From our Third Edition of Yesterday Conflagration at Titusville; Pa. TrrusVILLE, Pa., April 18th. . —A fire broke out at 1 o'clock this morning, in a small frame building at the corner of Frank lin. and Short streets, and thence extended in all directions with great rapidity from the railroad track. SECOND DESPATCH Trig:twirl:LLß, April 18th.—The fire is now sweeping. with irresistible force northward. It seems impossible to stay the fury of- the flames until Raceway is reached. The following are among the losers—Dil lingham & Coles, machine, shop; Union Hotel, Railroad Hotel, National Hotel, Buf falo Dining SaloOn, Adam Goods, foundry and machine works; Miller & Michert's grocery; Olmsted & Jewhurt's paint and oil store ; Granger, Tuttle 85 Co., grocery and feed store ; Mueller's cigar and tobacco fac tory; William Schew's grocery ; Brown dc Barrowe's hardware store, meat market and shoe store; Smell's grocery, and various other minor buildings. THIRD. DESPATCH. .TrrusvirmE,: April 18.—The fire has 'at fait been brought under subjection. McMullen h Bryan's - foundry,, the Petroleum Hotel, Sacke 4: Sons' machine shops, and the bakery north of the foundry are the -only buildings left on Franklin street between Raceaway and the railroad. Two parties have been arrested on suspi cion oflmving caused the fire. The total loss is estimated at $300,000. , , ' ,Th 6 lEhrt , sidential'Ettneral Car. •NEw 'ionic. April 18.—The Secretary of War'has finally consented to the sale'of the Presidential funeral car, to Thomas C. Durant; Vice' President and general mana gei 'of the Union Pacific Railroad, who tenders its nse to his company for the ac commodation of officers on special occasions. It, will leave New York in a few days, for the West, with several Government Direct ors, who . go out to examine the condition of the work on the road. Release of C. C. Clay. FORT MONROE, April C. Clay was released this morning on parole. From Maine. BELFAST, ME., April 18.—To-days Pro sressive Age says on authority of W. G. Hichborn, State Treasurer, that the Senate bill allowing $10,000,000 additional National Bank capital for New England, reserves $1,500,000 for the nine rema fining State Banks of Maine. Anew custom house office is just estab lished at Stockton, in this district, and Captain M. M. Partridge has been appointed Deputy Collector. The Powers of 'United States Assessors. BUFFALO, N. Y., April 18.—Judge Smal ley, of the U. S. Circuit Court, has ren dered a decision in relation to the powers of the United States Assessors. He decided in .the case of Thomas Brown, of this city, • that an Assessor has no right tojrenew any assessment made by him, and which has been transmitted to the Collector and paid, and that any proceeding under such Assessor's authority is a nullity and without color of law. THE FIRST WARD BIITCHETAY. THE PRISONER IN COURT. HE WANTS NO DEFENCE An. Immense . Excitement. Great Crowd in the Streets. The Prisoner Arraigned. The Trial Fixed for_Wednesday Next. This morning the Grand inryotrd ttltiftsigainst rbatorthjezerinf It was determined to him at one o'clock this afternoon, and the determination was kept almost an entire secret until the prisoner made his appearance promptly at the time flied. • - At the hour named the rumbling of the wheels of the prison van was heard and a moment after Probst •was hurried into the Court room and into the dock. The secrethad been well kept, but the intelligence of the arrival of the prisoner spread like wild-are, and the court room was soon -filled to overflowing. The Windows were completely darkened by the anxious peering faces gathered upon the outside. The prisoner preserved his usual sullen detneanor,and keeping his-eyes fixed directly before.liimaie appeared to be but little affected by the ordeal through which he was passing. I Afteethe arrival of the prisoner there was Much te dious formality to be observed before the actual ar raignment could take place. First the Grand Jury b to be received, and the roll of their names had to be called. , They were then questioned as to whether they had - any presentments to make. The bills were handed over to the clerk, and by the Clerk to the District Attorney. The latter arranged those relating to the Dearing family (tight La alt) side by sideiiition his ' desk, making a grim show of legal testimonials of the terrible crime that has convulsed There, was then some delay in waiting for Mr.. O'Neill, who.had been assigned as senior counsel for the accused. That g7ntleman arrived at aboat half. ast 'one o'clock and the Court' soon afte.r proceeded Dist/dot Attorney Mann arose. and- after stating that the prisoner, Anton Probst, bad been Indicted for the murder of the Dearing family (enumerating, them by, name), he moved that he be now arraigned.- Judge Allison then asked the prisoner (through an interpreter) whether, he had counsel to defend him under the, indictment of. the murder of :the persons Prisoner (through the interpreter) "I have not," Jugge--"Do you wish the Court to assign you coun PrisOner—"l do not. I do not wish no have any de _fence, at all !" Judge Allison—"lt is not right that the prisoner should go to trial a Mont Counsel. and I therefore as sign him Messrs. John P. O'Neill and John A. Wol ben." . . • Interpreter--Tbe prisoner withdraws his objection to baying counsel. Mr. Wolbert spoke of the duty imposed upon him as one which be would much rather have avoided, but as an officer of the Court he could not escape it. He would undertake the unpleasant task, and endeavor to fulfill it faithfully to the: prisoner, to the country and4oilais own conscience. • He would, however, ask time for consultation with the prisoner, and 'he urged that the arraignment should be postponed lona After a conversation with the prieoner, Mr. O'Neill asked that the , arraignment be postponed until him self and - Ma , colleague could be afforded time to ex ine the bills of Inc ictment. It is understood that Probst expresses a willingness to plead guilty to the' bill charging him with the mur der - of. Cornelius' Carey. District Attorney designs however. to try him upon the bill charging Mtn with the murder of Mr. Dearing. This will show the confi dence or the Commonwealth's officer in thestrength of his case, without availing himself of the pretendedcOn fession of the murderer. , When it was upoeratisod that the District Attorney merely proposed to arraign the prisoner, the Counsel made no objection, provided time could be allowed to Probst was then arraigned on eight bills of indict went, and in each case when called upon to hold up his hand r the loss of his thumb, so frequently referred so, became apparent to every- spectator in the court After the arraignment the qounsel asked time to plead Ilfr, , ,Mann urged -Monday for the trial, but after con siderable. argument the Court fixed Wednesday next. when the case must proceed, , ex arcmatx While ; Mr. Wolbert was pleading for time to prepare for the defence, and suggesting that Monday would give them only three . days, an excited spectator ex ed " Mond* , is time enough!" Judge. Allison 'immediately directed the officers to ascertain who, the man was who had thus instated the dignity of the Court.. The The roan was pointed out and he iiroved to be Mr. Samuel Money, the keeper of the Debtors Apartment. An examination. of witnesses followed, but Mr. Money could riot . be identified • positively,onT he wee dial , charged - 'Probst leemoved.' Immediately after the arraignment, the prisoher removed to the van under thelghard-lif a strong-- of police. , Ths_Conrtiroommaa . _then cleared, andtoe regular,bbaineas continued.. !t• - n- , • ...; Experialicb,. of the- From information ^ reeeiyed - froni i .Personli'who. be.' longed to the same Regiment and ComPitn9 as. Probst, it is learned that he was a boutityjumper; who bad en tered the service severattiMevarat hattreceivedlarge - !. . bonn deb. It Is alleged, also that he shot his thumb off Alehtteratel3 In order to gain Ids discharge. Among lily oorpradesrhtscharacterwaslUsythingbutOnvtable. The silver -wateh,. l Whim . hoe:berm refened to in theTigantntit previously published, .yri e it has been ascertained, _given to a • woman of bad character In the • Eleventh ward. , It 13 understood that Bold tt to a man living at Brides- bur i g wheie evidence would be valuable If he could, The Grain Market. BIorYFALo. April 18.—Flve thousand barrels flour sold here yesterday on a speculative demand. There Is but intle wheat In the market. MOOXth Congress , -First Session. • • - - WASHINGTON. April 18. SENATE.—Mr. Doolittle called up a resolutiottto ap propriate $127785, to enable the President to carry out the treaties with the Indian tribes on the Upper .15.11.1- 80nri and Upper Platte, which was passed. •Mr.Sherrnan offered a resolution calling upon the Pr esident for the proceedings of a military board recently assembled at St. Louis, in relation to British appoint ments in the regular army. • Mr, Wil on called up the motion to reconsider the vote on the admission of Colorado. HOUSE.—On motion of Mr. Patterson (N. H),the Committee of the Whole was discharged from toe con sideration of the Senate bill for the relief of James G. Clark, and the bill came before the House for c onsid eration. It appropriates 06,480 96 for services as acting Charge d' ffaires. at Brussels, from Junell3s7, to Sep. tember, 1818. The report was read and the bill passed. Mr . Peine (Wis.)" presented file memorials of the Wis c brain Legislature. asking the assent of Congress to the change in the route of the Land Grant Railroad, from Portage to Bagfield, and thence to Lake Superior, ano asking a grant or lands to aid in the construction of so much of the Portage and Superior Railroad as extends from Port du lac to Bepon. Re:erred to the Committee enl dP ( u Pa) i L n an o d du ced a b ill for the relief of Commodore J. C. Carter. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Burteigh (Dakotah Territory) introduced a bil making a grant of lands to aid in the construction of a 'railroad and telegraph line from the city of Yankton to the westegn line of the State of Minnesota, in the Territory ofDakotah. Bead twice and referred to the Committee on Public Lands. Also, a bill to amend the Agricultural College act. Bead twice and referred to , the Commitiee on Agriculture. The House proceeced to the regular order of bust . nese, being the call of Committees for Reports, sud srai h o sterdre fome th h Commi de ee t o no nval e d i Pen p ion e t ye rezea ay • the salary of the Commissioner of Pensions to 111,000, and of the chief Clerk of the Pension office to 12,500. The pending question being on the ameadment offered by Mr. l'erham Ole.) to strike oat the second section of the bill ibcreasing the salaries of the chief Exami ners, the amendment was agreed to. Mr. Ross (Ill.) spoke against the general principle of increasing salaries. Mr. Hasson (Iowa) supported the proposition to In. crease the salary of the Commissioner, but,thought the salary of the Clerk should not exceed .2,000. Mr. Wasbburne (Ill.) contended that the same or gan entjustifying an increase of salary to the Com missioner of Pensions, would apply also to all the heads of Bureaus. - The discussion• was lurther. participated In by Messrs Hale, Bentamin.-Farnsworth, Stevens, Per ham and Chauler, , Mr. Farnsworth said that if there . were • any .vacanCies-trom resignations on account of - deficient salaries he wanted to have notice of them, for tnere were plenty of persons in Illinois ready to take the offices at t he present salaries. Mr. Stevens {pa.) said that there were some resigna tions in consequence of insufficient salaries.' The At torney General was unable to command the requisite talent at the present salaries, and unless provision was made for increasing thena that, shop would not be able to keep open ranch longer. - • Tho previous question being moved and discussed, the vote was taken by yeas and nays on the passage of the bill, and resulted in yeas 58. nap! 6s. So the bill was re!ected. Markets. BALTIMORE, April-18th.—Flour has an advancing tendency; the supply la scarce and the higher grades have advanced 50c, Wheat has an advancing ten dency; there Is none on hand at market prices, which are nominal. Corn has an advancing tendency; yel low 84e.: white 86c.@86c. Oats firm at 62c. Provisions are dull. sugar steady. Whisky 'dull, at $2 25 for Western. New 'York Stock Market Stocks are dull. Chicago and Rock Island, 119. Onmberiand preferred, 453,C; Illinois Central bonds 101; New York Central, 93,4; Missouri 6s. 74; Erie R R, 74%r; Western rnion,64: 11. is. coupons, 1681, 1054; ditto 1864 104?.;: Ten-forties, 92%; Treasury notes, 10033@lt1; Gold, 126%. Sales at Plat. lade: BALPA APTPat $lOOO Pittsburgh Is 03 2000 Pa it 2d mgt 6s 95 2000 Pa 6s War L'n x5lOO 20(0 caned & Amnoy mtg 6s 'B9 85 260 sh P,ig Mountain WO 53„ 34 sb Phil s Erie b 5 323 9 too sb do ds 3241 2to sh Catawissa nf 299 Ile eh do 910 293 4v sh do emu b 5 .0 40 sh _Penns It due b 5634' 100 sh Maple Shade bM a SEDOND 5300 U S 5-11.05 '62 1041‘ 450 1J S 10.4t16 coup 91,11 S 78-10's July )01 150 do June 101 ACKO City 65 old 883. 2to eh New York do Middle 00 eh do 00 eh Bic Mount I. ESTATE. PREAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' SALE. —I , IVE STORY IRON AND BRICK STORES. 131 Market street, and Nos. 120 and 122 Jonesstreet, between Front and Second streets, two valuable fronts. -On ITEDAY, April 21, 1866, at 12 o'clock, Noon will be sold at l'ublic Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. EXCHANG.E, all that five story iron and brick front atore ar.d lot of ground, situate on the north side Mar ket street, betwt en Front and Second streets. contain ing In front on Market street 17 feet, and extending of that width in depth 102 feet. then widening to about 37 feet, and extending of that increased width the fUrther depth 60 feet to Jones street, making the entire depth from Market street to Jones street 162 feet. The store was built, in the most substantial manner for the own. palmy of the present owrers. It is most admirably aeapted for a large grocery or wool house. Granite pavements and vaults on both streets. .12a' Clear of all incambrance. cen ERMS-4.40,0u0 may remain on mortgage alive per • t :Or Immediate possession. gir Keys at No. M arket street. Kir The above 18 a very valuable business location with two valuable fronts. THOIiCATS &, SONS, Auctioneens. 'ap17,19, i 39 and 14.1 South Fourth street. it FOR RA T.F. —TWO CONTIGUOUS COTTAGE HOUSES AL Atlantic City, near theßallroad Depot, fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue. ROODhouses are modern, with PARLOR, DINING. ROOM, and EITGRRN on the first floor, and nine chambers above. ROBERT EVARD, near the Premises has charge of the houses, and will show them to anyperton wishing t purchase. LOTS 50 feet front—lso feet deep to a street. Apply:to ROBERT CHURCHMAN I. fr.,11.28-Imosl No. 254 south Sixteenth at., Phila. . FOR . RENT—FURNISHED,—THE RESI DENCE of the late A. Bidermann, situated on the Kennett Turnpike, about 5 relies from Wilming ton. Del. It contains - large parlor, reception room, dining room and pantry and small room on first floor, Dye chambers, servant's rooms, sc. Ice house filled, ambling and carriage room; It .is surrounded by trees, I. a cool and healthy ?evi dence, and would be rented to a private family for not lei* than four months.. Apply to C., J. Dupont, Jr., Rokely, near Wilmin eon, Del. [mt29,th,s,tud2t4 COUNTRY SEAT—FOR SALE.—A modern double stone realdetce, • with sti,ble and carriage house. ice•house, and .1 acres of excellent land all ached, situate six miles from. Market Street bridge, and within half a mllefrom a station on the Pennsyl vania Central Railroad. Ras parlor,- dining-room, kitchen and If chambers; Is well built • and In good re pair; abundance or dwarf and garden fruit. J. M. GUMMEY & SON, WS Walnut street. awl TO LET FOR THE SEASON,—A mansion gll,l house and garden, 11 rooms and stabling in good order and a healthy place. on e -- .mile from Green-Lane Station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, six ea"from the city. Rent WO. Inquire of 6148.30' SUPPLEE & MYERS, •J 511 North street. frrt TO RENT.—A COUNTRY RESIDENCE ON .IEII the Delaware river, fourteen miles from the city, ten minutes' walk of the Station, possessing fa cilities of every kind, stabling carriage-house, ice hquse filled, and produce from the farmer on the place, o other easily accessible sources, Information can be given for a week, at 232 Pine street. • apiB-2ta MIR WEST PHILADELPHIA—FOR SALE--The bandsorni 8-story double brick (roughcast) Real cmce, with parlor. library,' dining-room and kitchen on the first door, and furnished with every convent ence;situate.No. Mg Chestnut street. Lot 50 feet by 220 feet deep, tbrcugh to Sansom street, handßomely improved with choice shrubberr and an abundance ot,trult. OUJIIME9 & SONS, 508 Walnut at,. effr GERMANTOWN—FOB SAILE.—A handsome AM double pointed stone residence, with stable and carriage house; and about 2 acres of land, beautifullY improved, situate ;on Duy's laneLwithin five minatea' walk from the railroad station. Is built and finished throughout in a superior manner, with every aamfo.t and convenience, and in perfect order. J. It. GUM MEY dr. SONS; 808 Walnut street. • • In FOR BALE.—A HANDSOME FOUR BTORY RESIDIINCE, with three-story back building, Ivo. 1519 POPLAR street, well built, fine side yard. I,ot 28 by 168-feet to Cambridge street.- Will be sold cheap to close an'estate. - • ht i ply to JOHN O.'ARRIBON, Nos. 1 'arid North Siz lmmediate possession on GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE OR TO RENTeatuttfally and conveniently anuated, within two mint:mei' walk of Church Lane Station. A Commodious and elegant , RESEDiIIsIO)3I., with all then:Loden conveniences; stable, coach-house, Act Lot 1801213-- Apply between 10 and au&2 atSB North THIRD street. finkl4,ti3J• , -W.P. WLLSTACH,' AllilFOß SALE —THE- 4 7 1317 R • Emmy BROWN STONE RESIDENCE; 'wlLti three story tatbk dings, flashed throughout-In' 'Cho best mariner Alad in perfect order. Situate NO. 1514 'Pine; street. • Lot - 2o feet front bylleOfeetkleep;-toStorte 'street. _ J. M. OHM MET &SONS, 50814%1J:tut street. ;Iron QET_EAP;—.4.. tlu'ee-story Kg -diverting' with back buildings, 201 l Poplar Ear et; - modern conveniences. Apply to J. H. IWRTL9 84 SON, Real Estate Brokers. 433 Walnut street.; • I in FOR AV.—A .tbree.etory bqek bred range.ite i tinll2,l i s North Seventeenth tree, Beal _ ro _ e. ? . . 4, PP to 7 . H. C'IIRTIS BON, 8 , a Wal4ut street, r OR BALE.—THE VERY DESIRABLE CUM try place of Afr..Tokrn - TanneMrt twenty-tworacresi near old YorkAoad : N,P.,E - 7 R.., - np 11-101. 4 : _ • O. .11.. M. „.. rl l 4O RENT,ltoonacri seco4d, third: tallith. and.afrh -L'stoxlea4p7 C4.IITEA street, - su4able marnatho tdrlng par poises, will be rented, low to .g good tenant. Apply. H. CURTgt,44.4OX,-.8ea,1 .14totte,l3rokers,. 453 Walmit greet. VOR SALE—TO CLOSE 'AN ESTATE-L.A. beautlfhl PDT, at the Sonthesstcsumer‘ of , SORTIETIf. aud LOCUST streets, West Philadelphia, close to dt. Dia ry's Episcopal Church. Would make a flue location for a large mansion, or could be divided into smaller lots, having three fronts. O. M. S. LES LAE, 4016 61* 7A7 Sensors street. THE DAILY EV, ENINGTULI,ETIN : PHILADELPHIA, TEURRDAY, APRIL 19,1866 Lila Stock Boar& FIRST BOARD,. 5 sb Lehigh Nay 5 100 sh Susi/ Canal 3 ds 1514 1(X sh do b 5 15 , . 100 sh do 15N 12 sir Caro ilk Ara R 118 100 oh Hestontte RIX8) 42 :810 sh Read It WO 517 i," aiii sit do • 513 i" 1200 sh Curtin Oil .14 100 sh-N I' and Middle COM Fields b3O 7i 100 sh /V Pa R MO Wii BOARD. 35 sh Cam dr Am P. 11S 100 sh Curtin 011 100 sh Mahanoy Cl 1310 156 100 sh (=amiss& pt b3O MO:alt do slOwn h do com 100 esh Snsq Canal 1511. 300 ah Phila&Jarlen 400 ati do We t . JAME 3 A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, tipl2 19 26 - , iStOre 4M Wat nut atre , t.' AORPHANS' COURT SALE. -Itstate of JOHN blelf ANUS, -deceased.—JAMES A. PRIM- A , Auctioneer. DWELLING, TENTH, street. below Jefferson. tinder authority of the. Orphans' Cohrt, for the City and County of Philadelphia. on WEDNESDAY, May d, 1866, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be 'sold at Public Sale, at the P.FILLADELPHIA. EX CHANGE', the following ciescribteal Estate, late the property of John McManus, deceased, viz: All that certain 3-story brick namsuage and lot of ground, situate on the east aide of Tenth street. St feet 256 inches southward fromjefferson street. In the Twen tieth' Ward; containing in front 7 feet, and in depth 74 feet to twentyfeet wide street. , Subject toSSO 25 groan° rent. p 1 r aitnubs.- •- - ' • -' '-- 1100 to be paid at the time of sale, By the Conrt.E. A: MERRTCR, Clerk. 0. C. CATHARINE SUMMERS. Adminlstratrix., __JAMIE A._ EREEMAN-Auctioneer.- - a .12,19,26 Store, 422 Walnut Street, - gRAI, ESTATE.—IA A. FREEMAN. AuctUnieer—HOTAL and. FACTORY, No. 217 IC street. Ott, WERNESDN- V; May 2d, 1;368,_at,12 o'clock, nootimilthe sold a_trEablict Sale, at the PHIL- A EFLPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz: All that let of ground, with the lin -provements thereon brected,tittbateoa , "the north aide of Race street, N0..217, von tainting 'in front 23 feet, and in depth 114 feet,o Randolph's \ On the are' erected a 'frame. hotel;Nadlritace street, and lathe rear` a ,t 1 natal _fCm4kt ! dif / Orick factory bullding. - •v • I ; ef, :1,, • '••• Aeir Partorthe_pnrehassfobneymhy remain:, p - eine to,Pr Pttid,ViOjiattro,P,ellP.ta stile* ofr ft - 1 ' - 4, • 0 7'& VtiE4N.A'N 412.19 94 • -BEAR - -ESTATID. -FREEMAN; Auctioneer.' VA LUABLE LO101" GROUND, D STREBT;REL." , W - 110CiA. On-WEIDNES. 'DAY, May 24,1866, at 12 o'clock, Noon,, will be sold at - Public bale, at tse GAL.ELPSIA EXCE(A.NGE, thetfollo%ing described' Real 'Estate, 'viz: All • that valuable. lot of ground, situate, on the west side of Broad street, below _Tioga street (adjoining the resi dele of Wm. 7,7. Stevens, Es on the north), ttO feet , fro t,and extendingabout 400 fee c., tln depth to Fifteenth str et. f i ck s. TO RENT—A FURNISHED HOUSE,No. 1015 ,11Ett VINE street. Possession given y 20th Ap p 0.111 °DU= Meet. ap/3-eis REAL ESTATE. •e ORPHAN& CO lais,T . .SALE..-Estate ; of iBf' THOMAS 8 DARLING; deceased. JAMES A. MAN, Auctioneer. BO33;801101:1011 PRO PERTIES. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. On',WEDNES LAY, April 25, 1866. At 12 o'clock; noon, will be s'old at Public hale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described s eal Estate, late the property t f Thomas h Darling, deceased, viz—No. 1. HOUSE, Ridge'Road, Twent> -Win. Ward. All that certain mes suage and lot of ground situate on the southeasterly side of the Ridge Turnpike road, in the late Township or ..Boxborongh, at the distance of 72 feet 856 inches northwesterly from High street. containing In fronta7 feet 3y.4 Inches, and in the rear end 163; reet, and in depth on the southeasterly:side 165 feet 6 incnes, and on the northwesterly side 165 feet. " Afe There is a two-and-a-half:story stone house con taining 6 rooms, and attics with kitchen, &c , erected on the above sot; - • ' • o. 2. BUILDING LOT. Lyceum. avenne..All that certain lot of ground No. 12 In a certain plan of Upper Manayunk, attests On the southeastwardly side .of lllgh street, now called Lyceum avenue 80 feet Wide, at the distance of 71 feet 6 inches soutaweetwardly from the Ridge Turnpike road, containing in front 50 fait and in depth between parallel lines, at r. ht angles to said High street on the ncrtheast line 152 feet 8 inches. and en the southwest line 154 feet 5 inches. • Po. 3. HOUSE. Ridge Bead, below High street. All that certain messnage and lot of ground number 13 in a certain plan of upper Manayunk, situate on the southw entvrardly side of the Ridge Turnpike road wog southeastwanily side of High street beginning at a point at the southwestwardly corner of High street and Ridge road, thence extending along Ridge road, S. 37 0 151, E. ISO feet to a point, thencesonthwestwardly at right angles to said road about 77 feet to a point, thence nonhweetwardly along the line of lot - number 12 at right angles to High street 152 feet 5 inches to High street, thence nortneastwardly along High steeet 71 feet 6 inches to the place of beginning. - Oa.. There is.a two4dory frame house containings rooms, and out-kitchen. frame-stabling, 4%C., erected No. 4. PRCIPRRTY, Ridge road. All that , certain lot of ground situate on the southwest side of Bldg° road, 160 feet south eastwardly from Spring street In the Twenty . first Ward, containing in front on Ridge road 40 feet and in depth on the.southeasterly line 165 feet. and en the northwesterly line 163 .feet 9 inches and narrowing from the trent to the rear, 88 teet 8 Inches. 1:111.. There Is a frame stable and frame shop erected on this lot. Ai' ',Se to be paid on each at the time of sale. By the Overt E. A. MERRICK Clerk, 0.. C. . JOHN K. IiAALLIN. A.dmMistrator. JAMES '.Ii,E,E.M.AN,* Auctioneer, ap5,12,19 Stare, Walnutstreet. Xi PUBLIC SALE.—JAMES A. EFREEMAN, - Auctioneer. VALUABLE PROP ER TI it 8, ezdy-second Ward. On WEDNESDAY. April 26, 1E66, at 12 o'clock, norn, will ba sold at Public Sale. as the PRILABELPHIA EXCELS the following described Real Estate, viz No. 1-1 Wipe atone MAN SION, Walnut Lane . A valuable property, consisting of a lot of land, with tie large stone mansion house, now occupied by Madame Clement as a young ladles boarding school; situate on Walnut lane, 148 feet;south of brew at-eet, in thetwenty-second Ward; thence along Walnut lane 139 feel. In depth ==feet. Tne mansion is e and well adapted to he purpose for which it is now occupied, has 25 rooms, baths. ranges, heaters and all other modern c nvenience-s; sur rounded by tine shade and fruit trees, also stable and Other out buildings. par fr 6,04,0 may remain If desired. rtar taw to be paid when the property is struck off. LOT, Green street. near Johns m sweet. All that piece of land, situate on Green street. 200 feet south of Johnson street; 130 feet front, and am feet deep. too may remain if desired, *elle° to be paid at the time of sale. No. R. —l9sh Wilmot avenue, Chestnut Hill Montgomery county. A. tract of 13 acres of land, a tit an on Willow avenue, cie Mermaid lane, ball a mile east of Chestnut Hill Iloaplud. nd adjoining toe Waler Cure eats bd.:ln:neat. It will Ito divided, if pm (Erred, Into tracts of lor sat res. The projected hail way to conrect the North venue., with the German town Road, will pass along' thls land - jar 00 may remain, if cleaned, on each tract of 4; _res k Plana at the Auction Store. 11(.0 to be paid on each. at the time of sale. .T.a.ILIDS A. prt r A.N.Auttioneer, Store, el.: Walnut . treet. Sr 5,12 19 REAL ESTATE.—JAMS A A. FREEMAN% Anctioneer.—ON April t 5, 11366 A L 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Salo, at the PHILADELPHIA FE:ORANGE. the following de scribed Real Estate, vtr.—No. I. Dwelling WIS Poplar street, all that lot of ground with the three-stbry brick dwelling thereon erected, on the north aide of Poplar street, 141 fret west of Twentieth street, 16 feet front, and S 1 leet deep to a 20 feet street. House luis gas, batb, ranee, dc. jar 42.50 u may retrain U desired. N 0.2, Dwelling s5OEt. John street, all that lot of ground with the three-story -brick dwelling , house erected thereon, on the east aide of itit. John street, lot feet south of Beaver street; 15 feet front, and 75 feet to inches deep. sir 11.600 may remain it desired, Provided titePro perry be Insured for 10,tik. J ar liOo to be pald on each at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store, 422 Walnut street.. spy 12,19 Rrx - Fctrioas' SALE— Estate of PATRICE Id EEH.s,N. deceased. JAMES A. FREEMAN, ion eer, TAVERN STA N D,No. 1e22 Filbert street. with houses on the' rear, under anthortty contained in the will of the late Pritrick Ifeehan, deed; on WED• NESDAY, April 2S, Me, at 12 o'clock. naort will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA LX. CHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz : All that certain lot of ground with the four 4-story brick houses thereon situate on the South aide of Fil bert street 116 feet eas., of Eleventh street being is feet front by 76 teet deep to Hunter street. Subject to #ll2 per annum. ground rent. ' r The above is an old established Tavern stand, three-stories high, with :twee-story brick houses in tberearandja three-story trick house No. 10114Hanter street. joy- 1100 to be paid at the slam ofsale. JOHN SKAY, Executor:- - JAMES A. F.REEMAZI, Auctioneer, .ap5.12,19 Store, 4= Walnut street. E.X.ECUTOR'S Estate of WILLIAM D. -PARRISH, deceased.' JAMES A. I , llElc- AN. Auctioneer. DWELLINGS, Courtla.,d west from Newmarket above Vine; 'ander authority contained In the will of the late William D. Parris:), dec'd, on WED Na-DAY, April 2ith 1466. at 111 o'clock, noon. at the PHILADEL.PRIA EXCHANGE. the following described Real estate, viz: Three three story brick houses and lot of ground. 14 by 34 fee*, more or less, and one three story brick house and lot of ground; IS feet SU inches, by Si feet dee:), more or less, situate on the south side of Coortland Place,being the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh houses In the row. g They are all three-story bricks, coataining six rooms betides bathroom; have but and cold water, ranees dc. Will readily rent for $lB a month, each. •Ire - Clear of every incumbrance. • SR?' Will be sold separately. • . 7e> ff 610() to be paid on each at the time of sale. by order of the E.aectitor. A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. Store, 42 Watnut stree REAL ESTATE—JAMES A. FREEMAN, z' Auctioneer. STORE and DWELLING, No. 1 , 2,39 E street, On WhDNESDAY. May td, laid, at P 2 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHI LADELPHIA F...IC.CRA'NGE. 'the following described real estate, Truce-story brick store and d welting, with two-story brick back battings and it of ground thereon erected, situated on ' the is..rth side of Vine street, Igo. ILL. 9, containing in front on : Vine street 17 feet 6 inches, and in depth S 7 feet. 8 inches: The rear 17,5. feet thereof being formerly part of a Int of ground fronting on Thirteenth street, which is subject to a small ground rent. Tbe owner of the 'Thirteenth street lot convel ed this 173 j feet, releasing it from the pay ment of any pottier) of said gronud rent and charging the same on the remaining portion of the Thirteenth street lot .. • la•"$l8 SO may rerdaht..lf desired. egErl tome:bate possessten. Aertloo to be paid at the time of sale. - JAMES A. ItREP.MAN. Auctioneer; ep12,19,26 Ettore 4= Walnut street. (II ORPHANS' COURT BALE-Estate of Mc. Gaughey.Minors.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Ann. tioneer. HOUSE, WHARTON street, below Seventh Under aol hority of the Orphans' Court for the sty and County of.Philadelphla. on WEDNESDAY, May 2, 1866, at 12 o'clock noon. will be sold at Puolic Sale. AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, Ihn,following described Real Estate, the property,.of Ma.oaughey, 1: inure, viz: All that certain three-story brinit mes snags and lot of ground thereto beloneng, sit me on the south side of Wharton street. 26 feet eastwart from St trench street, in the First Ward; containing in front on Wharton street 12 feet, and in depth 33feet 6 inches to a 2 feet 8 inches wide alley, with the privilege Sir $lOO to be paid at the time"nf sale. • By the Court. E. a. MERE tCX, ulerk G. 0,. •' GEORGE NONNEMAKER. ELISABETH ANDREWS,bopsid when the preeertv is Struck Ca. JAMES A. FRARMAN Auctioneer, 5p12,19,26 Store. 422 'Walnut street. REAM ESTATE. ISHOR.E. NEWPORT COTTAGE • LECOTTAGE, IN COMPLETE ORDER, well furnished In every department: convenient to cnurches, hotels, markets, &c.: stabling for four or more horses, with comixtodlouscoach 12 me, and,above all other recommendations TWO WIEVER-FAILLNG "SPI.INO WELLS'. of delicious and healthfal water, bath room and water closets, ELTSHA J. LEWIS, • Or ALFRED BM I 126 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. TH, w ew port, Rhode Island, ap7stnth6t. riORPHANS' COURT SALE Estate of MAT THEW THOMPSON, dec'd--,Under authority t e Orphans' Court for the city and county of Phila delphia, en WEDNESDAI! May 2d, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILdDtL PHIA . I XCHANGE. the following described real estate, the property of Matthew Thompson. deceased, viz: No. 1. PROPERTY, N. E. corner of Tenth and Catharine street; all those four two-story and one three story brick messuages and lot of ground, situate on tne nortisast corner or Tenth and Catharine street; con tainingin front on Tenth street 64 feet , and In depth 70 feet. part of the above lot is erected a three story brick store and dwelling at the corner. two two stor9 crick stores on Catbarine street, also two two story brick booties on Steward street. Pubject to $lll ground rent per annum. N 0.2. DENTVEt, DWELLING, No. 1123 Fitzwater street: All that certain lot of ground with the three story brick dwelling and three story back baildinge, situate on the north aide of Fitzwater street. above Eleventh street, at the distance of F 6 feet westward from Florida street, containing in front 18 feet, and in depth 72 feet, crossing and includi leading ear end Temp alley S feet wide and IS feet deep, into e street. Subject to 163 ground rent per annum. lie Hallall the modern conveniences, hot and cold water, bath, gas, range, wash pave, dm No. & - GENR'EEL - DWELLIND 1121 FITZ WATER street All that certain lot of ground with the three story brick dwelling and three-story back buildings thereon erected, situate on the north side of Fitzwater street, 18 feet westward from Florida 'street, contain ing in front 18 feet, and in depth 72 feet Subject to lea ground rent per annum. sir Has all the modern conveniences, hot and cold water, bath, gas, range, wash pave front. dm. No. 4.-Bljll.Dlrite LOT, S. W. corner TWELFTH and CATHARINE streets. All that certain lot of ground. ale:rate on the southwest coraer of Catharine streete, containing in front on Twelfth street 32 •feet, and in depth 85 feet. • NO. 5.-HOUSES 0n6.4 and 1626 CHANCELLOR street, with houses the rear. All that certain lot of grollnd, with the 4 three story brick houses the:eon ejected, on the South aide or Chancellor atreet, 114 feet eastward from Seventeen', Street, containing in front 26 feet. and in depth 60 feet to a 20 feet wide street. Subject to 02 ground rent per annum. . - No. 6.-GROUND RENT of esz 50. e1.375.-All that certain ground rent of $22 5..) Issuing, and payable yearly out of all that certain lot of ground situate on the west side of Thirteenth ferret, between led:marsh and Prime street , in the 1-econd Ward, containing in trent 60 feet, and In depth 32 feet. No. 7.-LOT, REED I-TREET.-All that lot of ground, situate on the north side of' Reed street. at the distance of 141 feet westward from Ninth street, con taining in front 16 feet, and ist depth 57 feet. gee lief to be paid on eacle at the time of sale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C, JOHN BELL. Administ'r, D. EL N. JAMES A, FREEMAN, Auctioneer, apr2,19,26 Store ea Walnut street. it P may EßE concern. R MPTO -TA MES A. SALR-OFREEMA account N' of whom P e nc oneer.-OIL LAND, VENANGO;COUNPY..EENN SYLVANIA.On WEDNESDAY. May 2d, 186.. at 12 o'clock, Noen, will be sold at Public Sale, without reserve on tue-nunt of whom It may concern, at the cPriHbeLAeDEeL P a H e I , A ieE: XNCH . AN I G I E tha h ce e f r ta in dee tract of land'sitniv e In Allegheny township, Venango county. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post, a corner of this and land belonging to the "Enterprise Petroleum Company." thence extending by said land M. sso, W. Ise t.esches to a post in the land of Daniel Gregg; thence by said Gregg's land 20, E. 19 9-10 perches to a post in the north late of the whole tract; thence along said line N. se o -, E. ISO perches to a post to the line of tract numbered 76 on the plan of she lands late of the 'Rolland Land Company," anti thence by said lot numbered 76 S. 2u. W. 19 e-le perches to the place of be ginnleg; containing twenty two acres, one rood and lour perches, more or less, hubject to &judgment in favor of Rebecca A. Slum son, sated May 20.1665, for 115.872. Subject to a judgment In favor of Thos, _Kennedy, dated May 19,1865. for SZ4 001.1. No. -....' -Land West Virginia, all the following de scribed piece or parcel of sand, being part of the Eiger Tract, in the Valley Furnace Estate, in Monongahela County, West Virginia. and bounded and descry ed as follows, to-wit :-Iseginning at the northwest corner of Bald Eiger tract, thence by the northeastern line of said tract, S. 500 E. 368 perches to the northeast corner Of said tract, thence by the soniweatern line of said tract S eeo W. toe point in eald line that will include HO acre!' of eal d Eiger tract, thence by s line parallel with the said first mentioned line N. 5 ,0 W. Set pe chef to a point In the northwestern line of said Eiger tract, thence by said last mentioned line along the east aide end near to Tunb'e run, to the place of beginning. Said described piece to contain .e:o acres of the lager tract and to be laid off cn the n side thereof by a line Gee-distant from the north ernline of said tract, and mentioned above as running 8. 500, E 263 perches, and so noted on the draft of survey made by I. R. Druber, dated January 19, 1865. air Sale peremptory, 150 to be paid on each at tee time of sale. JAMES A. FELKEMAN,IAnctioneer. ap12,19,26 No. 4...... Walnut street. RORP COURT SALE-ESTA.TE OF ISAACH ANS' JeNNINGs. deceesed -00FORrE OBS)-JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.- NO. I-- Propel ty No • ns and tr2l3 NEW MARKET Street.-L'. ti... Authority of the Orphans' Court. for the City and ronnty of Philadelphia, en WED sESDAY. May 2,1866, at 12 o'clock, nom', will he sold at Poblic Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the tot lowing described real estate, the property of Isaac Jennings, dec d, tGoforth minors,) a Newman and lot on the west ride of New Market street. and on tee east side of Rachel stri et. Eleventh Ward-being about 31 feet front on Rachel street. and S 7 feet deep to New Market street, on which It fronts 26 feet more or less, subject to a ground rent of twenty-four Spanish milled silver dollars. giFOn the above are erected two two-story frame houses, fronting on New Market street, the old Frame . Stable on Rachel street being reserve d. SC% 2.WELLING, No. 803 S. Front street. A Lot of pound, with the two-story dwelling thereon erected situated on the east side of Front street, below Catha nue street, Third Ward, being 11 feet front by a) feet deer,. $lOO to be paid on each when the properties ate struck oft. By toe Court. E. A. MERRICK, Clk ans' Court. 1.17 M. GOFORerTH. Orph livarelan. JAS. A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, No. 412 Walnut street. api2,19.2a leruatac SALE ,—JAffik 8 A. FREESIA.N.Auc Dover r.-1.280 ACRE• 4 of VALUABLE T/ sts LANDS WITH COAL. Clearfield co nazi WEDNESDAY, May rd. 1866. at 12 O'clOCI:VIon. will be soldatpnblicsale,at.the Plif-LA DEL PHU. KX CEt ANGIE, the following descrioed Real Estate. viz: Three valuable tracts, each containing 427 acres 3d rch es of Jr nd, (warrantees: Reorge Eves. WilPani Trouiwine and Joan Kean, Huntingdon co.), situate oh the waiers of Clearfield creek, near Clearfield bridge, Clearfield county.. Pennsylvania: hese lands are heavily timbered with pine, oak and hemlock, and axe accessible by the Creek' and the Sus quehanna to• roarket, they are 35 miles from Lock liaven. one of the best lumber markets, a new openh3g will be aff. rded by the extension of the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, already opened to Philipsburg. The • lands aro valuable for the great dekvishs of btu niluctuf roal with which they abound. they are in the heart of the coal region, and tits veins crop out. A sample of the coal 'taken from the surface, can be seen at the store sFull dearrlpilons.*plan, survey, certificates of miners and geologists, may be examined at the store. "a- $250 to be paid at the time of sale. - JAMES:A. FREEMAN, Aueponeer, ap12,19,26 Store, 423 Walnut street. Fi •= very es na• e II Me 1 MO, on West Arch street, and several on West .ut street. Apply to . . ' • riTO RENT—The Handsome STORE,' No. 'le South FRONT Street m stg Inquire. No. IS South Front street.. 'NOTI[?iE - fiIREASURif DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF COMP ! _IL TROLLEROF CURRENCY', WAPILiNGTON. 24 arch 30th, 11368. Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to t , he undersigned, It has been made to appear that "THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC Os'; pIiTLADFLpHIA," In the city of Philade.phia, In the county of - Philadelphia- and. State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the re quirements or the act of Congress,.entitled - "An act to providea ,National Currency,. secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the. Circuits-- Lion and Redemption thereof , approved June ad. 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said act re quired to be complied with _before commencing the business of Banking under said act Yaw, thereyore, I, Freeman Clarke. Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that " THE NATION AL BANE OF THE REPUBLIC OP PHILADEL PAIA," in the city of Philadelphia, la the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to resacomid. mence:the. business. of 74 , 01 HIV" under the act aih In leiltirrioriv'wheieof ix(Aatid 'skid fmix } Beal of oice, t4etkdo' Marth 188& . tW xri g tnkBitn33o)]' • .'Comptroller. STOVES 'AND IEtEA.TERtto t amers , . THOMAS B. DIXON & SONS, Late Andrew!' 02 Dixon No. 1824 etarancur street t.tiliadelphla Opposite United ditties !!tint, • LOW-DOWN. PARLOROFFIOE ~ CGITABIR, • ' •' For Anth ra cite, Ritleinona anti Wood Fires, WARN,UIt - FORNAOI:3, ' For Warzetng-Potilicand Private Enfielvre , . . REGISTERS, VELITLLATORS • , ,GES EATHROILERS,Iti: oe2l WROLdiziAix and RETAIL. • - ,THOIkEPSODPSI,ONHOHILIWTHENER, OR , NROPEAR RAABE, lor • families, hote b 3 or fPu /lc bultitations, In WENTY.DUFFEREAT ISTZVA. Also, Phlladelphla . Ranges, Hot-all Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fire. board Stoves, Bath Rollers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., at wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers &ARE, SHARPE dc TEMINIPAOrt, CAM ... PO itUserni RO, We North Second street, B. O. BUNTING, Sit. 2116 Arch street nnMAGNESIA—Je ang% Calcined, in round. Unt o ',Eland brines, also in bottle& - Jenninx's Carbonate a ,. Magnesia:Lis 2 oz. and 4 0per....#119.321.Ca1ci1ie4 ON Ina:lg and M arke t umn.e.L.=•= ELLIS SON to CO., Druggiats and . Seventh ettreet.,i Philadelphia.. • - ' . , DAY Rlar.,—„Tost received, an invoice of Gentitri, .imported Bay' Brim,. for sale by the, gallon, • ROBERT BHCABIABER'&O O .,, - prriggyit, - N.,B.,:tai, nor Foarth andliace streets., • , f'l, - . • • • - riIIELE FALL 62235.10. N -OF MISS ARROTT'II I SEMINARY FOR YOUNG will cora , mence on Wednesday, September lath, at him residence, corner of Poplar and Sixteenth street) Philadelphia EmernaNcEs:—Rer. G.X,mlen Hue, D. D. Rev. Themes Brainerd; D. D., W. H. Allen, Erq; late Freadent of Girard Clam. Jyrf-krs BVSINESS tIAURBPO. • DatihrOßTS PROcUItED. .L NOTARY..FRICK., PUBLIC commiSSIONER FOR AIL STATE-if, • PENzION AND PRIZE AGENT, No. 22.3 DOCK btreet. • • - Acknowledgments, Depositione, Affidavits to Ac• counts taken. Wthl3-3110 628 HOOP SHIRTS, 628 NEW SPRING STYLIM NONV READY, of Hopkins' "own make," at No. 628 ARCH Street These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of flrst.class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal lathe market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly on hand, a foil assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 4( springs, at very lowprices. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. nolB-6mt 10 C. KNIGHT & CO., WELOYarq 1. .. r GROCERS 1.148. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil. adelphia, Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the. Grocers' Sugar House, of Philadelphia. Jal-lyr GEORGE SHARP. Patentee and manufacturer o the RAI.L PATTRRNSILI7HR WARE , NO. 41 Prune street. jaa-amo* JAMES A. 'WRIGHT. THORNTON PIER. OLEM:RNT GRISCOIL THEODORE WRIGHT. .PRANS. L. NICALTA PETER WEIGHT ds SONS, Importers of Earthenware, and !Shipping aid Commission Mershants, No. us WAJLINTIT Street, Philadelphia. DENNSYLVANLL WORIECE.—ON rms., DELA WABE river, nelow PHILADELPHIA, CILESTMte . Delaware county. Pa. ' BEANEY, SON & CO., Engineers and Iron Boat builders, • Manufacturers of All kinds of • CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENBING EN , Iran Vessels of all descri G ption NES s, Boilers, Vats, Mullins, Propellers___ Ate., &e. T. }MAI:EY, W. B. BEANEY, B. AECHIBOLD, Late of • :late Beaney. Neafe & Cb., • Engineer in Chief, Penn Works, Phila. 11. S. Navy. T. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM. H. MERRIDE. TEO. E. COPE. QOUTHWARE FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASH /.7 INGTON STREETS. • PHILA.DICLPIIIA. & SOS ENGINRERS AND MA N _ , CEEINISTS. :Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land,River and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, 'Tanks. Iron Boats, &c, Casting of all kinds, either Works,, brass. Iron ame Roofs for Gas Workshops and Railroad Stations, &c. • Retorta and Gas Pa achinery, of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Nraebinerr and Sugar. Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam 'Trains, Defacators, Filters, Pumping En gines, &c. Sole Agentsßilleux's Patent Sugar Bo ling Apparatus, Nesniyth's Patent Steam Hammer and spinwall & Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. .A 8 FIXTUB.EB.—XIBICZY,_ BEERRILL a" TIACKA.B.A., NO. 718 C .- MESTA u street, .11anntacttirers of teas Fixtures, Lamps, &c„, would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants. Ef ackets, &c. 'They also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend co rktd ing, altering and repairing Gas pipet. A ll wo war ranted. Ist THE PHILADELPHIA 8/D/NO SOHOOL.. , POURTH street, above Vies, will re-open for the 'Fan and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. MIL Ladles and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thcrongl , knowledge of tlAis accomp.P.lbrnent will find ever; facility at this school. The horses are salt and wail trained, so that the moat timid need not fear. Satin* horses trained in the best manner. Saddle horses, horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriages fez fensl rata, to cars, steamboats, dm. TIIOS.IIBAIGE i SON. ill :a • • •• :,iflfz a a . . :is . zar • only place to get Privy Wens Cleansed and Main. at very low prime. al, A. PITYI3.4SON ..• •!. - • Pest tie, 11ILW PUBJILICATION6. MES. ANN 8. STEPHENS'S NEW .NOVELS. TO BE PORLIEBEED APRIL 21sT THE GOLD BRIGS, THE GOLD BRICK 3 HE GOLD BRICK, THE BOLD BRICK THE GOLD BRICK, • THE GOLD BRICK THE GOLD-BRICK, THE GOLD BRICK An intensely interesting new novel- BY MRS. ANN S. STEPHEN'S. Complete In one large Duodecimo Volcune. Price gi 50 in Paper; or, $2 00 in Cloth. We have also just Issued a new and complete edition of the other popular works by Mrs. . Anna Stephens. i heir names are as follows. Price of each, Si 50 in paper; or, e. ItO in cloth. TRH GULL BRICE, THE REM TED WIFE. THE WIFE S SECRET, LAMENT STRUGGL.7I3, FASHION AND 'FAMINE. THE OLD HOMESTEAD, .7iLABY DERWMIT, THE REIREHEL Send fot our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash ord µrss retail or wholesale. to TB. kis, ON BROTHBitS. ?co. W 6 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. .13ooks sent. postage paid, on rroetpt of retail prloe, ll NEW BOORti are at PETERSONS'. aplS-2t QT.P.42STGERS GUIDE TO PHILADELPHIA and ,0. I : cintty with a may of the city, illustrations of Rts bto buildings, &c., dro. A small pocket volume. EDITION Jost publtshod. NW BKS. HERBERT SPENCE O O ER'S PRINCIPLES OF BI OLOGY. W.I. INDIAN CORN ITS VALUE CULTURE AND LI THE By Edward Enfield. ESE REUNION OF CHRISTENDOM. A Pastoral Later to the Clergy. By Henry Edward. COMPANION POETS; ContsUnlng extracts from Longfellow. ThE &TORY T HE ENNETT. By Bayard Taylor. ORIGCNI OF LATE WAR. .By Jeorge Lunt. B ORY OF HENRY THE kirks. By George M. Towle. LIVINGSTON'S EXPEDITION TO THE ZAM BEsI. SEWELL'S PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION. GOULBURNS DEVOTIONAL STUDY . OF THE SCRIPTURE S. lis All ne and w standard books for sale as soon as Pub hed by LLCDS&Y & BLARISTON, PubliSouthshe Booksellers and Importers, rs, Stith street, above Chestnut. JUST PUBLISHED.--The QUERN MOTHER and ROSAMOND, By A. C. Swinburne, author of !•.E talam aln Calydon." 1 v01.,16m0. ASPHODEL. A romance. 1 vol., 14mo. THE LIVING TEMPLE. or Scriptural Views of the Church. By John S. Stone. D. D. COMPA RA TIVEPH YSIOGNOMY, or resemblance between men and animals. Illustrated by 330 en. gravlr gs. TB E ADVENTURES OF REUBEN DAVID:IEIFt seventeen years captive among the Dyaka of Borneo. Illustrated. For sale by JAMES. S. CLAXTOIF', - fiticosSatter W. S. - & x. atartien, • sub Chestnut street. A LLENTS LIFE OF PHILMO.II.—TB:II LIFE ID AM. PAILLIIXdg, hfualelan and Maw Player, by Geo= Allen, ta ro et Professor in tbe Universit of Penn wlvania; with a Supplementary &say on 'Llidar, Mesa Author and Oleos Player, by T e Vol He - debrand wad de Lana, Envoy Extraordinary and Mr. Inter Plenipotentiary of the King of Prussia, at tht Court of Sate.Weintr.r. vol.; MUM 3iEE' top. Prke IS. Lately published b • .E. H. B XOO., non - 127 South Fourth TA113323 BARR'S Blank Books and Stationery, ilcs 'Market St. Old Books honghtand exchanged. °Mtn billErGlS t CAMPHOR -A lot Of Camphor for sale by WIL. LIAM vir,tasi 4: CO., Druggists, No. 725 and 7^23 Market Street. LAIR'S CHOCOLATE FOR INVALIDS AND B .FAMILIES -made from the true Gammas Cocoa —free from all adulteration. The above article we can recommend as reliable for purity,* exceedingly nutri tious and acceptable to weak and delicate stomachs. for which it is especially intended; also suitabse for family use. Put up in tin CUES to preserve its peculiar and delightffil flavor. HENRY C. BLAIR"id SONS, Apothecaries, Eighth and Walnut. CIOD LIVER OIL.--Twenty-five barrels, new' made, V Cod Liver 011, •of very superior quality; Carb . Ammonia. just ved, in jam also, just received, twenty-Bye barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted 85 per cent., in the beet of packagesiand fbr sale by JOHN C. BA sion di CO., No. 718 Market street. EXTBACIT OE MERE for beef tea or Essence of Beef In sickness or for soups for table use. Made n Elgin. Illinois, by Gail Borden, from the illiecs Of choice beef and _is. • superior,' in delicious flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets With full di rections. ono _dollar each. , HUBRIzf.L, Apothecary, 1410Chestuutstreet.: . • . Tvaucaurre , sulqllßrES:= Griolniteir itortars. JJ Pill Tiles , Con&s,Hrnsheo r lifirrors, Tsreesers,PWS Boxes, Horn Scoops' Bargionl Instruments, Trusses Hartland Bott ) lnabb . er , Goods,•viai oases, Blasi an ( Metal 6 YTP2Pe. qtc,,all avTiast Rancelt. EasTCYWDEN &BmHBB, alrontL • 23SonthHIghtb street; OBERT BROEMAXER & OM., N. E.,:OOEZIER FOURTHAND' :RABE BT LIRMETS.,' !Wholesalt Druggists, Manufacturers and Dealers!, hi Window Glass, 'Malta Lead, and Taints of event deserlPtl, °Mar to. the trade , or consumers; scom on plete stock goods irrtheir line, at the lowest market rates. • - . ROBERT BRONATA ER di 00.1 c. 'Northeast - term:4r Fourth and Racestreets.: • EDUCATION. YOE NE,W Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. The Philadelphia and New York ExpireSS • Steamboat Company. Steam Propellers leave DAILY froW 1„ FIRST WHARF below IifARIIET street, n,using the run in 241101165. • Ibis Line connects with all NOrthern and Eastarn. Transportation Companies. Goods forwarded direct to all points free of commission. Freight received at lowest rates. WM. P. MY & CO. Agents,' • 14 South Wharf__ t ea Pt , ianPiphia. JAS. IIt&ND, Agent 117 Wall street, New w York. P0M24)6 STEALIifSHIp LINE DERECT. 'Kt LING E7202f BACH POBT EVERY 12 - Mad 78. FROM PINE ST. WHARF. PHILADELPHIA..., AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship ARIES. Captain Boggs will sail from Philadelphia on Saturday, April 21, at 10 A. M. The steamship NORMAN, captain Crowell,;will sail from Boston on Thursday, April 191 k, at 12 of. ' The line between Philadelphia , and Boston is now . composed of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 7200 tons burthen. NORMAN, Captain Crowell, 1200 tons burthen. AMES. CAPtain Boggs, 900 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day,' a steamer being always on the berth to receive canto. Shippers are requested to nand Bills of Lading with their goods. • For freight or passagegato Y WUIBOR. OCki ~apl7. • inn Smith Delaw avenuare e. rEiramLY 8 my ri a 33 6ontoND AND NORPO COMPANY. The Ade steamships of this T. . H hawse at the lowee rates and sail mgatuly imam the BIM Wharf above . Market street, even, pionnecting with PieilMade from Bictuannd, and Cup point, ihrming the moist (Una route lin the South and Southwest. • For freight or passage, with excellent ariconuti eosin, ppplp t i J WidiP. CLYDE& 06., • • 14 North and Senth Wharvai. gigik, NEW .111KPIDE3t3 LINE TO .el,lllEe , . AitioniA, Georgetown and Waahingto i t i easpeeke and Delaware Canal, with connectio at Alexandria, Va., form the moat direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and. the Southwest. • • . . , Steamers leave Mud. :Wharf above 3farlua area every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 M. , - For freight apply to the agents, - - . W. P. CLYDE & 00, 4 14 North Wharves; I. E. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; IL, Eldridge S Co., Agents at Alexandria POE N'EW TORR.—Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift sure Lines, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving daily at 12 M. and 5 P. M., connecting with all the Northern and Eakern Lines. For freight, which will be taken on accommuxiating terms, apply to - a r d get, NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. NEW and CRE&LPILI/L1 aft.a,e.A TOIV-BOAT COMPANY. BARGES towed to and from PHILADIMPBELti IfAVRE-DE-OTAGE,' BALTIMORE, WASH:May TON. and IntermedAt t e points. P. CLYDE d; CO. Attents, No. T 4 South Wharves Philadelphls,. Captain ao.Ei2i LALTGIILLN. Superintendent. Al SA_LB.—Steam-trig W. W. BRA.- rrl 3LA.NS, IGB teet long, 23 feet beam. 103 - 4 Of Lai two 26 inch cyllndent, is in good order, and-bottom covered with yellow metal Apply Lo . E, A. SODDED. & CO.. Dock street wharf - • ap 6-it FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER Lk - snr. EtAILENTG rtRGITLARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight, for this Line sent to New . York by Swift. rm. Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship GRANITE STATE. Jacobs, Commander, Is now rapidly loading at pier 11 East Btver. This beaudful vessel is one of the sharpest and best vessels now loading, and having a portion of her cargo on board with large engagements, will have quick despatch. For freight, apply to BISHOP SON di CO., nal:Mitt 106 Arch staves. - At li FOR BOSTON, Maas.—Express Line.—The fine schooner MARY S. RUSSELL. Captain. - MI L E Smith, is now loading for the above port at first wharf above Vine street, and will have Prompt— despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID OJOPER. W North Wharves. FOR LIVERPOOL.—WIth Quick Despatch.= The first class packet bark COBURO, Gibson, master having a large portion of her cargo en gaged, will sail as above. For balance of_grelght or' MAY to MC= Willa= Alk 13Witt. MD Passage & t street. mhl4t.f . toiFOR REY WHST.—The brig 0. T. WAISD, Captain Lindaay, will be despatched for the above port in a few days. For freight., apply to WORKMAN & CO.. 15t Wainnt street.. . -=hie WANTED.—A Vessel of 80.000 to 110.000 feet lumber capacity for a Southern port. Apply to E. A. SOUDkE & CO., No. S Dock street wharf. aplB-St reDICRIGNEES' NOTlCE.—Consiguees of merehan:: dise per ship NARY RUSSELL. Weeks. master, from Liverpool , will please send their p_ermits on b.,ard, at Walnut street wharf, or to the otlice of the undersigned. The general order will - be Issued on Friday, the 20th inst.,. where all Roods not pp rmitted will be sent to public stores. PETER WRIGHT & BON S. DS Walnut street. apl9 2t WOTIC.R.—'r. hark 1,77.71 E MORROW, Fraser, ' master. from Liverpool, !snow discharging tinder: 4 . i general order at Smith's wharf. Consignees will please' „r attend to the reception of their goods. R •WRIEr. WRIGHT R SONS, 115 Walnut street, ap1941 ATOTICE. _ persona are hereby cautioned aitanst _ trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark LIZZIE MORROW as no chins of their contraction will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT dt SONS, 115 Walnut street. -apl7-tt - BR. BARK DUNCAN, from Liverpool, is now dis - charging under general order at lirst wharf below South street Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PEI' a= WEIGHT .¢ SONS.IIS Wainnt street apiertf SHIP BRITISH L 101.7, from Liverpeol.• _ -; now discharging under general order at Shippen street C4:11 g, Consignees will please attend to the -4 receytion' their V. 0046. P.NTHIt WRIGHT' dr, SO.Nta, U 5 Walnut street. apl6-tf fIONSIGNMES' - .IcOTIM;-The schooner 1111.12.47. BET MAO Dir. MAgee t Ataster, 'from Boston. Le now dlscsarging het .—imito at third wharfabove Market street. Consig.nees will please attend to the rece_ption of their goods. DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTION - 12M , against .trusting any. of the crew of the ship* ' BRII ISH LION from Liverpool, as no debts of their • contraction will be paid by the captain or consignee°. PETER WRIGHT da .- SONS. 115 Walnut street. apl2-tr LL PERSON'S ARE HEREBY CA.IITIONED against trusting any of the crew of the Br 'bark • - DUNCAN, from Liverpool, as no debts of their con traction will bepaid by the captain or consignees,:., PETER WRIGHT & SONS, Rs Walnut street: apt2-tf ' XTOTICF--2.11 persons are hereby notified not to ..L1 trust the crew of the Swedish brig PYLAD, as no debts of their contra - ding will be .paid by captpinior: consignees.. WOB.K SIAN & CO., ies - Walrtut BD. ;m1331, NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby. cautioned againsti trusting any of the crew of the Er. bark - COBURG. Gibson, master, from Liverpool, as no dents of ftbeir contraction will be paid by the captain or consignees: PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. .17-t.l _ - NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned simian ' harboring and trusting any of the crew of vas . Danish brig DMICiiiAIIII, as ne debta of their coritract.' big will be paid by cap nor consignees; WORIC. MAN & CO.. Consignees. Walnut street. SHIP NOTICE, , All p - one are hereby cautioned against trusting any o the crew, of the Br, &lap L. TLLLY, Whereof Cann • is =taster, froneCity Va., as no debts of their contracting will be d by captain or consignee. EDMIII9 A. 60 dc Dock street wharf. •delp . - TAB. B.B.lllNDLER.,erncostmr to JOHN EIB:IHDIDB & SONS, Sail Makers, No. 300 NOrth DELAWfLHE • Avenue, 'Philadelphia. • - • All work done in the best manner and on toe loweet sad moat favorable terms, and warranted to give fins • . feat eatisfaction. Particular attention even to remaking.:' - d Great Chance to make Atones , on 8 Small Capital. ! SPENCER'S A REAL ,FimiLirr . . " In. the KITCHEN It ta the right thing fn the. right place: No Household would be without it after a Wu gle trial It Is the only Sifter 'now in use that "gives satisfac tion. Every Sifter la give perfect satia• - • • faction. SFFltitUglt., Factory, No 846 NOithiticoosp Street, PhllaAlti, ' State and. CottntY Eights forealeon easy ternss, -' Wholesale Tradesupplied on reasonable terms., - . 7-4 Stupldea sent to any Address on receipt of tree. Ma' , FSENCEL. - PRONIVEL-150 mules In tite , wasteigratimancsr boxeli Lleported wet ler • sale ,briCe. 8. , eIf:WIER,_ A .00 ..108 pante Delaware ~ ; °i r! RT. A , T AM) SAGO.—Cox's scotch Gelatin, litio Tapioca and East India. Pearl Sago, andlng and for sale by J. B, BUSSIER" dt CO., 108 S; H. el aware Avenue fARANGEIS AND LEMONS.--eicily Oranges and 'kJ Lemons, in prime order, lbr sale by .10S. WEEMS & CO.. PA South Delaware eirenne. ~IE:~IPPI~~ AY and OLATITSDAY. AI Noon, WM. M. 31AIRD & CO., No. 3.32 South Delaware avenue. PATENT TIN SIFTED STAIN Invaluable for nse In all cases where a - Strainer or Slave Ala required, 'it will FLOUR„ MEAL, SQUASH. APPLE, . RIIC.K.WHEAT A &c., and will Strain
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers