BEVQND BPITION. B( T R'EL GRADS FROM SAN FELANOISC O. Motions on the Pacific, Coast. ADVICES FROM NEW ZE kLAND. THE ItETURWING FENI.ANS. Rough Railroad Rioters. Fatal Accident at Louisville, From San Fra ncisco. SA Floaccisco, June 12th.—Arrived, steamer Sierra-Nevada - from — the - Columbia River, with 6286,000 in treasure.. The result_ of the Oregon election is in doubt. Both partici' claim the State. by abOtit 400'majority. - The result of the election in Washington territory show large Democratic gains., The entire -Democratic ticket in nine counties, has been elected, and it is believed has alio been carried in four other Counties. The 14th regiment of infantry stationed at Vancouver, has been ordered to Arizona immediately. - • • . Stocks are irregular; Oplair, $312; Impe rial, $108; Savage, $925; Alpha, $300; Yellow Jacket, $640; Belcher; $175; Chollar Potosi, $135; Legal tenders, 73, Arrived steasner Constitution, from Pane: Ina, with New York dates of the 21st ult., Victoria, Vancouver's Island, despatches say that the Fenian news from Canada created much excitement. Two men of war and two gunboats had received orders to cruise off the harbor. Admiral Denman had arrived at Esqui xnault.on the frigate Sntlej. New Zealand advices state that four of The murderers of the missionaries at Valk ner have been condemned to. death. Sixteen of the murderers of the crew of the Kate were condemned to death as prin cipals and nine as accessories. A terrible - gale and flood had visited Auckland on the Ist of April, which sunk nine vessels in the harbor. The damage amounts to £20,000. Arrived—Ship Lookout from New York. The Fenian. POIJGRKEEPSIE, June 14.—Three car loads of Fenians got into a fight on a milk train on the Hudson River Railroad, last night, between Catskill station and Germantown. One of the number was thrown from a car window, while the train was in motion. At Mvoli the roughs entered a hotel, helping thomelves freely and paying - Tor nothing. At Rhinebeck one of the party was pn off the train and injured in a terrible man ner._ ,When the train passed. through this station nearly all , the roughs were asleep, and qtdet prevailed. Tonamo, June 33.--[Speoial to Herald.] -!-Strenuous efforts are being made to pro cure the release of Lumsden, the Episcopa clergyman who was taken prisoner at Fort Brie: The authorities assert they have etrong evidence implicating him with Feni anism, and peremptorily refuse to entertain the idea of letting him go. The prisoners will not be brought up for trial until the excitement shall have com- - pletely, subsided. The bodies of Sergeant Mathieson and private Lackey, of the Queen's Own, were interred this afternoon with military honors. Thatregiment has lost, including these, nine men. The wounded are all becoming con valescent.- MONTREAL, June 13, 1866.—1 n the matter of the Fenian prisoners a full report of their capture and status has been forwarded to The government, and instructions as to their disposal are expected from' Ottawa within a very few days. Orders have been issued to recall all the troops from the border front exceptthe Vic toria Rifles and a battery of artillery now at Huntington, facing Malone. Troops Will be retained at this point with a view of guarding against the maraudings of Fenian stragglers. The returning troops are to be received with a. grand and costly civic ovation. M.A.LoNE, June 13, 1866.—General Mnr pphy'awing of the . Fenian - army is at last disbanded. This morning General Meade 'directed the arrest of all Fenians found on the street, and patrols have been about all day picking the men uri. They were placed under guard and will be sent totheir homes to-night. * . The examination of the Fenian officers 15118 concluded this afternoon. Those above the rank of Colonel were held to bail in four thousand dollars each; those of lower rank in two thousand dollars each. The. Rev. Father Francis proffered bail for General Murphy, but that, officer declined to be hailed.unless his comrades in arms secured bail also,- All refused to give bail, and are determined to stand a trial, which will take place before Judge Shipman, of the United Stitt& District Court at Canandaigua, New York, ,on the 19th instant. ,The-prisoners are 4n charge of United States Marshal Dodd. They will be sent from Malone to the Ontario county; jail to-day. They were refused a parole. all' By order of General Meade, persons suspected of being. Fenian's were this morn ing arrested, boxed up in the cars, and sent on their way borne. "There are but few Fe 'alarm here now.-, ; All. is quiet.- BUFFALO, June 13, 1866.—k guard has been detailed by Gen. Barry to occupy the telegraph-office in this city, to aid if neces `Bab% the enforcement'of the order prohibit ing the transmission of Fenian despatches. It is Said Brig. Gen. Burns 'has taken com xnanffof the Fenian forces here. TWO com -pardes'of Indians haYe come here to aid thf Gen. Alex. McCook, of Ohio while vial ing,the Canada side at' Niagara "Falls yester '4lity, was arrested by some Canadian vol unteers guardin, the Suspension Bridge, who emsidered him a suspicions person,but _improving his identity he was released with many apologies, by the commanding offi cer. Fatal Accident. Loutsvrr.LE June 13.—Professcir, E. M. Gunter, organist, at f.3t. Paul's Church, was thrown from a ropkaway 'to-day, breaking his neck, and dying instantly. His family, • who were in the same vehicle, were unin jured. • From Jamaica. NEW ORLEANS .Tune 13.—Advices from Kingston rePort Ist grand emancipation celebration was reeentlyliad by the negroes _ of Jamaica ; The orator of the day said that-eniancipation—was good r only, during health and pr9aperity,; that in, sickness and, adversity-the -negroes used-to be cared for, by tliteir. roasters. 'A political revolution was reported in - Spanish Honduras. but the British coloq, was quiet and 'prosperous. Postal. WASHINGTON June 14.—According to the new postal WASHINGTON, just approved by the President, prepaid and free letters are to be IbrWarded at the request of the party ad dressed.from one post office to another with opt additional postage charge, and returned dead letters are to be restored to the writers thereof free of postage. _ From sew Haven. - NEW HAVEN, 00E4 , June 14.—Leman W. Cutler was to-day elected by the Legislature to the office of State Compixoller, vice Bat telle resigned. A colored man, named Getarge Wright, a freedman, was murdered, last night, by un known parties. - Price of Gold in New York. My the American Telegraph Os.] Nirw York, June 14. Gold has been ;quoted to-day as follows: 10.80—A, M:, 145i1 11.45 10.45 145 1 I 12.00 M. 1 'll.OO 1461 12.15 P. M. 11.15 1471 12.30 '11.30 147 a Markets. Nitw Yonm. June 14.--Cotton is very dull but nomi nally onchenged. Flour 'dull; Common s®loc. lower; sales of 5,000 bbls at E 6 60®9 5' for State,SB 60®13 75 for Ohio and iti3 501143 40 for Western; Southern heavy 800 barrels sold at $1030®17; Canada c54100‘ lower; SOO barrels sold at $8 65013 50. Wheat is firm 'for prime, while the common grade are dull'and - declining: sales of 15,000 bushels at $2 IS ®ll 25 ' for New No. 1. Loin is active and advanced 2c.; sales !of 75,000 bushels at 85®86%c. Beef quiet. Pork steady iat 031 50@$2i 623 i for Mess. Lard unchanged at 19® hlsky dull at S 2 26. Nam °straws, June 13 —Cotton firm; sales of 900 • bales at 37®39c.. for middlings. Sterling Exeh.nge 155 @LS& Freights on Cotton io New York %c..; Liver- P9 Ol l Gd ;to Havre, Ic. Exchange on New York, %@ • Y, Der cent. premium. ' • ST. Lotus, June 13.—Flenr and Wheat steady and nil (hanged. Corn dull at 4,5®75 cents. Oats unchanged. Bacon stiff at20®20% ce , ta for clear aid's, 15 cents for shoulders, and 25®24 cents for sugar-cured hams. Lard firm at 21S, ®23 cents. Whisky, dull. ti :DJ A (For additional Locals, see Second and-Last Pages.' • Onrruharr.—Major Casper M. Berry died this morning of consumption, at his resi dence, on Reed street,. above Fourth. He was well known" throughout the city. - He served as a Lieutenant in the Ist Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the Mexican War. After his return he took an active part in the military organizations in the city, and for a long time commanded the "Minute Men of '76" who are well remem bered as wearing _a continental uniform. He was captain of that company at the out break of the rebellion. He assisted Col. Small in raising the Washington Brigade, and was in the memorable tight in Balti more, in April, 1861. He was afterwards appointed. Major of the 26th Regt. P. V., and served for some time. He was a prominent member of the Scott Legion, and also be longed to the Masonic fraternity. A special meeting of the Scott Legion will be held to-morrow evening at the headquarters, Sixth and Sansom streets. SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &C.— James A. Freeman, auctioneer, sold yester day, at 12 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following properties: Two shares Mercantile Library, $7 50 each. $550 Pinnsylvania 5 per cent. $495. Land, engine and machinery for the Ward Oil Company, Washington county, Ohio, $1,750. Three-story brick house and lot," 917 Locust street, $6,000. One undivided half part of a let of ground corner Broad and Barclay streets, Fifteenth Ward, 80 by 87 feet. Subject to a ground rent of $4OO per annum, $2,500. Two-story brick dwelling and lot, Rich mond street, above Hanover, 20 by 70 feet, $2.700. Three• story double messuage, with back building, and lot 34 by 74 feet, 109 North Sixth street. Subject to $136 ground rent, $15,800. DEATH OF A POLICE LIEUTENANT.—Jo seph Patton, Lieutenant of Police of the Sixth District, died this morning between twelve and one o'clock, at his residence, Twentieth and .Cuthbert streets. He has been ill for some time past. He was ap pointed Lieutenant on. the 14th of June. 1858, by Mayor Henry. He was a faithful and energetic officer, performed his duties very satisfactorilY to the citizens of his District, and was highly respected by the men under him. He was 42 years of age and leaves a wife and five children. ANOTHER ARREsT.--JOhlii Woods was be fore Ald. Patchel this morning upon the charge of assault and battery, and rescuing a prisoner. He is alleged to have .been one of the party who attacked the Fifth District Police with stones, at Twenty-fourth and Pine streets, on Sunday afternoon, and res cued, a prisoner named Morrissey. Woods was committed in default of $2,000 bail for trial. A HORSE TRANSACTION.—AIderman Allen had before him this morning, Florence Scarnmel, hailing from New York, charged with false pretences. It is alleged that he Purchased four horses from a man at the Wm. Penn Hotel, in West: Philadelphia, and then took the animals away without paying for them, or without the permission of the owner. Seamisel was held to answer. STOLEN PROPERTY RECOVERED.—Officer James McCullen, Jr., of, the Second District, yesterday, found , in an alley on Seventh street, below Shippen, a valise which con tained the surgical instruments and other property which was stolen from the House of Industry, on Catharine street, above Seventh. TIMELY DISCOVERY. -- ThiS morning, about three o'clock, • the' Woolen mill. No. 429 Moyer - strestocas discovered to be on fire by Officers Quick and Grant, of the Eleventh District. - The flames were extinguisheal by these officers before any Serious damage had been done. • - ACOMENT.—Charles Wilson and A. G. Fredericks; nimbus of the Diligent Hose Company, were run over by the hose car riage at Second and Otter streets early this morning. Mr. Fredericks was severely in jured and Mr. Wilson was only slightly hurt. - . LARCENY.--GeOrge Thomas' was arrested yesterday Officer lock; on Ridge Avenue, above- Wood street, for the larceny of a black silk sack and some vest patterns.- He was Committed by Aid. Belt- • BOWER'SINFANT CORDIAL., IS a certain, safe and speedy cure for colic. pains' and spasms, yielding great relief to children teething. Store Sixth NAGIOPHOTOS.—Add iffew drops of water, and beautiful pictures will appear. Package by mail, 60 cents. Bowers' Laboratory. Sixth and Vine., "CONCERT HALL" Will be perfumed to night. EAGLE VEIN, Suffolk and other good Scbnylkill Coals.vart be - had, all sizes,"at - Alter's Coal Depot, ninth street below Girard avenue. Branch Office Sixth and Spring Garden streets. . • Bt•ONZE Ink stands; Fans, Card liecely n, Jewel Caskets, Olga: Cases, Caleiy, etc: - • BM:PA - DEN & BROTHER, Importers, 23 Borah Eighth street.- DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES IN EVERY VA arms. EiNOWBEE & BROTHER, Importers, , 28 &mat Mghth street. Oltrit READERS Would do well to , see:Alter before pnieliasing their' Goal, as he is selling at old prices yet. Depot. Ninth street below Girard avenue. Branch "OtAce,l3l.x.thAnid Spring enr4lenntreets. `"CONCERT - 11:4"1,1." ; will-lie perfumed to -3.4ht. =BM THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PR For-13..1 dal ;Wit tar; also-bottled for donieetio wee. HANCIE, GRIFFITH We, CO , No. MS Norttintreet. ••• - • ISigNET - Aryl - T . ream=BuT"Yolar: Coal now, - and at .Liter's Ninth Xtreet , , bah* . . vane Bisnch:.l:ifEtoe;; Sixth and , Spring. FEMALE a Tillie - es, .Bitices, Supporters; Elastic Belts, Starlit, of light and elegant make, adjusted by a Lady, at Needles', Twelfthetrent, Bret door below Bane. • - • • , _ .7r3Os 54 0 r, laS , le4os. comiutlTntprestmo p s 1 3.i c i t d Gold and, BilVer bought and sold by dic $4 South Third street. HopiEr BROOK and Harleigh Coals, all sizes, at low prieeti, at Alter'a Depot. Ninth street, be low Girard avenue. Branch. office, Sixth and Spring. Garden. I 'CONCEIII . - 11 ALL" will be perftLuied to night. - • DIARRHEA PIVECEDES CITOLBBA.:--‘'N 'dies' Compound Camphor _Troches" control and cure fist symptoms. Note —"Prevention is better than crire. Sole maker. C. NEEDLES, Twelfth and Baca streets, Philadelphia; 60 cents a box. CONVENIENT AND SIMPLE.- -- nrown's Bronchial Troches" are a simple and convenient form for administering; in combination, several medicinal substances held in general esteem among physicians in the treatment of Bronchial affections and. Coughs. The Troches seldom fail to give relief. ,STRAW HATS • For Ladles, Gents and Children, For Ladles, Gents and Children, For Ladles. Gents and Children, For Ladles, Gents and Children, For Ladies. Gents and Children, , ' All styles, all Prices. All styles, all prices. All styles, all prices. Ail styles, all oricee. At coAzForti) & SONS% under the Continental HOW. 1461 147 1471 1471 QUARTER SEssicags--judge - Teirce.—Jas. t Jeffers pleaded guilty to is charge of obtain ing money under- false pretences. The de fondant collected', money under pre,tenee Ithat he was authorized by the Shiftier Hose Company to collect funds. Charles and Elizabeth Siemer were charged with stealing- a cow and heifer, :the property of • William Y. Leader._ It :seemed that the • - cow and heifer strayed from Mr. Leader's premises and went into defendant's common. They took the ani mals and refused to return them unless they were paid for the damage done by the cow. As no larceny was committed the case was abandoned by the common . wealth, and a verdict of not guilty was ;rendered. Emma Anderson and Alfred Thompson (colored) were charged with keeping a ais orderly house on Bay street. A police offi cer alleged that drunken men - were enticed into the house, robbed and then driven from the premises. Cries of murder were frequent. Another witness, a colored man, testified that he lived in the adjoining pre mises and knew the character of the house; that the woman went out and "gath ered in" the men while the man took position in the yard to "club" them as they entered. At other times Thompson secreted himself under the bed, and when Emma brought the men in, he was ready to rob them and drive them out. Another witness represented the house as the worst he ever knew of,ss there were cries of murder at all hours of the day and night, and there was a constant stream of visitors, black and white. The owner of the house had been appealed to time and time again to change his tenants, but he did not take a step to rid the neighborhood of the nuisance. Verdict, guilty. THE NAVAL ACADEATT.—The report of the Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy represents the condition of the institution to be highly satisfactory. They are, how ever. unable to subscribe to the opinion that the ebieor any considerable part of the work of theacademy is to perfect educationin lite rature or theoretical science. The business is to supply the naval service with practi cal seamen--men who can navigate our ships and fight their guns. They recom mend increased attention to every branch which bears directly on the duties of young officers, and advise the discontinuance and modification of several branches of less im mediately practical character. The pupils should understand the constrtiction of steam machinery, and the methods of using and repairing and preserving it. A. SEKGULAR CASE AT LAW.—Dr. Man ning, of Palmer, has brought a suit against W. S. Nichols. of Monson, Mass., to receive two hundred dollars for medical attendance upon' his daughter, who for several years has been unable to walk or talk. Dr. Man ning says he began treating her in January last, and agreed to charge nothing for his services unless be could make her walk and talk before the first of May. She recovered previous to that time, and her friends de cline paying the , doctor's bill, claiming that her remarkable cure was caused by the prayers of the church, and not by any medi cine of the doctor. COURTS. STRUCK BY LIORTNING.—The dwelling of Mr. James Huhn, at Blairsville, Pa., was struck by lightning on Saturday evening during the prevalence of the storm. The lightning passed down the chimney on the east end, and broke the dishes in the cup board, set a band-box and the floor on fire, broke a clock, tore out the mantle piece and shattered nearly all the'panes in the house. The fire was soon put, out, and but little damage was done by it. About the same time the barn of Mr. John Connor. of Der ry was struck and burned to the ground. A STORY DIFFICULT TO SWALLOW.—The New Bedford,(Mass.)Standard,tells the fol lowing story of the suicide of a swallow: A few days since,a young lady in Little Comp ton beard a twittering and commotion among the swallows in her father's barn, and went out and made an examination. She found about a dozen swallows trylng to liberate one of their , companions, who was suspended by the neck to the fter by a horse hair, and dead, having to all appear ances committed suicide—an affair of the heart probably. A SAN ERKscisco letter says: "A new idea has been taken hold of by .an enter prising Californian. He has started for the east with a drove of California horses, the native breed, 'some 500, intending to drive them into Missouri- to supply the demand. As these horses cost but little here, are tough, hardy, and can live on the photo graph of a bunch of grass, they will be sure to go through all right. We shall be sending you agieat many other Produets Yet, and probably feed and clothe you all when the Pacifio Railroad is-finished." commitotkm. BALES OF STOCKS. REHM BOARD ' ' ' $llO3O ti S 10-40 a 06,V1100 sh ISlcElratb '. ~ 36 3i 000 City 6s . new C&Y96-35 too sh St Nicholas C 4 2:44 200 Eh Catawis Of b 5 28 "21 eh Cam dc Am . 129 X 500 sh Read It MU 85 511 Peaimß, ' 55 500 eh do pfd 5036 . 11611=1 OR STOCIII3 IN NEW TsisiiroPh.) • American 140 i sales ' • sales Reading Railroad. 5456 100 sales Bain New York esX sales ' ' sales U. S. ra 'Bl.- .1103,1 bid , ••• `sales V. 8.68. Sais .... , bid ' Wee Brie.. »».... .....-.«.««..« 60% salmi gales Rud50n . 81yer........ 1 . 10 bid ' sales glnaneatsmi 111181t0M...Juite 13,1£.3613 e Stock 'Market wee excessively fbat ttkday, and the brokers were bitter in their complaint's Of the ab sence of erdert3, and the universal unwlillogness - of the leading operatora to in eke any . neueverdureS Money is abundant end cheaper—the only influence-which now keeps pp, the. the fictitious show., Government Loam were held:very stlilly.'closing at lie bid for the Coupon, Sire,. '.11; leek for the rive:Twe:4tlestiOgi® 102% for the 'Seven Thirties, and 96% fer tiie Ten-For ties. State rives were firm at 91©91%, and , the War Loan at 10'2%. City Loains advanced %, per eent.-1-the new Issues selling at 96%. Railroad shares were re markably steady. 'Pennsylvania Railroad sold' at 55: Reading Railroad, at-54%.,and entails* Radii:aid Pre ferred at2.6—all about the same as, yesterday: . M% was bid for. Camden and Amboy isidlroae; 56% for Mine ILADELPHIA, THIJRSDAY, JUNE 14,,1866. Hill Railroad* 43 for Northern Central 'Railroad, and 30% for PhiladelpidWitiiii 111 . 'stocks there were no - activity, brit Schuylkill - Naviga- • Hon Preferred Closed firm at 34 - : -- 5636. was bid. for Le . bigh•Navigation; 53% for DelliwareHivision, and 15 for. Sosqu'elanne Canal.= Bank shares were - without , Change:- an: Pereenger , Railway shares we ,noticed further .sales Of •Thirteentlf and Fifteenth Streets. at Hestonville was firmer and 'closed 18% bid, and ie asked. . . A dividend of one per cent., clear of State tax, . has • been declared by the .Dalzell Petroleurn Company, payable on and after the 21st inst. - Messrs. Believe] & Brother. No, 40 South Third street, make the following quotations of the rates of exchange today, at IR. • . American 146% 147% Silver-Quarters and ba1Ve5.........189% ' - 142 Compound Interest Notes: • " " 17 JunelB64-. 12Y %. " " 114 12 " Aug. 1.864.... 113 ' 1134 " 77 • Oct. 1864- 10% . 103 E " " Dec. 1864... 9%. 7 : " Mr:37,1865.. 7 7% u •d Aug. 1865.. 57 eN ' II Septag6s... 5 5,5 • u " Oct.. 1865... 4 7 5% Jay Cooke & Co. quote tiovenunenS maturities, age, today, as folbnist Selll g. • U. 165l••••••••01111111.1.11,10.404••••••,,,,,, 110% Old 5.2.0 102% New " 102% 5-2 o Bonds, . 1 19.441 Bonds:-- .. 96 96 196 9.107 Angnsk... " 02 /la 102% oertiftcates of Indebtedn;s........ - 100 HO% ' Ciold-rAN o'clock ....- 147 ismith; Benamoh & Co.. -Bankers. 16 South .Third street, quote at 11 o'clock as fella - am 37 • Cf. S. /831 Bomb.- 110% 17,0. 540, " "itiV4 • U. b. 10-40 .. M»96% 96% • v Chß: 02% 2d sarles--.-- ...... 102% 84 series.- _... - 109 6 irag U. S. Certificates of IncliTainess--........ 100 % 100% or.nrimmax. Deo- The followineisthe amount Coal transported over the Huntingdon and Broad Too Mountain Hailrord, for the week ending Bator:lay, Jane 9,1866 and since JAM:Lary , 1, together with corresponding period last year: - Week. Previously. Total. 'Tons: Tons. Tons. " 106,859 116,297 8,651 109,102 • 112,153 Increase Decrease.-.. ' Philadelphia Markets.. Trtuusnav, June 14.—The receipts of eloverseed are trifling and In the absence ef sales we quote at i7g7 50, In Timothy nothing doing. There is very little Flaxseed coming In and it is in demand at $3 30 bushel—an advance. There is very little movement to record in Bread stuff/4 snd the trade presents no new feature. There is very little Inquiry for Flour for shipment and only a few hundred barrels were taken by the home consu mers' at te@s 50'f barrel for superfine. s9@t o for ex tras. WWI 75 for low grade and choice 'Northwestern extra family, ill 75 to 515 for Penna. and Ohie do. do., and at higher figures for fancy lots. Bye Flour and Corn Meal are extremely quiet. Small sales of the former at 56 50 and the latter at 54 25. The market is *very pocrly supplied with prime Wheat and lc readily commands 52 95®3. a small sale of Spring at a 2. 40. 'White Wbeat is very SCarCe. Bye ECare* t len sale of Penna. Was St SI 'L.' Cern is dull: small sales ol veltnw at 95 cents and 1.500 bushels Western mixed at 02 cents Oats are steady at :6 cents for Tl.lsce axe, ;7414 Cents for Penna., and 65@64 cents for Western. Whisky Is very quiet. F Mein sales of Penna. at $2 24 €1,2 5 and Ohlo at V. mgsr.. 20. IMPOR'TA.TIONs. • Reported .or the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Kat:MA—Bark Brazfffera. Punch—SSO lshd_s sugar 57 i~LTtes do 30 r rids molasses S & Welsh. FNITAS—Bark T K Walden, Welden--V-Chltds WO bra sugar S & W Welsh. CA RDENA S-43eg'c Matthews, Low 5 , hhds lasses 37 tcs do E C Knight & Co. I..r.l:4eclartitinnDliktolli - r.T.ITCII ji= ADSTVED THIS DAY. Kith Di 'Massey, Smith,A hours from New York, with mdse to Wm N. Baird it Co. Bark 'T K Welden, Welden, 15 days fromNuevitaes, with sugar to S & W Welsh. Bark Brarllima, Punch, 16 days from Saguia, with sugar and molasses to S & W Welsh. Brig C Matte's. Low. a days from Cardenaa, with molasses to EC Knight &Co. Ear Cent pie. Cornuel, 5 days from Alexandria, with bones to Baugh & Sons. San-Clara Jane, Parker. from Providence. Scbr Jae S Watson. Houck. trem Providence. Scbr M V look. Falkenberg, from Providence. Schr If 0 Hand, Hand. from Egg Harbor. Barr Elizabeth, Horner. from New York. Sctir A Townsend, Townsend. from Boston. Scbr H P Simmons. Foster, from Boston. Schr P ouA ders. from Boston. Schr Li S e Fan th Smi. CrieCarroll. from Boston. Fehr Fred Fish; Davis, from St tieorge. Schr Henrietta, Anderson. from Norwich. Scbr Portoßleo, Wentworth, from Fall River. Behr A H Brown. Pierre, from Dighton. Solar Ploughboy, Hallett, front Wareham. Schr Dunwoodie, Blimard. from Wilmington. BELOW. Ship Tuscarora, Copt Du olev_y. and brig J B Kirby. Capt Outerbridge, from West litd*s.' —Reported by Mr Jos Marshall, &DNS THIS DAY. Brig Annie, Smith, Aspinwall, Cartoon, Merchant & Shaw. Brig St any Lowell,Hilson.Portsmouth.E A Souder&Co Schr Rescue Kelly. Providence. Rothermel & Scott. Schr E G Willard. Parsons. Portland W A English. Schr Bags duce. Bernard. Portland, J E Barley & Co. Soh? Clara Jane. k Portland N & 0 Schr Elizabeth, H P orn ar er er , Newpc.rt. , W H Johns &2,ei Co. Sam A Townsend. Townsend, Boston. Hear & Bro. Scbr Jae S Watson, Houck, Cambridgeport, Quintard, Sawyer & Ward. Scbr Minnie Kinne, Parsons, Providence, Castner, Stickney & Wellington. Schr J F Doughty. Camp. Pawtucket, do Scbr A Falkenberg. Tirrell, Salem, do Sob? M V Couk. Falkenberg, balem Dovey & Son. Schr Express, 'Brown, Salem. Van Dusen, Lochman dr. Co. Davis.Schr F Fish, D Boston. Caldvrell. Gordon & Co. Solar J Arkvrorth..Crouch , Wilmington. do Schr Henrietta, Anderson. Norwich. captain. Schr 'F.O Knight, Taylor, Boston, I B & W Tomlinson. Qchr P A Sat ders, Carroll, Boston, captain. Seim H P.Simmons, Foster. Boston, Blakiston, Graeff & Co. Solar D Jones. Totem„ Providence, do Schr Ploughboy. Hallett. Providence. Tyler & Co. Fehr Mary Ella. Talpey,Portsreouth,L Audenrled&Co Schr Porto Rico, Wentworth, Newbnryport. do hcbr GHand, Hand, Newburyport, lir Hunter. Jr. & Co. Sas Dunwoodie, Blizzard, Wilmington, Bancroft, Lewis ct. CO, • Bohr Louie F Smith. Crie, Bath, Brenton Coal CO. Schr Lucy Isabel, Cook. Salem. J R White. _ Behr Moonlight. Miller,Salem.Borda, Keller&,Nutting. Correspondence of the Phila. Evening Bulletin. .BEADING. Jane 12. The following boa ts fr om the Union Canal passed Into the Schuvl Canal. to-day, bound to Phei phia.laden and consigned as thllows: Horning Glory, lumber to Mr Caldron; Keystone. do. and Christiana staves to .Norcross. eMeetz; W H Humes, shingles to J Seeley Dr D Waldron, lumber to H Crorkey: Gen Pope, do to Mr Slocum: Wilder ness. do to Herbert, Davis & Co; Four Brothers, do to Wm Frick Co; Saratoga., bark to Naudain &. Peter son; J di Bane, do to Keene & Coates. F. ICIDEORANDA. Ship. Philadelphia (Br). Poole, 2$ days from Liver pool. at New York yesterday. Ship Lookout Nugent, from New York 25th San. at San Francisco 12th inst. Bark Tejuca, Harriman, sailed from Sagna 2d inst fbr this port. , Bark Ann Elizabeth. Norgrave. from Cienfuegos for this port, was spoken 4111 inst. off Havana. Brig Lilly. Fsdale, hence at Trinidad 29th ult. • Brig C It Kelly, Atherton, sailed from Cardenas 2d inst.tor this port. Brig Walter Bowes, Harding. sailed from Remedios Istirtit. for this port BrigMeryS Goddard. Whipple, hence at St John, NB. 12th inst. Schrs Choctaw, Mayo. from Delaware City; Gust. Homan. from Tr,ntoo, NJ; J B Johnson, Smith, and S Smith. Stetson h encei at Providence 12th inst. Schrs Effort. Barrett. tor this port, and Fredk TyUr, Tyrrell, for Trenton, NJ. sailed from Providence 12. th instant. '- Bohr J B Whilden. Bowen, cleared at New York yes terday for this port. Schr H W Benedict, Case, at Bristol, EL 11th inst. from Delaware City. - • Schr Minerva. Jefferson, sailed from Fall River 12th inst. for this.port. _ • Rchr Ann Elizabeth, Enow, sailed from Pawtucket 12th inst for- this port. MIODItTII beg.TUD 1866.—FrRFNvoTtics.—The subscribers leave to hormone° to their friends and the public generally, that they have fitted up their STORE, No: 107 South WATER street.below Chestnut street, for &general FIREWORK DEPOT, where they design keeping their usual extensive variety ot Fire , works:Small vrorks, as rental, for dealers, and every description of colored fancy works, for private and public exhibitions, and are now prepared to receive orders for tee same, and furnish Works of first quality fbr exhibitions. Also—Firecrackers, 'Torpedoe.s, Cannon Crackers, Jostick, Pulling Crackers, Chinese Penny Rockets, Bengola Lights to be fired wittra pistol. and new style Rockets, to be fired 'without a stick, and which are vely convenient for use on board vessels at sea. - JOS. B. BOSSIER IX)., 108 South;Delaware avenge: nayl9 CIOTTON AND LINEN SAIL DUCK of every width ) from one to six feet wide, all numbers. Tentauf AW/drlll Dock, Papermakers felting, Sail Twine. dm - - & CO., . we. .7ones'. A 'I44V A LISIMIRTA GRAPES.-100 kegs of these splendid whiragrapeelin-tine order landing and for sale by MEL R. 114. A 00.1 le" Routh nplawarg smarm, IDA7+.F. BOWE AND •TWINE IaffirgAOTIIEUED LA and tor ; Sale by .11TYLER_LWEAVER & 4. werth.Water street, and &Most& PeibVqlllo avenue THIRD EDITION. 'BY, TM,BGIUU)H. [ATE FROM WASHEGTON. THE LEAGUE ISLAND BILL FURTHER E.FFORTSTO DEFEAT IT. THE JEFF.DAVIS CASE. His Counse3 Beat a Retreat Frain WaShington. !Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, June 14.—The Finance Committee, nearly finished the Tax bill to day. They expect to get it ready to report to the Senate to-morrow. They have thus far made very little alteration in it. They leave the tax on:-whisky , and beer as it passed the House. The Senate Naval Committee -have taken no action yet on League Island. Senator Grimes will report it at the next meeting. The friends of New London and other sites will endeavor to defeat it by postponement. Meaars. O'Conor and Pratt have left the city, having failed to induce the President to interfere in Jeff. Davis's behalf. Our Relations with Austria. WesarriGrolz, Junel4.—Minister Motley, on the 6th of May, addressed a letter to the Austrian Government, in which he remarks that in the opinion of the United State; the time seems to have arrived when the posi tion of the U. S. Government in relation to Mexico should frankly and distinctly be made known to the Imperial Government and to all others whom it may directly con cern. He is accordingly instructed to state that the United States sincerely desire that Austria may find it just and expedient to come upon the ground of non-interven tion in Mexico, - which is maintained by the United State; and to which they have invited France. They could not but regard as a matter of serious concern the despatch of any troops from Austria for Mexico while the subject he was thus directed to present to the Austrian Government re mains under consideration. Forcible and armed interference bylthe European Powers with the established in stitutions on the Western Continent, was long ago proclaimed, on the highest official authority, as of necessity, to be considered a manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States. He repeats the earnest hope that it may not be found inexpedient to postpone the departure of fresh troops from Austria to Mexico until such answer to his communication as may be made, shall have been candidly'and de liberately considered by the United States Government. Count Mensdorff, on May 30th, says in the conclusion of his reply : "The undersigned, although not sharing all the points of view developed in Mr. Motley's note, is nevertheless in a position to announce to him that that inconsequence of the above-mentioned considerations, the necessary measures have been taken in or der to suspend the departure of the newly enlisted volunteers for Mexico. "In the firm conviction that the Cabinet Of Washington will see, in this proceeding of the Imperial Government, a further motive to persevere in its neutral attitude towards Mexico, as well as a new proof of the sincere desire of the Imperial Government to keep off all that could set unfavorably on the relations of both countries; the undersigned avails himself, &c. "[Signed,] Murisnortrp." XXXIXth Conaress--Piest Session. WASHINGTON, June 14 SENATE.—A. bill was passed authorizing appointments in the pay department of the Navy to be selected from Acting Assistant Paymasters who have served two years. Mr. Morgan (N. Y.) presented the memo rial of the Chamber of Commerce, of New Tork, in favor of the passage of the Bank rupt bill. the Judiciary Com mittee. A bill to define the number and regulate the appointment of officers in the Navy, was taken up. It provides that the officers of the Navy shall be one Admiral, one Vice Admiral, ten Rear Admirals, twenty-five Commodores, fifty Captains, ninety Com mapders,one hundredand eighty Lieutenant Commanders, one hundred and sixty Mas ters, and in other grades the number now allowed by law.. The pay of the Admiral shall be $lO,OOO per annum. Honsx.—Mr. Lawrence (Pa.) introduced a bill for the creation of a National Bureau of Insurance, and to provide for funding the indebtedness of the United Status. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. Schenck (Ohio) from the Committee on Military Affairs,:reported back a substi tute for the House bill for the reorganiza tion of the army. Ordered to be printed and postponed till Tuesday next. Mr. Paine (Wis.) introduced a bill to create the collection district of Corpus Christi. Read twice and referred to the Committee On Commerce. The Senate bill to authorize the Commis sioner of Patents to pay those employed as examiners and assistant examiners fixed by law for the duties performed by them, which was before the House at its adjourn ment yesterday, came-up-in- order. Mr. Harding (Ky.) withdrew his motion to lay the bill on the table. After some discussion, in which Mr. Went worth (Th.) informed Mr. Jenckes, who bad charge of the bill, that after getting a bankrupt law through the House he now wanted to bankrupt the treasury, the bill was passed by a vote of yeas 65, to nays 41. Mr. Whaley (W. Va.) presented the ore dentials of Lewis Hanes, claiming to be elected to Congress from the Fifth Con gressional District of North Carolina. ' Re ferred-to the Committee on. Reconstruction. Mr. Eldridge (Wis.) made the objection that' that Committee bad made its final re ports, and consequently was discharged. The Speaker overruled the objection, stet= ing that the committee had not been dis charged, that various Matters bad been re ferred to it on which it had not reported; and that at all events the House had the right to refer a matter to it. • The House resumed the consideration of the bill which was un yesterday, to establish Assay offices 'at Poirtland; Oregon, and to discontinue -the branch mints at Dallas City, Oregon, Charlotte, N C. and Dahlo nega, Georgia. 2:30 o'olook. New York Stock Narketa; -Zigsv-Yonk, June 14.—Stocks are -heavy.: Chicago and Bock Island, 91%;11111:1015 eentral,l2l%: N ew York Central, 9836: Reading.. 102%;' Missotrri 6s; 79%; , 59%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 5614; U. 8. Coupolus, Ma, 110%; do., 1862, 102%; d0.,1864. 102 5 1 do,, 1885. 1O1.%; do., 186%127%; Treasury 7` 3-10 ' 5,102%@ 102%; Gold, 137. Nazkets. . Bevrratouz, June 14.—Flour is quiet. Wheat firm.' Corn active at II 10@t1 12 for white, and 950. foryellow. Pi °visions firm. Mess pork $32 25... Sugar steady. Coffee quiet. Whisky dull at $2 293( al2 30. THE PRAIRIES BECOMING FORESTS WestAqn pap . ers assert that what were vast treeless praries in Illinois twelve years ago, are now covered with a dense growth of thrifty young forest trees, comprising varl ons species of oaks, hickory, cottonwood, ash 4fm. &des at Philadelphia Stook Boaxd. SALES AFTIlat FIRST BOARD. e3OOO US 6a'Bl rg CBr,P 108 1100 sit Phil it Edo WO 80% 1200 Norris Claud 100 sh dO :bswn 80% boat loan 90 100 oh do 80% 2000 Lehigh 6s II 08 S 2 sh do ' - 50% 84500 II Bale 15-20 a '62 102.11 SOO sh NIC dr, Middle 200 sh Cataw pf 25% Coal Field 5 60 sh Lehigh Val 62% WO sh do - b 5 5 100th Bch Nay pfd b3O 84 100 sh Read R 55 5169 100 200 eh McElrath % , BOARD. 1100 sh Catawissa pf 1)5 25% ' 100 eh do c 26% i5O sh. do trans 25 I BEOOND $3OOO Pbtla doErie es 90 3sh Cam &Am B 129% 100 eh Phil do Erie - SO% 100 eh do b3O 30% wcivmurros WINDOW SHADES LACE mmirmNs-,, Drawing 'Looms.; LIBRARIES AND SLEEPING ROOMS. Cornices, Tassels and Fringes IN GREAT VARIETY. WAIMAVEN, MASONIC HALL; 719 Chestnut Streets WM. PAINTER di CO.. ramorgs, 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BUY COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES OF ALL DATES Arid pay the Accrued Interest; epanm DREXEL & CO., BANKERS 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET! 7-30's, 10-40's, 1881's, Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound Interest Notes and GOLD AND SILVER, Sought and Sold. DRAFTS DRAWN ON ENGLAND IRE LAND. FRANCE AND GERMANY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.' INTEREST . DEPOSITS. CERTIFICATES OP DISPOSITS payable on 5 days notice, after 15 days, and bearing interest at POUR PER CENT per anima, will be Issued in sums to suit depositors. MORTON DieIiCIOFT lei., Jr. Clads% mylo-Sp RELIABILITY Amply Substantiated AS TO THE PIE-PROOF QUALITIES, j AND .ENTIRE DRYNESS OP MARVIN'S § s AFES.. ALUM AND DRY PT A TEE. MA ,VIN Sr, Co., 721 Chestnut Street (Masonic Hall), 265 Broadway, New York. Mime Safes. Second-hand Safes. Safes Exchanged. Bend fbr Illustrated catalogue. my26lra rp FRENCH Watt SKINS. • We are Importing by every Steamer ,the following Brands: LE3IOINE, TIMES JO DOT, LEVEN, BRAUPIEVII,LE, CARRIER DUPONT, CONELLAN GUILLOT, SOUCIN CORBIT, To which we invite the attention of the Trade. CM - AMBERS & OATTELL, myl2s&ciSml 32 N. TELLEtD Street: CANARY SESED.—Twenty-tive barreln Prime Os nary 'Seed In 'store and for aale by WORECX&N OI (X).N'w,l43Walnut.atrtat , e •• A: .11• • • Fl AMS: OI -101:1 1 1 :1111faer's Ooover Nailn, Bolts l .• . - N.Dert, constantly on h and and for Bala by :•••• Z' T • ee00.982 acinth Wharvan • • :wawa n' •03 : ti. SS, —• 800 borers Valenclalborbvt, 100 • =as Stealers Rskstris for sale by .10E1. B. 8138 - 81,1110 a .1k !XL. 111 BOMA vir ter street. TNDLA BUBBREt nIACTICENE BELTING STEAK PACKING, HOSE, do. - Enaineers and dealers will find a FULL ASSORT: ISIENT OF GOODYEAR'S PATH= VIILCANIZED RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, HOSE, &0., at the hisinuflicturef a Headquarters, - GOODY estnutEAß'S, 308 Ch Meet, South aide. N. B.—We have a NEW andCHEAP ABIDDOLE GARDEN and PAVEMENTHOSE , very [cheap, to which the attention of the nubile 18 calla a 1117.1881 NA ORAIQGEEL-1,0 00 bozea SWeet Mesabi& J.U. Or tr. prime order. eiandinglandlbrasleo BUSBIES & CO. 1( S. 'Mtwara Avenue: ALAISINEI AND LKISIONS--Bunch. Laier sale Seed less Malalnis and Malaga'Lemons. bindWg tram bark La Plata, and for. sale by 4.i05., B.,BamP_ : , CA um solstb DOsivintre‘..svarna - - • • VBMILItia PICKLES. OLTBIIPB, IaABOBS,4Inor. Crop* dfc,Blookorelin Bairrfpy Brace% Burbank ' hfortord, arkL___l4ll4/1 1 4 -o y , hip Yorktown and for sale oy .103. Be *Warmly& mouth-Dalaware nireino , • • Bands; -, . 7.- '..;:) - :F,O-.3 . - : - i,ir,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers