 7ETMEBSTON, THOS.J. WILLIAMSOB DABPXB BOODEB, Jr., I FRANCIS WELLS The SvuasiK la Berved 1 cnia 9tt WWk, payable aanora. HABBIED. MABKLEY—CONINB.—On Thursday. Nov. 29th. Thaddeos W. Markley and Mia 3 Augusta Conlne, oi Baltimore. * dies. GBOOMK*—Suddenly, on the 30th r ult. f John C. •Groome. Funeral, from his .late residence, Elkton, Md„ on Tuesday, Dec. 4th, at H o’rlock, i£. * RALSTON.—On the 2d inau, John O. Balaton, in the 33d year of his age. His male frienda.are reapectfally invited to attend his funeral, from bis late residence, 256 S. Fifteenth street, on Wednesday next, at 1 o’clock. The remains will be deposited in the Family Vault, Tenth Presby terian Church, corner Twelfth and Walnut streets *** RUTHERFORD —Oa the 29th lust., Thomas G. Rutherford, in the 49th year of his age. The relatives and friends oi the fan. ily are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, 220 Juniper street, on next Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * TITELODEON COVERS AND RICH PIANO Jffl COVERS, FOR OH RISTAIAS PRESBiNTS. Fine Shawls, for Christmas; fine Silks, for Christ ixnas; Christmas Delaines and prints; Hdkfs., Collars, Gloves and Scarfs. E \ HE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch. SFEQIAI, NOTICES. THE INDUSTRIAL HOME, Corner of BROAD street and COLUMBIA avenue, is open for the admission of Girls from twelve to eighteen years of age, who are neglected or deserted by their par*nts, &Ld who nee ? the shelter and instruction of a Christian home. If the public will sastaln this insti tution,many girls may be kept from evil and made re spectable and useful women. Contributions may be sent to James T. Shinn, Treasurer, Broad and Spruce streets n 022 rptf take no tick “a. p. a.” lK=y At a Festival an* F*ney Fair, to beheld on Wednesday, Thursday aDd Friday, December 19th, :20th, 2ist, at the Gloria Del (Old Swede’s) Church, the oldest Protestant Church in Pennsylvania, distant a < three minute’s walk from the Philadelphia Navy Yard, a very rich and costlj Past Master’s Regalia, of the • “A. P. A. •' is to be voted for and awarded to the Lodge securing the greatest number of votes. Votes twenty five cents each. de3-m^^trp* NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND GREEN LANE, BEST SPRING MT. LEH’GH FURNACE COAL, DELIVERED, |750; DO. STOVE. |B. 'Box No. 62 Germantown Post Office. Office No, 15 South SEVENTH street, Franklin In* Btitute Building. BINES & SHEAFF, no2o 26trp{ North Benna, B. R and Green Lane. TTS* THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock ‘U*iSr holders of the PETROLEUM MINING COM- TaNY OF PENNSYLVANIA wUI be held at the office of the Company. No. 154 South Fourth street, on THURSDAY, December 6, at 10 o’clock A. M, d€3-3t* R. Q McMURTREE, Clerk. D’-'-S* FAIR.—A sale ofnsefal and fancy articles is ‘lhsX being held in' the Sunday School Boom of 8u -Andrew’s Church, EIGHTH street, above SPRUCE, to continue day aud evening till Friday, December 7th, 1866. , - de3-2t| NOTICE —ARTILLERY CORPS, WASfiC 'lhSr INGTON GRAYS,—A Stated . Meeting of tbe •Company will be held at the Armory, MONDAY, December 3d, at BP. fiL . H. C. KENNEDY, I* • Secretary. HT.S3* HOWARD HOSPITAL, N 05.1518 and 1520 Lombard street, Dispensary Department, Medi cal treatment and modi ernes furnished gratuitously ter the poor, r‘ AH ABT ANOMALY. The recent publication of Marshall’s por ■frait of Abraham Lincoln has attracted pub lic attention to the artist of this splendid work and an inquiry into his history on dhe part of many to whom his name has been almost or quite unknown, Mr. Mar shall is, in the highest and best sense, a self-made man, and has developed a genius so rare and peculiar, and achieved successes ;SO unprecedented in the history of Art, that a sketch of his professional career cannot fail to be of general interest. ■Mr. W. E. Marshall Is a native of New ark, N. J., and is now abont thirty-two years of age. When he arrived at his ma jority he was engaged in a jeweler’s estab lishment, stamping the backs of watch cases, and attracted the attention of Mr. Durand, the well-known engraver, by the dexterity and neatness of his work. He ■was advised by him to try his hand at en graving, to which he assented, and Mr. Du rand applied to one of the New York bank -1 mote companies to take him and teach .him the business of engraving. Mr. Dhrand’s application failed, but so thoroughly was he convinced of young Marshall’s talent that he told him to procure a photograph of Fremont (it was in the heat of the campaign of 1856), and to take it home and copy it on steel, the best way he could. The embryo artist went at his novel work with determined energy and with such suc cess that in three weeks he placed a plate of his first engraving in Mr. Durand’s hand. That gentleman carried it to the same firm who had declined to employ Mr. Marshall, and without naming the engraver, re quested them to purchase it. They de manded, his price, and were told $4O, which they immediately paid and accepted the plate. Encouraged by this first success, Marshall executed a similar head of Buch anan, and his friend Durand repeated the experiment upon the bank-note engravers, but advanced his price to $lOO, which was again promptly paid. They were then in formed, to, their great amazement, that the two heads were the work of the young man whom they had declined to receive into their employ. They at once -offered him a permanent situation at a sa lary of $6OO per annum, besides a compen sation for eaoh plate engraved. But it was now his turn to make terms, and he de clined their offers, until they increased his compensation to such a sum as he consid ered his services to be worth. He at once took a leading position in the establishment and found himself, without instruction from any one, the master of a difficult and deli cate, but very lucrative, profession. 'But real genius is always bora with wings, and Marshall soon began to aspire to higher flights. Stimulated by the encouragement •of some of his friends, he resolved to essay & larger and bolder style of engraving, and be at last selected the famous head of Wash ington by Stuart as his first subject. He was at this time ,in Washington, and pro quring photographs of. the original, he com menced his work. But as he progressed, he became 4i fiS htisfied with the results, and at last resolved to go to Boston and see the painting itself. No sooner had he seen it than he exclaimed, “I see I am all wrong. I have been working in the dark. There .was HQ color in my models, and I mu-U have i ' ■ r 'IK ,^H:« ■ : & HH. HR . y - - HI - ' J^RHr .■ - „ ■ ;^H: -/p ■ .H ! ■[ HI HH RR -HR ■ JH BH HR Hi ' • to subscribers In tne city at > to tlie carriers, or 1800 per . But Marshall has a trick of excelling at all trades that he undertakes, and while he was enjoying his distinction as an artist, he took the Parisians by storm as the best skater in France. He attracted the Impe rial notice by the extraordinary grace and skill of his performances on the ice, and was honored by an invitation to skate with 'the fair Eugenie herself. * In the midst of his art-labor in Paris came the sudden news of the death of Mr. Lin coln. It fell like a thunderbolt upon the young American,who had learned, long be fore, to revere and love that great man with all the ardent enthusiasm of his nature. His first impulse was to return to his native land for the purpose of engraving a portrait of the martyr-Presideirt. On arriving in America he at once addressed himselftothis labor oflove. He had seen Mr. Lincoln but once or twice, hut he had studied his char acter and folly appreciated the great quali ties of the man. When asked by his friends what portrait he would take for his model,he promptly answered, “None! I will paint my own portrait and engrave from that” And he did so. He showed his work to no one and consulted no one until it was fin ished. In the year and a half that has elapsed since Mr. Lincoln’s death, he has painted his portrait and engraved it npon a scale never before attempted in this country in this style of art. When the engraving was finished, Mr. Marshall offered it to Messrs. Ticknor <fc Fields for publication. They agreed to undertake it on condition that he should procure the en dorsement of certain leading men, as to its fidelity as a ‘ likeness. This was readily accomplished. Mr. Bancreft, Mr. Stanton, Mr. Seward, Mr. Chase and others were unanimons in their declaration that this was in very truth the face of their old, fa miliar friend. The sequel is already known to the public. Ticknor <fc Fields have com menced the publication and have guaranteed to the ar\ist aroyalty, the minimum of which is restricted to $5,000 per annum. Already the three hundred “artist proofs” are ex hausted, and the “India proofs”,' nearly so. The demand for the engraving, which is at once a perfect curiosity of art, and a won derfully faithful portrait of our revered President, is taxing all the resources of the enterprising house of Ticknor & Fields, and yet it can scarcely be said to have been yet made known to the publi Is generallv. The great charm of the work is that the artist has produced a“pure line” engraving upon a most unusual scale. By this style of art there is given hot only the effect of light and shade, as. in an ordinary engra ving, bnt that of color also. The original painting is now on exhibition in New York and is valued at $5,000. Will not some, of our art-loving millionaires secure this gem for a.Philadelphia gallery? We have gone into a somewhat minute sketch of Mr. Marshall’s career, because he may well be regarded as one of the greatest artists tbat-America has yet produced, and because each step of his progress has been marked with all the true signs of a genius as rare as it is genuine. For a young American, without instruction, almost without models or practice, to seize with such a masterful hand these two great sister branches of art and make himself, almost by an act of volition,famous in them both,is an anomaly bard to be accounted for. With such achievements in his yet early life, who shall venture to Bay what future may not be before this young American genius? „ „ From Japan. . San Francisco, Dec. I.—The British brig Alert brings advices from Yokohama, Japan, to October 27th. A great meeting had been held at Yokohama to devise a remedy for the evils arising by Mexican dollars becom ing nncurrent in settlement. There are many rumors from the. seat of war. but nothing reliable. , The Dutch brlgDuodecimo was lost in Yan Dieman’s Straits. Of the seventy people on board only three Japanese and no Europe ans were saved. Commander E. Simpson, commanding the U. S, steamer Mohican, under date of October 17th, reports his arrival at Maran ham, Brazil, in 13 days, from Barbadoes. The receipts of internal revenue on Sa turday amounted to $1,626,94s 65, color.” Arrangements were Soon made with the officers of the Boston Athenaeum to transfer Mr. Marshall’s atelier to that place, and there he engraved that magniff cent plate, which is the finest copy of the great original picture which has yet been attempted on steel. His success as an engraver seemed just permanently established, when, to the dis may of his friends, he suddenly announced his conviction that he could paint as well as he could engrave ! Despite all persuasions to the contrary, her abandoned his graver and took to the palette and easel. ‘ How he mastered the; mysteries of the grand art of painting,' no‘ himan , being can explain. • He took lessons from nobody, but, like the ftunous German artist, who “evolved his camel ftom the depths of his own consciousness,” he grappled with his self-imposed task, and his well-grounded confidence had its reward. He produced a full-leDgth portrait of his friend .Jas. T. Fields, Esq., the celebrated publisher, which as a portrait and a work of art challenges the adrpiration and wonder of all who have been privileged to see it. And now this strange genius determined to go abroad and place himself for a short time under Couture. He worked diligently at his new profession, and during the winter of 1864-5, astonished the Parisians in two ■ways : first with his hands and then with his feet. He painted a head of the well-, known old janitor of the Louvre and offered the portrait and his engraving of Washing ton to the French Academy Exhibition. The merits of both works were so clearly re cognized that they were accepted and, for the first time in the history of Amerioan art, an American artist, who had never been taught either to engrave or to paint, was permitted to display two of his works.simul taneously in that select and exclusive exhi bition. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 3,1866. DISASTERS AT SEA. Collision of the Ship Kate Dyer with the Steamer Scotland. The Former Sank and the Latter Badly Injured. Thirteen Lives Lost—Statement of a Passenger. [From to-day’s New York Herald, j I The sad news of the loss of the Evening Star has scarcely' faded from the memory before information arrives of another disas ter at sea, attended by serious loss of life. But while there were many excuses to offer for the loss of the steamship before named, scarcely anything can be said In extenua tion of the present loss, for, no matter which of the pilots is to blame, it is quite certaiu that the collision would never have taken place had the proper care been taken. On the 7th day of September last the ship Kate Dyer, Leavitt, captain of Portland, Maine, left Callao, bound for this port, with a cargo of guano on board. She had a pros perous voyage until the evening of the Ist instant, when according to the statement of her captain, 3he was run into by the steam ship Scotland, of the National Steam Navi gation Company’s line. The Kate Dyer was about ten miles from Fire Island when the disaster took place, and was standing to to the westward, with the wind northwest, when her crew saw the steamer at some dis- tance off on her starboard bow. Had she kept her course she would have cleared the ship a long distance; but instead of so doing, as she approached her helm was put to port and bearing down upon the ship, struck her on the starboard bow with tremendous force, almost cutting that part of her in two. According to the pilot who was on the Kate Dyer, when those on board saw the. Scotland approaching the impression pre vailed tnat she desired to speak with the ship; but this assertion is contradicted by responsible parties on board the steamer, who aver that be confessed, after being res cued, to having mistaken the steamer for a steam tug. Be that as it may, however, the moment the two vessels came in contact with t ach other the bow of the ship was carried entirely away, and at the same moment her masts came down with a terrific crash. Filling rapidly she drifted past the steamer, per crew running over the deck in the utmost consternation. One boat was quickly lowered, and into this the captain, l pilot and five men went and pulled for the Scotland, where they were received. The boat had hardly cleared the wreck before she gave a lurch and 'sunk,' stern upward, carrying with her twenty of the crew; who wers endeavoring to lower the otner boats. "' -- > •" In the meantime the boats of the Scotland were lowered, and they, polled for the Kate Dyer, with the Intention of removing the balance of her crew. Before. they could reach the ill>fated ship, however, she had gone down, and in the darkness they man aged to pick up seven men who were buffet ing the waves for dear life. For some minutes they cruised in the vicinity of where the vessel sunk, with the hope of be ing able to rescue others of the crew; but .! be signal for recall was given, and they were at length compelled to return to the steamer. Thanks to her immense strength, the Scotland was not sunk, bat it was not many minutes after the collision had taken place before it was discovered that she nad sus tained very serious injuries. Her bow was stove in, admitting the water into the fore compartment,whence it was gradually forc ing its way into the others. Finding that be could not remain afloat many hours,Cap lain Hall, of the Scotland, ordered her to be run ashore at Sandy Hook,and under a full bead of steam, her bow was turned to the ihore. From 8 o’clock on Saturday night until half-past one clock yesterday her crew and passengers worked manfully at the pumps for the purpose* of keeping afloat. The boats were cleared and ready for launch ing and every preparation made for a resort io their use. Gradually ,lhe water gained in the hold, until the men Attending to the en gines were submerged to their waists. Just as the steamer passed the lightship and her keel touched the shore, the water had reached the bars of the furnace. Had the collision occurred 15or 20milesfurther from the shore the steamer would have sunk.and the loss of life,heavy as it was, might have been fearfully Increased. Passengers on the Scotland speak in most indignant terms of the conduct of the pilot that had charge of the Kate Dyer. They report that when he came on board the steamer he went swaggering over the dock ,declaring that he did not care a damn so long as his life was saved. All unite in charging ngon him the terrible disaster; for they allege that had he performed his duty by putting the helm of the ship to port, the two vessels would have steered in tbe same direction and thus avoided the catastrophe. Instead of so doing, it is charged that he endeavored tp cross the bow of the steamer, well knowing the danger that becomes im minent from sucha course. ; The following statement of the disaster was given by a passenger on the Sootland, who arrived in New York on board the steamtug Fletcher last evening, which was sent down to bring up the passengers and crew of the steamer:' . , ■ The Scotland passed the lightship at five B. M,, and was runningat the rateof eleven knots opposite Fire Island abont half-past seven, and shortly after the watch made out a ship coming almost head on to the steamer. The second officer in obarge of the deck ordered the helm ported and the engine reversed to clear the ship. All would have gone right had the pilot in charge of the Kate Dyer ported his helm. Instead of doing this he attempted to cross the Scot land’s bow, and the ships came together with aterrific’ crash, which stove in the bows of the Kate Dyer and brought down her fore and main masts. She qulokly drifted past the steamer >and sunk in fifteen to twenty minutes. The Scotland’s bow was badly damaged. A large hole was stove at her water line, through which th© water' poured into and quickly filled the - forward compartment. The engines were reversed when she struck the Dyer, but for someminutes she forged ahead. Every effort was made by Captain Hall and bis officers to rescue the crew of the Eate Dyer. Boats were lowered and sent to the wreck, bine lights burned,rockets discharged, &c. One of the steamer’s boat® picked up seven men from the Dyer and rowed for nearly half .an: hour round the. spot of her disappearance, hoping to:resoue any that might be left. The condition of his Qwn sliip forced Cap- OTTTt T?HOLE COUNTRY, ;tain Halt to.recaU his. boats, and head the (Scotland lor: Sandy Hook.i Shewas settling •down forward, and the water foroing its [way through the bulkhead into the second .compartments. Before she, had made ten mijes on her return'course the leak had in ji reased so alarmingly that it was doubtful whether she would float long enough to reach tbe Hook., vAU the boats were cleared away and:prepared for the. reception of her passengers.; By; dint of; hard i driving and pumping she managed 1 to reach and pass the t’iWabip, and was beached on the middle bar at 2 A. M., just as, the water reached her furnace fires. She now lies on the middle bar, with the water up to her steerage deck, floui stoke hole ana engine room being underwater. Her passengers were taken VB by the steaming William Fletcher, and brought to the city on Sunday evening. No casualty of any kind'occurred to any one on board the steamer. , Tha Scotland is a. magnificent steamship pf thirty-seven hundred tons register, pwned by the National Steamship Company of Li verpool. She has pn board a very large car go of cotton, grain, <feo. Her position on the tar is a dangerous one, as "she is fully ex posed to the force of an easterly or south easterly gale. ] The following are the names of the crew of the Kate Dyer who were lost: Paul Bo rne, of Antwep, First Officer; Frank Jones and Frederick Smith, boys, of Portland, Maine; William Blackwell, sailmaker, of London; Fred Jenkins, carpenter, of Ham burg; Wiljiam Rollins, steward; Wallace Cox, cook; William Harris, Jones, Ro bert Baker, Robert Baber, John Quick and Henry Johnson, seamen. Total, 13. i The Kate Dyer was a ship of 1,278 tons burden, and was built at Cape Elizabeth, in 1855, by J. Dyer. She was owned by J. W. Dyer ifc Co., of Portland, Me., and was sur veyed at Boston, in March, 1865, when she was rated A No. 1J at Lloyd’s. The steamship Scotland is an iron vessel, of 5,695 tons burden, and was built at New castle last year. She stands A No. 1 at Lloyd’s, belongs to the National Steam Na gation Company, and is one of the finest Steamers plying between this-port and Liverpool. ! Wreck of (be Brig Wilhelm. ] The brig Wilhelm, which went ashore on the Burner Shoals on the night of the 23th Jilt, on her passage from Bordeaux to this port, having been abandoned by the cap tain, was taken possession of by Mr. Mer ritt, of the Atlantic and Sun Mutual Ma rine Insurance Companies, who was using his best endeavors to save as much'Pf the cargo as possible, when Mr. Brown, of the Submarine Company, came with the steamer Saxon, and, going on boara, with drawn pistol,demanded and took possession pf the brig and commenced removing the cargo. On Sunday morning an injunction leaned by Judge Suthertand, restraining Mr. Brown from exercising any jnrisdlction in the premises, was served on aim, bat it is alleged he paid no attention to lt,and still continued to remove the oargo.-The revenue putter Crawford was sent down to the brig on Sunday morning. j SOUTH AMERICA News from Peiu and Chile—The i United States Ships of War at Callao, &c. Panama, Saturday, Nov. 24, 1866.—8 y the British mail steamer Pacific we have dates from Valparaiso and Santiago de Chile to the 2d, and from Callao and Lima to the 14th November. The Dictator Prado has been of course al most unanimously elected President of Peru. CoL Balta, who proposed to run against him, had been exiled before the election, and Gen. Macbucha and others, who proposed to initiate a re volution against Prado, were sent off in a ship to Chile. Gen. Castilla. (“Old Boots,”) has also been caught and sent away to Chile. The latter was brought to Callao a prisoner on one of the British Company’s steamers from the South, but so much excitement was created by the news that he was in durance in the harbor that the Government was forced to contradict it and assert that he was merely a passenger. ' Huerta, Bishop of Puno, had been ar rested by the Government, he having ful minated the ecclesiastical malediction against Prado in consequence of his inter ference with church privileges. The Government is erecting additional wharves at Callao, and warehouses for bonded goods. The Paoifio Navigation Company have erected-a free'mole for the convenience of the’merchants. j A letter writer say s': “A rumor has been put into circulation that Admiral Pearson, of the United States Bhip Powhatan, has re cently received such orders as to induce him to colleot most of the ships in the South Pacific squadron, which is to be augmented by the Brooklyn 'and Pensacola at Callao, in anticipation of any attempt to occupy the Chinches. The rumor is by no means im probable, and the presence or the United States naval force in the harbor of Callao is designed to show that this- Government may interfere to prevent their seizure. In the meanwhile Chile is not idle, her fortifi cations are advancing slowly, but surely, toward completion, and her ships are being, repaired and fitted'for active service. At the same time the income tax Will supply her with the sinews of war. “Hie last European advices indicate an attempted adjustment of this serio-comic strife through tbemediation of France, Eng land and the United States. If this is not contradicted by the next steamer, there may be a,return of peace, but, judging by the tone of the papers, the feeling is to prose cute the war.” On the convocation of an extra session of Congress, the Opposition introduced a reso lution declaring a lack of confidence in the President and his Cabinet in the manage ment of the war with, Spain, bat the resolu tion was lost by twenty votes. Gen. Kilpatrick, U. S. Minister to Chile, was married on : the 2d of November to the Senorita Louisa Valderana. The U. S. revenue cutter Wyand, Captain Selden, arrived ,at Valparaiso on the 30th October. There is no news of interest from Bolivia and Ecuador. We have dates from Guatemala and Sal vador to the 6th, from Nicaragua to the 9th,’ and from Costa Bica to the 12t inst. All the five BepiLblics are quiet. / No news. ; Qualified Suffrage In the South. New Orleans, Deo. I.—There is an in creasing disposition manifested in the South toadmit qualified suffrage, impartial as to color. The violent attacks on such papers as do not direotly oppose It show that it is gain ing ground as an equivalent, for universal, amneßty, but the Union papers notedited by negroes oppose it, I Correspondence eftheK. Y. Times.] cuanr BCLJUJBTIS. i J’hilakblphia Oattle Mabkbt, Deo. P-~® ec £ Cat tle were very dull this week buturleea kv f ‘JS JiS 00 Y *i* 6 ll,Ul>e as lest quoted." 1,800 head arrived and sold at from ls@ls cts. lor extra: is@l4 eta. Ibr qaainyf 00 ' aB4 W ® l2 cental lb forWmon, as to iThemilowlngarethepartlculara of the sales: 1 JJeoa. i.. . Home . . t Jmminf' ■a jo# R , aSfffwSt;m";"'":'“T.'r'' 100 James S. KJrfe, Chester county ©is 133 Jaa. JiTcFlllen, Western 14 Jais ;60 E. S. MuFUlen! ™ ZZZSZ 14 Sir pUman ;A Boehm an, West era-.. „ , 4 )§ ay Western. ..14 m* luo Mooney & Smith, “ 10 foWiy 48 Is ooney * Brother “ • • .••••••«•♦“ J S£ 4 Schamberg, Western ©is 56 B. Baldwin, Chester c-unty rais • 3ti J. ClemsoiL Western..*, ; ’*** 8 31 p. Bremen** Che?* * - -“j'don, Chester co gra 6&/& 7 120 Ben. Hood, Cheater county... .......„,if> 4a James Cochr&D, Chester |co. . 1.17* 7 (an& ,•*5 °P aD dler «fc Alexander. Chester coanty..._L2 100 Wayne <fc McArdle, Westers..; a Jag ?• Mc^iien,cbes^rco.i % g ( 40 M. Dryfoos& Co,,Western jr <ai4 S 3 A. SteiDbery.Western, gra ,7* & (5 7 H ¥l?' £**P m *l. Delaware State, gra ..... 4 (m 6 s£ i 2 T o *® & 01163161 C0.,gr3..... 58»| ~g°ss—Were in fair demand; 3.500 head sold at the different yards at from |fl@io the 100 ftynet* -J?l l^?TWe^?. 