Political Meeting at Hagerstown. Bid* • BALTIMORE, May 14.—Hordee Maynard, Senator Creswell, Hon. Frank Thomas, General Garfield, and Hon. John L. Thomas, Jr., addressed a meeting at "Hagerstown, Md., to-day, on the issues of the day. Among the resolutions adopted were the following: Itesoived, That we are alike opposed to granting eutirage to the negro in - Maryland and representation to non-voting negroes by rebels, and that, therefore we fully . and vompletely indorse the 'Congressional amendments to the Constitution, basing representation on the voting population, and all laws forever prohibiting the leading rebels from holding any, office of confidence or trust. litesotved, That we firmly believe that the safety and perpetuity of the Republican Government, both State and National, de pend upon the, retention in power of loyal men. and therefore that we adhere to the doctrine that none but loyal men should govern a State, even if their number should be less than five thousand. .Resolved, That we firmly adhere to the registry law of Maryland, and will oppose any effort to repeal or modify the same. From New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, May 14.—Gloomy ac counts are being received from the Red river. Most of the river cotton lands are under water, The cotton reports from the Southwest are also of a gloomy character. Tornadoes have made fearful havoc with all the crop. Mayor Manral was inaugurated with in teresting ceremonies to-day. The generous reception which he met from the President and all the Mayors North and West is very gratifying to the people of this city, and has created a good feeling. The delegates to the Episcopal Convention to be held in this city on Wednesday are arriving. The people of Texas are contributing for the family of Albert Sidney Johnston, who are in want in California. Dr. Gwyn has been reletufe'd from Fort Jackson, and will be here in the morning. The steamer Mariposa has arrived from New York. From California. SAN FRANCISCO ' May 14.—The steamer Golden City, from Panama, has arrived at this port with New York advices to April 21st. The Western Union Telegraph Company's steamer, George S. Wright, made a trial trip on Saturday, for the purpose of testing her sailing qualities. She worked satisfactorily. Ihe Crown Point Mining Company has declared a dividend of $BO for April, the Imperial a dividend of $lO for the same month. The Gould & Curry is announced free of debt, with $70,000 to its credit. The Savage raised six hundred tons of ore last week. Nothing is reported of the operations of the Yellow Jacket. The whir Company xeports $34,000 in bullion since May Ist. The mines of California report very favorably. From Fortress Monroe. FORTRESS MONROE, May 14.—1 t is under stood as the result of Secretary McCulloch's visit, that President Johnson has directed the surgeon of the post to make a special report of the health of Jefferson Davis, and it is confidently said, that during the past twelve months the unceasing tramping and clanging of the guards around his cell, has prevented him from enjoying at any one time, more than two hours' unbroken sleep, and ist his health, is failing rapidly. He expressed extreme pleasure when the news of his indictment reached him, confident - that speedy action in his case will soon follow. Suet for Damages. Bovrox, May 14.—A suit was commenced to-day by John M. Way, of Roxbury, claiming $30,000 damages from John L. Dame and four other persons, whom he injuries charges with inflicting and indig nities upon his person, as leaders of a mob who surrounded his house on the night of the 18th of April, 1865. The affair appears to have originated from doubts of Mr. Way's loyalty, and he was compelled to nail a flag to his house and make a loyal speech, after being considerably hustled t. Severe Gale in Nen York. SARATOGA, N. Y., May 14.—The gale yete terday was very severe north of here. The new engine house at Whitehall was blown down, covering up four engines. The roof of the Fort McHenry Hotel was blown off, and the steamer Minehaha broke from her moorings and was blown out into the lake, with the loss of her hurricane deck and other damage. In this vicinity trees were blown down, and several chimneys were blown over at Ballston. From Mexico. NEW Only. A xs, May 14.—Advises from Mexico confirm the death of Ex-Governor Allen, of Louisiana. The affairs of the Empire are quiet. Maximilian has returned from a flattering tour to Cornavia. The French troops are concentrating in Northern Mexico, under General Doney, to. - unite with General Mejia,and had dispersed the guerillas. The Liberals elsewhere were discomfitted. Fire at Louisville. LotrisviLLE, May 14. Ten tenement houses, on Fourth near Bullet street, were burned this morning. The loss amounted to $53,000, on which there is an insurance of V4,3oo,principally in companies of this city, A fire is now raging on the premises of George Brobston,plumber, on Market street. The total destruction of his establishment is feared, and the adjacent buildings will be destroyed. EMIGRATION FROM LIVERPOOL—ENOR 3iLOUS INCREASE IN THE EXODUS The tide of emigration from the Mersey contiues to increase with great rapidity, indeed so great is the demand for passenger transit across the Atlantic that severalextra steam *us have been put upon the passenger line between Liverpool and New York, and it is believed that the present spring exodus will be one of the largest ever known. The Government officials at Liverpool have completed their usual monthly returns of the number of emigrants that left Liver pool during the month of April. The num ber •of ships sailing to the Unit3d States 'under Government supervision was 34, with 16,669 passengers; 352 of which were cabin and the remainder steerage passen gers. Of the latter, 3,920 were English, 286 Scotch, 9,277 Irish, and 2,834 foreigners. To Canada there were two ships, with 831 pa s ssengers;, of whom 40 were cabin, the remainder being steerage. Of the latter 316 were English, 178 Irish, and 297 for eigners. There was only 1 ship to Nova Scotia, with 267 passengers; one of whom was in the cabin, the remainder being steerage. Of the latter, 165 were English - , 44 Scotch, and 57 Irish. To Victoria there 'Were 2 ships, with 685 passengers; of whom 6 were cabin passengers, the remainder being steerage. Of the latter, 242 were Eng lish, 21 Scotch, 400 Irish, and 16 foreigners —making a total of 39 ships, 18,452 passen gers; of whom 399 were in the cabin. Of the steerage passengers, 4,643 were English, 351 were Scotch, 9,912 were Irish, and 3,147 foreigners. The number of "Short Ships" sailing to the United States during the past month was 8, with 735; to Victoria. 1, with 17; to Smith America 4, with 88; to the West Indies 3, with 21; and to Africa 1, with 22 passengers—making a total of 17 ships and 1383 passengers. The grand total for the month is 19,335 passengers, being an increase `over April of last year of the enormous tannaber of 7,s3s.—Liverpool Post, May 2. , ALL the lights of the Savannah River with the exception of those on Tybee, are mow in working order. Confiimations. The Senate - has, in executive F Assion, co n = firmed the following nonainar, ons Richard H. Rousseau, of T .Kentucky, to be minister resident at Hone nras. As consuls, Edward 1,4" ayn enry ard, at Quebec; of Tennes see, at Turks Island; ohn H Charles Yates Roosevelt, of New York, at Copenhagen; George F. Kettell, of. New York, at Carlsr .a h e . • _ The Tenat, also confirmed Morris B. 'Brown as Indian Agent for Utah; E. C. Carrington, district attorney for the District of Cotambia; - H. H. Henry marshal rot the district of Vermont, and John Blevins marshal for the Northern district of Mis sissippi. The following internal-revenue officers were confirmed: • Albert B. Sloanaker, of Philadelphia, col lector for the First district of Pennsylva nia. S. M. Zulick, collector for the Third dis trict of Pennsylvania. • Josiah P. Hetrick, of Easton, collector for the Eleventh district of Pennsylvania. Herbert Williams, to be surveyor of the port of Michigan city. The following postmasters were confirmed —M. Street Williams, at Balston Spa, N. Y:; Myers B. Haas, at Fort Leavenworth; Abraham Parker, Potsdam, N. Y.; Abra ham Young, Amsterdam, N. Y.; Waldo M. Potter, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.; Mrs. Esther S. Burton,Utoveraville, N. Y.; Seth M. Gates, Warsaw, N. Y.; Jacob Lanmaster, Burlington; N. Y.; Joseph Harriman, Waterford, N. Y.; Abraham. Thompson, Delaware, Ohio; Joseph M. Patterson, Pe quia, Ohio; James G. Robinson, Bucyrus, Ohio; Isaac Seeley, Great Barrington, Mass.; Samuel Harper, Houston,_ Texas; Charles B. Griffin. Newark, Ohio; - Samuel -H. Fletcher, Topeka,Kansas; Martin G. Everts, Rutland, Vt.; 0. F. Stevens, Nashua, N.H.; John R. Veeder, Schenectady, N. Y.; J. P. Fessenden, Lewiston, Maine; F. C. Mc- Ewen, Sandusky, Ohio; F. J. Thurston, Bristol, R. I.; Thomas Coggahall, Newport, R. I.; Edwin Perrin, Pawtucket, R. I.; Charles W. Webster, Fort Plain, N. Y. SALE OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS IN Bos: TON.—At a sale of autograph letters in Bos ton a few days ago, the bids ran as follows : Lord Ashburton to Daniel Webster, en closing draft of "Creole letter," bearing dateof Washington, Sunday, July 31, 1842, was sold for $6; John Adams to President Madison, on the state of the nation and the prospects of peace, dated Quincy, May 14, 1813, was sold for $6; James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, enclosing a letter from H. Wheaton, with respect to origin of em bargo, dated Montpelier; July 12..1520, $0; George Washington to Mr. Madison, ex pressing his wishes that provision may be made by Congress for Mr. Fayette. dated Philadelphia, March 6, 1796, S2S; William Wirt to Daniel Webster, expressing his in dignation at some trickery in Congress, dated Washington. June 27, $10; Aaron Burr to Daniel Webster, $6 50; Lord Russell to Daniel Webster, thanking him for Mr. Francis Grey's pamphlets, dated Richmond, January 17, 1828, $7 50. THE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BAND-Ex- PLANATION.—John Bull, bank examiner,in explanation of a portion of his recently published _report concerning the affairs of the Merchants' National Bank, says, in a card, that it is due to Colonel William B. Rochester and Colonel J. B. M. Potter pay masters, to state that the amounts to: their respective credits were merely transfers of funds already on deposit with the Mer chants' National Bank, which transfers were made upon the checks of Colonel Paulding, chief paymaster, on the said Merchants' National Bank; that by an order of the Paymaster General, dated M%y 30th, 1865, they were required to keep the funds on deposit in the same place until with drawn out in the regular course of business and that these funds were only paid in a regular way, so far as the same has been withdrawn. A FLOATING ISLAND.—The Bangor (Me.) Whig says that in a pond near that city there is an island, of about half an 'acre in extmit, which for many years has literally floated upon the water, having no hold upon the ground save whatwas afforded by the roots of some of the trees upon it. which had grown through - the island into the bot tom of the pond. The surface of the island is sufficiently strong-to' sustain the weight of a loaded team. Recently, however, a freshet in the pond raised the water to such a height that these roots were broken, and the island, impelled by the force of the wind, slowly drifted across the pond. It now remains near the shore, which the in tervening logs prevented it from entirely reaching. BornEn EXPLOSION.—Last week. the boiler of the steam engine in the saw-mill of Messrs. William James and Morris J. Evans, Elk county, (both formerly of Ebensburg), exploded. The accident occurred at noon, when all hands connected with the mill ex cept the fireman were at dinner. The fire man was attending to his duty as usual, and was killed outright. His body was blown into the top of a high tree, where it lodged, and was only recovered by felling the tree to the ground.—Alleghenian. JOHN A. Irims, a well known citizen of Salem, Mass., and a prominent worker in the Anti-slavery cause, died on Sunday last. He was a native of Boston. At one time he was imprisoned in Baltimore under suspicion of being engaged in running away slaves, when he had gone to that vicinity to procure a free colored boy, whose mother had become a resident of Salem. He also served on board a privateer during the war of 1812-15. LUKBER TRADE IN THE NORTHWEST.— The St. Paul (Minn.) Press says that the ag gregate of lumber cut this year is almost equal to that of three preceding years. It is estimated that the upper Mississippi will send down this spring at least seventy-five millions of feet, while so great is the home demand that not more than twelve million will be left for shipment below. :BOOT MANUFACTURE N THE WEST.— Since 1862 the boot manufacturing business of Chicago has increased from one small es tablishment to fifteen, which turn out nine hundred cases per week, consuming three hundred dozen sides of upper leather, six teen hundred sides of sole leather, and fifty dozen calf skins. About twelve hundred hands, are employed in the business. A, - FRENCH MrsEn.—An old man, aged sixty-five, who lived alone and in a state of great wretchedness at Saint Maude, was lately found dead. Only a sum of 2f. 40c. was discovered in cash, I3ut beneath a heap of rags were found concealed shares and bonds of various railway companies, repre senting a value of 48,000 francs. Ox the lst instant, at Leavenworth, Kan sas. a policemen, in attempting to make an arrest, was mortally wounded and soon died. The murderer was seized by the crowd and hung in rear of the jail. •The Journal regrets that the people of Leaven= worth felt it to be their duty to thus tram ple upon the laws and inflict summary punishment upon the cowardly criminal. jOSEPH EASTERBROOK, Jr., of Camden, Me., got his life insured for $3,000, some time ago, and afterward became deranged and committed suicide by shooting. The insur ance company refused to pay the policy; but the Maine Supreme Court decides that they must pay the 0,000 and.the costs, be sides. . THE mortality in Charleston for the eleven toontbs just ended, foots up whites 500, blacks 1,503. Tam beautiful village of Holly Springs, Miss., is being rapidly rebuilt. It was de stroyed during the war. THE P JLILY; '- EYENING BULLETIN,; PIirtOELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 15 1866. IN - ' :THE YOUNG ‘:::.AND RISING deneration, the vegetative powers of life are strong: but. bra few years. bow often the pallid hue..thelack lustre eye, and emaciated form,, and the impossibility of application to 'mental effort, show its baneful Anna eine! lt soon becomes evident to the observer thst some depressing influence is „checking the deveiop ment of the body. Consumption is talked of, andper baps, the yenth is removed from schstol and sent into the country. 'Phis is one of the worst movements. Removed from ordinary diversions of the ever-chang ing scenes of the city, tbe powers of the body too much enfeebled to give zest to healthful and rural exercise, thingh.s are turned inwards upon tnemsetves; the pa, rent's heart bleeds in anxiety, and . fancies 'the grave but w, itin g for its m. Alas! increase of appetite has grown by _what it fed en—the energies pf the system are prostrated, and the whole economy is deranged. . llelmbold's Fluid Extract Buchu FOR WEAKNESS ARISING FROM. EXCESSES OR INDTh.CRET lON. Attended with the following symptoms: Indisposi tion to Exertion, Loss of Power, /Awe of Memery,Dilli culty of Breathing, General Weakness, - Worm of Die ease,Week Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Death Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision. Languor, Universal Lassitudeof the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite with Ds speptic eympt'uns, Hot Hands, Flushing.of the Body,Dryness of the Skin. Pallid Countenance and Eruptions on the Face,Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frequently Black St °tallying before the Eyes, with. Temporary Suffu sion andLuss of Sight, Want of Attention, Oreat Mo bility, Restiessr en with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such Patients than Solitude, and no thing they more dread for Fear of Themselves,no Re pose of Manner no Earnestness, no npeculation, but a hurried Transition from one question to another. These symptoms, if allowed to go on—which this me dicine invariable removes—soon follow Len of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Pits, in one of which the patient may expire. During the euperintendence of Dr. Wilion, at the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad resell occurred in two patients; reason had for a time left them, andboth died of epilepsy. . Who (=say that these excesses are not frequently followed by-those direful diseases, INSANITY and CONSUMPTION? The records of the Insane Asy lums, and the melancholy deaths by ansumption, bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lu naticAsylurnerthe most:melancholy exhibitions appear. The countenance is actually sodden and quite desti tute—neither mirth nor grief ever visits It, Should a sound of the voice occur, it %rarely articulate. "With woihl measures, wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Whilst we regret the extstence of the above diseases and symptoms we are prepared to offer an invaluaole gilt of chemistry for the removal of the consequenc, IiELISIBOLD'SMGHLY CONCENTRATED PLITID EXTRACT OF BUCHU. THERE IS NO TONIC LIKE IT. It is an anchor of tope to the surgeon and patient: and this Is the testi• mony of all who have used or prescrihed it. RELMEBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT RUCIEU for Non-Retention or Incontinence:or Urine. Irritation, Inflammation or Ulceration of the Bladder or Kid neys, DLseases of the Prostate Gland,Stone in the Blad der, Calculus. Gravel or Brick Dust Deposit, and all Diseases of the Bladder;Salneys and Dropsical Swell ings. irriftfEtOLD'S FLUID .e.2s.r.t.tACT BITCH% In affextions peculiar to females, is itnetmaled by any other preparation, assn Clalorosis or .hetffftion, Irregu. habit..., yell:dulness or soinpr,..sion of customary evacuations. Ulteration or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Lencorrlicea. and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, Impru del. cies, or in the Decline or Change of ife. Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases of the Urinary Organs arsing from habits of dissipa tion, at little expense, little or no change in diet and no exposure, completely superseding those unplea sant and dangerous remedies, Copeloa and Mercury, in curing those tuiplessant and DA—NGEROUS Dir - rssEs.. 191*All :IN eta :99 36 : 4 8 1 0:LC_M 0:11fei in all cases of the rrinary Organs, whether existing In male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. It is piens Ant in taste and color, immediate In its action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of .Bark or Iron Those suffering from broken down or delicate Con stitutions prof taw the remedy at once. The meter must be aware that however slight may be the att , ek or the above disease. tt is sure to affect the bodily health. mental powers._ happiness. and that of posterity. Our flesh and blood are supported from these source". We make no tsarist of the ingredients. .71HLM. BOLD'S PL CID EXTRACT BUCRU is composed of Bache, Cubebs and Juniper Berries, & lected with great care, and prepared in vacuo by R. T. RELY BOLD. Druggist. and Chemist of sixteen years' expe rience in the City of Philadelphia and wnich is now prescribed by the most eminent physicians, has been admitted to use rn the United States Army, and is also in very general use in State Hospitals and public Sant. tors Institution!' throughout the land. [Dr. KEYSER is a physician of over twenty years' e-xnerience, and a graduate of the Jefferson Medical t ollege,and of the University °Medicine and Surgery of Philadelphia.] 31s H. T. flumarroms.—Lear Sir regard to the question asked me as 'l.O my opinion about Buchu, 1 would say that I have „pled and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years. 1 do not think there% any form or preparation of it have not uaed or known to be used in the various diseases where such =celeste agent would be indicated. You are aware. as well as myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and the reputation it has acquired in my judgment Is warranted by the facts. I have seen and used, as b , fore stated, every form of Buchu—the powdered leaves, the simple decoction, tincture, fluid extracts—and I em nut cognizant of any preparation of that plant at, all equal to yours. Twelve years' experience ought, I think, to prejudice he right to judge ef its merits. and without or par tial' y I give yours precedence over ail °titers. Ido not s alue a thing according to its bulk; if I did other Buclv would out-do yours; but I hold to the dont .e That hulk and quantity - did not make up value—if they did. a copper cent would be worth more than a gold I value your Buchu for Its effect on patients. I have cured wttn Maud seen cured with it, more diseases of the bladder and kidneys than I have ever seen cured with any other Becht', or any other proprietor' com pound of whatever name. Respectfully yours, etc., GEORGE H.EXYBER, H. D., No. 40 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. August 11,1863, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, One bottle equivalent in strength to one gallon of the byrup or Decoction. It reaches the seat of the disease immediately, ex pelting all HUMORS OF THE BLOOD, and These articles, being of such strength, the dose is ex ceeoingly small. From this fact it Is used in the 'United States Army Hospitals and public Sanitary Institutions throughout the land. Helmbold's Drug and Chemical Ware house, Woe 594 33roadwa,y, PIO. 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, Beware of Comderfeite. zny9wlB4l IurTmTiOLD'S FLITLD EXTRACT BIICHIJ IMPROVED ROSE WASH PHYSICIANS. PLP 4 cin NOTICE I 10M11:1 HIGHLY CONCENTRATED, BEAUTIFYING THE COMP.T.TruoNS PRINCIPAL DEPOTS, NEW YORK, Helmbold's Medital Depot, BELOW , CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. .&sk for Helmbold's, ABEIBSKNEEMPS. RISLEY% 'OONTINEDIVA-L.NEWELEXciriALIsiwt cßoxot smims , all places of amusement may be bad up to a% o'clock any evening. ' mb29.bi' eIHOICL SEATS AND ADMISSION TICKETS Can be had at THE PROGRAMME OFFICE, • 481 CHESTNUT street, opposite. the past Office for the ARCH,' CHESTNUT. - WALNUT and ACtADEAST OF 34.1151 C, up to 6 o'clock every evening. ael9•tf AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THE THIRD AND LAST CONCERT OF THE HANDEL AND HAYDN SOOIETY WILL TAME PLACE ON Tuesday Evening, May 15, . 1866, On which occasion HAYDN'S SibLIA.S.OOTVS Will be performed entire. MISS CAROM... E RICEEMOS, Soprano; Id R. GEORGE; SIatRSON, Tenor, MR. J. R. TILOM - AS, Basso; Will sustain the principal parts assisted by the power ful !Chorus of the Society, of THREE HUNDRED VOICES, and the GEIWANIA. ORCELESTRA, CHARLES SCHMIDT, Leader. The whole under the direction of CARL BENTZ. The Box Sheet will be opened at C. W. A. TRUMP LICE'S Music Store Seventh and Chestnut, on WED NESDAY, May 9. Tickets to all parts of the house 50 cents Reserved Seats Concert to commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Subscribers holding tickets dated May 3 will pre sent them at TRIIMPL.ER'S, where they will receive Tickets for Reserved Seats in exchange, for the 75th. my,14.15-661 . :SD.: 43 • : 3 7 : TN, I street. a ove L. DROVER et WM. E. SINN, Lessees and Mang • .., Doors open at 7.15, Curtain rises a; & TUESDAY EVENING,Vay MR: ED WIN ADAMS Will appear in his great assumotion of ROBERT LANDRY, In the powerful Drama t entitled THE DEAD HEART; THE DEAD HEART; o • THE MAN OF n, THE PEOPLE. NEW AND ELEGANT SCENERY, By Richard Smith. ELABORATE EFFECTS, And a completeness hitherto UNEQUALED IN THIS CITY. a The performance will consist Acts of the Great Drama, In Prolog and three , entitled THE DEAD HEART ;- on. Tr: LE MAN OF THE PEOPLE. Robert Landry JMr. EDWIN ADAMS (as originally performed by him in this country), And a POW ERFUL CAST, PROLOGUE. LETTRES DE CACHET. ACT 1. GBIIING .10+ID TAKING OF THE B ASTITE. 81'1%1 , 1 AbE OF PRIBONERS 7 TICE DEAD gPI A HT. .ACT 2. THE DUEL TO THE DEATH. GT 3. THE GUILLOTOTE. THE DESTINY OF THE DEAD HEART. • SATURDAY AFTERNOON. May 19. SFAX/ND EDWIN ADAMS MATLNEE. A tine bill In preparation. Adnatszlon to Evening Perk rmance, 2X.,500. and $1 .4.1, - zuT STREET THE.A.T.IIB, N. E. corner NT.N'T.3I and 'WALNUT Begins rit MS. _ mins' (Tuesday) EVENTNG. May 15, 1565, Twentieth :Night of the Brilliant Engagement of MB. EDWIN BeioTll, n'ho will appear, for the eleventh time. In Shalm ax e's ragetly, of _ H AM - LET, Which bus been placed on the Stage in a style, it is hcped cc- mbining spiendor of production with strict historical correct ntis. 1 o eipense or Fllort has been spared In the • ndeavor. by a more strictly pictoriaLar ra ugement of the, ordinary stage resources, and by the tidelity, appropriateness d superior execution of the seversi means of scenic illusion, to carry out the spirit of t.ht pday into the migit minute details. am. EDWIN ROUTH Ad ELIMMET. .... Mr. Charles Barron Mr. J. IL r— „as the Ghost of B owlet's Father EiA.lll..ia' EVERY EVENING. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW .ARCH STRICEI ILL THEATRE. Begins ea 34 to 8 o'clock. A GitFAT BILL. 4.ECOND NIGHT OF THE NEW COMEDY. ONLY NIGHT OF JACK SHEPPARD. THIS (Tuesda) EVENING, May 15, 1366, The amusing new Comedy of WHO KILLED COLIE ROBIN? Jack Owen Marlowe AMbleeal Trankle. MY . P. Mackay eataneLle. Airs. Owen Marlowe • (Her secand appearancxe.) To conclude with Bariratone a great Drama, JACK SECEP.PARD. Jack C. Henri Jonathan /gild .r.L. L. 311 , 011 WEL NEEDAY—BIttair/T - OF - MN. At &OKAY. T2tUBSDAY—BhNEFIT OF 2.1 R. HEM PLE. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and cints — cs - or Streets. THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. THE CAROLINA TWINS, An astonishing freak of nature. MILLIE AND CHRISTINA, AGED 16 YEARS, Intel'tient, 'Musical and Educate& Will exhibit, first time In Philaftlada.commertoing THURSDAY, May 17th. DAY LEVEES from 10 a.ll. to 5 P. EL EvENINti (X)NeaßT—Donrs open at 7; commences at S. Admission. 25 cents. Reserved sn.‘ts to night ntertainment, 50 cents. r 0514 std COIREE ACADEMIQUE. Third Annual lalsbitiltion by the BROAD STREET CADETS, in Singing. Gymnastics. Tactics sr d Elocution. at the ACADE3LY OF BIUSIC. on .lII. , RSDAY EVENING. 31SY /7, IS 6B . ACM Issfun, ..S0 cents. No extra charge Ihr Reserved Stale. Tickets for sale at E. CChIaMKETtS Book More, 201 Chestnut street. Exercises commence at 73C precisely. myll-6Q NEW .A.ME,RICAN THEATRE WALNUT street. above Ehrhth ANOTHER STARTLING NOVELTY. Engagement or the unrivalled MISS LEO HUDSON an her trained steed "SENSA'falloL" who will appear in the grand spectacle of OR THE WILD HORSE OF TARTARY. First akpearao ce el Mr. HARRY PP 41-040. N. BULLDLNGS. BLITZ'S DOIII3LE SPECYNX SIGNOR BLITZ'S DOUBLE SPHYNX Is still the great attraction at his TEMPLE OF WON. DEL'S. Ail the best feats, including the ROPE DANCFR. GRAND * TURK, CANARY BIRDS and VENIIUI.OQUISM. are also given EVERY EVEN. ING at 7i and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3 o'clock. - Admission. 25 oents—Chlldren, Reserved Seats, 50 cents, mhl9 "DIERSTADT'S LAST WORII.—"STORM ON 7 ; itit. if-ROCKS' MOUNTAINS:" now on - Exhibition, hyper mission of the art Ist,for the benefit ofthe"Lincoln Insti tution, and Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Boys Home," at WENDEROTH, TAY LOP. ar. BRO VirN'S,9l2 mid 01-1 Cl . ..tnut street. For one monthonLy. Season tickez, $1; single tickets, 25 cents. Open from 10 A.M., to 10 P ap2t-lm A CADVAY OF FINE ARTS, , OHISTNUT, "Amyl Tenth :street Open from 9A. M. till P. M. Beta i l asT VeoPa great Picture o BETROTED, still on exhibition. INSTITUTION FOR THE BLEW. PahinlOon 1 every Wednesday at 5!.4 P. M. Admission Ten Cents. tStore. No.ll South Eighth street. lt* G PIs m A NIA ORGEOSSTRA.,—PabIic Rehearsals every Satoxday t r ee ternoon at the IKtralcal Pane All, at half-past three o'clock. Engagements made by addressing Ctir,OBGR. RASTICBT, agent, last Mon. *way frtrept, tuato6aan Rano and nIII4IO HARNESS, SADDIN 4 I, fito THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE & HARNESS Manufacturizg Establishmeht in the Country, LACEY,MEEKER & Co No. 1216 CHESTNUT STREET OFFER OP THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE: BUGGY HARNESS, from. 50 to $l5O LIGHT BAROVIHE from .. ......... .50 00 to aso HEAVY do do 75 00 to 500 EXPREES,BRASS MOUNTED Hemsmas-27 50 to '9O WAGON and SELF-ADJUSTING .15 00 to 80 STAGE and TEAM do 80 rH) to 50 LADIES' SADDLE do .12 00 to 150 GENTS' do do 800 to 75 Bridles, Mountings, Bits, Rosettes, Horse Covers, Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Blacking, Ladles' and Gents , Traveling and Tourist Bags and Sacks, Lunch Baskets and Shirt Osses,TrnnksandValisee, atblo.6lo No. 1216 Chestnut Street. GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 232 CA.RTHR STREETs Ami 141 DOOR STREET. Machine Work and Millwriting PremPtlYattended to • iin-rrhi INDIA RIDDIP2t BLeLCHINE BELTING STEAM PAUSING, ROSE, &c.. MEP Engin GOO D YE AR 'Sd l find a FULL ASSOR'D. BATUMI` VULCANIZED RUBBER BELTING' PAORMG, HOSE; &c., at the RtUtufaCtarer's Headquarters • GOODYEAR'S, - 808 Chestnut street, South side. N. B.—We have a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE of GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE. vory (cheap, to Which the attention of the public is callea siniumw RESOnTS. SUId:VIER RESORTtI ON LINE OF Reading Railroad and Branches. MANSION HOUSE, MOUNT CARBON, Mrs. Caroline Wunder, Pottsville P. 0., Eichay'l co. TUSCARORA HOTEL, Mrs. Hannah Mlller,'Pascarora P. 0., SohnYllidll co. MAHANOT CITY HOTEL. G. W. Frost, Mahanoy City P. 0., Schuylkill co, WHITE HO USE, Mrs. Susan Marsdorf, Beading P.O. ANDALUSIA, James S. Madeira, Reading P. O. LIVING. SPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A. Smith, Wernersville P. 0., Berke co. SOUTH MOUNTAIN HOUSE, H. H. Manderbach,WomelstiorlP. 0., Berke CO. COLD. SPRINGS HOTEL, .T..ebaaon co., Charles itoedermel,Harrisburg P.O. BO,YE.RSTOWN SEMINARY, 3. B. renky,Boyerstown P. 0., Berke CO. - YELLOW SPRINGS HOTEL, A. V. Snyder, Yellow Springs P. 0., Chester co. LITIZ SPRING'S, Samuel Lichtenthaler, Litiz P. 0., Lancaster co. . EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, Alex. S. Feather. Pro.. lephrata P. 0.. Lancaster co. Apses 215t,1866. ap24-8m mummer Etesort. Carlisle White sulphur Sprints. These Celebrated 'Springs will be open about the first Of June. They baveeen recently purchased by the undersigned. The grounds refitted, the house repaired and repainted, and EN EMELT B.SFURNLSELED, in modern style. They are situated about four miles from Carlisle, Cumberland (MM. Pa., among the gorges of the Blue Mountains, air of the purest, drives of the best, accommodath.ns of the most particular. Bully Sa loons Bowling Alleys; Walks. Baths, dte. Adapted to those who sees a secluded. yet most so cesslble resort from the approaching sickly season of the cities. Two hours' drive from liarrisburg. Pa., by a delightful road and through our best scenery. Thirty minutes drive from Carlisle. For farther particulars apply to W. G THOMP3ON. Proprietor of the State Capital Hotel. Harrisburg_Pa. S. L. McCULLOCH, Carlisle Springs, Cumberland co., Pa. RFPFRENC.e S.—Gov. A. Curtin, Hon. Simon efilD ern n. Adj t. Gen. Russell. George Bergner. Harria burp 7elegn uph; Richard Haldeman—Harrisburg. Judge Watts, Judge Graham. Judge Hepburn. 7. B. Parker. John i• obis., Gen. E. 1L Gen. e rier,l ajar Hoyal—Carlisle Barracks. my 4 llt 4 L; N Cs' .1111 E tfsts it.l-11.4 CAPE ISLAND, N. J.. WILL RECEIVE GUESTS ON Thursday. May 31st. 1866. J. F. OAKF, Proprietor. y EPHRATA MOUNTAIN BERM3S. LANCASTER CO., PENNA. This delighthil and healthfill watering place will be cpened for the reception of guests on the FIRST OF .T ' UNE NEXT. Since this property has been pnr chas• d by the undersigned every part of it has been completely renovated and beauthod. The entire es tablishment haateen repaired, papered, and every thing done to matte the place more plesaant andiat trac.ive than ever before. Passengers can take the Beading railroad ears at TL irteenth and Callowhill streets. at 8 A. M.. and reach the Springs at 12 M. Or by the Pennsylvania Central railroad, Thirty-first and Market streets, at .t 2 and reach the Springs at 3.80 P. M., all rail by both routes. roi terms, dc., addreiis A Tsitir A NDREC 11 FE &THEE, ayeasa,to, th smo Proprietor ATLANTIC CITY.—THE SURF HOUSE AT AT !antic Cup Is now having a new front added to It, atdrtherwire improved. The proprietor is on the spot enperintending the reconstruction of the building. Parties wishing to engage rooms will please address myll-61. 5 H. S. BENSON, Atlantic City, N. J. SUILMERBOARDING—Firat-class eligible Rooms,af. Ito. 39.5 Locusr Street, m3 - 9-la* west PhiLldelphis. GLASSWARE. PHILADELPHIA Window GLASS Warehouse, BENJAMIN H. SHOEMAKFR, ADMIT FORTIES FRENCH PLATE GLASS COMPADLeS. 121:PORTZR OP English, French and German Window and Picture Mau And Looking Glass Plates MANUFACTURES OF American Window, Picture and Car Glass Ornamental and Colored GI.. 205 and 207 North Fourth Street, waoi la-tjDOll B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STRRTIT. MANUFACTURER OF VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment In the city at tb lowest prices. Store Shades made and lettered. atA-ti REFRIGERATORS. sciacitctiAm - y - 3s New Patent Selrventilating AMERIOAff REFRIGERATOR, Patented January 5th,1865, is the BEST AND ONLY PERFECT elf. Ventilating Preserver In the orld!:end will keen such articles as Vegeta. bits, Fruits, Meats, Game, Fish, Milk, Eggs, &c., &c„ LONGER, DRIER AND COLDER. . WITH LESS Than AMY other Refrigerator now in use. E, T. FARSON &CO Manufacturers, No. 220 Dock Street mylotbstunti AND CO. \ ' ‘ ll MA.LTSTIERS, .nuns-a-tu-thtn GELATIN, TA PIOCA AND EIAGOx's Scotch Gelatin, Rio Tapioca and East India Pearl Sagga, landing and for sale by T. B, BUSSIER & 00,108 MALE WEE' AND rig/Mt WAXIIRAOTURBD Jll and nu Bale b WEAVER & CO. 92 orth Water street, and id North Delaware avenue iIiTIA .-- ITRUE AN]) BEDDING PE !J The largest, cheapest end best stock of Fonsitare the world, Is to be found at OW:MD & CO.'S UNION FURNITURE DEPOT, Corner NINTH and MARKET Streets, and Nos. 37 and 89 North SECOND. Street. Parlor kilts. In Hair. Brocade, Plush, Damask or Rep; Lining Room, Chamber, Library,. Kitchen and Office Furniture. at fabulously low prices, and the newest styles and patterns; public buildings, schools,. colleges and shop Furniture_in endless variety. All kiads of Furniture wanted by housekeepers, at exceedingly low prices. at either of their immense establishments. If yon want to save money and get well served, go to GOULD & CO.'S before purchasing elsewhere, . Corner rarrra and MARKET. and Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street.. mhS)-lyf T ° HOUSEKEEPERS; I have a large stock of every variety of Furniture} which I will sell at reduced prices, conststmg of.. PLAIN AND MARBLE-TOP COTPAIIIC HIM . WALNUT CHAMBER. SUITS. PARLOR SUITS IN VELVET PLUSH. PARLOR SUITS IN HAM CLOTH. PARLOR SUITS IN REPS. Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, mibk. cases, Idattrsses, Lounges, Cane and Woodleadt Chairs, Bedsteads and Tables of every description. P. P. GUSTING zuhg.em N. E. Corner Second and Race streets. BEDDING AND FEATIEEB. WAR:MOLISE, TENTH STREET, BELOW ARCH. Feather Beds, Bolsters. Pil lows, Matrosses, of at kiln* Blankets, Comfortable's, Coun terpanes, white and colored; Bprivg Beds; Spring Cots: Iron Bedsteads; Cushions, and all other articles in theline of bnelp. new. AMOS IM:LBORN, No. 44 North TENTH Street, Below ATM aplo-tu th as = A.. A.PWOPCIOI3 IO WHOT.PA 4 TM. 3f...kNTIFACTIMIR, OP MATTRESSES AND BEDDINa, And Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, No. 45 SOUTH SECOND SST, 11115. t h B 3 to 2m Philadelphia. SPRING TyIATRESS. BEST QUALITY AND STYLE, AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 7.6. FELLER, zak.l7-am 9 South SEVENTH Street. WATCHES NiAb JEWELU! VIIS T , A 110310-s , . 1 Li3IOND DEALER, & JEWELF2B, --- Th WiTCELES, JEW ELLA' Si SUTER WARE WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. A 80 2 Chestnut St..Phiia. Owing to the decline of Gold, has made a great reduction in price of bin large and well assorted Stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Silverware, &e.. The public are respectiblly Invited to Cal am, ez, amine our stock betbre purchasing elsewhere- jalltt AND TICE 0. -- HOWARD'S *. AmPit:MAN WATCH COMPANY'S ATCHES, 1:1 - PNRY HARPER'S 520 Arch street.. 15f21 RO FRS'S PLATED SPOONS AND-PORES.— HENRY HARPER, MO 'Arch street. myl2-lm SILVEERWARE.- myl_°-lm T r - W7M:-IrT7TIr r7i7TM CA.I4 PIEITINGVSS, OIL CLOTHS, REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON 9, 807 CHESTNUT ST. to.A.JRAD. The Cheapest Carpet and Fiunitar& Warehouse in the City. OASPETI3, OIL MOTES, MAITTNGS, wnroow imaxam COTTAGE BUTTS OF EVERY STYLE. And a general assortment of Honselsold Iftomitons, H. B. I_,EVTIS, 1434 MARKET STREET. fel9-Mn3 Plretkrarniture Store below 15tb, lower stdsv 7.43 ' PPURLE, 11111A-7413QUA8ET,..' .3., and will Strain: - . • Pnicnravis,aktrams, -AY CONFoss. • _ - In the KITCHEN it is the right thing ta the right. place. o H ouse h o ld would be without:it utter a sin ie ay- • It Is the only Sifter now in Use that gives Batt:atm -4,11. Every atfter Is warranted to glue perfect satis faction. • Faetn Ne; 630 AtAki&E'r — ' — Sire il et, i3Fital°324. fttlatta. • state and County MOW forEittle on easy terms. • . "Wholesale Trade supplied on reasonable Imam. samplea Sent to My - Address on-recelot $l. (teags• TBLIIPEIILLL YRICBSTEI 112INLItd.--50 eases La tU3 can endrettoyboxeo. Imported eLibr eat by JOB. It BIISSIELS .te 00 lag South- Ware SVP.IIIIO. LATHS. -100 000 Laths afloat, for sale by B. A. SOU DER &cd.. Dock tata'eet 'Wile4. • HMI - SY HARPER, SMI Arch street: Money on a Small Capital zi o)l`.isi OM PATENT IN SIFTER. AND. 1371 Invaluable for use In ag ases where a Strainer er. fete is required,' /t war
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers