Frain our Third EditionotYestarday• From Washington. .Despatoh to tlie Bulletin.] WASEUrnTON, June Zi.—The Ways and Means Cominittee luwe concurred in about two-thirds of the Senate's amendments to the .tax bills, and it will be reported to the Haase today. • The Senate .Tudiciary Committee to-day declg' lid to report a bankrupt bill, and they - will; if possible, consider it this session. In the contested election case of _Koontz and Coffroth, the arguments were closed to- Sherman's new Telegraph bill has consi derable strength in the Senate, and the chances are that it will pass. • MorresOondence of the Associated Pre.sel WAsnanomON. JUne 27.—Notice is' given to holders of certicates of indebtedness issued under the act of Congress. _Approved March Ist and 17th, 1862, that the Secretary of the Treasury, in accordance with said acts, and the tenor of Said certificates, is prepared to redeem befclire matutity, all certificates of indebtedness 'falling due after August 311 A, 1866, with accrued interest thereon, if pm sented for redemption on or before Jolylsth, 1866, • and that hereafter such certificates , will cease to beat...interest, and-will - be paid on presentation at this department with in terest only to said 15th of July. The above notice takeit - in - connection with that of the 22d ultittio, calls in all outstanding certifi es-WEI of Indebtedness. - - Thti 'Senate, in executive' session, yester day, confirmed the following nominations : To be Consuls—Geo. W. Bowrie of Cali; fornia, at Clinton; Charles Muellert, of Ohio, at Amsterdam; David EL.Strother, of Weat Virginia, at Buenos, Ayres; W. P. Atwell, of Wisconsin, at Mairacaibo; George W. Dodge of Vermont, at Bremen. ~Ths 'Senate also confirmed the following nominations to be Collebtors of Internal Revenue: • - N S P. Knapp, 10th Collecllon District - of Illinois; W. H. Markle, 21st Collecticin Dis trict of Pennsylvania; 0. L. Mann, Ist-Col lection District of Illinois. To be Assessors of Internal Revenue— Robert Clark, 13th District, Pennsylvania; Thomas Orton, 6th District, Pennsylvania. To be Deputy Postmasters—E. H. Shelby, Rome, N. Y.; Moses S. Wood, Clinton, N. Y.; Chas. H. Kopkins, Utica, N. Y.; Daniel Mace, Lafayette, Ind.; Will jam Abrugh, Bowling Green, Wis. Orrin Guernsey, Special Indian Com missioner, reports to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under date of Fort Sully, June 12th, that councils had been held with the tribes with which we made treaties last fall. They have suffered much during the past hard winter, some of them actually starving to death, but notwithstanding this they have been very quiet, and have ob served their treaty stipulations faithfully, which was certainly doing better, Mr. Guernsey says, than white men would have done under the circumstances. -The Commissigner of Indian Affairs, in a letter to the S'cretary of the Interior, re commends the dismissal of Indian agent Bryson, of the Smith river reservation, California, for having inflicted capital pun ishment upon an Indian who had killed another in that locality,:as there is no au thority for an agent to act in capital offences where the civil law is in force. S. F. Packer has been recognized by the President as Vice Consul of Sweden and Norway, at Key West, and August Beck, as Consul for Hesse Darmstadt, at Chicago, Illinois. The Eleetion in Texas. GALVESTON, Texas, June 26.—The Union vote is larger than was anticipated and will probably be one-third when the western and cbtral counties are heard from. Tra vers county, containing the seat of Govern ment (with two precincts to hear from), gives Throckmorton, 406; Haase, 326, for representative. Hancock (Conservative) has 275, and Gray (Union) 212. The Conserva tive vote 03 solid for the amendments to the State Constitution, and the Union vote is against them. Louisiana Polities. NEW ORLEANS, June 26.—A caucus of the 1864 Convention was held to-day. Report ers are excluded except the correspondent of the gew York Tribune, which patter, it is understood. will be the official organ. Judge Durel, the President of the Conven tion, was called upon to preside, but de clined, whereupon he came in for con siderable censure. Judge Howell,President pro tem , was then authorized to counsel with the Governer and in connection with him call for the assembling of a convention. A proclamation, it is expected, will be issued the day . after to- morrow for the assembling of the convention the latter part of July. The object of the convention is zulderstood to be the ratification of the con stitutional amendments. .11DIENIXTH CONORESS—FIRST SESSION. WASHINGTON, June 27, 1866. SENATE,-Mr. Wilson (Mass.) from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported ad versely on the House bill directing the Sec retary of War to purchase Dugannes' tac tics, for the use of the army. Mr. Wade (Ohio), from the Committee on the District of Columbia, reported a bill . to re-annex the county of Alexandria to the District of Columbia. Mr. Anthony (R. I.) introduced a bill to establish post routes betsieen the .llnited States and Europe, and reduce the cost of transportation of the mails. Referred to the Committee on post routes and post roads. The bill to aid in the construction of tele graph lines was then taken up. On motion of Mr. Doolittle (Wis.), after a discussion, the consideration of the tele graph bill was postponed until to-morrow; yeas 20, nays 14. A bill to change the place of holding the U. S. Court in the Northern District of Georgia,. from Marietta to Atlanta, was passed. Housn.—On motion of Mr. Eggleston (Ohio) the Senate joint resolution for the construction of a railroad bridge across , the Cuyahoga river, over and upon the Govern ment piers at Cleveland, Ohio, was taken up. read three times and passed. On motion of Mr.Kasson (Iowa), the Com mittee on Appropriations was discharged from the further consideration of the Senate pint resolution for the payment of certain entucky militia forces, and Senate bill to settle the claims of the State of Kansas for the of her militia and the same were referred to the Committee on Claimi. The Senate bill farther to prevent smug gling came.. up as the unfinished business of yesterday, and-was discussed; during the morning - hour by MaSsrs. Eliot, Humphrey and Hale. .. • Mi. Eliot (Mass) moved -the previous Mr. Eldridge (Wis.) wished to offer' an amf;ndurient to repgal section 4 of thaaot of theist of .March , 1817, concerniagnavigation, - which section operated severely against the transportion of wheat-from'the West to the East by preventing the competition of Cana dian vessels in .the. carrying trade between ports of - the United. States, Mr. Eliot declined to yield for that purpose. • The Canadian Budget. OTTAWA, C. W., June 27th.—The Finance Minister brought down the budget lastnight. The expenditure for the past year amounts to $12 i 100,000, of which $270,000. was applied to the reduction ' of the public debt,. The ex penditures include all the charges incurred en account of the Fenian raids. The customs have realized over a million of dollars'in excess of the previous year. Imports. excess, $8,500,000. Exports, ex cess, $9,000,000. • ,The whole trade of the province has in creased $18,000,000.' 1 The.4iipensesi Incurred in consequence of the . Fenian raids amount ed to $1,100 , 000: - : The Finance Minister alluded to the effectual manner, in whichthe United States Goveinment had dealt with the Ffinians, but Said" that the Fenian snake- was !iscotcbed," and .not killed. • "'s _ The duty Of the Province wasio be in a position more effectually to repel aggres- SOM. Consequently, instead of the $50,000 heretofore asked for militia purposes; the sum 4:481,500,000 was placed in the estimates. In consequence of the abiogation of the Reciprocity Treaty it became.imperatiVe to re-arrange the diatoms. The estimated fall ing off in revenue is $1,000,000. In order to supply the deficiency, the fol.; lowing is proposed:- To raise the duty on spirits - from thirty to _sixty:cents per gallon; to raise_ the custom' duty on whisky and brandy to the specific standard of seventy cents a gallon; to.levy a duty on Indian corn and coarse grains from the States of ten cents a bushel.l Gold. Nzw . Yong; June 27, noon.old, 155. Markets. NEW YORE June 27th.—Cotton is dull at 38(4139c. for middlings. : Flourstesd; sal. of 7,000 bbla. at $6 200 49 80 for 'State; 48 55®413 y 75 for Ohi , ; '46M(g119 50 for +Western; slolxl7 for Southern; and $8 65@g1.9 75 for ;Canada; Wheat firm--emall sales. Corn steady: sales uninsnortant,-,Beef steady.—Pork- firm; 09.1<us of ;1.200 bbls at 441 6135 @3l 75. Lard dull. Whisky dull. Stocks are steady; Chicago and Bock Wand, 03%; 1111elqgun Bouthern,7B34;lN._ .Y Central, 08% g ; &aog, .11 83 / 4 ..Udson River; 110 X; Canton Co.; 53X; 'Erie, 59%; Western Union, 52X; Bos , on Water Power. 34%; Caro lina's, 84X: Tennessee 6'B. 99; fr en -Forties 96X; Treasury 7 8108, 102%; Irlyeetwenttee,lo4% Gold, 155%, COVETS. • OYER, AND TErtarmth-rJudges Peirce and Ludlow.—ln; the" case of William , Golcher; charged-with-the murder of Noah Miek,lthei jury srendered a 'verdict of not guilty. , - This morning the-case of William A.-Ma guire was called. It .will be remembered 'that on Saturday evening, April 2, 1864, the prlsonerkilled Waggle:Beier at the Conti nental Theatre. Subsequently his counsel alleged that he was insane-and ajury was selected to try that question. The jury found him to be insane, th e trial i of that 'sine taking place n January, 1865. It is now alleged that Maguire has recovered, and Messrs. Cassiday 'and Brooke asked to have a day fixed for his trial on the charge of murder. The Court desireittestimony in regard to the mental eonditrm of the prisoner. Witnesses were examined yesterday, and they testified that Maguire was sane. This morning, Dr. H. H. Smith, of the prison, testified that so far as he could judge, Maguire is now sane. District Attorney Mann said that in view of the testimony, the prisoner should be tried. Mr. Cassiday asked that an early day be named. Mr. Mann said that the 20th of Septem ber was the earliest day he could fix. Mr. Cassiday argued that if there was to be this delay, he was entitled to have the prisoner admitted to bail, the Common wealth having failed to try during the first term of his commitment. There was same dispute as to the exact date of the commitment' and the term to which the prisoner was held, and an officer was sent to the prisoner to obtain the cal endar. Sarah Bibb (colored) was put on trial, charged with the murder of Nellie Taylor, on the 27th • day of April, 1866, at Seventh and Spruce streets. Nellie Taylor and a friend with two men were at the corner, and while thus standing the prisoner passed them. In doing so, her dress caught on the door-scraper. The deceased laughed. The parties then engaged in an angry quarrel, and finally came to blows, and the deceased was stabbed directly over the eye, the knife penetrating to the brain. The deceased got up and was able to walk a short distance, and then dropped on the sidewalk, where she was found and taken to the hospital, where she died the next day. The case is still on trial. Sales at Plana(lel SALES APT • $lOOO US Tress 7 8405 - 1100 eh Plilbs b Erie 830 30% . Notes June 102% 140 sh do 30:": 8000 U S &Ms '66 reg 103 100 eh do WO 3.l'i 1000 Bead 64 '44 sleflat 92 100 sh do 2da 30S 400 City 63 new C&P 06% 10i 8h Calawigs pf 2 do 921% 830 w 22% 1100 500 do nun op cpg g 96% 200th 30 85wn n 24 ~ seh Cam &Am 133% 150 eh Soh Nay pi' b 5 14 10 sh do ' 133% 100 sh Ocean 011 330 100 sh Beading It; c 54% 100 tda • do b3O 5;-,i 200 eh do — 2 ds 91% SECOND Vooo 17 13 ti-20a 'C lea . lOC° r 103 4000 Penna IC 1 Int eg g 101 3 ah Penna .1t bswn 55 uUCiilS e PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, Ist. For WEARING and OOVEfIING properties. 2nd, For WHITENESS and BEAUTY of lintel': 3rd. For trNIFORM FINENESS of grinding. 4th. Same weight will do MORE and BETTER WORK at a given cost than any other. 6th. Most ECONOMICAL White Lead ever Introduced sib. ls you wish to procure as much value as possible for your money and secure handsome and (Mrs * ble work; instruct your painter to use PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Try It and be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed by the Manufacturers. ZIEGLER & SMITH Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, 137 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA: jeltang (101) LIVER OIL (new made) regrdarly received in V quantities suitable to the,trade. ALCOHOL, 95 per cent, finest quality in best of pack• J kEPINED lIAMPHOR, in original PaCkeiteS• • Ipecac Root, Ipecac powdered; Ipecac, powdered, in Ib bottles; Powdered Calisaya .Bark, Powdered Rho, barb, Powdered Islam. in bottles. for sale by JOHN C. BAEHR dt CO., No. 718 Market street. LAIR'S P[-RE FRUIT SYRUPS pritup in bottlei expressly for Families in the country. ose table. spoonful of any of these Syrups added to aglass of ice water, makes-a most refreshing and delightful draught —almost. if not equal to soda water. Orders by mail primptjy,answered. BLAIR'S SOffir,Apottie. ariesitAglithAnd-Witinnt streets, Philadelphia. CAALPIII CR—A lot of Camphor for sale by WIL LIAM 175.Tasi dt 100., llraggiata, No. 724 and 721 Mark et rnredt. • • . : LI.X.TRAOT OF BEEP for beef tea or Essence al Ala Beef in sickness or for soups for table use. Made n Elgin, Illinois, by Gail ;Borden, from the juices of choice beef and is superior in :delicious flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets with fall di. rections. one dollar each. ELTIBBF.T.T., Apothecary biLOOnestautstreet. • riRUGGISTS' SIINDRIEB;--__ _Graduates -- Mortara A, PM Tiles,Cbrolta, Eirtuthea r Mirrors, Tweezens,Pag Berea, Rom Scoops, Surgical instruments, Trusses Earn and E3UI Rubber Goode, Vial Cassia, Mimi ant Metal Syringes, 401, all at "First Hande ( M a s; SNOWDEN ilk BR aps4l/ 23 South Eighth IjOREET 8110101.111001 4 _N. _CORNICE LL FOURTE AND BADE - STRBIGINI. Z Wit ol es ak Druggists, Manufacturers and Dealers 'in Window Wass, White-,Lead, sad- Paints of, event description, otter to the trade ; or consumers , A complete stook_ goods in their Una at the loweßt niarketrates. imaxem ssomuLKEB, as .00 4 Northeast corner Fourth and Ram =eau. O ; DAT. ,ettelved, an Invoke at Menran a., Imported Be. Bum; sale by the - gallon, ROB&B.T B/I0 lifft & prtimdat. c byar 'lO 4202 4 1031A.=-lesining'SCSUcined,424 1014. zound t r i z: /11 and boxes, also in bottle& ' anntort Oaxbozut 2Tognalbs, In din g and for PaPergAolM, Bf &mega &en and ..Murs sog a Co., Druarleafi, Market Philadelphia x ante - • - . PYRIAL PREENES.=letalig - 7113701filiier - ORTh grade,. French Imperial. Prtmea. , anti sale by J 09.13. BIISSIPA & CO., 108 Bodth , Aelamare ILI - ALM:PPS AND ALMONDS.—New oropiereuoble Walnuts and Paper Shell Almonds, for sale by J a BUSKINS & 00., /OS 5. Delaware Avenue, bla Stock Board. FIRST BOAST,. :.~.:~ 500 eh Maple Shade 2'4 WO eh St NWliolas 2.69 290 eh Heatonvilleß b 6018,4" DAILY ~' _ _ i ~. L, _ _ _ __--~-s•~a~wa~~—mac a/~~r'... ___. NORTH, PENNSYLVANIA" .11 3.—THE .BELDPLE _ROUTE.— r -moo directiine to Bethlehea 'Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven Wllkesharre, mahanoy t 9, andval tanalehigh 'and WYni wing Coal Regions.• t ; ; ' Passenger Depots irtreet aboy_e Thompson, and cornerof -RRRRB and.AMMI3L CAN. al - roars. ' 1 • • SIMMER Aiiithrminexerri • ' NINE DAILY TRAINS. Oh and 'atter ItierdayadaY. Datlatie;Paaaengergralmi ieave the Depot, , street, aboye ThoixtpsOn, dailY (Sun follows : ATdays 7.30 A. Mo rning M. Express fbr. Bethlehem and and Principal, Stations on -,North: Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting: at 11 . th - With Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Catasanolatingtorr, MAXIM Chunk-Weatherly -Jermeeville r Hazleton, White Ha. yen Vikkosbarre, kincton;PittatOlfinnd all Wilts in Lehigh and Wyoming - &nee; also, in connecuon With Lehigh and Ifahanoy Railroad, for ~ MalurnoyOlty_i_and %Mk Catatalasa .Rallroad, for 'Rnpert, - Daavllle, Miltoxi and 'Win rnapert. Arrive - at. If spa' Chunrat MIS A. 24 - .• at WilketiWrre at 2.45 ' 24.; at' MahanoY City at 3 P. If. this WA. cart take the Lehigh Vdiloy Trate, passing_ltetbitheniat .12.1X1.H.T0r Bea ton and. points on' New jersey .oehtral Railroad to New York. „ . _ r AT 8.85 .1%; M.—Accommocudioni, lei,Doylostown, atonning at' all Intermediate 'Stations, Passengers' for Willow Grove, Hatboro' anditartaville,'hy,thia. train . take Stage at Old York _Road. AT le A:M.—Accommodation. Sri INit Washing. ton; stopy'at all intermediate Stations, 2.80. E Accommodation - for; D letdown, ' Mow ping at ' Intermediate stations. talce stage at Doylestown . for New Hope: . • AT LW P. M.--Evening Express foil3ethlehrari and principa3 Statiorur on the North Pennsylvania:BM% road,_ close connection at 'Bethlehem with Le high YalleY in forEaston r reaching there at 3.46 P. • _ Passengers . fez Plainfieldlioraerville and other points on New Jersey Central E.B.R take N. J. C. Train at EAllto ll ,3oltett =fives- 1 h Repo York at 10P.. If. Pas; =for Snmneyrovrn take-' atage at North Wales, Nazareth at Bethlehom and for ereenville a AT 'LIS P. M.—Accommodation, Sir rictylestown, mooning at all intermediate Stations. Pasemtgers ibr will - ow Stove; Hatboro' and Hie, take .stage at Abingtoni -forlainMenttlet - at Doylestowtr; ~, IAT 5.15. P. Amommodaticuai /sr Beth ehem and all Stations on main' line &North Petuisyl. !smalls BoWnsid, connecting at Bethlehem with T•Phigh Valltid!Brudirig Train km Allentown. 21.3 int% Ohinickt _ _ AT 6.15 P. IL—Accommeidalon, ior Linzdalef IstoP pins at all intermediate Btations, ASIIP. - 1L Accommodation_llFyort TRAINS FOB PECLEADELPHIA. Lowe Bethlehem at A. M., and 12.25 M., and iLIS • 1245 train makes direct connection with Lehigh ley trawl hom - Easton„ Wilkesbarre, Mahoney City, Hazleton, and arrives In Philadelphia at 2.80 P. M. Passengers leaving Wilkeebarre at 1.15 P. M.,connect it Bethlehem at &15 P. M., and arrive in Pldiatielphls at L4O P. M... _ LeaveDoylestown at SAO A. M. 11.15 and 5.80 P. X Leave i.nnaAele at 6 _A.DL Leave Bort Watatinaton - at 10.50 and r.TSP. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethielieja - at id. ar. -- Philadelphia tor Jctoylestown at 2.te P. M. Doxlestown for .I.ladelPhlit m at 7 .29 a- Mt • Betnlehem ibr Philadelphia att.So Fitth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars cony Pat angers to and fromiterks Street, Depot. White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line cony] kets t b T e Frocur ed a E t N tehpeo T t. tcket 0M oaa, TATILD str&t, or BERBB street, In order to secure the lowest tates of Earn. =SOB 0 1 N Eg, Agent. 1 41111.19.71'3 Basgaye Express win call for and deliver at the at._ 111=No. U 3 South TIMID street. mr2.l FOR NEW BS DEN A:tn) AZZY and P.m t T I VI: D TRENTON Ram ROAD COM. PANT'S LINES. from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from WALNUT BTRIZEP WHARF, at al leave as follows. viz: At 5 A. M., via Camden end Amboy, ACCOM. t 12 2a At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, 800 At 2 P. M. via Camden and Ar3Tboy Express, s 00 At 6.(0 P. N., via Camden to S. Arab: y, Accent. 223 At 6.00 P. M. via Camden and :Amboy Aoxim. 2d class... .... . . 180 s For Er6iii,-EvnaLs - _Pemberton and Vincentown . At SA. H., and 2 P. N. fa Freehold. At 5 and 10 A. M. 12 X. 4.5,6, and 11.2)P. IL. fir Flab House, rat znyra, Elverson, Progress. Delano°, BevmV, Edgewater, !keine: on, Florence. Borden =town, . Trenton. The 10 A. M.and a P.M. lines runs direct cub to 1.11 , 11. S FROM E.ESEMOTON DEPOT will leave 88 fOUOWII! .63 11 6.4.5 M and 12 P.X. (night) via Bennington and Jersey City 8iXpre5x......... 83 CO The 6.45 P. X Line wIU run Cady. All oth — e v ra — Sun. days excepted. AVM and 16.0 u A. IL 3, 8.80, LEO, 5 and 6,65 P. AL. and l2Wr mnight, fbr ltrinol. Trenton. &c. &Vl* and 10.16, .A. M., 13 5f., 3, and 6P. M. for Cornwelle,Trarisdale,Holm .TaconFAVisaine• ming Brideebarg and Franklin and at 10.15 sf. for Bristol. ISchenclui. Eddington and 8 P. M. for Ramesh= and intermediate Mations. BELVIDAB.E bELAWARIL BALLROAD, for the Delaware River Valley, Northern Penavlvania, and NOW York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through traps anus (SondaYs excepted) from Kensington Der pot, ea Ibllovos: At 7.80 A. IL and &SOP. M, for =ma Podia, &Li nd° Dunkirk CanandalguaFalarfs Ttlilar. Owego Rochester, Binghampton 03wMs, %Tama. areal Bend, Montrone, Wilkeabkre ' Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Enaton, Lambertville. Elem • ninon, dtc. The P. M. Line connecta direct with he Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk , Allen town. Bethlehem. Sr.. Ate P. M.tor Lambertville and intermediatellitations se For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken slngton Depot, tale the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars inn Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. On Sundays, Qmnibasses will leave War- nut street w harf at OP. 21. to conzett with 8.4.5 P. /t UTle. Fifty oof Baggage only, allowed each Fasten ger. Famengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing appareL All bNiatage over nay pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any errunillt beyond flee, ex cept by m edal contract. AFT zews baoOnge checked direct through to Berstan, Wore/Ater, 44)rirroteld, HostArd, -Yew Haven, Artrport Albany, Troy ar4 Saratoga. Gre.haires Baggage =pram win call far and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. S Wal nut stree t , _ or at No. =South Twelfth street. LEN3M FRObt NEW Witt( FOB. iIiILAIJELPHLA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street. at M. and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and Is A. X., 6 P', X. and /2Higlit via Jersey City and Ken• ongton. Yom Pier No. IN. River,at SA, M. and:, 4 P. X., via Amboy and Camden. WM. H. GATZ,XEIEt. AVM PELLA.D.DLYELA. ERMAN H. TOWN AND NOERTZTOWN • • TAla VP --On L 11.1". ex MON. DAY. may loth 1E66. *on GERMANTOWN. Leave Phillidelphle-9. 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12. A: )L; 1. 2, 810 ininutee, 81i, 4, 5, 6.1 4 , 6,7, 6,9, 10, 11, 12, P. IL • Leave Gerznantown--6. 7, 739.8, 8.9:0, 9, 10, U, L 9, A, M. 1 2,8, 4,4%, 6,6 g, 7,8, 9, 10, Ur: M. The 840 down van, and the AN and 15,U up Mini de net atop on Germantown Branch. ON 81INDAY13. Leave Plsiletielphia-41.10 mintme,A. M.; 2.3, o, 8 and lOC P. M. Leave Germantown--s A. NG; 1,4, 4,1. and Sed, P. i er CLEMSTNIIT 33n1L1 RAI T. AA . Leave Philadelphia-c, 8, es, 13, A. M.; 2, sm, ex, L 9, and IL P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10 minutes, 3, LW, and Mee A. A.; Le 3, SAO, MO, SAO, B.M, and 10.40 P. ON SUNDAYS. 1. Lamp paileetawaa-Ase minutes, A. X.; 3. d, and P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill—MO minutzet.A. M.; MO, 8.11 and OM miautas P. M. FOR OONSHOHOUHEN AM) NOREN3TOWN. Leave Philadelphia-4, 8.3501.05 minutes. A. M.; /hi 13,0 M, 8.06, and OM, p. M. and 8 P. Leave Norristmr-4sX.S , 9.50,9 . 11. it. IL; 136 QC elf DL' The tad P. M. train Will asp at School Laney Waken, • MiMaitulk. SpringM7Sl and Pan& 0n1y..• ON !SUNDAY& Leave Pialladelphie-9 A. M.. 2%. 4. and Di !IL Leave Nortistown-7 A.M.. I. a nd 5% aad9.P. M. Fox NANAYUNK. • Leave Philadelphia— e. LW, ILOS A. 214 MI it 436 156, 576, 8.05, and 1136 P Leave Manaynnx—e.Y. 11M. Ulf. A. M.; I, 0. eX and 836, P. M. 031 SUNDAY& Lowe Pldiadelpida-41 A. M.; IM 4. =Mg P. AL Leave Mana Vunk A. M. 136 6, and fui W.T._IN, General superunendero. DePO4, Ninth and Grecal meat& WRIST GE:ESTER AND PRELA DELPILLA. RAILROAD, VIA iffig i " l° SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and - alter MONDAY. June 4th, 1846, the trains will leave as follows: WEST amEsnut - Thauss; Leave -- Philadelphia fer West Chester, from Depot Thirty-first and .kket, street, 7.20 A. M., ILOO A. rd., 2.20,4.45 and. 7.00 P. Al.. ' Leave Watt Cheater ihr Philadelphia. from Depnt on R. Market street. 6.20, 7.20. /0.45 A.. M., LtS, 4.50 P. Al, Trains leaving West Cheater at 7.80 A.JIL and leaving. Philadelphia at 4.15 P. At. will not stop at Penneiton. and will stop below B. O. Junction at Media only, PENNELTON TRAINS. " Leave Philadelphia lin Pennelton 6.57 and 10.30 P. M. Leave Permeiton for Philadelphia 8.16 A. OL, 7.2.5 These Trains step at all Intermediate Statlons. QN BIINDAYS—Ldave Philadelphia at 8,80 As Al. and 2.00 P. M. • Leave West Chester MA A. Al and 5.00 P M. Till otherwise ordered a 'Maraet Passenger Train tdill leave West Chester for Philadelphia; on Tuesdays and Frldays only. at 0.45 P, M. 01S SUNDAYS—The West Philadelbhia Passenger cars' wil leave Eleventh and autraet streets, half-an hour- before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival oreaeb. train to conveypamengete Into the pity. . • Mains leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. and 4.4 e P. 31., and lea West Chester at 7.00- . A.- M, and 4.00 P. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. o.l4,ll..ibstilx,fbrd andintermediate %Mite. - oterraaMm/rers are allowed to take wearing Apparel naltaggage.atid the Company will not, In any :sese, be responsible for An amount exceeding one hum dred dollarsnnlees aspen/ahem/tract is made , for the mimes: f..II.EIgaY ., WOOD. General flanerintendent _ . , AND, DEL.A.WARB • BA. i• 'EtATLROAD COMPANY. t In and atier 'MONDAY, the 1 1 4th of MaY, trains or: this road will leave the Depot of the Cam den and Atlantis-Railroad Company, at Cooper's Point, CBE den, Express, for Long Branch, New. ork, and Interme diate stations; at 9.20 A. M • 'Freight, for New York and intermediate stations, at 2.10 P.M. • _ - -Mail and Eipress,' for New York, at 2.30 A. M. . Returning, trainetleave Pier 82, North River, .foot of Mime street. at 11.00 A. M.' and'4 00,,P. At and Pie .No. 8, at 4.15 P 1. No baggage taken at Pier No. 8. }are, to and from Nee York. $2, 00. xayl7 • • W. N. CLAYTON Stimislaadellt. t! „ ..._PilltlititaPiCALTllllll, l o, . ..__...._._ TRA OUIDE. ME - 1- BEADING RAILRoLD. GREAT TRUER LINN :R O Y Milau TO THE INTERIOR OF PENN. rTATArcITILE SITHTYLKE(L)L..SUSQUEIiLAN. MING V' ;TMIC NORM' NORTHWEST and She CIAN AI BL E t 43IIMMER ARRANGEMENT PAWNOR'S:a 'I"RAINS, June 4, .1866, ac (ken= Depot. TH/P.T :i.' 4 TIM and PhD* .011 . 1 k; ti at the fhlloeenr houra:‘ - • • MORNING ACOL•MODATIONS. • iAt 7.30 IL - for Beading and all Intermediate Sta 3 tions. • ;- MORNING • EXPRESS. • At 11.15 Reading, Lebanon. Harltilmillt Pottsville_ Pine Grove, Tamaqua, SunburY,_ Fort, Elmira, Boctuteter, Macao, _Suakin, Allen. 'town, Wilkeibime, Pittston, York . Ciarlltle,Ohanibers, kakre, RagentoWh, dt c., An. • - train connects at READING with SIAC• Zed Ivanisßailroad trains for Allentown, Aar l iait - Twith Reading and Oilurabisß.R.trainsfor Coined blaAc.; with, he Lebanon Valley, train for Harrisburg. Ac.; at PORT CLINTON with ' Oars wins* Railroad trains for Wallamanort„Lock Ewan; Elmira, An.. at gattlxigttllßG, with Northern Central, Cumberland I Valley, and Schuylkill and _Susquehanna.trains' for Northumberland,Vitillisinaport York, Obazilliereillrg, PlneDrove, dec._ AmumuNOON maximum'. • Leaves Philadelphia at B.M P. M. for Potts. vale, 'Harrisburg ae.:, connecting with and ; Ooltuxibiaß.R.tral ns for Colmnbia, dtc. • READING ALVOMMoDATION. .Leaven Reading at 8.00 A. M., ldbPPtt all wit7l4ll, 'dons; arrives in rblladelphla at 8.55 A. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M 4, Snivel.' In Trabia lleadln far ga P. M phlit — leaveXlALTlß - burg at 8.10 A. IL, and 'Pottsville at 8.45 A. arriving to Philadel • phis at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg : at 2.10 P. M.. and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriVinif. At Phlladelphheat OAS P. . • Harrisburgaccommodation leaves Reading at 5.30 A. M. and • burg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at • Reading.with Afternoon Accommodation south at 8.30 ; P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 8.10 P. M. Market train„ with scPassenger car attached ; lea ves Philadelphia- at. 12,45 noon Mr- Reading. ll way • atatloas; leaves RPM mg 11.111.. and Down and in a gtown, ; 12.80 P. M. for PhiladelPhia, a BO nd B all , way stations. • All the abovetraina run daily. Sundays excepted.' • trains leave Pottsville at . &co. A, M. fo r. • Phllad phis at 3.15 P. M ; leave Philadelphia, Reading at SAO A. M., returning from Reading at 4.21 . • CIEEEBTXR VALLEY RAILROAD. -Pull for Downingtown and Interrlediszepatnta take the 7.3 U and US A. M. 'end 5.00 P. IL trains ftvm Phliadelenek. retarding Dem Donmanjrtown. 63 6.35 A. and 12 BO NO05:. 4 • • • Bumriarpm vonP.mtirsticizt-Alsn) Leava New York at. 7. 9A. M.and 2.00 PfkL.passine Beading at 115, UM•itAL., and 1.49 PAIL and connect at PlarrlabVa n6 Pennsylvania. and Northern Central Railroad reas Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, WU. humus:mt. Baltimoro,dul... Bemraing, Elxpreest Train leavee n Nsbmit cm arrival taf PennWvanitt Rrpress fro argit.tet 3 and 9.06A.M.,015 P.M. passing Beading at and 10A2 A. N. and 11.30 P. M. arriving at New York 10 A. N., and 2.45 P. M. Bleeping Oars accom these trains through between Same, Clitrea4 unit, without change, Nail train forNeiv___York leaves Narrisbnrg at 2.10 P. IL Mall train for NANlubmv leaves New York at la Noon. • VALLEY B.AII.IIOAD. Trains leavePottavl te at 7, u. 90 A. M. and 7.15 P.M., ZOttlrallirfrOM Tamaqua at 7.85 A. M., and 1.40 and 4.15 P. M. Scaryiaccra. AMDSIIBRII EHAN A BAILHOArt. Trains leave Auburn at 7.50 A. M. for Mangrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Pliterrove and Tre mont; returning from Harrisburg at 3.20 P. ZeL and from Tremont at .7.05 A. M. and 0.25 T. M. TICILs Through first-class Selma' and emigrant akar to all the principal points in the North and W d C 71.111241.53. The fallowing deltas are obtainable only at the ce of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth eareet, Rhaadel hia, or of G. A. Nicot, General Superintend ent, eiOIinfUTATION TICILBTS, it 25 per cent., discount between any points desired far OrmiWes and arms. MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 2.,C00 miles,between all minim, at $53 5o sub, for families and firms. • SEASON TICKETS. For three, air, nme or •-velve mores, for bolder* rutly, to all polite at redu.ed rates. cmataymior - _ RPOiling On the line of the Road will be lurnhniee with half-faro cards, enUtlink the it.tvea and viva to tickets at . EXCITESION TICKETS, Prom Philadelphia to prhunpal station, good - for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Mize ar Thirteenth and 011110 W• streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above spat W ints tr illow ona the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad . FREIONT TRAIN& Leave Philr el ni daily at 5.30 - 1.. 12.45 noon and. 6 P. for , Lebanon , Harriabarg, Pottaville, Port Canaan, and po=ond. Mee at the Philadelphia Post 015ee Ear all places on the =ad and lta branr.hea at 5 A.. 111.-, and tar the win! elpal Mations only at 315 P.M. WEST JERSEY an mailed) -PP feet of Market street 1866 pper am. auaenclng THURSDAY May M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: &CO A. M. Merit fur Bridgeton, 1M4.131. &ail ALI Inter inedtate it i Tht it alit. %JO A. M. Mall for Cape May. stopping at WO Oll Oll l 7, Olambuso', ineLand and Ellaville, and all Manna be low Ellaville. Due 12.3 s M. ate P. accomodation fcr Cape May. stopping at Wtmdbary and tolassboro', and all stations below laFabaro'.. Due 8.161'. 3L P. IL Pakseuger, tor Bridgeton, Salem and all Intermediate stations. 6.00 P. 3S. Woodbury Accomodation. ILE CUR:NINO TRAINS. 'Leave Cane May 6.50 and 11 A. bL 'damn 7.00 A M.. and _3.50 P. M. PI.WfmM/W 9 M ll Mail Tleketoftfce in terry building, foot of Market street. TH.1 , 01.:6 11. t. KETS cau also be purchasal at Graham's B,Tgage Express Culke. No. iu2 South Twelf.ll sti eel, .ebliadelphia where orders are receiv ed fir Baggage, which will be called for and chected at residence. . Pretewill be received at second covered wharf be low Walnut street from 73. 41. until SP. M. Freight received at or before 9 A.M., will go forward same day. Freight delivered at g?..s South Delaware Avenue. J. VAN ItMSS6ELAN.R.Superootendent, 'PEE 'WEST JERSEY ESP' '.3IERS COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of Jkgengss Rua. Moo, receive, deliver, and forward, through ether re. sponslble Express Companies, to all parts of the coon. try, any article entreated them. A Special Messer.. W ger &campmate each through train. °d ice. No. 5 alnut street F."PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNAT/ BAILROAD • v:54v.i.:0:,,,1541)1t4:;!1•41t:*a:K..1_11/..tas Owing to the great distance saved by THIS BOMB the Government ban assigned to It the carrying of the S. MAIL to the Pzincinal Cities of the West and Southwest. — TIMER BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OP calls BETWPFN PR TT , AND CENCIINNATI, AND BUT TWO TO ST LOUIS. PASSENOERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO AND Er. LOUIE, ONE TRAIN A.DVANCE OP ANY OTHER R. • Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 11.50 A. M. will arrive at .Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodro fro CeleLrated Palace b tatellown Sleeping Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at midnight, a comfort never before adhrded to the traveling community. •Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA STEUBEN VLLLE,___" at PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Markethil Stree adelphia ts. P. EL F. SCULL, Oen'l Picket Art. Steubenville,, JOHN H. MIT .T.V l t- Oen't Eastern Pass. Art. 526 Broadwa7, New York. JOHN DURAND. Oen'l Supt. fees-tf Pennsylvania Railroad Office, 631 Chestnut street; and Thirtieth ant Market streets, West Philidel phis. • 1868.. PHILADELPHIA. AND Every RAILROAD. 1866. the' Northern and. North Atrgrest traverses wed mulatto of 'Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated by the Penxisyl. mule, Isailroad Company. num OF PASERNGER, TRAINS AT PRILADERPHX,44 Erie Mail ... Erie Express LEAVE WBSTW MID Erie Mall Train . —..—.... ...................... ..........9.00 P. ; Erie Express Train . --MOO M. Passenger 4 n throng - Ka iir•S - E•le Mall and Express Trains change, both ways, between Madelphla. an . . • 'ILK aONNICCTION. LeaVe New Tor • • A.:11., arrive at Ririe 9.80 A. M Leave Erie at . , arrive at New York 4.10 P. M Elegant bhp') on all Night Trains. For IW - ern:mho • :• peeling parkezierx busmess snit ' corner TECLaT 4: H And M.AREET streets."' delphia, • • And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: • *lig. B. Kingston. Jr., corner Thirteenth and Markel streets, Philadelphia. W. Reynolds, brie. 'gym. Brown, Agent N. R. R., Baltimore. H. H. uousToisr, General Freight Agent Philadelphia. w. tiwlNNg.R • - GeneralTlekat Age L. TYLER,nt,Philadelpia, A. - - General Raperintendent, Erie. - PHILADELPHIA_ & BALTI MORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.— GEMENTS.--13N AND AFPER MONDAY, March 19,1866, the Trains will leave Phila. &aphis, from the Depot of the We,st .Chester,& Phila delphia Railroad, corner orihirty-nrst- and Market Streets, (Wetit'Phllada, ), at 7 20 , A M., and 4.45 P. M. • , Leave•Rising Sun, at 5.80, and Oxford at 6.05 and leave Oxford at 8.25 P. M. • Till Tune let a Market' Train with Passenger Car attached will run on Tuesdays and Fridays.leaving The Ris ing Sun at 10.45 A. M., Oxford at 11.45 A.', 1 11„ and Kennett at '2.45 P. M., connecting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Philadelphia. On and after June Ist, this train will leave the Rising Sun at 4P.M., Oxfora at SP. M., and Kennett at SP. M. Marketing will notbe taken on Passenger Trains. The Train . leaving , Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. con nects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster comity. Returning. leaves Peach Bottom to connect, at Oxford with the Afternoon Train far Philadelphia:l The Trahileaving Philadelphia at 4.45 runs to Rising /pm, sSe Pari d. g_eni are 'allOwed to• take Wearilig onlyApParel las ftaggsg lat d the Company will not in any be responsib for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, and a a special contrast be made for the mune. Fiala HENRY WOOD. Gen'L •- _& - Y- -- JuNE 2$ 1866. TICKSIBIUNG 1210111}11:- . PHILADELPHIA.'' wirownre,; iONINWITON AND . BALT/MORE RAIL; TART. z -,Corernenelinr, MONDAY, April 16th,1866. - Trains wiU Depoi, corm:m.of 3 Bretsdetreet and Washington avenue, as follows: • atrratnPrain; at 4.15 (Mondays excepted), • -IWZtimers end Washington, stopping at Chester, gton, Newark, b lkton, Noressc,Perrylrille, Hatre.detirace, • Aberdeen, Perryman's; Magnolia, email and Stemmer% Run. _ • Nii , T. -Train, at. 8,15., A. M. (SunduYs • ex ; ), for Ealtimore,_stopping at all regular stations; be b etween Philadelphia andßaitimore, • • - • DelawareMß.Train,9.ooAMASundaY eguelltelo, fur 1 Princess Anne. Milford and intermediate stations, I Express _train at 11.45 A. N. (Sundays excepted) for Balore and Washington_ , • • Express Train at 8.00 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for, I Baltimore and- Washington, , stopping at Cheater, ; Claymont,Wiltningten, Newark, u'uoton, North-East, r Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, j Ed gewood,Magnolia, Chase's and Eitemmer'ullun. Night Express od, at 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash aatie.ugisra by - boat frhaa „Baltimore for Partials Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the 1145 A. M. Train. - • - WILMINGTON A.CCOMMODATION TRAINS, stopping at all stations , mington.. between Philadelphia and WU Leave Philadelphia at 9.00,11.16A.3LA80, 6.00 and Mai i P.M. • The: 4.80 P., M. train connects with the Dela warw,. e Railroad - for Harrington and intermediate sta. • ho . LeaVe Wiltaingtort 6.15, 8.00 and 9.80. A. M., 4,030 mid 6.80P.M, _ • Trains for Neweaatle leave Philadelphia at 9.00 A. M. 4.30 sad 6.00 P.__ THROUGH : TRAINS FROM. BALTIBLORB • --Leave WBlmington at 11.004.5 s and 10.00,P..M. oRrisTPICR. FOR PHILADELPHIA. , Leave Chester st 7.46, & 46,1014 and' MAO A.Tdo 2 43, 5.10, 7.26 and 10.86 P. 24. _ Prem Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 Ai M., WaT,MB I I. • 5 -10 A..No ExPre s B..._-L l O 6.85 M., Pixpresii. P.ll-.,A.orena. TraMs for ;Baltimore Mays-'Cloister •at 4.49 and 13.E3 A. 11.. and 8.98 P.M .Trains roe Baltimore ,leave 5,28, and ; *3 A. M.. and 4.16 P. 31.'"•• - • • - svtax i to ttallu 1 1 86 1 0Braresr attackedwM leave n ter Perr yville And intermediate station* es 3.e5 ...3c Leave Baltimore for'Sayre de-Grace and intermediate Stations at 4.45 P.M. Leave Perry- Wil mingtOn. and intermediate stations at 5.00 A. M. connecting at Wilmington . with the 8.00 train Mr Philadelphia. SUNDAY MAIM Mumma Train at 4.15 A. IL for Baltimore and Wash- Ington. stopping at Chester, Wilmington 'Newark, ilkton,-Northeast, .Haivrodo4l.l l aCe, Aber deen, Perryman's, Magnolia, Clums'a and Stammer's • Night Express 11iri P. DL for Etiltimore mid Wsah- Accommodation Train at had ger WilPal:10011 and .Litermediate Stationafr - BA.LTIMONE FONIGIELADELPHIJI. Leave...Balt:L=l*st gig P.M„ stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. _ Also stops at Elk ton and Newark (to take' passengers for P hlladeiphis and leave ggis from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to e patemopin from Beittitiore er Washington. Accomcdation train will leave Villnaington ibr PM ladelphia And intermediate Stations at &M P. H. H. F. KENNEY. Saperintendent. 17 • :4 • • z • • ' ;'• RAILROAD. r lIMMER ARRANGEMENT. The trains of the Pennsylvaxda Central B. B. lean the Depet at Thirty-first and Marketstreets, which is reached by the can, of th e Market Street Passenger lianas* running to and front the Depot.. The last car IeaVSS Trout street about thirty minutes, prior to the departure of each Train. ON 8132:DA1 a—Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets 45 minutes before departure of each to sin. Mass.'s BAGGAGE EMPRESS will call far and deliver Ilaggsge at the Depot. Orders left at the office, No. sat Chestnut street. will receive attention. TRAINS LEAVE APID ASSNS. AT DEPOT THUG: WAWA MAIL. TRAIN . LS 8.00 DAY 'FYPRESS - • " 10.00 • • PAOLI. ACCOM.. No. I - • - " 1.1.00 " PAST LINE do ERIE Iird:PRESS T " 32.00 HARRISBURG AC1X312.., • " 2.90 P. IL LANCASTER ACCOISL, . E 1. 4.00 •• PAOLI 0t.C01L.N0.51 - • "- LOO " ITSBUBGRA;ERIEMAn,*j, " 9.00 " PAOLI Agleam., No. - • • " • "PHILADELPHIA ILIO ozzxvx. CINCIENNATI t . 2,40 A, " Ar s PHILADELPHIA Dr 1 • U 7.10 PAOLI ACCOM., No. 1- " 8.10•• COLUMBIA TRAIN. • • " 9-00 " LANCASTER TRAIN • " " 12.10 P." PASTIME - - • • PAOLI ACO:M., No.; • • " LI LID O u DAY EXPRESS - • • " LSO " PAOLI ACCOM., No. 3. " 736 annivizttlitG At..1302C. " 9.50 " *Daily, except Sataiday. except Monday. .All other trains daily, except Sunday. iltunning Coronet Prom Ptuladelphls to Pitzaburgit aria Erie without change of car& SW'S DAY A caom.o.osrtoS Theme for Paoli and le termetilate etationsleave Philadelphia at 0.00 A.. X. and I.w returning, leave Paoli at 6.50 A. M. and 4.50 P. X. A TICKET WEB= Is located at No. at cheantrtareevichavrickete to au important points roar be procured, and full informs tam given by JOHN-C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent Also at , Thirty-firstand learkeistreeta,on application to Ts 08. B. PARKE, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An emigrant /Milt runs daily, except Stmaay. Pox tottratstlon sato mass nd aoccurunodations, apply to IMAM= FUNK, No. IN Dock =eel.. not SI The Pennsa Eau:road , will M= 11127 risk Ibr BairwAge ylvani , lbrlP -w Co ingApparel,and Mint their 1 esponotauy to One sr; In vlu. All Eiggage trawllng that, amen& to Take, be at the etskair the owner, urdees taken by special contract t. 1 . . A . LI; r ao, • rits AIHELPHIA. TO W*T.T.T MS. * • CHANGE ON CABS 17IA. CATA WI4..4A BouTE. On and after Monday, April 2d, 16 6 6 , through cars for Williarnsport will leave the Philadelphia and iteS6 ling Railroad Depot, Thirteenth and tiallowhill streets, at BA. ill. arriving at Williamsport at 6 P. M. and making close connections for Elmira, On Regions, Btußsio, Erie, Niagara Palls, Suspension Bridge and all places in the Western, North Western, South Western States and the Canada& • BROUGH TWEETS to all points can be Procured at the Company's office 425 Chestnut atreet, under Philadelphia Bank, oppoaite the Custom House, at the United States Telegraph Office in the Continental Hotel, axis at the Depot of the Philadelphia and Read Mg Railroad Thir: eenth and Callowhill streets. QIEIA & JTISTICES' PATENT DEAD-STROBECI POWER HAMMER—The unden , igned having be come sale assignees and marufacturers In tie State of Peuraylvanta of the above hammer, are prepared to Tarnish them at short notice and on reasonable terms. All communications from parties requiring hammers far use in Pennsylvania must be addressed to • m raniair.oxs 430 Washington avenue. Philadelphia. Circulars containing full information will be for. warded an application. ram itcii7m.AN. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, my&till • - No. 212 PEAR Street. - - Residence; 606 Dickerson sheet. •1005 Taylor street. Every descriptlen:of Jobbing promptly attended to. IC. KNIGHT & CO., WHOLIts GROCERS .13. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphLs. .Amta for the sale of the Prodnota of the Southwark sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Enalo House, of Philadelphia. lal4.Yr :AYES A. WRIGHT. THORNTON. PIKE. OLZIICEESS. 11111300 X. THEODORE WRIGHT. FRANK L. =ALIA PiMigEt. WRIGHT & isONS, Importers ofßarthenwsre, and ' Eib_lpping and Commission Mershants, No. Hs WALNUT Street, PhMsdolpials. P WORKS.-ON THE DELA J. WARE river, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTIMLI: Delaware counaw, Pa. Engineers and Iron Boat buiIderHEANEY, SON & CO Manufacturers of All kinds of CONDENBING . AND NON-CONDENSING GINO% Iron Vessels of all descriptions Boilers, Vata, Tanks Propellers, &c., &c. T. ENEY, W. R. REANEY, 8. ARCEMBOLD. f te Reaney, Neafe & Co., , Engineer I :la n Chief, Penn Werks. Phila. 11. S. Navy. T. yAIIGHAN MERRICK, WM. H. BLEHERTH. • . JNO. IL COPE. QOI:ITHWARII FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASH INGTON ErIBEETS. .LooP.BL Manniketure High and Low Pressure Steam Raglans for Land, River and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c, Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roo& for Gas Works, Workshops and Railroad Stations, &c. • Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Sugar.. Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Oper Steam Trains, Defikeators, Filters, Pumping Pin eines, &c. Sole Agents far N. Billenx's Patent Sugar Boling Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall &- Woolsey' Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. riAs FlxTumm.—ldieurzY- MERRILL THAOKABA, NO: 718 . Glints NUTstreet Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps,' ,tec, would Sall the attention of the public to their lam and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants Brackets &a. They also introduce Gas gPes into Dwellings and Publiolluildings; and attend extend Mg t altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. - riEPHILADELPHIA__ BIDING SCHOOL,- DURTH street, above Vine, will reopen Mr. tin Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. 16th Ladies and gentlemen dftirl= to wean a Morena knowledge of' this aconnahment will find every facility at this wheel The horses are, safe and weO trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddle horses trained In the beat manner. ' Saddle horses, homes and vehicle% to hire. , . Also. carnage* for MU) rats. CO oars, steamboata, Ao. THOS. CittAION & BON, 13.11I'Vy WIZIAS.-OWHEES OF PROPIERTY.Tht X only place to get Privy Wells • Cleazused and Diets. antel t aavm7lmwptham,, Manalaiotwar arPdadrette Holdamith's Hall; Library street 122 'el' ( Zl`tiPsm&iff.2ll47 1 oda DALLIVIT. CM I sist Walnut; ' BRENOR E.RUNES.-60 cases in tin A. canisters.' andtancy boxes, ImPOrted and' for u by JOS, B. Bussua_a oo 103 Bonin Daimns. avenue N. VA NHORN. Passenger Agent. sst~wuv tAIiI . PRMADBLPHIA. _ ME,IIIIICIC &•SO% Num3 aIMUINEERS AND MAO ~., :x. i~> ^~l~. . - 51111 -_ ~.~: i .VOICINIk: W. ItPAW, Via Delaivard and ThiMan Canal. the /*Madelpbfa Steamboat din Steam : . Pittpeticra leaye WILT' tra pIitSTIVIWLE - 13;315ni *AlarailTiiiiet matting dttuiin.24 HOLM& • This Lite connects witiPiat triorthern and:a:sift Transportation Companion. Goods fOlTTlLecidl:. al_ptonts free of commission; • • , , eight reCeived at lowest rates. • WM. P. MAMBA Ce."Altenta, 14 South Wharves I , M A JAS:'HAND,Asent. n'r.Wall street. New-Torlor FOR BANANNAIi.. GA. - - THE :PHILADELPHIA; AND; EOM' , AIL STEAMSRLP. COBCPANY'S REGO - Lk , LINE SAILING EVERY OTHERSATURDAY, - The-Enc. new steamship TONAWANDA.— Cabck in Paiaage. De -!• , The steamship TOXAVer — ANDA, - .T:Teld,OonaUlands will commence receiving freight for the above port July Sth, and se RACE street wharf oaTEDRSDAy on SATURDAY, July 7th. at i° A. ilis of Lading wil l Shippers are requested to send B theirgw(ll. t The State Room accommoda tions ' his are of a superior and commodious ch arac ter Freight for CH A RvarliTON, can , _ be -• fi warded via SAVADRAHmith .11 , ,rt rea W-7 - - rL B:IPLANAGEACT, President, 420 South Delaware +wenn% • , :or Fallafrelghw.°"tary: 115 1-13 4 Tr aIn m ut u str rer eet.. Je4 1 -• , _not sommitsTi A'AS ann, -,- Pitf'r 2 0 /ZONALiCH - PORTEVXSY:FIVA".D4 • FROM=PINE ST: WILA.P.P4'PHISADMILPSLI, 4.ISD -LOWS IiaLARI.BOSTON. , _ pSAXON. caption tititthetve;wou from e steamehl Philadelphia breSatiirdalyStuiti 30:at to A. M. The- steamship NOBILAZie PaPtairtivowelli will from Poston on Tuesde.y—lbly 3, st. it hi._ The IM' between. Thiladelphht , !old Bollitlie id tie , t pommeled of the• z' • ROMAN , Co lit4lllß 0 1 1A - ak4ar. 2 4 BB tOlill tu ZL -SABON;thtptautidatthevot, A:5O tune b • 1 .-= , NORMAN, Captain Ctrowell,l,2lXitOnikroxtkeiV - These _ substannal and Neil appointed •stearnahl will sail ..ptincteudly as advmMied, aniLikeight ism ' received every dan :stmet".. being: 1 /4woYll On th, the Shippers . are requested: requested to send Bills of Lading with - Por i = of passitge having imperils; aecomm.. Cons, apply to. . _ IMMIX --Wlrit343B . * CO.; jot?. . Stil South Delay/are avenue. FOR WILMINGTON,' The PhiladelPhla and Southern "lite steamsnip Compan,y.—Regnlar -Una sailing •av • other SaturdaY. - The tine new steamship PIONEER,. Captain P. Rorie, will commence'receiving freight forthe abo port at RACE street wharf, on TRIIIISDAY, Jun 28th •' and sail on SATURDAY, June 30th, at 10 A. Mt. The State Rooms of this Steamer ma of a commadions and superior character. Shippers will please send bills of lading with nisi, goods, as none will be signed after the vessel leavei f. • STEPHEN FLANAGAN, Pmddent, 420 South .Delaware avenue. For freight or passage. apply to • D E INI<I/E3, becretary and Treasurer, . 115 Walnut street Consignees at Wilmington,WOßTH dr. DANIEL j • FOB SAVA/MAIL GEORGlA.—Pioneei Line.—A finst-elass steamship_ leaves PIE. I 80. 4 B orth Elver, New lora, every B.A.DAY a he above port. Cabin imasage, ?LS. ' i'l Freight 10 cents per foot, SOcents imr barrel. Goods from Philadelphia and other points by any trans rtatlon line, and promptly farwardet free of co n. Apply to ' LlSVae L. SON-g .: i 13 Broadway, New JOHN H. AT W e 00. a Jet-ljyl 5 Walnut street, Philadela Agents In Savannah. Messrs. Hunter et Gamme. •Ani PHIDADHL.PRIA wear OBSOLIC - - The me of thislase Insole at the it: j 1 Mark reser and sail rearly h u m the Mut Wharfs: I et street, every • • • - WEDNEED&Y 111:111134TIXRDAT: . . Oormeating with Railroads /ram Pi and City Point, terming the most direct route alik ,l South and Southwest. - For Mt or parisoco, room Mort a.. • • Com tO WM. P. OINDIt CO • It North and Booth Whom, - 'BMW NOLPBXES x:-an All , dRD : Georgetown and sira shing„. marmite and ware Canal . with conned' aY Alexanthlsy Va.; form the' moot direct rents:' Lynchberg, ZnoxvMe r NaahviDs, • Steame' leave Bird NlTlutrf above Market every Wednesday andlialtuday at lit P r freight apply to the ag ent P. MAME a it North - J 8 Davidson. Agent arSeargetearn; Agenla at Alexandria. sapFOR NEW YORK. — Philadelphia .13*: Propeller OempanE—pergottch ant e s sure es, via Delaware and isantan Canal— daily at 12 M. and 5 P. AL, cowman with all Northern and Eastern Lines. For freight, which will be taken on aseemmod_ terms, apply to mhl6ll NNW TOW-130/iii LINE. NNLA WARN and CLECILSAPA Se W-BOAT COMPANY. • BARGES towed to and from PITILA_DIMPL HANRE-DE-GRMION, BALT2dOI33, WASH= TON. and intermediate points. MS. P. CLYDE & OCR_ ,__Azilat rie No. 14 South Wharves, rnuadelpsn, Captain JOHN LATIOIEWN, Bunerintendent. gg FOR RAN FRANCISCO. ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER vile ..i SAILLNG REGULARLY AS ADVERTISE - 1 t for this Line sent US New York by Mr Sure re l re at reduced rates, , e The splendid Al extreme clipper &hip r RING EIS • Harding, Commander, RA' Is now tal ing in the balance of her car ' Pier 11 East fever, and having large en , .ents shippers may rely on prompt despi .., For fMight, at reasonable rates. apply to , BISHOP:, SON A a saFOR FREP3HT OR OHARTER.—AI Br KATHLEEN. Williams. master, 490 top ester and 6.sombhts. flour. At Br. bark JAN ET. an 0n,.. master. 280 --- ter and keno bide. flow. • . _ _ Al Br. hark BALTHAI3ABA, maatii tons register and 2,500bb15. flour. A 2 Br. brig IDA, Thealng, master, 210 tone re and 2,600 bbla. capactlst A. ri AW to BOUDEIR. ap2l 3 Dock stre CX et w kiFOR PROVIDENCE. R. L—Express Tbe fine 'regular packet schooner EAGLE. Captain Kelly, will be despatch , the above port in a few days. Freight' remit; second wharf above Market street. Apply 14a Ds_ COOPER. ls Nortb Wharves. . • FOR EtthsTON, Ydeas.—Mapresa Lan fine schooner G. W. BAWLEY, Allen is now loading for the above port at de street *hart, and will have premot cieepeteh.i freight. APPLY' to DAVID COOPIER, Wharves. . WANTED.—A Vessel of about 100 1 1 : 1 Lumber, to carry timber from:Denton, Ift Wilmington, Dal. Apply to DAVID WV' 113 N. Wharves. . • ay STEAMSHIP SAXON,-"FROM BOSTON.i- 4 Menem of merchandise. Per above. Inainiefr , pplease send fir thelr goods. now lands at, pine e Wharf. (ie2631) - HENRYR dtc AS. Ei.eNteanalat,snooeseor so MEN affterm • SONS, Ball Makers, No , 800 North .1111M 3 'i re - Avenue, . All work done in the beet mum and on sue .11 , and m ati ost favorable term, and warransed SO 1011;. Particular attention given to nroalrhsy . 12* 411 DOSE LEAVES WANTED Highest cash a; J..t given ior fresh ROBB Leaves; by 11.1ECARLE SON & CO. Wholesale Druggists, - corner Severe Market streets. - RS BRUSH, WRITING AND LITE GE.NCY.- - =Dopylng done - rapidly, add menta .written, business letters answered Pr , and confidentially Writing of all kinds at =,^ at the shortest notice. Literary matters will ' i e i si p ti t tl . _ al ter f e t l i . 0 1:4;. D. ls l 3kratli, ,stree 413 pt Brvadway, New York. • - - - • A GENTS WANTED SOH ..OAmpAIGIO .414. -THE ABBEY OF-THE POTOMAC." By AY Swinton. The Standard History of the "Grand + The greatest work on the War. Universally er' by army odium and the press: Sand for eircnF see our terms - AddrEss ;National Publishing Minor street. Philadelphia. Pa TROZ.EAS ei. , DECON BONS, 141 ; 4 ur tat eEms Andlmlk. .12Latiln • Opplite ReaW7.l.lna. . /AM-DOWN. rAi olA il mh at " And PPICE other G, RATES, ITEM Anthracite . F,ltnmlnops an d Wooa weßni-Ant Pin W 3 = 1. 1 . 1 : 0%10 arulTrivata Ball • VIINTILLTORS ORTICRET-CAPB_ COOKING RA T __,o2/1313 13ATIC-80UR3303. 0011 and RETAIL.„ Rum 110P2 AND TWER - st 10.1cmr IVNAMIER 193NeribtWites Meet, • El NOM &WM, lamb Ti 411 i At Noon: 1 2 3 MI Idg(C No.l32l6Dreav 05 Arch airo. WANITS. AND HEAL
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