'HOARY) OF TRADB ANDREWWHERLVE, HD W. Y. TOWNSEND, Moarna.Y THORNTON I ROWN. 114 (JAV 1.0 Reportea tbr the ma.uad l emma 1 11mverg Bulletin. MATANZAS—Schr Florence B ger% Bogeys-565 hhds molasses as ma do John Mason as Co. • • ST. JOHN. h‘ll.-8( hr him garet Ann, WhelPier -51,871 feet spruce boards 52,208 ft pine do 15,600 palings D Tramp. SOD at CO. &MI% Vs , "AM istacN n reaas ameanteaw. TO UMB YELOY DAPS IlSrm Penn.--. .. .. .-...lfavre- YorkNewk - April 15 Palmyra...-. LivorpooL-New York...---April 24 Kangaroo .Liverpool.. New York ...April 25 New York Bouthampton-New York. .April 25 Pennsylvania.-.Liverpool..l4ew York.-.......Apr1l 25 Atalanta.-... - London_New York...---. April 25 Peruviau.......--Liverpool-Quebec. . .—.---April 213 8eivet1a.........--LiverpooL-New Y0rk . ......--April 27 China -LiverpooL-Boston. .April 23 City of New York...Liverp'l...New York April 52 Propoutis.....- .. ... .I.lverpool-Boston&Phila.--Inay 2 Damascus Liverpool... Quebec.... May 3 Jaya. ...... - ..... .....-Liverpool-New York...-. ...... May 6 TO DEPART. 'Wm Penn New York... London .May 8 Eagle _New York... Havana.....-„, .... .May 9 Louisiana .New York... Liverpool. May 9 Africa:.„„Boston.-Liverpool Ma 9 Anir•isniPL New V ork...Bremen May 10 And'w ohnson_New York-Havana May 10 West'n Metropolis N. Y0rk...8remen.....--... May 10 Costaltica .New York...Asplowall.-..- ...... May 11 City of Washingt'n-N York...LlverpooL May 12 Arago .New York.,Havre .May 12 Caledonia .New York... Glasgow May 12 Scotia-.- .....,.....New York-Liverpool.... --May 19 Santiago de Cnba...-N York-San Juan, NW. May 19 ptirFvoNAraufill.Dii of part sj94) 4:frisllSO: :a Ci=N WON Brats, 5 3 l Bus Errs, 637 I Rpm WAVES. 6 20 rtEtIVED THIS DA Steamer S C Walker. Sherin. 24 hours from New 'York, with mdse to W Baird & Co. Steamer Concord, Norman ,24 home from Newyork, With mdse to V , m hi Baird & co. sehr Margaret - Ann (Br). Wbelpley, 20 days from St. John. NB - with lumber to D Trump. Sop & Co. Bohr E Q Wiliard: Parsons, 8 days from Portland, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Buhr Flerenee Rogerti ijogers , 15 days from' Matsu- MS. with m lasses ' John Mason 4 g, Co. • Schr Octavla Ellen. Elliott, 3 days from Salsbury, with lum oar to I B Philitps—not as nefore. Schr Minnie Repplier, eteelman, from Salem. Rehr E & L Marts, Marts, from Boston. t3chr Townsend, Townsend, from New York. r.l-1 itl tin _ • steamer Hatanahl: Sophia, Tear, Harlem, NY. Ban croft, Lewis & Co. Bark Gen She.rman, Russ. Nuevitas, J E Batley & Co. Behr J C Bates, Hankinson, St John, NB. Workman & Co. Schr J Cadwalader. Steelman, Salem,Rathbun,Stearns Behr E & L Marts, Marts. Beverly. do t3chr. Daniel ownsend, Townsend, Boston, Quintard, Sawyer & Ward. Fehr R A Sanders, Carroll, Boston, Canner, Stickney & Wellington. Saw Pearl. Brown, Boston,Van Dusen,Loeltman do Co. Behr S L Stevens. Studley. Providence. do Behr W G Bartlett, Connelly, Boston, Blakleton,Graeff _8; Co. Schr Minnie Repplier, Steelman. Boston, J G&GS Repealer. Bar J H Moore, Nickeyson. Boston, Mt Vernon Cl CO. kiCE, sr N.; D YEt3TERDAY Steamer Susan. Vanderveer, 40 hours from Hartford, With mdse to Wm M. Baird & Co. Bohr Golden Fagle, lie•ly. 4 days from New Bed ford, with mdse to Carman, Merchant & Shave. Off -Quarantine, passed schrs E G Willard. from Portland, and .E Nickerson from Boston, Passed in the bay, bark Orlando. from West Indies, at anchor. Behr Isabel Alberto, Hulse, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Bohr Octavia, Elliott. a days from Salisbury, Md. with railroad ties. &c. to I B Phillips. Behr Dick 'Williams, Scudder, from BOSton, in bal last to Day ea Huddell. Bohr Pequonnock, Barnes, from Wilmington, Del. in ballast t.. Van Dusen, Lockman & Co. Schr Lancet, Bayard, 1 day from Christiana, Del. with grain to Christian & Co. Bahr M Powell, Fenton.4rom Bridgeport, Ct. CLEARED YlifSTEßbe. Ship yrs Clark, Carver, Acapulco, Carman, Merchant dc Shaw. Brig Maria Blanca (SM,Gelpie,Trinidad, S & W Welsh Schr Pequonnock, Barnes, Boston, Van Dusen, Loch man & Co. 'Schr D Williams. Scudder, Boston, Day Huddell. f.chr Belle Seaman, Seaman. Washington. I T Justus Bohr M Powell. Fenton, Hartford, Westm'd Coal Co. Behr Eldorado. Insley, Washington, Bacon,Collins&Co Bohr Charles. Jobb, Baltimore, do Bohr Wm .1' Orr, Chambers, Petersburg, do Bohr Bee, Hearn, Washinston, do Behr Osceola, Harris. Norfolk, do .Schr Cynthia Jane, Bellows, Norwich Captain. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Dad... May 8-5 PIK 'The bark ME Cornier. for Cronstadt; brig Ida for - Halifax . and Ella tor St Jago. went to seayesterday. The bark Illza Y.urg for Londonderry; begs Harp, for Bangor Mae Helene. for Falmouth, went to sea to-day. The brig Herald, /rom Mats , - za, and achr Edna Harwood; rrom Sagas,pota to In and proceed up. 'Wind W.. J. 14 TT T , YARD BIIBTOIg. Steamer Bosphorns. Alexander, sailed from Boston I PM. yesterday for this port. Steamer City of London (Br). Mirehouse, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamer Allemania (numb), Trautman, cleared at New York yesterday for Hamburg. Steamer Emily B Studer, Lockwood, cleared atNew York yesterday for Charleston. Steamer Westchester, Ingram, cleared at New York yesterday for Wilrnington,Del. Steamer Lafayette ,Fr), _Len:mire, cleared at New YOrk yesPrday for Havre. Steamer Hermann (Stem), Wenke, cleared at New York 'yesterday ST Bremen. Steamer Erin (Br), Cutting, cleared at New York - yesterday for Riverpool. Steamer Isabella, /or Rio Janeiro, cleared at Balti more yesterday. Behr Martha. Renny, for this port, cleared at St. John, NB. yes . ereaY. • Schr Hard, Brooks.hence for Newport: Fanny Fern, Saunders. do tor Providence. and Fanny Reamer, do for Hartford. at roar York yesterday BOOT AND b1101;b 3T. m 4c) "V" A. 14 • 8001 S AND SHOES. ID.:EterOxerT Air; Skyn 'Have removed from their old stand, No. 48 South FOURTH Streit:which they have occut ied for nearly 20 years, lo e large and comtr odious store No. 718 -CIED-TNIJT etreet, dbectly opposite Masonic Ha L We take pleasure In stating , o our patrons and the public g.nerally that a e are enab'ed In consequence of extraordinarY eta k of goods now on hand to make a - material reduction in our price: In connection h our regular business we have al ways a large stock of Youttes fine Boots and Shoes, made with the san a care and atteston to comfort, durability and tv yle that is bestowed on our best Men's Go xis. We haVealso the best arrange tents for mak ing to order the beet and most substantial Boots and Shoes for Ladies. apl9th,s,tt2lnf B J. WILLIADIS , No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET. ILLNUFACTUBKII OP YENITI.AN .BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. rio z ix= and lined tumortanent in the city at th Store Shades. made and lettered, anit-if 31MON COLTON &CLARKE. To Famili es Residing in or Going to the Country. 'Mose who wish to purchase sn lies of the best qua• _stook PINE 1ti.103 will Sind a full and choice of the best that can be Imported or procured from the New Yolk. Boston or Philadelphia markets. and can besuppried with goods in package at whole sale Particular at'ention is paid to packing in the neat est as d most safe manner poesille. Goods delvered to any of the D. pots,Rapress Offices 4or vain the Country free of charge. SIMON COLTON &•CLARKE iml9-tf S. W. Cora BROAD AIM WALNUT Mb . FOE BOSTON. STEABISPI'P LINE DIRECT. BAILING FROM Ed( 71.PnitI EVERY FIVE LAYS, FROG PINE ST. WHARF, PIIII.ADI,LPELLS., 91 AND LONG IA HARP, 8.8 tON. e steamship Al TES, Captain Bogus, win sail from Philadelphia on eaturday evening, htay b. The steamship SAXON t avtain Matthews, will sail - from Boston on Wednney May S. at 12 M. The line between P delpnia and Boston is now • composed of the . SAXON, Captain Matthews, IWO' ons burthen. lIMAN, Captain Crowell, 1200 tons hurthen. A.1.21k.5. Capta n Boggs, 9eo tons burthen. These substantial and well anpolrued steamships - will rail puncttuuly as advertiied and &debt will be received every day. :a steamer belt g always on the 'berth to receive cargo. Shippers are, requested to send Bills of Lading with 411 F el o r r g fr ml eig a h • t or image. apply to HE^ EY WENSOR & CO., my 5 832 South Delaware avenue. _ NATHAN'S Auctioneer Money Broke i .A.• N. E. corner of Third and Spruce streets, only one =3 below the Exchange NAT 33 Ayes% Principal , established for the last forty years. Money to loan in large or email ansonnte, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Silver Plate. WitteMikeweh7. Cloth end g oods or evary description. omoeholustren sr V • dle/Mtni wwwwwil ti vALL attention So- OUI ono! flume assortment at superior PIABOIS virrri.hich- we always have on Dud, soil sew thins at very reasonable =loei to purchasers. Bait o careretioes auo YULE crI7.II.IIAISTIM lotariabb Oven Us 7 1J - 11I0S1 PIANO SIABlaiA(111111WRiii1,11 astar urn w - .anus sheiti REAL MITATI6. COUNIRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE, an large and well Smashed Rowe with stabling and car s lage house, with plenty of good water fruit. Two acres of ground enclosed. Situated on Woodbury Road. near Red Bank Berm. (N. J.) /In mediate possession. Apply to GEO. J. HENICELS, N.W.ctor. "Zhiiteenth and Cheatant eta., naykiit ITILLADELPRIA. 1 a 1:4 • • :4 • c A STONE COTTAttE. ne roams; sitnateon Stenton'Atvenne, commanding a fine view; half-way between Wayne and Fisher's Lane stations on Philadelphia and Germantown rail road, and within one square of Germantown turnpike. Apply to 0. X EVANS, mya-Dtv 631 Arch street in.TO LET—THREE HOUSES FOR THE sum mer, or year, one not furnished. App7 at the store of HIBBARD ./ BON; West end of (4arrettford plank road, and one mile North from Relleyyille eta. tion on W. C. P. Railroad. Address W. DARBY, Del aware County. rays3,,* ripTO. APNT—WEST PHILADELPHIA—A large three-story Dwelling , with double back bu dings; Bath, linage. Heater, large Yard, dm. Apply Walnut street, first house below ThlrtY•alxlk street. ' Ins4.3t* at TO RENT—Rooms of Building No. 4 2 Son'h I *MT/31RD street, suitable for Offices, with all the the - conveniences. Apply to R. F. RALKY. first Boor. znys-s tu,th-tf/ !l- ()EMHART° WN.—TO RENT—For the sum mer, a FURNISHED HOUSE, Fisher's Lane, 5 utes , walk of Railroad station. very desirable loos tion. Apply No. 737 MARKET street, Phila. [mys-3ts TO RENT.—A, furnished RESIDENCE, with Stabling and Lawn attaohed. near Germantown. o a four emu Residence, West Spruce street, Ap ply at 1812 IWI ST Street, 9or 8 o'clock. my4Bt. • THE "EXCELSIOR" • 1.x1.1'4 (Selected from the best Corn-Fed Hogs,) ARE ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER, Ar CO. GENERAL PROVISION DEALER'S And Curers of the Celebrated "V.X.CPA.LAISICIiEit 55 • . • Sugar Cured Hams, TONGUES AND BEEF, N05.!142 and 144 NORTH FRONT ST, None genuine unless branded "J. H. M. k CO., HICCKESIOR." Tae many mebrated "EXCELSIOR" HAMS are cared H. M. PIP iteeralf to them• flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to anfenrizo.tehrecgor Sumzeier Xtesort. Carlisle White :ulpiaur Springs. These celebrated Springs will be open about the first of June. They have been recently purchased by the undersigned. The grounds refitted, the hotase repaired and repainted, and EN i'LRELY Iia.FURNISH_ItD, in moo ern style. They are situated about four miles from Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa., among the gorges of the Blue Mountains, air of the purest, drives of the best, accoramodati, , ns of the most particular. Billiard ha loons Bowling Alleys; Walks. Bathe, tte. Adapted to those who sees a secluded. yet most ac cessible resort from the approaching sickly season of the cities. Two hours' drive from la arrisburg. Pa, by a delightful road and through our best scenery. Thirty minutes drive from Carlisle. For further particulars apply to W. G. THOMPSON. Proprietor of the State Capital Hotel. Barrisburg.Pa, et McCULLOCH, Carlisle Springs, Cumberland co. Pa. ItEF'ERENCI S.--Gov. A. t. Curtin, Hon. Simon Cameron, Adit. Gen. Russell George Bergner, Harris burg 7 elegraph; Richard Haldeman-1i tuTisburt. Judge Watts, Judge Graham. Judge Hepburn, J. B. Parker, John h ohm, Oen. E M. Bid dle—tarllsle. Gen. 4- ler.lia ajorßoyal—Qtrlislo Barracks. my 4 lin .33.A..krosit es ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and best assortment of Wigs. Toupees Long Hair Braids and Curls, Water-falls, Victorines, Fri• settes, Illusive Beams for Ladies, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. Crah224P 909 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN C. ARRISON 3 Nor. 1 and 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Would invite the attention of Gentlemen to hie IMPROVED PATTERId SHIRT, theMa4l4l2 l lld= zco iget manner, rgul TO GIVE SATISF ACTION. LSO, TO A COMPL A ETz STOOK. OB Gentlemen's Punishing Goods; Suitable fertile Season apt-Sm ru; HIESKELL'SMAGIO OIL CURES rrErJrirEll, I! ERYSIPELAS, ITCH, SCALD HEAD, AND ALL SKIN MARA gEB I Warranted to cure or money refunded. For sale by all Druggists. Principal Depot, ASHAERAWB PHARMACY, No. 336 SOUTH SECOND ST. tar Price 25 cents per bottle. aP2I-am rp SUPERIOR MUIR G VIXECIAkt, PICKLES, KETCHUPS, PRESERVES, SAUCES, JELLIES, SYRUPS / MUSTARDS, &e., 60, All warranted to be of a superior quality. MANUFACTI3BED BY EMIL MATHIEU & SON, Nos. 120, 122 and 124 Lombard Street, Below Second. apg REFRIGERATORS SMITH it BIOHAIIDSON Agents _for the e . f i rg a lravAv t e4ebir.ted mum. COAL From Six to Twenty and • - 611 _II.IIIIILET STREET. "FOR HARTFORD; CONN 'DIRECT, VIA DELAWARE AND 'RARITAN -- , rbe steamer 8174A1v.: Cpptaln VandPveer. now loading at Second wha' t beloOrSoruce street. will leave AA shove on THIIIIED AV, loth Inst. Freight talon on reasonable terns . Apply to WXI6. aanart 4. co:, 188 South Wharves. tax DAILY It Vllllll 4 lO BULLETIN : SATURDAY, MAY b , Lam. Carpetings ! Carpetings ! AT RETAIL MoCallums,' Crease do Sloan, No. 519 Chestnut Street, orposrm rsancrxtamscii HALL, Now offer their extensive Stock of Foreign and Domestic CARPETINGS 9 AT REDUCED PRICES, Mattin Warehouse McCALLUMS, CREASE & SLOAN, 609 Chestnut Street, (Opposite Independence Hall), HAVE XIIBT RECEIVED One Thousand Rolls, CANTON MATTING ALSO TWO HUNDRED ROLLS. CALCUTTA COCOA MATTING, All Widths and Styles, ap h n t i :the Lowest Prices. J UST kik,O.UIVED, Velvet Carpets, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, Chestnut Street. 3-4; 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 CANTON MAT TINGE; CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, , FOR STAIRS AND RA LS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. .1"..& E. B. ORNE. No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET: • 500 PIECE S NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 004 Chestnut St. ULEN ECHO-MILLS: GERMANTOWN, PA.. IfeCALLUMS,CREASE & S LOAN mAITErFAmt m mi llyti3 ll 2L.ND WHOLa CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING& dtc, wmuntot l ic, NO. 509 CHESTNO STREET, Oppoelte the State Ho= e, PHILADELPHIA. Retail Department, Igo. 4519 Chestnut St. =helm rp CAItPETI • N G. LEEDOM & SHAW Invite attention to their assortment et Foreign and Domeatio CARPETING. I NOW OPICIMG AT No. 910 Arch Street, nons.sinot Allinvlt NINTH. VELLOW prxx rwoßrNa BOd.RDB.-1110 000 1 feet yellow ne floor!ogtoards, Afloat p o p e w e br E. A . BOMBE & 00.. Dock strret wharf. apiele _ . ,.. T.ONDOti. LAYPat ROLTSINEL—VrboIe ' and Hail i. 4 bozo' boo, g0r147,, London "Ayer Babble. for solo bir. - E.Bum.. a 09.108 B. Denman) Avenue. CARIPETINCIB. YAIID-AZTD-A-HALF:WIEDE NEW DEEIGNS 904- WRITE, RED AND FANCY J. F. &E. B ORNE, ANIIETMUI:MTS. See fiecond.Page for additieness ettnuseenersee MUSICAL 'FUND 'HALL. COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT • PREBEN'rATION OF THE CARL WOLFSOHN TESTIMONIAL, o Saturday Ev.ening;May sth, 1866. tPItOGRAMICE. OVERTIME—("Ictin ot, tr.) • _ Beethoven OR-HES IRA. CONCHRTO ro for Piano—No.sAdagio op.poco 73.El:tat—Beethoven AllsK— m ZER.VARLWOLFAOHN ANDORCHESTRA. EDNA TA—(Enentzer)—Platto and Violin— op 47. A major.. . . Adagio sostennto—i ; ;;WGZ-X;iiia.47 con Variasloni— Presto dnale. - MESSRS. THOMAS AND WOLPSOHN. SYMPHONY—No. 2. D major___.,......Beethoven Adagio molto—A Negro con brio--Lsrgnettscherzo r.--s II egro motto. OROEIETRA. cowntrcron. MR. THEODOR e, THOMAS. It AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THE THIRD Alf D LAST CONCERT HANDEL AND HAYDN EOCIETY WILL MICE PLACIi ON Tuesday Evening, May 15,1866, On which =salon 841.T01V8 A. t 4 S Will be performed entire. bileS CAROLI , B.RICHOIGS, Soprano; Et B. GRUDGE: SI at Dtso h. Tenor; MR J. 11. THOMAS BiltBo. Will sustain the pri.cipal parts.assisted by the power ful chorus of the Society. of THREE RIINDRED VOICES, and the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, CHARLES SCR HIDT, Leader. The whole under the direction of CARL RENTZ. The Box Sinew. will be opened at C. W. A. TIO7SIP LIM'S Music Store Seventh and Chestnut, on WED NESDAY, May 9. Tickets to all parts of the cents Deserved Seats- ..... . . ... . 41 00 Concert to corOlX7ence Sttbscribers bolaine tickets da•ed May w illill pre at 8 o'clock precisely. sent them at TI MM MBE's, wliere they rere ve Tickets for Deserved Seats In exchange, for the 15th. my 5,8,10,12,14,15-6t4 TRIUMPHAL RETURN S. (t 3. 11.0.'C'VES'S EUROPEAN CIRCUS. fs B. 11 0 W. resnentfoil7 informs the public that be has returned to America, ter an absence of seven years In Europe, bringing to this want** the most COMPLETE CIRCUS the world has ever seen, con bluing all tho great Equestrian performers of Englana and Continental Europe numbering nearly • 100 MALL AND FE !ALE ARTISTS. The public are re•pectfully !wormed that thls "im memo establlsaro ens, sal I open in n Monday. Mrly 7, And dive a limited number of GIIAND irma LB I TIONS EVERT DAY AND EVFNING, 01'3 3.HE ACADEMY OF MUSIC LOT, corner of LOCUST AND BROAD STREETS. A dmisalon. .-.50 cents Children urd— »_... e, 11 year*. • • 15 cots Nr. HO W S. with a desire ,to tratlly the universal public as well as his immediate patrol s announces A GRAND ORATt.,IIOUS EXHIBITION, which the people or komp.(' flocked by thousands from distances of ten to twenty miles to witness A GORGEOCS PAGEAN • , More brilliant that. ever beheld by mortals since the Gaya of chivalry. or the apier dors of the Field of the Cloth or Goid. .In this great proceteion will appear the Grand Chariot of -olus. with the full OPERA BAND, loltowed by the BEACTiFUL TABLEAU CAR Ca-Tying a living LION 1,.: THE S fhttETS • and containing an Allegorical Tableau of America, rea resented by a group of beatultul Fecoales.classically draped. At the fret of the Goddess of Liberty crouches a large living Lion, trained by Mr. Crockett. Around are grouped beautiful girls, representing EUROPE.A.FRICA AND AMERICA. with Truth and Justice, standing by. This magnificent per.patetlc picture s.lll be followed by NEPTUNE'ri CHARIOT. CHINESE C.4ARtt.T OF 0 , NFIICIL'S, Ats , IVE CASE OF Ly,,,Nti, and other Chariots. Cara and Berlins, of exquielte workmanship, drawn by detect merits o' the magnifi holeed ot fo Artists. and succeeded by the troupe of including the moat ceautifal LADY RIDERS in the wand. a mud or FO RTI EN SHETLAND PONFFS, drawing the FAIRY t ItaltlOT OFIITANIA,. The whole forming the most attractive out-door display ever whnft.SeCl on U is COntit out, Mtt. C AttacßOC hed to HETS D N OF W this establishme lLD nt is AND FEROCIOUS which will ho exhibited by Mr. PIERCE. who will I enter the DEN OF LYONb, and exhibit hie astOnisb tog magnetic power over the monsters or ti e desert and jungle, feed them with raw meat horn his naked band, and demonstrate bis control over them by ming them perform &number of matuenvres and novel evce tuitions During an iniervat in the Cirrus entertain ment, Mr. Piens:, will go through Ma daring and won derful performance wltnin the IMMENnE DEN OE' WILD LYONS in the centre of the arena, exhibiting to the audience a degree of sterling courage and Iron nerve never before equalled by mortal man. Prominent among the attractive talent of the Arena are such Art'ats SAME, DEMOTTE, the great European Science and charaNer rider. CHO IaLES Ex • FD, the renowned trick rider and eummersatuti.t. MB. T, We TSON, the great Shakaperian equestrian. THE RIP, MO BhOTIFLERS in number), Joseph Belmont , J. B. Belmortt, E (funr .1. Belmont and Harry Belmont, the great t•ymnestic, Acroaatic end Apabaltracritle performer& LAZ EL LT and Bin O, the accomplished 'Postures and A robats. LITTLIt MAC, the wonderful Man-Monkey and comic rider. Among the beautiful lady riders the maneger_pointa with pleasure to MADEMOISELLE JOSIs.P.I9E, lately the pet re th.. Parisian Public. MISS LIICY WATSON. L'equestrfenne Anglett,r. t om the principal arenas of England and late of Artley's Amphitheatre, London. MISS GRACE BE,LaalB, the accomplished Amer!. can female • 'der. NA.TALIS BLANCHE, the Australian Equestrienne. bENOR PA REPA, the beautiful Viennese, from the Cirque St Mark, Venice. WM. HOLLOWAY, the renowned Rider, Leaper, and innumerable Sons ro ersault 'Thrower. Abl Ahl Abl "Bele we are Again." SA.BI LONG the great American Jester and isidesplitter. general to the "Soverelans" of the Union. FRANK WHITAKER, the great British Fu mouse. whose jokes are as fami liar to the Cockneys of London as the sons,d of BGNI bells. In addition to these distinguished names, the Troupe comprises ma , y others. DOUBLE TROUPE i•F GYMNASTS, Where cambintd tab nt wit. be brought into request. Bon in a grand series of Acrobatic end Gymnastic evolutions, ens Wed THE BEDOUIN ARAB. The beautiful Irained Rome CANA Ry Will be introdtked by Mr. William Organ. Mr. Walter Wa erman wal introduce and perform his Troupe of Beautiful RICK PONIES. t • Performance at 2 and 7% P. M. WALTER WA.TIMMTA.N. 'l.qmatrian Director. NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. B street, above TwELFTH. L. GRUVER .4 WM E. KIN N. Lessees zdat lßß e r s, THIS (SA TURD Y) a FTER's OON and EVEPCING, ANNUAL BKNEFIT • ANNUAL sENRFIT .ARN UAL OF B ENEFIT WI L L L L WITIAM-E A SI E. SINN,SI VI , LLIAM E SINN ) , (Resident pe T`TtIS EV ',ca EN na ING, GRAND DOUBLE ATTR A crION. GRAND DGITBLe ATTRACTION. IMMENSE B 1 I L. INIM.PNSE BELL, MISS JULIA DALY MISs JOLLA DALY 1)1188 JULIA DALY • NIS4 JrI!JA DALY D ISI JULEAALY In her groat specialtye „OUR FRIA ALE AMERIOAN rOITSIN. OUR PTIM IL LE AM.. RICAN 01)IIstN. OUR FEMALE AMERICAN OUSIN. OUR FEMALE' AMR p• In s N 0 /UsLbt. Mlcs KATE PE %MOYER PdVii , ice • E PItFNOVI.I3. MASS KATE PEN'NoVER. - • le INS SATE cENicovailt In he r r celebrated trot erronatlon of THE FREW H SPY: PatNeu bpir. T R.E PREECE SPY. THE FRENCH SPY. • TEE PERaCH sPY. 80th pleas matt^ the I PULL STRENGTH OF THE 00VpA.NY. Adisdaspan to Evenlnz Pencrinstioe, no., too. audit. AMIINEMFAM'b. FIRST UREA 1 pOtIBITION Oil Paintings, Etchings, Statuettes, &c. All works of the tint artiste of Iturope, under the directional' ht...A. OADAllnat BIRCH'S GALLERY, No. 1110 CHEST.WUT STREET. dmlssion.-. 3M4ltitta Smon CwAls Penni Academy of Fine Arts. The Forty-third. Annual Exhibition of PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE I&. NOW OPEN, Chestnut Street, above Tenth, From 9A. M. to 7 P. M., and from 8 till 10 in the Evening. ap2441/ A MIGIAIuAIe AuALS.MY ON corner of BROAD and LOrIIST Streets. Lessee and Manager .. . WREA.TLEY. isPI.RNDID ATTRACTION. SATURD 9 .Y EVENING. May, sln, Will be presented the laughable Pantomime of THE sOILoOLDI ASTER. Master Tricks Boniface_ Francois Rfivel Mr. Blrcb. the Schoolmaster ... ....Gabriel Ravel repre:.entation of the Pin 7 4 . 3 . l7ine, entitled 'IRE FOUR LOVERS. Bebe. a comic character ..„Gabriel Ravel 31 II ord ead . —.. -- . - - .—Antolne Ravel Concluding with the now Pantomimo Ballet of THE t °NITA itAND.InT. Picolo, a Comic Servant .. —FrarICOIS Bevel COMIC PAS Dls • By Francois Ravel and 11'11e Desiree. UN MONDAY EVENING. Id ay 7th. First night of the celebrated Pantomime of IRE ORREN MONSTER. _ and LAST IA EKE of the RAVEL ENGAGEMENT. adm 'Won so centa Reserved Seats »»..». 75 cents Family. Circle , 80 cents; Amphitheatre. 25 cents. Doors open at pass 7. Curtain rees at 8 o'clock. Seats reamed in advance at C. W. A. Trumpler's Manic store, Seventh and Chestnut-streets, and at the Office of the A cademy from 9 till o'clock. WALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. corner VV NINTH and WALNUT Twelfth Night of the Brilliant Fng.sgement of • MR. P. DWIN BtX)i SPECIAL NOTICE. In consequence ot the length and importance of HAMLET, A s now presented, public Is most respect fully Informed that the Overture will commence at a quarter past 7' o'clock, and at the conclusion of which toe curtain Will rise. THIS AND EVE EVENING. ME. EDWIN BOL,T RY H AS HAMLET. The tragedy has been In preparation fur montlusand is new produced in a style, It is hoped, combining splendor w.th STRICT HISTORICAL CORRECTNESS. ..... (Males Barron 7.H Tay h r Hamlet will constitute - the evening's pert', rmance. MRS. JOHN DREVir'S NEW ARCH STIrkE7 • TUE...AMY. Begins at Ai to it o'clock._. REVIVAL OF THE sTRESETS OF NEW 'IMRE. • THIS (Saturday, EVENING, May 5, lsee, Boucicaulea Grand Play of • THE St BEE, SOF NEW YORK. • WITH ITS GREAT f , NOW SCENE, !RR sem E, HOME OF 7HE POOR, AND h Obits OF 7 HE RICH. Metre Rankin Robson a _ MoNDA Y—BkNEF . :T EIANEIN, Only night of THE DEAD HEART. TllESDA'F—Camplimentary Testimonial to ISS NO* 'SIII. DR MARDI:4 MATES WEDNE DAY—RENEFIT OF OWEN MARLOWE. Seats secure." six days in advance . ; ♦1 . Z. t t dr. IHE OLDEST AND LAItGEST SADDLE HARNESt-: Manufacturing Establishment in the Country. EA CEY, MEEKER 6z Co No, 1216 CHESTNUT STREET OFFF-Et OF THEIR OWN 11ANCOPACTURE: BUOGY HARNESS, troto--....--422 50 to flu LIGHT BAROUCHE trona &I CO to 35t. HEAVY do do ----.........75 tO to %Y. .Fv - PRESS,BRASS ISOUNTED BanivEtsZi 50 to 9E WAGON and SELF.AD.IDSTENG.—.--15 00 to Et STAGE and TEAM do g) to 5C LADLES' SADDLE do CO to 1% GENTS' do do .--. 3 co to 71 Bridles, Blonntings, Bits, Rosettes, Horse Covent, Rrashes. Combs, Soaps, Blacking, Ladies' and Gents' Traveling ano Tointst Sara and backs, Lunch Bashes Dressing and Shirt Cases,Tranks and Valises. natio.= No. 1216 Chestnut Street. ti clr 10 It , n.al.lr.k> THuMAS & SONS. AUCTIONEERS, Nos. L . and 141 South Fourth street .3TOCKS AND ethAL EbTATk.--11. MDAY Pamphlet cataloglaes now ready, containing full de scriptions of all the rroperry to be sold on 7PESDAY NEXT Bth inst., with a list of sales May 15th 16th. V.SL and =M. comprising Avery large amount on d great variety of valnaule Property, by ruder of UU. plums' tsrctrt. Exec tors. Trustees, netts and others, to be' Bold peremptorily. STOCKS, .I.e. ON TUESDAY. IdAY 8. At 12 o'cloc.t. noon. at the Philadelphia Plichange, pill be Bold— Executors' Sale. 4 shares • Fank of Ya .n Towr sh'p. 1 share Philadelphia Library Co. 2 aharea B oad teoantain Mammoth Vein Coal Co. PEIVrt HOLY TRINTY CHURCH. Pews Nos. 137 and laS Holy Trinity t horat. PH W OBACL. CHURCH Pew No. SS Grace Chorea. For other accounts— 8 shares Continental B ore' Co. 1 share Point Breeze Park AssoclAtion. Box stall Point Eimer, Sark Association.:` Six Six t5OO Coupon Bonds Belvidere and Delaware Rail road (Cao,deri and Amboy Railroad and Delaware w d Raritan t anal.) eloOu Bond. , Ist Mortgage, 7 per cent. Camden and Atlantic Railroad Co. 5 shares Academy or Music. - I share Mercantile Library Co. 1000 shares CrFacent City 011 Co. 100 shares stoyal Petaoisum Co. lnuO shares Glendale cal Co. 250 shares 1 ygart a Valley 011 Co. lto shares Plumly Farm and Long Run 011 and Coal Mining Co 500 shares Spring Dal • 01 1 Co. ste shares till Spring P. troleum Co. 100 shares Ashland Petrolttim Co. 1000 ah.res Flo•ence Oil CO. 55 shares South litratining Co. 50s snares. W.lont Island Oil ( o. 10e0 nor Valley 011 Co. s.. ores Banner Oil and Mining Co. Executor's Sale—Estate af.lames Field. decd . __ HANZSOME .b.E , 4I.INCE AND FIItt.NITURE, No. 102 P.. 6 CE street. ON TUESDAY MORNIN a MAY 13. At ]O o'clock, will be sold at public able cri the pre. raises, FURNITIiftE, CARPETS, &c, Immedia'ely after the sale of the house will be sold the houhebold ana kitchen turnitu e Sc. parti culars in catalogues. Executors' Peremptory Sate on the Premises—Estate ot MODERN vid J BRO Wayne, N dPc'd PLANDBOMES ONE I=l. DENCE ADD FURNITURE No. 282 Seuth THIRD street. With Brick stable and Coach Souse on Bingham's Court. Lot 20 feet trout, 1903, feet deep, 15,4 'test on Shoham's ( - owl, • ON WEDNESDAY NOBNING, MAY 16. At to loch. Will be sold at public sale. without re serve. on ti e premiers. The house is t nished with dern conveniences It has a billiard room, also a bowling al ey, was , house. dic. HANDSOM s FUR?, TUBE, MIRRORS, OIL P INTINGS E CARPETe. d•c. Immediately alt. r he sale of the house wi 1 be sold the handsome futniture. mirrors, paintings, &o. particulars in cataloi ues. FARNESS, BRINLEY & CO., No. 615 CHESTNr, %rid NO . 678 JAVNV SPECIAL IMPORTANT BALE OP WHITE GnODS, FURNESa, REtilvL , V di CO, Aug 11 1 4. N.KER tu 801 on . WEDNESDAY MORNINO. Nay 9, at 10 o'clock By oriel' of a Leaolna Importing Amuse, - TOP 0 PIECE , WHITE GOODS Of a wal,known make and ,up.alor of -. Jecorete, CambricarNMl3BoosB: Tape Cl.icks, stripe earn brim. Stripe Nalusoets. Plaid Nalnsonks. Victoria aod:Blabop LaWl3sl, bOft Bobbed Carbrlcti. Plait. and Stripe Swisses, india Books. Tucked Skirt ings, &c. N. B.—We beg leave to call tre especial alt-rvion of the Tra.e to the a ove fferie‘g conipriatng ea It daft the mo.t deal , able assortment of White Goods we have offee..ed.the present seoson . 50 BA vim ; Russre. ca err. Alio-50 bales extra quality RUBBII Crash. ray 4 451 Bx B. Boorr, 35... AU N_J R AM , SPECIAL BALE Ot I rpITED MO T D V E RsNo_. P INOB B..SCOTT, attention r_ est con nehnienrs to an Imp ttant sale of .bout 160 Imported fuodero 011 Paintings o* the andlsb. French Done- Rolland' Flemish cchoolu; to take place at the Art Gallery. 1100 t h , etnnt .treet. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY If ViiNTZIOB. 10th ar.d 11th lute., 017% o Clock. • Particubus 'meatier. A. ill'lo.l l l . b r j'OHNB IttY.b.llS • -AUCTIONEERS. Nos. 2.82 and 724 tIARIrET strePt. corner of RAMC at. LA ROE POSITS VS SALE OP PREECE+ , Sr XONY. BECTIISCH. AND ITALIAN' DRY GOOODB. dtc. ITlCE.4.ncluded In our sale on MONDAY, May 7, will be ibund in part the. following, i_ • DRESS GOODS -- awes plain, ntrinedAnd finial; 4 poll de chevre. do bik and white lawns, .rgaoclies, challys. do French Sl de cbevre, bit and c'ol'd alpaca, do Paris plain and pc toted mono de lanced. do pure mebairs and mohair mixtures , Janos. do mozamblques, grenadthes, poplins, plaids, do very rich printed mobairs. 25 OASES HAMPDEN OW TONADES. 25 cases Hampden cottonades. • DRESS BILKS. pieces Lyons black groa Othins and brilliants. do blk and col'd taffetas. give Pin& luatzbins, do solid colors and fancy poult de sole, do taffeta de Lyon cadrilies, foulards, dtc. SHAWLS, BASQUES, &c. Biotin and fancy silk, grenadine and chally shawls. Broche bordered stella. onezambique and barege dO. bilk and cloth basquea.akames. boruzious, etc. HANDS :MISCHIEFS. 10 , 0 dozen Madras. ginghamgi co,ton and linen Mk's. Al o, lull lines wod, embroideries. gloVes, balmoral and hoop skirts', umbrellas andparasols laces. veils , head nets , ties, fancy dress trim mings , We will add to above sale - cases 48 inch Princess cloth and elegant taffetas. do Satin fine and gs inch grns de chine. do 24 and 32 inch gros e o Sti inch groa anglats and Bros da =rich, do oriental and fine mohair 'astral. do Fig'd white ground alpaca.jaconet a reserve, which with others above m.-ntioned comprises about 2O o pieces, of very desirable dress goods, especially suited to the katten sales. cHEms. 1 case very fine linen west cheks. DRA PERIIR AND CT RTAINS. 200 pieres 9 4 drapery muslin and rich vestibule laces. Ito do 14-4 and 14-4 handsome embroidered lace curtains. BBOCBE AND SPELLS. SHAWDS AND FCARFS. LOOprinted bordered black and cord stalls shawls. chain e lathe and solr Vienna broche shawls. Paris brocbe border cscbemere snawls. HOs'LERY AND GLOVES. Pal lines genie' and holes' brown and bleached hose and half hose, and Berlin Lisle, silk and cotton gloves. LARGE PERT ILPTORY a A Lir. OF BOOTS, SHOES, .&c. NOTlCE—lncludedin our large sale of boots, sheet &c.,_ ON TUESDAY MORNING, May 8, will be fbnnd in part the following fresh. ano desirable assortment viz Men's, boys' and youths' calf, dthible sole, half welt ano pump sole dress boots men's, boys' and youths kip and buff leather boots; men's _ ffne grain, long leg 41,ess boots; men's and boys' calf, bull leather Congress boots and ..Irciorals; men's, boys and youths super kip, buff and polished grain half welt and pump sole brogans; ladies' fine kid, goat, morocco, and enameled patent sewed balmorals and Congress gene= women's, _misses' and ehildren's calf and buff leather, balmonds• and lace boots; children's fide kid, sewed, city made lace booth; fancy sewed balm ck• mks and ankle dem ladies' fine black and colored lasting Conp'ess and side lacegaiters;womense. misses' and childrews goat and morocco copper-nailed lace boots' ladies' fine kid slippers; traveling bags; metallic overshoes &c. LARGE POSIT' Va. BALI. OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN AND .DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will bold a Large Sale of Foreign and Dom salts Dry Goods, by catalogue. on four months' credit- and part for cash. On THURSDAY MORISTNG, May 10, at 10 oclock, embracing about 900 rack. ages and lots of staple and fancy artlcles, In woolens, worsteds, linens, sllks and cottons. R. B —Goods arranges tor e= ”Thiation and cats looses ready early OD the at:lran:lg of sale. • p oAtuaxil AuCTIONEKBE., Cash Auction Howe, No. MO Market street, corner of Bank street. Cash advanced on amsiknananto !without extra charge. PEREMPTORY SA LE OF 500 LOTS OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC D)3Y ODS 'FOE Can.H. "ON MONDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock viz—Cloths. Cassimeres. Satinets Ho sia ry. Notions, Umbrellas. Also, invoices of Shoes, Shirts, ttc. PEREMPTORY SALE. The Entire Stock of ars ea- S ork Jrbbing Hose. By Order of AF sign eees. ON WEDNESDA Y MORNING, MAY 9, At 10 o'clock, by catalogue. viz-100 iota Cloths, Cas almeres end Dr's Coeds. la: lots first-class Ready made Clothing, 3.50 Lad , es'. Misses' and Children's Cloth. Casstraere one VelvetC leaks and CPR , s. LA.lll:' IMPORTED UNDER GARAI vikiTS. WO Embroidered Chemises Skirts, , tc,, c. ice rases Ginghem Umbrellas. - - MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. Feat Hats, Skirting Linens, 'Russia Tent Crasb..llo - Gloves, po , 1 Cot.on, &c. Also, 50 16 4 rich Bruche All Wool Long &bawls* A Ise. MX , lots Natio Ls` hhlrta Drawers. Gent's white and Fancy Dress, Tta S'elang. and EelXnap ebirts dtc. For particulars see catair gae. TLIUMAS BIRCH & SON, AUCTIONEERS APD COMMISSION MICR' A NTS, No. 1110 CHFNINITI s'zeet. (Rear ero rat ce 1107 Sans= street.) Sale at No. ids Cambridge street. EGUSVROLD FIIRNII UPS, ,hc. ON At H o'cle Tll kat D No Y 136140 liCNamei dMA s Y tr e t. above Poplar street. will be sold the furniture of a family de clining housekeeping. comprising parlor, chamber, dinfrigroom and kitchen fornimre. Sale at No. 241 North Eleventh street. ROCEEHOLD FURN.II lIPE, POI-EWOOD CA RFET, ON WEDN.ht-DAY 8.1031N1b.e. At to o'clock, at No. :Al nr rth les enth street, vrta be sold the urniture of a family declining bonseteep ing, con. prising— 11-ecwo, d piano forte, brussels and other carptts, 'walnut end parlor furnithre, chamber, dining loom and kitchen furniture-, beds . and =t resses, China, giro+ ware. de. Canbee o x i aro .l 4 r. 7l L n the rooming of Fate at Bo'clock. J. w LARGE SALE OF CHOICE: OLD WnsTEB, BRAN DII>, CHAMPAGIsii, SPABRLJI'G HOCRS. CLARETS.. ON TDRSDAY MORNING NEXT. Sib inst., at 11 o'clock. at N 0.16 Beath birth street. in Cases. De mil. has and Bottles, con Pr= g 28 different brands of Choice Old liquors. For particu. ars Catales, nw re see Priv gu e rrnen ady esirous of procuring Pure Li quors for family or medicinalrarpm es are assured-that all the Liquors in this catalogue are pore and unada ;erated,-. and are wanauted strictly as im ported. mys 2t 5 pEfILIP FORD & AUCTIONEERS, _No. SOS MARKET street. SALE OF 1600 Ca Sl>i POOPS AND PHOEfd. ON THER-DRY MORNING, MAY 10. Commencitig at 10 o'clock. we will sell by catalogue, ter cash, 1600 cases oeme Roots. Shoes. Brogans. Bal morals. Congress Gaiters, Buskins, Side Lace Boots. &c.. comp= ng a large and desirable assortment of roods DAVIS dt HARVEY, AIICTIONFRAS, No. 333 C hebtuut street. Sale 'No SM Mar hall street SURPLUS FURNITURE CARP TS. &c. ON WEDNESDAY "MORNING. At 10 o'clocV, the iousehold and kitchen furniture impel ial carnets, ,tc. NEW PU 111111AVATIMPIOIS. NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS. HOE a,- WITHOUT HA ND'. By Rev.J.G.Wrod. HIS) ORY OF t LAVE BY IN Et ASSA CH Tt•ETI S. ,THE STORY Os. F NNETE. By Flasard Taylor.. HERBFRT SPENCER'S PitENCIPLIIS OF MEMO GY. Vol. 1. I....IVINOSTONE'S EXPEDITION - TO THE ZA3I - II ALL'S GUIDE TO THE GREAT WEST. New Edrtloa, - 131-TORY OF HENRI' THE FIFTH., By George M. Towle. RORRALL ON ASIATTO CHOLFRA.• ORA ILS A N ON TII E TREAI3I.ENT OE CHOLERA. BY EIEA' S OF I('E. ORIGIN OF THE LATE WAR, By Gorge Lunt. SE ‘A ELL'S PRI r. CIPLE S OF EDt. CATION. tOMPA NION POETS, let S.rles. Containing ex tracts from Longfellow, Ten , •Iso ,, and Browniug. HEIR Or RhDet IFFE. Nt w Edition. a n New and Standard Books for sale as soon as pub- Rated, by LINDSAY dz 131,AR ISTON, Publisher.. Bookse.lers and Importers, No. 25 r t uth r lath art et, above Chestnut. , RS. AM. S. STE.PHENS' NEW 1300 E. '1 HE GOLD BRICK, ---- THE OOLfl• BRICK, TH GOLD BRICK.. THE GOLD BRICK. THE GOLD BRIt•K, TBE GOLD BRICK. THE GOLD Ball It, THE GOLD BRICK.' An inren'sely interest - lure new novel BY bias. AND; S STEPHENS. Complete in one large Duodecimo Volume. ' Price el .10 In Paper; or, g 2 (9 in Cloth theave abio just les ned a new and ."omplete edition of other popular winks by Mrs. Ann S. e.tepbens. Their n-mss are as follows. Price of each, 01 Ri in pap -r; or. $' 00 In cloth. za.E GoLn THE RaJECTED 11r IS. . THE Ar.IFE'S SECRET. SILISN't STRUGGLES, FASHION AND P •MINE. THE OLD 1101nEzTEA.D. NARY Halt WENT THE hEIRESS. Bend for our Mammoth Dercriptive Catalogue. Address all cash °M. rs. retail r whole ale, to I'. B. PET RRSON 4 BROTH RILR, NO 306stnut street, Philadelon , a. Broke sent postage paid, on receipt of retail price. ALL NEW BOORS are at PETETBONS'. 4-2 t SPRING. WM. D ROGERS. Coach and Light Carriage Builder. 1009 and 1011 Chestnut Street. tiiht 44 3m-riV. FFIMADELPHIA. HAMILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. NATIONAL STEAM NAVIOATroic STEAM WEER IN TO AND Fiffllfr QUEFNB - TOWN, (CORK HARBOR.) AND LTVERFO. OL. The elegant AI iron screw steamship "Hail N" leaves on SATII , DAY, May sth. Bates of passage, payable in currency : 155 Cabin Vs; eteerage, "so Itof f pri b ers a,,0 forwarded to t wndon, Paris. Htivie, Hatohur.. Bremen. do , at moderate rates. O„ - our erase passage 'rom LI V hltP"'OL or QUEENS TOWN through to ADELPHI tenor... _ For further Information, apply ' at the COliipliD7'll • W. A. HA MILL. Ssort. s 7 Walnut treet. apHOTAL bar CH.- MIM I' been tt , Weited SOLE AN T of the above "Yaverite Lbw. •In is vby woad can ton the public wirAlstst purelewle2 e,W tickets elsewhere. 1114041 Itt
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