(Continued from the First Page.) dollars. She was not insured. -It is stated that among the passengers was a French troupe of sixty persons, who went on board directly from the French steamer. The Evening Star carried a fall cargo of assorted merchandise, owned by Various parties. This was most likely insured. A British Steamer Founders at Sea— Nearly all Hands Saved. Fortress Monroe, Oct. 8, 1866.— The British steamer Queen - Victoria foundered at . sea on the 4th inst., during the .recent storm, in. latitude 33° and 3", longitude 70° and 30". The passengers and crew were picked, up yesterday by the brig Pomfret from New York. Thirty-five were trans fered this morning to .the steamer Janies Garry, from Wilmington for Baltimore, which arrived in Chesapeake Bay thia-after ndon. Two lives were lost, the. engineer died from exposure, and the hiate was washed overboard. The storm commenced on the 2d, and the steamer sprung a leak on the morning of the 3d. The steamer Cumbria Disabled. Savannah, Ga., Oct.B,lB66.—The steamer Cumbria, from New York, left here yester day for Mobile, and returned to port to-day with machinery disabled. ' : OIKX BUUjm]!l. We understand that Scott’s Art Gallery will he closed during the week in conse quence of the great preparations required lor the large special sale of the Messrs. Vita Bros., which is announced to take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 17th and 18th inst,, at 11 o’clock A. M. and 74 o’clook P. M. This collection will be the most com plete ever offered in the United States since the groat sale of works of art made by the old firm of Messrs. Vito Viti & Sons in 1852, at the Alhambra Hall, New York, and will be open for inspection on Tuesday next, 16th inst., at the gallery, 1020 Chest nut street. The South Street Bridge.— Several weeks ago the Commissioners appointed to superintend the construction of a bridge over the Schuylkill at South street, adver tised for proposals. But one bid was re ceived at the time fixed for opening the same, and this was for an iron suspension truss bridge permanent Belgian road way. The bid for its erection was within the Bum fixed by the act of the Legislature. The Commissioners Have not taken any final aotion upon the matter as yet. Delegates Elected.— The Local Preach ers’ Association of this city have elected the following delegates to the National Local Preachers’ Convention: K. Holt, J. Field, P. Peterson, W. J. P. Ingraham, F. C. Pearson, T. T. Tasker, Sr., B. Schofield, M. Z. Senderling, J. Parrish, S. S. Huff, D. James, G. W. Tinkle, J. P. Farrant, W. Bunoh, J. W. Donnelly, J. M. Goldy, j. McGill, W. P. Clark, B. J. Bollock, J. Glad ding. Sunday School Convention. The Philadelphia M. E. Conference Sunday School Convention and Teachers’ Institute meets in this city on Wednesday, the 10th inst.’', The Convention is to be composed of two delegates from ea£h school in tAe Con ference, and the preacher in charge.' Rev. Bishop Simpson will make the opening ad dress on Thursday; The Verdict.— Coroner Taylor has con cluded the inquest in the case of Vernon Lewis, who was killed by the disaster on the Junction railroad on Friday last. The verdict of the jury was death from acciden tal scalding. The immediate cause of the accident was not brought out by the evi dence. Without Authority.— The name of Mr. John W. Everjnan was used as one of the Vice Presidents of the Democratic meeting on Saturdajufight without authority, He was absent from the city at the time. Mr. Everman is a staunch Republican, and has always acted faithfully with that party. The Horticultural Hall.— The new hall of the Pennsylvania Horticultural So ciety has been commenced. It is to be lb-' cated on the lot south of the Academy of Music. The foundation walls are nearly up- They are very substantial. Oakfobds’ grand opening of Misses’ ana Children’s Fancy Hats and Caps md Furs. On Thursday, Oct. 1L c Store under th? Continental Hotel. Shot.—ln the shooting match indulged in b* the Henry Guards, Officer Flaherty won the third prize, a geld Maltese cross, which was woa for the second time by this officer, who is pretty sure on the muzzle. In this respect he resembles our friend Fla herty, the cigar merchant, on Chestnut street, onpo- Bite the Continental who generally succeeds In muz zlingbalfotourpopulationwith his imported clears andtobacco. Opening Bat.— On Thursday, October 11. -We will open a select stock of Ladies’, Misses' and Children's Fancy Hats, Caps and Furs. . CHABLBR OAJSFOBD & SONS, . Continental Hotel. The Mak -who Intends Voting for JOHN W. CLYMEB.HIESTEB GEARY. THAD DEUS JOBNSON AND ANDREW STEPHENS. has. got himself so mixed dp that to pdt tttm STRAIGHT, WE ANNOUNCE AS FOLLOWS: 33“ SUITS FOR GENTLEMEN, JW SUITS FOR BOYS, £S“SUITS FOR MILITARY MEN, US - SUITS Foil NAVAL OFFICERS. ’ „ IST SUITS OF ALL GRADES. J*S* SUITS lu SUIT EVERYBODY AT THE BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL. BOOKHILL & WILSON, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. Beafness, Blindness and Oatarbh..— J. llsaaca, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats All diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re. Fable sources in the city can be seen at his office. No 519 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to ao company their patients, aahe "as had no secrets la his practice. Artificial eyes. Insei ed. No.-oharge mads for examination. * Coal at Retail at Port Richmond Pri crs-at the Shipping Wharf, foot of Laurel street Kensington. Gross, ton (2,240 lbs.) always delivered! unless otherwise ordered, ’ ; ; J. K. & W. TOMLINSON, Sew Jersey Matters. The Soldiers and Sailors.— The Sol diers and Sailors of Camden county have just completed the organization of a “Cam paign Club,” for the'purpose of taking a more active and efficient partin the present campaign. This organization! consists of those who fought honorably through the war againat rebellion, and who are strenu ously opposed to “My Policy,” in admitting unrepentant rebels into the Halls of Con gess. The following noble letter from on, o7. wa c? Bsttle, the Union candidate ior State Senator for Camden county, was read and loudly applauded: “October 8,1866.—C01. Wm. Wilson.- My Dm Sib; Understanding that yourself and others of the Soldiers and Sailors of Camden county, propose assembling to night for the formation of a ‘Campaign Club,’l should most gladly have availed myself of the opportunity of meeting them and you personally, but prior and impera tive engagements forbid. I need hardly as sure you, Colonel, that your proposed no tion commands my earnest sympathy and support. To the gallant and devoted men who, oh many- a hard-fought battle-field, and many a blood-stained deck, upheld with stubborn loyalty an imperiled govern ment and an insulted flag, the beat Interests of the country may be safely committed, lhey will be as true in the future as they have been steadfast in the past,andthegreat lumciples liberty for whioh the 1881 fuU mea ment ofeouimand the judg tions o°f bSSt T°' and mn J S™' -that is their policy, Propose to and t?ip i;- 1 (,i!^ eb , e the Constitution cised, are emphatically in® thewhßnHb* sympathising you? proposed gawzation, and wishing you everysvtecess' lam, very respectfully, yours, y OCBS3 ’ “Edward Bettee.” Another Head Gone.— The Executive axe has fallen upon the Postmaster -at Bridgeton, Mr. Joseph ,S. Miner, and off dropped his head. The place has been fiHfid by Samuel- R. Fithian. The removal of Mr. Miner, who was never .an- active poli tician, and who is highly esteemedVby the entire business; community, has created considerable indignation, and.it is said, will make a number of votes for the Republican ticket; : Corner Stok e to be Laid.— The corner stone of a new Academy is -to. be laid on Thursday- next,:, at Shiloh, - Cumberland county, with appropriate ceremonies. The Cholera,— Several new cases of cholera occurred in Camden last week, but none of them have been reported fatal. The weather, however, continues favorable, and it is thought it will, soon disappear- alto gether. _Deai>.— The oldest’ resident in Atlantic City, R.Adams, Esq., over eighty years, of age, died • in ; that city, on Thursday night. He leaves a large circle of relatives. : The Arch.—Last eyenlng Jtr. Daniel JE. Bandmann •pened a brief engagement at the Arch, appearing in £e Walden’s new and capital play of “Destiny.” He took tho character of Corporal Antoine, a thorough French sddler, with all thel foibles of his class and rank, yet with an earnest loyalty which carries him through many tribulations with unstained honor, and finally leads to a happy denonemeat of the drama. Mr. Sasdmann's acting was admirable, though we were cor Btantly reminded of Hr- Edwin Booth by the peculiar intonations of his voice. His “make up” In every scene was perfect and excited the wannest ad miration. He Was supported most splendidly by iwimj Annie Ward, Mr. W. H.Wallis, Mias Price,Mrs.Ureeee, Mr. Sober! Craig and the company generally, and the play passed off charmingly. Great pains were taken with the scenery, so that the Arch preserved tia repu tation in that respect also. In the first act there are sdme Frenchified jokes which make the ears of a Philadelphia audience tingle, and which might as well -be (to say the least) modified, bat with this exception we consider the play a great success. It will be re peated this evening and until further notice, together with a favorite farce. The Wainut.— Mr. Hackettappears in “The Merry Wives of Windsor” this evening, supported by Mr. J. B. Boberts and tho strength of the company. The Chestnut,— Mr. Owens repeats last night’s superb bill, which was so admirably received oy a large audience. The American.— Mr. Proctor again appears In “Ambition” at the American this evening. Assembly Building.—Mr Heller gives a number of new Illusions In his programme this eveaiag.aa well as some most capital music. This is his last week. The Opera House In Eleventh street Is thronged nightly, and the bills presented are of the most lively and varied character. National Hail.— The Lincoln Tableaux are given every evening and at three matinees during the week. SPECIAL NOTICES. |g>PABDEfi SCIENrmC GOUKSIS. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE. In addition to the general Course of Instruction in mis Department, designed to lay a substantial basis of Knowledge and scholarly culture, students can pursue :hose branches which are essentially practical and technical, viz.: KNQINBERTNO, Civil, Topograplcal and Mechanical: MINING and METALLURGY: and the application of Chemistry to AGRICULTURE and the ARTS. There Is also ai tardea an opportunity for special study of TR ADE and COMMERCE, of MODERN L ANGUAGES and PHIL OLOGY: and of the HISTORY and INSTITUTIONS 3f our own country. For Circulars appiy to President OATTELL, or to Prof. R.B. "VOUNGMAN, Easton, Pa. ApriH, 1566. . Clerk of the Faculty; myS-6mo{ . pr^v o PHILADELPHIA -BREWERS’ ASSOCIATION, Office, No. 30South SIXTH Street. Your attention is called to the Philadelphia Brewers' Association, which is now in operation, and brewing, since July 16th, ALE, POSTER AND BROWN STOUT, The quality of which is not excelled by. that of ant other Itrewery in the Uruted States; the best materials only are used, and best attention given to meet the wants of the consumer. The Association is incorporated by Act of thejjegis lature, and being upon the mutual benefit plaa, each Stockholder becomes part owner of the Brewery Fix tures, etc., and>so secured from any risk of loss, while the price of scares being almost nominal, and not sub* j ect to any additional assessment, the benefit derived is immense. ■ The stockholders receive their Ale, etc., at cost, so that they save nearly one-third of the price now being paid, and besides this saving, the profit upon sales *mude to others, who are not stockholders, and to pyhom full price is charged, will be divided among the Stockholders semi-annually;, this dividend alone, De yend doubt, will make it a desirable and profitable in vestment. To secure these advantages the trade should sub scribe ai once, as the amount of Stock is limited, and will be sold to none but dealers. jjfiy* FiilZ particulars given and samples shown at the Office of the Brewery, 30 South SIXTH Street. THOMAS J. MARTItf, President Dennis F. Dealt, Secretary. ocs rptf AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Utgr JOHN B. GOUGH, W ui deliver TWO LECTURES under the auspices of THE YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. WEDNESDAY EVENING. Oct. 10th, Subject—“CURIOSITY.” This is an entirely New Lecture and will be delivered for the FIRST TIME in Philadelphia, THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. lltb, Subject—ELOQUENCE AND ORATORS, Tickets at ABHMKAD <£ EVANS’ Book Store, Chestnut street, Reserved Seats—so cents and 75 cents. Orchestra and Stage, 50 cents. Unreserved Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Lecture to commence at 8 o’clock. ocEUtrpJ GENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL, AND NO lh£r DECEPTION. —Nothing inferior purchased to oder below the cost price of a superior article. Con sumerslnwant of the very be&tceal In the market should call on SAMUEL W» HESS and make their purchases. All who patronize him can rely upon getting a splei did article, (every pound they buy,) and prepared in the best possible manner. Egg and Stove sizes, $7 50; Nut,s6 50 per ton; also, pure Spring Moun tain, Lehigh, at lowest market prices. Orders respect fully sodcited and promptly attended to, either at Depot, BROAD street, above RACE, east side, or at OSlce, 524 ARCH street. se27-th,q,tu,i2trp ITS* AS THE SEASON HAS NOW ARRIVED thSr when prudent Housekeepers supply themselves with FUEL for the fell and winter, we deem it approros t*speak of the FAMILY COAL YARD of Mr/H. B. HUTCHINS Southeast corner of NINTH and GI- RaRD avenue. At this favorite stand all the most approved varieties of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coa* in cluding the Eagle Vein, Honeybrook, Broad Mountain, Ac., may be had by the single ten or cargo, at the lowest market ratefe, Housekeepers, make a note of it. . . 8e27 th r s,tui2trp Jr'S* NORTH PEENS 7 LVANIA RAILROAD AND GREEN LANE bTAr lON. *ihe residents of Germantown can have Bunerlor . ■ - . LEHIGH COAL - - - delivered to thenrfrom the above place at?S coper ton Prompt attention given to orders addressed to Box 6*’ GtjnnantowihPost-office. Office,ls South Seventhstrcet Pd iladelphla, or to yai dat Green iAqe Station. * Oc-2 lmrp ; __BINE3*BHEAFF. BEXROUVEY’S l : • *t£r I ’ HAIR TONIC, THE MOST EFFECTUAL, BEAUTIFUL, AND HIGHLY PERFUMED PREPARATION EX TANT. Jy2B*,tu,th-tfrp3 HOWARD HOSPITAL, Nos. 1518 and 1520 Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Medl tothepoof 111 medicines furnished gratuitously WASTO. Ti^ANTEo.- a, special or active PARTNER, with ♦ 2 r Thousand Dollars in a first cass established manufacturing business—which is sure and increasing. Address, Confidentially, oc9-2t* “elAFfl,”. EvgyiNg BuLLETiy. Wanted-at once-in A dry goods Soliciting House, one or two industrious yonne men lolly competent to sell the town trade, No others need apply. Address Box No.-2791 P. 0., with reel name.’ ~ oc9-3t* ® WANTED-IN GERMANTOWN-On or be fore April Ist a modem DWELLING, at modo rate rent. Address Box 277, Phllada. p. o. oc3-3t» SWaNTED TdRENT—By asmall family,a nicely furnished HOUSE. In a good location. Address, full partlcnlars, box 18 Postofflce, oc9-3t» EDTCATIO*. PHYSICAL EDUOATION.-MISS S. F. HOPKINS 1 will r< some her classes of Young Ladies and Chil dren in Dio Lewis’s hi stem of Gymnastics, at the Na tatorium; Broad street, below Walnut, on MONDAY, l cipher 15th. ■ -oc9-st« BOißDme. DOABDING.—An elegant sulie of rooms to rent, with PliYate table, to a small family without children. ' WALNUT between Eleventh and- Twelfth streets. Address “ BULLETIN, ’’ at this office.. oc9-3t) *n al 1 DUTTON, 914 Chestnutst. oc6-a,tuith-tf./ 3 * HOS^*°"*‘ «“ . ! ' GOODYEAB’B, ' : 1 ■ "goaoustnatatreet, -j-' . ! ■■■■ ■■ • sonthjuaa. . K.B.—' We have a .Nit yv and CHEAP ABTICLB o: —EMERSON PIANO—Low price. Charming SSppS tone. Perfectly durable. w. H. DUTTON, ITT wll 9M chestnut street. oc4-3,tu : tli,tf. fIOFPiIB ABB YBLloy MBTAL agmTgiim Ti jßtMler’g Conner. Halls, Belt* ana ingo coppert mm by jansm’vnmß THE DAILY EVENING £ BEHTOO MACHtTOS. THE “FLORENCE” (Hems, Fells, Cords, Bralds,Tucka. Quilts, Gathersiic., without Basting. ■ ■ THE “FLORENCE” Mihes a Gather and Sews It on at one time perfectly. - THE “ FLORENCE ” Stakes Feur, Kinds of Stitches, three of which are ; made on no other machine, THE “FLORENCE” Is the Only Machine that can . Sew In'more than one direction, jhaylng the Beveraible Feed. THE “FLORENCE ” ' Has a Self-Adjusting Tension—a great improvement. 1 THE « FLORENCE ” . . Fastens the ends of its Beams. : Uses less Thread than any other Machine. Has no Seringa to get oat of Order. Is the most Useful Sewing Machine In the world. Is entirely reliable and warranted to give satisfaction to the purchaser. THE "FLORENCE.” Office and Salesrooms 630 Chestnut Street. oc4-6trp{ ’ The New Bulletin Building, No. 607 Chestnut Street The proprietors are prepared to receive propoaalata ranting three rooms. They are THE SECOND STORY FRONT BOOK, M by si feet First’and Third stories of the back or Northern Build' with Entrance by a wide hall on Ohestnnt street, And a Front of 25 feet on Jayne street; Suitable lor a lobbing er Commission House, a or Insurance Office. For Farther Particular, apply at thsNHff BUL LETIN BUILDING, No. 607 Ohtitnnt Street fc a TO RENT.-D WELLING HOUSE, Chestnnt street below£BroAd, either for residence or with yto alter Into Store. Apply 221 South BROAD street. • it* gs TO RENT.-The DWELLING at the N. W. tci-l corner ,of Thirty'-seventh and- Locust streets. Rent two. Applyat 1430 CHESTNUT Bt. 09-2 t» OPENING, On Wednesday, October 10, PARIS CLOAKS, EXCLUSIVE STYLES, (Which will not be copied,) IN GREAT VARIETY OF , MATERIAL AND DESIGN. ALSO, PARIS STYLE CLOAK 3, OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, in great abundance. ’ . J. W. PROCTOR & CQ., ocMt rp 920 CHESTNUT STREET. MITCHELL AND E LET CH.EE, No. 1204 CHESTNUT ST. fi Having disposed of their goods damaged by the late fire, INVITE THE EBPECTAT. ATTENTION or city and country buyers to their fresh stock consisting in uart of 2,000 cans and j&riFresh Peaehe*. 3 000 “ “ Tomatoes. 8,000 “ “ Grten Corn. 1000 “ “ Fresh. Pears. 1000 • “ Strawberries, 000 '‘ Pine Applet. i nnn »t? d B Korella Cherries. 1,000 “ Preacb Peas. Arid all other Fruits by the can or dozen. Also, a ' general New Stock of FINE GBOOEBIES. se22-ta tu th 2st rp ; SHAW & JUSTICE’S Patent Dead Stroke Power Hammer, MERRICK Si SONS. PHILADELPHIA, ; Bole Assignees and Manufacturer* FOB THE ; State of Pennoylvaula. ADDRESS, MERRICK & SONS, 430 Washington Avenue. au2s-stutb-sm rpj . ° ’ ■ ALE! ALE! Wm. Younger’s Sgarkling Edinburgh For Sale by the Cask or Dozen. ~ SIMON COLTON & w. COR. BROAO ABU WAIffUT. ■ ■ EMERSON PIANO —Low price Charnif no- JSPSu Perfectly durable. W. H. DUTToSf ITT wl 1 914 Chestnnt sireet. Mn.it,™! 1 ’ loan In luge op small amounts, at the lowaslSSJ2 Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, i i ..I ■ - ■ - deaa.tfrw IP t EMERSON PIANO—Low price fherminw Jope. Perfectly durable, w? DuttoSF JTT'UljMChestwt street. : ULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY OCTOBER 9 ,i860: THE “ FLORENCE » THE “ I lOKESCE ” Bans Light and Quiet. THE “ FLORENCE ” Can be easily Managed by a Child, THE “FEOBENGE” THE “FEOBENGE” Does not Skip Stitches. THE “FEOBENGE” THE “FEOBENGE” BEAL ESTATE, FOR RENT. THREE BOOMB US FINANCIAL. I NATIONAL V PAM OF THE REPUBLIC, | 809 and 811 GHESTNUTST., j PTnT,AT>TTT.T>TITB. ; The late management bnvffigreUaqulshed their entire control and interestin thlflßank,the business 2s !now being conducted under the following entirely SEW MANAGEMENT. I DIRECTORS. JOSEPH T. BATT.ItY, ; Of Bailey A Co., Jewelers. - edWabu b. ORNE, ’ , OfJ. F. and E.R. Ome, Dealers In Carpetlara.*B KATBAKT HTHLEB. j President of the Second National Bank. w n.T.TAM ERVIEN, Of Myers dtErvlen, Floor Factors. OSGOOD WELSH, Of s. and W. Welsh, Commission Merchants. BENJAMIN ROWLAND, Jr., Of B. Bawland, Jr., & Bro„ Coal Merchants, . SAMUEL A. BISPHAM, Of Bamnel Blapham & Sons, Wholesale Grocers. WILLIAM H. BHAWN, Late Caahier of the Central National Bank. PBXBIBSNT. WILLIAM H. BHAWN. CASHIER. JOSEPH P. MUMFORD. S seS-tf rp Late of the Phlla. National Bank. FIRST-CLASS BONDS. Seven Per Cent. North* Missouri First Mortgage Seven Per Cent Bonds, On Hand and For Sale at 85. Before consenting to this Agency, we hare made a careful examination of the merits of these Bonds, by sending William Minor Roberta, and others, to report upon the condition and prospects of ibe Ballroad. Their report is on die at our ornce and Is highly satis factory. we do not hesitate to recommend these Bonds as being a first-class security, and a most safe and in dlclouslnveetment. The above Bonds are rapidly passing out of our hands, and as we expect to raise the price shortly, we advise all who desire them to call promptly. All information cheerfully given. JAY COOKE&CO., BANKERS, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, se34-15trp{ PHTT, A TOfT.PTTT A, 9 THE FINE ARTS EARLES’GALLERIES, 810 Chestnut St. Booking Glasses. Oil Paintings. Engravings. Picture Frames Rogers’ Groupes A Large Free Gallery of Oil Paintings, CURTAIN ESTABLISH MENT. - The subscribers are now receiving their FALL ASSORTMENT of New and -Elegant Materials for DRAWING ROOM, CHAMBER, LIBRARY and DINING ROOM WINDOW CURTAINS, LAMBREQUINS, „ . . ..CHAIR and SOFA COVERINGS. &C., Comprising the Latest Importations and Newest De signs and Fabrics, in .-ft RICH PLAIN SATINS, BBOCATELB, LAHTPISADES. SATIN DE LAINE. ““.TKBRT, COTEUNE, PLAIN WOOL REPS. NEW STYLE BROOME AND .SATIN STBIPED REPS AND TEBKY, French Embroidered Lace Curtains The richest imported, and a very large assortment of NOTTINGHAM. SWISS and M USLIN CURTAINS CORNICES, TASSELS, & c., a1l of which win bSpoT UP when desired, In the most tastefai man* ner. in town or country, by experienced and reliable workmen* ee2Q-tn aa tu 6m rp Sheppard,Van Harlingen fcArrison No. 1008 Chestnut Street. blankets, BEDDING AND FEATHER WAREHOUSE, TENTH STREET, BELOW AUCII. Feather Beds. Bolsters, Pillows. Motresses of all kinds; Blankets, Com'ort ables, Counterpanes. Spring Beds, Spring Cots Ir. n Bedstead,, Cushions and all other articles In that line of easiness. ’ AMOS HILLBOBN, No. 44 North • TENTH Street. ■ ' Below Arch. BLANKETS. FTJ3Et, IN ITXJJE&E. GEO. J. HENKELS, LA.OEY& CO., Vblxteentb and Chestnut Streets „ PHILADELPHIA. SUITS OF WALNUT FUBNITUBE,*In Oil. -'Do do do Polished. SUITS OF W ALNUT PARLOR FURNI’EURE.in Oil. Do do do 1 do .7 Polished SUITS OF BOSEWOOD CHAMBER F URN I TUBE Do do PABLOB <ta ‘ SUITS POMPEII CHAMBER FURNITURE,' Do do PABLOB do. SUITS OF WALNUT DINING BOOM FUBNITUBE. •Do do LIBRARY ' " do 1)0 _ do ■ HALL do A large assortment finished, on hand. GEO.J. HENKELS, LACEY*CO.. se2o lmrp| 1301 and 1803 Chestnut Street. EMERSON PIANO-Low price. Charming tone. Perfectly durable, w. H. DUTTON® nTvn oil Cheotnut street. oco-s.tnTth tf 1 :eSSs, EMERSON PI ANO—Low price. Charming fe~es=£y tone,, Perfectly, durable, w. H. Dutton IUW ?n Chestnut street,: ; ows.tu.twf ’ CARPETINGS. J.F.&E. B.ORNE. Chestnut Street, ' , NOW OPENING • | FALL IMPORTATIONS. NEW CARPETINGS. J.F. & E.B.ORNE, 004 Chestnut Street, BXCI.TXSIVB HOVBI.TIBS IN FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS. i J. F. & E. B. ORNE 004 CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH ROYAL WILTON, ENGLISH BRTTBBELB CARPETS, NEW DESIGNS. J. F.& E. B. ORNE, 904 i CHESTNUT STREET. MBSBBS. JOHN CROSX.BT& BONA x NEW, STYLES 6-4 Velvet Carpets. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET. SOO Pcs. Eflglish Tapestry Choice Style, Now Landing Steamer Melita. J. F. & H B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, English and American 3-Ply Carpets. English and American Ingrain Carpets. BORDERED DRtTftSETS. ■ \ ■ 10-4,12-4,16-4 Druggets. STAIRS DRUGK3-ETS, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 Chestnut Street, SKGIISH BRUSSELS FOR HALLS AND STAIRS' WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J.F.&E.B. ORNE, CHESTNUT STREET. Fancy Rugs and Sheepskin Mats. Cocoa Matting, all widths. English Oil Cloths, for Floors. English Oil Cloths, for Stairs. oefi-th sr tuaarp - CARPETINGS. G A.lt IPETIN' GH3. JAMES H. ORNE & 00, 686 CHESTNUT STREET, • Between 6th and 7th streets, JUST RECEIVED PER STE4.MER A LARGE Tf*. i "VOICE French Chenille and Axminster Carpets, NEW DESIGNS. . JAMES H. ORNE &COx 626 CHESTiIUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh streets. MESSRS. JOHN CROSSLEY & SON’S New Styles 64 Velvet & Tapestry Carpets. ¥ JAMES H. ORNE & CO.. 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh sts., English Royal Wilton. English Brassels. English Tapestries, JAMES H.ORNI& GO., 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between 'Sixth and Seventh sts., NEW CAEPETINGS - Fall Importationsj OPENING. ocotnoio rp| GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. tt’CALLPHS,CREASE & SWAN Manufacturers and Importers CARPETINGS. Wholesale Department, 509 Chestnut Street, Retail Department, 619 Chestnut Street, (Opposite IndependenceHalb) sel2-2mr* LIEDOM & SHAW, Wholesale and Retail CARPET WAREHOUSE, 910 ARC H,^ '' ■ Between Ninth and Tenth streets. We are now opening our new importations of For eign CARPETINGS, embracing all the new and lead- Ing patterns, . Also a complete assortment of the best of American Kann&ctnres. We are prepared and will sell at the lowest prices, sel2-3mrpi CLOTHIJfG. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, ; Has now the PALL AND WINTER STYLES and a complete assortment of - PALI AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTHES equal or superior to those of anyoUj® Elrst-ClasS Tailoring Eatapitahment at moderate prices. Satisfaction gnsrantfed. Pattern Clotneß to show the new and prevalent styles for tlie inspection of customers and public. v&kumHM Hi T® W N 2 824 CHESTNUT ST, l , J ' 1 UNDER THECONTINENTAIHUTILct ( r' /• - |1 PHILADELPHIA * PA, 'S*{ ! ! TirSTRCCtlOIffl \ f FOR SELF-MKASEReSIENT. j\ l! ■A ’I ' COAT. Send Size from 1 to' \ ij j if\ f 3: from 2to3t and from 4 tod; \ft j // \\ y and aroond tho most prominent ;\vl ’ j \\ y part of the chest, and around iJ I »I* i »i tbe State whether ereci «3»-ry , or#tocip(no. ; . , " /sfp- YESIJ Same as for coat. • FAin3,.liuiliie mud; oQtiido kkr (oMpi ud aroi WEiat, ■..iJr • -._v- -jr- -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers