OHE S S O O LUMN 09 THB PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN FRIDAY, October 19,1866. All communications for this column must be directed ‘‘Chess Editor of Evening BtrcLETiN,” and should reach the offiee, at latest, on Thursday morning. All Problems must be accompanied by the solution and name of the composer. Answers to Correspondents. “D. P.”—With this number we close our eighth volume. We shall make some ob servations on the subject next week. " P—-l.”—Our regard for historical ac curacy is such that we prefer to publish all the moves of a game, even when of unusual length. You Seem slightly to exaggerate H ’s strength. Problem No. 459. BY SALVIO. BLACK. WHITS, ■White to play and mate In seven moves. CHESS IN PHILADELPHIA. Game No. 1492. Between Mr. Warner, giving the Knighti and Dr. B-—. (Bemove Whites Queen?s Knight.) (Kieseritzlcy Gambit.) Wh. (Mb. Wabner.) 81. (Db. B .) 1. P to K 4 P to K 4 2. P to KB 4 PxP 3. Kt to B 3 P to K Kt 4 4. P toK E 4 P to Kts 5. Kt to E 5 K Kt to R 3 (An unusual move at this point.) 6. Kt x. Kt P P to Q 4 7. KtxKt B x Kt S. Q to R 5 B to Kt 2 9. P x P : Castles 10. B to Q 3 P to K B 4 11. Castles R to B 3 12. B to B 4 R to K R 3 13. Q to Kt 5 Q to Q 3 14. P to Q 3 R to K Kt 3 15. Qx Ist B P B to K 4 16. Q to B 3 R to Kt 5 17. B to K 3 RxP 18. K to B 2 P to B 5 19. B to Q 2 B to Kt 5 20. Q toK4 Kt to Q 2 21. Bto B 3 . RtoK sq 22. P to Q 4 Kt to B 3 23. Q to Q 3 -B to R 4 24. P x B Kt to Kt 5 (ch) 25. K to Kt sq Kt x P 26. B x Kt R x B 27. Q to Q 4 B to B 2 28. QRtoK 'sq Q R to R 4 29. R to B 3 Q to Kt 5 (This ill-considered move loses the game.) 30. R to K 8 (ch) B x R 31. P to Q 6 (ch), and wins. j CHESS IN LONDON. Game 50.1493. ' fourteenth and concluding gameof the An : derssen-Steinitz match. (King's Gambit Evaded.) Wh, (Mb.Steinitz.) 81. (Mr. Anderssen.) 1. PtoK4 * PtoK4 2. P to KB4 B to B 4 3. KKtto B 3 , Pto Q 3 4. B to BA K Ktto B 3 5. Pto Q 3 Caatles ' 6. QtoK2 B to K Kt 5 7. PxP p jp 8. B to K 3 Q Kt to Q 2 9. QKttoQ2 Pto B 3 10. B to Kt 3 P to Q Kt 4 11. Castles (KE) Q to Kt 3 12. B x B Kt x B 13. Ktoß sq ~ QKto K an 14. Q to B 2 P to Q R 4 15. PtoQR4 P to R 3 16. Ktto R 4 PxP 17. B x R P B to K 3 18. P to Q Kt 3 Kt to Kt 5 19. Q to Ktaq Q to Kt 5 20. K Kt to B 3 B to Q 2 21. Kt to B 4 (P to Q B 3 would have won a piece.) 21. Kt x B 22. RxKt ... Qto B 6 23. Pto R 3 ‘ Kt tq_B 3 24. Rtoßsq \ Ktto R 4 25. QtoKsq x QxQ(ch) 26. RxQ P to fi 3 ,27. R x P R to K 3 28. PtoQ4 R to Q Kt sq 29. Px P BtoK sq 30. Kt to Q 4 RtoK2 31. Rto B 5 R to Q B 2 32. Kt to Q 6 PxP 33. Kt x B RxKt 34. RxBP K R to Q B sq 35. RxR RxR 36. Ktto B 3 RxP 37. KtxP R to B 6 38. PtoQKt4 R to Q Kt 6 39. Kt to B 6 Kt to B 5 40. Pto K 5 . . . Kt to Q 6 41. R to R sq Kt x Kt P (This was apparently his best course. By sacrificing the exchange he obtains both the past pawns.) . 42. Rto R 8 (ch) ‘ Kto R 2 43. R to Q Kt 8 Kt x Kt 44. RxR KtxP 45. R to Kt 6 Kt to Kt 3 ■ 46. Ktoß2 Kt to K 4 (On the shoulders of this poor Knight now zests the burden of the play.) 47. K to Kt 3 Kt to Q 2 48. R to Q 6 Kt to B 3 49. Kto B 4 , Kt to Kt sq ' 50. P to Kt 4 Kt to K 2 * 51. P to R 4 Kt to Kt 3 (ch) 62. KtoKt3 Kt to K 2 ' 1 53. R to K 6 Kt to Kt 3 54. P to R 6 Kt to R sq 55. R to K 7 K to Kt sq 56. K to B 4 Kt to B 2 67. K to B 5 * K'to Bsq £B. R to R 7 , • K to Kt sq 59. Rto B 7 t Kt toKt4 60. K to Kt 6 \ Kt to K 3 61. Rto B 8 (ch) ' , Kt to Bsq (ch) 62. Ktoßs Ktoß2' 63. Rto R 8 ' KtoKt sq . 64. Kto K 5 Kto B 2 1 65. R to R 7 (ch) K to Kt sq 66. KtoQ6 ■ Kt to R 2 «7- K to K 6 Kt to B 3 68, Ktoßf> K to R 2 ' 69. R to K 7 Kt to Q 4 K 6 Kt to B 2 71. R to K 5 Kt to R 3 72. K to K 6 Kt to Kt 5 '73. Kto B 7 ( 'Ktto Q 6 74. R to K 8 Kt to B 5 ■ 76. KtoBS Kt to Q 4 76. Rto K 6 Kt to B 5 77. K.to'B 7 ( (77. R td K 7 would be answered with K to R sq.) 77. Kt to R 6 78. R to K 3 Kt to Kt 4 (oh) 79. K to B 8 K to Rsq 80. R to K 7 Kt to R 2 (ch) ✓ 81. K to B 7 - 82. K to Kt 6 83. R xP Mate in three moves. Game No. 1494. Between Messrs. Cochrane and George Walker. (Scotch Gambit.). . W. (Mb. Cochrane.) B. (Mr.' Walker. 1. P to K 4 P to K 4 ; 2. KKtto B 3 QKtto B 3 3. Pto Q 4 Kt x P ... 4. Ktx P ; ) Kt to K 3 ' 5. B to Q B 4 P to Q B 3 6. Castles Kttoß3 7. Ktx BP j (A brilliant invention of Cochrane’s.) 7. K x Kt - 8. B x KtJch) Kxß 9. P to K o Kt to Q 4 10. PtoQB4 Kt to Kt 3 11. K to R sq P to K R 4 12. PtoKB4 P to Kt 3 * 13. Ptoßs(ch) KxP 14. B to B 4 (ch), and wins. Game No. 1495. Between .the same players, (Scotch Gambit.)" W. (Mb. Walkeb.) B. (Mb. i 1. Pto K 4 ptp K 4 ‘ IftoQl® 3 £*^ B 3 : e:.Pto§3 B 4 .poMH*) - "■ PtoK6 PtoQS : (7. P to Q 4 is better.) o & t( i, Kt 3 Qto K 2 9. Castles PxP 10; 8.t0R3 Qtoß3 K Kt to K 2 lf-^ tt ®K 4 Qtoßs 13. BxKt , Ktxß If- QtoKt 5 (ch) Bto Q 2 : 15. QxKB QxKt 16. BxP(ch) K to Bsq 17. KRtoKsq Qtoßl^ 18. Ktx P Kt to B 3 19. Q to B 6 (ch) Kt to K 2 : 20. Kt to Kt 6 (oh) (Prettily played.) 20. K x B ; 21. Kt x R(ch) Rx Kt - i 22. Qx Kt (cb) KtoKt 3 ! 23. Rto K 3 R toK Kt sq 24. Q R to K sq, and wins,’" " Game No. 1496. . Between the same players. (Scotch Gambit.) W. (Me. Walkeb.) B. (Mb. Cochrane. [Moves 1 to 11, as before.) 12. Qto Kt 3 13. Bx Kt . Ktxß 14. Q Kt to Kt 5 Castles 15. Ktx BP (This move decides the day.) „„ „ 15. Rx Kt 16. Kt x P Q to B 3 17. Kt x R • Kto B sq P to QB3 19. R to Q 3, and wins. CHESS IN GERMANY, Game. No. 1497. . Played between Messrs. Anderssen and : Knorre. (Evans’ Gambit.) Wh. (Mb. Anderssen.) Bl,(Mb. Knobbe.) 1. P to K 4 P to K 4 2. K Kt to B 3 QKt to B 3 3. Btoß4 Btoß4 4. P to QKt4 BxKtP 6. Pto Q B 3 B to B 4 6. Castles PtoQ3 7; PtoQ4 PxP 8. PxP BtoKt3 P to Q 5 Kt to Q R 4 10. Q B to Kt 2 Kt to K 2 11. KBto Q 3 . Cas les ; 12. QKtto B 3 Kt to KKt 3 . 13. QKt toK 2 Pto QB 4 i 14. 'Kt to KKt 3 PtoK B 3 15. Q to Q 2 Q B to Q 2 16. K to R sq Q R to Q B sq 17. Kt to KB 5 BtoQ B 2 4 18. PtoKKt4 P to QKt 4 19. Rto KKt sq Kt to K 4 20. Ktx Kt K B P x Kt ; 21. PtoKB4 Ktto Kt 2 22. PxP PxP ; 23. QR to K Bsq PfoQB5 24. B to B 2 B to R 4 25. Q to Qsq . Ptoß6 < 26. Btoßsq BtoKt 3 27. RtoKt2 P toK Kt 3 (Bad play. QtoKSq is much better.) 28. R to K B 3 K to R sq . 29. R toK R 3 PxKt , i 30. Kt Px P Qto K 2 31. P to Q 6 Kt x P ; 32. BtoK Kt 5 QtoK B 2 : 33. Qx Kt Bto Q 5 - And White mates in. five moves. Game So. 1498. Between Messrs, Knorre and Schallopp, (Evans' Gambit.) Wh. (Mr. Knorre.) 81. (Mr. Schallofp.) 1. P to K 4 PtoK4 2. Kt to K B 3 Q Kt to B 3 3. B to B 4 B to B 4 4. P to Q Kt 4 B x P 6. Pto B 3 B toR 4 6. P to Q 4 PxP 7. Castles B to'Kt 3 8. PxP P to Q 3 9. P to Q 6 Kt to R 4 10. B to Kt 2 Kt to K 2 11. B to Q 3 Castles 12. Kt to B 3 Kt to Kt 3 : 13. Kt to K 2 Pto QB4 14. QtoQ2 P to Q R 3 15. Kt to Kt 3 P to K B 3 16. Kt to B 5 B x Kt 17. Pxß Kt to K 2 f 18.. Kt to R 4 ' (The Queen’s pawn being indirectly pro tected as Black fails to observe.) 18. KtxQP a 10. Bto B 4 . Ktxß ® 20. Qx Kt (ch) Rto B 2 ; 21. Qx Kt Pto Q 4 22. Q to Q 3 Q to Q 2 ; 23. QRtoKsq PtoQ B 5 24. Qto K R 3 Pto Q 5 25. R to K 4 P to B 6 : 26. Kt to Kt 6. , (Threatening mate in three moves.) ; 26. PtoK R 3 - : 27. Btoß3 QRtoKgq ; 28. ,Rto K 6 RtoQ B sq 29. Rxß PtoQ6 ; 30. Rto Q 6 Q toßg 31. QxQP Qxß 32. R to Q 8 (ch) R to B sq : 33. Qto Q 5 (ch) ... Kto R 2 ; 34. Kt x R (ch), and wins. ' -‘"MFSIOAIi RfONSIEUR ALEXANDRE WOLOWBKI would ilAinform his friends and the public generally that he is nowsready to give jnstructions In Singing and on the Piano;;. according to.hS own System which heretu fore hasprovedsi siuceesaiUl in rendering the voice with easeifeelidg and brilliancy. classical music ; Those wlsbidg to avail themselves of his lone exne. rlesce caß douo by calling at. his residence * ve ocs-lmf , Mo 704 S. WASHINGTON Square. J REMINGTON FAIBLAMBi *~ . Muslo Director, Organist and i _ <"■ 7 _ Professor of Music. ' Residence, NO.-2205 SPRING GARDEN Street. ; . : a»frm.t,w.tf.tn 1 CIGNOB P. RONPINELLA’S PRIVATE SINQINS D Class and Tuition, In Vocal Muslo will begivenal ■ fc&SKSLffSS? 1108 ’■Southeast-Comer' SErijce and TWENTIETH Street.' A R TAYLOR TEACHER OF SINGING AND A.FIANO. 1207 FILBERT Btreet. claSra now forming, . , ~ oc2-tfJ-- TJIANO AMD GUITAR.—Miss ELIZABETH: ana Jr Miss JULIA ALLEN. Apply at Prof. GEORGE a r XEN'fe, 215 Sonth Seventeenth street. sea.?™. CAH ART SBRD.-Twenty.aTa Carrels Prime o<: nary Seed In store and at sale by VOBSRAS a GB..Ne. US Walnnt nreet. THE PAIIY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPmA!, FRIDAY,7OCTOBER 13, isfsfi Kt to B 3 -Kt to Kt sq Kt to B 3 NORTH FKNNSYI.VANIA B fWJgyv '3BSg 8.-TOB MTTrnT.vi BOOTH— B&SS? behiat, mwS BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, i. „ NINE DAILY TRAINS »per Monday, May ,215t, 1866, Passenger trains n=™*£i e Third street, above Thompson, dally (Speiloyß excepted), aa folio wb: m A -ft- Express tor Bethlehem ant s?‘?. p 3P cl !si B ** ao, “ on Nerth Pennsylvania Ball- SSt^SSmSai 1 ] 6 f* EeUileliem wlthliehlgh Valley ya?i WflkHflMte, klnfHton, t uid ill points to- WHkeebarreatms.P. atHahandyCHtyatl Pamengers by this traln.csn take QteTielilßh S^ U S^^?’£ aaa % Bet y teliem **-»»> M.-ftiir Ea*: -°[ ®* Jereey 0™*“! Railroad. Iff . TVtyloattfwgw; take Stoke at .OJdYorkßqad. AT 10 A. Ml—Accommodation, tor Port Washing tejl etotmlng at all intermediate Stations. At 2.50 P,M. Accommodation lor Iloyleatownv stop, tone at auTtatermedlate stations, ftussengera take stage atDeyleetownforNewHopa,•',■ i > AT 8.30 P. M.—Evening Expreasforßetlilehhm antt principal. Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rai’ connection at setblenem with Le,: mgh Valley Train for Easton, reaching there at 6,15 P. It Tasaengera ar HalnfleliL Boinfcrvine and other potato onNew Jersey Oentral 8.8. take N. 3; O. Train at Easton,, which arrlvehta NerwYark at lap, If. Pas sernreas tar Snumoytawn take stage at North Wales; and ior Nazareth pt BetMeheta ana for.' Greenville a AT *js , p. hL—Aeoomniodatltin. nir' ft&fesioton. stoimtagat all lntermKllat6.Btatlong.A*a3aengerator W Utaw Grove, Natborov’ anrfHarlsville. take, stage at Abington: fbrtnmbervme 1 at Doytetowm . JAT SdS P. M.—Through Accommodation, tor Beth lehem and all Statlona on main line of North Pennsyp vanla Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening natatar Allentown. Mauclfdranck, AO -,.‘t : O'r I' ■' h - ■ AT MSP. M.—Accommodation, tor Itansdatoistop. ping at all interm potato, RtaenTM . _ . * ' At UP. M. Accommodation IbrEort Washington; "TRAINS FOB FHILhiiELPHIA. Bethlehem at tss A.M..and 12£SH.,and&U ;'l2.ai traiminakeadlxectcohnectlonwith Lehigh Val ley trains Horn Easton, Wllkeebarre, Mahoney city. Har.leton, and arrives In Philadelphia at XSO P. M. Passengers leaving WKteesbarre at us P. M.,oonnect d Bethlehem at B.ls P. M., and arrive In Philadelnhir atWOP.BL /' ‘ i r; - Leave Doylestown at MO A. M. 1.15 and MO P, M. Leave Tanadale at t*AM. 1 i Leave Port Washington at 10150 and i.ISP, H Philadelphia for Bethlehem At 0 A, M, Philadelphia for Doyleetowh at As»P. M. Doylgstown lbr Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M, ; Bethlehem lor Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M. Filth and Sixth Streeta Passenger Carseonv y pas angers to and from Berks Street Depot. White Cars of Second and Third Streeta Line conTST paaaegners to Third Street Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Officee, THIKD street or BERKS street, In order to secure the lowed rates of flue. ict.t.tr CLARK, Agent. Hillman’s Baggage Express will call for andaellvs? Baggage at the Depot. Office, No. 11S Sooth TMIKT) street. my2l KTi UUUrJCSin PHTr.ATIgr.yHT A fIBRM A IP. TOWS: AND NOBBISTOWH aAiXiKOAir.— tjjce tablsi—on m igg mon DAT, May leth, 1858. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Fhnadelnhla-8, 7.8, g, 10, u. la. A H 4 1, s, 8.10 minutes, a*. 4,6,«. s-VVOa, His, P.M. ' Leave Germantown—«. 7,7 R, 8, 8^0, 8, lfl, u. 11, A. M.- L2,8,4,4Jf,8,8R,7 1 8,0 1 10,11P. M. . The A2O down train, and the aw ana 5V m train. *» not stop on Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. mlnntesA. H,; 2,8,5,8 and p - *• Leave miaieiphla-8,8, w, u, a. M.; 2, W, «S, », i, KJlaU|Pt2Xi | ■Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo minute*. 8,9.40, and IL<O A, It,; LtD, 8.40,5.40,8.40,8.40, and 10.40 F, M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia—9jo miuntes, A M.; 2,5, and 8 Leave chestnut Hi 11—7.40 minute*. A. M.; 1140, 8.10 and 9JB minutes P. M. FOB OONSHOHOGHEN AND NOBSIHTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-*,BAS, ILOB minutes, AM.; IR, 8,4 R. 6R.BR, BUS, and IIR, P. M. Leave Norristown—Bß,7, 7.50,9,11, AMd IK. BR.BR and Bp. a. The 5R P.M. tram will stop at School Lane. Wlssa. Melon, Ifanajnnk, Bprln* Mills and Onuihohootan only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A M., aR, 4. and 7R p. H. Leave Norristown—7 AM.. Landßß and », P. M. Leave iHumu-M, 7K. BJO, »R,HR, AM.; 1,8, Q( UAfiniPtlL - - t ~ • ... ONBUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia-* A. M.; SKI, and rx T. X, Cwve Manaynnh--7B A. M.; I*6, and 6* P. M, W. T. WHBON, General Snperlntendeni, Depot, ninth andGteenatreett, 1368. PHILADELPHIA AND railroad. isee. Tins gr»t line traverses tbe Northern and North west counties of Pennsjl vanla to the city of Erie on LakeEria It has been leased and Is operated by the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. ■ ’ smew or PABSiaragß toaiws at rHTTjmn.rm., . - i ABBIVE EASTWABD. Erie Man Train..™. .7.00 A. M Er(e Express Train.. i ,rn p. m. .-i 'i LKAVk WSSTWAEI). • Erie Mall Train ...8.00 P. M. Erie Express Train ___EUOM. _Passeneer. Cars run through on the Erie Mall and Express Trains without change, both ways, between Philadelphia and Erie. ... .. ssw iobk oosiraonoH. Leave New York at 9.00 AFL, arrive at Erie 9.30 A. M Leave Erie at 4.45 P.M., arrive at New York 1.10 P. M Elegant Sleeping Cara on all Night Trains. : lor information respecting passenger business apply at corner THIRTIETH and MARKET streets, Pnfia delphla. «« And lor Freight business of the Company’s Agents: 8. B. Kingston,Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market Btreets, Philadelphia, ..... J. w.Reynolds,Ene. Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. RR, Baltimore. - CHESTER AND PHIpT fljlMiy—gS** DBTiPHT* RAILROAD, VIA WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. *- On and after.... MONDAY, Oct., isth. 1888. Uu trains will leave as follows: ! , ‘ WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Philadelphia- for West Chester, from Depot giSSSpX et " t “‘ lT ‘ 60A ‘ ,fc ' luo A - M " I Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on K. Market street. A3O. 8.00. 10.46 A. M.. L65,4A0 F. M, Tralnsleavlng West Chester at 8 09 a m and leavlns Philadelphia at 4,46 P.M., will not stop at Pennelton and will stop below RC. Junction at Media only, i __ PENNELTON TRAINS. , Leave Philadelphia for Penn el ton ns and li.eo F. M. Penneltoi. for Philadelphia 8.47 A, M., 7JS at all Intermediate Stations. (ON BTODAYB-Leavo Philadelphia at A. M UU& 2.00 Fs Ms i Leave West Chester 7ASA.M and 4.00 P M. 1 1 Out Scrmays—The West Phlladelbhla Passenger ears wil leave. Eleventh and Market streets, halfan hour before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on, the arrival of eaeh train to convey passengers into theclty. , : Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7 AO A. M. and 4.46 P M., and leaving West Chester at B.n> A. PI, and 4.50 F, ■ M,. connect at 8.0. Junction with Trains on the P. and B, O. ft, R, for Oxford and Intermediate points. IJMT Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the company will not. In any !*ae, be responsible for an amount exoeedlng one hnn> dyed dollars, Unless a special contraet is made for the > tame. HENRY WOOD. General gaperintenden* • RAILROAD HHcissHC!!sSficS: LINES, from foot of Market street cgper heirr. commencing MONDAY; September 24, t ‘LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: For Bridgeton, Salem, MlUviUa and all Intermediate stations, at BA. M.,-Mail. 3.30 P. M., Passenger. For Woodbury BA.M..'33op.M.,andsP.hr. , For Cape May at 3.30 P. M. 7-. ' . BBTURNING TRAINS LEAVE Woodbury at 7.15 A. M., 840 A. M., and 4.54 p. M. ' Bridgeton at7.C5 A.M. and 3.20 P. M. Freight 6.30 . Sail rp at 650 A. M. and 305 P. M. Freight 5,45 F. M at 8.55 A. M. and 3.(18 P. MT Freight 6JO Pasijenger and Freight. IBPIGHT vvm toe .received at Second Covered Wharf below Waliwt street, from 7 A. M. until SPM.' Freight received, before 9 AM. will, go forward‘the same day. - ‘/ -t SOOTH DELA-. raE WEST JEESEY EXPRESS COMt’ANY. wiU attend to all the usual branohos pf express bnsin&is. ASpecial Messenger accomp.nies each through train. Office foothfMarketstreset; •'blladelphia. 8e24-tf» . J.H. MABKLBY. General Agent. , : YHIDADEEPHIA A BAiTJ MORR CENTRALRAItjaOAD.- JvTSTESt . ARRANGEMENTS.—ON AND ATTEM MONDAT, Oct, 15/ 18M. the Trains willleavePßHa aejphla/ftomthe Depot of theWeet ■ Chester APhlla delphlaTullroad. comer 'of Thirty-first and Markei Stteets; (WestPhßadaV, at 7.5 O'A. M., 1 and 4.45 P. MT.> ■ Deave.ißlßlng_Stm. at sao, and Oxibrd ate. 35 A. M„ i add leave Oxibrd at &25 pfM. , ■“■ r"?,- -_A Market'. Train.: with Passenger! Gar attached, will IfeJ* leaving Phlladeipiila 'a» I T.SD X. M.con- B® 1 ' etoaln leaving Philadelphia at MS runs to Rising -Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel t Ragtave, and the Company will not many case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hon ored dollars. unless a special contrast be made for the same mhia HENRY WOOD, Gen’h Sop’U IBiVEUNe QIIIDfi H. H. HOUSTON, . General Freight Agent, Philadelphia: „ , „ hTw. o winner, General Tlcke^Ajent^Philadelphla. General Superintendent. Erie. J. VANJRENBSELAER, Sup’t JBiTELaa siqDßi g«« nmn mn.iawL n ~~ raws. « pnS3g& S'cSMrK «S AtlP&Ul ftft thf following honnc *Uttj MO^nTOAOCOMODATIONS. tIOM ? ' 3O Keadlne andall Intermediate Sta ’ tSS3SS6SffiSffSi ~1B at 6 ' B#P>M " S ..... MOKMIJNU express, k!toiv^'^Pii£b2SL3g? <Ull,! ’ L g“ u S?* Harriatars 6 £°Y®» Tagumna, Snntrary, williams- PO«i mwi, Bocharta. Sima gtn«, Bhißllo. Allen. o“Waamj»«. LThiiJrsltt tpwfejfcat BEADarenwilh' th* )BUI Jte.: atFOBT OUKTON with LockHar ra&TEamlraTtoT, at HABBISBCEQ with Northern Central, Oomherlanil Valley, anO Schoylklll and Snsgnehanna trains for Ohaumenbnrt, Hnegrore, *O. m»i . . APTKRNOON KXEKK»^ PMaiielpMa at &£) P. M. Ibr Beading, Potta -1 tSM 1111 !® accommodation. 2S? *“ ww “* iW^SdS^i’t^g M.; arrlris M T< 2^sJfSiS ail %2¥* le * va Hantama* at 8.10 A, HUM&Se.«°^M? le “ i4B p - « L J^l^?i u: lr^2 o ? lmo<, * tton Beading at T.BO abnrK at 4JOP. M. Connecting at ?^? 11 iS^S^^! f^£S5¥) 2'f < s?P mmodatlon south at 6.30 ?• M. t aiTlvlng In Philadelphia at 9.10 p, M. .Mar get tram, with a Passenger cat leaya ltso P. ii:.TbrpSSdel§siMidaUTO?aSaQna?* toWn ; All the above trains ™^,Sui^«2£med. » I f?l e T. P^^e M 8 - 00 Fhfl&ueipnla at 2.1 S P. K ; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 A, M., returning from Rmuhng at 4.25 a# AL L ' CHBSTEB V A T.T.HTV RaXLKOAD. tor'Bowßmgwwn ana lnteir-.edlatepalnla BfeSSja l . g,«; jg^el^^3h«lh)m® o w n in* t OT « «t 7.00 A. JJIEWYOBK KXPSEBB, FOB p. iiiu ijJ ty Lyjii • leaves New York at 7, 9 A* fiUmd 8.00 F. M..paaalnz Beading at LCS. has AM.* and 1.48 PM, and connect at with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Baflroad Express Trains forPltfabnrgh Chicago, WTi. ramaport, Elmira, Baltimore, dc. Retaining, Express-Train leaves -Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania TGrpriwuiymiw th ti»frnrgj? 3 and 9.05A-M..9J5 P.M. passing Beading: at 4.49 and vt-so A. M. and U .so P.M. arriving at New York 10A.M. and 2.45 P. M. Sleeping oars accompanying these trains through betweenjeraey CSty andPitSbnrgh. without change. . tratafor New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 P. H. Hail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at is Noon. _ SCHUYLKILL VALEEY RAILROAD. ' Trains leave Pottsvllle at 7,1L50 A. M. and 7.15 p. M. from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. M-, and 1.40 and BCH.UYLKTLL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD jTralasleaveAnbumat 7.50 A.M. tor Plnezroveand Harrisburg,and at 1.60 P. M. £or Plnegroveand Tre mont; returning from Harrisburg at IMP. IC. and from Tremont at 7A5 A. M. and tap. M. TICKETS. ■ ■■ ■ ■ i - i Through first-class tickets and emigrant ticVM. to all tbe principal points In the North and West and OanAdas. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of R Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 Southpourth street Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nlcollg. General Superintend* *” ’ COMMUTATION TICKETS. between any points desired MILEAGE TICKETS, fo?^^dfiS. b6tWeen * llpolfl '*'*“ a SEASON TICKETS. For three, six, nine or twelve months, tor holder* only, to all points at redoued rates. ;'V r---: Residing onthellneof the Road will be furnished with carts, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at JBXUUBBION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to principal stations, rood tat Satnrday, Sunday and Monday, at rednced are, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and n»nm». hdstreeta. Goods of illdescrlptSons'lbrwardsa to all the abort polnta from the Company 1 ! New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. • _ FBEIGHT TBAINB. Leave Philadelphia dally at us A. H., this noon and IP. M., fbr Beading, Lebanon, Harrllbarx, ftitmm. Port Clinton, «ad all dose at the Philadelphia Poet OOoe (hr all places oa the road and Its branches at SA.lC.and (hr thenrln. Bpal Stations only at 8,15 P.M. Sflim Philadelphia. wrufma- AND BAMIHOBEBAII, (glAlt—'l'lmH ■rATtT.W.— CnrameniMny MONDAY. July 2d, IS6B. Traun wlll leave- Depot, m». Jj Broad street and Waahlhjftonsvehne, as fellows;- : Express Train, at 1.15 A. M. (Mondays excepted! fbr Baltlinere and Washington, stopping at Chester! Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton,Northeast, Fenyyllle! Havre-deGrace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, ar«gnoii. Ouse's and Stemmer's Rnn- Way-mall Train, at &15 A. M. (Bundays ex cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at al 1 regular stations between Philadelphia and Baltimore. - -, ; ' DelawareBFLTraln l u&AP&(Sandayaex4«AedMb7 Princess Anne. Milford and Intermediate stations. Express train at 11.45 A. M. (Snadays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, ; Express Train at 8.00 P. M. (Bondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North-East, Pexryvllle, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman’s, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chasd’san&Eftemmer'g Rb"‘ ‘ : Night Express at ILOOP. M: for Butlmore and Wash ington. ' j Passengers by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the 11.45 A.M. Train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and WU mington. t < f \ ',>• • . ,5-. TXesve Pbfladehtalftat 9.00 Ae2La2.SO.4JO, <AO and ujo P. K. Tbe 4JOr. M. train connects with the Dels* ware Ballroad for Harrington and Intermediate ita* lions. ; Leave Wilmington 6.80,705 and 9JO A* 2L. 4.00 and 6.80 P. M. i The 7.15 A.M. train will not atop at stations between Cb< sier and Philadelphia. ■ ■ ’ . Trains rer Kewcasue laave iPblladelptila at 9.00 A. IC, S.SO and 6.OO P.U. THBOUGH TRAINS FROM BAI/TCMORE ■ Leave Wilmington at 11.00 and 10.00 P.M. CHESTEB FOR PHILADELPHIA. , Leave Chester at 7JS, 7.65, 1014 and 11.40 A. M. 110 5.10,7.2 C and 10.38 P. M. . ' From Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7,25 A. IL, Way MAIL 8.20 A.M., Express. l.ie P. M.. Express. 085F.lL.Expresa. 023 P. M., Express. ; Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 4,49 and OS A, M.. and OSS P. M. ; Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at m, and 9.83 A. M.. and 4.15 F. M. : Frelghttralnswlth passenger cars attached will leave Wilmington ter Perryvllle and Intermediate stations at e.ns P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermediate Stations at 4.45 p. M. Leave Perry vllle lor Wilmington and intermediate stations at 4j» A. M., connecting at.WUmlngton.wlth the 7.15 A, M train ter Philadelphia. , Sunday trains. ■ ■ [Express Train at 4.15 A. iLfor Baltimore and Wash, invton, stopping at Chester, WHmlngton, Newark, Kliton, Northeast, Perryvllle, JHavre-ae-Grace, Aber deen. Perryman’s, Magnolia, Chase’s and Stemmer’s Bon. 'Night Express 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash uogton. • . * - . - ... : Accommodation tHalnatil .30 P.M., for WHmlngtdn and Intermediate Stations. •-■■■- - -• i BALTIMORE 808 PTTTT.ATVRT.TOT*, [Leave Baltimore at 8.25 P. M., stopping at Havre dc Grace, Perryvllle and Wilmington. Also stops at But ton and Newark (to take passengers lbr Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or ttraln.wiu Phi lidelphla and Intermediate Stations at BJO P. M, j H. P. HRNNKY, SnperlntendetH, bl^S vania I fcCI&BB ABRANGEMENT. The trelns-ot thePerinsylyanla CaitmiTßl BL 18aVs the Depot at Thirty-first and Market streets, which is reached by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Bailway running to and from the Depot. The last car leaves Front street about thirty mlnntes, prior to die departure of each Train- - On bondajs—Cara leave Eleventh and Market streets 45 mlnntes before departure of each train. iM ank'b Baggage Kxpr~kph will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at the office, No. 481 Chestnut street, willrocelve attention., - * TBAINB LEAVE AND- ARRTVB AT DEPOT I THUS: MAID TRAIN . . . at 8.00 A. N. DAY EXPRESS - . . >• 10.00 •* : PAODI ACCOM., No. 1 . '• U.OO ~ FAST LINK* ERIE EXPRESS I » 13.00 M. .. TTA'nßlßßTrfefl:ai?»lM ;A. c if 'yVp~flr DANCA6TER ACCOM., - " AOO ••- PAODI ACCOM.No. 2 . • 11 5.00 PITTSBURGH &ERIE MAIL. *T " 0.00 '• , ' PAOLI ACCOM., No, 8, - . 10.00 •• : Philadelphia expresst • 11.1 a •> r 1 : ‘ .11 yj<! *>&'■ ‘ PAOLI ACCOM., No. 1 . . ■' ajo ; COLUMBIA TRAIN, . . " 9.00 » DANCER ; ; »*«F. * -* :v«Kcf*g. s PAOLI ACCOM., No. 8, . . *» 7.80 11 HABRISBUBG ACCOM., » ” 8.50 “ ♦Dally, except Saturday. tDafly, IDaily, except Monday. All other trains da&y.fixoepsSanday. ■ - JBwmlng through from Philadelphia tdlmshiarxii juid Erie without change ef cars. . Sunday Accomodation Trains for Paoll and In termediateDtatlonfl leave Philadelphia at 9.00 A. M. xetarnin*. leave A.M*an<L 1- - - * * “v!’ - •«*- tgtyT'i ■a ~ J- . - - r j _j. ij > , i-Sa.'Ci * . oitiob 'ls located at No. 681 Chestnut street,where Tickets to all Important points may be procured, and foil Informa tion given by JOHN OADLEN, Ticket Agent ! T Also a t Thirty-first and Market streeta.on application toTTOBiiHJ Agent.atthe Depot.' " Train runs dally, except Sunday. For MU tofprmaoonasto fora and accommodation., apply to FRANCOS FUNK. No. 187 Dock street, J^?£ p S. aM 3' lv »hl» Railroad Co. will not assume any risk for Baggage, exceptfor Wearing Apparel, and limit tbeir responsibility to One Hundred DoUara In value, All Baggage exceeding into amoant In value, will he at the risk or the owner, unless taken by special contract mTEßnye ctiiik. FOB mCW flA-MI W ■£**** AMBOY and PHTM. » I .RAILROAD OOM* RANY S ItiNiifli&ciD WH^ ; 4J54* ?f , 5 a ££ ia S en ’ lUft 4 Amboy, Acoom,i $2 25 *+ o ft*'*}* Camden And Jersey City Express. 800 i aP.kTteß&fi^A* slA^ind ! eFn??,? i2 M. 4,6,8, and IL3O P. Ffah ' ? : Bjyenon;.' Progress, belanco, SSEF-Ei ®S? ew ater; Burlington, Florence,"Borden ! P.k.lines™gs, ia^lowa^ 011 KENHIKGTON DEPOT will Hava <£§?«&g|t& ww**™'wtefisafftS ( Coin« a ep’'Toirtsctae’ > aitoeltnil;TawnyTOastaCh i SQIDK.5 QlD K. w ; ax.mtk Sew-Tork State,; andfhe Great tEoSS? Sft, Mau?4f- aP<^am ‘ :el!t^) tomKenaingtS? iS Tasmo tor rfa^f-rtfisTW.-: &10i snnkirki Tt£«ra . «i^s~ Bend, Scrtnton* Strmidflbur2\ Water Gap,- -Bemderev Lambegjyiiip; m*rn. sii pTltTune' (§§, be Tkamieavlng dDaatoni *>*- MfafeßSnfcwnyfc iim° town, Bethlehem, <£e. r , r - ~ -,,‘ r~”“' I Station,' , £S- For Jfew and Way; 'lines leaving Een t roWtheDepot, and on arrival of each Train. rim from j Anbodltional Tit^etOfflcels''locatedst i sre. fflSChes-' :| nutstrett. Contmentoi Hotel,;-ahere tickelaloHew 1 Oik anball Important, points North and~Eaat,mav'. ne-procnred: Perfconß • punaming Tickets-at this' Sf B ‘£« J BO /- by leaving orders, Hisreothelr; baggage j .Jhrjr:Jealtlences.- by QpaOnam’* SynanSpponnds tobe paidf&rejrtra. lie, Company »a e^ r Mt b «»^ t |2r>te: fang,except ■byspeclatcontract. ; . .., 7T" DIKES PEOM NEW YOKE FOB PHILADELPHIA. 1 WlUleaveftom foot of CortJand. street, at inland - \ Jersey City and Camden. At: 7 and if - A. M.,t p, M. and lf Nlghtvla Jersey CMy and Een- Slnglon*j. '--j' .■' l« •,• •; ■; ••;7• ; p • * Frpm Pler Np.J N. Biyer,att A, ML and!, 4- P.M. tiiAmtoby sHfi '* ! ■'. - XEEBBEIIiEi' bob sew yobic—babipan BMpBIJgBg! AND DELAWARE BAYrBAIt<- fOTtofVINE at.. Philadelphia im e ra I f5MAtA /0r ‘ :LOnS BraD , Cb ' New _ 2.25 A. M-Way Mall and Express from Cooper’s Point, Camden, arriving In Mew York at 9.3 J a/M. 5 P. M-Freight for New York and Way tstatlene. , I’Or aa delivered at Company’s Depot,' 320 North Wharves, Philadelphia, by 4 P?M., forwarded by thS line, arrive In New York at 5 o’clock next morning. RETURNING. The Passenger Steamer Jesse Hoyt leaves Pier 32 North Biver, root of Duane street, N. Y.. at ll A. M for Philadelphia Express, and for Way Mall andEx preas at 4 KM., trmchin* at Pier 3 North Biver, for passengers only, at 4 P. M> Freight received at Pier 32 North Biver, N. Y.. bv 4.30 P. M will ta ready lor delivery In Philadelphia early the following morning. ■ * FARE TO NEW YORK, 12 00. .Ticket Office Vine Street Ferry, ;For further imormationapply to Company’s agents. N^wrais N -pgS&“ T-B. BURT, Pier 52 North Biver, foot of DUANE Street. K€nr Yorto • , Or at General r Frelght and Passenger Office, Phila delphia, No. m CHESTNUT Street. ■ . W.N. CLAYTON, Superintendent, Bed Bank, N. J. _ B.C. HASTY. General Freight Agent, Red Bank, N. j. T. BRENT SWEARINGEN, General Agent, Philadelphia. I THE PAN HANDLE BOOTS WESTWARD, .Owing to the great distance saved by THIS BOOTH the Qoyminmnt hi» assigned te It the carrying of the D.B.MAILto the Principal Cities of theWeat ant Sooth west. . • . - ' THERE BEING BDTONE OHAUBE OP OABt BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA ASD(imnmH»Tr AND BUT TWO TO BT. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS SOUTH W 11.1. A RBTCT IN-CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS, CAIBO ANB TBAXN IN ADVANCE OP ANT ;Pas3en«OT leaving PhUaflelphU at 1850 A. Ji. will arrive at Altoona In the 'evening Jhr supper, when Woodruff’s Celebrated Pidaceaute-BoQjnßleeplnt Chn will he attached, and ran through to OolumbuJ without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at midullht. a comfort never hetnm nffhTrlot to the traveling community. Be sure lo pnrchase Hcteta “VIA STEUBEN- bailboab oppice - Comer Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia j „ „ „ UOHN DUBAND, BeniSudX* 4 ** 7 ’ NsW Pennsylvania Railroad Office, ESI Chestnut street and Thirtieth anJ Market streets, West PhUmipip*.^ TO PLEASURE TRAVRr.itRH, THE BHOBTEST BOOT'S TO i NIAGARA FALLS ! L IB VIA THE CATAWTSSA BAELBOAD, OonneCHons Immediate and sure, PHILADELPHIA AND BEADIKG BAILROAD i t DEPOT 1 THIBTEENTH ADD CALLOWHXLL. at 8.15 A. ,M.._ NIAGARA FALLS’ EXPRESS reaching wliltamsport without change of car- at 6.50 P, M. (supper), arriving at Niagara Falls at 9.55 AM. ■SleeplngCar through from Williamsport to Rochester without change. . - •JSS“ Passengers remaining over night at Williams port can resume Journey next morning at 7.3sJeaching Niagara Falls at 8,40 same evening. a Ash for tickets via Catawisaa Bailroad. which can be procured at the Company’s office, Philadelphia Bank, and oppoSterthe cStom Goose. and at Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOW HILL streets. N. VAN HOSNT^ lyla-tf- • . - - General Passenger *wst P- PLEASANT DAILY EXCURSIONS ■Bbm& OP the river to Beverly, Burlington and Briaui, touching at Elver ton, Torresdale and And. lnsia. by the splendid Steamer JOHN A WARNER, leaving Chestnut street wharf at 3F, M. Betnrnlng. leaves Bristol at 4 o’clock, arriving at Philadelphia about 6 o clock* • Jare for the eacnyalon. 40 cents. _anao*tf BUSINESS CABD&* BTCKB. BPRUCE STREET WHARF. „ - KSTiBLIBHIDIN 1828. CORN, OATS and MII.L-FEED Bold Wholesale and Retail at lowest Market Bates, and delivered to all parts of tlie City. se7*ly U C. BNIQHT <fc 00.. WHOLESALE GROCERS EIS. E. Oor. WATER and CHESTNUT atreeSphll. Melphla. Agents tot the. sale of the Prodncta of th* senlhwarfc/Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sots; House, of. Philadelphia. : . Jal-Ijn'- PENNSYLVANIA WORKB.-ON THE DELA X WARE Hver, below PTTTT 7a Tmrr.PTrra cHto'iEK. Delaware county. Pa. Engineer and Iron Boat bolldemr' B ° K * OO Mann&ctorer* of CONDENSING .AND SOS-COHImaTOB °rm j lit;.' l Qy'HJ VH ; . 7 Iren Vessels of all descriptions', Boilers, Vats, Tanfct f . • Propellers. &c., &c. T, KEANEY. W. B. H. ARCHIBOLD ! Late of • • • fa.,. > Rfeaney, Neafe A Co,, < Engineer InChlef, Penn Works. Phlla, tESTNayy. T. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WM. H. MERRICK! ‘ JNO. E COPE. OOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. FIFTH AND WARS O INGTON BTREETS.- - . i ~P~CTTT.AT>HT.T»ITTA. . i MFIRRICK ASONS, ' ITNOINEERS AND MAOHXNXSI’B, Manu&cture High and Low Pressure Steam Knrine* for Land, River and Marine Servloe. : - Boilers Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac* Castings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. Iron Frame Boo&fbr Gas Works, Workshops ani Railroad Stations, Ac. * 1 " Retorts and .Gas Machinery, of the latest and mos> Unproved construction, • ~t . Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Saw and Griflt MUls, Vacuosn Pans, Opes Steam Trains, De&cators,. Pumping fen, gines, Ac. Sole Agents fer N.BiUeux’sPatentSngar Bollnx Apparatus,'Neezayth’s Patent Steam ‘ Aspinwall & Wools ay’s Patent Centrifugal Snaar •pyftlnlTiy’ftfanhlTKy. • \ t j.? t.~ * 1 Manufacturers or.Gsa Fixtures, Lamps,,. <ftc,,<Sior wonldcall the attention of the public to their lams and eleganVassortmentof-Gaa Ohandellersr Pendanta - Brache&rAe. They also Introduce Gao pipealntc“ Dwellings and Fnbllo Buildings, and attend toextend- and rewiring Gas; AUyp|Ejrakg 7 IAUB A. WSISHTi IHOBWQg PZKX* OLBXSOn i QBZSOOM* THEQPOBBWSISHT. VnAMTT T„ mur.t. PjETERWRIGHT A SOmT? ******* ImportersofEarthenware, " and Bhlpping asd Commission Merchants, SoTiis WALNUT . PRIVY WALLS.—OWNERS OF PROPERTY.—Tht only place to get Privy Wella Cleansed and Disin fested, af.yewlpwpricefc! niii» B .i »A. FEYSSONj -. Mannftotnrer of Pondrette. Goldsmith’s T.tbTaiw street IAHRIAOES. CgßHgJi' FOR SALE—A large assortment of new and second-hand Carriages, top and no top Baggies. Rockaways and Germantowns, and Express Wagons. GEO. DODD <& SONS, No, 4SO RACE street, Nob. 231 and 233 CROWN street. ocll-3m «HPPWO ( u , for new York, ■ - f Via Delaware and Baritan CanaL ■me Philadelphia and New ( . . Steamboat Company. : .Proptilclia: leave DAILY lrom iThlSldheConnectswith all Northern and Eastern , S™& C SXSfon. Q ?° <Ifl "i • Prelght received at lowest rates. , o;. I • WH. P. GLYDSAOO.J Apnh, ifsonth Wharves. PhUadSphhu I „ „ JA&HAND,Airentr* mhlfrtf ■ .117 Wall street, NewYorlc. SAVANNAH, GA: SUsi£ The Philadelphia and Southern - -Mall greamsnip Company’s Begular Lines, seoond wharf below Bprnce streets■:■ <; " ~!.n an .THURSDAY,: October .85 and. .sail ohSATUB DAY, October 27th. at 10 o’cloch A. AL, .and every alternate' Saturday thereafter—viz.: November loth, ‘JA ..'</? ii‘l- ■ 1 ! This; steamer .has fine State Booms and other ao commodations for passengers^ ; - ' \Cahln passage,.|2o r Deckda.llo. 'i - : i ; • ntongh tlcSets sold to the following polnt2h~MacoH*’ r V^K Uab^' fS-a.ngnsta.Gft,, 127; Atlanta, ’ Ea i Preighttakenatlow rates.;■ < I rf i U'-.ihr , i£HJi«hrecelp,t» given, at through ratedto, Maooti, Augusta, Colton tras; Atlanta.’ Gh&fta« kS.emphis.'renn.i Canton; Miss.. , rece^-ed or bma ot on : sail* I #^2if, a i? a^tnnih ' Hunter * GaminellJ c ' - Por freight nr passage, apply to j r.-n t c WM. L, James.• General Agent, ,seiz , J ' 314 senthwharves. d££rß&r. FOK-JSEWjOBLBANS.DrEtECri’ ' PHITiA T»TIT >P-BXA- AND ttOCTH ;fcKgj_MAILaTEAMSmPOOMgAJSrY'H;TtTi»TTiVA-a IJ2SE.’. : f.i ~~\VT~~r ti:. ! ?b>W£U Jjnowp first class SteaiaailpVv > * i 011 SATUbFaY, OcrwtS. at S DS^v§ n tolw l ? NEW Oitet ■■ Cabin passage $6O; neck do., t3o'. ' Freight taken at low rates. jjNogelsht received orbUlaof lading- signed on aatU „ A gents at New (Mean*. Messrs. Crevr; Nlikerjuvri i will give carelul attention -to sblpmeatlol good^toGalveston, Mobile, Vicksburg, andlnupSt I’or ftelgbt or passage; apply to i ; ; - . ! .i. r . ,WM7li.JAMKS,GeiiefafAgent," I& °‘ J SMBonthWOTM. ■aiJigjl• goa boston. ;y. SHsire.rEo.2f jKACH.PO.Bir jfpzs FJjirM§s!tt£ ; FBOMPINE ST. WEABS, PHILADELPHIA. * * ■ . ABDLONG WHARF, : (^ e T,I£ a 5 1 ? S JS AR lg s . Captain Hoggs,., will: sail from Philadelphia on Tuesday,'Oct. 23, aslOA.'Mr Captain Matthews, will «■<! zrom Boston.on Saturday evening, Oct. 20.. .croM^'^W 11 ? and Boston la now l°Bw) t iaiptaln Balryr;i;ffiB tonßhnrthßn. SAXON, Captain Matthews, ton* bnrthenk^ JTORMANTttptaln Crowell, l£o3 tons bnrthoL These snhetandal and-well will sail punctually as advertised, and freight Will he StS £«££-■*““«■ “W® Bta thekKoodL* r ®l ueßte ' l tosendßUlapf Udinswlth Forfrelghtor passage having superior accommoda tions, apply to - ___ . • *• - ™ ■ ■ '. 1 ; HEKETWnraoa <& CO., - ; ano .... , •, 332 Booth Delaware sypn".. >d>S>Sß: .FOBJVILMINGTON, N v O. ■MUgM& THITPHILADELPHIA ANDSOUTH HHtI MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAR LINK, from Second Wharf beluw SPRUCE streelt The first-class steamship PIONEER, Cantata!*. p Hollo, lor WILMINGTON, will commence receiving freiehvon THURSDAY. October Uth, iidiSlSS SATURDAY, October2Cth. at ID o’clock A. MTand every, alternate Saturday thereafter—vis.; November 3d 1< tn | {aC». • Passengers will find* superior accommodations and best attendance r . Cabin passage, t2O; Deck do., H&, " . Freight carded at low rates. Ko freight received or bills of lading signed on sail ing day. Agenta si Wilmington, WORTH '& DANIEL, who will give especial attention to forwarding goods ad dressed to their care to and from the interior.' PorlreighS or passage* apply to: WMTI. JAMES. General Agent, sel2 • •*'/ - si4eontl^WhftiT*^ THBODGH THE SOUTH PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK " STEAMSHIP COMPANY, . THROUGH RECEIPTS TO NEW BERN. Also, to aU points In NORTH and SOUTH CARO LINA. via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to LYNCHBURG, VA- L TENNESSEE, and the WEST, via N ORFOLK, PETERSBURG AND SOUTHBIDri RAILROAD. The regularity and shortness of this route, to gether with the moderate rates charged, commend it to the public as the most desirable medium for carry ing every description of freight. 2s u charge for commission, drayage-or any expense of trausfer. •,.... Steamships insure at lowest-ratts. And leave rego irly from the first wharf above Market street Freight received daily. r WM. P. CLYDE <fc CO., -14 North and 14 South Wharves GHESGEKT F°R NEW : LOUISIANA LINE. To sail about SATURDAY’, October 29th, having been unaveidably detained. The Al Iron "side*wheel steamship CRESCENT. ■' commander. will sail as above. • - For .freight or passage, having splendid State-Room accommodations, apply to , BISHOP, SON & CO., No. li£> Arch street I. C. HARRIS, Agent at New Orleans, willforward all goods to his care to the interior or Texas. Bills lading can be obtained at our office, ocll 1 HAVANA' “ ‘ fittUttfa SKMI-MONTHLY UNB. The steamships . H£KDBIGK Hovel STABS AND STRIPES .Oapt.Hoh33 These steamers will leave this , port fbr Havana every other SATURDAY, at 8 A. hL The steamship HENDRICK HUDSON, ' Howes, master, wtll sail for Havana on SATURDAY MORN ING, November 3d, at 8 o'clock. Passage to Havana $5O. No freight received after Thursday. For freight or passage, apply to THOMAS WATTSON & SONS, HQ North Delaware avenue. FOS GALVESTON, TEXAS. TtTTyrr TEXAS LINS STEAMSHIPS, STOP. PING AT KEY WEST. FLA. The A 1 Steamship GENERAL SETIGWICK, Whitehurst, commander, will receive freight at Pier S> East River, and sail with immediate despatch. For Height or passage, having superior accommodstians, apnly to BISHOP, SON & CO., - .No. 105 Arch street, STEAM TO LIVERPOOL. * \Mtmi The Steamship DELAWARE, Capt Thompson. Trill. aaU October 27th. The Steamship. PERUVIAN, Capt. Salmon, will salt November 3a. The Steamship MELITA, Capt. Hardle, wiU sail No vember 10th. These Steamers are all first-class that sailers. Dor freight or passage, apply to , - . ' - A. ft. McHenry & oo„ NEW EXFRES3 UNE TO 1 ALEX" XAsgks ANDRIA, Georgetown and Washington, via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with couooctlona at Alexandria, Va., lbrm the most direct rente tot Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville,' Nashville, Dalton and the Bonthwest. Stoamera leave Pint Wharf above Market stunt oVery Wednesday and Saturday at IS It tFor freight apply to the agents, * 1 i ti W.P. OLTDB * oa, it North Wharves, J.B. Bavldaon, Agent at Georgetown: It mirldga A Co,, Agents at Alexandria, ■ ■ - - *"- FOR NEW YORK.—Philadelphia Steam - Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift, sore Unes, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving dally at 12 M. and 5 P.-Jt, connecting with all the Northern and Eastern Tinea. . . \ .. 1 For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to .= t s ' ; I; WM. M. BAIRD * 00., , Xnhietl . ... No. IS2South Delawareavenna.' ft - wirry fa KTJtAMRR FOR - SALK—The flat sailing coppered and copper fastened tneanierEELEN GKnYfstdß wnfcel),4oS tons O. M„ 180 ieetlong„24E feet beam; depth ofhold 8 feet 0 incheat drawa 6,feet i Inches water built of live oak and red cedar, .Apply to B. A. SOUDER&OO., peja-tf ':'.. ;... DockStreetTWharC m ' NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. TiXT.A WABS and OH SSAJPBAJSM :Sflt(A TO W-BOAT'.COMPAST. : . , . . . S. BARGES towed to »nS fmm KHII.ttIH!T.WITII BCAVRE-DEGRAOE, BALTIMORE, WASBIHai TON, and Intermediate point*. V „ , ; . -.•WM. F. ODYDE* CO., Agent*;. , < r No, 14. South Wharyoa, Phfladelphls, Captain JOHN LACGHUN, Superintendent, , jat 'EOR BOSTON. Mass.—Express Lln.e-The- , ■BB fine schooner THOMAS HOLCOMBE, Captain ’ JtiJUL Godfiey, is now leading fbr the Above port at. third wharf above. Market street,taud will have prompt despatch. .For freight, apply to DAVID CQOPER.IBN:Wharves.: —: ;ioool9^.' ? . igf A 1 barkBSTHER 1 • CaptaialPrlnce,- is now. loading for the above SSHtptft,'. For .freight or passagetapßiy townnp? ; ' MAN<£ C0.,123 Walnut, street. . ypijr 9 work. , 3mm gloter and B.sool>bls. floor, " *?“? *•■ tons m “ tei *SS* *&** J Av&lg^Wgg?*- No - 100 Hwtt dsx^wabb •*** vataamt aad oa *a» lowesi ftittsDUti •ttantiofl dy«a to hps&ibs. 112 Walnut street, t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers