ere - Familiar quotations - Como From "There is death in the pot," is from the Bible, 2 Kings,iv,,4o , : - "Lovely and' pleasant lives- and in death they were not divided ,J,T IS Spokennf Sauland Jonathan,:2 Samtielt - 23: "Kinan after my own heart, "FSamOel xlii. 12. "The apple of his eye," Deut. , xix. still smag.voicef'' "Es caped skin Of:my teetly ' Job xix. 20, 'adversary' hail; written "Spread-= ing himselflike a'green bey:tree . ,"Psarm "H. xxxvii. 35. .anged!our , harps upon the willow„' Nam: cXxxvi4' 2. 'Riches, certainly make (not; tuke,' as it is Often, quoted) themselves , ; wings,” Proverb's xxiii. 3. '" of '.lire upPri' his head," loid...xxv. 22: "No . new .thing under the sun," 'Ecclesiastes i.'9. - "Of making . niany books there iS v no end,".. Ibidi'xu:.l2:'' - "Peace; peace; whenthere' is no neace;" (made Tainous by Patrick- Henry,) Jeremiah. yin. 11. "To kick` against the pricks," Acts ix. 5. "Make a virtue -of' nebessitY," Shakspeare's Two-.Gentlemen.:of Verona. "All is-, not g 9 icit hat gfitters," Merchant of Ve7" nice. "Screw your courage to the stick- - ing place," (not point,) . Macbeth. "Make, assurance double sure;" Ibid. "Hang, out your banners Upon the out ward walls," Ibid. "Keep the word of promise to our (not the) ear, but break it to our 'hope," Ibid. 4 lt's an ill-wind turns no good," usually.-quoted L'lt'e all ill-wind blows no one - any good," Thos. • Tasser, 1650. "Christmas comes but once a year,"lbid. "Lookere you leap," Ibid., and "Look before you ere you leap," H.udibras, commonly quoted "Look before you leap." . "Out of mind as soon' as 'out of sight," usually quoted "Out of sight, out of mind," Lord Brooke. "What, though the field - be lost, all isnot lost," Milton. ."Awake, arise; or be forever fallen," - Ibid. "Necessity, the tyrant's plea," Ibid. "The old man eloquent," Ibid. "Peace hath her vic tories," Ibid. "Though this may be, play to you, 'tis death' to us," Roger l'Estrange, 1704. - " All cry and no wool," (not little wool,) Hudibras. "Coda their chickens ere (not before) they hatched," 'lbid. "Through thick and thin," Dryden. "When Greeks joined Greek,then :was the tug of war," usually quoted "When Greek meets Greek,then comes the tug of war," Nathaniel Lee, 1692. "Of two evils. I have chosen the least," Prior. "Richards is himself again," Colley Cibber. "Classic ground," Addison. "A good hater," Johnion. "My name is Norval," John Home.lBoB. ' "Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no fibs," Goldsmith. "Not much the worse for wear," (not not none the worse) Cowper. "What will Mrs, • Grundy say," Thomas Morton. "Not pent up Utica contracts our power," Jonathan . Sewell. "Hath given hostage to fortune"' Ba con. "His (God's)limage cut in ebony," Thomas Fuller. "Wise and masterly inactivity,"Mackintosh, in 1791, though generally attributed John Randolph. `First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow-citizens, (riot countrymen,) resolutions presented to the House of Representatives, December, 1790. prepared by General Henry Lee. "Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute," Charles. C. Pinckney. "The Almighty dollar," Washington. Irving." "As good as a play," King Charles, *hen in Parliament attending the discussion of Lord Ross's divorce bill. "Selling a bargain," is in Love's Labor Lost. "Fast and Loose," Ibid. "Pumping a man," Otway's Venice Preserved. ` , Go snack's," Pope's Pro logue to Satires. "In the wrong box," Fox's Martyrs. , "To lam," in the sense of to beat. "King and no King," by Beaumont and Fletcher. The hack neyed newspaper Latin quotation, "TeMpora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis, is not found in any, classic or Latin author. The nearest approach to it was, "Omnia' mutantur," Ov., and this is found in Barbonius, a German writer of the middle ages. "Smelling of the lamp," is tobe found in Plutarch, and is there attributed to. Pythias. "A little bird told me," comes from Ecclesiastes, x. 20. "For a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the mat- . "He that fights and runs away. to tight another day." These lines, generally attributed to Hudibms, are really, much older. " They are to be found in a book published in 1656. The same -, idea is; however ex pressed in a couplet published In 1542, while, oneof the few fragments of Men ander, the Greek writer, that have been preserved, embodies the same idea , in a single line:' The couplet in Midibias is:, "For thosethat fly may fight again, Which he can never do that's slain." "Hell is paved with good intentions," - though found in Johnson and Herbert, Was obvidusly in that day a proVerbial expression. ' Walter Scott ascribes it to' "some old divine." "There's a good tithe coming,"' is an expression used 153 r Sir Waiter Scott in Rob- Roy, and has doubtless for a long time been a familiar saying in. Scotlaud, , "Vox populi; vox Dei." The origin of this faMiliar phrase is not known,but it is quoted as , a proverb by William of Malmesbury, ,who lived - in the early part of the twelfth century. "Ultimo, ratio regum." This motto was engraved on the French cannon by order of _Louis XIV. "Wb Janus girls and crowing Always come to some bad In one of the curious Chinese books recently ';translated and 'published in Paris,the proverb occurs in substantially the same words. ' It is an injunction of the Chinese priesthood, and a carefully observed household custom, to kill im mediately eveyy hen that crows, as a preventive,agamst the misfortune that the circumstance is supposed toindicate. Dicernass.lN:ALAßAlitA.—The Rome (Ga.) Courier sives a sad picture of the distress now prevailing in Cherokee and adjoining counties in Alabama. Many farmers have been comPelled to abandon their farms from their inability to procure corn to enable them to make a crop. `They offer to Rive a lien on the crop, their, stock, Bud also the land itself, to any one who will furnish them, and they bad hoped by some of these means to secure feed for their stock and bread for their familieb,' until the wheat harvest, t hat promises finely, shall be avail able. :But ' they have: been Aisappointed, and their , present situation is indeed: de plorable. A meeting of the ; , planters'was. called at Centre a few .daye osince, for ,the purpose of ascertaining the actual wants of the people: 'About a' hundred 'mint were, preseut, five,siatlisi of whiii, befOre the war, rn had been thrifty- farers.'• Of this number only seven reported -that they .had _corn enough to do them until the - Wheat harvest; for a . she now,', they -pfpr a, bushel' or,vdie*lft afier harvest, or ten poutidit of cotton nett Christmas,: - TBALVMUMI UMW& si EA DINS I ...lrAt fa RAM D. -GREAT -TIAIESE--L.Thilli-/BOX— " /IA I:d : S. THE frSOo iatricpoßoirm. NA CTIMBERLANDAND WYOkIN9-844 TiE NORTH . _NORrtiwirse Vend the OA A N I BIE: ..SUMMER AP.R.ANGEMENT - OF PASSENGER Ted% I'IVE ,33:11- TEENTH and at the, (ollowing home: L llfOßNlNG:aseigis • . At 5 A. M., fbr Reading, Mebaniiii. -'Harreusurg,- Pottsville,. Pine (beim, port, Elmira, RochestergNlagara bu -..o_ussuihAllen• town, Wilkeaterre, Pittaton, York, Ofirlisle,Olunsibeni• rx..tiagoratewarstc., r.. . s Jnifti- Connecta at RELiallite With t e Efiat PennsylViiiiiii • Railroad trains for Allentown, .4.104 and With , the- - Lebanon - Valley-balm for - HarriSbargr - OM. et : PORT-CLINTON • witis•Oatawissa ' Emanuel"' trains fin Williamsport; Lock Eferem - Elmiza. Mt. at Tr A RRP 4 IiITAG Witte Northern Central, Oaraberland. ValleY, - and SchOylkill and Suaquehainui:fetraims Northumberiand.Willlinimpart, York, Chambetablira. Pint-grove, &a. AFTERNOON EEPRESE. ..-. Leaves Philadelphia_ at 8.80 P.M. fbr Rea_ding, Penal vine, Rabb - burg> , div.,f ',connecting with Reading an d- "Columbia R.B. trains for Solumbla et.c. REARI.OIts ACCOMDLO.DATION. Leaves Rev din at 5;00 stopping at all Wapiti, bons; arrives in Philadelphia at 8.55 Zi. • Returning, leave s Philadelphia at 5.00 P. arrives in Reading at 7.55 . P. X' Traina fbr Philadelphia leave Harrisburg. at 7.50 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.30 A . M.. - arriving in PhiladiaT . .. phis at 12.45 P. M. .Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg' at 2.00 P. M;,. and Pottsville atarr ivi n g . AS: Philadelphia at 7.05 r; N. - : - - • Harris actsimmodation'misses B e ading- at 7.40 A:. la, and Harrisburg at MO P. , • Market train, with a 'Passenger _car .attschel, leaves Philislelphia at-1145 noon lbr - Reading' and all - way . stations; leaves Reading - 1,1,80. Ai M., and DOwnlngtrum 13.80 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All above trains run daily, Sundays excepted; '- Sunday trains - leave Pottsvi lle at S.OO- A. 'IC. and vhilsidelphia at 8.1.5 P. M Philadelphia fOr . Beading at . 5.00,A, N., returning irons , Reading: at, 4.23 . OHESTKR VALLEY RUMIDAD. Passengers rBbr r {aka the 5.06 P. phis, returning from Downingtowr: at 6 86 A. X. and •2.841 Noon NEW YORK. EXPRESS_ , MOR P.I.TII9BURGIL AND TL, WEST. __ Leaves New York at 9.00. A. Eland LEI r;lf—pssehig Reading at 1 A. 814. and .145 '1". N.. and connecting at HarristN%7lmns , ylvania, - and Northern OenUal Railroad Trsdna Lir Pittsburgh. Laileitgey WEI" liamsoort. lialtimore. An. _ • _. . • _ Returnin 'PenExpress . Train leaves - aarnsburg On arrival of.:.r T i; from 'Pittsburgh, _at 8 and 9.05 .A.. , .11., w.... 11 . at 4.49 and 10.52 A: M., arriving at Newyork IOA. N., and 2.45 P. N. Bleeping Oar accom theaetrains through between Jersey 02y and ttab , without chat.. .. N. train ibr .. env 'York leaves Harr i sburg at 2.00 P. M. Mail train for Maindsburg leaves New. York at IS Bainnuarad. VALLEY: BAnatcien. Trains leave Pottsville at 7.11.30 M. and 7.16 P. M. returning from Tamaqua at 7.35 H. and 1.40 and LIS Pad. SCIELIMMEML ANDESUBOMIANNA 1t.A.11,330AD, Trains leave Auburn at 7.60 A. X. for Pinagrave and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P. K. for Ph:mgr. eve and Tre mont; retaratng fromilarrhaburg at 416P.X. and from Tremont at 7.33 A; N. and 6.10 P. M. S. CKET ThrOath ." - iirsclass Tl 'tickets and emir rant ' llekeis to all the principal points in* the - North and West and Csenadas. -The following tickets are'otrtained only the Officeof Bradford, Treasurer. No. WY South Faurth street Phlladelhistor of Seneral tiuperintend ent, COMMUTATION TICKETS, At 25 per cent., discotmt between any points denizen for families and firma - - MT rarAtiE T/CiLETS. • Good for 2,000 roiles,between all points, at ssz 50 sea Mr families and ems. BEAI3OIS' TICKETS, For three, eii, nine or twelve months, for Wide only, boat points at reduced rates. CLEBOYZIEN ..... Residing on the line Of the Road will be .tarnieb.oo with cards, entitling themselvea and wives to ticlteta tuatara. EXCURSION Tiosvre. From Philadelphia. to principal stations good Itki Saturday, Sunday and Monday,_atrecineed i fare, to 13, had etr only at the,'PleketolltheatThilteeniti and Callow hill eeta. • - Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Prelght - DoPot. BMW and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Phllsdelphia daily at 5.30 A. 12.45 noon ara 6 k.M., for A4 I,. .g, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville. Port Clinton, and afi yob:at:llmM. . - Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places tr, the road and Its branches at 6 A.M., and for the prim 3 cdpal Stations only at 2.15 P. 3i. . . PEUELAMELPIETA, TON AND BALTDBIOBE BAIL :T. In. ABLE,—CommenOing MONDAY. Anril 16th, 15456. riaWill will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Repress Train,- at 4.15 A. hi. (Mondays excepted), ibr Baltimore 'and Washington, stopping at Chester Wilmington, Newark, i• Won, Northeas. , Perryville, Havre4e.Grace, Aberdeen, Ferryman's, Magnolia, Chases and Stemmer's Bun. Way-mail Train, an A. aA. IL (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations between Philadelphia and Baltimore. • Delaware.R.R.Train t a.oo Aill.:(l3nndayexcepted). for Princess Anne. Mllfurel and Intermediate stations. Exprrea train at 11.45 A. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Ws sidiaton. Express Train at 3.00 - P. IL (Sunday!' excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark , Eaton, North-East, Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen. Perryman's, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase 's and Stemmer's ann. Right Express at 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash litetscgars by boat from Baltimorefor Fortress Mamba,. oriblk, City Point and Itichond will take the 11.45 A. M. Train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAMS, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphiaat 9.60,1115 A.H.4.80, 600 and ILBO P. M. The 4.80 P. M. train connecta with the Dela, ware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate sta. tions. - Leave Wllmington 8.45,8.00 and 9.80 A. 4.00 and 6.80 P. M. Trains fir Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 9.00 A. M., 4.20 and P. M. 7 THROUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE leaveir Jimington at ILOO A.hL, La and 10.00P.M. VIIIMTEM: FOR PHILA DELPHI& Leave Chester at 7.46. 8.46, /0.14 and IL4O A. M., La 5.10, 7.26 and 10.88 P. M. From Baltimore to Plailadelphht.—Lseve Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way_ Nail 9.20 A. M . Express. LlO P. M., ExPTess. 6.85 P. M., Express. 8.25 P.M., Express. TraUis for Baltimore leave. Chester at CO and 828 A. 8.. and &88 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 6.23, and 9.83 A. M.. and 4.16 plAt to trains with passenger Car attachedwill leave W n ter Perryville and intermediate stations at Las . M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate Stations at 4,15 P.M. Leave Perry ville for Wilmington and intermediate stations at 5.00 . A. M., connecting at Wilmington with the 8.00 A. M. train for Philadeiphia. SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at. 4 15 .A, M. for Baltimore and Wash• ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark, Eihton, Nowheast,Perryvills, Havre-deo:lrace, Aber. deen, Pen'yzmul'a,_Magnolia, Chase's and. Stemmer's Itnn. Nig n. ht Express MOO P. M. for Baltimore and Wash- Accommodation Train at ILSO P.M., ter Wilmington and Intermediate Stations. BALTIMORE FOB PHILADILPHICA. Leave Baltimore at 8.25 P.M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilniingtein. Also stops as EDE. ton and Newark (to take pastrami firPhaadelphia and leavepaseengera from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passenger s from Baltimore or Washington. Accomcdation train will leave:Wilmington for Phi. ladelphla and Intermediate Stations at LSO P. M. H. F. BENNET, finotrintendent. prrmrluir.Ga - _ coLnalitva AND OLLIFOLLiII.A.U.L. RAILROAD • TEE PAN HANDLICitpITEE WESTWARD. Owing to the great dlateeoe save the' THIS BOUTE the Government has foolgned to, it carnrig of the IL B. NAIL to- the Prlnciml Cities of the West and Southwest. • THERE BEING BUT ONE 'CHANGE OP CABS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA. AND CINCINNATI, AN] BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. . PASSENGERS BY =SWIMS wrrmAiumat CINOLNNATI. INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY , • .. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at ILSO A. will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodruff's Celetrated Palace state - Boom Sleeping Can will be attwhed, and run through to Coluadins without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittabrulat at midnight, a comfort never before afforded to the traveling coramtuaity Be sure to 'purchase tiOkete . "VIA IBTECBMK• 17.iLLE' ,_ at PMRNSYLVANIA BAHHOAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets. R. Philadelphia. BO (Joe A l Picket rt. Bte IILL übenville, JOHN H. MILIII3I. Gen'i Eastern Pass.Ag't. 526 Brow/wan New York : JOHN DU AND , Gen'l fel44f WlNism. • PHILADELPHIA., AND ERIE RAILROAD: INS, i great fine traecesea the Northern and North'. west curudies of -Penns, Ivankt to' the city of Erie on Lake Erie. • . It bas been leased and is ,operated by the Pemu4l - E ailroad Company. • • TULE or PASSENGER TRAINS AT PRICLADEL ARRIVE EASTWARD. Erie Nail Train . ....... .... .. ... .. Erie Express Train Erie Nall Train 9.00-P.X. Erie Express Train - —DLO° IL .Passenger Care run through on the Erie Mail, and Express 3 mina Without clumge,.both ,ways, hetw,emi Philadelphia and Erie. • - • ''•• •' "PWW TORII CONNIXMON. • Leave New York at 9.00 AIL, arrive at Bile 9.16 A.3{ Leave Erie at 1.55 P. M., arrive at New York 3.40 P. M. Elegant Care on all Night Trains. -For information reaLecetngliasbnaliees apply at corner TRIATLET.M. and MAE.K.ET streets; Phila. delphia. • r , . And for Freight haelneen of the Com pany's Agentx - E. B. IC Ingram:4 Jr,: corner. Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. . • ' J W . Reynolds, Erie. Wm: ErovriLa.e.."' down Aipn -- it o. B. BAUD:lore. IX. lionvorr,. Genera 4 rro:4lll'.ov7;4o24lllNalqie Generil Pelf Cleniiitifßup'tgyvwm=vv.m:.. THE DAIL y. EVE N, IDJ G., L .A 1 FHIIADELPHIA Y DAI :MA 5 186 R ,(. LAJL PI -4, , •'4 • 4 . -• TRAVELINti - GUIDE. °sir ORTIL.PEIntrayLVANIA M.—THE MIDDLE ROIMS..-. Shorter andtn direct Unettatethleherrk___Allentown Manch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven Wilkesharre. Ma b anoylAty, and all POWs In Ike Plhigh and WYOI Wog Oast Batton& Passenger Depots in Philadelphia street 'above 'PlierstaßONand cone ; ar - B wl2-Iw #3 end AZIENRY CAN streets. ti _ NS - UWE& A.BRANGIMESINT s NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and after Monday,Nov. 20th,1965,Passenger train' leave the Depot Third. street, above Thompson, daily (Sanders excepted), Its fellows: - - - - AT 7.80 A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and and Principaal, Stations on North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with. Lehigh Vailre Railroad for Allentown, Catasand tut, Ellatlngton, Matta Chunk, Weatherly lesustsville, - Hazleton, White Ha Wilkesbarre, t on, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming_ Railroad also in connection with .Lehigh and Df.ahanoy Railroad for !lifaluaCitv, and with Catmints Itallroad, Ibr. Rupert, Dan e, Milton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Ch at 11.45 A. IL; at Wilkesbarre at 245 P: - 1d.7 at Nabanoy City at 9 P. N. Passengers by this-train: can take the Lehigh Valley. Train, passing Betbfehem at 12.00 12. for Ears ton - and points on' NOW Jersey Central Uailzoad to New York. Will 5.85. A. EL.—Accostunecattort„ Boylestowr ate stopping at all intermediate lilatlons. Passengers for ow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartseilile, by this, train, take Stage at Old York Esad. AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation for. Sort „Washing. , ten stop at all intermediate Stations. .At 230 Accommodation for "Doylestown,;pingstOp at intermediate 'stations,. ta ke stage at Doylestown for New Hope AT 8.80 P. M.—Evening Its - press to Bethlehem and , principal. Stations on the North Pennsylvania. Ral - " , road, =ma( ng close connection at Bettilehem with Le high Valley Train for Easten, reaching there at 6.45 P. Si. Passengers for Plainfield, Somerville and other points on New Jersey Central . R.R. - take N. J. C. Train at Easton, whicu arrives in Ne* York at 10 P. M. Pas. gangers for Sumnoytown take stage-at- North Wales. end tor Nazareth watt Bethlehem and for Greenville at AT LIB P. IL—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stoP.Ping at all lateadnediate Stations: Passengers for . Willow Grave, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at Abington: for Lumberville Cl Dcyladown. AT 5.15 P. IL—Through Accommodation, aar Beth !seem and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl. vents Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for,___Eointat •ili Lehigh Valley Railroad and for Dauvilb3, and Oatawiesa Bann ad. AT 8.15 P. 3L—Accommodation, Tor Lansdale, UM. ping at all interinediateStatims. . At 11P.'26.: Accommodation for Fort Waskiagtisa, TRAINS FOR PIEILADNLPHL4.. Leave Bethlehem at 0.25 and 10.0 A. IL, and QUI P. Passengers leaving Easton at 9.80 A. M. connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at MIS P. M. Passengem leaving Wilkesbarre at I connect at Bethlehem at 0.15 P. M., and arrive In Philadelphia at 6.45 P. IL Leave Doylestown at 6.80 A. M. 8,15 and kW P. ',wive 7... whil e at 6.10 A.. N. Leave Fort Washington at 10.30 and 4.15 p. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. IL Philadelphia for Doylestown at BP. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. IL Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Can CedtV 7 Pall more to and from Barks Street Depot. _ White Care of Second and Third Streets Line °met, Peasetnera to Third Street Repot. Ticketa mnstbe rcxmredattheTicketoMces, THIRD gireet or street, in, order to accrue the lowed rates of bide. ELLD3 CLARK, 17111 m 0.1.13 th t. Express will call fox and A =ao BalaMat e e No. Smith THIRD street. FOR NEW YORK.—The u.s.r. • DEN AND AMBOY and PIIII.A TRENTON RAILROAD CON P.A2OWB LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, 880 leave way will follows, WALNUT STREET wir-Ef4. At SA. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom., g 2 At ES A. IL, via Camden and Jersey Cily Hxpreen. slk At 2 P. M. via Osmanli and Amboy Express, 8 0.1 , At 5.80 P. ~ via Camden to S. Amtl, y, Accom Al 8 A. M„5 and 8.N.1 P.M. For Mount Holly, Emu:lr vine, Pemberton and Vlncentown. -Al SA. M.. an d 2 P. M. fo.Freohold. Ats and 10 A. M. 12 M. 4, 5.30, and 7 P. M.. for Flab House, .r annum, Riverton, Progress. Dalanc.), Beverly. Edgewater, Darlington, Florence.. Borden. town, (2c. The 10 A. M.and i P.M. 'nee runs direet through to Trenton. LINIS FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT will leave as follows At 11 A. N., (Mk 6.45 P. N and 12 P.X. (night) via Kensington and Jersey City 15=prew5......... $1 to The 6.42 P. 31. Line will run daily. All othersSun .Zsexcepted. .30 and 11.0 u A.. ,X 3.30_, 4 . 38, and 6,43 P. X.. and 12 Midnight. for Bristci• Trext U m • At 7 and 10.18, A. N., 12 X., 2, 4.3, and 6 . P. M. for C calm ells,Tui riadale,HoimMurg. TeuxinY,Wiasinz ming. Brideeburg and Frankford and at 10.15 A. M. for Bristol. Schenck% Eddington and BP. N. for Kohn erbeny and intermediate Station% BELVID I rRE .I.I.I3II.AWAIUt MA.M.ROAD, for the Delaware Elver Valley, Northern trew k late, and the Great Penns ylva nia, through N an Y dily ( e ßandsisexcepted) L mHa T a o ng h De pot. aa Italows: At 7.30 A.M. and 3.30 P. N, ibr Mara PAK% BUJ* .Dunklrk - Canatidalgemßacedra, • th. , ‘,. Owego, Rochester, 144110.37,pt0n, 061 vege , Syracuse, Grtal' Bend. Montrose, Wilkestrarre Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water (lap, Belvidem.Eastow, Lambertville. Flem agton, dm. The 1.10 P. X. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Emden Ibr Mauch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. &c. - . .et SP. li.forLambertvilleandintermediateStations - Mir For New York, and WAY Lines leaving Nen Eton Depot, take the cars on Fifth . street, above Walnut, half an hour before del:l:octavo. • The cars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run froni the Depot. On Sundays, tarculibusses will leave Wel. nut street wilt:kr:W.6P.M. to connect with 6.45 P. M line. • I ift,. pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Parosen. ger. Pamengem are prohibited from Mking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds, to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responalbillty idr baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond ROO. except by special (=tract jfir:lWW4 sold and baggage checked.direet through to Boston. Graham's Baggage ' , .•preas will call fbr and deliver baggage at the Depot& Orders to be left at No. 8 Wal nut street. • ialiK4 FROM NEW YORK FOP. PICELADKLPHIA: Will leave from foot or.Cortiand street, at 12 M. and 4P. M, via Jersey City and Camden. At - 7 and 10 A. M., 6P. M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken tsineton Pier No. IN. River,at SA. M. and 2, 4 P. M.. a Amboy and Camden. W2I. H. OATEMEII, Agent. TOWN AND NOB.B.IBTOWN •.*Trrwv TABLE.•-•On and after WED NESDAY, November Ir_,t, le% tbrther notice. FOR G heave Philadelhia-4. 7,8, 9, 10, u,.% s, 1.10 rabontee, IX, 45 , IX, 8,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, P. M. Leave Germantown-4. T, 'oi. 8, 810, 9, 10, 13, A. M.; 10t, 8,4, 4%01, 1334. 7,8, 9. 10, 11 P. M. Tne B.n) down wam, and the 83( and 5M up trains de net stop on Germantown Branch. • ON SUNDAYS. -Leave PhriadelVlll4-4.10 minutes, A. M.; 8, 9 and 10M, P. BL Leave Germantown-8 A. M.* 1, and 9it, P. M. consTrarr Buz kAirateAo. Leave phusdeapwa-45, 8, 19, Di, A. M. 3, IX, I% T. 1 1 . and 11, P. , • Leave Chestnut HUI-7.10 =lmam 8, 9.40, and Me A. M.; L4O, SAO, 8.40, 8.44.11,W,5u1d 10.40 P. M. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave PhiladaVhla-4,10 zninutee, A. M 4 8, and Leave Chestnut 11111-1.40 minutes, a. DL; 11.40. 5.40 and e.uS minutes P. IL. FOB OONSHOHUUNXISt AND NOIDIIHNWN. Leave Philadelphia,7B 8.86,11 . 06 ndruitet. A. IL; 1. 4 4 r a ' eM * 534 ' tl4. ' and -a P. 311. 9 11 A. 91.; Di• Di. Leave ( Nerrii da7,, 7.50, , , and BP. X. • L a twice , T. wins.. The 83i P.M. train wil ate Welton, Kozwinki ' F aia . w7•l7 " .° cl ! = • coNst(iniiim • • i Leave - Phusaeapbub-a M. Ltiefe,llsoil o rtil A. Leave PhW9 1 1 311110 7.... 8.88,1L08 A. M.. /Xi ifiks SM. Leave s'.I)(,AA I 6. and Aixt up tug DX A. X.; 9. hiannytunt . 43% alia% Pag. 75186M:4M5.. • • Leave Thuade/phia,-. A. N.; and / A we -9% A.M.; and 8 Wi T. , Meal Depot, Ninth snot (Men strode. e: . _ PRIDALTr,LPILIA. BALTII . MOBS cENTBAL t I P 5151: GEMENTS.—ON AND eyrza MONDAY; March. 18,1866, the Trains mill leavaPhlla• delphia, from the Depot of the' West Chester &Pkils. deiphia Railroad, _corner of Thirty-first and Market Streets, (Webt PhlU9l9. ), at %ROA M., and 445 Leave Rising Sun, atS.S and Oxford at SAS A.M., and leave Oxford at &M P. M. , Till June 181 a Market Train with Passenger Oar attached will run on Tue.sdays and Fridays. leaving The Rising Sun at 10.45 A. M.. Oxtord at 11.45 A. 2.1„ and Kennett at 32.15 P. M., connecting at West Tester Junction. Willta, Train for Philadelphia. Oil and ate ' _ lst.lhis train will leave the Rising Ban at Oxford at 6P. M., and Bennett at 6 P.M. Marketing' will not be taken on Passenger. raina., The Train- leaving Philadelphia at` 7.20 A. 2f.. con nects at Oxford with adally line of Stages for Peacti , Bottom, in LancasterCOunty. Returning, leaves Peach' Bottom to connect at Oxford With the Afternoon Train , far Philadelphia , _ • • The• Train inning Philade lphia at 4.44 runs to Rising Passengers are alloWrd to ;take Wearing Apparel: only, as Baggage , and •the: Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, unless timed.* contrast be made for t h e same. mhI9KENNY WOOR. (ten% Supt. Sup .... WEST TIMMY BALL,Rog_D ••• " foot (=Whet aired pper . niaaWilkainda.tit. FALL AND .WMUJIM z - ' Commencing. W NESDd ~ PirP*Eagt, For Bridgeton, Salem, and all aidninion Wed Jer• arty and bolem Italtroada; at 24. aid p. M. For hilliville and all Int e rmediate Stations, ate A. For Cape May and intennediste Statinet, at 9 A. M., to Millvme connecting_with - freight train ( Passenger car attached) for Cape mAy;aues.4s' P.M. and gm . 1.. M. through paesenger i dna • „.• • - For Glassboro' and insa=ealate Sta tlo For Woodbury,Zanwastetr, - an., at 9 • ,g,;:zt.i . 430, Freight. will be received second covered wharf be. IOW Wainut atzeetlroniuntirb R. M. Freight received before 9;A; 41., will go forward. Berne day. Freight delivered at 228 South lawareApenna venuen cient .. • J. VAN - Su . _IFHOCI , WEST JERSEY Irg COMPANY N M attend to all Mammal (*mecca atriums Bug. lime—, receive, dellver;.‘nd - rbrarard,;throagh ether re eponalble 127 :Express Campania, to ,au p :, arte of wan. , anY artide entrusted 'to nem: - ..6Spec, acamPludeli•f4 4l . tOrcg l irk , 1ar 13, ,;, • 9 a 5 ial F.KlNo Menem . 3 s' yt abgastam% - • • • - • • Tift.a.V.ELlMit OkiOWE. • ' A - rANTA LIMENTE.AL • t. 4 4 . A' • 23NG .ARRANGENIONSTi Tne'brates or the Pennsylvania Central R. B. leave tbe Depot at Thirty-first and Market streets' which is reached by the cars_ of the Market Street e r Lama* running to and fret* the DeFOk The last car. leaves Front street MT tbiNir_ =hulks, prior to the departure rifeach Oa Surensl 14—Careleate Eleventh and Market streets it minutes before departure of Evening trains. Di ANN'S BAGGAGE EXPBESTWI/1 call ibr and deliver Baggage at the Depot Orders left at the office. No. 631 Chestnut street, will receive attention. I,IIAINts LEAVE A-ND, „AatrfllTA!i OVX 'DEPOT;THUS: AIM TRAIN . - • 'P M AOLI AOCOM., No, 1 • . • _PARE_ES ;HARRISBURG ' A0001:L t • • LANCASTER AUXOL, • • PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 _ • - -• PHELADELI4IIA IMINNLa t • • CINCINNATI EXPREsS, • ' • ' • " LIO A.M. PAOLI IMADELPHIA. t • " 7.10 " pARkgRI3I:II:O3 N P ACCOM., o. 1 - • • " 8.20 " - • " 9.00 " LANCASTER TRAIN • • " 12.80 P. M.. FASTLINE • ; • " 1.10 " PAOLI ACCOM .,. No.'s, • • " 4.40 " :DAY EXPRESS- • • " 880 " HARRISBURG A000M„,.. • • , " 9.10 " * DM'S'''. 'except Saturday. tDailY• Milli% except .AIJ other trains daily , except Sundai" . . - on The Penansggageylvan , ia Ramose r 00. will notmerel assmne any risk fbr B ecempt One WearbigA and Pm ts their responalbllll7 to Hundred Dollars , In value. All e exceeding that amount in value, will be at the the owner. unless taken by specie. .1 co:Tut:rect. TICKET-OFFS Have - been opened tat - 190. - 1331 - Chestnut street, Conti nental Hotel, and , Girard House, where Tickets may be procured to' all important and Pennsylvania, as well as the West, Northwest Sonthwesk and full particulars given as to time and connections, by 10:MI1 C. ALLEN, Ticket• Agent The Ticket Office at West Philadelphia will be con. tinned as heretofore. where all information respecting routes as Fell as Ti c k ets, can be had on application to ; - • THOMAS IL. rAERI9, . • Ticket Agent, at An Emigrant Train runs daily, except S the DePot.unday. For tau information ma to fare and aoccutunodentons apply tq FRANCIS FUNS. NO. 127 Dock street. t :WEST OFEESTNR, AND PHILA DELPHIA "R A TrAtn A 1 ), VIA int II BUMMER ASBANGEMEN•ig, On and after MONDAY,* Narett - 11411,11165, the Dal= will leave se follows: L• WERT CHESTER TRAIN% ave Philadelphia fer Weet Cheater, from Depot Thirty-first mid Market street, 7.20 A: M.,ILW A. id... 4.45 and 7.00 E M. ,__Leave West Chester fbr Ph il adelphia, from Depot on E. Market street. 6.20, 7.30. 10.45 A. M., 1.40. 4.50 P. M. Trains leaving Weat Cheater at.7.3oA.M.and leaving Philadelphia at LIS P. X., not atop at PenneltOn , and will atop below B. C. Junctionat Media only. tame PlLlbulelphls tar Peanalton 4.15 and 10.20 P: _ _ Leave Penneltoa for Philadelphia 11.16_t. X. 725 Pi AL These Tlll l / 3 11 step at all intermediate Stations. ON STINDAYS-7Leave Philadelphia at SAO A. M andt,ooP. M. Leave West A. M and 5.00 P M. • Oa BurrnAys—The West Phlladelbhia Pa. Monger cars wit leave .Eteventn and marks; streets, ball an. hour before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival of eaeh train to convey peeeengers into the city. Trains leaving Philsdelphla at 7.20 A. M.. and 4.45 M., and leaving West Cheater at 7Ai M, and 450 P. M„. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. B.R. for Oxford. andintermediate points, . HarPaasenters are allowed to take wearing apparel only oerßaszage, and the Company will not, in any ease, be responsible for an amount exceeding one ban dyed dollars, unless sepals' , 1 contract is mans for the tame. HENRY WOOD. General Sauerintendent IttOFFICE OF THE ADAMS EX PREMS COMPANY. Si() maw PI . PananaLritra,January Ylth. leeX The Adams l#preas Company have enlarV il t rw hen facilities at Waaldngton. D. (1, by banding A Depot, and having acquired additional capacity io• transports don. are now prepared to forward Heavy Exprs freights. Pales and Parcels to Wield= ton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick Adamstown, F o r tmea mime, and other Preee South occupied by the army, a t vastly reduced atea. Special agredmem a made for Merchandise in larg, lota. Satler'a goada n and armyttuPrilles at aadsfactorl prices, on April taken at much less t it a nour usual rates. Heavy and bulky packers received and recelpteC for at our depot, Southeast corner of BBOAD and 1,0. 0101sT streets, JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent • • e - 4 1 T: • • • " ADELPHIA TO WIAM& •` - e :1! • DDT (MANGE O F CARS VLA. ILL C.A.TA RO"OTE. On and niter Monday. April td 1866, through cam for Williamsport will leave therhiladel phis and Read. tug RaPrond.Depot, Thirteenth and utallowhill streets, at BA. M. arriving at W Ullamspo n rt i at 6 P. M.. and maltingclose connections for te-1 ira, Oil Regions. Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge and all places in the Western. North Western. South Western States and stmt.-Yuman& - 7 H80134:331 TICKETS to all points can be procured at the Company's °Mee 4 Chestnut street, under Philadelphia Bank, opposite the Custom House, at the Uni.ed States Telegraph Office in the Continental Hotel, ane at the Depot of the Philadelphia and Reed - !mg Railroad Thin een th and Lmilwarbin Street& N. VANHOEN, Paree.nger Agent. RARITAN AND DRILAWA.IIII RAY RAILROAD.—NOTICR—On an atter ir, February DM, the Rxprees Train will be discontinned. The Freight Train leaves CAN, DIN at 2 o'clock, P. AL, daily, Monday excepted,) ar rivirin New York next morning. Fre ht taken at low raters. 1... a ans. Acem' I. gp, IDBUII 4 BLAIR'S LIQUID RElikt RT.—For making in a few minutes a variety of dellciona dessert& We will warrant every teaspoonful to produce a solid curd with each pintof milk. It is very convenient and suited to every housekeeper and invaluable to those In the country. Just received a third supply' of lfinessea, that very nourishing food for Infants, made from animal matter. It Is much esteemed by Physicians. HENRY C. BLAIR SONS, Apothecaries. Eighth and Walnut streets. ap2.3 E —A o o ..p.or or eby " LlAMlrr.raq & CO, Dreggiste, No. 724 and 722 Mark et street. etOD LIVER OIL Twenty-five barrels, new made, Cod Liver 011, of very superior qualitv; Ammonia, just ricelved, in jars; also, just received, twenty-five barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted 95 per cent., In the beet of packages, and for sale by • .T0E127 0. BAKKE CO., ocrt-ly No. 718 Market street. L'IXTBACT VP BEEP• for beef tea- or Essence of 14 Beath sled/netts or for soups for table use. Made n Elgin, Illinois, by Gail Borden, horn _the Judoas 0 1 choice beef and is superior in 'delicious flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets with tau di rections, one dollar each. HUBBELL, APothecary, 1410 Chestnut street. 7•IRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES.— Strada/ Marta; PUlTlles,Oonfts,Brosh Ktrrors, Tweesenkpall Boxes, Horn Swope,Bnrgseal lostruments Hard and Soft Rubber Eloods,lftal Omen, Wane an syriageo, ao., all at "That. Hands . SNOWDEN ln 4544 za south moth anis. VI °BERT EIHO 1 g Ir A Trirß CO. N. E. CORNED Li SOUR= &MD B.ACE Wholesals Druggists, bianntacturent and 'Dealers 1n Whidtlti Glens, White Lead, sad Paints am= description, ottbr to the trade, or consumers, aeomplete Moc& ed goods In ask Mute the loweatmorket rata', • • 3NNIT BRONISLMINN di 004 = • Northeast corner'ourth and Base uremia. a1f.2.0N/DSlA—Jennlng's Calcined, in Mgt round tine Bland boxes. abso hi bottles. - JennlnVa carbonate cd idegneeda,in and: 4 ea: papers. Ho _eavy ined Magnesia lyndlng and tbr sale by 1 W.A8.1.M. ELLIS SCSI do 00., Druggists. Market and Seventh streets, Philadelphia. eels DAT RII/I.—.ltutt reeslVeds lei Invoke Of Orktatie Imported Ray 1:02m, tbr sale by the Wise. by ROBERT SRO :IMMURE:a t 00., Druggist, N.B. au , her Meath and-Race streets. _ - - ' : STOVES AND 13LEATER6. ,!ta• fa eft' • 0it.4:4• .4: .1 • EUROPEAN RANGE for &mill .hotels o Rtaliudltutiortin TWENTY! • I) r• • 54: 51' adea Bang ; Raid? Furnaces, ...eaters, Lo wdown Grates, • board Stoves, Bath Hollers, Btewhole Plates Broilers Oookiag Stoves etc. , at wholesale and retail, bp manufacturers &MBE, SHARPE & THOMPSON,,s,tar&sa No. 209 North Second street, THOMAS"®. DIXON & BONN, Late Andrews t Dixon, No. 11124 OBICSTNIPD stres_,,t nfaccorera o Oppos f ite United Steles e - . LowRLOR.-Dowli, - PA GRAILREER, - OFFIOIP, Aad other ORATES, For Anthracite, Pitamlnota and Woad Fir Arco,_ WARM-AIR FURN.&OO3, -, Por warrain_ Public and Private Banditry. B.ICOMITERS, VENTILATORS O:IIIKNEY43.APLId,• - • 00 0.83: 51 G-RANGESJBATIC430.11.X13130110. oat WHOLWRAT,T, and Tragram. COAL. L KasournmaoL• unix J. graLayr THE lIITDOWITGIIIED IL' MO ATTENTION TO their stock of Buck Mountain &many% MM. Lehigh Naliellon Company's Coal, and whichlhey are=sl tO sell at the lowest market Mee, and to d eli ver In the best condition. - Orders left with S. MASON BMA FinnklbtLlMY tote Building, szvarwrit stra i rm s MVE be promptly attended to. & ses,tf Arch Street Wharf, Schuylkill. fIORA.L. — EUGABLOAN.BEAVER MEADOW AND BPringEouAtahl, OW; and bekt Limn Mennsam !Yam Ochoylkill. MeV/ .Aulati af, W. corner ON And W a y m iltret*e , o. _ _ riOTTOXI4I2WI4I2O= BAIL PUCK,OreVeZV" &move to gi4t Ask mite, :an agun sa :+ 44 41 ANV 3 . 41 1 41, IPlP*!PRerffik T t_ereplia r . ' illkt -'te 4n VAW I IV(.. al' 4 'ar• • ,-, i• 94909320vg1ia1a' ' The New Bulletin Badly Cihkstiint ::Stteet ;* BEr6Cmcitiiiiiii i Foe proprietors are prepared to receive prOnOitili renting snob roomtaskthey-Flllppt nae themselves. 1 - These T".44;E! SECCM -0.2 "4/r F 7 39. I FF:4 4O C4A. • • - THE WHOLE OJ .THE NORTHERN HALF!..O)., Four Merles High. *Vide ball - Chestnut .strPot - ' , - • , • end a Front of. , 2s.feet: J oit at;reetz.. - Snitable-for a Jobbing.or Cornralsofon•Horiaei. Bank. -.. or InsnianOe Office.' -- •' • • ',"• '•• • " -•=' • For. Further- Taiticidars apply at the Bui4TIN OFFICE. : No '329. Chestnut Street.• AI 0.00 A. M. " 10.00 " 12.00 " - 1:00 P. - M.. II 11 II 4.00:" 5 . 80 _II nao 14-'.()Ja- RJENrrs With use of Steam. rover. part of the BASEMENT of Ili South i01,713.TH Street. Apply: to " rt.) —ltarste 'of - K Zff,.,DHEXELLEttn,,_deloaeel,agai Lux& Auctioneers.—a VALUABLE N - Q LOTSc Soiith , ,l3.EClA)) Street, REED, street.:atasm SON street: masicitat street, WATTS, street, - 111,A, RION street, THIRTEENTH street andBUCK Toad, Twenty-sixth Ward. On TUESDAY, May s th, 1866: 12 o'clock neon, aid be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the PRILADELPw -,EXCELANtaa, the following- described preperty clear of all in cumbrance, viz: NO. 1 4 dREOfr HBOI/ND, dOliftt Broad street, All tbat certain lot or square of ground,, situate on the east side of Broad st,, between Reed and Dickerson streets• and extending back to Watts street, as the same is laid out and extended on & certain plan of F. rd. Drexel's estate,made by Thomas Daly, City Surveyor ; containing on Broad street 400 feet 4 inches, on Reed street 200 feet, on Watts street. 400 feet 4 inches, and on Dickerson street 200 feet. No. 2. SQUARE OF GROUND, Reed and Dickerson streets, All that ce rain lot or square of ground situ ate on the south side of Reed street, on the east aide of Watts street, laid Lot and extended as a - oresaid, on the north side of Dickerson street, and en the west aide of Carlon street, as the same is laid out and ex tended on the aforesaid plan: containing on Reed street 143 feet 1X inches, on Watts street 400 feet 4 inches, on Dickerson street 142 feet 2% inches, and on . Clarion street 400 feet 4 inches. No. &—SQUARE OF GROUND, Thirteenth street, all that certain lot or square of ground, situate on the west side of Thirteenth street, on the south side of Reed street. on the east aide of Clarion street, laid out and extended as atorese id, and on the north side of Dickerson street" containing on Thirteenth spree; 4i..0 feet 4 inches. on Reed street ioo feet, on Clarion street 41.0 feet 4 Inches, and on Dickerson street 100 feet. Po. EL& b (OMAR LOT, Thirteenth and ickerson streets. All that certain trisingnlar lot or piece of ground, situate on the northeast corner of Thirteenth and Dickerson streets; containing on Thirteenth street l2d feet 3 Inches, on Dickerson street 134 feet 3 inches, and on the northeast side theroflao feat. No. 5 LABOF. LOT, Broad and Illekerson streets. All that certain lot or piece of groan% situate on the east side of Broad street. on tit 4 south side of Dicker son eta eet„on the west side of Watts street.lidd out and extended as aforesaid, and on the northeast side of Buckroad: containing on Broad street 50 feet,on Dick erson street 200 feet on Watts street 283 feet, and on Buck road ad feet 11% Inches. 2 , 70. 6.—LOT or SQUARE, DICSKRSON and TAS- B3KEtaireeta.—All that certain lot or square of ground, situate on 'the south rude of Dicker/ion atreet, on the east tide of Watts Street, laid out and extended as aforesaid. on theTnortiteast aide of Back road, on the so th sine of Tasker. street, and on the. west side of Clarion Wrest, laid out and extended as aforesaid: con taining on Dickerson street 142 feet IN: inches, on Watts. Street 341 feel 5 inches, on Back road 77. feet al:-Inches, on Tacker street 01 feet 5 inches, and on .Clarion street 400 feet 4 inches. ro. ;.--eQUARE OF GROUND, TIIIRTEEENTR STREET.—AII that certain lot or square of ground, situate on-the west side of Thirteenth street, on the eolith aide of Dickerson street, on the east side of Cla rion atreet laid out and extensedol2 a ce-tain plan of F. Drelei's estate, made by Thomas . Daly, .City Surveyor, and on the north side of Tasker street;. con tainining on Thhteenth street 400 feet .4 inches, on Dickerson street 100 feet. on Clarion street 400 fear 4 ltelte6, - and on Tacker sue et 100 feet. No. a.—Large LOT, lhirteteth Street.. 1111 that cer tain lot' Or plece of groutid, tuate on the east aideof. Thirteenth street, between Dickerson, and Tastier streets; containing in front on Thirteenth street, 400 feet. 4 inches, and extending in depth on the north side of Teak er street 101. ieet inst - es to a pain% thence by land now or late of Samuel Baker, N, 13 degrees, E.. 263 feet s inches to a point; thence by the acme lane Li r degat es,B.. 46 feet 4 in. to a. point on the smith of Dickerson street, and- thence W. on the south aide of Dickersonatreet. ha fret to Thirteenth street. No. S. LABOR LOT. Thirteenth street. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the east aide of 'Thirteenth street, south side of Tacker street, and northeast sideolßuck road; containing on Thirteenth' street 266 feet 3 Inc Lea, on Tasker street iaz feet. ea Brick rand les feet 6 to Om and on the eastline there of 829 feet, being a line parallel to Broad street, and. ad join Ing lands en the east now or lather Samuel Baker. Is:o.-10.--LABGE LO7, Thirteenth street, all that certain lot or piece of ground , situate on the watts de of Thirteenth street, Lee south aide of Tasker street. the east aide et ..larion street, es laid out and extended on the aforesaid t Lan. and the north east aide of Buck road; containing on Thirteenth street 208 feet, on Tes ke r street 100 feet, on Clarion street 91 feet b.!i inches, and on Back road 152 feet IL% Inches Buck No. IL LOT, Tiv-ker street and Buck road. All that certain lot of grout. d, situate on the south aide of Tas ker street, the northeast tilde of Buck road, and the west s'de of Clarion street, laid out and extended as aforesaid; containing on Tasker street 48 feet SX itches, on Buck read 74 feet 2 inches, and on Clarion street 56 feet 6 inches. • sar Lithographic Plans map be bad at the Auction /looms. - NW'PEREIWTORY. By order of .1:r atom H. TIIOIILAS & SONS. Auctioneera, apl4 is,sznays 139 and 1418. Fourth tweet. PF_REMPTORY BALE—TECORAS & SONS Auctioneers—Elegant COUNTRY NEAT and l 0 hi, 4b,scrcs, near Bustleton. Twenty third Ward. miles from _Market street. ts miles above Prankford, and 234 miles from ilo mesburg Station, on the Phila delphia and Trenton Railroad, On TUESD aY, May Bth, 1666, At 12 o'clock, noon; will be sold at Public Sate scuhour reserve, at _ the PRILADELPHI ME CHANGE, all that elegant country seat and farm, 46 acres, residence of J. T. Way, Esq., near Bustleton; Twenty. third Ward. 10 miles from Markey street, miles above Prankf4rd, and 2 miles from -Holmes burg !station, Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, common:cation alto by omnibus and cars, via Frank ,ford. The improvements consist of a handsome stone .mansion with porch. extending on three sides. and pediment In front, 44 feet wide., three stories, with cu pola and two-story back buildings It was erected for occupancy of the present owner in 1857, by Samuel Rain, Esq., who has no superior as a builder in the city: the materials of first quality, and no expense spared to make it, in all respects a first-class residence, the hall is 10 fret wide, - running threright• parlor 15x38 feet library, dining room, summer and winter kitchen on first floor; 4' chambers, sitting room, store room, bath room, with shower' and water closet, on-'second floor ; 4 lame chambers on third floor; marble-maMM all through, plenty of closets, furnace In cellar, ranges in kitchens; in fact, every convenience of a first-class city residence, except gas. The lawn, containing about 5 acre-s, Is handsomely laid out and elegantly shaded with fine evergreens, and other trees In great variety, • and an abundance of fruit of all descriptions. The 'other improvements are a beautifal cottage, 8 rooms, nearly new. (been occupied but. one year,) with lawir and garden; farther's ' house, new barn, carriage and wagon house, spring house ,. ice house (filled), chicken house, ram house; dm. The farm is bounded on the west by the Pennypack ,Creek v the situatioa high and healthy, commanding an extensive and' beautiful view, and convenient to churches, stores, schools, &c: the land Win a' igh state et cultivation; and everything In first-rate order. The Philadelphia and' Attleboro'' Railroad, theronte of which has been recently surveyed and a large amount of the stock subscribed;Will have& station near the property, A lithograph:OEMs house can be seen at the Auction, Booms Tsams—Haif cash. • , , SONS, TRomesat Auctioneets, 139 and 141 South Fourth - ram& Also, will be Mitred., at the same time, alliifinlpg the above, a beautiful place of about 11 acres; stone' notols," (pointed), 11 ro' Ins, splendidly shaded with fine old trees, oaks, ash,: florae chestnut, evergreens, &C, chafe' fruit fine spring, fish pond, &c. t tnY246,71 - . 10 4ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE OF ma ESTER HULME,deceased.—THOISLIA& BONS: Auction( ers.—Valuab.e Residence, N 0.1221 SPRUCE street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.—Pur suant t au order of- the , Orphans' Court for the City and County of Ph iltidelphia, will be sold at Public kale. on TUESDAY, May 15th, 1868. at 12 o'clock, noon. at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described property, late or Peter Hulme, dec'd, vim; All that three-story belleirme,ssuage and lot of ground, situated on the north aide of Spruce street, 19 feet west of Dean street containing 111 front on Spruce street Is feet, and in depth N. 88 feet to a 9 feet wide alley lead ing from Dean street to Thirteenth, Bounded north ward by said alley. eastward key- ground granted to Thomas Brown, and westward by ground granted to Matthew Arrison, together with the common use and privilege lot Said 9 leet wide alley, with or without horses, cattle, carts and carriages at ail times forever, and of a water course therein. Together.with all and singular :the buildings', and improvements, ways, streets, alleys, passages, water, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditament:4.4lnd appurtenances whateter thereunto belonging or in anuyywise apper taining, and the reversions and remafndere, rents, issues and prOtits thereof. By the Court.' 'E. A. MEtitiCK• Clerk Terms—One-third of the purchase mOney may reo main on mortgage. Possession will be given Sept. 28, 1866. .fkl. THOMAS SONS, • sP2S Mys 12 Aucers, 189 and 141 S. Fourth Mt eet. inTO RENT,—Desirable first-class Chester county COUNTRY RESIDENCE, completely furnished anti-. newly refitted:. large barn, poultry. Arouse, ice. house filled, spring house, -plenty of pasturing, find'; cold springs, splendid shade an excellent garden with crops in the ground an abundance Of, frult; apples, Pears. plums peaches, quinces, grapesOberries. cur rants. strawberries, dm. Situation - bight Deb u ti f ut i and perfectly healthful.. Excellent boating, splendid flatt ing and sood gunn Me. A 17 to - 43111ORGE. W. STULL, at_ C. M. S. ' • - •LENEllfaii Office / lo ; 72 7, B ,alnat a h atw : ebu 141114 o'clock; -• . ' . - . m„ , ;O$ BA L K Ind 4:beam:ldim ' A eTatimetlaneblii pcar tittiZt :IdirniederreconVenteneee. / 4 14LW MalngeoinvleM, ',lmmediate poireseione; •lopyly to 22e EON; 'BquARE;,- - , . • myS-3t• IHr.l L I'lll RENGWALT dc BROWN; - On the premises ItEALL RISTA'rE. D‘ 4 fl.lE• CO PRY -S4 - terr-:,-Inluded, toe."Ex , r-13 nib ' May , Is be yet, .'d.siraulit,-Oetinttr Seat- of-aliOßEatd-fiditi'aL, CMirlibS-i-aw0...”.1 near xlo ntesburg,-1 wehry,third "p.'417d..i1l the City orph,l6- :__lt cunt-ins tili--amlrs.of,a-roundiS acreirliatictibreely, aid 4. at in Lawn -and -gaideav rc,lader end *a-Ike:: Emory - snr!ety , of shade:add 'fruit-trees. etc-toilers:and shruthary,toostregAablagardeiVisild',. -grape - vines in gr. as variety-3s 4.- acres-in - .pasta - re' :ground - and building ,lot 8.- • The improrere s.: consist of a • three-story • hone% • • 41 - OE4O feet, pig zzas on three - Sidek n the first floor. ran*, dinilig-rcrim„,kitchin in the re feud, 11h1)1.-t-iiietwi.e,-withriierbtaliCk,r la. the - centre r slaphke-ugb- the li-agtly of -thebohso,; • 4 shambeWerf.thesOd:rieer- with batksieroii.; inth - eidentre-,4 flie , ,fritm:te,' hot - eta: tionary'wmittitand andWater"ploSer.- • .=.- --*/0411.4..third--- 4thherts and store j .rdeni; within etairway leadzoktistii6 ' 16p of the h ouse; (rein - - Which's; nnevieW is;adfer-ilifteen around:l;W,, ce tior beatthg Marblem an tels and sratea i n flie -and ice - • The.well is twenty:43%4.ft . •feet. 'deep, and has a. fine spring of war er- (exCel k en t)-;which'has nevergiven oat , in the dryest teetrivr.- •• - •' ' ' ''' ' • „ • - - , Tbeetenestable atd carriage honSe is- 30 -byi 3 S r feet", andlas -three btalls tor berseo and-two - fercows.`. The en try in tit e centre of- the, , building divides-the- 1: -0 0f. 1 .-" heifer above-which are two Morns. for servants; ' 'ln_ the stable yard is a chicken house, a good - Weiler Wider,wagon-shed-dic. • - • - ''''' - TN e Situation of lids place la five-minutes' walk frond theßolmeaborg Station. ois theTrenton-Rallroad;Withi:-: a plank-walk-to the entrance - gate; and- possesseillie-. advantage of being :within. a few momenta': walk: or? chbrches,-scrools,storee and the Bristol Turnpike:: TE_ withine .reputation of being one o Philadelphia hest places nine miles the tity of , and hart.. been the .winter and Summar rssidenm of the owner fQr the past eleven years. Ike purchaser can have part of the furniture fair price, if desired. , •smoGoof the. purchase - money may ' , remain on: the property, secured .in the usuat way.': t5OO to be paid , ' when the - property - is a-ruck off. Can be examined from this date to the day of. sale, . • Train leaves Kensington Depot at 3P.M. _ --- • Possession on the 15th cifluae. (my 2 4-5 7 ti'u 14.-74 Jr. ORPHANS' CoI:MT BALM—Esta EONS AVID DAVIS. deceassd,—THOprAs & , - Axi,2„. crneers....VALCA-nr.-,, BUSLNESR S TANI.IO-;- THRI.E STORY BRICK STO -tE • ND DWELLING No. 34.5 NORTH EIGHTH_ STREET.poranant .t 6 . an alias Order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, wilt be sold at Public Sale,"on TUESDAY, MAY 15th' ; 186x,at 12 o' 8011. AT PTILLADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described properly lat., of. David Davis, deceased, vL= No.l (No. sin the Order of Court) All that lot of ground, with thethreeetory brick messnage thereon e voted, situate on' the east side of Eighth street iiiBK feet south of Race strew': containing in breadth north ' and,south IS feet A inches. and m depth east and _ wes 99 teat. Bounded northward by four other men images and let of said David Davis, eastward ey. ground now or formerly of Win Rudolph, southward by ground of Jaa. SharswoOd, granted or intended to have beerigranted to Thomas Clark. , . sar This property hes no rignt to the alley, fOr any : purpose whativer. between this .and the property ad joining on the north. No. 117. N. B.—The above is a very valuable binine B 9 surd," By the Court. E. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0 C. DAVID DAVIS Jr., Adminietrator. - ..r. ' • .M. THOMAS es Southconeers, , 4 apidms 12 I 139 and 10 Fourth street. . PFOB SAI.E—CsiIELIN IBY ice SIDEECE, AT Holmeshurg—Beautiful situation and perfectly faithful; superior Dwelling with the . all the modern conveniencesar.d three acres of. land. Bouuded_by Cokland avenue MM. Decatur and Cambridge streets; Taste(Ully laid tint with shade and fruit trees. stable.: Coach Rouse, .Laundry. die. Close to Holmesburg Pailiond elation_ end Bristol Turnpike. Access-fre quent. Immediate. postession. For farther particu lars. see handbills nud catalogue of M. THOMAS .t f OMS bale of May S. ... GEO. W. faIILL, Jr..- myl-Ste Conveysto er, 727 sausera street. COTTAGES TO LET . .. CAPE ISLAND, NEW nrlEtS, I have several fine Cottages yet to let, fortrished wick all the necessary furniture, &c., except lutens,cruck ery, knives. forks and spoons. Address immediately, A. E. HUGHES, ... • my?. 2ma* Real Estate Ageet. _,_FOR SALE. a VALILI R oomsppity - SEAT at RIVERTON. N.w Jersey., consisting pia nu tantial pointed :stone HcalbE. 'afar • GROUNDS OF ABOUT 134 A fronting the Delaware River on Um tianT%he house - - is furnished with all the modern conveniences,: and supplied with water by a windmill on the premises: , There is .also a good STABLE, with ICE HOUSE,. dm. Apply to _.. • PETER T. WRIGHT, ap2s.l2ts 214 chestnut street, up stairs. FOR BALE—A Farm of 52 acres. at Abington 1113, Station, on the forth . Pennsylvania Raitroad, about half an hour's ride from. Philadelphia This Property includes several line sites for Country lEtesi dances. ALSO—Tao ver:t desirable Cite , Beiddences, Nos. 2.125 arid 211.1 Spring Garden street, Apply to McLEAN, Conveyancer, - _ No. 222 South Fourth atreet. my 2-4 t• 1.1 FLR SALE—.I. RABBI, containing Mt acne u p erlor land, together with modern amble brick mansion; ice and carriage :ho 2 tenant homes; a barns, &c. Situate 1 mile from MoorestoWl4 N. J.; .34 a mile from Camden, Moorestown and Mount Holly Railroad, and lo miles from Camden; five scree of earden fruit. young orchard and handsome lawn, we shaded. J . ik . E. (Antra wy 4- Eilt)NS, 508 Walnut street. - once, SALE-2014 BACTStreet,corner of Freed. Lander street, oppositelllind Asylum. three-story. ouse, double back-buit4ings, saloon parlors, ti charm. ~ hers bath. gas, water-closet, heaters, summer and win- . ter kitchen. ranges, grape vines. Also, o. large lot. on - Freedlander street,lB feet front by 68 feet. deep. If not , sold belt re Nay Bth, will be rented. Inquire at Sfeesl-: a's 116 w Hat store. 613 Cilestanit street. ap3OUrai2 634 NORTH TWELFTH STR Ket.T.—For, .3 A T. 7", Thret-atory DWEL.V.N(3, doable three-story b bulk ings. replete with modern conveniences— gas, heaters, winter and snmm er kitchen, t• al oon par lor, eic. In good order. 14,000 may remain on mon gage. If not sold Word May 15th, will be rented. - quu e at IicCALLA'S.Iiew _Hat store, 613 chestnutstreet. aptotf RSEP WIT 'RESIDENCE FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Beantifally and conveniently ated, within two minutes' walk of Church Lane Station. A 'commodious and e egant RIMITEEMICE. with all the modern conveniences; stable, coach-home, &c. Lot 1802213. Apply between 10 and 2, at 88 North TRIED street. [mba.4 tit] W. P. WUJSTACH. EFOB SALE.— THE NEAT AND DESIRABLE BRIGS LLEtco On emote e order), No. 1227 FIELBERT street,. by MOCRs THOMAS & SONS. at the EX (MANGE, on 'TUESDAY, May 15th. $2,780 re. main: apUS 9,tu,th, - 6t* • im&PRETE STBEEL—POR SALE—A four-story modern brick residence.= feet front, with three story double back buUdit' sm, and lot 119 feet deep team outlet situate on tb,e north aide of Spruce street, below Seventeenth street. ..f. 3L Go7s.lbritY & SONS, SOS Walnut street, , ~,.. -,,;-. - - .. - - grg . FOR SALX - s--' • un Fine 'large - gtone - Wareilon'on 'Milder street. near Township Une,within ten minutes waltc . of ;no Germantown 13:"It. Station:- PFOR.EALE--COTPAGEAT CAPE ISLAND oa Lafayette stieet; lot SO feet by 20u deep zooms. piazza hoot and back on first and second stories'. 'One 'half can reim,Jn on mortgage. It not - sold before - Jtme Ist: will be rented, furnlsited. Inquire' -- at McC s lla'a new Hat store, SIS Chestnut st. ApSamis: - • -- nWEST PHILADELPHIA. PROPERTY FOR HALE CHRAP.—The last one .of those splendid ',- wit , tone Dwellings,. No. 42.13 B&C &EY. street, finished in the best manner, with all the modem con veniences. Apply to C. D. SUPP.LEE 740 North Nine teenth street.. ssp24-12t* FOB, SALE—Desirable Country Seat and Faulk Of twenty-five acres, threelburtna of smile Nina .. o reen Lane Station, North Pennsylvanialtalirealk.... DICSSON BRUM:MRS.. wanantatreet. m3ath•B4uStl. FOR ..E.ALII.--Tbe loar.story , modern brick residenCe 20 feet Ont. - With ; tbree - etol7 doable back buildings, and lot 117 feet deep to a thirty feet wide street. &mate No. UM Filbert street. J.M. MAY et -SONS; SOS Walnut street. InARCH SIBEFT—FOR SALE—A threeetory moclern brick BESIDI NOE, with et - lee and. s tbrestory double back" bitildings and lot 20 set front' by 103 feet deep: situate Nireteenth and Arch: streets,' J. 111 .0133dislEY & nONS 003 Walnut street. . Ng_POD. S A three-story ; brick residence..., with tbree story back buildings, and every cion .venience, and newly patered and painted :thronghout; situate No. no South Twenty-tirst, street. - .J.3d. GUM-. 3LEY & SONS. al S Walnut street. i• - • • - EDFOR BALE.-The fofir•StOiy brick Residence, with double back buildings, end lot 20 feet front by 100 feet deep to al2 feet wide street; situate No. 235 South Sixth street. J. SONS. NS Walnut streets;". ; . 11PThirtyOS AN D GROUND. N. E. Cor ner eight and Walnut, West Palladelptda, ieet front by he feet deep; grapevines ; fruit treeS, natural spirit g water.. Imetediate r.oasession Inquire at „tie aftlitia new Hat store, 018 Chestnut:at. apBo44l . , tTO LEZ 13.131,E1D1A.TE, P0851D3910N, Three-story DWALLI.I.VQ, double back buildings, in five summit ofCuntinental. ,Parlor andeecond story carpet's ,for sale. 'tent. eumr., Address JUNO, ituLrErtal oftlee. . . • , - • • :spots !TO BENT.-Fourth' and Fifth stories No. Bouth.Beeond street, suitable for light m. nufac. mg purposes; will be rented I we to a-good tenant. Apply - to S. H. CURTIO & SON, Real Estate Brokers. aa NV atree ' • ' yom .BALE OKRA? — A tbreeetor7 brick diva Inc With back . butldlngs. Bill Poplar street, modern convenience% Apply to J. H. CURTIS ,64. BOIL Real Estate Brokers. 481 Walnut street. biIIFOR SALE —A .tbree-story b ick Worn atone nasty, Noitb Seventeeinth street rktge- &c: to L H. CURTIS & SON: Rel . .totate mokers. *3 walnut street. gift- BENT—A desirable House tn castrations, stre Ma' • LIOn. Best Apply at 1327 viosiveort BOARDING. 'OILARGE AIRY ROOMS will be vacant; .with board, on the 7th instant, a 5 Mrs. Sudgren's, 1010 IDOARDiIs;O=-TWO 'YOUNG MEN CAN . conimpeated With Boar 4 hi a prlvate famllyoillli all the comforts cpra borne, within a few dquaresof.tbe Baltimore Depot.. Addrten,"llenwo," thin °lnce. 413:34' MFiFevi*A' ,4 M
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