aCB.UBTII CONGRESSFIRST SESSION. [MW M OF YESTERDAY'S I.ItOUDINGI3.] EuttA.Tß.—Mr. Stewart's - reconstruction 'bill being under consideration, ' Mr. Stewart said he proposed to amend the first section of the article amending the Constitution reported by the committee, so as to define the word citizen. Without this, the construction of both the first and second section would depend upon the party in power. He also proposed to strike out the 'third section disfranchising rebels, and 'make it the first section of a law which he proposed as a substitute for the several bills zeported. He would then make the bill re ported by committee, excluding rebels from office l the second section, and require each State, in addition to the requirement of the committee, to consent to the proposed ex clusion from office and disfranchisement. He said the remainder of his proposed sub stitute gave the alternative to the South to _ratify the constitutional amendment with the proposed modifications, conform their oonstitutioris and laws thereto, and extend by amendments to their own constitutions and laws impartial suffrage, as in his former proposition. This done by any State, such State is to be admitted at once without waiting for the adoption of the amendment to the Constitu tion by other States; and universal amnesty is then to be extened to the people of that State; excepting only the President and Tice President of the so-called Confederate States, heads of departments of United 'States, and members of the thirty-sixth -Congress who went into the rebellion, and those who maltreated Unionprisoners. The propositions submitted were ordered to be printed. Sumner moved to take up the bill to facilitate commercial and postal inter course between the States, known, he said, -as the Camden and Amboy Railroad bill. Mr. Morrill moved to take up the bill to , prevent smuggling, which motion prevailed and the bill was taken up and read at length. It consists of forty-six sections,and is designed to prevent smuggling on the northern frontier, by providing for a ri g id system of search and examination of all vessels plying between the United States and foreign countries. _After a discussion, in which Messrs. Ed munds", Morrill, Johnson, Howe and Con ness participated, the further consideration -of the bill was postponed till to-morrow. The' Senate, at four o'clock, went into Executive session,and soon after adjourned. House.—Mr. Chanler (N. Y.) offered the following: .Resolved, That the independent, patriotic and constitutional course of the President of the United States in seeking to protect by the veto power the rights of the people of this Union against the wicked and revolu tionary acts of a few malignant and mis chievous men, meets with the approval of this House, and deserves the cordial sup port of all loyal citizens of the United States. Resolved. That this House believes the Freedmen's Bureau unnecessary and un constitutional, and hereby directs the Chair man of-the Committee having charge of that Bureau to bring in a bill to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this reso lution. Mr. Schextok raised the question of order that thefirst resolution contained an insolent attack on Congress, for which the member offering it deserved to be dealt with by the House. The Speaker decided that the resolution could not be ruled out of order on that grotmd, and stated that that question came under the forty-first rule of the House, and that the question would be, "Shall the resolutions be received and con sidered?" The question was taken, and the House re fused to receive the resolutions. Yeas, 20; nays, 82. Mr. Schenck gave notice that as soon as The morning hour should expire he would move a resolution of censure against Mr. Chanler. Mr. Chanler retorted that he would like -to offer a resolution censuring Mr. Schenck. The morning hour having expired, Mr. Dawes, from the Committee on Elections, made a report in the contested election case of Follet against Delano, from the Thir teenth District of Ohio, ending with a reso lution declaring Mr. Delano entitled to his seat. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. -. Mr. Schenck (Ohio), as a question of pri vilege, offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Hon. John W.' Chan ler, a representative of the Seventh District of New York, by presenting this day a re solution to be considered by this House in the following terms (quoting the first reso lution), has thereby attempted a gross in sult to the Rouse, and is - hereby censured therefor. - Schenck added that he should, per haps, have proposed a resolution of expul- Mon, but that he hardly believed that the gentleman from New York understood the diameter of the language he had used. He moved the previous question on the resolu tion. Mr. Rogers (N. J.) intimated that the ma jority had better expel Mr. Chanler so that they may be sure to have members enough. Messrs. Rogers, Chanler, Ross and others were on the floor at once addressing the Chair, but the Speaker announced that the previous question having been demanded no debate was in order. The House seconded the call for the pre vious question, but allowed Mr. Chanler to make a speech in explanation of his course. He said that not a word in the resolution applied to any organization or any set of men. He had taken special pains in draw ing the resolution to avoid giving offence. Nothing but malignancy of disposition could have prompted the motion of the gen tleman from Ohio. If the majority were to show such thin-skinned sensitiveness, there would be no minority worthy of the name In the system of American Government. The main question being put, the House -adopted Mr. Schenck's resolution of censure by ayote of 72 yeas to 30 nays. The Speaker pronounced the Special Com mittee on the Memphis riots, provided for by Mr. Stevens' resolution adopted to-day. It consists of Messrs. Washburne (Ill.),Bout well and Le Blond. On motion of Mr. Casson, the Senate amendments to the act to authorize the coin age of five-cent pieces were taken from the •Sneaker's table and concurred in. - Iqr.Blaine (Me.)offered the following reso lution, which was adopted: Whereas By the recent decision of the Supreme Whereas, of the United States, the stock of National Banks is make subject to the same rate of taxation as other property by State and municipal authority: Resolved, That the Committee of Ways andlleans be instructed to inquire into the :expediency of removing all taxes levied by the National Government on said banks, except the half per cent, per annum on the average amount of their deposits. On motion of Mr. Stevens, the Senate amendments to the Post Office Appropria tion bill, were taken from the Speaker's table, and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. On motion of Mr. Morrill. the House went - into Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, Mr. Washburne (Ill.) in the chair, and resumed the consideration of the Tax bill. The clause under consideration being that amending section 22 of the present act, the clause was amended in the following re spects. Providing that the Assessors and "Assistant Assessors shall invite bids for -stationery and blanks; striking Missouri from and adding Nevada to the States in re rferenee to which the Secretary of the Trea . Mirk is authorized to fix additional rates of compensation for Assessors, limiting the I Maximum of such compensation to five thousand dollars per annum; striking out the words "in alties'of more 'thanten thou sand inhabitants," which restricted the places in which Assistant Assessors were to be allowed not 'exceeding three hundred dol lars per annum for office rent, and. inserting in that connection the words "such sum as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall approve." On motion of Mr. Allison (Iowa), the fol lowing clause was inserted: Amend section ; 25 by adding the follow ing at the end of the said section: "Provided further, that in calculating the commissions of assessors and collectors of internal reve • nue in districts whence cotton or distilled spirits are' shipped on bond, to be sold in another district, half the amount of tax re ceived on the quantity of cotton or spirits so shipped shall be added to the amount on which the commissions of such assessors and collectors are collected, and a corre sponding amount shall be deducted:from the amount on which the commissions of the assessors . and collectors of the districts to which such cotton or spirits are shipped are calculated." Several amendments of an important character were made to the clause amend ing section 28 of the present, law. The - Cimmittee rose after disposing of the bill down to the 29th page. Mr. Garfield (Ohio) offered a resolution; which was adopted, instructing the Com mittee on Ways and Means to inquire whether any farther legislation - isnecessary in reference to the collection of the direct tax in the States lately in rebellion. At 4 o'clock the Rouse adjourned.. The National orphan Asylum. For this popular charity, the following contributions are gratefully acknowledged: From Elizabeth, N. J.—H. W. Dlinock, Miss A. D. Kanney, each $25; W. B. Tucker, J. W. Townley, A. Q. Thompson, E. G. Brown, each $1.0; J. W. Thompson, E. H. Genung, C. T. Rumen, J.. E. Bishop, Mrs. Louis Fellows, Joseph S. Meeker, J. C. Ma gie, Charles Rommel, A. D. Mulford, Oscar Marsh, Robert Westcott, H. R. Kimbert, E. S. Ogden, W. =A. Morrell, P. H. Wyckoff, William Wellsed, Cash, each, $5; N. M. Crane, J. Macklin, Mary. H. Magie, J. S. Crane,Thomas R Thompson, each, $3; Jac). Kidd,s2; W.'H. Chatterton, E. B. Goltra, B. M. Ogden, and six others, each. $1; cash, 50 cents. Total from Elizabeth, $2Ol 50. From Scranton, Pa.—Geo. Coray, J. W. Brock, Chas. Watson, each $25; H. C. Brewer, J. Archbald, A. E. Albright, G. B. Silsby, Patrick. McDonagh, Luke Orr, D. Cone, J. McClarend, S. Sherrerd, I-1. H. Dowd, Conrad it Silk man, J. C. Lent, Cash, Cash, each $5; E. Judson, $4; Lizzie Todd, T. F. Leonard, and five others, each $1; J. Jamieson, M. Green, D. hemmer, each $2; Geo. Todd, a little boy who loves the Saviour, 50 certts. Total from Scranton, Pa., $162 50. From Waterford, N. Y.—Mrs, Eliza Blake, David Blake, each $25; Mrs. D. Blake, $5. Total from Waterford, New York, $55. Whole amount in this list, $419. Treasurer of the Institution, Peter B. Sim Ons, 613 Sansom street, Philadelphia. 1-10 A -RD OF TRADE. ANDREW WHFFTER, EDW. Y. TOWNSEND, IZIONTSLY 0020EMEIM THORNTON BROWN, IMPORTATIONS. - Reported tor the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. PONCE, PR —Bark Miargaretta, Hanacuoud-197 hhds sugar 150 bbis do John Mason & Co. CLNNFUEGOS—Bark Linda,Hewitt-4813 hhds sugar 99 les do Geo C Carson & Co. TRLNIDAD-Brig T.mpest, Wilson-350 hhds sugar 40 tcs de 51 hbds molasses 14 bbls 6 & W Welsh. PONCE, PR —Brig Samuel Welsh. PI ticker-3977 hhds sugar 81 bbls do 40 bbis molasses 8 & W Welsh. —Schr 'Whlte Squall, Adams -115 bbls spirits turpentine 36 do Cochran, Russell & Co: 36 grindstones 4 bales rags 3 bbls metals 10 000 feet lum ber D 8 Stetson dr Co: 45,000 feet lumber in.) tons iron 6 bales yarn 90 kegs mdse order. . GA-s2va4 trod tiIIMCA r4 OO23!IIII Steamers. SITIP9 . YEW/ - 703 Dill Atalanta - _Londom-New York April 25 City of Limerfck_Liverpool.-New York......—. April 23 Propontis .Liverpool...l3oston&Phila....-May 2 Moravian ... -..' ---Liverpool...Portland .... ....... --May 3 City of Luigi." -Liverpool...New York May 4 Java ---....Liverpool...New York..-.- ..... .May 5 8e110na..... ..-. .. . .London... New York...-.-..... May 5 City of New York...l..iverp'l.-New Y0rk....—......1ifay 9 Atiantic....-._Southampton...New York. May 9 Damascus.. .LiverpooL-Quebec..— ... ----May 10 City of Cork...„....LlverpooL-New York May 12 Cnba. -Liv To erpool...New York May 12 DEPART. Columbia-- New York...Havana_ May 16 England .... .....:..New YOrk-Liverpool May 16 Kangaroo_. .„....-New York... Liverpool ...... -....May 16 New Y0rk.....-.-New York-Bremen —_ May 19 Germania New York... Hamburg May 19 Pennsylvania .....New York... Liverpool May 19 Peruvian Quebec... Liverpool .- . ........May 19 Coratca...--......New York... Nassau& Hav'a..-May 19 Palmyra .New York-Liverpool— May 16 City or Paris.-... New York... Liverpool May 19 Napoleon 111 .New York-Havre--.--- --May 19 Napoleon .New York...Havre May 19 City of Paris New York-Liverpool. May 19 Scotia New York-Liverpool....----May 19 tantlago de Cuba...-N York... San Juan, Nic. May 19 New York ..... ......New York-Aspinwall .May 21 Mora Castle ..... -.New York... Havana - May ra Ericsson .New York.-Brernen.....- ......... May 24 Marathon New York... Liverpool May 2.8 frgi iIatIMLE B) LLETLL 0 ••u #: • : • it.mas. 4 131 SU SETS, 7 9 I HUM WATILII, 254 r.0:4 WrI114:04 W 414 'JAVA Steamer Chester, Warren, 24 hours from New York, wit ß h mdse to W I' Clyde ark .31aagaretta (Br), Hammond, 17 days from Ponce, PR. with sugar to John Mason & Co. Schr J Far num. Kelly, 5 days from Portland, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Schr Sfhite Squall, Adams, 5 days from Wilmington NC. with naval stores to D 8 Stetson Co. tiair Sarah, Benson, 5 days from. iiewlEted ford, with 01l to captain. CLEARED YESTERDAY Steamer Ann Eliza,Riettarill, N York, NV P Clyde Co. Steamer F Franklin. Pierson. Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Ship British Queen, Harward, St. John, NB. John R Penrose. Bchr Mottle E Taber, Arnold, fkarleston, Lathbury, ickersham & Co. Schr L Strout. Dean, Portland, J R Tomlinson. Correspondence of the Phila. Evening Bulletin. READING. May 14. The following boats from. the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill - Canal. to-day, bound to Philadel phiajaden and consigned as dbllows : Grapeshot, with lumber to Dodge & 0o: Lebanon Valley, grain to Balsbaugh dr. Strickland; Ontario. bit coal to H A & S Seyfert: Charles wring, lime to Chas (snug; Electic and. Aaron & Catharine, Iron ore to Thomas, Cook & Co. . • F. MKROBA.NO6. Steamer Mary Sandford, Clark, hence at Boston yes erday. Steamer Wm Penn (Br), Billinge, cleared at N York esterday for London. _ Steamer Helvetia, Ogilvie, sailed from Liverpool 2d net. for New York. Steamer City of Limerick, Jones, at Queenstown , :th nit. from Liverpool and sailed for New York. Steamer Minnetonka, Dußois, from New Orleans, at I ew York 12th inst. Ship W Cummings, Miller. hence for San Francisco, • as spoken 11th inst. 150 miles SE of Sandy Hook. Ship Panther, Johnson, for Hong Kong, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Chlldwlckbnry (Br), Cadge, from Calcutta 18th Jan. at Boston 12th lost. -•-••• • • • -. Bark Union, Heard,hence Sci March, at Pernambuco no date. - . - Bark Rheldal Queen, zones, from Rio Janeiro loth March, at New York yesterday. with coffee for orders. Bark Mary Bond (Br), Head, at Rio Janeiro from Baltimore—no date. Bark Kilo (Han), Roskamp, hence al Helveet 30th ult. Bark Abd-El-Kader, Nickerson, at Boston yesterday from 'Messina Bark Norwegian, Dillingham, from Baltimore for Panama. at Montevideo—no date. Brig Harp, Areyr, hence at Bangor 11th inst. Brig Albert Adams, Ayres, cleared at New York yesterday , for Charleston. Brig Brill (Br), Blauvelt, cleared at New York yes terday for Barcelona via this port. Brig Isaac Carver, Shute, cleared at Portland 12th inst. mrthis port. Solar H W Godfrey, Weeks, cleared at Savannah 9th inst. for this port. Schr Viola, for ads port, was loading at Ponce about 28th ult. &lir St Thomas, Jr, Hayden, cleared at New York yesterday for San Francisco. . Schrs 8 B Thomas. Arnold, for this port, and Sarah Clark. Griffin, for Delaware City, sailed 'trona Fall River 12th inst. Schrsßeading_Rß No 44. and Beading RR No 24 cleared at New Haven 12th inst. for this port. Scbrs Oeo Edwards, Weeks; C S Carstairs. Somers; Gettysburg,Smith; Caroline Ball,Doughty; Russell: Restless. Van Zandt: Owen Beane, Parker and C Newkirk, Hunter, hence at Boston 12th inst. • MARINE MISCELLANY. The Austrian ship Emperatrice ,Elizabetta, which went ashore on Long . Beach, some weeks ago and finally abandoned, was sold at public sale on Saturday lest. Mr. Thomas Bond,proprietor of the Long Beach House. became • the 'purchaser, .paying $32.5 for this splendidly built but unlucky ship, as she now lies about 200 yards from the beach. 99 - 13ENOONS OARAOOAB INDIGO ncrarlan AtaGi from Bark Nv LTE WING for sale by 'O & M DALLETT. & CO. 142 Walnut street ' T ONDON LAYER BAISINEK—WhoIe and Hall JU boxes best quality, London Layer Raisins, for. sale by B.BIJSKLEB, & CO. 198 S. Delaware Avenue THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PRILADELP2i I A. TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1860: „g E. M. NEEDLES, pt.( CI) 1024 CHESTNUT Street, OPPMIS AT LOW - PRICES, - z 2,000 PIECES WHITE GOODS, E Including all varieties Shirred. Puffed. Tucked, pp Plaid, Striped. Plain and Figured MUSLINS, E.l sultnblefor White Bodies and Dresses. 100 pieces printed LINEN LAWNS, desirable ti , 4 styles r Dreses. • Cluny Valencienne and other Laces; insert. Ife g r s t'bl. ( ei ln ,4ll;f ` , " (fll[Tr i s igE o:49 B A l o. lB,'Hatd-` '±. 4 . 0 ; The above areoffere4 'for sale' CHEAP and • 0 inigrztliar.Vcrjr;a:.4”. WELL TO A 74 SM 0 1 1 NE. ' ' • T,RWI:TiTS X..fiNtISITHO :c't 1013 _ No. 018 A MAIti& E BT I LET, Aove1:013 Tenth, is now offering some of the cheapest Goods to be found in the city. Juet opened, 3,000 yards bleached Muslin, at 25, which is far superior to anything that has been offered, fall yard wide andvery heavy. Bleached Ainslie, 12%, 15 and 20. t everal makes at 23, 25 and 28. • Extra fine at 80, 31.33 and 85. New York Mills, Williamsville and Wamsutta. Unbleached Muslin at 12;,',15,13 and 20. Two lots, folly yard wide, extra quality 28 and 25. Eheetings, 1.13, 1%, 2, 234 and 21f,' yards wide. Persons in want of Muslin will find my stock fo be much lower than the regular prices, and it will pay to call and examine. LINEN GOODS. Table 'Linens, Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Diaminti, Huckaback, Crash, German Shirting ens, Pillow Linens, Linen Sbeetings. all at prices beyond competition. ' GRANVILLE B. HAINES. myl2-8t a No. 1018 Market street, above Tenth. JCHAMBERS, 810 ARCH STREET. . Shirred Muslim, for Waists. Marseilles, for Dresses. French Shirting' Moslins. Large Plaidand Striped Nainsook. Cluny Lace, vezy cheap. Cambric Edgings and Insertions; bargains Black Guipure Laces, all widths. ELYRE •dr. LANDELL, FOURTH AND AILOH STREETS, HAVE A FINE STOCK OF DESIRABLE SUMMER GOODS: BLACK PUSHER LACE POINTS. BLACK - LLAMA LACE POINTS. PURE WHITE LLAMA SHAWLS. WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS. WHITE BAREGE SHAWLS. BLACK GRENADINE SHAWLS. ',IWO YARDS WIDE GRENADINE'S. SUMMER SILKS, REDUCED. SUMMER DRESS GOODS, REDUCED. FULL LINE OP DI ACK ‘JOODS. FUER LINE OF WHITE GOODS. BUFF, PINK AND BLUE PEIVIALES. BUFF' PINK AND BLUE LACONS. TOURISTS' DRESS GOODS. ORGANDIES AND FOULARDS. BEST BLACK SILKS, Ac. rILOTHS sS CAIMERES AND COAT - MOS.—James V do ILeeinvite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted Spring Stock, comprising, in part. G GOODS, Supe_r'l3lack French (loth. Colored Cloths, of all kinds, Black Tricot Coatings. Fancy French Coatings, Super 811 k Mixed Coatings Tweeds. of every ahade ' and quality. PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Doeskins, the finest texture, Black French Cassimeres, the finest texture. New styles of Fancy Cassimerea. Plain and neat styles t.„%isslmeres. Mixed Doeskins and Casslmeres. 611 k Mixed and Plaid Cassimeres. - Cords, Beaverteens and Velveteens. Cassimeres for Suits, all styles. Also, a large assortment or Goods expressly adapted to Boys' wear, for sale cheap JAArvii try , . :No. 11 North Second EL, sliM of the Golden Lamb. EDWIN HALL & CO.. 2S South Second street, have now open their Spring Stock or Shawls. Open Centre Broche Shawls. Open Centre Square Shawls. Filled Centre Square shawls. New Styles of Shawls. Spun Silk Shawls. Llama Wool Shawls. Cashmere Wool Shawls. Berlin Wool Shawls. Long and Square Black Thibet Shawls, in great Va riety. wholesale and retail. EDWIN Fr T.T• CO., 23 South:Smond Mien% are ct opening daily new goods. Check Silks Colored 'grounds. - Check Silks, White Grounds. Bich Moire Antiques. Rich Shades Plain Silks. Foulard Silks rich styled. • Silk and Linen Po lino Black Silks,of all kinds,ftralOaka. SILKS AT REDUCED P.1110E136 WHITE GOODS, FROM. AUCTION. V V Plain and Plaid Nainsooks, White Jaconets and Canibrics. Dotted and Plain Swiss llnslins, Plaid Cambric-3, all prices, Victoria and Bishop's Lawn. Shirred Muslin. for Waists. Soft Snish Cambrics, for Skirting, Piques. for Basques and Dresses, At STON.I.M& WOOD'S. M. Arch street. AZZARD'S CELEBRATED iErAirt. RFGENER. R ATOP. For sale by 0. S. HUBBELL. ro9l2.s&tu.6ts (Thestnut street, above Broad. rip DRUGGi ST AND STIIRSK. WEPERS.—We ate .1 prepared to furnish HA.ZZA.RD'S CELEBRATED - Fr A TO. R.F G EIsZER Al OR. BLAIR'S LIQUID RENNET.—For making in a few minutes a variety of delicious desserts. We will warrant every teaspoonful to produce a solid curd with each pint of milk. It is very convenient and salted to every housekeeper and invaluable to those in the co l n r. cr &iapman's Hot Water. and Ice Bags, very im portant in the treatmel t of Cholera. All siz es . tlltlißT C. BLAIR SONS, Apothecaries, Eighth and Walnut streets. apa T)FFINED CAMPHOR, in original packages; Ale°. bol Sr, per cent, In lota to suit; Cod Liver Oil, in u antit' es aultable to tr e trade.° f strictly prime quaity. J .JO HN C. BARER & CO., No. 718 Market a reef. CkaI.PHOR—A lot of Camphor for sale by Wth LIAM WT.T.IB & CO., Druggists, No. 724 and= Mark et Street. EIXTRAC OF BRRP Or beef tea or Essence of .1.!4 Reef In sickness or for soups for table use. Made nEit,ln, Illinois, by Gail .Ilorden, from the Juices of choice beef and is superior in deliclorts flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets with full dl• rections. one dollar each. .1211Miln:r.r., Apothecary, 1410 Chestnut street. TIBUOGISTS , SUNDRIES. Graduates Mortsat, Tiles,Oombs, Bryan L ee Mirrors, Tweesara„Pul Boxes, Boni Scoops, Surgios4 Instruments. Truism Hard and Boft bber Goods, Vial Oases, Glass ant Metal Bdxlintea, et., all at "First Hands" rime. SNOWDEN alps-tit =South Eighth eldest, ROBERT SHOliffeLSKlnt de 00. N. E. OORNBM FOURTH AND 3L1.02 Wholesale Druggists, Marrollmtnrars and Dealers 'in WLudew Glass, White Lead, and Faints of every description, offer to the trade, or consumers, acompiete stock of brads in their line. at the lowest market rates, BOBERT SHOEMAKER .11 00., Northeast corner Fourth and Race stree'z. MAGNESlA—farming's Calcined, in 103 h C a rb onat ens Allard boxes, also in bottles. Jennings at Magnesia, in 2 oz. and 4 oz. papers,_Hergy_Calcined Magnerda 'sliding and for s,Sle by BON it CO., Druggists, Market and Seventh streets, Philadelphia, • meld DAY RllDL.—just received, an invoice of Genuine 1.1 Imported Bay Bum, dor sale by the gallon, b 3 HOBERT SHOFMAKEIR fi CO.. Druggist, /I. Id. cm ner Fourth and Race streets. 4G-3E(..). Afr... C40(3. 14:1E, invites the attention of the Public to his PRESTON COAL, which is an article that gives unbounded satis faction to all. My customers generally are la'? lug tt in at tlapresent prices, in preference to LEH LGH COAL. Egg and Stove sizes at ti 75 per toe. Also the genuine Eagle Vein Coal, same sizes, same price. A superior quality of rmirlGH COAL, Egg and Stove, at 57 50 per ton. B. MASON 1312/7113. MEE UNDERSIGNED /Di vixiA ATTENTION TO J. their stock of Buck Mountain Company's Coal. Lehigh Navigation Coinpany's Coal, and Locust Mountain, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest Market rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with S. MASON BINES, Franklin Loath tote Building, Enrvlarra • street, below Market will be Promptly attended to. ; FM= & ELECEAFk see,tf arch Street Wharf, SchliYimu• RETAIL DRY GOODS . DRUGth JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY dt COWDM% myl2-s.tu,6t* No. 23 North Sixth street COAL• No. 1314 Washington avenue, Orders received at 114 South THIRD St. myB-Bml COAL.--STTGAIt LOAF. BEAVER 'MEADOW AND Spring Mountain, Lehigh Coal, and best Locunt Mountain from SchtlYntin. Prepared express ly fo r fondly use, - De • 4, N. W. corner EIGHTH. and yr 1/, LOW utreetst. • co, No. D 2 South SEOOND street. hair/ 7. WALTON Ak 00 8., ill Successor to Geo. W. Gray, I 3 R W n, 24, 28, 28 and 80 South Sixth St., Phildd'a. 4, Fine Old Stock It ried-Brown Ales, 6 1 ,2 3 _ res a • for Family and gO. OPANISH OLIVES.--100 gaga fresh sparkish olives, NOP last received _and for_sale by, 7. B. BLlganift & cO.. 108 e. Deism° Avenue. Alik e lT - 10N SAMIEN 1' A rA 1 0 341 A, FREE, -AIUCIPIONEER. 77 No. 422 WA ./..NITTT atra,c4ELIYENTH . HAMS , OF_BEA.L ESTATE ,rs, MAY IS, /866. • This sale, at 12. o'clOat sk,.."°/1‘ Ihfr.FlChttngei will Maude— • STOOBL sI • ' Oc 'account of vvhorn it CI-9 concern— - - =shares American Kaolin co. 1000 do Clawson 011C,o. D.„„ 011 Co 990 dO NilamutßOnd and Cbelt.> 1000 do Tidionte and Allegheny (-• 1000 do Allegheny and Walnut, Sem. 200 do R ensington-- hlntual Fire and Marine:ll.s,o shares crarara suratce F eo arni. . ° o f P u h c il o ad . e o l f ph v i e e. n , 'Two orders for ito' share 3 each of the Carom: Gold Mining Co. of North Carolina. _ . njo co' y. BANDOL.PH ST.. 16TH WARD-A. three stCut brick house, above Poplar - st, 19 by 60 feet. : . Orphans Court Sale-Estate of Toscph , B Runner, deed. DAUPHIN ST-Three story brick_ dwelling and lot, ea't of Amber, 19th Ward.lB by b 5 feet. NO. 1628 N. 16TH ST-A. three story brick house, above Girard avenue. 16 by 74} feet. Orphans' Cburt Sale-Estate of Francis Keaton, dee'd. ADJOINING-No. 1626. same size. Same Estate. ASALAND ST-10 neat dwellinga. -shland st,above Wharton, (between 10th and 11th) eachl.4 byl2 feet will be sold separately .__ . ' • NO. 1202 T ST-Three stor7 brick house and lot, 12 by 89X feet. Clear. In good order. Rent for $lOB. NO. 1717 PINE ST-Four story house with task buildings. la by 70 feet. Has all the eonveyienees. GERMANTOWN-Two email dwellings, Roset at., near Man helm st, each 83 by 48. feet. -Immediate pos session. Executors' Sale-Estate of Jacob How, dee'd. • 10 0. 1112 CHRISTIAN ST-Three story brick house and lot. 16 by 54'feet, NO: 1128 CATHARDNE ST-Genteel-house, 18 by 51 feet. 468 50 ground rent per annum. CATBARH6B AND FLORIDA STS-Dwelling and lot: N. W. corner, 18 by 57 fret; $5B - -50 ground rent. NO. 768 FLORIDAIST-A genteel dwelling. 10 by 54 feet. 644 ground rent. ffir The above three properties are welt built and finished: . ' - N0.1.4)2 BEACH ST-A= two story brick dwelling above Palmer st. 2034 by 145 feet. Trustees' .Peremptory Sate-Estclte of John Tees, deed. • PBNNSITLVANIA BANK-The valnableprepe r ty known ha the Pennsylvania Bank. bounded by Second. Dock, Gold and Lodge streets. 'lt has a front of 75 eet on Second - street; and a depth ofabout 250 feet, and has been prepared by the construction of the most sub stantial-foundations to have erected thereon extensive edditions to the present marble bulidlng. Fall parti- Oilers as to terms, &c., in catalogues. Sale by order of the Government. SENATE ST—Houses and lot, Nos. 183 and 135 Senate et, between Front and Second ate,. 22 by 48 feet. $45 ground rent. _ l=" Ostatognes and fun desiriptions may be had at the auctionstorc. • - DY .TOP OT IL MYERS dr. CO.. AIIGNONEERS. _LI Nos. 212 and 234 MARKET street. corner of Rank. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF Raman. FRENCH. GERMAN .AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold a Large Sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and part for cash. _ On THURSDAY MORNING, May 17, at 10 °clock, embracing about 900 pack. ages and lots of staple and fancy articles, in woolens, worsteds, linens, silks and cottons. 33.--Goods arranged for examination and cats. loemeo ready early on the morning of sale, LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FOREIGN AND DoMESTIO DRY GOODS. NOTlCE—lncluded in our sale of T3I I ITP-SDAY, May 17, will be found In Dart the following, viz— DOMESTIcS. bales bleach d or d brown mitslins and drills. do white and col'd nil wool a , d Canton flannels. cases dome: and lancy shirting flannels. eci indigo blue apron checks. strives, de , ims. do D & T c Itonades. combrics,sPecias, tweeds. do mist, comet and Kentn , ky jeans, linseys. do Manchester and domesticgingeams, jseonets. do bik and white fancy and purp e prints. do ecs s.imereo. satinets. coatings. kerseys, MERCHANT TA MOILS' (GOODS. pieces plain and twilled French exid Saxony blutk and blue all wool and Union cloths do all wool fine French edista. meltonz. do • real Fiencb all wool mixed coatings. do Ddr T all wool Lancy.casslmere-s.diazonals. do alltilk and wool tricots, mixed Raglans. do French doeskins. fine velours, Italians, I bale all wool blue cloths, for account of intiom it may concern. LINEN GOOD'S. cases Wes and brown Barnsley abeettngs. drills. do bird's eye diaper, dam asks, towell-gs, bucks. do ducks, shirting Linens. bles and brown crash. do Span lab. bley, butchers' and mantle linens. DRESS tiOODS. SELBS, dc. pieces Paris blk, cord and printed lie Mines. do bareges. grenadine, mommbignes, lenos. do poll de chevre, mobairs. organdies, /owns. do blk, cord and fancy dress sit FANCY SHAWLS, ,tc. Tall lines bll and col'd stall& shawls. Fnll lines Lama, mozambique and grenadine shawls. lines silk and cloth barques, Boarnons, circa later. NOTICE TO RIBBON AND NECK TIE MAIM FAA TUBERS AND WEAVERS. We will include In tb Ls tale JAPAN ORGANZUCE SILK. SO lbs in gam Japan organ: fine silk, ex sup quality. The above goods , of 23,1, drama per skein, are first quality. and warranted In every respect as marked. ANDELERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, &c. dozen Madras, silk, gingham, and cotton helices. pieces piques. Marteilles,jaconsts, brilliants. nieces plain and flgared Bwiss Nainsooks, lawns. Also, frill lints hosiery, gloves, bahnoral and hoop skirts, traveling and tinder shirts and drawers. sewing silks, patent thread, spool cotton, suspenders, umbrel las, C. I,..auded In above sale will be found -3 lies assorted woolen flannels. m dozen pairs white woolen Lair hose. t"< ooren knit woolen drawers. The at ove will be sold for cash for aCconnt of who m it may concern. LARGE POe3ITIVE BALE OF CARPET/NOB, CANP.a FR A M Y AVD DAY M MLR ORNING, MATTINGS. ac. ON - May 18, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, on tour months' credit, about 230 pieces of superfine and tine ingrain, royal damask, Venetian, list, -, cottage and rag carpetings. which ma y be pranoned early on the morning at sale, LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF FRMNTCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY ON MONDAY MORNING. MAY 21, At 10 o'clockosill be sold, by catalogue. ON FOUR MONTHS CREDIT, about too lots ofFrench, India. Ger. man and British Dry Goods, embracing a btu assort. ment of fancy and staple artic.tes in worsteds, woolens, linens and cottons. N. B.—Goods arranged fir egaralnation and Oat*. lognes ready early on morning of sale. LARGE SPECIAL AND PEREMPTORY SALE OF DAMAGED GOOD.. ON WEDNPsDAY MORNING, MAY I'3, Will be sold at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, for cash, the entire STOCK OF A 'WHOLESALE NOTION HOUSE, partially damaged by the late fire in North Fourth at., comprising full lines of all articles incident to that branch of the trade. Goods rends for examination with catalogues on the mornit,g of sale. Pim' 4 E3 BIRCH ct SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION ME-ROT{ A NTS, No. 1110 CII.FMTNUT sreet. (Rear entrance 1107 Sansom street.) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DE hCRIPTIoN RECEIVED ON CONSIGNM.6=. . $ Ll>, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Sales of Funilturo at Dwellings attended to on the most Reasonable Terms. SALE OF REAL ERTATE, STOCKS, AT THE EXCHANGE. THOMAS BIRCH tt. SON respectfully inform their friends and the public that they are prepared to attend to the sale of Beal Estate by auction and at private sale Sale N. W. corner of Race and Crown streets. FRAME HOSPITAL BUILDINGS. IRON AND LEAD PIPE. BOILER"... STOVES &a. ON WEDNESDAY MORNENG, MAY 18, at 10 o'clock, at the building recently used. as a Sol diers' Roma, N. W. corner of Race and Crown streets, n ill he sold, the frame bn tidings and passage ways. gss fixtures and pipe, brick cblmneys.lend pipe, galvanized iron water pipes. partitions and doors, circulating boiler. water back and pipe, bedding, flag staff; Vene tian blinds, cooking stove, dr.c.. Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD FITAN'I. TUBE, PIANO FORTES, MIRRORS, CARPETS. ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, No.nie abeam street, will he sold— A large assortment of household farniture from families removing. SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS, DRAWINGn, WATER COLORS, BRONZES, TERRA COTTA, The contributions of the ailists of the FRENCH ETCHING CLUB. ON TUESDAY EVENING, .MAY - - -- - - at 73i" o'clock', at Birch's Art Gallery, No. 1110 Chestnut etre t, \via be sold. the Pictures and Works of Art sent by the artists themselves, under use mauagement of Sir. A. Caoart, Director of the French Etching Club. The collection comprises the works of the ibilowing, celebrate masters, vis_i G. Dore, Corot, Danbigny, Troy OD, Isabey, reams, Lambinet. J. Noel. Chaplin. Baron, Diet, Chiffart. Fauvelet. . C. Jacque, Van Marke, G ttdin, J. Hersaw, V. Dupre, Bonin, Frere. • Iloguet, Moorman% Roybet, Seigneargens, Lambron, Ribot, F.cossura, lil erbockhoven, Vollon. Brissot, Lasalle. &c., &c. The collection is now open for exhibition. free, and Will remain open, day and evening, until time of sale. DRIJG STORE AT PRIVATE SALE. A well established Drug Store, handsomely fitted up with lease of the premises, for sale. Apply, at the auction store. BY. BABRITT & 00., AUCTION - BEM. JO. Cash Auction Howe Cash No. MO Market street, corner of Bank stress. h advanced on consignments without extra charge. NOTICE TO CITY AND COUN TRY ACKB.CHAINTS. LARGE SALE OF 500 LOTS SgASONABLIO DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, LINEN GOODS, do. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. May st 10 o'clock. Also a stock of ready-made Clothing, 100 csses Gingham Umbrellas. 300 dozen Ho ate*. Gloves, Notions. ; 300 pieces brown and bleached sheetings, 500 cartons ladies' Ra.morals. Also, sevrittocks from retail stores. CLOTS ASSIMERES AND SATINETS At lOR; o'cic ,to close a concern, 60 pieces West of /Inglandßroad Cloths, super all wool Black Doeskins, Cassimeres, &c. rEOl.,ll' FORD & CO., AUCTIONEIEBS, No. 1506 MARKET street. , SAME OF we CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON THURsDRY MORNING, MAY 17, Commencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell by catalogue, fer cash, 1500 cases Boots. Shoes, Brogans,Balmoral.% Congress. ()silen t Slippers, Buskins, Oxford Tles, comprising a desirable assortment of goods, to which the attention of buyers is called. At6TION SALES. lijr- THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEERS. ' 11g.. Nos. 189 and 141 South FOURTH street. • :SALES .OF STOI RS AND .REAL PI3TATE - As the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clocknoon, pa - .Handbllls of each property hutted seParatelY, arm on the .Saturday previous to each sale 2000 cata logues in Pamphlet form, giving fall descriptionS. A REAL ESTATE T .PRWATE A. Printed catalogue% comprising several- hundrea thousand dollars, incinding every description of city and country property. from the smallest dwellings to the Most elegant mansions, elegant country seats, farms, business properties. &c. PtritNIWRE SALES at the Auction Store EVERY THURSDAY. NH - 'Particular attention given to sales at Private - Residences. TWENTIETH SPRING SALE, MAY 22. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate- of . John Goodheart, d',9edTEIREESTORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 23tr Chester street, between Eighth • and Ninth and Race and Vine streets, with a three-story brick dwell ing in tbe rear on Schell street. . ' • Orpliana'. Court Sale-Estate of Garty. Minors. and John - Black, a minor-- , -THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, and FRAME' STABLE, No. 2114 Cal-, lowhill street. Orphans! Court Sale-Estate of William Eagan deed -THREE-STORY BRICK IeWE.LLINN, Lemon. s4reet, west of Tenth. • • Or' hans'Conrt Pala-Estate of Peter H. Beck. deed: -MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING; NO. 1330 Mervin 'street, Immediatapossession. Executors' Sale-Estate or John R. Neff. decd-` LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, CHESTNUT HILL, 899 feet inches on Chestnut Hill avenue, and 3545:4; feet on Chestnut Hill andSprin g House turnpike. : VALmtnLE BUSL.:Ess STAND-THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING No. 420 North Sec ond street, between Callowhill and Willow. Imate diate•possession. 2;4 STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 721 Lisle street, between Shippen and Fitzwater and Bth and 9th streets. , Peremptory ' Pale-To close - a Partnership Concern- - ;FRAME WELLING, Twenty-second st.'above ch. , • 'Same Eatate-4 TIERS.E-STORY BRICK. DW.:,LL ING, Simes street; West of •2d. - Same Estate-LOT OF GROUND, with a Twoatory -Brick Dwelling in the rear on Manning street. Same Estate-THREE STORY . BRICK DWELL ING, No. 1937. Callowhill street, ~with 2 Three-story Brick Dwellings in the rear, fronting on Rhoades at. Same } :fate-THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING, No. 353 North 24th street. Same Estate-THREE STORY BIIOK. DWELL -INQ.. No. 2151 Fairfield street. . . Same Estatt-2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL ENOS, Double Brick Stable-and Out shed. Fairfield at. Same Estate-LOT, S. W. corner Twenty-second and Fairfield streets. Same Estate-THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL. . INC+. 405 South' 24th street. Same Estate-ONE-STORY BRICK STORE and 2 TWOSTORY FRAME BUILDINGS, an old-estab. 'teed Tavern Stand, S. W.-corner of 19th and Market, streets. • Same Estate- THREE-STOGY BRICE STORE and DWELLING, an 010-established Drug Stand. at, the - Junction of 25th, Callowhill and Hamilton streets. MODERN POINTED STONE RESIDENCE. S. E. corner of Walnut lane and Wayne street, G TOWN . Lot 115 feet front, and in depth 315 feet. It la well nod substantially built, and has the modern con veniences. Grounds planted with fruit and shade trees. shrubbery &c. COUNTRY PLACE, 5 ACRES, 2 miles from Red Bank and 2 mites from Woodbury,on the Paulshorotigh and Bed Bank turnpike, N. J. K DWELLING, BREWERY, and 4 s"NrADL DW.eLLINGS, North Third street, be ween; Beaver and Culvert streets. Lot 441.1 feet front, 185 feet deep. Orphans' Court .',ale-Estate of Elizabeth M. In cr, ham, eeeeased-TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 118 Coates street. Nt..AT MOOERN FOUR-STORY BRICK RESI DE.NCF:, No. 2111 North Twentieth street. GENTEEL TH.P.EE-S7 OR:' BRICE. DWELLINta, NO. 428 ort Street lIREE PTORY BRICK DWELLING, No. toes Crease ctreet,norlawest of Richmond street,ls:ll Ward. MISCELLAIs.ZBOES .A ND MEDICAL BOORS • ON '.II I ES.FAY A FrEBNOON., T 13, Mlacellanecna and medical bouka from a library. Executors' Peremptory Sate on the Premises—Estate of Dr. David Jayne, dec'd. M_ANDEOVV MODERN DROWN S" , ONE DES.I" DMCCE AND FURNITURE. No. 252 South THIRD t." - aeet. With Brick Stable and Coach House on Bingbam's Court. Lot Zs feet front, 1:40; feet deep, 15). feet on Engham's Court. Oti WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 16. At lo o'clock, will be sold at public sale, without re serve, on the premises. The house is nnished with modern conveniences It has a billiard room, also a bowling alley, wash house.,tc. HANDSOME FDP.IN.I I.Tra.E. MIRRORS, OIL PAINTINGS, FINE CARPETS, &c. Immediately alter the sale of the house wIl be sold the handsome fOrniture, mirrors, paintings, &C. Pull particulars in r.ratogn. Executors' Sttle—kstate of the late Captain Percival Drayton, U. S. Navy. VERY OLD MADEIRA WINW. ON WEDNESDAY. MAY 16. At I°. o'clock noon, will be sold by ca,alogue, at the auction rooms, a quantity of very old Madeira wiues and other liquors, estate of Captain Percival Drayton, S: Navy. IIiI'EBLA.L CABINET CHAMPAGNE. Also, 10 cases Imperial Cabinet Champagne, in qts and pints, now in the Custom House. THEOLOGICAL AND 3IIRCRLLANEOUS BOOKS. o n wED2s.;7srIAY AFTERNOON, BLAY 16, At 4 o'clock, Theological and Miscellaneous Books from a library- - Bale ICos. IE3 and 141 South Fourth st. VERY SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FINE FRENCH PLATE I . , rrtt:ROßS, PIANO FORTES. CHANDE LIERS. SEWING MACHME3. HANDSOME .VELVET, 8R1T.:477S AND OTHER CARPETS, oN etc., itc. Thit.;.t.SDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock. at the auction store, by catalogue, very superior parlor, dining room and chamber fund. ture, superior piano fortes, fine French plate mantel, pier tind oval mirrors, superior chandeliers sewing machines, handsome velvet, Brussels and other car peta. ,!tc. WOOL PRESS, HOOP IRON, BAGGING, &c. Also, superior wool or hay press, a quantity of hoop iron, bagging, &c. SUPERIOR COUNTERS, D ITU PSES, AND OFFICE FU'RNRE Also, very superior counters, counting house desks, and oface furniture. Sale No. Wl9 Walnut street. Fr JUNI' FURNITURE, MIRROR, F.DTE CAR- • PETS, CHINA. kr.- ON FRIDAY MORNING. MAY IS. At to o'clock. at No, 2019 Walnut at, by catal , gue. the elegant rosewood drawing room furniture, fine brom telle coverings; superior walnut library and dining room furniture, bookcase, fine china, velvet carpets, superior chamber furniture, tine matresses, oil clotas. ac. Also, the hitchen forrdhare. Nay be el'Arn ined on the morningof sale at 8 o'clock Administrator's Peremptory Sale. NEAT MODENCE N ERN A FOU D FURISR STORY BRICK RE3I DTITIRE. N 0.1703 RACE street, west of Seventeenth st. ON MONDAY MORNING. MA 158. At 10 o'clock, will be sold at public sale, without re serve, on the in emiaes, all that modern four story brick ruessuage, with three story tack buildings and lot of ground. situate on the north aide of Race at, No. 1703. containing in front 11 feet and in deptn 83 feet to a three feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. Fall particulars in handbills. Immediate poste:Won. The above is a very cola. plete residence and situate in a very desirable neigh borhood. May be examined any day previous to sale, between 4 and 5 o'clock P.M lIOUSF.ROLD FURNITURE, OARPETA, Al o immediately atter the sale of the real estate the bousehcld and kitchen furniture, Sc, Full particu lars in catalogues, Sale No. Ws 'Walnut street FGANT FLRNITIIRE, aIISRuRS, PIANO CHANDELIERS, &c. ON 'I ITE-DAY atoRNING. 3r AY At lo o'clock. at O. 906 Walnut st, by catalogne, the entire elegant furniture, tine mantel and pier mirrors, handsome mantel clock and ornaments, inlaid ebony cabinets, elegant carved oak dining rLom furniture bookcase, handsome chandeliers, superior chamoer farniture, fine matresses, de. Also, the kitchen uten sils. Iday be examined at S o'clock on the morning of sale. Sale No. 2.C,: 3 .9 Wallace street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE:FRENCH PLATE PLEB MIRRORS, FINE BRUSSFLS CARPETS. &c. ON 'WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAT At 10 o'clock. at Mo. 2029 Wallace 85, by catalocue,the suporior household furniture, flue French plate pier mirrors, fine Brussels and Imperiali carpel% kitchen ulensils, de. May be examined at 8 o clock on the morning 01 sale, Executors' Sale—Sale at Nn. 1412 Spruce street HAND'a:OME FURNITURE FINE MANTEL MIR. kOhs. Cll-I.ANDELIERS, HANDSOME VELVET CARP:iaS. fie. ON FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 25, At 10 Cele ck. at Is; o. 1418 Spruce street, by order of executors, a e handsome walnut parlor and chamber furniture, superior oak dinina room furniture, two fine French plate mantel mirrors, handsome chandeliers and gas fixtures, fine china and cut glassware, elegant velvet, Brussels and imperial carpets, kitchen furni ture and utensils. tkc. Nei be easiiminea at S o'clock on the morning ofss`e Sale N0.17:9 Wa , nut street. SUPERIOR FURITUR-_,O PIANO, FORTE, CLEA.,N DELIERF. BOOKCASES OAR &c. ON-MONDAY MORNING. MAY 21. At 10 r 'clock. at No. 3729 Walnut street. will be riold by catalogue. the superior furniture of a family rem°. 'Ong. 'May be eralnined with catalogue at S o clock on the morning of sale. Sale N 0.1327 Spruce street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, CHANDE EIERM. Arc. ON TtLas.DAY MORNING. MAY 2). At 10 o'clock, at No. 1157 Spruce st, by catalogue, the superior parlor. dining room and cbainter furuiture, can ets, oil cloths, chandeliers, fine matreases, feather beds, &c.. Also, thelitchen ftubiture,refrigerator,ac, T RE E P E. IcoNCnLPfAMOTNd E RA A E L s IS eHtsM.ENT Money advanced on Merchandise renerallY; Watches,Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Sliver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time nreed on. WATCHILH AND—.I - 9WELBY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Face Thnglish, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le. pine Wetches: Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and Lepine Watches: Double Mse English Quartier and other W a t c h es; Ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breast. Inv pincer Rings; Ear Rings, Studs, ac.; Fine Gold 'Chains : fiedasions; Bracelets; Scarf Pins; Breast Pins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cues, and .Tewoh7 gene nkliFlss3. Ft A T;R—A large and splendid Fireproof (Mimi Suitable for a Jeweler, price 1,4350. _ Also, several Leta SOnth Camden Filth aryl Chestnut streets. &V•43TION sAr.wa. . AUCTIONEERS, • No. 6116 MA RHIDT street. above SALE OF 600 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS. dko., &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY At 10 o'clock, we will sell by catelogne,mees,l4o3le:r youths' fine calf kip boats Balmorals, GOagreaS gak ters, lasting do.. Oxford ties, slippers. &c ; women's, misses' and - children's kid morocco. buff. goat, Mary lasting Balmorals, congress gaiters, ate lace do.; e••• pus, be uskins. &c., to which the attention . of the trade le direted. HANDSOME RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE AT . • AUCTION. . . No. 588 South Twgicr-FinsT Street, between Spruce and Pine Streets. ON THURSDAY MORNDNG, May 17th. at 10 o'clock. will be sold, at anction,on the premises, the three-story BRICK HOUSE and Lao( Ground. 18 feet front by 74 deep, running . to a four-feet wide alley. The house has all tne modern improve ments, and will be sold clear of all incumbrancet. Immediately after the sale of the house the umpire, FURNITURE, bought last November, and made by Geo. Henkels will be'sold; comprising handsome wal nut sofa. • covered with velvet' 2 large arm chairs, small co; walnut marble tope etegere, and the supatb parlor velvet carpet, hall do; stair .do. &c. May be examined en the morningof sale at &o'clock. B. SCOTT, 7a., AT/CITIME/313" ARTISTS' FIRST GREAT' SALE OF PAIIITLNGS. The Artists of Philadelphia respectfttliy call the at tention of connoisseurs and lovers of art generally to their first sale of original oil paintings. direct from their easels. which will be of the highest character and the very best specimens by the respective artists con. tributing. The sale will be held at ;SCOT 'S ART GAJ LERY, 1020 ORIZSTNITr • STREET, ON THURSDAY EVENING, May 17. At 7.74 o'clock. and will be on exhibition three' day previous to sale... The collection will embrace plc-. Lures by the following named artiets,and will be found , upon Inspection to be of the highest character: Edmund D. Lewis,- L. L. j; ; "' W. Sheridan Young, J G. Falconer, H. C..l3lF.pham, W. E. Winner,. G. F. Bensell, J. Wilson, J. E. Galvan, ' J. Evans, - • B. B. Bedsell, A. E. GoodeeS. H. Reed. C. L: Fussell, L. Fagan. Bechiet, ; H. Rosenberg, D. Knight, . . S. P. Dyke, Van - - L. Julliard, TUNIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS. 2.../ (Late re w N ith M. Thomas Stoo. 333 Chestnut street. FURNITURE SA LW, at the Store every Tuesday: sa TVS AT RESIDENCES will receive particular attention. Sale at No. 1630 Poplar street. HANDSOME FURNITURE, MIRROR, BE • MATBESSES, FINE CARPETS? &C ON WEDN - Fe+DAY MORNING. • At 10 o'clock, at No. 1630 Poplar at, by catalOgn in— cluding handsome paslor suits, four superior walnut chamber snits, dining room and kitchen furniture,. large oval mirror, fine spring and hair matresees com. fortables, sheets, time tapestry carpets. dinner set, dr. Nay be examined on the morning of sale. JGS 'lhe house is to rent. j FITZPATIUCE. & CO., ADCTIONEEBS, N 0.416 North SECOND street. above eallowhift. REGISTER'S NOTICE. D E.GISTERS' NOTICR—To all Creditors, Legatees- Lt. and other persons inteie.ted \otice is hereby given that the following named per sons aid, on the dates affixed to their names, file the • accounts of their Administrations to the estates of those persons deceased, and Guardians' and Trustees' accounts whose names are undermentioned, in the ofdce of the Register for the Probate of 'Wills and. efranti, g Letters of Administration, in and for the City and County of Philadelphia ; and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said City and Dimity far confirmation and allowance, oh the third PRIDAY, - in May, neat. at 10 o'clock in the morning, at the County Court house in said city. MU. ~ar.31. Benjamin A, Reeves, Adm'r of JOHN R.MI6- LE-R, deed. " 31, Girard Life Insurance. Annuity and Trust Co., Trustee of J. CLIFFORD YEAG F.R.„ unda, the will of JOSEPH YEAGER., dec'er " 31, Michael ndress, Exec'r (as fded by his Exee'r} of SAMUEL C. Ais , DRESS, deed. April 3, George Ge'barb, Exec'r of RACHEL lEEE.- LIINGEIL dec'd. 3, Margate: Brechnits, Adm'rx of JOlaN BEE. CIUCITZ, deed :area Haines, Guardian of the minor children , of ELTON Tr A TNES, deed. Clara A. Berrel, Adm'rx (as filed by her Administrator) of SAMUEL lIER.RELL, deed. 5, Mary J. Lesley, Adm'rx of BENJAMIN R. LON - T , FY, deed. Mordecai Lewis, Guardian of MORDECAI LEWIS, Jr., late a minor. 6, Martin Callahan, Adm'r of PATRICE CAL LAHAN, deed. • 6, Elizabeth and John Chester, Exec'rs of Rev. .WILLIAM CHESTe.R, deed. 6, Joshua H. Morris. Guardian of GERTRUD.E H. STANNOPE, late HOWELL (late a. minor). 6 Richard H. Smith, Exec'r of THOMAS H. dec'd. • 9, Hannan P. Garrett, Adin'rz of WIT.T.TA 'Nf 1%. GARRETT, deed; . 9, Isrilthg Williarcs,Exec'r of CHARLES WIEe. deed. " 9, Joseph A. Clay and Daniel S. Jones,Exec'rs of LEW , S G. OSB , OTTB. dec'd.. 10, Walter Cresson and Josiah IlacOn, Exec'rs of JOWN W. DIXON, dec'd. ' 10, Henry Boraef. Adin'r of V.a.LENTIN.h. BO RAEF. dec'd. 11, Jacob L, Earned, Adm'r of JOSEPH S. '1 OWNS.Ms. - D, dec'd. 11, Rachel Price. Exec'rx of MARTHA PRIM deed. 12, Lindaeed S. Kartb,•Adm'rxofJOHN D. STINE, d 12, George Flumswood, Exec'r of WILT.T 41X KRARSWOOD, deed. " 12, George Ord, Exeer (as filed by his Exec'rs) of JOSEPH B. ORD, and of Peter Williamson and William Paves, Adm'rs d, b. n. c. t a. of JOSEPH IL ORD, deed. " 12, Widissn H. Wilson, Exec'r of MARY ANN HARRIS, deed. " 12, Edward Hopper, Adner of J A \i - FS C. RTM - Fr- TON, deco. " 13, Henry D. Moore and George P. McLean, Ex.'s of JOHN McCANLES,dec'd. " 16, Alexander J. Dabystdre, Trustee of WATSON JEERS, dec'd. ' 17, Josiah Christman and Samuel Christman. Adm'rs of IFR.VITT a FT' CHRISTMAN, cited. 18, Sohn Rees, Adm'r of ELLEN HAWEINS : . deed • IS Samuel Brooke, Exeer (as Bled by his Ear's} of WtT.T.TAM PILLING, deed. ' Is, John Seddon, Adm'r of JOHN SEDDON,. deed. " 18, Louis I. Ladner, Adm'r of PAIJLEgESCHIN• Dr,Tll, dec'd. • 18, Thomas Patterson and William Calverly,„'rsofJAMES PATTERSON, dec'd. 18, Charles Welsh, Adm'r c. t. a. of EDWARD' HUNTER, dec'd. 19, Matilda Cunningham, Adm'rx. of LUUIuS A. FLETCHER, tic c,d. 19, Samuel J. Gummere. Adm'r of ELIZABETH B. GUMILIRE, dec'd. 20, Samuel and .E.lliston P. Morris, Exec'rs of SAM.L'ELH. MORRIS, dec'd, 21, Sarah Crossin„ Adm'rx C. t. a. of EDWARD CROSSII.N. dec'd. 31, William R. Unruh,Exec'r of JOHN CUCKLE, dec'd. 23, Eda in W. Lehman and John L. Busby, Ex!rs and Trustees of WILLIAM CRE A N,deed. 23, James C. and Samuel k. Fisher.'ra of JAMES C. FISHER. deed. 23, James C and Samuel F. Fisher, Trustees of JAMES C. FISHER. deed. • 23. John A. Brown, Eaec'r of MARGARET B. tit.NTEß.dec'd. • 23. Jacob W. Goff, Er.eer (as filed by his Adm'r} of WILLIAM N. L.S.CEY, dec'd. " 24, Benjamin Sha,rp,Adin'r of THOMAS Molnar LIN. dec'd. " 24, John D. Thomas et al. Exec'rs of MOSES) THOMAS, deed. " 25, William. H. Burr, Adm'r of MARY ANN BURR, deed. " 25, Charles Mears, Adm'r of SARAH HOWELI,,i. dec'd. " 25, Charles L. Orum and T. T. Butcher, Adm'rs,. of RACHEL W. ORME. dec'd. " 25, Charles G. Phillips, Adm'r of J. B. PHIL LIPS, deed. " 25, H. T. Grout, Adm'r of GEORGE W.-;RXDG WAY. dec'd. 25, Charles W. Funk, Exec'r of ELLEN X. RICHARDS. dec'd. 25. Edward A. Watson, Exec'r of CHARLES C. WATsON, dec'd. • 25, Gustavus English and William Botch Wieter,, Exec'rs of SARAH W. TrVir.r.ra. deed. " 25, Clinton Anderson and Emily Wetherill, Ex'a of WILLIAM WETHERILL, Jr. dec'd. $ 25, Henrietta W. Womratb, et al Exec'rs of GEORGE F. WOALEATH, deed. 25, William Kupfer, Exec'r of GUS FAIT RISS MANN, deed. " 26, John Organ, M. D., Guardian of IfeCLOUDIER minors. ' " 26. Frederick C. Brightly. , Exec'r and Trustee ofP BENJAMIN ROBINSON, dec'd. " 26, Henry LoNg,I'rofCHRIsTIANABLAIGH,, dec'd. • 26, James H. Carman, Adm'r of STTTIPPARD uGDEN, dec'd. " 28, Margaret Levering and Hannah H. Levering, Adm'rs of WILLIAM LEVERING, deed. " 26, Joseph Levering, Adm'r of MARY LEVEKe LNG, deed. ap27 f, 4t FRED'K M. ADAMS, Register,. THE, NEW BOORS: EPIDEMIC CHOLER& A compact and practical HaudyhOok on Cholera. By a burgeon in the Honorable East India Company's service. A popular work for the people, treating the subject in every possible light; imparting, exhaustive information on its history, making valuable sugges tions for avoiding and resisting it, and explaining a surcessful treatment at once so simple and effecti that it must be almost a necessity for every family to possess so useful a volume, rano, cloth bound. Price Also a pocket edition with paper covers. Price 75 cents. ADRIFT IN DIXIE.. A new work of absorbing Interest. by Edmnpd Kirke. anther of "Among the Pines." Sc. A book. with all the excitement of a novel. but pprvaded wits a trr.thfulness which stirs the Mood of every reader. 12mo, cloth. 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