1 i cbail,?,,d dead arrived and sold at from o@6tf cents ft gross—as to condition. Cows—Were dull ana lower; lou heid sold at « J@6s for Springers, and |so@Bo head for cow and calf New Chapel in Germantown.—The Second Baptist Church, of German- Jo*, 11 ’ w W be i? e<Jicate ' 1 to the worship of Almighty ?f&«~ D *? uee ? ay n esfc.December4th, cervices will be A** 5 ? at 4 o’clock, and In theeven'ng SSi? C o ct ; M is expected) bat several of tbePastora * ® hnrel »es of the city win be preseat, and Ifiahifl 1 i u ..! he < ,'- I . e , rc^,es ' , The dedication sermon Bmiofli D Ct ‘ edin 1116 evenln ßbytbeßev.J. Wheaton 'ihe uul diDgia commodious and tisterni.and is In tended aa »n appeni age to a larger structure hereafter to be erected, it measures 43 feat in width and 86 feet m length and is constructed in the Norman style of nrcbitfctnre. The exterior is fac-d with granite from the Falls of Schuylkill; St In ornamented with plain but tresses terminating below the cornices which are com post dof dressed stone. The roof has. steep pitch and is covered with slate. The interior consists of an audience chamber handsomely perced and cushioned, a commit tee room, on infant school room, and two dressing rooms lor use on baptismal occasions; alas a comtno dlons gall try. The main floor will seat five hnndred persons, and the gallery about one hnndred. The win dows are all glared with stained glass, and the whole ofthe Interior wood wort Is grained In Imitation of i his chapel is erected on a portion of the old revolu tionary battlegronnd, on the Obew estate, having a front on Germantown avenneof ill feet,on Upsalstreet of 3® fee t*r d on Morton street of 113 feet; it Wherefore an pie for any extension of the church edifice that may hereafter be required. New Buildings.—Daring the month of November. 228 permits for new buildings were issned by the BalldlDg Inspectors. This is aa increase oi is over thesamemonth in 1865, and an increase of 141 <?ver h ovimber, 1854.; Thebui.dings to ha erected are dwtiUngs, 128, asylum 1. breweries 2. billiard room l. church l. coach* onsea 3, distilleries 8. dye-houses 2, en gine house 1, factories 9, Ton tdryl hose house 1 ho ttl* 2. Ice houses 2, offices 7, sch 00l houses i sheds 9 daughter houses 2, stores 6 storehouses A shops 12. stables 23. Tnere were also Issued 81 permits for addi tions and alterations. The total number of permits issued by the Inspec tors this year, since the first of Jane, was 2.837. Thiff will show bowrapidly the city U improving. A;;RorGH Customer.— This morning, before Alderman Hutchinson Frank Metaker was charged with assanlt and battery on Officers Neu mann and Hill, of the Ninth District, who attempted to ajiest him for drunkenness, at Eighteenth and Coates streets yesttrdav afternoon. At Broad Coa ttss tree ts Officer YToodbonse attempted to assist lhe Other policemen when he was turned noon by sietskgr and bad nl* finger nearly bi.t*n off The prisoner v?ib held in fl 2<.0 bail fyr trial. Too Much Indignation.—John Mauley went Into the Secord District Station House on Satur day night to act a friend released. He was told that he would have to see the Lieutei ant. At this he become very indignant and threatened to knock down the turnkey. Then he got locked up. and upon searching him a loaded revolver wan found. Jahn was com mitted by Alderman THtermary. The Old Franklin Almanac, for 1857, contains a great variety of notab'e events of the past year, consisting of disasters to ocean steamers and to steamers in the United States, Bailrorf accidents,a list of Protestant Episcopal and Methodist Bishops,' a list of Catholic Bishops, Government, o f the world, iffG-T: Governors of the States and Territories, 1856-7- Changes and Reduction, of the National Debt, Stalls’ t'cs of IhoWar cr the E“bellijn;alio,a great variety of other useful matter, besides calendars, artronomba* calculations, Ac, A. W.nch, Publisher, 605 Cnestnn street. ■ Bishops and Divines, including th© Revs. Potter, Hopkins, Dix, lyng, Smith, Nevton, Cox, Morgan, Weston, Huntingdon, Muhlenberg and Vinton; also. Gustave DorA artist; Kate Bateman, ac tress; King and Queen of Prussia: Thiers, the states- man; wiih articles on the Characters of Shakspeare. Education, by John Neal; Society; Suffrage; Walking; Shaklrg Hands; A Natural Life; Health; Sleep; Death; In December PhrenoloQical Journal. Pictorial Donole No. 20 cents; a year, fi. Newsmen have it. Address Fowler A Wells, No. 389 Broadway, N, Y., or J. L. Caper. 722 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Premium Carolina Rice. MITCHELL A FLETCHER, 12.4 Chestnut street. Congress.—The last session ef the Thirty rlnth Congress met at noon to-day, It will endltsde literatlons at noon on the lih of next March. An ex citing time is anticipated, and the Bulletin win keep its readers poetid, just as it does on the merits of the excellent and cheap coal sold by W. W.,Alter, No »s7 North Ninth street tind Sixth and Spring Garden streets. Dr. Leon’s Electric Hair IJenewes. —Delightfully perfumed for the toilet Pronounced by *ll who have used is the very best prfparalion for the hair. Itisa positive cure Jor baldness immedi ately arrests fallibg ont of the hair, and restores gray leci ato their original color and luxui lance. One trial will satisfy yon. The President's Message! THBILLENG INTELLIGENCE! t-TARTLING AND IMPORTANT' COATS FOR GENTLEMEN. COATa FOR^OUaHd. COATS FuK ROYS. COATb FOR HUNTERS COATS FOR COACHMEN, Chats for everybody. BRGWN STONE CLOTHING HALL, ROOKHLLL A WILSON, ' 603 Bud 605 Chestnut street. Wheeler & Wilson Lock-stitch Family Sewing Machines are the Cheapest and the Best. Over 250,0e0cavebean made and sold. The Philadelphia agents, Messrs. Peterson A Little,7o4 Chestnut street, are prepared to do all kinds of family sewing with, neatness and despatch, and they have constantly on hand a large assortment or Laces a id Embroideries, and pay particular attention to the m«&lng up of Bridal Outfits. Their reputation in this respect is un rivaled. Meeting of Congress.—The first thine: the new Congress will probably do, after hearing the President’s message read will be to adjourn and go to their respective hotels.and gather la small squads and compare their new sal’s of clothes together, wtich most have bought at Charie' Stokes & <Ws Clothing Bcu*e, under the Continental in this city and there discuss the merits and price of their bar gains.' • •• Mb£. Henry Dickinson, of 473 West Twenty-first street, New York, in her examination before the Commissioner or Pateata testified as fol lows: Q.—From your experienc' with Family Sewing Ma ch nes and the attention and observation you have gi**en the suhjbct, which Family Sewing Machine has j oar i reference, ana givey oar reasons for such pro xeience? . A -Grover <fc Bakers ba* the decided preference; the reasons are. ihat there is no rewinding of cotton it more smoothly, and has the merit of unrip pit g when rfctssary.and wiP notrip nnless yon wi& It to The stitch Uso elastic that you can work on a bias, and the stitch will neve* rip. but give. The ma cbme never gets out of order, and, taking it all in all, ft is the best machine a lady can have. As regards other mad inea all 1 can say Is. those of my friends who have not Gtov©* <6 Baker’s are ln ; constant rouble with their respective mac’ines. I may add, as the last clause, that any body of any sense will give he preference to Grover A Baker's Machine. Dr. Leon’s Infant Kkbiedy.—A mild, yet sure and speed* cure for colic, cramps and windy pa'ns Invaluable for teething children Etcallent, also, for chiluren of arestitsß and fretful habit, and.ln encases of looseness, griping, vomiting or other in ward grief, it gives immediate ease. Sold b j all drug gists.’ :: . Buy your Black Cake, Pound and Go tl 9oi^rchj3U§et v F.L. DOUBM SHEET, THREE BENTS ; Ironing Tables, Step-laddiera, Meat safes, fobs, buckets* plain and Japanned tinware, cut lery and tea trays, at FAKeON <fc CO'S. Cheap Kitchen Booms/ 222 Bock street below Walnat, L Eluptio Sewing Maohine Compant's nrst preißluai lock stitch sewing machines lncoitpa- lbr.fhndly use. Highest premium (gold ££?*& Maryland' Institute, New York and Pennsylvania State Fairs, 1865. No. 923 Chestnut street. r ,, ■■■ . .-)■ • ... •C.CJDitebioh & Co., Merchant (Tailors, 25}"? below Chestnut are bow closing ont their Smwrws'iS«T^ni?^Ss^i CLOTHB AND CABSI u EKES. WLaDE TO OBDKB In the latest styles. ;, Superior Fkench Confections maids a N » D e at i ■’hocolata Cara. Koasted Almonds” Chocolate Creams r' < L by L “Vanaant, Ninth and ChesuSot Pe«™ me ?i a , Qr ?P es > Havana Oranges. Onolos , A Iso jußt received a anperb assortment of pholce Paris Bon Bon botaea via late steamer. ■ ■ ; Sn.VEB -Plated Wabe,—Two hundred Maonnt or Patent Bpont Ice Pitchers, Uabmento/° U *° Bnlt ’ “* 018 PKED. LEEBFBETD, 233 Booth Filth street F. G MBYBB,Bnpt, ; Missus’'Hats, | ‘ Children’s Eats. ■ : r OAEFORDS’ Continental Hotel, Cheistmas Presents. Bride] Presents. Presents for your wife, , in the style of? e 3 Danshto 'j Pine Se£ of Purs ■ „ From the Stores of CHAR. OAKFOHD <6 SONS, ■ __ underthe Continental Hotel. r iXBAPras, BUNDITBSS AOT Cata gRg, li'i I 5? acs,iI * • D *' of the Eye and Ear, treats appertaining to the above members with the utmost success, TEstloio&l&ls from the most ia sonxca In tbe city can be seen at Ms office, BTo* GhTPineetreefc. The medical fhculty are invited to secretalnhl* IJUle * «»■ H ° **>• Beading tlie commissions. ThismomiDg th- Commissions of Hon Joseph am. sod, as Prealdt-nt Judge, and Hoa wm,B Peltce and Hon. P. tarroii B-ewster, associate law Judges of.the commmi Pitas and Qua- ter Sesslors of the First Ta alcial Diairict- of Pennsylvania, were read In open «°2?i:« aD . d lhe tof fc tte oa.h of office. Tne Commissions were first read In the Common Pleas. Judges a If Ison, Ludlow, Peirce and Brewster appeared upon theßeich shortly after ten o’dO' k. Tbs re was ® inij attendance of the members of the bar ana the greatest - solemnity snrmu»d'd *be ceremony, The Crier first read the Commissions after which Judge Ludlow administered toe oath Judge AllisoD, and Judge Allison in turn administered, it U- Judges Peirce and B-f water. . a»f iP Allison then addressed the members of thebar SS lOliOnß* GtnUemencf the Bar: The oath which has Just been administered to my two colleagues and to myself, in your bearing, fulfills the requirements of the law bo> ffl 6 enle * iDS °P° n tbe discharge of the duties of oar .The ceremony ended, we begin the work before ns with cheerfulness and with hope; and I trust with an honest desire to address ourselves to the discharge of abUity Alenin duties to the best of our several " More than this w© cannot promise; more than this.! am confident, neither you nor the public, whose min- - isiers we are, will require at our bands. 'Xob, gentlemen, are the best witnesses that these du ties are neither Ughtnor few, nor easy of performance. - m acotirt of such extensive and varied jarisdiution. pot - equated,: .perhaps, *by any other - court > In toe lard; in which jjot only are the most difficult questions pertainlug ta the rights of property constantly fiefbre It, but which has a. mmnted.to its-exclusive'jurisdiction, the ad ministration of the criminal law, and a'so thoproieo tion of life and liberty, fbr more than half a million * of people.. -- - - “ lu “ :i 1 o stand, therefore, in the place occnpitdbymvcol- - by myself to-day; to put on, not only the official robe of office, bet* also to enter upon Its grave " responsibilities, and to assume its important functions.- • toil itaeir 8111 act most Impressive,.in ail that pertains The more familiar one becomes with the duties of a Judgeor this court, if Its solemnities be rightly viewed " oy him, the le*a of presumptuous confidence will ho *W )n bin self, and the more reluctant does he oe- Come, tru 1 ting in his own strength, to venture upontoe office which we, the elect of the people, are called, upon to day to assume. We feel therefore, that it la - net unbecoming the placepr ihs occalon. here and now, in your presence to invoke Divine gaidaace &ad support, <bat we may severally be enab.td to bring 1 wi h ns clean bands end spurs heart, into our oflics, and that in endeavoring to administer thejustice and. (he laws of the land, we may have given to us strength and wisocm, to perform these datiea, with acceptance before God and mau. To jou, gentlemen, we also look for that aid which yen and >ou only can so well render to us. It Is a doit yem ability BDd iearning that the bench is in a great degree de endect, for that assistance which will enableitto resder tafe and enlightened judgments npon questions which shall be here presented for de termination. And for my biothers who/have stood, with myself before yen to-day, I bespeak a fall share otthat gererena confidence. that kind consideration and respect that for fifteen years you have so lavishly bestowed upon my* elf. It affords me unfeigned plea sure pubVdy to acknowledge this my Indebtedness to you, and to retnrn yen my (harks for your k ndness. which ha-not only been constant but In Its measnra has been full to overflowing. David Paul Brown Esq , and Benjamin H Brewster, on behalf of the bar, made addresses, in which tsebar and the community were congratulated upon the elec tion of the gentlemen who are to administer the law ; in these courts. Subs* quently. the commissions were read in the Quarter Sessiuna. ■ Quabteb Se'sioks— Judge Peirce.—The December term conxmenctd this morning John H&zlehursk Esq , was appointed Foreman of the Grand Jurv. T he other Courts were engaged with the current ino ionliat. New Obi/eass,. Deo. I.— The Galveston Bulletin of Nov. 29 contains the following: , “The city was fullof rumors yesterday in reference to Mexican affairs, no doubt in duced by the arrival oi Lieutenant Taylor, with despatches, and the departure of the steamer Elizabeth Bead,with a return bearer of despatches. “JVe are assured, by those who know, that the matter has no reference to the French, butarenotinformedasto what it does refer to. The government is not accustomed to send off private steamers, as the Read was despatched, for any but matters of impor tance. Like all other .Mexican matters, there is considerable obscurity about the affair.” New Yoke, Oct. Ist, 1866.—We, the offi cers and Managers of “the Home and School,” for the Education and Mainte nance of the Destitute Children of our Sol diers and Sailors, earnestly solicit the sym pathy and co-operation in our Fair and Grand Presentation Festival, of all who de sire with us to see “the Home and School” enabled to receive and care for all needy ones, who Beek its shelter and protection.: Mrs. Gen. Ulysses S. Ghaut, President. Mrs. Chas. P. Daly, Acting President. Mrs. Maj. Gen. J. C. Fremont, Ist Yice . President. - - -■> Mrs. Kobbrt Foster, 2d Yice President, Mrs. John S. Voorheis, Treasurer. Mrs. David Hoyt, Secretary. Mrs. Wm. S. Hillyeb, Cor. Secretary. Mrs. Henry G. Law, Manager. , Mrs. J. J, Yan Dalsem, Manager. New York, Oct. Ist, 1866.—The under signed, desiring to express our sympathy and unite our efforts with the “ Home and School” for the Education and Maintenance of the Destitute Children of our Soldiers and Sailors, located in the city of New York, do most cheerfully co-operate with the ladies composing the officers and Managers of &hat institution as a Supervisory Committee in their approaching “Fair and Presentation Festival.” • . Major-General Yan Vliet, “ Francis ij. Barrow, Brig.-General John Cochrane, “ - William Hall, “ Kush O. Hawkins, : Brevet Brig.-Gen. James F. Hall. Judge Charles P. Daly; > Chairman of Committee. John H. White. v G. P. B. Hoyt, . . J. H. PPLESTON, ; . Despatches were reoelvedatthe-Navy • Department on Saturday from Captain ' Wm. Reynolds," comofdttdtogniia' H. S. y steamer Lackawanna,'under date of Oat, i 16th .from Montevideo, announcing his val at that placed Ali were well on the ship, - v . - iN.PabMflr. cocfirs. From Slexleo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers