SON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XX.— NO. 166 EVENING BULLETIN. FllitliTftH HID EVERY EVENING, _ _ _ reonday’a eicepted.l _ Mtw BWum BUILDING, 307 OuMtuut Street, Philadelphia || ' BY TIE® i Erining Bulletin Association,” • 0. WALLACE oaSbHSSSIE 0 "’ THOai-;WILLIAMSON OASPIB lOUBEE, Jr„ IFEANOIS WELLS. Tb* BoAimv is served to subscribers in the city at l! Mate par week, payable to the carriers, or $8 oo per ttanmw. MARRIED. ■' KAUTiAE—HOLMAE—At Dedham, Mass, on Wedneeday, the 17th of October, by the Bev. Samuel Babcock, George O. Harlan, M. D„ of Philadelphia, to MaryD Holman, of Dedham, daughter of the late hr Holman. * 1 VEft—STILLE.-On Wednesday, 17th last., at St Mark’s Church, by the Bev. Walter B. Mitchell assisted by Bev. Edwin Bor-wood,D.D, ofTrinltv Church, New Haven. Conn., BobertS. Ives.M D 2f sm« M D™' C °“ n - *° Mwla - daughter of AJfrll i Dl£D. 2 S l S9S^ss& T l6Ol lnatant - Mr- John Tbfe relatives and ftienflß of the femily are resoect i ' v 0 Catharine street, on Friday afternoon at 2 O'clock. To proceed to Eber ezer ME. ChSSh « HAHHELL IMPOBTKD FOB PALL St. Bernard Woolen Cloakings, ' o mli^ aWia ' Mosaic Woolen Shawls. . Magnificent Plaid Poplins. W EA T H E B STBIPS^AND ' W INDOIW MOULDINGS ocl2 B,tn t th,iT^» OK BLACK SILKS. • & l iS; 80rt, S. of Lions Gros Grains, Taffetas jPrn£_ < feff* an<^t de Sole. Mourningßtifrij ’ of the b&st makes and at reasonable prices. ’ BESSON & SON, Moo ruing Store, No. 938 Cheatnnt street. SPECmi NOTICES. SCIENriFIC COURSE. eaeayetie college. RwenH Course of Instruction in ? e ? I ff? ed »? lays substantial bas£ of coltgrep gtodente can pursue -'pose branches which are totJnJcal.Vii: EHGINKEBIMG, CTOI, P TopomiDtaG MIOTNQ and MBTaES^}^ toAffiKM g- sSg&“ffiS^JgfS tordodan opportunity for special study ofTBADE and OOMMEBtfS ,oI uLOGY, and of the HISTORY and inbttttttto'nts •OATTmiT.. nr 1 ?.? 7 ' »PPiy to Presldenl wT^Srr^> ort *° . .Prof- 8.8. V OUNGMAN, mjSij A®? 114 * lm - Cleric of the Faculty. AND PHYSICAL IN3TI. ' TUTE, Broad street, below Walnut, , ' A^§2|'. r O SS>S?^ e “ lOn ° ftbelnstltutl on MpLJfSIM ,ee ciICQI “ ■« to “Light Gymnastic” misses* and ladles’ classes, see circular of Misa HOPKYNB or * e £ ere , nce J£ Gymnastics for little boys and mas "'vt *V 01 i Par t or Skating, sea circnlar of Drf JANSEN -At4P?M. 3 * Boys, TUESDAY the lethof October, CBKTBAL BKATDJB PAW, FIFTEENTH AND WADLAOE STREETS (Branch of Natatorium and Physical Institute l The circular of the Skating Park with a new Dro ga,ss?,m‘ SS&gSS on SAfiCUEL w. HESS and make their S^S^. 8ec * Patronize him can rely noon setting a 6plec did article, (every pound they bnv and "Sst* b n ny^ *°j?J also, pore Spring Moan- KSErSJHShli* lo^ est laarketprices. Orderarespect- solicited and promptly attended to eithar at »aseaffla^»^aßSag HAS MOW AEBTVBD ISS^SfSSsIS? Southeast corner of NINTH and «t. At this favorite stand all tho mrtnt approve varieties of Lehigh andSchuyllmCoa??? s£"“®e th £ Easleyem, Honey broot.BS^MoSnum' «fec.,may be had by the single ten or cwmTt th« lowest market rates. Housekeepers, msbK'aoieof _ se27 th^,tui2trp SAIHROih ■ 6 residents have superior H^^« ! £32SS2SaS2ISIS3S? ,, “ e,: - oc2lmr P BINES * SHEAVE. linco M memorial tab- Dora 6^™/ n 2^1011 ’ Admission 25 eta. Beaerved Seats, BO eta. ocl7-3trpi BETBOUVEY’S TONIC. MOST EFFECTUAL, BEAUTIFUL, AND migkly PEEFUMED PBEPABATION EX _ Jy2B-a,tn,th-tf rpj HOSPITAL, Nos. 1518 and' lB2o • Department, Medl totte^SS™ 1 d “edlomes tornlalied gratuitously iwi -^E EEMPXED Escape fbom Jail—Si it Va'^ttemnbS^ 6 ' 1 “ jaU > at Petersbnrlh* va., attenapt«a to escape. Thev ?ha work by first removing a barWfhe C el! HTndow, which was acrompltehea to a m™ "terious way, but when we there were six stalwart, negroestb do thl n ?t after *U be so remarkable With this bar they tore or tbo riio«v a * along tte entire iLgto of toe cel?next ?o the ootw’ walk They then came to the ; granite floor whioh was made of blocks of : granite averaging about four feet in length and twelve wide with a uniform thickness •of six inches. In order that they mighS fairly at toe seams of toe .granite r,to« Siof toe plank flooring were take’nnp. toen brought toe bar to bear upon tiie est granite block in the line of their 7 h L cll about four feet long' mi? Au ted ab 9? t “idway the side of the ■ +i, Aft ?L Co J ls A derable Pinching and pry. rarrvil? y Wo °k entirely out, and •-carrying it over to another part of toe cell 1 "l th tiieir blankets, jack •>ets and old pieces of extra clothing. J It hafl t^k«l^ n<se<i “ioing operations, it had token them nearly all night long to almost Tmpossfble preliminary. _ With their bar thev com under the floor to get fair play _ tb* bnck walL which strati m ■say for a jail foundation, is thin. .They worked diligently tte dirt and rubbish unfertto) floorancf throwing it out of the window until datr light broke through the km window of . toe-cell, and warned them to cease for the time their operatic>nir%h£ t?S er dl S c 2 v s r S dtheir operations about tUs time,and had them removed to another ceto Singular Discovery ol a Suleide. the lewlston (Maine) JonrnaL] tit- 1)6 that May 23d last r. ged tw enty-two years, daugh ter of Jonas Greene, Esq., of Peru, Oxford raunty, mysteriously left school at Kent's HiU, came to Auburn, where she stopped a at 016 Elm House > end left inthe mid-aftemoon, apparently in tears, She was next and last Been in a drug store °>ty where she purchased two-!nda haU ounces of corrosive snbliipate-a quan tity sufficient to destroy many lives. It was believed that the unfortunate girl committed and diligent search was made for her body m the woods in this vicinity and in the canal and adjoining towns. AU efforts f?. dl ®“ v , e r her remains were, however, fu- agonized friends of the mining gave up all hope of ever seeing her alive remainsf ly hope of ever discovering her a i!^ ay morniD e. aa Charles Lewis and n were out hunting at White Oak Auburn, they accidentally stum-’ bled upon the remains of a human body— in an advanced stage of decomposition i ing 6 girh n ° d ° Ubt 11 13 016 body .of the miss-: fi,l' h £ head was supported on the right arm, the legs were drawn up slightly, and all the flesh nad disappeared, leaving a mere skeleton, in clothes. A black straw hat was - haying probably,: been blovra fP^f#yh^i" n ow afleßhlessrsknil,-whose overUin Wttor “ dOlllll6l was clothed with a cotton dress T^? laf 1a f , bI J? e border, a hoop skirt Md cotton skirt, shoes and stockings. It was without drawers. Over her shoulders a checkered shawl tightly and frnm a t£o nd p? r °“ oat >. as mough shrinking t ro m the cold and endeavoring to protect & The water-proo g fM stretched on the rock near by, which it is believed, had been blown by the wind’from her shoulders. The shoes and stockings were in perfect preservation. Near by was which were found a memo randum book, pen-holder and pen an empty inkstand, hair brush, naiTbmsh! soiled po<*et handkerchiefs, a pair of new gloves and a brown veil. * Dr. Harris was summoned before the re ♦£t?n, W 5 re ton< f ed ’“d Save his opinion that the deceased probably survived from hours after taking poison—the probability that she died by poison being »ont?.o Sed by a6cidenta l discovery of an 8 < F onl f r ?ear by in which it is it ti? *£ e *i? 0 3 s 2 n bad 1)6611 wrapped. Dr. that the position of the body indi *hS'deceased died without great suffering, as it was found in the most easy and natural of reclining postures. y „ f ’ r °m the memorandum book and all other articles in her possession, she had apparently fdi positive testimony Is to her Several leaves were torn from the memorandum. Evidently they may have borne a name she wishedto conceaL Her cateThwka 63 ! 1^ 7 her J er y n ame was indi c*ted by the letters she addressed to her matestofo^her! 0118116 begg6dhercW 119 South TENTH Street. I ° r a Thousand Dollnr.BUl. r™ 6 r£ altil " 0 i? % following: Frequent mention has been made in tne i proceedings of the City Councils, at thisanl whtl dUlg se ® slons > of a §l.OOO banknote which was in possession of Mr. Josiah Cobb, and which he felt desirous to have disposed of, so that he might be relieved of all care in reference to it. Its history is a httle cunous. In the year 1838, it appears aSiniUriA by alad to change a ?ICi note. Upon looking at it he disco vered it was a genuine $l7OOO bill, and he was curio us to know something more about it. So great a mistake in the denomination ?^ 1 . a R ot ®y as . n °t ordinarily made. He re mquiry, then ascertained offer t d to a lady who con- j "poted • ttnllinery business, by a negro woman, in pay for some articles -That somobody wa/the loser to seemed almost certain. Mr. Cobb, und« the circumstances, felt himself justifiable ?n retemtog thenote.’so as to fincl He _aavertised ,it at various tiniea'fnr I some four years, and never had a call for it. I Tiredofbeing its eustodian, toFebru^v sfn 2^f opO f t ? d ? n 1116 CityTreasuiy^v^i ?o0 40 interest, in trust for the* hanofit I owner, ifhe should ever be found. Effort n«wio^ e - 6n t? lade ’ at one t;irne or another bv I parties in the way of administr«Hni „i Dy descendants of the °i F “ sinco deceased, to get possession*.!?PV 1 ?, 11 ? withthe citythe have^n??^ . This, by the aotion of the City Coumfil I ■ ssftss re Pcatccl seems that the colored woman, who nri. sented it to pay a bill, neyer even appeared I to make a claim for it,, »ppearea I . ® r ‘ Gibbes, a prominent citizen «ns jowaalwt of South Carolina, is dead? * 4 A Bfew Business Idea. It is not surprising tbatamong the ohanges wrought by the war in mercantile affairs the question of credif shouid have attracted some attention. A radical reform in this respbct was, m fact, much needed, and an earlier T of « Northern merchant Hi t ”*l*“*’“SlS/ks Siosß^tn ll^ 0 Uf> or t^G delinquencies of N ° e «dit end small evil-hTtr , a good antidote for this evu , DUt it ocours to US that “mo credit enr) « g£«S-«WJi a Btm better one Tfata is the plan lately adopted byoneof our most best-known Market street &?“• Messrs. Bancroft, Bache&Co.,whote eJulsdimd R? ’ Wl s fomid more fully T^,?i^ii e 5 by thei v Card m another column nhatl^i Stem ’ aß , the wader will find, is m eivcr, easA . aae > but the advantages B 1 ?™. for the cash must be apparent to all davsofwoe 61101 o^o^B - In these - fihSL«*in SIB ?nancialhnmbngs it is difficult snccessftilly to introduce projects of auv kind offering “advantages to purchasers.” however fair and honest they may be. But this difficulty it would seem, Messrs. Ban croft, Bache & Co. havealreadylargely over come; Prom the day that their mew terms— -600(18 for cash, at their 6ona fide cost prices—was announced, the plan has been gaining in the favor and conddence of customers, The high standing of this house and r ®bable firm has had much l° d ? w kb this success. We commend their mode of business to the attention of buyers as we believe that its advantages will soon become generally apparent" PHILADELPHIA, THUKi [For the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] Bo you care much about the Celts ? Brit tany devotes itself to them. In my previous notes I must have given a false color to this antique country, by describing so many crowds, dancing festivals, «£o. The Breton * a man alone. It is from his silence, from his attention to the past, that one derives his real character. How is he portrayed by the romancers who have found their Add in Brittany,- by Paul I’Sval, by Emile Souvestre, by Pitre-Chevalier/ by Hippolyte Eneas, and a crowd of song writers ? Always as a man who lives in bis traditions, and imports into his veiy Chris tlanity a swarm of Dm id fables. The Par dons, the games and dancing are but a gleam, of a faint and watery quality, break ing upon the momehtof his adolescence. The moment passes quickly, he loses his health and his objectivity, and lapses for lift into a retrospective gloom. . “ n. Thre ? modern young feUows stumbled 9**ee in the wooded part of a httle Breton farm, upon one of his ancestral graves, the object of boundless local respect and fear. Here, thousands of years ago in “ faDC y of the world, came th? horde of howling savages to bury their chfof in his necklaces and rings. Theto respect for him was perfect, their expression ofitiaine and embarrassed in the extreme. “Oh, whv te.7f h not “ v “ ted fetters and aroifitec tnre. they must have said, after toiling a longtime m the dirt without producing any- AUlhe yhnewnowto <hg a deep trench, some five hun dred feet around, and heap the debris in the centrewith their leader in the middte. They ri d » 0t name > u di d not even strike hls profile; they could only pfie dirt and stones, more like pouring ohtivion f than immortality. Theto they trooped howlrng away and left him for ns to dig np if we could. sanctity of the Celtic remainsis pre a atron g eraperstitious feeling. The rrench antiquaries fiave great in mvest gating the varioussp“ mourn farmer who owned our tnmnltts would have raised the country upon forexSvatio“ PICi ° n aauaa ** S*«S* fSsMJßgsjsffls&ajffisa actß in the best tame by letting the mnn^ 1 Md gold. d^ imagining easy treasures of flint ~^ ere was nothing to indicate the age of the barrow except the stumps or mo&em Kn? s, u upon the summit. The hillock and the well-defined ditch around bore a thicket of young oak* roota of the first vegetation began to strike toward the heart of the deatTheto all wl changed over and over again, under the passage of countless fires, like that which rowntly thmned the adjacent forest of Lu- OUCU4 “I’ve found the entrance to a passage'” my tall brother Jonathan^mV side, lifting from his hole a face quite trans figured with dirt and excitement. Not being onr own discovery, we joined forces and scorned it.- It was nothing bnt an ac £ta£tes aS£? gement 0l /the atonea; five ‘‘i’ ve found one of the warrior’s ribs cousin, Jack Bull, dancing about, a mere mass of earth, with the bone of some rat or other borrower brandished in his hand. Then I joined the other par tv (having found nothing myself), and scorned him. Soon after this we found ourselves satiated with relic-hunting. "Wemay as weU let the bummer lie nW,f n, r -America and England in a choruß of amity and good will over the fai the „ We WrdKfresJte the little excavations, the of stone and the yellow soil upon our clothes t and we moved nfr with the bone, first displacing a very fat larva which had selected it for a resident against the sequestra? tion with all its infinity of feet. Two or three fathoms of loose rock remained be tween us and the barbarian, between the paper collar and the collar of goliTto tomb so far was inviolate, and the Celtic Se fn to Mj° rked toa pnrpcpe after all. In the fields around the pansy was grow ing wild doing its best to keep thl hetos memory blooming. The pansy (pensge) il thls country the flower of the »ave? It blows all over the village churchvardq among the black wooden crosses; aniTeven Won the tombstones of state, among a rlin ton^ ptured j te i ars ’ mider the quaint Bre en s« D ?S I ,f S i IOI,I ? ate -’ c°mes again thehearts ease, rudely cut, with the motto “Think of hear hv e: w?i e Q 0 i a p V r Of Druid altars the fields, the road being flooded with equinoctial rains and kP.™ p - lent J o r yariety ln observing Breton field— lnCld6n a ' browns tubble- I '• What, is that music?” &skdd twn nf no simultaneously. The air cate tinkling harmony, like a chorus of little <imniP Se f faintly struck. WepausecL j and the enchantment ceased. We looked around the lonely landscape, and up toto the gray, low-hanging sky. IsuddoL™ expected to fiad the shade of a taming our burled chief in thehh We I moved a little further, and the shadowy mmstrel re ,commenced, avoiding ou?S but charming our ears with his swlet w nCh »; o Pre * ently we found Um out. taokwhTatforms stong lUtie flinty Hef quality. The blaick corn or buckwheat is the Breton’s firmest friend. 9 He yjith rye and potatoes, but he marries the' buckwheat, fie leans on itandUvShvit When it is ripe he comes with all his friends* Bafher It with their there is a grand merry-making? • and then, f TOifh op eiBhtlo i l ? troo P hear it off the' fieul the msgleoted stems 016 Bround with a more Tt uPo d^PPJ ody ’ f Pastoral accompaniment. music, better than any inatru ■ ment the Breton hears, a music that would have gone to the. heart of our Thoreau the Swicdtciteofearthtothereaper: - ’ a^e 6 “dean and riWa*k»wiP e ? mspisy the most shocking in aiperenoe to the dignity, of man Tha fon? boasts, from which yon de- sdpks; it gives°oneai h<£ Pastoral creature to find, thf ^ ne 4 Oil it WHOUE COUNTRY, BASH STEPS, ®AY, OCTOBER 18,1866 heraelf at yon from this pre-emi nence when you cross her path with the fw 8 i° f a landslide. The hogs stood upon * eg ? e , s^ts > and came charg hlaoM t d m ?^ OUBlyth ? )Ueh °nr knees It , ine sound or an acorn dropping near na • 1 hefrMeh lik ! oyei eyes, and made a point of 8 Ta m fc leir -& atll whfi rever they^wished forest er “»*“». tfie great d/erViL t’ ,suen at onr Side still knows the the bear and the wolf. irSl gK..ssaa®« ■iflfife^saEsstaße.. ineatriMUy before the multitude. The nro. manned hv diminished the respeciPde 3sSP*sss&& J^ y ? etter wa y‘° insult the It would have taken e . nse^9 urta ble additionally as a seat habit, and fed^urS The little t *K 1 ii Vea, 3' r^ another. .SShS& Uanwtf\ but J e^eTa V Sffi Mming 011 ™ tad mai our P° cket « a Drnid ajton An oblong formed l f n flat stones set up in the ground, edge to edge, and covered with b T big for iJ ‘ The lauer aTwayt bIL .? 1 ”?” to Bhed the sacrificial Dioca, and is always a single stone This specimen, the larged I haye seen?wts morl nearly level than nsoal, and hkd“ » aforesaid The greatestdiameto of the cover was about twenty-three feet. SPii” ? h BdeT U ’ l found ifftad th P B eiwh h o d he n S< i nare although fho Up oDtsid e nearly to the ? ave f* Ail the stones seemed eaten to the heart wnh moss The two altars were within ten feet of each other in a broad and lonely heather that stretches office , nr^r e J?« Ved ?£ a , litUe to take an outline °LS® r ® dl f c *. a > two larks vaulted upon the ebt™i^ ’ n !^ d • to drive their bills sharply, and m an experienced manner the , c, " mlls we had left After cock-birds, each withered the contempt and affected to think *il Tlflibl v l until a. common panic shudder in unison. The paper **d contained our luncheon beganto swell and hover ominously in the wind, and the slim knees of our plumed cavaliers with a PP r ehension. This tn« D * arrw !?®d by time and na ture for a trio of tourists in search of the picturesquely horrible; a gray mossv ob ject or two, the shape of huge mushrooms relieved against the distance, and trying to h>ok villainous, and succeeding. Adepres ?s n "{^ noneofthem - originally meant ibr «n i rt^i d .£ ,l s >oSe, n<w employed by a feded “ a mirror iter the rain two tiny larks, lifting their small crested heads from the cruel rock and quaking with horror at the antics of some w hitey-brown paper puffing in the wind o ftSS£»“ e fairies’-houses by 1183 moved away for some dis tance, the trees—were we dreaming?—began to gather into lines and avenues. Thesoff? eUII Profound, or only broken by some dingy and silent little huts: but the ancestral honor of noble beeches. S,* 0 count by grouped themseivMon eitber side of us, over us with umbreUas > and conducted sp f .^s/^ da i -Ccmmooy to some etately ? Lad “reserve. Gradually they lrom “*w° tong rows, straight as the avenue of sphynxes at Thebes, im posing as a guard of giants. The ™ bn E we trace d it with de lightful wonder, and presently descried the fr" 4 ® tte wStISShSf theslhtude. 1 * 186 Bnd ma S nifloe nt church in L 0 8? ne 7“ - exhaust the impression of , wilderness. Many aa ballads, and a lovely poem of s m particular, depend upon the hnding of cathedrals in the heart of th! the current of civili zation, withdrawing to the centre, leaves these monuments of past piety alone among the trees, for hinds to pray in and foreigners to admire. One should never go twice the ft of the ballad aiwayl dlpS™ appeaS ! TOy amShinSafterone T '-^ e , chu “b of Mustoir, founded upon a ° h ? pel V denves its name from the adjacent mte of a monastery of the red f illl6 doorway has a fine Gothic Th?wn fi J e or ? i ?- decorated mouldings. b np^hSi h i angs wlthln the s P ire . and is ap- KS- by 811 opea g aUer y and a stairway separate tower. To effect this however, the key. of the church door was necessary. The nearest cottage revealed a beautiful peasant girl; I do think the most blautifffi girl m Brittany. She was call, full of native grace, and had both the strength and eye of a P °?‘j stood in front ofher door and blushed, and wondered what we meant, jab -* o ‘‘ ob > i ’ 6 g“ a b •” She pointed to the ohurch “ d £ l4 _E n fcmetbing like the name. At length, by dint or demonstratively un locking our left bands with our rights, all m concert and over and over again, she un gfl?o**- She radiated with pleasure; ran to a cottage, and produced an old and 'ky. which she handed over with a sweet figure of native ii that distinguished the action and made it instantly fine? Was it a nod cjacouriesy, or another blush; or did she 2 > K^ blne i5 10 5 l “prions, like a wealthy beauty nnt tioTW ra ld ua 8 g* Bo6 apiece f I can not teU, but there was a something, a touoh tqo exquisite for Sterne to have caught for a ?y -h ^B grisettes, that made us wish to stand there forever, receiving a loek-smith eiy °f keys from Celtic angels of her speoies. comrades this unexpected yipion of hidden grace hacT'another slgnifi cancft They made her stand for them all I never in my life saw any ]h“g ?P■distracting as her method of exam ingg the piotures when finished—her body P i? ) g ’ ! ber i ead attracted, her Brightened fh^WMn IiD E,Hl rongh her ba nd, her throat imnbbmg with nervous laughter, and her cheeks in a flame. To be an artist, with a “nnoiaseur, is now the limit of my bad explored the ®b“fb, and stoleu a bit of ancient glass. As S^S eial i. thll,g »' and: theoretically/ X detest |°.^ 1 > on O ttutda^g, ' arobiteo tuts, and Rsk their friends at home to ad' brtckbata Tnt “ U3ea m of potsherds and church that T l?^ 6 ’ 111 th , e window of a bishop’s shonidT a TZ** torget ' was ‘he The moment 1 had got it I felt i made amotion to replace it : ;looJfc€d hastily round - wliAn tl!a <?«** I there /entered a long haired boy dressed like your ancestor wlfn came over with Wiffiain PeM. Hehad Angelus, the sunset chinie! p?rH he T« 08?e ?i;^ ilnBelf 803 approached the cord. In another minute I nad taken the £olw£ n n his -s? ndB ’ Bl)4 was shaking the theChn b rch' i; Sromi ‘ B : d sepmouth itfiUed “° r ? h > the arcade of beeches, and all tf r i S Us reverberation. It R j B * l^ lll the colored light, and the f"“er popped his flail, the wiinowing Chev he w^ e ’, t n e - Borman his net, whilf mey bowed _their- uncovered heads and whispered, “It is the Angelus.” THE QUEBEC FIBE. Bodlea “ecovered from the Ruins- Subscriptions for the Snfierers,d.-c- Oct. 17.—The conflagration of at Quebec seems to be the onlv talkect , of throughout the province neatn the rums, and several persons am S? missing, who, it is feared, have been hilled by the falling of raftera wh1l« »f tempting to remove Ujfir pro^rf y 7 M t_ int in at 1116 cit 7 Hall last even tng, in Quebec, a very stormy discussion ensued m regard to the political and re fhLlC;Ufl of 1116 sufferers; bnt through U6nc ? of ? 6veral influential gentfe mcn present quietness was restored, and ihe^ lp^°n ts were harTdeTamund bv SM» “ be ™ of the Belief Committee, when §lB,OOO was immediately collected. loss of life and suffering of those poor houseless creatures throws a dark gloom over the whole country" Th£ hfL VlSlte! l by thousands, while here can be seen men, women and r ® groping their way through ™e rubbish of their former homes, and in other Erections can be seen workiirparttefS themelancholy duty of huntoirfortha bodies of their missing friends. Several women, it is rumored, hive died “d, unless immediate relief is fur ia/eared hundreds of Cornea children will follow. The committee are do ingeyery thmg in their power to pro videfood. clothing and shelter lor the Sv ffi ladies of Quebec are organizing sanitarv so prepare clothing ana attend to the hospital, while others contribute from their private stores provisions for the sufferers.- One charitable gentleman is sun porting fifteen families alls own^SL and another sent this morning efglftSrt provisions. TheXy^ of Hiecity have placed their horsesand Ff h “ t th 6 disposal of the relief committee* for the purpose of hauling provisions PriS moving furniture saved Som tTa safety. Sheds are “prS Q p a the nuns as fast as lumber cJi hi ~ A man named Defoid, aged 70 years, died 8 fr ° m “ j “ I6S * » A soup house was opened last night at the Jacques Cartier Market, and over ten thnn. sand people have been furnished witiisoup" •An appeal is to be made to the people of and Prance for aid to build up the foMp^r ttee 1188 been ap p° inted of disease among the poor that ovm* give a concertin Quebec,the bn the pfoS’erte to be devoted to the sufferers. P eda «^rT e follo . wi s g “ 1110 amount of subscrip tions received: The Governor-General >200; the Mayor, $200; the Archbishopof Seminary of Quebec. S°x? ; o o f Quebec, $100; the Cure of bt. Koch, $100; Ross <fe Co., $1,000; Thomp son & Co?» 5500; Thomas McGreevy §5OO - & Garneau, $1,000; Hamel* helms' puyUlOO; J I, e Sismenr; SI00; the Recorder, §4O: J. W. Henrv soon! Rev. A. Racine, §4bfc. C’ W. Cosgrain, §4O; Patrick VaUee Sion" Daniel Cary, §2O; R. Dobsellct Bennett, §500; James Gibb, §400; Behan <fc Bros., $o0; M. D. Robitaille, §5O; D. W .. followinginsurancecompanies intend to remove from Quebec if immediate steps are not taken to put the fire and water de- TheT l^? ° D %?* ore footing: The London and Lancashire, Queen, Roval Liverpool and London, Nortii Lan cashire, Imperial and West of England. cont mues fine during the day, but is very cold at night. ■ AID FOB THE SUFFERERS BY THE CONFLA _ ORATION IN QUEBEC. oeTa ,- of 8t - J «m Baptiste Canadians) Benevolent Society, of York, have issued a call to the mem measures for the immediate relief of the sufiers by the late conflagration m Quebec.—AT. T. Herald. Personal. Daboll,inventor of the fog trum at ?S W I^)l l d ° n (Conn.) on die 13th sta ?xT S^ ed f orty-eight years. He was the son of Nathan Daboll, the maker of “Da boll’s Arithmetic.” 01 IJa _ Mr. Charles Cook died at the residence of General Cheddell, in Auburn, New York on the 16th instant, of apoplexy, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. ■ y we ETASD WOEK.-W. H. P. Denny, Eso has sold ttedrcievUle (Ohio) P. O. Hayes, formerly of 1 the; 103 d O, V r a gentleman nr education. and culture. an 3 a graduate of Oberlln College. MrTDennv retires from the editorial chair for says: fim years,™ d^ttorat s°™- -Sii l and °°nflict of party discus sion, irill be very agreeable. Togivethe reader an idea of thelmmense labor Phave perfMmed .within this period (MdlmJy remuneration), I find, not less wl h u^Z^htoh a boob, would make twenty thousand octavo pages. 'Who would. t ftf° HlS* work for his “yictuala and clothes ?” Stot fa aU IbYW got, ' E. 1. FETHERSTON. Poblishsr. WUB Tim 0 ’ °°tol>er 17th.—Mr. J. S. Me ’l counsellor the Fenians confined at hhfoiwi mte nds to demand the release of ■sSS^TMsasn£ miPa n < rt r ffti J J lry reassembled this mom w§l ““mining the evidence tha Would for trial thin ! Sg^TO^SSSSSfe • Monday, statin er • that- fh*» United States government intend seizins’ Canada for the debt owed by account of the.depredations of the Alabama the StTn” 16108, Sach a movement on the part of onr government would be verv unpopular with the masses of the ‘H a 2 8 > while they condemn the policy of Engiand towards the United States ara the U^fds^te b a mit to any Nation from me u nited States government .twenty ammunition wagons and five jL -Armstrong guns arrived this morn mg at Champ de Mars, Montreal. The cabinet delegation to England has secured passages by the Canard steame? They leave Boston on the 7th November" Si'a"a»®Ssj£t I >Ma Ql<,6 “ supposed with the intention of Sing a fSr °V? me I*** l on tbecSaS ironuer. The government has been in formed of their movements. The frontier i* guarded by the gunboat Rescue and tw» r^mentsivolnK? 1 h'Smwt mp - t a - movement on Canada, Sheriff ' BUghted to weloorne toem to ■ Enfant Pebdu, ' I Dealh of Tb«idore Dirlebt. ' Theodore Dwight, a well-known citizen , !? no £ Ho . n A Theodore Dwight, former! v I on B r ess from Connecticut, died at his residence m Brooklyn, on Monday aged seventy years. . On that day his bS£ ht ®, r sta *kd for the South to reiota h£ I and Mr. Dwight accompaHied her ‘°Jef s ?y City. While he was tXtagTeale I ?f,her m the car the door was fastened, amt before ncouid be opened thetratawS I J? otlon ‘ - Be » however, leaped off, and was I down and severely braised. Hi* 1 W j° ' BStw him fall, naturally I asked the conductor to stop the train bat it I 'Jfmnf ® ntr eaties were without effect S?^L Blie had been carried to a considerable d ‘ s j“<*. when some gentlemen interposed !™nn h tt oo^ n £ tor - { s? Dsented i°set herout JW *he track, with her two children one f k<ibf> mid Without attendant, to find her I hsoh on foot as- she might She wan I fiV 6 ” 211110 rea °hher father, and found I °? nscioDS “d peaceful. He lived eito i t0 S" e ! t V and comfort hta 5Sg. 5111(1 then departed before the break . hir. Dwight was graduated at Yale Col- I m 1814, and though his life was ear nestly devoted to literary and philanthropic pursuits, he devoted much time and study to the acquisition of foreign language! and his proficiency was snchSiat he wasablem wmverse readily in French,Spanish,ltalian I Cerinan, Greek and to some extent in He brew and Arabic; he could also read and S !? te -.? om « u - These acquisitions ent love of liberty, ren mT£ hlm 1110 dy Md efficient friend !f S SSSS eiil ! s wio > a t onetime. Or SROthST, h&TB BOneht rfiftlM nn nm> and Mosquera, Garibaldi Rivera/ Orestes, and many other living natHnb!* will feel that they have loITf earnest friend. hw bwTn- f a S e din ffie translation of Spanish works into English,. and English, into Spanish to promote the introduction of our usages and books into the schools of the Ssantahs tateresm “d to increase the'mutual interests and intercourse between our own country and those States.-!* RZW. k? I ®® Gbass Tree.—The grass tree «to be found in nearly all of - A - USCralla - Up to a few months ago it was supposed only to be a useless growth, encumbering the land. A few knew from the blacks that it contained a very tenacious gum—the blacks used ' it as a glue for joining parts of their wea- / pons; but it is only within the last few months that the following valuable ar ticles have been obtained by a Mr Dodd The root is the portion used in these ex periment, and usually weighs from ten pounds to fifty pounds. Thu root fa composed of the stems growing ih a close ? a T S F% r Z n i the nal. From the outer portion of the root ®^ eUa ° in large quantities iaobtain ?ul ’J he refus ! contai ns a large quan -2**s“. and can he made available for lighting the works. From the inner portion is extracted, by pressing or diS- ; !iV;r n §t a J ! I PJ nt e< l n al to the best alcoholr after distilling, a quantity of saccharine ' matter remains, from which sugar be extracted. The present supply of grass tree in the neighborhood, of St Konan's is computed to be equal to a supply of six hundred tons per week for , the next ten years.— Melbourne Berald A Snake Imbedded in Rock,—A Texas ; correspondent of the Rockingham fVa.\ -i Register relates that a snake had been fonnd ; mLamar county, Texas, imbedded in U Mlld rock. It was eight inches fang..“ wwT first found,” says : the : seemed to have no life, but after posed someeight or fan signs of life.. l| was then careful ivr bedded from the ro^V^^V l^6^' cistern, and exposed to theron^itbSSaSi very restless, and in about ten s??®® minutes it diaw ronrT uxd about the size df a J 01 ? 11 -* pehca. We diacoTOSd ttat si^T 1 Jt lr& ttle forked It Wken first taken out flflrfor!” 0 00101 of but sooagrcw iE SHEET, THREE CE&TS CANADA, T sf.E en,a J Prisoners—True Hill* Found Colonel lynch and Bev. Messrs. So^ C ». h jS?i 3 8,,a lnn tsden—Frolm!)l(7lte. moval of Governor etneral i 1“ delation to the Seizure of Canada by the United States, Ac.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers