THE HONORABLE JOHN MORRLSSEY. AN ROM IN THE Xltn CONGICESSI. Important Debate. 111'nm the Norrlitovinindependenta WASHINGTON, - -March 7th, -1867. Thq House was called to order, Mr., Niblaek. irk the chair. • ' • Morrissey called the question of the Mr. Morrissey ca..,,_ questau— previous day, and wanted to knew if it was time for a recess. The chair decided the gentleman out of order. Mr. Morrissey—Mr. Speaker, I 'want to know if this is a free country. Mr. Kelley—Not yet. I call the questions Mr. Morrissey—You can't crowd me to the rope that way. Mr. Speaker. I want msi question answered. The Speaker decided the gentleman out of order, and directed the Clerk to read the bill offered by Mr. Washburn° day before yesterday. Mr. Washburne—l rise, Mr. Speaker, to elucidate or rather explain some of the era/ des of the bill offered by me, which do not appear to have been perfectly understood by its opponents. In the day's of Rome when Conolanns fought amid open and secret traitors for that 'boon— Mr. Morrissey—Mr. Speaker I want to call the gentleman to order. The gentle man 'who represents Rome (Rome, New York,) has gone out; his name is not Corry O'tawness, and I'll have no member from my state insulted. Washburn—l would explain to the gentleman; but— Mr. Morrissey—Don't but me sir; rve got more money than any man in this house. and I can lick any man who wants to mal treat the truth. The Speaker-LThe gentleman from New York will please come to order. The gen tleman from Illinois has the floor. Mr. Morrissey—No he aint ! No sir I'm got the floor, and if there's a better man than me here I want him to come and take it. I've got the floor and I won't be imposes on: [Applause in the galleries which was quickly checked by the Speaker.] Mr. Mor riatx)y continued; if Izy Lazerotts is in this room I want to see him. The . Speaker—Gentlemen, my colleague does not understand the rules of the Hoase; I hope the gentleman will have a little pa tience. 'At .this juncture a dice box was presented to Mr. Morrissey, and through the persua sion of his friends he took his seat. Mr. Blair—We are on the eve of another civil war, and— Mr, Washburn—Mr. Speaker, I claim the floor. 3fr: Morrissey—Yott can't have it. Me Kelley—l think I understand this matter. The gentleman from New York having broken— Mr. Morrissey, much excited—l'm not broke, nor there ain't a man in this room that can break me, or make me ask to be let up. I'll not have my character and reputation frizzled in this room nor any other place as long as my name is John Morrissey. Mr. Stevens—Has hell broke loose that men are allowed to come into this house as they would a bar room? for my , part— Mr. Morrissey—l wan' t to know what that means; I've been in better houses than this here one, and got more stuff in my place at Saratoga than would buy this whole concern. Mr. Boyer—This,Mr.Bpeaker, this is very distress ng. Mr. Kelley—Not more so than the rest. Mr. Boyer—l appeal to the chair. Mr. Niblack—l wish to call— Mr. Morrissey—A. flush— Mr. Farnsworth—ln God's name, Mr. Speaker, are we the representatives of a .civilized and enlightened people— Mr. Morrissey—Four jacks and an ace. Mr. Lynch—Mr. Spea ker if a party— Mr. Morrissey—Democracy and the fifth district forever! A voice in the gallery. Bully for you; now you've got him. Fifty to five that Jack wins the pot. Great excitement. Mr. Schofield—l am astonished. It is no wonder that England and— Mr. Morrissey—Send John C. Heenan. A voice in the gallery—"Hurrah for Mo leneaux." Excitement increasing. Mr. Morrissey—Show me that man; Pll bet he's a nigger; I can lick any nigger that ever jumped. Here the Speaker, who had been dozing in his chair, lustily called order. Mr. Morrissey—Mr. Speaker,you're on my side; some of the fellers are waiting outside; they want me to put a bill through for them, to prohibit imprisonment and hanging in the State of New York. Mr. Blair—Nothing more reasonable. Mr. Niblack—Nothing. Mr. Brooks—l agree with my colleagues, and hope the matter will be immediately brought before the house. Mr. Speaker you understand the question; it is of vital importance. Mr. Humphrey—lt will give me pleasure to vote for the measure. The bill was handed in, and Mr. Morris sey with some difficulty reached the speaker's desk and handed it to the clerk, falling as he did so,over one of the affrighted reporters, and bringing up in a spittoon. 'The clerk was directed to read the bill, but most all of the members having left the floor, Mr. Morrissey and his colleagues took a recess, and thus ends an hour in the XLth 'Congress. Marine Disasters. FORTRESS MONROE, Nov. 20.—The ship Lam pedo, Capt. Wm. F. Black, from Sav annah, Ga., bound to New - York, in ballast, arrived here this morning, leaking badly, and with ten and a half feet of water in her bold. She left Savannah on the 16th inst., at noOn, favored by a fresh southerlybreeze. At 4 o'clock, P. M„ the lighthouse at Mar tin's Industry was made, and the wind then from the south and west had increased to a, light gale. As the sea increased the ship . commenced to leak, and the pumps, two in, number, were ineffectual, and the water` gained rapidly from two feet and a half to five feet and a half. The crew returned to the pumps, and redoubling their exertions, kept the leak from increasing until Hatter as was made, on last Saturday, at 1 o'clock, A. M. The pumps were kept constantly in motion, but the crew became exlaausted with their labors. The wind veered around to the westward; a calm finally succeeded,: and the water in the hold having increased' to ten feet and a half, preparations were at' once entered into to abandon the ship. The longboat was launched,and two men placed in it to keep it clear of the vessel,as it trailed along the stern. The necessity of abandon ing the vessel was. however, fortunately ob viated by a favorable southerly breeze springing up, which filled the sails and enabled the ship to reach here atan early hour this morning. During Saturday, while the ship lay drift - It:1g about. she was spoken by the schooner Bentley, Capt. Williams, from New York, bound to Charleston, S.C.,who kindly offered any assistance he could render; but Capt. Black, of the Lampedo, although ap preciating the offer, deemed it best to de cline,tbe schooner herself being short•hand -43d. They also spoke the'schooner Madison Holmes, on Saturday, from Beaufort, N.C., bound to New York, with shingles, &c. The Lanopedo is an English vessel of about one thousand tons,old measurement, and was wrecked - at Warsaw, S. C., some three months ago, while bound to Savan nah from Mobile. She was sold in Septetu _bar Last under a claim for salvage, to parties in New York (Messrs. J. T. Riley & F .-garty) for some $9,000, who put about $15,000 repairs upon her, and loading her wit'i a ballast oftwo hundred and fifty sticks of pit6h pine wood, started her for New York, Her Owners, in New York, have shipped a ' t it t an2 primp oh the steamer lailas 0, Pierce, to be placed on board for the purpose of primping tier clear of water, after which she will proceed to New York to be fitted Removal of an Interestingßello. Another interesting: relic of the London of oast times is about - to be 'removed. Keni eington Church i ll is reported, will be palled down in a few months, being in an unsafe state. It •is not a large nor a handscime building, but it has some pleasant associa tions which will make us regret its losei When it was built, says the London B 6111410; does not appear in any of the, records; yet' that it is older than the time of Addison is evident from its appearance, and no doubt that was the church, the essayist attended when he was living.-in state at Holland House. Its plain, old-fashioned brown brick with white dressings, its ,little tower and pollard trees in the churchyard, are in harmony with the quaint, warmr hued houses by which it is surrounded; besides which, there is a (Attain , re pose in the very aspect • -of old buildings, which suits the grave, meditative character of a literary resort such as Ken sington once was. In Leigh Hunt's " Old Court/ Suburb" it is stated that, "what with partial rebuildings and wholesale repairs," the church "has been altered since the year 1688, nearly a dozen times." In the church yard lie buried the young Earl of Warwick, son of the Countess whom Addison married; Francis Colman, father of George Colman, the elder, and grandfather of the younger George; the two Georges themselves; Dr. Jorton, author of the "Life of Erasmus;" the Rev. Martin Madan, author of a book called " Thelypthoras" (Female Ruin), in which he recommends polygamy as'a reme dy for seduction; Elphinstoue, the trans lator of Martial ; Mrs. Inchbald ; Spofforth, the glee composer. ' John Mill, the historian of British India, and father• of Mr. John Stuart Mill; and. a few other notabilities. Some beautiful and affecting remarks on:the old churchyard, on the cultivation of flowers on graves, and on the associations of death generally, are contained in Leigh Hunt's work already alluded to, in the chapters devoted to Kensington Church. POLICEMEN IN A. PREDICAMENT.- The Wheeling .Register says: Night before last four of our city policemenstarted out on the National Road in pursuit of a horse thief. Two of the officers—Noah Price and John Brady—were in a buggy, and two were on foot. When some distance from the city, the officers in the buggy left the pike and took up Wheeling Creek. They had not proceeded a great distance before they heard a horse coming up the road at a rapid pace. Supposing the rider of the beast to be the thief and the animal, the stolen property, they wheeled round and came back at a furious speed. In turning a fence corner, where the road was narrow, the officers. horse and all were precipitated over an embankment into the creek. They fell seven feet, into about three feet of water. While they were splashing and floundering in the stream, the horse thief rode by at furious speed and made his escape. Officers Brady and Price were in the water under the buggy, while the horse was kicking around terribly. Brady crawled out from and-r the vehicle, took hold of the horse, got him on his feet,tnrned the buggy over, and then interested himself in the welfare of his companion. The cries of the two officers for help brought to their assistance a man named Lanagan who was riding by, and he assisted them in getting out of their unfortunate position. In th« darkness of the night both officers lost their hats in the creek, Price's cane floated off, the whip and buggy cushions were lost.and both men were drenched to the skin. They got out, were guided to the road, took their seats in the buggy and left for this city, it is said singing the song dedicated to "Lana gan's ball." Liehrtrrs of COMMON CARRIERS.-Mr Charles G. Lockwood, a cattle transporter over the New York Central Railroad, has just recovered, In the United States Circuit Court, a verdict for $25,000 damages against that company for injuries sustained by fall ing through a dark and unprotected opening in their road. A point in the case relied on by the company was a contract signed by the plaintiff, is consideration of a free pass for himself and lower freight charges for the iransportation of his stock, to absolve the company from all the liabilities of common carriers for injuries that might be sus tained for either man or beast. The plaintiff's counsel, however, contended that a company acting as common car riers owed a duty to the public which it could not by agreement absolve it self from; that this action wasnot predicated upon a breach of contract, but an omission of this duty by the defendant; that while the company might stipulate not to be held re sponsible for acts necessarily delegated to the charge of agents, yet it was against pub lic policy to permit them to avoid, by con tract. Judge Smalley took the plaintiff's view of the case,and charge the jury accord ingly, with the above result. It is.of course, quite probable that the case will be taken up by appeal by the Company to the Su ppeme Court at Washington. But the opin ion of Judge Smalley and this heavy ver dict is of great importance, as it affects all common carriers' liability at common law. ...!-)44,t151,3tr-11. ;41111 Fine Cotrees Old Government JAVA, Fine MOCHA, EAST IN DIA and JAMAICA. For Sale by JAMES B. 'WEBB .1 6W.MAIT and EIGHTH Sires PRIME NEW JERSEY LEAF LARD just received and for sale by E. O. KNIGHT & 00.. • nol6-1m S. E. corner Water and Chestnut streets. 'FOX'S FARINA CRACKERS. Fresh Crackers of this unrivaled Brand always o hand and for sale In Uhl. and', bbls., by ALDRICH, Y ERE ES di GARY. le, 20 and 22 Latina street, no6-3mi Exclusive Agents. 10:000 Cans FRESH PEACHES , WINSLO' Corn, Fresh Tomatoee,Green Peas, Strap berries. Dinsbrooms, &c , in store and for sale, whol sale or retail, by I. 8. SPLLLIN N. W. corner Arc. and 'Eighth. DRIED FRUIT.—Very bandsome pared peaches by M: pared do. dried apples. in store and for sal E•PrLLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth. D UC.b WHEAT, BUCKWHEAT.-5,000 lbs. of tY celebrated Sliver Flint Buckwheat, la store an , ; for sale by M. F. BPILLIN. Tea Dealer and Grocer. T. W. corner Arch and Eighth. I'EW lISLIeIL4F. AND Fll3B—finperior new Lay Faisins and choice Elms Figs for sale by U. 1' SPILLIN, N. W. corner arch and Eighth streets. QUEEN 01117E9.-300 gallons choice large Qnee, Olives, in store and for sale by gallon or barrel, iir..Ty , s Fast Rod Grocery, No. US South SECON street. r. . : : : •• : • . ,• C ov.r Honey, in store and for sale at COUSTy , - East Fr d Grocery, No. 118 South SECuND street. Nutt:lll tyitEOLINA. HOMINY aim's. NEw Nen:any, pared and =pared Peaches, just r f.PiPPli And tor Bale at COUBTY'S East End'Grocer] No. CS South SECOND street. QUIETED MANGOES AND PEPPERS, GENIJIN Chutney banes. Robinson'a patent .Barley at. .t Groats, always on hand at COUSTY'S East End Gro eery, Po. 118 Ecnth SECOND street. Pocket Books, Portemonnaies, Cigar Case, Portfolios, Dressing Oases; Bankers , ,Cases. 4 0 . TLP,F, 4, 4 3 ci P 4 WAITING 0k.b305. TOILET CASE/3, NEEDLE DOOM pLadies and Ciente' 1 . Batakuda and 1 , 11 Traandling Bags; 1.: . in all styles. . 1.1161.b.15331VED 'TAM eatlN 1113.--20 kegs bfartbgque 9 =adrift sugar; landing end for sale by 3. B. AMLIEI4 it WI 108 &Oh kftlaWatelMille. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1866. NArrioNA.i... EXCHANGE - BANK, CAPITA $360.000; MILL PAID TO'BE!, - • •• • I New, tiapiiing , N05.;633 and 635 Chestnut Street 8. BOYD, Prielident. Jl'7o. W. GLE.BOUG3I, ()adder. nail STOOK -- BROKER GEO, HENDERSON, JR. NO. 223 DOOR STREET. Ravin resumed- brusiztess, - I - axa Prepared to nuke Cash or Time purchases and sales of btocke, Bondi' StOcks ' carried ate per tint. Interest, vritlunit any extra charge. Orders executed In-New York, Boston and Bain- MOM .• • , SPECIAITY. SMITH, k BANKERS AND BROKERS, is Muth Third a Namur Mese; Philadeneda, New Yarn. STOOKS AND GOLD NOUBH7 AND BOLD COI OIDOCIDS/0D ) MIXEMEIT ALLOW= OD DKPINEEZI. JAYCOOKE&G) , 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHELAD'A. Dealers in all Government Securities, A LIELERALD/FTERRNOEALLOWEL Compound Merest Notes Wanted. EMCEES! ALLOWED OX DEPOSIT. Collections scads ; Stocks Booth and Sold as Com minion. =al busbies 6-20 5 5, 7 3-10's, 1881 9 s, 10-40's, COMPOUND INTEREST NOM BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HANTS & BRO. 40 SOITIMITHIRD STREET. $3O 000 TO .45,00T0 LOAN IN ONFs, SUM 0 . o.oc t lto gmc cgi . &PP: oved City mortgage. Also sum , noWl./t; E. B. JONES. Sr Walnut street. GOLD'S PATENT IMPROVED OAST IRON LON , STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING Al - PARATIIS. for Warming and Ventilating Public D. stitutions and Privateßesidencee with Pure Externs: Air, without ccdtaminating it by over heating it, 0 the possitllity of dust or coMgas. For sale by JAsrvn P. WOOD t CO.. • B. M. Feltwell, Supt. 41.Sonth Fourth street. AMERICAN KITCHENER-on the European "orb ciple of Substantial Construction and Neatness of Al pearance, various sizes suitable for Hotels, Public it stittaions. and the better class of Private Residence' with powerful Water Backs for heating large or amal quantities of water for Baths or Culinary Parposet. For sale at JAMES P. WOOD & CO.'S Warming and Ventilating Establishment, B. M. Feltwel, Supt. 41 South Fourth street. EMPROVEMENT IN BATH BOlLERS.—Stilenasa dr, Ellis' Patent Cast Iron Bath Boilers for sale at Warming aunpd JV M 4 t P in W u E O t OD& lis h m Sre t e , R M HEI w DEAN t VENTILATOR Fu or hst S t. Chimneys. Forcing Ventilation,Removing Stearn Iron Drying Establishments, Breweries, Sugar Refineries Pickerßooms, and all manufactories. JAMES P. WOOD & CO.. Sole Agents. B. M. FEhTvritta., . 41 South Fourth street. Superintendent. au2S-satu,tisiimi T to. JOB Manufacturers BART LET 3 the 8 0 /V. 0 CELXBBATIED BARTLETT HEATERS, wo ofs Ranges, Gas Ovens, & Sheet Iron Wors vu desc GISTICRS AND ription sVENTILATO R SpIendid tof ~ and Silver's Air tight StoVea, always on hand, at No. 929 Arch Street, Philadelphia. atiBo4l 4 0 . Tid•OliAti 19. DYSON Ai SObte • Late Andrews & NO. 11341 UJINIVITI UT street Flamands tiIeXMANCIVIIm Opposite of United States Saint. T PSSONS ON THE FLUTE.—MR. ANTONINO _LA BALLO, Flutist at the Arch /Street Theatre, le prepared togive Lessons on Ma his .trardent. Address him at the Music Store of Mr. ANDRE 1104 CHEST NUT street. DIiOFIIBSOR C. , ZOOBAtifef , 8EA343 LE&VE TO inform his Mends and the public, that he has re turned to resume the Instruction of r Piano and Vaud Music. For further information.. apply toAlf entre. G. ANDRE dt W., 1101 Chestnut street; or at hbi resi dence, Mill atreet,Germantoom. ao&s,tusthailts ALLAH BISHOP. 88 South NINA. .D 1 TEENTH Urea. ,• • A 13. TAYLOR: TESCHER OF 'SINGING AND JoL.PLAZIO, 18D7 Mini= fan% 1341ging thong pOW WWl* " SW" Ul • FINANCIAIk 41 . 1 BANKING HOUSE OLD 5 20's WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. I: JA W iJ:IJ : / ~r,V M;:d; LOW-DWI:4i PA.I 0810 And othei l tßATßEi, Ter Anltalian, Bituminous an d Woodiness WARM-AIR PLIBILSOCII, rag Warning du o and Private Baildlnn. BIORBWAS, NII6ITILATOBB fIEDLEINEY-tititi 000)11313-BABLIBB. L BATH-SIBLIM aruOLZEUITati and RXT.II2. Wk. MUSICAL 1 . 829-oHAR/Tatmougnual, ~,,,,,:,.-7 , 7.......,-;•..,,, r.,:;,,,,, - . , Erit,A.witrzeiri . - - •- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PEELLADELPHIAI a!!**.t4i 013: 1 70 16 jarY 18803 02,5otsogen 96. Rome a _914,1_518 OapitaL., - - AacenedburplllA. - 11a7 1 31 : Anii3 'IIK-3' 12 1 0 MI i Losses Paldjinee 1829 Over 05,000,000.; Perpetual aid 2 emporary -Polkas tzt LiberalTerree DERPUPORAL .• Chas. N. Barwlair, Ere. 0. Dala, Topton Wagner, .--- George Miles, Samuel Grant, - Alfred MGM Geo. W. Blebards , Dna. W. Lewis, X. D. Isaac Lea, Peter MoCaII. ~... _. „CHARLES N. President. "EDWARD .0. DAT.A7VIce President. i JAIL W. NciALLTEITha; S ecret ary-protem.. =MI GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY._ Ot r iMII,4IIWILIWT BIRKECT PRIGADELPIEUL CIARITAL in I, IN 'Mb; company continom to write en 1511: = wag; Its capital, with $ good 'm ine la safely invettsd. 2'ol Lomas by Mc hatrebeen womptly paid, and more Num • ireoo,ooo - Diabtneed on thin *means wit= the put few yam. = Poor the proamt the office of this company will lain at . 415 WILINITT STEEKI, But witbin a few ment e. will remove to ita OW) AIIAN. B. OM SZ+ll:lsPth inualmarr_ Then, as now . we elan be happy to insure our puma et such rates as are consistent with safety. THOMAS CRAVEN. ALFRED iSt. OILLRTT, FORMANEmimPPABD. N. IL LILWRICNa NT THOS. MACKELLAR, OHAIIL.II2 D rico. ESDPFLEs: HENRY F. KELsiNEYI THO. W. DLESS lOnsu ORN J , JOSEPH KLAPP, M. SILAS • TIOLID., THOMAS 03.AVEN, President ALFRED S. G V. Prekldent and Treseadvr. JAMIE B. ALVORD.Secretarr. Watt 'O' • • : ."8:4:4(§). T TION s . 011100,N0..110 WALE= strut, aoulh alas, esa* 01 Vbird mem Thpertai of Odd Company ara wed/ Invaded and =am an available Stahl for the arct= Clar a of a ll ne who aware to be protected lincusrtes. RISKS Liken on Vessels, and PiD TBABOWOBTATION RUM on Wet chartable Itaantads, Mash and Stteamboata. HERZ • on bletecidurdiae, PutoMers and Rand `ia a: I SlMeun_by . PAID Ltif AIM 8100II8ICLY TOTAL PROP/MIMS, PERPI4I2I7tETART2B:. AM= G. Mazy I John ltis n. s Samosa W. Jones, . atone L. . John A. Brown. Brands B. Op ,u Mules Tv t ir l 4 I I ktwurd H. , Ambrose Clarks, WW= Welsh. - WllBazu Oarozoluge Blehard D. Wood.i T. Chariton Henry. B. Morris Wsan. 1 Alfred D. Jessup. T. 4thasiston Ttl• HT. ARTHUR 43. 00,WM. Freeland. ClCAssal PrArr. Electsaal. pROVEDENT LIFE ATM TRUST COMPS OF PHLEADELPEa.A. NO. ill South FOURTH , Street. INCORPOCAP ITAL. iRATED INIC CO. 3d MON re.f.,_r,TSE3. Insurance on Live& by Yearly Premium" or by 5,13 or M-year premiums, llontorfeiMre. Endowments meat a Future age. or on prior de mare, by Yeartpemicunis, or 13-year Premiums— ooth CUM Non eittire. Annuities granted on favorable terms. Term Policia& Children's Endowment& . This Company, while gtvingthe Insured the wait, a a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Profits of the LIM bathes among its Policy holders. Moneys received at interest, and aid on demand. Authorized by charter to execute Tres's, and to act as Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, and in other fiduciary capacities under appointment of any Court of this Ommonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies politic orcorporsta • DIRECTORS. Samuel R. FhtpleY. R ichard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, Henry Haines, Joshua H. Morns , T. Wlstar Brown. /Detail Wood, Wm. C. Lompireth, Charles P. ()affix, SAMUEL R. BJELPLEY. ROWLAND PARRY Actuaxy. , President. THOMAS WD3TAR. AI D., J. B. TOWNSEND, octal Medical Examiner. Legal Adviser. rued for .en FIBS AssooasTaort. Incorporated March St, 1560. A OFFICEI,Tcr. atDENVEI N. , FIFTH stmt. la OF BUHAHOUSEHOLD inm MITRE and fd4, from Loss by lire, (In the a le b i‘ Ladelphta onl) STATE:MX= of the Assets of ths Assoclattos January 1, 1.168. Bonds and Mortgages on property in the Qty of Philadelphia - --MAN 13 SAMS in Beat Estate (Office No at Nortriuthet) -14,396 11 U. S. Government 540 Bends.—..--. 45,000 Ot U. S. Treasury Biotin— 6.510 Qty Warrants._646 CO Coal an 60,441 41 =LiM GEORGE W. TRY t O • President, WM. H. HAIIIITON JOSEPH R. LYNDALL JOHN SOLIDER. LEVI P. COATS, PETER A. Karma?. BAIDTEL 8P AP-1T wwic JOHN PRIMILIN, CHARLES P. BOWER, JOHN CABSOW. JESSE LIGHTFOOT_ , _ ciEzEGE I. youNG, ROBERT BELOEXAMOR WK. T. BUTLER. Steretarr. E OROZNIX INSITRANCER CIOXPANY PHIL& DELPHIA. INCORPORATEM 1804—EGLAZFIER IGSRPEFTUAI NO. WA WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchartra. In additiontoNAßlNEand hie Company Imams from loaf or damage by m Liberal terms, on buntlines, merchandise, Myrna:Er, itc.,tbr limited periods, and Mamie-WY on MIMIC" cdepotslt of premium. , The Oommey has been 111 TB spars rOZ than Brew TEARS, during which all Mau list been ProlnPll3! atilustsd and =id. OS. ohn L. Bodge, DIRECTR N.. B. Mation3r David Lewin, Jam T. Lew% Thomas IL POWGII. WI) xn El. Grant. A. R. McHenry, Robert W. Leamln4. Edmond Castnlnn, D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrtuov. Lawia, J OHN .Tr B. Lords C. Norrio. CHEDIBIi, Prat:dant BANICUIL Semetary. I:1518IIRALSION EXCLITHIVKIX. Ts9 rieshatt(LVANlA. MIRK nirsußearcce col p a ils - y—is.orated ISES—Cluaoer P6?pettud,lsl: 610 wAmsur Ettreet, va atte Independence %Mari This carapanyalt known to the for over faro , years, can net to insure aolnat err damage by 'dre, on Pablic or. PrivateNurdldbip either permanently or for a limited time. Also, o on li Ferniturafltooks beral term. of Goods end Nerolutzslise gentalab Their Capital, together with a large Surplus raw Invested In the most carefel manner: which enable them to offer to the lnenrsd an undoubted sectally t the muse [tilos& DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr. John Deveradx, Alexander Betungt, I Thomas Smith, Isaac Halleharst, , Ran ry Lewis; Thozamllobliis, J. Oillt”s . nt pen; Daniel add& r .li e. DAN/ELL Wntimut El. 0110 WALL, Secretary Sr " 116114.114 , A ACKEaCial‘ MUTUAL 002LEAllli GIA. _ liAlldinir,_No. 12 los 4t.a....2at Street. isksask AIM =Lamm ILVERIBANCES,- 1 Risks taken on vessels, (=gees and firelight" to itti parts of the world. and orkaoods on Inland triutsportatkui or rivers, canals, railroads and Mar =mason %Monahan% ths United States. WILLIAM CRAIG Problem PST= 0171.1.Kia. ince SOBERT J. WEB, Sweeter,. Wltllicm era% Peter °Einem, John Dallett_ i _ =Hem H. eterrieir. Mlles Dl= Blebards, Rm. NANT - RINIUMAN MIRE /NBUBANON 001.1112 . LIR MINTONLTNI) 1119.4IIEM rs . MD WALNUT above THUD alinar, Having a PHELAD laid up ITAL INOUE ant INTL FLUB Invatln sound and available Broad eon Mime to Ware on Dwellings, 13terea, Winter" °bandits, Veneta In pork and their ammo n and Woo Personal Property. All iini Windt, RUMMY Thonnio B. Moak .Tohn WOO, Ehonnel C. atalOni Taiitok EMU 3 John T. T....ft Eames xuntua• —dial mac earls' vlti• .2.3o3oc.i.cartomAgirtm....;," FAXIIINORRADVI CONPAg atiri •• , NO: - WR utuser •uT WIRD AND /NWAND INSURAZION iresnois N. Brickß. P .. -.- I. - Jim W. man, Chor be Itirdisrdre, . Robert one, . Re= _Len.rts t , Robe no. Reeder, .7t, Esmond Wrign% . E. Dewooaralt. '- Our . Stokes, goo. A. Jos. .Rilis. N. •, i President I mu& : 61: • , .-. .1. VlDariddidgali VG L niangiginaa WRISSCIA ---- • =MLIMUJEL -........-........4961,419 10 MMACITOBS. - Rena O. IMMO, Wm. B. Lowber, J. Johnston Brown: Samuel A. nylon, Dimon HUtshins, kisma , flder, MUM 1) : LI) LIVERPOOL AND -,-, LVNDOX _Awn_ Citi4.o33llZ _ _ itgint4 -4,VC Fr - C OIVEP Capitaland Assets, $16,000,000. Invested in United - States $i 500 000: Total Premiums_ received bythe Com . panyin 1866, - $4,947.175, Total Losses Paid in 1865 - $4,018 250 Pzeml tutus received fol the , U. B. front• Jannexy :1 Loom - In thiltidirtatet" lB l 66 itrnlegtary 1 to /1113 , /i lsna m All . Imo irronolatlyWirtet without reter to ATWOOD SKIM, OFFICE, Uenerel Agent tot Peatuaylvanith No. 6 Morohantzeinconange, IhritnAhAld . ; 17331.ADELPELL, TRENELIANCN INI3LILANCE tIONPANY PEIMADKLPHIA, - lanorporated InlssL_ -Charter Perpetual INIT/CIE No. Ns WALNUT IMINEIr. • CAPITAL, 4800,M0, Thames' against -Una or damage by —FERN, or }lowan, Stores and other linlithot or Mr petal, and on Purzdtttre, Good* Wares andanoroban dine In town or cotintwv Lasems psomaTi" Aim:mmot AND PAM. - -- Irtvetited In the tn../1411Thare-,43141:" fl First Mortgspe on City Property, well se. SIM 100 01 Baited gate; , 1215:coo 0( phßadelphia City 5 per cent. Loans. 55,000 OE penuoyivania Q 9,000,000 cent. Loan. -4. WOO 01 Pennitylvania 5 ds, first and 56. cone 45,000 Of Camden and AlsoboY Re ll9ollol- 00111Pan711 ti cent. Loan...._ 5„000 Philadelphia and Readlnritallroad (ken- Oi panrs 8 per cent. Loan.-- row 01 Hurangdon axulßrosad Top 7 percent. resort gage bonds—.—. _ 4,540 County lire Insurance 'Company's Mock 1,050 OE ISEeGbanlos' Bank 4,000 BO Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock- /0,000 Ot Baton Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.. LBO IX Reliance Insurance Company of .Pldladel. phia's StOrtil,l92o Ot Cash in hank and On hand —..-- 5.914 71 $403,004 Tf p I:4:,:•1 ot,:zl Clem. Tinsley, Beni. W. Wel, Wm.Musser, Harahan Samuel Blobs= Charles I . CIAU:! . :d, H. 1.. Carson, Mumma H. Hoot% Robert Steen, Samuel Costner, Wm. Stevenson, Alfred Ragliat, .Tames . Young. CLEM. 1: r LEY, President. THOMAS C. HILL, Secretary. PETLADELPIIIA. December 1. illiE muTtred. HIRE INSITBANOE COMPANY OP PHILADELPILLEL OFFICE. NO. 5 SOUTH HITS STREET, • • • 3 • 8126,522 21 CHARTER, PERPETUAL. MUTUAL f3YEtTE2ti RXCLtrBrirELY. DEEtECTORE3 FOB 1868. Caleb Clothier, William P. Beeler, Benjamin Malone, I Joseph Chapman, Thomas Mather, Charlft Evans, T. Ellwood Chapman, Edward M. Needles, Simeon Matlack. Wilson M. Jenkins, Aaron W. Gelatin, Lukens Webster. /U'rrTnl, THOMAS MATHER, T. ELLWOOD CHAP TECIC 00IINTY BMA V it, • • , : • • =USW 011:111017417% "The Eire Inistrahee Ocomplittj ct the Manly cr Madel;ebbt." Incorporated try the Letthistaxre prentylyani n a to NO, bulenuttly spans taw 41 wallas _ 117 ei atlinza kanrrtrAi. raw old and reliable tostitntion, with o =oliabo and matinee= thnd carettat limited to tr care ba ! ldtnp , throfhlre, raerthandtse, either =- or thr a lin:died Man ezainat lect or try I — lre - Zh the lowest Mat ottnaletant with the at= safety of its costomena Losses ad dated ancl a Mni all pottele tioapaSO TtE. Shots .T. Satter, Edwin L. Beak% H John Horn. Rob enry ert V. Jr„ Joseph Hoare. Henry Ofoxbre Meeks. Andrent&Mer James N. Stone. J. EFUTTEB, Pre eateeta Bearraitur P. Rasomay. Beer and Treaanrar. a 71THBACITE CIELLMNIM rxßPktir.ll.7 0 A. % No. CI WALNUT street, above Thlrd, Pb.o2 Moore against Losa or lD= i tg mk tali Inga, ether parilet or dd a Purattore and NtschandlsedendridlY. Also—Madre Insurance on Nreeselk 0111 Mill sat Prided, Inland Insuranoe to all paztt of tha vnitua DIREQTOIO. Wm. her, David PearmaL D. Lather, , _ Peter Blom Lewis Allatlnned• J. E. Beam. • I. N. Madman. Wm. F. Dean. JOL Maatleid. WM. S ohn Ketchom. ilowtztr President. VW. NL MOTH. Elecreli wm. P. DEAkr, vimPnwaszs, tzr tail 311.3= . 311 FIRE '. Za : -CZ COMPANY 03 ELYRIA. + FF/SLE, No. 24 NORTH FIFTH STREET, NEAR MASKS' ETRIEUP. Incorporated b AL CAP y rnthse Legislators of Pennsylvania arisrs. IT AND .ARMICIR MCasakka iiii c ): :Th P ib .las u ite o lnsnranceasilma. Loss or Dan= Goods and Mer= vB A436 3 l favorable terms. Rl3. George AtigustMer, Jacob St i gandier, John F. Belsterling, Samuel Miller, Henry Troaraner, Edward P. Moyer, William McDaniel, Adam J. Glass, Christopher H. Miller, Israel Peterson, Frederick &sake, Frederick Ladner Jonas Bowman, GEORGE ___.... _ , President. _Q, Vice President. PHILIP Z. 037 mm N. Secresary it:) 10 1,11 :4,14 W LLLIA .M. T. HEWES tk. ERO CHER PLUMBERS ~113- 1 3 GAS FITTERS, NO. 418 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, (ABOVE WILLOW,) PHILADELPHIA. [nov33me.s. Repairing of all _kinds at short notice. Orders through Poet Office will receive linampt attention. fiGr 00IINTRY WORK ATTENDED TO. "3CI LI C. LANCASTER. LI. GRAIN STORE, SPRUCE STREET WHARF LSTABLIBZBD IN 1826. CORN, OATS and DIM,L-FRED sold Wholesale ant Retail at lowest Market Rates, and delivered to al parts of the City. se7-ly C. KNIGHT & CO., W110T.104 A LTG GROCKM 12413. E. Cor. WATER and aII:ERTNETT streets, Phi adelphla. Agents for the sale of the Products of ti Southwark ftgar Refinery and the Grocers' Shy gonna. of. Philadelphia. }sl-137 PsocrourLITANIA WORKS.—ON THE DELA WARE river, below PHILADELPHIA, CHild-itTER Delaware county, Pa. R131A.... SON 00 Engineers and Iron Boat b n; uilders, Mauldin:Wre of ' . All kinds of CONDENSING AND LKEN, NONCONDNNEUNG ICS O Iran Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tank! Propellers, &c., &e. T. BBANN of Y, W. B. BEANEY, B.: ANCEMBOLI te Late .s Bewley, Nears & Co., Engineer in Chia Penn Works, Phila. . . - U. B. NAVY. J. VAUGHAN NXBRIOR. WM. H. 2EBIBBIGII .TNO. B. 001% Qotrn - wARK I+ol7l4DitY, Fula - AND WARE ' l / 4 7 ENGTON MMUS. Pzca.Ai:awn:TA. 3DERELICK di SONS, ELICUNNEBEI AND MAllitilmiliSrd. stanufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Mutiny for Land,ltivor and Marine Service. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, ac, Castinv of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron•Msme Boole for Gas Works, Workshops am Railroad Stations, dn. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and molt. rAlln , ered gonstmction, • description of Plantatlim err!int. Sugar. Flaw and .GrtstN.ll Vacuum Pans, Steam Trains, Defluratons, Vacuum' Pumping Ones, Sole Agents for 71. =auks Patent Sugar i n j ul Apparatus f Neemyth's Patent Steam Hammer Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar es FIXTMD3I3.-38OBENT, NXEINILL THACKARA, NO. 718 Limos 'BUT street, iffanufacturem of Gm Fixtures, Lamps, dm, Am, weak( call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Ova Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, dm, They also - Introduce Gas pipes into Dwellinil and Public Building, and attend to extend. lug altering and Mpairind Gas pipes, All work war. ranted. - - lato JANES L. WRIGHT. THORNTON TENS. OLIMEGTI' GRIBOOY. THEODORE WRIGHT. TRAMS L. TFBATkin • AILTEB WRIGHT & BONS, Importing of Earthenwazo, _ and . 13tOPPInd and Clomndaalon Bferoheato, No; 115 WALNUT Street. Ph ll adelpbtai MY INBLIA.-OWNKRB aglaton=L-Ttie ew toot Prts7,79llVpleartsed *ad Ma. footed; veolowpricea. -•- - ''Jk: - PNYBSON Zdanuenottmt of Pen , - _ •' ' -- -,' ' Goldozolth'e' Ifill.L.Mbrouto aloes' _ . MFREES.—EVERY 13THUHRHT THAT dence and aklllbavni 11,7 nvented:, to sada the heat- Mt tw w = tf t_ lrl 0 I I 1 , can I n: NQ t the Ear Town Imes, bersiitnialßt% &WWI de2o ....„s,ta,ti Mat Preeident. NE, Vice President Secretarsr. seat-Emi oompA.dire- COMPABTo , NEW PIIBLICATiONS• .tNEW BOOK BY leiPP: ANN S. STEPHENS Will be published neat SatardaY. THE SOLDIER'S ORPHANS. THE SOLDIE.H.I3 ORPH &NS. THE SOLDIER'S ORPHANi. BY MR 4 . ANN S. STEPHENS. Atitbaief "Ashton's - lid /*amine," "The - Gold 'Briar." 'The Old Homestead ' "Silent ptruggles," 'Mary Derwent," "'Rejected Wife.' "The Heiress;' "Wife's Secret," etc. This new book. by Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens, has bens pronounced by all to beTbSildithe best and most inter esting work ever written ny her. It has been anise/Ir log in rr ontb Iflnstaille en ta in "PFteraort's Ka, astnem for the last twelve n ontbs commencing in January last, and will be completed in the Decemb-r number, where it has prOVell tft_b_e_the/nOat popular, powerfal, and successful novel that has ever appeared in that .Magazine, and it will be published complete and ulna, •bildged, oh Saturday, November 29th, In one large licodeolmo volume, uniform with the "Gold Brick," "Fashion and Famine," and the other works of Mrs. Ann S.Stephens, published by us: and it will no doubt prove to be the most popular and saccessfat work that has ever before been written by this talented Americas autenress. Complete in one large Duodecirab Volume. Price 11 50 in Paper; or, 02 to in Cloth. We have also just issued a new, complete, and mg form edition of the other popular works by Mrs. Ann B. Stephens. "their names are as follows, Price of each. fit 50 In paper; or $2 00 In cloth. THE 80.1.1;InIt'S ORPHA.b.S. rii - min iZi:;t4i;=M SILENT STRUOGLES. THE GOLD -RICK. MASHION AND FAMINE. TILE OLD HOMESTEAD. MARY DERWENT. • THE HEIRESS. liGr.Booksellers are solicited to order ex ONCE what they may want of each edition of "The Soldier's Or phans," so that their orders can be Riled in advance of the day of publication. Send Ter Peterson,' Descriptive Catalogue. • All Books sent postage paid on receipt, of retail priCe. Address all cash orders. retail or wholesale. to T. B. PETERSON do BRO t NESS, no2l-2t 306 Chestnut street. Phila., Pa. AII:ErF.W BOOKS are at PETERSONce. LATE ENGLISH BOOKS.--Imported and for sale by ( 1 . J. PRDIE. Importer of English and French Books No. 722 SANSOM street. POPULAR BOMA NOES of the West, of England. Collected and edited by Rebert Hunt. 2 vols., 12m0.. cloth; $7 50. EN GIN RERTE G FACTS and Figures for 1885; 12Eace. cloth; 13 THE SLANG DICTIONARY. New and much en larged edition. 1.2m0., clotb; 51. TAE HARMON IRS OF NATURE; or, the Unity of Creation, By Dr. J . Hartung. Numerous plates. 8v0„ cloth; $7 50. ELEMENTARY TEXT BOOK OF THE MICRO SCOPE. By J. W. Griflith; 12 colored plates. .12zn0., cloth; :z THE HISTORY OF PLAYING CARDS. and their use in Conjuring and Card Sharping. Numerous en gravings. 12m0.. cloth: $3 75 THE. HISTORY OF ISIGf .BOARDS. from the ear liest times to the present day. With 100 Illustrations en wood. Small Bvo. cloth; $4. - CASTAWAY ON THE AUCKLAND PST:FS By Captain Musgrave. 12mo .cloth; $2 50. GO HIC AB.uHITECTUREINSPALIN. By George Edmund Street. Elegantly Illustrated. Royal Bvo cloth $22 50. THE BILLIARD BOOK. By Captain Crawley; with numerous Illustrative diagrams. Royal Bvo cloth. $l2. THE FERN MANUAL. A description of the best stove, greenhouse and Handy Ferns; with numerous engravings. 12mo cloth, $2 50. THE ADVEN TITRES° F MILVERDANT By Cuthbert Bede. Illustrated by the author. New edition. 12no cloth. $1 75. LECTURES ON PAINTING. Delivered at theßoyal Academy, by Henry O'Neil, A. R. A. Small trvo do. THE POULTRY KEEPER'S Ei itNITA_L. With twenty-two colored engravings. Small Bvo cloth, 53 75. SUPPLEMENT TO B EtYAN's DICTIONARY OF PAID TEES. By Henry Ottles. Royal Bvo cloth, $5 00. Foreign Books, Engravings, &c.rtc.,, imported Co order weekly, by steamer. Monthly catalogues of new and old, English and French Books, etc., Tarnished gratis, on application. n020.3r. VISITING LINT. FOR 1867, WWI EENTH YEAR OF ITS PUBLICAT/ON. NOW READY Price prepared for 25 patients weekly,—Plain, 75 els 25 ' so 01Z .. " 11.00 6.6 so " $l5O 44 B 6 10) _e 4e 2.50 4 103 vols, 300 In addition to the above etyles, they have also, AN INIEBL.EAVED EDITION, for Cbuniry Physicians and others who compound their own Prescriptions, or famish ...11eciteine_s to their patients. The additlon al pages thus supplied can also be used for Spwiat -Memoranda for recording important Cases, rte., ritc. FL.r 25 patients weekly, In c10th,...,..,....__...... $1 00 "25 " Tucks LS) so , cloth, ..._...-._..:....Y. 1.50 6 • 50 Tucks with pocket, 2.50 Besides the Diary and Book of Engagements, it contains an Almanac. Ma v..en - cry PLAm.'s Beady Method in Asphyxia, Poisons and their Antidotes. Table far calculating the Period of Utero-Gestation„ and blank leaves for the various memoranda, etc., needed by saph ssician in practice. I,INDtAY W.ISTOw, Pablishera, No 25 South 6th Street. MARMIN HARLAND'S NEW BOOK--SUNNY I.U. BANK. By the Author of "Alone," "Madan Path." &c. BREIHOVRIS'S LETTERS. Translated by Lady Wallace 2 vols.-16mo. •RIOLOW PaPAIR.. Second Series lama. • MELODIES FOR CHILDHOOD. With highly-no d illustrations Iteo. TIM STATE OF THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD AT THE FINAL OU rEsEAK OF EVIL, AND REVPLATION OF ANTICHRIST, his destruc tion at the second caning of Christ. and the ushering in of the Millennium. By the Rev 1.0. Gregory, M. A.. with an Appendix by Mrs A. P. Joliffe. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, Successor to W. S. A. Martien. 1214 Chestnut street. A PCB, OF PEILIDOB.—THE LIRE ON Musician and Chess Player. by O. Allen, Greek ProAmor in the Brilvmsity of Penmen. vCliatda, With a Supplementary Massy on Phi War, ad me Author land iftfta layer, by IThasille Von Hol• detnand und de Leaa , Envoy El:dation:Unary and Ifte. inter Plenipotentiary of the Bing of Prussia, at QS Court of Sam&Welmer. I voL, octavo, 3i vellum, gilt top. Price $145. Lately published by E. H. BUN.. oft CASTOR • : • s c : :1 'EV WELL & CO.'S PATENT GY. A S-9 CASTOR. WHEELS. These wheels are designed for Pianos, Bedsteads, &CU We claim that they give to Pianos a greatly increased force ofsound. without detracting from the harmony and melody of the instrument, rendering every note more distinct to the ear. This is so apparent that they are now being applied by many to these valuable mu sical instruments. Dr. Valentine Mott, previous to his (Leath. pronounced the Glass Castor Wheels an in valuable invention for bedfast invalids, who are guarded against the damp floors after undergoing the process of cleaning, or where dampness is produced a fi re relieved other cause. Aside from this. Housekeepers are relieved from the dread of having their carpets cat or torn, as frequently happens from those now in use, often caused by a rust, which adheres with glue-like tenacity. No such annoyance can possibly proceed from the Glass Castor Wheels, as we all Know that glass is noncorrosive. There are no rough or unfin ished edges to the Glass Wheel., such as we often find in those of Iron, and the latter, though smoothly fin ished, will soon rust, from the dampness of the atmos phere, if nothing else, producing roughness on the sur race, or edge, while the former will always maintain the smooth nes of glass, just as they are finished. •-• sleeping upon glass wheels rin all the trinity yen yen had in your body onretiring. and you get up in the morning feeling as fresh and active awe young Mali. Glass being a non-conductor, the eieo tricity gained while in bed cannot pass off'. Ask your doctor what he thinks of the Glass Castor. Wheels. Ask him if all diseases, with the exception of chronic diseases. are not caused from the want of electricity. We have a man in our place whom the doctors pro nounced past curing, with the inflammatory rheu matism. The wheels cured him in lees than foar weeks. He is to-day a stout healthy man. These are racts which can be proven on application at our office, No. lea Race street. Philadelphia, or at our Pactory,at Westville, New Jersey where we have some sixty hands employed in the manufacture of the Glass Cas tor Wheels. $10(1 will be paid to any one who will aay they have not received any benefit or relief after using Capewell & Co.'s Patent Glass Castors. A sample set (4) of the Wheels sent to any part -of the 'United States, on re. ceipt of 11 50. J. B. CAPE WELL & 00 , eel sm 1v0.Z:65 Race street. Vt. ALIOLIS. LADY qualified to teach EN9a3lf. and ITLYNCH, desires a struAnoti as Visiting Teacher. Address L. A., at this office. not sc• 117 ANTED,—A PARTNER. Special or Active, with VV. a cash capital of $lOO.OOO, In one or the oldest manufacturing firms in the city, to take the place of a retiring one. (rtorz-e,tu,th,St Address "PARTNER," at the office of ,•The.Press." MMODERN DWELLINGWANTED to • :pur chase, shoat $20,000; Spruce to Arch, west of ad street. Also, one from .20,000 to po 000. E. R. JONES, No. 5 Walnut street. no2o-=1 WANTED TO •PURCHASE— A DWELLING BOISE between Market and Spruce streetA and eventb and Twentieth streets. Price $15,000 to $20.000., Address M. J. S., Press office. norr-et* • WANTED.—Wanted an OFFIoR AND STOBAOR V BOOM on either first or second floor, on Dela ware avenue, between Arch and Vine streets. Ad dress Box No. 127, Philadelphts. Post Office. oral= aph i g ro WANTED TO WINTEE—THREE or Point - HORSES. Good accommodation and attend alirE;'.'Appiy. to JOS. DAVISON. near Newton Station. West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad. or al NO. 2 a Merrick: street, west Penn square. nom-trt IEXPBESS coarramMs., A DAMS' EXPRESS ` OOMPANY,-4.21n and after ja. TUESDAY,. May I, the PREISHT DEPART. ILETIT-ot: this prow Will be REMOVED to the 9171. a New Building. Southeast , corner of =c ard MARKET sueets.:llintrance on Elevena rand on Market street. , Jggr ALL MOSSY and CO.DLEOTION ISDRENIIEIIt will be tountected WI heretofore. at Ella inuonsur street; Parcels and Package s willbe received at ether og i c xl : s e I . %all Hooks will be kept at each office; and any calla entered thereln:preViOtUt to 5 - P. X. will renews attention same day u , within a, reasonable distance 01 our °nice, uMes fbr. goods And -satternents made at 820. street. - . odECRTMZIO - Kir — ANDOABIC - OKSPa. r Eaegant . . i k n gl i°ll . lF MLeAti and Runalan Leither, ACAS= aki ZWl7 • fit . cbasukutain,„4. THE WIFE'S SECIBET. IV Smith Fourth earns 111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers