SEOOND EDITION. BY TE.LEGRIIPH. LATE FROM WASHINGTON. Bills Approved by the fresident. MARINE DISASTER AT ABSECOM. Another Accident on the sound, From Washington. WASIONGTON, April 20.—The President has recognized Loritz Von Baulback as Vice Consul of Oldenburg, at Milwaukee, and also as Vice Consul of Bavaria at the same city. The President has approved the bill authorizing the transfer of a gunboat to the Government of the Republic of Liberia, which is to pay for the vessel; also the reso lution protesting against pardons by Foreign governments of persons convicted of infa mous crimes on condition of emigration to the United States, and the bill to reimburse the State of Missouri for moneys expended. for the United States, in enrolling, equip ,. ping and provisioning militia forces to aid in suppressing the rebellion. The sum of $6,716,000 is appropriated for the purpose. The Steamer Jamaica Paeket. ATLANTIC CrrT, April 20.—The steamship Jamaica Packet, from Kingston, Jamaica, with a cargo of coffee and spices, is ashore on Absecom Beach. Her cargo has all been landed in good order. The ship is well up on the beach, in good condition, and will be got off. The Sound Steamers. NEW YORK, April 20th. The steamer State of Maine, of the London line, struck a rock night before last at the month of the Thames river, but got off, it was thought, without serious damage. Last night on her return voyage she sprung a leak and was compelled to transfer her passengers to the steamer Old Colony, of the Fall river route, which vessel brought them here. The State of Maine will probably reach here this afternoon. The Cincinnati and Chattanooga Railroad CINCINNATI, April 20.—A large meeting was held in the Exchange last night for the purpose of tendering aid to the Cincinnati and Chattanooga Railroad ,Company. Nearly $600,000 was subscribed. The Steamship Persia. Nmw YoRK , April 20.—The steamship Persia has arrived up at her dock. Price or cola in New Teri& [By the American Telegraph Co.] • lbw Yozur, April 20.—Gold has been quoted to-day as follows: 10.30 A. M., 12611 11.45 127 10.45 1271 12.15 P. M. 1271 11.00 127 12.30 127} 11.15 127 I Markets. NEW YORK, April W.—Cotton is quiet at Tic. for mid dlings. Flour is dull; State has declined 15@20-- sales of 8 000 bbis ., at $7 0011@l88 77 for State. $9 75(0412 00 for 0110 and $7 00@$7 58 for Western. Southern heavy; 550 bble„ sold at $9 (1016 00. Canada is 10©20c.lower; 580 bbls., sold at $7 80410112 9.5. Wheat doll and nomi nally 2@4e. lower. Corn firm but quiet. Beef Ilkar. Pork steady at VS 25 for mess. Lard firma 16N,Q)L9Yi'c,, Whisky dull. .134.1..rnaortz, April Tab.—Flour quiet but firm. Wheat firm: White, $3 10@):3 5); Red, 82 60142 70. Corn active at 95@96c. for White and 90C. for Yellow . Oats dull Andra, loser. Provisions dulL Lard 181,1©19c. Gro ceries steady. Whisky dull and nominal. Sales of New York Merchants. The Ledger's New York corresponden says: "It is a matter of mercantile curiosity and interest to notice the amounts of sales the last ten months by some of our largest houses, as taken from the official record, and reported in the elaily papers. At the bead of the list in the Fourth District, is H. B. Claflin & Co., whose sales are sworn to as being $42,506,713; next on the list is A. T. Stem art (wholesale exclusively), $39,391,683, which is apart from a large package busi ness dole by them in Philadelphia,amount ing to several millions, on which they pay the Government tax there; also a large retail business of many millions on Broadway and Tenth street, which in the aggregate make their entire sales much the largest by many millions of any dry goods house in the country; next on the list is Anthony Hall, $10,373,000; George A. Wicks, $10,0Q9,- 000. In the Fourth. District there are some twelve houses whose sales. were from five to eight millions, and twelve from three to four millions each, and of the list of a hundred names, only three had sales of less than a million." COIALTS. QUARTER SESSIOES.—Judge Allison.—To day is devoted to desertion cases. Before commencing the hearing in the several cases, the judge announced that after con sultation with his colleagues it had been de termined hereafter to admit evidence of the infidelity on the part of the wife as a de fenee. WHAT_THE SOUTH HAS LOST.—Matthew F. Maury has written a three-column letter to the London Morning Herald, in which he gives the following estimate of the losses of the South, caused by the war: 1 estimate the amount of the pecuniary losses incurred by the people of the Southern Confederacy, in their late attempt at inde pendence, to be not less than $7,000,000,000 as follows : By emancipation, . . . $3,000,000,000 Expenses of the war, . 2,000,000,000 Destruction of private property,l,ooo,ooo,ooo Additional taxation imposed by the victor for payment of Federal war debt, say $lO, 006,000 per annum, equal to 10 per cent. interes ton . . 1,000,000,000 --- Total, . . . . $7,000,000,000 This loss falls up less than eight millions of whites, who have, moreover, in addition, to contribute largely towards the support of the four millions of blacks who have been suddenly turned loose among them, and who, for the present, at least, are incapable of caring for themselves. This 7,000,000,000 of money was the accumulated wealth of centuries; it constituted nearly the whole industrial plant and capital of the South. WHAT JOSEPH E. JOHNSON SAYS.—Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, in a letter in which he consents to become a candidate for the posi tion of President of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, says : "The position, to me, would be the most agreeable one I could think of. No position would suit me better than the Presidency of a respectable railroad compa ny, and I should prefer the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to any other. The majority of the troops commanded by me during the war were from the Gulf States, and my best and warmest friends reside there. I have astrong desire to pass my remaining days in the Gulf. States in the midst of those who ha- shown themselves to be my .best and most steadfast friends." - to ki ke - a : WEST FHIIuLDBLPHIA.—The last twenty four hours have changed the appearance of things, even more and more. All the latest of the trees are now exhibiting the pre sence of the anxiously waited-for spring. Yesterday, a horse chestnut, in front of our window, was just beginning to bud; this morning, the whole tree is green with the young growth of its beautiful leav e are, wi th for the leaves of this favorite shade tree h the single exception of the Allanthus— Parad f sea (Tree of Heaven), the most cha racteristic among all our foliages. The lat ter, this morning. only shows signs of vitality. When it attains its season of florescence, we shall have something to say, in reference to its presence, however, ornamental in crowded situations its deleterious, somni ferous and oppressive character, and what evil results have always arisen from its cultivation. Its thorough - eradication would be a positive blessing. Blossoming, as it does, when we are just opening our win dows, to inhale the aromas of the early ad vents of Spring, its oppressive, heavy, al most leaden breath, sickens us where we sit. There are many other such trees, as well as plants, that our community should be guarded against at any time, but the more so when the Asiatic cholera threatens us with a fearful visitation. Sufficient, just now, on this subject. Everywhere "grass is springing, birds are singing,' in this, our peculiar section of report—the meadows, never so cute, are alive with young grasses the frogs are: croaking, and if things go. on as they promise, w which has not oce shall have lilacs in bloom on May Day,occurred for many years. The police reports at the Station House were small. Only two unfortunates falling into the hands of the law. One, a man named :Joseph Lykes, was sent to the In sane Asylum (Almshouse), and another, Joseph Riley,. charged with drunkenness, was discharged. The .Almshouse exhibited 17 admissions, 2 births, 2 deaths, 28 discharges, 4 elope ments, while 2 were "bound out" from the Children's Asylum. Census, 3.088; last year, 2 ,6l6—increase, 472. SLIGHT Etaks.—This morning about 7 o'clock, a bed in a house at Ella and Amber streets was burned. The flames were caused by children playing with matches. An alarm of fire was caused about nine o'clock, this morning, by the burning of some shavings and rubbish in the cellar of a house at Dilwyn and Callowhill streets. Damage trifling. Sinuous FALL. List evening, about half-past eight o'clock, an old lady named Abby Brown, 65 years of age, fell from the second-story window of a house No. 503 South Juniper street. Her arm, leg, and two ribs were broken, and her skull was fractured. The inmates of the house were absent at the time. The injured woman was conveyed to the hospital. MnA DOG KILLED.—A dog supposed to have been mad was killed by Officer Reeder yesterday afternoon in a house at Sixth and Vine streets, where the animal had taken refuge. FIRE HORSE KILLED.—One of the horses belonging to the Hope Hose Company fell last evening during an alarm of fire, and was so badly injured that he had to be killed. THE GREAT RIMEDF OF THE AGE, for teething pains, croups, flatulency, aleepleasness. In children. la Bower's Infant OOrdiaL Laboratory. Sixth and Green. Bottle, 25 cents. "FELT CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS."— Mailed for fifty cents. Bower. Sixth and Vine. C—C—Valnable furs, woolens,clothesota, saved by Judicious putting away, with "Cedar Cam phor." For sale by C. H. Needles. at 12th and Bane streets; one dollar per pack. , Bnorizz Ink Stands, Fans, Card Reosiv rs, Jewel Cankers, CigarSNOWD & Cases EN Catlery etc. ma iura, Importers. 23 South 13 Eighth street. "LADIES' SPECLkLTIES."—Trusges! Braces! Supporters! Belts! Bandages! exclusively for females, light, easy and elegant, for sale, and adJtuste 1 by a competent female. at C. H. Needles', Twelfth street, first door below Race. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES IN EVERY VA RIETY. SNOWDEN & BROTHER,lrerters, 23 South ath street. 7 8-10's wererzn, DeHaven & Brother, 40 South Third Street. SPIRAL Lrowrs, from Magnesium, mar velous in brilliancy! The effects in a dark parloror con servatory are exquisite and artistic. Wholesale and retail at C. H. Needles'.Twelfth and Race. 50 cents per box, same mailed for 55 cents. 5-20's WANTED, DeHaven dr Brother, 40 South Third street. COM:POUND interest notes wanted by De Haven & Bro. 5-20 COUPONS due May Ist, and Com pound Interest notes wanted, 7 See and 5Ws bought and sold by DEFRAL dr. CO. 34 South Third street, THRASH YOUR CLOTHES and comb your Furs, and pack away both early in the season. if you wish to economise by gaining additional efficiqncy from your action, and to get along with less quantity of Cedar Camphor, or whatever you intend to use as protection against Moths. PURE FRUIT SYRUPS—For soda water; also bottled fbr domestic uses. HANCE, GRIFFITH dc CO., No. ses North street. SINGULAR RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—We have just learned , the particulars of a mos singular accident which occurred at Grape vine, Westmoreland county, on tne Penn sylvania Railroad, on Tuesday, resulting in the instant death of Daniel Gressman. Mr. Gressman was riding a very spirited horse. along the public road, which at this point runs parallel with'the railroad, and is in tersected by another road, crossing the track almost at right angles. The Ballast train was proceeding westward, when the horse became frightened and ran away. The train had not cleared the cross road when the ex cited animal reached that point, and ran full speed against the train,bounding upon a truck car about the middle of the train, and attempting to jump over to the opposite side, Mr. Gressman was thrown back on the. south track and fractured hie skull and cause instant death. The deceased was about seventryears of age, and resided near the scene of the accident, which was wit nessed by one of his daughters. Strange to say, the horse was not killed, allhoug,h it was considerably injured. It was a very line animal, valued at about four hundred dollars.—Pittsburgh Chronicle. STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION.—The Wilming ton (N. C.) Despatch, of the 14th, says: About 1 o'clock yesterday the tug Alpha, No. 2, while endeavoring to raise the trans port Thorn, which had been sunk near the "dram tree," about three and a half mile below the city, was blown to atoms by the explosion of one of her boilers, and Harry Crosby, a colored engineer, was instantly killed, and James Harris (colored),fireman, mortally injured. When the accident oc curred, James Orrell, of Wilmington; Charles, Bally, of Maine, John Williams,of Newburyport, Mass.; John Spates, of Bal timore, Md., and Captain Jere. Wagner, of Troy, N. Y., officers and white seamen of the Alpha, were at dinner below, and all received slight injuries from the explosion. Luckilyfor those who survived the accident, the Alpha No. 1, a consort of the unfortu nate boat, was but a little way off, and went immediately to the assistance of the sufferers, and, taking them on board, steamed for the city, where they (the wounded) received the medical attention which their injuries demanded. A HUGE ROOF.—An immense work is at present under wav at the entrance of the Paris terminus of the Western Railway, in the Rue St. Lazare. It is an iron roof con structed over the thirty-one lines of rails which start from that point, and which was formerly called-the Place de l'Europe,under which tne trains passed throngh two stone tunnels. The tunnels have been removed and a road will be constructed over the iron roof, THE DAILY EVENING BOLLETIN PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL2O 1866 WOO 17 BOs 'el con LtAii 2000 II S 5-20's '6a con 104% 1000 do: reg 3i 1850 City 65 new 023 9500 - do old 8831 2000rA II egh'y Co 5s 20 years Eds 73 2800 13 13 Tress 7 3-10 _ . . 10000 do 101 Notes 01 June 1% % 1500 Penns le9 eh Phil & Erie ceh 3 2 % 200 &la do MO 323 100 sh Hestonville 41% 30 Rh Lehigh Nay 54X 5 sh Cam & Amboy 119 PAW= OF STOCKS SIN NEW YORE. my MagmaPk) PEWIT CLAW. 613500 ND GUM Araerieark (401 d....... .... .."..1273‘ bid .... 80168 Feasting Railroad 616&100 sales ...... sales New York OentraL...—. 92% sales ...... sales U.S. 88 'Bl 105% sales ...... sales U.S.— .. Cs, S-W5..............10411 sales ... sales Erie--—...--.......—. 72% sales ...... sales Hudson Blver--..—..--109% bid ...... sales, Dull. ..... Stumm and Buanana..Aprill 20, ISMS. The Stock Market was comparatively steady to. day, without much disposition to operate except in Schuylkill Navigation Preferred, which opened at 39t,' , and sold up to 3254:, closing with a tendency for a far rise. The coal tonnage of the canal for the past week was 36,004.10 tone against 20,60310 tone at the sane pe• riod ',last year, making a total, since the opening, of 172,287.10 tons against 105 . .105.10 tons list year—increase for the week 15,201 tons—increase this season 67,1112. All the other:Oanal stocks were held firmly. Reading Railroad closed quiet at 61311. Camden and Amboy Railroad sold at 119: Pennsylvania Railroad at 56%: Philadelphia and Erie Railroad 'at ?Xi; North Penn- sylvasdit Railroad at 893 t Catawfsea Bat/road Preferred at 8(%, and the Common stock at 59%6}10. Govern ment Loans were held very firmly, the Coupon:Rase% 'Bl, selling at 105%; the Five-Twenties at 104%,; the Be .gistered do. at 1013. x, and the Ten-Forties at 92%. State and City Loans were firmer. In Oil stocks there waa no change. In Bank shares there were no tritium- Kona Passenger Baflwayshares were very dull. The only sales wet e of Hestonvilie at 41%, and Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets at 104% • The attention of holders of twenty or more IT. S. coupons, due May hit, Is called to an advertisement of the City Treasurer, in another column. Jay Cooke :.!S CO. quote Government Securities, dtc. to-day, sa follOws: Buying. Selling. 11. S. 6's, 105% Old 5.26 Bonds-- 105 New " 105 5-20 Bonds, 105 031 i 78-10 101% " 101% " July. *lOl% Certificates of Indebtedness 92% 92;1 Gold—at 12 r 27 Messrs. DeHaven as Brother. No. l 0 wish Tatra street, make the iblluwing quotation of me rates of exchange urday, at 1 P. M.: Musing. American Gold. 117 Silver-Quarters and halves.. .......121 Compound Interesp Notes: JunelB64- 103 4 ' 11 .3 " Ju1y.1864... 10. 105; " " Aug. 1864- 9 1 1 10 " Oct. 1864... au g " Dec. 1864... 7 3, 8 4 6 " a 1 ay,1565.- 5 3 03; 0 .* Aug. MS-. s?.; 4 is. " Sept.lB6s.- Shi 3.14 .. " Oct. 1865... 2,:i . 8 Smith, Randolph , Co.. Bankers, 16 South. Third street, quote at 11 o'clock as follow - to Gold.- .-----...-----.-_-.127% 127 11. S. 16 - 81 - 71iiira . .-----....—...--.-105% 105 X U. 5-20, naz........—..-....--- . laic tax . ;1664- . -.-----.-----.-10.1% 105 O 1ek5=.....--,..--1013i las U. ok. 1440 -- —.--. -033 i 934 U. S. 7.6W6-Ist series------.- - -lin% 101% " iid series. --.--.....-----.101% 101 U 841 serles.-......---2101 41101 X U. S. Certificates of Indehtedriess-.--..- 993;q1 RE:i Compounds. Dec- 1864.--.--- -,..,.. 7kfgl ... The inspections of Flour and M eal in Philadelphia, during the week ending April 17.1866, were as fol lows: Half Barrels of Superfine Barrels of Superfine.: Middlings "4 Corn Meal. 109 M. Schultz fi Co., No. 16 South Third street, make the follow ing quotations of the rates of Exchanger. London, 66 days saght_____ days. -..—.----.-- ...--.1.973&139,1( Par?, 60 days f. IS entwe 60 f Mr IO Bremen, 60 days.— ...... 99 ICO • Ha6burg,6o ------- 45 4 Lelpsic, 60 dim 90 91 Berlin. 60 days. Cologne, so days st Amsteram, 69 d 52 6 13 Frankfort. 60 ...... 53 Market steady. FRIDAY, April 90.—There is less activity {in Flour but with continued light receipts from all sources, and remarkably small stocks. holders are very firm at the advance recorded yesterday. About 1500 barrels were disposed of in lots fbr home consumption at ts®lo 50 Si barrel for low grade and fancy Northwestern extra family—now held higher—incinding sco barrels Penes and Ohio do. do. at 410 50ta1l, 100 barrels unsound family at is 50, small lets of superfine at s?®7 50, and extras at MP. Rye Flour is selling in a small way at 75(gS. In Corn Meal no change. There is Isiah demand for 'Wheat and prices con tinue to look up. Sales of 1,000 bush - els prime Red at $2 69C2 6 5 'f bushel, 4,900 bushels choice Amber at 55@a2 60, and 1500 bushels Spring at $1 80. White ranges from 12 60(0 90. Bye comes 'forward slowly and commands at 924 95 cents. Corn is in good re quest and all the reccelpts, about 4,000 bushels yellow, were taken at 85C48.5 cents. Oats are 1 cent higher 1800 bushels Delawaresold at 604361 cent%; In Barley and Malt no change. Cloverseed is very quiet and sells from $4 for (*Ea mon up top 75 fur choice. Timothy Is scarce, Sales of Flasseen at $2 55(42 60. Whisky is very quiet. Small ales of Penna, bbls. at 12 25@2 26 and Ohio at $2 ZS T 1 barrel. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In steamer Stars and Stripes. tro.M . HILVanS—Dr Tao J Henderson, M i re J.l .J Henderson. Miss A S Mender. son, Mrs Susanna Sullivan, Mr Edward S Clark, Mr Juan Fuentla, Mr Stephen Mentruat, Mr Branlin Gon zales, Master Laureano Gardara. Reportedt M rl344 rn A ua T de A I LIV-SRPOOL—Steamer Delaware . T n S gh. o RR son— . 117 »lige mdse Rosergarten & Sons: 78 Vitt Bros; 3 Wood, Sharp .• Hayward' 15 dO J H & W Creighton: 2 °asks It W Bandy &Bremer; Sdo chains Field, Langatroth & Co; sdo seeds Landreth & Son; 19 bales mdse Sitar, NewlinCo; 17 casks H W ()Grubb & Co; 7do do Fernley& CO; 7 cases mdse C. L. Sharpless: 5 cases books J B Lippincott & CO; 30 do mdse W M Wil son; 5 do do Lewis & Co; 4 do do F Brown; 1 do do Moss J Co; 2 do do Joel ado 25 do do J Meehan; 2 do do J 0 'Bartley; 2do do Y McAllister: Idodo J W Queen: I do dO o W Wogel: 2do do E S Maw Son: Bdo do J . Caldwell; 2 do do Pennington &Son: 1 do do Hea ton & Den ckla; 3 do do W Ganlinson; 1 do do AI) Car; roll &Co:4 do G YI Roberts; 5 do 'A Horn: 15 do Datbam, Lewis & Co; 3 do Vance & Landis; 4 do Smith tit Settser; IdoR& W C Biddle Co; 9do Yielder & Thatcher; 4 do A B Shipley & Co; 1 do do (kipper & Pry; I do W S Vaux; 4 do Buehler, Howard & Co; 4 du Laing Bt. Mc (4WD's; 3 do Whitmore, Wolfe, Duffe & Co: 1 do N E Morgan; I do 13 Spans; 1 do W Carter; 2 ao W Carty; 1 do J Thomas; Bdo JParker;s do C Gbriskey: 2do W A Robertso I do A. Jehnson: 2do Bottrek dt Son; 3 do Alt Justice & Co; 4 do do WH &1:11 W 1 do C Gascoy ne; 2 do I_,lppi ncott & Parry; 3 do D Steinmetz: 1 do C Field; I do H W Walton & Co; 11 do R Grist; 4 do James, Kent, Santee & Co; Idodo A C Cline: Ido E Esterbrook & Co: 1 do B Richardson; 1 do W S Horsed &Eon; 1 do J Mustqa & Son; 4 P S Justice; 9 do Thomp son, Son & Co: 6 do Hodges Bros; 2 do Smith,English & Co; 2 do Jiff Force; 3 do J M Rorer; 8 do Robert, Brnitt; I do M Goff & Co; 6do S S Fisher:• 5 Trnit & Co; 2do Wolgamath & Raleigh; 8 do Sbapleigb, Rue & Co; 5 do Hirse & Loeb: 2do 11 Ruhr; 4 do PE COhn; 9 do W J P Ingroch; 2107 India iron A B McHenry & Co; 20 casks soda ash W S Gillender• 100 kegs biscuit of soda Henry Carsten; 15 cases opium Powers &Weightman; 248 pkgs mdse' Powers &We ightman; 1661 las tin plates N Trotter & Co: 180 Co tin do; 12 casks antimony Brown, Shipley dk Co; 82 steel tyres GA Smith; 661 bxs tin plates M& G Taylor & Go; 186 pks machinery oPrseo &Bro; 37 has iron W F Potts, 9 cases machinery J Bancroft; 43 pkgs steel A M F Watson; 94 cases mdse 574 bas tin plates 8 pkgs machinery 70 do carpeting 5 cS opium 96 seroons& 2 bales bark 121 bdls iron. order. HAVANA—Steamer Stars and Stripes, Holmes-- 1182 baa sugar 34 hhds do 25 hales rags 8 bbls old metal Thos VV attson & Sons; 20 hilds meted° A Merino; 15 cs cigars S Fuguet & Sons: 1 do 1 4 & W Welsh; 7do John Wagner. 2 do J H Harper; 1 do L de la COva. MARINE BULLETIN. ;Ls • . 1 :4 p 2O lar &so Marine Bulletin. on Third .Paijo. Steamer Stars and Stripes, Holmes, 5 days from Ha vana, with sugar, cigars. &c. to Thos Watson & Sons. Steamer Alexandria, Hatrick, 30 hours from Rich mond via Norfolk. with mdse days P Clyde Co.& Steamer Millville. Renear, 3 from Boston, with mdse to David Cooper. Steamer Ann Eliza,'ltichards. 24 hours from N York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Brig Philip Larrabee, Head, 26 days frons-GalVeSton, in ballast to J E Barley & Co. Schr Flank, Littlefield, 5 days from Providence, with mdse to Dvid Coop • Behr War Eagle,Eel er. ly, 5 days from Providence,with mdse to David Cooper. Schr Jas Lawton. Baker, 6 days from Boston, With' 111 dee to Mershon & Cloud. Schr S A Hammond, Paine, 6 days from Boston,with mdse to captain. • Bar Flyaway - , Crowell, from Boston; with Mille tO captain. Schr R W Godfrey, Godfrey, 5 days front Charleston, 18C.: with old Iron to captain. Behr J Mettler. Jones, 6 days froln Pu ago RiVer,With innabin to captain, COMM tIALEB - OF STOOKS: luo taL ooh Nav pfd 200 sh de 82 sswn int 323 g 100 sh do b 5 24.4 34 400 e h h do so h do 82Y 100 sh dO .32e, 680'82N 200 ah Penns B CRP 5E 100 eh N Pa Et 8934 100 eh Oatawfasa B 40 50 812 do 39.48 200 en do bswn 80% 100 sh do 66Own 3036 4 og eh 00 sh Oce d an o 011 b3O 9,4 g l phlladelphla Markets., ~:3:~~~. ~:~~L'L~:~ • Schr Lucy, Snence, day from Brandywine, Del with corn meal to R D? Lea. Behr West Dennis, Crowell, 7 days from BostOn,with !intend to Barclay & Barclay. Schr Acklatu, Thurston. from Fall River. Behr D Jones, Totem, from Boston Bohr E T Allenallen, from Boston. Scbr .7 (*Babcock Higbee, from Boston. Isar J H Wainwright, Morris, from Boston. Behr W F Garrison. Corson, from Boston. Behr M E Smith. Smith, from Boston. edit R 8 Dean, Cook, from Taunton. ear Morning Light, Bowen, from Washington. Behr Jes Turner. Soule. from New Bedford. BELOW. Ship British Queen, from Liverpool. INAWLEID THIB DAv. Ship Queen of the East, Stoddard. Hong Kong, J E Barley & CO. Steamer Ruggles, McDermett,N York, W P Clyde&Co, Correspondence of thePhOadelphistExchange.. • Tbefollowing vess el s are at tDEL h a r bor Ba r k N. BSl taaara, from London for Philadelphia: brigs Boome rang, for Trinidad, Cuba; Essex and H E Wheeler, both for Portland; J B Rirby, for St Thomas; W A Dresser, from . Boston. and P Larrabee, from Texas, botb for tbLs port. together with ears J G Huntington . , Magee E G Irwin. A ngee, Abigal Brown, H Croskm all for Boston; H Herbert. from Washington; J Warren from James River; Wm Walker, for Providence; E li Pbinney, for Savannah; J Coppertb walk for Chesa peake Bar. Repplier. fir Salem; 8 Wilson. for Car denas: 'l' Borden. for Fall River and Free Wind.from N. York for Warshington. Wind E. YOUSS. &c. - r. HILLYARD BURTON. ICIINORANDA. day for Steamer Norman, Crowell, cleared at Boston yealev Ship or John this port. port.S Be Wolf, Jenks&fled from Liverpool bth inst. f this Ship Merrimac, Leckie, for this port, sailed from Liverpool sth hut. Gravesend TIVI1 1 31 4) . b"erne"br this "'mined from. Bark SmiL Onken, banes at Bremerhaven 2d inst. Br Al Brig batioss. .Buckard, hence at Kingston, Urn. 22d nit • Brig Sea Lion, Low, for this port, was loading at Sa vannah 14th inst. Behr J Tinker. Stanley, from Calais for this port, off lgew Pondon 18th inst. Schrs Nettie E Taller, Arnold; Artie d, trey, and and P A Sanders, Carroll, were lo a d ing at Sa vannah 14th inst, ibr this port. PAPER HANGINGS AT RETAIL. JOHN H. LONGSTRFTH, No.l North Third Street. ap20.60 ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! THOS. E. CAHML, President. JOHN GOODYEAR, Secretary. HENRY THOMAS, Supt, C 014121 SPRING ICE AND COAL CO. DITAIERB IN AND SHIPPERS OF ICS and COAL, We are now prepared to ruttish REST QUALITY ICE in large er email quantifies to Botels,Steamboats Ice Cream Salome, Families. offices. Ac., Ac., and a the LOWEST MARKET RATES. ICE eerved DAILY in all paved limits of the con solidated laity, West Philadelphia, Mantua, Rich mond and Germantown. Your custom and influence is respectfully solicited. You can rely on being fur nished with a Prniliarticle and PROMPTLY. Send your order to OFFICE 8. W. corner Twelfth and Willow Streets. Borth Penn*. B. B. and Neater street. Lombard and Twenty-flith streets. Pine Street Wharf. Schuylkill. &PM= 4 3,837 SPRIN G 00013 S SPRING STYLES EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, ElLe Chestnut St. SUPERIOR PIOIELENG VINEGAR PICKLES, KETCHUPS, PRESERVES, SAUCES, JELLIES, SYRUPS, MUSTARDS, &0., &Os All warranted to beof a wapetetor waft". MARCIFACTITRIED BY EMIL MATHIEU & SON, Nos, 120, 122 and 124 Lombard Street, Below Second. ap9 im rp 1866. SPRING-. 1866. EDMUND YARD & CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Streets, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Silks and Fancy Dress Goods, Linens and White Goods, Shawls and talmotals. DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Germant-Aa Fancy Wool Goods,. A Pall Line of Prints. AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. ft2o-21n rPi WM. PAINTER tic CO., . RANKERS, 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BUY COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES OF ALL DATES And pay the Accrued Interest, less a Small Discount.-- apl7•trn 5p Union Paper Box Mnufaotory 0.11. cor. Fourth and Chestnut and 105 South Fourth Street. PLAIN and FANCY PAPER BOXES. ap7 tar B. FRANK PARIS do 00.1, Mt_ SPRING. lint WM. D. ROGERS. Coach and Light Carriage Bander. 1009 and 1011 Chestnut Street, inb24-8m rp- PELMADELEBIA. 143 BBBOONB BAOCL&B INDIGO now laad_b_2l a from Bark WHITE WING fctr sale by .70BCD1 BALLET % & 00, 781 walnus street. Incorporated UK No. Os WALNUT STREET., DEPOTS, REMOVED TO BIRD EDITION LATER .NEWS FROM WASHINGTON The Presidett and fteconstraction. Promotions in the Regular Army MORE EVIDENCE AGAINST JEFF. LATE PROM ASPINWALL, ANOTHER TERRIBLE EXPLOSION A Steainship Blown to Pieces Fifty' Lives Lost THE CHILEAN WAR Valparaiso Threatened From Washington. [SpecialDeft:etch to the Bulletin.] WASSDROTON, April 20.—There is good reason to believe that the Reconstruction Committee have at last reached a proposi tion in the shape of a Constitutional Amend went, which will harmonize the existing difficulties between the President and Con gress, in regard to the plan for the admis sion of Representatives from the Southern States. It has been submitted to the Presi dent, and it is said he approves. It will be considered in committee to-morrow. The Senate Military Committee to-day passed upon a large number of military nominations. The Brevet promotions in the Regular Army, recommended by the board recently in session at St. Louis, are hung up in the War Department, notwithstanding they have been repeatedly called for by Con gress. The House Judiciary Committee, who are investigating Jeff Davis's connection with the Conspiracy Plot, have just dis covered additional evidence which will be very damaging to Jeff Terrible Exploition. NEW Yonr., April 20.—The steamship Arizona, from Aspinwall, has arrived. She brings $& 0 4:14,000 in specie. A terrible disaster occurred at Aspinwall, on the 3d inst. There was a fearful explo sion on board the steamship European, de stroying the ship and four hundred feet of her wharf. The cause of the explosion is supposed to be from nitro-glycerine on board. About fifty persons were kilted, among them the captain and officers of the ship. The etrileasi Ithiriewity. - NEw Yonx, April 20th.—Advioes by the steamer Arizona, from Aspinwall, says the news from the Southern Coast, gives little hope of a speedy settlement of the Peruvian, Chilean, Spanish question. But little pro rentsgress is 'being made by either of the bellige . There is some talk of bombarding 'Valpa raiso, but that is hardly likely. No attempt has been made by the Spaniards to take possession of the Chinehad Islands. There is no later news from Central Ame rica. The revolution in Panama has died ont and a majority of the prisoners set at liberty. CONGRESS -FIRST SESSION Wssurserrorr t April 20. HousE.—The first business in order to day, being Friday, was the call Of Commit tees for reports of a private nature. On a report by Mr. Rollins (N. 11.) from the Committee on Accounts, an additional clerk wastalowed to the Sergeant -at-Arms of the House, and the pay of a couple of la borers in creased. Mr. Ward (N. Y.), from the Committee on Claims, reported a bill giving to Ishmael Day, of Baltimore county, Maryland, an annuity of $421 50, as a recognition of his heroism in defending the National flag from Gilmor's rebel raiders on the 12th of .Tuly.• 1864, and for his loss of property, on that m -01131011. According to the report, which' was read, Day is a patriarchical patriot, seventy-four years of age, and when two of Gilmor's raiders attempted to haul down the National flag over his dwelling, he shot one of them dead and put the other to flight. The con sequence was that his _property was de stroyed by a larger party of rebels. Mr. Ward made an appeal to the House in support of the bill. _ Mr. Upton (Mich.) wanted to, know on what principle of law the bill could be sus tained? Mr. Ward replied—Oh, it is on the great principles that we sustain every man who sustains the flag in that way. Several members—Good ! you I are-right. Mr. Delano (Ohio), Chairman of the com mittee, explained the question. He said the.rule of the committee was to reject all claiins for damages, the result of the ravages of war; Ishmael Day was a loser to the amount of $7,000 or $8,000; but the com mittee felt it could do nothing to compen sate for that loss. Still the circumstances were se peculiar, the act so noble, that the Committee agreed to submit to the House the question of giv ing the old man, for the remaining few years of his life, in the last of which he exhibited this high degree of gallantry and patriot ism, a smallpension. If $4OO a year was too much the House might reduce it. Mr. Washburne (Ill.)—We understood, from the reading of the report, that the bill was put upon the ground of loss of pro perty. Mr Delano said he knew that the ques tion had not been understood, and therefore he had made the explanation. The question on the passage of the bill was taken by yeas and - nays, and resulted In a vote of 106 yeas to 13 nays. So the bill was passed. New York Stock Market. NEW Yeex. April 20.—The Stock Market is heavy; Chicago and Rock Island, 120- 111. Central, 1144" Mich. Southern, 801: Y. Central, 92%; Reading, 14. Can ton t 0.. 58; Mimi:ll . l6s, 74X; U. S. Coupons, 1881,106 V Ditto 1862. 1043 k Ten Forties, 93%; Treasury 7 3-103, 10t @10136; Sold, 127©1173;; Western Union Tel. Ce.i 5834. Sales at Philade] • SALES • • • f7OO II S 7 3•108 Aug c 101 X 500 II IS /0-41 A 93 2200 City 53 '7l 65 2900 aty fis new 02,14 6 eh 311nehlll R 54X 59 eh Penne R C&P 56% 100 eh Catawleea "If• u .59R, - - 8E00.151D 01000 Penne 59 883 3 2000 Ci new 93 2000 Pen RBI mtg 100 k 400 eh Lich av prat IN 2t 0 eh se 32N i 300 eh dol l - 233i1 4th eh Ne dle w York dt - Mid 500 eh do 814 . 100 sh Read B 'lO3 eh Pennon due= 56M 600 eh Mingo Cu, 3:00 O'Clook. Ma Stock Board. liwi4ll:lttiz4s) M oo h do O eh Susq Canal 1)30 16% l 16% 100 sh Phil dt. Erie bSO £1 leo sh Bch Nay pill boo 82 100 sh do boo ad 300 eh do , zu BOARD. mt& The following Is !Coal the Stat amo e unt en of coal transported over the Schuylkill Canal, during the week eliding Thursday, Aprll 19, 1866: Tona.Cwt. .„ 9,968 00' 21,860 2,804 00/0 1,854 00 From Port Oarbon Pottstrme..,. •` Schuylkill 'Haven " Port C1int0n...... ... Total for week.. ..: Previously this year. Total To same time last year Increase . emu o k The following Flieen 3 iiiini .l7l" irOlTianisiorted °vex the Philadelphia and Reeding.ltallroad, during the week ending Thursday, April 19,1866: From St. Clair-- ..... " Port ............ " Pottsville...— " Schuylkill Haven-- .. Auburn ". Port Clinton-- " Harrisburg and Dauphin.— Total Anthracite Coal for week Bittnninona, coal from Harrlabarg and Dan _ Total of all kind 5........ Previously this year-- Total... . Same titne . last year CARD. I have nowapet a large Invoice of EMBROIDERED LACE GITRTAMS. Juni. received from Switzerland. Also, a lot of IXIVO 017RTAINS. / MUSLIN OURTAINSI NOTTINGHAM CUIITAMS, FROM AUCTION. Some of watch I offer of 50 per cent. less than recent prices. 4 L E. WALR.AYEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 Chestnut Streete. JAY COOKE & CO., NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, Bankers, AND Dealers in Government Securities, 11. EL fre of 1 5514 5 20 9 5, Old and New, 10-40 , a; Certificates of Indebtedness" 7-30 NOTES, Ist, 2d. and 3d Series. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. IMMO= ALLOWED ON DEEPOMEL Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Own. mission. 7. %ee1al batlnfp. PEILADXG7II7A. FebrairY 1886. DREXEL & CO., BANKERS -34 SOUTH THIRD STREETS 6-20 9 5, _ 10-40's, ISSl's Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound;. Interest Notes and COQ! saw .Bum, Etotight and Sold. DRAFTSIZRAWNON ENGLAND, IRE LAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY. VER,ST NATIONAL BANKi Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1866 ME DEPOSITS ON INTERIM. INTEREST AT THE BATE OP FOUR PER CENT. PER AN NUM WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DR. POSITS, FOR WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA BLE AFTER FIVE DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST WILL NOT BE AL. LOWED UNLESS TIM DE. POSIT RE3sunis AT LEAST FIFTEEN DAYS. C. R. CLARK, President. BAKER-913 ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and;beat MElOZtalettOf 1 Wigs, Toupees, Long Hair Braids and Curls,Water-falls, Vietorines, Fri setes, Illusive Beams for Ladish At prices LOWER than elsewhere. Emh294P 909 OHESTitfT STREET • 111 NORTH a t F I e OTAT g L pri - oSehso w Cases I • n gr . e at In NORTHFOTRTH—Deaks and Office:Tables at -122 of a superior make. W. H. GROVE. APINIttIiA T DIMON Ling/ , RAISINEL—WhoIe and ZEAL 1-4 boxes beat wary, London _Layer Da/Ana, fox: sale by J. 11.33138. & B. CO. lee Delaware Avenue., pi : :a:a:1•11, , , Re ,inewea nt ibpuilel37l;l6 MOIR .. 86,004 Id -186,263.0 d 172,287./0 105,105 10. Torte.Owt... . 26,682 • 8,886 07 • 426 10 .. 21,930 IV 2,366 04 10,023 10 - 40 10. 69,561 IT 75,268 16 ......1,070,602 02 „..- 1,002,011 19 ns BEEKRITED FOR
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