CHESS COLUMN (or THE PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN FRIDAY, April 20 1866. All communications for this column must be, directed ‘..Thess Editor of EVENING Buravam," and's'hould reach the office, at latast, on Thursday morning. All Problems must be accompanied by the solution and name of the composer. A match at Chess is now in progress at .the New York Chess Club, between Dr. Ward, of the above city, and Captain Mac kenzie, • the latter giving the -odds of the Queen's Rook. give games have been played at last accounts, of which Dr. Ward won three, and Captain Mackenzie two. Mr: Youngs having withdrawn from the New York Albion, has resigned his po sition as Chess editor of that paper, and has been succeeded by Captain Mackenzie. Problem No. 433. BY M. A. GAXTITIER. mistE A vf A -a- A / e.; u / ' 'SO /a, 60. / • A A je t ,.., E A A F f 774 779 r A 44 , . A A :74 White to play and mate in three moves CHESS IN PHILADELPHIA. Game No. 1317. Pretty game between Mr. J. V. Darling and Mr. t—. (Knight's Gambit.) W.R. (MR. B—.) BL. (MR. DARLING.) I.PtoK4 PtoK4 2. PtoKB4 P x P 3. KKttoß3 PtoKKt4 4. B to B 4 BtoKt2 5. P to Q 4 PtoQ3 6.•KticKtP (The attack obtained by no means war rants this sacrifice.) 6. QxKt . : 7. Castles Btoß6 . 8. Bx P (eh) Kx B 9. R x P (eh) Kttoß3 .10. Rtoß2. QtoKt 3 11. P to K 5 Ktto Q 2 12. P xilit BxBP 13.'Qt083. BtoKt 5 14. Q to Kt 3 (eh) K to Kt 2 15. PtoQB3 QtoQ6 16. B to Q 2 QRtoKsq 17. QxKtP Btoßs 18. Rto B 4, and Black mates in six moves. : CHESS IN MEMPHIS, TENN. Game No. 131 S. Mr. Jacob Bison: gives a Rook to an Ama tear. (Remove White's Queen's _Rook.) (Double Gambit.) WB. (Mn. ELSON.) BL. (MR. —.) 1. PtoK.4 PtoK4 2. Btoß4 Btoß4 3. P to Q Kt 4 B .a.KtP 4. P to B 4 P x P 5.KKttoB3 KKttolt3 6. Ptoß3 Btoß4 7.PtoQ4 BtoKt3 8..8-to R 3 Kt xK P 9. Castles P to Q'4 10.•Rto.Ksq Q B to B 4 11. QKttoQ2 PtoQB3 12. Kt x Kt P x Kt 13. - KttoKs r BtoEt3 14. R x K P, and wins. • Game N 0.1319. Between the same players. (Remove.; White's Queen's Rook.) (Double Gambit.) WK. OSIK.ELsoir BL. (Mu. B—.) 1. PtoK4 PtoK 4 2.8t084 Btoß4 .3.P,OQKt 4 BaKtP 4. P.' 4 4 P x P (Taking the second pawn is dangerous.) 5. K Kt tb B 3 P to Q 3 8. Ptoß3 KBtoß4 7. P to Q 4 B to Kt 3 -B. , QltxP KKttoß 3 9. Castles Castles 10. B - to K Kt 5 P to K R 3 11. Btoß4. QKttoQ2 12. K toR sq P to B 4 13..1' to K 5 P x K P 14._PxKP P to Kt 4 15. Kt x Kt P Kt x P I.6.KtxBP (Well played.) 16. Kt xKt 17. Q, to B 2, and wins. CHESS IN LONDON. Game N 0.1320. Between Messrs. Campbell and Falkbeer, at • the. Philidorian Rooms. (Buy Lopez Knight's Game.) W. (MR. Cikinmsnnn.) B. (Mn. FALRBEER.) 1. PtoK4' PtoK4 2.KKtioB3 • QKttoß3 3.13t0QKt5 PtoKB4 (Avery dangerous defence.) 4.PtoQ3 Btoß4 5. Kt to B 3 Kt to R 3 6. Castles P x P 7. Qiitx P Kt xKt • 8. P x Kt Q to B 3 QteQs BtoQ3 10. BtoK3 PtoKRE 11. - QRtoQsq PtoKt4 12. PtoKR3 Ptoß3 13. Btoß4• • PtoKt4 14. B to Kt 3 B to Kt 2 15. QtoQ2 .KttoK 2 16. Q to Q 3 Kt to Kt 3 17.,8t0,Q6 B x B 18. Qxß KtoK2 19. KttoQ 2 Kttoßs 20.BaKt KtP&B 21.Pt0Q84 P x P 22. Kt x P QRtoKKtsq 23. RtoQ3 RtoKt3 24. P. to Kt 3 KRto K %tn 25. Klo`Kt 2 P to K R. 4. (Chopping wood with a razor. 'Theisiniple play, P x P, - would have gained a - pawn.) 28. K R to 4:4;sq P to R 5 27. P to Kilt 4 P to B 6 (ch) 28. K to R sq (The best - move,) _ _ 29. KttoK3 (Decisive.). R SO. Kt to B 5 (eh) 29. K to to Q, Kt s 841 q 31. RtoKt3 t • . RtoQßsq 32. Qto 7 Q,c , o_Kt 4 33. Kt x B, 'and wins. C HESS ._IN.HOLLAND. Game O. 1321. Between Messrs. Anderssen and de Hear. (Irregular Opening.) • WH. (Mn.nE Finns.) BL. (MB. ANDEBSSEZ) PtoQB4 Pte.llß4 2.'QKtto,B3 • 28: 4/ to B 5 3. P to Q 4 PtoK3 4. PtdK3 BtoKts 5. P to B 3 . B.x.lit (oh) 6. P x .13 Rto 13 4 • BtOQ3 "Rtti3l33 8. TittoK 2 • P to Qlit 3 9. Castles ` Castles 10. Btoß3 QtoK2 11. Qtoß2 BtoKt2 12, QRtoKsq QRtoQßsq 13. Kttoß4 • KttoQß4 14. PtoK4 PtoKt3- 15. PxKB p KtiPxP 16. BxKBP . KtxP. 17. BtoQßsq PxP 18. Kt x P (The terminating movements are neat.) 18. Qxßßeq 19.BtxQp 20. Rx Q R x R (ch) 21. K. to B 2 QRtoKsq 22.`8t0Kt5 Kt to 11 6 23. BxRP (ch) 31 to B sq 24. B to R 6 (eh), and wins. CHESS IN GERMANY. Game No. 1322. Between Messrs. Hirschfeld and Wilberg (King's Gambit Evaded.) W. (MR. WILBERG.) B. (ME,. 111.118CHFE.LD. 1. P to IC 4 Is to IC 4 2.Pt0K84 Btoß4 3. Qtoß3 (Weak play.) 3. QKttoß3 4. Ptoßil PtoQ3 s.BtoKt 5 BtoQ2 6. Bx.Kt Bxß 7. KttoK2 Ptoß4 8. PtoQ3 Kttoß3 9. lit to Q 2 Castles 10. P to Q Kt 4 B to Q Kt 3 11. PtoQR4 PtoQR3 12. Ptoß 5 Btoß2 13. BtoKt2 PrKP 14. QPxP PtoQ4 15. R.PxP. B x P 16. Q to Rt 3 Kttoß4 17. QtoRS Kt x P 18. Kt x Kt P x .Kt 19. Castles (Q R) B to K 6 20. K to Kt sq QtoKsq (A very menacing move. White's next move only hastens the storm.) 21. Ptoß4 BtoK3 22. Qtoß3 B to B 4 (ch) 23. K to R sq Qto R 5 (ch), and mates next move. Game No. 1323. Lively game between MPasrs. Suhle and Hillebrand. (Evans' Gambit.) WH. (MR.SETHLE.) BL. (MH. HILLEBRAND.) ' I.PtoK 4 PtoK 4 2. K.Kttoß 3 QKttoß3 3. Btoß4 Btoß4 4. P to QKt 4 B x Kt P 5. Ptoß 3 Btoß 4 6. PtoQ4 P x P 7. Castles P x P 8. Q toKt 3 QtoK 2 9. R to K sq (B to R 3 is the customary move.) 9. BtoKt3 10. Btoß 3 Rttoß4 11. QxBP Qtoß 3 12.PtoK 5 QtoQsq 13. QKt to Q 2 Kt toK2 (Kt x B would have relieved him some what.) 14. PtoK6 15. QxKtP 16. Kt to K 4 17. Q R to Q sq 18. Kt to B 6 (cli) 19. Q x R, and wins. Game No. 1324. Between the same players. (Evans' Gambit.) WN. (I)&n.SuNLE.) BL. (MR. HILLEBRARD 1. Pto,R4 PtoK4 2. KKttoß 3 QKttoß 3 3. Btoß4 Btoß4 4. PtoQKt4 BxKtP 5. Ptoß3 Btoß4 6. Castles PtoQ3 7. PtoQ4 PxP 8. PxP BtoKt3 9. PtoQs QKttoK 2 10. PtoK 5 KttoKt 3 11. PtoK 6 PxP 12. P x P KKttoK2 13. Kt to Kt 5 Castles 14. QKttoß 3 ' KttoK 4 15. BtoKt3 P to B 3. 16. Kt to R 4 (A curious attacking expedient.) 16. P toQ4 17. Kt x B Q x Kt 18. Btoß 3 Q Kt toßt 3 19. Btoß2 Rtoß3 20. B x K .Kt Kt x B 21. Q to R 5- B x P (Black is perfectly helpless.) 22. Q x P (ch) K to B sq 23. Q to .R 8 (oh) Kt to Kt sq 24. Kt to R (eh) Kto B 2 25. Kt x.R P x Kt 26. Q R to Kt sq. and wins. I~EIIV P ÜBLIOATION STRANGERS GUIDE TO PHILADELPHIA and Its vlcinitrwith a may of the city Illustrations of its public buildings, etc., dm. A email pocket volume. NEW EDITION Just published. NEW BOOKS. HERBERT SPENCER'S P.RIN,CIPLES OF BI OLOGY. Val. L, INDIAN DIEN ITS VALUE cIIDTITEE AND IFFES. By Edward Enfield. THE.REUNTON OF CH.R . ISTENDOM, A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy. By-Henry Edward. COMPANION POETS; Containing extracts from Longfellow .Tennyson and Browning.- • THE bTOILY OP KV.NNETT. By Bayard Taylor. ORIGIN OFTHE LATE WAR. .By iieorge Lnnt. HISTORY OF .HENRY - TFLF.P.II. BY OnOrge M. Towle. - LIVINOSTOM3 3M - PEDITION TO .TICE ZA.ld RES'. SEWELL'S PRINCTPLES OF EDUCATION. GOULBURNI3 DEVOTIONAL STUDY OF THE SCRIPTURES. All newand standard books for 4le as soon as Pub llabed by LINDSAY & BLARISTON, Publishers, Booksellers and Importers, No. 2.E Borah Sixth street. above Dhestnut. TUBT PUBLISHED.—The QIJEEN MOTHER and tr 'ROSAMOND. By A. C. Bwinburne, author, of "A talents in Calydon." Ismo. AbPBODEL. A - romance. 1 vol., ISmo. THE LIVING TEMPLE, or Eicriptnral Views of the Church. By John 8 Stone.'D. D. COMPARATIVE PHYSIOGINOI&Y, orresemblance between men-and animals.' Illustrated by 830 en gravings. TBE ADVENTURES OE EMMEN DAVIDGER, seventeen years captive among the Dyaks of Borneo. Illustrated. Female by JAMES S. CLAXTON, Successor to W, S. & A. atartten , 606 Chestnut street. LLENVG LIFE OF FICILLDOR.—MiII LEIII9 Ok PRIZSDO7I_, binaletan and Chem Player, by George Allen, Greek Professor In the tinlverelty of Penn. sylvan* with a Supplant:ataxy Atuay on Philitior, Chose Author and Came Player, by_ Tb mist A Vol debrand and de:Laza. Envoy Extraordinary and NM. liter Plenipotentiary of the Sing-of Prnasla sti the Oonrt Of Saxeoffelaugn- -IvoL, mem top. Price 115. LateiY , Pakilehed • BUTLER at 00.. 127 South Fourth strait. Timm BARR'S Mai* Books and"SWlonery, lief U MakketSt. Old Books bookAtand exotianged.' 06304 n r - vrim.l9 Eagle , Vein. Coal. spurs, $7 00. C H EeTNT. 00. J. E. ENE II INS' $6 COAL YARD, . cor.NINTH and WALLACE Ste. ixl&lit, 8 8. /EASON BUM& THE UNDERSIGNED /ni VITA. ATTENTION TO their stock of Bock Monttain Company's Coal. Lehigh Nakrtgation Company's Coal; and' Locust fdoustain, which they are_ prepared to Pell at the lowed market and to deliver in the beat condition. Orders left with S. MASON SINES, Franklin Usu. tate Building,,lsEVENT4 stree__ ,t below Market.tvlll be promptly attended - tb; DINES - ct BlCEltyp. see,tf Arch Street Wharf, Schenk.' ikaWilt" .71:EN)43 ✓ Spring Mountain, Lehigh Octsq, An4 . , bcoLootto Mountain from 0 , Behtiylklll, Orel:lured , expreestrliaz family we, 11evet,,N..W f agrtter .1aG3391121.424,WL(.1 LOW streets Otlioe; 112 Swath 81200N1) J. wAyros at,oca ORANGES ANDToinfONSO:43O4I7COM4S 1 a nd 1 Lemons In prime , orderiLAbronte:Thr_ OS. : AIISSLIER'&OO - IQ.S soutiiptisware aventz% ' THE DAILY EVENINGIBULLETIN s PHILADELPHIA; FRIDAY; APRIL 20, 1866 .FOR ,NEW YOl-03., Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. The Philadelphia and New York Express • Steamboat Company. • ' , . Steam Propellers leave DAILY from FIRST WHARF below MARKET street, malting the run in 24 HOURS. This Line connects with all Northern and Eastern Transportation Companies. Goods forwarded direct to all points free of commission. Freight received at lowest rates. WM. P, (MY DE dr, CO.,_Agents, 14 South Wharv_ ,es Philaaelphia„ ..lAf3. HAND, Agent, 117 Wall street, New York. 211114 81.361 m . OAMSBIPLEN - 12 DLRECI p• A Zeta .POBTRVERY FIVE D 21.1, 6, • ROM RUNE ST. WHARF_ PHILADELPHIA, - TheAND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. steamship .ARIES, Captain Boggs, will Bail from Philadelphia on Saturday, April 21, at 10 A. M. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sail from Boston on Tuesday, April 20th, at 12 at. • The line between Philadelphia and Boston is nost composed of the •-XON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons ben. NORMAN, Captain well, Croe 1200 to burthurth en. AB MS, Captain Boggs, s burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamship will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every. day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading with their For freight or passagegAto Y ENSOR Co., _ 922 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA RICHMOND AMY NORFOLK BTEATAHIP conceeny. The line steamships of this Line insure at the Marc. rates and sail regularly from the First Wharf above Market street, every Connecting with Railroads from Bletunond, Norfolk . ' and City Point, finming the most direct route for the Booth and Southwest. IM22liOO;Z=l NEW EXPRESS. LINE TO ALEX ANDREA, Georgetown and Washingtor Ole%mpeake and Delaware Canal, with connection at I\ lexandrla, Va., form the most direct route Re hLynchburg, Br t. istol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton ant outhwes Steamers - leave First Wharf' above Market Wei every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents ' W. i'. CLYDE a oon 14 North Wharves. J. B. Davidson, Agent at GemTetewrg M. Eldridge di Do., Agents at Alexandria. FOR NEW YORK.—P.hiladelphia Steam Propeller Company —Despatch and Swift sure Lines, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving daily at 12 Md. and 5 P. ,t., connecting with all the Northern and Eastern Linea. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to rffirsi • leke , • DELAWADJ3 and CFrgv , 4 M4E.I .2.641 A W-.8042' COMPANY. t:P glil li NMEE I and !uteri:nen., po ts. w3t 2 P. CLYDE dr. CO.. 0.1! South Wharves Panaaelphia. • • . a:s"' e: a FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER LINE. SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift. Soree at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship GRANITE STATE, Jacobs, Commander Isnow rapidly loading at pier 11 East Rivet This beautiful vessel is one of the sharpest and best vessels now loading, and having a portion 01 her cargo on board with large engagements, will have quick despatch. For freight, apply to BISHOP, SON & CO., mh2313 10S Arch wee*. FOR PROVIDENCE. B. L—Mrpresi Line.— eons, Day.e fine schooner BiLBAIEL Ben masttr, la now loading for the above port et second wharf above Market, street, and will sail ae above. For freight, apply to DAVID cOoPER, ft Borth Wharves. R to B eq P to K B 4 B to Q 2 R x Kt FOR BOSTON, Mass—. Express Line.—The fine schooner MARY .1. RUSSELL. Captain Smith, is now loading fbr the above port at that wharf above Vine street, and will have prompt despatch. For freight, apply to DAVLD OJOPEB. 18 North Wharves. apl4 LIVICRIVOL.—With Quick Despaich.— Tbe first class packet bark OUG, Olteon, master, baying a large portion of her cargo en gaged, will sail ae above. For balance of freight or aauage apply to PETREL WRIGHT & SON% walnut street,. - Captain WEST.—The brig G. T. WARD, Lindsay, will be despatcbed for the above port in a few deye. For ireight, apply to WORE KILN dr CO.. 1Z Walnut street. Janie gaIWANTED.—A Vessel of SO OM to 110.000 feet lumber. capacity fora Southern port. Apply to E. A. SOVIDELS ck CO., O . 8 Dock street wharf. aplE-St --- ---- --- -- - NOTlCE.—Cons , guees or merchan t/ dhse per ship MARY RUSSELL. Weeks', muter, from Liverpool, will please send their permits on bJard. at Walnut meet wharf, or to the °Mee or the undersigned. The general order will be Issued on Friday. the 20th inst.. when all goods not p rmhted will be sent .to public stores. PETER WILLOAT & LsOls &US Walnut street. apl9 COIO3IRNEES' NOTICE.—The steamer VILLE, Renear, master, from Boston, is now dis charging at third wharf above Market street. Con signees will please attend to the reception of their goods. DAVID COOP.EII, 18 N.' Wharves. apal-3t CONSIONEES' NOTICE.—The scnOsner t.LIGErr, captain Littlefield, from rovideace, is now dis charging atCallowhill street wharf Consignees will please , attend to the reception of their-goods. -- DAVID COOPER, 18 N Wharves. app St riOIiSIONEES' NOTICE—The schooner WAR A..: EAGLE. Cantata Kelly, from Providence, is now discharging at that wharf below Race street. Con signees will Dlewe .attend to the-reception-of their gcods. DAVID COOPER, 18 N. Wharves. al 3)-2t 100TICF.—Er. hark LIZZIE PIORROW, Prater. .11 master, from Li verfmol, Is now dischargine under general order at Smith's wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PIaITEEt WItIORT & SONS, IIS Walnut street, - aplg , tf kT °TICE: —All persona are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark: LIEZZEK MORROW , as no debts of their contraction will be paid by captain or consignees. -PETER. WRIGHT di bONS, 115 Walton street. - apt? tt - - DR. BARK DCNCA,Li. trona Liven:he/, l tititv-dis 11 charging under general order at first wharf below Sonia street. Consigned' will please attend to the reception of their goods. PET WRIGHT& SONS, 115 Walnut street. epic, tf SHIP BRIVISH LION, from Liverpool, is now discharging moiler general order at .shippen street wharf. Consignees wlll please attend to the reception of their ;goods, PETER, WRIGHT SONS, 115 Wilnut street. apbslst • nOWSIGNEES' NOTICE—The schooner ELIZA. BETH - EAORE Magee, master; - from Boston, - is now discharging her cargo at third wharfaboNre hiarket street:- Consignees will please, attend to the:reception of their goods. DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. - apt° ALL plaatSO: _ ARE HEREBY eittiTiONED against trusting any of the crew of the ship BRITISH LION, -- frour Liverpool, as no debts of that' contraction will be paid by the captain or consignees- PETER WRIGHT & SONS. lie Wei nutatreen apivAt A" A:s: .:•:1* .11 ii`'D agaimit trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark DUNCAN, from Liverpool. as no debts of their con traction will be paid by the captain or consignees. PITEB WRIGHT & BON% ITh Walnut Street. aput-tf IVOTICE.—AII persona are hereb notified not to .1 1 1 trust the crew of the IS wedish br PYLAD, as no debts of their contrantin will be pai d by Captaintor cortalgnees. WOBKMAN dr, co..= Walnut at. mks' rOTICE.—AII persona are hereby cautioned against liarusting mty of the crew of the Etr. bark C081113,Q. Olbson,Master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contraction will be paid by - the captalig or consignees. PlifEß WRIGHT & 801iS, 115 Walnut street. mhl7-tf NI ICR.—Aell persons are herebysetwaloaeci against t harboring and trusting any of the erew‘of the Datiah brig DENN.d..R.R, as no debta of their contract, Ina' will be paid by .captain or conaigneee.- WORK. zdAN dr CO., Oonalirnee9.l23 Walnut street A - - SBELPNOTICE.—AII persons ,sure hereby cautioned against trusting any or the crew of the Br. ship E L. TILLY, whereof Cann Is master, Prom City Point. Va 2, as no debts; of their contracting will be paid b." captain or Consignee, EDMUND A. 13017D= & 00. Dock street wharf. del9 TAR. S.SHINDLER, successor to .roior SHINDLEI ro SONS, Sall Malteds, N 0.1300 Zgorth DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. A work done In the beat manner Ind bir Lie loweet and moat favorable terms, and warranted to Siva PIP VlCtElatUfaCtiOn. Parttcnlar attention riven to renatrinr. COMPTAIO'L /TREASURY DEPARTMENT_, OFFICE OF COMP.. A. :TROLLER OF ' CURRENCY: Wisarseros, le arch 80th. 1868. . • the undersigned, It has been made to appear that "THE NATIONAL BANK OF TH3 E, REPUBLIC Ole PHILADELPHIA," in tbe city of bilade,phla, in the county t f Philadelphia. and State f Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the re quirements of the act of Congress, entitled "a n act to praVide a National Currency, seTred by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to prov de for the Circula tionfand Redemption thereof, _app roved Jane Bd. 1864 k and .bas complied wittiall the provistookof attired to be complied eifth befole commeneing the ,btisiress of Banking undersold.act. 2, 0 w th er ,f ore , I. Fre-eman -Clark!. cloiniqroller of the Currency, do hereby certifylhat THE NATION AL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF .PHILADEL PAEA,' in the city of PbiladLetPtits,' irOtWooputy of Phi4tdelphla, and state of Pennsylvania, is authortzed to - commence ,the bpalnpBA.o.F \ l : l, myr .. • updgithft4Qt if9rsaid. • • r; • • t 1 t ITV testimony wheredf Witness My hand and' L }seal of office, this thirtieth da Ofldarth. 1866. FRFJLaIAN67.4I •CLASKE, - • [entLlltr.O3;Bol] Oomptroller. ATEB.—ioO,OOO Laths afloalguale by E, A. 801i pEB. .di CO., Dock Street i WEMiriIEDAY and EitaIIIIDAY. At Nom Wlff P. CLYDE& 00. i d &frith Whams. WM. M. BAIRD No. la 2 South Delawareav enu e. NORTH Plummtig AMAX/A it MIDDLE ROUTE 6 an must direct line to Bethlehem, Allentown Manch • Chunk, Hazleton White Haven Wllkesbarre, mahanoy City, and all points in the Lehigh and wyo mina Coal Be sons. Passenger Repots in Philadelppy_THEßD street above Thompson, and corner of ENILS3 and lan= CAN streets. WINTER. ARRANGEMENT. NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and alter Monday,Nov. 20 t 11,18 6 0 ,Pasitenger trains leave the Depot, Thirdstreet, above Thompson, dalty ( 3 undaYx excepted). as follows: AT 720 A. EL—Morning Express for Bethlehem and and PrincipA Stations on North Pennsylvania Rail road, conn :Wing at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for AllentOwn,Catasactom",,Slatington, Manch Chunk, Weatherly Jnaneaville, a Hazleton, White Ha. „en Wilkesbarre, kincton, Pittston, and all pointa in Lehigh and Wyomingalleys• also, in connection with Lehigh and Mabanoy Railroad for Mahanoy City,_and with CatawissaPart Railroad, for Rupert, Daavfile, Milton anrnisdna. Arrive at Manch . Chunk at 11.45 A. M. d at W Wilkesbarre 2.40 P. EL; at Mahanoy City at. P. EL Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train; passing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for Rea. ton and points on New Jersey Central Bailroad to New York; AT 825 A. M. — Accommodation, for DoylestOwn, stepping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by OM train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. M. — Accommodation. for Pert Washing. ten, stop py at all intermediate Stations. At 2.M .1' Accommodation for Do lestown, stop ping at intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT 820 P. EL—Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rai% road,_lnaking i le connection at Bethlehem with Le -411.h Va ll eY for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. M Passengers fbr Plainfield. Somerville and other points on New Jersey Central R.R. take N. J. C. Train at Easton, which arrives in New York at 10 P. M. Paa. sengera for Sumneytown take stage at North Wales. and /or Nazareth at Bethlehem and , for Greenville at Quakertown AT 4.10 P. M.—A ccommothdloa, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Paseengens ftir Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at Abington' for Lumberville at Doylestown. AT Ea P. M.—Through Accommodation, an Beth leheM and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for point. .ns Id Valley Railroad sad ibr Danville. WEla,,deetn and Catawissa Railroad. AT e. 15 P. hL—Acconimoduion, rot Lanadale, MOP* ping at all Intermediate Stations. At 11P. M. itn - Amm. • non for Fort Wasidagtom TRAINS FOB PIELLADELPHLt, Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 and 10.02 A. M.. and 6.15 P. M. Passengers leaving Easton at LSO A. M., connect ai Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 1225 P. M. passel:was leaving Wilkeebarre at. 1 P.M., connect itt Bethlehem at 6.15 P. M., and arrive In Philadelphia at 6.45 P. M. Leave 'Doylestown at 6.80 A. M. LIS and 6.30 P. M. Leave 7-vmsale at 6.10 A. M. Leave Fort Washington at 10.50 and 2.15 P. M. ON UND AYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at P. M. Doylestown fin Philadelphia at 7.20 A. Bethlehem for Philadelphia 144 P. M. Filth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars cony y pas etagere to and from Barks Street Depot. White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line convey Passerners to Third Street h'epot- Tickets mustbe roamed at. the Ticket Offices, THIRD street or B3ORK street, In order to secure the /0114310 rates of fare. ELLIS cLARK, Agent. Hillman's Baggage Mt - press will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Office. No. 113 South THIRD street. FOR NEW YORE.--Tbe CAM. is, , i3 DEN AND t i llllo Y L ves Pall co t AD PANY'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from WALNUT STREET WHARF. w Ell leave as follows, viz: Fare. At 6A. Mi., via Camden and Amboy, Accom., 22 25 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, BCO At 2P. hi., via Cammen and Amboy Express, 225 At 12 M. (noon) and BP. X., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Pas senger.) . pia Camden . . 2 25 At 6 and 11.20 . P. Y., Via Camden and:Amboy, Accom modation. (Freight and Passenger) Ist Clams Ticket, . 423 2d Class Ticket, . ISr At 6 and 10A.M.,2 and 6P.M. For Mount Holly vale, Pemberton and Vincentown. At 6A. E7lnsi 2 P. IL fir Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M. 12 M. &OD, e and 11.10 P. M. Ihr myra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Edgewater, Bur lington, Florenr. Bordentown, .2.0. The 10 A. 31. and 5 P. Id. Line nuts direct through to Trenton. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT will leave as follows • At 11.15 A. M., 4.30 P. M and 6.45 P. M. via Ren aud Jersey City EUt teas $3 00 A1 1x .12 41 M.. (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City Express- . ..., 2 22, The 6.45 P. M. Line will ran daily. All others Sun days excepted. At 1.30 and 1115 A. M. 8, 21.30_, 4.89,And 6,45 P, bt*„ and 12 midnight, for Bristol, Trenton. &c. At TA. N.- 10•50, 1 1 4 212 6 P. M. for Cornwells, vox. risdale, Holm Moony, Wissinoming. Brides burg and Frankto and at 6P. M. for Ho/meal:inn and intermediate Stations. BELVEDERE LEL&WARE RAILROAD, for the Delaware River Valley, Northern Penns ylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakeso througb trains daily (Sundays escSpten) from Kensington De pot, as follows At 7.80 A. M. and &M P. IL for Myra Fans, Rat DunktrkHilo Cartandalgua.Elmira, th.". Owego, Rochester, IdalthstriPOnt, Oswego. SYracrae, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville * Flemi ngton, an. The 1110 P. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. an. At P. 2d. tor Lambertville and intermediate Stations Afar For New York, and Way Lines leaving Sen slov Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour berate departure. The can run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Eanda3 - 0, clmalbe.sses.will leave \val. nut eireet.wharf at GP. M. to connect with e. 45 P. M line: Piny Poundn of Baggage only, allowed each Passer!. ger, P rs are prohibited! from taking anything u baggage ut their wearing appareL all baggage over titly pounds to be paid for extra. The Oompany limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable fOr any amount beyond Mu. apeclal contract irencUta sold and baggage,cheektd direct through to Boum • Chatau's Baggage Pap.rees— will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. 7.LIN ES FROM NENUYORR FOR PHILADELPHIA; Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and 4 P. M.. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 AM., 6 P..M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ben- From gton. Pier No. 1 N. River, ate A, M. and 2 P.' M.. via Amboy and Camden. At 12 AL, S and 6 P. IL (Freight and Passenger), via Amboy and C amden. WAG H. 0A.17.m . RR Agent. nialt •• I • : ten!. L- DEL/MU. RAILROAD, VIA ?EN, . _ BUMMER AitRANGEM.MiTS. On .atul after MONDAY, March 19th„. MSS, Qs trains will leave as follows: WT DIESTRR m Leave Phllade_lph HE t ( a far WestTßzi Cheste s r, , from Depot Thirty-first and Market street, 7.11) ti.uu 4.16, IAS and 7.00 P. AL • Leave West Cheater Mr Philadelphia, from DPpot on E. Market street a,M, 7.80. 10.4 f A. M., L4O. 440 P. M. Trains leaving West Cheater at 7.80 A.2IL and leaminz Philadelphla at 4.4 b P. /11..,wi1l not atop at. Pendelton, and win atop beim! B . .9. JanstionsaMedla only. PNEETON --- Leave Philad lLN elphia ler Pannelten 14. 4.15 and 10.30 Leave Penneltoa for Philadelphia me A. M.. 7.35 P.M. These Trains step at all Intermediate Stations. - ON SUNDA.YS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,80 A. At and 2.00 P. L. Leave Watt Chester 7.55 A. X' and 5.00 P Ostillnarnave—The West Philadellshis Passenger cars wil leave Eieveata and Market streets, half-an hour before the T/ sin leaves the depot, and win leave depot on the arrival of eaeh train to convey passengets into the city. Trains leaving Philadelphia and 4.45 P. M.. and leaving West Chester at M, and 4.50 P. connectnt B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. an 4 B. C. B. B. ibr Oxtbrd and intermediate points. onrPassengers and, owed to take wearing apparel aa-Bagrare t the Company w il l not, In any ease, be responsible for an amount, exceeding one ban dred dollars, unless a special , contract is made. for the same. HZNB,YWOOD. General tinutesintendang. at PHIDALELPHIA 8AY..T1 4 , MORE CEN'EBAL • b a • . 11 ' • AMORMRNTI3.—ON AND AP PREt MONDAY, March 19, 1866, the Trains wittiest% Phila. delphia, front the _Depot of the West Chester :k. Phila delphia Railroad. corner orlhirty-arst and Market Streets; ((WestPhilada at 7.20 A M., and 4.45 Leave' Rising Sun, at 5.30, and Oxford at 605 A. M., and lt ave Oxford at a 25 P. M. 11.1 June lat a Market Train with Passenger Oar attached will run on Tuesdapt and Fridays. leaving The Rising, Bun at 10.45 A. M. Oxford at 11.45 M,, and Benin tt at 12.45 P. M., connccting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Philadelphia. On and after June let, this train will leavethe Rising Bun at 4P.M., Oxford at 5.P. M., and Bennett ate P.M. Marketing Will not be taken on Passenger Trains. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. con nects_at Oxford with a daily line of stages for Peach Bottom;inLancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach. Bottom to-Connect at. OxfOid with the Afternoon Train for Pbiladnphia. Tie Train leaping Philadelphia at 4.45 runs Uni t ising Passengers are allowtd to take Wearing Apparel Only fn lEd Baggair, at d the - Company Will not In case b e respone for an amount exceeding 'one hum. any tired dollars, unless a s pecial _ contract be made for Me same. • - mhl9 . 1 ._,N8,1( WOOD, Gen'l. dupl. , r t. ' 7'. -::r ! WEST _ JERSEY RATLROAD , i LINES—From foot ofshlezket street 1_13• *6-- . ,r 7 .4 1 ally, oaceg Sundays. FAJ4. AND WINTER - • : . REMENT, Mraritertoint WIJINESDAY, rrovEamat, 15th, For Reidgeton,.‘ Siien, and all Stations on West Jer se and Catena Railroads, at 9 A. M. and 3.30 P. N. For Millville and - all intemmdlate , Stations, ate A. ht. and 13P. M. , For Coke May ; and intermediate Stations, at 9 A.. ht., to Miliville connecting with freight train (Passenger - car attached) for Cape htay,dtte 8.45 P.M. and &ID P. , U. through pultionger ,dutti 8.00 P. la.' 9 . _ Far Glassboro' and iftortnediato Stations, a t A. M. and WoodbtO t Gloi piepter., dtc., at 9 A. M. 9, 8.50,i1.. r 80 ... Freight willbe received at second covered wuarr be low %shun street from, 7 A. M. until 5 P. M. Freight received before 9 A.. IC. will go forward same day. Freight delivered at MS South Delaware Avenue, J. VAN REN BORDAROupermigia___ t. . THE WERT JEREMY 111C2Rii eeichiPe l243 ( Will attend to all the usual branches of Ex mums Errs- NEW, r eeel lVlret.nforwardi,throrigh other re• aponsirde Et ea; to on par_ hi 0f . th .....6... e coa q . . t r y, ruiparti e en tot Ahem.- I A- PP ecm " l'lrl, nr acoottipaltitimt Ifficegli' pm% Office. % Wain t ut 8 41 1 %1 ' -...„ - •• _ , , tiawayetitya) " .`S" C :t t,. • ;i10211031,1• :I Volairtaiiimaier Or_fint,4 l— .ol. ' • -`lO : :a - .4• AN. NA, OITMBMELAND AND WIrOBONG THOM NORTH, _NORTHWEST and the OANABAS. WINTER ARRANGEMENT OP PASHRDTGEB TRAINS leaving the Corn • Depot, THCB... 'relexer.R. and 04& " I I Street'. "Phlladelnhls MORNING MAIL At 8 A.,, IL., for Reading, Lebanon, tumin urg, Potts vllle Pine Grove, Tamaqua , GiniharY, Wi ll iams. Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Palls, Bul town, Wllkeslaarre, Pittston, York, Oarliale,Chambers hum Hagerstown, An., dr- This train connects at READING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, dr.c.: and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg. .111:c. at PORT CLINTON with Ostawissa Railroad trains for Wtllfaroaport, Lock Hei rem. Elmira. ke., at trA viwniERTIRG with Northern ()antral, 00=134;i:claim Valley, and Schuylkill and- 13us_miehanna trains for Northlimberland,Villiamsport York, abrurkbanaurg, Phisicrove, dcr.. _ AFTERNOON =PRIM leaves Philadelphia at 920 P. M. fbr Timis Potts ville, Harrisburg, &e., connecting with and Columbia R.R. trains for Elolumtda &c., and with Oata wissa Railroad train for Milton, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo. &T -READING ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Resultnr at &V A. M., stopping at all wayets tions; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.80 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 420 P. arrives -In Reading at 729 P. Id Trains for Pidladembla leave lieurisbunt at 725 A. M and Pottsville at 820 A. M.. arriving In Phliadel phis at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave at 1.45 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M. arriving ibin jvi Philadelphia at 725 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation lama Reading at 725 A. M. and Harrisburg at 9.00 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Beading and all way stations; leaves Reading 11.80 A, fd, and Dowrdzigkrwn 1220 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Rtuidays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 5.00 A. 31.. aid phnad.iphia at 2.15 M ... , __C3I;EST.P.R. VALLEY RAILROAD. for Downingtown and Interroadlate Cake the Vo ' A. M. and £3O P. X trains from el- Vat% retnroing from Downingtown at 7.M A. M. and 2 to Noon_ 2415 W YORE EXPREES___, FOB PITTSBURGH AND Titg A . Leaves New York at 1.00 A. K. and 8 P. K., passim Reading at IA. K., and .41Z1 P. M.. and noun at Harriablv ara. Pennsylvan ali%l 3imi ANzrthern Oen Haliroad rem Trains for Pi moo. WE. liMosnort. Baltimoru, ace. ReWrning, Express Train leaves on atrival of Pmnsylvania Express from Pi ad 8 and 945 A. M., pawing Beadles at 4.45 and E. arriving at New York 10 A. .M., and 2.45 P. M. Weeping Car aocoalp , nyiviiese trains throu g h between jemmy MailP .mb , without charge. train fo r N e w York leaves Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M. Mail train ibr Harrisburg leaves New York at is Noon. H T VALLEY Rearatoeto. Trains leave Pottsville at 5A5,11. A. M. and 7.15 P. M. returning from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. M.. and 1.40 an. 4.15 P. M. :?,CHITYLKELL AND SI7I34II3MLfaiNA R Trains leave Auburn at 7.45 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 3.50 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre. mont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.00P.M. and from Tremont at 7.00 A. H. and 6.00 P. M. KETS. Through !first-class tickets and emigrant ticket! to an the principal points In the North and Wen. and Canadas. The following tickets are obtained only at the Mee of G. Bradibrd, Treaaarer, No. 22•:7 South Fourth street, Phi sdelphla or of G. A. Nlcolla, General Superintend., an 6oxint - trrtenozr TICIUMB, At 4.5 r cent., discount between any Points deliGXl for and firma NILICA.GE TIM:MTS. Good for 2,000 miles,between all points, at VG SO each, for families and Erma. For three SEASON TICKETS. dx, nine or twelve months, for holders sat", t call points at reduced rates. CLERGY Residing on the line of the Road will be furnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half-fare. EXCURSION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to principal station/1, Sond Saturday, Sundayand Monday_ rare, to be fir had only at the Ticket Office at ? t hi rteenth and Callow hill streeta. FRHT. Goode of all descripti EIG ons forwarded to all the above and poin Willow streets. ts from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad RGHT TRAINB. Leave Phibutel F his El daily at 5.a) A. 1245 mponsaul a P. IL, for fr, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pon Clinton, and all Pol l i r lr n beZellti Close at the Phtladelphlis Post otette fbr all places on the road and its branches at 51i. IL, a nd Am the Prin. rapist Stallone only at $.15 P. M. PHICADELi'I3I4,_ _ wuamiro iffetkrON AND BALTDBORE 'ABLE.—Commenang MONDAY. April 16th, 1666. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows; Train, at 4.15 M. (Mondays excepted), fo i rV e n ll r i eare and Washington, 'stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark. b Litton, Northeau„ Perryville, Ilavre-deGrace, Aberdeen, Peer , yman's, Magnolia. Clauses and Stemma's Bun, Wa,y-roall Train, at &15 A. N. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore. stopping at all regular stations between Philadelphia andEislumore. .DelawareE.E.Traln.9.ooA.EL(Sunday excepted), for Princess Anne. Milked and Intermediate instil:lna. Express train at 11.45 A. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and We shington Express Train at soo P. M. (Sundays excepted), fir Baltimore. and Washington, stopping at Chester, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, :=rton, North-East, Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen, Perrritum's, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Ran. Night Express at 11.00 P. M. ter Baltimore and Wash by boat I'l'oEl 33altimare for Fortress Monroe,o ' rfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the A. M. Train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, stopping at all stations between Pbti.d.lphia and Wil- P mington. Leave Philadelphia at 9 t0,11.15A.M.,4.30. 80 and 11.30 The (.80 P.' train connects with the Dela ware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate eta tions. . • • • 6 Leave: Wilmington • .45, 11.00 and ASO A. 4.00 sad 6.80 P.M. Trains ibr Newcastle hums Philadelphia 'IL 9.00 M. 4.30 and 6.60 P. M. II ROUGH TEASES PROBE I4LLTISIO.IIE Leave Warn'neon at 11.00 A AL, 4.36 and 16.00 P. 311. CHESTE.R FOB .PIIII.3DELPHIA. Leave Choster at 7.36._ 8.46,40.14 and 1(40 A. 31, 4 43 5.10, - .26 and 10.36 P. 3L - From Baltimore to Phlladelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. X., Way Mall. 9.3) A. M., Express. 1.10 P. IL, Express. P. M., Expreas. LW P. M.. ExP Tralna f0r 6.35 Baltimore leave Chester at 449 and 8.52 A. Id.. and afts P. hi. Trains for Baltimore leave Virllzedngtonat 523, and B. L. M.. and 4.1 b P. M. fight trains with passenger car attached will leave Wilmington ter Perryville and intermediate stations at. 8.65 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and Intermediate Stations at 4.45 P. M. Leave Perry ville for Wilmington and intermediate stations at A. *hi connecting at Wilmington with the 5.00 A. M. train. for Philadelphia. - SUNDAY TRAM.. Express Train at 4.15 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmiton, !Newark, Alkton,Northeast, Perryville, Have Grace, Aber deen, Pezrytaan's, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Bun. Night Expreaa 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore and Waah ington. Accommodation Train at 11.;* P.M., for Wihtdrigtoo and Intermediate Stetlona BALTIMORE FOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore ata2S-P. M., stopping at Havre . de Once, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or- Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. Amomedation train will leave Wilmington fOiPhi laclelphiat and Intermediate Stations at 6.80 P. M. H. F. BENNEY. Bnperinteadent. PEIvNSYLVANIe rPauva aaßaNa.. The trainscala Pennsylvaniaceiirriii A B. leave ihr Depot at Thirtnitret and Market streets. which is readied by the cars of the Market Street Passenger running to and from the Depot. The last car leavEs - - Brom street about thirty minutes, prior to the departure of each Train. ON IiIINDLYS—Cars leave Eleventh and Market strt-ets4s 'minutes before departure of .Evening trains. lit AN Ws BAGGAGE Expanse will call for and deli res. Baggage at the Depot Orders le ft at the office. No. 631, thfaatut street. will receive attention. - - - TRAINS DISAVE, AND 41 AMU - AM 1 DEPOT THUS: - .114.11 T . BA.IN_ • PAOLI AOOOll., No, I • FAST LINE . PAHRXSEITItG, - - . lELARIUBBMIG ACCOIL. • LANCASTERACCOM., - • PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 KUL MAL * - - - pa:a.A.DEaaticr.A. mizeß.Ess t • . CINCINNATI' =PRESS, t • 1.10 A. M. PHILADELPHIA IMPRESS - "7.10 " PAOLTPARKES EVED ACCOM., No. . • • " •- '• " 9.00 " LANCASTER' TItAIN ' • • " 12.30 P. M FASTLINE. • Lip • • PAOLI ACCON.; No. 3, • • " 4.40 " DAY EXPRESO 18 Lao 11 _ IfAHRffigIRIG ACOON., • .L 9.10 " *Daily, except. Saturday. tDaily• Malin Agee Pt Monday. , . All o th er trains daily, ascent Sunday'. • The Pennsylvania Rimmed Co. wth not assume any risk ibr egmpt WessingAolaaral. and limit their resporun=ty to One 'Huni Dollars In value. Allgive egneeding th at amount. v&lne 'will be al., the .the owner. unites taken by spacial contract. "• ' TICT" Have teen iiien ed let KE N0..131' ChOFEICEs: estnut street" vertu-, nental Hatel. and Girard House 'where Tickets may be procured to, all i t h porthnt. points Pennsylvania, •as well, es 'the Vest, Northwest and Southweeq and fall , oarticulars given 'as to time and connections, by,- 3 0 ALLEN; Ticket Agent • 'Xhe Ticket Office at West Phlladelpbte will . De con.' tinned -as heretofo r e, where ail information reipecting routenan well to Tickt,tB, can be 1414on,appticattatkte An , - • . Ticket - Am/lA.Od thaDepotr; Effilgiint Train inns risity, -- excePt Panda, ; Moir sill information as to fare and accOMMonatitatih '9 IP. Ift FRANCIS ..VHATE, No, 187 Melt streak.„:. ~ RA RITAN AND,- DELA-WADE . au. a • " , y x •Febroorll2th the Etrpreaa Train wit 1 he disco . tinned The Freight firain lawns CA.III-' DEN at 2 o'clock, P M daily (Sunday , riving to Field York neat .,' .morning.' ..Frohht taken . , et; lOW rp , tee.! • • - • fel 2 tP t m:B•SOLE. Aientr , Rid 1.. _ ;;•,. •,., -.... v, - PHILADELPHIA, GERIiLa.N -_. ___ _.v , TOWN AND mosausTown re' - I, :•TUCE TAZLE.—On and after iiMEN , NNSDAY, November ist 18 6 s to/MP:ether notice. FOR GREINANTOWN. LeaVePhiladelnitia,--8. 7,8, 9, 10, 11, V, A. 3LI ', 1, X Lill minutes, BX, 4,5, 6X, 6,7, 8,9, /0, 11, 12, P. Li. Leave Germantown -6.7 7%, 8, 8.20, 9, 10, il, 12, A. Itl4Ll 1, 2;a, 4, 43(;6, 63i, 7; 8,9 10, 11 P. AL The 8.70 down train and the iIM and S AC tip trains de stop on Geamantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. • Leave Philadelphia-9a minutes, A.. M.; k 7 Rd 10X, P. ?a' • Leave Germantown-8 U., al A. Ns, P. M. CIMSTNUT HILL Leave Philadelphia—a, 8, 18, 18, A. 3L;, 53( andll,P.M. Leave o:manta Hill-7.10 minutes. 8. 9.40, and IMO A. M.; 1.40, 8.40, 5.40, 6.40, B,O S and 10.40 p. •m. OW AYS. Leave Philadelpida-41. UND I.O ltdontes, A. M.; 8. and 7 Leave Chestnut 8111-7.40 minutes, A. X; 18.46, 5.40 and 9.20 minutes P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Phlladelplda,-0, 825. 11.05 naindas, A. If.; 1%; 1,4%. 634, 6X, 8.06, and 11%, P. X. Leave Norristown-61LO, 7.50, 9,11, A. M.; and 8 P. M. • The 834 P. IL train wil stop at School Lone, maw. Woken, M.ansynnk, Spring Mlle and Conshohocken only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia -8 A. Si.. 2%, and 7P. H. Leave Norristown-7 A. IL. and P. H. FOR I , LSHAYEINIC. Leave Philadelphia- 6.8.800 ; 1.05 A. M. 1% , 4%. 8,06, and 1.1% Leave Mahannk—SAL 734, 840, 9%, WI. M..; eg and 8, P.M. • - ON SUNDAYS. • Leave Philadelphia -8 A. 31.;3 V and P. 21.. Lisave Manaynnk--VX I. and 8 P. M. W. T. B.ON, Gen uperintedent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets 1866. PHILADELPHIA AND lIEMWERIE RAILROAD. 1866. V I &rest e traverses the Northern and North+ west' counties of Penney lvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. . It has been leased and Is operated by the . Penney], ,vania B slimed Company. TI7LE OF Pasioniarat TRAINS AT PRELADEL.E.I2IA. ' - ARRIVE EASTWARD. Erie Mail Train. . - ..... ..... -----.7.00 A. M. +O6 • Erie Express Truitt amp LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Nall Train P. ax. Erie Express Train ... . • -12.00 + Passenger Cars run anti Express 7 rains without change, both ways, between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 A.M., arrive at Erie 9.15 A. M: Leave Erie at 1.55 P. M., arrive at New York 3.40 P. M. Elegant bleeping Cars on all Night Trains. , For information reep_ecting nger apply at corner THIRTIETH and _ rareeta, delpbia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and market, atreeta, Philadelphia. J. W. Iteynolda, Erie. Wm. Brown, Agent N. C. R. B. Baltimore. Baltimore. l. IL tiousN, General Freight Agent, Philad To eirbie. R. W. General Ticket Agent, GWINNE.II, Philadelphia, A., L. TYLER, General Einpl., Wininmaport. PITTSBURGH COLUMBUS AND CLNUNHAW P. ATT 14 OAD Owing to the great distance saved by THIS BOUTS the Government has assigned to it the carrying of the U. S. MAIL to the Flincinal Cities of the West and Southwest. THERE BIING BUT ONE CHANGE OP CARS BEIWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND CMICLEINATI. AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PASSMCGETLS BY THIS ROUTE WTT.T, ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI, INDLA.NAPOLIS CAIRO AND ST.LOC: IB ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER lIN Passengers leaving Philadelphia at ILSO A. lit. will arrive st Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodruff's Celebrated Palace state-Boom Bleeping ears will be attached, and run through to Columbus without change, avoiding changing case at Pittsburgh at midnight, a comfort never before afforded to the traveling community. Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA. STEITEEN. v i T,T.V " at PENNSYLVANIA 1 A TT.wOA D OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets, B. F. Philadelphia. SCULL, Gen'l Picket Ag't, Stenbenvllle,(l‘ JOHN H. MILER. Gen't Eastern Pass. ..Lg't. .Ms Broadway, New York. ZORN DURAND, Gen'l Sop't. thts-tt OFFICE OF THE ADAMS EX. PRESS CO.B.I2PA_NY, 820 CHEST. as . maws, January 2 lth. - 1882-' The Adams litxpress Comptuifrhave their ele:lse at Washangton.D. C., building a Depot, and having- acquired additional capacitor tbr transportation. are now prepared - te Ibrward Heavy Ex - press freights, Packages and. Parotid to Washing ton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamistown,Fortreas Ho and otter Name South, occupied by the army, at reduced mites. Special agreemems e for - Merchsauttse in largo lota. Sutter 'a and army supplies at prices,. on, ap on at oar omce. Etoldl lu ertl=i taken at m less than our tenet rates., • Heavy and talky packages • received and receSptea On at our depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and MST streets. - JOHN BIIWIECAM, 80-Perintendent. if? 7 " : e s: • —PHIL- AD ELP HI& TO W TAM CHANGE OF CARS VaLCATA- On and afterlfonday. April ed, 1866, through care for Williamsport will leave the Philadel phi& and Read ing Railroad Depot, Thirteenth and tlallowhal streets, at sA. M. arriving at 'Williamsport at P. XL. and mat lug close connections for Elmira, Regiona, Bnffalo, Erle, Niagara Palls, Stispension Bridge mid all places In the Western, North Western, South Western States and the 02,nadas. BROUGH TICKETS to all points can be procured at the Company's office 4.5 Chestnut street, under Philadelphlaßank, opposite the Custom House, at the Uni,ed States Telegraph Office In the Continental Botc-1, ano at the Depot ofthe Philadelphia and Read • lug Railroad Thir: eenth and thillawnlll streets. - N. VANHORN. Passenger Agent. PROCURED.— JOHN NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER FOR ALL STATE S+, PENNON AND PRIZE - AGENT, No. i DOCK street. Acknowledgments, Depositions, Affidavits to Ac counts taken. 628 HOOP SKIRTS, . a 2B NEW SPRING STYLES NOW READY of Hopkbas' " own make," at No. Ma A_RCH !Area. These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the warder of first-class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladles. - Misses and Children, which, for finish and dnrabillty, have no equal in themarket, and warrantee to give satisfaction. Also, constantly cia hand, a fall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from IS to 40 springs, at very low prices. - Skirts ' made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. nolaemf Us C. KNIGHT & CO., WHor.pq.s.:r:R GROCERS,. -U.S. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTM:n" streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the. sale of the Products of the . Southwark. Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar Rouse, of Philadelphia. • Jal-lyr GEORGE SHARP. Patentee avel manufacturer of the BALL PATTRRN SLLVER WARE, No. 41. Prune street ja23-3raos AMEN A. 'WRIGHT. THORNTON PIKE. OLREHRNT At r GRISCOM. THEODORE 'WRIGHT. PRANK L. NEALL, PETER WRIGHT & hO.NB, Importers of Rairthenware, and Shipping sad Commission Merchants, , N 0.115 WALNUT street, PhilltdelPitta; PNSYLVANIA VORHS.—ON THE Maid:- WARE river, below PHILADELPHIA, - CHESTER. Delaware county. Pa. ' BEA.NEY, SON & Fnglneprs and Iron Boat builders, Manufacturers of All kinds of CONDENSING AND NONCONDENSING ENGINES, Iron Vessels of all p t r igziptioners . .L , Blllers, Vats, Tanks, T. 'RF_ANEY, W. B. REANEY, S. ARCM:BO.Lp, Late of C 0.,• :late . Heaney. Neafe ez CEngineer in Chief., Penn Woiks; Phils U. S. Navy.,. T. VACGTWl_liENtek cop ri. H..21.E.E.14014 . S c iNGTON STS.. F EETS. Y' FIFTH 'AIQD 74l'"-11,7; • at 8.010.00 A. • ^ a " 1800 X. • " 1.00 P. X. • It &se . 1 "" 4.00 . • 11 • 5.80 is 0 . (13 n " 11,10 u MERRICK & SONS.' • ENGINEERS tAND MADELIENISTS. Manufacture High and Low Pre SteamTEngineep for Land, River and Marina Service._ Boilers Gasometers, Tanks. Iron' Beate. Castings of all kinds, either ironer brass._ Iron Frame RQO II 2 for Givi .liVOr/A. W P ri o,h°P 9 axid " Railroad Stations, .ac. • - • Retorts and GesjdaCtilnerk, of the •latest and most; improved construction, Mid mery description 'of Ptation PfsChinery; an& Sugar. Saw and , 'Grist , VSCUTUM Pans, Open Steam ,Trains,.. I:waggons; • Filters, ; _Pumping Ensines, dc. - Sole Agents far N. lillietut's Patent Sugar Boling Apparatus, Nesmyth's pabmt Steam Hatnixier and Aspinwall dr Woolasy's .Patent Cestzlingal Sugar Draining Machine. - - • • 11203 Pn CTMVICIBE.Ei r ___. MERRILL TRACK:ARA,- 0, nit • ' cot:les:MlLT - Om% lifanufeeturemi of , Gaa Muma, Lampe,' cam; 4nit. would call the attention of the public to Aunts Janie "VIV A-• assortment of pas Chandbilers, Pendants: Br ke ox,, - They. Also introlitice,aaa ' lu its and Public .Pultdinge,,and *tend fait extetoirnt, g altering and repairing Vas iiiptef. 4.1 . 1'w raliteac z • . • • 1 . _ . . • • I . III fiC , AVELPIELi' "Ittiymi scapozi4 • 15 8 trit gareo,4oove vine; • will: reepan lb , WO" ....... - an 'Muter Immo on U0ND451r,.. keytottinlT WIEN; and Ventleitint desiring to itol=e -, * haw:Mad -) i —O-ea r ig = ll 9 COMpliahnient - 'will' link 'err Wally, it tit% - The bonunr aro: an d ' v 1- ' 'I traftiedl B6l atillieret.titati nor lain .' 1:_;; bones; 4nito in , os ben.ixoen er. "- Want' - Wit .. . 310 reeti Mar ehligna 2.t0 , aira....tAlso'o!xtll: . iimt licrAnn , —... tßaitn sWatoboitte, Ito. -f -_,,_o _,.(2 • L.E , O a _faun ia ; t.:: : —..- =Oil .4gEtt. 11RIVIT Witrlgs,:--OWSKRB -PROgIiatrZAT , TW , 7 .r onlygamy* got Friv r W, lß l l Clleabseli B A -M i lt Al fee. tod,, Very Tow - priona ur.sPET , XEUlLlffietttreq 4 rl $:4O, We% ANA.= SW •,7 0 5rWatg:ttirtbrAner _ ANC • zusryseeld asorteand - rozasiltro-W IY . .; 75.6 h v • o J, • THE PAN HANDLE ROlyrz WESTWARD p Dzs:itly.l 1_177. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers