'1,4• First Page) - melee flommissionere Ilamenron the 18th. say the fate of the Ministry will be de- • 0 7 * - 4 ': are determined to at ''.`' evvernment. Intelligence. 16 - Breadstuffs— Flour .1 . 2 • :Q.; . 777 er for sacks • Wheat a d - ; .? ;;. , ,,&e... e '• of winter red at 103 6d ,•'11:•, to 6dtlower on the week. to 29e 3d. Frtir - -.i.!,,••"••!:, 4 fir Mer. Pork advanced dy,:.. Lard inactive and pier at 41 to 445. iek,- at 29s 611 ',to 40s. t• 401 ‘Ride steady. Cakes quiet ••• . Spirits of Turpen :/,.r.t,' - quiet at:ll4 it d to 2s. - —Breadstnffs firm. ; ,steady. Coffee steady. Petroleum steady. E . rilf 4 l . declining.' • .i.3l4ales of cotton to-day market is quiet • and un •,•; • ':•:"tatc - easier.. Sales to specula .;; 1,000 bales. ;`; •,, Vim. Pro Visions steady. money 864@861; U. 8. 5-20 s -6 • .is Central 74.1@757e Erie 40i. • • ISVierjr - ' ilattrnlN• • Y ALMS HOUSE.—We give has coat us no small amount of &a of one of the most mu . der the control of ''.4411t j'atablishmelita ld u t every tax pa yer tyiand one in :.whic h for to be,' deeply .: interes ted—th e tithe Philadelphia Alms, Blockl ey. 43 ;Kf of bread, not a'grain'of salt, tea, eat; in ' short everything from a - - or a spool of cotton, upward, Yea from, this building. The ap I t t I I for the current year 1866, were f ; `37 which are thus distributed. " Department, $35,650 00 eaa ~t „, . 8,760 00 • L'7l Is*yittin, " , Q 7 g ' E 17 .0 r ~rr. wring Department, erallv. - 1 800 00 00 40 Blockley estate, 20,850 00 not.include out-door ex- 4.14.0 :x 0.. • , , k f out door poor, - ` - VitioPriations f'or repairs to Fs drains •dm - - 10 , 000 00 i . - - - - - - $447,3500 00 •-,Vl6istore through which the larger por . '; (this large amount is sent out through . i: ho use , drugs and coal excepted, is situ t* .s:*thin the,area of the building, imme „-- yadjoining the "Insane Department,” ' - itite'the bakery as its eastern neighbor. tia'opeiled every morning at six o'clock, .. - ixt - April Ist to October Ist ; at six-and-a -.i r - A:M. from October to April. The Ore-keeper has the entire management of ~ t ;department, subject only to the regula dint-imposed by the Guardians of the Poor; • Auty being to • receive allarticles, ex .l3p.xonly the products of the garden and irintended for the use of the House. .0 - labor of distribution is very onerous, : a bout five-eights of the whole is corn -• . "-of separate orders, all of which are ~'":: tly sanctioned by the . Steward, the ilaikitikiLY.elltit ers amount to very many thousruids,and ; ppertaining :to the Insane Department, i first submitted to the Resident Physi •.,,in matters of female apparel to the t r - .ns, and receiving her sanction pass to Steward, without whose approVal . . g can be delivered. There is a great ~, of red tape and circumlocution aboat t - , but still it is a necessity. diet orders are filled In a simliarman , t• are. those for clothing, the separate : ` t likewise comprising many thousands, b.. - - th eft . ..14 .1 firk a rkergfIg ,- - yoivery Mosauty and Thursday, dame t . e hospital, twelve in number, are an ticated daily. here are likewise about fifteen other de .• ents, situated in what are called the t, Wards" at the Almshouse proper, have their separate "clothier's books," 'lrish the several nurses,or ward keepers tr their wants. These orders, as well as • . there, must receive the sanction of the and before they can be filled. .• the arrival of goods purchased by the ' . committees, they are immediately carefully examined, . and if found cor , a proper receipt is given; a most rigid veillance being observed as to the sup .. and - actual quantities received. he average amount of bread received delivered - from the store numbers ut 15,000 loaves a week. The beef con i ed daily, which is sent through the house . an adjacent building. though the ac . is are brought to the store to be charged, , bout 1,500 pounds per diem, while all mutton, 175 pounds daily is especially vered by the storekeeper or his assist :. The number of persons actually en to in this wearisome and seemingly er-ending work, are the storekeeper, a k, a distributor, and two assistants, one • • horn is colored. The storekeeper and • only receive salaries. When one takes Consideration thelact of the immense :bar of-human beings provided for in department—at onetime last winter, ess than 3,573, and to-day, 2,873, the of storekeeper is by no means a sine especially as that official adds to his es the Clerkship of the House. RIMY CLEANING .—The City Councils , raittee on Street Cleaning yesterday ad tett a communication to Mayor Mc ". iet, in regard to the condition of the • tts -of the city. •An inspection of the them District was made on the 12th, of the - Southern District on the 19th. Southern District was found in a good lion: ',ln regard to the Northern Dia 1, the Committee say: "Our visit through OtNarthern District satisfied us that the ; y complaints - from that quarter were • fbunded. The upper portion of that '.. et was in'a most filthy condition ; so .. .1 . fl i a t eNli so, that it is g our deliberate judgment :.•:.: eleyk i f h ' • ik ni. l a • -Jr streets. In the personal inspection of . - Committee we found inlets stopped up, its in a filthy condition, many of which - not been cleaned even once, and gene complaints of the non-lifting of the " The Committee adopted a resoln requesting the Mayor to annul the con - , tif 'Smith it Hill for the Northern Dis t& the city. * •ID • 'ON THE POLICY 'DEALERS.—A d'of „policsmen under charge of High ble Clark yesterday made a descent an establishment in Harmony -court, to bensed for selling lottery policies,. sted - John T. Collins, Daniel Epley, , • - fainting, Elwood Lukens, Charles k'• - Joseph Solomon i Henry Creamer, er Watkins,CharhisCarpenter,Charles - , ea. T. M. Miller, who is also alleged t.en in 1 flame '• • : -. it ' e lisong I w d 1 ift#l‘l ,' . ay: afternoon . berm)* Mayor Me ad. Testimony was elicited to the ef , : t the parties were all concerned- in way . carrying on the lottery-policy , ess, occupying the position of , writers,. messengers, dui. A number of them engaged in writing and adjusting se : when the police entered. A large . t of "policy books," United States .-• t, letters, blank books,drawings,dra., • ere captured and removed to the Cell , • tion. ' The principals and clerks' i -' din $l,OOO bail each for trial, and t,. ~ engers,who - were lipys,in their own 7.. izinice as witnesses. - ; ONAT.4:—Mx. Alonzo M. Vitt, the Vice of Italy at this port, was among the • ,gere per steamer Scotia, which sailed 1 .pe yesterday. BIZZEI FERE EN 11111 EIGHTEENTH WAnn.=-Lt, ad eyening, sbout eight o'clock, a fire occurred in a large three-story brick structure, at the corner of of,Vienna street and Girard Ave nue, in the Eighteenth Ward. used for manufacturing purposes. The flames , z ginated In a one-story frame attachm - occupied by Mr. Boggs, chair-maker, ti extended to the main building. The' 4 base ment and first floor were completely burned out and the machinery was greatly dam aged. The upper stories suffered consider ably by water. The occupants of the building, with their losses, were as follows: Easement—Mr. Hammond brush block maker. Loss.sBoo. No insurance. First floor—Hibbs & Sexton, washing ma chine manufacturers. Loss $2,500. Insured for $1,600. Fowler & Brother, box manu facturers. Loss $2,500. Partly insured. Second and third storlea—Mr. Whittaker, shoddy yarn manufacturer. Loss $2,500. Partly insured. The loss of Mr. Boggs, the chairmaker, was $3OO, with no insurance: A. building on the north, occupied by John F. Forest & Co., manufacturers of cotton furnishing goods, was badly da maged. Loss $2,300. Insured. , • The real estate belonged to Samuel Coughlin, whose loss is estimated at $3,000, upon which there is a partial insurance. Rurr.—A riot occurred on Tuesday night in the neighborhood of Second and Reed streets, which lasted for some time, and in which pistols were discharged and stones and brickbats thrown in seeming utter dis fegard of life. Several persons were in jured. • Thomas Reilly, li ving at No. 29 Reed street, was struck in the face, and as he stepped backward caught by the heels and dragged into the street. Mrs. Reilly received a blow on the arm with a black jack. Thomas E. O'Riley, a young man living at No. 1321 South Front street, was also badly beaten about the head and face. Joseph Kairns, living at No. 1322 Otsego street, was also pounded about the head - and breast. One pistol ball passed through the door of a public house kept by. Robert Barns, on the corner of Otsego - :.d Reed streets, lodging in the opposite wall. An drew .T. Hargesheimer, a member of the Shiftier Hose Company, and living at No. 319 Carpenter street, was taken to drug store, and had a rifle bullet extracted from his knee. ArToTaza. Fraxturtes 'PARLDE.—The Vigilant Fire Company, which has been on a visit to Chicago, will return to the city on Saturday evening. The arrangements for the reception of the company were com pleted last evening. Twenty-two compa nies willparticipate in the procession. Chas. Major, of the Perseverance Hose Company, was elected Chief Marshal, and William J. Gilbert, Hope Hose, Wm. F. McCully, Hi bernia Engine, B. K. Aftlick, Empire Hook and Ladder, and George T. Reese, Assist ance Engine were chosen Division Mar shals. The route of the parade will be as follows: up Walnut to Fourth, down Fourth to Christian, thence to Ninth, up Ninth to Pine, thence to Fifteenth, up lipteenth to Green, down Green to Sixth, down Sixth to Race, down Race to Front, and there dis miss. • - 33,090 00 60,200 00 THE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' HOME.- The Ladies' Committee of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Sixteenth and Filbert, ten de; their sincere thanks to their friends for the very liberal supply of fruits, moneys, cakes, 417.. c., donated to the Home on the 19th inst. Through the generosity of the public, they were enabled to give a handsome en tertainment to the inmates. There are at, present in' the Home one hundred and fifty men, forty of whom 'are under medical treatment. Jellies and delica cies suitable for the sick, also old muslin and bandages, are much needed, and the ladies rely upon thegenerosity of the friends of these worthy veterans, to supply their pressing wants. The house is open daily to visitors from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. INTERESTING CEIMISIONL—The corner stone of the Church of the Incarnation, Rev. Joseph D. Newlin, to be built at the south east corner of Broad and Jefferson. streets, is to be laid at five o'clock this afternoon. The preliminary services will begin in the chapel. Rev. H. J. Morton, D. D., Chair man of the Standing Committee, will per form the ceremony of placing the stone in position, assisted by several clergymen. The design of the edifice is a grand one,. and it will be a noble .. .feature of that district of our city. The interior will be of a cruci form shape, and is adapted to seat one thou sand persons. The material is to be Leiper vile granite, relieved wtth cornices and or naments of brown and Pictou stone. The ceremony will be most impressive. FLAGS FOR THE Founizt.—The indica tions are that the coming "Fourth" will. witness the greatest display of fiagei, streamers and promiscuous bunting deco rations ever made in Philadelphia. The "Great Depot," fof supplying these articles, as will be 'seen by their card elsewhere, is at Messrs. Wilson di Hutchinson's 418 Arch street (formerly Evans, Hassal & Co.) We may add, in thiaconnection, that the new firm of W. ct H., while it brings with it the honorable prestige of the old firm, is evi dently determined to sustain as high a reputation for energy and business enter prise. The present business of this house In flags is immense. PRESS CLUB,—At the stated meeting of the Press Club of Philadelphia, yesterday afternoon, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President—Thompson Westhoff,. Vice-Presidents—William V. McKean, Dr. Julius Hein. Recording Secretary—Wm. H. Fisher,Jr. Corresponding Secretary--Jolux M. Grier. Treasurer—Casper Sonder, Jr. Board or Directors—E. W. C. Greene, Jno. D. Walloon, Albert W; Frick, D. Brainerd Williamson, Lewis Wain Smith, Frank Sheppard, Wm. M. `Minkel, Lewis Ash mead, Ernest C. Wallace. • CAPT. HARRINGTON'S FIINERAL.—The funeral of Capt. Purnell Harrington, of the steam tug E. A. Souder, took place yester day, from his late residence, No. 35 Wash ington avenue, Second Ward. The funeral proceeded to the, cemetery of the Wharton Street Methodist Church. It was attended by the Enterprise Lodge, No. 201. of Odd Fellows,of which the deceased was a much respected and hsnored member. The ship masters in port, merchants and others, also joined in the funeral train, to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the memory of the lamented deceased. ATLANTIC CITY.—We yesterday noticed the opening and the change of proprietor ship of the Surf House at Atlantic City. We may add that the United States Hotel opened yesterday, under the able• management of Messrs. Brown dr. Woolpper. Dodsworth's band has been engaged for the occasion. Congress Hall is also open—having _been renovated, painted, papered, &c. Mr. G. W. Hinkle, the proprietor, has engaged a fine orchestra for the season, and the hotel will undoubtedly do a fine business. ASSAULTING A. Boy.—Jonn McMenamin was before Alderman Jones this morning, upon the charge of having assaulted Frank Carlin, aged- 15 years, who resided in the same house with him, No. 1214 Silver street. It is alleged that the defendant seized the boy and threw him into the street. Carlin struck, upon his head, and received a serious gash. McMenamin was committed for,trial. CONTRACT ANNULLED,—The ' contract of Messrs. Smith dc Hillfor cleaning the streets of the Northern District of the city, has been annulled by Mayor McMichael, in ac cordance with a request from -the Street Cleaning Comtnittee of City Councils. The fact will be officially communicated to Councils this afternoon. ALLY EVENING BULLETIN ; THE' EASE BALL.—A new slab, called the Monte. Cristo llase Ball Club, has 'been or ganized in the Fourteenth Ward. The offi cers are; President. C. W. Warner; Vice President, F. Smith; Secretary, A. Phillips; Treasurer, W. Carr. All communications must be addressed to the President, No. 1131 Vine street, or , to the Secretary, No. 1032 Clive street, Phila. DROWNED WHILE BATHlNCL—johnSmith aged seventeen years, belonging to Harris burg, and employed on a train on the Penn sylvania railroad, went into the Schuylkill, near the -Round House, on Tuesday night, to bathe, and was drowned. 's His body has not yet been recovered. • CRESSON SERIN es.—The Mountain House, Cresson Springs, on the summit of the Alle ghenies, is now .opert for guests, and has rooms to accommodate all visitors who may salve. It was reported that the house was full, but this is an error, as will be seen by the advertisement. - CHARGED WITH SHOOTING.—John Dempsey, charge 44 with having been con cerned in the shooting of James. MeCrad den, liquor dealer at No. 758 South Eleventh street, about four weeks agog was arrested yesterday, and after a hearing was com mitted to answer at Court. - PROFESSIONAL Corm:errEn. Barney Malhenney, alleged to be a profwsional thief, was, yesterday committed for ninety days by hdderman Beitler. He Was arrested on Saturday night last on a passenger oar at Ninth and Chestnut streets. aannnssrntss.—This morning about three o'clock, the dwelling of Geo. Fow, on Marlborough street, below Girard &venue, was slightly damaged by fire. The flames were caused by a candle, which a servant had left burning upon going to bed. READING Room FOB THE " BOYS IN Bzrz."—The City Executive Committee of "The Boys in Blue" have opened a head quarters =d reading room at Eighth and Walnut streets. UNANED.—It has been recorded, and never disputed, that at a critical period Holland was taken by the Dutch. And probabilities fever the conviction that in the same way Ireland might beim. sassed by the Irish, through opinions differ •as to whether that result can be accomplished via Canada However. there are a few undoubted truths yetleft In the world, one of which is that the nest and cheaper coal in America Is sold by W. W. Alter, No. 957 North Ninth street, and Sixth and Spring Garden streets. StnwowNs down in price. 75 cents for a Sundown Hat. Sundown's at 1142 and upwards. Sundown's stall prices. Get a Eundown for evening wear Anyhow. get a Sundown. . them at the great Sundown Hat Store, Which Is under the Continental Hotel. - • CHAS. OAKPORD SONL MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT.—There have been few articles disrovered which have contri buted so much to the relief of the suffering as the cele brated Mexican Mustang Liniment. For the speedy and effectual cure of sprains, sores, scratches or galls of horses, burns, bruises, or rheumatism, there is nothing comparable to it in the e tire range of the nuiferia medtea. The genuine article has the private United states stamp of Dames Barnes Co. over the top, For sale everywhere. SPOTTED LIKE DOMINOES.—TiIe teeth soon become speckled if every defilement is not re moved from them every twenty-four hours. To do fhb effertually there Is nothing like ensodonL It lit. erally renders the enamel by pervious sad Indestructi ble. - BEWARE OPVITAT/02,113. GAS COOKING STOW I. Cheap and efficient ^ 4 The house always ca= - atannual R . 119 Borah Tenth irtieTn; corner Co Lklin. Bur roux BosToN CREAN Mscurr 0. Byron Morse, 904 Arch street. FiItEWORKS.—No more wonderful and beautiful fireworks are sold than Magnesium &pirate. They make a light. that can be seen for miles around and are perfectly harmless. Wholesale and retail. Wilson and Rood, 626 Arch street. "THROUGIR TATTERED CLOTHES SMALL Vies Snow." the greater the reason tor wearing such GELITIMI — % SUITS, Bows' CLOTXCLNG, SIIMILICE Getuararrs, AITABEL BKADY-MADE, Oa MADE TO ORDER, AT THE BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL OF ROtIR'Ff my, WILSON. 013 45: 605 CEISSTNIIT STltarT. Gnovzsa. (16 BAirea's Highest Premium Elastic Stitch and Lock Stitch Sewing Machlnee„ Chestnntetreet. FOR A DELICIOUS GLASS OF SODA WATER, as cold as lee, drawn from porcelain-lined fountains, stop at Btackhouse's, Eighth and Green. Hoop SICUtTS, of' Hopkins' i own make," have no equal; wholesale and retail. No. US Arch street. "lubricative steam engine packing, for terms see 723 chestnut at., phila., and 28 dey et, new York.' Suistatmt DEmenTs—Among the many pleasant sensations incident to the summer time there Is none more peculiarly delightful than that which we experience whilst enjoying- the refreshing I off !lexica of that delicious beverage. Ice (seam Sods, all the more so when drawn from the porcelain. lined fountain and flavored w±th the fresh fruit amps of HARRIS ULMER, at their store. B. E. corner Tenth and Chest nut streets. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.— J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can'be seen at his office, No, 519 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to ac. company their patients, as he , as had no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes Imes ed. No charge made for examination. earuswurlmms. Atthe Chestnnt to-night Bryant's Min strels offer a capital programme,. the per formance being just long enough to be en tertaining without being wearisome. We may say the same thing of Mr. Robert Heller's entertainment at. the Arch. His programme has been changed and many novelties will be presented. Also we can say "ditto" in the case of "The Naiad Queen" at the Walnut. This, as we have already stated, is . Signor Blitz's last week at Assembly Building. Only three evening and one day performance remains. Let not the hint be lost. , Suits of Walnut Parlor Furniture IN OIL OR POLISHED. Geo. J. I - lenkelis, Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 232 CARTER EII'REETI ITRomne Work &A I Mllhalting promptly ) DOS BPftl~T . 417 j .1 attenyl7-I.lded 4 anP_ 'CLOSING O _ UT OUP LABOR STOOP OP • CA.II.II,TA.GFES AT BEDI7O3ID PRIM. J. S. COLLINOB & BONS, ickyBl-2n2 rpf 625 ARCH Street. HATS, STRAW GOODS, ETO., TOLTAIK, AT WHOLESALE PRIM/ Barnes, Osterhout, Herron & El. E. cos. Fourth and Chestnut Bt., are now dosing out atretall their extensive stock of Spring and Summer Hats, consisting of Straw, kelt,etc., of the latest styleS and improvements,: At Wholesale Pkoes. , Those in want of goods of this description can BANE at least ONE PROFIT by Purchaslng here, jeepam rp PHILADELPHIA, THUR.SDA. MEDICINES. RILETIMATISM / • • - GOUT, NEURALGIA, ASTHMA. A .'CURE WARRANTED, (or:motley refunded. You risk nothing by trying it.) Used Inwardly. The following wonderful Remedy an the PO9I TI'vE CURE of lIHRUMATISM, GOUT, ASTHMA and VICURALGIO, was discovered after the study and practice of a llfw time by Dr. J. P. FII'L ien, one of Philadelphia's oldest practising PhY• • sicians. who has made - these (Menses a specialty and having Dilly. • tested its remark able curative powers for a numter•of years, now offers It to all afflicted and sulTerinewith the liberal con dition that if any case can possibly be found that its infallible power cannot overcome, he will refund to such case or cues the amount paid by them in the trial of this remedy. Incredible as this Offer may seem, • the Proprietor knows foil well from experience the merits of the remedy and the safety:of his offer. It contains no Marcary, Colchictun, Minerals, Me tale nor anything Inittrious. Price 32 00 per Bottle. Prepared only at the princi- Pal eepot; No. Fittu FOURTH street, above Chest nut. where Dr Fitter may be personally consulted free :of charge. Highest references sf wonder= curea company. each Bottle. ESTABLISHED 1833; Mother's and Nurses Who have tested Dr. Fitler's Infant Carminative for the /sat 90 years, certify by thousands that it Is the greatest household remW, for Cross Children, Infants wiling, Coln,. Cramp , Bowel Complaint, Sleepless pees Pains, Spabms, Sour Vominngs, .Pretnnp Plata hncy. Cholera In/ham, dx. Contains nothing in- Unions, Is • pafectly harmless and children love ,it nearly Price only 2 6 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold by all Drtundstaand Dealers. • - Prepared only at Re,. 29 South FOURTH Btreeti , above Cheetant, Philadelphia. 1 e 164111 8 P • BIESTEINS MAGIO OIL CURES' "1 1 .10,1191EIELEL 3321.17241T8LA15, ITCU, SCALD Ewa., AND ALL SHIN DISZASICaI Warranted tdenre or money refkmded. For sale by all Dr:inlet& Prtnelpal Depot. O. 53 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT.. . WPrice 25 cents per bottle radian rp .1113PCPIDIETS , HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS . gave proved, from the moat ample mm15441=1161,, an entire Simple—Prompt—Mac:lent, and Be• liable. They are the only Nediclnee , PerßctlY adapted to popular ose—so simple that taken cannot be made In fusing them; ao harml to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be al reliable. They have raised the highest coraraendallon from all, and will always render ea. iscumitO No., Ceuta. 1, Cures E/MlCECongestiOn. Tumumuut'Ou 2, WORMS, Worm-Fever, W0rm•0a110....—..„.25 u CRYING-COLIC, or Teething of Inesata—in 4, " DIABERCFAA of children or adults 5, " DYBENTERY_,_Griping, CoUr—..ES 6, " CHOLEILA MDEBUS, Nausea, Vomiting-. 23 7, " CO_ ,lIGIII3 Iftlds,llronchitia.__. .25 6, " 19EURALCILA, Toothache, Faceacha.—....—.2s 9, " HEADACHE, Rick Headache 10, " DYSPEPSIA, " SUP WHITE P.tume too Prcr , falmu, orpaln fal " S, ase Period& IS, " CEOI7P Omagh, difficult " BALT B.L'IIM Xr_yal e =il= . , ons..-25 15, " =EDNA , Elt --...25 16, " PRITXR and .Agae, Chill Fever, Agues— —5O " P 7 T-6X. a nd or bleedis Xl6, " op.sm..A.T a my, and sore or weak itfelt--10 is, " CATARRH, mite or chronic, 7 11,6 r 10,4 ”s- 60 20, " WHOOPING COUG violent 0cnieu5........„59 ra, " ASTlClftmwessed 50 " EAR 1 112A ry impaired earing.—So " SCROFULA. e Glands, 24. GENXRAL D EtlYnnalweiß• 25, " DROPSY and wark.o. Sacral - ona.— 28, " SEA-SICKNESS. alelmess front riding •50 " KIDNEY Digkaßl2. Gravel 28. " ITIMVOIII3 DEBILITY. Involuntary Ikaso 20, " SOWATODTH. Canker 80, " IDISN.ASLY Incontinence, wetting bed.., —,50 " PAINTIIL Periods, even with " 131:1FIMUNGEtst change 83, 141P____ - Vltuse Dance .... 100 84, " L‘c ulcerated Sore MmsM--..,12/ 31:11.FAY MEM& 115 vials, Morocco case, and bocak--....«..-4/0 00 20 large vials, In morocco, and book. el 40 dal large vials, plain Me and b00k„.._..—.—„„ 500 . 15 boxes (Not 14#615 1 1rd book.; 01) dal" SPELLIFICIEL • 24 8 11?2,21, amp elnjde vista, .. direr tor Them Remediee 5y the caaa or aingle box, are sent to any part of the country, by mall or express, tree of clutript„ i v :adp i:wen tot the mice. Address • H REY& SPECIFIC HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE coaavarr, Moo and Depot, No. feaßroadriNew York. If Dr. tratexasys Is consulted at Ills omos personally or by letter, as above , for /Cans Of dla• ease. EDPOTT JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY t COW. DN, T. It CALLENDER and AMBROSE SMITH, Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia. tykr•th.a.MlSTP"" TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND 1 COUNTY OF PHILADELPHLA.—Estate ofJERE SHAH TRACY. decesaed.—The auditor appointed by the Court to !audit, settle and adjust the account of .bLIZABETH E. WELCH (late Trac.y), A,dmioistra tar of the Estate of Jeremiah Tracy, deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the parposes of lna appointwent, on MONDA . the 9th dby of July, 186 e, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at his Office, No. 131 South 1. Ifth street, In the city of Philadelphia. jeMtb-s-tusts A. S. LETCHWORTH. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Mitate of WILLING FRANCIS LEWIS. The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the ac count of Rebecca C. Lewis, guardian of Win ”g Francis Lewis, (a micor), and to report oistribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the pirposes of his appoint. meat, on MONDAY. July 9.1866, at 11 o'clock, A. IL at his office, No. 502 WALNIIT street. in the city of Philadelphia. lIIMON OR &TZ, jt2B.lh,S,tuAti Auditor. LE'TT'ERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been grented to the subscriber upon the Estate of THOMAS BAXTER. deceased, ad persons indebted to the name will snake pay meat, and those having claims present them to LYDLd BAXTXR, corner Thirty-eighth god Haverford streets, administratrix, or to her Attorney, OCTAV.T.IIS A. LAW, 520 Walnut street. jeZth,6t 1 ETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted Lto the subscriber upon the Estate of JAMES WY LES, Deceased, all persona indebted to :the same will make payment, and - those having claims present them t., 3IARY BOY.LES, .TAM BOYLM and FRANZ 0. MATTIITE.ISHAN, No. 508 North Seventh street. Executors. jeda th,6M I EWERS OR ADMMD;3TRATION having been Li granted to the subscriber, upon the Estate ot RU DOLPH HAMPTON, deceased, all persotudndebted to the same will make payment and thosehaving claims 'Meer. t th em to EDWIN R. TAGSART. Adm'r.„ Market street, or his Attorney, AARON THOMPSON, 731 Walnut street. • le"Sdh,6t • GETTERS TESTAMENTARY HAVING BEEN granted to the subscriber upon the estate of MAR. RIB LOUDERBACE, demises, ali persons indebted to the same will make payment. and those having maims present them to JAMES W. LOUDERB.So=. and CHARLES Y..LOUDERB ACK, 401 LIBRARY street, Executors ' leZi-th,6l LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been grantedupost the estate ofLEATRECHT FRANK, d. ceased,"all persona indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to MARY PRANK, .Administratrix; 1601 N. Eleventh street. • • leHl,th et LETTERS TESTAMENTA.I3.Y having bean granted to the subscriber upon the estate of GEORGE W. LOTT. deceased, all persona indebted to-the same will 2:cake payment. and slums havingclalms present them to C. N.BRIGGS and THOMAS C. LOTt Executers. =l5 F. street. • jeAtholt. BEALL ESTATE. RTO BENT, with immediate poasesa. The DWELLING HOME, corner of - ,LBEET ARE and. MOWN LANE , GERM TOWN; is 33 feet Lont, has 13 rooms, hot and cold water in three places, furnace, range and o th er modern con y ,- niences. Within five minutes walk of the depot and Church lane station. Apply to . THOMAS O. GARRETT, . corner Green and Coulter Ms., Germantown. Or, JOHN B. GARR ,ETT je2B 6tl No. 400 Chestnut street, Phllada. • - • :*: :I $ • s • WALNUT street. Apply to O. X. 35LUAL1LEID, 0. 205 BOUM titxtk street. je2S-10t !LRESIDENCE , SPRUCE STREET, AT PRI VATE SA.LI2.--Handsome residence, replete with a conveniences. Spruce street, west of Six teenth. Immediate possession. Apply to . M. THO MAS & SONS, je27-6trp N 05.1.39 andl4l 8. - Pourth street. AiFOR RENT.—Desirable Counti7 Seat, 10 miles from the city—convenient double mansion, with r en and stable; house commanding splendid view and surrounded by fine shade trees, lawn and woods— very cool and healthful. Apply to S. N. MORRIS, je2sxpetf 233 N. Tenth street. Uffll,o2l ISM.M. BY , B. SCOTT, Atrarxo • 1• No. 1020 ummarris UT street. PRIVATE LIBRARY. _ . ON FILISAY -110RISENG. At 12 o'clock, immediately after sale of Furniture, Will be sold, the Valuable Private Librarivo [Atte same gentleman, comprising theetimPiete works Of Cooper, 111 lwer, and other interesting works. • JUNE 28, 1866: ISITHMEE BE SO RTS, MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CRESSON 'MUMS, bathe summit of the Allegheny Mountains, • /8 NOW OPEN FOR ,TILE RECEPTION OF CitTICBTe. Since last lesson additional buildings have been completed and furnished, adding greatly to our facEU ties for accommodation. The grounds have been very much improved. A. Band has been engaged for the Brecon. Pine livery is in attendance. Excursion Tickets are issued by the Pennsylvania B. it., good until Oct lkt. Passengers leaving Palladsiphla 11;10 A. M.. come through to. Cresson in daylight. All through trains stop. Personswishingto engage rooms can dolso by addressing. GEO. W. MULLIN, ' Cresson Springs, Je2elml - Cambria County, Penna. SURF ROUSE, Atlantic City, N. J. A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN EVERY RESPECT IS - NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. ADDRESS, VEL T. CALEB, .1e 2 4 - Ins rPI PROPRIETOR. SUMMEIt TRAVEL NORTH PENNSYSVANIA RAIL ROAD. Shortest and Most Pleasant Route To Wilkesbarre, Mauoti Chunk, Easton, ILUentowa, BethlehenL White haven, Hazleton - and ail points In the LEHIGH LID WYOMING VALLEYS. COMMODIOUS CABS,. - SMOOTH TRACE. MDR SCENERY.. EXCELLENT HOTELS are the specialties of this route. • Through to Wilkesbarre and Mauch Chunk without change of cars. Themew road between the summit of the mountain and Wilkesbarre opens op new views of the W7O. ming Valley of unsurpassed beauty; and the new Ho tel provides the best and most ample accommodations for summer visitors. .. Exclusion Tickets from Phfistielphia to princlMl points. issued PROM THE TumEr oPpmer, OS'.GY, at reduced rates, on Saturdays , good to return till Monday evening. Excursion Tickets to WilkesbarreogA for ten days, Issued any day ' THROUGH TRAINS leave the depot, Third and Thompson streets, at 7.30 A. M., 330 P.M. and 5.15 P.M. For particulars see Time Table in another comma, je9-2urpf E.LL.D3 er.ARV, Agent. Smith'slsland. THIS POPULAR RENORT IS NOW .1S =nn the tropen control for the of entertaitunent of theixtb• F. EERYER r Who has improved tt LA by R ad ß ding to It a large Rote]. Rooms can be had tbr the season. A FIRST-MASS RESTAURANT A.TTACTERD. None but the Purest Liquors sold. my2ltirp CLOTHVITG. SPICING. GOODS I SPRING SI ILES I EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, Olii Chestnut St. BLINDS AND SHADES. ' B. J. WILLIAMS , No. 16 NORTE SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURER OD VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES.... i zl i e n larst and Ilneet assortment in the end , at th Store s h ades made and lettered. an&At :to e,llkTe_nrcil,i uTioc1ol;1 TIGER GOLD MINING COMPANY OP COLORADO. Chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. 6.600 feet embracing 10 Gold Mines successfully opened. Properly owned and paid for by the Company.No salaries or office rent paid until dividends are de clared. Shares for sale at $lO each, par value OFFICV. 716 AllCla $113,14.16 - T, where circulars can be obtained. 1e22 =mini W&NTS. SPECIAL PAWNER WANTED- - -With $lO,OOO to ps,ot o, in an established, wen Wing Notion Bus!. nen. , Address "SPICA - 9"AL," this office. Je27-4tro* SELLERS BROTHERS, No:18 North Sixth Street, Having added to their former butinees that of MILL AND FACTORY FINDINGS Intend keeping a tall assortment of everything lath/a Unit, which they will sell at the /owed, rates, including Pure Oak Tanned Leather' Belting, GLace um tagigi.rm Packing, Band and Harness Leather, Holler Omit sad iac, Also continue to roanufbat h ca cceii l 4 l tire llvetai as 43 WIRE CLOTH, I SIEVES SCREENS &O ' Of in han Which d. APIILL AgBORTHENT Is kept conste :mantly on sple Importer and Manufacturer of Gentlemen's Fine Fun. ishing Goods. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. I and 3 North Sixth Street, invitee attention to Ws "IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT," Which has given finch general satisfaction tor neatness of fit on the breast, comfort in the neck, and ease on the shoulder. it is made in the best manner, BY HAND, and is confidently recommended as • THE BEST IN THE CITY Also, a well selected stock of Goods. consisting of GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, . (which he makes a specialty.) COLLARS OF ALL HINDS AND LATEST STYLES MK BIDETS AND DRAWERS. MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. BIICICSR.IN BIDETS AND DRAWERS. .• TRAVELING SHIRTS: ' • Stocks, Ties. Gloves. Handkerchiefe, Suspenders, Ea elery. and e. other goods appertaining to a Gentleman's W PRICES MODERATE. •rp AMTSIIMMS. RISLEY'S CO • CHOICE SEAM .To &Holmes of imbuement may be had BP o'clock any evening. can be at :v. • : 4 I ■ Ari.e.'.s• a• : I 481 4.11:118a/ w4ur atreet_____,_opposite the P Moe, the ABCS', ClSEBascruT,' wALNUT and ACIAD OF AMMO, up to eo'clock. every evening. Plea GRAND BILLIARD CONTEST SOH THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF PENNSYLVANIA.' AT 4oONOHLIT HALL, R. T. RYAL.L and E. J. PLUNKETT. This elegant and recbekehe entertainment, will be hell On Friday Evening. June 29, Commencing at s o'clock: Cards of , admission. FIFTY CENTS, admitting a gentleman and ladles, for whom_ rescribd seats haVis been arranged. For sale at the principal Hotels and Billiard Booms jegr.sti TAMER PACKER, _president Permsylvanla Billiard Corigrem faryninasiuth, Corneraz i .... a ALLnd ASCII streets. UMMEL Bodily exercise is the best preventive against darn ness of the coming season. • Jelaa,ta t th-6$ Profit. EMLICKBAND & :MEE JOHN DRENVEI T AI9S . ST. THEATRE. WEDNESDAY AND TRUESELY EVENING% - June 27 and 26. _ PART I—MAGIC. L Cabalistic Clock. 14. 30 Pieces of Money. 2. The Aerial Bell. 5. Mysterious Orange. S. - Infernal Medicines. 6. The Great Hat Trick. PART ll—MUSlC., . Santasia—Trovatore..--Heller 2. "Home Sweet Rome". ...Thalbere 3. The Musical Caricature calle d "YlieFfin . o Freedom of aßoarairepschool Miss." • - PART 111-MYSTERY. Great Sensational Phenomena of SECONDOA, SIGHT ; ItYPERNATURAL • PART .W—FUN. The laughable WOOD. MINSTRELS, the Mosd amusing set of blockheads in the world. FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS an entire new bilL ' ' • Je2722, TATALETUT STREET - THEATRE, N. E. Carnei 1111 V NINTH and WALNUT. Begins at 8. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, June 28. Me, The gotgeous spectacle, in %torts, of the - - NAIAD Q lurlina the Queen. es Effie Genrelet • MAGNIFICENT - SCENERY, BY WITHAM. HAUNT OF THE NAIADS. Waters of Silver bear up numberless Naiads. THE BATH OF BEAUTY. The Treasures of the mighty Rhine discovered. CAVERN uF RICHES. histOcal trarufarmatio a to the glittering and bTALACTITIC HALL OF 7.1'.' NAIADS, Scene last- R N M, RHINE. This vast scene rises and discovers the ROHE OF THE NAIADS, In the coral caves beneath the waters. Chairs se cured r THE Q three days in advance. 13RTANT , s MINSTRELS. NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. COOL AND COMsOETABLE. 1111 S EVEIMITG. • the Original, World-Renowned and 0 BRYANT'S MINSTRELS, • • from No. 472 Broadway, New York. NEIL AND DAN BRYANT-.--„.„- .-..—. Proprietors THE COOLEST PLACE OF AMUSEMENT IN THE RY. Doors open at U - 1 o' COUNT clock. Commence at 8. Dress Circle and Parqnette, 50 cents; Orchestra, 7S cents; Gallery, 25 cents. Box office open all day. MATINEE-SATURDAY at 2 o'clock. je2241/ Admission to Matinee, only 3o cents. NATATORIUM AND PHYt3rCAL INS riTuTS. BROAD Street, below wexastur. SWIMMING SCHOOL ANTI Froirlididusal BATH For Ladies. Children and Gentlemen. THE NATATORIUM AND THE FOURTH Or JULY. The Sivimming_Department on the "Fourth" will be open from 6A.M.t06 P. M. Only. NO Ladles SWIM. ming, amino instruction given on that day. je26-66rp ASSENISLY BUILDINGS. ' SIGNOR ELM'S DOUBLE IsriztreiX SIGNOR BLITZ'S DOUBLE SPHYNIC Is still the, :mt attraction at his TEMPLE OF MEM DEM. All the best feats, including the-ROPE D_ ANGER GRAND TURK, CANARY BIRDS and- YFRTRILOQUMX., are also given EVERY EVEN ING at 734 and WHOUINZSDAY and SATURDAY Jana:ooop at 3 o'cloctr Admission. 25 Beata, 50 cents. DI 7,7 C • •.1 •• •• CHEST/MT, above ZIWEE. Ope_n Pram 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. amin West's eat Picture of CHIMP BS. 3:siem I • • 1. ••• • • • • rT7T7' - '77MWsl7n';.=lr!ffl THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE •Sr, HARNISS Manufaotating Establishment in ths Country. LACEY,MEEKFiR& 00 No. 1216 CHESTNUT STREET OFFER. OF THEIR OWE ILARITFACTUBB: BUGGY ILABNESS, trom...---422 50 lio MI LIGHT BAEOUCHE from ..................-50 00 to Ste HEAVY do do ----..-75 00 to 503 Exprrorgcrair. aGA HOUETED Haitarraa.g7 50 to Se WAGON and SIIILF-ADJESTMG..--.35 00 tO 181 STAGE and TEAM do ...........zo re to AO LADIES' SADDLE do —........18 00 to MO GaziTs' do d 0...,,,.. 8 00 to 75 Bridles, Mountings, Bits, Botett&T, HOlBB Corral, Brushes, Combs, Songs. siarking, Ladles' and Gents* Traveling and Tourist Bags and Sacks, Lunch Basks.% 'Dressing and Shirt Quies,Trnaks and Valises, Walla= No. 1216 Chestnut Street. . • ;Two rt TDNIT ADELPHLk AND NEW TORE OEN* -IL MENTAL IRON WOREE The subscribers. fennders and manufacturers of CAST, WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, fo r enc l os i ng private dwellings, public Squares, Caine. series. cts., PATENT WERE RAILING WINDOW AND DOOR GITARM for emcee, store fronts bulwark nettMr =err 4c., made under the SEEKERS PA TENT the only authorized manufacture= of Wire Work under said patent in the city. IRON STAIRWAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT. IRON FITBNITIMIS, STABLE 11768, of ever4varlety of new and imiorovedpans. SPECIAL, CARE BESTOW ON GARDEN AND - CEMETERY EMBELLIsar. ENTS, Our varied aissOrtment of Fountain Vasee, Siattuurr a . Ours giving ne_supwlor facilities. All orders sha ll receive carefal and prompitattentkra, ja2S-th.s tu.Szorpi ' RoBERT WOOD Op., office and Wareroorns,ll3B RIDGE Avamte. 0 3/1244 r READY MADE: M. 824 CHESTNUTST. UNDER THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL a PHILADELPHIA - PA. - tITSTRUCTIONS 10R BELF.ILEASERRIIENT COAT. Send Size from 1 to 2; from 2to : and from 4to 5; I and around the most prominent part of the chest, and around .1 the waist. State whether erect or stooping. I' VEST. Same as the coat. de seam; outside meant to hips, and PA S. yeas. . 0 10 - 0.3 3 L34, 5r , , compeers CAMPHOR TROCHES, PaddenPresently° of Diarrhea, Dysentery, old Clsolerslto, Sole Feeder, O. H. Needles, Druatet„ lit ik RIO Eito, MU. raaed on 'Traam..l.l3 PASSAGE OFFICE CO.NATIONAL STEAM NAVIOATIONOOI EEBL'7 TO AND FROM QUICIENS. TOWN, (CORK HARBOR.) AND LIVERpLen i , The elegant Al iron scam steareahip . HIM lA, leaves on s —...SATUBDAV..Tnne Rates of passage payable in mummy: Ist Cabin, $100; Steerage, $lO. - Passengers also forwarded to London Parls,HaVrite Hambniw, Bremen, &a., at moderate Steerage p age from LIVERPOOL or QUEENS• TOWN throughto. PHILADELPHIA, gte la ear, For further htformatlon , apply at the Oompaay!i Office. A..../fAXCLL, Agent, 21.1 Walnut street. SPECIAL NOT.loE.—Having been appointed SOLE AGENT of the above "Favorite Line' fn this 'par. would caution the public against purchasing t=e tickets elsewhere. _ ammo 15 amts. Beserved mb.l9
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