From our Third • Edition of Yesterday. • 'From Washington. [SpecialDespatch to the Bulletin.l WAsHINGTON, _March 21.—The Ways and Means Commit - 03 have been engaged-all the morning considering the new Loan, bill. A majority of the Committee are in favor of reporting back the bill which was recommit ted; . but they will probably adopt the sug gestions or the House and change it so as to make it acceptable to the majority of that body. The great point of difference between Congress and thteSecretary is respecting the authority to fund greenbacks. The former will not concede this point. • Secretary Seward to-day notified the Eng lish Minister that he had positive informa. bon. that the Fenians had no idea of making an attack on Canada, and that, in his judg ment, the whole thing had exploded. From San• Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 20.—Honolulu dates to the 6th of February have been ra ceived. The eruption of the great volcano had ceased. The Flag newspaper of this city having barged the members of the State Senate - with bribery, in the passage of the special contract vessel act, an investigating com mittee was appointed, and D. 0. McCarthy, its editor, was called 'to tell who were his - witnesses to sustain the charges. He refused and was imprisoned, After lying in'prison a month, the Senate has re leased him and promised to go on with the e investigation. McCarthy will, it is stated, produce his witnesses. Mining Stocks are improving. Ophir, $625; Imperial, $159; Challor Potosi, $386; Yellow > Jacket, $800; Empire Mill, $200; Savage, SLO2O; Crown Point, $1,130; Hale cir. Norcross, $1,025. Legal tenders are quoted at 'ln.. Ltl; j•ft ;11.1 ILI : [SLIM ri N.3.1•D.41 II :Kt tili 00.1 WA:sumerroN, March 21. Ifotisn.—Mr. Price, from the. Committee cm the Pacific Railroad, reported back a bill to secure the speedy construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad and Telegraph line, (k.c., which was recommitted and ordei ed to be printed. Mr. Julian. (Ind.) introduced a bill to equalize the bounties of soldiers and sailors who served in the 'United States army and navy during the late rebellion. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Military Afrairs. Mr, Henderson (Oregon) presented joint resolutions of the Legislature of Oregon in regard to Oregon war claims. Mr. Waft (N. Y.) made a statement to the House that he had received numerous let ters frbinfriends and relatives of soldiers buried in the cemetery at Arlington Heights, as to the title which the Government had to the property, fearing that the bones of the soldiers there might revert to the heirs of the arch-traitor. He had addressed a communication to the Secretary of War on the subject, and had received an answer,, which he deemed of sufficient public importance to have read. The letter from the Secretary of War was read, stating that at a sale of lands for un paid taxes on the 11th of January, 1864, the Arlington estate, including the property . - referred-to, had been bid in for the United. States for $26,800 and afterwards turned, over to the military authorities; The cer tificate of sale was in the hands of the United States Tax Commissioner at Alexandria, but would soon be placed on file in the Treasury Department, The Diplomatic Appropriation bill was passed with the amendments proposed y es terd ay. The *bill to facilitate commercial, postal and military communication among the several States was passed—yeas 69, nays 46, Marine Disaster. BOSTON, March 21st.—The schooner Con neaut, Capt. Sawyer, from Boston for Mill bridge, Me., was fallen in with on the 14th inst., in lat. 33° long. .70°, dismantled and in a sinking condition. All hands were ta ken off and brought to.this port. Markets NEW YonE., March 21.—Cotton dnllat 30@40c. Flour unchanged for State and Ohio; 0 000 bbls.sold; Southern unchanged; 550 bbls. sold; Canadian steady: 35u bbls. sold. Wheal steady. Corn quiet and unchanged. Beef steady. Pork heavy; Mess f 25 6211:0-$2.5 75. Lard steady at 150.19%c. Wh'sky dull. Stocks lower at the Board. Cnicago and Rock Is land, 1.2%; Cumberland Preferred, 44%: Minas Cen tral Scrip, 116; Michigan Southern, 81 , .11 New York Central, 93%; Reading, 101%: Hudson River, 107%: Can ton 47% ; Virginia 6s, 66; Brie, 81%; Western Union, 64; Treasuries 99%: Ten-Forties 903 - .. i; Gold. 128%. Stocks were better after the board. BALTIMORE, March 21.—Flour is firm for the high grades; common very dull. Grain steady. Receipt, light. Seeds quiet; Flaxseed $2 25. Provisions steady Lard sells at 18.14A.18.14:e. Grocerie,s inactive and heavy. Whisky dull at $2 28. REAL ESTATE/. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE OF 61 BLACK, MINORS JAMES A. FREEMAN, OTIONEER.—Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, March 28, 1868, at 12 o'clock, Noon, will be sold •at public sale at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. the following described real estate, the prop. rty of. Black, minors, viz: No. 1. FRAME CUSE and LOT, Otis street, above Tulip street, Nineteenth Ward, A .two-story frame house and lot of ground on the northwardly side of Wood, 310 W Otis street, 88 feet westwardly from the west side of Tulip street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city; containing in front on Otis street 20 feet, and in depth at right angles with Otis street 71 feet. No. 2. HOUSES and LOT. Townsend street, Two thrvestory brick houses and the lot of ground on the southwardly side of TOWltHere Street, 88 feet west from the westwardly side of Tulip gtreet; containing in front on Townsend street 38 feet, and in depth at right angles with Townsend street 86 feet 63 , 4 inches. aw-e5O to he I aid on each at time of sale. By the Court EDWIN A. 3.IIKEtRICE. Clerk, O. C. JOSEPH BALL, Trustee. • JAMES- A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, tne8,15,22 Store, 422 Walnut street. riPUBLIC SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auc i te neer- HOUSES, GERMANTOWN ROAD, oVe DAUPHIN STREET. On WEDNESDAY, March 29, 1866, at 12 o'clb - ck, neon, will be sold at Pub lic Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz: Two 3-story brick dwellings and lot on southwesterly side of Ger mantown road, Ito feet 515 inches from Dauphin street: Containing in front on Germantown .road 40 feet, and =tending in depth at right angles with Germantown road, on the northeastward y side 58 feet 2% inches to point: thence at right angles with Dauphin street 53 feet 2% inches, to Dauphin street and extending along Dauphin street 40 feet; thence in depth at right angle 3 with Dauphin street, on the eouthwestwardly side 77 feet 6% inches; thence at right :angles with German town road 77 feet 6% inchee. Subject to $5O ground rent per annum: jar Plan at the Auction Store. ltarsloo.tobe paid at the time of sale. - JAM.ES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. rnhB,l_o,' 22_ Store, 422 Walnut Street. _ . REAL ESTATE.— JAMES A. PERM AN, Ana . tio—ELIGIBLE LOT, SEX TWENTYS,E— N PIKE, BRA NCHTOWN, SE(X)ND WARD. (to WEDNESDAY, March 28, 186 8 , at 12 o'clock, nBbn . will be sold at Public Sale, at, the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following de. scribed Real Estate, viz.:—Ali that lot or ground on the north side of the Limekiln turnpike, in the 22d Ward; beginning at the Junction of the same with NM street, containing, in front on the pike about . t. feet, and extending in depth on the one side 834 f and'on the other 488 feet 8 inches, being 414 feet 231 inches on the rear; containing 8 acres 31.2 perches of land, more or less. Irjr This property is ripe for improrement. 27te open ing of Broad street, now progressing, will Largay in crease its value. it is very close to Breinehtown, and near stations on Germantown Railroad. Terms at sate. poo to be paiAwhen the property is struck off; JAMES A. FREEMAN Auctioneer, 1:011845, 22 Store. 422 Walnut street. 13 ORPHANS' C01733.T SA_LE.—ESTATE OF PETER /MINTZ, deceased.- JA.III:W7r. _PREE- N. - Auctioneer.-,Threeetory Brick HOUSE, AL MOND Street, below Xront.—Under authority of the OrphansL,Court, for the city and county of Philadel phia, OD :WEDNESDAY, March 22.11 M, at 12 o'clock. noon, b sold at public sale, at the PHILADiEL• PHIA EX OM the folloWing described real estate, late the property 'of Peter Kuntz, deceesed.viz.• • All that certain-three- tory brick messnage-and the let of ground thereunto belonging,- situated on. the south tade of Almond street. between Front and Penn streets, in' the Fourth Ward; cont.tining in front on. Almond street 20 feet 3 inches and in'depth 67 feet, 1036 - slos tote paid, at the time of sale. By the Court. • - ' EDWIN A. DIERRICIC, Clerk 0. C. EDWARD GO ETZAdministrator 17.'16 c.t JAMES PRIEEMAN, Auctioneer. mh8,16,22 store 02',Walnut street. FOR SALE—A NEW, STONE COTTAGE, French 'roof, with all the .modernlmprovements; a mate On EyElltAlt: Rl3 to ,avenue. near the City line road, thelinest view on Chestnut Hill. * - ''" Apply at Me South 'SEVENTH strestr or 01 /. NULFORD,,Chestrint-13111. rahletti ciTO LET.— Three 'pe lyter nm- second ,j mc#n . zro ct c iior L. - BEAL - VW/ME; EEXECUTOR'S &ILE:Estate of RENIAMTN DAVIS, - deceased. JAMES. A- FHEENIA.N. Auctioneer. Vacant LOT OF GROWeeir, Cathedral Avenue, '.l wen' y fourth Ward, • Under authority con lair ed in the will of the late BENJAMIN DAVIS, de ceased. on WEDNESDAY, March 28, 1866, at 12 o'clook, Noon. will be sold at public sale, at the PHILaDELPHTA EXCHANGE, the following de. scribed Real Estate, viz: -All that lot of ground situate on the south side Of Cathedral Avenue; in the TwPnty fburth 'Ward; beginning about 245 feeteast of Fifty secon d street, and containing in front 80 feet. and ex tending in depth on the east line 262 feet 9 inches, and on the west lir e 273 feet 8,44 inches. This lot will be slightly shortened by. Girard Avenue -.when the same is opened through, which will give it two fronts. zir PO to be paid at the time of sale. _ . ET ORDER OF EXECUTORS. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, mb8,15,22, Store, 422 Walnut Street VREAL ESTATE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.—GENTEEL DWELLINGS. N0.t705 RTH NINTH STREET.—On WEDNESDAY March 28,1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at toe PHILADELPHLA. EXCHANGE. the following &scribed real estate,viz: All that neat three story brick house, with•two story brick back buildings and lot os ground hereto belonging, on the east side of Ninth street, above Colombia e.venne,No. 1705; con taining in front on Ninth street, 17 feet 3 inches, and in depth 100 feet to Dailen street. House has gas, range and bath room. Subject to *6l) ground rent, per annum. /tar WO may remain, if deatied. J2V'.1.50 to be paid at the time of sale. JA 'SA. F.Eta..E&I &N. Auctioneer, , b 8,15,22 Store, 422 Walnut Street. PUBLIC SALE TAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. 16 ELIGIBLE LOTS, JohnEen street, ermantown. Twenty-second Ward, will ba sold at Public Sale, on SATURDAY March, 24. 1866. at -3 o'clock, P. M., ON THE PREMISES, the following described Real Es tate, viz : All those sixteen eligible building lots, situ ate on she southeasterly side of Johnson street, be ginning at the distance of 242 feet, southwest of Ger mantown avenue or Main street having in front, each lot 60 feet and extending in depth, from about 78 feet to 87 feet 9 inches liZ" Plan and Survey, by T. Lightfoot, City Surveyor, may be examined;at the Auction &ore. tat 0 to be paid on each at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mh8,15,22 Store, 422 Walnut street. ABSOLUTE SALE, TO CLOSE A CO2 CERN. Ebiti —JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer —VA_LI7- A.BLE COAL LANDS, LDZEBNE COUNTY, PA. On WEDNESDAY,' April 4th, 1866, at 12 o'clock, *Mon, will be sold at Public Sale, without reserve at the PHILA DELPHIA. EXCHANGE. the following described Real Estate. viz,,-A valuable tract of land, centaining 460 acres and allowances in Blakely town. ship, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania. adjoining and bounded Iv lands of the "Delaware and Hudson Canal P 0.," the "teoston and Lackawanna Coal C 0.," Geo. M. Bolleubach and others. It is very advantageously situated for mining, being on both sides of the Lacka wanna, about I mile from the town of Archbald and 12 miles from Scranton, and is entirely underlaid by all the veins of coal known in that tegion. The coal has all been thoroughly “provesnipon the land, and is the well known "Scranton,' sold by - regular auction sales in the New York market; the tract Is accessible by railways and canals both to New York. and Philadel phia. The Lackawanna is a reliable waterpower.and on the land is' abundance of Pine, Oak and Hemlock timber; also a number of dwelling houses. The town of Archbald is extending towards the tract. Oa.. Plans, Surveys and reports can be examined on application to the Auctioneer. Parties desiring to examine the premises are invited to call upon Mr. John Gardner, at Archbald. The title is perfect, and not the slightest delay in opening the land to profit need be apprehe tided. be terms of sale s‘ lisch will be as easy as possible, will be known at thetime of sale. The sale will be ab solute to close a concern. IXR - $2,500 to be paid, when the property is struck off. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, m 118.1542,29 Store, 422 Walnut street. ffORPEANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE OF 21 WILLIAM ALCORN, DECEASED—JAM MS A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER—THREE-STORY BRICK HoUSE, No. 2024 LOMBARD srftEgr. Under authority of the Orphans' Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, April 4, 1886, at re o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA F.XCIXANGE. the folinwin2 descrthed Real Estate, late tt.e"propertv of iii!/tam Alcorn, deceased, viz: All that certain three-story brick messuage, and frame kitchen and lot of ground there unto belonging, situate on the south side of Lombard street. No. 2024 between Twentieth and fwenty-first streets, at the distance of 180 feet westward from Twentieth street: containing in front on Lombard street 18 feet and in depth 78 feet. 9.1t0 to be • pald when the property is struck off. By the Court, E. A. .MERE ICE. Clerk, 0. C. JAMES A LCORN, Executor. JAALES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mhls 2229 • Store 422 Walnut street.. fc., ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE OF i"! THOMAS ROBINSON, Deceased.—LAMES A. EEM AN. AUCTIONEER. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE. New Market street, above Vine.— Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, April 4, 1866, at 12 o'clock, :Noon, will be sold at Public Sale. at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. the following described Real Estate, late the property of Thomas Robinson, deceased. viz: All that certain three story brick me , suage and lot of ground, situate on the west side of. New Market street. between Vine and Callow hill streets: containing in front on New Market street 17 feet, and in depth 120 feet. with the use of a 12-teet alley bounding it on the south called Holme's alley. ti,..1_4_,21in to be paid at the time of sale. Bi - ' the Court F,. A. MERRICK. Clerk, 0. C. wiLLram S. ROBINSON. Administrator JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. m Store, 4y2 Walnut Street REAL ESTATE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Pali; Auctioneer.—FßAME BAKE HOUSE, Dwell ings and Lot, 1227 and L2l) SrfLH street, on WED- N-D.9.1", April 4.1866, at 12 o'clock. noon will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. EX CHANGE, the following described Real .I.tate, viz All that lot of ground with the frame houses thereon erected. an the north side of South street, east of Thir teenth street; 48 feet front, and 51 feet deep, to a 2 feet.atley leading into a 12. feet-court which bounds this property on the west, (with the use of both of the same): on the lot are frame bake-house No. 1227, and frame dwelling No. 129. and frame shed. ,- , 2,5(.1) may remain. $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREErSAN, Auctioneer, mh15,22,29 Store, 4 , a Walnut street 42. REAL ESTATE.—JAMES A FREEMA ! Au , tioneer —DWELLING, NU: 1504 VINE EET.— On WEDNESDAY. April 4. 1846, at 12 o'clock, Noon. will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following des cribed real estate, viz: All that certain three story brick messuage with two story brick back building and lot. situate on the south side of Vine street. at the dis tance of Ka feet 3 inches westward from the west side of Fifteenth street, containing in front on Vine street, nineteen feet and In depth eighty feet to State street. 0.603 may remain on mortgage if desired by the purchaser. f - Key at the Auction Store. ffgr Title indispu table. 041 - SIOD to be paid at the time of vale. JAMES A. FREEMAN . , Auctioneer, mb1k22,29 Stole 422 Walnut street ars REAL ESTATE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN. WI! Auctioneer.— DWELLING, No. 108 EASE street, Isle Crown, Eighteenth Ward —On WEDNE3- DA4 , March 26th, 186 s, at 72 o'clock. Noon, will be sold at Pubi lc Sale, as the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following described Real &tate, viz: A three-story brick house and lot, on the southwe It wardly•side of Crown, now called Crease street. si feet 18 incheirriorthweetwardly from Richmond street. be ing 21 feet front, and extending in depth between lines parallel with Richmond street,on the northwestazardly line thereof, about 22 feet le3' inches, and on the south easterly line thereof about 21 feetl% inches. ,ga• ,150 to be paid at the time of sale. JAME., A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mb15,22. Store,il22 Walnut street PEREMPTORY SALE.—JAMES A. FREE .MAN, At c,loneer.—PßAME HOUSE, No. n 9 NROE street, late PLUMB street. On WEDNES DAY, April 4,.1866. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, tvithaut reserve at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz.: two story frame house and lot on the north side of Monroe elate. Plumb street). 152 feet east of Figuth street, 18 by 90 feet. sir Sale absolute. liar $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. ,r A attrQ, A. FREEMAN, Auct'r. m1i15,22,29 Store 439 ;Mut street. CTO CAPITALISTS AND OTH .—PUBLIC SA-MR—THOMAS & SONS, Auctio ears. ; Very able BUSINESS PROPERTY, known as the CENTRAL BUILDINGS, Nos. 218 and 290 Walnut street, opposite the Merchants' Exchanges 35 feet on Walnut street,l4o feet in depth on Pear street; 2 fronts. On TUESDAY, April Bd, lass, at 12 o'clock noon. will be sold at public sale, at the P.I=fIT.,4IIIEL,PITIA EX CHANGE; all those two four-story brick buildings and the lot of ground thereunto . belonging, situate on the south side of Walnut street, directly opposite the Exchange, containing together in front on Walnut :street 85 feet, and extending in depth about 140 feet to Pear street, known as the Central Buildings, with a passage-way running through to Pear street, on which is erected a five-story brick building. The attention of capitalists, bankers and insurance companies is called to the above mentioned property; comoining as it dots many advantages." Its close proximity. to the Exchange, together with two fronts , making it desire,. ble. ;Property in this particrilar block Is considered of more value per foot than in tty other block in the whole length of Walnut street. Clear of all encumbrance.' ' For ftatherparticulars, apply Lewis Eedner, No. *2 South Fourth street, _ M. THOMAS &SO , Auctioneers, rethlsran2 1.99 and 141 South Fourth street. agar HALE.-COUNTRY SEAT, near Torresdale. of 10 acres. 2.—Aldo, one of 28 acres near Rolmeshurg. B.—Also, one on the N. P. R. R., of 22 acres near the Old York Road Station. • 4.—.A150, one Of 32 acres, near the list named. Apply to ' O. H. 11fUTREIETD, rolll3-10t No. 205 South Sixth street. 113 FOR SALE A very desirable three-story ID pointed atone RESENCE. with back buildings an all' modern improvements,. in good. order • and ground well ealtivat Geermantown , within geSilxlnatuct.eson stre .walk of rd station, _ - J. M. GUISNEY.h.SONS,_ JOGEMSLANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR_SALE OR TO RENT—Reantifally and conveniently tuated,wittdn two - minutes; walk - of Church Lane Station.. A. tsommodions and e egant - Elasinractu. with allthe modern conveniences; stable, coach•honse, lac. - Lot' 150x2.13; . Apply betwsen , 10 and 2, at 88North TAD street. ' fmhl4 MI - •—• W. ,P. WILSTACH,- ;ipar .ROHSALE--FERST CLASS GERMANTOWN ItESIDENCE---with all. the modern conveni ences; stable for three horses: at tlieSoathwest corner 'of Man.heinintatt and R'alssiJ 'atenne; neiv , station. ,'Hionire of • • - A •-' GRAHAM:CALVERT, mb2o-tu.tb,s3o - NO. MO Walnut street:2d floor:front. WRIST' PHILADELPHLA.-11 . 012 KALE- handeorciti.l-etory Stone Beiddence, with :parlor' rary, dining romp, 2 kitchens and eb,smbers.'and 'unit:ale& with - every elniverdence,sittiatesinWood; land Terrsze; oat at - the chalblo; locations 212 ItnadelAdat 0174 . 0W-1 , ..A SONS,' sos. gnatStmt.- ,c THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 22;. . ;1866. ORPHANS_k COURT SALE.—Estate of ji.g. SANDIFORD, deceased. - TROBLAS dr, • nctioneers. "ESTATE, GBRICANTOW.N , Twenty-second Ward. Pursuant to an Order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County' Of Philadel phia, wilite sold at Public Sale, en TUESDAY, April 10th. 1866 stl2. o'clock, M., at. the PHILADELPHIA /.X.CIIANGE, the following described property, late of James Sandlford, deceased , viz: No. tha t lot of ground in the borough of Germantown, on the northwest side of a5O feat wide street called Armat street, and on the southwest side of. Hancock street; containing en front er breadth on the said Armat street 70 feet, aid extending in depth northwestardly be tween the line of Hancock street, and a line at right angles with the said Armat street, 158 feet 8 inches, more or less. to the line of Jesse Large's land. ' No 13 , 2 '. All that lot of ground being contiguous to the above described lot; containing in front on Armat street 5 feet, and in depth between parallel lines 156 feet 8 inches more or less. . • • N. B. The above described prooertieswill be sold in four parts, and nnmlrred and described as tollOws,viz: No. 1. 2% story BRICK DWELLLNO, Armat street: All that 2.4 story rough cast brick messuage, With two story back building and lot of ground, situate on the northwesterly side of Armat street, Twenty-second Ward of the City of Philadelphia, beginning on the side of the said Armat street at the distance of 47 feet 10 inches southwest of Hancock street, containing in front on Annul street 27 feet 2 inches, anti in depth on the southwesterly line thereof 128 feet, and' on the northeasterly line thereof 128 feet ,% inch, and on the rear end thereof 28 feet. No. 2. 2% story'BßlCK DWELLING, Armat stree.: .All that 2% story rough cast brickimessuage, with two story back building and lot oi ground, situate on the nor hwesterly side of Armat street, beginn inc. at . the distance of 20 feet 8 inches southwest from Hancock street; containing in front on Armat street 27 feet 2 inches, and in depth on the southwesterly line thereof 128 feet % inch, and on the northeasterly line thereof 128 feet cinch. No 3.—Alt. that lot of ground. situate on the westerly corner of Armat and 7-n ncock streets; containing in front on Armat street 20 teet 8 inches, and in depth on the southwesterly fine thereof 128 feet 1 inch, and on the northeasterly line thereof. along the southwesterly side of the s+ id Hancock street 129 feet 3 inches, and on the rear end thereof 32 feet 3-4" inch. No. that lot of ground, situate on the south westerly side of Babcock street, 129 feet 3 inches north west from Armat street: containing in front on Han cock street 80 feet, and in depth on the northwesterly line thereOf 90 feet, and on the southeasterly line there of 87 feet 234 inches, and ea the rear end thereof 80 feet. By the Court, 2, A. MKEtRIOK, Clerk, 0. C. JOSEPH KING, ArtmLnistrator. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. mh2l 22,28599 189 and 141 S. Fourth street. reFOR BALE.—A VERY CHOICE AND DESI RABLE FARM in the Twenty. third Ward, 10 s from Market street, adjoining the village of Bustieton, containing 90 acres. Improvements tine. and land in a high state of cultivation, with plenty of shade, fruit and water, and everything in first rate order. Apply at 102, Chestnut street, second floor, be tween 10 and 2.,sa,tf F. FOR SALE.—THE LEGANT MANSION and grounds at Chestnut Hill, owned and occu p ed by Mr. Horace G Browne, within three squares of.the Depot. Terms easy. Possession April Ist. Apply to C. R. MEIJI itHEM mhio s,tu,th-lmp No. 205 South Sixth street. COUNTItY SEAT FOR SALE—On the river bank, Burling , on. N. J. Fine Residence, with awn and shade, fruit trees, kitchen, garden and pas tore luts—apply to U. SERGEANT, 124 South Fifth street, mhls-th,s4n6l.* Philadelphia. f7T!, FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE,LIN na HOUSE, on Sixteenth en eet near Green, In com plete order, with every modern convenience, will b Bold on very reasonable terms,possmslon immediately. Price 1.7,(0. Apply to SNO. YARD, JR., & SON, mhl7-2,tu n tb3t* 807 Race street: - - 5".7, SALE—TheSireMenrcel , eet rA..n th three- ates end large double back buildings, built and finished throughout in the best manner, situate No 150:1 Sprucn street. Lot 157 feet deep to an outlet. J. IL GU3I3LEY & CONS, SOS Walnut street. ARCH STREET.—FOR SALE—The handsome 4fiki fourstory brick Residence, 22 feet front, with three story dounle back buildings, finished with every convenience and in perfect older, situate on the south• east corner of Arch and Twenty-first streets. J. N. Gt M dEY & coINS, 508 Walnut, street. GERMAIN:TOWN.- FOR SALE—A very Clestra m ble pointed stone Cottage, with every convenience two grounds nicely improved. situate on East Walnut lane, near Morton street, within five minutes walk om the Raliroau StattiM. .1. M. GI:MISLEY & SONS, ..seS Walnut stre.t._ ORREI.aNTOWN.—FOR SALE—A double jaa pointed Stone REsIDENCE, with acres of &ronnd attached, situate within five minutes k trom Duy's Lane Station: has every modern conveni ence, and is in perfect order. Immediate possession siven. J. 31 . 0 LIMISIEY & SONS. SOS Walnut street. garq.TO RT.—AMC Country blatasion; stabling tor 'ln' five horses, house tilled, milk house and en.lo minutes walk from Tioga Station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to DAVID Jt MOTT, Toll Gate, Old York Rosa and Nicetown Lane. mta9 PR. are FOR SALE —A Convenient and deSirabier ',lni• House, situated No. 423 North SIXTH street. three-story back buildings, side yard, with possession Ist of May Apply to car. ALES H. MASSON. :al North Sixth street_ rubl6-61* buiq. SPRUCE STREET—FOR SALF—The four- :: four story Dwelling, with three-story double back dings, IPSO Spruce street: modern conveniences. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & ts 011:. Real Estate Brokers, 453 Walnut street. VA CHESTNUT HILL CO ITAGE FOR SALE, well shaded, with stable, lee house. S.c. Lot 342 ,on Bethlehem turaplke, near the depot. Price -81000. J. E MITCHELL, mh2l-Bt*• 319 York avenue. FOR - *ALE—Beautiful Brown stone Front lag DWELLI:s.:“. N.E. corner Franklin and Parrish streets. Immediate postessiou. B F. CtLENN, 1 . 23 South Fourth street. 6-.‘7 BUILDING LOT.—FGR sa LE—A larg• Build log Lot, bounded by Christian. and Montrose streets. 264 feet front by 133 feet seep T. M. GL - 2,131EY & SONS, st.s Walnut street_ eat of.IO.IINStA T T O 1;04 - E S S L cI E , n — ear ' 1;1t .7 rioad Station. on North Pennsylvania Rallroal. acres. Apply to C. IL MOIRE:TM - D. mhls-10t1 •"-, ... FOR SALE.—The Elegant HOUSE, kith every modern improvement, 2.;i0.2.14 West Washington ' uare. LEWIS 11. REDNER, e9-tfe 152 S. Fourth street. HOLE No. :395 North NINE. TEENI2. street. Price Immediate pos session. For sate by A P. MORRIS. mh::0-31.* 9.6 Arch street. FURNISHED HOUSE TO LF T. A large In brown stone house. opposite St. Mark's Charon, Locust st. Apply to C. H. MIIIEHRID. mlll5 lot! TO RENT—The Handsome STORE, No. 16 Eg•ii' , South FRONT Street. m Inquire, No. Is South Front street. Try-nvo AUKRS' OF LAND FOR SALE. A. or to Exchange for a small House in the city. The Land is locates near Sellersville, North Pennsylvva nla Railroad. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Bros era, 433 Walnut street. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE OR TO BE LET ON. GROUND RENT; 25 by 119 feel: east side of Eighth street and west side of Franklin street. north of Poplar street. Apply to S. H. CURTIS & SON. Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street, fri ,:muJAv3-R0:,:-.., f i n , LI AAI, ..,;r-HOEFAiIL)I_STPECREFLOINIPSU-S tti •.- OLD EVERYWHERE. GEO. A. C.OO IK.V. 9 DEALER IN Schuylkill and Lehigh Coals, YARD: 1314 WASHINGTON AVENUE. I keep nothing but a superior quality on hand, and am prepared to de.iver to any part of the city at the REDUCED LOW RATEe. A. trial will make you my customer. Leave your orders at 114 South Third street, and they will be attended to at once. mhlS-ltuf TIMMIN S & I.4lciuu , COAL YARD, S. E. cor. Thirteenth and Willow Streets, PHILADELPHIA. IX7 6 Orders thankiblly received and promptly exe• Blacksmiths' Coal constantly on band. mhl4-Imi frHERT -- EMOlt. - T COAL COMPANY are now ready to receive °viers for the several sizes of their cele brated LORBEBBY ASH COAL. It is the determina tion of the Company to takespecial pains in. the pre potation of their Coal so that It shall be of the best quality. 'tellable arrangements are made for ship ping to all pointa, east and south. Orders for the pre sent, sent to their office, No. m EXCHANGE BUI.LD 'ENOS, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to; GEO. SANDWRSON, President. A. B. Hum, General Coal Agent. PHILADELPHIA, March 15, lass., mtl7. 4l ,t u ,thiBo T r'' UNDERSIGNED -RESPECTFULLY invites the apention of the citizens of Germantown to his stock of superior Lehigh 'and Schuylkill Coal, which he is now delivering at the reduced of • Lehigh - tS 00 per tom Schuylkill 7 50 per ton. All orders through the mail receive prompt atten tion. • SPENCER ROBERTS, in hzi.3ts Corner Mill and Hancock streets. 508 Walnut etieet, .8.. MASON BINBB. ROM J. 8:1331A71 WHE IOrBITODWZIONED INvrrE ATTENTION_ TO their stock of • _ Ibiolationntrdu Ordn_panY's COal. • - Lehigh Navbr a t i tm Company's OW, and Lowst Mona Which they are prepared -t0 Beal at the lowest marked Ordernd to deliver M AS ON t mail. s left with B. HINES, maw= tate Building, BEVENTIT. street, below Market, will bePramS. l3 ' lll443 l ldedt°• see ~....,.. Street, Wharf, Behnsuruu • c oAT,—Egmbin• . • :Ns r rt, „ 7 moan from schrtrkm, ipsepared,,. ,•Mtcze r -Dockt,-Ne W.-corner 211 :: : and etreetpi.,-OM 2,l9.ll2lilatith - .l3aiNximt Vas% ' lolts7 • ' - • • ' ' ' WAyrozi 4OW BEALESTATE. PERFUMERY. rviy:l7l, INSOBJUICE. TRAITEIdiERS, INSURANCE COMPANY, PROVIDENCE, R. I Cash Capital, $200,000. Insures against Accidents of all kinds. General Accidents include the Traveling Risk, and also all forms of Dislocations, Broken Bones, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, Burns an& Scalds, Bites of Dogs, Assaults by Burglar% Echoers or Mur derers, the action of Lightning or Sun Stroke, the ef fects of Extlosions, Floods, and Suffocation by DroWn ing or Choking. • , Twenty five dollars per year will secure a policy for FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in the event of death by any description of Accident, with Twenty-five dol lars per week compensation. Smaller sums In pro portion. No medical examination required. a DIRECTORS. NEW TORE REFERENCES. SETH PADE'LFORD, NATIONAL CITYBANS A. E. BURNSIDE, HOYT, SPIIAGUES & J. S. PHETTEPLACE. CO. ALLEN 0. PECK, GEO. S. BOBBINS & HENRY H. ORMBBEE, Sc.N. JA BEZ C. B NIGHT. ANTHONY 02 HALL, THOS. G. TURNER, J. HO WE & CO. IN AMEX. FARNUM, H - T, TILLINGHAST J. S. PARISH & CO. FRANK MAI e litAN, LOW' HARRUSIAN, L, B. FItIEWE, DUka - KM a co. ROYAL C. T.AET, J. H. DBWOLF BENT BUFFUSI JOHN T. /iLfailLizt HENRY H. OBMSBEE, President. J. B. PARISH, Vice President. H.: M. RAW SON, Secretary. SABINE, DUI & HOLLINSHEAD, No. 230 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. STATE AGENTS FOR PENNSYLVANIA.. NEW JERSEY and DELA. WARE. First Class Agents Wanted. FIRE INSURANCE. LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital, " $lO Millions, Invested Funds, over 16 Millions. Yearly Revenue, over 5 Millions. Invested in the United States, over $1,500,000 All Imes promptly adjusted without reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania. OFFICE, No. 6 Merchants' Exchange. fe27tu,th,feni PHILADELPHIA. 'TEE II 0 , E' JE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, NO, 92 BROADWAY. -. 26,550 00 ....'531.53314 CASH: CAPITAL.._..:.._ A55ET5........_, TOTAL LLABLLITIES. LOSSES PAID IN 1565. This Company Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire on terms as fayorable as any other responsible Company. 110.A.RD OF DIRECTORS. • Henry M. Taber, Robert Schell. Joseph Foulk. Wiillann R. Terry, Stephen Cambreleng, Henry s. Leverich Fredl: Cchuchardt, .. James S. Sanford. Theodore W. Riley, Stephen Hyatt, Jacob Reese, 'Joseph Grafton. J no. W. Seraeream. L. B. Ward, DJLydig Suydam, Joseph Britton. William Remsen, Amos Robbins. Thos. P. Commings, JACOB REESE, President. MSS. D. HARTSHORNE. Secretary. NEW lour- March 9th, WS. SABINE, FOY & HOLLENSHEAD, . AGE:-N - TS, No. 230 Walnut Street, Phila. r0h1.5-12t1 TH micyleuE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, Np. 150 south Fourth at , above Wal nut street CHARTER PERPETUAL. This Company insures Vins lor damage by FIRE on PUBLIC and PRITE bldings, FURNI TURE and MERCHANDISE generally, City or Country. Also Insures dwellings perpetually by de posits of premium. DIRECTORS, JAMES BROWN. iLS UEL 001 , 'LN CHART FS A. DT . J. HILLBORN JONES, WILLIAM D. LEWIS, JOHN WOODSIDE. 0 N. N - FaTiLES, WILLIAM B. BULLOCK, JOHN D. TAYLOR, WM. 'C. LONGSTRETIL THOSTA S KLUB Jr. JOHN N. HUTCHINSON. JAIL S BROWN, President. CHAS. A. BUY, Vice President. THOMAS NEILSON. Secretary. taßsSuahly 1829- CHARTER PERPETUAL. FaI,II.IOTICIAEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA: Assets on January 1, 1866, 02,500,501 9t. Capita .. ...—.......__ Accra e d S ..... _— __ .... aft 0 CLAIMS, 511,467 53. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 045,ec00,000. Perpetual and 1 emporary Policies on Liberal Terms BLERFORS, Chas. N. Bancker, Edward C. Dale, Top Las Wagner, George Fates, Samuel Grunt, Alfred Fitter, Geo..W. Richards, Fran. W. Lewis, M. D. Isaac Le&, Peter McCall. CHARLEt3 N. CRER Prealdont.; t. , EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Preaiden-- SAS. W. MM-ALT.TRTES, Secretary pro tem. 1e2td.31/ GIRARD FIRE AND. MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. ce_prr.ea, PAID IN,. IN SASH . This company continues to mite on Mrs Risks only. Its capital with a good surplus, is safely invested. Losses by fire havebeenpromptlypald, and more than 8500,000 Hisbdrsed on this accoluit within the past few years. For the present the office of this company will re• main at 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to its OWN BUILDING. N..E COB. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure oar patrons at such rates as ale consistent with safety. - - - - IRECTORS. vfonuts CRAVEN D A_LPRED tl. eturrr, puRmAN• Elepl ua AD, N. S. LAWRENOE,_ THOS. MA CrEtARLES L DUPONT, JNO. SD PPLEE HENRY F. RENNET JNO. W. CSAGHORN, JOSEPH E.LAPP, M. .15. SILAS YESRES,Jn. _ THOMAS 0 3AVEN, Presided ALFRED S. GILLETT, V. President and Treasurer. JAMES B. A_LVORD. Seeretam law A NTMBAUITE INIECURANCE OOMPANY... PKBPETUAL. office, N0..811 WALNUT street, above Third, Friu.a4 will liunire figathlit Imo or Da-wahr Mil t on Mal& fogs, eitherperpetually or Air a 11 ,,,, ltedDlirle, ousohom Garniture Merchandisezenerally.. • . • Also—issm fie Insurance on 'Vessels. Ostir do rd 'lntandlissuratce to ? m eats , Will. ' ' • David Pearson; Lewis Arsiehried ‘ , Baum,, I.E.Dean, sou. zumuritr. WM _ John Ketettent.c, - _ . Proddent. •; - . I! FlVicerred Zest. ' M. Onit.ft WM. N (iretai7; Ude TSBRELIANCE INSURANCE. COMPANY OB lELADELPICIA. - Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetnal OFFICE, No. 808 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, 8300,dgr, insures against loss or damage by FIRE/ on Houses, Stores Furniture. Building, limited or per- R9teal, and on Goods Wales end merchan -13/80 in town or country • LOSSES PROMPTLY ADHISTED AND PAID. ASSETS....... _ .1408,001 79 Invested in thabllowing Securities, Vl= First Mortgages on City Property, well se. cured... —.. $124,100 00 United States Government Loans .... 185,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans 55,000 00 Pennsylvania $3.100,000 6 per cent. Loan 21,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, Brat and se. - Cconmertgegee —.....- ........ 85,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's Bper_ cent. Loan 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com . pany's 6 per cent. Loan— .............. -.—.......... 5,000 00 ItunUngdon and Broad Top 7 percent. mart gage bowie.— 4,560 90 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.— 1,050 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock-- 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock... 10,000 00 'Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.. 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company OrPhiladel hia's Stock ", 1, 000 Clash in bank and on hand . 5.914 7799 1 $08.004 79 . ' Clem. Tingley, DIRECTORS Benj. W. 'MAlley ' Wm. Musser, Marshall Hill, - Samuel Bispham, Charles Leland, H. L. Carson, Thomas H. Moore, Robert Steen, Samuel Casther, Wm. .Stevenson ; Alfred. Ithalsh, James. young, ormat. TINOLEY THOBL9I3 C. miu Secretary. ' Emident' Piabanarommt. December 1,1865, da6th43,1a,17 RICHARD PENISTA_N'S Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 439 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. s3m; Established for the Sale of Uuadnitsr• ated 'Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families! Richard Penistan's Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, Now so much recommended by the Medical Irsetaq ter Invalids. $l. 25 PER DOZEN * (These Bottles holdone Pint.) The above being of the vets best quality, It Mast ba admitted the price is exceedingly LOW. It is delivered to all Parts of the city without extra charge. Brandies, Wines, Gina, Whiskiesoto.,&3. Warranted prire,rit — the lowest possible rates, IV the Bottle, Gllon, or Ore. CHAM:PAGNEB of the beet brands offered lower hen by any other house. On Draught and in Bottles, PURE GRAPE JUICE. This is an excellent article for InvaThis. It is a Burs cure for DispePele. OLIVE OIL, PIOE:LES, EiAIIGES, BAI3DINES,AO London and Dublin Porter and Brawn Stoat -Eneleli and scotch Ales. del2tll,l JUST OPENED, BAY RMS. Penis - tares Et ranch Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, Nos. 37 and 39 South Third Street, Philadelphia Rear Platranceon Bank street. mhl9 HER MAJESTY, ' CHAMPAGNE, ! 3'. P. MIT ST 1 1 1 0 lq,l 151 SOUTH PItOtIT ST., SOLE AUNT. I IpirniZEL—The attention of the trade la eolted to If V the fbilowthurery choice Winea,_&e, fbr = JOSEPH F. DUON, No. 151 South =oat above Walnut. lld Tel re 8 yews old. Co. single double and triple, E. Cndsoe & B o ns. RiltVelph, , Topas, Ries, Spanish, 'Crown and P. Valletta. TOM . 6—Vallette. Matto Velho Seal, iDanton and Rebell° Valente & Co, Vintages 1836 1g56. iaLAREIS--Cruse File Freres andSt..Estephe Caw. e a u Lamlny. VERMOUTH—G. Jourdan, Hrive Co.& HITSCAT—de Prontdgnam CHAMPAGNES Ernest Irrony, "Golden Star.' de Venoge, Her Majesty and Royal Cabinet and nth= Lawrite brands. 0.11 A 3.IPAGICE PEPER HEIDSFECE, constantly on hand: for sale by A...1112REC0, Sole Agent for this State, mhls-Im* 140 South Front street. VINE WHISKY:—:hoIm IoM of old Wheat,gip and Bourbon Whisky. for Bala by E. P. SEEDDI• TON. 5 North FRONT Street.. iYIS 0-3R.F.IEN PEA .S, Green Corn, Fresh Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes, Plums, &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCIERLEN, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. JAPANESE PO WO EION the finest ever import,Q OOLONG TEA, DRAGON CHOP. OLD GovEßmigNr JAVA. COlelehE FOR SALE BY • 914,543 15 1,163.909 18 e•• • s • ~ Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocer's Sugar House, for sale by E. C. KNIGHT & CO., mbg-lm Corner Chestnut and Water streets, INCOME FOR 1886. .310,000. NEW QUEEN OLIVES.-51)0 gallons of the' finest Queen Olives ever Imported, in store,and-for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery No. US-South Second street. I'W BONELEes SABDICTES, Anchovies, Capers, Dutch Herring; all Of superior quality, at COUS. TY'S East End Grocery, No: US South Second street. (v . l a t,,Ettren i n f ilL GAß HOUSE MOLASSES; also, CeilmTl"S East End gEtrEW rays to be had at strtet, , o. 11S South Second 0 • aro •:o : r : V. , 4 etg, per Can, Champion Green Peas, at 40 cents per car; Tomatoes 25 cents; all warranted; at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. WI South Second street. mhl4 NETrFßUlTS.—Princees Fisperahell and Lisbon amonds; splendid London Layer Itaisins, in whole, half and quarter boxes, choice Elemeam i ha small drums, in store end for Ale by M. F. 113 P - e4G " 4. • 5000 Gums num( PEACHES, TOMATOES, ea?lsiuarat. Gr Pc e rr al lr : 1) 2 em. lc. 1 M " Arch and Mgt, h knee! 24" N,W. aar. VICTEA biACKERB L.—Extra choice large Macke rel fn kitta. Also new Nffiesd and Pickled Sal. m nd Eighton. For h street s sale by Di . F. Ela_i MC, N. W. cor. Arca M -20 barrels Jersey cultivated Ctran berries and' for sale by M. F. &Tung N. W. cor. arch and Eighth streets. • 40 _ THOMPSOIPB LONDON KITCHRNM% EUROPEAN RANoR, for families, hotels or Minstitntions, in 'l l WRI9 I( DM' Ho t-air Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fire board Stoves, Bath-Boilers, Stewhole Plates Broilers, Cooking Staves, etc., at wholesale and retaii, by the inantdacturere, CHASE , SHARPE & THOMPSON, ck2B.thAtti.9ml No. 209 North Second street. THOMAS S. DIXON &BO ' Late Andrews 0111MTNUT 111 . 1, Opposite United staw- 5 unictimagi LowDoWri "FICIUTBS For Anthrael And te,Rllcldn er ousPadWo o 4/nrial atatA RNA , O323. WARN-AIR Private Btdldlngs,• For Wari l arcta 0 * Al:wamwa lug . , CEECEIWNI FIATI -41 %14644110.i oc si lDMlCl3ree w - gl it r i2B o and ItZITAne • • INSURANCE., 1.14111:011.6. HAVANA CHUBB. 1131lititt) JAMES R. WEBB. WALNUT and EIGHTH Streets. L:sl ul DArio g:V - s SHIPPING FOR NEW . YORK, Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. The Philadelphia and New York Ea - preen Steamboat Company. ,Steam Propellers leave DAILY froth "-• PDIST 'WHARF below MARKET streets naming t e run in 24 HODES. This Line connects with all Northern and Masten:l Transportation Companies. Goods forwarded direct ta allpolete free of commission. Freight received at wm low . p es . uL trat ry es nE at Agents /4 Wharves , Phhaoelpiljas. JAL. ent. 117 Wall street, New -Ag York. - F.AIII TO Llygait.oo .4 :77 t -+, 7 • stir at QITEENSTOWN, the Inman Line, sailing f?Riscr-Wli - FIRT,Y, carrying the IL s. Mans, ETNA-- Wednesday , March 21 CITY OF ETNA.._....... -...turdaY, March 24 KANGAROO Wednesday,liarch 211. 'Y OF WASHINGTON ..... -Satnrdasr. March U At Noon, from Fier 44 North River. HATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE IN CURRENCY, BY THE KAM symuatiu BALLING EVERY SATURDAY. First Cabin.---- ... ... ....... —4 35 " • " to London... 125 to London. ---4c to Paris.—: Iss " - to Faris. ug, PASSAGE BY THE WEDNMSDAY STEAMERS. First Cabin.. Steerage. Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, men dtc., etc., at moderme rates. • Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstewn. TMsets can be bought here by persona sending ffir that friends. For farther information, apply at the Compaur o Offices. - JOHN G. DALE, - Agent, mhl2lll Walnut street, Philadelphia; it , FOB BOSTON. STEAMSHIP LINE TITIZEOP; :yrs EN: PROM BACH.POSTEVIEBY FROM HESE ST. WHARF, PHILAD . • AND LONG WHA.P.F.I3COEMN. The steamship ARLES, Captain Crowell, - will sall from Philadelphia on Saturday evening, March as. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will WI ' from Boston on Saturday evening, Marcn 24. , The line between Philadelphia' and Boston NW • compowl of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons tnirthen. • NORMAN, Captain Baker, iNnl tons lmrtherl. ARLES, Captain Crowell, SOO tons burtben. These substantial and well appointed - , -aileueszapi will sail punctually as advertised, and will ea •• received every day, a steamer being alWa7s oz jaid berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send BIM of Lading with • their gam% For freight or passagetiWßV wiNl3Oll 70191 832 South Delawareavenue; PHILADELPHIA BIOHNOND AND NORFOLK STEA M SHIP CON:PANS4 The fine B ps Of thin Line insure at the Icrweaa rates and sail regularly from the Firat, Wharf above Market street, every WEDNESDAY aril , ISATURLY• At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, NorfOle and City Point, forming the moat direct route for the Eolith and Southwest. For freight or passhge, with 'excellent accacomOde4 Lions. apply to WK. P. CLYDE di 00., 14 North and &path Wharves; NEW EMPRESS LINETO AMEX.. • ANDRIA. Georgetown and Wash=4 • esapeake and Delaware Canal, with corm 'at Alexandria. Va., form the most direct route for 'Lynchburg, Matol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market &tread every Wednesday and Saturday at 1S M. For freight apply to the agents W. CLYDE & GO., 14 North Wharves. J. B. Davidson Agent at Georgetown; M Eldridge & Co., Agents at Alexandria. FOR WILMINGTON, N. The C. well-known and favorite steamship E. C. KNIGHT, Captain Denny, Will sail for Wilmington, N. C., direct, SATURDAY, March 24th, at 12 o'clock M.. For freight or passage, apply to '% - L J. TAYLOR tit CO., 208 North Wharves. FOR NEW YORK.—Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift sure ines, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leavir.g daily at 12 M. and 5 P. IL, connecting with all the Northern and Eastern Lines. For freight, which will be taken on , accommodating terms, apply,. to M = & . . RACO., No. rX i mth Dela Ware avenue. mh2o-4tl NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. 11.11.LAWABB and cuirEse_Pwria #l4 WW-BOAT COICE'AITY. RABGEB towed to and from PHILADELPHFA; HAVRE-DE.GBACE, 33ALTESLOBB, WANEUNGI4 TON, and Intermediate pointa. WIA. P. ,CLYDE & 00., Agenda, NO. IS Smith Whams, Philadelphia, eaptain JOHN LAUGHLIN, SupeTintendent. FOE SAN FRANCISCO. nom:is-sows CALIFORNIA CLIPPER LINE. SAILING ItEGITLARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight o for this Line sent to New York by Swift. Sure e at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship CARL L. Hopldn. Cemmander, sftls now rapidly, loading at pier 11 East Elver, This beautiful vessel is one of the sharpest and ,best vessels now loading. Having a portion of her cargo on board with large engagements, will have quick despatch.. For freight; apply to BISHOP, SON . CO., 103 Arch street FOR SALE. Schooner WM. P. COX. '` CHARLOTTE SHAW.. " JOHN CLARK. 1-12. " LEWIS CHESTER -1-16 " PETER BOILIE. 1-16 " RACHEL SEAMAN. 1-16 " DANIEL BRITTAM. 1-16 " A. T. COHN. These vessels are all in good condition And now running, will be sold low to close an estate. For par &tilers. apply to JAS. S SHUMLEB, SOO North Delaware avenue. mka3l2tis CONSIGISrIP - s' NOTICE.—Tbe brig FBLVBE, J. B. ReCrier, master, from Bordeaux, will commence discharging at Lombard street wharf, under general order, on 1 ltursday 'morning, the =I inst., wtten all goads not permitted will be sent to the public stores. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. A_LPLIOP SE STEREL&NI & CO.. mb2l-3q 157 and 139 South 3ront Street. FOR LIVERPOOL.—With Quick Despatch.... The first class packet bark COBURG, Glbsoni, master having a large portion of her cargo en gaged, will Sail as above. For balance of freight or passage apply to PETER WRIGHT fft SONS. U& Walnut street. FOR KEY WEST.—The brig G. T. WARD, Captain Lindsay, will be despatched for the above port in a few days. For tre_ight, apply to WORKMAN di CO., 123 Walnut street. nahl9 WANTED.—A Vessel with large deck cape city to load Immediately for Savannah, Os. For particulars, apply to EDMUND A. SOIIDER ct. CO., 3 Dock street wharf. roh2o St laWANTED—Vessels of 150 feet capacity to load resawed lumber at southern ports to Philadelphia. New York or Baltimore; also. to ports in the West Indies. For pa , ticulars, apply to EDMI7ND A. BOUDER & CO., 1; Dock street wharf. mhm 5t OTlCE.—Allpersons are hereby cautioned against .1 , 1 trusting any. of the crew of the brig PRLEDE, J. P. Reiner. master. from Bordeaux., as dente of their contracting will not be paid by captain or consignee% ALPHONSE STEPHAIsTi. di CO., it 7 and 139 South Front street. Mh26 6Q DR. BARK COBURG, oibson, master, from Liver .'" pool, ts now discharging under general order at Shippen street wharf. Onasignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETE% WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. in tap .tf ATOTICE—AII persons are hereby cautioned against 1: 1 trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark COBURG, Gibson, master, from werpool, as no debts ot their - Contraction will be paid by the captain or consignee& • PETER WRIGHT & SUNS, its Walnut street. mhl7-I.f "VOTICE.—..4II persons are hereby cantionedagainsa, JA harboring and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig DENMARK. as no debtopf their contract— ing will be paid by captain or consignees. w, . MAN & CO., Consignees. 128 Walnut titreet, SF NOTICE.— AII persons are hereby: captioned against trusting any of the crew of the Br. ship S. L. TLLLY, whereof Cann is master, frOm,City Roin‘ Va., as no debts of their contracting will be pabl by captain or consignee. BMW - IPDA. soIJDZE & Dock street wharf. fAB. 'LEE, successor to JOHN EISISMILTRA & SONS, Sall If.akers, No.'Boo Plerth DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. An work done in the best manner and on toe towel* and most havorable terms, mid Warranted to erIVO pelss lest satisfaction. Parricalar attention elven to isnairint. E,DLISUAvirIO.ta. COLLEGE. - 13ORDENTOWN, N. I. A few vacancies for the summer term. commencing April ISth. Ror Catalogues containing terms, etc., Address Bev. JOAN H. BRASELY, ruld4-Im/- President, DIAN I FORTE AND BINGlasKi TAUGHT, by Min JANE.LEWN.IIIB, either at tier pupils residence Or : at her Mo. N0.,1922 SPRUCE Sweet, Philadelphia. Rer pupils will have the use of one of Narvesen'lli Sugif s ior - Pianos- a most excellent instrument. • L., had ,for two years the entire charge of the music Class in.:Pleasant Etill.Seminary..West town Pa, and can refer. besides to a very largacirela of private pupils. • . , . TIMAFA.LL SESSION OF NIEB ARIXITTO BLEN'ARY FOR YOVNO LAD. ,a. Naence on WedneralW aterbe att, residence `corner of Poplar and. Edxtentna Philadelphia. Rnancnots:7 3 el.= D.D.ReV. Thoioaa Bralnerd. , P.p.. yr W .B..oukuoiiktc„ late President of 'Girard °allege. , 1.717.1ra IiVAINITTWAND ALIIONTS.-rNew crop Grenbble 9 ' Walnutanand Payer:Shell 4.l.mondsotirsale ; Zr` B. BilF,snm,dt 430„108 , , 8. -.DridawarelLvtrauu! . . • IicEBSINA-oiteNGWIL-1,00(w boxes Stmt MPeblns OrangiAjniprime ordeT,landingald-for J.B. Buss , &. 00.. `108 s Delaware AVAtllde. INDTIIOI43III oca2 CARITErMIib 9 from ilar 222 ' , als
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers