LiaAkaiilJ DEATH OF A -MERCHANT.—Mr. Gaarge ISlcKinstry, the agent Of the I Nevi York, Philadelphia and , tLiverpool line of steatri ere, died suddenly on Wednesday Morning. The fact was announced 'to , the Corn Es.- .chinge Association . 'this naorning," by Nat than Brooke, Esq., after which Mr.. P. . Bankson submitted the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously agreed to: . - - Whereas. The band of death nes suddenly removed from our midst a member of this associstlon, whose roan iy qua'itles and amiability ot disposition have en deared himto - all who came in contact with him, either in a business or social way: therefore, • ltesolved, That in the death of George . A. McKinstry the mercantile community has lost a valued member, and society at hug.• an honest and worthy man. Zfesolord. That uur sympathies be tendered to his he reeved family, ana that the members of the Assad*. Lion participate in the funeral services _ Resolved, That a Committe of five be appairtted to -tarry into effect tbe latter resolution. Messrs. J. P. Baukson, Flush Craig. Duke Murphy, , Charles Knecht and Thomaswere appointed on the committee. RAILROAD TRAIN ON FlRE.—Yesterday afternoon about four o'clock - some barrels of Oil on a platform car of a train on the the Pennsylvania Railroad took fire near Athenaville, which is eight miles from the city. The flames, of course, spread rapidly among the oil, and soon communicated to two other cars. The train was, stopped at Athensville and assistance was procured. Before the fire was extinguished, however, the three cars and their contents were en tirely destroyed. The conflagration caused a dense blaek emoke, which was visible in the Twenty-fourth Ward. - The West Phila delphia Hose Company's steamer was taken to the spot and rendered efficient service in saving a lot of lumber which took fire from the burning oil. One or two other oompa nies also reached the ground. The firemen were all brought back to the city on a train sent for that purpose by the Pennsylvania _Railroad Company. DERANGED MAN MISSING.—Dr. Joshua B. ,Worthington,near Frankford, or George Abbott, Salem, N. J , desire information of Charles T. Abbott, nineteen years of age; stout 5 feetlo inches in height; light hair and eyes, with a slight stoop in his shoul ders, and downcast look; slow of speech, and expressing himself with difficulty, who left his home while in a state of mental de pression. He was well dressed, in dark -clothing, marked with his name, and had on a dark straw hat; was accustomed to farm-work, and may have hired himself to some farmer in the neighborhood. A MATCH FOR A NOBLE OBJECT.—The friends of the late Mr. Franels A. Frazer intend giving a grand Base Ball entertain ment, on the grounds of the Athletic Club, Fiftdenth and Columbia avenue, on Wed nesday next, for the purpose of procuring a monument, to be erected in 'the Cathedral Cemetery, over the remains of their la mented friend. Six of the Atlantic Club, of Brooklyn, have signified their intention of being present to participate, and the rest of the". players will be made up of some of Philadelphia's best men. As the affair is fora worthy object, there should be a full attendance. CALIFORNIA WINE.—GoId is not the only important production of the giant young State on the Pacific. Its wines have at tained a high degree of public favor, and they have already greatly lessened the de mand for imported Champagnes, &e. Mr. T. J. Jordan, No. 220 Pear street, below Walnut, has lately received an invoice of "Sparkling Angelica," a brand of domestic Champagne, which is famous for its pure quality and its delicious bouquet. Jadges of the article consider it equal to the higher grades of European wines; while its cost is greatly below them. Mr. Jordan's "Spark ling Angelica," "needs no bush." UNPROVOKED A SSAULT.—PaktriCk Mc- Fadden was arrested, last night, for assault ing a young woman at Eleventh and Chest nut streets. The woman had taken supper to her brother, who is a watchman at a new building at that place, and was standing en gaged in conversation with him. McFadden came along, and, without any provocation, struck her a violent blow in the face, causing a black eye. He had a hearing before Al derman Jones, this morning, and was com mitted to answer. PAINTINGS.—We dropped in Scott's Art Gallery last evening, and found a crowded Audience, occasioned by the commencing sale of the Paintings from the American Art Gallery, New York. The bidding was somewhat spirited, but the prices obtained were of medium average. B. Scott, Jr., the :auctioneer, sold 125 numbers. The sale will be continued this evening,at 71- o'clock, when. about the same number will be dis posed of. Sale without reserve. DEFACING PROPERTY.--A. boy was arrested :yesterday, in the neighborhood of Seven teenth and Arch streets, for defacing houses by making chalk marks on their fronts. He -was held to keep the piece by Alderman Jones. This should be a warning to other juveriles who may be inclined to amuse Themselves in a similar manner. MIDDEN DEATH.—Mr. John J. Chapron, IL prominent member of the bar, died sad, denly this morning at his residence, No. 2917- Locust street, of hemorrhage of the lungs. He was 44 years of age. He was - well known and highly respected among the members of the bar. 'Tau FIRST SNOW.—This morning, about -eleven o'clock, snow commenced falling. The-white flakes came down quite lively for a few minutes, and were then followed by rain. The atmosphere is raw and chilly, and altogether the weather to-day is de cidedly disagreeable. HOUSE ROBBERY.—The dwelling of Mr. J. C. Eckert, No. 1612 Chancellor atreet,was entered last night, by forcing open a back window. The thief carried off clothing val ved at $5O, onellollar in two cent pieces and the key of Mr. Eckert's office. RECEIVING STOLEN GOODS.—Martin Ga vin, residing at No. 733 Shippen streets, was arrested yesterday and taken before Alderman Lutz on the charge of receiving stolen goods. He was committed in default of $l,OOO bail for trial. A Noutal INSTITIITION.—Tne Industrial Home at the corner of Broad street and Columbia, is now open for the admission of Friendless Girls, and we hope the public will sustain this admirable institution, as it deserves. See the advertisement. SALE OF FINE OIL PAINTINGS.—B. Scott, Jr.. auctioneer, will make a sale of fine oil Paintings,at the Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street. Parties wishing to contribute must have the paintings in the Gallery on or be fore Wednesday next, 28th inst. A INTERESTING kr - Ex.—Oar readers, especially the ladies, will be gratified with the perusal, in another column, Of the advertisement of Messrs. Grange & Son, importers of, and dealers in first class Plain Gobilland thins, Tea, Dinner and Toilet Betts; French and Araerlean Cut and Pressed Glassware of . every description, etc. They have compieted the erec lion of their new and elegant three story building, con taining three spacious and beautiful salesrooms, each one hundred and twelve feet long' and twenty feet wide, constituting one of the most attractive and corn ,mcdiotts business edifices in Philadelphia. The supe rior and tplendid goods sold by Messrs. Grange &Bon are perfectly in keeping with the magnificence of their, establishment. ELLIPTIC.ftSVING'.II2ACETI COMPLICY S ant premium lock. stitch sewing machines IncomPa. rably the best for "family nee. Highest premium (gold , medal), Fair Maryland 'lnstitute, New 'York and Pennsylvania State ..Rairs. 1866. NO, tat * Chestnut street, only authorized agency in PhUalelphia. Frecs - Nzw viz CITRON, Tor sale - 2dlTrirtßT,T; dr. P ETCHIL93. - 120taiestuut atree • • ~• , , .A. , Frefar.D.Terx,&y OF.dolTraartorrEiEtY;— The .demactd !Or sweetmeats idwayi increase as the b o u t r A ve draw: near, George •W. Jenkins,:No: 10i7 .. 411priod_Oarderk street, diaolaye a choice asso rtment of Clariunebs, French Secrete, Cattily Top?, rth areiexceedinglY attractive, li - tt has also. at Wi ec. F or eup Vraite., Nate!. WA:donde, aardatea, irreNNVed olialevdaysape, dco. _ , - THE DAILY EVENING BIILLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22.1866. NOW OPEN.— • RICH BLACK RILES DRAPE DE raitiOn. • OROS GRAINS, LYONS TAFFETAS. • , And every other desirable styled . , ler Dressenttutd %Weis anew department. and is worthy the &Wen , don of buYera. S. W. PROCTOR & 00. 920 Chestsattatreet. Puns - OF ALL NATIONS.— RUSSIAN Bazaar PUBS. HUDSON BAY SABLES. • • FINE DARK. MINK SABLES. - ROYAL ERMINE-CIIENCHELLA.' DARK. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL.'' • PERSIAN LAMB-ASTRACAN, eict . FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. J. W. pi:wows. k - 920 Chestnut street. RICH - PARIS CLOAKS, mow open; in great riety. BICH VELVET CLOAB S. CHINCHILLA CLOAKS. • VELVET BEAVER CLOAKS. ASTRAKHAN CLOAKS AND JACKETS. BANDSOME PLUSH JACKETS.: OPERA CLOAKS AND J AtiKETS.I • I. PROCTOR & 00. 1 • - 920 Chestnut street. BUY YOUR BLACK( CAKE, Pound and Lady Cakes, of Mosaic & Co., 902 Arch street, "ARRIVAL OF JOHN MORRISSEY. THE GREAT EX,POUNDE.R. IN WASECENGTON."-This im portant information came over the wires last night. Since Mr. Webater's time, we have been looking for an ex-ponnder at Washington, and now we have it. The arrival at the White Rouse of a news= of clothes for the President., from Charles Stokes & Co.'s One • price, under the Continental, would hardly excite more attention. CLOTHING FOR THE MILLION ! - CLOTHING FOR THE THOUSANDS ! CLOTHING FOB THE HUNDREDS! CLOTHING FOR TIER' INDIVIDUAL. GENTLEMAN, YOUTH. ETV, SOLDIER. STATESMAN, MERCHANT. MANUFACTURER, OR "ANY OTHER MAN." ROCKHILL az WILSON, BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL. 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. Cams'lMAS PRESENTS. Etridel Presents. Preeents for your wife. Presents for your Daughter. In the styleofa Fine Set of Para _ . . . From the Stores of CHAR OAKFORD & SONS, Under the Continental HoteL C. C. Drrnnica & co., Merchant Tailors, 'Ninth street below Chest:mt. are now closing ent their entire stock of imported CLOTHS AND CASK ERF-S, MADE TO ORDER in the latest styles. SILVER PLATED Wm:tn.—Two hundred Tea S. ta; like amount of Patent Spout Ice Pitchers, tor sale in lots to suit, at the manulacturing estab. liahment of FILED. TMITSFREID, M 3 South Fifth street. F. MEYER, Supt, DRAFIUMS, BM:INDIUMS' AND CAT' RIR.— . Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the'l3Ye and Ear, treats 131 diseases appertaining to the above members with :se utmost =coma. Testimonials from tho moat re ,initle sources in the city can be seen at his once. No. Mt Pine street. The medical faculty are Invited to so• zomprusy their ppaatients, ache `as had no secrets In his :,rtartiw. Artificial eyes inset ed. No charge made ar pv.mtnation. HALLOWELL dt, SoN, 534 Market street, Hallowell & r on, as Market street, Hallowell & Son, 534 Market street, Bo:, 8' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Pplendid assortment. Seduced erices. Splendid assortment. Reduced Prices. Splendid assortment. Seduced Prices. Call before parch: wing elsewhere. MISSES' HATS. Chtldrea's Hate. O.&II.FORDEY Continental Hotel. "lubricative steam engine packing.—lbr terms, see arch sa pbila.. and 26 dey new York. r t-,9411-11/4'1,11 NEW LACE CURTAINS. The subscribers have now in stock, and are receiv ing from the late Auction Sales in Lew York, NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, from ordinary to rich style. FRENCH LACE CURTAINS, From the lowest to t THE bAtif i l i let catilltilsome of them ALSO, VESTIBULE LACE, EMBBOI'D MUSLIN CURTAINS. JACQUARD do., And Curtain Idnalins in great variety. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, 1008 Chestnut Street. ec2s-th as to-tf nit IVABP7ETII46b. LEEDOM. & SHAW, Wholesale sad Retail CARPET WAREHOUSE ) 01 0 Al It I ST . Just received by Steamer,an Invoice of new and hand some designs of CROWLEY'S ENGLISH TAPES. TRIES, entirely new, for this market. Also, aAM as. eprtment of DELIGGETS in aliwidths. Ben am rpit T Hirt b fe.B.BISON BOILER" A BABE STEAM This new Steam uenerator :combines essential arl• vantages IN ABSOLUTE SAFETY FROM RSPLOt3ION. 111 fait cost and cost of repairs, durability, economy of fuel, facility of cleaning and transportation, not port= seabed by any other boiler. It is formed of a combination of cast-iron hollow Spheres—each eight inches in external diameter, and three eighths 01 an inch thick, connected by curved necks,and rebate machine madejoints,held together by wrought-iron bolts with caps at the ends. The form is the strongest known; its strength to resist internal nreesure,very great—nnweakened as it is by pi:melting or riveting, which lessens the strength of the wrought lion boiler plate about forty per cent. ;every boiler is tested by hydraulic pressure at 1100pormds to the square ir ch. IT CANNOT BE BURST trAIDER ANN Pnaoric.a -riILnSTISAM PIINESUB.N. Under pleasure which might cause rapture In ordin ary be item, every joint in this becomes a safety valve. No other steam generator possesses this property of re,lef under extreme pressure without injury to itself, std thus preventing disaster. It is not seriously aff. cted by corrosion, which so soon impairs the strength of the wrought iron boiler, It hag economy in fuel, equal to the best boilers. It gets up steam quickly, aid with little fael—pro• duces superLeated steam without separate apparatus, and is not liable to priming or foaming. - It is easily transported, and may be taken apart so that no piece need weigh more tnan eighty pounds. In difficult places of access, the largest boiler may be put through an opening one :foot square. It is readily cleaned Inside and oat. Under ordinary circumstances it is kept free from permanent deposit „by blowing the water entlrely.out under hill pressure once a week. It requires no special eki 1 in its mmaannasgßement. Injured parts can be renewed wi h great facility, as they are unifomx In shape and size. Virli en renewed the entire boiler remains as good ea new. The greater part of the boiler will never need renewal, unless unfairly used. • A boiler can be increased to any extent, by simply adding to its width, and being the multiplication of a sir gle form, Its atrenah remains the same for all slime. It has less weight and takea less than one-half the ground area of the ordinary cylinder boiler, withost being increased in height. Any kind of fuel may be used under this better, from the most expensive, to refuse coal dust. Over two hundre d of these boilers are now in opera- Lien, some of them in the best establishments in this city For descriptive circulars or prices, apply to . JOSEPH BAlLlitreON .71% Harrison Boiler Works, Gray% Ferry road, adjoining U. S. Arsenal, Phila. deliabia. • • tica4moi SAMMY fints4.'Pln el 06.-l ag _,unia l have . dealt In them for 14 years, and guarantee each Ifor 5 yearn. Price s until we to sag. 1. It. GOULD, • .. 11 0 1 0.1 1 AP Eleventh andilheetnar. imexm DRY CM)De hauguratiot of Low Prices .tklr JAB. B. CAMPBELL & CO.. ISEPOBTEaIe, 7OBBEBEI and ItETAILIZES2 GOODS, DRY No. 727 Chestnut St. 9 Have made a great Bum:mm . olg IN MO E& Their stock is unrivaled' for extent. variety and general adaptation to the wants of buyers. SILKS, MOIRE ANTIQUES, SHAWLS, VELVETS, CLOAKING, SILK. POPLINS, WOOL POPLINS, • CORDED POPLINS, • ' RICH PLAID POPLINS, RICH PLAID MERINOES, COLORED MERINOES, PRINTED MERINOES, EMPRESS CLOTHS, VELOUR RUSSE, BIARRITZ, EPINGLINES, BOMBAZINES, TAMISE, M. DE LAMES, BLACK ALPACAS, WHITE ALPACAS, COLORED ALPACAS, WHITE REPS, BLACK REPS, COLORED REPS, FRENCH CHINTZES. DAMASKS AND DIAPERS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS, DOYLIES AND TABLE COVERS, COUNTERPANES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, MOURNING GOODS. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO , 11019 lit? No 727 Chestnut Stneet MARKET NINTH. It to, tit & 3 - * STORE GREATLY EKLAIIGED—THE WORK COMPLETED—READY FOR S Ilr CLOTHING ROOM. OVERCOATS, JACKETS AND PANTS, FINE CMSIMERE $6, $8 AND $lO SUITS. no 3) tu th a ~' ~~~i~.~ i ~.~,. ~ ~►!~~ 11:1 for Ladles' Barques and Mauiltat, lust received. JAM,. CAteLP BELL de CO 7= cEutsniur snuck?, FROST'D BEAVER CLOTH Splendid quality, JAB. R. CAMPBELL & CD. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, OLOTHS FOR LADIES' WEAR. A large sasortment of New Btylo Cloths Jost opened, at reduced Prlcee• JAB. R. CAMPBELL de 00.. 7.17 CHESTNUT STREET. LYONS Vii LVETS. Best makes of Lyons Velvets for Ladles' Sacques and Mantles. JAB. R CAMPBELL CO , tol7-6trp , 727 CIUNTN Q P STREE r. FIIRIS. LADIES' FANCY FURS. .3101-1 - No. 718 Arch it., above 7th., At his old establinhed Store. IMPORTER, MANUF AertrßlEß. and DEALER .7F I A.N . CIe FIDE LS Ladies and Children; My assortment Of Fancy Furs ibr Ladles and ctn. drill.% now complete, embracing every variety that will be worn during the coming season. Remember the name and number. No. 718 ARON. Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or connection with any other store In the city. oc2o a Cu. ttain LADIES' FANCY FURS A. K. & F. K. WOII.RATH .417 Arch St., HAVE NOW OPEN A Full Assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS Also a great variety or FANOY Carriage and Elleigh Robes. ocls-am rp UNITED STATES BOILDER'S MILL I 24, 26 aad 28 8 PIFTILINTHBZ, PHILADICILPHIA. ESLER & BROTHER: WOOD MOULDING% 'BRACKETS. STAIR BAL. VSTEBS,7SIIIWEL POSTS/ GENERAL TURNING, FeltoLL WORK eto. SHELVING PLANED IKI 0 Kt 'PR The largest assortment or, Wood Mouldings /n this city Constantly on hand. iiolo am rp 2ME WATCHES , AND .5 WAVE LEYi CLARK - &-.BIDDIig Jewelers and E ilversmiths, 712 CHESTNUT STREETA Have now ready for Bale the most complete and elegant assortment, which they - 111w° ever offered, comprising evezything tonally •found in a JEWEL RY establishment, at the LOWEST CASH RATES. no2o to th sa t424rpt STERLING SILVER, Manufactared expressly for RIUDAL Pram to NEW JEWELRY. PEARLS. DIAMONDS. and other Precious Skims. _ Wedding and Engagement Binge. Old Sibiof _PEARL or DIAMOND JEWEL BY re mounted In modern etyb3. Watebes and Clocks repaired and adjusted by cOraf patent workmen. All goods warranted of first quality. Special attention given to DIAMONDS. J. T. Gallagher, Late of ILATLX'Y & CO., POSAIZERLY BAILEY & MITCHEX 1300 h-tf 011E81 NUT STREET. ocni a to trp WHOLESALE STOOK OP - Watell s, Jewefry and Sthealated T 3 BE CLOSED OUT • AT RETAIL, AT A. GREAT SACEEPTUE. OSPI IVELY TO CLOSE BUSENESE, This will &Toni a rare opportunity - for procarins zoodp In this lia tai GREATLY ralriliW THE USUAL PRIME. WOODWARD, LOVETT & CO 712 Chestnut Streete, SECOND STORY. SECOND STORY. nol-ten rp 4AM'L K. MYTH. EDWARD P. ADAM, SILVER-PLATED WARE. Smyth Ar. A.da,ir g PRACTICAL AULNUFA.CTM3.I3II.9 OP FINE SILVER-PLATED WARE, BARD AND SOFT METAL. 1884 Chestnut Street, Opposite U. S. Mint, 2. Soar. Factory, 35 Month Third Street, nol•th a w tStrA Up Stathl. JONES-' Old Established ONE PRICE FINE Ready. Made Clothing Base, 604 MARKET STREET, above Sixth, Now on hand One of the largest and best assorted socks of Beady-made Clothing in the Omintry—at prices very reaaonable. Alao a handsomeline of Piece tModa for Custom Work. oc.l-&orp2 JOHN PARED:Lt. STOP ! LOOK AT T'dlS!!. THE GREAT EASTERN Detective Horse and Live Stock Insur ance Company., • Chartered by the State or Pennsylvania. oayrrAL—stoo 003. Insures Ironies. Mmes' and Neat Cattle against Lotres Resulting from Theft, and Death by Fire, Acd• C ental or Natural Mown. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No. 108 ,Bouth Fourth St Phila. President—COL CHAS. PRA_LEY. Vice President-DANIEL I, ESTERLEY. Fecretuy and.Treasn y—Dr. , B.BECKER. Assist. Secretary and Treasurer—P. For city Iteferencee, Bee Cheat' a. • - • .0 genie wanted in theLomr ant:Lovely - county in Me State. P. - KAPPA, . ocds lm rP• .• Gamma .Agent. . . T OSTT=Last evening, by a young lady, _between 7hirteenth and AzchandEighth and Chestnut and Twentietb and Walnut streets, a small HUNTING Cis SB GOLD WATCH, engraved -on one side of-the case a Bailor leaning on an anchor,and the other side, water scene witha eblp. The finder , will lie liberally rewarded by leaving it with-WEB WRIGHT- 11101, aivatiatreet. • ST.B c.K dr: CO.'S P,LAVNOS; gAiN,BR_ •PLANGEI: AMIABIIa CABINET, ortsstams, . - - Only s J iJ. B. UOULDl3.Beven iniestat. .ruAtittil MOVAMA" Of all the late Styles. WATCHES Of the moot Celebrated Xslaza roi FEI) V : riati THE HARDING MACKEREL" THIS FINE BRAND OF FISH IS IN SMALL PACKAGES, EXPRESSLY FOR FAMILY USE. DAVIS & RICHARDS, oeitra ARCH API) TENTH STIUCETS. =ES JEF;DICAM. -- • _ 0.1fR0N1G)40.74-‘4.f'..:4RiATED--- -0451 .)4 - DB, S. W. BEctiwrrirs ELECTBICAM INSTITIITIV , No. 1220 WALNUT STREET. POP the benefit of those oroposing to undertake7.e*. taloa treatment for disease. we give in the following „Ist a few of the more prominent and LOOSt common complaints met with in our' practice, in all of which we are moat successiul. IN ARABLE ALL 'CASES. OP -CBRONIC DISE §BE IGLECTB/MTY _IS A SURE "'WIC" . AND IN ALL CABER BENEFICIA L, IF- PROPERLY AP PLIED. These therefore, afflicted with complaints r other* enumerated need have no hesitation in ap plyir g, and whother only 'mum , on A PERMANENT CURE can be effected, they will receive replies accord inglAll consultations free Epilepsy,. 1. Chorea. or St. Vitus' 'Dance.' Paralrils; (Bemplegia), Neuralgia, nista:la. weryeaaneas, pal pitation of the Heart, .Locic-Jaw: etc. _ 2. Sore 'Throat, Dyspepsia, Diarrbosa, Dysentery.Olo 'stinate Constipation, Hemorrhoids. or Pilesltillous, Flatulent and Painter's Cone, and all affeetionii of the Liver and Spleen. . 8. Catarrh, Cough, Influenza. Asthma (when hot caused by organic diseases of the' heart), Bronchitis, Pleurlsy;Pleurcdynla. or Rheumatism of the Chest, Consumption in the early stages. _ • . 4. Gravel : Diabetes and RhineY Complaints. Impo tence and Bernina' Weakness. The latter complaints, never fall to yield rapidly to this treatment. ' Itheumatiam, Gout, Lumbago, BUS Neck. Spinal Gurvature, Thp Diseases. Cancers, Tumors (those last named always cured without pain, Or cutting, or plas ters-, _in any form.) 6. Dterous Complaints, involving a mai-position, as Prclapsus, Antroversion, Retroversionj.nfLammation• Ulceration, and various other affections of the Womb and Ovaries.- him. BECKWITH hastheLadlea Department under her own care and supervision. HEFTS sztscEs —Gen. A. J. Pleasanton. 916 Spruce st 4 W. B. Smith. 1022 Hanover at.; (Rio. Douglass, Fifth at, above Chestnut; J. W. Bradley, 66 North Fourth at ; Robert Work, 51 N. Taint st.: 001. T. W. Sweeney. Walnut. below Eighth; Geo. Evans. Arch at., below Filth; Mr. Pelouze, Third and Chestnut; Rd. cLane, all of this city. Pleasanton, St. Louis, la o ; Jacob Vandegrift, Odessa. Del,: R. A. Semple, Mount Holly, N. J. - h very many others. Physicians or students desiring to have instruction In the correct arrolication of Electricity for the cure of diseases can apply at the office Consultation trve. Descriptive Mrcaliss of CMS effected, with numerous references, can be had by an. plicstien at the Oftice, or. by letter. WE HAVE NO CONNECTION, VirHATEVER WITH ANY OTHER ELECTRICAL OFFICE IN THIS OH ANY o rims All letters addressed to Dr. 14. W: BE ` CSWITH, co. 1220 W.A.LNU r Street. cic224l,ta,thamrpi Philadelphia, EL.ECTRICI'TY will CURE the most obstinate, long standing diseases when administered by ORS. GALLOWAY, WHITE . &BRIES I THE OLD AND-ONLY 3 T ABLE =Diu L BLECT RICIANS, S. E. or. Walnut and Thirteenth Ste. gi Twenty Thousard persons have been suceessfally treated by us. Bead certificates of important =resin "Prees" and "Telegraph." . Mrs. Prot Bolles gives her nee- al attention to the . Pen:tale .Department of tne In stitution. Cures tmaranteed. Consultation free. 8.-,Physicians and Students can enter at any time for a lull course of instruction in this Great Dis covery in the healing art. Our former Students, wh o now practice our old system, are especially invited to call and become instructed in our late and Important e iacoveriee, so that they may leans how to care more diseases, aud in a much less time than by the old eye tem. Pens= who have tried Electricity and failed in getting cored are especially invited to call, as we have cured many obstinate diseases after being treated electrically by others In this city, without any benefit. Ala in' westing pamphlet mailed free of change, NO SHOCKS GIVES. BOOKS AND rtzlk-.. MOST IMPROVED INSTRIT BUMS FORS - MEM). nos-th a tram 8p TNCOMPORATED Itua—OFFICE 0)3 THE DELA 1. WARE MUTUAL SAFETY msußasaz COM PANY.—Palt.smaisirra, November 15.1866. The Ira:mica statement of the affairs of the Com tism', is published in conilurnity with a provision of lie t.-Ixarter October 31, 1666 rILEMIUMS RECEIVED from November 1,1655, to : On Marine and Inland Ri5k5.....—.4a1,170 64 . On .FlreltLsks.-------- 139,691 :9 pr. 2. 462 43 Premluxons on Policies not marked off Novo:abet 1,1E41-... plunnints brATtFalr) OFF as earned from NO comber 1. 1865. to October 31,1866 : On Marine and Inland Flst:a..--$53-1,189 On Fire Rinke .....--....---... 1.111,931 12 iros.l= Intere at daring the came period— Salvages, P LOSSES, EXPENSES. dm, during the year as above. Marine and Inland Navigaticua Eire Losses.. . 92.897 81 Return 40,5* 79 Re-Insurances-,» 64,65.4 81 Agency Charges, Advertising, Printing , . .».»_.._. 33,157 99 *Taxes-- 0.15, Tax o Yrs:Limns, Policy Btanips, &c......-------- 16,570 10 Expenses.-- .......... 14,070 52 $578,170 29 *Tilts is exclurive of the amount reserved for Taxes on 1. iv Idends and Profits. ASSaTS OF THE COMPANY • November 1,1856. SICC,CIe United States Sive per cent. Loan. 1671.: : `..:».....».....»._».. 00 i2e,000 United Stitta; - gri pee cent. Loan, 200,C00 'United States 7 3-10 per cent. Loan. TreasuryPotea .. 2 11.500 00 125,000 City ol Ptuladelet3la Six per cent. Login (exempts)-• 126,552 50 54,CC0 State of Pennsylvania • Itlx per 54.7C0 CO 46,(00 State of Pennsfivania.-Plve per cent LOarl 44,6 M 00 50,000 State of New Jersey Six per cent. " Loan -----.- 50,750 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Thrsi Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds 20,500 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds- 54,250 CO :5000 'Western PennsylVarda Bailtoad Biz per ea:A.3lolldß (Penna. R. R. gukrantee) .. —.- ' . ...... :x0,750 00 30,000 State of Tennessee Five per . ceni. Loan .........»._._..... 18,000 00 ; 7,000 State of Tennessee I.x-per cent ,ls,o(l) 301.) share's eitit . c.k - Ger . MITITOCcn Gas Company, principal and in terest guaranteed by the city of Philadelphia 15,000 00 '7,150 143 shares stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company - 8,258 25 '5,0t0 100 shares stock North Pennsylva nia Railroad Company.—. -3.0 w 00 e20,0C 1 0 so shares stock Philadelphia and ' Southern Mall Steamship Cora- - pany t3,0:.9) OD 195.900 Loans on Bonds and. Mortgage, ' • first liens on city property., 195,900 00 i1,046,05011Pitr. Mark et value. uo7oAso 75 Real li:state., 11014 Bece„lvaole for Ituturanme macreL." Balance due at A gencles-q"remluxus on Marine Pollelei—Jacr-rued. Intere.t. and other debts due the Osmpany , 33,923 93 Scrlp atdStock of sundry. insurance and - other Companies, $5,17,3. Estimated value -2, 93000 Cab Bank—...;.. 1.U.',10.1 26 - • in Drawer •This behut a new enterprise, the pie is steamed as ta:e market, value, - PBILADBLPHLA: Nov. It 186 e The Board of Directors have this day declared a CA SH D tVIDENh of EIGHT PER OENT, on the CAPITA L STOUR. and SIX PER CENT. interest on , the SCRIP of the Cobspany. payable on and'after the' 'tat December proximo, free of. National' and State rfaxect, - • " bey have also' declared a SCRIP DIVIDEND of WEATY PER CENT. on the - EARNED PREMT. for theyear ending 43r,toberal. Me, Certificates of whu h will be issued to the parties entitled- to ihe immoral and after the Ist- December proximo,' free of National and State Taxes. May have ordered,also, that the €;101:11P CERTIPI. CA,ThEi OF pßolTi Sof the Company, for the year '1862, beredeemedia CASH at the office of toe Corn. - puny, on and after the Ist December proximo, all in- terest thereon to cease on that day. r ' , No certificate of proftetstuad unders2s. 'Py Veer Act or incorporation. ono "artificat,'. that& inns unless etofmect within two years after the declaration_' of the dividend-wherectit euidenes."- " Ihomas C. Band., !Samuel E.l3toites, lohn'"C. Davis, G Beuryffioan• • Edmund..d. Sender, - *William Theophilos Panl4trig, , Edwaidirerlington.. - JohnE: Penrose, . H. lones-Brooke, • • James 'Trarpair, Edward , Lafonrcade; • _Henry C. Dallett, tin; Jacob P.-Sones. ' James C. )3 and. James 11. , M.Warland, •Wrn..o-I.haerlXl ' SwshusPi'llicre Joseph E. Seal, - spenoer , %wane; ,George be. Leiper. John B. Pemple, Pittablk; Bairn Cig, a,. B - Berger, Pittsburgh, John D. T ayl or. ; ' • D. T. - Idorgais.Plitsbullthi • • vimitis HAND prestdent. DlLST4 l ,4lcosPresideilt. ,1 .71,..Lana - or timmitN. Secretary , '13010421.113.' Tswarasar_ giuttranOttiutourtzTuknoicr ---- upon theßLANlNbralAdy,yrhoseprofieteacgras' EW 11:1101.1M PRUNES-% Tividll4 - antf......ior'salii s te tirrn e rar iion t h r t e htab i l t c s ta t te v r og l n in . t r orit erVE; bP'TQef B B> Bt 4:X?:4 1011 . 1004 ..t_kr" 4 "" . : interVittivi addiesslttlar; attbl noig OAK IMAM, ESTATE, 315 1 0EtelEZ:V.N7L‘ The Third and Fourth Stories Back, • OP ' s PZEIW _ With enhance l by a epactims 'lran on Oh eatnnt ' and also an entrance on Jayne street, Far farther parthndantaPPlY ante (" "New El:Medi Building, 607 Chestnut Street Tett ECIEN - P. The' Second Story Back 'Room - of No. 607 Chestnut Btreot APPLY TO MANDIESON 44. WORRELL, • ZlOl9 tf 3 ON THE PRENDEOVS. P FREEMAN; A uctiones? S r. TIP E. M .—.T AUFACTURE . A. RS AVID tiErtS. . VALUABLE TRACTS OF LARD, "BAY'S FERRY ROAD and FELBRA.L street., On VvELNESDAY. December 5, 1866, at 12 o'clock. Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILAD itLPIZEf EXCHANGIC. the fqlowing described Real Estate: No., L—GRAY'S FERRY ROAD AU that valuable tract of land al tuate on the west side of the Gray's Ferry Road, 129 feet south of the United States Arsenal- con taining in front 133 feet 3 inchot, more orless. and ex tending in depth 1103 feet on the south line, and 1043 feet on the north line, to low-water mark in the river SanylkEl. No 2; FETERAL and Entint-31STIf streets- All that, tract or square of groan d situate at the S. W. corner of Twenty-sixth and Federal streets. and ex tending westward along the sad& side of Federal street 3603: feet, more or less, to a point about 15% Zest east of Twenty-seventh street, and extending in depth along Iseentysixih street its feet more or lees, to a point. and about 393 feet along a 40 feet street to be, opened to Twentyeevenrh street. having a front on Twenty. seventh street of about 39 feet, lEil - The above are both valuable tracts of Labd being in: close proximity t. the Pennsylvania and Phiadeu phis. Wilmington &Baltlniore railroads. in a pert of he city being rapidly occupledfor extensivermantiftla tnrirg purposes, such as Machinists and Foundries, le ills, etc. . • SW - Only one third of the purchase money is re quired. Plans at th.. Store. - ~ MO to bc paid on each, at the time otsale. _ nofaZl9 Store, 4Z Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT' SALE.—Rstate of LlBl-P PER, .14..010.1M—JAMM A. FRISR.M.A.N. Au nt oneer.—Genteel DWELLING, No. £523 VINE street. —under authority at the Orphans' Court for the MO , and county cf WEDNRSDA.Y. De cember 12th, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public SaleAt the PaILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. the following described Beal Estate, the property of LEIRER. Minors, viz - A three story" brick house. with the twartory brick back building and lot. situate oa the north side of Vine street. Thirteenth-Ward; W feet front, and extending in depth 94 feet, when the said lo& contracts by an offset on the east side thereof to the breadth of 15 feet, and Conti-ring that decreased width the further depth 56 feet to Wood street, with at two story brick shop thereon. One-half the purchase money may remain on matt . gem ro- Me to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, MA E. A. RY H. lIIKRBI GI CN VIN. G mirk uard 0. i an 0. . JAMES A. FRE MAN, Anerr. Store 422 Walnut street. now' ^q4,6 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Estate of GAL LAGHER. Minors. '7A - m - RS 4, spaggarjar e Auctioneer. Threestory RitICR HOUSE', BATES. street, below Broad. Ithoer authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. on WEDNESDAY, December 1.2. 1866 at 12 o'clock noon, will Ire - sold at public sale at the PHELA.DELPEEEA. EXCHANGE, the following described Reg 'Estate the property of Gallagher, Minors, via: All that certain lot of ground, with th. three-story brick reiessuage thereon, on the north side of Bates street, SOS fee: east of Broad street. in the Third Ward: 16 feet - front by 47 feet 6 inches deep, including on the east side thereof half a certain alley thirty Inches wide. Subject to VD ground reo t per annum. /0/450 to be paid at the time of kale. By the Court, B. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. __- MARY GALLAGHER, Guardian. JAMES .A. FREEMAN., store 4= Waln ct ut street. ro 22.~de6 ZDEPHAN' COVET SALE,—Eatate 0ffE101,1413 MCGUIGAN, deceased.—JAMES A. FRP:6lltAtir. Aneticnee.•.—Pour-story BRICK STORE. co. h . THAW :..8.M.8.Y street. Under authority of the Or phans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. on WEDNESDAY December 12, 1866, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE, the following deso.lbed Real Estate, late the property of .2homar Afsfitufgan„ , de. ceased. viz All that valuable four-story beet - meet aurae and lot of groundosituate- on the west side of Strawberry street: containing in breadth 14 feet 6 inches. and in depth 41 feet, with the use of a three feet wide alley. sca- Clear of incumbrance. Sir $3OO to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court: E. A. HERRICK, Clerks. BERNARD OWI.NS, Guardian. JAMES A, PIM:HAN. auctioneer, no_ d 6 Store, 4:22 Walnut street. 2',' '6,964 47 11,019.42 i 90 RaORPHANS' COURT car.P—Estate of VAR GARET HALL, deceased. JAMES A. FREE . Auctioneer. +STORY STORE, No. _OT MAR KET street. 'Under authority of the Orphans' Court or the City and County of Philadelphia, on WED NESDAY, Dec, 12,1866, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be said at public sale. at the PIMA DELPHIA EX CHANGE. the following described Real Estate, late the property Of MARGARET HALL, deceased, viz: If valuable 4-stAry brick building and 10. on the north side of Market street, between Second and Third streets: 13 feet 3 inches front, and extending thence northward 103 feet 5 .t , ches. bar Clear of incurcbrance. gar VCO to be paid at the time of We. By the Court. E MERRICK. Cicrk 0. C. RbWARD A.! If ALL, daVr. JAMES A. F.BEEMAN, Auctioneer. no3°;' , 4,dee Store,422, Walnut atreed. 11T- i'M 44 PUBLLC SALE—JAMES -ATFREEMAN, Auctioneer.—THREESTORY BRICK nwlri, ND, No. :01 NORTH EIGSTaENTH Street above Coates.—On WEDNESDAY December 1888. at 12 o clock noon. will be sold at Public Sale, at the P cl/ LADELPEILA. IsXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate. viz: All that certain titre.. story brick dwelling with double two-story back building and lot of Front d on the east side of Eighteenth street, 140 feet 1?,( Inches north of Coa es street; 18 feet front. and ex tending in depth on the south line 86 feet ss,; inches> and on the r (Nth lln e 83 feet lei inches to a 4 feet alley leading into Olive street. lir The shave is a neat dwelling in good order, a Y. ems, bet and cold water. bath. rouge, &c. tor se Clear oflncumbrance. 41,M0 may remain. Pot, bsion . _ . gleal to be paid at tbe time of sale. .73313 ,-4 4 A. FILF.F.MAN auctioneer, nrY229dell arl , FOR SALE OR BENT.—On Par}-terms. & Et ; desirable HOUSE. in the rural part of German.- tr.arn, rmar a station. Containing all modern Hu rovern ents. Carriage House and Stable. Address Box sla P.O. ANTED.—COPTUSG at reasonable rates. by a good - Penman. 13nexceptlonanle. referens:s Oven. AddreesS F. Z ,taa-rrsr Office. , It* CL.EItH WaATED—A responsible and steady lad t as Clerk; a graduate of the Philadelphia Melt ,tebool preferrtd; a rare chance for •advancement. ne,dress, stating full name and residence. Box re„ P. 0. . .noath,s2Ce NIV F. TD A SITUATION In as Auction. Home, by st young man who No had twelve years' et rerience Best of reference given. No objections to Ip=ving the city. Addreaa: " AUCTION," 'this se oixioo 217,637 23 Ts7ANTBS—A SITUATION AS WATCHMAN INT &Store, or for any other buslnees of trust, by a; irustwotthy men. weU seconan ended by the best ' l'ahlese men of the city, Address H. D., Box 2497, P. 0.. Philadelphia. < • ' no2l 6tfPi A YOUNG - COLORED AN WISRICS A- BIWA.- TION Nas Coachman or",-Porter In a Store. Bess or referencos: Apply to MERVIN'S street. below THOMPEON. . • . nols t,trpf -ATTANTIRP-I.BI3PECLaJ., CAPITAL-from MOW V tolalOCO,tdcontanne and ev tend the mannthe. - .ruing interest eta Jobbing Hotibe, well established. -nii3d.nt evidence .will be fornished to ProVe th/e .deeirable Invesiment Address.' with real names. J. J..80x 108. Philadelphia P. 0. elAttaPi. _LEGAL ktrilitilEki. TN THE ORPILILNIY COURT FOR THE (11.-1 . t^ AND • COUNTY. OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate: Ot „iiitHIRALD CAIRNS deceased.:: The Auditor • ap. Pointed bythe Coon to swan. settle and adjust the ao cot= t of ISAIAH. DAVI.% AdministrataX of the estate of said decoa,ed and to report distrithition of the Bei, ant* in the hands of the accountant: +wilt: meet, the =lies” interestet for e 'par noses of :I , !is appointment. Oa TUTSDa Y. Dee-I:ober 4th. MS, it 4 0 rtfock; P. lc. 'at los office, VIRE street. in the eitp-otPhiDr , taAbf.PS.T. - L, - 3:10211h,e,tu 51* ‘. ••• • Atliditat• THE (+BM ANS COURT FOR TILT, (ry J. AND COUNTY -OF - PRiLADRIPIELL—Rstata• of DA L Lac A. R.BiR'ASS„ Ja s . deceased The ler artrotntvd by tee Must to i audit settle And-,aieeh th e as p3sot of HENR) ' S.IIAGERTY adminiStaaten" of the estate of DALLAS A;KNEASS, Jr., deceased. and to report attribution or tbe bisinneeirrthe hand& of the seconntant, _ W ill meet the parties isteiesTea for .. - : the purreie of hie appointroent.. O n . WILDNESDAY. - 'toe BRA say of Decereiset,' at 3' ociocit P'; DL; at th e fuse of - FiRNRY s.' HAORIRT.IIIq., at:thes. TJA corner of S.TrfrEnsiVicipp. a tm ". hu. the , ow 'of FbPadelobia.. ' non tb.s.tri to Store, 4M Walnut street. W ANTI!). ' .- ,..:..m1iti.f."),XL: .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers