BIISIWIESS NOTICES. DIUNKIIVG THICI SCHUYLKILL DRY. •'• It seems that migisth s tide Can't keep our citizens suoollos l • With "Adam's ale." • ; • - • So had we grow, that from our track The very river nymphs shrink back, Aghast and pale! - . • And, to provide us with attire, , Of course we must a mart require On a grand scale— SUch as at Bennett's you admire! ,- ' , Havzo 411.tvoot Ames, Oittimere.Pants, as low as: a 00 fl II II Vests " 880 " Black * Pant !!. 500 " Cloth Vests 4OO * Shunt Cassinsere Sutts, - to match, 14 00 " Black Suits, 20 00 .Adeanetng from theseratesteellave goods of ati grades, SIP to the very finest fabrics, atprtces reduced tripropor • ttoss—Afers's Youths' and Boys'. THOUSANDS RAMS VOCND W/TBIN TEE PAST FEW WEBIKS, TEAT WA ABE ACTUALLY SELLING GOOD, SESViCEABLE GOODS AT TSB 731088 BANNS. THE DIFFERENCE. Though Dobson freely spends his cash, The clothes he buys are dear, And the amount he spends to dress Increases every year. obcon's garb is never meat, = Nor does his s.erson grace; The reason Is because he don't • Buy at the proper place. • But on his spruce and styllah neighbor Brown leastaiort and smiriaa's.portrayed in choice attire; For Brown obtains his clothes at Perry's STAB, Ski Which satifaction gives to ev'ry buyer. • WIC ADVERTISE BEST ON THE BACKS OF OAS Cos- Semmes. EVIEBY'GAIIIIICIT: WE BELL IS A th'IRST CLASS Bacomuskrnsmorr. Therein lies the secret of the long continued and still increasing rush to the OUr stock of READY MADE CLOTHING IS LK* moms and from it all can be accurately fitted. Piece goods of every variety ; ALtters of well-known ability' and all who leave their measure are sure to be pleased. TRIMS THE LOWEST IN PHILMDELPHIL, Call andbe satisfied. STAR CLOTHING Elsrpolatrisr, LOW PRIORS AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, ' 609 OREBToI we ST., SIGN OF STAR. PERRY , CO. MOTH A.ND Ladles afflicted with Dlscolorations on the Faqir caned moth patches, or freckles, should use P./MAY'S celebrated NCYIH and FRECKLE LOTION. It is in. fallible. Prepared by Dr. B. C. PX13.31Y, Dermatologist Id Bond street, N. Y. Sold by all druggists in Philadelphia and elsewhere Weer. myl7-thXrinmf ISTKINWAY &. SONS' PIANOS Are now acknowledged the best in struments in Europe as well as America. They are used in public and private, by the greatest artists living in Europe, by VON BULOW, DREYSCHOLIK, JAELL and others;in this country by .15L1L.L5, MASON, WOLFSOBN, etc. For sale only ERO Sy BLASIUS S., 10s6 Chestnut street. kl V ENING BULLETIN. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1866 Persons leaving the city for the Sum mer, and wishing to have the EvENING BuLLETIN sent to them, will please send their address to the office. BECONSTRUCIION. The Union members of the House of Representatives yesterday voted in a solid body in favor of the Reeonstrue- 'Lion Committee's proposed amendment to the Constitution, as modified by the Senate. The vote was 120 in favor and 32 against it. So the amendment has received the required vote in • each House, and it now only needs the assent et the Legislatures of three-fourths of the States. This assent, it is to be hoped, inay be obtained without unnecessary delay, and then this vexed question will be set at rest forever, every State will have its representatives in Congress, and the work of reconstruction will be fully dole. The so-called Radicals in Congress have conceded much in adopting so many modifications of their original plan, on the suggestion of the more moderate members. Mr. Stevens, who is a man of strong convictions, and who has bat.. tleewith the monster slavery for more than a generation, must have had a se- Yere Mental struggle before he could bring himself to yield so much. But he did it gracefully and with dignity, and he expressed his misgivings in language so solemn that he must have impressed his auditors profoundly. It remains for the opposition, and the people of the still excluded States, to act fairly and in good faith, and to accept the action of Congress as the only available means of procuring a full restoration of all the States to their practical relations to the Union. All history may be searched and no case will be found in which the defeated in a great rebellion have had such easy terms offered to them. There is no life-long attainder. Even. , the temporary disabilities of certain Ispeciffed parties may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of each House of Congress. We trust that there will be now no more factious op. position to the action of Congress, and we shall welcome with sincere joy each State that asks;to be admitted to Con iress under the terms offered. THE EUROPEAN TROUBLES. It is probable that the European con ference, of which so much has been said, is now sitting at Paris. France,Prussia, Austria, Russia, Italy and England are 'all represented, and Napoleon 111. pro bably presides. There are some san guine optimists that have a certain amount of hope that this conferenee will prevent a war, but no one knows exactly , how. - Prussia is bent on having the Duchies, and Italy is equally bent on having Venetia. Austria is opposed to; both. " The conference will, at all events, re tard open hostilities, and ~that is an ad vantage to Austria and a disadvantage to Italy and Prussia. In Italy the war fever is furious, resembling that which 'broke out here after the attack on Fort Sumter, in April, 1861. The whole army has been put on a war footing,and volun teering is goingon with amazing rapidity. The expenses of the government are really as great as if war actually existed, and there has been an enormous issue of paper in consequence.-It is important to Italy, therefore, that the war should begin 'at once, and it is probable that Victor -Emmanuel only delays it apd consents to a conference, in the vague h'opa that the Powers may per auade -Austria to give up -Venetia—a =most improbable thing. The Gerixu Confederation, Ruggial EMMETT & CO., TOWER HALL. 518 EATUIET STREET. Prance and =England will each haves voice in the conference, and it seems impoSsible that so many discordant, heterogeneous and even antagonistic ele ments should ever come to an agree ment. If they should, and war should be averted, without Italy or Prussia ob.; taining what each seeks, thereis no pro bability that the peace thus patched up up will be a permanent one. Each of thoie kingdoms has gone too 'far and made too many sacrifices already to give up its aspirations finally. A LIBERAL RESOLVIL The Directors of the West Philadel• - phia (Market street) Passenger Railway Company have determined that, on and after July Ist, the wages of their con ductors shall be $2 50 a day, and those of their drivers $2 '25 a day, an advance of 25 cents a day in each case. This has been done, after mature deliberation, under a conviction that with such en hanced pay, the services of faithful and honest men will be seeured. The temp tations to pocket a certain portion of the receipts of a car are especially strong when the pay is small; and although this increase of wages will amount, in the aggregate to about $lO,OOO a year it is believed that it will be fully made up by the returns-of the conductor& The various city railway companies have several times increased the fares on their roads, but this is the first _instance, since the last advance was made, of - an increase of the pay of their employes: BRIBERY IN NEW JERSEY. The suits commenced in the 'Mercer County Court against Messrs. Haines, Ruh, Van Wagoner and Holman, for alleged attempts to bribe members of the New Jersey-Legislature, have been laid over to the next term of the Court. Until the cases are tried it will of course be im possible for the imblio to judge of their merits. It can scarcely be doubted that in all our State Legislatures there has been for years a growing spirit of cor ruption, and that the giving and taking of bribes has been reduced to a system, artful in its concealment, and most de moralizing in its influence upon the community. The impunity which this disgraceful system ordinarily enjoys has encouraged its growth, until it has reached a point where there is scarcely an affectation of political integrity and purity. So far as the present cases in New Jersey are concerned, it remains to be seen whether the suits are the result of malice on the one part, or corrup tion on the other. In either event a thorough ventilation of the whole process by which modern legisla tion is carried on will probably ensue, and public morali will be the gainer by it. Men who bribe and men who are :bribed will be far less likely to pursue these evil practices, if a few notable ex amples are occasionally made of them. 'No one class of the community is alone responsible for the existence of this evil, which is sapping the very foundations of our social and political structure. The legislator who receives a bribe charges the crime upon him who tempts him with it, and the man who giVes the bribe is too apt to shrug his shoulders and ease his conscience with, the reflec tion that he is only imitating his neigh bors. The cases now before the New Jersey courts, if honestly and vigorously prosecuted, may be the means of check ing the growth of this rotten systeui; and, it is to be hoped that, if the charges are well-founded, they will be probed to the bottom with an unsparing hand, and the offence punished with the hea viest penalties twhich thelaw can inflict. Death of Prof. Henry Darwin Rogers. On the 29th ult. Prof. H. D. Rogers, the famous geologist, died at his residence, near Glasgow, Scotland, in the 57th year of his age. At the time of his death, and for several years previous, he had held the post of Regina Professor of Natural His tory in the University of Glasgow, and he had sustained the position with great credit. He was a native of this city, and will be remembered here mainly by his great work on "The Geology of Pennsylvania," on which: he was engaged during the most active years of his life. This work is recognized ozone of great thoroughness and originality, and ranks, in practical value, with the labors of the ablest geologists of thia era. Among Prof. Rogers's other works, are many very im portant papers contributed to the "Transac tiODS" of the American Philosophical So ciety, the Boston Society of Natural His tory, the Britieh Association of Science, the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sci ences, dtc. His geological survey , of the State of - New Jersey is a standard work, and many of his maps and charts are in daily use among scientific men, His death is a severe loss to scientific world, though his health had not been good from the period when at the age of twenty one he held the position of Professor of Che mistry and Natural Philosophy at Dickin son College, Carlisle. Professor Rogers was a member of many learned societies, both in Europe and Ame rica, and his scientific brethren will amply honor his memory. We may add that though representing America in a foreign University for a number of years, his pa triotism was fervent and he was able to de fend and maintain the cause of the Union at all times and under all circumstances, A NEW PERFUME, called "Opoponax," malufadtured by E. T. Smith dr, Co., of New York. is melding a sensation wherever it is known. It prepared from a Mexican plant, is very delicate, andqts fragrance re mains on the handkerchief for days, Public Sale Valuable Real Estate. Messrs, Thomas & Sons' sale, on 'lnesday next, will include several desirable Residences, Basineis StandS and Small Dwellings,ExTaa VALUABLIZPROPERTY 26th June.—This sale will include the very valuable property S. E. corner FoIIIITH and Cannr2ru'r streqs. feet - op Chestnut street; handsome Residence .621 Franklin street, Store and Dwelling 1421 Race street:T!'or .partionlare See STATIONERY—LETTERS, CAP AND NOTE PAYEES. ENVELOPES. BLANK 'S )01Ce, and every requisite in the Stationery line, selling at the lowest tiguree at • S. E. DOWNING'S Stationery store. nut 1246 1 31 %net, iiv9 door 4 P4ove Witixtut, THE DAILY EVENI,NR BULLETIN PHILADELPRIL, 11111,R SPAY JUNE 14,;1866.. - ming mum>. BUILDER,;, - -! 1731 GREEITIIIIT Mecbanios of/Avery branch required for housebuild Mg and fitting promptly-furnished. Ja34m* riffil • • STECK & 1 00.,-PLA•PID9. ' • 4. 4.ta Nearly one thousand of these popu lar instrumennsinnsetn'.Phlladelphla.- ` l lEri For Bale only by- • - _ J. E. GOULD, ap37-tu th,sa,tXrp • Seventh wad Chestnut. h ata k.77::: ' STECK & CO.'s • PIANOS! • • y o RAINES BROTHERS' PIANOSI! WIT] Thousands of these Popular inetra-_ , ments in nee in Philadelphia and 'vicinity'. For sale only by J. E. GOULD. apli•th,,tf • ' Seventh and Chestnut. 4 BUMMER STYLE HA.TS..—WARBURTON, 430 0311WITEIT Street, next door to the Post Tr:B.-Notahere-else can the purchaser obtain greater value for his money. my2ltjy7t 4 NEW BTYr , w9 OE STRAW HATS also the Mackinaw and Panama Hats, THEO. H. hiutiaLLA, At Ws old established HAT AND OAP EM POItHI3I, •• RA Chestnut street. • jelB-1m! GREAT REDUCT.ION OF PrtIORS.-11 only, for large Photographs. Z. F. TCRITU RA'S Gallery, 624 Arch street. I.OR LADIES' RINGLETS and Gentlemen's Carle. we have Beveral. sizes of Pinching and Curiing Tongs and Irons. We elan have a variety of Gautier log Scissors and Pinking Irons. TRUMAN & SHAW,' No. 815 (Eight Thirty-five)• Market street. below Ninth. . • 6FOR sl.—Admired - styles • Cartes de Visite, none ^surpass tam In beau s accuracy and tease. Ob-. ii•.• . lain th em at B. BEI 'Et Gatlery,C4 Arch street. ireFAIN BOLTS permit chamber or other to be V slightly opened and - thus promote ventilation, while they , are as aware as other bolts. Various pat. terns or iron, for bale by MIKAN & SHAW, No. i 135 (Eight Thhty-five) Market street, below Ninth. - ON" el • FOR A. SUPERIOR -KCITIRE.— RES- MkR'S pt polar styles large sise Photographs, snit able for framing. Now is the time. See specimens at Gallery, hecond - street, aboye Green. QOME ARTICLES of Wooden and . Tie Ware, la Baskets and Step ladders, and our usual full as sortment of Housekeeping 'Hardware and Cutlery, for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW. No. 11435 (Eight Thirty eve) Market street, below Ninth. - 1866. H A N OUT' TLO P N. E Hair E n a W O i PP er S s dydyed. A Barber wanted. Corner Exchange Place e Dock Street. • ' Lit • l • • - ek; /COPP. DB. JITLIAN HOMBERGER, DEAIt PER MIL me in gratitude to the skill with wkich yon have operated on my eye- - (for:Cataract by extracdm in removing the entire crystalline body), and its Per fect success, publicly to express my thanks and to a,:- knowledge my indebtedness to yoa for the re•euhty ment of sight, which can Only be appreciated by those who have became deprivUl of' it, _Your obedient servant, LSHETM • S. RODEER, DB.'..ITTLLiNHOMBERGER, lan Walnut at. Jett. st* L'OB SALE.—LEASE ana FIXTURES or $O3 ARCH' r street. Possession given Ist of July. Great, bargains In Dress Trimmings. Jel46tl 'Droop SKIRT MAICITFACTORY.—Hoop Skirts AILL and Corsets ready made and made to order; war ranted of the hest materials. Also, tikLrts repaired. MRS. E. BA.YLKY, . jel3-3mrp 812 Vine street, above Elghth. AB B..McCALLA. H ATTER. Ia FOE its si Le 3 numerous friends and customers that have not yet been deceived by the new occupants of the store he established CH.anTNUT Street, above EIGHTH. that he is In no way connected with it, notwithstanding their numerous misrepresentations to that e ffect, to sell to his customers, but that he can be found at C CALLA IS New Eat Store. o. 613 CHE'reit:Jr Street, third door above New fIuLLI6T/N Office, where be can offer them better bargains and larger stock to select from. 11cOALL.S.'S NEW HAT STORE, No. 613 C.B.ESTLN lIT Street.—Ecerp hat has the to vest price marked on it In plain figures. Oall and examine the immense stock acd get a bargain. STRAW HAI S HatsUMME H A.TS.— Cent .1' at the newebt styl at prices 25 pn• Stareless than ST c A ar ll w T h e b r tr e e e a t t thiCLL r A ' a SNew Hat new IS ULLETIN Ce STILAW BATS RETAILEU, AT WHOLE sale prices. Biggest assortment in t Is town. at MM.:ALLA% bets' Bat -- .uare,6l3 CIirSTN street. Every article has price mar .td on In plain figures. flat STRAW AND SUMMER BATe.—Biggest .4sczkitbligt•s/1 it r /Tii i. eVEt= t iv.ll3TlACTP • eta eet, tblrd door above New Bru.nms Office. Non can save from to cents to Si on a single article. U.ARltif B. hicCALL.a. RETURNS HIS SINCERE 1111 'IIIANES to his numerous friends and cu.tomers vho bat' e followed nim from Cliestinli., above Eighth, (- r which he had sole charge rrom 059) to the new store, 613 Ciii.T.NtlT street, and informs them that 'he can row sell them •Hais and Cape 4 .Z per cent. less than heretofore. Don't fbrget the number, 013. Jell tft 1. 000 5.,c. li YARDS prain Pi M quUS e. LIN, CHEAP. ne White soc 5-4 wide Victoria Lawns, in 00 shirred Unsling. ,or Waists. 33c. Fine Cambric Muslim. • . J. C. esTRAWBRIDGE &. CO., R. W. corner Eighth and Market. fl DOZ. LINEN NAPKINS. ATV 50 AND V 205. Ltsilf 10-4 Linen rheetmg, 100 doz. - Red-bordered Towels.l2 75 per doz, 75c. Band loom Table Linen. eac. Unbleached Table Linen. ZA) doz. Hdlas.. from late sales. J. C. IsTRAWBRIDGE N. W. corner Eighth and Market. CENTS FINE BLEACHED SHIRTING .IiIIS c/ LINES, yard wide. Warnsurta, Williamsville and New York Mills. Slc. Pillow Ilu‘lins. lo 11.4 and 12-1 Sheeting Musllns. Lac. Unbleached Muslin, yard wide. • J. (1 en Re3BRIDGIE &CO., N. W. cornerlitglith and 'darker.. 3 7 1 CEN7S ALL-WOOL FLANNELS. 2 Ballardvale Donnt Flannels. Angola and line Twilled Flannels. Flannels for Bathing Salts. Stone Flannels, Starting Flannels. J. C. SfRAWBEttDGE & CO, Je6-tf N. W. corner Elgtah and Market. THE HARltifaN BOILER, A SAFE STEAM BOJt.wR —The attention of Manufacturers and others using Steam is confidently called to - this new Steam Generator, as combining essential advanta ges in absolute safety from explosion, In cheapness of first nest and cost ofrepairs in economy of 'eel, facility of cleanirg and transportation, &c., not possessed by any other Duller now in nse. This boiler is formed of a combination of cast iron hollow spheres, eacasphere S inches external diameter, and r an Inch &nick. These are held together by wrongtil•lron bolta, with caps at the ends . About two hundred of these boilers are now In operation, some of them in the best establishments in this city. For descriptive circulars or price, apply to JOSEPH HARRISON, Ja., Harrison Boller Works. Gray's Ferry itoad, adjoining the U. S. Arsenal, Philadel phia. • }e7-2mrp2 rim BOUSEKREPERS_ ; elehntng silver and allver•ploted ware, a DIEW POLIoHING POWDER., the best ever made. PARR do REtOTILEX felb 824 Chestnut street, below Fourth. TSAAO NATHAIij E 3 Auctioneer and Money Broker, .1. N. E. corner of Third and !fume streets, only one established for Ex the rorty it year s . B' Money l to loan In large or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watchea,;Jetvelry, Clothing, and goods of every description.°Moe hours trom 8 A. M. till 7 P. - deitS-tfrp Lion SALE —To Shippers,- Grocers, Hotel-Beepers .r and Ottleni—A. very superior - lot of Champagne ciaer;by the barrel or dozen. J. JORDAN, - noii-rpti 220 Pear street, below. Third and Walnut. WITS LINDELIBLIG INS. Brmbroldez- AIL Lug, Braiding, Sbamping, Ac. M. A. TOR.B,EY. 1800 Filbert street FINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCK.S.—A.fresh Tirm RA porta M tien of beautifta styles, warranted.correct PERS. FARR & BROTHERS': Importer% .V. 4 Chestnut street, below Fourth. Frnacit, WEAVER a co., • . 1 af.arar,a' AN 3la r ic TAßßE tureng D or Co - }MAO 2 Cords ac "No..3North Water street Twines North Delaware avenue, Philadelphia EDW= B.lARLwz&vla 'CoNau CLOTHIER. NO_DisApporwrAtENT! "ITCH" NEVER FAILS, "TETTER" "ITCH" Dr. Stxtyne's Ointment. "TEPPER" "ITCH.". ,Dr; ,Swayne's Ointinent."TETT.E,R" "ITCH" 'TEPPER" • "ITCH' NEVER NEVER KNOWN "TEETER" "TEETER' "ITCH" TO HAIL •'TETTER" "ITCH' - "TE.TPER" • "ITCH" 'IN GORING THIS "TEETER" ITCH" ' • . • •TETTER" "ITCHY. ' TORMENTING ,, .'' "TEETER" "ITCH" ~TEETER„ "ITCH" COMP.T.a INT. "TETTE...a" _ "ITCH" "TEETER" Cures Itching Piles, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Rash, all , Skin Diseases. "Swayne's" Cures "All-Healing" Allays "Ointment." “Swayne's" "All-Healing" _ "Ointment."' "Swayne'a" Itch in "Al.lRealing'' ettli ' "Ointment"! "Swayne's". - "All-Healing" -"Ointment": "Swayne's" from "All-Healing".ltehings"Olntinent." "Swayne's' "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Elwayne's" 12 to 48 "Ail-Bealing" . at "Ointment" "Swayne's'" • "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Sway ne's" Hours. "All,Healing"' once. "Ointment." A great variety of cases yield to the wonderful heal ing properties of this Ointment, even the most obstinate and protracted in character. eruptions covering the. whole surface of the body, that put at defiance every other mode of treatment which the mind of marrcould Invent, have been permanently cured. PI ice tO cents a box. By mail 60 cents. ' ' ' • Over thirty wears have 'Dr. Swayne's'llioateines" , been in constant use in sil parts of the world; and their in creasing popularity is certainly proof of their great powerto heal. • Prepared only by Dr. WAYNE dt SON, No. no N, SIXT.a street, above Vine, Philadelphia. . • Sold by the leading Druggists. < my2l-tu, wm. mEAcocirc. a EMBRA_L ISHINO UNDERTAKER, No.lBNorth .Nl.e.Tß9treet. above Market. ocuril.-Im.rp• ...... n W g E n i H tc ß en E ta W ss l o T r H tm e CL f L a p t e te rnorPL o 1 40n WM which we always nave on hand, and offer. them at very reasonable prices to urchasers. ' Best of references and BULL Qllei ANTEE' Invariably given by THE UNION Pl4/10 MANITBACTure lairG cm, twa() 1017 Wabinp alzreelh jorWA.NANARze. & BROWN, AIirWANAMAKEB & BROWN, iiiirWARANARma & BROWN, /air WANANALcas. & BROWN, .. HANDSOME OLOTILLNG:S% HANDSOME OLIYINING. - VIE HANDSOME CLOTHING.`M HANDSOME EMOTEUNG.I% ilarLoymer PRiczo. ardsrLOWEST Plums; YOr LOWEST PRICES. - s& - LoWEST FRICKE. BEST ASSORTMENT. BEST ASSORTMENT.`EEL BEST ASSORTMENT:** BEST ASSOLLTELENT:** rrNEXCEPTIONAHLICI PITS. Ear EINEXtua^...IONABLE PITS. IarITNEECEPTIONA.BLIE PITS. art r zurscrs'noNesix. PITS. TEE PEOPLE PLEASED. ** THE PEOPLE PLEASED.** THE PRP_PLE PLEASED. InrOAR HALM. THE PEOPLE PLEASED.** SOAK HALL. ear OAK HALL. .OAS HALL. B. B. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STE. B. B. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET am. - vist I- B. CORNER SEPTIC AND MARKET STS.EE. B. CORNER SIXTH AND MAILIC:ILT BLS, 4 Ve AO ,c • l " NO la, cb &i• 720 -o ir , CHESTNUT ST. FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. SWEET OPOPONAX . PERFUME FROM MEXICO. 'SWEET OPOPONAX—TRY IT ONCE. ,SWERT OPOPINAX—WILL NEVER UdE ANY OTHER. SWEET OPOPONAX—THXBICHEST AND ' CHODDICAT PERFUME. SWEET OPOPONAX—THE LADIES' DELIGHT. SWEET OPOPONAX, A rare and exquisite Perfume, far surpassing in its rich and delicious odor anything that has as yet been offered to the public either imported or others I.e. It is rendered by its splendid qualities a dellorfal ex tract for the handkerchief. It is the most delightful, lasting, and fashionable Perfume ever used. TRY IT T. & FLORAL PERFUMERY, jel4-61 rpf NEW YORK. IN A. T_T G- 1U rt,.4tkrr-i.o OF THE SOLDIERS HOME. arum BY GERMANIA RAND PRAYER BY REV. DR. E. R. BEADLE. MUSIC. OPENING ADDRESS BY ON. MORTON Nati- CHAEL. MUSIC. REPORT-HON. CILA_RT.RS GIBBONS IefUSIC. Addresses by Gov. A. G. °art.ln, Gen. John W. GeAry. Gen. Geo. G. Meade, CoL Wm. B. .littann and Hon. Chas. Gilpin. The "NOISE" will be open tovisitors d nring the day. and the inaugural Ceremonies will commence at s ec'ock on Tiitlitelnalr EVENING, 11th inst. Titketa to be had at the Home, SLxteenth and Filbert streets. jel3-2trp; JUST RECEIVED, YARD-AND-A-HALF-WIDE Velvet Carpets, • SEW DESIGICH. J. F. & E. B. ORM, 904 Chestnut Street. 3-4, 7-8.4-4, 5-4, 6-4 WHITE, RED ATM TAROT CANTON MATTINGS' J. F. &E. B ORNE, CHESTNUT STREET: ENGLISH BRUSSFILK FOR STALBEI AND WITH_ EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. B. 01WE.`, No. 904 CCIIESTNITT - STREET 500 PIECE NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & B. ORNE, 004 chestnut sits zeth2l4lxn rp WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. IN OIL OR POLTsTrra), Cleo. I-lenkels, jai-, rp Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. SAVE TIME! < SAVE MONEY !! THE EXCELSIOR CHURN Will Otrarn Butter in Two Minntea and a half. Call and See Them at. SMITH lz RICHARDSON'S, 611 MARKET STREET. JeVzt 'SALT:2,6O sacks LIVERPOOL GROUND BALI taper 200 sacks Fine - Balt, afloat, and • tor saIe WORKMAN 4X)., as Walnut., . by EDWIN HALL Sr CO., I No. 28 Si Second Street, Are now offering their line stock of Grenadines, - • • Organdies, ~ Hernani Bareges, Lawns, Black Iron Bareges, Percales laterials for Suits, And other DRESS GOODS, At a great reduction from former prices. lel4-2tzpi LINEN ' - LAWNS. Will Open This Day, l r ease 'Linen Lawns at 3k. 1 Case Linen Lawns at 35:. 1 Case Linen Lawns at 37c. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. corner Eighth and Market. jel4-4t rp NOVELTIES IN SEA SIDE SHAWLS. EDWIN HALL & CO., 28 South Second street, Would invite the ATTENTION OP LADIES Who are preparing for Watering and other Places or Slimmer Ite.orts to their large variety of SUMMER SHAWLS. Jeri-nt If OF ENTIRELY NEW! STYLES. TO RENT. la PART OP PfTelP2ioM) -AND No. 126 CHESTNUT ST. APPLY SECOND STORY. jel43t• WEST SPRUCE STREET. FOR SAT-4 - 0 IR The four story modern brick residence, No 1*,.1 ltr4 SP hUCE Street, 2 feet front, with three story doable back buildings and lot 133 feet deep to Dobbin's street. has two bath rooms, water closets, permanent basins and replete with every extra mod ern convenience. PRICE 126,000. wain Clear of all incumbracce. Possession In the folk Can be seen only by applying to WLLLIA.II If. FARR, jeStuthstit rp* "44 Chestnut street. BZ' A CARD. .01 Special notice to , our old friends and the public gen erally: _ 7 be JONES' One-Price Clothing House, established sixteen years ago, is still in successful operation at the old location, tO4 ILARK.ET Street, one door above Sixth, sad has not changed its place or mauner of do ing business, which Is exactly the same good old plan in uperation for many years. namely—•'One Price and no deviation." The Clothing we make is of the most sabetantia.tcharacter, both as to materials and work manship, so that our customers never can complain of either. (Jur stock Is large and plain or ihshionable people can be will suited Our customers should be careful to get to the right place, as there is no other establish ment In the city in our line of business strictly 'one price." JONES' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, 604 141LAILIKET 1:03Z-Ira 4p ONE DOOR ABOVE BI H, J. T. GALLA.G.IIER, Oft) Late of BAILEY dt CO. FORMERLY BAILEY AY ICIERIEEN, Invitee attention to hie NEW JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, Se We corm Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts, RIR STOCK OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS , AND OTHEIR FINE drIwnILILY sterling Silverware and Sliver Plated Ware. Will be found very complete. Those wishing to pur chase or examine will tind it mach to their advantage to favor him with a ball. All goods WARRANTED Of FIRST QUALITY and prices satin . The 01(a..1EBBATBD VAO RON.and CONST WATCH, of all sizes, for Ladles and Gentlemen. Bp.ftlal attention given to DIAMONDS. Watches and Clocks carefully. Repaired and War ranted. jei2-rath sa3m app 13A.IK.P.JEL 9 S. ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and beat assortmentof Wigs. Toupees, Long Hair Braids and Curls, Water-fails, "Viotorines , settes, Illusive Beams for La dies, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. Indi29-rp 909 CHESTNUT STREET. JORDAN'S 011EMBRATED TONIC - ALE.—The truly healthful and nutritious beverage, now in use by thousands—invalids and others—has established a character for quality of material and purity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recOnnuended by physicians of this and other places, se a Beerier tonic, and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its great merit. To be had. wholesale and retail, of P.J. JORDAN. 220 Pear street.. MONEY TO ANY. AMOUNT LOANED UPONDIAMONDS, wATiatr.Es. JEWEL. RY, PLATE. CLOTRING, do., at , JoNec,s & CO.'S iLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Oornerot THIRD and. oe.sElia, Streets, • Below Lombard. N. B.— DIAMONDS, W.A.TWIES, nwirmr, GUNS, &c., • LY LOW PRICF,S. ITNE WATCHES, JEWELRY, etc., to. corn 14. 1. plete assortment al s recetilly a f r eirm 7r atoee„ rA Importers of Watches„ etc:, itP2O 924 titteettlei tenet. below Nouilth BOOKS AT WHOESUE` Now iSthetime to 'Buy ,Ckeap Books, Books Retailed - at - Wholead!) Price& _ The subscriber respectfully Demme the public that prior lob's removal to his new premises 1314 CHES NUT Street, be will RE tAIL his Sbottlit of THEO LOGIVAL, JUVENILE: .9 ND ArrSfmr:LANEOUS. BO ES at WHOLE A T.P PRLCES. Give me a call. *Tames St. Claxton ! , (Eacceezor to W. B. & A. Mortion,) 606' CHESTNUT sTseasz PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAR, THE BEST IN THE MARKEL, Ist. For ,WEAPING and COVERING pror•erties. Ind. For WHITEI4ESS and PEA:OTT - of finish. fwd. PoitrICIIFORbi FINENESS of grinding. 4th. Same weight will do MORE laid B.ETTER WORK-- eta given coat than any other.' - - - sth. Most ECONOMICAL White Lead ever introduced;. 6th. If you wish - to procure as lunch value as posadale for you= ouey and Secure ltandsozne.and big work, instruct your painte:r to - oe,e PURE LIBERTY WHITE TRAI),.. Try it and be Convinced. • Satisfaction guaranteed by the Mannfactdreis. lEGLER; & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and GlasaDealera. 137 North Third Street.„ - PHILADELPHIA. sepi-hal SUMMER TRAVEL • VIA. NORTH PENNSYSVANM ROAD. R-EEFt.BORK - Shortest and Most Pleasant Route TO Wilkeabarre, Mauch Chunk, Hastori„ Allentown, Bethlehem White . haven, Hazleton. and all points in the LEHIGH AND WYOMING VALLEYS_ commomous cans, SMOOTH TRAM. FLEE bCENERY, EXCELLENT HOTELS. are the specialties of this route. Through to Wilkesbarre atm Manch Chunk without change or cars. Ilia - new road between the summit of the mountain; and Wilkesbarre ot.ens up new views of the Wyo— ming Valley of unsurpassed beauty; and the newlia- - t el provides the best and most ample accommodations. for summer visitors Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to_peincipail points, Leaned FROM THE TICKE r OFFICE 0 tiliL at reduced rates, on Saturdays, good to ream:arab Monday evening. Excursion Tickets to Wilkesbarre,good for ten days, 1 soe4 any day. THROUGH TRAINS leave the depot, Third and. 'Thompson strfels, Ea 7.30 A.. M., 3 30 P.ll. and 5.15 P.M— For particulars see Time Table in another column. ELLIS manic, Agent: EARLE'S GALLERIES; 816 Chestnut street, Philati deiphia. James S. Earle & Sons, Importers, Manufao- tnrers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings, FlllO Engravings, Photograph Picture Frames, Rogers' Groups. A largo Free Gal lery- of Oil Paintings, 816 Chestnut Street. W saR K. Don't Forget to Employ the Honorably Discharged Soldiers and Sailors. The Bureau 9f Employment of the 11. S. Sanitary Ceti:mission have got on their books upwards of lgio. of good reliable men who are greatly in want of Work. in any branch of business or labor. All information. fitrnished FREE OF CHARGE. office 1307 aolaspz_ NUT Street, JOHN-W. WILSONi 4t rt 1 Sec y of Bureau of Employment. WANTED TO RENT , A Modern Built. Dwelling betweez Tenth and Twentieth ana North of Pine Street. RENT NOT TO EXCEED .$l,OOO. BEST . OF REFERENCE. Addrest , , _ BROKER, Jei.4-6t rpi.BULLETIN OFFRIE. WA.NTIEJE) • MO PER MONTH paid to Agents, to intrixinee our' new v. 5. *lB and C.O Sewing Ilfaciln es, Retchum'.l Pat ent., actress, with stamp. aioNADNOCK SEWING• M IttCITINIt CO., Whicliendon, Mess., orPhiladelnhia, Pa. Seagm rp• suns OF ROSEWOOD CHAMBER FURNITURE, GEO.- J. HENKEL& jelam rp Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. PATENT WIRE WORK NOB BATLEM?q% STOREG FRONTS,ARDS, • PARTITIONS, =ON BEDSTEADS AND WIRE worur .in variety, naanafactured by , M. WALKER a BON13„ nua.a m ipi zio. 11 NORTH SEMI Street; D PARLOR SUITE) OF .11013EWOO . FURNITURE. . Geo. J. 'lonize's, Jel Imipp. Thirteenth and Chestnut .itreetth.. -11 0 3. 2 12 1111
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