-_,,A,-.IF.F.ABFIAL TRAGEDY. A iferr llerlcer and . an , Indianiart,Fight - - until.Botit - are, Hilled. , ::.The Virginia City, (Nevada) ..Eneerprife of February 12th contains the partici/Jambi a fearful fight which occurred. at. Carson • City, the capital of that State, the day. pre- PIOUS. Tom Peasly was , a native of New •York,— and•:Mart Barnhart of - Indiana. We. publiSh the particulars below, whicb show it to be as desperate a fight as ever oe -caned: • The City of Carson was yesterday morn ing,' about 2 o'clock, the scene of another fearful tragedy. The participants were Thomas Peasly, a well-known citizen of Virginia, and Mart_Barnhart, of Carson, a brother-fn-law of Wellington Stewart. Both men were dead half an hour after the affair transpired—the latter 'dvine a few moments after being shot. The trouble was based upon some old difficulty between the parties last winter at the State Senate. We grfre below the facts in the' tragedy as eli cited from the testimony. Edward Ingham, sworn, said: Mr. Peasly and I were playing'billiards in the Sazarau Saloon; while playing, Barnhart and two others came in and took a drink; did not notice Barnhart again in the Sazarac; Peasly and _myself 'went into the !Ormsby- Hotel 'to skoke some cigars, 'with the intention of going to bed afterwards; Peasly sat to the right of the _stove _and my self to the left, nearly opposite ito him; Messrs. John C. Lewis, .Plater, and John A. Benham were sitting around the stove; ‘' had been-.. •seated lint a short time when Barnhart and two others came into' ,the Ormsby; ;they were the same parties' that lianas in c to‘the Sazarac; they probably took a drink and went out, but soon re . 'turned, taking another drink, for which Barnhart paid; immediately thereafter Barnhart walked around and behind my chair and placed his hand on the chair near lilr. , Peaely, (which I filial: Chad . been vs+ cetedby Mr..Phiter) and said to Mr.tgiely, "Why didn't you fight me last year at the Glenbrook House?" Peasly hesitated a moment and then said, "I don't know, are you always on the fight?" - - --Bainhart, assuming an erect position ' said "Yes," at the -name time drawing his re volver and leVeled it at the head of Peasly, who moved his head one side very quickly and exclaimed, "You don't want to murder me,do you?" Barnhart appeared to draw his-pistol back towards' himself and then pointed it at Peasly again and fired, The instant he fired, Peasly arose from his chair and advanced toward Barnhart, when Barn hart fired again; Peasly clasped his t arm across his breast, staggered a little and then Erprung toward Barnhart, but fell on his knees, at the same time taking hold of Bardhart, who struck him on the head with his pistol as fast as possible; Peasly then rose to his feet, throwing himself against Barnhart, forcing him into a small room, be hind; Peasly was apparently knocked down just, inside the door of the little room; I then saw him rise to his feet in the door, Barnhart- having his arm about Peasly's neck, striking rapidly.with what I supposed to be his six-shooter. Peasly then exclaimed: "Don't let him murder- me : what are you doing ?" or something of that kind. John C. Lewis then sprang towards them and I think took the handle of the pistol from Barnhart; I stepped up to them, they still being clinched, and said to Barnhart: "That will do—von have shot him through." Peasly at this time staggered back from Barnhart into the bar room, when Barhnart said : "Don't let Peasly shoot me," at the same time stooping and picking up the barrel of his pistol; I took hold of the barrel and he let go bf it; at this time or at the time Mr. Lewis and I took hold of the parties, James Moran also took hold of-Barnhart; as I re tired to the counter, expecting to see Peasly fall,Peasly exclaimed: FAINT God lam shot through and through," and instantly straightened himself up, drew his revolver; he then made a movement to ward Barnhart, wljo was stepping back into the door of the room referred to and Bred his pistol at Barnhart, who was then in the room; Peasly sprang toward the door, thrust the muzzle of the pistol through the door and again fired; he then forced the door open, stepped:inside and fired a third shot; I then walked quickly away from the, room in search of Mayor Jones and several -other gentlemen; I found them at the Saza rac, and told them hurriedly what had hap pened, and they and myself returned to the Ormsby House, where I saw Peasly lying on the floor; some one said he was breath ing; I then went into the card-room, where I saw Barnhart lying on the floor gasping; I returned to Peasly and opened his shirt; while I was doing so he seemed to revive; be took tile by the hand, drew me toward him, puthis lips to my ear and whispered. "Take a horse and go for my brother Andy;" I immediately started for Virginia and obeyed his request; on my return this morning I saw him a corpse. CUSTOM RESTRICTIONS ON CANADIAN 'TIMBER.—The Secretary of the Treasury has issued a general order to Collectors on the northeast coast that, before admitting to entry an importation ander the provisions of the act of March 16th, 1866, entitled "An .act to further secure American citizens cer tain privileges under the treaty of Wash ington," Custom House officers will require the presentation of a manifest, setting forth the description and quality of such impor tation, being the produce of the forests of Maine, upon the St. John's river and its tributariu., owned by American, citizens, and sawed or hewed in the Province of New Brunswick by American citizens, and being unmanufactured in whole or in part, and specifying the place of original produc tion, the place where the same was sawed or hewn, the name and residence of the owner or owners and the name of the person who sawed or hewed the same; and that he, as well as the owner, are citizens of the United States. Upon which manifest shall be endorsed a certificate from the United States Consul at St. John, New Brunswick, that he is satisfied from the oath of such owner and person, of the sawing or hew ing, or. other sufficient evidence that the setae is true. BILL TO EQUALIZE BOUNTIES.—The bi to eounhize bounties, introduced by Mr. Julian and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, provides for the payment to every soldier and sailor who served du ring the late war, and who has been or may be honorably discharged a bounty of eight and one-third dollars for every month of service rendered, provided that in 'case of discharge on account of wounds received in action, the full bounty shalr be paid for the term of service for which the enlistment was made. `No bounty is to be paid to any =soldier or sailor who was a prisoner of war at the time of his enlistment, or who had been discharged at his own request, unless for the purpose of re-enlistment or to accept promotion, nor to any sailor whose prize money shall exceed the amount of bounty he would be entitled to. THE Logansport (Ind.) ..tournca, says: For the first time'in the histou of our courts, a negro- woman, Mrs.- AmandaVindsey, nce Hill, was, admitted to testify in—the Cass Circuit Court, on last Tuesday, in the case of - the State of Indiana against Wise. Objections were made by the attorneys for defence r whichere overruled by his honor, Judge. Biddle. ". - • BOARD OF TRADE.. B.ARITEIrg. - STORES. GEOBEIEST.S'ATRAIIi; Mowrztra• Comemerme JAB.S..„CAMPBELL, . LMP(ARTAINS. 4- •' • " • ir.eporteel l for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, PA 3-"Pritldo-13rig F.Zdas lelenne, Beafield--100 bags Esuniac,so do walnuts Sap,b43 ortutgegi 4000 do lemons I. Jeans • CO. - • - - TRINIBP D—BrIAIB-Zielsr,Mailingoo49 g4ll6PHillagieialltias NEW ORLHARB—Schr Ptuirde, Vsnce--820 - bale4 cotton R Sloan & Bon: 11 do do H Wright 4dodo 0 Bloomingdale, 4 do do C P Reif: 25 do moss 78 empty , carboys - Rosengarteri &Bons; 8 tons old lion M W Baldwin & Co:: 17 do do Phcenix Iron Co: 3 bdis hides • Bseder & Adamson; 126 bta3 molasses Belfr,.Howell & --- EfeirVeS , ; 5 pkgs - indsel2: bales moss 3 bills hides order. 4rileall and' Stalin of ocean Mteamero . TO ABmv 11113211 - mum POB -_ Propontis Siverpool...l3oston&PhiLa...lfarch 6 Pennsylvania -LiverpooL.New 'York March 7 .Hamburg... New York March : 7 Peruvian.....,..-....Liverpool...Portland .March 8 -Pereira - • -Havre...New York March i 8 Washington. -Havre-New York March 8 Kangaroo .Liverpool... New York March 9 0/49 Of Limerick-Liverpool...New York March 9 Australasian ..... -.LiveroOol.:.New.York March 10 Delaware - Liverpool-Boston&Phila-March 13 Fulton ...11avre...New York .. ... March 13 Helvetia ' Liverpool.'..New York .March 14 - Hansa _:.:.:._March 14 City ofßaltiatore.Liverpool...New York „March 14 Sigfßoston Liverpool... New York March 14 ...Liverpool.,.Boston.„ March 17 'City of Dublin - .Liverpool...New York March 17 TO DEPART.- Monterama........afew York—Kingston. —March 22 Conics .New York—Nassau&Hav'a-March 24 New York ...New York... Bremen -March 24 City of Boston..—New York—Liverpool_ March 24 The Queen..---New York... Liverpool March 24 Manhattan .NewYork—Havana & V C..Marcli 24 Africa ' -Boston_ Liverpoor —March 23 Havana New York-810 Janeiro March 29 Germania .New York...Hambnrg March 31 Pennsylvania York—Liveroool March 31 F.,E.:4 : n hi 5,11 i Vapiiairav:soff:lia)ntslw:lS.Mi6 - ir.?•=l, AMR Baum, 5.58 1 Sum SEM 56.2.1.H.tea WATIce., 7 • 5 ABBDTED YEBTXRDA.Y. Bark Mary (3 By_er, Simmons. 5 days from N York, In ballast to Carman,lferchant & Shaw. Bark Eliza-Young, Hatfield, 4, days from N York, in ballast to , Workman &Co. -Brig Magicienne (Br).-Bealleld, 80 days from Paler. mo, with*ult: &c. to I Jeans d. Co. 'fichr.T Lenthall,- Martin,from.% Newbern, NC. with stores to II 8 Quartermastr. Behr Clayton &Lowberjackson,l day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Jae L Bewley & Co. - Behr Saml Croft Pennell, 2 days from Chesapeake City, Md. witt a Christian & Co. . . YEBTKIMAY. BtmMair Millvllle, Benew, Mlllvllte, -Whttall. Tatum & Co; • . • Steamer H L Dar, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. beim B dr. L Harts; ..Ifarts,' Boston, Van Dasen, Loch roan dr. Co. NBMOBANDA.. iltearnergarlan, Forbes, hence at New Oileans yes - Steamer Proisontia;olSon, at Boston yesterday morning; in 14 days from 'Liverpool. - Steamer Admiral, Nickels, cleared at New York Yesterday for this port. Steamer Aries, Efr , 011%11Tcleared at Boston 20th inst. for this port Steamer Claymont,Allen, hence at Norfolk 20th inst. Steamer Atalanta (Br), Pinkham, for Liverpool. cleared at New. York yesterday. Steamer City of Port an Prince, Curtis, cleared at New York yesterday kir Galveston. Steamer Vulcan, Munson, cleared at New York yes terday for thls - port. - Steamer Virginia, Prowse, sailed from Liverpool 7th inst. for New York. Steamer New York, Horner, cleared at New York yesterday for Aspinwall. Steamer Morrow Castle,A.datus,cleared at New York yesterday for Havana- Steamer Pennsylvania, Lewis, sailed from Liver. pool 7th inst. for New York. Ship John Clark. Letournau, from Liverpool for this port, was spoken 19th ult. lat 44, lon 22—before reported the Joseph Clark, Sherman. Ship Eledona, Smith. entered for loading at Liver pool gth that. for this port. Ship Blue Jacket, Dillingham. at Honolulu 10th alt. for New Bedford in about a week, with 9000 bbls oil and bone. Ship Syren, Morse, from Baker's Island, oft Liver 0017th Inst. Ship War Hawk, Dunbar, from ..Meirean's Island, at aurftins 81st Jan. Bark 'Wild Gazelle, Lewis, cleared at New York esterday for Anifer, for orders. Brig Elias Dudley, Coombs, from Providence for this ort sailed from Newport 19th inst Brig Haze.Hall,from Boston for this port,salled from olmes' Hole 19th Inst. . - - Brig Jolla (Br), Blitz, 70 days from 'Rio Janeiro for ew York, was spoken 16th inst. lat 34 40, lon 15 40. Schr Isabel (of ewes. Del), 21 days from Port au • . ce, at New York yesterday. Schrit E H Farber. Cobb, and Hiawatha, Disney. nice a Boston 20th Inst. Schr J D McCarthy. hence for Boston, sailed from : olmes' Hole 19th Inst. Sebrs Fanny Resting, and J V Wellington, Balled . om Holmes Hole 20th inst. Br schr 3 aggle Ider , Pan, from St. John, NB. for Boston, was abandoned 17th inst. off Cape Elizabeth. Crew rescued by ship Fanny Fern, arrived at Boston yesterday. Sara White Squall. Adams,and ISf M Weaver, Wea ver. from Boston for this port, at Holmes' Hole Ma inst. and sailed again next day. NOTICE TO - - - 'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—SAVANNAII Blvt n. GEO—FIG ISLAND BEACON.—Noticq is hereby given that, Fig Island Beacon will be reestablished on and after 'March 8,1866. The light is a fixed white light, elevated 76 feet above the sea level, and visible in clear weather nine miles. The illuminating apparatus is by a tense of the sixth (6th) order. The tower is white, and 21 feet from base to focal plane. Lat 32 deg. 04 min. 57 sec. N, ion 81 deg. 03 ruin. 33 sec. West of Greenwich. This light is intended for a guide to navigators going up to Savannah at night. By order: 'W. B. SHUBRICK. Chairman. Treasury Department, Office Lighthouse Board, Wash • ington, DC., March 10, 1866. It has been reported at this office that a vessel has recently been sunk in Hog Island Roads, and is under water, bearing about NE 200 yards from Folly Point.. A Spar Buoy will be placed to mark this danger as soon as possible. By order of the Lighthouse Board, JOHN POPE, L H Inspector, Ist Dist_ Portland, March 17 1866. WALL PAPER. PAPER HANGINGS A? RETAIL. JOHN H. LONGSTBETH, No. 12 'North Third Btreet rab2o 6t' PF: tol t 4. Pa. Pzl tzl 1-9 nn 1-- W A Great Chance to make Money on a Small Capital SPENCER'S Invalur.ble for use in all cases -where a Strainer or Sieve' is - required. /t will APPLE, BUCKWHMEL, SQUA EA SH, dte., and will Strain Pr.r.sEnvzs,Serrors. &c A REAL, FAMILY COMFORT. In the BITUrieN it is the right thing in the right Place. No Household would be without it after a sin gle trial. ra l e t t l i : n t . h e only now in use that gives satisfac tion. Every Sifter is warranted to give perfect setts- E. SPENONH. Factory, No, 846 North BEOOND Street, Philada, State and County Rights for ISsde on easy terms. Wholesale Trade supplied on reasonable terms. Samples sent to any Address on receipt of;1 00. Ife22 I II: II , aYer an' ''ee' leas 111111zins and Malaga Lemons. landini_fams bark La Plat and for sale by JOS. B. BUB I4 VA, i 4B gillak aie Auxte, -THE DAILY EVENING WILLEM : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY; MARC [O. ROCK OIL COMP a/CT.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the BOOK OIL COX PANY will be held at the. Company's office, No, 206 South FOURTH street, on MONDAY. the 2d of April, at 12 o'clock .or the election of five Directors to serve for the ensuing year. JOHN F. GRAFF, mhl2,tap2¢ Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE WESTM.HtELAND COAL WCOMPANY, No. 230 South Third street, corner of illing's alley. PIEEMADELPILIA, March 17,1e68. The annual, meeting of the Stockholders of the WEST - MOREL •ND COAL COMPANY will be held at their office, on WEDNESDAY, 4prll 4th, 1866, at 12 o'clock m . An electi or. will be held Or eleven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. F. H. JACKSON, nshls-tapsf . Secretary. I.ob OFFICE OF l'tt.E. HYDE FARM OIL COM PANY, No. IV South Fourth street—Pima - DELPHIA, March 16th, BM The annual meeting of the stockholders will he held at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, APRIL 2d. at 1 o'clock. P. M. Transfer Books will close on March 27th, and open April Bd. THOMAS S. WOOD, xnh16,20,23,26,29,ap2/ - Secretary. EP:OFFICE OF TILE ROBERT OIL COMPANY, No. 147 South Fourth street. -PHILADEL PHIL, 1611,1366. The annual meeting of the stockholders will be held at the office of the Company, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL MIL at 1 o'clock P. M. Transfer Books will close March 30th, and open April oth. O'OFF/CE OF THE AIiNGDALOII) MINING COMPANY OF r, A vw. SUPERIOR, 824 Walnut atreet—NOTlCE is hereby given that an installment of TWO DOLLARS (V) on each 'and every share or the Capital Stock of the Amygdalold Mining Compa ny will be due and payable at the office of the Com pany, No. 824 Walnut street, on'r before TUESDAY, March 27th inst, with interest added after that date. By order of the Board. F. K. WOMBATS, mh17427/ Treasurer. IWDBLAWARE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given that the eleventh' and last Instalment .of TWO-AND-ONR KATZ DOr.r. Ft g per shard on each and every share of the Capital Stock in the Delaware, Mining Company of Michigan, has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, o . 826 Walnut street. Fhlaftel• phis, on or before the 19th day of Feornary 1888. InteresMill be charged on all Instalments after the same shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors__, B. WYATT WDBTB, Secretary. Dated•Phflada. Feb. 7th.1866. fez .11t.ftto.th,s,ta141 :UNIVERSITY OF PENICSYLVANIA—(DE- O PARTMENT OF ARTS.)—The Examination of the Junior, Sophomm e and Freshmen Cl/vises at the close of the Second Term, will be held in the following order: TI:I3IFDAY, 20th—FroM 10 to 12, Juniora,by the Pro vost. (Intellectual Philatophp. Prom 12 to 2, Sopho more.s, by Prof. Coppee, (Boas's Univers= Literature,) and Ikeshmen, by Prof.idendall. (Algebra) written. WEDNESDAY, 21st—From 10 to 12, Almon:. by Prof. FrazerZryxlynatales.) From 12 to 2,:sentors, by Prof. Cop pee (International Law.) THr AY, 22d—From 10 to homores. by Prof. Allen, (Thucydldes—Sicilianlion.) From 12 to 2 Freshmen, by Prof. Coppoe, y.) FRIDAY, 23c1—From 10 to 11. Seniors, by the Pro vost. (Butler's Analogy.) From 12 to 2, Juniors, ( Cif ferentialAtaculus.) and Sophomores, (.7rigonometry,) by Prof. Kendall, wriien. MONDAY. 26th—ltrom 10 to 12. Juniors, by Prof. Allen, (Demosthenes.) From 12. to 2 SeThamores, by Prof. Frazer, (Chemistry of the 2ifeteas(sts.) and Fresh • tam, by Prof. Jackson, (Licy,) written. I'(3 DAY, rth—From 10 to 12, Freshmen, by Prof. Allen, (R•rottotui.) From 12 to 2, Juniors, by Prof. Jackson. (Jurenot.) WEDNESDAY 29th—From 10 to 12. Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (Cicero de Semeetute.) O.MRGE ALLES' mhle•St4 Serzelary of the Faculty of Arta. NO, 152 NORTH EIGHTH'STREET; Furnishing Goods, CLOTHS CAbzril Iit.E.RM DCOAT I am ees eLeelnvite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted Spring stock comprising, In part, COATIxG GOODS. Suter:Black French cloth. Colored Cloths, of all kinds, Black TricotCoatings. Fancy French Coatings, super Silk Mixed Coatings. Tweeds, of every shade and quality. PANTALOON STUFFS. Bieck French Doeskins, the finest texture, Black French cassimeres, the finest texture. New styles of Fancy Cassimeres. Plain and neat styles Cassimeres. Mixed Doeskins and Cassimeres, • tetlk Mixed and Plaid Cessimeres. Cords, Beaverteens and Velveteens. Cessimeres for Snits, all styles. Also, a large assortment or Goods expressly adapted to Boys' wear, for sale cheap. JAMES & LEE, No. 11 North Second et., sign of the Golden,Lamb C t-1 IYRE &.LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, ha -1- i just replenished theleassortment of STAPLE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, And are now fully prepared THEpy fan:lEles witc GOOD MUSLIMS BY BY -ppmE.; GOOD SHIRTING LINENS. GOOD TABLE LINENS. GOOD BED TICKINGS. GOOD WHITE FLANNELS. GOOD FINE BLANKETS. GOOD DAMASK NAPKINS. BUFF MARSEILLES QULLTS. PINK MARSEILLES QUILTS. FINEST AND LARGEST WHITE DO' IRISH BIRDEYE AND SCOTCH TOWELIE6TOS NEW LOT OF BRTI.T.T ANTS, MARSEILLES, &c. SPRING STYLE CHINTZES, PERCALES, &c. ELWIN HALL & CO., 26 South Second streVid invite the attention of the Ladies to their of SILKS, and recommend them purchasing now, we have no doubt of their having to pay a much advanced price for them next month and the coming spring. Colored Moire Antiques, Black Moire Antiques Colored Corded Sdfrs Colored Poult de soles, Black Corded Silks. • Black Gros Grainer', Black Taffetas, • Black Gros de Rhine . % N. B.—A fine stock of Evening Silks on hand. 0 it arLCKNT BLACK ALPACAis, ULU 63, 7S and $1 superior Alpacas, E. 00 Wide Black Wbol Delaines. SO for finest $2 wide Black CashmerEs, 1 12 for new Spring Sb ades Wide Wool DelaLues. ew White Piques, Brilliantes, Cambria', Plaids, &, Heavy Nursery Diapers, some extra wide goods, ' Fine Towels; 40. cent Towels—a bargain, $3 and $5 Napkins are much under value. Richardson% Heavy L hirtlng and fine Fronting Linens. COOPER & CONABD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market streete. PATENT FTER STRAMITM. Ci - A 'PURE WHITE MOHAIR GLACE, with a Bilk VD firdeb, Pat adapted for Evening Dreeses, Egl-4 White Alpacas, White Irish Poplins, White Wool Poplins, PearLColor Irish POrdirdi, White Opera Cloths White Clotio.With Spota, Scarlet Cloths. EDWIN HALL & CO.. 28 South Second BR ATTENIION ATTENTION I • , REDUCTION IN PRICES. Poplins and Mohairs, 20 per cent. Mt • . Mode and Black Alpacas, at low figures. 5-4 Wool de ',nines, 873fi. $1 and $1 123 i, Blue, Green and Black Plaids, at 40 cents. • . De Laines and Challies, at 25 cents. . A Mll'llll6 of American and'English Calicoes. ' 4-4 Unbleached Muslin, good; at 25 cents, at bTOKES & WOOD'S, 702 Arch street. IMPERIAL FRENCH PRITNEEI.-50 cases in tin canisters andfanog boxes, Imported and for sale by JOB. Et, BIM= 41 . CO. 103 t3outh Delaware irreaue, SPECIAL NOIMIDES. WM. X CARTER, mh16,20.28.27,81AP 4 i Secretary and Treasurer, I. • \• 1 6-4 ALL-WOOL DE LAINES, 75 CENTS. SPECIAL OPENING OF CHOICE Dress Stuffs, (FEW& THE LATE AUCTION SALE), AT SHELMISE & THOMPSON'S,- Below Race, At about old Prices 2 000 Yards Silk Plaid Poplins cts., worth el LO Men's Wear, etc mq:ZIO 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. 1866. Spring kportation. 1866. E. M. tiEDLES Has Just opened 1,000 PIECES WHITE GOODS, In PLAIN, PANCY,STRIPED, PL A TT) and Figured Jaconets. Cambrfcs, Nainsook, Dimi ties, Swiss. Mull and other Muslims, compris ing a most complete stock, to which the acten non of purchasers is solicited as they are of fered at a large REDECTLON from last SEA SOI''a PRICES. 100 pieces SHIRRED MUSLIN'S for Bodies. 100 pieces PIQUES in nil varieties of style and price from 9Ce,tosl 30. 300 P axis °OFFERED SKIRTS, newest styles, of my own importation. :LHUHLIS .I,fIN,LSRHCI VZOI ICKAIU=Biti onion - MOUTH ragman. AMAMI& E 8.--THE- MIDDLE .. RODTEm. o an most direct llne to Betbleh Allentown i Manch Chunk, Hazleton; White Haven eebazze. bfabanoy City, and all pOlnlas In the Lehigh and Wffli fang Coal Detclons. - • • ; • • .Daszenger , Depota in Phibal(dN wp TH IRD street above Thompson, and corner of and WO= CLAN : streets. • WINTER - L AREADCIE _, _ .T NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and after lifonday,Nov. 20th,l 85,Paeaengez tram leave the Depot, Third street, above Thompson, daily (dnndaye excepted), as follows: AT 7.20 A. AL—Morn:Zig Elspreas for Bethlehem and and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvarda road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Vella Railroad for Allentown, Qatasan us,Ellatington, Manch Chunk, Weatherly. Jeanesville, ton, White Ha ven Wilkesbarre, Bing:Won, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection with 'Lehigh and hialumoy Railroad for Mammy COT, and with Catawisaa Railroad, for Rupert, Daavnie, Milton and Wiluanuipart. Arrive at Rauch Chunk at MIS A. N.; at WiLkesbarre at 246 P. N.; at Atahanoy City at P.M. Pasaengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for Ems ton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York. AT 8.85 A. H.—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers SR Willow Grove, Hatbord and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old Work Road. • . AT 10 A. 21.. Accommodation. for Port Washing ton, stopy at all Intermediate Stations., At 2.80 P Accommodation for Do leetovm, stop ping at intermediate stations. take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT ale P. M.—Evening Express fo u r irtethlekbarril and principal Stations on the North Pensylvania Rail road, maMng close connection at Bethlehem with Le high - Valley Train for Easton reaching there at 8.45 P. /IL • Passengers for Plainfiela ii &3omerville and other points on New Jersey Central take N. J. C. Train at Easton, wham arrives in New Perk at 10 P. M. PM gangers for likunneybown take stage at North Wake. and tor Nazareth at Bethlehem and for G reenville at Quakertown AT 11.15 P. N.—.acecentaadanoz, fbr Doylestown, stoppihg at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for WI low Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage as Abington ; for Lumberville at Doylestown. AT 5.35 P. M.—Through Acausmaxlation;lbr Beth lehem and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for : points .23 Uh.lo Valley Railroad and for Danville. Mlnd wises m a AT 6.15 P. 2L--Accommodation, roe Lands% =p an. at an intermediate Stations. At 11 P. IL Accommodation ihr Port Washington, TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHLi. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 and IBM A. M.. and OM P. IIL. _Pateengens . leaving Beaton at 9AO A. N., connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Phltsidelpida at 1225 P. N. Passengers Wilkeebarre at 1 P. 512. connect at Bethlehem at 9,115 P. M., and arrive in IMlLlMlnestil 11.45 P. M. Leave Doyletstown at LBO A. H. 6.15 and 6.80 P. M. Leave Lansdale at LIO A. N. Leave Port Waahtngton at le Ale and 2.15 P.M. ON BIINDAYB. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9A. IL Philadelphia Ihr Do lestown sst P. A.X.ylestown for phis, at 7.20 A. Bethlehem for Philadelphia atq, P. M. Binh and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars cony I par wt. 3 to and from Barks Street Depo Cara of Second and Third Stre et s Line convey passegners to Third Street kepot. Tickets =watt* rocuredattheTicketOffices, THIRD street or street, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLASS, Agent. Igillrn.n's Baggage Express will call for and deliver Bad Eat the Depot. cTlich 112 South TIMM Wrest. nol44fi FOR NEW YORE.,—The CAM ....DEN AND AMBOY and PRMA- I 31R TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY'S Limos, nom Philadel hla to New York, and way places, from WALNUT STREET WHARF, will leave as fbllows, viz: Pure. At 6 A. LI, via Camden and Amboy, Accom., p At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Mtpresa, 800 At 2P. M. via Camden and Amboy Ex press, 923 at 12 2d. (noon) and BP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accamzuodation, (Freight and Pas senger.) . . . . 223 At 6 and 112/0 P. M., vla Camden and'Amboy, Accom modation. (Freighi and Passenger) Ist Class Ticket, . 2 m Ticket, . 151 &t 6 and 10,L1L,2 and 5 P . M. Fount Holly Pemberton and Vincentown. At 6A. =1 2 P. M. for Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M. 12 M. ate, 5, 8 and 1130 P. ILL for Pal. myna, Riverton, Delano°, Beverly, Edgewater, Bur- Ltngton, Florence. Eordentown, ‘‘ . .c. The 10 A. 21. and 5 P. M. Line runs direct through to Trenton. LINE FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT will leave as follows • ii. 11.15 A. M., LSD P. M and 6.g5 P. M. via Ken. _ . sington end Jersey City Keno Do ACity tI2P. M. (Night) via K ngton and Jerse., - _ M The 6.45 P. EL Line will runily. All Others San daya excepted. AttSo and 11.1 b A. M.- 3, 2.21, 4.sft. 5 and 645 P. AL. zap /2 Midnight, for Bristol, Trenton. SC At 7A. M., 10'50, 5,5, and 6 P. EL fb : Cornwells, !Wale, .Efolmesburg, Tacony, Wisstnotang. Brides burg and Prankford and at s P. M. for Hattiesburg and intermediate Stations. BELVIDERE DELAWARE Rs TT liflAD. for the Delaware Elver Valley. Northern Pennsylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington pot, as follows: At 7.30 A. EL and gM P. M, for Niagara Falls, Daf hdo, Dunkirk Can.sr.dalgua.Elmira, Macs, Owego, Rochester, Bingbanapton, Oswego, Syracuse. Great Send, Montrose, Wilkesharze Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flem ngton, ac. The &SO P. M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton for Stanch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. At 5 P. M. for Lambertville and Intermediate Stations SW For New York, and Way' Lines leaving lien sington Depot, take the cars on Pi= street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run Prom the Depot. On Sundpyi, Qmnibasses will leave Wal nut street wharf at SP, to connect with &4.5 P. Id Flirv,„ Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing app.sreL Ali baggage over nfry pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 1100, except by special contract pOr2icksts sofa and DagpaDa chccjx.d direct .1COS:G", Orchazies .84gage .I=press will call for nail deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders Wbe left at No. s Wal- Wit street. LINES FROM NEW YORE FOR PV - tl. a nExpRIA, Wlll leave front foot of Cortland street, at 1.2 M. and M.. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and lu A: M., 6 P, M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken sington. From Pier No. 1 N. River, at 6A, N. and 2 P. IK., via Amboy and Camden. At 12 N., 3 and 6 P. hi. (Freight and Passenger), vla Amboy and Camden. WU. H. GATZISER Agent. PENNSYLVANLA OENTEAL "'"'• RAILROAD. (PRINC. ARRANGEMENT. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central R. R. leave the Depot at Thirty-ti rst and Market streets, which is reached by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Sanaa.) running to and from the Depot The last car leaves Pron. street about thirty minutes, prior to the departure of each Train. Os 1817.NDAYS—bra leave Eleventh and Market streets , 45 minutes before departure of Evenimt T . 1.• Be F. EX PRES. , will call for and dell 7er Baggage at the Depot Orders left at the oflice. No ssi ch. stout street, will receive attention. TRAINS LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT THIIS; LEAPT., Brett TRAIN - • at &Da A.. 74 PAOLI ACCOAL, No. 1 • " 10.00 FAST LINE• • - " 12.00 M. PA_RENSBURGLou P. AL HARRISBURG 'ACCOAL, • ~ LANCASTER ACCOM. • • " 4.0 C PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 • " 5.10 ". ERIE biAll * - . .9,00 PH: LA PIN - PREF:a t luo A/111.11FE. CINCINNATI EXPRESS, I '` 1.10 A. M. pwr - r.4IIE.LPHIA EXPRE SS t " 7.10 PA REES AOLI AOCO MEURG ~ No. 1 • " 8.20 P " LANCASTER TRAIN • " /2.80 P. M. FAST LINE - . " 110 " PAOLI I(' EXPRESS ACOOM., No. 2• • ~ 5104.40 HA - • " HARRISBURG ACCOM., . el 9 . 10 *Daily, except Saturday. t Daily. IDally, except Monday. All other trains daily, exce t Sunday. The Pennsylvania 00. win nc-i aasurne l any riak far Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and / their responsibility toDne Hundred Dellars in value. All exceeding that amount in value, be the o the ownernleas takertlv speoial• contract TICKET OFFICES. Have been opened let No. eat Chestnut street, Conti nental Hotel. and Girard House. where Pennsylvania Conti ti procured to all important points in as well as the Went, Northwest and Southwest: and full particulars given as to time and connections, by JOHN C. ALLEN, Tidket Agent The Ticket Office at West Philadelphia will be con tinued as heretofore, where all Information respecting routes as well as Tickets, can be had on application to THOMAS R. wtitjt, Ticket Agent, at the Depot MI Emigrant Train runs daily, except Sunday. For full infatuation as to hue and acCOMMOdatiOns, SPAY to FRANCIS FUNK, No. 187 Dock street. - 1866. PHILADELPHIA AND "= ERIE RAILROAD. 1866. lnliigreat I .e traversel the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. IL has been leased and Is operated by the PennsYl cants liatlrond Company. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. . . _ A Erie Els II Trainßß/VE EASTWARD. Erie Express Train 7 00 A.M.I 00 P. M. Erie Mail Train. LEAVE WESTWARD. 9.00 P. M. Erie Express Tra.tn MOO M Passenger Cars ron through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains without change, both ways, between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORE CONNECTION. ave New York at 9.00 AM., arrive at Erie 9.15 A. M. ave Erie at (MT. M., arrive at New York 3.40 P. M. Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. For information respecting passenger bus.neFs apnig at corner THIsT.LETH and .I±,LARICET streets, Phila. delphia. And for Freight business of the Company'sAiits: S. B. Kingston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. J, W. Reynolds, Erie. Win. Brown, Agent. N. C. R. R,Baltimore. H ' . EL HOUSTON, • General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. °WINNER, General Ticket Agent i phlladelphia, A. L-YLER General Supl., Williamaport. _ IDICIEELED Da rras Bay of island's Herring, In store and ter sale by. E. A. SOURER. di CO.. Dock Street. Wharf. H 22. . 1866. nth:mum ovum - PITTSBURGH, .COLUMBUS WiNgNEAND CINIANNATI RAILROAD • - THE PAN HANDLE ROUTE WESTWARD _ Owing to em great distance saved by TED333.ODTIC the Government has assigned to itlhe carrying of the IJ. S. MAIL to the, Principal Cities of the West and Southwest. - • THERE BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CARS BE' wM w. PHTT. A DELLPHI AN - D CINCENNATI, AND BUT TWO TO. ST. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY , THIS ROUTE WIT , T. ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO - AND ST. LOUIS, ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER LINE. • - Passengers leaving Philadelphia at ILSO A. M. will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodruff's Celetrated Palace state - Boom Sleeping Cam will be attaehed, and run through to Columbus without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at , midnight, a comfort never before afforded to the traveling community Be sure to purchase ticketa "VIA STEUBEN- V/ T.T.P," a t PuIINNSYLV.ANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. • S. F. SCULL, • Gen'l Picket Ag't SteubenvilleLO. JOHN H. Am..r.v . R. Gen'l Eastern Pass. Ag' 526 Broadway, New York. JOHN DURAND, Gen'l Sup% , fept-tf -- RARITAN AND DELAWARE - BAY Yea rr.rnAD.--NOPICE.—On an . atter 0 DAY, February 12th the Express Train wilt be discontinned. The Freight Traittleaves CAM DEN at 8 o'clock, P. M., daily. (Sunday excepted,) ar riving in New York next morning. - Freight taken at low rates: a Lentz B. COLE. Agent. tLi.Ai(JIAJ 1:31444r 4 IU SPECIALTY. 11 SMITH, BARDOLPH & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 South Third st., I 8 Nassau street, Philadelphia. I New York. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND BOLD ON 003131ThEMON ALLOWED ON nzposrrs — al P. IS. PETERSON CO. P.S. PETERSON & VII, 39 South Third Street. Stocks, Bonds, &0., &c., Bought and Sold at Board of Brokers. Lthezal Prezninni paid ftn OOMPOUND INTEREST NOTES. Interest allowed on Deposits. 1129-tr 5-20 7 3-10, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED• DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 South Thirdtz Street, IBALIECUIEVs ORNAMENTAL HAII MANITFAC3TOR Y. !Me largau and but aaaariarusat a: Wiga, Toupees, Long Hair Braids ant Curia, Water-faliz, Viotorines, Fri settes, Illusive Sea= for Ladies, At Prim LOWEB than elsewhere. asr 909 OHESTAitiT STREET. DOWD'S BOSTON BISCUIT.--Boad's Boston Butte Ar. and Milk Blslt, landln LEß & CO., from steamer Normsn, end for sale by JO cu S. B. BUSS.. Agents (31 Bond, irs South Delaware avenue. DRITGb. WILLIAM M. WILSON, 208 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. IMPORTER OF DRUGS CHEMICALS, dzO Fine Essential Oils. Goods sold in bond at this port or New York. and sc delivered when required, mh9tfi THEELI'S Al\ IPA - EBBDIAL4 BOTTLE - FOR 1. INTAICTS-the roost convenient and. cx:lmigele Nursing Bottle for infanta ever Introduced It Is-Tar nished with a brush to clean the bottle thoroughly after using: also, one made especially to clean the tuna - -and all contained in a small box suitable tbr trav eling. It c. nbe placed beside the child while going to sleep without interfering with its comfort. S'old BERRY C. BLAIR'S SONS, Eighth and Walnut streets. Phila. mhßl. COD LIVER OM—Twenty-five barrels, new mad; Cod Liver 011, of very superior quality; Carr Ammoniajust received, in jars; also ; just received twenty-five barrels very superior Alcohol, warrantee 95 per cent., ln the best of packages and for sale by .10M7 C. BASLER & 00. No. 718 Market street. VETBAOT OF BEEF for beef tea or Essence of .E 4 Beef In sickness or for soups for table use., Made in Elgin, Illinois, by Gail Borden. from the juices of choice beef and Is superior in ideliclous flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets with Bill di. rections. one dollar each. HUBBELL, Apothecary 1410 Chestnut street. ElC"rSirr AND FOREIGN DRUGS.—English Va. lerian, Croton OR, Taylor's Lint, Wines of Colchi cum, Cbruposltion Mortans,oll Neroll Petit; grain, Oil Turkish Geranium double distilled, 011 Nutmegs. Allen's Extracts, Oil Sweet Almonds, Cream Tartar RioAcoatte Boot, White Chamomile, French Rose Leaves, English Castor Oil cinarter pinta to quart sizes, Rio Tapioca, Fresh Fennel Seed, CardamOms, in store and for sale by. Wrr,r.r A tir ELLIS & CO., IS and 7.2 Market street, Philadelphia, IierODOSON'S BRONCHIAL TA33LETS.—The via on of Bronchitis, Oatarrh, Etbarseuess i _ and Complaints, affecting the Organ! , of the Voice Public Speakers, Singer and Amateurs have been greatly benefited by using these Tablets, and their high appreciation of their Intrinsic merit, artionlarly re. commends them to ns with BRON CHITIS, HOARB , and CATARRH of the HEAD and BREAST. For sal_elszDts generally Prepared only by LANCABT: WIIJB Apothe• cartes, northeast corner Arch and Tenth streets, /1111 a• delptna. 00.1= TIRUCiGISTEe SUNDRIES. Gradus== I ". l lTiles,Oomba, Brush Mirrors, Boxes, Horn Swope Surgtcal Instruments, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Gases, Glass an d . Nina/ Syringes, doc., all at "First Rands" prices. S3NOWD&I elt iagorr:A. apS•til Sa South Vlgh-th OBIKRT SHOEMAXIER. di CO.. N. E. CORNER LL gOIITSTE : AND RACE STREETS, Wholesale inanis_ts„ Manufacturers and Dealers in Window Glass, White Lead, and Paints of every description, offer to the trade, or consumers, a complete stock 04 goods in their line at 1411 at the lowest market rates.. R _ ROBERT SHOPm 1 T a 'Jun Northeast corner Fourth and Race streeui. Med boxes, alat Inn bc i rtflea. Te ea ' ti g n aaff i lOg i te o lb . r . aargr al lrr. °ll3 r 'BON & Draggiala, marke4 - and . Seventh atreata,: DAY RUM.,- received. an invoice of Cienulas Imported Bqqpp Hum, for sale bythe gallon, by, ROBERT SHOFMABEB & CO., Druggist, li. E sor t Der Fourth and Baca streets. '' CARPETINGS et OIL CLOTIEOI. CAll .IPV,TIN GS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING-S. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, 807 CHESTNUT ST. • . . The Cheapest Carpet and Furniture Warehouse in the City. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, meTriNals, WINDOW SHADES. And a general assortment of Household Furnimre, H. R. LEWIS, 1434 MARKET STREET, fewarol First Furniture Store below lath:lower aide PHILADELPHIA OIL CLOTH WORKS. Established in 1820. The undersigned invites the attention of Dealers to the most desirable stock of OIL moms to be found In the Union, consisting of Floor Oil Cloths. Carriage Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths, and Window Shades. THOMAS POTTER MANUFACTURER. Philada. Warehouse, No. 229 Arch Street. New York Office, No 78 Duane Street. FITIINITIfItE AND BEDDING-. GEO. J.ELEINkELS, Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, FURNITURE WAREBOVE. A Large A asortment of ROSEWOOD DRAWING ROOM FTIRNi LIRE% WALNUT DRAWING BOOM FURNITURE, WALNUT DINING ROOM FITRNITUB.E, WALNUT LIBRARY RNI tf=.E., WALNUT HALL FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD CR, MEIER FURNITURE. WALNUT ANTIQUE FURNITURE. Prices are as 'ow as the quality of the work will admit of GEO. J. HENERT.S. ruh.2 la, Late of Noe. Sfq and Sll CHESTNUT St. "ILTnle.• GOULD & CO.'S Celebrated Furniture Establishment is removed frost t•econd and Race streets to the splendid NEW DEPOT, No 37 and 39 N. Second street, (Opposite Christ Church.) Where they purpose selling for one year. at aboat cost. Elegant Furniture at Fabulously D63IT Prices. Also at tlie'.r Ninth and _Market Streets Branch, -... Ler, 11. - e3 are selling equally low, being about to en large the premises. t3OI.'LD dL CO.'S FURNITURE DEPOTS, Nos. 37 and t N. SECOND Street, and Corner NINTH and M.A.R.RET. Et 0 I bare a large stock of every variety of Furniture n Bich I will sell at redwx-d prices, consisting of PLAIN AND MARBLE-TOP COTTAGE SUITS. WALNUTCFIAMBER SUITS. PARLOR SUIT', IN VELVET PLUSH. PARLOR ITs IN RAIR CLOTH. PARLOR SUITS IN REPS. \ Sideboards. ..Stenslen Tables, Wardrobes, Book cA.ses. Nattri,es, Lounges, Cane and Woodseat Chair.- Bedsteads and Tables of every description. P. P. GGSTLNE, mhs-am N. E. Corner Second and Race streets. MATRES. BEST QUALITY AND STYLE, 'AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. J. G. FULLER.' Luhla O South SEVENTH Street. t 01 AMEik 1,1 - MRI at.. :I 41 LADO.III DIAMOND DEALER & JEWELER, WATCIEN, JEW EMIT S SILVER WARE, WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED . \ 802 Chestnut St..Phila• Has just received a large and splendid assortment of LADIES GOLD WATCHES, Some In plain cases, others beautifully enameled and engraved and others inlaid with diamonds.: Purchasers wishing a handsome LADY'S WATCEEE will do well to call at once and make a selection. - PRICES MODERATE. ALL WATCHES W Also a large assortment of Gentlemen's and Boys' Watches. In Gold and Silver cases. r RIGGS & CHRONOMETER. 01.00 K ,tvATC.EINIA_ICERS . , . AO. 244 South 1713.01iT Streets • . Rave eeneum uy op hand a complete aseortment MOMS; • Rallroada, "Banks and Counting Houses,, which they•offer at reasonable rates: • •- • len B , ,p ar rica* attention paid' to, the xePaiiins 0 fine Watches and Clocks. t ; jan.442 CligrAND LINEN SAM DUCK af . even , width a one to eix teetadde, all numbers. Tent and AWRlngDaCk , PaPennaterg felttn SailTarlntkdas‘ .70.1iLd W. EVrfLhLAN dr. 001., /02.1enareAll EKEEPERS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers