NOTICES. Ea MOUS THIA_LS. TO gaze on Probst, a vast array • Ofpeople thronged from near and ' And all the world will note that day Which brought the murderer to the bar, Great trials these justly thought, But wbat a trial to endure Is his who has new clothing bought, And finds the seams all Insecure! Distractedly that wretch will bawl, "Oh, bad I gone to Tower Ball I" WE Hsu All , wool EanCy Casslmere Pants, as low as 14 00 " " " Vests " 210 " Black " Pants " 500 " Cloth Vests 400 " Fancy Cassixnere Batiste match 14 00 " Black Sults 20 00 Allcbancing;rom these rates wehave.goods of a ll grades, 5, P le the very finest fabrics, arpriees reduced improper. Youth's and Boys'. TBOUSANIG HAVE POUND WITHIN TEE PAST YEW WRENS, THAT WE ABE ACTUALLY SELLING GOOD, SEIIVICEADLE GOODS AT MIN =ems NAMED. ENCOURAGING ]fr. Charles Lennox Bay mond, of color'd renown, Is not on the white man by any means ''down;" He leels for the paleface no atom Of shame, And thinks prejudiced color'd men greatly to blame; Rat when color'd delegates spoke plain and loud 7o that "Copperhead President,"thert he felt "proud!" OD the whide, Mr. Raymond thinks white men as good As the blacks are. provided they act as they should. lAD white marts moving, without the least doubt, And with very long strides since the "Gran" spen'd out; With the stylish Spring suits, and light Summer attire will soon been Raymond could hope or desire, "Jiror cue reason white men keep as high as they are, 3s because all their CLOTHING tioiy buy at the "Bran." We have all-wool Fancy Cassimere Vests, fine quality, it and upwards. All-wool Fancy Cassimere _Tonto at *5 and upwards. Coats at all prices, making a splendid assortment of Fine Fashionable Clothing, gotten up in the best manner, and selling at extremely low prices. Our stock of goods for ordered work is being con stantly renewed, and all work warranted to give satisfaction. PERRY & CO. STAR CLOTHING EXPORMIf, 6G9 CHESTNUT STREET, SIGN OF STAR. N. B.—Dealers in fine Clothing will find it to their a dvantage to examine our stock, se we can fill their orders on very liberal terms. "KtSCHOEIACILER YUNG-FOR MANUFACTURING COBIPA NY'S NEW STORE, No. 1103 CELESTE= REET.—We respectfully call the attention of our friends and the public generally to our removal to our new and handsome Warerooms, "GIRARD ROW," Ilts CHESTNUT street, where we have constantly on hand a large stock of our superior and highly finished Square sad Grand Pianos. Our instruments have been awarded the highesit pierainms at all the principal exhibitions ever held in ibis country, with numerous testimonials from the first class artists In America and Earope. They are now the leading Pianos, and are sold to all parts of the world. Persons desiring to purchase a first-class Plano at greatly reduced rates should net fall to give us a call Pianos to rent, Tuning and moving promptly at tended to. SCHOMACE.i.R & CO. .tuylUlm/ No. 1103 Chestnut street. OHICILERING IMGRAND, SQUARE AND IJPRIGHTIM PIANOS. are recognized se the most perfect and permanent In struments in America and Europe. Pifty•sim Medals. •110 OM In use. Large asrortment of! ORGANS and Me,- MODEONS, 914 friruSTNUT street. • W. IL DUTTON. STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS T AM Are now acknowledged the best in- ffel istruments in Europe as well ss America. They are wad in public and private, by the greatest artists living in .10.nrope. by VON BULOW, DP.EYSCHOLITC, ILIEZT and others:in this country by MILLS. MASON, WOLFrsOHN, etc. For sale only by BLASIUS BROS., 1066 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1866 m THE THIRD SECTION. There appears to have been a strong disposition in some of our best friends in Congress to omit or modify the thiid section of the joint resolution to amend the Constitution recently adopted by the House of Representatives, and had the professed opponents of the resolution— Ithe so-called Democrats—acted in good faith on the subject, that section would 'undoubtedly have been left out or mate rially modified. But, like their seces sion friends who professed so much anx iety for the adoption of the "Crittenden resolution" in 1861, they purposely pur sued a system of tactics that led to the defeat of their apparent wishes and the retention of the third section, which, had they been sincere, they could easily have had stricken out. It appears that SO Union members thought that section vitally important to the efficiency of the amendment, while 61 would have been - willing, from a sensitive spirit of con ciliation, to omit it. Had the whole of the Democratic membe rs, who so strongly denounced that section, voted with the 61 Union members against the previous question, which was moved by Mr. Stevens, it would have been lost, and then the same vote could have stricken that section out,, But nearly half of them voted for the previous question, so as to force a direct - vote upon the joint resolutions as origi nally introduced, hoping thereby to make the resolutions obnoxious to the public and to help their prospects at the approaching Congressional elections. This was the animus, but we hope, like many other of their legislative ma noeuvres, it will prove a delusion. Let us• look, for a moment, at thejoint resolutions, to see how this third section stands. They provide in the first place, that no State shall abridge 'the rights and privileges of a citizen of the United States; secondly, that if any State shall deny the • right of suffrage to any class of people on account of caste or color, such class shall not be included in the enumeration upon which representation is based ; thirdly, that all persons who :voluntarily took part in the rebellion sball be excluded from voting for mem bers of Congress, or President or Vice President, until the 4th of July, 1870; in - the fourth place they prohibit the United • States, or any State, from paying the rebel debt, or for emancipated slaves ; and the fifth gives Congress the power to carry out and enforce these provisions by law. Now this seems to us a very well con structed arrangement, and the third section we regard as a very proper, .moderate . and reasonable part of the whole. If any strange peo ple should be told for the first time of the terrible war we have paned through, and of the hundreds of thou sands of lives that were lost, and of the -hundreds of thousands who were maimed, and of the hundreds of mil lions of treasure that were expended to _Awe the national life, and that after,the suppression of the rebellion it was agreed that the rebels should be reinstated, after so short a time, and after one' single BENNETT & CO.. TOWER RA_LL. 518 BEARICET STREET. Presidential election, upon a footing of, equality with the loyal citizens, and soldiers of the nation, they, would say we were the most magnanimous and for giving nation thatcould be conceived of. It seems to us that the sixty-one mem bers who were willing to have that section stricken out were over tender and indulgent to the rebels and their sympathisers in making such a,conces sion. We do not cherish animosities or bitter memories; nor do we desire to be resentful, much less revengeful, towards the deluded or even the more wicked men who caused the deluge of blood in the late war. But we are not quite ready to take them, with all their continued bitterness, in our arms, and still less to place the power and destiny of the nation in their s hands; and to say that we intend to re tain the selection of our rulers for one term more in our own keeping is as modest a proposition, we conceive, as could be expected of reasonable and prudent men. At the last Presidential eleetion, more than a hundred thousand men were in arms against the Government, and Lee and Johnston and Hood were doing their utmost to break and destroy it. Even then they took a lively interest in our election, but they did notasktovote• Now they not only takea warm interest, but ask, with the air of injuredinnocence, to be permitted to unite with their cop perhead friends in taking the Govern ment under their own control. We pre fer to do without them, at least for a short time, so as to let their passions cool, and to have the Government move on under loyal management until it is fairly and fully in motion in all parts of the territory of the United States. We would ask the people of Pennsyl vania whether they are ready to receive at the ballot box on a footing with them selves the rebel hosts who dashed so furiously against our lines at Gettysburg, with the fell purpose of overrunning and destroying us? We think we can antici pate their reply, that they would prefer to postpone that arrangement at least for a little while. We have understood that we are indebted to President Johnson for maintaining our hold on Nashville when Bragg invaded Kentucky in 18G2, and we know that he (the President) was there in December, 1864, when Hood came to besiege and capture that place; and confess we are at a loss to understand why he is in so great a hurry to place that rebel host on an equal footing with the loyal men who, under Rosecrans and Thomas, hurled them away. We say an equal footing, but we might say abetter; for unless the Constitution is amended, in some of the States three white men have as much political power in national affairs as five with us. It is an enigma to us of most difficult solution, and in view of the tremendous consequences at issue, we regard itwith anxious and pain ful solicitude. But at all events we desire the secu rity to the country that will be attained by the adoption of these amendments; and we think the loyal men of the na tion will ratify them, and sustain, the earnest and patriotic representatives who have conceived and proposed them as a part of the fundamental laws for our present and future safety. GOVERNOR SWAINN'S TREACHERY. We have not been much surprised at Governor Swann's abandonment of his party and his avowed - principles. For years past we have been under the im pression that he was not really the man to lead the loyal people of Maryland,and it has been a matter of wonder with us that he should have been selected for the important post which he occupies. In the darkest time of the rebellion he al ways appeared to us to be either a very timid or a very unsound leader. He was always immeasurably below Henry Winter Davis and the men of that stamp in anything like radical, out-spoken loyalty. Under the pressure of his pur suit of office, it was necessary to say enough to secure the support of the bone and sinew of Baltimore and .Maryland, the plain, rough, unconditionally loyal men of the State. But Governor Swann has, if we do not greatly mistake, no real sympathies with this class of his fellow citizens. His tendencies are all in an aristocratic direction, and he goes out from the party that made him Governor because he was never .of it. How far Governor Swann will suc ceed in his attempt to transfer Mary land 'to the rule of copperheads and rebels, lemains to be seen.. We have great confidence in the unflinching, un compromising character of the> Union men of that State. They were sorely tried all through - the war, and came through the trial gloriously. We do not believe that they will now relinquish the fruits of their hard-won victories, merely because a few office-holders have de ceived and now seek to betray them. They.will be sustained and encouraged by loyal men throughout the, country, and Governor Swann will probably find that he has made a poor bargain, in bar tering the confidence and esteem of the loyal, hard-fisted, warm-hearted masses of his State, for the hollow counsels and false promises of the Illairs and their copperhead comrades. REIISICAL. HAYDN'S "SvAsoivs."—There has been a great demand for seats, for the performance of "The Seasons," this . evening, by the Handel and Haydn Society, and with the prospect of fine weather, we shall doubtless see a very crowded house at the Academy. From all that we have heard of the re hearsals, we feel assured that the entertain ment will be a mdst delightful success, and we recommend those who have not yet se cured tickets to do so, if possible, before the hour of the performance. MR. GAERTNER'S MATINEE of to-morrow will be warmly welcomed by the appreci THE DAILY _EVENING BULLETIN': PIIILADELYBIA, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1866. alive.. Mr. Gaertner is- an artist of whom we are justly proud, and Mine. Abel is, we hear, a worthy pnpikof the great Chopin. Mr. Gaertner will also be assisted by our own pianist. Mr. -,Tarvis,and the other mem bers of the Quintette Club. The programme is a very fte one. , The paintintings prepared by Philadelphia artists for public sale, are now.on ex.hibi tion at the Art Gallery of Mr. B. Scott, Jr:, No, 1020 Chestnut street, where they will be sold on Thursday evening next. Among them are some of great merit, and thecollec tion is worthy of the attention of all those who wish to encourage the resident talent we have ameng us. Although the sale is rather late in the season, and tomes after so 'many important sales of foreign pictures, we anticipated a large attendance and spirited competition. Messrs. Thomas &Sens will sell on the Sth June, by order of Orphans' Court. Zstate of Win. W. R.night. deceaaed,'an elegant Modern Residence, Clapier street and Naßean avenue. Clicaltarirowsr., linmediate possession. Also, three Lots, OSOCST24I7T RILL. Bee last page for parrettlans. Public Hale' 01 the Property torinerlY the Bank of Pennsylvania. This very valuable property on Second street will be found especially inviting to capitalists. Shamed hitt e very midst of Improvements and In the heart of the :boldness of the city. it will always - command good tenants- at remunerative rents. The limit, $llO,OOO, placed upon the property by sn act of Congress, is greatly below its nal value, and if it were Improved by the erection of insurance offices or brokers' rooms, on the first and second stories, all of which could be done so that the whole coat need not be over t 2 00.000, a very large Income could be derived front it, The lot Is 7=250 Wet, with streets all round it. Brown Stone Residence and Furniture. Messrs Thomas & Eons will sell to morrow (Wednes day) mornh g, at 10 o'clock, at No. 282 South Third street, by order of the Executors of Dr. Jayne, the hanc some Brown Stone Residence and Furniture. FINE Wuras.—To-ruorrow, at 12 o'clock noon, at tb e A udion 110121215, Fine Old Madeira Wines. Estate of the late Captain Percival Drayton, 11. S. Navy. Also. a quantit yof Superior Champagne Wine. Ste adver tisement. t j01 . 12. CRUMP, EIITLDER. rai CRESITiDT STREET' and 218 LODGE STREET. bleclanics of every branch required for housebuild ing and fitting promptly furnished. pia -6m* ST.b CR do W., PL&la OS. leiM Nearly one thousand of these popu lar Instruments in use in Philadelphia. For Sale only by J. E. GOULD, - ap37-tu.thaaArP Seventh and Chestnut. MASON az B.A2aLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, Unlike and superior to any and With i n reed instruments Recommended by the leading or ganists ane artistes 113 .a.merica and Europe. J. E. GOULD. apt 9-th,s,ll3,ti Seventh and Chestnut streets. QTATInNERY—LETTERS, CAP AND NOTE 0 PAPERs. ENVELOPES'. BLANK 1310.1i5., and every requisite in the Stationery line, selling at toe lowest buttes at J. IL 'DOWNING'S Stationery Store. ma ilttfrp/ ighth street, two doors above Walnut. emSPRING ST), LE HATS—WARRIIRTON, 4SO CHESTNUT !Street, next door to the post Office. N. B.—Nowhere else can the parchaserobtaln greater value fur his money. apl9-Im,rpp - THEO. H. BI'CALLA. AT HIS OLD F.L.TAIILISIIKD '--s t HAT AND CAP EMPoItIDU. 4 604 CHESTNUT STREEP. New Styles for I:krirE. my4.lm,rpl D CE.'D Pales S.—Secure your Photographs, when desired. at REIMER'S popular Gallery, Ercond street, above Green. Exquisite style or natu ral arrangement and - tine finish. Most Is the time; moderate pricm IN REMOVING THE STONES FROU CHEERIER / for drying, stewing or pies. the Cherry Stoning Ma chine wit ['do a bushel p•r hour. Buy the Machlite be fore the cherries are ripe. and Ruth be ready to use it. For tale by TRUMAN &SHAW : No. 833(EightTatrt, - live) Market street, below:Z.l=h. IA ETES DE VISITE. a for $l, the best styl:3 of se , t.../ eerier qtuLlltymade at B. F. It EmEir- Gallery, f 24 Arch at reef. Gow la the time to ()Wale them. 11l HITE'S PATENT ICE PICKS have all the ad- V vantages of a hammer and ice pick in eca , o. wising the breakage of Ice, combined in the one Im pement. We also have an assortment of other kinds. THOM AN & SHAW, No. US (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. ONLY sl. Large size ,Photographs imitable for !ramthy. See and engage those superior Pictures t ItEJMHIt6 Gallery, Second street, above Green. /cow Is the time: prices moderate. nLOTILES est'llLN RT.MIP 4 for dampening clothes about to be boned, evenly and quickly, are a new al tide. Tbey are also useful to printers. tobacronive and other roanuthctru'ers. TRUMAN & SHAW. No. as Wight Thirty Aye) Market street, bete* Ninth. AMONG THE MOUNTAINS.— "HERDIC HOUSE," WILLIA3MPORT, PA. The Largest Hotel in the State, outside of Philadel phia, entirely new, and stricay a first-class hcuse. Lo cation unsurpassed beautiful grounds, splendid drives, fine bunting and tlfildrig.and the scenery all that could be desired. B ferences—Hon. Judge Grier, Daniel Dougherty, Esq.. Dr. 0. A. Judson, John Anspach, Isq. A number of line, large airy rooms yet unengaged. For terms, dc., address GEOR3E HOPPER.Proprietor. my 'Slate Williamsport, Pa. - 1866, iLaj as e i T TO I: LEA° . K ht P k r3 a dyed and Childran'n hair cut. Corner Exchanee Place and Dock street. IU9 0. C. KOPP. R RIII.)VAL.—Dr. S. S. Brooks has removed from No. 1.53) Vine street, to No. 140 North Twelfth street, below Race. my6-1.214je LAMES' RUFF WASH LEATHER RIDING AND TRAVELING GLOVES and GAUNTLETS,—rust received from Paris, an assortment of best quality Riding and Traveling Gloves and Gauntlets, sizes No. 6 to 7, for sale by GEO. W. VOGEL, my a Sap* 1016 Chestnut at. VCR BALE.—To Shippe,rs, Grocers, Hotel-Reepera fr and others—A very tuperior lot of Champagne Cider, by the barrel or dozUn. P. J. JORDAN, noS-rptf =Pear street, below Third and Walnut. To - HOUSEKEEPERS, for cleaning silver and .1 ellvernlated ware, a NEW POLIe•HLNG POWDER, the best ever made. FARR &BROTHER, fels E 4 Chestnut street, below Fourth. wits aOit...ER. A SAFE STEASI BOILER.—The attention of Manufacturers ;tad others using Steam is confidently called to this new Steam Generator. as combining essential adyantagm in absolute safety from explosion. In cheapness orbital cost and cost of repairs In economy of ft/el, facility of cleaning and transportation. &c., act possessed by any other boiler now In use. This boiler is formed of a combination °feast-iron hollow spheres, each sphere 8 Inches external diameter, and of aft inch thick. These are_ held together by wrought-Iron bolts, with caps at the ends. Nearly one hundred of these Boilers are now In opperation, some ot them in the beat establishments In this city. For descriptive circulars or price, apply to JOSEPH HARRISON, Jr.. Harrison .Boiler Works. Gray's Ferry Read, sojoining the U. B. Arsenak p eW phis. %X A B.E. 111.7 WITH. INDELIBLE INK, Embroider .l.U. ing, Braiding. Bumping, etc. EL A. TORREY. 1800 Filbert street. FTLER, WEAVER & CO., Manufacturers of MANILA AND TARRED CORDAGE, Cords, Twines, No. 23 North Waterstreet, and No. 22 North Delaware avenue, Phtladelphla, EDWIN H. Frrrarn. lixonexr. Wiraysn. CONRAD F. CLOTHI.EIt. FINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCES.—A fresh [co portation of beautiful styles, warranted correct Trim-KEEPERS. FARR & BROTHERS. Importers. 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. TUER LT WARNING. CHOLERA. CHOLERA. A PREVENTIVE A CURE! - - EVERY TAMMY SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE. IN CASE OB SUDDEN ATTACH IN THE NIGHT * WAYNE'S BOWEL CORDIAL. "Bwaynes' Bowel Cordia/. ''Swayne's , Bowel Cordial. "Swayne's" TREATMENT. Bowel Cordial. "Aleaynes" . Bowel Cardin/. "Swayne's', In all cases, at all sea- Bowel Cbrdicd. 4 .,snayne's" sons,and in all climates, Bowel Cbrdicd. "Swayne's" where there Is sickness Bowel Cordial. "Swayne's" of Stomach, pains in the Bowel Cordial. "iswaynes" Bowels, Dysentery. DI- Bowel Cbrdied. Swayne's" arrhcea, Sudden attacks Bowel Cbrdird. "Swayne's" •in the night, be prepared Bowel Cordial. Swayne's" to lay your hands on a Bowel Cordial. ~ ,swaynes" bottle. of this great Re- Bowel Cerdial. "Swayne's" medy, as nine times out Bowel Cbrdkii. "Swayne's" of ten Immediate relief Bowel Cbrdica. "Swayne's" will be obtained. Bowel Orrdied. "Stamina's". Bowel Cordial. "Swayne's" Bowel Cordial. Dr. bwayne was connected with a Cholera Hospital, when that disease raged With such violence in Phila delphia in 1832, and the experience there gained should be a guarantee for the great nperlin lty of this medi cine over all others. And - ato the very many cures performed since thattime of extreme cases, shows ex perience to be the great teacher. 030,,,,INRANTuM, OR SUMMERbOMPLAINT.-80 prevalent with young children during the warm sea son Swayne's Bowel Cordial" never fails to cure. and may be given to the most tender infant. Full direc tions accompany every b 5 ottle. pRICE ONLY 8 CENTS A BOTTLE?. Prepared by Dr. SWAYNB & SON, 830 North Sixth street, above Vine, PhUadelpnia. ap27-tu,th HENRY JAITES. _ _ _ .kCCOITNTANT. Disputed and Confused Accounts Adjusted—Sets of books opened—small seta kept by contract. State ments and Balance Sheets prepared for B ankrupt Estates. FRENCH AND sParuan TRANSLATED. apl.34mi Boom 84, No. 418 CheetnuL Street, The:Artists' Sale of Pletares. Germantown Residence. Sir Excuse a little inconvenience arising from alterations and improve ments going on In our Store. It is more than compensated for by the .s..X.IRA. BARGAINS ,we give' our customers, As we want to re• duce our stock to avoid its removal out of the way of the workmen. The 'Finest litP.Ay-Made Clothing In the City and the largest assortment to select from. Piece Goods to make up to order. WANAMABER & BROWN, OAR HALL, SOUTHEAST * CORNER SIXTH and MAILKET St% . e4 l, eo , ort A, 0. NO. 7,?• CHESTNUT ST. FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. Office of the Union Passenger Railway Company, Twentrtbird and Brown Streets, MAY 14, 1811. THE POPLAR STREET BRANCH Of this Company will run regularly after this date. Passengers on arriving at the junction of Franklin and Poplar will be passed UP TOWN without addi tional charge. Passengers going to the Navy Yard or Baltimore Depot, can obtain passes at the Junction of Franklin am Spring Garden streets. - my 1544 rpm , W H. 31.E.118LE. FeoretarY. VALUABLE OKESTNUT STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE, S., THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FOURTH AND CILESTOU,T STREETa Apply toH. C. LEA,' myls.6t 4p* • ' IQo. 7O Smmnst.reet. LOVE IN A COTTAGE. 1111•11•1 • They may talk of love In a cottage, And bowers of trellised vine, • And Retire bewitchingly simple, And milkmaids half divine. They may talk of the pleasures of sleeping In the shade of a spreading tree. Ent what I prize most lbr my supper Is a good cup of Young Hyeon Tea. The Tea should be good however. Such for instance as that you get of WEST & BRO WN,No. 809 Chest nut Street. These gentlemen pos sess fhcilities enioyea by few of their compeers in the trade. Henoe their ability to supply their pa trons with a first-class article at a moderate price. Our advice to all in quest of delicious Tea is, GO TO WEST & BROWN. WEST & BROWN 809 Chestnut St. myl4-2t TO FIA-IVILLAIE S RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are orepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residences with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &U., &C. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Cos. Eleventh• and Vine. Streets. MLSITLER'S HERB BITTERS, Wholesale and Retail. ORIEL & BRO., GENERAL AGENTS, my4lm rp2 28 Bluth TiEJE3ICII 7 IEJD From 1016 Chestnut St., MRS. S. J. PARKER, Dress and Cloak Maker, 1823 Chestnut Street, m rP N.E. corner of .Tuni..r. REDUCTION IN PRICES. EDWIN HALL ` & CO., 28 South Second street, WILL OPEN THIS MORNING, 3 cases, 180 pieces of GERMAN LENOS At 371-2 cents per yard, Being the orettlest and beet Dress Goode offered this or any other Eireann for tharnoneY. laYl4-2 1 GERMANTOWN RESEDENOE FOR RENT. or —A large house, with all the modern convent, ences, extensive grounds and plenty of shade;_stabling ibr three horses; within ten minutes' walk or Railroad Station, Will be rented either with or without the Male, Addreag Boa 1 808 Philada, P, 0. h3751-ria PHILADELPHIA ARTISTS' SALE OIL PAINTINGS, 1020 Chestnut Street• On Thnraday Evening, May 17.1866 HAVANA CIGARS. The market being overstocked with low grades and loft rior Havana Cigats, we have ordered and now re ceived BEGALIAS MITE:RAS PRIM:ERAS, MEDIA. BEGALIAS PILIKKRAS. LO.NDEMS GRANDE ESPICILLES. etc. bese goods no one else bee lately imported and we offer them for sale in bond and duty paid. GUMPERT EROS.; 106 S. Delaware Avenue. RETAIL : No. 1341 Chestnut Btreet. P. S.—We most respectfully requests our Retail Pnr chasers to bare their orders at our newly and magni- Ecently refitted and long established store. in charge of our Mr. ALBERT GUMPERT,INo, 1341 CHEaT DT street. as we sell exclusively at Wholesale at No. itt tl. -DELAWARE Avenue GUILPEatT BROS.. Importers. G E. GIIMPERT, R. T. GlifiliPErtr, my•Stntball • A. GUMPERT. HAVANA 010A8.t3, FRESH IMPORTATIONS AND A I. AIaGE VABI EBY. OFFERED LOW AND IN LOTS TO SUIT DEALERS, BY S. FUGUET & SONS, In - Totters, No. 216 8. Front Street. tore-6t Ipt ONE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' Old Established One Price • CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 NIALILIKET ABOVB SIXTH. Prices reduced to the lowest point. A • fine assortment of Beady.Msde Clothing con. stantly on band. Custom Work made to order at very atv , rt notice, In style and durability unsurpassed. aptS-Im 4pl THE :SUBSCRIBER (for many years connected with 'Mitchell's Saloons," L 23 Chestnut Street,) would respectftilly inform hls friends and the publicgenerally, that he has OPENED AN Ice Cream and Refreshment Faison FOB LADLES AND GENTIMIM% No, 1121 CHESTNUT SIREET, where he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit the patronage of all who may favor him with their custom. _ mylkina rpi JACOB H. BVIRDSAML. NEW SPRING GOODS. The enbscribere are now receiving their Spring Im portation of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, LINEN AND COTTON SHEETINGS, PILLOW AND BOLSTER e A arrqGs. TABLE DAitt's ItB AND DIAPERS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, CHAMBER AND BATH TOWELS, TOWELENOS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ILARS'LS QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, BLANI,ETS, TABLE AND:PIANO COVERS, And every other article of Furnishing Dry Doods re quired to commence house keeping oraupply the wants of a family. YE,SL,PhEtaIi. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, 1008 Chestnut Street. ullMeth sa to 26L rro 74;clEAI4IELCCY'S EMPORIUM ' FOR BLACK SILKS! No. 11 South Ninth above Chestnut. The largest, cheapest and best selected stock in the city. inyl2-St ELEGANT MANTILLAS AT REDUCED PRICES. J. T. GALLAGHER, v?!tit: Late of BAILEY & Co., FORMERLY BAILEY & RIMS= Invites attention to bis NEW JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, St W. corm Thirteenth and .Chestnut Sts. HIS STOCK OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND OTHER PINE JEWELRY Sterling Silverware and Silver Plated Ware. will be found very complete. Those wishing to pnr. chase or examine .will find it much to their advantage to favor him with a call. All goode WARRANTING of ..PTEST QUALITY, and prices aatiafactory. The CXLEBBATBD VACHERON and CONST WATCH. of all sizes, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Special attention given to DIAMONDS. Watches and Clocks careitdly Repaired and War ranted. thsa tu High-Class SCOTT'S ART GALLERY, AT. O'CLOCK. B. SOOTT. Jr, Finest CA wades OF comprising all the best varieties of P.BILADELPHIA ARTIST' SAL' OIL PAIN TI GSA Scott's art 41St On Thursday Evening, May 17, - 1 866, dIICTIONEXEL Towels ! Towels ! Towels BARGAINS AT RETAIL. Jost received, direct from Enraoe. several kerotmer: of BATH and CHAMBER TOWELS vrbleb I tutie, marked down Below Usual Jobbing Prices. Very good Power Loom Huck Towels, 25 cis. Heavy Power Loom Hock Towis, al and 37 cbs. Power Loom Towels, extra sizes, 45 and Meta Medical Huck Towels. 45;50, 56 and 62 eta. Double Medical Huck Towelsm 68,75 and 87X cts, Honey Comb Bath Towels, unbleached. Honey Comb Bath Twirls, bleached. Registered Diaper Bath Towel. This is a new article, very desirable for those wins wall I, a Eat, thick., absorbent Towel. Chamber Towels, Bed Ends. Good Bleached Hack Towels, 25 cents. Better quality Huck Towels alto 50 cenla. - Snow Drop Damask Tovrels. 75 cents. Fine Damask Towels, 673ic. and id to. Knotted Fringe Towels 'lurk-I.Bk Towels. • Pantry and Kitchen Towels. GOOD GLASS TOWELS, 25 cents. FINE ar• ASA TOWELS, al and 37 cents CHECKED GLASS TOWELING by the yard. ROLLER TOWELLNIG. RUSSIA CRASHES, &a. Linen buyers will and the largest stock of all Made of Pllltis LINEN GOODS in the City, at MILLIKEN'S • - L4.I:NE,IV STOIIE, NO. 828 ARCH EITIBIET., rahal-aa to to 2:Mi REnuoTroN --- th ---- prackEL EDWIN HALL & CO.. 2S S. Second lat.. Will open this morning. a bale of VERY RICH ORGANDY LAWNS ARD A BiL.E OF Rich Cambric I.Jawris s . Which, with the assortment we had on hand. mak our stock one of the largest and best ever exhibited, AND FOR BALM AT A Reduction of Twenty-five per cent. from former Price& roylt 2t _ AT RETAIL. JAB. R. CAMPBELL 727 Chestnut Sto s Have made extensive additions to their popiaar Slos h of SILKS - • AND 1317,1E5S C.COMOS s . WHICH THEY CONTINUE TO S TT, At Moderate Prices. Wholeiale Rooms Up Stairs. m94-lm rp John AV. rrhomais, Noe. 405 and 407 North Seem!. Street> LAMA SHAWLS, from $3 OD to 00. BLACK AND WHLTE LACE FiIIAWLS,. fromm‘ 0) to $75. JOHN W. TarAk3, Nos. 405 and 407 North Second Street GRENADINES, With a fall and handsome. assozirmeat ofall Ichasof Spring and Summer Dress Goods. zoyillSt rP HIGH-CLASS 1020 OHEETBIJT EITMMr, AT 7X o,oLoot. B. SCOTT, Jr., Auctioneer. SHAWLS, from IP 00 to $lO 00. NOW OPEN, SERNA.'Crs, CREPE Ntmzmi!Z, LAWlvb. raYII4IS ips
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