rtmUcN). ;.Arrival of lifaximilian at Vera Cruz on the 19th of-May-Capture of the Town of ilertnnelliwby Garcia Morales, together with the Garrison and Forty French men of the ForeignTegion. NEW Yoak, Jinie Ortiz adviees of June Ist, and from the city of Mexico to May 25th, announce that Maximilian, arrived at the latter - place on the, 19th ult. , Thirteen persons have been imprisoned at ACCOrdada charged with implication in the death of Baron D'Huart, the Belgian corn,, missioner, at Rio Frio. General Regueles was in force at Michoacan. An attack on Tacambaro by Ronda, Garnica, Giinzales, -and Olivares was expected.: Some of Coro na's men, had armed a vessel to,. prey on 'merchant - vessels in the gulf of Cortes, Communication with. Mazatlan had been. cut off by guerillas. The town of Hrrmo surto was captured on the 4th:ult. by Garcia - Morales, together with the garrison of 250 men and 40 Frenchmen of the Foreign Legion'. Only three of the latex were left alive. A French priest and two 'French residents were also killed. The French account says the Liberals were afterwards routed and.lso'ltilled. The Liberals under Varges occupied the town -of Tula, the garrison escaping. ..The Lib 3 7 rale were much, encouraged by the'corre spondence between the United States and _France. ' It is said Maximilian is pra Nared for thi3 WithdraWal of the French Valllernia--Celebriation by the Italians— The Italian patriotic. Fund. Sem Fitaztersco, June 9.--=The steamer California, ties arrived from 'Victoria, _with 120,000_iri treasure. '• Patents ~.have been bi nned for upwards of 3,000,000 acres of lands, Spanish and Mexican grants, to , which the 'courts have confirmed the titles. The steamer Golden Age has sailed for Pa nama,with $1,958,700 in treasure, of which 41,61790 - id for New York. _ - There was a large sale of refined sugars to-dayi, at - sixty days' credit. • Prices were .40. lower than previously. A settled market is, now expected, this,being the Jest ',public sale for refined sugar for the year. SAN FRANCISCO, June 10.—The-Italian re sidents to-day-are celebrating the anniver sary of the adoption of the Liberal constitu tion of. Italy, under the rule of Victor 'EmanneL The California subscriptions to the Italian patriotic fund amounts to $10,300. Los Angelos accounts say the prospects - in the oil districts of San Fernandez are nattering. Large tanks have been built to receive the oil flowing from the nnmer -one springs. SAN FRANCISCO, June 11.—The bark 'Cambridge, from Honolulu, brings 3,300 kegs of sugar. She reports arrived at lionoltdu and waiting, bark Sea Breeze, from home, clean, and the whale ship James Smith, with 2,000 barrels of sperm -oil. Melbourne advices report theftour market much depressed in consequence of the re -ceipt of urge shipments from Chile and California. The cargoes were forced on the market, which caused a decline of 655. per ton. California wheat was quoted at "Sidney at 7s. 4d. Quicksilver, 2s. 3d. per pound. The steamer Pacific, from San Pedro, brings seventy-nine large sacks of middling - upland California cotton. - Mining shares have slightly improved. Ophir, $300; Imperial, $109; Yellow Jacket, 4650; Belcher, $165; Chollar Potosi, $2OO. _Legal-tenders, 72. • The Knights Temp lets. LimeAgrEu., Pa. June 13.—The nine teenth annual conclave of the Corn mandery -ofanights Templars of Pennsylvania com menoedin this city last night. This morn ing the following officers were elected for the preeent year Grand Commander—Robert Pitcairn, of Pittsburgh. Deputy Commander—J. L. Hutchinson, Philadelphia. climeralissimo—C. A.,Banvert, of Harris burg. Captain-General—John Vallenchamp, of Narniburg. Prelate—J. R. Dunn, of Bloomsbn.rg. Grand Senior Warden—,Tames H. Hop kins,' of Pittsburgh. Grand Junior Warden—H. B. McKean, of 'Towanda. Grand Treasurer—A. 0. Herr. A parade of the Sir Knights took place tbis - afternoon. About three hundred of the iaraft, in fall uniform, with bann6rs, music, 4c. were in the line. Alines Hopkins, of Pittsburgh, delivered an oration, giving a sketch of the origin and objects of the Knights Templars. 'lSeeeission'iu the Presbyterian 'Church. Baitrusoss, June 13.—The congregation 'of the Franklin street Presbyterian church szibt to-night to take action. on• the course of the Rev. Dr. Bullock in deciding to sever his connection with the General Assembly -of the Old School Presbyterian Chtirch on .account of its recent action in regard to the Louisville Presbytery. The Rt 317,. Dr. Ham ner presided, and the congregation voted to sustain the action of their pastor, and to se cede from the General Assembly. The mat ter-excites much interest among the Pres byterians. Bar fag' et a newspaper Office., Pornasnurin, June 13.—The office of the -Express was entirely destroyed by fire this -morning. „Nothing was saved except' the Hoe press in the basement, whiCh was but ,damaged: The loss is $lO,OOO, , chieflycoVered by insurance. Possible "hie - crier* Of Bishop Early, Rioax - orm, Junel , l3.—lt is believed that 'Bishop Early will eoover from the severe loternal - iitjttries •e,arised - by the railroad ac cident at Coalfield 'yesterday. . a . kiniineialaxid Commercial. The fo shows the receipts of the, Delaware ...18ivision' Canal. for the week' and season, compared with same time last year: 'Weekending $8.631 52 . X'revionaly 69,580 45 78,224 67 'Week ending Zane 10, 1865.. Xtevions tu . Increase Ea 2866..--1 4344470 39 ' The following is a statement of coal transported -liver : the Dels.ware and. Hudson Canal for the we and season ending Jufe 9, and the samkperiods year: Tor the week For the endinv_Jtme 9. season. '1 ons. - Tons. Melaware and Hodson Canal 46,820 379,890 l'ennsylvania, Coal Company.... 853 5,863 Tone— Yor thesame period last year: Week. Beason. Si)elaware and Eadsoneanal.-...32,562 199,524 'Xepna:Coal Company 209 15,233 88.271 214.757 The ft) 'shows the shipments of coal over the D e i s warum and Western Railroad for the -week ingJane S, compared with same time last eseasom 4MAPPed . <Shipped South.-- T0ta1.:._.......... 17 - ..600,187 05 For corresponding time last year.year. . 1 6 7 ° ' 11' 6 3 .i oT°7 , l s2s Ccv a 11 North . iP 1 111P h Ped ped 16 985,154-08 ... . 08 .457,150.12 Inc~an :.:..»....._m ..:.. ..:......:..:............191,&4161 Sksstme. sad S' l4: airs 2 l,l6 . omail Steamers SEM . room - SOB DATE Sakitaroo --..:Xlverpciot.:Brew York ' June I .LtverpooL-Boaton 4k. Fila-Jane 2 Y0rk....:---juite Palloyra.----..LlverpooL-New York June 5 -City of Paria--Liverpool...New York.-- . . ... .Jane 6 ]difteleel_ .Pltt —Bremen.-Netv York ..-....-.Jaoe 6 The Queen------Liyerwol-New York June" 6 Hionts:.....outtatimpton...Nect , Y0rk.....:-.....june 6 Perso...LiveroDoL.-.New .... .. -June 7 setyof,Thililin......Liverpool...New York 7 9 nes , Y0rk.....-Southampton-Ndw York ' 'Mine 12 -6encoinis .SouthampOn...Nerw York done IS -OW on few YOrk...LiYerpl...New York Jane 13 4,339 94 37,417 34 To'ns.Cw9. Tons-Cwt. ... 9,067 01 /68, , 21 04. ... ' 22,081 10 431,966 01 . Hermann»: ..Piew York... Breme- ............Tune 16 Etna.-- New York... Liverpool June 16 Hibernia .-...........New York-Glasgow. June 16 Hibernian Quebec - LiverpooL Jane 16 C0reica........ .New York-Nassau& Hav'a....J une 16 Villa de Paris .New York.-Havre....- June 16 Allemaniai. r ......NewYork...Hamburg ' .. ..„June 16 Eagle - _.New York„.Havana _..:_..........June 20 New York..-...-New York...Aspinwal .June 21 Hansa._" .New York.-Bremen June 23 Borussia--New York... Hamburg Tone 23 City of Paris - .New York...Liverpool..-........-June 23 Africa..... .Bostoa--Liverpool ' June 20 Rantiagode Cuba.....N York... San Juan; Nic.-...June Cella ..New "York -.London Tune 20 Peruvian Quebec... Liverpool Saue23. BUPA kincr , D LAFOLISIW 7. PRICE WETHERELI.4IIRnenzmy COMEiTTEI3I D. C. McCAMMON, 9 iI~Y U 1 $ ®LLETUI ism limo. 4 29 1 SUE BEM 7 SO INIEUE WAM. 3.37 111:4 kV :016411•Vi OA :4 .7.11-4 Steamer Vtilcan ison,24hOitrs from N. York, with rodeo to NV M Baird @ Co. . - Steamer Monitor, Jones. 24 hours from New York; with nubs to Wm hi Baird & Co. Steamer Beverly, Pierce,24 hours from N York, With mdse to W P Clyde & Co. ' ' Steamer Bugglee, Chase, 24 hours froinNew York, with mdse to W P Clyde &Co. . Ship Uncle Tobey, Pinkham. 5 days from Portland with mdse to Carman, Merchant & Shaw. Brig I,llen_Bernard, Collins. 45 dayafrom Liverpool, with - salt to Peter Wright & Sons. - Brig S Hassell, Hassell. 11 days from Matanzas, with sugar and molasses to Geo C Carson & Co., • Brig Webster, Belly. Haskell. from. Bangor, with luinber to 'Warren. Gregg & Morris. • - • Schr Ocean Banger, Bradley,frum Bangor, with lum ber to B A Solider & Co. - Behr Warren Blake,Messervey,l4 days from St John, NB. with lumber to captain. Soft L A Orcutt, Butler, from Portlatidwith plaster, &c. to order. • - Sehr G W Rowley, Allen, 14 days from St John,Nß. with lumber to captain. Behr Hornet, Rich, 8 days from Calais, with lumber to captain. Behr Jos 0 Atkins, .Atkins, l'day. from Milton; Del. with grain to Christian :dc Co. , . Sehr Garnet, liarshail, 1 day fiom Lewes, Del. with grain to Jan L Bewley dr, Co. Behr Jas L Bavaria, Hollingsworth; 1 day from Lit. tie Creek Landing, Del. with grain to James L Bewley & Co. Behr Mary Ricltards.l day from Camden, Del. with grain to Jas L BewleY & Behr Olivia, Pox, I day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Behr Sarah & Mary, Morris, / day from Dover, Del. with railroad ties to Bacon, Collins & Co. Behr Bird, Duffell,lt days from Lewes Mai. with wood Bchr Elizabeth Jane, Oday, 4 days from Easton, Md. with railroad ties to flacon, Collins & Co. Behr Henrietta, Eldridge, 5 days from Snow Hlll,llld. with lumber to Bacon, Collins dc Co. 'log Clyde. Cropper, from Baltimore, with 10 barges to W P Clyde & Co. BELOW - - Bars Thos Whitney, from Liverpool; J H Welded, from Nnevitas; Brazillero, from Saguia, and a bark, supposed the Village Belle, from Londonderry. CLEARED It ESTRItua Steamer Ruggles, Chase, New York, W P Clyde & Co Steamer Alida, Lenny, New York, W P Clyde &Co. steamer It Willing, Ccindltr, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. Bark Meaco, Wortinger, Barbados, Madeira & Cabada. Brig Marshall Dutch, Co...nabs, Boston, Bancrofc,Lewis & Co. _ Fehr A E Safford, Hanson. Norwich. do . Schr B Henry, Weaver, Boston, Qtdritard, Sawyer & Ward. Schr .1M Vance, bnrdge, Providence, do Behr C Moore, Ingersoll, Norwich, Maui Vein Coal Co Behr A Hugel, Robinson. Salem, do Schr Lewitt Coaster, Bartlett, Boston, do. Behr Jane N Baker, Adams, ado do Schr West Dennis. Crowell, 'do do Schr J H Moore, Nlekerson,Boston,l G &G B Repplier Schr L Frazer, Steelman, - do do Schr Roanoke, Barrett, Norwich, do Behr W C Atwater, Glover, salon, New York and Schuylkill Coal Co. • Behr A M Lee, Dukes, Boston, do Schr J Lancaster, Williams, E Cambridge, Glover ,t Moeller. Schr W F Phelps, Crammer, Boston, J Street & Co. Behr Mary .1, Ray, Quinton. do Schr Champ, Boyle, billlvllle, do Schr Chingolora, Lyon, South Amboy, R H Schr Winter Shrub, Bowman, Morris River, do Schr A Haley, Haley, Boston, Blakiston, Graerf di Co. Scbr Lizzie Taylor, Scull, Lynn. sinnickson dr Co. Scar J L Maloy Russell. Malden. J R White. Schr J P McDevitt. McDevitt, N Haven, Wannema eh er & Co. Sehr Charm, Starr, Washington. Manchester Coal Co. Behr Bead RR No 50, Carson, N Haven. do Behr S Price, Godfrey, Ruston; do scar J S BuckmasterafcHenry.Waahington,do Schr•Alquissr, Willy, Boston, Caldwell, Gordon & Co. Schr Tantamount, Davis, Boston, Dovay & Son. lug Hudson, Carr, with 18 barges for Baltimore, W P Clyde & Co, SIMILOR.S.ND/L Ship Elvira Owen, Simms, hence vla Baltimore for Antwerp. off Seaford 3d inst. Steamer Baltic, Jones. cleared at New Tork yester day for Bremen. Steamer Morro Castle, Adams, cleared at New York yesterday for Havana. • Steamers Persia, Lott; Erin. Cutting; Edlohnrg,Hal crow. and Marathon. Edmondson, cleared at 1 , 1 fork eaterday for LiverpooL Steamer Nortolk, Vance, hence, below Richmond 11th lnst. -- - Bleat:der Annie, Biddle, hence at Hartford 11th last. Brigs AathlStevens, launders and BIWA, Brown, hence at Boston 12th inst. • Brig Abby Ellen, more, from Darien, at Boston 12th inst. Brig Lincoln Webb. Wylie, from St John, NB. for this port, at Boothbay 9th inst. Brig Mary J Goddard, Whipple, hence. below Port land 9th inst. and sailed 10th for r t John, NB. Brig Chiefton (Br). Conrad. cleared at New York yesterday for Halifax viathls port. Seitz C .Loeser, Smith, hence at Bath 11th inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS. DESTRUCTION OF LIGHTHOUSE AT BAY Por.s..-r,Pour ROYAL, B. C —lnformation has been received at Ibis office that. the lighthouse. at Bay Point, Port Royal Harbor. was entirely destroyed by .a tornado which visited that viclnlty on the 28th nit. Due notice will be given of the re•establishrripnt or tkIP , Mont By order: W. B. SHTTI3RICK, Chairman. Treasury Department, Office Lighthouse Board, Wash ington, DC., June 4 1866. DYm t kJ - 0J Dt.ll CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL J.,D7 COMPANY. DIVIDEND NOTICE. At a general meeting of the Stock and Loanholdens of this company. held on the 4th inst., a Dividend of THREE PER CERT. ($6 00 per share) on the Capital Stock of t he Company was declared, clear of United states Tax, nayanle on demand. • H. V. LESLEY, jeo46tf - Secretary. OFFICE OF THE RIG MOUNTAIN IM PROVFMwNT COMPANY, I'HILADELPHEA, June 12th, 1866. The Board of Directors have this el.y declared a dividend of TWENTY- FIVE C ENTS PER SHARE, on the Capital Stock of Lae Company, clear of Slate tax, payable on and after the =.d instant, at the office No. 320 Walnut street.. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 12th inst., and reopened on Wednesday, the 20CII inst. jell-Sti • 8. 'WILCOX, Treasurer. OFFICE POURING-ROCK AND EAST ScrEESA. NDY OIL COM_PANY. 619 WALNUT T, PHILADELPHIA. June 2d, 1866. Notice is hereby given that certain shares of the Capital Stock of this Ilkimpany, forfeited for non-pay ment of an assessment of one (1) cent per share, will be sold atpnblic auction, at the °thee of the Company, on the 11.1 d day 0fJnne,,1666, at v. o'clock, if not pre. vionsly redeemed. - By order of the Treasurer, C. $. GLLLMCIIIAISE, Secretary, 5e2,4,7 11,14,18.20,21,22.9 t O'pyrir. A IiELPRI JUNE I,IBBB.—CAUTION All persons are fbrbid negotiating the following Stock: Nos. 1329, 1,199, 1:55 and 1,280, of the CLINTON COAL AND IRON COMPANY; No. 244, of the VE NANGO OIL COMPANY; Nos .: - 5a7 and 743, of the t ONNECTICIIT MINING. CO.: Nos: so and sl;of the SHERIDAN OIL CO: of CHERRY RllN,and a re 3etot for two hundoxl Shares of theCOTTER. FARM OLL CO. Stock, No. 595,1 n my name, as the same was stolen from me on the evening of May 31,1366—re. Issue of the Said Stock having bee vA tM i l tor. VLVOFFICE OF THE CONTROLLERS 0 6' PCB LSO SCHOOLS, FIRS P DISTRICT OF PEMH ANIA. Panatmrsznis., June 11th. 1888. At a meeting or the Controllers of Public Schools, First District of Pennsylvania, held at the Controllers' Cbamber, June 1 2 ,1868, the following Resolution was adopted Resolved, Matti= and after the 14th lust. and un til the summer vacation, there shall be brit one session per day in all the Schools in this District: said session ence at 8 A. M., and terminate at 12 M., with a recess of fifteen minutes. From the Minutes. ql6 OTIGH—The undersigned Corporators named in the Act of Assembly, entitled An Act to corporate the Pennitylvanis Canal Company," ap• prow d the first day of May, A. D. 1566, will t,pen books and receive subscriptions to the capital stock of said company at the places and times following : PHILADELPHIA, at Room. No. 22, Merchants' Exchange, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 26th day of June, lass. HARRISBURG, at the Lochiel House, at 10 o'ClOolt A. M.. on the loth day of July, 1866. - • HUNTENGDON, at the , Morrison Hoare, at JO o'clock A. M.. on the 19th day of July, 1866. L. T. Wonsan, 'Alex. M. Lloyd, John A: Lemon, David Blair, Geo. B. Roberts, James Burns. P. F. Wireman, W. J. Howard, John Lingafelt, John Scott, R. B. Wig ton. James bardner, . John N. Swope, J. J. Patterson, 'Win:Davis, Jr. my26•11e26 . WANT!". R, LEAVES WANTED —Highest cash prices 1.1, given tor fresh Rose Leaves, by 4...HARLE3ELLLS SON do 00. Wholesale - Druggists, Corner Seventh and Market streets. - jeistoso BB" E,CLA.Y LOT WANTED —A large lot of good Clay ieu I ease In or convenient to the city. No one need apply- who has not a large- body of good clay. Address, CLAY, Bulletin Office,..Jell4ts 114R8 BRUSH, WRITING AND LITERARY fjENDy.--Copying dona rapidly, advertise ments written, business letters answered promptly and confidentisdly Writing of all kinds attended to' at the shortest notice. Literary matters will receive especial atter ticin. No. 258 South'Ninth street, Palle , delpbis. Refer- to D. Appleton & Co., 443 and 443 Br.adway, New Yet*. jeTtf A GENTS - WANTED FOR - "CAMPAIGNS OF -.Li THE ARMY OF THE POTOISIA.O." " EF Swintbm The Standard Elston ,. ofshe "Grand Army." The greaten Work On the War. Universally endorsed by army Waters and the press. Send for circulars and eee curtail= Address "National Publishing C 0.," 507 Minor street, Philadelphia. Pa, myso Ina* .THE SirENING,BULLETIN PIIIIIADVAPOTA,,TI4*O4III;,,T H. W. HALLIWELL, Secretary. 141 iktm ti ..0,C117.2t t I SPECIALTY. 11, 114111)01111 & CO,, BANKERS AND BROKER% L 6 South Third st., I 3 Nassau Philadelphia. I New York. STOCKS AND GOLD • BOUGHT AND BOLD ON OONNIBELON. INTNRAND.AMLO*NDON Dzposms. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, 7 3-10 5-20, WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 tionth Third Street. NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC Nos. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT St. Organized under "The National Currency Act," March Seth A regular BANKING BUSINESS transacted, DK- PoSil , t received upon the most liberal terms. espe cial attention given to COLLECTIONS. my23.lm/ JAY COOKE & CO., NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, BANKERS AND Dealers in Government Securities, U. S. 6's of 1881, 5-20's, Old and New, 10-40's; Certificates of Indebtedness 7-30 NOTES, Ist, 2d, and 3d Series. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. =BREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Bold on Omxt- MIESIOD. L %efia.a . buainesit accommodations RESERVED FOB PILIZA.DBLPSLL. June /166. Je7 Ia :111:.)l:;!ail- I :4 il7ll eHAW .117STICMS' PATENT DELD.STROKE 0 POWER HAMMER—The undersigned having be come sele assignees and manufacturers in tee State of Pennsylvania of the above hammer, are prepared to furnish them at short notice and on reasonable terms An cezn m unicatioa 5 from parties requiring hammers for use in Pennsylvania must be addressed to 31 & SONS, 430 Washington avenue Philadelphia., Circulars containing full information tau be for warded on application. LUTES at .1101"Fl1.L&N, CARPEMMDERS, y 2411 No. 212 P EARStreet. m ßeeldence; 606 Dickerson street. 1005 Taylor street. Every desmiptionot Jobbing promptly attended to. GI C. KNIGHT et CO., WHOrmq Aram GROCER& C 443. E. Cor. WATER and CBES rre UT streets, Phu. ..dolphin. Agents for the sale of the Products of the 3outhwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Saw Horse, of Philadelphia. ULCER A. 'WELOHT. THORNTON PERS. mammal enascoar. THEODORE w - suoirr. PRANK L. NIZALL. • PATER WRIGHT & SONS, Importers o an f d Earthenware, Shipping arid Commission Merchants, No.llb WALNET Street, Philadelphia. PacNSYLITANIA WORES.—ON TarTC Dwr•ok WARE river, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTEIL Delaware con itraz & P a o3 Engineers and Iron Boat builders, ittannfactnters of • All kinds of 00NDENSING .AND NONCONDENSING EN. tics Vessels ofall dwciripticiaG lNE%, Boilers, Vats, Tanks Propellers..&e., &C. r. BEANEY, W. B. BEEtIrET, S. I...B.CEIB as OLD Late of - aa Reaney, Neste & Co., Engineer in Chief, Penn Works, Phila. 11. S. Navy. T. VAUGHAN biERRICK, WM. H. HEREGUK SNO. E. COPE. 4;IOI7TRIVARK 'FOUNDRY, AND WASH lIQGTON STREETS. - - PEITLADSZLPHIA. MERRICK & SO ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. L MFEME',MMIQ;II Boilers Gasometers, Tanks . - Iron Bottle, &c., Castings or all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Root:slur Gas Works,- Workshops and Railroad Stations, &c. ..Retorts and Gas Machinery, or - the latest and moel mproved construction. Every description •of Plantation Machinery; ens Sugar. Saw: and OrLst Mills,_yacunm Pans, Opet Steam Trains, Dedicators, Filters, .Pmnpina— Ones, &c. Sole Agents !lir N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Bolin apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam •Hammer ll and Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Oeatritagal Sagas el_AB FIXTUB273.—ICIEGENT, NEIGGIIIi L TITACRANAI, NO. 718 into . 84 LIT street. Siannacturers of OM Fixtures; Tamper &e Am. would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants 3eac.kets, deo. They a/tot - ince Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extend ing,altering and repair/nom P108d: All imrk war ranted. 1080" - THILLDELWILL - - BIDING- -SCHOOL: L FOURTH street, above Vin_t4 will re-open fbr nil and Winter season on HONDA.T, Besot. - leth Ladles and gentlemen dW.ring to acquire a Infirm:l knowledge of ibis accompilshment will find at this school. The horses are of and= trained, so that the most timid lieek not fear. Saddll harem trained in the best manner., Saddle horses horses and vehicles to hire. Also =Magee SW Mai rals, to cam, IteIIOWSPAII, LRO. - mos. IXEtAIGE ilk BM WISPY WILLII3.— OWNERS OP PROPERTY.—ms 1. only pile* to get Privy Wale .01eaused end Dialsi• bested, at very low prime. A. PNYI3BO_ A N Nanrill of Ponarete." Goldsmith's Hell. Library street • or, 0L5.i413.1-a.Di‘N v..anr.7l C. THOMAS B. DIXON' & BONS,. /ate AndrAtm & Dixon No 1M ORESTNUP treet, Uadelphin of opmote United Mates Mlnf, =- 1 .- - x; LOW-1:045WN, P&l cit la ti n& R, . ' < ,4 = OFFICE._ T. ' And other GBATEIS, Wood - .' los Anthrarne, Intumhiona lad W Firer it ..- T 41T1111 • WAIn - -Alir-FIDINACESi--- Nor - W 3 = 2 .= and Private Bananas. , Juill'ilAATO,BB - coomm-aerrozEkAtau-Banares, acsi I WHOTaisiaT.K and }Wren.. Buocessor to Oeo. (bay, • • 7 33XLM - Wr.. 2 . 4, 28, 28 and 30 South Sixth St., Pldlad'a. • E Fine GI fitotk & Nut-Brown Ales, , se. ". -r es for ramitsr and litedicina QPARESH OLIVW-11X1 Kew' treah - BPsnitaCOlives; to Just received and farisale ti 9.44 D. DIIRODI.B. CIO. We S. Delaware Sven tSHIPPIIVO FOR NEWYORK, Via Delaware and Raritan Zama. - . The , Philadelphia and New York Esprow, „ • Steamboat Company. - enema • Propellers leave, DAlLYtrona "" " FIRST ,WHARF halo* NAIIIODT street, makiLnng~ a . e run in 21 HOURS. - • . Tbh3 Line connects with all Plorthern and Eastern . Transportation Companion. Goods forwarded direct to all p oints tree of commission. ra~atreceived at lowest rates. WI& P.. CLIME & CO., Agents, 14 South Wharves, Pallaaelplas„ 3AI3.H.AND, , A.genti 117 Wall street NettrYorlr. fin Etti POR SAVANNAH, GA; _• . - .THE PHILADELPHIA -AND. SOUTH Ilk MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REHHLAR LINN. SAILING EVF.X.P SATURDAY. . new and splendid steamships • PIONEER Captain P. P. Hoxle TONAW.a/iDA - Captain Jacob Teal Cabin Palsage - • 416 00 The steamship PIONEER. P. ' Rorie, commander will commence receiving freight for the above portal BALE street' wharf onTli.llßSDAY,lnnel4th,and sail on SATURDAY, Jane lath, at 10" A. M., Phippera are, requestectto !exist :Rills of Lading with The n tate Boom accommodations_ of this. Steamer are of .a superior and commodious character. Freight taken for Cie A vo.wsmoN, s. c., and for. warded via SAVANNAH with quick despatch. w]io Bills of Lading signed, atter vessel leaven the , B. & J. M. FLANAGAN. • 420 Senth Delaware avenna For freight or passage, apply to • WM C. HARRIS. • # Freight and Passenger A gent, let . Roe North Delaware avenue. • ' L'• * • STRAMSIIIF-LlNR•Duamg7r. PROM 21.:AGY PORTEVART I rvicr#47 - FROM raiz ST. PHILADRILFMLA, AND LONG wRARF, BOSTON. The steamship SAXON Captain Matthews. will sail from Philadelphia on Ftidav, June.ls at 10A. M. The steamship NORMAN, Captain uroweD, will sail from Batton on Monday. June le, at 12 M. ; The line between. Phlledeiphis and Boston is now otn_poited of the - - • - RAMON, Captain Matthews ,121* tons burthge. NORMAN, CaptalrrOrmell, 1200 tons Nathan., AWED, Captain Bogs, 900 tons brirthen. Thew substantia l' And well inted :steamships 4d1,1 gall panctuallyza adv , anti freight will be received every daY, steamer being slyeeelelnek th e berth to receive cargo. • Rappers are reverted to send HMI of /ailing with their good'. For freight or paesage i lißply to NRY WINSOR & 00., jel4 . 332 South Delaware avenue. FOR SAVANNAH. GEORGLA..—Pioneer Line.—A first-class steamship leaves Pier Au. 4 North Elver, New Nora, every SATURDAY for be above port. Cabin passage, $l5. . Freight 10 cents per foot, 50 cents per barrel. tioods from Philadelphia and other points received by any transppoortarion line, and promptly forwarded 'tee ofcommtsalon. APPIY to - LEWIS L. JONES, 13 Broadway, New York. JOHN H. A r woaD, jet-tjyl 5 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Ageni in Savannah, Messrs. Hunter dt GammelL Pwr TT. A t'kELPHIA... 13.10ahlOND AND `'.‘ NORFOLK smsanarre COMPANY. The tins steamships of this Line Insure at the lowest :ates ant sail regularly from the Fiat Wharf above ',Dirket street, Oyer WEDIVMDAY and SATURDAY. At Noon, ,lonneeUnz with ReStramds from Richmond, Norfolk Ind City Point, foul:Ohs the moat direct roars for the loath and Sonthweet. M!2;10:1;==1 P. CLYDE & ii North and Booth 'Wharves FOR GALV.B..TON. TEXAS. TEXAS LINE STEAMSHIPS, • STOPPING AT KEY WEST. FLA. The Al Steamship GENERA.L SE.DOWICK, J. N. rawyer, Commander, will receive freight at Pier East River (New York). and sail with despatch. For freight or 'passage having superior ac Commods• tions, apply to . BISHOP. SON & CO., Jettf No. 105 Arch street. HAVANA STEASISML MONTHLY LrNit.—The steamships c.S. HUDSON, Capt. Howes, STARS AND SlRlPES,tempt , Holmes These steamers Will leave thls port for Havana every other S &TURD &Y, ate A. Thesteamsetp STABS &ND STRIPES- 13aptaln Holmes. will leave for Havana on SATURDAY zsok,NIND. June So'clock. Forage to Bev/map& For height or passage, apply to .THO.ILAO WATTSON & SONS. Jell 140 North Delaware avenue, NEW EMPRESS DIRE TO ALEX• ANDRIA _SeonenTwo and Wastungton Tut :elapaike and Denman Canal, with connections It Alexandria, VL, farm the most direct relate far Lynchburg, B ri stol, Sliarviiie, Naahville, Dalton ano :he Southwest. - Steamers leave First 'Wharf above Mirka etre& very Wednesday and Satinday at 12 M. For freight aPPIY to the W. W. r. aLTDE & 14 North Wharves Z. B. Davidson, Agent at SeOntetOwn; X. Eldridge a Acosta at Alexandria', FOR NEW YOBS.—Phlladelplda Stela Propeller Oempany—Desp , e_h and Swin. fin, via I.laware and Raritan Canal—Leavins at 12 N.N., connecting with., all the Northern and Faeterrifflnee. For freight, which will he taken on accotomodasui unarm, apply ta WM. M. ItAIRD & CO., intil6tf N 0.152 South Delaware avenue. et NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DELAWARE_ and CLELEMPErIE) sea -BOAT CO2II , 4LTY. BARGES - towed to and from PECILADELPBTA fAVREeDICORACE, BALTIMORE, WHIN rOli. and intermediate points. Will. P. CLYDE & DX, Argenta, No. le South Whams Philadelphia Captain .TORN LAUGHLIN, Sater intendent. ROBINSON'S CA.LIFORNL& CLIPPER mem. SAILING RESIJLARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift. Sure Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship RING -FIBBER Harding, Commander. roszst: H. s now tat ing In the balance of her Cargo at Pier East River, and having large engage. ments shippers may rely on prompt despatch. For freight, at reasonable rates. apply to BISHOP. SON & CO., , . 105 Arch street. FOR VREPI HT OR CRARTKR.—AI Br. bark KATHLEEN, Williams, master, 490 tons re glater and 6.500 bbls. flour. Al Br. bark JANET. Kinney, master. 280 tons rsgis. car and 3.000 bbls. flour Al Br. bark BALTHASABA, Wilson, master, 28 tons register and 2,500 bbis. flour. Al Br. brig IDA, Thesing, master, 210 tons, rlegis. 'tea and 2,500 bbis. capaclty. Apply to 8D21111218 A. BAUDER & 00., Sp2l s Dock street -wharf. = FOB 33018T018, Mase.—Plzpress Line.—The tine schooner ELLS L. 811.11TEI, - Captain Smith. is, now loading for the above port at willow street wharf, and will have prompt despatch. For hary es. freight, apply to DAVID WOPED, 18 North W • ._ Jett WANTED —A Vessel of about 100 M feet Lumber, to oarry timber from Denton, Md. Wilmington, Da. Apply to DELVED COOP 10 N. Wharves., ap.27 WANTED TO PURCHASE A good Vessel Suitable for Lamter trade: 125,000 to 150.000 feet capacity: not over hair years old. Apply to E. A. SOUDER & CO., Dock street wharf jeast riORSIGINFRA' NOTIOE.—The bark PRE'', P tI Gallas, master from Rotterdam, will , commence discharging at Pine street wharf, under general order, on Thursday, 14th Inst., when all goads mot per mitted will be sent to the public stores. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. ALPHO.. HE STEPIEULNI & CO., jel23ti 13'Z and 129 south !front street. persons are hereby cautioned agatast .trusting any of the crew Of toe blecklenburg bark VREI, F. ti atlas, master, from Rotterdam, as debts of their contracting will not be paid by captain or con. BlM:tees. ALPHONSE STEPHANI & CO., je11.6t4 137 and 139 South Front street. QUIP DiERIIIIIAC, Lecale, master, from Liver. pool, is now discharging under general order at Shippen street wharf. Consignees will please attend to tue reception of their goods. PEThR WREGHT & 801.78,115 Walnut street. , rily3l tf 0 AS. S. n..RENDLES., OtIeCEIZZO7 40 Mat. - SEELNAI CIS SONS, Sail Makers, No. SOO North DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. • All work done in the beet roamer and. on an 'owe& And roost' favorable tame, and win:muted to riva Put toot oattsfactoni , Particular attention riven to roolirinr.. BOA RIDING. BOARDINA.—Two vacant rooms.- .Addreas E. M., Briatrix Office, Jel2Lu a3t* DOARD.--Gentlemen furnished with meals daring ..13 the Summer, in a private family, in aeentral lona. tion. Address V. Y., Inquirer Office. Jet:Ml Mats .A GENTLE MAN and LADY can obtain rirstclass A "BOARDING, with elegant rooms, beautifully located, by applying at 1704 RACE street, References required. • ' jel2•Sta • E HANDSOME RESIDENCE, S. 0 . corner of 1 Spruce and Eighth streets, has been opened for the remptionnfboarders, Rooms single and suites, and with or withoutprivate table. id<as PHOTOGRA.PIIIO VLEWO OF PROM; DENT PLACES IN Charleston and Savannah , . Taken by a resident 'Artist, Also, a PhOtograpts of the Original Ordinance ofSecession, passed In Conven• tlon at Charleston, 1.881, scrim ma simile Signatures of all the Bigners. Orders received and for sale by W. G. FERRY, 'Stationer, LaY2B4f tae aBOIL szasET. NE 14, 1866. AWCTION MALES: .- , THOMAS &SONS, AUCTIONEEEekt: • Nos. Mend 141 South POUR'BEI street. SALES OP STOOKS - AND -REAL ESTATE-' At the Exchange, every TUESDAY. at 12 o'clOcknoort Sir Handbills 'of !each 'property issued separate y . land on the , Saturday prey of ' no to. each , Sole 'uo oat& lognes in pamphlet form, giving fall dead:lotions. 'RICA rrEISTATIa TBIVAMB SALE. :Printed • catalogues, comprising several hundred , •;thensand do ll ars,- incliiding every description of eitr. and,countryproperty„trom the smallest dwelling : tc . the 'most elegant mansions : elegant - county,: create, ' - farms, lustiness properties,&c. , • • - • , • FORNTIVIRE SALES 'at the /Wettest Store EVERY THIJIIBDAY.• • • • - - • - • tar Particular - attention given "to Sales at Private 'TWENTY -SEVENTH SPRINGSALE, - .TUNE 19. To Close an Estate—VEßY DESIRABLE TERRE. STORY BRICK RESIDENCE and .LARGE LOT, ho., 1925 Poplar et, west of -Broad, with a Brick Stable in: the rear on Cambridge at.- Lot 60 feet 4X-inches front. The above is situate in a very desirable neighborhood, ar d worthy ,thl attenti.rt of builders nucleators. . !VALUABLE BUSINESS dzOCAtIOI9--THREKBTOBT 'BRICK RESIDENCE, with three-story back baildlng„ - 1.0 . 20 North Tent hi at, shovel Market at; Immediate. possession, VAIMAHL2 BUSINESS STANDS—POUR STORY BRICE. OTEL and DWELLING, N. W. corner of . Second and - Monroe sti--bas the modern convent- ' epees. -Immediate possession. • FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLLNO,' Second at. atnolnir g the above. • THREE STORY BRICK HOTEL and DWELL ING. N.- W. corner of. Eleventh' and _Myrtle streets., 19th Ward. _ _ TERI. E-STORY BRICE' DWELLING, No. 850 N. Eleventh street. adjoining the above THREE-STORY BRICK 'DWELLING, YQo. 1315 - aod street, with a•tbreestory Brick Dwelling in the IrlitairrEss.rstorgaxy-2 , TBREESTORY , STORES and DWELL GS,Nos. 1642 and 164 - North Seeded Street,With 2 Three:story Brick Dw - Ilingli in the rear on Philipetteet. VALUABLE'- WHARF,' Elver Schitylkill,. MODERN' ‘FOTTRISToRY BATOR JECIMIDENCE, No. 1'134 Pine st, east at !Eighteenth at. Has , ttte en> dent conveniences. - - ' Palest N.W:6rner Stith and Thompson eta. SUPERIOR :FURNITURE, FINE CHINA . AND GLAt3SWARB, HANDSOME BRUSSELS CAB. PETB, &c. - ON FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE AttheN. - W. corner Maitland Thompson istreeta,.by Catalogue, superior walnut, parlor, dining room and Chamber Ibrniture, fine Brussels - aad cuter cement. hanosome chmaand glassware itc. • . i May he'exammed on themorning of Went 8 o'clock. BsIeNO.I.V4 JeffersOn street. NEAT.H9USEBOLD FURNITURE, FINE BRI7S , BELS CARPETS: to. ON. MONDAY MORNING. JUNE 18, A - tis o'clock, at Nm 1324 Jefferson street, et, the neat Walnut parlor, chamber and dining ream 'furniture, fine Brussels and other carpets, kit - hen utensils &c., may . be examined 4,11 the soornlngof sale at steclock; FINE BRANDLEEt, WitISKTE4, SHERRY, HOUK, AND CLARET .WINES. &c The Stock of atpss*.t. Ward & Brother, late of the La Pierre Howe_ . WEDS V.S.- DAS, JUNE At 12 o'clock Loon. at. the auction rooms, will be sold;by catalogue, the stock of tine Brandies, Whis. hies, Sherry. Bock and Claret Wines, th.L. of Messrs. Ward & Brother, late of the Da Pierre House. Comptes may be examined one hourpreviotti to sale, • Bale No. 1513 Green street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD TURNITuRig. FINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCK. MIRRORS. CAR PETS, KITCHEN FUhNITURE and UTENSILS, LEMON AND ORANGE TREES, dm - ON FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE v. • At 10 o'clock. at No. 1113 GrePn street, the surplus furniture f a family going to Europe, may be ' , snot at 6 o clock on the moraine of sale, VALUABLE FARM—C I PPER ORE AT PRI VATE seLv..—Araluable Farm it acres. There is a vein °tars.) , suiphuret of copper on the place. Full particulars will be given on application at the auction MOMS. fITROMAIS BIRCH & SON. AUCTIONEERS ANI looturstTSSlON MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT meet. (Bear entrance 11(17 Sansom street) 110L'Et'r3ROLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DE. SCRIPTION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. SALFb EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the most Reasonable Terms. SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &c., AT THE EX MANGE. THOMAS BIRCH ‘S. SON respectfully inform theh friends and the public that they are nrepared to attend t o the sale of Beal .IDttate by auction and at private le SALE OF VALUABLE CLAPEICAL AND MS CrT.LANEOLTS MUSIC, FINE VIOLINS. &c. -O.v TECURL-DAY AFTERNOON. At 4 o'clock, at the andien stare. No. 1110 Oheatznu street. will_be sold— 'l he valuable Classical and Miscellaneous Music be longinr to the estate of the late O. F. Haptield, cons. prising orchestral arrangements, quintettes, guar• tette'. opera scores. oratorios and piano music.. • Also. accent' valuable violins, originals by Steiner, Amati, Alblni, Magial and others. Catalogue; will be ready for distribution on Monday.. Sale at No 1110 atiestrun street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. rfA.R.PETs, MIB• HORS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. Al 9 o'clock, at. the Anctlon Store, No. MO Chestnut street, will be sold— large assortment of superior walnut parlor, chamber, dining room and 'kitchen furniture. FINE DIAMOND JEWELRY. • • , ON FRIDAY. At I o'clock at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street. will be sold— IS elegant Start and rings. single stone and clusters. Also, 8 elegant breastpins. They can be examined at.the auction store on Thus• day aftesncon. PINE SHOW CASIC. ON.PRIDAY MORNING. At the auction store, will be sold, a Plate Glass Gaun ter Show Case. • P.TA1 4 70 FORTES. One rosewood 7 octave Piano Forte, xnade by Meyer; one do. do. Loud. Y JOHN B. MYERS CO., AUCT/ONEriES I, Nos. co and MI MARKET street. corner of liana. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF CARPEEINGa CANTON MATT - ENOS. dm. ON FRIDAY- MORNING, June 15, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue. or four months' credit, about YOO nieces of superfine and tine ingrain, royal damask, Venetian. list, Dutch bemp cottage and rag carpetings, embrating a choice assortment ofsuperior goods, which may be ezamined early on the morning at sale. e.43k034.1/40wdEigiriVwiagib i g P*43WiliM)!Nalsr 1 11% • V w • .ON MONDAY MORNING, JUNE .13, At 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue. O 1 FOITI ISIONTRSCBEDIT, about7oolots ofFrench, India. Ger man and British Dry Goods, embracing a full assort. ment of fancy and. staple articles in silks, worsteds woolens, linens and cottons. N. B.—Oooda arranged ibr examination and =tit looms ready early orrmorning of gala LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OP BOOTS, GUMS BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, STRAW GOODS. mac. ON TUESDAY MORNING; JUNE 19, WUI be sold, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on fbu' mouths' credit, about 1,100 packages Boots, Shoes, Bile morals. &P.., of City and Eastern manufacture. Om for ev.f.rn nation with catalogues early on the moralist of sale.' giRE PRINCIPAL - MONEY EEMAELTEA 44 m.ENT 1. B. E. corner of SIETE and RACE streets. ' Money advanced on Merchandise societally' Watches,Jevrelry, Diamonds, Gold and Sliver elate. and on all articles of value, for any lentil of timE WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Oper Face English; American and Swiss Patent Level Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le pine Wetchesr, Fine Geld Duplex and other Watches Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English American and Swiss Patent Lever and Le tin Watches: Double Cara English Quartier. and °that Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Oust Finger Rings; Ear Thugs, Studs, &at Fine Chaintc' Medallions; Bracelea; Scarf Pinr, Pins; Finger Binge; Pencil Cases, and Sewoay gene • • FOB SALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Chart emitablelbr a Jeweler, price $6.50. Also, several Lots In Borah Camden Fifth sat Chestnut streets otXrrs', A. IAIT.LON IMPORTANT SALE °FOIL PAINTINGS, PASTEL PIC rtBRIS AND CRYSTAL MEDALLIONS dm. Comprising the entire Collection from the AMERICAN ART GALLERY, NEW YORE. R. -.SCOTT, Jr. will sell by suction. on FRIDAY. SATURDAY and MONDAY EV.ENINGS, June 15,16 and 15, ate o'clock, at 'the Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street. a .very chotce collection of Paintings. Crystal Medallions, sr c. It embraces specimsns of some of the .most talented living American artists. je.1.2.6t CAB D.—We are prepared from now until July tette make +medal Bales of any description of merchandise. end will use our beet endeavors to give satisfaction. For terrus.Ac.. apply at the office. DAVIS & RA.N.VEY, AUCTIONEEEtb. (Late with M. Thomas it Sons.) Store No. 833 Chestnut street. FURNITURE SALES at the Store every TuesdaY. SALES AT MELD ENCMS -ecelve Partici:dal attention VALUABLEIIISCELL A.NEnTJS BOOKS. ON FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 15. - At 7)4 o'clock, at the auction store No. 333 Chestnut street, Valuable Miscellaneous Books, portion from a Private Library,. including mans English editions of choice authors, in fine bind ngs. AlsO. ti number of At Okla Books. Mostly the last editions of the publics- Cons of Lea & Rlan chard. May be examined Thursday and Friday, PHILIP FORD & CO., . • AUCTIONEERS, No. 106 MARKET street.- - SALE OF 100 r CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. • • .ON MONDAY MORNING, TUNE 18. Cori:manning at 10 o'clock. precisely. will be sold by catalogue 10426 cases men's, boys' and yontbs , calf', It kip, grain and thick , ots, Brown', Ralmorals. Con gress Elaiters,Oxford Ties. &c. ; women's. misses' and children's calf kip, goat, kid. buff and moroccn heeled Boots and Shoes. Also, a tine assortment of city-made goods. Y BAB.RITT & CO., AIICTIONIOw w 4 4 • . Cash Auction House, • _ No. 230 Market street, corner ofßank street. Cash advanced on consignmentswitbootextea °harem NOTICE TO CITY AND COTIN TRY MERCHANTS. ON FRIDAY MORNINei, %Tunny is, at 16 o'clock. 500 lets assorted Dry Goods, ClottuS, CaMi; mores, Dress Goods, &c Also,- . 200 dozen Straw Hats. Hoods, &is If a dozen White and, Fancy Shirts. • Invoices Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, NotionS. &c. T . L. ABIUDELthIak. & 00., AVOTIO :.I , IIVERI-, • .1505 7iLLTUrfa , street. *bon iilbt, . AUCTION SALES. TAXES .13TtlESTiL4N - s A.IICTIONE.EN 'Peremptory Sale' to •Cloge a "Partnerithip" Account, ai o. 307 Untoutdreetiand 307 Cypress street—, LEASE. STOOK, TOOLS. CA.ERIAtiES, &c. ON SATITEDAY,MORNINELJUNE 16. Alt 10 o'clock, will he kohl-without 'rEserve, to' chee a , partnership, the entire 6tock and teols of o.'.l'..Eidd & Co., Carriage Manufacturer Including Wagons Choice Lumber. Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, Smiths' Tools. Im• proved Drill. &c, _ ' • LEA SL—Also; the Lease of both shops. - RANK FIREPROOF SAFE AT PRIVATE SALE. At Private Sale -A supelor Rank Safe, nearly new,„, about seven fiet high inside, with combination'lockw &c.: in perfect order, Made by Farrel &. Herring.all cost of $1,4e0. TO RENT—A handsome double Mansion on Walnut street, either furnished or' untarnished. Apply at the Auction Store.' ESUMIPItMeis. ' VCOMAPOrriLTJI-41.• WRIGHT'S TAR SYRUP PRENCLPAIT; DEINYS, 773:136IITIE:Tlitith i3T. PRICE, PER BOTTLE; $5 PER HALF DBZH6I: The undersigned citizens take pleasure in cheerfully recommending the use - of ' Wrlght's Tar Syrup. Aar coughs colds, consumption, wheePicg coughr - 0 011, ea • fever, liver complaint, pains' in the breast, bronchitis. Inflammation, and constriction of - air vessels in llut lungs. The remedy should be in every Charles C. Wilson, Forney's Press office. 'Charles H. Graffen, Sundati Herron/ office. • James Nolen, inquirer office. • • -; • Wm. F. Corhit, Ansociated Press. Wm. B. Carpenter, Fire Alarm 'and Police Tel& graph, Fifth and Chestnut streets. - ;A. Randolph, Front and Lombard streets. • ,' James W. Ferrine, LOS Charlee street, H. A. Davis, 32342Isskillatreet. - JohnWoodside,l33l Franklin street Robert Thompson, 1603 Walter street. R. 6: March - . 626 Franklin street. , , J. Gebloff 731 South Second street. : '- John Seymour, MS South Front street. E.W. Howard; I•Doe.k street.' - • - ' H. C. Bartlett r ra7 South Second street. , L. Rates, 665 Arch street.. ' Albert .Pdartin, 417 South Second street. Mary Caldwell, 1032 Samson, street. , • - W. Thomas,-20 North Fourth street. , T. M. Canby, 109 Elfretb's alley. - • George Wilson. 23f. Race street. - - - W.F. 8r00k5,69 North Second street. , M.'.l.Hassett,ll9 (lanai street. , . : S. Seymour Rate, Bustleten. Charles Rogers, 921 South street: ' - • R. T. Wellington Second and Quarry Street& • E. B.Thomas,l3B South Sixth street. William Barna, Mb South Front street. . . S. S. Sanford, Opera Manager. John lilaginnts, rear 01'134 North Second street. Mrs. S. B. Choate, Newark, Del. George W. White & Co:, No. Mt South INsirli street. William B. wrigh4: ' Bra: We take pleasure In recommending smug; TAR SYRUP (of which we have already sold con siderable quantities) as a most excellent and efficacious remedy fox the complaints set MrAt in your printeg: bill already submitted to the public. As a graWiring act to suffering humanity we will cheerfully ream= mend year preparation to all afflicted w ith diseases - which it is designed to cure. • _ Tours, &c., DIMES & SON, Druggists, N. E. corner Pine and Sixth trantis, Also to be had at • JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, DYOTT ch CO., and all principal druggists and dealers. The subscriber would beg leave further to say thal he is prepared to fill orders and forward the Syrup to any part of the country. Persons desiring other infolmation by mail will enclose a postage stamp, and_ answers will be returned as soon as the exigencies or business will admit. T. 7 A of WRIGHT, 771 South Third street, - • Philadelphia. Ps. rkJi PiALMt h EN T 'TAeLh d EA— y A ing p a e n l malc a aewhi cn feet them, giving tone to the gams, and leaving a feel 'ng of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. it may be used daily, and will be found to stre.n= weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and 31venes5 will recommend it to every one. Being emu nosed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician sag Micro. copist, it is confide.tly offered as a RKLIAILLIt iubstitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogee. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents ..,f the DENT.ALLMA, advocate its use; It contain*. nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAI T. SEWN, Apotheatry, Broad and bprtute streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, . D. L. Stackhonse, Hansard 4 Co., Robert. C. Davis, -- . G. R. E eeny. Geo. C. Bower, Isaac H. H a y, Charles Shiv C. H. b eedles, G. J. Scattergood,' • 7, T. J. Husband, J. C. Turn penny &Q. _ Ambrose Smith, Charles H.fetoerle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, - William B. Webb. B. Bringhurst &QO., James L. Rlspham, Dyott 4 Co., -.- Hughes & Coombe, H. C. Blair, - Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. - 1.- DRIUCH!). THE GREAT AMERICAN DEODORIZER AND DISINFECTANT. • This article owes its peoallar value as a DEODO RIZER to the that that it decomposes and destroys an. noxious gases and vaporethat are given offfromputti lying animal or vegetable matter Da. W. E. A AIKI.N, Professor of Chemistry In tiler University of Maryland. says: "For an efficient and reliable Deodorizer and Disinfectant, always ready Itm use, and not liable to, arm change, equally valuable ii the sick room and In the foul sink, it has, in mg opinion, no equal. • This opinion Is concurred In by Drs. Miltenberger,: Johnson, Chew. IffSherry. Butler, and . Dr. Van Biber. who made the report to the Fa:toned Scusircom and Quarantine COnrentiOn of Ina, says:. - "It Is the best deodorant of which Ihave any - lore*. ledge: "First. It evidently answers the perpose. "Second. It is odorless itself. "Third. It is easily kept and managed. ".Fburth. /t Is comparatively cheap. For sale by ROBERT SRO3I2R Wholesale Drunttta. N. F. corner FOLIBTH. and RACK Streets. Ana by Druggists generally COD LIVER OIL (new made) regularly received la V quantities suitable to the trade. • ALCOHOL, 95 per cent; finest quality in best of pa,c3to a VI . FINED CAMPHOR, in original. packages. . Ipecac Root, Ipecac powdered; Ipecac, powdarailt, ftt lb. bottles;_Powdered eallsays Bark, Powdered Mut barb, Powdered Jelin'. in bottles, for sale by JOHN Ct. RARER & CO., No. 718 Market street.. DLAIR'S Pt RE FRUIT SYRUPS put up in bottles A) expressly for Families in the country. One table spoonful otany of these Syrups added to a glass of ice= water, makes a most refreshing and delightful draught —almost. if not equal to soda water. Orders by malt promptly answered. If.C. BLAIR'S SONS', Apothe, caries. Eighth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. CA.PdPHOR.—A lot of Camphor fbr sale by NI7II.- LIAM W.Lr IS & CO., Druggist*, No. 724 and= Market Strect. EXT.R. AOT OF BEEF for beef tea or Essence'at Beef in sickness or for soups for table use. Made n Elgin. Illinois, by Gail Borden, from the Jnlcee of choice beef and is superior in [delicious flavor =X quality to any hitherto known. ' Packets with fbil di recstaxia. ode dollar meal. : EVBBELL, APOthecatlf 1410 Chestnut street. . ral:(9Blll3TS' SUNDBIES. Gradual:en Horrand LPm Tilda,Combs, Brwat Minoru, Tweessni,P-a sows, Horn Scoops., Instrumento, Tin= Hard and Soft Blabber Goods, Vast Cued, Wm Hata' Syringes, arc., daN atWNE ds" m apses 22 South Eighth s trald: •• RORKRT BROIDSLAIUDI. & 00. N. N. 00ENDit FOlThirDN AND RACE Wholeashi Drugglete, hfanufacturens and Dealers In Windore Glass, White Lead, and Banta of every descriptlaz after to the trade, or commie" &complete stock ai goods In their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT SHOEMAKER di = l. Northeast corner Fourth and Dace streets. DAY BUlL—jnet • received,. as invoice Of (lenu2 .0 Imported Bay Rum, for sale by the gallmultp 10BICBT ECHO'MPIMA RIM & 00.. DSCIWISt. B. asst oer Fourth and Baca streets , 111A0141231A--Jenning's Calcined, in lide. round thid Bland bores, also in bottle& Jeznin_re Carbonate or Ragnesia,in 2 oz. and 4 oz. papers. Heavy Calciruse Magnesia and ler main by MAHLM. gum& 30N dc CO.. Druggist% Market and Serrentit Went'. biladelohia. nerd 4.0 Littll4oßbs HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, J_ :Fe Du o 151 SOM nun vr., 40LE /WENT. .-The attention of the trade is solicited IQ the following very choice Wines, - 4 , 5_., for 71 1 = 10613EPR F. BUNTON, No., Fa Booth Front abotre - Walont BfAD2IIIIAS-Old leltnia, 8 years old. SIIKELIMtS-Orimpliell Co., single, donne NM triple Grape. °fusee Bona, BudolPh. ToPan, RUM Spanish, Mown and F. Valletta - PORTS-Tllette r Vinho Velho Beal, Dutton as Batten° Valente & CO. Vintages 1886 to 1856. ULABETS I+ 11,--larnse , Irreree and Ettwolfal*Whe Ql 13169.121111_ VPIII2IOIITII-0. Senirdsn, Wive& 00. .1117SCAT-de Fret a CRAM:FAQIR - BB --I= IrcOnt , "Gehl M e de Venom Her filaleaty and Bora um= and .09tm favorite brands OLD WHISKIES.3OO Cases Pare Old 'Wheat: Frei Botabon suad.llonowpzliela•Virlilakies, for We 1 , ,i7 F.: P. MIDDLIITON. • • , ,•• •. 5 Ficelp. - 1 0 1,v4 atm*. „ LONDON Leal:M. IWBINIM—WhoIe and - Ufa boxes best quality, Texelon?l,6Yee Nalable,,Nre solo by,.7. 13. - RUMBIER (39.1108 R. Delaware Ammo, IMPERLI.I. ZRIMMIS.—ao audeterim andhatabturee, Ixtiported. g rid 4+o, b 7203: 7f/8 .887/7777--7,7t77Bli7Faxik OrBl7Bll , •- • - - • myl6-11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers