Frjrm Our Tl The Pennsylvania Election. - v , LAWRENCE COUNTY. Pittsburgh. Oct. 10, P; M.-Lawrence county gives a Union majority of 2 060, All the districts , are heard from and Cavode (Eep.) is certainly elected by attout-350 ma jority. . ' . WESTMORELAND COUNTY. TOis county gives a Democratic majority of about 1,000. J J FAYETTE COUNTY. Payette county gives about 900 Democra tic majority. . INDIANA COUNTY. . Covode has a majority of 2,250 in Indiana county, which overcomes the Democratic majorities in Westmoreland and Payette. ■ ’ BUCKS-COUNTY. Encss county gives 560 majority for Ross. ! MONTGOMERY COUNTY. mStytor'cfe^ 78 x „ .f'yPW l ?®! UNION AND SNYDER, rr"T 3)istrict the m'ajoritv jior the Union candidates is about 400. ' Venango County. ' ♦Z ION - E 9^ A - 10.—Geary’s vote in this is 76 and Clymer 51. Pinney (Rep.) for Cengress, Twentieth Congressional Dis iriet, has 81 v and MeCalmont (Dem.) 51—a Democratic gain of 22 over the Auditor- General’s vote of last year. ' lycomlag County. I Special Deapatch to the Bulletin:] Wjixjamsport, . October 10 —Lycoming Geary gives 450 for Clymer and 101 for Election Betnrns from Ohio. vo?i K S N^ Tl ’-? ct ’ 10 ~ 2 p - M.—The total yesterday foots up over 29,000, which exceeds by over 3,000 any previous vote cast here. • y •utnrnatf^u 1 ’ 'tiwlstfdtetflet, has 900 majority, and Hays, (Rep.,) in tile 2d district 2,600. The vote for or against the purchase of the Gas-Works by the city was overwbelmmgly in favor of the purchas^ SiOMO 11111011 majorlt y 111 the State is about Vermont Items. Binghampton, Vt., October 10.— The grand juryuf-the session of the Court of ““mg bore last week, indicted lor arson Doctors Jonathan,Ed ward Tnrper and Thomas Jefferson Gardiner and Assistant Physicians Of the State Inebriate Asylum) for setting fire to the north wing of that building on the 16 th of September, 1864, a portion of which was destroyed. • Doctors Turner and Gardiner gave bail in fSjOOO each to appear and answer the charge. From Canada. Toronto, Oct. 10.—The party of Royal -Engineers that lately arrived here are now inspectmg the country to decide on the pos ®ihfiity of erecting fortifications.r The 6ist British regulars had 'no sooner aisembarked-at-QQebeCi-tiian orders were received to send them,immediately to Ber muda; ~R ussian Commission is here examining the working of the municipal institutions in Canada. From Mexico. .... New York, Oct. 10. —The steamer Man hattan from Vera Cruz,, on the 30th. via Havana, oh the sth. has" arrived at this porL . , , . r , Itfwaslreported.thati MaXmilian- had ta ken a strong stand in relation to retaining his empire in Mexico, that French money was on its way to him and that the French troops will remain to support him .Bobbery <jf an Adams Express Safe. Ilion.N. Y., Oct. 10.— The safe at Adams Express-office of this place was blown open tois morning and robbed of §2,400 worth of United States Revenue Stamps, of denomi- Ufupnsrauging from one cent to ten dollars: §1,200 In postage stamps, and §5OO in cur rency, seven-thirty couoons, etc. - . of §2OO is offered for the arrest of the robbers. Fire at Oswego. Oswego, Oct. 10.— Neil Blackwood’s 5 a *ery, a small dwelling house owned by J. McQuade, and a considerable quantity of lumber in E. L. & 8. Thornton’s yard, were destroyed by fire last, night. Boss un known. There was an insurance on the lumber for §4',SOO, Arrival ol the Asia. .Halifax, Oct." 10th.—The Asia 'has ar rived, .with advices te Sept/ 30th, via Queenstown. Her news has been antici pated by the Atlantic Cable. The Baltimore Election. Baltimore, Oct. 10.—The election is uro ceeaing quietly and the voting i 3 confined entirely to the old registration list. ’ Ship News. «{?*c)LTi!? BK, P ctober lottL ~Arrived steamer Teuto ?h?Q 0Q - A dea Patch to the Merchants’ cbaDge NeVra Boom Bays : The steamer seen hv th* schooner Mary A. Magee, from Philadelphia for Mo in le rt?^l?^ :i^ t T?^ Fortie^B^loaroe, on *kesth instant Stress, and reported as the North Star, was no h??t‘'/ b^f SaD 4r ag 2 Cuba *or Grejtown, wnicL?put b»ck to New York on .the 7th. . The North Star K. been laiQ np here fpr thelast six months, j Markets. Yobk, Oct; lo —CottorffTrm at GStfriOc. Floor has decided jo@26c; sales of 8,000 bbls; State, $7 93® IJ?. 90@iii: fcoathera, *ll9o®*l6 25 IIZT'f 11 * 3 °f-060buahelsoldMflwlakee SL7}; Sftlet; sa:e3 important. Beef steady. WbhkySeidy f tSB ‘° ld at * 33 10 - Lwd hrm. Chicago and Kock Island, 107 s :- Preferred. 67*4; Illinois Central }Sjf: Central D Mletolgsrr Southern. 89; New York Pennsylvania Coal, 55; Beading, lie 5 .- Company, 55: Virginia 6s,’ 69«7 MiMoarl el ■s? ^ ,ni?* d ’ 84 "* : Western Union Telegraph Five - TwS ' flM^i™hstra sis. 1 wfia? r 18 fi*™: Western Super fteVilSH g Su%M£ firat baad3 ' 2 ' MIJ eOYEBMOK BEAKY. His Eeceptlonof the Sews of his Election. UABBISBUBQ, Oct. 9th Ifififi —.W>>an nonDced the fact rfGeneraiJoh? l^ 1 A hQ *^ taj ; ns a &- as Governor or Pennsylvania-mS ? election tome d a procession and prSaJ in_Blue" Pennsylvania. I reclp r c l cateyoMcong?atnSfin P n,“L°H f yon my sincere thanks for thKeeune ’it t? Indeed a noble victory we have 6 *&?’«,, 16 “ *s* fervently and too repeatedly offer^hanvL 6 tn P a*?* J OT •bf 3 BOW evidence of His presence^n sublime civic Bcqucl’ to the crownintr victo vnf’ naf tyebnrg—the second and final snTrender cffherSffi cneaMacka of treason, tne lollowing truths and cojjs-. tie traJ tors,<Teteafced in hat* • SleSntldto to lhe the* SKSSS;* *W; 1“ aI nghta of Citizenship; : “ 3 ‘" B - t K*9*“ Wf 1 ? !tne ‘•That all the'agencreo of the u overnmons ,«_h' ;Ua" ‘ mllllary. must beperceveringly andstSS?v toprptect. vindicate, at d if needs be pr,B!cd brothers In the South against'thosaviSe,?<£?•’ jecmioDS of .rebels who are still so lmpeni££t?£'/ > «?2; that even Andrew JubMonfeSratonMn??h,-?5"-' That this obligati, n la as sserted as P tbft P wS zntde iho Homan citizen strong and respected airover of Yesterday, s i l 9? n,ataa the British Govern- BifEßlnn b'lXi *° d ® l McL'Brltlstt subjects" agaWst op and persecution, howeverxemote aad how that 88 we must choose between the>L.]X?i o i** 1 * Bot yieiJtotbe conquerors' terms in and tboae who have fought teflon Government and pray fir Its prot-c -llfes h?£ eßr ‘6® m «n Who offered their trample ipon “ who contiDUe ,*> *oorn and th°e sympathizers with treason.and the ?n Pm£2 W i ofa ? » baD<l oned and ungrateful Executive to Pennsylvpia.opens the whole Southern count™To Jhe progressive people of the Nbrti'.with their ten lo .? tellectu 41881:1 olevatingage ucies.andbetter aecureo .to the resident loya'lste. white and snd5 nd clvl ‘ rl s h 'B pledged in the De thou,! 0 ? c«ndependence and secured by the laws of thl leo?ic^ la . tPe ? D ’ J ’ lvanlan who contributed to maaW “ cllB Wed'^r 1 Having fortified tbeaegreat troths against all fnlure it if for us of Pennsylvania to niAintaininl forward position we have so proudly won.. -- ® Provesthatanlntelligent people cannot away from priociple by appeals to oreiadice ?ut it fixes the fact more than aU that proflieaev and to high places serve to i lll • iostiiepgthen pnpQiar convictions. 1 No «*©n.thatof Nero whoselnteniv is written in the Immortal pages of yeutoninn .nai, d escen d f d «> low in hiseffoitato debauea oiraachSi so high in his efforts to destroy, as Andrew John is %e a sskiSS or their own degradation/ and wh-re hormst nniniSS rewarded?* Bntxhis attempt has consigned both to a deeper death aiSJ h rested a nd < defleff re suSr ie brlb™ a and I ine triumvirate as they compete for th«mim I 1 }? 36 T ho WOQ immorUl I ar/theSnra of .he wnflic a t ted etjaally “? daDger3 have done our duty, it will be easv fnr I hS? S the f nrsl'tinn a f y, h let U ? hope for Maryland to P caltior > 80 bravelv'and so bloodily won > andnow sought to be torn from her by I pensioned mercenaries; easy for I ha?2S?StiSfKiS lu / n ?, rlvet splendid posfsSe \ m a double treason; easy for Delaware I sSn?niS ose i from fcil © Prejudices under which she has I tH .Missouri to add another page r^ ec immortal record; and above all I tnfhi^L? 6 patriola of toe South to compel obedience 1 1 generoiis proffer of the American people ia the new amendment of the National Constitution. I The Sixteenth Want Betnrns. ( of tie election returns of the city, the vote of theeixteenth Ward is omitted. The following are the returns of that Ward, as returned oiiiclallythS of Comm on 'pieasn 6 ° ftie ?™~ary 1 ; Por Governor. Geary Clj mer ! For Congress. Myers 1795 Buckwalta*. ..1670 for President Judge. Allison.. 1920 Hood 1754 <>t r Associate Judges. Peirce —lB3l Brewster 1831 Otterson...... Greenback iB4si ? Recorder of Deeds, Owen Lyle. •r Cburi'. , Mca£ane3........ v .............,i752 iLynn '[s?> igcrA- of Quarter teuin ix. :^ fcr ”* - 1766 1 LQtt3 /r*~— ~IBS4 Cbmwion Council. ss. t R._; ISI3 • jGeo. HUetzel, D isvi Death of aWele-knownCitizex.—We *e£. ret . to aD ,nounce the death of Alexander Wilson ■ lermerly well known in the -transportation bus! ?f 4 «o?A b n a A, I< 2 lded 1 ,“ 'hiscity fornJore than asrare had previously lived in the Interior He afternoon. His age was seventy-five ofdftiends? decBase wm be regretted by very miny jTHEjCfioXiEßA.—There were fifteen new HeS'tS f ttfd Q^: areiloye<l st the Officeorthesoard-of ! Sales »* PailaJeipMa Stock Board. 1 BALES AFTER FIRSTBOARD, tiepo Camd & Atlantic 1100 ah Susa Cnl ’ 11 2d mgt 90 200 sh Bead R ss l ' ,S£o o B 5-a» '65- •: b3o 58>i 35!0City® new 64 ™j| Ish CfcmmTßk a aSgStS * 4 £ £*s®- I* 155 ah MlnehHlß bs 57* 5, BEX3ONDBOARD. . *2sw XT 8 5-&)s '65 cp iio?* j 100 all Germ Pas R bsa so J-g *»»»/“ SM&ffi&Jb' £ ...«£ a;C LANCASTER. " ' GRAIN STORE, SPRUCE STREET WHARF ‘ ~ Established!*,- 1828. V 9 ATS “ £ MILL-FEED Bold Wholesale and parts oTUieCity? »«Bs.•nd..deUyeied i »AU E! C. KNIGHT <fc CO.. WTTOTYITSIAT.W rapry-ifpc •S. B. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets PM S2S£^.v'*S eala ‘Pl** theProdnctaof tb. | C fe l^ r elp P^ ery,na Brocera ,;, a^ P; OKLA -- CHESIMt. Delaware oounty, Pa, Engineers and Iron Boat bnUd^ 4^Y ' 8021 * 00 Mannfactnrers of. CONDENSING °E5 Iren Yesaela of allclescrlpiions’, BoUera, Vats, rnnfci T * KEAJCEY, W. B. P BJEANEY, *3. ABCHIBODD i iflw or Beaney.Neafe & Co., Engineer lnChlel Penn Works. Phil*. ™ 8 Sm T. VAUGHAN iIEEKIOK.- WM. 7T. JJTOnmj ' JKO, ErCOPE; S°iSn sml^I DBY ' FIPT ? wasb ' & sons, i : ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. High J4l cl Low Pressure Steam Engine* forliand,Elver andMarineService. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats. Ac, Castings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. uSSSafelo^li 01 G ” Wor * 8 ' Workshop, co^™c«^ taery ' ° f the UMBt Every description of Plantation Machlnervram ft too™ rlvTi Mills, Vacuum Pans, Opai Defacatora, Filters, Pumping Ed *^tf^ent^T ror sl. Bmear,fl Sugar Bolim Apparatus, Neamyth's Patent Steam Hammer ant D^Sfif«hta?? Ues " a P '“ en ‘ ° Batrifai:al Ba **’ fIJASI FQTOBES.-iaJBB_KY. MKKtill.t. a J 7 THACKABA, NO. 718 CHESTNUT street Magnhactnrera of Gas Fixtures, hemps, Ac,, Aa would call the attention of the public to their larg* SiSlS? ll^?* 0 .^ 11811 *, 0 * ®“ Chandeliers, Pendana 4c, They also introduce Gss dldm int pwsllfaga ana Public Buildings, and attend toexten* wterlng and repairing aS’ “pe. 7AK2S A, WSI6ST. THOSJTTO2J QLUSSf , CEISOOII. TKBOPOBB WBJGHT, JRAgg T.. trafS: r FjETKB WBIGHT & SON§, Importers of Earthenware. „ WI . and- n-/ Snipping a»d Commission Merehaols. No. ns WALNUT Street, Plilladeiila. pwyy WKLIA-OW NEKS OF PBOPEIBTY,—Tbi jteWd! afw l°os?^S ? ' WelU A Lot of Fine Old African Coffee, Imall Bean. Also, GENUINE MOCHA and GOTi, For Sale b? ENMEOTJAVA CoFFJSj£S -. . JAMES R WEBB, f WAUNUT and EIGHTH Street N 'atcoTT^^s Q v? a ? l^T J s 3trecelve<landfor Second atjeeu Y 8 E^t 111,1 Grocery, No. 118 Sontt PsSmEMt'if „£?„ Pl^', DDT ; CH: and SAi : Poc J ? xr^!?^' aEE^^l.v n store and for sale at COUSTY’g East End Grocery, 80. ns South Second street. * T%S^. N , maoaboot, yjcijsncKLiir, par fr In store and for sale at COUSTY’S Emi End Grocery. No. 118 South Second street! PjaSL, OR4NGB.PEKL, CITRON anti JJBalslns. always to be bad at COlisTY’S East Em? Grocery,Bo. us South Becond strain. ° ISoi -MANGOES— r»r mw nSga a g m ’ s w^dMss give satisfaction. For effie hy t ]&p I Sp’r7TTTj 1 ie <, T» corner Eighth and Arch? N. W .gSSssgsg^ms® ,?s^sa«f5 e S5a s mP,pe a e,^ fflK^' . ' . go. j(2 Jcpfitfp An^pg CITY BCUliftiKl'lH. ' ' Coroner, ' ; Daniels 1806 I Buxmelster is 6l . „ a/ T.icci. • Della - IS2O Mel l?y-x-- iMo I City QomniUsioncv. |C°niier._..... 139-1 ■ BalHer ,369 \Prothonolary of District .-—.1773 1892 BIWEraaSS CABDS SBOOEBIEK ~ FHILAPIELEHi TKf RSflflT u> i, 66 Intgstl'iLiMiiißn—KEAßgre-KArMtr.a r, — r2?T^ft l nr^? a AS Q ?^ BJj<T OF PASSJ&NGEB raiBrIIENTH ggSh dalpri* Btth>fftiHnwUithjsSr~?* Pbfl * s i* a _ morning acoomodations. tiona. 7 ' 30 A ‘ M,for K « ad taBAndaU Intermediate Sta -iHOBKIKO EXPRESS, ■ . ' BmkHiic, BUAbnn sssss bug:. Hagerstown, Ac., Ac; • - varusiiMmamnera* train connects at BEASma with tha w*A SMlroad trains Lebanon Valley train fbr Btrrtaimrff ♦c.; »t post olinton withoS«.wi«*SsiSiS; ' ,’ ABTSEKOOUmrpgmaB^* KEABINe AIXJQMMoiIATION Jleivea Beading at«.SO A. BtonniniEatal] wavata. Hone; arrives In Phlladelphlaataio a!m. to f. m as f elplll * “ '*- M P - M " »««• Harriebnrf at ».lo A. Sv“ < J?S?S / S 6 *s§l 45 A. M« arriving In Fhlladel in^ l i2 , - y ‘ I S , -r»4255 , , 00n trains leave Harrisburg o ' llll at6 - 3 ° train, with a Passenger car’ atEacned. leaves Philadelphia at ulsg noon fbrßeadlng and all way ?^S?J 10 5 8 S7 e S.? ea<Un *L ll ' so A, M.,andDownlngtown IsSo P. M, for Philadelphia ami all way stations. 1 ■ Allthe above trains rnn dally, Sandayeexoepted, 83° Jay trains leave Pottsvllle at 8.00 a. M.. aad Philadelphia at 80S P.K;. leave Philadelphia, for Beading at 8.00 A. Mi, returning ftom Beading at 4.28 OHESTEBLVAIIiEY katlboad. ' :Downingtown anamterf-.edlatepolnti "'3 1 anc l£' lS , ■ A -““l 5.00 P- M. trains from Phlladel Ehla.retumlng from Downlngtown it &35 a. 2S. and 12 sn Koon. JSErWj YOIIK gXPBESB, gOB Pl’l'lHH U RfITT AKD ' Leaveo Kew York at 7, g ArM-and 8.00 P.M.,passing Beading at 1.05,11.53 AM., and 1.43 PM. and connect at Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Ballroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh. dlnamwn. lamsnort. Elmira. Baltimore. Ao. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrlslmrs on of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, it 3 and 9.05A.M.,1Ua P.M. passing Heading at 4.1 S ana ins? f-M.andU.'MP.M. smd 2.45 P. M. Sleepier Cars accompanying these trains through between 1 Jersey Oltyandplttsbnrgh T?ltnoQt change. 3£&il train lor New York leaves Harrislriirz at 2.10 P M. Mall train for Harrisburg leaves ISfew York at li 0(00 EU _ SCHUYLKILL VAIT.KV KAILKOAD. Trains leave PottßVUle at 7,11.30 A. M. and 7.16 P M. iSPS 2 ®' 110131 Tama< l n3 7.85 A. M., and 1.40 and 1.15 x*. £L - - BCHUV IKUL ASP SUSQUEHANNA -RA Tr/Rn A p Trainsleave Anbnrn at 7.60 A. M. for iwmuti Harrisbnrs, and at 1.50 P. M. /or Pinegrove and Tre mont; retnrnJtag from Harrlsbore at 3ioP. M. and from Trpmont at 7.3 a A. M. and 6325 P. M. ■ “-“nitron, Tiamra Through firsvclau tickets and emigrant toallthe principal points in the Northana WeHnSS OWRuMIt Thefellpwln* Hcketa are obtainable only at the Offloe of B. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 BonthFnarth street! •niPlUwUn* or ofG> Nicolla, General Superintend^ • ’ COMMUTATION TICKETS. a?d DelW6Bn any point* desired MILEAGE TTOKBTB. *» la SO each, SEASON TICKETS. For three, ahc, nine or twelve month*, to holder* only, to all points at redoued rates. CLEBQYMEN Bealdtagon the line of the Koad wnibe tnrnlahed with carts, entitling themselves and wive* to n ' JEXCUBSION TICKETS, From Philadelphia to principal stations, nod air Baftxrday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced be had only at theTlcket Office at thirteenth and Ghlhtw* am streets. PKKTBHT. Goods of all descriptions fbrwarded to all the ahovi FBEIGHT TRAH7B. HinjdapliU d»fly at M., IJ.U noon end ibr Rmbihi. Irfwttpn. Harriihgrg. Pnt±«wni* PortCllnttin.andaU points beyond. * •si"*™**- CSoaeat tbe FWUulelpSa Post Office fci aUpUaaoe too roia and Jta branches at 5 A. IC., and Ibr thsnrln dlpal Stations only at 3.15 P. M. CENTRAL 1.. • fcUMMKB AHRAlTOHanewr, I The trulnaotthePennsylvaniaCentral R. R. ***** Ihe Depot at Thiny-amand Mhrket ttreeta ; which to I reached by the can of the Market firr»At Railwajronnlng to and from the Depot. Tfcelastcar leaves From street about thirty mUmtairpiSlr to the dewtfture of each Train. - ’ * Cior 10 I On huxdavs—Cars leave Seventh j#***-** | streets 45 minutes before departure gf each train M ann r s Baggage Expmss wiU call Ibr and deliver Bam*e at the Depot. Orders left at the office. No 681 Cneetnnt Btreet, will receive attention. TRAINS LEA YE AND ARRIYB AT DEPOT LAAVS HAIL tKAIN • • « st #m i &f DAY EXPRESS . - . “ law •' * PAOLI ACCOM., NO, 1 • «* ii oa u 1 FAST LINE A ERIK EXPRESS 1 » nSq M HARRISBURG ACCOM,. . » tJ?PM LANCASTER ACCOM,, - «» Joo «»* PAOLI ACCOM.NO.2 - • “ Eoo »» PITTSBURGH <fc ERIE MAH , M «» 800 ’ " PAOLIACCOK.No.I - ’.* •» laoo » PHILADELPHIA EXPRESSt * *» l£lO ’ . issrrs. CINCINNATT EXPRESS, t • •« 13.40 * w PHILADELPHIA EypRRSw j . «• PAOLI ACCOM.,No. 1 > « o#n. u COLUMBIA TRAIN. • . •* 9XI .« LA NfIARTitR TfiAttN . , it 19.4 ft P M FAST LINE . . .. p :,“ PAOLI ACCOM., No. J, . . " tin .. BAY EXPRESS - . . *• *iS PAOLI ACCOM., No. a, . - " -v. .. HAP.RTRBURQ ACCOM.. - •• ajZ •Bally, except Saturday. tDally. tDally. excem Monday. All other trains dally, except Sunday. IP'S! 111 * ‘ h , roD ßh from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh • and Erie without change of cars. Uf * , ?£ s ?. A ? AccoMOPATiosTEAiNa for Paol) and In termedlate stations leave Philadelphia at noa a Sr and 7.00 P. M.. returning, leave bS A^aSd IAO x*. Xu.. A TICKET OFFICE Is located atNo. «S 1 Chestnut street,where Tickets to al I Important points may be procnredjafcd fhU Informs tloni given by JOHN C. ALLENt'ricket Agent . ** Thirty-first &na Market streets,on appUcatlor ■ to THOS. H. PARKE, Ticket Agent,«the firaSt. An amgrant Tnun runs dally, except Sunday, Fai tolMnlhrmatlonas to lkr. and accommodation*? anolr to FRANCIS FUNK, No. 137 Hock .treat, *PP*J The Pennsylvania Railroad do. will not assume am gSfflsS!g r sssawg-s-^S PITTSBURGH. OOLUMBUS CINCINNATI Ktrr.anir THE PAN HANDLE ROUTE WUHTWiao, , Gwlng to tbe great distance saved by THIS ROUTS it e H°wa rr D J en .y ia^s? ,l| l n6d t 0 ft the carrying of ttu to 1116 Pl ‘ n “ Bal clUes of tits Wat an s' THERE BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OP CART AND CINCINNATI AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARSTVIi IN CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO ANF othe! 1 rUAm ant «° T O» without to&Dge, avoiding changing can at PittsburKl &£Ssi£&S!‘ VILLE™ at pnrobaßß tickets “VIA STEUBEN PENNS YLVANIARAILROAD OFFICE ! Corner Thirtieth and Harket streets. • • -- Philadelphia, JOHN £ JOHN DUBAND,Gen’.ISiiDV >iWlW4yi N ® p /S.?? y i T ? nl “ PSitroad Office, 6.11 Cheetont street and ThlrtlqUan lAlarket streets, West Philadelphia new york. -raritan A£tD DELAWARE BiY Rail- RUAD.-Erom Ferry, foot of VINE at.* PhiladPinhia lDtelm“dlSe P p r o e im.,!" r L ° nS EranCli ' New *«*“<> ■ 2.15 A. M— Way Mall and Express from Cooner’.. Point, Camden, arriving in New York at 9.34 Ah? sp! M- Freight for New York and Way stati'sM ' Go-da delivered at Company's Dep& North Wharves, Philadelphia by 4P. if. fcJwardSl bythls line, arrive In next morning. The Passenger Steamer Jesse Hoyt leaves Pier S’- North River. foot of Duane s reet, N. Y., at 11 A m" aß i*for Way Mall and'Ex 1 press ; at 4r- if., touching at Pier » North River for pas, engeis only, at 4 P. M. ’ lor . iM B } 1 , 1 rec ,fL ved at , Pi . er 32 North Blver r N. Y., by ?!• M. will be ready ior delivery in PbiladaiZhia early-tbe following morning. I FARnTONBW YORK,I2 0O v v J ft , Ticket Office Vine PtreefFerry, tltP 3 rr? n>Sr' VS' Iftfr 1 ftf ri C)D . & ? Company’s agents. Nor|w^VSS N PMi e Sph?a fflCe “ d B6POt ' 340 Btw?t. 32 “ 7er * fi?ot of , Ct*st General Freight and Passenger Office Phila delphia,No. 411 CHFaTNUT Strelt. ’ -fr“ _■ ' W. N. CLAYTON, Superintendent, Red Bank, N. J. General Freight Agent. N. J. T. BttKNT SWEARINGEN. r General Agent. Philxdelnhla ..J'l'Kasant daily excursions BnSu i l „V ver . to Beverly, Burlington and InjnM^r Torresdale -and Anda leavt'nV^riiL,® lendid Steamer JOHN A." WARNER, leaves^Ertsmi M ,Vi m ; t V w ? arf at2p . M. Returning atonic ®?loS. ’ 0 clock, arriving at Philadelphia Fare for the excursion,« cents. anJO-tf ■ ®OBTH PENNSy I.vrawra W i Sa BUMMEB ABEANGEMENT. Thompson, dally jadgMOREMs i {£3S£tt!s{s£sn3B3£FS&sE and aUpolntßtn S SSmsS£§?s^Ss *ri“iC»t»wla«* auteaui,ftr BnpeS^SSSrShSS, ?5 d Arrive at Itaneiintm^bis-i T .nyP WttkeßDftltrt ftt 2.45 P, Mi! Aft Mfthftw/wfHtw I fr-tfiu. mSS®***® 1 * tWa train out **** SL tSmSH ttPS I Storolngatau o ®*^H»Doyleet<iwn, fecSi^wa: at “gS 8 D P y if “^ r ““ en * enl **“ .Jw&f? gM.—Evening Express fl>r Bethlehem and I ~22?~ on , the: North Pennsylvania Bal’- I Slh'^a&^ e fS l^!S !on at ii. M*Pp^S^bS2<ir )^rJ: ?^ ,n !. re *Cfito* there at K«P. I a°o*Srf leth^?lUel '“ ar OreeartOeT Bern pLmveßkhlehem at ms a, N., and lassit. anau* I m ®ii e3 direct connection with LehKth Val- l Ifiy trains ftom Enston, wiifcesbarre. Mahonav Oitv 1 and arrives In Philadelphia ataSo ty '. Tassengnrs leaving WHkesbarre at Ll 5 P if Annnrv>i I KtB,ISM "* lPa arrive in Philadelphia 1 Leavo Doylestown at MO A. M. us and sto p. H I UaveLansdaleattAJC " “ I Leave Port Washington at 10.60 and Us p. if I ON BUND ATS. Kdladelphia fbr Bethlehem at» A. M. I Philadelphia ibr Dovlestown at uo F. M. . 1 SLassp?- * >« _J»5Jte Oars « second and Third Soeeta Une convas PMSMnere to Third Street fcepot. Tlcteta mnat bepromred at the Ticket Offices, TKIEI! 1 B^St Btg 8 tg« ElPr “ Office. No. 118 Sooth THIRD street. mya I rsa CSSuBSSJ GEHItA- N. - ‘ _ FOR GERMANTOWN, S ‘ * a ° ™ <•&> down train, and the 8X and EE np trains do sot stop on Germantown Brando awrauim _ _ _ , , ON BTJNDAYB. mlnntes, A. 1C; 2,3, 5,8 am * *• am?Ui^f ,<lalPhl * F_4, *• **> **• A* M.; *,«, *X, T, », Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo minutes, a, 8.10, and lhto A. 1C; Ltd,CIO,MO,C*OjA« 1 ■ ■*■ r^ff n FhUadlelphla-oao mum tea, A. M.; 2,1, and f an^S’^S I p. : T -7 -“ *. K.; .a.M, s.lO EOB OONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia—s, CSS, 11.56 minutes, a. v> in *,«• RfLCiifCS.tSJScHIC “““**• *•»•■«* an^p!M. o^ “ ewa *'* s^ ’ 7, »•»■».“• a. ic;o<,tx,«x The skP.H. train will stop at School Xane, Wlssa- Ugmn, Manaynnt, spring Boils and Oanahetackan „ ’ " ONBONDAYB. ‘ , ■ 808 HANAirCNH .)®£^ I S-* US ' U - K «•*•**.** .x 4£ B s £p3c nx - s *' IXI MO - , ON SUNDAYS. leave Philadelphia—o A. N.;230 1, and Df P. St. and groan tuociAe ' I _ WEra CHBSTKB AND PHILA DELPHI A RAILROAD, VIA SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, Jane Ith. ISSS th, trains will leave as follows: ***' “* WEST CHESTER TRAENB, laave Philadelphia far West Cheater, from Depot 2KSKB Btreel ' 7 ' a A - u - w Ikaina leaving West Cheater at 7.30 AM. and leavlnt Philadelphia at Its p. M., will not stop at Pennelton and will atop below B. V. junction at Media only. PENNELTON TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia fbr Pennelton sf>7 and mlsj P. M p l^av e Pennelton tor Philadelphia SJSA. M.. tjs TheseTralns ataUlntermediate Stations. (i Oi^SlD!l^tYS— Leave Philadelphia at 3,3 a A, ii Leave West Cheater 7.35 A. M and 5.00 P M. ON SnunaTo—The Wst Phlladelbhta Passenger cars wil leave Eleventh and Marxet streets, halLan hour before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave Intothecity s arrlTa! of 63611113(11 wconveypassengery Tralms leaving Philadelphia at 7J» A. M. and L 45 p M., and leaving Weat Cheater at 7.20 A. M,andt.soP conneet at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and 1 B. O. R. R. for Oxford and intermediate points. JS" Passengers are allowed to take wearing appsre. only as Baggage, and the Company will not, In any tase, be responsible fbr an amount exceeding one hnn dred dollars, onleas a special contract Is made fbr thf tame. siJhhiiiY .WOOD. General Superintend*"* - MgilK rSSMS^S 4 1 hl3 great Una traverses the Northern and North LakeErle? 16 * of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie or' It has been leased and Is operated bp the Pennsyl vanla Hall road Company. J TIME OF FaSSBKOEB TttAljrS AT PCTTT.lngrj.gTa. .. , „ „ _ . AEUXVS KA3TWAED. Erie Mall Train... _ too A M Erie Express Train '.'""'a OOP'S ..m—. hKAVK TTESTWAKD. Erie Mail Train.. 9.00 P M Erie Express Train™ 10.06 m Passenger Cars run through on the Erie Mall and ehaa * e ’ both ws ' b6tweer „ „ . . „NSW TORS COSNBOTIOK. New York at 9.00 A,M. , arrive at Erie 9*30 A. M «•“ p - “ delpnia. * And lor Freight business oCthe Company’s Agents street, Phifwlelp'hlaV Thirteenth andh&raei J. TT.KejnoUis.Ene Wm. Brown, Agent, N.C.8.8.. Baltimore. „ ■ , H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Pniladelph! a ~ , _ H. W. QWINNER, General Ticket Agent, Phlladelphi i. „ A. L. TYLER General Superintendent, Erie. WEST JEESEr RAILROAD MHK28E3552: DINES, from foot of Marketatreet opper * e!T>, commeacl ng MONDAY, September 24 lS6Oe ' " ' „ LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: For Bridgeton, Salem,Millville and all interraedlata stations, atB A. M„ Mali: 3SoP. M„ Passenger For Weodburj 8 A. M., 3 30 P. M., and 6 P.-it. For Cape May at 3 30 P. M. RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE Woodbury at 7.15 A, H., s~4O A. M., and 4.54 P. M Bridgeton at 7.05 A. It. and 3.20 P. M. Freight 6.30 Sal* m at 610 A. IT. and 3 05 P, M. • Freight 5.45-P -M - 6.55 A. 11. and 8.08 P. M. Freight6.ip Cape May at 11.15 A. SI. Passenger and Freight. jKKUGHI' will ne received at Second Covered Wharf below Walrnt street, from 7A. SI. until 5 p M Freight received before DA. SI. will go forward the same day. W™ rlvENU^*^' 1 N °' 228 SOUTH DELA- j. VAN RENSSELAER, Snp’t. THE WFST JBRSEY EXPRESS COMPANY will attend to all tbe usual branches of express business. A Speclal Slf ssenger accomp. nles each through train. OfflceiboiofMarketstiest, Philadelphia. ' ae24-tis J. H. MARKIiEY. General Agent. TO PLEASURE TRAVELERS. THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO EIAOABA FAII3 IB VIA THE CATAWJBBA RAILROAD,. c „ Connections Immediate and sore, d 80 aesftomanst - PHILa delphxa AND reading railroad DEPOT. - THIBTEiami AND CALLOWHUD, NIAGARA PALIS’ . EXPRESS without change of car* at 6.50 vl fs: ati BtattataEallaat 9.55 A. M. wfthout”%ang| llrOU * tl ° rom Williamsport to Rochester AS" Passengers remaining over night at Williams-* S?i??i?'L 0 SF ne y 1 next “ornlag at 7.3s,reachlng Mlaiarapalls at s.4o,same evening.. , ■ , Catawissa Railroad, which can be procured at the Company's office, ■' y I.. _ . 425 CHESTNUT.street, SvSS, qPP'osH 6 the Custom Depot, THIRTEENTH arid GALLOW- N. VAN HORN, iyiD-tr General Passenger Agent. ■ XBAVKUOT' ggg^M ifsenolla; • «*“*»■ for .Eamxesa Train at.wxTp. lk-<Bundayß examtadv *». wMgllSMr Erpreaa »t b’.OOP.M.-^BSitoSreuidwiali. saS^SEsaasaM Philadelphia»ta nn-A-M iVsa v. -' J .‘. - *»4rlt. 4.W «na a4l,-iMSp^ lnot 81011 at " otaOoßo between THBopas .TBAijra jraoM baxitocosb a.m. »E™«' J-SSP.M., Express. " - Ve me>itei “AMand a.S2 9;S^.^^T , “ VBWnmtaJttonrt s- 28 - “a !tf&&Jh£SU22S: Rttsggggl. vDle ftr Wilmiiigtoncmd Intermediate stations at?ar t lZ llmlnStoll Wlth the "* A - M ta^? ree aTraln fills and Wash- S,©™; i“SS. lns »*L Cheater. Wtlmlnyton, Hewark, Bj&tonjKortheaat, Perryville, Havrenle-aiace, Aner aeen, Perryman’s, Magnolia, Chase’s and Steamer's Express U.MP.H. tor Baltimore and Wash- Accommodation Train at i 1.30 P.M., far WHmlnrtar and Intermediate Stations. ‘ KKIJ BAIiTIMOBE FOB PTTTT. A nm.pgTi, _ Heave Baltimore atjj.2s P. M., Btoputne at Havra da Qrace, Pefij v iiie and Wilmington. _ Aim stops at Eli- SSi 1 ??? KeWttrk (to take paasengSra for Philadelphia from Washington or Baltimore! le * ve Vtaaewa &ota Baltimore or « KZNfttifiY, fe _|OB Ngw YOHK.^ThtTTvT^. AMu AMBOY- ud PHrLA ilwitKaiA. AMD THSNTONEAILMAn mv PANT’S IJKES,ftoniPhlladeiphhitoNew way placet, fipm WALKHT HTRgß^■gmra'tSf will leave as ftmowßt via: *•““* *»££ At 6 A. 2£., via Camden andAmboy. Amnm At BA. M. t Via jmfl Jersey <3lty TE» i iMMi *l5 as r 1 ajfifflj *p;iLtoßS£)iT lvlßcentow ?- “ dI OA- if. 12 It 4, M, and IL3O P. M., fbr Flab House, Palmyra,. Biverton, Progress, beianco SS^ T Sx Burlington, PlorSce. iSrdS A - M *“ dl 'A.USSMSS a«S™ H KENBHSGTOS DEPOT will Isava At U A- M., 4.50, 6.45 P. SLand 12 PJAdUrhl) via . Kensington and Jersey City Btmrgun •* m d^«£repu*L IJno wl 4. *w- oiHot £2 Tfcrany/WlklnS i Bridesbacg. BudJSranttbraßudBtxois a.w- BKLYIDEBEBKLAWAHK HaILBOAD, ftr thl gSgSSSKSHf Moxitio^rwiikeabarr 6 Scranton, Stamdaboir ,^ t6r QsPt Beaton, - Lambertville, Ffsm* Th©XJ»J\iL Line. connects direct with ais?aasg&s ,0 “- fc a « giston Depot, take the cars on Rfthstreetf halfanhottrbeioredeparture. Thecararan the Depotf 1 ’ 05 ’ an<l on “ rivalof each Train, ran eSS An aodliional Ticket Office la located at Wo EiOhet no it tret t. Continental Hotel, vnere Uckea“ Nw Sorkandall important points Korin ana East, ma? Persons porcnasini Tickets at I'm 2J55& J* n> ?? leaving orders, have their baggage ErrreM- ,htlr 2es “ encBa > »P Graham’s Bafflfl Pibj Pounds of Baggage only .allowed .each Passen pr. Passengers are prohibited ftom taklnganythtS “ bnt J thel £ wearing appareLr& bagSSJ ?. V€ f “pafpoonds to be paid for extra. The Oomrian* UmU their responsibility Ibr baggage to One pound, and wftl not be iWe b£<£c by special contract. yonc LDfES FKOMSIW YOKE POB PHILADELPHIA wm leave trom foot or Cortland street, atl» Stand * M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 andlr Mngton *’* ni Jersey City and Ken From Pier No. IN. River,at SA, M. and 2. 4 par Tia Amboy and CamdeOi_ . . * * jjl nr WM, H. GATZHER, Agent. SSgSSißßeif^WSiSsSi delphia Railroad, corner of Thirty-first nnfl MarkAi Steels, (WestPhllada),at7.2OA M.TandiSP~tL Rising Son, at JL3O, and Oxford at 6 OS A. M and leave Oxford at a. 25 P. M. b,U3 A Market Train with Passenger Car attached will 2*l Par d^S B 552 leavln * *be Rising Son hf«, Oxford at 12,00 2£,, and Kennettat log PM., KJonecUne at West Chester Junctionwith a Wednesday and Satnr WOxtoSf " - 30 *• wo T? 6 T 5wL loavlng Philadelphia at 7.20 A. H. con S'S J^?L wl , th adaU y Uoo Of stajea for Peach Bottom, in lianoaster county. RetarnlngJeaves Peach §?Pbuidtfnhkf* »t OxfoiS^with the Afternoon Train BM*iS alnde * Vta * ? hna<lel P l > l “ >! t.<s rans to Rirfn, ss * U S W S? to taSe Wearing Apparel only, aa Baggage, and the Oompany ‘Will not in anv StS feiif® slo , e for an ataonn texceedln2 onohM dred dollars, wUees a apedWronteaet be made for the HKNBT WOOD. Qen’L Snn’tT CASTOR WHEET.S, STRENGTH use cape WHEELS. * 00 8 PATENT GLASS CASTOR wheels are designed for Pianos, Bedsteads, Ac. 41 »at they give to Pianos a greatly increased force ofsound. without detracting from the harmony and melody of the itsirument, rendering every note more distinct to the err. ThiS i»S appSrentffiktthey D -°„ w ,~ Ldc s PP u ®d br many to thi se valuable mm stem instruments. Dr» Valentine Mott, previons to his death prononneed theVsiasa Castor Wheels an Im valuable Invention for bedfast Invalids, who are guarded agamstthe damp floors after undergoing the process of cleaning, or where dampness is produced Ircm any other cause. Aside from this, Housekeepers are relieved from the'dread OFhaving thmr SnStscn? ortqrn,as freqnentiyhappens from oio3e‘ now in use a .rust,which adheres with glue-like tenacity, Ho such annoyance can. possibly proceed' from the GI«B3 Castor wheels. as we all know that glass is non corrosive. There are no rough or \mfin ishid edges to the Glass Wheels, Bitch as we often And l?>, t io 038 ?n lron ’ al,ll l s® latt er, though smoothly fin; nh.i frwft-the dampness of the attntM phere, if nothing else, producing roughness on thesnr wLllette former will always maintain , the amoothne-sof glass, just as they are finished, “? 0D glass wheels you retain all tbeelec fm Cl iif fa? had in your body on retiring, and you get vSnn> °S inE I®*? 110 * -aa fresh and active as a “an. Glass herng a nonconductor, the elec- J.rjrhy gained while in bed cannot pass off. Ask your d° c ‘°r "bat he .thinks of the CilSi Castor m lr all diseases, with the exception of chronic diseases are not caused from the want of electricity. ™?,,£5X 8 ,? I s a? < > ur P.’are w bom the doctors pro £,°o U .?^ d curing, with the inflammatory rhem mstism The wheels cored him in 163 s than four ?*®P. .He is to-day a stout heal thy man. These are ®a. n be pro ven on anplication at onr office. S»°' ? 3 ,A !ac ? street, Philadelphia, or at our Factory,at Westville, hew Jersey where we have some sixty hands employed in the manufacture of the Glass Cas tor wneels - - - Jico will be paid to any one who will say they have no t reef ived any benefit or relief alter using napewefl A Co. s Patent Glass Castors. A sample set (4) of the W heels rent to any part of the United States; on re ceiptpf #1 50. J. B. CAPEWELL A 00 , ociom}__ . | a No. 205 Race street. « EXPRESS COMPANIES. Arams’ express company—n„ ...a .<■» TUESDAY, May 1, the FREIGHT MENTof this Company will be REMOVED that Compabys NewßnlJdlng, Southeaatcorner of ELE VEn Titan d MARKET B tree in. Elitranceon Eleventh street and on Market street.* , y *S" Alii, MONEY and COLLECTION BUSINESS wuibe transacted as heretolore at 820 CHEBTWOT street ~. .v i - • calls entered therein previous <*>s attention same day, H within a reaaonabletotaScew S^emen “ * & i |||,|,|| JOHN BIKfITTATW anp’t MASONIC MABRa. ' A A, HTRkS m M2 CHESTNUO ??i I Sl££f.^y ar Franklin Insfi ■/v\ New ftiKl prlglnal'deslCTiß of Masonic Marks, Tem piare Meoaia. Medals, and Corps Badges 01 every description* • ani^w*tW,a»am|: ’■ FOR NEW YOKK, \ Delaware and Badtaß Canal The Philadelphia ina j Steamboat Company, tfiSEk '*mt£3s£m£? H«mr?JSS' tunning the ran In 24 HOXJBa aABK stre *»> LThh line connects with all Northern an a TtutW Transportation Companies. jtflpomts free of commission. wmxueaaiiectt® might received at lowest ntes, Aitaii. hSon^^P^. 117WaIlBtreet,New*]fort, tfSFOB NEW OBLEANS,'DIRECT-. " anaAK tbb Philadelphia and -otjth. LI J NE^ El ‘ CuMPANT'B begulab Tie well known'first-class Steamship ' i ‘ STAB OF THE UNION, Will 1,202 tons register, T. N. Cooksey, second'wharf on o ? dkick M. Bn<l BaU on SATDBDAY J , - 0ct,„ .12 will leave NEW OBLEANS on SATUR DAY, November lojln * n steamer baa superior State Booms and other acrcftnmodations for Passengers, , gbln.raesage $6O; Beck do., $3O. . Freight taken at low rates. iDg day^* 11 receiveil lading signed on sail- B5 iSSf £r/F orleanß / Mf saw. Cre?y,Nickerson* aSa’h*.? give laweful attention to shipmeotSot pofn ts.* 0 43 e^t 9 n » Mobile, Vicksburg, ana Interior For fteight or passage, apply to 1 ; , WH. Xt. jaMES. General Agent, “ aio South Wharves, FOB WILMINGTON, X. C. ■ •• - - »econaWharfbelow SPßUCiSSQreefr ' _/iii© fim-cliaa steamship PlOjjbkr ,■* n roi n -*» « freight Sd e whf^“ nate Satmilay hereafter—viz.: November “ nd ' iDpe!ior accommodauomi.ana Cabin iass«ge, f2O; Deck do.; *lO. FreJgUcanledatlowratea irfd^-?^ 131 recav ed or bills of ladlnj algHea on sail- Agents at Wilmington, WORTH * t»a ; mtbt ?■>> Blve eaprcial attentio nto forwaiS4s KooSa oietsed to tbelr care to and from toe -~ ior freignt or passage, apply to mienor. WM-TL* JAMES. General Agent. 314 boath Wharves ■ Si&Bk The Philadelphia and Southern Mall tunes; aeootS wS( fe'sssajias alternate Satnrday thereafter-viz.: October 2V No- Tember Kth, Ac. • This steamer has flne State Eodma and other so. commodationsfor Dassesgen. Cabin passage, $2O: Deck do.Vs:o. tickets sold to the following points—Macon. S' <^L nmt>t S' G i, * SS:, *27; atlaoca. Solß^Ala 1 t*S y ’ Qi ’* 35 ’ Monl S°“ er y. Ala.. Jil; Ea iaeignttaken at low rates;' ThTnngh receipt* given at through rates to Macon C £'J!?i? on Sp Atl A nta i ®»-: Knorvilte, ChSti£: D^ Bi k. :!S . £ shvlUe,5 hvlUe ,- Memphis Tenns Canton, Mlaa. l n "° freight received or bills of lading signed on sail- Agents atEavahnib, HtwterAGammelL For freight or passage, to WiLl*, JaMES. General Agents * ♦ 310 South Wharvfn. ’ JOB Bogroa. ■ : r *lSSL a^K^&t*‘ a coSS^of^S"* 11 «* Boom * now (new), OpUp Baker, 1,435 tons bmtrum, I * so *ona bnruien, EOBMANjfcaptaln Crowell, 1203 torts tazrlkaa, 1 ■ Uul mu appointed stasmahim will.e«n pmictnallym advert£»ad,aiid fteSSwinba S£&S»Ss&2g £ arercgneatea toienSßiHiof Laamrwlth P ““* B *”*“* saperier aecomntoda. SOUTH A NORFOX.K THROUGH: RECEIPTS TO Sw' TEKfT. T Also.toaUpolntain SOfflH and SOTJrH CARO .LINA, via Seaboard and Bo&noke BailroacL »«a tA LYN CH.BLK6, VA. TEKyRSSffK and th» W2aT • PETKBSBtrBSA^) B *! fel Y an<3 ahortneaa of this route, to. S? the mcmeraie rates charged, commead it to the public as the most desirable medium for carrv. ingeverydepcrlption of freight, y lor commission, drajuge, or any expense Steamships insurestlowest rate 3, and leave rera. larly from the first wharf above Ifarket street * Freight received daily. TOIL P. CLYDE & CO., selO 14 .North aud 14 South Wharves. -JSSfES I** 1 ** chescent fob new m ~ ■ LOUISIANA IKE. To sail abont SATURDAY. October 29th, having been unavoidably detained. s The Al iron aide-wheel steamship CRESCENT , commander will sail as above. For freight or passage, having splendid State-Room accommodations, apply to BISHOP, §ON A CO„ J- c. HAffilS, Agent at New OrleansfvrtU forward all goods to his care to the interior or Texas. ' B.ank Bills lading can be obtained at onr office, ocll HAVANA STEAMEBs!■ SSfififiL SEMI-MONTHLY LINK. '1 he Steamship. HENDBICK HUDSON CaDtHowi* STABS AND STBXPES. ZZ.„. eSt/H6IS2 These steamera will leave tils port thr every other SATURDAY, at 3 A M. v “* The steamship STABS AND BTBIPES. Holmes, master, will sail fbr Havana on SATUBDa'y MOBNi ENG, October 20th, at 8 o’clock. • Passage to Havana fax No freight received after Thursday. For freight or passage, applyto i THOICAS WATTSON & SOICS, 140 North Delaware avenue NEW .EXPRESS LMS TO AT.vrL KMaiati StugDaSSM Steamer; leave'Hrtt Wharf above HarkM atreak every Wedneeday and Saturday at IS SL >• For ftetsht apply to the ajenta, W. F. CLYDE * DO., no J :fvS?gSfa g IiSSSRm /giltß -FOB 5£V YQRg.—Philadelphia ttSZS N®™^il^e 5 rn P £tok 00QQeCtlni£ tt * For freight, which trill be takes on terms,*pplj-to ■ mM6H- Ws£, M. BAIRD 4r CO., ' No. 132 South Delaware avenue. r E- STEAMER FOR SALE.—The fast sallingroppered and copper fastened HELF.R GKTI\ (side whtel), 408 tons O. SL, 180 leet long, 2<K feet beam: depth of bold 8 feet 6 inches; draws o feet 4 inches water bnilt of live "air and-red cedar. Apply to E. A. SOUDER & 00., sels-tf Dock street Wharf - a»T~ a. NEW®TOW-ROAT LINE. and CIHZ&APJLdLKn MAhAt kOW-BOATCOMPAITT. BABQES towed to and from PHILADELPHIA; HAVRB-DK43RAOK, BALTniORETWASHTOaI TON, and lntennedffie points. WAMMiNaj _'WH. P. CLYDE * CO., Ae^tt Captain *j*x FOR GALVESTON TF.XA3.-TWf Line.- The brig HAIL COLUMBIA. Brereton loading betwein Pier Eastßiver, and will eail with despatch. For freieht apply to bishop, soN*oa‘f "r i - So. 105 Arch street. JSSL ■BOSTON.-Tbe flchr. ? IRELAND, Ireland, master, la now ieadlng for Boston at Christian's wharf, first »^°ll^«Wfv r e^ aPPIy t 0 D tS° jgt . TOE OTWEEP.-The A 1 bark ETrIIER captain Prince, is now loading for the above poxt. For freight or passage, apply to WORK* MAN £ CB.. 123 Walnut strt&t. se2t ••• jgfe POBPBEIQHTORCHARTER.-Alßr.bark , 499, KATHLEEN, Williams, master, 490 tons n • gtatnrandAsoObbls.dour. : , A 1 Br, barb JANET, Kinney, master, 280 toss resit* , terands,ooobbls»honr. . A 1 Br. bark BALTHASARA, Wilson, master,'294 tons register and s,soo bbls. floor. ■ ■A2 Br*brlg IDA, Tbealng, master; 210 tons register and 2,600 bbls. capacity. Apply to ■'■ * EDMUND A.SOUDEBACO.," ' ap2l ■ . .. .. .. ' 3 Dock street-wharf. WANTED FOB KEY WEST;—A Vessel oft wKrn about 300 tons capacity to load fbr Key-Writ? ***Fla. High rates and qatck deapat-fb elven Apply to bishop, &3s * o&! _ Lo,lBSAreb Street. 1 > S'JJfAMSHIP SAXOS. FROM BOSTOW sigireea of merchandise, per Sove s&mw’sSS ple»se send fprthelrgoods. now landtagafrlwitoSte- - ' Tharf - •" (oc3-3t) :■• HENRY wPwwnTt°l ,,^ - d6a^S**aasßa^saaeaass'' “ C^Syf«i l nS^Ci"?S n r? r ' n^ 0 J? !Urr * u ■**“•■ oi HENRY WUraOR A CXX, ' -832 Sooth Delaware avyrm#.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers