tOJTV BITLIFTIS. Welcome to the IbisH: Wesleyan J^KLiXfATJCii.—At ihe UUIOII MettlOdlSt J»piBCOPAI Churcn last evening. Rev, Dr. Scott and Mr. Wm. Me Ajthur. oelegates ftom the Irish , Wesleyan .Confer ence. were formally welcomed! These delegates, wao reuttsenttbe Methodist Episcopal Church, have been la A merloaseveral weeks, representing the claims o» the church in Ireland and seeking assistance to enable 3i to sußtsin its organization- There was a-large at tendance at the churcn last evening. After the usaa relh ions services, Bighop Simpson extended, la be half of Philadelphia Methodism, a'heaity welcome to on behalf of the delegation, said he was sent by Ireland with a message of love and sympathy lor the Methodisis in America in Ireland 1 The Church therehad many obstacles to con tend with, not the least of which was the „, n ttnn tn « TnotinL Th nine years oue*third of their ESS h nXi°^.«io^ e »« SSaSfeSKMsrrfs ffl the youth of Ireland. Tjnivebsal Peace Society.— This soci ety assembled In tbe Franklin Institute building jes terdayafiernoon. Mr. Alfred-Lore. President, lathe chair A number of letters approving of the prlnct nipn of the Society were read. r S. P. Blandtard, Trea surer, resfgnedoß account or Infinities caused by aS, and a resolution of thaato to Cm was passed. Benorts of the formation of State Societies In Massa chusetts and Bhode Island were read; also a report of a movement In Europe, the meetings being held In Autwern The formation of a Pennsylvania branch, society was reported to be in progress. Addresses were made byfncretla Mott, Bev. Howard Malcolm andothers. Eobt, W. Wolcot, of Boa to a. was elected Treasurer, lhe evening session wa3 occupied by tbe reading of letters and addresses by L. K. Joslin, Q. W. TaylorT James Mott, Lncretla Mott, Dr. Leech, Ebe nezer James and others. Upon the organization of the Penusjlvan abranch society Geo w. Taylor was chosen President, and A. B. Jostlce, Secretary. r Slight Fires.— Last night about eleven o'c rcka fire occurred In the upper Dart of the Frank lin Engine House, Catharine street above Third. No serious damage was done. » . This morning, abont one o’clock, a fire was discov ered in >he drug store of Dr. Fleming, at Third and Monroe streets. The flames were speedily extinguished. The loss is insured. * 4 Abaut fbur o'clock, this morning, a carpjenter shop on Haim on? street above Fourth, was slightly damag'd by firo. An alarm or fire was caused about six, o'clock this mornlug, by the partial burning ot a cooper snop, at .Hanson street and Krider'e alley. Riot at Haddington.—Patrick O’Don npli 'William Smith William Brophy, Pat Hogan. Michael Bogan, William Hogan, and David Kroup were before Air erman Allen, yesterday, upon the charge Of riot and asaault and battery. The defendants were engaged In a row at the poll at Haddington TSventy- fourth Ward, on election day. David Cattern, Constable of the Twenty«seventh Ward, was badly beaten. He was conveyed to his home, op Sansom street above Thirty-seventh A man named Kulp was also severely hurt. He resides on the West Chester road, near l?orty-eighth street. The defendants were held in $1,400 hall each to answer at Court. Sale at the Exchange.—James A.' Freeman, auctioneer, sold at thei Philadelphia Ex ■obar ge yesterday the following: Share in the Mercen tile Library, IS: leasing Walnut Btreet Wharf for one ■vear at $400; sale of three-Btery brics house, No. 613 Xombard street, $1,850; No. 1128 South Fifteenth street, ■S&4II 66; five acres meadow land below Point Breeze. $1,150; lot Amber street. Nineteenth Ward, $755; three* story brick dwelling, No. 8645 Walnut street, West Philadelphia, $1,350. and property southeast corne* Washington and Uoyameasing avenues, consisting of three houses; at $2,650. The sale of the residence No, 202 Franklin street, opposite Franklin Square,, was postponed* .• Assault upon a Child.—This morning A Iderman Potteuger had before him Matthew EBler. charged with having assaulted A little boy, 6 years or age, a son of D.y sergeant Jeffries. Esl.r resides on Reed street above Second. He got annoyed by the children playing In front ol his house and went out among them.' Jft is alleged that be .elzed Jeffries by the heels and dragged him fromhiafother’3 door-step He was endeavoring t» get him to tha cellar of tus own house, when the cries of the lad attracted the at tention of bis father, who, after some trouble got, him awey fi om Haler. The latter was committed fbrhls appearance at Court. Rebels in Town.— Captain Crabb, of the ■sth U.B. artillery, with a (quad of men, arrived here yesterday afternoon, having in enstooyfour rebels who were convicted at Charleston,B.C.,othaving mur dered Onion soldiers at that place. Two of the pris onersare named B eyes-ano are father and son.’ The other two are named Barnum and Sowers. They havebeen Berving for seme time at the Dry Tortuzaa, but by order of the President are to be transferred to Fort Delaware, and are now on their way to that post. Tbescldlersand the prisoners were quartered at the Fourth District police station. Fall of Scaffolds.—A scaffold erected at some new bondings in the vicinity of Sixteenth and Master streets fell yesterday afternoon, precipi tating to the ground four men who were upon it. Their names Bre James Stevenson and Geoige D. Croat, ■white, and William Kicks and John Smith, colored. They were atl more or less bruised. William Bradley, ag«d twenty-one, was Injured about the bead at a s aff-Id.STo. 6 North Front street, yesterday, and admitted to the hospital. He resided at 733 South Seventh street. Death of a Well-known. Citizen.— Mr, Isaac B. Baxter,Sr. who was fir many years In the hardware business on second street, above South, <iied on Tuesday evening,at the advanced age of 81 yeais. Bis activity atd enterorise had enabled him to retire from business some years ago with a competency and he has since devoted his time (hied 7 to horticul tural pursuits, being an active member of the Horti cultural Society. Jae was widely known and much re spected. Convention of Baptist Schools.—A Convention of the Baptist Sabbath Schools of this city will be held ia the Tabernacle' Baptist Church, Eigh teenth and Chestnut streets, on Monday evening, the 35th instant, to diacass and adopt some plan of organi zation,'throngh which toe general interests and effi ciency of our Sabbath Schools may be increased. Ail teachers and friends of the cause are invited. John B. Gough.—This matchless orator had a crowded bouse at the Academy last night to hear his new lecture “Curiosity.” This evening he discfursesatthpsameplacaon “Eloquence and Ora tor*,” and wll* doubtless have a large >udience. Seats may be secured durlngihe day at Ashmead & Evans's Booh Store. Cricket.—’ The return match between the Second Eleven? of the Philadelphia and Yojng Am6* rlcaCricfcttC'nbs will take place on Saturday next October 13th, on tbejgrounds oi the Young America at Turnpike Bridge. Germantown. Base Bali..— The Athletics of this city and the celebrated Eureka of New Jersey, will play a match game of baseball this afternoon at 2 o’clock, on the grounds corner Fifteenth and Columbia Avenue. Some good plas ing may be expected. Opening Day.—Ou Tnursday, October U. —We will open a select stock of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Fancy Bais, Caps aud Fun. CHARLES QAFFORD <fc SONS, Continental Hotel. Election Returns Complete ! STARTLING RESULTS!! WONDERFUL UNANIMITY!!! Oub Cobps of In defattgables Repobt that the Flection has gone Unanimously in favor of the JGT* SUITS FOR GENTLEMEN, . JO-SUITS FOR BOYS, JESUITS FOR MILITARY MEN, JO- SUITB EOR NAVAL O ?FICEB3, ; OF ALL GRADES. ag-SUITS TO S UIT EVERYBODY MADE AT THE BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL, ROOKHILL & WILSON, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. Blindness and Catarrh*-^* j? Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treate all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No! 619 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he S as had no secrets in hD practice. Artificial eyes inaes ed* ISA .charge made for examination. Coal at Retail at Port Richmond Pbi ces—at the Shipping Wharf, foot of Laurel Btreet, S^WHB« d |SSI. (2 - MolbB - ) alWayßdeU76red ' J. K. & W. TOMLINSON, •O affords’ grand opening of Misses- and Children’s Fancy Ha’s and Caps and Furs. ' I’n Thursday. Oct. 11. Store under theCoatinentSl Hotel. AMUSEMENTS. Heamatic. —At tbe-Walnut this evening Mr. J, H. Hackett repeats "The Merry Wives of Windsor." All our readers know how Jolllly he enacts Falstaff, and every theatre-goer Is aware of the fact that he is the very greatest Falstaff alive. To-morrow he t,kes a benefit. At the Chestnst - Solon Shingle” and “The Live Indian” will be repeated. Last night the latter piece fairly convulsed a house filled to the very doors We laughed over the absurdities of this mad burlesaae as we did fourteen years ago when Mr. Owens played it In Pittsburgh. At the Arch Mr. Bandmann repeats "Beatiny”—"A Bace for a Widow” oeiug the after piece. To-morrow Mr. Bandmanh takes a bsnefit. "At the AmeiicanMr. Proctor repeats ■‘Ambition." Othek Amusements,— At Assembly Building Mr Heller is giving bis lest week’s entertainment. His programme is remarkably rich. At National Hall the Lincoln Tableaux are exhibited nightly. At the Lleventh Street Opera House the Minstrels are In fhll ijeilt hl great crowds every evening WANTS. 381.600' iS5.£, 0B TWO YOUNG MBM.OP ocu-st*: Addreae B. E , at this office unexceptionable. m m OCii*o{* CURTAIN ESTABLIS B MENT, The subscribers are now receiving their FALL ASSORTMENT of New and Elegant Materials fbr DRAWING BOOU, CHAMBER, LIBRARY ani DININGROOM WINDOW CURTAINS, LAMBREQUINS, , ’ CHAIR and SOFA COVERINGS. Ac., Comprising the Latest Importations and Newest De signs and Fabrics, in RICH PLAIN SATINB, BROCATELS, LAMPISADEB. BILK TERRY, COTELINE, SATIN DE LAINK. aafiwraou , f> PLAIN WOOL REPS, NEW STYLE BBOOHE-AND SATIN STRIPED REPS AND TERRY, French Embroidered Lace Curtain*, The richest imported, and a very large assortment of NOTTINGHAM. SWISS and MUSLIN CURTAINS, CORNICES, TASSELS, Ac., all of which will be PUT UP when desired, in the newestand rdost tasteful man* ner, in town or country, by experienced and reliable workmen, seaptnsa tuemrp Sheppard,Van Harlingen fcArrison No. 1008 Chestnut Stft^et. CALIFORNIA FDBE WII9IB AND BBANDIES, From the celebrated Vineyards or B, D. WILSON A SON, San Gabrlal, Los Angeles, California. ANGELICA, MOUND VINEYARD, HOCK, SPARKLING CHAM* PORT PAGNE, GRAPE BRANDY, :. WINE BITTERS. SHERRY, The abovaare guaranteed to be perfectly PURE as made from the Grape, and salted for SACRAMEN TAL and MEDICINAL purposes. We claim they are equal in richness, flavor and purity to the beat Im ported. at nearly half the cost, 1 or sale in wood or by the case. Carmick Sc Co. SOLE AGENTS, N, E. corner Front and Chestnut Bts. au27 rpj MITCHELL FLETCHER, No. 1304= CHESTNUT ST. Having disposed of their goods damaged by the late Are, INVITE THE ESPECIAL ATTENTION of city and country buyers to their Trash stock consisting in part of 2.000 cars and jars Fresh Peaches. 3 000 “ “ Tomatoes. 8,000 “ “ Green Com. 1000 “ ,f Fresh Pears. 1,000 “ “ Strawberries. 1000 “ “ Pine Apples. 1.000 “ “ Morelia Cherries. 1,000 “ French Peas. And all other Fruita by the can or dozen. Also, a geseral New Stock of FINE GROCERIES. se22catnth2Strp SHAW & JUSTICE’S Patent Dead Stroke Power Hammer, MERRICK & SONS. PHILADELPHIA. Sole Assignees and Manufacturers * FOB THE State of Pennsylvania. ADDRESS, MERRICK & BOSS, 430 Washington Avenue AU2S-8 tu tfi>2m rpj FURNITURE. GEO. J. HEKKELS, LA.OEY & CO., Vhlrteentb and Chestnut Strack*, PHILADELPHIA. SUITS OF WALNUT FURNITURE, in On. Do do do ___ Polished. SUITS OP W 4 LNUT PARLOR FURNITU BEJn Oil. Do do do do Polished. SUTISOP ROSEWOOD CHAMBER FURNITURE. Do do PARLOR __ do. SUITS POMPEII CHAMBER FURNITURE. Do do PARLOR do. SUITS OF WALNUT DINING BOOM FURNITURE. Do do LIBRARY do. Do do HALL do. A large assortment finished, on hand. GEO. J. HENKEL?, LACEY & 00., stfiOimrpg 1301 and 1303 Chestnut Street. ALE! ALE! Wm. Younger’s Sparkling Edinburgh j For Bale by the Cask or Dozen. SIMON COIOTON & &LARKE. S W COR. BROAD AITD WALNUT, , EMERSON PIANO—Low crfce. Charmiue tone, perfectly durable. W. H. DUTTON, >II *1 ' 914 Chestnut aireet. oc6-e,tn,th,tt JTOH, TETTER. ALL SKIN DISEASES. SALT RHETJM, SCALB HEAD, ALL ERUPTIONS. SWATHE’S “ALLMEALING OINTMENT.” SWATNE’S “ALL-HEALING OINTMENT.” SWATHE’S "ALL-HEALING OINTMENT.” Cures Itch in from 12 to 48 Hours. Cure, the Mott Obstinate Cates of Tetter. HOME CERTIFICATE. HOME CERTIFICATE. T. HUTCHINSON HAT. Mayor’s Clerk, 8. W. corner Flftb and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, says: " I was troubled very mnch with an eruption on my face; tried a great many remedies witnont finding relief; finally procured dwayne’s AU-Beating Ointment. After using it asfaort time a perfect cure was the result, i cheerfully recommend It as a cure for Tetter and all Skin Diseases, as mine wss Bn exceedingly obstinate case.” SWATNE’S OINTMENT ■ITCH” “TETTER" “rrOH” NEVER KNOWN "ITCH” . "lTi H” TO FAIL “TETTER” “ITCH” ‘•TETTER’ 1 "ITCH” IN CURING THIS “TETTER” “ITCH” •‘TETTER” "11 OH” TORMENTING “TETTER" ••ITCH" ‘.‘TETTER’ "ITCH." 'COMPLAINT. “TETTER • “ITCH”. • "TETTER" This valuable Olntmentprepared only by Dr. BWAYNE <6 SON; . No . BSO North SIXTH Btreet, above Vine, Phllado. Bold by druggists. seZ^ K-SSSa. EMERSON PIANO—Low price. Charming twTri tone. Perfectly durable. W. H. DUTTON. '■* »i»»14 Chestnut street. . . oc» B,tn,th,tf MONEY TO ANY. AMOUNT LOANET UPON DIAMONDS? WATCHES, JHWHI & c-4.1. OLD-ESTABLISHED LG AN OFFICE, Ooxnerot THIRD and GASKILL Street* Below Lombard. -DIAMOOTB, WATCH®, CTWXLBY r fob&ama* "" RKABLY LOW PBIQBB mSMOtf , THE BEAUTIFUL CARVED SEVRN OCTAVE EMERSON PIANO W. H. in i DOTTON, 914 Cheatnutßt,. ocSa,tP,th-tf .csi.' EMERSON PlANO—Lowprif*e Charming . tone. Perfectly darable, W. H. DTJTTOw, ‘ *>»* 9i4 Chsstnut street. oc6-s,ta,th,t£ 188 BAIL r AVKNINU BOLLETIN ! PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY OCIOBEB 11,1866. " FOR RUNT. THREE ROOMS IN The New Bulletin Builditif,/ No. 607 Chestnut Strc ot. The proprietors are preparedto reoelVß proposi ti fn renting three rooms. Tbeyare - 1 THE SECOND STORY FRONT BOOM. <8 by street. First and Third stories of the back oi Northern Build ' ■ tag, . - with Entrance by. a wide tu^B. r n Chestnut street, : And a Front of ss foet on Jayne street; Suitable fbr a Jobbing er Commission House, a Bant orlnsnranceOffice. - ;7': : For Further Particulars apply at the HEW BUI LETIN BUILDING, ", No. 607 Chestnut fitrail ORPHANS’ COURT PEREMPTORY SALE.— Estate of JAMES MAR rxN. deceased.-! AMES KSEMAN, Auctioneer —Handsome RESIDENCE No. 525 Vine street.—Under authority of an alias order of saleof the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, October 31.1865, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be told at public sale: without re serve, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described real eitate, tote the property of James Martin, deceased, viz: All that ceitaln three story brick messuage or tenement, and lotor piece of ground situate on the north side of Vice street, in late the District ol the Northern Liberties, no <rthe Twelfth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, 95 feet 2 Inches east ward fhem Sixth street (No. 525), containing in front 19 feel and ln'depth 107 feet 1 Inch. Bounded eastward partly by ground formerly ol Thomas Smith,deceased, and partly by the head of a four-feet alley leading Into. Julianna street; northward and westward by gronad formerly of Thomas Smith, deceased, and senthward by Vine street aforesaid—with the use of the said four feet alley leading Into Julianna street, having all tne mrdern conveniences. 49* Clear of incumbrance. 43*Opeu for examination on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9 to 11 o’clock. 43*6200 to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court X. A. MERRICK, Clerk, O. CL EDWARD.HOPPER. Administrator. JAMES A. EREEMAN, Auctioneer, 0c11,182a Store Ho. 422 Walnut street. FOR SAjIE.—A FARMefWi acres, in Radnor JXT township. Delaware county. Pa., on the Rooerts road, three-quarters ora mile from Rosemont station, Pennsylvania Railroad, 10)5 miles from Philadelphia, adjoining the country seat of Dr. K, Peace. The sollis excellent, in high cultivation, and wall watered. About six acres are mesdow. Also, a good apple orchard and other fruits. The buildingß are a two-story DWELLING, well abided: large stone barn, wagon house, ice house, ipring house, with never-folUug spring, and other buildings, all in good repair.; This farm, from its situation and many advantages, is very desirable for any one wishing a country reridence. For further CHAiUiE* H. MUIRHEI.T). No. 205 South olxthstreat, or JOHN (i. HENDERSON, odltb.s tulOtrpj West Haverford, A PUBLIC SALE—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. THRKK-STuRY BRD KDWELL , No? 1134 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, on WED NESDAY. October 17tt. 1856, at 12 o’clock, noon, will besold at Pnbllc Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE .the following described roil estate. All that certain three-stor brick bouse and lot, on the west side of South Fifth street; 96 feet 4 laches northward from Federal street; being 16 feet front, by so feet deep. IST The above is a neat three-itory bric<s dwelling, with three-ston baeh builainps containsno aU the mol cm improvements, hot and cold t cater, ranee. Balti more heaters. bath room, water closet and fibre retvm. Water introduced in the second st/ry—walnut inside shutters in eraji story. 49* Bents far 1400 per annum. (3,c00 may remain. AS" Pdeaeaston given In thirty days, aar Clear of allincnmbrance. 69. (100 to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEH AN, Auctioneer. Qcll Store 422 Walnut street. <BS EXECUTRIX'S ABSOLUTE SALS.—Estate Br-a ofELIZaBbihPEAKSuN. deceased.—JAMßS „ FREEMAN, auctioneer.-Tbree-siory BiuoK HOi HE. Mo. 7«2 Sooth FRONT street. Under au thority contained In the will of the late Elizabeth Pearson deceased, on WEDNESDAY, October 31, 1866, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Public rale, without reserve, at the PHILADEiPHIA EX CHANGE, the following described Real Eitate, viz: AU that certain lot of ground, with the three-etory brick met so age thereon erected situate on the weal side of Front street. No. TUS containing la front 18 feet and In death 70 feet. subject to a ground rent or|ll 25 per annum. 43* Sate peremptory. 43“ (100 to be paid at the time of sale. By order of the Executrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. ocll.lSJtt - Store. 422 Walnut Street. * PUBLIC BALE—JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER-GENTEEL DWELLING with Yard. bo. 537 NORTH THIRTEENTH Slree. On WEDNESDAY.October2i,IS66,at 12 o’clock noon, win be sold at Pnblie sale, at the PHILADELPHIA r XIHANGE. the fallowing described Real Eitata, v,::: A three-story brick dwelling with two story brick back building and lot on the east side of Thirteenth street. 219 feet north of Spring Garden street, being 27 feet fToDt. by 82 foet 6'inches deep. 49* (3.590 may remain on mortgage. 43* All the modern conveniences, aw* Possession with the deed. 43* dear of incumbrance. ear (Ho to be pud at tue ume of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN: Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street. & PUBLIC SALK.-* JaMES A FREEMANAuc .oueer.—Foot-story BRICK DWELLING, No. nth ELEVENTH Street. On WADNEiOAY. October aist. 1858. at 12 o’cloce. noon, will be sold at public sale at the PHILADELPHIA the following described Beal Esz&te, vie; All that lot of ground, with the four-story brick messuage thereon ere cud. sauate on the west sFeor Eleventh street. 56 fert north of Lombard strep*, containing In ffont 18 zees and in depth S 2 feet to Yleury street. Subject to «3CCO mortgsge. Pouestion t cilh Ihe deed. $2OO to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer. ocii.iB.2o Store, 422 Walnut street. STO LKT—A Urn e story DWELLING, with hack buildings and modern improvements, lo d* at 236 North Eleventh street. Inquire at 50 North NINTH steeet. oc l-2t» SIO MANUFACTURERS —Large lot on three streets at Seventh and Tasker streets, for sale. A J. H. MJRRL3, * ocll-4t» 233 North Tenth street. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—Estate of JOHN H&IbTAND, Deceased.-:me Auditor appoint ed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust tbe account of ABRAHAM W. HAINES and JACOB P. FOW LER. Executes of the last win and test&meutof JOBN HEISTAND. deceased. an<\ to Report distri bution of the Balance Id the handsof the accountants will meet the parties interested for tbe purpose of bis appointment, on MONDAY. October 22i1, 1866. at 11 o clock A M., at Ms office, No. 619 NOBLE Street, ir the Cliy of Philadelphia. THOMAS COCHRAN, ccll-tb,s,tustj ' Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY 1 AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of UILLIAM H. TIERS, Deceased.—The Auditor ap pointed by tbe Court to audit, settle and adjust the oc count of CHARLHB T. YKRKES and WILLIAM l*RNST.Execmoisof the last will and testament of WILLIAM B. TIERS, deceased, and to Report distri bution of the Balance in thehandsof the accountants, wiilmeetthe parties iDtere»ted for the purpose of his a.-prluiment, on MONDAY, October 22d, 1866, at 4 oeicck P M.. at the Wetberill House, Noj'Gt's SAN* SOM Streeutn the City of Philadelphia. ocll th,B,tu st» IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND IOUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—Estate of J. SNY DER, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the accsunt of JOHN MILLb and WILLCaMTMcNALLY, Executorsofthe Estateof J. SNYDER, deceased, to report distri bution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, wiilmeetthe parties interested for the purpose ot his appointment on TUESDAY. October S 3, at 4 o'clock P. M.,at the office of W. W. Javeoal, Esq., No. 426 LI BHABY street. In the city of Philadelphia.? 1 cdl-th atu st* CHAS. N. MANN, Auditor. ■vroTICE.-ESTATE OF LEWIS BUSH FALES. lv deceased.—Lelters of Administration te the Estate of LEWIS RUSH FALES. dec’d, baling been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted thereto will please make payment, and those having demands present them to ALFRED G. BAKER, Admlulstra* toe. No. 210 OHESNTIT street, . ocll-6t* Books just ibsukd.—ihk arc of amusing • Being a collection or graceful arts, merry games, odd tricks, carious pozzies, and new charades: to »ether with suggestions for private theatricals, tab leaux, and all sorts of parlor and family amusements, By Frank Bellew. 12mo. Cloth, $S 00. GRIFFIiH GAUNT; 08, JEALOUSY'. By Charles Beads, octavo. Cloth. Si 50. THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF JAMES GATES PEKCIVAL. ByJnllosH.Ward. T2mo. Cloth 1300 WOMAN OUK ANGEL; a Novel. By A. S. Roe fflno. Cloth, Si 50 V ' 12m™ Cloto! S?TO 0F ST - JOHN ' b J' B Taylor. TAKEN UPON TRUST ; aNovel. The author of "B*commend to Mercy’’."koe’s Brand,”."The Go den Kale,” <6c. 12mo Cloth, 81 75. * “ Forsaleby JAMES S. CLAXTON . . Successor to W. 8. AA. Mart Sen, ocll | | 12U uhestnut street. “TETTER” “TETTER” M THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 13S . and 141 South Fourth street. Sale No 2017 Fine street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. MIRROR, CHANDE - . UtEBS. CARPETS, CHINA;Ac. ” . ON TUESDAY MORNING. At.lo o’clock, at' No. 2017 Pine street, by cataloene the Superior. Walnut Parlor and Dining-room -Fornl' ture, chamber Fornltnre Mirror, Handsome chande fieri. China and Glassware, Fine Matressea. Brusaeia Alao. the Kitchen Utenalla. “f™aeis AIMOBE'S fMINOED MEAT.—The undenlgned are now receiving Into store, the above celebrated Minced Meat; put up in Firkins of 3S and 68 ttstralso In Banrels and Glass Jars, and are prepared to fhrnlah It to the ti ade ht the lowest manufacturer's nrlots JO3 B. BUt-SIhB&CO. 108 South Delaware Avenue Twenty-Five” Barrels Prime Cranbereles landing and lor sale by J. B, BUSsXER dt CO., 108 SoutbDela ware Avenue, BEAI ISTAm LEGAL NOTICES. fIISW PWMJOATIOMh: AucTiojr sales: »ETAH DBT COOP - HOSIERY. GLOVES . AND : * ' UNDERWEiR. Edwin Hall & Co., ■ 28 South Second street, Have just rtcelved, of their owh importation, Ladies', Gents and Children’s : Fine English Hosioy, in all sizes. MISSES’ PLAID, STRIPE AND FANCY CASH MERE HOSE MERINO AND WOOLEN HOSIERY. Underwear. LADIES’,. GENTS' AND CHILDREN’S Merino Undershirts and Drawers, GLOVES. JOUVIN & CO’S AND BA Jem’S KID GLOVES. CLOTH GLOVES, Plain and Fancy Colors, OclC-2t rpi J. M. UAFLEIGH, RETAIL i . DRY GOCpS. 903 CHESTNUT ST., ) " Will Open on Monday, Oct Bth, 4 eases Winseys for ladies' Walking Suits. Silk Flush, (New) for Ladieß* Cloaks. White Woolen Petticoats. New Style Cloakings. BUk and Woolen. Dress Goods. To all of which he lavUes tpecial atteaUon. ocs ft to th sa lot EDWIN HALL & 00., 28 Sontb Second street, 4 WUI have their CLOAK OPENING, TO-DAY, Thun day, the 11th inst Also, with a flue Stock of SHAWLSand cloths. For Ladieß' and Children’s Cloaks. oclo-2trpi FESANOUL. NApONAL. BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, 809 and 811 CHESTNUT ST., PHTT.ATVET.PITTA, The late management having relinquished theli .entire control and Interest In this Bank, the business Is now being conducted under the following entirely HEW MANAGEMENT. DIRECTORS. JOSEPH T. BAILEY, Of Bailey & Cq., Jewelers. EDWabtj B. ORNK, 01J. F. and B. B: Ome, Dealers In CarpeUng&.2ft NATHAN HTLLKS. President of the Second National Bank. WILLIAM ERVIEN, Of Myers & Ervien, Flour Factors. OSGOOD WELSH, Of 8. and W, Welsh, .Commission Merchants, BENJAMIN ROWLAND, Jr., Of B, Bewlond, Jr. ,<fc Bro., Coal Merchants, *AMTJEL A. BTSPHAM, Of Samuel Btspnam * Sons, Wholesale Grocers. WILLIAM H. BHAWN, Late Cashier of the Central National Bank. PRESIDENT. WILLIAM K. RHAWN. 1 .OASHUB. JOSEPH P.MUMFORD, aeS-Urp Late of the PhUa. National Bank. THE FINE ARTS EARLES’ GALLERIES, 810 Chestnut St. Looking Glasses. Oil Paintings. Engravings. Picture Frames Rogers’ Groupes A Large Frea Gallery of Oil Paintings, THE BEAUTIFUL' OABVED' BEVEN. Ic3£pl OCTAVE EMERSON PIANO. W. H. ITTk. > DUTTON,9l4Chestnut Bt. THE CH A.RMING TONED EMERSON I|pS| PIANO. W. H.. DUTTON, 914 Chestnut lit 111 street. ocss,tu,th-tf * CARPETINGS. J.F.&E. B. ORNE, . ' ' ■ ....... . .** 004 Cbe stunt Street, BOW OPENING FALL IMPORTATIONS. NEW CARPETINGS. 004 '■"■■j . Chestnut Street, fiXCLTTBIVB HQYBLTIBB IN FfiEBGH CHENILLE GABPETS. J. F. &E. B. ORNE, 004 CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH ROYAL WILTON, ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, NEW DESIGNS, $ J. F. & E. B, ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET. MBSBBS. JOHN CHOBLBT&SONS NEW STYLES 6-4 Velvet Carpets. J. ¥.& E. B. ORNE, x 904 1 CHESTNUT STREET. 800 Pcs. English Tapestry Carpets, Choice Style, Now landing Steamer Melita. J. F.&E. B ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET. English and American 3-Ply Carpets. English and American Ingrain Carpets. BORDERED DRUQt&ETS. 10-4,19-4,16-4 Druggets. STAIRS DRUGGETS, J. E. & E. B. ORNE, 904 Gliestnnt Street. ENGLISH BRUSSELS FOR HALLS AND STAIRS* WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, CHESTNUT STREET. Fancy Engs and Sheepskin Mats. Cocoa Matting, all widths. English Oil Cloths, for Floors. English Oil Cloths, for Stairs. ses-thsatu 2m rp CARPETINGS. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. tt'CAHiUMSiCREASESSLOAN Manufacturers andlmporters ■ ! ■ ■OF ' -"l CARPETINGS. Wholesale Department, SOO Chestnat Street, Retail Department, 610 Chestnat Street, (Opposite InaepeadeaceHalL) KlMmip CARPETINGS.™ JAMES H. ORNE & CO., « CHESTNUT STREET, ' Detween6th and Ttli street, JUST RECEIVED FEE STEAMER A LARGE IN •VO.:OK OF French Chenille and Axminster Carpets, NEW DESIGNS. JAMES H.ORNE&CO., 626 CfflSTflUT STREET, Betweea Slxti and Baronßi streets. MESSRS, JOHN CROSSLEY di SON’S New Styles 64 Velvet k Tapestry Carpets, JAMES H.ORM& CO., 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Sixth, and Seventh sts., • I English Royal WiltoH. English Brussels. English T^estries. JAMES H. ORNE SCO., 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh sts., NEW CARPETINGS Fall Importations} TSJOW OPENING. ocStnoio rpg - LIEDOM & SHAW, Wholeiale and Betail CABPET WABEHOUSE, 1 Os ! O ABC H , Between Ninth and Tenth streets. We are now opening our new importations of Tor-, eign CARPETINGS, embracing all the new air! lead ing patterns. Also a complete assortment of the host of Americas Manufactures. ; We are prepared and will sell at the lowest prices. sel2-3mrp2 CLOTHiM. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR. 612 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now the FALL AND WIHTFB STYLES Mid & complete assortment or FALL AND WIHTER fIOODS. sJSSrß»tlßfactlonßuarant<ed. Pattern Clothes to shwtht nwSa prevalent styles for the Inspection of customers and public. . - / \\ WDEfr THECDNTINENTAIHQTEL) /; U PMItAOELPHtA ' FA. -i TtsTaucnows .*• *? r[ FoassiftasEisiaiESECT. n f)t \ COAT. Siad Blre rrom Ito | //k \ 2; from? to&: jujdfromAjtoSj. | f/\\ \ aadarwwdthotnoatpromtacnt i |\ V part of Iho cheat, and around ; -V the wdti. State whether erect r or ttoopbt?. ■>• - ■ •VEST. fcameeaftiaooat. lftitte «amj ouiilde sewn to liipi, and aroi ARM*' *■"
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