XXXlith Congress—First Session. [CLOSE OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. SENATE.—The unfinished business of yes terday, which was the bill for the relief of certain naval' contractors, was taken up. The pending question was the amendment of Mr. Nye to the amendment of Mr. Grimes, vigi' Strike out 12 per cent. and insert 15 per eat; an es to make the bill read that the cafitractdrii named shall be entitled to re oilVe the sum awarded them by the Board . ofinciniz' y, provided that the same shall in alo case exceed 15 per cent. of the original contract prices. The bill was, after a few remarks from Mr. Johnson, postponed until to-morrow. 'Mr: Wilson called up the resolution of thanks to General Hancock, which was palsied. Mr. Wilson called up the House resolu tion appointing managers for the National Asylum for Disabled Soldiers. It appoints rune managers, divided into three ci • • MOs three 'to serve for six years, three for foar years, and three for two years. Passed. Mr,Sherman called up the Post Office Ap propriation bill. Mr.. Henderson offered an amendment providing that in all cases in which Persons have been appointed as assistant postmas ters during the recess of the session of the Senate, and whose appointments have been submitted to and rejected, or not consented to before the adjournment of the Senate, no money shall be drawn from the Treasury to pay the salary of such persons under such appointments - or under any previous ap pointment as such postmasters after such adjournment,. Mr. Trumbull suggested such an amend nient as would make it impossible for tha President to 'reappoint, after the adjourn ment of the Senate, men whose nominations hive been rejected by. the Senate. Mr.' Trumbull said there was a law already on the statute books containing a provision similar to that of- Mr. Hendersen's amend `meat: The President could not, according to law; fill a vacancy created during the am nion of the Senate, without the advice of the Senate. • The pending bill was postponed until to morrow, and the amendment was ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Clark (N.H.) the House bill to amend an act relating to the habeas corpus was taken up. It was read, as fol lows: An act to amend an act, entitled " An act relating to habeas corpus and regulating ja diciaL proceedings in certain cases," ap proved March 3d, 1862: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress as sembled, That any search, seizure, arrest or imprisonment made, or other trespasses or wrongs done or committed, or any act done or omitted to be done during the said rebellion by any officer or person,under and by virtue of any order, written or verbal, general or special, issued by the President or Secretary of War, or by any military officer of the United States holding the com mand of the department, district, or place, within which such seizure, search, arrest or impriatinixtent was made, done or commit tedi.`or any acts were so done or omitted to be done, either by the person or officer to whom the order was addressed, or by any other person aiding or assisting him therein, shall be held and are hereby declared to come within the purview of the act to which this is amendatory, and within the purview of the fourth fifth and sixth sections of said act, of the third of March, 1863, for all the purposes of' defence, transfer, appeal, error or limitation provided therein. SsorioN 2. And be it further enacted, That when the. said order is in writing it shall be sufficient to produce in evidence the original, with proof of its authenticity, or a certified copy of the same; or, if sent by telegraph the production of the telegram purporting to emanate from such mjlitary officer shall be prima facie evidence of its authenticity. or if the original of such order or teleg.ram, is lost, or cannot be produced, secondary evidence thereof shall be admis sion, as in other cases. Sno. 3. And be it further enacted, That the right of removal from the State Court into the Circuit Court of the United States, provided in the fifth section of the act to which this is amendatory,may be exercised as well after the appearance of the defendant • and the filing of his plea or other defence in vsaid Court, or at any term of said Court subsequent to the term which the appear ance is entered and before a jury is empan elled to try the same. But nothing herein contained shall be held to abridge the right of such removal after final judgment in the State Court, nor shall it be necessary in the State Court to offer or give surety for the filing of copies in the Circuit Court of the United States. 4-But on the filing of the pe tition verified as provided in said fifth sec tion, the further proceedings in the State Court shall cease, and not be resumed until 'AL certificate under the seal of the Circuit 'Court of the United States, stating that the _petitioner has failed to file copies in the said Circuit Court at the next term, is pro •duced. Sao. 4. And be it further enacted, That if the State Court shall,notwithstanding the performance of all things required for the removal of the case to the Circuit Court .aforesaid, proceed farther in said cause or prosecution before said certificate is pro duced, then in that ease all such farther proceedings shall be void and of none effisct; and all parties, judges, officers and other persons thenceforth proceeding thereunder, or by color thereof, shall be liable in dam ages therefor to the party aggrieved, to be recovered by action in a court of the State having proper jurisdiction, or in a circuit court of the 'United States far the district in which such further proceedings may have been had, :or where the party, officer, or other person so 'offending shall be found; and upon a recover' , of damages in either court the party .plaintiff shall be entitled to double costs; SEC. 5. And belt farther , enacted, That it shall be theduty of the clerk' of, the State court to (mulish , copies Of the papers and files lathe ease to the: parties so-petitioning for the removal, and upon the refusal or neglect of the clerk to famish such copies s the said party may docket the case in the circuit court of the United States, and there upon said circuit court shall htivejurisdic ,,, iction there in, and may, upon proof of such refusal or neglect of the clerk of the State court, and upon reasonable notice being given to the plaintiff, require him to file a declaration or petition therein, and upon his default may order a non-suit an , l dismiss the case at the costs of the plaintiff, which dismissal shall be a bar to any further suit touching • the matter in con troversy. ' The Committee on the Judiciary recom mended the adoption of the following amendment, to be inserted at the close of the first section: But no such order shall by force of this act or the act do which this is an amend ment; be a defence to any suit or action fur any act done or omitted to be done after the passage of this act. The amendment of the committee was' adopted. Mr. Edmunds (Vt.) moved to strike out of the first secticin the words "or other tres passes of ivrongs done or committed." He was unwilling to edmit in a law that the acts referied to were wrongs, • Mr. Howard suggested that the object of Mr. Edmunds Would be attained by insert ing the word "alleged" before the wori ‘trespasses:"' Mr. Clark had -no ottjection, to Mr. Ed munds' amendment; he thought it would improve the language of the bill. Mr. -Trumbull said the language of this bill was copied from a bill already on the statutetooks;'and to which this was amen hire. of the words "or any injury to person or property," for those now in the bill. The amendment of Mr. Edmunds was agreed to. . Mr. Howard - moved to amend the first section by inserting after the tVords "to whom the order is_ addressed,"_.the_wcads "or for whom it-was intended'', which was agreed to.' _ Mr. Edmunds offered an amendment to insert at the close of the.' first-=section first section the following words : "or so r as it operates as a-defence for any act done or omitted in any State represented in Con gress during the rebellion, and in which at the time of any such act or omission'mar tial law was not in force." _ _ Hfi was opposed, he said, to throwing the shield of an ex post facto law over officers who had transcendedtheir power in regions where there was no occasion for lt. He was not in favor of shielding the man who, while recruiting a company _in the North had committed some other breach of law. He saw no necessity for it. He thought 4 bill of indemnity, rather than edict of defence,wonld best accomplish the purpose. ' Mr. Cowan endorsed the amendment of Mr. Edmunds and the views expressed by him. Hewes very well- ware of the diffi culty of protecting officers in the conscien tious discharge of their duty, and at the same time of protecting citizens from the tyranny and oppression of malicious offi cers. The difficultywas - how to draw the bill and accomplish both purposes—pro tecting the officer and doing justice to the citizens. He believed those most entitled to the protection of the Government were the loyal people of the rebel States. ' Mr. Clark hoped the amendment of Mr. Edmunds, would not be adopted. There three thousand suits penditty in one State, which had never seceded,against loyal men and Union officers, for acts done in putting down the rebellion. He was surprised that the amendment should have come from Mr. Edmunds but lie was not surprised that it should be endorsed by Mr. Cowan. 1 Mr.Edmunds hoped Mr. Clark would not reject the paper because of the poorness of the endorser. Mr. Clark said that in one State a court had ruled that an act done in aid of the re bellion was justifiable, but an act done by a Union officer was a crime. Mr. Johnsim inquired what authority there was for the statement. Mr. Clark•said he had the authority of a man whotwas in the court when such a de cision was made. Mr. Johnson said it must have been made by , some justice of the peace. Mr. Clark said it was not a justice of the peace. He continued his remarks against the amendment of Mr. Edmunds. It was proposed only to protect men who had com mitted certain acts in obedience to orders. ,Mr. Conness said rebels weje being par doned every day; amnestY was being granted to rebels every day for the highest of crimes, and why not extend an amnesty to men who had committed these trespasses in the discharge of loyal duties? [Vim Edmunds resumed the floor in defence of his amendment. Mr, HoWard spoke against the amend ment as calculated to do wrong to Union officers by — aposing them to the political and personal prejudices of civil juries. Pending the consideration of this bill the Senate went into Executive session, and soon after adjourned. llorsz.—The morning hour having ex pired, the bill went over till to-morrow. The Speaker presented a report from the Secretary of War in reference to the allow ance of claims for the apprehension of Booth and others, which was referred to the Com mittee on Appropriations. The Speaker also . presented a resolution of the. Convention of Texas, in favor of a Southern branch of the raciflc Railroad, and asked the House what disposition should be made of it. Mr. Rollins moved its reference to the Committee on the Pacific Railroad. gr. Wentworth moved, as an amend ment, its reference to the Committee on Re construction. Mi. Conklhlg should like to know with what yiewtit was so referred to this com mittee; was it with a view to reconstruct the railroad? Mr: Ross suggested it was with a view of never getting a report on it. The amendment was rejected, and the re solution was referred to the Committee on the Pacific Railroad. The Speaker presented an invitation from colored citizens of the District of Columbia to the members of the House to be present at' the celebration of the anniversaryof emancipation in the District at Fr • square to-morrow. Mr. Eldridge suggested its reference to the Committee on Reconstruction. [Laugh ter.] Mr. Ancona inquired whether the invita tion included members who had voted against emancipation. The Speaker remarked that it was ad dressed to all the members of the House, and that it was only read for information. The House resumed the consideration of the bill to reorganize and establish the army of the United States. The fifth section being under discussion, Mr. Garfield moved an amendment strik ing out the clauses for officering the Veteran Reserve Corps and the colored troops, and providing, in lieu - of it, that the officers of the former shall be appointed from any officers and soldiers of volunteers or regu lars who have been wounded while serving in the army, or have been disabled by dis ease contracted in the service, and the offi cers of the latter from those who have served as officers of colored troops, and placing all officers on the same' footing in reference to pay, relative to rank and promotion within the staff corps, or arm of the service to which they may belong. He spoke in sup port of his amendment. Mr. Schenck oppose 4 the amendment as calculated to derange the whole bill and render its recommittal necessary. After a long discussion, the amendment was rejected—Yeas 52, nays 57. Mr. Conkling moved to amend by adding to the fifth section the following proviso : Provided that all officers of the existing Veteran Reserve Corps, except those now actually detailed for duty in the Freed men's Bureau, or otherwise actually and necessarily employed, shall, on the passage of this act, be mustered out of service and put - upon the same footing with other dis abled officers not now in service. Mr. Stevens did not sea any necessity for the amendment. Whatever officers were t o be appointed for the Veteran Reserve Corp should be retained, because, if mustered out, they would be then entitled to their month's pay. Mr: Conkling spoke in support of his amendment. 'The House had been assured that the bill was to be modified so as to se cure impartiality in the appointment of offi cers of the Veteran Reserve Corps. This ainendment was offered so as to carry that out. It merely provided that these officers, except so 'far as they were now employed, should be put on a , par with all other officers - disabled by disease or wounds. As to the practical objection made by Mr. Stevens, be submitted that the expense of mustering out the unemployed officers or the Veteran Reserve Corps was a matter of no consider ation, particularly in view of the fact that if they only got their fair proportion of these commissions, not more than nine of them would be re-commissioned. Mr.l3ehenek opposed the atnendment as improper and unnecessary. T,he discretion of mustering out, or not was with the Ex ecutive, and there he wished to leave it. The amendment was agreed to—yeas 59 , nays 43. • Mr. Ingersoll made a personal explana tion as to the circumstances which had in 7 duced - Mr. Shanklin to ask yesterday to be excused from further service on the Com mittee for the Dietriet of Columbia, It arm HEE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA,THURSDAY, APRIL 19,1866. from that gentleman not having. an oppor tunity to speak against the joint resolution passed some days - since - appropriating twenty-five thous a I d,dollars for :thatempe ritry i relief of, the : oor of the 'DistoU If of movingany injustice was ne him by the previous- questioni-hn(lngersoll)--regretted it. , He hoped:the explanation would be sat- Isfactory, and- that the -gentleman -would make no objection to.his re-appointment on that Committee. ' -, • • ' - • Mr. Shanklin accepted the explanation and apology as entirelyifitiaffictory. : The Speaker . thereupon ;announced the renappointment of. Mr.: Shanklin on the Committeefor the District of Columbia, and the Houae at 4:P. M. adjonrhed. , . .. _ . . • • - - - The following shows the 'shipments of coal over the Delaware,l. , kawanna and. Western.Ballroad for'the week ending April 14, compared witn samelLme last season: • , , Yearn . Tons.ewt. : Tons.ewt. , . Shipped - North 7,8 , 4.01 : - 98,055.04 Shipped South' ' ' .22,093 10 ' • 248,516'08 Total 10,707 11 344,571 12 For corresponding time last year. Week, ireir. TOttftet7t. Tons. Cwt. Shipped North 4,849 n 41,057 12 tshipped South 19,207 17 189,884 10 BOARD OF TRADB. ANDREW WHEELER. • - • • RHyv. G. TOWNGErw. Attownrcar Ocuncrirzza, THORNTON 'BROWN. J - JiMPQMATA i I v DNEL Deportee fbr the r p ening unnetin. LIVERPOOL—Bark Blue .Nose,Williams-6517 sacks common 1971 do fine do Peter, Wright & Spas; 40 1,0118 pig Iron W Welsh. • CLENFII/LGOS—Erlg JH Dllllnghem, Mudgett-337 hbds 40 ice sugar Madeira & (Abode. TDINID.A.D—Brig Lilly, Esdale--111 hbds 60 tierces sugar S & W Welsh. lirrival sad Tc nalMh cAriil.looetusSteamer• . .Liverpool-New 4 St. Day .. .LiVerpool-Portland . . ... 5 City of.bia.uchester-Liverp'L-New York-- -April, 6 Persia. 4 -Liverpool-New 7 Malta .. '. .. York.. ....,April 10 Bosphorus -Liverpool-BostonctPhila....;Aprll 10 Krin...-....--...--LlverpooL-New York .....---April 11 Ericsson Bremen-New:York, April 11 Louisiana .Liverpool-New York —April 11 America -Southampton...New York April I t Cityafßoston -Liverpool-.New York.----Aprit 11 Africa-- --Liverpool...Boston.--- —.April 14 Kangaroo -Liverpool...New York April 14 Palimyra.----......L1verp001...New York April 17 TO DEPART. Santiago de Cuba.... N York... San Suan.Nie......April2o C01111.C5.... ....... York...NassaudcHaVa...April 21 City of New . York...N York... Liverpool -April 2.1 Pereire New York...Havre April 21 Hansa New York...Bremen.-....—......April 21 Belgian Portland...Livernool ...... -.....Apr1i 21 Saxonla .New York...Hambnrg .April 21 New 'York New York....a.splnwall. ' April 21 A5ia..._....... _... altostoa...• .Liverpool __ April 23 Manhattan. .NewYork...Havani & V C....Apr1l ii Baltic NewYork...Bremen Aprti 2' Virginia .....New York...l.lverpool..-...—April 2S City of 805t0n...-New York... Liverpool ~April 2Y North America-New York... Rio Janeiro,&c....April 28 8 ralitaszet, 5 [2l I SUN Bros, [LW I HIGH WeTZlet, 651 Steamer S F Phelps,Brown, 24 hours from New York with mdse to W 3f Baird & Co. Steamer Black Diamond. Meredith,. 24 hours from with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. Bark Ea.bleen (Br),Wlßlams, 54 days from London with rafts to E A Souder & Co. Bark Bine Nose (Br). Bettie 46 days from Liverpool, with salt and pig iron to C C Van Horn. Brig Lilly (Br). kasdale, 20 days from Trinidad, with sugar to S & W Welsh. Brig J H Dillingham Ifgdgett, 16 days from Cien fueges. with sugar to Madeira d Orley). Behr Rebecca. BASS, 1 day from Lewes. Del. with grain to Jas L Bewley Co.& CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer H L Gaw. Her. Baltimore, A.Groves. Jr. Brlg Lyme Carver, Shute. Boston, Van Dusen, Loth man & Co. Sebr Presto, Deeta, Baltimore, Baugh 44 Sons. Steamer Delaware. Thompson. sailed from Boston yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock for this port, and will leave Philadelphia Sth inst. for Liverpool direct. Steamer Colombia. Barton; front .:varta 14th Last. at New York yesterday. steamer hi Massey, Smith, cleared at New York yes terday [or this port- Steamer Winchester, Gregory, from MlValta. at Quarantine. New Orleans, nth Inst. Steamer Virginia. Prowse, from Liverpool, at il.erw York yesterday. Steamers Edinburg. Halcrow. and Hee& Edmond. aon, cleared at Stew York Yesterday' for LiverpooL Steamer A C Stimers, Knox, hence at Georgetown, DC. 17th lost Steamers Mariposa, Quick. and Gen Grant, Holmes, at New Orleans inh inst. from New York Steamer monetta,ltarattman, at CharlestOn 15th inst from New York. Steamer Jamaica Packett. from Kingston. Ja. yta Port as Prince. is ashore on Absecom Beach. The .1 P registered log tons. was built of Iron at Port Glasgow in 1864. and hailed from Jamaica. She has fbur water tight compartments. steamer IsZorfolk Vance, hence at Norfolk lith inst. Bark Brilliant. Walker, cleared at New York yester• day f. rPernatabuco. Bark Eugenie, Fletcher. 52 days from Buenos Ayres. at New York yesterday. with hides and wool. Bark St - Ursula (Br), Lanfare, cleared at New York yesterday for Rio Janeiro. Bark Clifton, Garet. from Rio Janeiro Md Feb. at Baltimore nth Last. Bark Man Roil, North, cleared at Moblle 13th Inst. for Cedar R eya. • Bark Alay Queen. Brown, from Rio Janeiro 2d:fult. at. Baltimore 17th Inst. Brig sarah Bernice, Stuart, which cleared at St. John. NB, 6th inst. for this port, was seized by th.t revenue cutter Alb oelot for attempting to land smur gled goods at Itachlas,and towed to Eastport 15th ins:. Sclir Wm S Loud, Frye, Id days from Mobile. at flew• York yesterday. MaNall=:l Scbr Rio Grande, Woolford,,at Norfolk lath instant from Wilmington, NC. with naval stores for this nor, . lostjaer deck load, between 175 and WO bbri of tar, In a gale of wind off Cane Hatteras. Behr 7 Tinker, ire.DODSII3. and George Rilborn, Nor wood, from Calais for this port, sailed from Newport 17th filthr Geo L Green, hence for an eastern port, passing through Hell Gate yesterday. without a pilot and in tow of a steam-tug, struck on Steep Rocks. Ott getting as far as Bart Island, three feet of water wet.- found in the pump well. when the took &plot and re turned to New York to repair damages Schr M H Stockham, Cordery.cleared at Mobile 1.21.1, inst. for Havana. Behr Ella F Crowell, stevons, from PreVineetow.n for this port; at Newpert 15th inst. ,MARINE MISCELLANY. Bark Dresden, Captain Reed, sailed from Glasgow Nov. 11,and from Belfast Dec 4, for Boston,since which time nothing has been heard of her. She registered 500 tons,wasbnllt at CalaLs,lle. in 1853, and hailed from Boston. Bark W Pf Walla, Captain Brunk. sailed from Liver pool B ov. for New York, and has not since bee., heard of. She registered 474 tons, was built at Pittston. Me.' in 1860. rated .Al3,'„ and halleol from N York. The wrecking steamer Alpha. engaged in pumping water from the wreck of the transport Thorn, 3 mile below Wmington,NC, exploded one of her boilers 18th Inst. totally destroying the vessel. chr Swan. from Baltimore far Savannah, put back Ntir hutt. with lose of sails. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The Nantucket South Shoal Light Vessel was rt placed on her elation on Saturday, 14th inst. 726 CIEFE We are S p T repareito offer to WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUYERS OUR SPLENDID - STOCK OF - MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, AT A VERY LARGE REDUCTION , FROM ItECE.Ort PRICES. On? st ock Includrs all the latest shapes of STRAW HATS, BONNET BONNETS AND GYPSIES. MATERIA.LIS 'OF EVERY HIND, EVERY SHADE. RIBO _NS ALL WIDTHS B AND COLORS, TO MAT 1H M A TERIALS. FINE LACES. ILLUSION NETS &c„ &c., &c ARTIFICIAL FLOWER S OF 'THE CHOICEST AND 'MOST DESIRABLE STyLES... We solicit an inspection of our ,stock, and do.not doubt that for completeness of assortment and mode ration or prices It cannot be equaled: Giv ens a call. Ni;IRYL & ROSENHEIM ap7-lint N 0.12.8 Cfnestant street. - - a 32 3 and 331 South Stviet, has aha ndaenie saatineiii Of SPBStlitl 7litli; - LINSitY; Misses' a nd Infanta' EWE and . -Caps, Velveta, ,Crapes, Ribbons, ,Feathers, 'Blowers, Frames, dc. : - - -" mha-ami GLUE, CURLED lIAIR, &C. 250 BARREL S OF GLUE, OF SEVERAL QUA, Mies, on hand, and for sale by ORA.WFORD dr, CO., No. 706 Market Street. ap2-Ind GLIIE, GLUE. GLUE, GLUE, GLUE. GLUE, sui each partionlar uutnufitcturer. Curle Hai, Curled Hair, Curled Hair, of various grades and prices. ° Emery Paper and Sand I'aper, a large quantity on hand. Neat& Foot Oil, strictly pare: Twines i Ramiro Ca , sings. ezc. CRAWFORD & CO ap2.lini - No 706 Market street. • BAIBDNEI.-BMb °zee Bonchand LayarEsiga 800 boxes 'Valencia Raisins', 100 mate Seedl titla ess Halters for sale by JBB.B. BU'L - Bp. fiSrSo W ter street.. : ItAIBINB AND LEMONS—Bunch, Layer and Seed less Raisins and -Malaga , Letopneasnellne- frOM bark La Plats, and for We by 'M. B. ZWEIPIIIOIB GQn /9513011UIDGIRWR8 &Tau% Coal Statement,. .24,067 08•. 2=17 10 Total Frf=2 POET OF PHELADELPHIA.—Apart.I9 L2l_;jolivi AI KI:MOBANDA. MILLINERY GOODS. ISSIURANCIL STATEMENT - OF THE - CONDITION' GUARI2IAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YOEIC. Capital stock paid up in cash' AISSEMS, Cosll on hand 8,279 81 Lath In Bank - , 6,426 72 Cash In hoods of agents and In course of • • - • transcrdssion. ..... .....„.. 92,615 82 U. S Five per cent. 10an.....„ ' 58,880 08 U. S. 7.30 loan . 7,980 00 U. S. 6'20 loan 34,113 75 U. P. 18.40 10an..........-.......—. 3,770 00 Premium Notes 277,90181' Personal Property Acmued Interest 12,600 00 Due from county of New York for taxes Ille- . golly collected on U. S. bonds, as per dna , slon of United States Supreme Court 10,056 89 111,654 02 LIABILITLECS. Losses accrued but not yet due .. Dividends declared due and unraid Amount of all other claims. - Cash preminmn Premium notes reseived..—.- Interest money received ...... EXPENDITURES. Losses paid during the f69,5:0 01 Re-insurance during the year- --....- ........ 2,360 32 Iteturn premiums during tile year . ....- ...... ..... 1.071 Z 1 Dividends paid during toe year 49,861 53 Fztperses paid during the year, including romm M ons and fees to agents and officers of the Company - 48,168 92 Taxes paid during the year . ...................—. 6,643 4.8 .All other ex - ponies during the year ..... -..—.-... 40,229 46 GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE CO No. 102 BROADWAY, N. Y, ASS RRC ~,.„„~ Izio a) I iip'j as):11 & y dr no.A.FA•to:o)...ti.:Div)ol WALTER H. PECEHAM, President. HE'A'RT V. GARAGA.N. secretor,' SABINE,DITY&HOLLINGSHEAD General Agents for Pennsylvania, NO. 230 WALNUT STREET, PHILA SUB-AGENTS WANTED TRAVELLER& INSURANCE COMPANY, PROVIDENCE, R. L Cash Capital, $200,000. Insures against Accidents of all Kinds. General Accidents Include the Traveling RLsk, and also all forms of Dislocations. Broken BOnes, Blushes, Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, Burns and Scalds. Bites of Dogs. Assaults by Burglars, Robbers or Mur derers, the action of Lightning or San Stroke, the ef fects of Ex t losions, Moods, and Suffocation by Drown lug or Choking. Twenty-tive dollars ,pes_ year will secure a policy Der FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in the evens of death by any dtsctiption of Accident, with Twenty-five dol lars per week compensation. qmslier sums in pro. portion.. No medical examination required. DIRECTORS. NEW YORK REYERXECSES. SETH PADELPORD, • NATIONAL CITY BANE A. E. BURNSIDE, HOYT, SPRAGUE 5 & J. S. PHETTEPLACE. T T.R , s; 0. PECK. GEO. S. BOBBINS & BE:s.. - RY H. ORMh.BEE, SON. JABEZ C. KNIGHT. ANTHONY & HALL, THOS. G. TURNER, J. C. HOWE & 00. trk PARSEE:IC HUNT, TILLINGHAST J. S. PARISH. & CO. PRANK MA UIt.A.N.T, LOW L, B. trkVILE CO. a ROYAL D &T, J. H. DxWOLF. BEND. BUFFOM JOHN T. MAUR AN. HENRY H. °REBID= President. J.' S. PARISH, Vice President. E.M.ILS.WSON, Secretary. SABINE, DDT & HOLLINSHEAD, No. 230 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. STATE AGENTS FOR PENNSYLVANIA, Eliyir JERSEY and DELA.- MRMWP34I THE BIOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 150 South Fourth at , above Wal nut street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This Company insures agaiturt loiss or damiL by FIRE on PUBLIC and .P.RIVATE huddling, FORME. TUBE and DIARCEL&NDISE gerierally, City - Country. Also Insures dwellings perpetually by de posits of premium. LAMES BROWN_ - MARLIN; A. DOY. WILLIAM D. LEWIS, WM. N. NEEDLES, JOHN D. TAYLOR, THOMAS E/M8ER,,,..433 AS. THOMAS NICIELSO CH N. z • , FISEERLDuiras INSURANCE COMPANY 01 HILADELPHLA. _ Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual OFFICE, No. 808 WALNUT. STREET. CAPITAL, $300,000, Insurea against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, or per W aal, and on Furniture , Goods Wares and march= t3L,clMsznr.oßrocoldwunt2,lr. ADJUSTED AND PAID. .... . . es, .4408,009 n es I n vted. in the following Securiti Vi= First Mortgages on City Property, well so. coxed .. 5124,100 06 United States Government Lo ans ..... 185,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. L0an5 ......_ _ 55,000 06 Pennsylvania 13,000,000 Oen cent 21,000 On Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first andie- CORG Mortgages 85,00 e 06 esmilen and AmboY Railroad Company's, 6 r cent. L0an........,. 6,00000 Philadelphia and . eng Itallro . a"d Corn- ' any's 6 per cent. Loan 5,000 00 Hu p ntingdon and Broad Top 7 percent. xi:tort gage 4,560 pp County Fire Insurance Company'a Stock.— 1,050 00 Mechanics' Bank Stook.-....: 9,000 00 Consinercial Bank of . Pennsylvania Stock... 10,000 00 ,Union Mutual InSurance Gsmpa n yo s , Stock. 880 00 Bell ce Insurance Conspany of Bajada, ph 's Stock Caahln bank and on hand I , • ;408,004 71/ DEFIRCTORS. i - Clem. Tingley, , Benj. W. Tingley. ~ - Wm. Musser Marshall Hill t Samuel Itispnam, Charles I..elano, R. L.4.3srson, - Thomas H. Moore, Robert Steen,. • E huhriel castnex Wm. Stevenson, Alf re d E n li s h, ' James. your's. • _ CLEM. Tuatiarr, President , THOMAS 0. MIL, Seorotazy, P/IriaDELPICICA. Dal:ember. 1. .1865. PrERSON FIRE INBITRANOE COMPANY OF 11.1LADELPHIA.—OFFICE, No. 24 NORTH FIFTH STREET, NEAR 'MARKET STREET. Incorporated by the - immature of pennsylvanta. CtrAivrna PitnraTuon. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, 3120;000. Make Insurance against-Loss or Damage by Fire or Public , or:Private Buildings, Furniture, Btoean, Goods and Morchandismt favorable terms. GeOrie Erety, Frederick Doll, Auguat Jacob,Sohamtler, • John 7.-Behderung, Bamnal Millar. - Henry Troomner, 2ftvard P. MOIR. William McDaniel. - Arises J Christopher H. Miller, r eir r ie lp,; ; a;M,7 l Frederick Staake, Frederick Ladner. NORGE JEREMY; President. 3343 .7 112 0HN F. B fia , s'rEB.LING. Vlve President( PO= Onszatea - §ancia • • OF THE JAIQUARY 1, 1866 ...........x125,000 00 $5lO C6B n 3.222 28 .......4220.424 CY 20,362 28 $410,429 71 $217.8.3 81 I",b; • BB LBBLIIEL OOPFEN L ___ J. HILLBORN JON4S, JOHN WOODSID Er a am wiT.T.T A M B. B WM. O. LONGSTBRPH JOHN N. HITPOHINSON, BROWN President. BUY. Vice President. lans.ta.thly 1.090 00 .. 5.914 79 FIRE INSURANCE. I.IVERPOOL and-L-43nON and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY: :Authorized Capital, invested Ponds, over Yearly Revenue, over Invested in the United States) over $1 500, 000 All icesm promptly adjusted without reference to Estanand. • . • OFFICE, No. 6 Merchants' Exchange. rlq o r :}~. A ,NTHBACITE INECURANON 0028PANY... AM. CIELARTEII PIERPETUAL. _ Office, No. 8/i WALNUT street, !Mews Third, nat. mi r o4 ll:7 e against LIZ CLl=l:la ra Fre r, Ai m latall Garniture and pe Merchandise generally. • Also—Marl ne Insurance, on Vanish[, Freight. /Mend Itancranoe tali of tisc au r i alcu i r i I Wm. Esher. ' David Pearson. Luther, " Peter Sieger, Lewis Andenried, " .1. E. Baum, - .7. Illakistens • Wm. F. Dean, • J• O5 . Mapes, wm. varrwm • 7ohni r Keteh den eM. WM. F. , 171ce-Pesid WN. M. ealaffisd. &creamy , 413114 116,000 GO ISJP.ECIALL NOTICEte• LrNOTIOE.--The annual meeting of the Stock p holders of. THE TIOGA IMP.R3VEILENT WANY, will be held on the first °LK ILY, at the Philadelphia -Exchange, at 12- o'clock, EL at which time an election will be held for Ilan-agent, Preeident and Treasurer. for the ens g yuln ear. apS-Im/ • WHX.T.AH ELIMEI, Treasurer. OFFICE OF TEE EVERETT OIL COM -I:uU* PANY. -134 Son th Third street, PhlladelPhla, April 14, ISB4.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockhold ers of the EVERETT OIL COMPANY for the election of officers and other important business. will take place at the office of the Company ,on THURSDAY, aprll 26, 1866, at 4 o'clock P. M. ap14,104 WILLETT COMBS, Philada. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL ISEEETENG OF the Stockholders of the BARCLAY COAL l OWPANY, will be held at their Office, N. W. corner of FOURTH andWALle street,Philadelphia MON DAY, May '2lh, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon; at which time and place an Election will be held for officers to serve the ensuing year. HARVEY SHAW, apl7.tuAla,s-Sts, secretary. .. YU LEW - ELLYN PETROLEUM COMPANY'S 138 SOUTH TELTED STREET, PIMA. DELPHI*, A pri114.1866. A MEETHVG of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at the Company's Office, on THURSDAY, tbe 26th Inst., at 1 o'clock, P. IL, for the election or Whom. By order of the President, ap14 , 104 C. T. RT'EDICT, Secretary. OFFICE OF Ttte. AMERICAN FIRE LN SURANCE COMPANY. PEcrmentruozue April 9th. 1966. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of ShVEN AND A HALF DOLLARS per share, for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, on and after the 19th nstant. Ciearof all taxes. ap10.914 10.. NORTHERN LIBERTIES AND PENN TOWNSHIP RAILROAD CONTANY.—Pepa,- Anta.PlErLd, April 9, 1868 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, election for officers to serve for the ensuing year, and until others shall be elected. will be beta at the office of the Philadelphia Railroad Com pany, No. ?!..`.. South FOURTH Street, on MON — DAY, the Dh day of May next. az II o'clock. A. M. style WIL 21. WEBB, secretary. - SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY—OFFICE No. a.n So • II FOURTH SrkEET.—PIIII.4.DICE.P.ECIA. April STD. MS. The. Annual Meeting of the Stockholdere of this Company, and an election fbr President ends!". Mena t'ttlit-Yhe tty th o e f Mee, o f the %°:=on apt. t WM. EL WEBS, Secretary. 10*OFFICE OF THE .LEHIGH ZLNC t;XLM. PANY.No.232 WALNUT atreetnat,enta- April 161h,1860. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the LE HIGH ZINC COMPANY will be held at the Comps ny's Office, No. 533 WALNUT street. on WED NiEsn- DAY, May 2d proximo. for the election of seven Dirac tors, to serve during the ensuing Yea; and for the transaction of other business. apl6-Istl GORDON iacrsGas, Secretary. 10*CAMDEN AND AMBOY R. B. TRANd PORTATION COMPANY, OFRECE, BORTMN 'VMS. Marsh =la, 1846. NOTICE.—The annual meettng of Stockholdmi of the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation ComppaLnllyy will be held at the Company's Office, in Bordentown. on Saturday Milt of April. 1636, at 11 o'clock, M., for the election of Seven Directors to serve for the ensnhag year. SAMUEL .1. BAYARD, nah.Z.,t,aPn Secretary'. UOOOD SPROTEI RAILROAD COMPANY. —Pin:LALDZi.PHIA, April 9. IS6S. anneal meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, and •an election fir President and six managers, to serve for th e ensuing Year and nein others shall be elected,will be held az the office of tb e Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, No. South FOURTH Street. on Monday. the 7th day of May next, at 11.% A. M. WM. H. WRI3R, spin Secretary. _ _ LIED.A.ItY COMPANY.—The Annual Elie. U Lion of Directors and a Treasurer of the Library Company ofPhiladdphia. will be helo at the Library, on Monday, the 7th Mayor May next at s o'clock in the afternoon, when the Treasurer will attend to re ceive the annual payments. A own ers are *event' shares on which fines h e reby the of them or their_ representatives ar notified that they will be forfeited, agreeably to the Charter and Laws of the Conmany, unless the arrear. are paid off on the iltilday of May or withing ten days thereafter. WTT LL -1.11 L. WHITMAN, Secretary. No books will be; given out or received on that afternoon. apl7-In,th,s,e4 " L .-. PRI TM A E D FL A P F H E E A—T PO e S l O T o rpooorlPrANfT " T O h F Safe Deposit Company of Philadelphia." in compliance with the requirements of their charter, hereby appoint TUESDAY, the Ist of May,lB6B, for the opening of the books for sutscription to the capital stock of said Com pany, at the _ollice of "THE PROVIDEN A.1%11 TRUST COMPANT,"I No. 111 South Fourth street. Charles If acalester, Alexander Itenry,John Welsh. Adolph Rorie, Charles Berle, George Trott, M. W, Baldwin, Isaac Lea, Samuel R. Shipley, Alfr.d &Rh:, George A. Wood. Joseph B. Townsend, George td. Troutman, Charles Wheeler, Wm. C. Kent. James Si Harleburst, Richard Meade Bache. ap17.12t _ ------- CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC. IN AID OF THE ERECTION OF A. NEW ORGAN, Will be given by the choir of the North Broad Street Presisted b byterian y Church, corner Broad and (keen' streets, ass Miss HEPTIE M. ALEXANDER. Miss GEORGIANNA.BLACKBURNE, Lady Amateur. Mr. HENRY G. THUNDER. Mr. WILLIAM A. BRISCOE. And a Select Chorus from the Handel and Haydn SonietY • All under the direction of CARL BENTZ, on THURSDAY EVENING. April 19th, 1860, At 8 o'clock. Tickets One Dollar, to be had at TEMPLES'S. Sev.enth and Chestnut, and W. H. BONER & CO., 1102 Chestnut street. apltta,tu,th,Sts PIRST REM:HE:NT GRAY RESKRVIL—A meeting of the Regimen; win be:held at Armory. BROAD • street." below 'Race, on THURSDAY EVENING, A pril Illth, at 3 o'clock. Fifth Annlver sexy i night. Active, honorary contributing and *la ment.. • are invited to . ..-• • . aplelte ' , Enc. - le Vein Coal. S CH T SIT E YN V IIT C ! . $6 00. At J. S. JENELNEP COAL YARD. nan2.B.lm• B. W. cor. NINTH and WALLACE SU. THE TREMONT CO. COMPANY are now ready to receive orders for the several It of their cele brated LORBERRY ASH COAL. It to the determina tion of the Company to take special.pains, in the pre paration of their Coal so that it shall be of the best quality. Reliable arrangententa are made for ship ping to all points, east and south. Orders for the Pre Sent, sent to their office. No, 24 EXCHANGE BUILD INGS, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to, I • GE. SAND, A. E. Rossi:in, General O Coal Agent.ERSON President. PII4LAIIELPHIA, March 1.5. lees. inhl7•43.tu,thiBt4 s. mesas maize. JOHN J. SHIRAZ, MUNDERSIGNED AU:xotaTION TO i C eirotock of _ _ Buck • Mountain Company's Coat. Lehigh Navlon Crompany's Coat and Lomat MousMin, which they cre.PcePared to Nell at the lowest marker rates • and to de liver In the best condition. Ort u r di aleit with B. MASON BENES;Priadrlin Inatt. tuts ding, SEVENTH str:m±t r _below Market. Will be promptly attended to. BAM , -:h SHIL&V?„ ... se4lo • - Arch - Street Wharf, SchaNwds. nil I a , .-817GABLOA.F.BEA.VENNEADOW AND 4,- , Bpting Mountain, Lehigh - 0o,s1: -- And beet Lanett Maalnltom,lietittynt 1, prtPared- Pliet k De vt, If. W. corner baGli e nne- UTVelzbete. ~. 0e,N0,112 kontIiSICOORD street. ' ' latet-.:•: :, --, t , ~, , ri. , - , 3'. WALTON' ArClat ' Ctl ARABY,EIZIP).;;ZmitrAtve barraIAAVALICIa naryßeedizt !More aid lbroaki by Wp,u.lLa", •- CO.. troase wainsit arrest . - _ DRIKLBCD , ILEBBING.-400 barrels 'Bay Of - 1 - Herdm. Lu gore and anal° IZ 1301 3 / 1 S !" ) 9R 14 MVP+ = i. • . UMMULfirON s 610 Millions. 16 Millions. 5 Millions. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent far Pennsylvania. I*:ast%liqDlotplit z i A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretar4 ~~ .. - MMIUMbe p • Y p TRITLIN SYR - IT ._..TR.A.PEOTECTEDSOLUTIONDF-TEEN— !PROTU KID NI IRON, a nerriAllaCoveriliernedlcinis { BEILEe, AT THE ROOT OF DIsiCASE, ~ .By Supplying the Blood IKtglits VITAL REINCERLE o 3 LIFE — FDIC Ir ON. , This is the secret of the wonderful success of n t LiverDyepepaia hiare. led Y '9 4I PKI . r - Complauit.'llropty , Chronic Diatrluna,_Bosls, Nervous Affections, Chills and _Fevers . , of Conitzitv• tional Vjg_or Diseasei of the Ridneys and Biadderiteemalek • • - and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE - cyv THE BLOOD Ur accompanied by DEBILITY or a now BTATE OF TEA Being free tirem Alcohol in any - form, its ene eflects are not followed by corresponding reaction, ar- permanent, Blißßltig-STRENOTE,VIGOB and NEW LIFE into all parts of the system, and building up an CODSTITuI.:IO.N. • . • : DTSPEPOIA AND DEBILITY.. F• A CASE OF 27 YEARS' STANDING CURED. romllc SLEY NAWN'FI. , N 0.15 Avon Place, Ruston. "I have suffered, • and sometimes severely,. , d)r sr years; from dyspepsia. I commenced taking the Pe. rindan syrup, and found Immediate. cenefit !froM-it: In the course or three or four weeks I was entirely re. . lleved front my,aufferings, ra and have. enloyee mantel"- , rupted health ever since,.' • ' • One of the ostdisting.utshed-Snrints New England , : • • • writes to fr iend as follows: ,• • "I have tried the PE RUUVIAN 'SYRUP, and the 're- - suit fully stbitaina your prediction.: has made smear. man of me; inftsed into my system new vigor and , energy; I-am no longer treninlous'and 'debilitated; 'se when, you last saw me, bat stronger heartier and with- Larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time daring the lastlive years." A pamphlet of 22 pages, will be sent FREE to any. addres s. *a-See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP - - blown in the glass. _ FOE SALE BY I. P. D11183108.P., 'Proprietor 36 Deg Street, New York, • AND BY . ALL DRUGGISTS. ' ' KROFTTL A. All Medial.] taieree that lODELTIO A. BEST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a Puna BO,LIITION of it. Dr. H. Anders' lodine.Water 15 a Pure Solution of lodine, WITHOUT- A SOLe VENT!! COlltailling A FULL GRAIN tO each ounce Of water. A MOST .POWEEtFITL VITALIZING AGENT AND REaTOß.Artv.e.,. It Ras Cured and wins, cure SCROFULA in all its manifold forms. • ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, SALT RHEUM. etc. dr.c. Circulars will be sent FREE to any one sending their address.- - Price $1 06 a bottle, or 6 for 5 00. Prepared by Dr. ILAN DER% Physicianand Chemist. FORS ALE BY J. P. DINSMORE. 36 Dey St.. N. y. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. jag;-s tuthan OPAL DENTALLLICA.—A superior article for clew:s ki ing the Teeth, destroying animalcule which in fest ttem, giving tone to the gums, and ieaving a feel ing of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and deter sivsedenesa will recommend it to every one. Being corn m pinte assistance of the Dentist, Phyalcian and Microaco It is confidently offered as a rtwI.TaBLE substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue, Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the DENTALLENA, advocate its use it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by SHINN, Apothecary, ierally ßroad , a and Spruce streets. and I D. L. Stackbonses, Robert C. Davis, Geo. C. Bower. Charles Shivers G. J. SrstkrArgc H A J. Charlespny ' Co. o . Eberle & , James N. Marks, E. Bringhnrst & Co.. Dyott & Co., H. C. Blair, Wyeth 41 Bro, JAIIES T. For sale by Druggists Fred. Brown, Bassani & Co., G. B. Keen'', Isaac H. Kay, C. H. 1. eenles. T. J. Husband. Ambrose Rmlch, Thomas Weaver, Winton: B. Webb. James L. Bispharn, Hughes & Coombe., Henry A. Bower, fc Z I 11' :11:40/11_ /CAN C Meenkekareet safe and npeedy cure Par WW I % bore Throat, C oarsen Hes s and _Won • • affect ion atree~aeral. Try THOS. .ID3TLIt Jr., Drn S. W. - us? of E i g ht eenth and . ttle4mi WALL PAPER. 0 Pzl Z r 4 P:i 1:::=3 ;to. rw- CO GLASSWARE. PB::WLDIMPHLi Window GLASS Warehouse. BENJAMIN H. SHOEMAKER, AGENT FOB THE FRENCH PLATE GLASS CONPALNLES. IMPORTER OF EngLiah, French and German Window and Picture Glass And Looking Glass Plates. MANUFACTOBXE OF • American Window, Picture and Car Glass Ornamental and Colored Glam. 205 and 207 North Fourth Street, it26-am LOST AND . FOUND. rierr—AN OVERCOAT—in the Seat No. 42d Par- - 1866.te Circle at the Academy of Music. April Ulth. : A F nit able reward will be paid if returned to Mr. HOOD, Ticket Agent; at Aeademy. Li.T it OST OR STOLEN--SIK PER CENT. STOOK OF THE U. OF PHILADELPHIA. BONDS: No. Mgt, for One Thousand Dollars. , - No. 7864, for Fifteen Hundred Dollars. All persona 'are; cauticined.against negotiating the above-mentioned Bonds, which have been last of stolen, application having been made to the Treasurer of the cityfor new certificates. Any infbrmatton that' will tend bathe recovery of the above-mentioned Bonds will be received, by SAMTIEL KENNEDY. No. egg Spring Garden stieet.PhlladelPhie• apt - th•s - fite 4 r s '' AND .CO. =MEM .MALTST,E.R puts.*l4 o 04
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers