CITY COUNCILS., 'The -abated meeting was held yesterday ifternoon: SELECT BRANCH, .:Mr. Spering presented a petition for the lease of the second story of Spring Garden Hall.___ This was referred to the Committee Q.n City Property. • note WEIS read froth the authorities'of the Philadelphia Bank, announcing that in that building the office of the Recorder of Deeds could not longer find accommodation. A communication was received, signed by J Ross Snowden, Esq., Prothonotary of the Supreme Court, asking that the city shall supply a suitable fire and burglar proof safe in whichto preserve the archives of the court in question. Referred to the Commit tee on City Property. — An ordinance authorizing the Controllers of Public Schools to erect two _new school buildings in the First Ward, at a cost of not more than $15,000 each, the amount to be paid from the loan for school purposes, was adopted. Mr. Jones, from the Comndttee on Law, presented a report taking adverse ground to the ordinance Of Common • Ceuncil, taxing turnouts from the city passenger railroad at Broad street one hundred dollars per an num. , , The ordinance was discuseed at much length, but was not agreed to. A resolution instructing the Committee on Law to inquire whether the bridge span nitg Schuylkill at Manayunk is .not a free liridge was agreed to. Mr. Jones pr' rented a resolution request ing the Chief Commissioner of Highways to inform Select Councils by what authority a railroad is being constructed on the river road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward. Agreed to. An ordinance from Common Council making an appropriation of $300; for the printing of 'manuals for the use of members of COUILCILEI t was concurred in. A resolution of Common Council relative to a revision of grades in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Wards also met with concur rence in the Chamber. An ordinance authorizing the Trustees of the City Ice Boat to contract for the con struction of an entirely new boat was con curred in. Also, an ordinance authorizing the paving of Warren and Bishop streets, in the Twen ty-fiKsit Ward. Airesolution was offered that the Commit tee on City Property and the Chief Engineer of the Water Works be authorized to adver tise for proposals to rent the refreshmentsa loons in the public parks, and that the suc cessful bidders be considered as "tenants at will." Mr. Van Cleve remarked that in his opin ion these saloons could be made to yield to the city from $4,000 to $5,000 per.onnum. A motion to refer the matter to the Com mittee on City Property was 105t..4 The anestion was then takes, and the res olution was not agreed to. Adjourned. COMMON BRANCH. A communication from the judges in ref .erence to the position ,of the court house, now under discussion,was received. From the City Solicitor an opinion Was received. The Councils inquired of that of ficer whether the Tax Receiver has the right to retain the, 5 ner cent. penalty from delin quent fax; pa - yers. The opinion was to the effect ihatthe'Receiver is legally entitlel to the commission. Petitions were received from. the Chief Engineer and delegates of the Fire Conven tion, asking that the State House bell be rang at all alarms of fire. The Finance Committee reported a reso lution approving thesnzeties of the contract ors for cleansing the streets. Passed. A resolution instructing the Committee on High Ways and Surveys to report to the Councils the price per foot of all work done by authority of the Commissioners was agreed to. Mr. Mercer offered an ordinance authori zing the Trustees of the City Ice Boat to contract for a new iron ice boat at a cost of $lOO,OOO, to be paid for by bonds of the city bearinK6 per cent, interest. The ordinance excited a long and wordy debate, and was finally passed. The highway Committee reported bills to repair Minerva street, Thirteenth Ward, from Franklin to Sixth street; to pave War ren street,Eighteenth Ward,from Richmond to Beach street; to pave Bishop street, in the Eighteenth Ward, from Richmond to Beach street. Agreed to. Mr. Willits moved to sitspend the rules and take up the bill to change the Court House. The yeas and nays were called on the motion, resulting in 21 yeas, 15 nays. Not being a two-thirds vote the motion fell.- The Committee on Surveys reported that the Board of Surveys had recommended the revision of the grades from Broad street to Ninth and Berke street to ;Susquehanna avenue, in the Twentieth and Twenty-first wards, and introducing a r4solution to that effect. The Committee stated that numer ous and valuable improvements are con templated, in that section' of the city, and builders await only the change of the grades to commence operations. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. Stanton, Chairnaan of the joint special ..committee to prepare a manual for the use ef the members, reported an ordinance to _appropriate $3OO to pay for manuals. Passed. Mr. Griffiths offered a resolution granting to Kilburn & Gates the privilege to connect their buildings on Z'ommerce with those on Market street by an iron gangway over Commerce street, at the third story. Tabled. T r. Mercer offered a resolution that, as it is alleged that improper means were used to secure passage of the bill to cleanse the streets, a committee of three from each Chamber be appointed to examine the sub ject and report fully upon the matter. Agreed to. Messrs. 'Mercer, Pranciscus and Hetzel were appointed the committee. Mr. Harper again moved to call up the bill changing the site of the new Court House. The motion was agreed to, and the bill was called up. Mr. Martin asked for the reading of a communication from the Judges. It was read, giving the approval of Judge Allison. and Judge Pierce on the question, and stating that Judge Ludlow also favored tha alteration of the site. The bill was then read. It limits the cost of the change to :,000. Stokley moved an amendment to the bill—provided it meets the approval of the City Solicitor and the Judges of the Court. Agreed to. Mr. Hancock, who has always voted against the bill, said that it was a bitter pill,: he.supposed Councils must swallow it, and he would vote for it on the condition s that the building be a perfect structure and cost only the sum of contract. Mr. Creswell advocated the bill, and said he would vote for all public improvements, He :would - mote $2,000,000 to cover the whole Walnut street front of the square w ith bindings_ for Courts and municipa l offices. ~There is no one-horse: town in the State that has not a better Court House than Philadelphia. • • Mr. Miller moved, an additional amend ment : ".Priwided the sureties of the con tractors receive the sanction of the Finance COD:Watel3 A 7 He declared that the cha nge of belle Was only intended to, annul the con tracc. tliatr:thatiitY:can be mulcted out $30,0066440;000 more than thepresentprice of ctintiabtit. , The whole design is to have the Ilmsierittotitraet Changed at a future day, and ;hiving, a claim for heavy excesses Passeili - ,tbrougb Councils. The Finance Committee know nothing of these securi ties. They were not submitted to the Fi nance but to the City Property Committee, and threugh this underhand and =wank ,way is the city to be saddled with thirty or forty thousand dollars-of additional appro ,priation to complete the Court House. The amendment was agreed to. Mr. Evans called- the -previous question, which was sustained, when Mr. Hetzel moved another amendment tai :strike out the words "$8,000, 7 ' and insert "provided that the city be subjected to no additional expenSe." • This was lost. Mr. Hancock moved to appoint a commit itee of five from each Chamber to ascertain for what the additional $B,OOO are to be ex pended. •This was objected to, and, the resolution, amended to, make the committee only a , Common Council matter; was agreed to. The committee was appointed: Hancock, Ailison, Fox, Miller and • Select Council bills were then taken up. The ordinance to authorize the erection of 'school houses in the First Ward ; the reso lution to lay water pipes on Evergreen and' other streets •and the resolution of instruc tion to the dommittee on Schools were con curred in. The ordinance to appropriate 04400 to the Board of School control, to pay for photo graphing the testimony and printing the report of the Committee - of Investigation into the conduct of Principal Maguire, was postponed. Adjourned. From Now Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Aprill9.—An altercation took place to-day, at the Custom House, be t Ween General Burbridge and a cotton planter from Shreveportcregarding some cotton transactions. Burbrdge fired at the latter three times, but no blood was shed.; General Mclntosh reports that the Indian territories nave been by the war, and it will take years to recover their for mer prosperity. The people are very des titute. , Bad reports regarding the crevasses con tinue to be received. They are widening. The workingmen have nominated Gen eral Hayes 'for Sheriff, and. he will be elected. The, judgment of the Annual Methodist Conference in the case of D. F. Daggett, ex pelled from church for improper conduct, has been affirmed by the General Confer ence. The proceedings of the Conference have otherwise been confined to unimportant subjects. The steamers Liberty, from Baltimore via Havana, and Mexico, from Vera Cruz, are below and coming up. The New York Mail Steamship Company has applied for an injunction against the demolition of their inclosures on the levee after they were destroyed. Not a vestige of them remains, and thelevee is clear. General Canby did not know of it till the work was done, when he turned it over to the Circuit Court. During the argument on the injuction, the company propose to rebuild inclosures, but the Mayor has ap plied for a preventive injunction. The press of this city demand the release of Senator Gwynn from Fort Jackson. The prospects of the cotton crop are still bad. Most of the land must be replanted. All the holders have been ordered to hob their old stock till the expected advance to 50 cents. The fears of an inundation con tinue. The Levee Commissioners have done nothing. They report the Chinn cre vasse 6,000 feet wide and increasing ninety feet daily, and the whole country is flooded. There is much feeling against the Commis sioners. Col. Mclntosh, Chief of the Creek Nation, has arrived here, in charge of the destitute Confederates. The stocks of corn, wheat and Western produce are light, and additions are anx iously expected. The Ineame Tax Case at flaCala. BUFFALO, N. Y.. April 19.—1 n the Reve nue case decided yesterday by Judge Smal ley, it appears that Mr. Brown was sum moned before the Aasessor of the Thirtieth Districtin July, 1865, and required to testify in regard to the income returns made by him in 1862 and 1863, and the special income tax of 1864. The Assessor claimed that Mr. Brown was owner of $120,000 in railway bonds at the time stated,while he returned an income of only $15,000. Brown stated that he had sold the bonds, but refused . to inform the Assessor to whom he had sold them. He was brought up on an attachment before the Judge, who was to decide whether be was bound to give the information - de manded. After a full argument by counsel. Judge Smalley decided that the 14th section of the Revenue law was norretroactive in its effect; that the assessor having returned his list of assessments to the collector, has 11.3 power to institute a fresh inquiry or compel the production of books and papers. Ha says there should be some limit of time beyoud which this inquisitorial power of the Assessor to examine into private bu siness transactions of every person should not be exercised. It follows that the Asses sor had,no authority to call Brown before him when he did, and that Brown was under no obligation to answer any question put to him. Judge Smalley holds further, that if fraudulent returns were made, the remedy is by indictment imderithe fifteenth:section, or for perjury, under the forty-second sec tion of the Revenue act. Mr. Brown wa4 ordered to be discharged. HOARDING COM-A woman died in Chester county, Pa.,recently, leaving be hind her eight hundred and twenty-nine dollars in coin—nearly( all of it in silver half-dollars, the rest in gold. It was found in two parcels after death, locked up in her bureau. She was a single woman, quite penurious in her habits, and lived entirely alone on a small lot inherited from her mother. The money was taken to West Chester last week and sold for the benefit or her estate at the current market rates. Thie money was the accumulation of thirty or* forty years, and it is noteworthy that not a single coin was counterfeit. There were als > about 150 pennies—some of them perhap will be interesting to the curious. Living alone as she did, unprotected, adjacent to a woods, and frequently absent from home, her humble cabin never tempted to violenco or outlawry. She ied at the house of a rela tive, where she was taken sick while on a visit, her treasure having had no one to guard it. She made no disclosure of the money, and it was only on an examination of her effects it was found. THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY Indiana, Of the Yellow Medicine tribe of Sioux, the remnant of Little Crow's band, who com mitted the massacre in Minnesota in 1862, and were taken prisoners by Gov. Marshall. have been sent up the•l‘lissouri river, to be settled ins portion of one of the Territories, where they will be watched and kept ont of mischief. One of them boasts that he killed and scalped a doen white women. Thirty nine of the ringleaders of the massacre were tried and hung, but Litttle Crow made his escape with a portion of his band. These Indians, of whom about one hundred and fifty are squaws, have been.held as hostages ever since. SICKNESS ON BOARD; AN ENGLISH STrArtion.—The steamship Virginia, from Liverpool the 4th, via. Queenstown sth inst., with merchandise, and 2,043 passengers, to the National Steam Navigation Company, arrived at this port last evening. She has had 38 deaths on the paSsage-36 passengers and 2of the crew. The Virginia' was imme diately sent to the lower quarantine anchor age, which is about 20 miles from the city. The disease is said to be similar to that with whichthe England' was infected, at Halifax. —New York San. ANEsSINA. - ORA.I . 4GES7-I;boo — biiiies Sweet Messina Orang±3aAn prime order, landing and for Bale by at r ial l" %I. .Ai DeUMW) Amin, THE 'DAILY EVNKING`'BULLATIN ADELPRIA. FRIDAY, -APRIL 20,1866. THE THIRD ANNUAL MMETI:NO OF THE 1 7 .C . F.70(3.1:CliOLDRES of the ROBICRTS,DIL AND • MINING CGMIPA:NY will be held attheir Office, No 1704 WALNUT street, on TURADAY,May Ist; 1808, at 12 o'clock M. • . J. R. , EDWARDS,' Sear Wan', NOTICH.—AN ADJOURNED MEETING Ole 1.1.,D" Stockholders of the StiNBURY • 01r., HOA- R,. NY will be held at, no Walnut street on MONDAY ,EVENING, April 2cd, at 7 o'clock P. M. By order. JOHN WP.IfiSH, Chairman. PATTERSON, SeC'Y pro tens. • apio.sts SIGTI3E.—The annual meeting of the Stuck bolders of THE TIO(3A I tii - PRIVFmrPNT (71%.1.PA1cr , . will be held on the'first of hi A.Y; at the Philadelphia Eitchai , ge, at 12 o'clocit, M. at which time an election will be held for Id Imagers, President •and Treasurer, for the ensuing year. - - ap6-Im/ • wrt.T.Laat Treastirer. OFFICE OF ThrE EVEIT.ETT OIL COM PANT, Ir 4 South Third street. Philadelphia, April 14, 1666.—The Annual Meeting or, the Stockhold ers of the INERETT OIL COMPANY for the election of officers and other. Important, business, will take 'place at the office of the Company THURSDAY, .April 26, 1666, at 4 o'clock" P. M. WILLETT COMBS, Philada. EU'OFFICE OF. SIIOIR VALLEY COMPANY, 532 WALNUT STREET, PHILA.- 3.).9..1.rmA, April 11.1836. '1 he Annual Meeting of, the Stockholders of the Sugar ' Valley Oil Company" will be held at toe Company's office, on TUESDAY,. May Bth, 1868 at 12 o'clock M. • JBEN'J. M. W.E.A.V.gat. apl9 tl myB/ TREMONT COAL COMPANY—NOTICE.—A special meeting qf the Stockholders of this Clam pany will be held at No. 23 Exchange Betiding on TuEBDAY, the 24th inst., at 12 o'clock, M.. for the pnr Pose of considering the proposed loan, and accepting the recent supplement to the charter. - ap9.m,w,f,6E* CO TIM ANNUAL MEETINGOE THE STOCK-, HuLDERS OF MILE . ..BLOOMSBORO IRON CO Pal% Y will be held at the Company's Office; at rondale4Pa., on WEDNESDAY, hiay 23d, lstitl, for the purptate of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for toe transaction or other bulimia WILLIAM. R. S. BAKER, • • beet etary and Treasurer, • list 213 North Water strt. Ploranswirrs, April 17,1886. aplmeeett LEWELLYN PETROLEUM COMPANY'S OFFICE, 188 SOUTH THIRD STREET, en/LA" nitta . nraAprillt:lB64l. - - • A M_IE4iG of the Stockholders of this 'COMMIT will be held atthe Company's Office, on THURSDAY, the 26th inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the election of officers. • . By ordef of the Preatdent, apl4-10t} C. T. BENEDICT, Secretvy iI'NORTHERN LIBERTIES AND PENN TOWNISEEIP RA7T.7IOAD COMPANY.—Pau, ADE:LP/tie, A pril 9, 1868 The annual meeting of the — Stockholders of this Company, and an election for officers to serve for the ensuingy ear, and until others shall be elected, will be beta at the office of the _Philadelphia Railroad Com pany, No. =7 South' FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, the 7th day of May neat. at 11 o'clock. A. M. aple WM. H. WEBB, Secretary, StqSaIIUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY—OFFICE No. l : 11 FOURTH STREET.—Par.LADELPHIa, April leee. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, and au election for President and six Mana gers will take place at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, the 7th day of May, next. at 12 o'clock ILE WM. H. WEBB, apse t mys Secretary. lU'(*FIDE SWATARA FALLS COAL COM, .PANY, April loth, An adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of the SWATARA FALLS COAL COMPANY will be held at the Unice of the Company. No. at South FOURTH street, on SATURDAY, the 21st inst., at 12 o'clock, .If. The object of the meeting is to pass upon the &meet ance or the J. C. White Lease. as recommended by the Board of Directors. [Signed] H. SIMONS, apl6-at,W,f2ll President. BhOFFICE OP THE I.FRIGH ZWC COM P. 11. 1 ,3 Y,N 0.3:33 WALNUT atreet4Ehurrnsr.prua- April 16tb, RES. .ibe annual meeting of the Stockholders of the LE HIGH ZINC coat DANY will be held at the Compa ny's Office, No. 33.3 WALNUT greet, on WEDNA , r DAY, May id proximo. at 1E o'clock U.. for the elec tion of seven Directors, to serve during the ensuing year, and for the traiar.oflon of other busloeas. apl6-IStt GORDON .29NOES, Secretary. CAMDEN AND AMBOY R. R. TRANS ti t y PORTATION COMPANY, OFFICE, BORDEN TOWN. March 2tth,1866. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of Steebbotders Compmen and Amboy Railroad. and Transportation any will be beld at the Company's Odic% in Bordentown. on Saturday. DPI: of April . _ UK at T.: o'cloclr, M., for the election of Seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. SAMUEL .T. BAYARD, Secretary. WeGOOD SPRIG RAILROAD COMPANY. —PHILADFLPIIIA, April 9, I.BQ •.1 anneal meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, aid an e ection for President and air managers to serve for th e ensuing year and until others shall be elected,will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, No. 227 South FOURTH Street, on -Monday, the 7th day of May next, at 113; A. M. Val. H. VirERR, apt° Secretary. a" THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY OF PHIL ADELPIIIA."—The Corporators of "The oeposit Company of Philadelphia," In compliance with the requirements of their charter, hereby appoint TUESDAY, the Ist of May, 1166, for the opening of the booze for entscription to thecapltal stock ofsaid Com pany, at the office of "THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY," No. 111 South Fourth 'Met. Charles Mace'ester, Alexander Henry. John Welsh, Adolph Epee. Charles Berle, George Trott, M. W. Baldwin, Isaac Lea. Samuel R. Shipley, Alfrid George A. Wood. Joseph B Townsend, George M. Troutman, Charles Wheeler, Win. C. Lent. James Nt• . Haslehurst. Richard Meade Bache. apl7.llt -1 .1' . : 6: ly — I *4 .4 • tr from Parts a (rest' su, latest styles, best WERLY COIVAETi3: also pp latest Spring Style.' DUPLEX‘SEIRTS, EILPREnS TRAIL, PARIS TRAIL and - O PRIDE F THE 'WORLD," at }lre. TEEL'S. CHESTNUT street, above Ttdrteenth, and also Senn' ELEVENTH street, above Spruce. api9 st. FLOUR, MEAL SQUASLE APPLE, BUCkWHICAT, Ac., and will Strain Passiravits,Sarrass, &C. A REAM FAINILY COMFORT. In the KITCHEN It la the right thing In the eat , place. No Household would be without lt after a air gib trial. It is the only Sifter now In 1180 that gives satiety, factition. Every Sifter 13 warranted to give perfect sad, Eve Sitter CIER. 'Factory, No, PM North SE COND StreetßPNß, Philada,, State and Connty Bights for Sale on easy terms, Wholesale Trade supplied on reasonable terms. Samples sent to any Addicts!' on receipt ofil 00. rito GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 23 CARTER STREET. And Hi DOCK OViiMom Woad= Work and 1011wriehtdng arompl1 y a . ended to trim of QPERAt, LARD AND MIA. LEO.—A full assort ment on hand, suitable for manufacturers, minexs and railroads. For sale by • EDW. R. ROWLEY, anisat• - les/loath Wharves. WHITE SOAP ROSIN.-198 barrels No. 1; and Pala Soap Rosin. Send barrels. For s sle by TNDIA ROBBER MACHINE BELTING STEAM PA °KING, HOSE, dfc._ _ _ Engineers and dealers will find a Furi., ASSORT m.ENT OF GOODYEAR'S PATRNT VULCANJzFIi RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, HO/ME, &c., at the Manufacturer's Headquarters GOODYEAR'S.BOB Chestnut street, ARTICLE side. N. B.—We have a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE of GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE, very [cheap, to which the attention of the public L 3 ealloo EIeGLIBIL PBMCLIB,_ CATSUP% ti5.1:10.138, , Crosse & Blackwell's .13MgLtah Pickles, Oataupe, Durham - Mustard, Olives, &Ilk lei b ship Yorktown and for sale by JOB. B. BO 001 WI Elmitb Delaware avenue. Coppsz, e :11 "A : :ss G BnidattiMtltler. NaJla, lions and I .0 —: eye .d for •b • • 1111EMITAT. BILIELWEI PRUNEni.--to men in tin canisters imported and 'ibr Kale by JOB. 8. 8 •89»eR dh •00 ioe South Deinwirn &venni& . IILATIN, TAPIOCA AND SAGO.—Oox'sSootcb G Gelatin, Rio Tapioca and East India Pearl Sago, landing and for sale by'S. B, BIISSLEB & 00., 108 S. Delaware Avenue XITATANDTS AND ALMONDS.—New crop Grenoble TY Walnote and Paper Shell New crop for sale by J. B. BOSSIER & 0() Delaware Avenue.. O L PAITISH OLIVE.-100 /Cm fresh Spanish Olives, 1.7 just received And for Bale by. .T. B. BBSSIKEtIi CO.. los R. Delaware Avenue. BO amend BOSTON' BIBOUIT.—Bon's Bodki n Binge As and Milk Biscuit, landin from steamer Norman. and for sale b • JOB. B. 8118 dt 00., Agents; for COR4Hl:lll.—Cldnese Bogor Cane B handsome gionak 0 arti Bela cle, ware Amu% for side by JOIL_B. B & 00., MI SPECIAL NOTICM. 440.R4E H. courliT, •• Secretary. it OWLETS. e Money on a Smell Eailiel SPENCER'S PATENT TIN SIFTER AND I EITIUUMIL Invaluable for lase in an B where a Strainer or elft Sieve la required. It win EDW. H. ROWLEY, 18 South Wharves. INSURMEOE6 - 71 - tra,LWARE MUTUAL - SAFETY DISURANOiI COMPANY, INCORPORAMAty rz 7 v IIS LEGISLATIIRIO Ner OBBlthr, E. caszica mT aarab STBBNrS-. A . n D AN ITT WALD= biARTAB 'imistralascar, vitazumeL m. CARGO T o till parts of the world. - myseirr, INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake, and LiuM Oarrlsillh SPIRE all pof the 'Union. arte INSITRANCES, On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, dbo, ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, November 1 1865. $lOO,OOO United States 6 per cent. loan, 7L..... 896,000 00 120,000 United States per cent, loan, 'BL 128,100 00 260,000 United States 7 8-10 per cent. lean Notes.— 194,875 OD 100,000 StaTiteeattriennsylvanir ---- Five Per Cent. Loan ... . . ... . 90,565 06 54,060 State of Ti017274 , 17i5i11i Fei Loan ' _ ~...—.. 63450 OD 125,000 City of Phila delphi a Six Per 'Cent. •L0an,....... 112,812 60 20,000 Pen.llBYlvlMlSl ... tatiraad Flrat 'Mort. Emgeßix Per Cast. 20,000 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second 'Mort gage Six Per Cent. Bonds .. . 750 CO 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad. MoTtiii . Z • Six Per. Cent. Bonds .....«..«...._....:. 23,750 00 11,000 800 Shares Stock Germantown etas . Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Pl:Medal . phia.—.- . . . . 18,537 50 7,1.60 148 Shar ps . Company... 8,580 00 6,000 100 Shares STOClNoirh—fannsylfaa— .. Railroad Company 5,260 00 40,000 Deposit with the United Sta t es UO. vernment, subject to 10 days ca11._.:.„. 40,00000 80,000 State of Tennessee Five , Per Cent. Wel 00 170.700 Loanalin Hew on 018 y Property. ......« 170,700 00 1,038.1M0 Par. . Market value.-- 098.560 00 1 Beta .te... ... 18,000 00 Bills receivable for Insura n ce mode.— " . 121,010 10 Balances due atageacies.—Premiums on lits• tine Policies...La:rued Interest. and otner debts due the Company.... . 40,5 U 44 Scrip and Stock of Sundry liisuraiiiis and other Cif i geges. 15,181. Estimated value_. 2,910 00 Clash in (Ash is Drawer s 078 48 178, 1 775 77 TOBS. Thornaa O. Hand, DDEM Samuel Z. MOUS, John C. Davis, I. F. Peniston, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry Sloan, Theophilne Spalding, William G. Boniton, John B. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Traqualr. H. Jones Brooke, Henry C. Lanett, Jr., Edward Latoureade, James (I Hand, Jacob P. Jones, William C. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Joseph H. Seal, Joshua P. Eyre, George G. Lelper, Spencer Melamine, Hugh Craig, I. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. Robert Burton, A. II Berger, Pittsburgh. John D. Taylor. D T.Moman, Pittsburgh. THOMAS O. HAND, President , - JOHN O. DAVIS, Vice President. HmTale LyrnuaN, Secretary. delluatol :ill Sr CS AS ./i• I ' • .I•ASZCS sr `MARINEL_ _17.11E . • INLAND TRANSPOB TATION INS uzi.exux. Third s Office tree NO.233 WALNUT street, sarith side, NM Of t. The Promdes of this Company are well Invested and furnish an available ftusl ihr the &mei:l i d/sanity of all icons who desire to beprotected Insurarcss. °IIIRISKS taken on Vessels, to axl :INLAND TRANSPORTATION RIBRB on Mar chandlee Rialraidi, Canals and Steamboa ts, FERE on Merchandise. Furniture and Build- Iws In CityangCounty. INCORPORATED IN 1701-411 AND PAID /N AND EUMIURELT TOTAL PROPERTD:9., pERFAT V I. IO,OXi. CHAIMML Arthur G. Ocala, DEILICTO JWL AMES N. Dlekcsaa , Bamnel W. Jong, S. Murrill Waln, John A.Nrown, John Meson Charles Tay lo r,tde, George L. garrlsgrg. Ambrose Francis R. Cope. =D. Wend. Edward H. Tro - llar, Welsh, K. S. Clarke, William IA Bowen, William Carandnill. T. Charlatan Henry ARTHUR G. IX/PPM President, MAZUR PLATT. Secretary. FIER ASSOCIATION, Incorporated Much las& # r A OFFICE, No. St S. FIFTH street. In sure BUILDING_ ,S HOUSEHOLD FUR. ' • NITRE and .ILERCELANDIRE genet. ally, from Loss by lire, tin the 01(y 0 • -- Philadelphia only.) STA.TEMINT4 of the Assets of the Assoclatlos January 1, 1861. Bonds and 'ganglion on property in the City of Philidelphi -........../336,0111 17 Grormdltenta.—.... 20 643 Si Real Estate (Office NoB4 Noith Fifth street) 14,896 13 11. f 3; Government 1.-20 Bends._..__ „ 00 Nv Treaaury 6,640 00 cit Pug h .V,412 44 10 Tc"l--- -- -iis - 31 ----4"1.412 GEORGE W. TRYON. President wi j WEL H. IT 4 VT LTON, JOSEPH R. LYNDALL, JOHN SOUDER. LEVI P. COATS PETER A. KEYSER, SAMUEL SPARELSWE, JOHN PHILBIN. CHARLES P. BOWER, JOHN CARBOW. JESSE LIGHTFOOT, OEOBOEL YOUNG, ROBERT 81E0E0' A RIM T. BUTLER, Secretary. L DEL EOIO2IIIX PHLt. I2O 3tOIuaracOOMPANT OP PJELILA. INCORPORATED 1106.—OILLIrmat AL, NO. MI WALNDT Street, opposite the In addition to XARLISEE and.,,A.ED I NS an a li Ctu be y imam from loss or dameme by MD. terms, on imildinma. merchandise, =atter, An., for 'Urinal period', and permanently cm tuillalimet bulepasit of premium. The Com bag been in MDT open 31 ftkr roma thandrains Which aU losses Ms a been PrOlLlpily and paid. ORS. Jahn 1.. Hods% DIREC T David Ltrebs, Johnß. Mahon) Benjamin =tins, I% larria, Thomas H. Powers, William R. Grant, A. B. Menem,. Robert W. Leman& Edmond. Oantillan, ' D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence lowa, JO Jr B. Limb C. Norris. HN OREIRJIII, Prtaidast 8AX17117.• WIIAXIX. Seerelia7. THE COUNTY FIRE ENBURANUE COMPANY,— annum NO. 110 BOOTH FOURTH STREW' namow cmserrairr. "The The Insoranos Oom'pany of the County es Philadelphia." Incorporated by the LeglOstras ci penrusylvania In wax for Indemnity against iota or damage Jay fire excluaivelv calAwnsat — Piatrisruel. This old and reliable Institution, with ample cant, and centingent Band carefuLly invested Mn=ziell 10 in. sure buildings, farniture, merchandise, dtc., either Per. =smutty or for a limited time, against lose or a te by dr% at the lowest Mee consistent with the safety of Its =stamens. Loam adjusted and nag pomade geostos, Charles Ruder, Edwin L. Bealds, Henry John Orllly, Horn, Robert V. Massey, Jr.. Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Mocks, Andrew H. =ler James N. Stone. J. surrxit, readdrits Itgroasuar P. Ho se. Illecfy and Treasurer. EFFWRPON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF J PHILADELPHIA.—OFFICE, No. 24 NORTH IPITTH STREET. NEAR MARKET STREET. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Omitxr.s. Rears'rust. CAPITAL AND ASSETh, e150;000, Make Insurance against Loss or Damage - by Fire or Public oarivate Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Merchandise on favorable croßa terms. Du& George Ere_ty I Frederick Doll, August C. Miller, Jacob Schandler, John F. Easterling, Samuel Miller, Henry Troomner, Edward P. Moyer. William McDaniel, Adam I. Glass, Christopher H. Miller, Israel Peterson, Frederick Staake, Frederick Ladner. Jonas Bowman, GEORGE JOHN F. EM $N PHILIP E. COI.TrAtAtsi, itRETY. President 1. I G, Vice President. Secretary. kIdERIOLN MITRULL IbiIMJELNO:IIODYPANY. xi. —ollleenhar .11tddm i po. is WILLEM Street. mea., AND 1/4131:1EAN01121.- Risks taken on vane% an ..,..4 anyone and to all pare of thwworld, and on on !alma of , „ nimonos rivers, cansle and other converame throughout thotrateg ratl States. venaaam 011A.10 Presiden t, • CULLEN ROBERT J. ME PETEE .E, Secretary. 471 Preeldnt 4313 i DMICTORS. William era% He nr i 6, xj a u Peter Men, Wm. R. Lowber, '. John Dallett, _Jr. Z. Johnston "MORI' William B. Nerilok, Samuel A. Brain, Beni. W. Eloharda, .bfaaon El der , Gimes Doll_ ,ett Neal. 7L. der waa. sr. Salmi, B. lin Mora" • Pearson Berri)]. MS FirSthiGingigrall MISOLI7SIVELY. THII BNNISYLVAInd RUM 13811RANOB PANY,aiorated 11123-oharter Perpetual—No ',a: Street, ontte Independence BMus. This GetriPanY,Arvorab known to the oomuumity kw, over forty years, con Ina to haus against lost Or damage by era, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or Bar a limited time. Also, or Purnitort=rs of Goods and Merchandine generally, on liberal Their Capital, teogethey with a large ftrplus Rand Ii Ltreeeted in. the moat careful manner, wh enable' them to ogto to the insured an undoubted secarial the caia afloat. • Danial Aiezan ßrol der th,, a, k,7 . •.• ' • • John Dervaenx, Imo Ewell xi, Thomas Smith, Thoisuusitoblne, R e 13 1701 1 illii Le . ", ii Fell, wrialili. : 0. ono Dmil izmiAlam el nadd sm eck Jr .t Jr., president Elecre Lary MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00 HPANY OP Au. PHILADELPHIA—OIIiss No. 5 South FIFTH Street—lnsure Buildings, Household Goods and Mei. chandhle generallv. salswirl3-sio3a9s 186- D CALEB CLOTH IRECTORS FOR DM lER REED BEN. 7. MALONE ' - JOSEPH WM. CHAPM ER, AN THOMAS MATHER. EDW. M. =MIA T. ELLW'D CHAPMAN, WILSON M. J SIMEON MATLAO_ ,K LUKENS WEBS AARON W. GASKILL CHARLES EVANS, CALEB foLonaza, President. ALLWOOD 097/APHAN I GOCreigai P7Migtal I piRSITSIANCE;' FIRE MBURANCE. LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital, $lO Millions. Invested Fundi, over 16 Millions. Yearly Revenue, over 5 Millions. Invested in the United States, over All losses promptly adjusted without reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania. OFFICE, No. 6 Merchants' Exohange. fd7ttt,tli,f ein 1829 -CHARTER PERPETUAL. FUEILA,MECIAM FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY • PHIIAADELPEETA; Assets on January L 1866, 02,500,851. 90. .4100,000 15 00 914,518 :$4 MAIMS, $11,467 63. Losses Paid Sine 1829 Over $5,000,000. Perpetual oral emporary Polities on Liberal Toms DIRECTORS, Edward C. Dale, George Fates, Alfred Finer, Fran W. Lewis, IL D. Peter McCall 7pICE3I President. Vice president. pro tem. fendSli Chas. N. Rancher, Topiaa Wagner, Samuel Grant, Geo. W. Rickutrds, lame Lea, CHARLES N. ED WA_RD C. D JAB. W. 'm A LI...TATER, WIZARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, CS WALNUT STREET, PHTLA ['ELYRIA CAPITAL PAID IN. IN CASH. 110,coo. This company continues to write en .Firs Bias onk Its capital, with a good sarplas, is safely inceeted. 701 Limas by fire havebeen Bs promptly paid, and more that Disbursed on this account o with oo in the past few years. F u r the present the office of this company will re mai at Mg 415 WALNUT STREET, Ent within a Sew months will remove to its OWL BIILLDING. N. B. WE. SY.v.K.Orc'et AND CHl±ll.r.oi t/. Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure our patrons at such rates as ate consistent with safety. . _ THOMAS CRAVFN,_ - ALFRED s. °man% FURMAN SHEPPAito, N. S. LAWRENCE, THOS. MACKELLAR. CHARLES I. DUPONT, JNO. SOPP.LEE. HENRY F. =IEEE JICO. W. CLAOHORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. SILAS FEHR THOMAS C3AI7XN, President. ALFRED 8. GILLETT, V. Prerldent and Tresazer. JAICEB B. A.LVORD. Secretary. islstf AlNE:ltleild 7/1111 INIECIMABRIE OCIMPANY. .115TOMtPOItskTED TU hne--taiwITXR PEEPS AL. 811/ WALT Wsupear above TRIED &reek EW) :MPHIL. Raving a paid 041.1 , /TAL SOS PLPLUSInve. • Le sound and available BeesritSTOO Ksad ies, cm) Matte to Mann on : Wore& Furniture, Ides obandisa Vessels In D = their IMIZON t and other Personal Property. An Lama liberally and onMexei. , sensed. anumuts. Thomas R. Kula I Jobn T. Lew* John Webi James B. Ounpeelb eameel 0. M erton. 3dmnnd G. Dutita Part= r Maria W. Pouliner Israel Morita frillOISAl3 B. MAIM. Wadden, =maw O. 1.. esevrvoars. Seems" mr2l rp PRC fiyO nDENT LIFE AND TRUST :011i Locorporsied by the State of Pellasy/vas* $4 fd=dl INI3IIREB LIV/ POs A)/Evarila CAPITAL Samuel R.ftpley, Jeremiah ter, Joehtia H. Morris. Richard Wood. . _ _IRS. } ffin. Blame Clettrury, Henry Manes, T. Wiener 1 1 4= 14 will. C. Om. F Co SAMUEL it. SHIPLEY, President. ROWLAND Fealty, Actnary. XREIDLADICIE OOMPANT. Na SOS INUEEITrIn STIUTET. TM:LADE:GPM& If/BE AND 'INLAND /NS/IBA/SOD Montt' N. Bent, - .Too. W. itverman. Camorlooltithordrort. Robert B. Potreo 8o zy V Jao Besslar, Jr. ulart. D. - 49'0041nd/. P. :with" Oho:. Mob" @lo.l. WM. Jos. D. Mb. FBA.NCIRI.W. 1:1171C President. MEAS. xusLAlLDswg. 171 or Prortiza• w. str.airosoro. Sotratarr DRIIGN. 01ILPHO— I.t .t b WIL -I.AM Tet•TorS & CO., Druarjeta, No. 7Z and MI Mark et Street. BLAIR'S CHOCOLATE FOR INVALIDS A.IID FANTTaV%—made from the true Caraccas Cocos —tree from all adulteration. The above article we can recommend as reliable for purity; exceedingly nutri tious and acceptable to weak and delicate stomachs. for which It is especially intended; also suitable fbr family use. Put up in tin cases to preserve its peculiar and delightftd flavor. HENRY C. ItLATIrS SONS, Apothecaries, Eighth and Walnut. riOD LIVER o.l2.—Twenty-five barrels, new mast Cod Liver Oil, of very superior quality; Carl. AmmOnia. just r-ved., Jam also, just received twenty-five barrels very superior Alco hol, warrantee 15 per cent., In the bad of gam and for sale by JO C. RAIDER & CO., No. 718 Market street. ummear OP Bvtvw for beef tea or Essence o: Beef in sickness or for soups for table use. Died•t nElgin, Illinois, by Gall Borden, from the juices of choice beef and is superior in 'delicious flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets with 11 , rections, one dollar each. RURRVILT., Apatite:An-. 1410 Chestnut Street. 11RSIGD3TH SIINDIMES. Graduates Mortar 11 , Pill Tiles,Ocanbs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweesons,pir Boxes, Horn Scoop's, Surglosl Instruments, Trtaae Hard and Soft . Rubber Goods, Vial Gum Glans an Metal Syringes, dist„ au at "First Hands" does. SNOWDEN & ap5411 23 South Eighth Meek ROBERT sHozawrits & 00« N. s. oolong. FOVRT:EL AND RACE STREETS, Wholesid- Druggists, Manutticturers and Dealers in Windov Glass. White Lead, and Mute or every. descriptim o ff er to the trade, or consumers, a complete*stoak goods in their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT 13H0l1:1[e4tmr]m , • .1, co • Fo• . • : . 111KAGNEBIA—anningli Ctlanillea, ne. 20II1n1 tin =and boxes, aim in bottlee. Jennings Carbonate Magnesia, in 2 oz. and 4 oz. papers. Calcine mulled& lynding and ibr sale by IM,LP SON & CO. Druggists, Market and Seventh street- Philadelpda, Bela DAY BUlE.—.Tuat received, AU invoice of Gentile I) Imported Bay Bare, for sale bythe gallon, b ()WIRT BRo ll ragAßmart & 00., Druggist. N. B. ea' LEI) vi : r $ 4:14 'PRE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING THE the firm of ESHER .t FOX, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 11th day of April, SAMUEL FOX. wittirg. AR matters connected with the late firm, lbe settled by EDWIN H. ESHER, who will continue the business at the old stand, S. W. cor ner NINTH and CHERRY streets. [spi&lit*) F,DW. ES O HER. Pan,A., AprlllB, Ism. SAMUEL FOX.. Js. JR. C I )PARTZTERSkrp NOTICE. ! OFFICE KEYSTONE E_NITTING Mrr.T.S,corner Oxford and Hancock streets. Philada., April 14, 1866. Mr. JOHN TAYLOR has been admitted as a partner in my business. We will continue the Fancy Hosiery Manufacturing at the above named works under the firm style of apl7.6t* DOLAN &TAYLOIL ESIJMDIE.R BOARDING. SUMMER BOARDING IN CHESTIER COUNTY.— IJ The eubscrber would accommodate a few Board= for the Summer at' his Farm on the Brandywine. about three miles • west from West Chester. The house la roomy and comfortable, the neighborhood attractive, and horses and vehicles will balcirilished on reasonable terms. apie4t* • Poet Office, West Chester. Inas. Belem to J. B. TO WNSEND, 813 Arch street. IDo ATUNS AND LEMONS—Banch, Lam and Seed Alu leas Ratans and Malaga Lunen% landlnrain bark La Plata,and for sale by JOS:. B. /11; 191;/.. /08 SOlttal DelAWlge Wrentleg $1,500,000 PM:C,.&D INCOME 808 1866. $310,000. M Santa Fourth Stress. THOMAS DOLAN. RENT.—Rooms, second, third, • fourth and dill 1' stories, 2G CARTER street suitable for manatee, taring psrposes, will be rented low to a good tenant. Apply .to J. H. CURT/Eldt'BON, Real ESsate Brokers. No. 4:33 Walnut street. TOR SALE—TO CLOSE AN .lITA.TE—A beautiful. .12 LOT, at the Southeast corner of FORTIETH and LOCUST streets, West Philadelphia, close to St. Ma rra E p i sco pal church. Would make a line location for a large marode_e. ereehld be divided Into smaller lota,hang three Aroma. C. IL S. LESLIE, apl6 6te ' -727 Ransom street. I PALL 13.1DERTON CUP HMS AIDRAnTwe MEMIKARY NOR YOUNG LAME will eons. mence en Wednmnaff. September lath. at her phaadel roamenee. corner of ropier and Sixteenth strod re. phle. Rearramennjne:—ltev. G. Erman Ha D. D. Bev. Themaa Brainerd, D. D., W. H. Allen, Beg, eta rivoloins vf o=4 Ckaleise• MKT!: LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE ORPHANS' (X)1711T FOR THE Orinf r 1_ AND COUNTY OP - PIEMADELPICEA.—Estate of WILLIAM WILSON. deceased.—The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the ao couraorlq 'C. WILSON,Admih 'Orator of the Estate of William Wilson,deceaSed, as filed by William Wilson, Jr., the Executor of the will of said N. C. Wilson; de. , ceased, and the account-of William. Wile-a. Jr., Ad ministrator d. b. n. of the Estate of said William Wil son, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the handsof ihe accountant, will meet the parties interested forthe purposes of his appointment, on TOESDAY,ApriI 24th, 1866, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the WS THERILL HOUSE, No. 608 SANSOM - street, in the City of Philadelphia. apl3f m,wate TN 'THE COURT OP C0M.51015( PLEAS FOR .631. .1. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHTLA.DE LPFlTA.—Es tate of E. P. COOKE. The Auditor app)inted by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of JOHN COOKE, Committee, will-meet the parties interested for the purposes of hls appointrrient. on WEDNES DAY, A pril 25th. 1866, at 2 o'clock P. AL, at his Odic% No. 522 WALADT, street. in the city of Philadelphia. CHARI.F.t H. T. COLLIh, Auditor. spl6-m,w.f-5t4 TN THE COURT OF COMMON PEAS FOR TH2 CITY JORDANUNTY or PHlLADr.pilLgi. CLARA vs.RICHA RD JORDAN.—Septern ber Term, 1865. No. 65.—T0 Richard Jordan, Respon dent—Sir—The - court has granted a role on you to ehow cause why a divorce from the bonds of matri mony should not he decreed in the above case.. Re— turnable on SATURDAY, April 14, at 10 o'clock, A M. Personal service having failed on account of your ab senee. - G. W. DEDRICS, apllov&f,4to Att'y for 'Libelant. NTICTORLA. HOWELL by her next friend. dtm, vs. V A-LVA HOWELL. In the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Phlladelnhig. Selq° tember Terna,lsss,No.l2,.- In divorce:to Alvallowen, Despondett,—Sir:—The Court has granted a rule -on you to show cause why a divorce from the. bonds of Matrimony should not be decreed in the above case, returnable on SATURDAY. the YStli day of ApriL 1866 at 10 o'clock A . IL, personal E erviCe or thia nOtIOS having failed on account of your absence. GEORGE SERGEANT: aplll-w.fetti Attorney for Libelant. ESTATE OF JAM NEVINS, D.E.J.K PD Leiters Testamentary having been duly granted tette Imbscribers, upon the, estate of James Nevins. late of he city of Philadelphia, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them to TOWNSEND WBELEN, J. WILLIS NE,VINS and E. S-WHELEN, JB., Elecntors, No. 300 Walnut St. FRILL. March 23, 1866. ' mh23l.6tf LEITERS TESTAMENTARY flaying been granted to the Subscriber upon the Estate of JOSEPH OWEN, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make ppayment and these having claims present them to BENJAMIN ONVIN, DAVID OWEN, and 70E1W GWYN. Executors, or to their Attorney. WILLIAM . NICHOLSON, Sis North Ninth Street mh3l-lawat LEA TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the subscriber upon the estate of EDWARD GASED L, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment. and those having claims Present them to W. S. CRESSON'. 2 - 24, South Broad street, THOS. B. WATIEON, HS North WATER st., or to their attorney, 8.. C. hicaiIIRTRLE, 436 Walannt street. mhal-law6t T BTTEBS OF ADMINISTRATION having been LI granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of HENRY BALL, deceased. all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having clams presmt them to HENRY BALL. Jr., Administrator, No. SSO Marshall street mhal law 61 LEI TEES TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the auto caber aspen the Estate of ANNIE H. SWEET. deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and these having claims present them to R. S. FITCH, 1103 Girard avenue. CHRISTO PHER BINDER and MARTHA A. BINDER, MB North Eighteenth street. Executors. mhil-lawSt LTIIRS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the subscriber upon the estate of ROB ERT E. GRIFFITH, deceased. all persons indebted io the same will make payment. and those having claims present them to hIA:NIJEL E. GRIFFITH. Adminis- Istrator, 2116 W. Delancey Place. mh3l-law,gt ESTATE OF MARY DAVIS. Deceased ,— Letters Testamentary upon the above Estate having been granted to MARY ANN DAVIS, a 1 persons in debted thereto will make payment, and those having claims against the same will . present them to J. ELANKLINTON, Attorney for .I...ecutrix, No. 7Z Spring Garden street. ape-ftt rp* T k 1 rERS OF ADIELNISMATION having been 1.1 granted to the subscriber upon the estate of JOHN LECKEY, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those havin claims present I hem to REBECCA LECKEY, tratrix, 506 OITS street. ap7,lavr6t LETTERS OF A.DMINIsTB.ATION having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate ot JACOB REUSS, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment. and those having claims present them to JOHN CROUSE, Administrator. corner of Preston and Westminster avenues Twenty. fourth Ward. ap7 lawn T EWERS TESTAMEN TART having been granted 11 to the subscriber upon the Estate of E. RINSE Y DURELL. deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment. and those having claim. present them to A IrREtED C. GIBSON, Msecutor, S. E corner New 3darket and Brown streets. __ sp7-law6t it Eel". /6151...§:rite. FOR SALE.—TWO CONTIGUOUS COTTAGE HOUSES AZ Atlantic City, near the Railroad Depot, fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue. The hoases are modern, with PARLOR, DINMG ROOM, and RUC= on the first floor, and nine chambers above. ROBERT EVARD, near the Premises has charge of the houses, and will show them to any person wishing is purchase. LOTS 50 feet front-150 feet deep to a street. Appivto ROBERT CHER ... rob-W.43LO] No. 254 South Sixteenth at., I V. COUNTRY SEAT—FOR. SALE.—A modern double stone residence, with 'stable and carriage house. ice-house, and 4 acres of excellent land attached, situate six miles from Market Street bridge, and within half a mile from a station on the Pennsyl vania Central Railroad. Has parlor, dining-room, kitchen and 12 chambers; is well built and in good re pair; abundance of dwarf and garden fruit. J. M. GUMMY dr SON, 80.2 Walnut streeL TO LET FOR THE SEASON,—A mansion . 11r4 ' house and garden, n rooms and stabling in good order and stealthy place. one mile from Green Lane Station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, Km miles from the city. Rent 11500. - Inquire of SUPPLEE & 31 4 Y - E. 51i 2S,'p rth street. 'WEST PHILADELPHIA—FOR SALE—The bandsomf 3-story double bricks (rough cast) Resi dence, with parlor. library, dining-room and kitchen on the first Boor, and furnished with every conveni ence; situate No. SSO6 Chestnut street. Lot 50 feet , by ZLO , feet deep, through io Santhm street, handsomely improved, with choice alumbber , and an abundance of trait. J. M. GO dt SONS, 505 Walnut st. GERMANTOWN--FOR BALE.—A. handsome donblepointed stone residence, with stable and carriage house: and about 2 acres of land, beautifully improved, situate on Dny's lane, within five mintitea' walk Iron) the railroad station. Is built and finished tbrouthout In a superior manner, with every comfo.t and convenience, and In perfect order. J. M. GUM MI-I' &SONS, SOS Walnut atreet. FOR 8 , 47. P —A HANDSOBSE FOUR STORY ma RESIDENCE, with threeAtory back buildings, No. 1519 POPLAR street, well built, tine sideyard. Lot ?8 by 168 feet to Cambridge street. 'Will be sold cheap to close an estate. Apply to JOHN C. AILRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Shah street. , Immediate posaesaion. MN GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE pei OR TO RENT—Beautifully and conveniently situated, within two minutes' walk of Church Lane Station. A commodious and e'egant RESIDENCE. with all the modern conveniences; stable, coach-house, Lot Hera& Apply between 10 and 2, at SS North THIRD street. (mh.l4-tl/1 W. P. WLISTACH, FOR c. ALF —THE FOUR STORY BROWN WI STONE RESIDENCE. wth three story back buuldings, Ilnished throughout in the best manner and In perfect order. Situate No. 1514 Pine street. Lot 50 feet front_ by 131:1 feet deep, to Stone street. J. M. GUM MEY .1 SON'S, 508 Walnut street. E. GERMANTOWN—FOE BENT IFIETILNIRMED, for the Summer months, a desirable STONE IDENCE, with every city convenience: stable and carriage house, and large lot of ground. Situate within five minutes' walk from the railroad depot. J. IL GUIVILEY & SONS, SOS Walnut street. _ rAItCHSTREET7LIkTtE77- - -The DWELLING No. 1,530 ARCH Street, in good condition. Pos session given June lit. Apply to 11;1.TO RENT.—A COUNTRY MANSION, sta bling for five horses; ice house filled, milk house. an garden. le minutes' walk from Tioga station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to DAVID J. MOTT. first tollgate, old York road. :api9l2t* 'EFOR SALF,--A very desirable small iw.Etl4- ING, on West Arch street, and several on Nest nt street. Apply to S. C. BUNTING, In., 2116 Arch street. rA. A GEN TW - 57 • FURNISHED HOUSE. In the 22 pleasant part of SIXTH Street, near SPRING RDEN, will be for Rent, Ibr 15 months. from July let. 'Apply az 220 WALNUT Street. apt mov,f,l2o' FOR SALE CEEEAP,—A threeotory brick jl3 dweLing with back buUdings, 2011 Poplar street, modern conveniences. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street.: • • FOR SALE.—A three-story by lek dwelling, lIEI brown atone Walsh, 43 North Seventeenth atreeb. bath, gaa, range. dm. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & t 343241 Beal Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. L BALE.—THE VIKRYDESIRABLE COHN try place of Mr. John Tonne. of twenty-two acre, near old Yorlelload station, on the N. P. R. R. ap 11.10t* , C. H. MUTRMEED. 21 8 307th M. ONT TgeeYandB°Die STORE, 10, i 6 i nq uire, No. 18 South Front street. EDIICULTION. C. B. DUNN. ?...' , 6 Walnut Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers