From Our Third Edition of Yesterday. THE PRESIDENT’S PROCLAMATION. He Becommends Thursday, Nov. 29, as a Day of Thanksgiving, N. Y. '’Bank; Statement. Presidential Proclamation: Washington, Oct, B.—The President has issued a proclamation recommending that Thursday, Nov. 2§, be observed as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to God for all His mercies and benefits during the past year, and also recommending that on the same solemn occasion the people humbly and de voutly implore Him to grantto our national councils and to our whole population that divine wisdom which alone can lead any nation into the ways of all good. New York Bank statement. New Yoke, Oct. B,lB66.—Statement of the condition of the banks of New York, for the week ending Oct. 8 th: ’ loans—lncrease, ... $4,402,778 . Circulation, do. - - 88,408 Deposits, do. - -o, 147,585 Specie—Decrease,. - - - - ... 1,440,262 Legal Tenders, do. - - - 2,486,342' Fire in Boston. Boston, Oct. Bth.—The wholesale drug store of E. & F. King & Go., at the comer of Milk and- India streets; was nearly stroyed by fire last night. The loss is $40,- €OO, mostly .insured. Robert Young, a fire man, was badly injured by falling from a ladder. Price of Clol< IBytheAineric New Yobk, Oct. quoted to-day as folio 10.00 A. M., 149} 10.16 149}, 11.30 149} 10 45 ■ 149} 11.00 149} 11.15 149} The Hibernian Signalled. Farther Point, Oct. Sth, noon.—The steamer Hibernian from Liverpool with dates to the 27th ult., is signalled below. Tbe |YVelland Caani. Toronto, Oct. S. —The Welland canal is repaired and navigation has been resumed. Marine Intelligence. New York, Oct. B.—The ship Sebastopol, from Sagua for New York, was abandoned at sea on the 4th inst. The captain and crew were rescued by the steamship Mississippi, from New. Orleans,and arrived here to-day. Arrived, steamers Tybee, Galveston, El len S. Terry, Newbem; Moneka, Charles ton; Albemarle and Valley Oity,Richmond, Bostox, Oct. B.—The brig Eliza Ann, of New York, Gapt. Ayres, from. Rondont with coal for Boston, was run into and snhk off Minot’s Ledge, on Sunday eve-, nine, by the schooner 8. B. Wheeler, from Boston. The crew were saved. The schooner received bnt trilling damage. The schooner A. B. Terry, of Nantucket, from Clinton Point, fbr Salem, with monldlng sand, sprung aleak aid sank off Minot’s Ledge,on Saturday night. The crew were saved. Spoken on September 22d In lat. 46°. long. 41', the bark Venus, from London, for Philadelphia. She had on board fourteen of the officers and crew of the wrecked ship, Shooting Star, ana had put the remain ing ten onboaidof an eastward-bound vessel. The wrecked vessel above alluded to la supposed to be the Shooting Btar, Captain Peltlgrove, from Liverpool, for Eastport. Markets. New Yobk, Oct. Bth—Cotton dull at 37c. Hour steady, sales 0f13,000 bbls; State, ts®|l2 50: Ohio. *u@ *l4; Western, sB@tllss; Southern, |I2IO@JIS 50. Wheat quiet; sales unimportant. Corn qnlet. Reef quiet. Pork heavy, at *3812%@*33 20, Whisky steady. Stocks axe dull. Chicago and Rock Is land, 110312; Cumberland Preferred. MS; Illinois Central, 12614; Michigan Southern, 87X; New York Central, 113; Reading, 11514; Virginia 6s, 69; Missouri 6s, 80; Erie Railroad, 86; Michigan Central, U 3; Western Union Telegraph Company, 5i%; Treasury 7 3-10 s, 106%; Ten- Forties. 9914; Five-Twenties, 113; U. S. Sixes, 11214: Gold, 148%. v ■Baettmoke, Oct. B.—Flour firm; Western Extrjfe, *l2 75@?is; Super, *9 50@*1L Very light receipts of grain. Com firm at *1 08@l 10. Oats 58@60c. Seeds steady; New Cloverseed. js@*l2}4. ; Provisions dnlL Coffee active: Bio firm. Sugars quiet; Refining grades, 10>£@llc. Whisky dull. CITY BDIdbEHH. Political Disturbances.— There was a lively time along Chestnut sbeet on Saturday evening. Threats had been made by ihe Democrats to tear out the headquarters of the Republican Invinclbles in the Press Budding, and a large crowd assembled in that vieinity. chief Boggles Bad a large reserve force of gllcemen on duty to prevent any disturbance, and ayor McMlchael was in his office until a late hour to direct matters. During the evening there were vari ous small disturbances, but the admirable police ar rangements prevented any serioos outbreak. The Re publicans had a mass meeting In front of Indepen deuce Hall, and the Keystone Club was marched through the crowd twice, evidently with the intention of invitinganatt&ck. The Republicans remained quiet, however As the different ward delegations passed the Press office, there was much hooting and yelling, and considerable groaning. An attack might have been made, but for the presence of the police. All the evening the crowd remained at Seventh and, Chestnut streets, and there were alternate cheers and groans for the candidates of the respective parties. Between eleven and twelve o’clock a row was kicked np, and several pistol shots were fired. As far as ascertained nobody was hurt. The police were then formed in double rows from house to hoase, and backed the crowd ont of Chestnut street. A young man named Joseph Peed, a Democrat, was shot In the shoulder during •this disturbance. , At a later hour, it was reported that an attack on the 'headquarters of the “Boys in Blue” atEighthand Wal nut streets was contemplated, and a squad ofpolicemen was sent there. As tbe officers were passing the Democratic headquarters, they were received with a volley of bricks. The police returned the Are with their revolvers. This scattered the crowd and most ofthemenrar- into Buponceau street. Several arrests were made. One young man was shot through the arm. There were no farther disturbances in that locality. c At Twelfth street and Girard avenue there was a slight disturbance while a Democratic procession was passing. A young man named William Rooks tool was wounded inthehead,by*APistolshot fired from the pro cession. Charles Fields was stabbedin tbe leg. Neither were seriously injured. a During the fighting on Walnut street on Sunday morning, a number of the policemen were struck with bricks. James Russell and Tfaoir as Hussey, of ficers of the Eleventh District, were both so badly In jured that they are not able to be on duty. Bussell had his back hurt, and was taken home in a carriage. Officers Gibson and Walcott of the Bark Polioe were among those injured. MicnaelHatton was arrested at two o'clock on Sun day morning by Lieutenant Spear at Ninth and Wal nut streets, while in the act of firing upon the police. He had a Sharp’s pistol when captured. Two. loads had been fired. Hatton was taken before Alderman Beltier, and was committed in default of two thousand dollars ball. John «ronln, John Jones, and John McClakey were B f aei ve Corps daring the rioting at They had a hearing be fore Uayor McHcMicbael on Sunday morningand w er ccoßomltted in deianlt of two thousand dollars bail On Saturday night a Republican meeting was held at Brldesburg, and as the procession was passing Lauben. stdn'a tavern, the Democratic bottles were thrownatone of the devices carried intei line. This led to a slight disturban ™Wb?£the cession was returning several parties made an attactr upon it, but were driven off. Wm. R. Cnnln, whoap. Seared to be the leader of the assailant., was arreited n the way to the station house he remarked to the officer that -Jeff. Davis is a better man than old a£S Lincoln ever was.” As a soldier dressedlnZonave cos. tume passed him he said, ‘ There', a man I'll shoot yet.” Cnrtin was taken before Aid. Holme and was . held for a further hearing. Kiot in the Nineteenth Ward. I '—a free fight occurred at Richmond and William streets yesterday afternoon, about four o’clock. It seems that about six months ago two fellows, named Bark and Gallagher madenp a prize fightforSlOO. Thought was stopped by the police. Since that time there has been an animosity existing, and whenever the parties met they desired to fight it ont. Yesterday Burk met Gal .lagner and attacked him. The friends of each inter « fered.'andthere wasereryproHpecthof a lively time, when the police mti rfered. A young man named Wm. Boyer was s', ruck over the eye with a stone and was severely Injured. Henry Turphy, Thomas Clark. Pat rick Burk, Peter McQuatd and Bernard McNamee were arrested for participating in the affair. They were committed by Alderman Clouds. Assaulting an Old Man —John Shaf fer was before Aid.-Hutchinson upon the charge of assaulting an old man named Wooduouse, agedslxty flvd years. Mr. Wuodjiouie was In a beer satapn at Broad street and Blag© avenue, and-ssked the pro prietorwhy he had not one of-Jadge Kelley's cards up. Shaffer, it in alleged, then attacked the old gen tleman, knocked him flown and kicked him about room. Mr. Woodhouse was so badly Injured that he Is confined to the house. Shaffer wa3 committed to answer. Prompts Action ’—The Board of* Health held a meeting this afternoon. A notice o r the nassaee of the bill making an appropriation of 57.0u0 torsan. itary purposes was received six Sanitary inspectors were promptly appointed and the work of the Board which nad been temporarily stopped for the want of funds wilt be at once resumed We may therefore expect a continual decrease in the' daily reports of the cholera, 1 in New Torn. in Telegraph Co.] . ~ B.—Gold has been >ws: 11.30 M„ 1491 1145 P.M., 1493 12.00 1491 12.15 149} 12.30 149 ; Almost a Fire.— The propeller Haggles, o' theiNew York line, lying at, Market street wharf, took fireirom the heat of] the amoke-atack on Sunday evening. The flames were extlngntshed by Officer Weateott, of the Harbor Police, before any headway had been gained. The Buggies had a valuable cargo on hoard. One of-jEEF.’s Friends.—On Saturday afternoon, an Irishman named John Ryan was arrest ed on Walnut street, opposite the Demo-Copper-John son headquarters, forbeingdrnnk and disorderly, and hurraing for Jeff. Davis. He was Introduced to Aider man Beltler, who fined him for being drunk, ana held him In tsoo bail to keep the peaoe; - - - i A Runaway Returned.—We are.glad to le&rn that the youth, Benjamin Graham, whose elope* ment fifom the ‘‘Lincoln Institution ” was mentioned last week, las voluntarily returned. Master Benja min does notapjpear to have been actuated by any dis honest motive, out only by a bojish fteak ef indepen dence. More Colonization.—Some 100 men were sent to the Navy Y ard this moraing and their names were placed on -the rolls of workmen.; These men belong to the Bnckwalter Club and'have.been located In the Third District. They had beeH promised places In the Navy Yard if they would vote for the Democratic Johnson Candida tee. i The Cholera.—The reports of the cho lera at the Office of the Board of- Health, to-day k shows thirty-one new cases since noon on Saturday. This is a considerable-decrease from the reports of the past few days. ; Helping .Himself,—John Coates was found early Yesterday .morning helping himself to pies and' candies from a.stand on Delaware avenue, above Chestnut Btreet. He had pried two locks off of the stand. He was sent below by Alderman Godbou. 1 Assault with a Bkick.—John Carrey, colored, was arrested this morning at Se Tenth and Bedford streets, for assaulting another colored man with a brick. Alderman Tittermary committed John. 5 ' COURTS. iDistbict Court— Judge Stroud.—Ferree & Co. and others vs. John Thompson.. A feigned issue to try the ownership of certain goods* On trial. ■ • * • YJ. S. Gtrcqit Court— J udge Cadwallader.—Whita jb. toe Commercial National Bank. Before reported. 2E ea S? rd 5 y a,t€r charge of the Judge, the plain tiff suffered a nonsuit. i NjarPmcs—Justice Strong.—Field vs, Hartley. This case, involving the righj of the Directors of the Girard College to receive the new act of the Institution, was argued this morning. . • Quarter Sessions— Judge Allison.— 1 Beddy” Dun* can pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing a pocket book. The accused was engaged in picking pockets. Joseph Wallace pleadedgulity to a charge of stealing ten yards of cloth. Benjamin Wallace pleaded gutlty to a charge of larceny. - . - - : - - - Lewis J. Quinlan pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing a whip. : James Maguire pleadedgulity to a charge of stealing $lO. The prosecutor was the father of the defendant, and he alleged that his boy was beytiid all control, and had so oiten taken money that he was compelled to prosecute. > , —. . Jacob Lewispleaded guilty to a charge of stealing a bundle of cloth. William Wood and WlnlfWed Code were convicted of a charge of stealing a quantity of cloth. 1 Catharine O’Brien was convicted of a charge of stealing a quantity of silver. ! Episcopal.— The House of Bishops have unanimously appointed the Rev. Mr. Tut tle to be Episcopal Bishop of the new diocese Of Montana and Nevada, whicn was redered vacant by the refusal of Dr. Howe to accept it,after his appointment by the last General Convention. Mr. Tuttle, the new prelate, is comparatively young, having only at tained his thirty-sixth year. He graduated in 1760 in Columbia College, and subse quently in the General Theological Semi nary, Twentieth street, New York. After his ordination, some, six years . since, he was sent ont to Moms, in the western part oif New York State, where his ministerial labors were eminently successful. [ Fire-IN Venango County, Pa.—On Wednesday morning at one o’clock, a fire was discovered-in the-kitchen wallofthe National Hotel, at Flamer. The boarders were immediately aroused and efforts were made to snbdne the fire, all of which proved unavailing,and in a short time the building was in a sheet of flame. The McCalmot House, which is but a few yards from the burned building, was saved by the.most strenous exertions. The National was owned qy J. 8. McCray, of Petroleum Centre, and was not insured. The loss on the building a!nd furniture is estimated at-$5,000. The fire was the work of an incendiary. I Fire in Cleveland.—On.. Thursday morning a fire broke ont in the Lake Erie Coal Oil Refinery, belonging to Mr. Wm. L. Holden, and'situated on Duane,' between Vermont and Washington streets, Cleve land. The tar tanks were destroyed, caus ing a loss of $3OO, which is. covered by : in surance. The Fire Department rendered their usual valuable assistance in quench ing tbe flames. ! Sales ait Philadelphia BtocK Board. i HALEB ABTERFIBBT BOARD, 13000U57 3-10 S June 106% 100shBchNavpf 37% 8000 U B S-afa ’62 113 ssh Lehigh Nav 53% SOOO Morris Canal 7 ah Morris Cnl 85 2d met bs *7 10 sh Era * Mec Bk 133% 75 0 city «s new 99% 3sh do 135% 2000 Penna 2d mgt 6s g |3osh Girard Col B 23 SECOND BOARD. $lOOO City 6s new 99% 115 sh Penna B 56% 10C0 00 85 99% 100 Sh do S 5 56% 2000 do 2ds 99% so sh North Cent so' 46 s 3000 do . old 96% 200 sh St Nicholas coai 2% 6MO Cam & Am 75s 92 300-ah Ocean oil 5 3000 Bch Nav 6s ’B4 83% 100 sh Catawlssa pt 32% OIiDICJU. USE STARIN’S CONDITION POWDERS HORSES AND CATTLE. It cares Worma Bots and Oolic.l It cures Colds, Coughs and Hide Bonnd. It is the best alterative for Horses and Cattle now In use, haYing a reputation oCSO years’ standing. It la a sore preventive for the much dreaded Binder pest. Ho Fanner or Dairyman should be without It. for sale in Philadelphia by DYOTT A 00. 212 North Second street: JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AT <fc OOW DEN, 23 North Sixth street, and by Druggists through out the country, Address all orders to BTABIN A FLOYD, Proprietors, 1209 Duane street, New Tort rAPAD DENTALLINA.—As nper lor article tor ciru V/ lng the Teeth, destroying tnimaimiw which In feat them, giving tone to the game, and leaving a feel ing of fragrance and perfect cleanliness In the month, It may be used dally, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gnms, while the aroma andaeter slveness will recommend It to every one. Being com posed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician an r Mlcroscoplat, It is confidently offered u a RELIABIi substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue Eminent Dentists, acqaalnteSwlth the constituent! of the DENTALLINA, advocate Its ose; it contito nothing to prevent its unrestrained emptaymw Made only by I JAKES T. SHJNN, Apothecary, I Broad and Spruce streets For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhonsa, Haasard A Co., Robert O. Davis. 818. Keeny, Geo. C. Bower, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, C.IH. > eedles, G. J. ScattergOod;' TJ J. Husband, J. C. Torn penny A Co. Ambrose Smith, f .Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Brlnghnrst A Co,, James L. Bispham, Dyott A Co., Hpghes A Coombe, H. O. Blair, Hfenry A. Bower. Wyeth A Bro, Entirely reliable-hodgson's Bronchial TABLETS, for the cure of coughs, cold 3 hoarse ness, bronchitis and catarrh of the head and breast Public speakers, slngerß and amateurs will be greatly beneiitr d by using these Tablets. - Prepared only by LANCASTER A WILLS,-Pharmaceutists. N. E. Cir. ARCH and TENTH streets. Philadelphia. For sale by Johnson, Holloway A Oowden, and Druggists generally. ' se2stf S RUSH'S BROb CHIAL AND PULMONIC DEW DROPS, for doughs, and all Diseases of tut roat and Bronchial Tnoes. This Invaluable preps ration for every household. Public Speakers, singers,- Ac, posse ses a Wes' ern celebrity, ana has been known to relieve the most obstinate and almost hopeless cases It is agreeable, strengthening and soothing. ■ Pr( l p ?:?'n BRUSH, No. 2& South Ninth street, Philadelphia. . , . J«r-u CORNB, BUNIONS, INVERTED NAXLS,—DR. J DAVIDSON. Chiropodist, Operator on Oorna, Bnn lona, Inverted Nails, and all other diaeaaes-of the feet Office, Northwest comer of NINTH and CHEST NUT streets. ■ 1 DR.DAVIDSON will wait on patients at their rest WAISTS, \KT ANTED—A YOUTH to learn EBgravlng. Pa- ChLnn e t D strge r u 0nar(llall!!a^ ly at : MAS VN &So., so: MATRON WANTED.—a member of the Episcopal Church Is wanted for matron of a home la this “■ifeApi llratlons may be made at isos spruce street on TUESDAY, between 11 and 12 o'clock. ' ocB tfj \A/ anted,—AN ALTO SINGER wishes a Mtua tion in a Choir., Audreas ALTO, at this Of. ”52: - • ocs-st* WAN a ED.—AN OFFICE AND STORAGE ROOM on a around floor, on Delaware avenne, between Arch and Vine streets. AddreaS-box No. 127 Phlladel phla Post Office ; seBtO wanted to -purchase-a arst-ciaw ii DWELLING HOUbE, pleasantly sltaawSdl rmantown, and convenient to the railroad. Possession not required until about the first of ADrll 1807. Address W. W., Box 1706, Philadelphia Postoi! fice, stating terms, 6c. 1 - • 864tosai2t* Salt.— 2,500 sacks Liverpool ground salt also 200 sacks Fine Balt, afloat, and for sals b* WORKMAN 6 CO.. 122 Walnut, . 7 DAILY EVENING BULLETIN i PIIILADKLfBIA.: TUESDAY. OOTOBIitt 8. HUM ■ tkaybuhts suiob, reaUstarlMl .UJ..I READING RAILROAD. great trunk r.mns rime PM I I.A DEIdTUA. TO THE. TWTORTms OF PENN ® "sisssil I K ALNb. Oct. 8, 1868, leaving the Company's Depot* CALIiJwmLL streets, was dslpbls at th° following honrs: MORNING ACCOMODATIONS. .At 7.30 A. H.for Beading and all Intermediate Sta tIQQSs '• - .-g f ,.- . '* -j i : - MOKNIRG H±PBIBS, •• • lAt 8.18 A* .M*,.Jbi • Beading. liebanoßa HMAMS town, bmrg. Hagerstown, Me., Ao. i This train connects Art-BEAJHNB with the Bast B*il«»<lYralna k» ’ Aiientown, Valley, and Schnylkfll and SnsqnehannKtitfns for NorthnmberlandTWilllamaportTYOrk. Chamhentmrg. Plnegrove.dc. - -”CT ' _ AFTERNOON EXPRESS. . iLeaves Philadelphia at BAO F. M. for Beading, Potta ; beading accommodation. i Ra e »t « **>*‘‘** j TmlStor Philadelphia leave Haxnstrarrat 6.10 A. M., and Pottsr/ille at 8.45 A. M.. arriving m Phlladel- Afternoon trains’ leavSHarrlsbnrg Yt 3.10 P. M., and- Pottortlle at. 2.48 P. iL;, arriving at Philadelphia at 6.15 P. M. tHarrlsonig accommodation leavßC-Readliig at ? A. M. and Hanrlabnrg at 4.10 P..AL --Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 P. M., arriving in Phiffulelphla at 9.10 P. M.- - ' Market train, with a Passenger .car aoaoned. leaves Philadelphia at 12.15 noon for WeadW ana an way stations: leaves Reading UAO A, M., ana Downlngtown liso p. M. for Philadelphia and an way stadons. ! All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. ; Sunday trains leave -Pottsvllle at 8.00 A. M.. aad Philadelphia at 8.15 F. K; leave Philadelphia, for Reading at 8.60 A. M., returning tram Beading at L 25 P, M. ' ..-.o CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. ; Passengers for Dowmngtown ana mteneedlatepalnts take the 7.80 and 8.15 A. M. and s.oo P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning torn Downlngtown at 6A5 1 A. Bf. and 12 80 Noon- - NEW YOBK EXPEEKK FOE PTITSBURGH AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 7, S A. -M,and 8.00 P. Reading at 1.65, U. 53 AM., and L4B PH; and connect at HarrlsbnK with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains fbr Pittsburgh, Chicago, Wll ftftTnwpnrt., Tcimlrft, QTp. jfrt*, Retumlnr, Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from PlttaburghAt 8 and 9.05A.M.,9.15 P.M. passing Reading at 4.42 ana HLS2 A. M. and 11.30 P. M. arriving at New York 10 A. M., and 2.45 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Plttabnrgh, without change. -Hall train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M. Mall train for Harrisburg leaves New York at U Noon. - SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave PottaVUle at 7,11.30 A, M. and 7.15 P. M., returning from Tamaqna at 7.35 A. M., anl 1.40 and 4JSP.M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.50 A. M. for Plnegrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Plnegrove and Tre rnont; returning from Harrisburg at 3210 P. M. and from Tremont at 7A5 A. M. and 5J!5 p. M. iThrongh first-mass tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points In the North and West and Canadas. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 Sooth fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. NlcoHs, General Snperlntend on t, 'Reading. 1 COMMTJTATION TICKETS. lAt 25 per cent., discount oetween any points desired {Or Cimllies and arms. M I IjKAGK 'riiuuiiitii Good fbr 2,000 mllea.between all polnta, at (S 3 60 each, lor and Anna. I SEASON TICKETS. Tor three, elx, nine or twelve month*, for holden only, to all point* at rednoed rates. L CLKBGYMKN Beeldlnf on the line of the Boad will be fnrnlebed vitb carda, entltlln* themaelrea and wives to ticket! at jExcußsiON tickets. Prom Philadelphia to principal atAtlona, rood tor Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fire, to be had only at theTleket Offices* Thirteenth and Callow* pbkight.- Goods of all descriptions forwarded (a all the above pffinta from the Company*! Hew Freight Depot, Broad Leave Philadelphia dally at sao A. If.. 12.18 aoon and 6 PM., for Beading, Lebanon, HarrtibarrPottavllla, Fait Clinton, and all points beyond. jdosa at the Philadelphia post Ofllea for all idaoea n las road and lie branches at 5 A. IC, and tor the prim tlpalßtattsna onlyataas P.M. flfc—B Kl^^ YAInA bUUMEB ABRANaKMXNT, The brains of the Pennsylvania Oenttalß. 3. leave tba Dept at Thirty-Itrat and Market aueets, which U reached by the aan of the Market street Passages Bailwayrunnln* to and from the Depot. The Us tear leaveiFront street about thirty ml nates, prior to the departure of each Train. Ok bokoTis—Cars leave Seventh and Market streets 45 mlnntee before departore of each train. 'Makk’s Baeoaon Expanse will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders leR at the office, No. isfeheetnot street, will receive attention. TBAINB LXAVB AND ABBIVB. AT DKFOT THUS: MALL TRAIN • - - ftI&OOA.M, DAY EXPRESS ...» IQ.QO •' PAOLI ACCOM., HO. 1 • « ILOO M PAST LUTE & ERIE EXPRESS 1 ” IAOB M, HARRISBURG ACCOM., . “ A»p. M. LANCASTER ACCOM., • “ 100 » PAOU AOCOM..NO. 9 ; , . 11 5.00 " PITTSBUEeH AERIE MAIL, *1 " 9.00 •' PAOU ACCOM., No. A - . IDJO •• PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS t ■ " ILIO «■ CINCINNATI EXPbIkbJJ . 'U.4OA.M, pwtt.aiyict.pltta gTPRKa j . •< j.ia .. PAOU ACCOM., No. 1 - •• A2O “ COLOMBIA TRAIN. • • “ 9.00 *• Lancaster train • • " iAta p, u EAST USE . . < •> LlO “ PAOU ACCOM., Ho. 1, • • "1,10 •' BAY EXPRESS - • • “ gsn II PAOU-ACCOM., No. S. . - 7-SG •• HARRJBBUBa ACCOM., • “ 9JO " •Daily, except Saturday. tDally. ID ally, except Monday. All other trains duly, except Sunday. IRunning1Running through from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and Erie without change of cars. Suit, hay Accomodation Trains lbr Paoll and In termediate stations leave Philadelphia at 9.00 A. H. and 7.00 P.M.. returning, leavePaoU at «Jo A. M. and 4JOP. M. A TICKET OBBICB la located at No. SSI Chestnut street,whereTlcketa to all Important points may be procared.and fall tuforma tloo given b-7 JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent Also at Thirty-first and application to THOS. H. PARRE; Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Trafarnns dally, ezoept Snnmnr. Pm fall Information aa to fare and IoPRANCIB PONE, No. lWDookimiS The Pennsylvania Railroad op. will not aammeanv risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Annuel, and Unui their responsibility to one Hundred BoUarx lit valae, All Bargare exoeedlni that amount In Talao, will be at the riskof the owner, nnleee taken tay (Dedal contract frrraaraaH. columbus CINCINNATI RAILROAD THE PAH HANDLE BOUTE WESTWARD, Owing to the great distance saved by THIS ROUTE the Government has assigned to It the carrying of the U. B. MAIL to the Principal cities of the West an* Southwest. THERE BEING BUT ONE CHANGE 07 CABS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND CINCINNATI AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO ANB Sri LOUIS. ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE 07 ANY OTHER LINE. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at LLSO A. M, wll) artive at Altoona In the evening for supper, when Woodruff's Celebrated Palace btate>£oam Sleeping Cars will be attached, and ran through to Colaznbui without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburg! at a comfort never oefore *enr>iHimi to tm traveling community. ______ Be sure to purchase tickets “VIA STEUBEN VILLE." at FKMNBYLVANIA BAXLEOAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia, fi S* 7i SCULL, gf.. GenT Picket a JOHN fi. _ 526BroadvtayTNewV ork. JOEI! D CRASH, Qen’l Snp’t. feu-U Pennsylvania Railroad Office, 631 Chestnut street and Thirtieth an i Market streets, West Philadelphia atEJSEBBI33 FOB NEW york.-raritah DELAWARE BAY RAIL BOAD.-From Ferry. foot of VINE st., Philadelphia. 9A. M—Express lor Long Branch, New York and Intermediate points. 2.25 A. hi—Way Mall and Express from Cooper's Point, Camden, arriving in New York at 9.30 A. K. 5P M-Freight for New York and Way [stations. Gocd* del I vend at Company’s Depot, 320 North Wharves, Philadelphia, by 4 P. nf., forwarded by this line, art Ive in Ntw Y ork at 5 o'clock next morning. RETURNING The Passenger Steamer Je33e Hoyt leaves Pier 32 North Biver root of Dnane s'reet, N. Y.. at 11 A. M, for Philadelphia Express, and for Way Kail and Ex press at 4 i M., touching at Pier 3 North River, far pastengets only. at4P.K- . >; ■ Freight received at Pier 32 North; River,: N. Y., by 4.30 P. M. win be ready Ibr delivery In Philadelphia early the ft. Mowing morning.. ; ; i Faße TO NEW YORK, $2 00. Ticket Office Vine Street Ferry, For further Inlormationapply to Company’s agents. R. H. CHIPHAN. Freight Office and Depot, 3M North WHARVES,Philadelphia. J. B. BUR'i'. Pier 82 North River, fbot of DUANE Street, hew York. Or at General Freight and Passenger Office, Phila delphia, No. 411 CHESTNUT Street.. • W.N. CLAYTON. Superintendent, Red Bank, N. J. 8.0. HASTY. General Freight Agent. Bed Bank, N. J. ' ■ T. <SkENTSWEARING EN, sa22-tf General Agent, Philadelphia.' w —iHK It. PLEASANT DAILY EXCURSIONS iwmS%, tip the rlver to Beverly, Burlington and Bristol, tonewng at Rlverton. Torresdale and Anda lnsla. by tte splendid Steafner JOHN A. WARNER* leaving Chestnut street wharf at2P, M. Returning, leaves Bristol at 4 o’clock, arriving at Philadelphia) about 6 o’clock. Fare for the excursion, 40 cents. . an2o-tf TICKETS. MILLER. GenTEssternFaaa.Ag’ t. WBAfEtne BOTPB, , feiHd WBMH VhVAHIA B B.—THE 1 ' MIDDLE : enirme— |na moeidlrect line to Bethlehem AJBmiSrai ufosk, Hasteton, White HavenWlUrabun. - *u Wm* «na wyoi nun * Bethlehem and iwithUstowlsaa BnUroad,for Bnpert, DanyflteTfifiton and Williamsport. - Arriveathfanr.h-fltartik »tn a * Me atWflkesDarreat2.4s P.Mg at MahanoyOtyatl P.M. Paeseniers by thjstraln can take me Lehigh Yalley Train, passing Bethtebem at urn M. forliS. *g w ““ 0 Po ll t“WJ.Htw. Jewel fleneealJtaUrcad to rt™i!fat'&ss^awsssL^sasass AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation, tor Port Washinx ton, stoppfoK at alllntdnnedlate Stations. At 250 P.M. Accommodation for Doylestown, stop* ping at all Intermediate-stations. take atDeyleetown for New Hope. ' —- ; AT 8.80 P. M.—Evening BxiirEHa.for VathlaliMn and principal Stations' on tne North PanoKigniiia ia»p. connection at Bethlehem with Le w* 1 * ?S££ y Tjam redchihrfhoro at 0.45 p. *« RSfi »s® eiB fi>r Plainfield, Soxawllld and other QnaKertown. Btase *‘ vania Byroad, connecting at Bethlehem with l&hlsh Valley KTenlng Train lor Allentown; wmr*h nhnpj»v t • .AT M 5 P. BL—Aooommodaaon. tor ston* plnratAllbitendediateStations. .. . „■>. • •At 11P. H. Accommodation ibrFort Washington. I , TRAINS FOR i Leave Bethlehem at 3£& A.AL, and 12525M.,ana6J1 Pi Us . 12.2& tram makes direct connection with LehtghVal toy trains fiomEaa ton, Wilkesbarre, Mahonsy City, Easleton. apd arrlvee In Philadelphia at 2.80 p. M. I Passengers leaving WUkeebarre at 1.15 P. M.,conned at Bethlehem at 605 P. M., and arrive In Philadelphia _ Leave Doylestown at 6.40 A. M. 1.15 and 550 P. M, Leave Lansdale at »AJ£. j Leave Fort Washington at 11X50 and 2.15 P. M, ON BUNDAYB. i Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A, M. I Philadelphia -for Doylestown at 250 P. M. ! Doylestown tor Philadelphia at 7.23 A.M. i Bethlehem lor Philadelphia at 450 P. H. , Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars oonv y pas angers to and from Berks Btreetßepot, ; white Cars of Second and Third Streets Line convey passsgners to Third Street Bepot. i Tickets most be procured at thaTlcket Offices. TW I pn rireet or BERKS street, In order to secure the lowest rptee of fore. trr.T.TR nT.Awtr >pmt i Hillman’s Baggage Express will call for anddeUver Baggage at the Depot. 1 Office. No. 113 Boath THIRD street. mya BE ph 1 t.ADnrr.PTTTA. bssmis. TOWN AMD NOBBISTOWH ra li.BOAD.—tiMB TABLE.—On and altar MON DAY, May 16th, 1866. j FOB GERMANTOWN. Leave PhHadelnhlsr-6.7,8,8, 10, 11, 12, A. M.; 1,2, BJO mlnntee, 8», 4,5,6*. 6,7,8.8,10,11,12, P. Ml Leave Sermantewn—6, 7, lit, 8, kga, S, 10,11,11, A. Me L 2,8, 4,4 N, 6,6H| 7,8, 9,10, UP. M. The down train, and the 8% and 5X np trains da not nop on Germantown Branch. _ ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9.lo mlnnteajk. M.: 2, 3, 5,8 and . 16k, £■ M. Leave Germantown—B A.M.: L 4. iii and t&P.M. CHBSTNUT TTTT.T. RATLBOAB. iLnve Philadelphia-*, 8, M, 12, A. M.; 2, «£, W, 7, *, tDCI U| * • M. ___ Leave Chestnut HHI-7dO minutes, 8.2.40, and ILU A. M.; L40,5.45,540,540^8.45andm^TM. Philadelphia—wo BUntnes,A. M.;2,i,andB Loave csaamnt Hni-7.40 mlnntea, A.Me IX4O, 6jo and tu2s mlantea P. M. FOB OONHHOHOCEEN AND NOBBISTOWN, iLeave Philadelphia— lips mlnntea, A.Me IX, 8, 4 X.,andUX. P. M. • - Leeve Nontiitewn-et.T, 750,8, U, A. Me IX, «X, 8X t&& 8 P> 1L The w P.M, train will atop at Bchaol Lane, Wlma htekon, Manaynnk, Spring Mllli aad Oonshahockan only, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—B A. M., 2X, 4, and 7X P. Mi Leave Nonls»wn-7 ajl land ek and ». p. M. - FOBMANAYUNK. .S^SxTir 4 - H. : IX, a 4X, *x *'**>■*"*« 1 - Leave rhUadslpfila-r* A Me 234 4, and J X P. M. Depot, Ninth and Green atraatA HTTMMTtR A TtRA ITOinnTOTH On ‘ and after MONDAY, Jane on. IKS, Uu trains wIU leave as follows: wicbt ronamm tbattvh, Leave Philadelphia to-West Chester, from Depot Thirty-first and Market street, 728 A, M., lug A. M., 220,4.45 and 720 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on £. Market street. 820,7 JO. 10.45 A. M., TJ6, MO P. M, Trains leaving West Chester at 7 J 8 A.M. and leavlnx Philadelphia at 4.45 P. ML will not gtqgs at Penndton. and will stop below B. C. Junction at Media only, FENNELTON TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia to Fennel ton 5.67 and 10.90 P. M. Igtve Penselton to Philadelphia USA. M., 7JS These Trains step at all Intermediate Stations. OK BUNDAYB—Leave Philadelphia at BJO A, M andkOOP.M. _ , .... ..... —.. Leave West Ohestw7js A.Maud 520 P IC. Os 8 usd a Ye—The - West PhUadelhhia passenger cars wll leave Eleventh and Market streets, hxlf-an hoar before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave the arrivalof each train to convey passengers Trains leaving Philadelphia at 720 A. M. and 4.45 p M., and leaving Weet Chester at 7JO A. M, and 4JO P. M.. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on thaP, and' B. C, R. R for Oxford and Intermediate points, ■arFassengere are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, In any case, be responsible to an amount exoeedlng one hnn axed dollars, nnlesa a special contract Is made to the tame. HENRY WOOD. general Bnperlntendent r?£iC?EHHSBS3 185 a. ' Philadelphia and railroad. ism. This great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie os Lake Erie, It has been leased and Is operated by the Pennsyl vania 1- allroad Company. .IDLE OVPASSZKOSB TRAINS AT FHILADELPKIA, anaivs eastward. Erie Mall Train. ... .7.00A.M Erie Express Train——— LOOP.M, > LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train— 9.00 p. M. Erie Express Train. —— —JtooM. Passenger Oars ran tbrongbon the Erie Mall and Express Trains; without change, both ways, between Swadelphla and Erie. | new Tonx oomnonos. Leave New York at 8.00 AM., arrive at Erie 8.90 A. M Leave Erie at. 4.45 P. M., arrive at New York 8.10 P.M Elegant Sleeping Can on all Night Trains. tc information respecting passenger bnslness apply rner THIRTIETH and MARKET streets, PhSa tla. d lor Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr„ oornex Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia, J. v*. Reynolds, Erie. W»i. Brown, Agent, N, C. B. R. Baltimore. H. B. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia, i h;w. gwinner, .; General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. I. , . aTL. TYLER, I ~ i General Superintendent, Erie. Ka.flHgtlHßßa WEST JERSEY RAILROAD liMmKl''— DIMES, from foot of Market street upper retry, commencing MONDAY, September £4, 18 ?‘LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: For Bridgeton, Salem, Millville, and all Intermediate stations, at SA.M.. Mail. 3.38 F. H.. Passenger. For Woodbury 8 A. M , s 30 P. M„ and 6 P.M. For Cape May at 380 R. M. . >. " RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE Woodbury at 7.15 A. M„ 8 40 A. M„ and 4.54 P. M. Bridgeton at 7,05 A.M. and 3.20 P. M. Freight 6.50 p. M. Salem at 650 A. M.rand 365 P. M. Freight 5.45 P. M. Millville at 6.85 A. M. and 8.08 P. M. Freight 6.10 P. 21. . Cape May at 11.45 A. M. Passenger and Freight. FREIGHT will be received at Second Covered Wbaif below Walnut street, from 7 A. M. until 5 P. M. Freight received-before 9 A. M. will go forward the same day FBI IGET DELIVERY,, No. 228 BOOTH DELA WARE AVENUE J. VAN RENSSELAER, Sup’U' THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY will attend to all the usual branches of express business. A Special Messenger accomp tries each through train. Office foot of Marketstreet, •'hiladelphla. se24-tp J. H. MARKLEY, General Agent. ■.BRIBIIimLJUJ TO PLEASURE TRAVELERS. jjMlHWwsg# THE SHORTEST ROUTE NIAGARA FALLS IS VIA THE CATAWISSA RAILROAD, Connections Immediate and sore, Scenery Unsurpassed. Noroad so free from do3t, Trains leave Philadelphia from--- PHILADKLPHIA AMD READING RAILROAD ! . DEPOT? - ■ , ; ii i J THTRTEENTK-AND CALLOWHIRL, at 8.15 A. M , NIAGARA : EARLS' EXPRESS reaching Williamsport without change l of can at 6.50 P.M. (supper),;arTlvlng at Niagara Falls at A. M. Sleeping Car throughrrom Williamsport to Rochester without change. . . o ga* Passengers remaining over night at Williams port can resume Journey next morning at 7.35 reaching -Niagara Fails at MO same evening. , - Ask for tickets via Catawlsaa Railroad, which 'procured at . the Company’s office. A J. ' ' '«5 CHESTNUT street, under Philadelphia Bank, and opposite ‘the Custom House, and at Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOW HILL streets. N. VANHORN, iylB-tf : General Passenger Agent TBAVEUDSO BUIPB, ISB wruraa JTABLE.—Commencing MONDAY, Juiygd, 186& i - Trains will leave Depot, - corner o i Broadstreetand Washington avenne, aa follows:. ; Chase's and Btemmer’s Bum f Way-malLTrain, at, A.M.(Bnndaysex al, for Italtimore, Stopping at allregnleretatlons n Philadelphia and Baltimore. ' •-■ vareß3.Traln,at 9. A.M.(Bundays excepted) An » Anne. Milford and Intermediate stations., ess tralnat ll.4s AtM.(Sundays exceptedlfor oreand.Weshlngton, ~ . ess Train At. ajoop. H. (Sundays dxcentedl.'for ore mil Washington, stopping ■- at Ohreter, jßferpod, MSgnolla, Chastfs add Btemmlrtßuii. St 11.00 P.M. for Bal«™«"}f"<4W»»h-' IuGSSSfSmSZ Baltimore for Fortress thSutix^TM^ sndßlchmondwiutaka gve Hatlroad fbx. Htnlngton and intermediate sta* «.Bb,7i? and sio A. M,, 4,00. and B* »a o“ between THROUGH TRAINSFROM BALTEMOBE. 1 i LeaveChemer. at 7.28/7.55,' 10.1 s andll.4o'X.M., fia.' and 10.3a p. m. _ . ; ‘ From Balßmore to Phnadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.2BA.'Mi, WayMAIL-9.20 A. 2£,Express; UQP.H.,, Eipreae. BASP, ML, Express. ;82SP.M.,Kxpress. i Mm'tor Baltimore leave. Chester at 4.49 andB.s3 A. Hi, and MS P. M. j Trains fin- Baltimore leave Wilmington at and •AS ALK..and 4.15 P. M. ■: ' m ! Freight trains witn passenger cars attached will leave Wilmington far Perryvllle and Intermediate stations at S.OSP. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and Intermediate Stations at 4.45 P.-ML, Leave Perry ville for Wilmington and Intermediate stations at 4 so A. M.,_ connecting at Wilmington with me 7.15 a! re train for Philadelphia. T SUNDAY TRAINBi .! Express Train at 415 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark, guiton. Northeast, BerryviUe, Havre-deHrace,-Aber deen,. Perryman's, Hagnolla, Chase’s and Btemmer’s Bnn. .- ■ . ! Night Express 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore .and Wash ington. , : AccommodatlonTraln at 11.30 F.M.,fer Wilmington and Intermediate Stations. -1 j BALTIMOBE FOB PHILADELPHIA. , Leave Baltimore at 8.2 s p. H.. stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryvllle and Wilmington. Also stops at But ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore nr Washington. Accomodation train wIU leave Wilmington for Phi ladelphia and Intermediate Staticm? at CAO P. ML j ' . H. P. KKNNK.X. Superintendent, hit, FOB NEW YOBK,—'The CAM- AND AMBOY and PHjSS nrI.l-.ELtA AMP TBENTON BAILBOAH COM PANY’S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from WALNUT STREET WHABP will leave as follows, vis: Are. At & A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aocozn., is 25 At BA. M„ via Camden and Jersey City Express, Beo At 2 P. M., via Camden and ArSboy Express, 8 01 At 6.00 P. M., via Camden and Am-] Ist. cats, 225 : bey. Accom and Emigrant, j 2d class 1 80 At 8 A. M,, 2 and 8.00 P.M. For Moont Holly, Ewans ; vllle, Pemberton and Vlncentown. At S A.M., and 2 P.M. for Freehold. AtS and 10 A.M. 12 H. 4,5,8, and IL3Q F. M. for Fish • House, Palmyra, Riverton, Progress, Delanco, : Beverly, Edgewater, Burlington, Florence. Borden . The 10 A. M.aod 4 P.M. lines runs direct through to Trenton. LINES FBOM KENSINGTON DEPOT WIU leave as foUows: At U A. ML, 4H0,6.45 P. Mand 12 PAL (night) Via i Kensington and Jersey City Express-.™..... _6B m The 6.45 P. M. Line will ran dally. All others Ban days excepted.' AtTAO and 11,00 A.M., 8, 4A8.5 and 6,45 P, M.. and 12 Midnight, for Brstol/ftenton. Ac. At 7 and UUB, A. M. r 4,s,ands P.M. for : ComweHs/rorrlsdalAHolmesoaig, Taoony.Wlsslno mlng, Brldesbnrg and Prankford and at 10.15 A. M. 1 for Bristol. Scbencka, Eddington and 8 P. M. for Holmeabnix and intermediate Stations. BELVEDERE DELAWARE RATT.Rnan fin the Delaware BlverVaHey, Northern Pennxylvama, and New York State, and the Great lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De pet, ss follows: At7AOA.M. aadtBIP.M, fox Nligara Falls, BgP Otlo, Dnnldrk, Oanandalgns Elmlnt, Ithaca, Owcco, Bochester, Blnghampton. Oswego, RyzacnsS, Great Bend, MomtroserwHkesbarre Scrantoo, Strondshorg, Water Gap, Bemdere, Bastoa, lamhertylllA FtreS ngten, Ac. The SM P. M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton fox Msach Cfonnlc, Allen town. Bethlehem. Ac. --- At5P. M-forLambertnUeandlntermedlateStaaonx BE" For New York, and Way'Lines leaving Ken amgton Depot, take the care on Fifth street, short Walnut, half an boor before departure. Hie care ran Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, ran from the Depot. An aa dttlonal Ticket Office Is located at No. 831 (ass nut street Continental Hotel, where tickets to New York and ell Important- points North end East, may he procured. Persona purchasing Tickets at this Office, can, by leaving orders, have their baggage checked, at their j eelaences, by Graham’s Baggage Fh-Pmss. Piny pounds of Baggage only.allowed ear-i, passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from, taking anything as baggage hut their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. Hie nwipajiy limit thdr responsibility for baggage to One Dollar pre pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100. except by special contract. . LINES FBOM NEW YOBK FOB PHILADELPHIA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and if A, M., 6 P, M. and 12 Night via Jersey city and Ken alngton. From Pier No. IN. River,at SA, M. and 2, 4 P.M. via Amboy, and Camden. WM. H.GATZMEB, Agenk fsnc—nc PHILADELPHIA A KAT.TT MORE CENTRA!, RAILROAD.— sommer Arrangements.—on and aeteb MONDAY, March is, 1566, the Trains will leave Phil*, delphla, from the Depot of the West Chester APhlla* delphla Railroad, corner of Thirty-Hist and Market Btreets, (West Phllada.), at 7.20 A. M., and 4.4 S P. M. Leave Rising Son, at 5.30. and Orfbrd ata/fkjt. tr and leave Oxfbrd at 3.2 S P. M. A Market Train with Passenger Car attached, will rsn on Toeedays and Fridays. leaving ths Rising Son at 11.1 a A. Mm Oxiord at 12.00 M,, and Kennettat LOO P. M., connecting, at West Chester Junction with a Train tor Philadelphia. On Wednesday and Satur days, trains leave Philadelphia at ZSO P. M., ran through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. con nects at Oxford with a dally line of Stages tbr Peach Bottom, In Lancaster county. Re taming,leaves Peach Bottom to connsot at Oxfbrd with the Afternoon Train for Philadelphia. ' The Trainleaving Philadelphia at 4.« rank to Rising Son, Md. Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, and the Oompahy will notin any cake be responsible for an amount exceeding one ban deed dollars, onleaasupeclal contrast be made for the same mMi ramßY WOOD. GenT. Bnp't. LEUAL NOTICED. FTHE ORPHANB’ COUBT TOR TOE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA.,-Estate of ALEXANDER TOWAR, deceased.—The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the ac count of THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR THE INSURANCE OF LIVES, Ac.. Administrator d. b. n. of the Estate of ALEXANDER TO WAR, de cessed, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in teres ted for the purposes of his appointment, on FRIDAY. Oc tober 12th 1866, at 12 o'clock, M.. at the Office of WIL LIAM F. JUBSON, Esq, No. 708 WALNUT street.' In thpclty of Philadelphia se2w,tu,thst TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND •Li COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate ol CHARLES MASSEY. JR., .deceased. The Auditor appointee by the Court to andit settler and adjust th£ account of ANNA E.MASSEY, LAMBERT B. MASSEY, and 1A LKXANDER L. MASSEY, Execu tors of the last will of Charles -Massey, Jr., deceased, and to report distribution of the balance In thehaadi of the accent, tants, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of his appointment on THURSDAY, Oc tober Utlr i 860; at sis o’clock P. M, a- tbe Wetherlll Hduse No 695 SANSOM street, In the city of Phila delphia. - . ' * . se26-a tu,thst IN THE 'ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of JOHN GOQDHEABT, Deceased.—The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit.settle ano adjust tbe ac count of MARY NAGLE, Administratrix, d. b. n. c. t. a., Of tbe estate of John Good heart, deceased, and to Report distribution of tbe Balan e in tbe bands ot the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of ,hla appointment, on MONDaY, October 15.1866, at-4 o’clook, P, M.,at his office No. 129 WAL NUT Btreet, In tbe City of Philadelphia. - 4*th,s tujt} : JOHN ECKSTEIN, Auditor; JOHN PUGKLEWARTZ vs. M ARY vBUOKLE IWARTZ.—In Divorce in the Court of Oocntnon Pleas tor tbe city and county of-Philadelphia' No. 17,' June Term, 1865.—Madam: Please take notice that the rule granted-in above case to show cause why adivorce a vinculo mutrimonil should not tie.aecreed, will be disposed of on SATURDAY;October lsih, 1866. at 10 o’clock, A. M. Personal Bervlce. having failed on account of your absence. . , j , GEORGE H. EARLE, ■ Attorney for Lmelant; To Maby PucKiiEWAitTz. oc2-tn,tht'.{ T ETTEBB TESTAMENTARY to the EstateofSA- Xj RAH ANN STEWART, deceased, having been granted to tbe undersigned, all' persons having claims or demands against tbe estate of said decedent arere quested tomakeknown tbessme te hlm without' dff lay; and all persons indebted-to said estate are ra qu«ted to make payment. THOS. sHIPIeY, Exe- Cntor, No. 20 NorfhBEyENTH Street. oc2-tn.6t» f~XAPIEg>* TBMMInS BS OPENING.—MBS. M. A. BINDER, 0.1031 Ohestaut street, Philadelphia, of Ladles’ Dress and Cloak Trimmings, legant stock of Imported Paper Patterns, tor ad. Children’s Drees; Parisian Dress rand king in all Its varieties. Ladles furnishing leirricn and costly njaterlals may relr on being ar tistically fitted, and ihelr work; ’finished in the most prompt and efficient-manner; at the lowest possible, S rices,Jn twenty-four Cutting and bast-Y ]g. Patterns m sets, or by the single piece .for mer* chants and dressmakers now ready. selMy. ■ WANTED FOB KEY WEST.~A" Vessel of jweate about 300 tons capacity to load ibr Key West, JMrai Fla. High rates ana quick despatch given. Apply to BISHOP, SON & 00., oefitf .No, 165 Arch street. SHSPPCTg FOR NEW YORK, I' Via Delaware and BaritaaCanal; IhePlilladelphla sndßew York £xpre«( - Btesmboat Company. - Jg#jaSW; Steam PropeHera leave DAlLY’from SUnK FERSTWHABF below ■inwn»s r - t| - making the run In 24 HOURS. - a strew This Line connecte with aU Northern and Bnxtxrw Transportation Companies. Goods forwardeddirwSiS aUpomtafree of commission. ■ ■ I Bieight received at lowest rates. WFI.P. CLYDE A DO., Agents; ■1 ■ J 4 Booth Wharves. PhUadelpu^, m m-tt mwtffs^^NCT^lv. UtiFiQR POB 'NEW OBLEANS, DIRECT'. »U|» TH£ PHILADELPHIA AND 80UTH EBN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S BEOTLAB ! The well-known first-class Steamship r ■ : STAB OP THE UNION, , 13ta tons register, T. N. Cooksey, Mantir. j will commence receiving freight for the BBOroTJort at second wharf below tsprncestreet, on TUESDAY, Oc tober 23S'and -Bair on SATUBDAY, 1 Oct. 27th,' at 12 LBeturnJng, will leave HEW OBLEANS on BATTJB ;BAY. November loth. ; ThlsSteamer has superior State Booms and ether accommodations for passengers. ! , Wbln passage. *6O; fieclc d0.,,130... j Freight taken at low rates. received or bills of lading signed on Bail ie, Agents at New Orleans,~Mesars. Crevy, Nickerson & <-h., who will glve carefnl attention to :shlpmenti|dt balveatojij Mobile, Vicfcßbnrg, ana interior Sot freight or passage,, apply to . 'i i ' ; WM. i. JAMKS. General Agent, 810 Sonta Wharves, 1 fob wimmGToir, n. a ' ■ *' SMMEjapa THB-'PTrTT.ATiir.r.pHrA AiaiS SOUTH- S»s§, i kk , s fa^r^h**!? 1 ; Batniday thereafter—viz.: November bratsttendSiS? 1 flDd Bnpsrior acdommodaUoua Kid 1 Cabin passage, (20; Deck do., Ho. : Freight carried at low rates. freight received or blUs of lading signed on sail- Ln WUmlDgton, WORTH & DANIEL, who wfll give especial attention to forwarding goods ad dressed to their care to and from the interior J?or xrelght or passage, apply to ■ . WhCll. jam tRi, General Agent. 814 South Wharves * OB SAVANNAH, GA. ' * SjSiiaM* The Philadelphia and Southern ««n steamship Company's Regular Dines, second wharf below Spruce Street, ! the steamship TOKAWANDA, Captain J. Teal, for BAVANBAH. will commence receiving fSteaSl on THtjBsDAY, October 11, and gall onSATUR DAY, October 33th, at 30 o’clock, A. M.. and every alternate Saturday thereafter—viz.: October 27. No vember ltth,<£c, , . - This 1 steamerhaaflueStste Booms and other ac commodations for cassengers. Cabin passage, {2O; Deck do., {lO. Freight taken at low rates. i Throngh receipts given at through rates to Macon. Augusta. Columbus, Atlanta-Ga.; Knoxville, Chatta nooga. Nashville, Memphis Torn).: Canton, Miss. N o freight received or bills of lading signed on sail ing day. Agents at Savannah, Hunter & Gammell. For freight or passage, apply to U h jaMBS. General Agent, 310 South Wharves. FOB EOOTON. 3Nn33£a> gncAWWffTP t.toh DIRECT; fbom . f * ANDLONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will ran com Philadelphia on Saturday, Oct. 13, at 10 A. M. : The steamship BOMAN, Captain Baker, will saH from Boston on Thursday, October H, at 3 • The line between, Philadelphia and Boston la son comp osed of the - • BOM AN ‘(new), Captain jßaker, 1,488 tens bnrtheiv BAXON-Captain Matthews, l jso tons bnrthen, - NORMAN. Oantaln Crowell, 1-gaa emu hnrthm, i These substantial and well appointed steamships will sall punctually aa advertised, and freiVat nrfn received every day, a steamer bong always on the berth to receive carr». - Shippers are requested to send Bills of lading with their goods. Fartrelrht or passage having superior ser—- - - SOS HKNKT WZNBOK 4 00., 332 Sooth Delaware ayeana. THBOD3H AIR-LINE TO THE SOUTH SHNC AND WEST. AND NORFOLK THROUGH RESCRIPTS TO HEWKERN. Also, to all joints In BOBTH and SOUTH: CARO LINA. Tla Seaboard and Boanoke Ttanman and in LXKCHBCBG, VA., TKKHBBBKE. and the WBST, via RORFOLH,PBTJCBSBUBG AinjSOUTHBXDH RATLBOAD. • The regularity, safety and shortness of this route, to* gether with,the moderate rates charged, commend it to the public as the most desirable medium for carry ing every description of freight. - No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of transfer. Steamships insure at lowest rates, and leave regu larly from the first wharf above hfarket street Freight received daily. TO P. CLYDE & 00., self • 14 North and 14 South Whayyaq, HAVANA STEAHSRS. HENDRICK nuD6OT H ~.,w „ Cipt.Hcrwei STABS AND gTRIPgL., .Capt. Holm? These a teamen will leave this port for Havana every other SATURDAY, at 6 A. M. The steamship STARS AND STRIPES, Holmes, master, will sail for Havana on SATURDAY HORN* INS. October 20th,at8 o’clock. Passage to Havana $5O. No freight received after Thursday. For freight or passage, apply to THOMABWATISON & SONS, HO North Delaware avenue. ORLHANB. LOUISIANA HUE. To sail about SATURDAY, October 13th. The A 1 iron aide-wheel steamship CRESCENT, , commander will eall as above. For freight or passage, having splendid State-Boom accommodations, apply to BISHOP, SON* CO., ' No. 165 Arch street. I. C. HARRIS, Agent at New Orleans, will forward all goodato his care for the Interior or Texas. Rank Bills lading can he obtained at our office. oc2 Nicw express uhh to alkx- JHMpSt ANDBIA,. Heorgetown and Washington, via Chesapeaie and Delaware OanaL with conheo&ons >1 Alexandria- Va., lbrm the man direct rente Dor Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton aha the Southwest. _ Steamers leave -Hn* Wharf above Harket itna every Wednesday and Saturday at IS 1C For freightapply to the agents, W. P. CLTDK * 00., _ H North Wharves. FOB NEW YORK,-Phlladelphla Steam nMnfisL Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift sore Lines, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving drily at 12 N. and SF. K, connectlac with all the Northern and Eastern Lines. For freight, which will be taken os tenna, apply to WM. M. BALED A CO., No. 132 Sonth Delaware avenne, REGULAR USE TO HARTFORD. MSp- CONN., via tkb delawabe AND RARITAN CANAL. The steamer SUSAN, Capt. Van deveer, now loading at the second wharf above MARKET street, will leave as above, on THUBSDAY next, llth lust. Freight taken on reasonable terms. Apply to 1 WILLIAM M. BAIRD ft CO.,' OcS-St . • Mcti 132 Sonth 'Wharves. - air— t, STEAMER FOB SALEL-The fast dDggSw sailing. coppered and copper fastened SteamerHßXKN GUTTY (side wheel), 108 tons O. M., 180 leet long, 24)£ feet beam; depth of hold s feet 8 Inches; draws 5 feet 4 lucheawater bnllt of Uve oak andxed cedar. Apply to St A. SOUDER & 00., seis-tf ■ • Jock Street Wharf W - aft — ’x HICW TOW-BOAT HUB; JMBSgSSS&pXLAWAJiE and CKXSARIAKB AJAaA t& w-boas company. BARGES towed to and from POTT.ATitET.PtTTA; HAVR&DE-GRACEE, BALTIMORE, WABHINGj TON, and intermediate points, i •, v WM. P. CLYDE A DO., Agents, j. ' BTo.ll Sonth Whnrves.Thjladelphia. Captain JOHN LaUGHLIN. Superintendent. get FOB GALVESTON, TEX AS.—Texas Line-* 4ta» The brig HAIL COLUMBIA. Brereton, master, 1s now loading between Pier 33 and 24 Fast River, and will sail with despatch. For freight orpassage, apply to BISHOP, SON A CO., sesti , ■- i No. 105 Arch street. , S. EXPRESS LINE FOB BOSTON.—The sebr. MABY D IRELAND, Ireland, master, is now loading for Boston at Christian’s wharf, first wharf below i- ace street For freight,apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 N. Delaware avenne. _se27 , FOB ANTWERP.-The A 1 bark ESTHER dWM Captain Prince, la now loading- for the above Stut port. For freight or passage, apply to WORK UANftOO., 123 Walnut street. . *624 jgtx FOB FREIGHT OB CHARTER. —Aißr. oans JM| BATHLEEN, Williams, master, 400 tons ia* •MCE glstex and 6,600 bbls. floor. ; AlBrT bark JANET, Kinney, master, 280 tons regia* ter and 8,000 bbls; flour. m Al Br. bark BALTHABABA, Wilson, master,' tt* tons register and bbls. flour,, A 2 Br. brig IDA, Theslne, master, 210 tons register apM ■ 8 Dock streefrwhaif /CONSIGNEES’ NOTlCE.—Schooner SABAH ■ A HAMMOND, Paine, master, from Boston, is now discharging cargo at the second wharf belowCallOw avjmne. ~ ••,, ocB2t CTEAMSHp SAXQN, FROM BOSTON.-Con p.slgnees of merchandise, per above steamer, will plesße senator their goods, now landing at Fine street wharf (oc»3t) HENRY WINBOR ft CO. TAB. BushinßLßßjinooeasor to JOHN ahjumdia* T_* Makers, No. no North DELAWABE Avenne, Philadelphia. _ All work done in the bort manner and on tns lowest and moat favorable terms, and warranted lo Etvspoc (act satlslhction. Particular attention dTtn to repairing. CRESCENT FOR NEW
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