EOOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATE FROM MEXICO THE IMPERIALIST DEFEAT, ThA French Completely Routed. 750 Killed and Wounded. From Mexteo. SAN FRANcisco, April lB.—Despatches dated March 23d, received, to-day, from Mazatlan,statethatthe French army, eleven hundred strong, reinforced from 'lapis, at tacken Generals Corona and Rnbi, three miles faom Mazatlan. After a severe battle the French were entirely defeated, with the loss of 700 killed and wounded ; 350 were captured andthe remainder returned to Ma zatlan., All the streets in Mazatlan were barricaded and there was but little doubt that' the Republicans would soon occupy the place. From Washington. WASHINGTON, April 19.—The President has approved the Navy Appropriation bill. The aggregate amount for the Boston Navy Yard is $277,500; for New York Navy Yard, 058,000; including. $90,000 for the purchase of the Ruggles property; for Philadelphia Navy Yard, $148,000; for Portsmouth, N. H. Navy Yard, $200,000; also, for the purchase of Seavy's Island, $105,000 besides. From San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, April 18.—An injunction bas been issued to prevent the Chief of Police from destroying the nitro-glycerine, in pursuance of the order of the Board of Supervisors. The steamer Sacramento sailed to-day for Panama, carrying $586,300 in treasure, of which $562,200 is destined for New York. Steamer'Ashore off Abseeom Beach. ABRECOM, April:l9th.—The steamship .fit - - =nice, packet,is ashore onrAbsecom Beach, about three miles below the light house. She is loaded partly with cotton. No lives have been lost. Price of Gold [By the AmencE New Max, April quoted to-day as follows: 10.35 A. M., 1271 11.45 127* 10.45 1271 12.00 M. 127 11.00 1271 12.15 P. M., 1261 11.30 1271 I Fasts and Fancies. A great many of our Southern friends are going North. They feel a curiosity to see what on earth whipped them so.—Louisville Journal. • At the dinner given to Hon. Jas. Brooks, at the Manhattan Club, in New York, speeches were made by Messrs. Brooks, Mint, Slocum, Call, and others, and letters read from Messrs. Stockton. ' Voorhees, O'Connor, and other distinguished gentle men. As Brooks, Stockton, and Voorhees are all men with their heads off, were was a manifest incongruity in dining them by tae Man-hat-one. The patron saint of lobster fishermen is said to be Santa Clans. Nearly all the postoffices in Texas are in charge of females. It works so well that the males now arrive and depart every hour of the day. Whyis money in a bank like the Atlantic cable? Because it's taken in and paid out. Also because the depositors can't always xecotrer it. Also because there are numer ons.checks connected with it. Also because it's sure to be lost if confided to a small buoy. The colored ladies who sent bouquets to the Senate,en the passage of the Civil Rights bill, are justly indignant because some of the Senators suggested . that both the bou quets and the donors were cull'ed. The new liquor law in Massachusetts is being so rigidly enforced in Boston, against the use of all liquids, that there is serious talk of changing the name of "Funnel Hall" itself. Near Norfolk, Va., a large sycamore tree was cut down, and the middle of it a lock of haul was found—probably one of "love's concealments" half a century ago. The last tree in the world to conceal the secrets of feminine humanity. What tree would most certainly betray the presence of woman kind? -A button-would. • Senator Wright continues very weak. Be has not been to the Senate since he voted against the Civil Rights bill. He certainly can't be much weaker than when he did that. CO UR IS. QUARTER SEssioris--Judge Allison.— Tames Young was charged with highway robbery . Mr. Gallagher,the prosecutor, alleged that at 10 o'clock at night, he was attacked in the neighborhood of Fourth and Lombard and knocked down and left sense less. When he recovered his hat and coat were gone. A few days afterward he saw the defendant on Walnut street, and think ing he was the man who had robbed him he followed. Young noticed this and otuick ened his pace, and finally ran. He was pursued, and when arrested he had on Mr. Gallagher's hat and coat. The defendant called two witnesses to prove that he ob tained the hat and coat from a stranger who sold them to him. Jury out. Tam corner-stone of the monument to be erected over the grave of Stephen A. Doug las will be laid some time during the month of May or June; and the Trustees having the matter in charge have invited William IL Seward, Secretary of State, to be the ora tor of the occasion. In reply, Secretary Seward writes: "I may inform you that I should consider it an agreeable duty to ac cept this invitation, which does not exag gerate the regard in which I hold the me mory of Stephen A. Douglas. The last of his days in Washington were employed in consultation with President Lincoln and myself in organizing the resistance- to dis umon." MARTIAL LAW CONTINEED.—The An. gnsta (Gra.) Transcript of the 13th instant, gives the subjoined the prominence of double-leaded type:;'We derive from the highest source the information that, not 'withstanding. the Peace Proclamation of the President, the habeaa corpus has not yet been restored, nor has martial law ceased in the Southern States. • This law certainly prevails in the State of Georgia. The fact ought to be known by our civil authorities, and our people.at large, who,-with us, have fondly believed that tne-official - publicatien of • eace restored-the former supremacy of a • nicipal and State law. We must wait for another proclamation . before we can celebrate our political jubilee. - THE ,CHARLESTON iSUO th Carolinian obronic,les a new phenomenon in that city,- namely, a t demand on the part athe blacks for higher wages. The colored stia - veOres are unwilling to work unless paid two dal tars a day. New York. Telegraph Co.] 9.—Gold has been "LADIES' SPECIALTIES."-Trusses!Braces! Supporters! Belts! Bandages! exclusively fbr females, light, easy and elegant, for sale. and adJustel by a competent female. at C. H. Needles', Twedith street, first door beldw Race. DRUGGISTS' St NDR.rms TN EVERY VA RIETY. SNOWDEN 43 BROTHER, Importers, 23 South Eighth Street, 7 3-10's WANTED, DeHaven 416 Brother, 40 South Third Street. • - ' SPIRAL LIGHTS, from magnesium, mar velots in brilliancy! The effects his dark parloror con servatory are exquisite and artistic. Wholesale and retail at C. H. Needles' Twelfth and Race. 50 cents per box, same mailed for 55 cents. 5-20's wArlrE3:), DeHaven dc Brother, to South Third street. Coltrotrtrn interest notes wanted by De Haven & Bro. 5.20 Courorts due May l let, and Corn pound Interest notes wanted, 7 30e and 5 20s bought and sold by DREXRIr. & Co. SS South Third street, AN EXTENDED POPITLAILITY.—"Brown's Bronchial Troches" have been before the public many years. Each year finds them In new localities in 'various parts of the world. The Trochee are pro nounced universally superior to all other.artices used for Flintier purposes. For relieving Coughs, Colds. and Throat Diseases, the Troches haw' been proved reliable. CEDAR CAIITIMR—beat agginst Moths. Cheap! Fragrant! RPllahlp! Sold by Dragesta every- N% - here. HARRIS & CHAPMAN, Boston. LBST $5OO E 10-40 s S 82% 5000 do 200.0 S Tress 7 8-10 94% Notes July 101 2150 do Aug 101 . 400 Penns 58 87 1 lot , o City Ss new 92% I‘oo do mun 92% 5900 Pittsburgh Es 68 169 sb Bead It csh 51% 800 eh do s3Own int 51% 260 931 do • 51% 300 eh Maple Shade 300 eh Catawis pf bswn 80% 800 sh do b 530% 100 h . do • 85 30% 200 sh do 30% SCO sh b 5 80% sh do • - 80% 100 sh do b. 5 30% . PRICES OF STOOKS IN NEW YORK. (By 2151egaph.) MBST CLASS. American Gold 1.27 S bid Reading Railroad 61 44-100 Bales New York o Central....-...,. 9274 sales 11. S. es 'el .1.05 ii bid Rh S. ea, 'sales sales Hudson bid Finanee•maid Buslineas—.April .19,186 e. There was but little finchmtion at the Stock 'Board this morning. 'Catawhisa Railroad Preferred was the most active on the list, and sold lap to 80%—in advance of 34, but' it afterwards fell off X,suld the bear influence was in the ascendency. Reading Railroad was weak, and sold at 51301i151%—a decline of 34. Rennsylventa Railroad was - steady : at 5834. Little t3chuylkil Railroad rose 1, and Camden and Amboy Railroail Mine Rill Railroad was steady at 55; Lehigh Valley Railroad at 6134; North Pennsylvania Rai road at 89%; Elmira CITY BIIIJILETEN. . WEST' I- "IILADBLE.B.I.A.—The few days of rain have worked wonders is the way of vegetation. Almost every house in this sec tion of the city is elevated above the side walk, and still more above the level of the street, and among those of our city . proper residents, who do business, in -town, by day; and flock, after bank hours, to their subur ban houses, to enjoy their otium cum digni tate, the esplanades in part of the mansions are green with the glory of :early spring. Passing up Chestnut, above Thirty-sixth at., we were surprised into admiration at the magnificence of the Magnolia COnSpieUa• viz,: grand trees of which plants were in bloom, drowning the hyacents below with their heavier fragrance. Birds were chirp ing, twittering, chattering everywhere, from the . jenny wren to the flute-toned robin, pairs of whom we saw bearing materials to build their nests. The mansion in front of which we stood was that of- W. W. Keen, so long and favorably known, as are, all the Keen family, in West Philadel phia. We paused at the station house, of which we spoke yesterday, to gatherthe records of dissipation, and, perhaps, crime. The officers were delighted with the long-looked for notice of their wants which appeared in last evening's BULLETIN. The list of offenders was rather large, but of the usual character. Eliza Russel, Samuel Ellis, Andrew Johnson, Mary Stewart and Louisa Trentt were charged with vagrancy; while MaryAnfi Meßenney, Ann Wheaton and Dick Bloomer were committed by Ald. Allen, for drunkeness. The Alms House statistics were, admit ted, 12; death, 1; Children's asylum (poor child !); discharged, 18; with 5 escapes. Census, 3,105;1865, 2,617. Increase, 488. While engaged in receiving these reports we learned that an unknown man. appa rently about 45 years of age, about five feet five inches in height, was discoverectearly this morning in the hold of a canal boat, lying at South street wharf on the city side. He was dead and had evidently been so for several hours. He attracted little or no at tention. Such cases are frequent in that neighborhood. BRIGHT Ju - V.h.rimEs.—.Tohn Canliff, aged 17 years, and Thomas Green, 15 years of age, were arraigned before Alderman Tit termary this morning. It seems that on Tuesday night the boys asked for and ob. tained lodgings at a house near Barlington. The next day they broke into a school house in the vicinity, and helped them selves to books, pens and paper. It is then alleged that they gathered together a lot of old paper, and set fire to the premises. The youths were arrested yesterday, by the man at whose house they had lodged, and handed over to Officer Smith, of the Second District, but at the hearing this morning the roan failed to appear. The juveniles were then committed for a farther hearing. FlRE.—This morning, about three o'clock, a fire occurred in the drying house attached to the morocco-finishing establishment of Joseph Canovan, on Canal street, above Gi rard avenue. The flames originated from the furnace, and were extinguished before much progress had been made. A lot of sumac in the building was considerably damaged by water. The loss is estimated at V 2,000, and is insured. SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS &c.— James A. Freeman, Aartionrer. sold yesterday at 12 o'clock, at the'Philadelphla Exchange, the following property: 850 sba, ea stock Lccuat Gap Coal Company. 30,000 shares Philadelphia and Cherry Run Petroleum Company 25 cents. Lease of six acres of land on Cherry Bun, Venango county, Ps., $lOO. Lease of 2r acres of land in Allegheny township, Venango county, Pa., $lO. Eise of one atxtytourth of working Interest in land on Oil Creek. Venango county, Pa.. 11Z00. Lease of five-tte.Mbe of vrnrktim int.rest in land near Reuneville, Venango county, Pa., $ll. 17 proprietary Interests Of Isieattley Oil Company, Draft of Hibbard OR CoMpluiy, $5O. Lot, Wlsoahlckon turnpuce, um or 223 feet, $3OO. Stare and dwelling, Dutton and Reed street, $3,000. Three frame horses. Fifteenth below V 1130,12,400. Five frame houses, Cowslip street. $2, 5 00. Dwelling, Florida street, $8,500. 22% acres of land, Park street. $360 per acre, $B,OlO. 103.1 acres of land Part street, $ 4 ,550. Dwelling, 535 Pine street, 0,400. Dwelling and lot; corner Harrowgate and liicetown lanes, V 000. Three-story brick house, 908 North Third street. Houses in Frankford road and Denton above Otter street, 51 000. Two-story brick house, 618 Pine street, pays.. Frame house, 1102 Locust street, 111,62.5. THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE AGE , for teething pains, croups, flatulency, sleeplessness, in children. Is Bower's Infant OordiaL Laboratory, Sixth and Green. Bottle, 25 cents. "FELT CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS," Mailed for fifty centr3. Bower. Sixth and Vine. C—C--Valuable furs, woolens,clothesoite., saved by Judicious punt= away, with "Cedar Cam phor." For sale by C. H Needles, at 12th and Bace streets; oae dollar per pack. litt4l% Ink Stands, Fans, Card lieoelv rs, yyr e l Caskets, Cigar Caeca Cutlery, etc. SNOWDffic & BROTHICR, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. SALES OF STOO KS. iluu eh ocean 11 b3O 911 20001 do 93‘ 4 . X1 eh do ' b3O 9:4 100 eb Bch Nay pfd 523 MO eh Rosa Cal 16 500 eh do b2O 1036 200 eh Penns It C&P 56:4' sh Caro &Ambo9 119 100 eh Little Sch b3O 30 100 eh Minehill It 55 100 eh Phil dcli:rie 3236 100 eh do estra 3256 200 eh 1 , 7 Y Midle Coal Field d eld b3O 736 100 eh do 530 7% 200 eh lam Mountain Coa s:i seh2d & 2d St_ b 5 71 100 eh - 13th & 15th St It 19) TEE DAILY EVENING'IIO Twortsnav, April 19.—The upward movement noted in Flour yesterday still continues, and holders have again put up their quotations 25 cents "0 bushel. There is no inquiry for shipment but the home consumers have been purchasing very freely, and 4,5(0 barrels were disposed of at $9 to $l.l . for Penna. extra family, $9 to $lO for Northwestern do. do., and $l2 50@15 for choice and fancy lots—including 1250 barrels within the the range of the latter figures. Small lots of superfine at $6 5C@7 10 and extras from $7 75@9. There Is but little Bye Flour here and It oom.mands 75©5. Prices of Corn Meal are nominal, There is more Wheat coming forward but the most of it was previously contracted for. Sales of 3,000 bushels good Red at t. 4 45 bushel. small lots of oriole at E 2 56@f2 60,and 4,500 bushels Amber on secret terms. White Wheat is very scarce. A small sale of Pen na Rye at 92 cents-an advance. Corn Is warm and active; 4,(8)0 bushels yellow sold at 53 cents, but some holders ask more. Oats are unchanged; sales of 3000 bushels Penna. ;at 61.7centa—Including 2000 bushels on secret terms. In Barley and Maltno change. Cloverseed comes forward slowly and ranges from $4 60 40 $5 75. No Timothy arriving. Flaxseed aella at lIC roaS 60. laks , ' is unchanged. Bales of 100 bbla. Penna, at 12 25@2 26 and Ohio at .1 28 "{33 barrel ABHIVNG THIS DAY. bar W R Genn, Baker, S. days from Portland, with headings to Geo C Carson & Co. Behr Knight, Romer, 4 days from New York, In bal last to Warren, Gregg & Morris. _ Solar J Williamson, Winamore,s days from Lines vile, with stone to captain. &chr Atlantic, Lippincott, 5 days from New Bedford, in ballast to Warren. Ore & Morris. Behr Wm B Thomas, Winsmore, 4 days from New York, in ballast to - captain. Behr H C Simmons, Foster, from New York. Behr C & C Brooke. Brooks, from Greenport. Behr C W Perry, Risley, from Danversport. Bar C W Locke, Huntley, from Dtrclaister Point, Behr A Pbaro. tllsonrds, from Providence. Behr D d Floyd, Hackett, from Providence, Behr N 2i Wilson, Bowen, from Salem. IMILUM THIN DAY. Bohr Mary_J Russell. onalth, Roston. David Cooper. Behr L Morris, Hamm % Chltmoteague.W H belga& Schr Anna Virginia, Lewis, Washington, JT Justus. 11:1010BAN1?A. Steamer Saxon, Matthews, hence at Beaton yes. tads). Steamer Norfolk. Vance, hence at Richmond 17th instant. Steamer Washington, Chichester. at Wilmington, N. C,35111, inat. from New 'York. Steamer Raleigh. Walker, at New Orleans yeeterday from New York. Steamer Marmlon. Warsaw, sailed from New Or leans yesterday Ibr New York. Steamer Morning Star, Howes, from New York, at St Thomas sth inst. and sailed for Rio Janeiro. Bark Modena, Ryder. cleared at New Orlean lath that for this port, with 293 empty casks, ar. bars rail roadn and 17 kegs mdse. BarkS D Ryeraon (Sr). Hannon., for this port, sailed from Providence 17th tont Bark John Mathues, Creighton, sailed from Matan zas 12th Mat. for New York. Bark Louisa Cook, Cook, at St Thomas 9th inst. fbr Poncen to load for this porter Nefork. Bark J A Tatllll. for Fardo, to load for this port, was at St Thomas 9th inst. Bark Andaman:Utts. at Matanzas 11th inst. from Vera Cruz. Brig Wm Welsh, Strowbridge,cleand at St Jago 13th inst. tor this port. Brig S V Merrick. Norden.salled from Cardenas 11th Inst. tor a port. north of Hatteras. Brigs Herald, Tuzo; Condova, Eddy, and Caroline Fddy, Smith, were loading at Matanzas 12th inst. fbr this port. Brig Omer, Lewis, at St. Thomas 9th inst. for St. Johns, PR. to load for this port.. Brig Frontier. Littlefield. cleared at Boston yester day for this port. Brig Perry. McNeally from Rio Janeiro, for New York, at St. Thomas Id Inst. and sailed again sth. Scbr Ellwood Boron, Jarvis, cleared at Wilmington, NC 16th lust for this port. Schr Pearl, Brown, cleared at Boston yesterdaY for this port. Schrs Florence Rogers, Rogers, for the Delaware Breakwater; D Williams, Hunt; for do, and Ephraim Z&US An th na.,,l3arris, for this port, were loading at Matan -12 inn. Fakirs Ocean Banger. Brandt/1'01 , 411s tort and Bur rows C. ISicElwee, for New York, were loading at Ite medlos 7th inst. Schr J C Bates, Haniinson, at St Thomas lth inst. for Ponce to load for the port or Baltimore. Schr Star, Crowell, hence for Boston, at New York yesterday. Schr Annie E Martin, Brower, hence, below New Orleans 13th Bohr :L er H. Reed, Reed, Sailed from Havana 12th inst. for Sagua. Stcbr Chas MeCarthy.Godfrey,sailed from St Thomas Sib inst. for Trinidad. Schr Beal Strong, Brown, sailed from Providence 17th ,inst. for this port. Bohr F Crowell, Stevens, from Provincetown for this port, sailed from Newport 17th Inst. Schr ST Uarrison, Chase, cleared at Boston 17th inst. for this port. Schr Lewis Chester. Bartlett, from Baltimore for Boston. returned to Holmes' Hole 16th inst. Sehr Louisa Frazier. Steelman, hence for Salem, re. maimed at New. t 17th inst. Fix/Am NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1865 ....... TIME DEPOSITS ON.INTEREST. INTEREST AT THE RATE OP FOUR PER CENT. PER AN. NUN WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DE. POSITS, FOR WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAY& BLE AFTER FIVE i DAYS' NOT an. INTEREST WILL OT BE AL. LOWED UNLESS THE DE. POSIT REMAINS T LEAST [ FIFTEEN DAYS.) C. H. CLARK, President. azoozri) exuusa. • Bales • aalea • sales ...." sates ..".. aides ..... salea sales REFRIGERATORS SMITH &' RICHARDSON p A•enta for the tteatuj%ebrated °RAZ J .ilMaK Rfre F ro m 611: MARKET STREET. 611.673ini NORTH FOURTIE:-Gfiew Oases - in . great .1-1.1. variety at declining prices. 111 NORTH FOI7RTH.—Desks and Office Tables at 122. of a troperior make. W. H. GROVE, a/LaplHisPs Railroad Preferred at 41; the Common stock at 80; Northern Central Railroad at 45, and Philadelphia and File Railroad at 82%. Oanal stocks were not so strong. Schuylkill Navigation Preferred J eceded a. 54% was bid for Lehigh Navigation. Susquehanna Canal ad vanced X. Government Loans were steady, the Seven- Thirties selling at 101, and the Ten-Forties at 92%. 105% bid fer the Coupon Sixes, , 81; and 104% for the Five- Twenties. State Fives sold at iff, and the War Loan was not offered under 100. City Leans of the new issues, sold at 92%—an advance of %. Clial stocks were dull. In Oil stocks the only activity was In Ocean, white sold at 0,%@9%. Passenger Railway shares were very quiet. Hestonvlile sold at 82% b. 80, and Thir teenth and Fifteenth streets at 19%. - Jay Cooke d, Co. quote Government Securities, &c. to-day, as follows: , • - • Buying. U. S. trs, 1053: Old 620 Bonds--...-- ... ........ 101 1 New , 101 5.20 Bonds, 104 1640 Bends 7 ale eugust--..................- ........101 10131 " 101 101% July.. . .. 10131 Certlflcateeli . .fircre . itited - ne;a.—.• 92% 9236 Sold-at 12 .... 126% 127 Mears. DeHayen Brother. No. 80 South Third street, make the ibllowing 'quotations of the rates of exchange to-day, at IP. M.: - American Gold." - ... —.iv ~nyins /27% Stiver-Quarters and halves.. ...-120 Compound Interest No tes JunelB64..- 103. - log • Ju1y.1.864.- 1% 10% " Aug.lB64_. s 3; " " Oct. 1881... 83; 83( .Dec. 1864- 93; " Ma ,1866... 4% 5% " " Ang.1865.- 8% 83; " Sept.lB6s.- 2% 83; " " 1865.-2% 2% Smith, Randolph' & Co.. Bankers, 16 South:Third street, quota at 11 o'clock as ibilows: G01d... U. S. 105% ~ 13,13 5-20, 101% -..104% 104% " lot% 11. h. 1040 92% 82.91 U.S. 7-130'a- Ist e.eries.-......... 101% 10131 " 8d series" 1013 U. S. CertUicatee of Indebtedness.- - -.. 99% 99% Compounds.. Dec.. W.@ ... Philadelphia Markets. RIN E 13DLLET1N . _.: :.. sr Sas Marino Blgtotin on Binh Eng.. LETINg *PHILADELPHIA; TEURSDAI, APRIL 19, 1866. THE PRESIDENTS SPEECH [Continued from our Third Edition.] I know how easy it is to cater to preju dice and how easy it is to excite feelings of prejudice and unkindness. I care not for that, I have been engaged in this work in which my all has been periled. I was not engaged in it as a hobby, nor did I ride the colored man for the sake of gaining power, but what I did was to estab lished the great principle of freedom, and, thank God, I feel and know it to be so, that my efforts have contributed as much, if not more, in accomp li shing this great national guarantee than those of any other living man in the United States, It is very easy for colored men to have pretended friends esconsed in high places and far removed from danger, whose eyes have only abstractly gazed on freedom; who have never exposed their limbs or property, and who never contributed a sixpence in furtherance of the great came, while an other periled his all and put up every thing sacred and dear to man, and those whom he was raised and who lived with him now enjoy his property, with his consent and receive] his; aid and assist ance. Yet some assume and others who have done nothing are cons trued the great de fenders and protectors of the colored man. . I repeat, my colored friends here to-day, the time will come, and that not far distant. when it will be proved who is practically your best friend. My friendship, as far as rt has gone, has not been for place or power, for I had these already. It has been a principle with me, and I thank God the great principle has been es tablished, that wherever any individual, in the language of a distinguished Senator and statesmen, treads American soil, his soul swells within him in appreciation of the great truth that he stands forth redeemed, regenerated, and disenthralled, by the genius of universal emancipation. K.IsTICKEBBOCKER ICE COMPANY. Wholesale, and Retail Dealers, Importers of Eastern Ice. Raving secured ate! eupply of the hest quality of ICE, are prepared to fiumen it throughout the newton, se usual. PROMPTLY, at the LOW EST MARKET RA TES. Rotel., (Confectioners and shinning nonnlied with large or email quantities Particular attention given to the delivery of Ice to Families. Stores. Offices„ &c. TOE rervpd daily in Weet Philadelphia Mantua. Richmond, 'I logs and all parte of the city. Your order respectfully noliched. E. P. HERSHOW A. HUNT, OFFICES AND DEPOTS; Hos, 118 and 120 North Broad Street, Willow Street Wharf, Delaware' Ave, a .14etuthim ICE! ICE! JOE! ICE! THOS. X. CAHELL. Peer!dent. JOHN GOODYEAR, Secretary. HENRY THOMAS, Elatd, COLD SPRING- ICE AND COAL CO. DEALERS RT ADD SHIPPERS OF ICE and COAL We aranow prepared to Punish BEST QUALITY' ICE in large er small quantities to notels,Steamboats Ice Cream Paloftns, Families. Ofgcea, dx., &c., and a the LOWEST MARKET RATES. • ICE served DAILY in all pared limits of the oon• solidated City, 'West Philadelphia, Mantas, Rich mond and Germantown. Your custom and Influence is respectfully solicited. Yon can rely on being fur• ntshed with a FORE article and PROMPTLY. Send your order to OFFICE ALBRIGHT & iiuTTENBRAUCK, Tailors, Respectfnlly invite the public to a handsome assort ment of Spring Goods at their new Store, apatn ,th 915 mm C hestnut Street. i - r • • 9- 8 - : SPRING STYLES ! EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 012 Chestnut St. BEASLEY, BAXTER &CO., Dry Goods Commission Merchants, • 104 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Winona Sackings and Candmeres. litallneaux's do. Double and Twist do. Fancy Shirting Flannels, • Lewiston Cottonades. Hillsborough Merino Cloths. Kentucky Jeans, , Tweeda, Satinets, &e. Shawmese Mills dinghams, Apron Checks, &c.., dbo. !Missies, Corset Jeans, Wigans, &c. mbilltu:timilm rp JAY COOIiE & CO., Dealers in Government Securities, r.s. 6's of ISSI, 5 20's, Old and Flew, 10.40'5; Certificates of Indebtedness, 7410 Ist, 2d. and 8d Series. Compound Interest Notes Winted, LMEI=T ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Colleotions made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Com. Mission. _ ADIES. lal business accommodations REBEIRVED FOB L fe7 PlimAsignexte. 7ebruary 180(1. NI Sin FOURTH EDITION. 3:30 O'Clook. Incorporated 1 No. 435 WA_LNITT STREET. DEPOTS. S. W. corner Twelfth and WSlloß . 13 treeta. North Penna. R. R. and blaster street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. Pine Street Wharf. SchnylltEL • ap7-2:n 4m NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, Bankers, TRIM EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATE FROM WASHINGTON, Sloanaker's Appointment Denied The Colored- Celebration To-Day, SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT Strike of the Cumberland Miners, THE PEMAtLNS ON THE BORDER. Canadian Confederation. From Washington, [Special Despot= to the Bulletin.] WAsEturGToN. Aprill9.—The Pittsburgh nominations will not be acted on for some days. There will be a strong opposition to their confirmation. Sloanaker has not been appointed Collector of the First District, and what is more, will not be, all reports to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senate Commerce Committee are con sidering the question as to what additional legislation is necessary to protect ports of entry against the approaches of cholera. Liberal appropriations will be made by Congress to this end. The colored celebration is quite an impes sing affair. The uttermost order and deco rum prevailed throughout. The Ways and Means Committee have finally overcome the obstacles which pre sented themselve against imposing a tax on cotton of five per mat., and have pre oared a bill to that end, which will be re ported in a few days. [Correspondence of the Associated Prem.) WASHINGTON, A.prill9.—The celebration of the Emancipation of Slavery in the Dis trict of Columbia, took place, to-day. Five regiments of colored troops and various civic associations, with many others, as embled in front of the Executive Mansion, forming a dense multitude of colored faces, relieved here and there by white faces. After thefaing of cannon and the playing several martial airs, three cheers were given for the President of the United Statsi, who, having been escorted to a prominent position by U. S. Marshall Gooding, and his private Secretary, Col, Wm. G. Moore, addressed the assembly as follows: I have nothing more to say to you on this occasion than to thank you for this compli ment you have paid me in presenting your selves before me on this, your day of cele bration. I come forward for the purpose of indicating my approbation and manifest ing my appreciation of the respect thus offered or conferred. I thank you for the compliment and I mean what I say. And I will remark in this connection to thia vast concourse that the time will come, and that, too, before a great while, when the colored. population of the United States will find out who have selected them as a hobby, and a pretence by which they can be successful in obtaining and maintaining power,and who have been their true friends and want them to partici pate in and enjoy the blessings of freedom. The time will come when it will be made known who contributed as much as any other man,and who, without being consid ered egotistic, I may say, contributed more in procuring the. great national guaran tee of the abolition of slavery in all the States by the ratification. of the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, giving a national guarantee that slavery shall no longer be permitted to exist or he re-established in any State or urisdiction of the United States. Concluded In next edition.] Strike Among the Ctunberland Coal Miners. BALTIMORE, April 19th—The Cumber land Civilian says the strike% among the miners still continues. The ,Companies first proposed reducing the price of mining from seventy-five to fifty cents per ton. The miners refused the price. Sixty cents was then offered, which was also refused. It was rumored a few days since that a compromise had been effected and that - work would go on at sixty-five cents. On Tuesday the miners held a meeting and unanimously agreed to adhere to the old price, seventy-five cents. The result of this state of affairs has been the entire stagna tion of the coal trade. Hundreds of boats are lying idle at the wharves and the boat men, 'getting discouraged, are seeking. other pursuits. The Fenian in Canada. Tonorrro, C. W., April The volun teers which were sent to the LoWer Canada frontier have been recalled, Fenian raids being no longer feared. The examination of Fenian'prisoners at Cornwall continues with closed doors. It is understood that the examination will be concluded to-day, when the prisoners will be remanded for a few days to await the arrival of important witnesses. It is thought that the prisoners will be commit ted for trial at the Fall Assizes, unless spe cial commissioners are appointed by the Government for their trialst an earlier date. The Canadian Confederation Scheme. TORONTO, April 19.—Resolutions in favor of the confederation of the British provinces have passed the Nova Scotian Assembly,by a vote of 31 to 19. The question is still pending in the Parliament of New Bruna wick, and if rejected, then the House will probably be dissolved, and a new election held, involving a delay of some weeks be fore the final result. X XXIXTH CONGRESS—FIRST SESSION WASHINGTON, April 19. HOUSE,—Mr. Morris (N. Y.) from the Judiciary Committee, reported back a bill to regulate the terms of the United States Courts in the Eastern District of New York, and for other purposes, which was consid ered and passe43. Mr. Boyer (Pa.) offered a resolution to print for the use of members of the House for distribution 50,000 copies of the testi mony ,of Alexander. H. Stephens before the Committee on Reconstruction. Mr. Rogers (N. J.) moved to make the, number 75,000. The, resolution was referred, under the rule, to the Committee on Printing. Mr. Washburne (Ill.) desired to object to the introduction• of the resolution, but the. Speaker stated that the objection came too late. Mr. Lynch (Me.) introduced a joint reso lution, authorizing the appointment of, ex aminers to examine a site for afresh water basin for the iron-clad 'vessels - of thUtrnited States Navy. Read twice .and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. • Also, a bill to provide military instruction 3:00 O'Olook. Markets. NEW Toren, April lee-Cotton is quiet at .77 ets Flour is (met but uns•ttled: State, $715(x}49; Ohio, $885(x}212; . Western, Southern unchanged. 450 bbls. sold: Canada unchanged, 280 bbls aold, Wheat dull; sake Of 27 000,bnabs,at $lB5 for No. ilwankee, irt 10 for prime white Genesee. Corn quiet at 8.5087 cis. Beef steady. Pork steady at 6€429 873 for Mesa. Lard buoyant at 16%019 cis , Whisky dull at g 9. 2ika_ 27. Stocks are lower . Chicago and Michigan- Southern, 80; New York Central, 92%; Beading. lal; Hudson Riv e r_, 108 X; Canton Com pany,_ b.t. Virginia 68, 69: Missouri 6's, 74; Erie, 73X7 Western 'Onion Telegraph Company, 84X; U. B. Coupons. 3581 X; ditto, 1864, 104 ditto. 1865,104 X: Ten-. Forties, 923.: Tressm7 - 7 9.1.0'5, 101©10114; one Year Certificates, 99X; Gold, 127 X. Bales at Philadel EtA_LEB AFTER, II 8 Tress 7 8-103 Notes June - 101 9100 Phlimb, 6a murk 9531 600 do new 9231 1000 Camd AmbOy rug. es 95 100 iel:1 uttaw bito 30. X 200 eh do b 5 99% 100 eh do 393‘ HO eh do 85 303 i 1008 h do b 5 SOS; 21 eh Lehigh Val 61 36 eh do 13.30 611-' 100 eh Ocean on bso 941 SECOND lioo Penns 5s 85.3 i 1000 Penns ss,w in s3lOO 4000 do 100 • 500 City Cs new 92U .100 eh Susq Can 16 sh do 1.63-4 LACE. CURTAINS. Sone of which I offer at L E. WAIMAVEN, 719 Chestnut Street. _,,PATENT ALUM AND-DRY PLASTER FIRE AND BURGLARI SAFES NEVER LOSE THEIR FIRE PROOF QUA-UMW NEVER CORRODE THE IRON. NEVER motria) THEIR CONTENT& FLes's THREE HOURS In Charleston fire ye , books were perfeetlY.Preserved. Sideboard and Parlor Safes for Silver Ware Secondhand Safes of all the other makers. Safes received in exchange for new ones. Bend for illustrated catalo: e. Elks ala,tb2rxt BANKERS 3 34 SOUTH ' THIRD STREETS 45-20's, 7-30's, • 10-4-0 9 s, Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound Interest Notes and GOLD AND SISLIFINt,, "Sought and Sold. Drafts drawn on England, Ireland, Brame and Ge Stooks and Bonds bought and sold on Oornmbaton at the Brokers' Board, here and in New York. Orders Solicited.nottl-trap WM. PAINTER & CO., BUY COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES OF ALL DATES And pay the Accrued interest, leas a Small Discount. *2O REWll gt j g T i a j l t i f ar k • POCKET seetetwlir Tenth streets, containing a sum of money. two 880 notes among the amount. Return to 811 BPRUCLEI street. 31. LOND_ON RAlBlBB.—Whole and . H a lf -LA boxes best quality, London Layer Raisins, for sale by J. 8..81185.M.R & C0..108 8. Delaware Avenue. 12 in BEROONS OnitakCOM3 INDIGO now lakdAtig from Roan WHITE WING Bar 11210 by JOHN HALLETT, & O. Ha Walnut ittred. in the Agricultural Colleges, established under the act of July 2d, 1862 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Whaley (W. V.) rose to another per sonal explanation in reference to his Latin friend, "Mr. Et-al," and said he had read a• sarcastic letter from Mr. Boynton, the cor respondent of the Cincinnati Gazette . , deny. ing the authorship of the objectionabl& paragraph. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) from the Committee on . Appropriation, reported a bill making ap propriations to supply the deficiency in the appropriation for the public minting, for the year ending June 30th, 1866, which was read - twice and referred to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and made the "especial order for to-morrow. The bill - appropriates $115,000 to supply the deficiency in the appropriation for printing; $450,000 for paper, and $95,000 for printing. Mr. Wasbburne (Ill.) inquireil of Mr. Stevens how many of the ordinary appro priation bills of the session had passed. Mr. Stevens replied that,with the exception of a deficiency bill and of the miscellaneous bill necessarily kept bask till about the close of the session, and the Indian Appropriation bill kept back in reference to some treaties, all the appropriation bills were passed. ids Stook Board. .FIRST BOARD. 100 Rh Nor C,entr 45K 30 eh do -b3045 100 ah Ball Creek 300 ah N Y and Middle 200 sh R Coalig Mount bat 53i 206 sh Phil ck Erie b3O r. 200 sh Bch Nag pfd ..‘, 100 sh Bead B bsd:int 51% leo eh do b 5 51% 100 sh do - b 1051% 100 sh Hestonv'e B h3O 42% 200 sh Soso Card bslnt 18 BOABD. 100 eh Maple Shade 3 9ah Chun Am It 50 ah Parma & edk 119 p 51111. 300 eh Phil do Erie b 5 1100 eh Raiding B b 5 lifai C.A.rtl3 I have now open a large invoice of EMBROIDERED Just received from Switzerland. Also, a lot of LENO CURTAINS. MUSLIN OITETLINS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, FIIOX AtC7ION. 50 per cent. less than recent prices. MASONIC HALL, MA_ILVIN & 721 Chestnut Street, prasonicHalla Philadebbla. And 265 Broadway, New York, DREXEL & 00., BANKERS, 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 5 -7 api'Mria 5p
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers