‘•Oar American Cousin".-Contluuationcf Uie Case of laorii Keens vs. John Je>. Clarfce—V«-rdtcfc lor plaintiff liy Direc tion of the Court. [From the New York Tlmej-T Superior Court—Trial Term— October 9th. —uefore Judge Jones and a Jury.—The trial of this case was resumed at II o’clock this morning, by re-calling to the stand oo behalf of the plaintiff Joseph Jefferson, who testified that the chief value of a dramatic composition, like the "American Cousin.” consisted in its attractiveness to the public, its adaptability to the stage, and in having the exclusive right to. its. representation. Witness was now performing the'‘American Cousin” at the Olympic in this city, ani u, was. ’successful. [Witness shown . Miss KSerie’s manuscript of the' “American Cousin.”] I recognize this asthe manuscript that I read in 1858; it does not contain all the alterations made by me inrthe play; .-there was dialogue, situations and acting intro duced on its first representation that are not in the manuscript. William Stuart, lessee of the Winter Gar-- deh in 1865, was called to' the : stand, and produced an abstract ofthe receipts, and ex penses of the representation of the “ Ameri can Cousin,’ at that theatre sin October last; Mr. Clarke’s profits for the twenty-four nights were $2,168 67,-being-one-half of.the total profits of the representation; I put up the. .play as manager-of the theatre;- Mr; Clarke had nothing to do with it; I, received no notice from Miss KeenejjSefore the play . , was brought out,-not to produce it; it had been played all over : the country; I; pre sume Mr. Clarke.furnished the copy of th •play that was represented at the Winte Garden. - Plaintiff’s attorney here offered in e.vi dence an exemplified copy of . the proceed inga in the suit tried in the United State Circuit Court, Philadelphia, in which Liar* Keene was plaintiff and John: S. Clarke and William Wheatley defendants. Mr. James objected to the evidence on th ground that the decision of that Coart was only a decree in equity directing the defend ants to pay Misß Keene $5OO for a license t > produce the play; that the $5OO was paid by Mr. Wheatley, and they should claim that this payment was equivalent to a receipt from Miss Keene permitting the defendants to play the “American Cousin” at any time ana place they saw fit; that the decision of the Philadelphia Court did not establish h’er ownership, of the copyright of the play but only ah exclusive license vested iu her to produce the play in the United States. The Court was of the opinion that a proper construction of the law only gave the de fendants a license to produce the play in the Philadelphia theatre, where it was then being represented. ■ Plaintiffs counsel here rested his case. Defendant’s counsel called as the first wit ness for the defence 0. W. Tayleure, wno. testified that he had been a theatrical agent for fifteen years; had known, the “American Cousin” to be played at variohs theatres? from 1860 to 1865—among other places-att Baltimore, Alexandria, and ' Cumberland: Miss Keene had nothing to do with the management of the theatres at those places. Mr. Andrews, being, recalled, stated that the “American Cousin" was played at Pro vidence from memory; several of the actors bad’piayedlh the piece, And they made it up together from memory; at Ford’s Thea tre, in Washington, it was played from Mr Clarke’s manuscript. !& William Wheatley, proprietor of Niblo’s Theatre, testified that he was a defendant in the Philadelphia suit, and paid the $5OO to Misß Keene under the decree of the Court. From that date to the present time the play has been produced at various theatres throughout the United States without Miss Keene’s consent; the play, as prodneed at Philadelphia, waß played from the original Bondon'manuscript; the property of-Mr.' Silsbee. ' » The defence here rested their case. Mr. James moved a dismissal of the com plaint on the ground, first, that no right of action on the part of the plaintiff had been shown; and, second, that if there were such a right, the only party responsible here was Mr. Stuart, the manager of the theatre, wfio alone produced tfie play at the Winter Gar den—it having been proved that the defen dant, Clarke, had nothing to do with it. fe The Conrt denied tne motion, and directed the Jury to enter a verdict for the amount claimed, $2,168 67. Defendant’s counsel excepted to the ruling of the Court, and judgment was suspended, pending the preparation of a case for the General Term, on which the law points involved in the case will be more fally argued. Coal Statements. The following shows the shipments of coal over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad for the weei ending Oct. 6, compared with same ttma isat season: Shipped Norths Shipped 50uth...... Total ,_30,410 11 1,U4,251 13 For corresponding time last year: _Week, Year. •Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. >•.... 9,528 €0 146,651 U 8 J? 799 02 490,611 15 Shipped North Shipped South ... Total.. ...... ~..... M »._505.9i8 »s . The following Is a statement of the amount of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Bailroad,for the week-ending OcCT 6, 1866, and-previously since December 1, 1664, compared with same time last year* Week. . Total! Tons. Cwt, Tons. Cwt. 707 U J 16,056 03 159,140 01 153,738 Oil 38,067 03 42,232 07 43,053 08 17,755 15 14,001 10 76,426 11 46,376 07 53,797 18 106,381 14 42,112.01 114,449 09 25,853 03 1,795 16 3,235 17 7,464 10 6,542-08 49.718 07 22,42116 7,464 10 32,267.15 22,505 M 10,935 14 24.920 01 8,530 17 185 11 19,617 03 38,316 17 27.865 18 16,514 67 '13,907 25 15,*92 16 8.310 09 6,457 09 50,297 02 5,v91 03 17.719 05 2,561 19 702 14 2.208 13 10,318 14 Ashburton Mount Pleasant su oo Hazleton 4,946 16. East Sugar Loaf. 4,348 17 Stout 907 us Harleigh...... 52« 15 Ebbervale 1,469 15 Jeddo. .......... 3,304 13 Cox, Brother & Co-.,... 771 04 Council Ridge... 2,0*505. Buck Mountain..... 1,178 14 Kew York and Lehigh 868 19 Honey 8r00k....... SG4I4 German Pennsylvania...... 330 14 Spring Mountain:.... 3,517 12 Coleraine 483 14 Beaver t« 04 John Connery. j 78 08 Lehigh Zinc.......... ’ J. B. Reber & Co McNeal & C 0..... .. Knickerbocker Coal 8un...... ......... Bathbnn, Caldwell & C 0... 1,191 04 f11end0n......,.:... J5B 04 Mabanoy.....~ Lelano Colliery... H, Myers Trenton ........ Bowman. HiiiSmA 448 18 amUmore. 896 18 1 FfsnkUa*, —.— .. 265 13 Aaidenrl© v 6 412 Lehigh and Susquehanna.. 65 08 J3B'O7 685 16 10344 y/iltostairre 590 00 V/w/lor iiun /. 17 os Tltomtui — 6(B 01 W«w i SMI 01 Knit t), ......... 129 1; Oit&reUSpperx 7,Z~!l.Z!Z!Z 64 01 T'iUSi ,V..„ .31,421 14 Cyntsp&odißjf weelc la«t ... .IQjrnlfc ; > iNS^BAJSOE. <S« PIBB AB800UTI0&, fSaoppio&l?*^ i* »«•«° BTATEMBHT °' ™ AI»U ol tbs AMOditlCE OrODUdBcBtSiHHM "*mw»Mn»M,»mi tt M»w t> 17 - TLS. SI '3gg«- <j»h oa h«na...,.,V.„ JIZZZZZ S7,4as . TBUBTKffIT , - PETBB A.' KEYSEB,,, . SAMUEL BPABHAWE JOHN PHINBIN, OHAHLEB P. BOWES, ' JOHN CAHEOW,_ ■ JESSE LIGHTFOOtT OEOBGEI. YOUNG, . BOBEBTHHOEMaSeb, Wit T.BUTLHB, Secretary, 1829 _^?ARTKR PKRPBTUAIfc ' - FR. AfylEilAOf FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . Sfi < v Off- V - . . PHILADELPHIA! ; Assets on January 1,1866. $8,506,851 96, 0ap1ta1.......M..~..«..M.M.. —44(10.000 Qi A nomad Bnrplns MIMS 1) Premium*... —... 1,182,808 11 UNSETTLED CLAIMS, ’ ISOOHS XOBASm; : ' $11,467 68. v $310,000. Losses Paid Since 1829 Ovei A: #6,000,000. ‘ A Perpetual uni Temporary Policies on ÜberelTerm, ' dirfotoes, cm**. N. Bancker, Edward O.Dale, Toplaa Wagner, George Pale*. Samuel Brant,. Alfred Hitler, ■ See. W. Richards, . , Eras; W.Lewla.M. D. ; laaaoliea, . Peter McCall. - - - UITART.ES N. BANOKEB. iweldent. . EDWARDU. DALE; Vice president. ■ JAB. W. MfiAT.T.TBTKB. Secretary protein. ftttOlli mm FffiE AND MARl^i INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 416 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL PAID IN, m CASH $3OOBOO. , This company contlnnee to write en Jir* Juan mi, Its capital, irtth a good engdoa, is safely Invested, Losses by Are luwebejmgtomgUy paid, and more tba> Disbursed on this account within the past lew years. For the present the office of tide company will ** main it 1 415 WALNUT STREET, Ent within a ffew months will Temove to Its OWJ BUILDING. . -. y::- , ■ - N, E.-008. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, - Then, as now, we Bhall be happy to Insure enr pawn at snob rates as are consistent with safety; • nmscTOBS. - --■ THOMAS CRAVEN. ALFRED 8. GILLETT FURMAN SHEPPARD, Nrß, LAWBENG& THOS.- MAOKKUT. AR] CHARLES LDUKINT, JNO.SU PPLEK, HENRY P. KENNEY, JNO. W. CLAGHORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M, D, STT.AB TB!RI?H!a,J& t , . THOMAS GRAVEN, President. AIiFRED S. QIIaLETT, V. President end Trauram JAMES B. AliVORp. Secretary. IslStl fYELAWARX MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE INOORPORATEDBY THE LKGIBLATUKa Ml OFFICER. E. CORNER THOU) AND WALNIh STREETS, ~PTTTT. A7YICT/PITT A MARIMB INSURANCE, ON CARGO. VTo all parts of the world. 9KBIuB3!i ’ j 1 * INLAND INSURANCES WeeS. Tear. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt, ... 8,695 14 ..21,720 00 326,162 03 818,089 10 .29 337 02 637,262 18 CURE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY, TBj C PENNSYLVANIA XTBE INSURANCB COh PANT—lncorporated 1825—Charter Perpetual—N no WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Bqtuu ' This Company, favorably known to the common! for over forty yean, conUnnea to insure against 1c ordamoge by fire,, on Publlo or Private Bnlldlnr slther permanently or fbr a limited time, jusoTt Pumituregtocke of Goods and Merchandise general’. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fane > Invested In the most careful manner, which enabl them to offer to tbs Insured an nndcnbted security ' the cast afloas. DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devaronx, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Haalehuratj Henry Lewis, • . Thomas Robins, _ J. Gillingham Pall! Daniel Haddeck, 1 „ DANIEL SMITH, Jr„ PretWsa<; WJIAIAK G. CnowmL. Secretary ' 1,489,422 18 1,128,339 17 341.082 13 On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake, and Land Oaniagt to all parts of the Union, FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Btores, Dwelling Hornet, *O. AEHETBOP THE OOMPAJST November l,ues. 1100,000 United states 5 per cent, loan, Tl™ *95,000 M 120.000 United States s per cent, loan,'si.. _ lss,ioo o :eo,ooO United States r s-U per sent, loan Treasury Notes. ISMH >' 18M»0 State of Pennsylvania lire Per Cent, Loan ... , Hiss ft,oeo State ofPennsylvania Six FerOeah - • * Tiffßff ~( It , ,i ,-. t - ltlT —-1,,,, ,i, SI|SGD {• ISSXOO Cltr of Philadelphia Six For Cent, ’ - Loan,.. Uk»l» h Wtm Pennsylvania milrnta First Moit- ,• ragejlix Percent. Bonds. : , xuno a IS,OOO Pennsylvania Ballroad Second Mort - gate Six Per Pent. Bonds.. . 8.750 o VSJOOO western Penna. Railroad Mortgags SlxPer Oent Bon<la..__i. U.7CO r> 11,000 soe Shares. Stock Semantown Gai - / Company, principal. and Interest tnaranteed by the City, of Phlladjel- t4K>?4S%utfe< Stock .Perm*,'"sikiiioaii U?SCT h : - ftJBO O StOOQ 100 Bfiua StockNortti Pennaylv»ni» B»nro«rt Oomptmy IM 6* <O,OOO Deposit witu the .United &ut«a Go vernment, anhject to 10dayaTSAl..™ <0,0)0 n 10,000 State of Xtonneaaee Fire Per Cent. - • T^ W: „r,r ' Vi.- 18,900 » 170,700 Ixtana on Bonds and Knrtnse, Ont ' llenaon City Property : 170,70^- UBB.SSO Par. Market value..... wmsow Beal E5tate......,.- . ssfloo « Bills receivable tbr lnnuance made. ___ in,cm to ' Balances dUB Pw>mnnni> OB M>* rise Policies. Accrued Interest, and other' debts due the Oompany UMH . UWMM . MMM . MMNM *0,511« Scrip and Stock of snndzy Insurance and# other Oomparlea, $5,188. Estimated valuer 8,910 te Jash in Banks. M . MMMMMMn . M . MM .. wm .4S5 1 958 62 - Cash in Dawn, MH .» MmnHnmNU ; w ., 878*8 ' ■ >58,635 L Thomas O.Hand, John c. Davis, Edmond A. Sonder, Theophllns Spalding, John IS Penrose, James Traqnalr. Henry C. Dallett, Jr„ James C Hand, William C. Ludwig. • Joseph H. Beal, Cieorge G. Helper,. Hugh Craig, Robert Barton, John D. Taylor, ■ THOMAI JOHN O. Hknbv Lylbpbs, Been INSURANCE COMPANY OP NORTH AMERICA MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANBPOB TATION INSURANCE. Office, No. sa ■WALNUT itrMt, sooth (Ids, cast o- Third street. The Properties of this Oompany an well Invests, and famish an available fond for the ample lndemnlti of all persons who desire to be protected by Insurants' MARINI! BTBKB taken on Vessels, PrtlihM ant °nSLAND TRANSPORTATION RTHEh 0 n Ms sbandlse per Railroads, Canals and Steamboats, FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and 8011. tags In City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1794—CAPITAL, SSCO.OOC. AED PAID IN AND BEOUREI.T INVfiHi'Hjk TOTAL PBOPERTIEB, 11.700,000. , - . . PERPETUAL CHARTER, W 9IBJBOXOBS. Arthnr G. Coffin, John Mason,! Bam pel W, Jonas, George L. Harrltoa jobn A. Brown, v Francis R, Cope, Charles Taylor, Edward H. Trotter Ambrose white, E. B. Clarke, William Welsh, , William Cnmmlns2 Richard D. Wood, T. Charlton Henry, B, Morris Wain. Alfred D. Jessup. : T.Charleton Henry. ARTHUR G*. COFFIN, President, CHAm.ua Fuats, Secretary, JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY C PHITiADETiPITTA.— OFFICE, No, 24, NORT FIFTH STREET, NEAR MARTTIOT ftTßTfrKrr, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvam. Ohabtbb Pespetuau CAPITALAND ASSET |I6O;OOO. Make Insurance against Loss or Damage t’ Fire or Public orJPrivate Braidings, Furniture, Stock * Goods and Merchandise,on favorable terms, - - DIRECTORS. , GeorgeErety, « Frederick Doll, August 0. Miller, .. Jacob Schandler, John F» BelsterUng, .. Samuel Miller, Henry Troomner, . Edward P, Moyer William McDaniel, Adam J. Glass, Christopher £L Miller, . . Israel Peterson, . Frederick Staake, >'■■■■'-- - Frederick Ladner Jonas Bowman, * GEORGE JOHN F. BKLST] PHILIP E COLEMAN, EBETY, President. EBLIjTCf, vice President , Secretary. - A MICBTOAW IXBKmHUKAKOKOOMPAJrr. : a. IKOOBPOKATKD 1810.-CHABTBIB PHBP,- TDAi. til) WA T.mrr Street. Above th i kti Btraol. PTTTT, A A,- - • Hsvlnc a lure paid np CAPITA! STOCK Wl4 BU* PLUS lnveetoata sonna and available Seourltlu, ook = ttrrae to terora on DweUlnn, Stores Fomltnro, ir«s> cbandlaa Vaßßli In porMmdtbetr Caitaes, andothM personal Prepsrtr. All Ham liberally and prompt s adinitod. , . .. JohnT. Lbwli, Jame« It. Cfcmptwia ' Edmond G. ImtUh, 1«»«6 , 5^12“ Wiponlta#,, . irHOMABIL HL. -i - gat > Tfiomu B. Itarli, JolmWelih,,. „ oTMo'tOB, r*trl£k BnOj, CIIU INBBRANOK COMPANY. . . r Ho. too CHKBTNUT BTRgM. ITn 1 11 n ■ . »lß* APK .IHIASD IHSOKABO i. . nsioioiii. FnuujliH. BnoJCt I Jno.W. Bremaa ciuuaeo BiohatdMßi ■, , ■ Bobrat B. Pottar..... ■ Benrjr Lewis,-,; • Jno.Keraler, Jr;. Buaod'WtShti B. D. Woodrak £.b.JosUoerT. „ . Oh» .Btokeo,. , <ato.XtmSL. ~Zri - - jo».d.buS7* • ■- PBAKCIB h. SUCK. President m.i.w M^£ggu£^‘™ rtmum THE DAILY EVENING BOLLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1866. 11,853.080 18 7TOBB, Samuel E, Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Hdhry.Sloan, William G. Boulton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward iAfbnxoads, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P: Eyre, Spencer Mnilvaine, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh A., B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D T.Morgan, Pittsburgh 3 O. HAND, President. DAVIS, Vice President, stary.deistnoi lAbtiMAilUßa LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBB INSURANCE OOMPiNY. Capital and Assets, $16,000,000. invested in United States, $1,500,000 Total Preminißß received by the Coa t pany in 1865, $1917175. Total Loises Paid in 1865, $1,018,250. Premlnms received in the U. 8. from January 1 to •• --V.; Joljrl, 1806 i $787,697 32. : . Losses.in United states .from January. l to Jaly) ' ’ ' f393A88 61. N All leases promptly adjusted without reierence to England., V-- 1 1 ■ " Afwdop SMtrk,: - ' General Agent for Pennsylvania, OFFICE, No- 6 Merchants’ Exchange, fe27tn,th,loJ PHTI.A TIEUPHIA. ; Charter Perpetus OFFICE, HO. 208 WALNUTSTREBT. • capital, »300,000, * ■' Insuree against loss or damage by. FIBS, 01 Honsss, Stores and other Buildings, limited or pei petaal, and on Furniture, Goods Wares and meroban dlse in town or country. r - LOSSES PBOMPTLY ADJUBTED AND PAID. ASSETS ........ ...... ...8100,004 71 Invested In thefollowtug Securities, vis; First Mortgages on City Property, well se cured...—., .(1*4,100 a United States Government Loans..— 155,000 ot Philadelphia City 6 per cent- Loans.s6,uoo 01 Pennsylvania (5,000,0006 percent. Loan.— a, OOO « Pennsylvania Ballroad Bonds, first and se cs n't Mortgages™ ..... ■ 15,000 » Camden ana Amboy Ballroad'Company's B per cent. Loan... ™. 8,000 Ot Philadelphia and Beading Ballroad Cam- r pany’a 6 per '5,000 0( Buntingdonandßroad Top 7 percent, mort-- gage bonds ..... ..... . . 8,580 0( County Fire Insurance Company's Stock— 1,050 « Mechanics' Bank Stock ; ..... 4,000 a Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock.. 10,000 ot Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock. 280 0C Reliance Insurance Company or Philadel phia's Stock.™ 1,000 ot Cash In bank and on hand M 1471 (408*104 71 BenJ. W. Tlngley, Marshall HIH. Charles Lelana, Thomas H. Moore, Samuel Castner, Alfred English, Young. L TINGLEY, President, itary. - 1. 1865. dero-th,*,ta,fc DIKEOTOBB. I Clem. Tinsley* Wo, Husser, Samuel Blapham, H. L. Carson, Bobert Steen, Wm* Stevenson, . JamraJD, THOMAS O. HELL, Sec fshadblphia. Dec6ml PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, NO. ill bauth FOORTH Street. INCORPORATED 3d MONTH, 22d, 1565. CAPITAL, 9130,000 PAID IN. Inauinnce on Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or by s,it or 20 year premiums Nonforfeiture. .- • • • Enoowments, payable at a future age. or on prior de cease, by Yearly Premiums, or lu-year Premiums— both cases Non forfeiture Annuities granted on favorable terms. * Term Policies. Children's Endowments. This Company, while giving the Insured the security of a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Profits of tbeLUe business among Us Policy holders. Moneys received at Interest, and paid on demand. Authorized by charter to execute Trusts,-and to aot, as Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, and In other fiduciary capacities under appointment ot any Court of this Commonwealth or of any person or pexsons, or bodies politic or corporate. Dißscrroßa: Samuel R Shipley, Richard Cadbury, Jeremiah HacXer, Henry Haines, Joshua H. Morris, , T. Wlstar Brown. RlchafdWood, . Win. C. Longstxeth, ; . Charles ». Coffin. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY', ' x Prealden THOMAS WIBTAR. M D. oct.tfS Medical Examiz MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ill . PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, NO. 5 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ASSETS, CHARTER PERPETUAL, MUTUAL SYSTEM EXCLUSIVELY. DIRECTORS FOB 1566. CaleirClothler,- j Benjamin Malone, Thomas Mather, T. Eiiwood Chapman, Simeon Matlack. Aaron W. GaskUl, CALEB CLOT] BENJAMIN h THOMAS MATHER, Tj T. EJLLWOOD CHAPMi •JTHJS COUNTY 8188 INBUKAWfTM COMPANY,- OFFICE NO. 110 SOUTH - FOURTH STRESS . bklow mmntm. "The Pin Insurance Company ol the Oonnty s. Philadelphia,” Incorporated by. tbe Legislators oi Pennsylvania In ISM, for indemnity sgalnst loa c> damage hv Are, exclusively. * CHABTEB PERPETUAL. This old and reliable InsStutlon, with junpls capsv. and ctnttogent fond carefully Invested oontfnnea to l’ anre buildings, furniture, merchandise, dm., either pa manently or for a limited time, against lea or damagt by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with tha absoluo safety of Its customers. Losses adjusted . posalbls despair-- Gharles J. Butter, Edwin L. Beakil, Henry Crllly, John Horn, Bobert V. Massey, Jr., Joseph Moors, Henry Bndd, George Meets, Andrew H. Miller, • . James N. Stone. . _ <IHARI.ES J. Blj'prjait, l Presides), . Btsintm P. Hogcgngy.'Bec'v and Treasnrsr, COMPANY OP PHIL, INCO BPO RATED 160 S —CHARTER PEKFETUA NO. St WALNUT Streetrqpposlte the Exchange. In addition to MARINE andINLAND INSUBANC this Company Insures from flora or damage by put' on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, ltumltur Ac., fi>r limited periods, and permanently on buildln. The Company has been in active operation fbr mon than SIXTY YEARS, during which all losses bar: been promptly adjusted and paid. L DIRECTORS, lohn L. Boise, David Lewis, if. B. Mai o ay Benjamin Ettinff, John T. Lewis, Thomas H, Powers, William 8. Grant, A. R, McHenry, Robert W. Learning, Edmond naattlina, D, Clark Wharton, Samuel WUcox, Lawrence Lewis, Jr Lonls a Norris. JOHN B. WPCHEBHB. President RstftrEi. Wttoox, Secretary. . . - - COMPANY. Office, No. sn WALNUT street, above Third, Fhlli Will Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Bulli logs, either perpetually or fbr a limited time, Bonathcl Furniture and Uatohandlse generally, - Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, Oargpes nr Freight, Inland Insurance to all parts of the unloa DIRECTORS, Wm. Esher, David Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis Audenrled, JVE. Baum, . J. R. Rlaklston, Wm. P. Dean, Jos, Man 11 eld) - John Ketchem, WM, ESHER, President. WM. P. DEAN, Vlce-Praldtnt WM.M. SMITH, Secretary JSa A MERICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 4 —Office Farquhar Bullding,_No. u WALNU Steeet, MARINE AND INLAND INBUBANC^ Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all oar, if the world, ui on gooda on-lnland transportation o rivers, canals, • railroads and other oonvnyuto) Cnonghouttu* United States. w tLLIAM CRAIQ. Prcsldae*. eobebt ~ uESS&SSSF*- w *"■&- amocoßs. ' Henry a . .... Tm.l liowber, J. Johnston Browal Bunnel A. Balan. Mason Hah him*. Henry ikKidei, S. Boanua MorOUI. Borth. • ~ in fraiam Gralf, Peter Cullen, , XohnD&llett, Jr.i William H. Merrick BenJ. w. Blcharfli, amfesDaUen. ? - ■ ■ Hum Xncorporatedbythe Bt*& orpeansylvanla, Id month iNBUBES LIVES, AlJffffß 'U'X'EBESI OS m AJ*D GKANTS ANNTIXTIBBr j DIKEOTOBS. . Samuel B, Shipley, IBlchard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, iHenry BAlnes, Joshua JL Morris, . IT. W&tar Brown, Richard Wood. lWm;0. LOnijstrefii, Oha«. J. Ooffln. ■ - . „ HAMUEL a, SHIPLEY, Pretldsal, : Eowuita Paebt, Actuary. ovnos. wo. in Soma itanraiiMy^ HAIR DRESSING. jyjKS. E. B. VANSOIVEB : Informs her Lady Mends, and the public In general ' that she has removed to her New Establishment * • No. Sli North EIGHTH street, above Vino Where she hopes tnsee Jtftr. former customer Land as many new ones as may be pleased to call. Thank ful for past patronage from the Ladles, still hones for a continuation of the same. Will Seep constanilv on hand; -- •• -; .. r? LADIES’ WIGS, BKAIDS COBLS, FRIZErTES ; OP NAMttN I\AL HAIR WOBK, Of eypry descrlotlon, made In the most substantial and fashionable Btyle.. N. B.—Ladles’ Hair Dressing and Shampooing La. dlfes waited on ,at their resiliences. Children’s .Hair Cutting, ocg stf EOWI.A.ND PARRY, it. Actuary ~ J. B. TOWNSBKD, aer. Legal Adviser • 8120,522 21 William P. Reeder, Joseph Chapman, Charles Evans, Edward M. Needles, Wilton. M. Jenkins, Lukens Webster. CKR. President. ALONE, Vice President. kN. Secretary." se22*3mj ktkjAh feaxAXjfe 1 . OFFICES AND LARGE ROOMS FOR RENT IN THE •v' . v National Bank of the Republic Building 809 and BIIJ CFEBTNUT Sireot, The Building la supplied with Gaa, Water; Wate) Closeta.and cteamHeatlngApparatus, Theroomaot the third and fourth floors are large (aoxfiu) well lighted..and suitable 1 for- a Commercial College or business of a similar character. Apply at the Bank. sel-tf ; FOB;::BENT,';:; A VALUABLE STORE, 809 CHESTNUT STREET, In the nations! Sank of the Republic ' ' . Building. Apply on the Fremliea. >eetf ■ TO CAPITALISTS AND BUILDERS. FOR-BALE-A large mass of unimproved ground opposite Girard College, and in the heart of German* town. Both surronnaed with improvements. Terms accommodating. • Apply to •••• B. A. MITCHELL, ' se2s-lmo3 N.E.Cor,FIFTHandWALNUTatreeia. * ORPHANS*C»URT JSAL.K—KiTATE 6P AMOS C. MARGKBOM, deceased.—JAMES A. Auctioneer. Under authority of the Orphans’Court for the City and County ovPhlladel phis, on WEDNESDAY,Oct. 24th,1866. at re o’clock, noon, will be sold at pablic eale at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real astate, late the property of Amos C. fifargeram, deceased, viz: Three story brick DWELLINGS, Nos. 1332 and I#l Marshall, street. No. L—(No. 2 m the order of Court.) AU that certain lot or ground with the 8-story brick dwelling, * lth 3-story back buddings situate on the west side of Marshall street, No. 13A2.276feet 1?* inches north of Thompson street, containing in Done 18 feet and In depth 74 feet 10 inches. jgSFClear of all Incumbrances No. 2, (No 3 In the order of Court.)—AH that certain lot of ground, with the three-story brick dwelling, with three story, back buildings, adjoining No.* I on the aerth, situate on the west side of Marshall street. No. 1834 294 feet Ui Inches >orth of Thompson street, con taining in front on Marshall street 18 feet, and la depth 74 feet 10 inches. ‘Hear of all incumbrances No. 3, (No. 4 In the order of Court.)—Threeatory brick DWELLING, 1387 North SEVENTH street—All ttat i*rtain lot of ground, with tne three story brick dwell ing thereon elected, on the east side of Seventh street. T4ieet2?alnchessouthwardfromMaster street.in the Twentieth Ward; containing In front on Seventh street 28 feet, and In depth 174 feet 10 inches to Marahall street- Subject to}72 ground rent per annum. Nos; 4. 5 and 6 (Nos, 5,6 and 7, In the order of Court.} —BUILDING LjTS, SEVENTH and MASTER streets—All that lot of ground situate on the east aide ot heventb street, at the distance or 92 feet inches southward from Master street, in the Twentieth Ward; comainiDg in front 18 • feat and 174 feet ID Inches in depth. Subject to $9O ground pent per annum. No. S.—AU that certaiu lot of ground, rituate on the east side of Seventh street, at the distance of 290 (feet northward from Thompson street containing In front 18 feet and in depth 1.0 feet. Subject to ss3ground rent per annum. No. 6.—Ail that certain lot of ground, situate on the east side of Seventh street, at tne distance of 272 (bet northward from Thompson street, containing in front 18 feet and In depth 100 feet. Subject to §63 ground rent per annum. JSftuo to be paid on each at the time of sale. By the Court, E. A, MERRICK, Clerk O. C. SABAH B.MAKGKRUM,Executrix, JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ' 00411 18 ‘ Store, 422 Walnut street. & ORPHANS’ COURT SALE—Estate Of ELIZA BETH BOLTON, deceased. JAMES A. FREE- Auctioneer, pboperty. manayuns. Under authority of tbe Orphans’ Court .or tne City «nd County ofPhiladelphla. on WEDNESDAY. Och C 4, isss, at 12 o’cP'Ck.noon,wfll be ssld at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the ollowing described Real Estate, the property cf, i- liz&btth Bolton, deceased, vk: All that certain stone tavern or mersuage and piece ofgrouad situate in tbe uteboioughofManajunk,nbw dtyof Philadelphia beginning at tbe sonthweaterastde of Mala street at ihe corner ora certain, alley 2 feet 9 inches wide, and extendlrg thence nor.hwardly almg Main street, 19 feet 6 inches to a corner, and 14 feet 11 Inches to the southeastern side of Robeson street, thence along the 43 feel dinches toacornerof a lat.now or late of James C. Kempton, thence by the same 75 feet 9 inches, to a certain So feet wide street, opened or in tended to be opeued.theuce along the said street 44 feel to ibenorthaestaldeol thesala 2 feet 9 inches wide alley leading into Main street, and thence atong the said alley 12b feet 8 inches to the place of beginning. Together with the free and common use and privi lege of tbe said twenty feet wide street, and of the said 9 inches wide alley. ; f&M'lear of all Incumbrances. ( litt.ficoto be paid at the time of sale. "-By theLourt. ' * EDWARD A. MERRICK, Clerk O.C JOHN WILLIAMS,' WILLIAM SMITH f Administrators JAMES A. PREEM. aN. Auctioneer. 0c4.11.18 Store, 421 Walnut street. fl© RXKCUTOR’S 8 ALK—ESTATE of ANN M. BRADY. decU—JAMES A; FREEMAN, Auc uoiieer.—Under authority contained in the Will of the late Ann M. Brady, deed., on WEDNESDAY. Octo ber S4tt', r&te. at 12 o’clock noon, wi.loe sold a* public sale, at ibe PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, tne foi lowing described Real Estat-yyiz: No. I—GENTEEL DWELLING. No. IC4 CHEEKY street. All that certain tbree-story brick dwelling, with two-storv brick back buildtngand lot of ground, situate ou the souitUsJde oj Cherry street (ao. 1620* coutavniug In front r 8 feet and m depth its feet to a 20 fc< wide street. No. 2—I'KOPEJtn . No. 552 SWANSON street, A frame messuage and lot. on the west side of Swanson street and south side of Union street, 17 feet front bv 50 feet deep. Subject to $4O per annum. AcSO, a lot of ground on Union street, in the rear ot the above, is leet front on Union street, by :>! feel deep. No S.—D*ELLIN». No. tbS SOUTH SEVENTH oTEEET. A LOTUF-GROUND, with the Improve ments thereon, situate on the west aide ofSevmtu ftreet, 40 feet south of Bedford, being 20 tee: front by s« Pet deep. • , r -. f 24 ground rent per annum. s j lhcrc is atws-sttry frame ho\ts« (Ka. *n%) with '.ico-stcrry brief: back builainpx, and a threC'Story brizf: house vn the rear erected on the-afave lot. a sioo to be paid on each at the Sale. M. V. K. COPES, , .Attorney la fact fur Executors. JAMES A. FRtCEMA N, Auctioneer, 04,11,18 . No. 422 Walnut Street, SPLENDID FARMS FOR SALE—By order of 35? the Orphans’ Court ot Berks count v, me under- BigLCd, Administrators of HENRY S. iCUPP, dec'd, will sell at pnbtic sale, on SATURDAY, the 27th dav or October. ii>66.at the Public House of George H*in, at Btrdsboro’, -Union township, Berks county. TWO SPLEN DID FARMS, late the property of Major H EN KY RUPP, deceased: One containing in acres, aad »he other S 3 acres • also, several tracts of woodland ad jaceit. The Farms are beautifully situated on the west bank tf the sschuylkUl river, about nine miles be low Reading; have good buildings, and-are in the highest f tale of cultivation; Three dally trains from Philadelphia (stop at Blrdsboro Station, Sale com mences at lo’clock, P.M. RICHARD BOONE. DAVID I, LINCOLN; • oclQ-3t? - . Administrators. « pibst-cla6s hotel property at PUBLIC BABE. e HOTEL known as “LITIZ SPRINGS HOTEL,’' situated in the Moravian village of LI riz. Lancaster county, Pa., on the line of the Reading.and Columbia Railtoad, within three hours’ ride from Philadelphia and Baltimore, and aix honra’ from New York,twill be sold at PUBLIC SALE on thePREMISEs.Oet, 17,1806 This Hotel, kept by the'present proptietor for over 12 years, In first-class order, la .worthy.the attention of capitalists, as a safe and paying investment. Water Is Introduced throughout the house. Over 6,003 square feet of veranda encircle the main bulldiog.u Capacity of house from 260 to 800 persons, Satisfaction In regard to the business and arrangements of the house wUI be cheerfully given, by calling at the Hotel on- or before day of Bale. ’ B, LICHTENSH ABLER. litiz, oct, 9, 1866, / , ooiostj *S3 808 SALE IN WEST PHILADELPHIA.— Hl3 a very desirable and convenient DWELLING' with modern improvement PINE street. Hires house eastofForty-ttrSUstreet; upon easy terms. Impiediate possession, ' . Apply to • \ . * „ . _ S. \V. CATTELL, oclQ.6t*. , Corner Twenty-filUi and Spruce streets. .fiSf FOR SALE, with pppssssion Nov. Ist, the fonr .ilili story brick B£STDfiSoE,TBlBSprucestreet' Lit la leet by 101 feet to Ann street Terms, , $lB OQt)—*7,o to may remain on mortgage. The fhrntture.wm b„ rented or sold; theca, pete and the fuel will be Sold. Apply 623 WALNUT street, bfflceNo. 4. ocio4t* T^H,— Ve l y d .i 3!ral de property on Green Lane, Roxborough, two commodious D WEL GS>. In per.ect order, each, with large and hand some gronnes, Btable, carriage house, &c. Also splendid bullclng lot adjoining. Apply No.'IT South THIRD street. ocB-6t* handsome three-story brick “tree-story double back build ’ ST? Iy convenience and neatly re novated throughont.eitnate No. 151 North Twentieth street. AnezceUent location. J. M. GUMItEYA SONS, 818 Walnut street. - . “ FOB SALE—The handsome:; story brick dwell- S-story back buildings. Situate No. (84 pine street;lias- everyrmodern convenience l and improvement, and is ingoodorder. Lot 22 feet 10 inches front, b>'istfeettieep. Immediate possession giv%n: J. M. GUMMEY & SONS. st)B Walnnt at. MR ' FOR SALE—A-HANDSOME FOUR-STORY El BRICK RIffiIDENUE 22 leit froit #IS tli* Btory hack buildings, situate on the abuth side ef Pine street, west of Eighteenth, l 'Hasevery l modern con ve nlence,andis in perfect order. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 508 Walnnt street. ggi! FOR 1 BALE -SEVENTEEN ACRES, on the a£r Delaware, near the Beading Railroad Wharves. Apply to Joseph b all; ocB.6t* - srNorth sixthstreet.: ETQ BENT.—The upper partof the large BUILD ING.9I4-BANSOM street. Apply 914 CHESTS street. ocio-2t* »15A J, ESTAIK 1 * Kl KPBaN’b COUHT.ABS'jIiDTE BALE.—Ya tfcto of HENkYRARRY; Deceased.'-'! EMaH. AUO*ifEeer—7 Ai’RtS. SECOND 6T. *>D . MOYAMESSING ROAIVFISS*' WARD Under aothorlij of the Orphats’Court, for the city and count? of Philadelphia. on WEDNESDAY, October 17. IBbti bi 12 o’clock. nooD. »ill be sold at puolicsale, without reserve, at rthe: /PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGB.tbefrllowingdescribedrealestate,-late toe • j roperty of Heoryßarry.dtceased, viz: All that lot of ground situate Id tt e late townshipol Moyameasing* dow First Ward, marked in a certain plan qllois made by -Joseph? CawperthwaiteVEaq.. No. uuttjpundeel ’ os Julluws, viz-beginning at a corner of road and a road or eCreet so feet wlde,prt?ceedlDg'ffoin Second street, continued then e by said Sfoyametislng road i 5.469 E. 25 J perches to thesonthwest corner, oi lot thence by the: southwest line of said lot B.' 68&° E. 42% perches to second street,'thence alongthe western Aide of tbesame S w.SS perchesto the corner of the aloresaid 50 feet street ror road, thence• alongihen'-nfaeastside of tbe-sameJS’.6B%° W. 52.7. perchesto.theplareofbegianing. Containing Nacres and 134 perches, more or less. < - hi.is -rß> a.survey of. the above premises.it Corn met ces on the west side oi Second street! thence-by lends of S-B; Bailey and MlcheU Trenor, N* 690,15', r w. 87£fret4 inches, more or less, to -MoyamensfDg road; thence along the same N. 4fio, s. about 437 feet l X ■ mch toiand of Mark's-estate; thence S ; 6»0..= WE. sboutTOO fret 6 lncheslo Secondstreec,alobg'tbe same' 8. 219,45*, Wi 247 feet 2 inches' to land of W 1 miller; thence north 68®, 15*, W. ill feet 4 incaes, and thence fc*.2lo. 45*. wes- 96 JeeMind thence>oath eai 11*1 feet 4 Inches to Second street, thence alongtha same S.'2i°r 46*. W. 61; feet 4 Inches to the beginning,- ■ Containing 7 acres and »4 perches, including half the private road to the south. ;, : . , • > N. Bi There Is erected on the.' above trasfc 2 -two story frame mes«uages. (and barns with outbuildings) one fronting on said Koyamensing road and the other bn Second Street. It la near the < sooth em ; termini of tbe Secohdand rhlrdstreeta, Fifth and Sixth streets PasseDier Railroads, and valuable lor gardening or building purposes. Secohdstreet is curbed paved and water mpea laid. JWPlan and survey by the'Sar veyor of the District, showing the streets by which it will be interacted, (Moyamenslng avenue; enyaer avenue. Fourth street and Jackson street,) may be seen at the Auction Store.. ja^Saleperemptbry;: to be paid when the property Is struck off. Tty the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk,O. C. HENRY BARRY, Executor. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. - 5e270C411 Store 422 Walnut street. fisa FXKCOTOBS* SALE —Estate of ANDREW fjfa KEYSER, deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—VALUAßLE BUSINESS PROPERTY. 272 South SECOND Street —Under authority contained . m rhe will of the late Andrew Keyser,dee d, on WED NESDAY Get. 17tb f 1866, at 12 o’clock, Noon, will be sold at public sale at the PHILADELPHIA. EX CHANGE, the following described Beal Estate, viz: all that certain 3-story brick store and dwelling, and three story brick back buildings .with the lot of groand thej eto belonging, on the west side of Second street, so. fret 3 Inches northward from Spruce street, thence ex tending westward 84 frets Inches thence south.vardiu feet 3 Inches to the north side of Spruce street; thence westward along the same 21 feet 5 inches, thence northward 50 feet; tbenc*. eastward 105. feet 8 Inches to the west s’deofSecond street, and thrice southward along the same 29 feet 9 inches to the pl&ce of be*in* n’Dg. The! easternmost 4 feet 3 Inches of this and the arjojDlng pro; erly on the north is agreed shall be left out in order to enlarge the footway ton the common use of ihe parties thereto, and not to be baUt on other wise than lor steps and cellar doors. jOSF* The above is a valuable business location, hav ing been a store property for twenty-five years; the fix tures for a dry goods store are included in the sale.: ihe dwelling portion is well adapted lor a boarding house, with fine parlors in the secand*story, all the modern conveniences, &c. JBST May he examined at any time* Immediate possession will be given the pur chaser with the deed. ggr $6,u00 vua> remain on xxortga&e, if desired by tt e purchaser. nr s2coto be paid atthe time of sale, B> order of Executors. . JaMsS a. se27-oc4-ll Store 422 walnut street. ORPHANS’ COURT frALK—Estate Oi BAR- BhS SHABA STULL. deceased. JAMES A- FREE- EaN, Auctioneer. Under authority of the Orphans’ Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 17.1866, at 12 o clock,noon. wiU be solo at public sale, without reserve, atthe PHILA DELPBIA EXCHANGE, the following described Beal Estate, late the property of BaBSHaBA KTULL, deceased, viz—No. L DWELLING, N0.1U3 POPIaB street. A 3-story brick house with back bandings and lot, on the northeast corner of Poplar and Bum streets,' <No. Ill*Twentieth Ward; it fret front ou Poplar street, and In depth on Kurtz street lmf 58 feet 4 inches, and on the east line 61 feet 5% inches and brings feetftf Inches wide on the rear. No. 2—HOUSE, No. 905 KUBTZ street, in the rear. A 3-stoiy brick house and lot. on the eatt sice oi Kurtz street, fNa. 90S) 58 fret 4 Inches north of Poplar street. Twentieth Ward: IS feet front on Kurtz street, and in depth on the north line 44 ffeettiK inches, and on tbe south line 41 feet 4 Inches, wltn the use of an a ley ieadins into Eleventh street. No. 8. BOUSE No. *7 KUBTZ rtreet. adjoining a three story brick house on the east side of Kurtz street (No. 907.) 73 fbetl Inches north of Poplar street: 16 feet tront aad ibX feet deep, with the use of an alley lead ing Into Eleventh street and the privy and well at the rear ol the said lot. *3- lioo to be paid on each, at the time ofsa'e. By the Court, B. A. MERR CK. Clerk, O. C. JAMS’* MOORE. Executor. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Ancuoneer. . 5e270c4.1l >Storr. 122 Walnut street, ORPHANS’ COURT BALE.— Estate OfSSHTH, BPS Minors.—JAMES a. FRRh MAN, Auctioneer.— unaer authority of the Orphans* Coart for the civ** and coociy of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY. Oc tober 17th, 18S6, at 12 o'clock. Noon, will be sold at Pub lie Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, tbe f dlowinu described Heat Estate, ihepripertvo SmUh minors: No. I.— HOUSE. No.9osCHAßLOtTEstreet, above Poplar street. A two story bricx messuage and lot on the easterly side of Charlotte street, 29*>c feet s itches northward from Poolarstree;: 15 feet f»“ inches front, by 73 feet 3.M inches deep o* the north line.anc ri teeny inches on the south line. JQT Clear oi Incumbrance. No. 2— PROPERT Y, No. 2335 North SEVENTH st. A three-story buck dwelling, slaughter bouse, shed ding. <&c., east side of Seventh street, 14& feet south o York street: S 4 by 112 feet. This U a valuable butcher stand. gSTClear of Incumbrance. Nos. 3 and 4—DWELLINGS, MARSHALL street, below \ ork street, a two-story brick house and lot. west aide of Marshall street, its Let south of York at: 17 by 72 feet 4** Inches. a3rClear of incumbrance No. 4—A three-story brick messuage and lot adjoin iDR No « on the smith—same description. SSTClear of incumbrance. tSTiUQ to be part on each at the Umeof sale. By the Court, - E. a. MERRICK, Clerk. O. C. JAMES SMITH, l nnaw ,. _ SOPHIA BENDER, /GQardlans. JAMES A. FREEMAN, auctioneer, se27cc4,li store, 422 Walnut street. ORPHANS’OUST RALE.—Estate of MARY lfS3 L. HAINES (alias AUSTIN), deceased.—JaMb.* a. FREEMAN, Auctioneer Under ‘ authoi lty of the Orvnans’Court, for the City and County of pniladel phla. on WEDNESDAY, October 17,155 S at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE the following described Real Estate, late the property of Mary L. Halnei (alias Austin). dec)astd, viz.: No. I.—BOCSENo. 4*9 Norm NINTH street, all that certain three-story brick mes suage and lot of ground, situate ou the east side of Ninth street, 58 feet s}» inches southward from Button wood street, in the Thirteenth Ward, thence extend ing eastward, parallel with Buttonwood street 23 tee; ss inches.thence feet sinches. thence east ward parallel with Buttonwood street 4 feet B}* inch**? ihCEcesouihward2o feet &ofan inch, thecce west ward parallel with Buttonwood street,-24 feet?!* inches thence northward along Buttonwood street 17 feet to the placed* beginning. No. 2.-A LOT-TWENTY SEVENTH Street, abov Vaster, all that certain lot of ground on the side of ’Twenib-seventh street, above Master, in tho .Twentieth ward: containing inj front is feet 8 inches by 100 feet deep. jsgr gioo to be paid on each at the time of sale.. By the Court E. A. MERRICK, Clerk. O. C. ’ Jt’HNF.METZ, Administrator JAMES A, FREEMAN, Auctioneer, : 5e27.0c4,U EStore,422 Walnut street e ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—Estate of AL BERT W. PAUL, deceased.—JAMES A. FREE MAN, Auctioneer, THREE-STORY BRICK DWEL LING.No. 824Gearey street, Fifteenth Ward,unde authority of the Orphan*’ Court for: the City aud: County of Philadelphia, on \VJSPNiEBDAY, October *17, 1584. at 12 o’clock, Noon.wiU be ?o!d at Public 8a V, atihe PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the fjllowiyy described Real Estate, late the property of ALBERi W. PAUL, deceased/viz.:—All that certain lot of ground with the three storv brick messuage thereo . erected, situate on the Bouthwest side of Geary stree*' (No. 824), in the Fifteenth Ward of the City, 100 fee; northwestfrom Francis Btreet? containing in front lo feet, and in depth 57 feet to. a three-feet wide alley. • 03" Clear ofamncombrance. |ioe to bepaid on each/at thettme of sale. ' By.tht Court, E, A. MERRICK;Oerk, O. C. JAMES TELfORD* Administrator, JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. 5e27,0c4,1l .' Store, 422 Walnnt street. gpS REAL ESTATE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, BlKl Auctioneer. On WEDNEfeDAY, Oct. 17,1866, at iTo'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHI. LA DELPHI a EXCHANGEvthefollt wing described zeal-estate, viz.:- No. I.—FRAME HOUSE No. 16 MAY LAND street. All. that-certain-twoand a hav story frame messuage and lot of ground situate oq th we* t side of May laid street, leading northward fr.m: Bare street, above sth street, containing in front 1> feet 9 inches and in depth 16 feet, then narrowing on the north side thereof 3 inches, leavinga breadth of 15 feet 6 Inches, theneoexiendlng the further depth of 24 feet, making the whole depth 4<t feet, - * No. 2.-BRIOK DWELLING; No, 18” MAYLAN ‘ street.—Alltbat’three*«tory-brick messuage and the lot of ground' situate on the west aide or Mayl&nd street (No 18), containing in frOat lS feet 6 inches,and in depth 40 feet. Clear of all incumbrance. j*®“ $lOO to be paid on each at the time of sate. JAMES A. BREBMANtAucUcrneer, 0c4,1l Store, 422 walnut street. ORPHANS’ COURT S AXK-Estate ol GEORGE Kill R. ONInUS, deceased.—J A MESA. FREE rfAN, auctioneer ROUSE, NINETEENTH andTATLOW streets, Fifteenth Ward. Under authority of the Or* phan’a Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, Occ. 17,1866, at 12 o’clock; boon,• will be sold at public sale, without reserve,at thePHl* LaDELPHIA EXCHANGE,,the following described real estate, late the property of George R. Onimus, de ceased, viz: A 3-story brick house and lotatih'e north* .east corner of 19th' and Tatlow streeta.-beingis feet fronton 19th street, and In depth €8 feet 4 inches., i 1,500 can remain on mortgage,' If desired by the purchaser, s-. : . ;• . KST- $lOO to be paid at the time of sale.. .*• ... , - -By the Court, E. A. MERRICK; Clerk O. a DAVID B;‘TBOMA*i Administrator. ; JAMESA. FREEMAN. Auctioneer*.... segrioc4,li ; 1 • , store'422 Walnut street. OS) , FOB SALK—WITH IMMEDIATE FOSSES ,Jv EDGBisFn>B _ ETi6FFER’S — 'BTDINGI, ■Bjl SION DWELLING boose. No. ISM North thO_tfld tstab, iiinnhßnto w. Trrra-w fmm intoii A. IL.:No. 162 ;» 4 r ‘3_ low Saroca.toetweeitljthanaiatli. al7-lm» North*4KNlHstreet, . .... % ocsflt* iT—ftb..... fig “3Hso »w«& b,of , 0 f ! TOtSby JOB.E.BUSS&S * CO., 108 South Wwm conamodated* qcwwt* *V entte% KEAEr ESTATE. ®REAL ESTATE.—JAMES A FREEMAN AUCnONWEK.=Nor'2^GROUNir“*RENT; ! i»I Annum (Silver). On WEDNESDAY, Oct ber 17 1866, at 12 o’clock, noon, win be sold at Public Sale ai the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following demibedreal estate viz; AH that yearly ground renc of $204 a year, payable semi aggnaltrroQ the Ist dav of October and'Apiil (In silver dollars, each we!"hinff l7dwt egrsAjoutof a lot of ground, situate on th« east side of Eighth 149. test south of JelTirlrm ; sir#et, 68 fret front, and li zmtm lnches d-e 5 SsS , - feet street. On tbe lot is the-.worth Baptist Chtircn jjBS“The ground rent Is well secured.: P CQ * - jg3*ssotobepaidatthe time of sale. ' . JaMES A. FRKEMAN. Anctirmper, ®c4Jl ~'Btore;~422 Walnut street. ‘HP CQURT. S ALE.—Estate of ANN . q»-ii .MeGUIGAN. deceased.— I aME 4 * A. FR'rew *n - Auctioneer.—DWFLLlNG, ELLSWORTH. STREET* above f £wemh.-Under authority o’ tbe Orphans* •Court for the City and Couaty-of-Philadslnhia on WEDNESDAY, October 17, l2 noon will be acid at Public Sale, at tne PHILAdIIphiA f the fallowing deecrtbed Re&V Ettate late the properly of ANN McGUIGAN, deceased vfz" A three story brick house and lot, on the north aid* of Ellsworth street, 64-feeHvest of-Twlmh atr ft ?t Secozd Ward: 16 by 60 fee:. ' vUm Clear of incumbrance. - , - - to be paldat the time oracle. By the Court, EDWIN A. HEBRrCK 'Clerk O o THOMAS J, MCGUIGA.N. Idn^wr Auct’r. Store 42a_Walnufc street. 8e27,04,11 ftfe? ABCH B i'Rm tferee*atorr EaIBBJCK. RESIDENCE, with attics and double bsckbutldinga. Every moaem convenience; and Lot 20 feet front by • 103 feet deep; - Situate on the N. w, corner of Aichand Nineteenth Streets. J. 2LUUM MEYv&SONB, 503. Walnut street., , FOR SAlE—The handsome three story brick a! RJrfSlDlitfiCE.with attics, double back buildiogt audio*; 20 feet front by ISO feetdeen situate No, su s »uth Ninth street; naa every modem convenience, auiia iu excellent order. J. M.jQDStMii.r~&jSONS, 50i Wal* nnt street. , .... ... . SFOR SALE—IMMEDIATE POSSESSION— Handsome three story DWELLING, S E. corner id and Columbiaavenue. Modem Improvements Let 29 by-92 ffeet 61nches. Apply to OOPPUUE & JORDAN, 42g Walnut street. FOB PAT.B.—Handsome fonr-slory BE3I BJBNCE, Ho;;l821 ePBUCE street, completely ted. .Applyto - LEWIS H. BEDNEB, r<o. 15S South Foarth street. SWAKNJT B<BJEr PKOPEETT 808 SALE —THREE. DWELIIEG3 111 New Bow; wess wenty-flrst street, at (is.ooo, *22,000 and 625,000. Also, a snyenor medium size House, 2U6TArcb street, , , „ * ae2slm» ' ® —l£Oß SALE—immediate .POSSESSION— SSW ASBELEQASI BROWN STONE AND OK DWELLINGS. NO. 2&20 SPRUCE STREET. MAULE. BROT HER, &CO , , 25<i0 SOUTH STREET. ccMxsof gSS .TOR SALE- VALUABLE PROPERTY—'N.W. -BEff Corner Thirty-sixth and Bridge street, W. P DOUBLE 6TOSE HOUSE. Lot 10f» by 160 feet.' Car een well stocked with fruit Vine street cats pass the door. Inquire on the premises. , ocs-st*,, »FOB SALE.—The four-story brick RE3ID with back bandings and every convenience: lot et front by 95 feet deep, to a street: situate No PJNE street. J- M. GUifitE Y & SONS, 503 WALNUT street. lOR RENT—The second, third and fourth KSS PLOORB of BUILDING No. 136 North THIRD street. Immediaie posseesioo given. J. 2d. GUM itBY & bONfi, 508 walnut street. STO BENI .—A handsome STABLE, back of 819 N. Broad street. Immediate possession. Apply to PUCK <fe'JORDAN,433 Walnntstreet. ocs IEGAIi JSOTIC2&. PTHE ORPHANS 7 COUBT EOR THE CTT Y AND COUKTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of heNBYHA^SaN.—'Tne Auditor appointed by the Cjurt to audit, settle and adjust tbe account of LE VINA HASaAN, Administratrix ot the Estate of Henry Haeran, deceased,and to report disbioution of the balance In the hands ef the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of hia appoint ment. on WfiDN EBDA J . October 24 th, IB6si*t eleven o’clock A M., at his Office, Ho. 12s South * SlatH street in the city ef Philadelphia Samuel chdbb, is. Auditor. ocil-tb.B,ta 6f rs THE ORPHANS* COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.-restate Of JOHN GOQDH3SABT, Deceased.—The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle ano adjust the ac count of MARY NAGLE, Ad mlnlßtratrir, d. b. aat, a., of the estate cT John Goodheart, deceased, and to Report distribution of the Balan e in the hands ot the accountant, will meet the parties ioterested for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDaY, October 15. l£*6,at4o'cleok, P.M..at his office No.429WAL NUI Street, in the City of Philadelphia. - tnAtj JOHN ECKSTETN, Auditor; JOHN PPORI.KWA&TZ vb. MiEV ;POC£LR WARTZ.—In Divorce in the Court of Common Pleas for ihe city and coanty of Philadelphia No. 17, Jone Tezm, 1665.—Madam: Please take notice that the rule granted in above case to show cause why a divorce a vinculo matrimonii should cot he decreed will be disposed of> on SATURDAY. October lj>h.lg6F&t 10 o’clock. A. M. Personal service having failed on account of your absence. GEORGE H. EARLE, Attorney for Libelant. oc2~tn,th4l{ To 2£abx Fr< IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA-—*htateof JOHN FLYNN, if. D.. deceased. ELIZABETH FLYN* widow of said decedent, having died an inventory and appraisement of the personal property which she electa to retain, under the Act of April 14th, iS-51, and Its su - plements, notice is hereby given that the same will ee approved by the court, on FRIDAY, the 19th day of October, A. D. 1566, unless exceptions He ii«pd thereto. rn,th-4t*ll LbTATLOI' PUR-ElLi J. de- E> ceased— Letters of administration upon the estate of PURNELL J. HARRINGTON, late ol the city of Philadelt lia, deceasfd having beeh granted to the undersigned, all persons having-claims against said eetaie are requested 10 present them withont delay, and ihose indebted to the same to make immediate payment to JOHN H. HAhlHlTT,Eenaingfoa Screw Dock, or to his * ttorney. ROBERTN. WII.LSON. No. €l3 ‘Walnut street. * se6-tUSt* ESTATE of CASPER FAU VER. deceased-Letteis oi administration upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment and those havlDg claims against the same to present them, to SARAH FAOVER, N. E. corner of SIXTH and PAMUSHtts,,or to her attorney, JOHN F. BEL - TERT-T G. No.AM North THIRD a-reet Bel3*thSt LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION having been grantee to the aubscriberopon the Estate of JOB HARRIS deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present iiipiTi to sarahAouiSA Harris Twe ty-second Ward; ELW M. 1>.,N0. 1702 Walnut street, Administrators. cel3thSt I ETTEBS OF ADMINISTRATION HAVING Li been granted upon the Estate of ABRaHAM SID G b R, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will moke payment, and those having claims present them to ISAAC SULGER, Administrator, 625 WAL* NUT street; or to his attorney, J. MACGREGOR MITCHESON.SSS WALNUTstreet. sel3th6 LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the'subscriber upon the Estate of JAMES RAWSDKNi dec’d , all persons indebted to the same will make payment, ana those having claims present them to HEHETIBIiE A. RAMSDEN, Camden, N. J., Executrix. sel3-th« JEDU Ci-'A’iW & Chegaray Institute* FOR* YOUNG LADIES. {ENGLISH AND FRENCH.) BOARDING AND DAY PUPILS, 1527 and 1529 Spruce Street, will reopen on THURSDAY, September 20th. Preparatory Department —.»..560 Day Scholars, per- annum ™.,100 Day Boarding Pupils, per annum ,_ H)0. French is the Language of the Family., and la con s tantly Bpoken •In the Institute. “ Jn2s-s,tn,tb,oc23i ; MADAME D’HERVILLY, Principal, MISS JAMES' ACADEMY For Young Ladles, In the Hall or the Philadelphia City Institute. N. ®. Corner ot EIGHTEENTH and, CHESTNUT streets; -Entranceon Chestnut street, ocl-lm* MISS BROOKS and MRS. J. E. HALL wIU; re sume the dntles of their BOARDING and : DAT SCHOOL, for Young Ladles, at 1218 WALNTJ r Street, on WEDNESDAY, September 19th. Circnlars can be obtained by addressing as above. Personal applica tions can dd made on and after the 17th of Septem ber. ■ > au2l-2inj THE.. BEST; PROVIDED SCHOOL IN THE UNITED = STATga-Tlie SOU.NTIFIO AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT,N. W.ca- Twelfth street, a School for Boys anclY oun K “St?* opens Sept loch. J, ENNIS. Principal. »029-aa rrtHE SELECT SCHOOL EOft 2 aw. I p»NN SQUARE, reopens MONDAY, sepieoipar id. Witt for Ol •- : ' ' JOBEPHDA £& Octobericilr. 1 ' -' ' vnt acctpat tnstITUTE.t*DBIN BTBEKr,-BS* Principal. koza W. SMITH’S. FEENCH AN® M Boarding endiDay School;, for Yonwr Id ■m£L wff <824 SPBtfoK St., Wilt open BSpt. 10.[aU23-2m« I'HJEPBIhAUhihEhUA.BIpiIIS.BOHOqiH , jbcSPaßftnßTHißtrtet,-above?VINE! is howopshfor an< i Winter Season. Lacies and Gentlemen Hm find every P,E2SSSS ,0 f <s>miort andsafety.so iVix £; tboroogh knowledge of thlaoeautlfol accom- Eifiiinent may be ebtalnedby the most timid. Saddle owes trained ■ to! -toei-bestfmanner. - Saddle horses,.; horses andyehlolps toJure.. Also;.carriages.fqr fane- , r^M 1 5tf Cara ‘ <fcC ' THOMAS SON.
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