From Our Third EdltionVYlittenlay INTERESTING. FROM • CANADA. THE FENIA.N TRIALS. FURTHER EUROPEAN.' NEWS. Arrival of the Steamer Africa, ALLEGILD SWINDLING IN BOSTON. FIRE IN D ANIULLE. VA. . canadmusArfairs. Onsive., November 21.—Deer in large 'Lumbers are being killed back in the forest by American hunters, and sent to the New Yolk market. The papers are urging that 'means be adoptedjo stop such work. It is reported= that a difficulty has arisen in regard to the Elon.D'Euroy Mcßee's going dtßeially to England and France, in cones .quence of some hadiscreet utterances lately made by him. Tonorao, O. W., Nov. 21.—A special corn undec which thereniaining Fenian , prisoners are to be tried, has been received iby the authorities here, and it is expected that the sheriff will forthwith receivepre • summon the necesearyjuxy. There are 39 Fenians altogether remaining in jail, 7 of whom have' been sentenced, leaving 32 yet awaiting trial, which will take place 3dimmediately, commencing.probably on the .0 4rLiniet• Arrival of the 3birtee. HALIPArc.,Nov. 21.—The steamship Africa —from Liverpool, Nov.' 10th, via Queens town, Nov: llth—ims arrived here. The usual banquet was given by the new Lora-Mayor of London, on the 9th inst. All 'the. Cabinet Ministers were present. The Earl of Dirby In his speech said the Minis try 'desired to earn the good will of the peo ple* their acts, but he thought it would not be well' at present to state how they proposed .to carry their •desire into effect. He rejoiced at the return of peace in both hemispheres. From Boston. BOSTON, Nov. 21.—A. firm styling them selves Barstow, Edson dr, Co., recently opened a place of business at N0..25 Federal streetas_commisSion merchants, and, it is said, managed to buy large quantities of miscellaneous goods on credit, which they shipped to New York and elsewhere. The firm has suddenly subsided, and the cre ditors are in pursuit. The losses are esti mated at $lOO,OOO to $150,000. The shoe manufacturers in-Lynn, Milford and other towns are reported amongst the largest erredikus. Fire in Danville, Virginia. RICIIMCrNA N0v.21.--A special d swatch to therhlsiiitch,states that afire in Danville,this morning, consuim►ed Crigler Gordon's store, Flealunati's dry goods, Sadler & Co.'s clothing and 'the Danville bakery. An arrest of a 'negro for stealing while.the fire was in progress threatened to produce a riot among the blacks, but all was quiet at the last accoimts. From RI ehinomL ItiomacarD, Nov. 21.—The Convention of Virginia Farmers assembled last night in Virginia gall. 'The Hon. Willoughby New ton, President or the Virginia Agricultural Society, delivered an address, atter Which, ex-Eioverndr Smith and-.others - made speeches; all predicting a bright future. for After the apPointment of several commit tees. to report on the subjects •discussed %in the President's address, the Convention ad journed until to-night. New 'York sleek Markets. Stocks steady; Chicago and Rock Island. 1033; Reading, 114: Elrle Railroad, 78; Cleveland and Toledo, Pittabnigh. Ft. Wayne, and Chicago, MX; Mich igan Central. .112,1 4 ": Michigan Southern, 83; New York Central. 11636: linnets Central, 1l9X; VirOnla 68, el; llitssourhYs, tt 17. S.Ten-sorties, 1003; for first series, 113538 hi sqcond series: and 10.534 for third serles, -Ster ling exchange 108. Gold, 1.1134. Markets. BAIMMOBIE, Nov.' 21st .— Pion very dull: Spring wheat extra flour $lO 2.5®012 50. Wheat dull. Corn bar a declining tendency, and Is heavy; old crop scaree. Oats are drooping; sales at 56 @t7 cents. kt*eds steady. . Flaxseed - tagirt 20. Coffee dull. Sugar heavy. A Idsky.steady; Pennsylvania, $2 Zglitz 28. COITRTS. Attrannte. thoonorre—judge Allison—After our re. port of the can of John Mason and George Botorts , charged aa principals, - and James Bois f o r accensory before the fact of a larceny, the defence Bois was opened by Mr, Cssaidy, and witnesses were called to prove that on the Sunday before the robbery, the day fixed by Beale= for the receipt of the keys, Mr. Mole was - 131 , 10ew York, and remained there until the middle otthe followir g week: The good charactsr of defendant was also shown by a number of witnesses. Bastrun'a bad character was also put in evidenoe. Tote , es se walla- nmed this morning. Governor Pollock testified that he knew James Bois; Ilist knew him in 1860; when he was under Mr. Wel. ton. the Treasurer at the Mink he remained until after the appointment of Mr.Mein tyre an Trimmer; never beam anything against bin character for Mr. alimandinger testified that the never knew Er. Bois's character for honesty queltioned. Henry D.lthaffer_testified that Ire visited New York - and examined the register at the hotel. and found that adr.Bois waa Bew York on the 28M Of Betortutm Ida character for honestr le 100 d. ermarexamined—Have heard men say that he was •Pitbarp" in playing cards. Alfred Shuck testified that he resides In Monroe County; knew. John b maim; had known him for Iwo years; his character for truth and veracity is bad; I.eletß years; his character is goad. Charlton-,Burnett:Lb:Likud Marsh, Sohn D. Young, E. Ettwleir. - John B. Storm, George..Grighes. Marina,- duke" Watson, John Bois, Bobert - Bois iesailed to the good. haracter of.the defendant The defence closed. The Commonwealth recalled Hess, who testi- died; Ilthewßoievery well ; on the Hadar second Bun .day after the:committal of Mitchell, Bois called at my rroderice :and In- conversation - remarked - that on the gturtday before the robbery he wart - with Mitchell, on Coatea Street; and saw me and another man coming Atp coatßa -street ; that Mitrhell told hitn he dld not wish to meet me and therefore stepped out of the wen AS was true that I was going up Coates street. , Cross-examined by Mr. can't ax the date ' of the conversation; don't know whether it was the And or second Sunday after the robbery; i know I was.golag up Cordes street on' the Sunday before the robbery; because / had , not discovered Mitchell's populations; and was going to fditchell's to_ _get the , keys of the vanitr-Bois told me he was with at - itched, .en that Sunday. , When they tow me coming. and when kiitchellaald "There comes two men that .dan't,want to see." John W. Sykes - sworn—l am in the exams bust /team live in , Btroudsbam; know Bask= for five or six "ears; rever heard hisrtharacter rortrnth and veracity hroneht in Anestion; T would not ,hesitate to believe Question by Mr. 'Cassidy—Did you ever hear one Ammon do strandsburg speak well Of Madam? M.llnese--I 'don't know that I have. r.+Casitily-'arhat's all, then.. D Theodore Shock, sworn—l live yearnudarld have Drama Jbuilem kw almost eight never heard inie Character fur honesty brought into question pre viousie the commencement of this salt; wow td: believe Dimon higeoth. Cane-examined—Was never intimate with him; beard hindepoken of as a man who liked to play oardfil hauls remarked .that Madam was not a desirable eonipanlool I made this remark shortly'afterthe hear- ;tnetinthis case Wra:, Heed. sworn—l know John 'Haehosr. have amownlifiti Ireolde Strandsharg;frequently mew Heslempneyer heard his character for truth and. veracity. queSth)Ded; would believe him co:loath. thoss*kamined--.Sever kept company with him; Never kepi company with his Companion; Hallam left - 19trondsbmrhilga5. Peter H. u-neertsos ewora I krow Haslare; have known him six oregght years; worked for him; never ileargus,,thereeter- for truth and , veracity brought to wig/item I would bellgye him on oath. CreetOtUttlined4Caye heard'a man say big eharanier. 'wag 11 , 0 d; don't know that I heard any oneelse speak of 11; Woman and were working.for Madam at the. time, never told gin Snyder that John Haalain was A nOtorions liar. Jamee Vadatfue, sworn—l live id Stroudsburg; I .Rate known John ageism since 11158: never heard Lis , _ ckaracter Irani and Veracity questioned battle =Yr ilecunencn wonld believe him on oath. Croes.examined—Last saw him about a Year ago; don't I how what his character was during that time, but rover heard it questioned; know Alfred Shuck; never told him that Haab= was a liar; nothing; like it; Might have laid his character was bad in- running : ermine; vie heard ii bad; I inightlawermidhe was abad Man. but Aida% imovrit. Seers° Ny•Zsworzt- I live. In. Stroudsburg:- hava known Eltaleaajhr eight or nine Veins; natter heard, : character for - trath and veracity brought finer' lion. 'Crosseexamined—Lastsaw him in Girolidsburg about la year ago; do not 'know anything about; hint in that known Hie' Wilrfuritirreall Iworn—rbave - about ears; tie WU living-- la StroAdshilegt don't know ch shout his character lately; never heard' an big said about his Character for truth questioned. Crees-ertamtned—anew the people in- enrondebnig„ who khew 'don't know anythfpgabout hlta. slime r redivideownria—t live in Stroutisinm , kno wn mow n about ten years; never heard anything . against him except - that he was a ,gambler; never - , heard anything againstplutrauter for truth and veracity , : Ctross-inciiiiiinedDon't know anything about for the last eighteen months. ' - - valentine touch, swornr-.Live in Stroudsburg; have known Haiku 'eight or Dine y earn; nave nettling against his character for. truth - and veracity,- would believehim, on r oath. - Crow Rumbaed—He left t•troudebarg - two years ago; don't know' what he has' been doing in that timetdont know.what hht charae• ter is in oat time. Samuel Goforth, sworn—Formerly lived in lEttroiidh burg; TRW "Raslam first last' sprier a year ago; didn't bear meth abOut him; never heard anything against his choice-ter-for truth and veracity: he - was • well known by the people; would believe trim on oath: Crosteexatinined , 4 have not 'seen him for itimonths. James Gardner teetified that Hailam's character for truth and , veracity was not very good, ; and ' had heard that he was a gambler. • - • Lewis Myers testified that he - never beard 12(aslain's character brougb Zlnto gttestion for tenth and veracity. ' Crose-examined--Heard one man say he was a ilar. The Commonwealth again closed. • . The defence recalled Mr. -. .Valentirte: I knew Me. Miller and Mralutrck; did not say tOthemthat Haidiun was a liar. _ _ •• • , - Mr. tibuck testlfied—Mr. Vallentine told me that he could not believe Itaalato, as he was such a liar. The case cloied on'both aides. and the • argument ' to the jury is proveedinraa oils report closed. • osatea as Vsulastetphus stem !soma. ammo Arnim, a>! ST =war.. , 1 slow City ea mu 85wn10231 50 eh Berme B • 54 35 625 Bch Bay 65..'72. 200 eh Read It . -- c 57 300 OW te old 99 _ MP 9034 30 67 oh do f - 57,V 34' eb. Oetalliks - 230 29.1 i seb Mtnehlll B 59 100 eh do pf 569 25% 5 oh Mech Bk azli, riooo x 185810.496 cc 100k1 2000111315-20)4 '65 cp 193t6i 1000 Lebfgh 631884 93 14 Eli• Commercial bk. 5? Coal Statements. ' The folloilnt shows the ahlomenta of coal over the Delaware. swarms and Western Railroad for the week n: ending Nov: 17, compared with =me time /hat seaso Week. Tear. Tons.Clft. Ton3.thft. Shipped North... 9 . 775 13 383.909 09 gypped 11 951,379 Of T0ta1.—.... —29,948 04 1,335,407 13 For correapondlng time last year: Week, Year. TottLOwt. Tormeart. Shipped N0rt32.—.—..—..—.:10,461 19 211.197 00 gyppedls 016,415 11 Us 14 827,612 02 The following status:tent/Mown the 1:192111001 of the rphigh Coal and Navigation CompanY ibr the peek and eeanon endinglgov.l7, 18 68: Week. Total. • Tonacwt. Tons. Cwt Lehigh Coal and NAP. 00... 8.143 to 278,614 oS Packer, Spear 934 03 80,411 II John Lanbach do Ce ...—... 3,237 10 W. T. Carter & CO-. Spring Mountain mines... Thomas Hull & C 0.... New York andLekigh....- Honeyßrook Coal C 0......... German Penna. Coal W.-- McNeal.. ..... North Mahanoy.-- Delano.. . • Walters, Glendon - Rathburn, Slums & C 0..... A.' Pardee & 1. 9 6 . 2 0 6 9.13. Markle & Co -. 1,288 14 W. S. Balser & .. Fir& Ebervale ai Coal . 79212 Harleigl2. 614 14 Stout Coal Company..—. 292 0 SuckMountainmines........ .164 16 Ooze. Brothers .& 390 16 Union . 132 .09 Wilkesbarre7:—..---....... 922 17 Franklin- . 588-12 259 16 Germania .. . 250 16 Lehigh andislasqua . Montt .2Etru5...—....—. New4ensey- Warriorol6 Wyoming-. ..... Other shippers....... Parrish & Th0ma5........-. _ Newport Coal C 0..... 189 1 3 334 10 98 14 EMSIII Total to Same time last year ...„....'.2,742 07 .31,2157 12 Decrease .8,485 05 ifirrival and Sailing of (Mean Steamers Assava— &SSP' • 18011 -13 YO2I 9 11101 Bosphorus .LiverpeoLoston&Phils....-:Nov. 8 Tetnonia. ---Hanlblare...NeW York ..„,.....Nov. 7 Scotland.-- .Liva , poa...New York. " ^lay. 7 Hibernia ............... York .Nov. Afrita...-----L-LiverPool.-Boston.-........ Nov. 1 0 Bellows-- ------.London-New York, le Aleppo „LivernooL-New York Nov. 10 Cella-- -London...New York 10 City of Dnislln.--LiverpooL-New York .Nov. 10 City or Wasbington_Liver'L-New York .Nov. 14 Propontis --. l . l verpooL-Boston&Phila.....Nov. 17 E_ .cotia...-.......- . .LiveroooL-New York NOV. 17 Kangaroo ..... ....-LiverpooL-New Y0rk.....--Nov. 17 Arago.Havre-New York-........N0v. 21 TO DEPA.BT. Tonawanda.....Philtuielphia...Bavannah....-....-Nov. 24 gallons a:: ..New York„London.. Phlton:.... lvew York Havre 24 Erin_ - .NOV. 24 BrYork-GlasgoW Nov.--.. 24 City of Boston..-New York... Liverpoo- 'NOV 24 New York.-....:.New York... Bremen Begonia. .New York-Hambing.-.....--Nov. 24 Eagle. ......... .......-New York.-Havana ..-.........-Nov. 28 Perala.----....New Zs Tarifa. New York-.Liverp00L......--Nov. 28 City ofLimerick-New York-LiverpOoL ..... .......Nov. Scotland • : : New York-L1verp00L.............Dec. Hendrick Thadson-Philada-Havana . Dec. 1 Star of the Dnlon...Pkilad'a...New Oriaans... - ,....Dec. Pioneer.....—Philadel_pbia-Wilmington.NO...Dec. 1 Hibernia .. ----New York-Gi5ag0w................Dec. 1 YID& de Pezik-Ntrw York-Havre-- Dec. BOARS) OF T.RADII/. JAMB DOIIHHEETY, JOSEPH O. ONETBH, ittoannY Ooloariza. EDMOND A. BOUDEE, iWMIE BULLETIN. El= Rime, 6 55 i 15trir SITS, 487 I MGR WATXI3,' 2 7 ARBTVIID •VBSTZBDAY Steamer Black . Diamond. Meredith. 231 hours from -New York. with mdseto W Baird 42.430. _ steamer Vulcan. Morrison, 24 hours from ff. York with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. Steamer Bristol, Marie', 24 hours from New York, with mine to W P Clyde & Co. Schr John 'A iiriffin,FOster.lo days from Charleston, with cotton, dtc. to captain, ltxperienced waxy heavy weather from....NX to SW, vehlle south of HAttersat split sails and stove boat. • Sobs I Mcbhain, Robinson, 6 days from Albany:with barley to captain. Bohr Caroline, McClintock, 3 dais from New York, • with lodge to D Cooper. Mar L B ()gen, Prame. 6 days from James River. Va..with lumber to Bacon, Collins & Co. Bohr Diamond State Carey. 6 days from Suffolk. Va. lumber to Bacon. Coll ins &Co. Behr Bee.Hearn. 4 days hero Laurel, DeL with lum ber to Bacon, Collins *0 Co. Bohr Problem, °were, it days from Cholitank River, Md. with railroad Mato Bacon, Collins & CO. - bchr Clayton & Lowboy, Jackson, 1 day from Snlyrna. Del. with grain to Jas I. Bewley & Co. Rehr Olivia, Fox, 1-day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Jas L Pewley, & Co. Tug Hudson, Cam, from Baltimore, with 3 barges to W P Clyde & Co. emu= y E imm uLt y . 43tearoor Suwanee, Catherine, Aspinwall Via N York, Henry Si MOMS. Steamer Chester. Warren. New York. W P GPIs& Co. Steamer!? Prankiln. Pierson. Baltimore. A (trove% jr. Brig Rosetta 03nPlave, A ntwerp,b.Weetergaard. itrta-faxnea Baker. Thompson, Übarleston, 143MM:try, Slickershant.& Co. Bahr khzabeth Ann, De Cast, Barbadoa, .12 A Solider At Co. Scbr Pis Hendrickson, Paradise, Houndout, Bancroft, Lewfs.&Co, Bohr L Jr 4 Sennett, Laird, Bridgeport, Warinenracher Behr Rev% Galllgber, Salefo. Maas. Cashier, Stick- Bhr ' 8435 1tWati co.drei, Taylor, Waahlugton, Rathbun. H Schr J B a rtlett. Harris, Baton, Audenrled, Norton Bob? M MU. Blid7.l3oaton,Vaa Duren. Lochtnanditle Roby J Shay, Hilton. Boston. N Y and Bela Coal Co. , Bar 7 W Height, Blunt_ ,Salem. do ilf Brbr A Mambas], Call. Newburyport. eafroosi co. sthr J Maxfield, Bay, Salem,ldaas. VI Hunter 7; Co. Schr Brandywine, nendereon, Norwich, Mammoth. Vein Consolidated Coal Co. Behr If Gallagher. Brown. , Baltimore, Bangbat Sons. Tog Butlyvn, Carrovith4 bargee for Saltuntire, ,W P pude dcoo.. comepondeneo of the Phila. Evening ittilletin. • aEaDideo. 'Nov. W The &flowing boats from the Union Canal passed into thq Echavitrol to-day. ‘bonsid to Philadel- Phlaiaden and oonaigned as follows: • . 4 Witmer with railroad sills to Zest Pennsylvania RE Cu; goratoga, hark to Keene Coates; Rama and john Reed: - lumber to Craig ' Blanchard; ",Arctic, tight to liana Gaul. • E.' MAISHYRANDA Blip meatus°, turtle, from Liverpool 11th ult. for THE DAILY EYISING iIUI;LETIN.--,PIIILLDELPHIA I . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1860 LBoalLn: lop eh Raiding b 5 5774' la) sly_ do b 5 5e4 44 oh Poona R 443.; 460,818 06 22,860 11 03 6,188 13 149 11 1,693 06 29,4110. 03 24,8111 01 20,842 15 9,57105 6,4 5 15 .., 191 06 887 10 73,608 8 52.998 10 5,761 Gi 2%371 02 24.823 05 15,874 02 16,825 09 =AZ OS 5,850 06 3,280 12 11,830 66 42,356 06 11,016 15 12,604 01 9,653 04 11,555 PS 4,827 02 5,301 15 1 310 19 1.256 a/ 11,482 01 405 06 1,018 16 1,C08,773 05 1121,649 02 182.129 C 3 _ this port, With a valuable eargo,,*.is whore oft Town send as Inlet. - . - • • , r hip Enoch Train.' Zane, hence for Mare laland, which put into Hampton Bowls m distress, was towed te Portsmouth, Va. ilth bust. for repairs. A parrof ' tbe cargo will be discharged and a survey head , a ft er which the ship may ha ducked. play David Hoadley Rogers, -cleared at New York yesterday for Ban Francisco via Ba.timore Ship Edward O'Brlina; Oliver, kir the'tinited States, remained at Callao inth Oct.. -Steamer Villa de Paris (Fr). Surmount, from Havre Nov 9, and Brest 11th, R ish 191 passengers, at N York yesterday. Steamer Rising Star (new), Harris, cleared at New York yesterday for Aepinwail. inemarlionter.w. hdwards. , cleared 0' New York Yesterday for let w f Steamer Cl Boston. eopatra, Bich, at New Orleans 17th inst. -rom • Steamer Eagle, Greene, from If.avana 17th Inst. at ,New 'York yestaelay. Flteamer Morro Castle. Asltuns. cleared at New York yesterday for Havana.,, teenier Scotland.' Bell. 'forNew York, sailed from Liverpool 7th Inst. Bark Blue Noselßr), Bettie, from, Boston for this De_rt. at Reinter Hole 19th IneL , • ark 'Agnes Thompson, from Rio Janeiro 6th nit. at Baltimore tOtb Inst, with coffee. . P. Bark' Pitmans tf 'Wales Inr), from ,BostOn fOr this port. atalinmes' Hole moth inst. Brig 7:dargaretba, Thsslng. hence at Pillnn'td inst. Brig], B Hnhy, puterbkidge, atPalermo - 27th nit from tdarsefiles.- -• Sohn Polly Price, Yates. and L P Smith, Brown, , hence at Providence Seth inst, • Behr Daniel Britten, Springs, from Charleston, at' Baltimore moth nn. Selz J B Allen. Case. from Nantucket for this port, palled from .Newport lab inst. Sohn B B Vaughan; Howe, hnd Chlloe.Hutchlaren, hence at Salem., 19th inst. Behr Artist, Price hence at Norfolk 19th film Schr B F Folsom, Orlando, at Baltimore ,fflth /rut front Swan Island. immure it , . 4 • *. : B. A. & J tr.'WILLIAMS, N. W. - cor. Broad and Sts., 50,000 Feet 4-4 and 5-4 Ash Flooring SUPERIOR QUALITY, WELL SEASONED. . . slant, Butternukand Chestnut, . ASH, OAK and POPLAR, y nO2-1m F. H.. WILLIAMS , . LUMBER Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ocvs4m cri.A.ELLms LUMBER, Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets. PHILADELPHIA. oenam 1866. — axialer 20A AND 4-4, 5-4, 6 4,2, 2.5 i, 3 and 4-lne. CHOICE PANEL AND PM= COMMONI6 DNA kras 44, 5 4, 64, 2 , 23 i, 3 and +lnch. WRITE PINE , PAN.M.., PATTERN PLANK. LARGE . AED SUPERIOR ISTOCE ON RAND. 1866 BUILDING !' — BUILDING! BUILDING. BUILDING ! itiMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! 4 4 CAROLINA. FLOORING. bi CAROLINA FLOORING. 4-4 DELAWARE FLOORING, 5-I DELAWARE FLOORING. • WRITE PINE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUTFLOORING. SPRUCE FLOORING. STEP - BOARDS. RAIL PLANE. PLASTERING LATH. lE 6 Ur, L a —CEDA AND CYPRSS SHINGLES. uNG R OADAR SHIN E GLS. SHORT CEDAR SHINGLES, 000 PER SHING, • FINE AS3ORTELENT, FOES W LDS ILLS' LOW, No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS, No. 1 CtIsDAR LOGS AND POSTS. i.gaa —LUMBER FOR lIN'OERTARERS! VV. LIEN BEd. 'FOR UNDERTAR ER.3 1 111.1) CEDAR, 'WALNUT AND .PINE. RED OEDAR, WALNUT AND FINE. 1866. - .IIPXy iii92II2.IAALL L XU an: SONED wAGNUT. SRASVNED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR. ':HERBY AND AREL OAR PLANK AND BOARDS. AROGAN Y. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. 1866. CI( G 3AK BUS If ANTI ViCrIIRE .23. bPALNIBH CIGAR BOX-BOARDS. .1E66. -l i hr n i t l g E OL i d9lST - f 3 PEOCE JOIST SPRUCE JOIST FROM 14 TO FEET LONG. FROM 14 TO V, FART LONG. BIFTERIOR NORWAY ROAN TLING. /LADLE, BROTHRR 00., No. :410 Sulna Street. underslxned are prepared to recot% • LA orders for Bt. 'e, Georgia, Lumber, of a 11.17 icor Lion which will be prom lay execrate& Z,l I 1 • . INEEIPAVAIIs. USESTARIN'SCONDITTN POWDER' HORSES AND CATTLE, ItmreetWorroa Rota and Collo cares Colds. Coughs and Hide Bound. It is the beet alterative fin Ulnas and Cattle now use, having a reputation ctf .. rums' standing. Ms a sure preventive for She intiell dreadedllinde, Rat. No Partner or Dairyman shordo oe withoutit Pox sale in Philadelphia by NZ OTT & co..= Nortt Second streeU JoEssToN HOLLOWAY & COW DEN. ID Noah Binh street, and by Druggists through out the country. Address all orders to seakinat ISTAIIIN ELOYD. Preprierowi t 209 Duane street. rem Yam DENTALLINA.—A. imperior article fee cleaning the Teeth, ;destroying animalcals which infest them_ giving tone to the iti/Xl3. and key- Inv a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness Ir. the month. /tinny, be used daily. and. will be-found to Strengthen' weak and ble ed ing gums wbße - the and deteralveness wM recommend it to every one. !Being composed with the aasistance of the Dentist, Physicians and Microscopist. it is confidently offered MI P.Rtra 11TH substitute tbr the uncertain welshes formerly in vogue. Eminent Den_ ,tisln acquainted with the oonstitnente of the DIENTAHLTIgtt.. advocate its use it contains nothing to prevent it unreetrained employment. Made only , by • JAMM T. MUNN, Apothecary. Broad and Spraoe streets For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown,.. - D. L. Btackhonss Hassard & Co., - • Robert a Davie, 0. R. Reeny, Geo ."0. Bower. - Isaac H. Hay, Charlee Shivere, O. H. Needles S. M. hicOollin, T. J. Husband & B. o,l3nnting, Ambrose Smith, Merles itbere, Edward Parrish, James N , Marks , William B. Webb R. Briaghurat Oat James L. Bisphain, Dyott At Co., - Hughes & Coombe, I H . O. Blair's Bona, Henry A. Bowes._ I Wyeth & Bro. -EthiTIBBLY RTET.T ARTAC—HODGBON 7 I3 Brom%lat Alt TABLRIB, for the core of coughs, colds. hoarzte• Publicronchitis and 'catarrh of the head and breast speakers. Bingen' and amateurs,will be greatl.7 benefited _hy_uslng these Tablets. Prepared only by LANCABTIM rbtamaimatieta. N. B. Cr.o ARCH and - T/Cd/TE strbtotr. Pldladelphls. For sale by Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, and. Drhartyti generally. BEUSTVii BBOI , OHIA.L AND. PIILKONIC. ' DEW DROPS. for °might and ail Ineearks of tilt Throat and Bronchial Tam. This invaltrobliroepa , ration for every ho us ehold, Public Speaker% ?milers, , Pommes &Woman ambrity, and has bear known to relieve -the most obstinate and almost nojaelt, gam. It Is agreeable, strengtbaning and soothin__B. Prepare!!! by K C.' BRUHN, No. 118 S outh 'ini: , street, Ylinadelphia t je7-tf nOTLES. 817 ,,7 LOBS, =VENTED NAILS.— Dr. J. DAVIDSON; -Chiropodist, Operator- on Corw, litakhnni. qoverteigr Nails - and other diseases of the fee , . 0d1ck;924 CHESTNUT street. DA Davidson will wait en patients agthildr residence,. = ~noStft D~3~Ofil'll6Tß3~ <;`;~ ;`' . , ink It, ROLP has edmlubdered Introun 9glde;ortstrighint - Bas. - to thoneandlrith•per- Sem enceess for Dental. 81cel . and .. - hledWl C i ttrn i Van i rgh la _w_e . e"- es+ aft ce rg 3 42V,Mit i ll teeth are ordered. %/woeWO. We t. e Wasbingtiln Square below Loenstatreet. • Seventh street ears pass the door. Don't be foolish enough to go elsewhere awl pay 12 and 63 for the gas. N B continue to give in. unctions to the Dental profession. . oasoixal REAM ESTATI& ap ADM Let. RAIN...RN PEREMPTORY SALE. —Estate of lion. RICHARD PETER. deceased. -- AMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. IRREDEEM ABLE GittHN BENTS. On NVEDNEsiDAY,•No7. 28 1886. at 12 o'clock, Noon. will be sold at rublic Sale, at the PHILA DELPELLS. =OH &EWE the following de scribed Deal Hetet.. late the prope Lyra the Hon. Itlthard Petera, deceased, viz: No. 01 225.—A n irredeemable ground rent of seventy. th: es dollars and fifty cents per annum, payable May and November out of a lot on the north al4e of Haver ford street, Ei antlia, Twenty-fourth Ward, beginning 62X, feet east:or:Maple etreet;_,B7% feet front on Haver ford street, byte: deep to Ra spberry street. sir On the above lot are erected two brick houses and cne stone house. No. 2 -175. Peril 250. An irredeemable ground rent of seventy fly.- dollars per annum payable April and October, kerning out of a - lot on the west side of 'sixth Blockley ntreet, southerly side of Maritza street, opened alorg the towpath' of the Schuylkill Naviga tion Co.. - and N. Bide of a certain 10-11 court oracle laid out by Richard Peters, deceased , between Sthuy I kill Street And Mai the street. Twenty-fourth Ward; being 50 feet on Mantua street, and extending In dap VI between Lines parallel withcßlockleystreet.on the eat ' line along Moakley street 1.10 feet; and on the west line to the said tenfeet court - • • - • air On this and the 'adjoining let is ere:tea a large frame ice-house No. 8.-475, PAR 111,250.—An irredeemable ground rent of seventy-live dollars per annum, pafahle Feb ruary and uguat, out of a lot of ground, on the son et ly side of Etantua street, opened along the tow-path ofthe hchuylki.l Navigation Co An fee:west - of sixth or Blockley sty, et, Twenty-fourth Ward; being 50 feet front on Mentos street, and extending in depth be tween lines parallel with Elockley streetaboutl2o feet . to a 10 f. et. alley. _ ft3i.. On this and the adjoining let is erected a large frame ire house. No. 4 . -- $9O,PARll,5OO.—an Irredeemable u tound rent of ninety dollars, payable January and J vat of a lot on the southerly aide of Mantua street, openteg along the tow-path of the Sams Ikl 1 Navigation Com pany, b. tween M aple street and grou 'idiot. of I. is ot welts, Twenty-fon th Ward; 80 feet front on 'Mantua street, and extending in depth of that width along the line bounding the lot late o , J.Gotwalts 11: feet; and on the ni.pi site line the- etalla feet: Ea- Tivon this lot Is erected a large tisane loe'honlie. o. 5 M. PAR sl.22s•—An irredemable ground rout of seventy.lise dollars per annom,jpayable January and July, out of a lot on the coutherly side of Mantas sheet. opened along the tow path of the Schuylkill Navigation Company, and on the easterly " side of 35 spinet, eet thirty feet wide, Twenth-loarth Ward; 51 feet front e n Mantua street, and extending in depth along Illatile street and parallel therewith on Kanto street, 96 feet and on the opposite line 99 feet 9 incites to a2O feet wide street. Mir , llpos this widths ad.l oll2 * g lotla erected large frame lethOutieti. • No. 6.-07 50, PAR Kis. - irredeemable ground rent of thirty , seven dollars• and' fifty cents. payable Januar: and July, out of alotsiontberly side of Mantua street, beginning 51 feet east from Maple street: thence on a line parallel with Maple , street., atnithwardly 99 feet 9 inches to a 20 feet atreet 'called Quimby atreet; thence along filename 42 feet to a'poink thence north. 'madly 104 to Mantua street, St a ptdat 76% feat east ward from Maple street; and thence 25' feet to the place of beginning. lor There Is an icehouse en this and the lot adjannig. No. par gt,B7s.—An irredeemable /ground rent of one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents per annum mettle January and Tab', out of a lot on the sofitliwitiffly side of Mantua street, 40 feet wide, running along tati tow path of the Schuylkill. Naviga tion Con patty, and on- the westerly side of rdap.e street Twenty-iburth Ward; 80 feet front on Mantua street. and extending In depth along Maple street, se feet to a twenty-feet wide street, called Quimby street, and widening on the northwardly line of Quirtibv street to the width of 95 feet, the westwardly line thereof being about 96 reet. lar Upon the above lot Is erected a large frame 1m- M:tune. mar The above Irredeemable ground rents are well armed and onnc , nallY Paid. Sir They will be sold wo boat reserve. /or Vail) be paid en each, at the time of sale. ELT R. PRICE, Administrator, D B.N.C.T.A. TAXES A. PRE ..MAN, anctleneer, Store Walnut street. o'4 Pun Lie SALE.—.IAII-ES A. FRaEHAN. As Auctioneer —4.. m WEDNaSDAY. November 2s, I Me, at 12 o'clock. Noon,_a ill be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. the following de.rnbed Real Estate, viz ;—No. I.—LOT. DELaNCO. NEW JERnEY. A lot In Delanco, Burlington ounty, New Jersey, beginning at a point on the nortneast side ofHolly street, 125 feet southeast from second pt met: Ito teeth - Int by 160 feet deep. Clear of incam. !trance. No. 2—BUILDING LOT, CHRISTIAN STREET.— A loton the north aide of Christian street. 272 feet west of Mullen street; 16 feet front by 116 feet deep on. Riggs street.—subject to $l2 per annum sronnd rent. No 3.—WEBT END LAND COMPANY tA:I7 —A t of firound on the north aide of Locust ertre-A. Twenty. fourth Ward. 80 feet west Of Pifer second street; being 20 feet feet front, by 77 feet 8 Inches deep. Clear of Inctabranoe. No. 4.-44 ACRES, CENTRE COLIN rX • PA.—A tract of land in Bush township, Centre county, Penn sylvania: cs-ntaining 4.0 acres and 163 perches, Title clear; gip Free of locum brance. No. S.—LOT. SEVENTH ST., ABOVE' T ASK ER A lc t of arourdc n the east side of 8 venth street, 80 fr et r orth o f Tanker street, First Ward: IS feet front,by 50 feet deep, to a thirty :eet. street. >l blear of in curobt o. GESMANTOWN ROAD.—A lot of ground situate on the northeasterly side of the Ger mantown rose, 468 feet 8 Inches from Angle 25 feet 8 Inehts front, by =a3 fe , t deep, to -feetwide street called Hider street. No. 7 -18 ACRES. MONROE COUNTY, PA —A. tract of land to Tunkbaunnek township, Monroe county. Pennsylvania, near Pocono Station, on the Tetaware and Lackawana Railroad; containing 88 ifcres. Qui b supmed V. he on this tract. It has a good mill site, Title perfect. Clear of' Incumbrance. sa- 00 to be raid on eacb. at the time of sate. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. n MS= Store. 422 Walnut street. averEXECUTORS' 1 3 / I ..Lit—Estate of 76.1 1 / 3 :3 P. LIS, decessed.—SAMES FREEMAN, Auc .—Under authority contained tri tha will ot vie late is ICLFS P. Rills, deceased, on WEDNESDAY, No vember I'S h, 1866„ at 12. o clock noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADELPHI-i EX - CHANG i. the f Rowing described Rest Estate vi= bo. I.—GEM. 'I brickhLLG 2036 .I..OOUST brick back throe , sto dwelling, with two•stery brick back build ings aid the lot t f ground, On the south elOe of locust street. iso. 2t36• containing in Iron 16 fee', and in depth 60 feet to eteward sireet; saloon parlor dining mom .and kitchen on first floor. gas, bath, range, de. Subject to 646 ground rent per miasma. , - O. 2.—GEN Th EL DWELLING. No. W 36 Locust street. ALt ree nosy Brick Dwelling: with tWo-story Brick back buildings and the Lst ofgraund, on the south ski. of Locust street, No. 1036: containing in flout 16 feet, and in depthBo feet to 6tewart stmt. , : sa loon parlor, dining room and kitchen on sasie floor, see. range. diC. Ruhlect to fitli ground rent per an- MIES. .o 0. S.—BUSTNFSS LOCATION AND DWELLING, N. W. corner S , venth and. Green streets. All that valuable twoetory brick nd dwelling house. at the Doramet_t corner ofseven th ant Green str.ets: feet on Green street, and St feet and 3 of. en Inch on heveath street. beteg 2.”‘ “Pet wide on the rear, hhs is tn excellent busineas location. the corner of Green street being used- as a Plumber shop. a Palm , shop on t even ill street, with dwelling over the whole. slro to bepald on each at the time of este. By order of I xeontora. JA91.8.8 A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. ti 015.. • Store. -1•4 Walnut street. TRU -To , bAL Estate of JAM EIS WR&Y, deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, uctioneer.--Ha‘ dsome Nestdence. No 300 Borah Tenth street. 'Under authority contained in the will of the late James Wray, deceased -on WEDNIINDAY, November 2S. mg& at 'it o'clock. Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PREGADELPELti. /MERANO e the fAlcwing described Beal warate :vin—A messuake and lot on the west side of Tenth street, between Spruce and Pine streets at the distance ef PO feet north of Clinton etreet: being 20 feet front, by 120 feet deep. (including the whole of a three feet wide alley on the westernmost side). sir The above Ma handsome three story brick real der ce, with three-story back buildings, double Parlors. high ceilings in the chambers. private stairway, large close s, Tanaka, ccmservatory, two furnaces. &c. and In good order. It was built by the former owner for hie own occupancy.: sir Clearof incumbranoa, Two tt•lrda may r emain. Open ibr examination any time. Occupancy with the deed. VW' s2eo to be paid at time of sale. J ANIS DiteUTtlngoig I-Trustees under the wilt. GEORGE JIINICIN, JAMES A. FREEDlA.N.Auctioneer, Store 4522 Walnut street. Oft PUBLIC' SALE—JAMES A. 17'REE.MA.N. 13 Auctloneer. ;VALUABLE Y.ROPERTY., B. IC. corner Ninth and Cherry streets. On WEDNESDAY. Nov. 28 18118 at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold a public! sale. at the l I MILADELPHIA EXURANGE, the fol lowing deacritwd Real estate. Vs: A three st , ry brick moulage. , and lot,• at the southeast corner of Matti and Cherry streete; Tenth 'Ward; being 18 feet 10 inches front on N imb strect.and. extending in depth east ward 95 feet to a four feet wide alley, leading north ward luta Cherry street. • The home use all the necessaricnnvertierices Audis in excellent Order. havinjuss been improved atan ex pense;of about 18,000. - -The kcation is very dedrabte for almost any kind of business, being in one of the leading thorona blares of the city. • The property is well situated and adapted for shrink ing institution, which is much needed .in this particular busing- a locas Sold clear of incumbrance, title perfect, and posses sion given in 90 days after the Isle. jar sto 000 rosy ren:usin on mortgage. sal 1100 to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, n 015,22 ,• Store. 422 Walnut street. OBPHANS' COIIRT SALE—Bbtate of HEDWIG BBANDSTETTBR, - deceased.-JAMBS A. EstAN, Auctioneer.—TWOllTOßY RIME thoUbE, ca caLLowana, street.—lln au iHy of the Orphans' Court for the Oily and Oonuty of Philadelphia. ou WEDNE4DAY, November 28 MS at 12 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. -EXOSANGE, the following described Beal Estate, the property of Hedscig Brand itetter. &ceased: All that certain :Iwo antrabalt• story brick manage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Callowhill street, No. t23l containing in fron t 20 feet, and in depth t 0 feet. Nil Clear of locumbrance. by • t r i o c ,: n b rt mlelltili t trime tr o , rkii . a. HETTYMASLErd. Adminletratrit. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, /108,1622 ' _ , _140163 Ito 4122 Walnut Miner. FOR 61.1.1).—Elegant DWEILIiINC-on COB street. near EiL afark'fiCourob. so, first-class brown atone HCIItitE on sP33.I7WE street, west of beventeent,h, ' ID R. /ONES, .no2o-120 322%WalnutAtreet. FOR SALE—Aloar-story DWELLING. Et AEI caruer..Broad awl Columbia avenue.' 1mi:211:9739 ee deep. All moderririmprevertterati f Immediate PoSeMio' -aPPIy fd",COPPUCCIC '& — .7O49,DAN. 933 wa 1 2 9 7.31 1 19treet.. - -= ' " Inieg l sgmo - n0174N. TO xacr—Aaiananome AL" STONE IfarA - gAGIE. at 1 Geruguf town, wed fur nn.l3 ed and conveniently eltusted. Addreee Butgazyne 0.131ce...... • fuellNat* -inFOE - SALM—The threestory brick Realdenee will double back bulldlngs, every co uvendenoe and good yaz ,d No. 679 North Twelfth street. /11. 01 3 / 1 3M7 & SONO, Ma Widget street. REAL Esziorm. ORPRANe'. COMIT SALEr-Rstate OE-MARY ROBENI %OE; deceased.=JAMESA.FREEMAM. Audios eer.—Under =thorn, of the Orphans' COUltfOr the City and COunty of P phis,' on MADAM DAY, December 5 11,3866, at 12 o'clock le oon_ t _wlll - . be sold at Public. Sate, at Abel PHILADELPI'LLA CHANGE, the following destribedreal estate, late the property. of MARE ROE lIRTSuFf, deceased.--no. I.— Three-story brick BOUSE,B; atreet.-A, lot of grow] d, with the - Mastery - brick 'ritessusge; on the east side of Lisle street. - 10111 set mirth of Fitzwater street, in the Fourth Wri•dt conadning in front le feet, including on the north the one-halt of A two•feetalx. inch wide alley, and in depth'4tileet' - 2.—Twinetory BRIM Bro.-53t pants street. A lot of gromrdwills thethreeStory brick mes suttee thereon -erected,. situate on the north side, of Prime etreetz Second. :Ward, 86. feet 9 inches. west of Parker street: tieing le-feet frontend 5r feet deep to a three feet widealley._ • Subject. to 02, per annum ground rent. XI - 850 tobe paid on each at the time of sale. - By the Quirt: .15, . htIeRRIOE: Clerk 0. SAMUEL POWELL, Guardian. ' JAMES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ne15,22,29 Store, 422 Walnut Street. ORPBA.NB' COURT SALte--/Istate of BER NA RD J. WOOD?,' i.peeseed.—YAMlCs t. WE/IMAM, Auctioneer. TWO-STORY _FRAMS HOUSE. No. 410 MONROE Street.—llnder authority of the Orphans' Court for tbe City and County °Midis. delphia.--On WEDS/5 4 D s.T. December b:lB;B.—At 12 o'cMck,lfoon,wl.ll be Bold at ptiblic sale, at the PELLA - DIt.LPBEs. IEOI3 NOR—The following &omitted Real Istate,late the prcperty ofRA.RNARD J. WOOD-, accessed, 1riz.; ,5 . - two.storylramerturtsuagoand lot on the south epee of/donroe street. (late Pilltribji-Ne.434; containing in.front 18 feet, afid In - depth 90 'Met, more Subject to grouud rent per annum, - • 9100 to.beartld the' time etude .. . By the Court. E.' A. MERRICK. Civic 0. tarBANNIar Ni 1 0, 11 1 ,4. Adretelstratrlx. JAMES A. FREEMAN _ Auctioneer; - ' 5t0re,.4.22 Walnut street. . nolS. =29 ORPHANS' COTIRT. BALE.—Estate: of ANN. Id'ollt GAN. deceased, —/ AMES FREE-. , Auctioneer.—LWEWEG No. 1209 Ellsworth street. Tinder authority 'of the Orphans' Court for DAY, Dec e m be r ounty athiladelphia, on WEDNID l5. 1868, 2 o'e.locr, noon, will be sold at .Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. IEXERA.NOE. the following described Real Estate, the property of Ann M'enigan, deceruted.—A three story brlog house ano lot on the north side of- Ells worth street, 64 feet west of , Twelfth street, Second Ward; 16 by 60 feet. sir Clear of all incumbrance. \ Aar $ll/1) to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court. EDWIN A. MERRICK Clerk 0.0. THOMAS J liCHlllGAN,"Administrator. TAMES A. F.EtBEHAN, Auctioneer. 8t0re.422 wabintatreet. nols 22. Z) t PUBLIC SALE.—JAMES A. FIIKEICIAN. Aue tioneen—DWELLlNG. Rogers' court. tietwe-n DAY Peg and New Market streets, on WEES DAY. December 50, leech, at 12 o'clock noon. wltl be sold at public sale. at the Pal' DELPHI& EN. CHANCIk, the following riestribed Real Eget% viz: A three story brick measnage and lot. on tha ea:aside of an alley 16 feet 1.% inches wide called Rogers' court, between Ned le. Pegg and New Market streets and Eml.n's court; In the Northern Liberttes: being 12 feet 8 inches front." (including the northernmost 1 foot of an alley of about 2 feet in width, and in depth 4-i feet. liar A. policy of insurance for 1300 will be assigned the purchaser. ILL Clear of incurobrance. IS. 1100 to be paid at the time of sale. JA NS A. FILERHA al, Auctioneer, n0W.2.2 No. 422 Walnut Street. 2 NINTH STE Mein ROPERTY, of 40 feet front. 138 depth, with aside lot of SO et In to Sergeant street The Dwellings on Ninth street are large, with all modern conveniences, and with stable on the rear. There are two Dwellings on Sergeant street. For sale by J. H. 1110EtRIS, No. 233 North Tar th etreet. NMWALNUT STREET.—FOR SALE—With or without furniture. an elegant Brown Stone Kan• awn. built In a superior manner, finished to walnut and frescoed. situate on the south Wide of Twentieth street. J. 21..131:TM8L8Y& SONS.= Walnut greet. FUR BAIR —THE HaRDSORS MODEMS TF/ IMF. STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, situate 227 Son tb wentieth street, below Vira haw. Lot 18 feet CI on t b 88 feet deep. immediate pcsseaalon given. J. G & BOBS, 508 Walmit streo. aFOR f ALE A THII.I3E-EITOBYOWYCLI; ISO 1331 Pa IMltt/Sr. ROAD. with two-story building; stable on the rear - end of lot. Lot Is by 140; will be sold cheap. Apply to COPFETC.EC & JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. et GItRIiIABTOWN.-FOR BALE-A handsome double pointed stone residence, with stone stable withiage DOM% and 131. r 33iacres or land, situate in three minutes' walk from the railroad station. T. If. Ginilhlin /043 Walnut street. CO24.SI:ERCE STREET.— FOB SALE—The valuatue btore Property, situate 413 Commerce street, with lot 25 feet front by 76 feet d . Possession given December Ist, 1666 .T..111.-01:1 sit EONS, 508 Walnut street, gm: FOR SALE—The Ottrestory brink dwelling 5M- with ev k and lot 18 by 58, situate No 919 Spruce treeL Immediate pesamion given. I. M. GUM.IdEY & lONS, bl 5 Walnut street. ,RempoßmiNT —d HANDSOME THREE ST "MY BRICK DgrEia I.G. having every modem con ce. on Twe_nty.firststreel,below Wainut, J. M. (lITMALEY & BONS. MS Walnut street. - LIOR RENT—The LARGE - a - Go BOOM N 0.1219 NIA r- A: NETT street (under Concert Hall). 24 feu front, 15n feet deep, with large cellar. Apply on the °re mises. nolg-sts DIVORCE NOTICES. rug Y AND COUNTY UP PH MADELPHI.A. as.— Lain.? 001114 ONWE uOF Pei NNSYLVAII re, TOIBESELTIRLEPOPP :t : • :II • I t GERRIT:4G. We command you, that by publication once a week, r icor weeks. In two daily newspapers published n your, bailiwick, you notify CH ES HOWARD PARR HILL, late of your county, that he be and appear In our Court of common Pleas for the City and- County of Philadelphia, on, the first MONDAY of De cember next, then and Mere to anew cause, if any he has. why his wile, raPrNA. REELECCCe. PARKHILL,, ehouid not te clyorced from the bonds of matrbnory en te ed into with him, according to tee prayer of her petition flied in said Court. At which time have you there this order, and make your return bow you have striated the same. - . 'Witness the Honorable Joseph Allison, President of Ot said Court. at Philadelphia, the eleventh day . of November, in the 3 ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. nol'w T. 0. WEBS, Pro 'Prothonotary. 111 Y AND t OUNTY OF PHILADe LPktIA. Es. V THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLNA .NLi, 'JO TR is, SHERIFF OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, OREET,NG We command you, that by publication once - a week fOr tour a eeks, in two daily newspapers published in your bailiwick, you notify ..ARtll7.B D. RNOX late of y our comity, that he be and appear in our Mut of *crouton Pleas for the City and County of Philadel phia. thn first MONDAY of December n then end there to show cause, if any be haft why Ole wile, EM3L9. C. RNOX, should rot be divorced trem the bonds of matrimony entered into won him according which prayer of her petition. filed in said Court. At time have yeti there this or der, and make your return how you have executed the same. Witness the Honorab`e Zoseph Allison, President of our aald Court, at Philadelphia, thelith day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. T. 0. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. CrIAND COrNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. sa.-- T Y HE COMMONWEALTH OF PEN staYLVA lira. 7 o THE fiNEHLFF OP PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, GREETING: Wecommandyou, that by publication once a week fur four wet ks in ta - o daily newspapers published in your bailiwick. you notify A2SOB HOFF late of your County, that he be and appear in our Court of Common Pleas air the City and County of Philadelphia, on the let MONDAY of Dec*inber next, then ano there to thowcause. if any he has why his wife HARRIET A. 'HOFF should not be divorced from the bonda of matrimony entered ints with him, according to the payer other petition fi led in said C ourt. At Which time have you. there this order. and_ make your return bow you have executed the same. Winness the Honorable 7oSeph - Allison. President of our said Court,at Ptiladelphia the twentieth day of December. in the year of- our Lord. one thousand eight hundred and siXtY-cix.. I . - T. O WEBB, Pro Prothonota ORAND COUNTY OF PHILADRLPILItt,, E COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA. TO . THE t-HEBIFE - OF PYCILADELPHLA COUNTY. GREETING , M e cm:oast d you. that by Publicationa once week for four weeks, in two daily neu_spapets published in y our balliwiek,you notify Jaht.- M. MOVE - FT, late of your County, th at the be and appear bur Court cf Common Ileas for the Cityand Coant7 of Phila. Oelphia, on the tirat 144.1NDAY at December next, then and there to anew cause. if any ahnihas- why , her. ht sin nd, LI.WIS W. 0 °VITT. should not be divorced Irma the Donde of matrimony entered Into with her according to the privet of ale petition, Wed humid Court. At vrch-tlme have you there this order, and mak t. yeur return how you have executed the same Wness theßonorable Jos. Freeldent °four said i ourt, Philadelphia. Mea th d ay of september, in the year of our Lord Fite thousand eight hundreu and sixty-six. T. 0. WEBB, Fro Prothonotary. , ' ITY AND COUNTY OR PHIL DRIMEITA.. 1 0 THE CO MIR ON WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA.. TO TER cERRIFIT OFIABILADRLPHI&OGENTY, GERI , TING - . , Vi e.cen Mind you that, by publication once a week tbr four weeks. In two daily new papers published la your balltwicr, you notify FREDhItECIL GESECICICE, e of your County, that be be and appear In our Court of Comm( n Pleas fer the City and county of Philadel phia, on the tirst MONDAY Or has-Deceber mkt, then Ind there to skew cause, if any , be -why hie- wife, CIIABLE , TTE GERICSE, should not:be 'divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered Into with Mtn. accerding to the prayer of her pelltion; filed , . in said Court. At which lime have you %note this Order, aad make your return how you have mtecated *lmmune. Witness the Honorable Joseph Allison. Prosideotof our said Court, at Philadelph a, the 21stdayOteleptem bet, in the year of ear Lord one thossand .Icht dred and ehrty-sLt. • • T. 0:WEB B. . - , Pro Prothonetary." 7Y AND COUNTY OP Pal (ADEL.H ,A ea THE CORI MONIVIIAITH OP PENNSYLVA NA,.7 0 THE • EMESIP, OP, ,PRILADELEMIA, 00IINTY, tiREETISG: _ WevomMandyomtha by publicatiOn once a- week r four weeks, n two daily -wnsapapokra nobiteh.d In your balliwlck,younotifsH&Nkri 14.t.aN,latenlytaut 4 ounty,tbet eke be and appear inaur corm oftapauners Pleas lortbe City and Ontuktyof ,Philadelphia,, on the drat OpIHAV of, December nat., then 'and 'there to' eh ew caner, irony one hasiohy her husband. MAY, should not be divorced from the Wide of ma.: tri m.3...filtered with- her. acoortor to-the prayer of Me petition, filed in mid . Court. at ' which - - time have you there this order, and Make yolzertortc: - Mw-youtave executed Mamma Witneet the H onorable Joseph Anson, Promoting our Bald ccort, at Philadelphia, the ma day of toto.L ber. in the year or our Lord one thousand elaht boa. dyed and elatreix. T. 0. ws,aß, Pro Prothonotary. bIVQWE NOTICE. rETY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, 1-0 THE COMMONWEALTH. OF FENNbYL VANIA. TO THE SHBEIFF Or PHILADELFHW COUNTY. GREETING: -.: We command you, that by puplicationonce a wee for four weeks, in two daily , newspapers 'published in - your bailiwick, YOU notify' CSA r 1 .8 W. DEPLISIM, late ofyour County, that he be and appear in - Our Court of Common Pleas for tbe City and, ,Cdunty • Philadelphia, on theist MONDAY of December_next,`,, then and there to 'hew cause, if yhe hatiodllelitha„l". wile MA P.Y•DENNIS. should not be the bonds of zuktrimony entered into with him.aooordn leg to ihe prayer or her petition, glee ta :said' Court.l , At which,e have you there this order. and ;MMus • • your return how you stave executed the same: f llamas the Hon Joseph Allison. Presidentor said Court, at Philadelphia, the seventh day ,ofiltio•, vember lathe year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtpsix.. • T. v. WEBB, I noilthat :, Pro Protkonotary.:,•.. O.TY AND COUNT. OF PITILADELPHIA;Lii, (AMMON WHAL FR 0 , PHSINHTLYS: O- PIA TO THE SHERIFF OF PHIDALJOXF,paLfh.., ' ' 00UHTY, OBEETI.NO: • ' - - ' We command you: that by publlcatlon'oinat rt WOW for four weeks, in two dally newspapers'Onolbthedist your bailiwick:your:milts , JOHN .11.1 s IHIHRJr...I4O Of Your.county, that he beard app in our Court - Of. Ckm.rnon Pleas for the City and Caturty of, Philadel4: pbla, on the Brat MONDAY .of December. neat, then and there shew cause, if ary he hag, Why his' ttnit l!dAlitG'T J. STICINEIL•shouId not be divorced - from the bonda of matrimony entered Into ;with him, cording to the prayer of . her lietltlon. flled'M sal CourtAt which Vine have r 011 there WI order, a n " make your return Lew p.m have exectu ed. the same.; ;Witness the Honorable Joseph ulson.PdeelQenyef, our said Court, at Philadelphia, theath day of OCto)rtat.. in they ear of our Lord one thousand eight' bundle& T. 0. WILHEI„ Pro Piouifthathil, , CITY AND COUNTY OF PRILLADELPHIA.,a, V T O COMMONWEALTH OF • 'PE.N.N6YI.___ItA. NIA, TO TEE BHP HIPP OP PHILADELPHIS." COUNTY, GREETING: We command you that by publication once a week for four weeks, in two daily newspapers published' In your bailiwick, you notify CB A.+l..e.S W. JANNEY, late of your county, that he be and apoear in oar Court of Common .ele.s for the vity and County of Philadelphia, on the fist MONDAY of etiember neat, th dre to thew cause, Harry he hill why his wiIEM I LY B. JANNkI should not be ill vorced from the bonds of.)xtattimon c entered* into with him, according to the prayer of her petition fled in said Court, At which time have you there this order, and make your return how you have executed the same. Witness the Honorable Joseph Allison, PRI& dent of our said Court at Philadelphia, - the 11th day of October in the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred wad abuty4 T. O. WEBB, • - Pro Prothonotary. rtITY AND WON'S Y UP Pen, A UELPHIA. teitt V as COMMONWEA LTH uP PN.AIbIisYLVA, PIA TO THE rilEitiFF OP PHILADEL P HIA. COVICTY, OBWITINO : . • We command you, that by publicatkm once a week for four weeks, in two daft newspapers _p _nbUshed its your bailiwick. you n otUnliciA GARET HOPPMAIrs late of your Com, ty, that she be and appear in our, Ccort of Common Pleas for the ' City and County of Philadelplds,on the first MONDAY of December next, then and there to sbew cause, U any shelter; why her husband ADA'S HOFFMAN should sot be divorced from the bonds of matr mon y entered into with.lier , anew ding to the pray Sr of his petition, flied 112 11.61112 Conn. At which time have there this order, end n. ake your return how you have executed the same. 'W itness the Honorable Joseph Allison, President of our said Court, at Piziladophia, the 20th day of tember, in . he year of Istur Lord one thousand hundred and sixty-six. _ _ , T. O. WIUIB, pro Prothonotary I I.ITY AND Wilt. TY We PnLILADELPHIA. re. V THE CHMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA, TO '3 HE SHERIFF OF PHILA_DELPHLS. COUNTY, GREETING : We command you., that by publication once a week, for four Wetks, in two daily newspapers published in your bailiwick, you notes , ALEX 'HOER It. rPANOLItn, late of your County. that he be sod ap pear In crirr Court olCummon pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, on tht , first IdOvErAY Of He. camber next, then and there to skew came if any he has, why hie wire ,FANNIE A .PAlt GIER, should not be divot ced Nom the bonds of matrimony entered into with him, according to the prayer of her petition. filed in said Court. At which time have you there this order and make your return how you have ems. crated the same. - - . Witness the Honorable Joseph Allison, Presi. dent of.our said Court, as Philadelphia, the 2lat day of September, in the year of our Lord one thous.nd eight hundred and sixty six. T. 0. Wa BB; Pro PrOthonotsuy. COTY ARD COM% TY OF PHILADFAAPHIA.. sa. - = 1,..) THE 00EEM VET 'WRAY TR OF f•ENNSYLVANIA., TO THE HEZERIEF pm r. AOELPALIL GREETING: We ccroznind you that by publication Once aweek for four weeks. In two Catty newspaper pusaisbed lm your balite Ink, you le ttfy :WAisD M. BOWE, hate of your County, that he be and appear in our court of Common Pte.'s for the City and Comity of Phtiadel. phla, on the Ora. MONDAY of Decerabar next, them, and there to show cause, 11 any he haa why his whim MATILDA BOWE should not , be divorced frorn,rhe' bond• of matrimony entered into with_ttim, Bounding to tbe pay haveer petition, filed in said tburt At bleb you there i s atter, and xoikke return how you have executed the same. Witness the Ponorable Joseph AMt on 'Wadden' of our said Court at Philaaelebla the 19t h day of Pep., Umber. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight' hundred anti sixty•elx. TO. WEB CITY AND COUNTYO7PHILADELPHIA.S9.-- THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA TO •IHE SHERIFF OF PHILADELPHIA,, COUNTY, GREETING: We Command you Mat by publication once a week for four weeks, in two amity newspaoem onblished n your bailiwick, you notify WILLIAM - LEYDEN, late of your county. that be be and appear in our Court of Common rleas for thet Ur and County of Phliadel• phis, on the FIRST MONDAY of December next, then and there to Phew muse If any hones whyittle niIe,ELLED K. LEYDEN, abculd not be eivorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with him, according to the prayer ft her petition; filed in said Court. At which time have you there this order, and , make your return how you have executed the saute Witness the Honorable Joseph Allison, Presidentof our said Court. at Philadelphia, the third day of No vember. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty six. no 7 welt 7.0. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. p 'WWI VETATKOP JOHNIA. DOUGHERTY . ..Err., deed.— Letters Testamentary upon the above Eistatehave been granted to the undersigned, all Mame having claims against Moll:state of salt] decedent will make known the same without deiay. and all parties in debted to said Estatn are r. quested to make ppayment to W. H. DOUGttERTY. N R. corner FIbTEENTH It and GIRARD avento; CHARLES A. DOUG HER. TTY, o. 19 North SIXTH stifek THOMAS H. GILL, No. SiO North SECOND Urea, Execatora, or their At. torney, JOHN E. LATTA. No. 128 Idouth STXTX Street. noUtinite IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY' AND CPU , ' 1T tt.P Pt. ILADSLellLk.—lntatet of If.A7THRW THolfiPtß N , deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the. account ef JOHN HELL, admtntstrator of MAT -7 NEW 7 HOMP. ON, deceased, snd to report eisirle button of the balance in the b suds of the accountant. wit meet the parties interested for the ParDOSe of tan sppointment, on Mr NDAY. Decent , er 3d, 1866 wt-4 o clock, P. M.. at his office, No. 217, South THLRD. sueet, in the , city. of PhUade phis . - S. - RPM - VEY NORRIS, nortthAtubti - Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY 1. AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA—Estate of • JAMES O. GILMORE. deceased. The Auditor ap..- pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust we second account of EDMUND YARD; hzecutor of the last Will and Testamen. of JAMRS C. GILMOBE.. deceased, and toreport distribution of the balance in the bends -of the acecnuitant, will -meet:lhe parties. interested for the unman of his: appointment, on. . MONDAY, the third day of Deceraber, LIM elevete , o'clock. d. M.. at his office, Na. Ste North SiX - TH street,ln the City of Phhad. labia. JNO H. OAMPBELL, , no2o.tu IMAM/ Auditor.' M. ALDEN BY HER NEXT FRIEND , GEORGE itltie t - m4 , re. ELL , Oro. ALDEN; In Divorce, c eptember Term, 3866 No. 16. TO ULAN A. ALDEN. RESPOND EN r—Bra: Take notice Of a Rule this day granted by the Court on you. returnable eIATI)RDeN. November Zith. 1866, at BY o'clock, A. U. to show came why a i tvorce a Women , matrlmonll should not be one-teed in the above Case: . Yours, &c.. .T. O. antorN, Attorney for Libelant. "333:I.ADRLIdITA. NOV.IO, 1866. Doll. tmktb 4tit THE COURT OF COMMON PL WAS FOR VIE ..e. CITY AND COKrk TY OF PHIL aDELPECEA.;= MA BGABETTA FREW, by her r ezt hiend,lao , ROBERT P. FRIES. March Term. 1866. No. U.. In Divorce. To ROBERT P. FRIES, Respondent: Take November rule In above case rent) nable RATH RD &Y. 24, 1555 at 30 o"clock A. M., to show cause why a divorce a - vinculo matrimonil should not he de. creed. LEWIS tl CASSIDY. , • nolatta,thite Attorney tar Libelant. TA"BE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. FOR THE 1 ITT AND COUNTY OF HILADELPHIA.— ROBERT B. JOHNSTON Vs. S I.ltA EL JOHN STOn ; March Tenn, 1866, No: 64 alias June Term. • 1810, DO. , in. Divorce. To Farah Johnston, Ite- Fp on den s—Take notice of a rule In the above. return able SATURDAY, Povemb,r 24th, at 10 o'clock A. to show cause why a divorce a vincolo mat:rim:WU should not be decreed. • • JOHN IL&NNA. • Attorney ice Libellant.,4it TN THE COUIt COUNTYON PLEAS F() ICTEIfe CITY ANDP PHILADELPEITA.... MARY A: m.contuisT, by her next friend. kte. vs. TamES B. CORRIN. Jnne T.. Re, No. as, In Divorce. , . To JAMES B. COBBIN, Respondent.—Take notice' of a rule In the above case, returnable' SATURDAY, • Rauetnber 24.1866, at 10 o'clock A. M.. to thou cause wby a Divorce a yLnculo Matrlmoni should not be.. decreed. decreed. LEWIS O. CIASSIOY non- tn&tb ,4to Attorney for Libelant. ' VSTATE oF NARY HT DSON,. dem' ed —Lettere' et'Adzointatration to the hetate of MAIM 61:1D. SON, ELlngle woman; deceased atoms • been_ granted by Hosteler of Wills Jor. City of •Yfl fladelpflia to them. 4ensigoell. .2,ll:venom, .todetitod : to tier .mithe ewe out teNsna those I string olalms will_ prose. SW.= at once to ISRAM, H. JoIcINSON, AemintOtrater, No. I.I9I,L&DICSI e it:ear-2d 1110 TY PHIL* es.,llmo. 1 8,flmilk oc.l.B4bsto ArtffleilL--..Lettera .of Athol, !ovation - upou t e s e AL. L tote of THOMAS H. A °KBE% deed vine been ((Moto/ to the ettatotther, all persona la shied to Bald hatate are requested to make eartuuutikad those,---, having claims to present them without Qatar SO -, TaoIiaIe.,LITTLID,Va f 4 outh. TWHH4ItfO ,Or -sitr_satuLo-- to hie Astarner, 9Jr .7 fw-001..D11011080'ffaafftrx st reet. -i • 'i -.-. ,, -.,,- ,q ,: °math SiAt4 ,- . - ____ SMILES - 0,1 1 & A.Dlitlfiliol„.WATlON ' , balder .beea _panted 'to Ike' aillwarber Upon' • tioffittrate of I Jam..w d. BURR, deeeseed all perados , indebted:a the fame will make plant, and thaeetiavlng claims g rc .t them to lat iLEN„ No. 62- Nolp IX= street. - nca
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers