SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH: LATE FROM WASMNOTON. Bills Signed by the President. FROM GEORGIA. Freedmen Emigrating Westward. FIRE [N PITTSBURGH. Bills Approved by the President. Wesnarzurcui, Aptil 17t12.—The President bas approved the joint resolution authori zing and directing the Secretary of War to take immediate measures to preserve from desecration the graves of the soldiers of the United States, who fell in battle or died of disease in the field and in hospitals during the war of the rebellion, and to seance suit able 'burial places in which the bodies may be properly interred, and to have the grounds enclosed so that the resting-places of the honored dead may be kept sacred forever. The President has also signed the bill to establish the collection districts of Port Huron, of Michigan, of Montana, of Idaho, and to change the name of the collection district of Penobscott, which is to be called the District of Castine, From Georgia. WAsEranTroN, April 17.—Milledgeville, Georgia, Papers say that more than 3,000 negro men \ have within two weeks passed over the railroad from Putnam and adja cent counties for the West. They have been induced to leave their employers on the promise of higher wages, although their contracts bad been ratified by the Freed men's bureau. Planters thus deprived of their employes will be disappointed in making their crops. This complaint comes from many counties, notwithstanding arrests have been made of persons who are thus tampering with the employes. A letter from Southwestern Georgia says the corn is growing finely and promises a large crop. From Boston. BOSTON, April 17.—G. W. Canney, keeper of a tobacco store at 50 South Market street, set fire to his premises last night. He was detected and pursued when he fired two in effectual shots at his pursuer and then shot himself, inflicting a severe but not fatal wound, It is reported that he was in pecu niary difficulty and wanted the amount of insurance on his store. Pire in Pittabn-gh. Priam:lnnen', April 17.—A fire, last night, destroyed the patent barrel and bucket manufactory of Guthrie .k Sellin, in the Ninth Ward, with a large quantity of staves and other materials. The loss Is from $15,- 000 to $20,000: The fire is believed to have been the work of an Intendiguy. • Price of Gott in New York. [By the American Telegraph Co.) iIBW YORK, April 17.—Gold has been quoted to-day as follows: 10.80 A. M., 125 k 11.45 1251(4)1 21.00 125 , 2 12.00 M., 1251 11.15 1254- 12.15 P. M., 1251 11.30 .A.. M., .125 i CITY BIDULtETIIII. WEST PHILADELPHIA.—The day was, as usual, quiet, and the Police made but few arrests, and with one exception, the cases were of little or no importance. A German, who refused to give his name, and a woman, calling herself Mary Kelley, were committed for vagrancy, and a man, named Patrick McCann, found lurking around under "sns picious circumstances," was likewise locked up. The fair of St. Agatha closed last night, and this morning the persons in charge were busily engaged in removing the goods. It was very successful, but we were unable to arrive at the gross amount of the receipts, the full returns at the early hour we called, not yet being in. Father Fitzmorris was present himself, highly thankful for the notice taken of this laudable work of chari ty in the EVENING BULLETIN, which is ex tensively read in West Philadelphia, not only by its own subscribers, but by the hundreds of our merchants who reside in that section of the city, and carry it home with them nightly. A great :nuisance has been expunged. Bridgewater street, from Market to Chest nut, has been cobble-stoned, and presents quite a contrast to the muddy street which, for years, has made its very appearance odious both to sight and smell. • In the Almshouse there were 14 admit ted; two births, which might be called new admissions; 13 discharged; 2 "bpund out," and 4 deaths--2 from "phthisis," consump tion of the lungs, in the medical department of the hospital, and one from "mania-a potn," with "epilepsy" combined, in tho Insane department. and one case of "acute bronchitis, 'in the same part of the building. FIREMEN'S PARADE IN GERMANTOWN.— The new steam engine of the Franklin En gine Company, of Germantown, was housed yesterday, and a very fine demonstration was made on the occasion by the various fire companies of Germantown and vicini ty. The companies which participated were .the. Washington Engine of Ger mantown, Fellowship Engine, of Geman town; Weccacoe Fire Company, of Camden; Germantown Hose, Mt. Airy Engine, Congress of Chestnut Hilt and Union of Ri sing Sun The apparatus of the various companies were gayly decorated with wreaths and flowers andthe members turned out in large numbers notwithstanding the muddy condition;of the roads. A represen tation of the Goddess of Liberty also ap peared in the parade. The line was about a mile in length. It formed at Rising San„about noon. The procession marched to Chestnut Hill, and then returned to the house of the Franklin,at the upper part of Germantown. Mr. Chas. K. Miskey, of the Washington Engine Company, acted as Chief Marshal. .At Mt. Airy the parade was reviewed by the City Councils' Committee on Trusts and Fire Department. After reaching the house of the Franklin, Mr. William Ross, of the Weccaeoe Fire Company, of Camden, which has had charge of the new engine for some days, de livered the apparatus to its owners, and made a neat speech as he did so. The re marks were appropriately responded to by Mr. William Fleming, of the Franklin. A collation was afterwards served up at Mrs. Rupp's hotel, and toasts were drunk and speeches made. The whole affair was very creditable, and passed off successfully. ANEW CRAFT.—A beautiful pilot boat, of exquisite proportions and elaborate ilnishf will be launched from the yard of Mr. John W. Lynn, at Reed street wharf, on Wed nesday afternoon, between the hours of three and four o'clock. She will be christ ened by the "belle of Southwark." She is built for our Delaware pilots. She will be named in memory of the late lamented Henry Cope, of Philadelphia. Persons who have never seen a vessel of this kind will be surprised at the manner in which her cabins are fitted up. The whole is lined witix , rare woods polished like marble, relieved by delicate mouldings of white anirgold. Few boudoirs :are furnished and fitted up with equal beauty. The father of the builder of this model pilot boat, the late Robert Lynn, Sr., built for the gentleman whose name she bears, the Cope line of steamers, of which the Tonawanda and the Tuscarora have gained historical interest. In consequence of the associations between these well known citizens, the builder of the craft has expended more than his usual care and skill, in her construction and finish. Her hatchways and companion ways, the framing; for the mast, etc., are of solid wal nut, four inches thick, and everything about her, from sprit to stern, ig in keeping. MURDEROUS ASSAULT.—Joseph Hutchin son,Henry Carney and Henry Rookery were arraigned before Aid. Allen, this morning, upon the charge of assault and battery,with intent to The complainant was Wm. S. Hasson, an aged colored man, from Dela.: ware county. He testified:that he was look ing over the wall at the west end of the Market street bridge, yesterday, his atten tion having been attracted by a horse which bad become stalled. Rockery suddenly seised him and attempted to throw him over the railing, but failing in that, struck him a violent blow. Huston tried to get away. and as he did so, Hutchinson ran at him with a club, while Carney amused him self by throwing stones at him. The old man was kept running aoont the street, dodging his persecutors for some time, when Officer McNeil came along, and, with the assistance of some citizens, arrested the as sailants. The accused were committed, in default of $l,OOO bail, for trial. SUSPICION OF BURGLARY.--This morn ing about three o'clock .a. grocery story on Columbia avenue, Above Second street, was entered through the cellar window. An attempt was then made to force a door lead ing into the store, but the noise aroused the proprietor who fired a pistol out of the window. Two men were then observed to emerge from the cellar. Soon afterwards Herman Fry who was discovered prowling about, making signals, was arrested upon the charge of having been one of the burg lars. He was held for a further hearing by Alderman Clouds. DISOREDRLY HOUSE CASE.—The Sixth Ward police made a descent last evening upon an alleged disorderly house at Mul berry and Mayland streets, which was a source of great annoyance to the neizhbor hood, and had frequently been , eonplairied of by the residents in the neighborhood. Frank B. Ward, the occupant, and David McWilliams, the owner of the premises were arrested. They were taken before Alder man Godbou and were held in $l,OOO bail each. Six other persons found in the house were held to keep the peace. A VISITING SCHOOL CO3I3TITEE.—A com mittee of the School Department of Boston, accompanied by Mayor Lincoln, will visit this city on Thu.isday and Friday next, for the purpose of examining our school sys tem, and while here will be the guests of the Board of Control. The committee left Bos ton yesterday, and expect to spend to-day and to-morrow in New York, Thursday and Friday in Philadelphia; and Saturday and Sunday in Baltimore. DARING ROBBERY.-A gentleman was riding along Thirty-fourth street, near Haverford road, yesterday afternoon, when a fellow suddenly jumped into the wagon and seized the gold watch belonging to him. In the scuffle which ensued the lines were dropped and. the horse started off'. The thief made his escape with the watch. The gentleman was thrown from the wagon and the horse ran a considerable distance before he was stopped. THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE AGE, for teething pains, cronps, flatulency, sleepleasneas, In children, Is Rower'a Infant Cordial. Laboratory. Sixth and Green. Bottle, 25 cents. "FELT CORN AND BUNION PLABTERS."— Mailed for fifty meta. Bower. Bath and Visa C—C—Valuable furs, wooleue,elothesotte., saved by Judicious putting away, with "Ceder Cam pbor." For sale by O. H. Needles, at 12th and Race streets; one dollar per pack. BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Card Reedy re, Jewel Caskets, Cigar Cases Cntlery etc. SNOWDEN 44. i3haritpia. Importers. 23 South Eighth street. "LADIES' SPECIALTIES."—Trnsses! Braces! Supporters! Belts! Bandages! exclusively for females, light, easy and elegant, for sale, and adju.stel by a competent female, at Q. H. Needles', Twelfth street, first door below Race. DM:FORUMS' SUNDRIES IN EVERY VA ursTy. SNOWDEN it BROTH Importers, a 23 South Mghth street. 7 8-10'e wewrzn, DeHaven dc Brother, 40 South Third Street. SPIRAL LIGHTS, from magnesium, mar velous in brilliancy! The effects in a dark parloror con servatory are exquisite and artistic. Wholesale and retail at C. H. Needles'.Twel fib. and Race. 50 cents per box, same mailed for 55 cents. 5-20's wAnTED, DeHaven do Brother, 40 South Third street,. COMPOUND interest notes wanted by De Efaven 8: Bro. 5-20 Cotrrows due May Ist, and Corn ponEd Interest notes wanted, 7 3NI and 5 209 bought and sold by DREXEL & CO. • 34 South Third street. CEDAR CAMPHOR.— 1 FOR MOTHS. RELIABLE! CHEAP! PRAGANT! Bold by druggists everywhere. HARMS & CHAPMAN, Peon:mere, Boston. Col3l3llB.—The administration of medi cinal preparations in the form of a lozenge is of all the most eligible and convenient, more especially as regards a Couoa hEMEDY. 'Brown's Bronchial _Tro ches," or Cough Lozeuges, allay irritation which in duces coughing. giving Instant relief in Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Influenza, and Consumptive and Asth matte complaints. COUR re. Qnswrxtt. BESS ioNs—Judge Allison.—John Steife was charged With committing an assault and battery upon Jacob Myers. Mr. Myers was a tenant In the house of Mr. Pteifel, but getting out of work was una ble to pay his rent and was warned out. He secured a room In another house, hut during his absence Stel fel had broken open Ms room. broke down the bed stead and replaced the posts that wnen the door was opened they fell upon Mr. Myt rs. He 'went went down to Mr. Stelfel and complained thereupon Mr. Stetfel assaulted him violently. Verdict guilty. Charl Innullen was convicted of a charge ofentering a room the Continental Rotel, with Intent to steal. H was found under the the room. George Hall pleaded guilty to entering a store with intent to steal, Jacob Volmer was acquitted of a charge of assault and battery. DISTRICT Comm—Judge Stroud.—Theo, S. Water man vs. The Black Reath Coal Company. An action to recover for services aa clerk. Verdict for plaintiff for *sal 90. James McCrnden vs. Wm. G. O'Reilly and Stephen O'Reilly. A feigned issue. Verdict for defendants. DISTRICT CounT.Judge Sharswoocl—William Reach vs. Thomas Little. An action to recover dam ages for iejur'es sustained In consequence of the de fective drainage of defendant's premises. It was al• les ed.that the water ran into plaintiff's premises, On trial. GOLD IN YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO.—A corre spondent of the Cleveland Herald an nounces the alleged discovery of gold in Youngstown, Ohio. He says the discovery has created no small excitement among those on whose lands it has been found, or probably may be found. That it is gold, real gold, has not been definitely established, but it is gold enough to "set up" consider ably some of the parties concerned. THE eightieth birthday of Mrs. Obed Baker, widely known as the inventor of straw braid in this country, was celebrated by her kindred and friends, fifLy-eight in number, at her house in Dedham, Mass., on the 29th ult. A beautiful gift was presented to her by the teachers of the West Dedham Baptist Sabbath School, of which she was the founder in 1816. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PIIILADELPIIIk, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1866. MST 116008 ensq Canal BdB 60 830 do 5 3000 Penns( 58 trt' 87 200 do 86 780 do 87 9700 Ci dos new • 9256 200 92% 2709 do old 88 210017 B 7 3-108 June 101 300 Pa War Loan 993 i 50 Lehigh Nay IN 87 100 sh N Pa R b 5 34 100 sh do 89% 4 3 h do 393 4060 e sh Buss Cnl 15 30081 do s3Own 15 3TRET CLASS. SECOND - mum Azieriasus Gold-- .... ..1125% salsa ...... Isaias Reading Eaamid 52840-sales ...... sales New York Oentral.---. 93% sales U. S. 88 'Bl .145% sales ...... 89.1426 U. B. 65, 6.2013....... .. ... ........104% bid .11:ele--.. .... ..... 74 sales ...... Baled Hudson 1tver:"..—...... 108% bid Steady. . flinsee• anA Iftsmiess—April 17, 111116. The Stock Market was dull but remarkably firm this morning. Government Loans were not offered very freely, and closed at 104% bid for the Coupon Sixes, '81; 104% for the Five-Twenties; 100% for the Re , ' glistered; 100% for the Seven• Thirties, and 9235 for the Ten-Forties, State Fives were in better demand, large lots selling at 87, and small at_BB cents. There was s good investment demand for City Leans, with sales of the new issues at 92%@92%, and the old at iB. Reading Railroad closed at 52g--an advance of g. North Pennsylvania Railroad advanced to 89%. Lehigh Val ley Railroad sold at 61%, and Philadelphia and Brie Railroad at 92%—the latter a decline of %. Camden and Amboy Railroad was find at' 117%, and Pennsyl vania Railroad at 56%. Canal stocks were very firm. Susquehanna sold at 15, and Delaware Division at 50. The stock of the latter is now concentrated in few bands, and there la but little offering. 54% was freely bid for . Lehigh Navigation; and 81% for Schuylkill Navigation Preferred.' In Coal stocks the only au' tivily was in New York and Middle Coal, which sold to some extent at at 73% _ @ %, Oil stocks were heavy Passenger Railway shares were heavy. Heatonville was not offered under 42. Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets sold at 19%. 70% wea bid for Second and Third Streets; 68 for West Philadelphia; 84 for Spruce and Pine Streets, andl2 for Seventeenth and Nineteenth Streets. The Assistant Treasurer announces in our advertiai ing columns, that on and after the Ist of May, the in terest on account of temporary loan for Clearing House purposes, will be at the rate oft per cent. per annum, instead of 5 per cent., as at Present jay cooke 4t. 00. quote Government Securities, dth to-day, as follows: Buying, Selling. U. S. es, 1681... ..........,....-.1017g 105% Old 020 'Sonde- . ......—.-104 1014 New " 1864...........................104 1041 104% 1040 Bands 92% 7 8:10 August.....------..-..100.1‘ 101$ " June..........-.....-.....-..... 1004" 101 July..' ...," , , .... — ... acins 101 Certificates orindentearCess. , 99% 994. Gold--at 12 o'clock..-..---._125% 1254.( Messrs. Deßaven et Brother. No. 40 South Tnlrd street, make the folk wing quotations of the rates Of exchange, at 1 P. hi.: Bniring. Selling, American G01d.........__ L2s,ki 125 X Sliver-Quartem anhalvee.. .......119 Compound Interest Notes: " Junel664- 10% le% ~ Ju1y.1554... 9% • 10 -.. Aug.lB.ol- 9% 9% MI " Oct. 1864- 8% 8% " " Dec. LW.- V" 7% .. May. 1865... 41, 5 . .. Ang.1855.- Eli 34 Mt " SepUs6s... 234 3 " Oct. 1865... 244 :Ili Smith, Randolph & Co.. Bankers, 16 South Third street, quote at 11 o'clock as =ova= i tr t . )1 1trrirr30.. -- . - 15 5 , 3 4 14 U.S. 15-51, 18a.—..........-----1004 103 " ',1854 - ---...................-104% 104%• " 1/165.........--.-..-.----vnis mei U.S. 1040 ........_..._ -..--...-.- 9721 91% U. S. 7-80'6-Ist seriea.------100 . 16 101 " 2d 5erie5—.............................100% 101 84 series.- ...—...-170X 100*; U. S. Certificatsa of Indebtednees.....-. 99% 993, Compounds, Dec.. 1864.-- ....... 7,40(§) ... M. Schultz .e. Co., No. 16 South Third street, make the following quotations of the rates of Exchange: London, 60 days slght--.--.-----164% 1855 8 days. -- --.-----.1253( 136..% Paris, 60 days sight.-.—.. ----tr. ' f. 15 8 days ---.........-.--4C 1 10 Antwerp, 60 days.---------.--0. Mr 4L 15 Bremen, 60 day 5......................-.................. 97 98 Ilambarg,oo days...-....----.................-. 44 45 Leipsic, 60 days ..--.--....-.---... Er% 90% Berlin. 60 days.--.....—.—.-.---.. 895,1 f 90% Cologne, 60 day 5—.—.......-----...— 86.% sos Amsterds.m. 60 day5.....------------ Si se Frankfort. mil day5............-..-------.- 51 52 - Market steady. The =owing is the statement of the Little Schuyl kill coal trade ihr 1851, to Saturday. April 14: Co's Mines. Railroad. Tons Cwt. Tons Cwt. . 43.889 05 80,363 01 .......36525 06 71.179 11 'rom Dec. l, 165..._. Samelirne last year-- Same time last year ......... ---............ 106,480 06 Decrease 9,9Z7 04 Total decrease on rai1r0ad5........2.7U It The weekly averages of the Associated National and Local Banks cif the city of New York now In the Clearing-House, for the week ending Saturday last, April 14, compare as follows with the previous weekly statement, and also with the corresponding week last year, and the Sub-Treasury balances at eath Batt Increase of ..... $1,366,096 Decrease of Specie.... ----..--.-.---.-- 401,168 Increase of net Deposits. .. .. -.--....-... 4,068 508 Increase in Legal-Tender---- 2,465,804 Increase in Circulation 406,829 Including the Exchanges between the Banks through the Clearing-House, and Including also, the Sub-Tre.a- Bury statement of Saturday afternoon, the previous weekly report,. and also with the movement of this time last year: Apr. 8,'65. Apr. 7, qt 6. Apr. 14, '66 Capital $76,686,172 #81,956=0 1,988,200 Loans . 20 6,508.695 ;12,643,753 ..41,0(o,840 Specie..._ 19,533,734 11,436,295 11,035,129 Gross Deposits 177,815,945 189,091,961 193,153,469 In Sub-Treasury , 14,898,500 83,621,790 80,825,685 Legal Tender: Apr. 19 _.- .473,910,370 Apr. 7 .171,445,065 Increase. TUESDAY, April 17.—The unfavorable character of the foreign news has flattened the Cotton market, and there is scarcely enough doing to fix quotations There is but little Quercitron Sark here and No. i may be quoted steady at (CM VI ton. There is a steady inquiry for Flour for the supply of the home trade, and at very full figures, but there is no demand for exportation—the advices from abroad being of a character that forbids shipments. About 2,000 barrels were taken by-the home consumers, chiefly extra family at $8 75®9 50 for common and fancy Northwestern, and $9 51@1060 for Penna. and Ohio do, do.—includine fancy lots from $ll to $l5, and superfine and extras from $6 50 to $8 25—according to quality. In Rye Flour no change; 150 barrels sold at $4 76®5. Prices of Oorn Meal are nominal. There is but little good Wheat offering and it is in demand at yesterday's quotations. Sales 0(800 bushels fair and-prime Red at $2 30@$2 50 1 51 bushel and SOO bushels choice at $2 60. White ranges from V. 60 to $2 90. Rye is steady at 92 cents for Penna. and 75 cents for Delaware. Corn is scarce and yellow readily cora. mends 80 cents. Oats are in steady demand at 60 cents for light Southern, but heavy Western will not com mend this figure. 1500 bushels of the latter sold on se- cret terms. W bfaky is very quiet. Small sales of Penna. bble. at $2 25(g12 28 and Ohlo at $2 28 IR barrel. Haportelfor tVec il laSeit ' llaVV * Bn tin LON, ON—Bark Kathleen. Ronerts-18 cks e toed P Morris: 18 pkgs mdse H Coben; 100 bbls do W M Wit son; 90 casks crystals C Lennig; 160 do china clay 260 tons chalk 82 cks opbre 60 kegs soda 230 emirs whiting Pettit & Seeger; 165 pkgs lead 221 casks china clay 0 8 Dunn mds e m & Moore: 3825 plates speller 270 pkgs l3 pkgs seed order. I PORT OF PHELADKLP ti" &at 2kfarine Bulletin on 27. rd Pape. ARRIVPID THIS DAY. Steamer Nevada. Grumley, 40 ours from Hartford, with mdse to Wm Xi Baird &Co. Steamer Mars. Grnmley t 21 hours from New York, with mdse to WM M Baird & Co. Steamer Hannah Sophia, Teat 21 hours from New York. in ballast to captain. Schr Georgia, Sweet. from Newburyport. ear A L Massey, Donnelly, from Port Chester. Behr W S Thompson, Yates, from Washington. Bahr P. Peterson, English, from Portland. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, DEL.,Aprll IS-7 PAS The pilot boat Turley reports the snip Juno, for St. John. NB. as having sone to sea this morning. and ship Tonawanda, for Liverpool. lying off the Shears. Brigs J H DU/Ingham and Calmuck, from Cardenas, passed up the bay this morning, the latter with loss of fore topgallant mast. Nearly all the outward hound vessels reported in my last, remain at the Breakwater this evening. Wind East; fogey. Yours, ,t x . J. HiLLYARD BURTON. Steatner Alexandria, Hetrick, sailed from Richmond 15th lost, for this port via Norfolk. Steamer Stars and Stripes, Holmes,for this port, was loading at Havana 11th inst. - steamer Guiding Star, Berry, from New Orleans 7th, via Havana 12th inst. at New York yesterday. Steamer Fanny Cadetleder. Pierson, cleared at Baltimore yesterday for New York. Steamer St Louis, Claussen t cleared at Boston 14th hist. for New.Olioans• SALES OF STOOKS. • • . ABM 66 en .13ead B 152 300 eh do 85 523 j 200 ell do 636 ea IHO eh . do b 5 52% 4 eh Lehigh Val 6136 19 eh 61% 60 ell Del de Div 50 300 eh N Y and 'Paddle 100 eh Coal de Fields g 135 T 3 7X 18 sh do 6 1 00 eh do 3000 eh Cataw pf eBO 20% % 1 100 sh Phil & Erie ' 32' 200 eh Ocean Oil 1)30 8,4 PSIO/CO OP EITCXYK:I-.121 NEW YORK. (By 21s1egraph.) ..........-- 7,363 05 Philadelphia Markets. MAKINE BULLETIN. MEMORANDA. Steamer Milville. Ranear, cleared at Boston 14th that. (or this port Chip Johann Benjamin, Rahn, for this port, sailed fr , m Gravesend 4th • • • Shin Peruvian, Powers, from New York 21st Oct. at' San Francisco 14th inst. • Ship Chleiton, MrA3uire, , cleared at New York yes• terday for Liverpool. Ship Alexander, Dekker, from Singapore, at Boston SW, Jnllet Trund . y, Allen, cleared at Boston yester day for Callao. _ Bark Annie McKenzie (13r), Stevens. from BaenOs Aires via Fayal, at Portland 15th inst. Barks Deborah Pennell, Dunning; Caroline Lemont, Bowker. and Olivia Davis, Thomas, :remained at Rio Janeiro Bth ult. tune. Brig Win A Dresser, Hatch, from Boston for this pert. sailed from Holmes' Hole 14th inst. Brig Jas Baker, Thompson, for this nort, at St Jkgo 2d inst. bchr Hannah We3tbrook, Littlejohn, for this port, cleared at Portland 14th inst. Schr Geo Nevioger. Smith,hence atMobile 11th inst. Schr Grace Clifton, Otis, cleared at Savannah 11th last for this port. Schrs Maggie Van DnSen. Corson. hence, and Vir gnia Fri.% inftleige, from New York, at Wilmington. C. 12th inst. Schr F R Baird, Shaw, hence at St Thomas 2241 nit. Scbr Tropic Bird (Br), Fowler, sailed from St. Thomas 23d nit for Ponce to load for New York. Schrs W A Crocker, Baxter, and Magnolia, Chase, cleared at Boston 14th inst. for this port Bohr Susan, Vanderveer.bence at Hartford 15th inst. Scbrs Sas Gallagher, and Reading RR No 44, hence at New Haven 15th inst. Behr Maracaibo, Henley, sailed from -Havana Bth inet. for this port. Schr Margaret Arm (Br). Whelpley, from St John, NB. for this . . rt. at Portland yesterday. JUST RECEIVED. YARD-AND-A,HALP-WIDE Velvet Carpets, RIM DESIGN% J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 Chestnut Street: 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 w;Trgu,r .m CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRIJBSETI4, FOR STAIRS AND RAMA WITH EXTRA BORDERS: J. F. & E. B. ORNE. No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET. 500 PIECES NEW PATTEBNE ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 004 Chestnut St: MARVIN'S PATENT ALUM AND DRY PLASTER FIRE AND BURGLAR' SAFES NEVER LASE Taxan FIRB PROOF Qtrezrrror NEVER CORRODE THE IRON. NEVER MOULD THEIR CONTENTS. FIFTY THREE HOURS In Charltone fire, ye books were perfectly Preserved. 111A-11,VIN 721 Chestnut Street, (Masonic Hall,) Phi And 265 Broadway, New York, Sideboard and ParlorSafas lbr Silver Ware. Second•hand Safes of all the other makers. Safes received in exchange for new ones. Send for Illustrated este] e. mkS sla.th2n SUPERIOR PICKLING VINEGAR, PICKLES, KETCHUPS, PRESERVES, SAUCES, JELLIES, SYRUPS, MUSTARDS, &c., &o. All warranted to be of a superior qualit7. MANUFACTURED BY EMIL MATHIEU & SON, N 05.120, 122 and 124 Lombard Street, Below Second. ape lm rp FIUME D m l 3 - FF I E A R LL Oy c If E W F T OINT E S. "LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSING" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Is the most "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Reliable Hair "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Restorative "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Ever Introduced "H air Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" _ . . ..... . "London" to the "El , it Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" American "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Re' torer" "London" People "Hair Color Restorer" "London" - "Hair Color Restorer" "London" For Restoring "Hair Color Restorer" "London" - "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Gray Hair and . "Hair Color 'Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Preventing "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" -London" Baldness. ' Hair Color Restorer" PRESERVES THE ORIGINAL COLOR TO OLD AGE "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Life, Prevents "Hair C-'lor Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Growth, the Hair ' Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" and from "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Beauty, Palling. "Hair Color Restorer" No washing or preparation before or after its use; ap. plied by the band or soft brush. Only 75 cents a bottle, six bottles $4. Sold at Dr. SWAYNE'S, No. HO North Sixth street, above Vine, Philadelphia, and at the leading Druggists and Dealers in Toilet Articles. mb24-m,w,s APRIL 17 'LORD/MEI 'IOELICEDLATIED. TONIO 'ALE.—The I truly healthfal and nutritious beverage, now in use by thousands—invallils and others—has eatablished a character for quality Of material and purity of roma. Cicture, which stands unrivaled. It Is recommended by physician a of this and other place, , as a superior tonic. and requires but a trial to convince the moat skeptical of its great merit. To be had, who leaal and stall. of P. L JORDAN. 820 War Street. TNDLA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING STEAM „IL PACKING, BOSE, &c. Engineers and dealers will find a FULL ASSORT MEN T OF GOODYEAR'S PATENT VULCANIZED RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, HOSE, dtc., at the Manufacturer's Headquarters, - GOODYEAR'S, EIS Chestnut street, South side. N. B.—We have a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE 01 GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE. very (cheap, tt which the attention of the public Is carol T ONDON LAYER RION:NO.—WhoIe and Hall .1.1 boxes beat quality, London Layer Raisins, for sale by .T. B.131J85" , 4 00 3 ,10813. Delaware Avenue. I:4:l44l:ll:4:4sy.toeD4Liasi4 J. F. &E. B ORNE, cAL.Rro. I 1 Ave now open a large invoice of BRIMOIDKRED LACE CURTAINS. '7tust received from Switzerland. Also, a lOt of ro OUB.TAINS. MUSLIN CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, PEON AUCTION. Some of which I offer at 50 per cent. less than recent prices. r L E. WA-MAY-JO, MASONIC BALL, 71.9 .Chestnut Street. BAKERS ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest end:best assortment of s Wigs, Toupees, Long Hair Braids and Curls, Water-falls, Victorines Fri settes, Illusive Seams for Ladies, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. [11032417 909 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN C. ARRISON, Not. 1 and 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Would invite the attention of Gentlemen to his IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, Made by__ __bankin the beat manner, and WA.Kruusr.ND TO GIVE BATIBPACTION. TO A COMPLETE ALB% STOCK OP Gentleinen's Furnishing Goods, Ba stable Millie Season. REFRIGERATORS. 11••••• SMITH da RICHARDSON, A gents for the tale of the todl3r Celebrated CHAU. 00AL LINED BEYRIGFitTOBS, 'Wholesale and 'Retail, From Elx to Twenty-flye Dollar 611 MARE ET STREET. sp6-uni Spring Fashions For Children. M. SHOEMAKER As 00., Nos. 4 and 6 North Eighth St. t r iml3 , R e A n Etwilk e ttr asso tr tmen s t c s ) 4l aEcrr, surpassed ibr elegance of workmanship andetotia zobtaam rpt The public invited to call and examine. DREXEL & CO., BANKERS` 34 SOUTH 'THIRD STREET! 15-20 9 5, 7-30 9 5, • 10-4-0 9 s, 11.SS1's 9 Certificates of Indebtedness, • Compound Interest Notes and GOLD AND SILVIER, Bought and Sold. Drafts drawn on England. Ireland, Grange and Ete 1-• any. Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on Commistdon at the Brokers' Board, here and In New York. Orders tolletted. noll-tt'Sp FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1865 TIME DEPOSITS ON INTEREST. INTEREST AT THE RATE OF FOUR PER CENT. FEB AN NUM WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DE POSITS, FOR WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA BLE AFTER FIVE DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST WILL NOT BE AL LOWED UNLESS THE DE POSIT REMAINS AT LEAS' FIFTEEN DAYS.] C. H. CLARK, President. iIEMSLEY BAXTER &CO., Dry Goods Commission Merchants, 104 Chestnut Street, Px tr. ADELPHI/a. Winona Sackings and Cassimeres. Mullineana's do. Double and Twist do. Fancy Shirting Flannels. Lewiston tlottonades. Hillsborough Merino Cloths. Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds Satinets, &c. Sbawznese Mills Gingham, Apron Checks. ac., &c. Silesias, Corset Jeans. Wigan, tkc. mhgeteCtlhalin rp AlatNß AND LEMONS—Bunch, Layer and Seed R leea Raisins and Bfalaga Lemons, landing from bark La Plaand for sale by JOS. B. BOW PIMA 00„ 108 Sout tai h Delaware avenue. VIERD EDITION. BY . TELEGRAPR FROM WASHINGTON. The Wool Growers in Trouble. THE NEW YORK APPOINTMENTS.. Their Probable Rejection.. From Washingion. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin). WABILIIVGON, April 17.—A delegation or Wool Growers were before the Ways and Means Committee, to day, to urge an in crease of duty on the foreign article. They allege that unless some protection is afforded to this interest, they ;will be compelled to abandon the business and stop their facto ries. The Senate Finance Committee had under consideration to-day Senator Sherman's proposition to equalize the national circula tion among the States and Territories. They will probably bring forward a bill in a few days to carry out this idea. The Committee - axe opposed to increasing the present capital of National Banks. •An effort will be made to defeat the con firmation of Mr. Smythe for the New York Collectorship on the ground that - he is fa vorable to the President's policy. Stens bury,the new Supreme Court Judge, will be rejected for the same reason. The Union Pacific Railroad. OMAHA, N. T., April 16.—The Govern ment Commissioners poramined and ao. cepted the Second Section of the Union Pacific Railroad, to-day. The track is now being laid at the rate of a mile per day. SETH CONOBES.S-FIRST SESSION. WASHINGTON, Aprlll7. SENATE.—Mr. Srrague (R. 14 nue. reo 21. rctlaylLLG/Un, which Ives referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, directing the Secretary of War to change the names of certain fonts and arsenals named after promi nent rebels. Mr Wilson (Maw.) introduced a bill to prevent and punish the issue of tals, stamps, bonds and stencils. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Anthony (It. I.) reported a resolution for the printing of 4,0(0 copies of the report of the Commis sir ner of Patents. Adopted. Mr. Wilson moved that the Senate proceed to tenon elf er the vote on the admission;of Colorado. • Mr. Sumner hoped the Senate would not reconsider that vote, and spoke against the motion. The morn ingl)cnr having ernired the bill in rela tion to the habeas corpus was taken up. BOVITE.-3.1r. Eliot (=ass.), from the Committee on Commerce, reported a bill making appropriations for the repair, preservation and completion of certain goblin works. heretofore commenced under the au thority of law; which was read twice and referred to the Ceummiltee.of the Whole on the State of the Union. The bill appropriates for examination and survey of works of improvement for which appropriations have been heretofore made, and concerning which no in formation Is now in possession of the War Depart ment, on the Atlantic V 0,000; on the Pacific coast, ra,- WO, and on the No - thwestern Lakes, pawn It also makes appropriations for er teading the breakwaters, improving the navigation of rivers and harbors, dco. Mr. Shanklin (Ky.) est ed to be exonsel from fur ther service on the Committee for the District of CO lumbla,thLnking that under the circumstances, al luding to the remarks yesterday of Mr. Ingersoll, Chairman cf that Committee, he could nolonger hold the Position with profit to the country or pleasure to himself. He was excused. • TbeHonse proceeded to the regular order of business in the morning hour, being the call of Conamitteee for reports. A. number of Pension bills were reported from the Committee on Invalid Pensions. _ Mr. Perbrm (Me.), from the Committee on Invalid Pensions. reported back with a substitute, a bill in creasing the salary of the Commissioner of Pensions to 84.CtXt, and of the Chief Clerk ofthe Pension Office to , The second set ton authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to appoint from the, fourth class clerks in the Pension office. one Chief Examiner of Army Invalid Pensions: cue Chief Examiner of Army Pension Claims of widcws mothers and orphans. and one Chief Exami ner of Navy Pension !Maims, each of them to have SXO a yr ar more than their present salaries. Mr. Perham moved to amend the substitute by striking out the second section. Pending a debate on the bill, the morning hour ex pired end the bill went over till to-morrow. The House then prcceedrd to the consideration of the bill to reorganize and establish the army of the 'United States, the pending question being on the motion of Davis to amend the 4th Section by striking out that part relating to the Veteran L eserve Corps. Markets. Nam Torts, April 17.—Cotton is dull a' 37038 cent I for middlings. Flour has advanced 14:K15 cents: sales of 11.0r0 barrels, at $7 Of@S 50 for State, 60@11 50 for Ohio, and $7 00@. - 1 15 fir Western: Southern firmer, 600 barrels Fold at la 50@515 75. Cauadi 10@i5 Cents better; barrela sold at 75(240 25. Wheat advanced . 1@,2 cents : sales of 13.f00 bushels, at $1 400$1 50 for un— sbuhd Milwaukee Club: 45.000 bushels of White Canada at $2 U. Corn firm but quiet. Beef steady. Pork eteady at $?.6 12+.; far Mess. Lard heavy at 1634®16ii Cents. Whisky dull.. Yon - x, April 17th. 1.30 P. M.—Flour closed active and lity@"42so better. Wheat active and 4ca..sebetter. Cain firmer but quiet. Pork quiet at s= l ' for mess. Lard quiet at 16-e@lB7.i.e -lifxw 'YORK, April 171 h.—Stocks area - mug. Chico end Boci Island. 120.1.. i: Cumberland Preferred, 4.”. i; Illinois Central. 101: Michigan Southern, 79X: New - York Central. 9.V.i; Reading. 10434'; Hudson River - 009r Canton Company. C 2: Virginia 6s. 6s: Miasmal 6's,. 78,V: Erie, 741.1; Western Union Telegraph Company, 56; U. S. Coupons. 1862. 10.41'; Ten-Forties, Treasury 7 3-10's,100 7i- Gold, 125g519.534'. BALTISMR.E. April 17.—Flour inactive. The high grades are held firm. Wheat scarce. and Micas tending upward. Corn firmer but active; White. $1 85: Yellow,. ttl to. Oats firm. at 61:@61c. Provisions steady. Sugar - dull. Coffee firm. Cloverseed. $5 25@1.5 50. Flaxseed, 12 50. Wh iFily dull; Pennsylvania, $2 Western, $2 25. CITIE BULLETIN. SEiuous FALL.—Matthew McChrvstal is" employed as bartender in the lager beer' saloon of John Mcehrystal. in Beach street: below Noble. This morning between: twelve and one o'clock Matthew attempted to get in by the second story window, hav ing, as he states, lost his key. The water pipe, up which be was climbing, gave way and he was precipitated to tbe pavement, fracturing his right leg. He was conveyed to his home at Poplar and Beach streets. Sales at Philadel SALES AFTER (9400 City 55 mon'l 92Si 1600 do RR • 53 5400 do new 9234 4000 S 3.10 s June 101 1)00 VS 10-405 923. 1000 Sunbury&Erie 7s 93 Ico sh Phil &kris bS) 3.4 200 eh do 33.55 100 sh do 32 sh do 33 b3O 5‘ 50 sh Seta Nav 2334 - 35 sh Icor Centr 46 • SECOND $l5OO II ia 5 205'62 104.).4 1500 City 63 new 9254 4100 do mon 92,5; (2000 Pittsbnrgb Os 68 2000 West Prnnelk bda 8234 1000 Penna BR 2 nite 100 2000 do 2 Intg 95 750 Susq Can scrip 59 GEORGE PLOWMAN', CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 932 CARTER STREET; And lit 8008 EMMET. Staled to Machine Work and Millwrightdun immarnry rtOPPER AND YIELLOW METAL SCEOTATHING Braaten Onnuer. Nana, Bona and Inv constantly on hand and for sale to , KAMM & Co. BR2 KraVith Wharma 122 Mr°9 3 ,'frreE"WillolP.:l l : 1 ;y 1 7221 D&I.LICTT, & CO. 12.3 Walnut street, • • - IMPERIAL FRENCH PRIINICK.-50 case In tilt eanisters and fancy Dozen,. Imported and for sale byl.los. 13138310ra eti- VS South Delaware GELATIN. 'T S Plntik --AND SAGO.Cox's Baotou Gelatin, Rio Tapioca and East India Pearl Sago, • landing and for sale by J. B, BITBSITs,R & 000419.8. Delaware Avenue 3:00 O'Clook. lila Stock Board. FIRST BOARD. 240 sh N Y dz Middle 100 ah. do Coal Field 1130 8 b 5 73i 500 sh do bad 4 100 sh Read B. MO 52 100 sh do 52Y; 1300 sh do 860 21% 200 sh do • b 5 52A; 100 sh Catawis pf 830 30 300811 do b 5 30V 100 sh Shamokin C b3O 734" I 4'+Bh lath &ISM St R 19 BOARD. • . 7sh Mechanics Bk Mr. 5 sit Delawpre Dlv 40 100 sh Sch Nav pref 3136* 100 sh Lehigh Val RR BLV 200 sh NY & Middle 73‘ i 6 sh Spruce et Pwe 35 10 eh Lehigh .IsT stk 54,„ki
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers