!SECO.N.WEDITION BY TELEGRAPH. LATE FROM WASHINGTON. TEE HABEAS CORPUS BILL. Approval by the President DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN BOSTON The Habeas Corpus Bill. WASEINEMON, May 15.—The President ban approved the bill amending "an act =elating to the habeas corpua, and regtdat lug judicial proceedings in certain oases," approved March 3d, 1863, and it is therefore a law. . It provides that any seizure, search, ar rest, or imprisonment made, or any acts done or omittesi to be done durhig the re= hellion, by any officer, or person under and by virtue of any order, written or verbal, general or special, issued by the President or Secretary of war, or by any military officer of. the United States holding the command of the department, district, or place, within which such sei zure, search, l arrest, or imprison ment was done, made, or committed ; or any acts were so done or omitted to be done, either by the person or officer to whom the order was addressed, or for whom it was Intended, or by any other person aiding in assisting him therein, shall be held, and are hereby declared, to come within the par -views of the act to which this is amenda tory, and within the purview of the 4th, sth, and 6th sections of the said act of March 3d, 1863, fbr all the purposes of defence, trans fer, appeal, error, or limitation provided therein; but no such order shall by force ,of this act or the act to which this is an amendment be a defence to any suit or action, for any act done . or omitted to be done after the passage of this act. When the said order is in writing it shall be sufficient to produce in evidence the original, with proof of its authenticity, or a certified copy of the same, or if sent by telegraph, the production of the telegram purporting to emanate from such military officer shall be prima facie evidence of its authenticity, or if the original of such order or telegram is lost or cannot be produced, secondary evidence thereof shall be admis sible as in other cases. The right of removal from the State court into the circuit of the United States may be exercised after the appearance of the defend ant, and filing of his plea or other defence in said court, or at any term of said' court. subsequent to the term when the appear ance is entered, and :before a jury is empan daele'd to try the same, but nothing herein contained shall be held to abridge the right of such removal after final judgment in the State court ; nor shall it be necessary in the State court to offer or give security for the filing of copies in the Circuit Court of the 'United States, but on the filing of the peti tion verified, as provided in said sth section, the further proceedings in the State court shall cease, • and not be resumed until a • certificate, under the seal of the Circuit Court of the United States, stating that the petitioner has failed to file copies in the said Circuit Court at the next term, is produced. If the State Court shall, notwithstanding theperformanee of all things required for the removal of the case to the District Court, proceed further in said came or prosecution before said certificate is produced, then in that case all such further proceedings shall be void and of none effect, and all parties, judges, officers and other persons thenceforth pro ceeding thereunder or by cover thereof shall be liable in damages therefor to the party aggrieved, to be recovered by action in a court of the State having proper juris diction, or in a circuit court of the 'United States, for the district in which such farther proceedings may have been had, or whore the party, officer, or other person so offend ing shall be found; and upon a recovery of damages in either court, the party plaintiff shall be entitled to double costs. It is made the duty of the Clerk of the States court to furnish copies of the papers of said files in the case, to the party so pe titioning for their removal, and upon the re fusal or neglect of the clerk to furnish such 'copies, the said• party may docket the case in the Circuit Court of the ;United States, and thereupon said Circuit Court shallhave jurisdiction therein, and may, upon proof of such refusal or neg lect of the said clerk of the said Court, and - upon reasonable notice being given to the plaintiff, require him to file a declara tion or petition therein, and upon his de fault, may order a new snit and dismiss the case at the cost of the plaintiff, which dismissal shall be a bar to any farther snit touching the matter in controversy, ' Destructive Fire in Boston. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] Bos'row, May 15.—A. fire broke out last night in the rear of the East India building. and soon communicated to the roof of several buildings on Essex and Liberty streets. The old Saltanstall school house was burned. The brick block Nos. 2 and 4 Liberty - street was also burned. The Lynde block, owned by Francis Peabody, was also destroyed. The loss is estimated at from $75,000 to $lOO,OOO. Price of Gold in New Torn. My the American Telegraph Co.] NEw YOBS, May 15th.—Gold has been quoted to-day as follows: 10.30 A. M:, 130+ I 11.30 10.45 130+- I 11.45 11.00 130+ I 12.00 M., 11.15 120+ I 12.15 P.M. CITY B WEST PHILADELPHIA.- This morning was clear, crisp, breezy and cold, still too cold, unseasonably so, keeping everything backward. The rain of Sunday was only a temporary blessing, for to-day the dust is sweeping from one side of every thor oughfare to the other. We had laid out to make a visit to Mr. Henry A. Dreer's green houses; at Mantua, and his nursery, at Bel mont; but were prevented from fulfilling cur engagement by detention at the police station in examining into the facts of a most< painful accident that occurred last night, at Thirty-first and Market streets,. involving the death of a traveler. It seemed that the man came over from Fair mount with some friends, who, however, did not remain to see him off. Happy had it been for him had they done so, but "Man proposes and God disposes." His destination:was Cincinnati, Ohio. He regu larly procured his ticket for that city and awaited the leaving of the cars in a hotel opposite the depot. The New York train came along and fear ing he would be left, ignorant as he was of the locality, attempted to jump on one of the cars while the train was in motion. He was thrown under the wheels and in stantly killed. His body was removed to the station house, where it remained at the time we left, awaiting the • coming of the Coroner. He was utterly unknown. There were no papers on his person by which. he could be identified. On the . waistbaltd Of his drawers the name - of "P. Coskaton" was' marked. He had some CO in his wallet,' now in the possession` of the police. He was a man apparently about thirty-two years of age, with light moustache and, goatee. He had on a full suit of black—coat, vest, pants and overcoat, with good under clothing, knit undershirt, he. His ticket, of course, was a general one, and bore no name.: The other police business had its usual characteristics. Christy Kelley, Geo. Don nellY, Mary Martin, Mary Donaghue and James Wolfmerdal, were severally fined $3 for drunkenness, and discharged. Geo. Mat thews, Mary Coltston and .Martha Mat thews, whose goods had been levied on fi3r rent, were held._ to bail for beating the Ward Constable, turning him out of doors, and keepingproperty. possession of the They had no idea of being disposseissed. At the Almshouse there were 21'admis sions-16 male, 5 female; discharged 5-3 of the first and 2of the latter sex; elopements 7-4 male and 3 female, with two deaths, 1 in the Men's Medical and 1 in the Nursery, an infant of 3 monthil. Census-2,994 ; last year, 2,539. Increase, 455. FOUND DEAD IN HIS STOBE.—Charles Young, the proprietor of a tailor store on Twelfth . street, above Spring Garden, in front of the Central Hotel, was found dead this morning. There were rumors that death, was the result of blows received on Sunday afternoon. It seems that seve ral men ", went into the Central Hotel on that afternoon. They were drunk and quarreled with the barkeeper. One of the plirty,who claimed to be a Kentuokian,laid his money on the counter with a pistol beside it and offered to whip anybody. About that time Young entered, and was attadied, struck upon the head and knocked down. The pistol was fired at him and the ball passed through the floor of the bar room_ into the cellar. The assailant of Young was arrested upon a warrant pro-, cured by Young, but yesterday the com plaint was withdrawn and the man was discharged. Young, the deceased, who was a single man, about 40 years of age, sometimes slept in the hotel, but more frequently re roamed in his store all night. Yesterday he was about attending to his business as usual. Last evening he was at a party given in the neighborhood, and is said to have drank pretty freely. He returned to his store at a late hour last night, and this morning was found lying upon the floor, dead. The immediate cause of death will be re vealed upon the investigation, which will be made by Coroner Taylor to-day. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT.-A. man named Thomas Coskeagan was killed last night about half-past eleven o'clock; by the through Washington train, at Thirty-first and Oak streets. He was observed by the policeman running beside the train when it crossed Market street, evidently with the intention of jumping-on. After the train had passed the officer went do wn the track and soon discovered the hat of the man. His coat soon turned up and at Oak street, his body, shockingly mangled, was found. The deceased had a ticket and a baggage check tor Cincinnati. THE HIBERNIA Fran Erroms, COMPANY, No. I.—The steam engine of this Company, after being in the service of the Government at Washington for the last four years, has been placed in proper repair, and last even ing was formally placed in service by the action of the Board of Directors of the Com pany. The steamer now is one of the handsome est in the Department, having all the latest and best improvements attached to her, and no doubt will render that efficient service that has always been characteristic of the Old Hibernia. GRAND CONCERT.-A grand oonoert will be given at Concert Hall by the Black Swan troupe to-morrow evening, on which occasion the celebrated Black Swan, Miss E. T. Greenfield, will sing several pieces, selected expressly for this occasion, among which are "The Guard Valae" and "The Anvil Chorus." Every one should secure tickets as early as possible;the programme, being one of rare selections,, will induce many to attend. They are for sale at Pugh's book store, Sixth and Chestnut streets. LARCENY OF KNIVES.-A youth named Michael Donnelly was before Alderman Massey last evening, on the charge of the larceny of a lot of knives from Kline's hardware store, on Spring Garden street, above Tenth. He was held' in $6OO bail, for trial. ASSAULTING A WmlLtai•.—Joseph Ralston was arrested last evening, at Nineteenth and South streets, for assaulting Mary Cochran, on the street. He was taken be fore Alderman Lutz, and was committed to answer. BOWER'S INFANT CORDIAL is a certain, safe and speedy cure for colic, I paths and spasms. 3 lel ding great relief to children teething. Store Sixth and Green. "FELT CORN AND BUNION PLARTEw."— Mailed no fifty cents. Sewer. Sixt,h.and Vine. Bitornm Ink Stands, Fans, Card Reoedv rs, Jewel Caskets, Cigar Cases, Cutlery, etc. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers, 22 South Eighth street. . DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES IN EVERT' VA EMMY. SNOWDEN & EROTH.M.,r _lmporters, RSouth Mghth street. 7 8-10's wawnro, DeHaven dc Brother, 40 South Third Street. 5-20's warrrno, DeHaven & Brother, 10 South Third street. Coxpounn interest notes wanted by De Haven a Bro. ABRUPT changes of weather often create relaxation of the Bowels, "C. H. Needles' Compound Camphor Troches" are a sure anti safe corrective of this trouble. MEXICAN AFFAIRS.— When Mexico shall fall into Uncle Sdn'e keeping, The Mexican Floral Gem, .Rctract of Sweet 0 , , onax, Shall Perfeme the " orld. Already the beauties of Paris and London are en chanted with Smith's new perfUme, Extract of Sweet Opoponax. E. T. SMITH & CO., Manufacturers of Floral Per fumery, New York. Entered according to law. CEDAR CAMPHOR 1291 129 i 129 i 129 k Is the best and cheapest Mora-Qvnsvara. All drug. gists sell It now-adays. HARRIS & CHAP - NT A NT, Factnrers, Boston. "EXCELSIOR ROCK SPRING." SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T.—The water of this Spring is highly recommended by the most eminent physicians, and is believed to be superior to any of the other waters of Saratoga. For sale by the leading druggists. PuRE FRurr Srours—For soda water; alio bottled for domestic uses. HAZARD, GRIFFITH dt CO No. 509 North street. A NOTED CLERGYMAN AND PUBLIC' LEO- Tunica says of "Brown's Bronchia/ Troches:" "In all my lecturing tours, I put Troches into my carpet bag as regularly as Ido lectures or linen." Public speak.- ere, vocalists and all others who exercise the vo , ce, should never fairof using theTreches. They surpass all other preparations in clearing and strengthening the voice, removing hoarseness. allaying irritation of the throat, and as a coughremedy are pre eminently the best. New Jersey Matters. BURGLARS ARRESTED.—Two colored men, giving their names as Hacket and Jordan, were arrested yesterday by the police of Philadelphia, and brought to Camden, on the charge of' having been extensively en gaged in stealing harness; chickens, and numerous other articles, from people resi ding in various parts of South Jersey. Hacket had been previously arrested, and six bills of indictment were found against him for larceny, by the grand jury. They were taken before Justice Cassady, \who committed them to answer at the present term of the courts, and their trial will take place during this or nextweek. These rob beries have been very extensive, reaching as far as Salem. DISASTROUS FIRE.-A day or two since the baxn in the rear of Lewis Gahre's store, in West Bridgton, was destroyed by fire, and two valuable horses and some hogs THE 'DAILY - EYE - MN - 6 BUELETIN-:- were burned. The cause of the - fire is un known. Mr. Gabre's loss is estimated at one thousand dollars. • DISORDEBLY,;—The Mayor was quite busy yesterday in attending_to disorderlyebarao ters who bad been arrested for boisterous and drunken conduct. The usual fines were imposed upon them. INTEEFEEING.—A man named John . Bradley was arrested this morning,- at Eighteenth and Fit water streets for inter fering with the dog-catchers. He was com mitted by Alderman Lutz. HANDSOME Causes.—The Presbyterians of Absecom village are building a very handsome church which is nearly com pleted. - A Simoom In and near Few York. [From to-day% N. Y. Tribune.] The sand-storm of Sunday afternoon, which brushed this island in its north western • flight. was quite a novelty, even for this climate of strange mutabilities. The weather throughout the greater por-. tion of the day had been of a singular soft-' ness and beauty, when, toward evening, the black clouds rose from the sea, the wind came in fitful gusts, shutters slammed, awnings flapped, sign-boards creaked, and the big drops of rain began to speckle the' stone sidewalks, with every other indication of a heavy storm. At about 151 o'clock in the afternoon it came upon us, a regular simoom, accompa nied by thick clouds of sand, which the wind had lifted from Coney Island, Sandy Hook and other garden spots, and also at tended by vivid lightning and quick crash ing thunder. About one-half of New York was over in Jersey at the time, taking lager, whisky and the "pure air." The remaining half appeared to be on the street, sporting their Sabbath garments, returning from late church service and engaged In equally pions undertakings. Consequently the storm took them "all of a heap," as the say ing goes. Our weather-clerk, looking down Broad way, was first apprised of the tempest by the phenomenon of what appeared to be a water-spout of immense proportions, career ing inland from the lower bay, but which proved to be nothing more nor less than a column of sand from the hillocks of Coney and adjacent islands, borne aloft on the wings of a cyclone. n a moment the storm swept over the lower part •of the island. The air, for a few seconds, was completely filled with blinding dust, and, when that cleared away, the unlucky passengers of Broadway presented a melancholy spectacle of chaos. Thousands of both sexes and all ages were in the street at the time. The sky was filled with flying hats, umbrellas, mantillas and shawls, with here and there an unlucky "waterfall" rushing disheveled through the air, with wild hair blowing behind. Men were almost lifted off their feet; fruit and pie-stands were emptied of their contents as if by magic; little boys and girls were left sticking in ite trees and lamp-posts like so many dried leaves; and luckless ladies were to be seen, like so many inside.out umbrel las, struggling this way and that, and vainly endeavoring to stem the scandalous storm. On the Jersey side, in Jersey City, Hobo ken and elsewhere, the effects of the storm were even more noticeable. Fences were blown down, rose bushes unearthed, awnings transformed into monster para chutes, and shade-trees fairly twisted into resembling jack-screws. The ferry boats tossed about on the waves like egg-shells in a tea-pot. Clothes lines were denuded of their contents. The air was so- thick with flying remnants of last week's washing that one readily recalled ••My long lostatuiday breeches" of Holmes's 'Wind in a Frolic," while the manner in which snowy chemises, and fennel -underskirts, ladles' drawers and gentlemen's lower extremities jostled and caressed each other in mid-air was some thing which would have called a blush to the cheek of the most vinegar-viaaged old maid that ever declaimed at a WWoman's Rights Convention. The beer drinkers were caught in the tempest on their return to New York, from the drinking resorts of Hoboken, and, to all appearance, they liked it even less than the Excise law. There were probably more Sunday hats lost from the Northßiver ferry boats at that time than there were Sunday drinks obtained in the metropolis during the entire day. One old lady was tumbled head-over heels, and only recovered to see her crino line sticking between the smoke-stacks of the ferry-boat; while g young lady missed her waterfall in the excitement, and only set eyes on it again, as it flew through the firmament after the manner of a comet with a long trail of false curls trailing behind: The tornado also extended through seve ral counties, causing considerable damage in the way of uprooting trees and fences but, so far as we can learn, no lives were lost, and no considerable damage was done SALES OF STOCKS. NUM IISCel) Wee]; & Frank'n. guard 7pr ct Bds 84 1000 U 8 10 4Cs 963 3600 U tl Tress 78-10 Notes June 1021:i 200 City is new - 98,4 8000 1:193 5-205'62 alofit 103% 2000 do cash .101% 10000 do 85wn 101% 820 Morris Canal boat loan 88 700 do 8634 100 eh Read R C 5394 100 100 sh do b3O 54 100 all do 5394-100 200 sII Tarr Horaes'd % 800 sh Ocean 011 733 200 sh do Cash 73,1 100 eh do WO 734 100 sh do bswn 714 500 eh dO b3O 735 6 sh Cam &.A.ra 128 FILWEB OF BTOC (BY • 3rIBST American Gold _ 129 X sales Reading Railroad. 53 81-100 sales New York CentraL..--. 923 i sales 11. S. es 'Ea B. es, 5.2 0 , -- 101 Elieam Rtver:•—•••« ... 74 Httd rtnanersiand Business... Hay 15,1866. The Stock Market, influenced by the failures noted yesterday, was feverish and unsettled today, and all the securities In which these parties were interested ruled very irregularly. Hestonville opened at 22%, and suddenly dropped to 2174. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad was weak, and declined %. Catawissa Rail road Preferred opened at 29% b. 80, and suddenly fell to 28. Reading Railroad was firmer, and closed at 53 94 ©sf. Camden andAmboy Railroad sold at 128, and Pennsylvania Railroad at 50,1-,no change. Canal stocks were dull. Delaware Division sold at 14, and Mcirris Canal at 763;—an advance of %. Schuylkill Navigation Preferred closed at 8431; the Common stock at 27, and Susquehanna Canallet 163 i. In Bank shares there were no transactions. Government Loans were steady closing at 109©1093e for the Coupon Sixes, '81; 101%©102 for the Five-Twenties: 1023f®1023j for the Seven• Thirties, and 963< for the Ten-Forties. In 011 stocks 'the only change was in ()mean, which advanced Coal stocks were weak. For St. Nicholas, which was recently cornered by one Of the "suspended" firms and forced up to 80, there was no bid! Passenger Railway shares have been flattened by the movement in Bestonville, and to effect sales lower figures would have to be accepted. M. Schultz. dr. Co., No. 16 South Third street, make the following quotations of the rates of Exchange: per steamer Scotia, from New York: London, 60 days sight .14291 1441 142 X It 8 d m ," 143364' Paris, 60 days sight... Sf 3L 96 8 days. .31'. 96, 3L 92 Antwerp, 60 days Si'. 9 f. 96 Bremen, 60 days 103 101 . Hambnrg,6o days 47 48 Leipsic, 60 days 94 95 Berlin. 60 days 94 95 Cologne. 60 - days 94 95 Amsterdam, 60 days ...... 52 53 Frankfort, 60 days.. 52 53 Market steady. COMMMCIAL. 100 sheatawts pf b 5 29 4 ; 100 ah do b3O 293 i 100 ah do 29,4 i HO sh do b2O 2934 100 sh do 293; 100 eh do b 5 293 i 'looBh do 29 100 ah do 830 29 300 eh do b 5 29 100 sh do 830 28 3 100 th do 530 283 200 at do 55 28 1 att do b3O 28,3 i 1 00 1 sitt do 28% 800612 do 55 2834 200th do 2834 200 5h /31...0nv'e R b 5 2234 600 sh Phil & Erie 83 300 ah do b 5 32 6 ah Monis Chi 77 102'i cash 102;'S bloBat 7 3e 176 eh Penns R 64% 20 sh Del DIV 61 IN NEW TORE. aph.) lILIKUSII CLAM sales .4.... Bales .... ealea .—.. sales aalee ....:. sales ...... sales PHILADELPIIIA, TUEBDAY,- MAY- 15, 1866. Jay Cooke & Co.7qapta cloyern!neas )3ehtritle9 t &c. Bunn& Selling. ' U.S. Cre, -198% 109% Old 1920 102 NeW "1864 «.. 1013E_ 102 5-20 Bonds, • 101% 102% 10-10 Bands.—. - -95% 91% 76100 August.— 102% " 102% "July. ~... .102 1024 Certificates . of Indebted — L;47 100 100 f. Gold—st 12 o'clock.... 130 Mears. Deßaven - Brother. No. 40 South Third street, Make the folluw itqc quotatkons of the rates exchange to-day, at 1 P. Id, Buying, Selling. American . 1303$ Silver—Quarters and ha1v08..........122% 124 CompiinnAlnterest Notes: altinelBB4... 11% 11% • Ju1y.1864... 11% 11% • "" Ang.lB64 10% 10% " Oct. 1864... 9% 9% Dec. 1884... 8% May, l BBs- i 136 6% - " Aug. 1865... 4% 4% " " 5ept.1865... 4% 4% _ ", oa.- Banker , 8% Smith, Rando l p h Co. 10 South Third street, quote at 11 o'clOck as follows: Gold _ U. 5.1787—. • los% U,S. 5-20, 101% " . 1864.-- .............----...10/34 / 0 2 /8 1 35.......•••••*.k .... _and /02X 11. IS. 1040 . 863,1 se% U. S. 7410's— let 108 N " 2d series. / 0224 " Sd series.-- ....--102% los% 17. S. Certificated of Ludebtednes; . ... loog Compounds. Dec.. 1864........ ... The fellowing is the statement of the - Little Schnyl kM coal trade for 1866, to Saturday May lB Cc's MinE73. Itailread. Tone Cwt. Tons Cwt. Prom Dec. 1,1865.:. —.49.747 10 93,808 01 Same time last year.... ....89,867 16 82,778 04 Increase.— —.—. 8,87915 10,529 17 East lerabanoy --137,773 01 Eame time last year.— 125,681 08 Increase- * Total , The weekly averages of the Assoctsted National and Local Banks of the city of New York now in the Clearing-House, for the week ending Saturday last, May ]2, compare as follows with the previous weekly statement, and also with the corresponding' week last year, and the Soh-Treasury balances at enh date: Increase of #1,647,133 Ircrease of Specie..—..--..--.... 3,055,405 Increase of net 7,179,550 Increase in Legal-Tender..---------.--. 3,836,2:2 Decrease in Circcdatlon.. 722,418 May.l3, '65. May 5.'66. May. 12, '66 Ghpltal ....... ...-676,929,647 191,96 5 ,200 6 8 1,9 5 6,2 1 9 3 Loans---...... ........ 218.502,580 253,947,133 257,612,317 93,552,631 10,614,997 18,970.402 Xet De 08318...—......:203,369,986 210,373,303 217,552,853 In Sub- 58,476,918 93,8.•.6,985 98,818,600 • Legal Tender: May ------13A36.212 Philadelphia Markets. Trisuay. May 15.—Trade Is remarkably doll to-day in all departments, and In Breadstnffs the transao. lions were of a remarkably meagre character. The receipts of Flour are extremely light and holders manifest no disposition to accept lower pri,as, but there is very little inoully, and only a few hundred barrels were taken for the supply of the home con. sumera at 12 S(CB 25 'it barrel for superfine, 48 75@10 for extras; gle@©ll 50 for Northwestern extra family; 4@_ 5O for Penna. and Ohio do., do., as d at higher figures for fancy lots, according to quality. Bye Flour Is scarce and selling In a small way at 16 per barrel. Prices of Corn Meal are no minal. The Wheat market is at a stand, but we continue yesterday's quotations. Sales of 3.000 bushels at 52 so 4g2 'ft bushel for fair and good Red, and 112 70,@ , 2 :5 for choice do. White ranges from .2 80 to al A. small sale cfltye at ti 12 and 2,001./ bushels on secret ; erms. Corn Is very quiet Sales of 1,000 bushels yellow at 85 cents in the , mint, and 1 800 bushels at 82 cents afloat. Oats are 1,1(0 bushels Western at 62 cents. Prices c f Barley and Malt are nomins3. There is very little Quercitron Bark here and No. 1 1s wanted at 4.3t0n. In Groceries and ft Provisions .there Ls no changes 10 notice. Vintsky—The demand is limited. Sales of Penna. at 225, refilled at 12 28 and Ohio at 12 fa. t,•O :tom 701 laF firs Merino Butiedin on Third Prsgo. ARRIVED SILIB DAY. Steamer C Comstock. Drake, 24 bourn from N York, with mdse to IV M Baird &Co. steamer M. Brumley. 24 hours from New York. Itik made* to W M Baird & Co. Sehr T P MoColley, Durborongh, 1 day from:lo=de% Del. with grain to Jaa Barratt. Behr COra, Townsend, 1 day from Bris,ndywise,.Dal. with corn meal to It 311 Lea. Fehr Monist , . Nutter, from Calais. Me. • Behr Modelle Blew. Errtekson. from Boston. Schr C P Stickney. Mathis. from Roston. Echr War Steed. Cash '!rorn Boston. Behr L Sturtevant, Cane. from Wareham. echr Charm, Starr, from Wilmington. Schr Geo Conover. Hetchom, from Providence. Fehr E English. Potter, from Providence. Fehr Reading RR No 42, Adams, from Hartford- PchT.V/ P Cox, Houck. from Medford. • Fehr Silver Magnet. Bat reit, from Salem. Fehr Itockingbam. Frisbee, from Salem. Echr Jos Bradley, Bradley, from Hoboken. CLEARED THIS DAY. Brig Humming Bird (Br), Stephens, St John, NB. C Van Born. Bair Argot Eye, Townsend, New Orleans, D B Stetson .e. Bchr Maggie Van Dusen, Corson, Mobile, do SEEMORANDA. Steamer Aries, Beggs, cleared at Boston yesterday for this port. Steamer Tarifa (Br). Langlands, from Liverpool Ist lrst via Queenstown 2d, with 572 passengers, at New York yesterday.' Bark Sea Emile. line, tor this port, was loading at Do Janeiro 7th nit. EMM!i Bark Virginia Wood, sailed from Buenos Ayres 17th 751 arch for New York. Bark TalWvera, iderltbew, sailed from Buenos Ayres isth 2,1 arch for New York. Bark Flor del Mar, Wiswall, sailed from Buenos Ayres nd March for Antwerp. B• rke Agnes. Tbompson,for Baltimore: Caropanero, Spelghts, and P C Warwick.Chlchestar, for New York, were loading at Rio Janeiro 7tri Barka Tbor, Marla Louisa, and Traveler, from New 'York, at Pernamtmco—no date. Brig Aurora. Cochran. hence at Halifax sth inst. Brig Ceilla (lull), for this port, cleared at Palermo 2.3 d ult. Brig rate Stewart, Paddock, from Genoa, at Paler mo 234 Schr Que..n of. Clippers. hence at Halifax sth inst. Schr ft A Hammordi, Payne. from Boston for this port, at New York yesterday. Sabra S H Sharp, lidayhew; W P Phillips, Cranmer, and Mary Johnson, Nickerson, hence at Boston yes terday. Says .Adolpb Hugel. Robinson; IS&L C Adams, Hughes; J Birdsall, Hazleton: Broomall, Douglass: J Cadwalader, Steelman; R L Tay. Baker, and. S H Wainwright, McGlaughlin, sailed from Salem 12th inst. for this port. Scbr E W Perry, Risley, sailed from Danvers 12th list. for this port. Schr H Croskey, Potter, hence at Salem 18th inst. Schrs A Tirrell, Higgins, and Harriet, Sawyer, for this port, cleared at Boston yesterday. Schr Hannah Westbrook, Littlejohn, hence at Port land lath inst. . . c• air Ida L Howard, liScDuffie, cleared at Portland yesterday for this port, Solara Charlotte Sim*. Shaw, and Surprise, Beane, hence at Boston yesterday. Schr JOB Hays.Hatbaway, sailed from Cohasset Nar rows 11th inst. for this pot. Schr L R Ogden. Frani , hence at Hartford 11th Schrs Edwin Watson, C anmer; Wm Collyer, Tay lor; Fair Wind. Smith. for this port, and Boston, Mc- Pay, for do or Calais, according to wind, sailed from Providence 12th inat. Sara Angeline Van eleaf.and John Beatty, Hender. eon, hence at Providence lath Inst. . . Schr Ellen A Richardson, Richardson, sailed from Providence lath inst. for this port. via Seconnet Point. Bark Anaconda, ftapman. which cleared at New York on the 6th of January for Pernambuco, has not been beard from since A piece of board was picked up on Daniel's Island, Bermuda. about the 10th of March, on which was painted "Henry Foster t Co, Pernambuco " Messrs .H Ef. Swift& Co. of New York. who cleared the Anaconda, state that they put such directior a on the front of cotton gins, shipped by this vessel. The A was probably lost during one of the fearful gales ot that month. PATENT WIRE WORK FOR TUCITANGS, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIONS, &O. IRON:BRDSTEADS AND WIRE WORK In variety, manufactured by M. WALKER db BONS, mbB-4bn .tuil NO. 11 NORTH SIXTH Street. REFRIGERATORS. SMITH & RICHARDSON ; Agents for the sale of the justly Celebrated CHAR COAL LINED REBRIGILRATORtg: • Whole- ale and Retail, From flux to Twenty-five Dollars. 611 MARKET STREET. znyl2-1m rp MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.—The Annual Meeting of the Steckholders will be held in the FOYER of the Academy on MONDAY, June 4th, at 4 o'clock H. M., when an election will be held for twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year. MICHAEL MIMED, my15,19,23,26,80je2,4,11. Secretary. • - FINE WAW JEWELRY , corn ( 7ct. Plete ae"rillt-a FAIV I IBROTi c gg e•-• Importers of Watches etc, 894 Chestnut Meet, below Yourta. WINDOW SHADES. WEDOW SHADES, WINDOW SHADES. In every Desirable Style - and Oolor; - for. Town or Country. WHITE CURTAIN& WHITE CURTAINS. WHITE CURTAINS. Of Lace, Mullin, and Nottingham, Ns in Beautiful Styles. Striped Fttrnithre Twills, For Slip Covers, Just Opened; I. E. WALRAVEN, RIASONIC BALL; 719 Chestnut Streetb ti RECEIVED, TARD-AND-A-HALIP-WJEDE Velvet Carpets, NEW DEEM% J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 Chestnut Street. 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 Nittuaß, REED AND FARO E' CANTON MATTINGS J. F. &E. 13 ORNE, CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, IPOlf. ISTA-1318 AND BALZA WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET 500 PIECES NEW PATIEBI 8 ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 004 Chestnut. St: PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, 110 SOUTH THII3D STI3,EET, BUY COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES OF ALL DATES And pay the Accrued Interest. aplB-2al BP DREXEL & CO. BANHERW 34 SOUTH THIRD BTREETI 5-20 9 '5,! 7-30's, 10-40's, 1881 9 s, Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound Interest Notes and GOLD AND SILVER, Dought and Sold. DRAFTS DRAWN ON ENGLAND, IRE LAND. FRANCE AND GERMANY. FURST NATIONAL BANK. INTEREST DEPOSITS. CERTIFICATE?. OF DEPOSITS payable on 5 days' notice, after 15 days, and bearing interest at FOUR PER CENT per annum, will be Issued in sums to suit depositors, MORTONIIieIIICHAEL. Jr., myB-5p Cashier. • FRENCH CALF SKINS. We are Importing by every Steamer the following Brands: LEMOINS, JULES JODOT, LB - CWT. BEAUTIFEVEGLE, CARRIER DUPONT, CONFT•TAN GUILLOT, SOUCIN. COEDIT, 323 To which we invite the attention of the Trade. CHAMBERS dc.OA.TTELL, inylYsetw3m/ 32 N. THIRD Street. BOBEWOOD I CRAMMER AND PARLOR SUITES, Geo. J. rienkels92 Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets„" Formerly 809 and• 811 cheetent Street. aplB.w fr allBta • • THIRD EDITION. BY 'TELEGRAPH. Erom Washington. ISPeelisl Despatch to the Bu WASHINGTON, May 15th.—The Senate, hl executive session yesterday, adopted the report of the Finance Committee in the case of Ex-Crovenior Johnston, rejecting him for the position of Collector on the ground that he did , not reside in the district at the time be was appointed. Several leading theatrical managers were before the Ways and Means Committee to day for the purpose of changing the mode of collection of the tax from gross to net re ceipts. It is stated on good authority that Santa Anna's visit is for the purpose of aiding Maximilian's cause. He hopes to receive some kind of recognition. He will fail, however. An informal meeting of Republican Sen ators was held to-day for the purpose of de ciding on striking out the third section of the Constitutional amendment. The pro babilities are that it will be stricken out. The Case of cal, Jacques& LorievrnnE, May 15.—1 n the case of CoL Jacquess of Dlinols, whose trial on an in dictment murder has been for some days in , progress, the jury this morning re turned a verdict of not guilty, without leav ing their seats. CoViral:diens by the Senate. WASHINGTON May 15th.—The Senate has confirmed the nominations of W. Calvin Brown, of New York, as Consul at Augs burg, and Frank Swain, of Ohio, as Consul at Naples. Arrival of Steamers at New York. NEIN' YORK, May 15.—The French gun boat Lntin, from Martinique, arrived at this port to-day. The steamers Quaker aty, from .Charles ton. General Barnes, from Savannah, and C. W. Lord, from Washington, N. C., have also arrived. Congress : -rust Session. SCATB.—Mr. Van Winkle (W. Va.) introdamd a joint resolution to suspend temporarily the collection of the direct tax in west Virginia. Referred to the Committee en Finance. Mr. Van Winkle introduced a bill to apportion the issue of national currency among the several States end Territories, and the Fistrics of Columbia. Re frired to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Fessenden (31e.) gave notice that he would, on Monday next. call up the Recur struction resolutions in m the House and press them to a vote as early as possible. Mr. Trumbull (Ill.) reported a bill to regulate the time and dx the place for holding the U. S. Circuit Courts in Virginia. The place is changed from Nor folk to Richmond, and the time is fixed for the first Mondays in May and December, The bill was passed. A bill authorizing the appointment of an additional Assistant Secretary of the Navy, is take the place of the prt sent Assistant Secretary, who is about to visit Rurope officially, was passed. Thejoint resolution to prevent the introduction.o cholera was taken up. Horse.—The Speaker presented the address of the Swiss Committee of Geneva to the Congress of the Tufted States in regard to the assassination Of Proxi denffair&t Lincoln. Referred to the Committee on POreigitt A . . . Mr. Wilson (Iowa) obtained an order for the print ing of an amendment which he proposed to offer as a substitute for one of the bills reported by the Commit tee on Reconstruction. . . , Tbe amendment is as Ibilows: Strikeout all after the enacting clause in the first sectionofl3oasebill ..54.3 and insert the following: That whenever tne above recited amendment shall have become a part of the Constitution of the United btates. and any State lately in insurrection shall have ratified the same, and shall nave modified its constitu tion and laws M conformity therewith. the Senators and Representatives from such State, if found duly aected and qualified, may. after having taken the re qtaired oaths of office, be admitted into Congress as such; prcvidtcf that if any State, after ratilYing the said amendment and conforming its constitution and laws therewith, shall establish an equal and Jost system o* suffrage for all male citizens wictiln its ivrit diction who are not less then twenty-one years of age. the Senators and Itepn-elentatives from each State shall be admitted as aforeedild, without being re quired to await th e action of other States on said amendment; and provided farther, that nothing in this section contained shall be construed as to require the disfranchisement of any loyaipeople who are :now entitled to vote. Mr. Ashley (Ohio) introduced a bill to incorporate the American Cotton Company (:if the District of Co lumbia. Read twice and referred to the Committee tor the District. On motion of lir. Lynch (Ife.) the Senate joint reso lution authorizing the Secretary of War to grant the tile of certain .umber for the fair of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home was taken from the Speaker's table, coneld- red and passed. Washburne naked leave to offer a resolu tion directing the Secretary - of the Interior to commu nicate to the House whether any application has been made for the reissue of the Dundas patent fora cultiva tor at d if so by whom, at what time end on what grounds; also, what effect the reissue of :mei patent would have on the agricultural it:aerate of the COML. try, (Sic. r ^ :revokes (R. I.) obJectel to the resolution being ret elvet _ _ senate amendmentA to the 1.,..5t Mlles Appro priation bill were all concurred in. Markets. i l / 4 "Ew Yoak., May It—Lotion Is dull at 34Q35c. for middlings Flour dull; sales of 6.500 bbls, at $7 50@a 950 for State. $9 40(4113 75 107 ,jbio, $7 .50@.3 1 70 foe Western, 6.5@16 75 for Southern, and $8 7513 80 for Canadian. Wheat dull; sales unimportant. earn firm; ssues.of 56,11?•0 bushels at ElgSte Beef steady. Pork steady; sales of 1 COO bbls. at Mu s7if,gal 2.5 for mess. Lard quiet. at 11a 22.14 c. Whisky steady. Stocks steady—Cumberland preferred. 453:: Illinois Central, 171%: Michigan Southern, 8n$(: New York Cefltral, 97%; Penna. Coal, 40; -Reading, 107%: canton, 6tii; Virginia 6's. 68; Misstate 6's, 74,1, 4 '; Efie.74l; WeSt ern Union Telegraoh Co ,61.5; Russian Extension. 108; Carolinas, 84.94': Tennessee 6's, 90'.: one Year Certifi cates, 100%; 'Treasury 7 S-lO's, 102%; Ten-Forties 95.1iit C. n ,Coupon 6's, IC9; Five-Twenties, 101%; Gold, 12931. BALTIMORE, May 15.—Wheat is F te,SIV ; sales 0f2 a 500 bush. at $1 SO for red. Corn dull; white 8.1@186c,; yellow toe. Cats firm at 62c Flour quiet. Provisions firm. Bacon—shoulders 143.% % e; sides 17%c Sugar doll. Cof fee dull. - Whisky firm ; Pennsylvania sells at $2 25%, and Western at $2 26%. Sales at Philade' VS AFTFsI4. 0000 II B 5-20's ssws 1000 Morris Cnl Ist m 91 sreo city ss new 9834 10011 Elmira 58 70 8000 Ciund Amboy mgt Ss 94 990 811 Susq Cul 85 16 IaTX:iOI% 7 D 1800 Cam er Am 'Ms 88 15 sh Cent.Natnal bk 118 150 eh Ocean oil 74 100 sh N Y dr. diddle 25 sh Penn Twp Bk 523: 50 sh Little Schyl R 36;., CARPETS GLEANED,. BEATEN Ind RENOVATED by MACIIISTERY In the cheapest and moat satistroi tory manner, at the PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY, lao mi :? . .uth Ninth Street: TORDAN'S CELEBRATED TL,NIC ALE.—The el truly healthful and nutriti , us beverage, now in use by thousands-Invalids and others—has established a character for quality of material and purity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by physicians of this and other places, as a superior 'tonic, and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its great merit. To be had, wholesale and retail,of P. J. JORDAN. 2m Pearktreet, ISAAO IsTATHAIvS, Auctioneer and Money Broker. E. E. corner of Third and Spruc. streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'S Principal Office, established for the last forty years. Money to loan in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches,. Jewelry. Clothing, and goods of every description. Office hours from 8 A. M. till 7 P. M. de23-tfrp WE HEREWITH CALL attention to onr magnificent assortment of sunerior PIANOS'. which we always have on .hand, and otter ,them at very reasonable prices to purchasers. Best of references and FULL GUARANTEE invariably even by THE ZI , UON PIANO 2IANUFACTURING CO.. ap2O 1017 Walnut street. MI/VOLUM PICKILIB,OATECUPekOZB, • ekeim. XI Crosse & Blackwell's : , 3104.115h PleXles, OatalTd teauees, Barham alustard, Olives, &a., landing hip Yorktown and for sale 07 4v.a. Is. sib eat ti:A. lee Beath DPISMAIVI WlAnnw • (=Wel AND LINEN BAIL DUCE of every width ‘../ from °net° nix feet wide, MI numbers. Teutons:l Awning Dock, Popermakers felting, Bail Twine. &o. JOHN W,EV aM,M.A.N & CO., No.lD2.Tonefs Altai 3:00 O'Olook. WASHINGTON 3f.ay 15 Ws Stock Boar& FIRST BOARD WO sh Read B, 5881-100 100 sh do 64 500 ah do' b6O 5335' 300 sh do 615 53.1 50 sh Little Sch 11. 8554 100 sh eatawissa hf blO 283* - 500 sh do W.," 600 sh do bosh do b 5 28 28 14 RO ART). 510:shilestonvider. b 5 21!, ‘ " 75 sh do 2.13.4 uo b3O on s_ .00 sh Sch Nay of 4ds 3471 'CO eh Phil ct. Erie 8 32 WO sh' 323
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers