_,.~ ir~. ... J~ • i ... C Firm our Third Edition of Yesterday. X lll . gbru [special DpsßatCh to the Bulletin.] .p33.l.,NprFor, V.—General ; Paster arrived here=-to-day from Tex*, he has been ixi,cominand of Our'eltiVrllr'y' .;fOr i the last.eight not give:Very gloiving accounts of the cenpiori:of . , affairs t.here. L - • • He 'says there is no loYalty' outside 'iif the military lines; and inside it is but mockery and disroyalty isonis.kept:doivrubifear of the military. , .He will testify before the Re construction:Cornieittee to-morrow:, The British ,, Mini9ter -is al , good deal alarmed over•the- 'tzlriian -excitement. He has the strong" assurance "of - oar Govern ment -that the 'netttrid.. %laws 4111 be stri4.ls7,!3b9rved- The Howe Naval Committee had again inder,-cOnSideration' titiday, 'the ' l..teague Island:matteri - but -curie to -no-conclusion. Those irifaVor.of New London are 'working earnestly ,to get , the, committee ttiZreporl aga.instthe former 'place. ' , 31EXIXth Voisg-yllirhirk Session. - , WASUINTITON 'March 9.' HousE.-32r. Morrill (Vt.); from the Com mittee on Ways and Means', •Tepprted. back thiS - Senate amendment to the House bill• to declare tha,,meaming of certain,parts of the Internal.Revetnitract otJune 30, 1864. - The amendment whibly - mailltb substitute the word '‘wherevei"-fdri"whenever," wascon curred in. Mr. .Farnsworth, (m.), on leave, intro dncOla: hillconceining the settlethenttof the accounts of army paymasters. Read twice and referred to the Committee_ on Military Affairs : ° • - Mr, Ross (I 11.) Offered aresolution, which wag allcipted,"instructing~ the Secretary of War to report how, many yolunteers, whose terms of 'service have expired, are still re tained the service,' and w h y the 28th Illinois veteran volunteers, are still kept in the service at RrownsvillEi Texas. Mr. Julian (Ind.) from the .Committee on Public Lands, reported. in reply tb the resolution of tbe' 26th' of February, that the clerk to that committee was, fully occupied in his duties. ' Mr. Washburne (Ill.) suggested that fur therreports of this character be filed with the. Clerk: ` Mr. 'Ross 'objected. The House took up the Senate bill to pro tect all persona in the United States ,in.the 'imams of their vindication, on which the main - questiotiwas ordered yesterday. A motion to lay the whole subject on the table was lost; yeas, 32; nays, 118. - No Republican voted in the affirmative except Thisseati. - ; Loss of , a Brig. N.Ew HAVEN; 'March 9.—,-On Tuesday af ternoon.- last, the Brig Catharine Rogers, Captain Heaton, fpr Providence, R. I.; ,with 290 tons Of coal, from Elizabetttport, N. J., went 'ashore in a -gale on Cornfield Point Shoals'off Westbrook, and sunk. Her crew. Were saved by . heroic efforts on the part of Capt. Manwarring and his men, of the Government' light boat, stationed on the'sboals above named. The vessel will probably prove a total loss.- . New Iroik Stock Market. NEw Yonn March 9.--Stocks are lower* ChJoie andltock Island, 107; Cumberland Preferred. 43; illi nols"Central, 11.53‘; New York Central,9l;rtesing, 97h.'; _Hudson 'l3.lver,' 10a34: Carlton Company, 43..1.; VlrgiaLa f.'s; 613.rallasouri 6's, 78; Erie Railroad, 8134; !Western Tinton, .Teleanh Company, 68%; Carolinas, 85; Ten nessee Vs, 903 i; Treasury 7 3-10's, 99? i; Ten-forties, 90%; itive-twenties, 1.30,%.• CITY sur.,LETni. - - ACCIDENT TO A Film APPANATICTS.-1110 , , • horses atteched to the Reliance Steam Fire Engine: ran away, at E'assayunk Roadeand Eighth street,.-last night. The apparatus was brought in contact with a 'telegraph pole, at the corner.. of the " street and was overturned: . The telegraph pole was de 7 molished and. the engine was considerably damaged: '-The driver was thrown oft' and was severely inj tired. Sales at-Plilladiel •f' • sALES . .1000 Lehigh 6s'B4. 87 - 2000 Pittsburgh 58 • 67 1000 Pa' 6s War Loan 100 - 3000 Pa R Ist mgV-08 -96 8 eh Cam &Amboy 116 4VBir Hazleton Coal 56 100 eh Catawlssa pf 530'3174: 100 eh do , ' b3O 400 eh _ . d0.. - b303132 100 eh Sob Nav pfd b9O 2.83{ 300 sh N Pa R - e3O . SECOND Trees 7 3-108 Notes June 99M EllO dog 99 EOOO Wyom'g V Bds 80 -; 3000. Pa It 2tl mgtfia 933.2: 50 sh Lela Div ' 33 REAM ESTATE. OHESTIWT HILL:—FOR' SALE=The hand some double Stone Residence, with . parlor, 11. brary: dining-rooni and kitchen on the first floor, six chambers on the second floor,- and every city con venience, elms( e on the northeasterly corner of Sum mit sheet and Piospect avenue, within three minutes' Walt from the Railroad Depot. Lot. 165 feet front by 330 leecdeep, handsomely improved ith 'large' shade and evergreen trees. J. M. GIIMMEY tk.. SONS, 508 Walnntstreet. • ILGERMANTOWN—FOR SALE—A handsome double pointed Stone Residence, with pointed stone stable and•. carriage house, ice house and 2.1 g acres of ground, beautifully located on Thorp 's lane, east of Buy's lane, within 7- minutes walk from. the Railroad Station. HouSe Ilea every city convenience and is In perfect order. Choiceselection of fruit trees. 3. X,' GLIMAIRY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. InTOR SALE —The elegant 6-story brown stone StGre Property. 26 feet front, widening to 60 leet and extending in depth 306 feet, situate No,: 933 Market street. Was built In a . aaperior manner__with every - convenience, and - faturez coin - tilde, is the lar gest store property in thweity Possession. January 1at,1867. J. M. GIIMISLEY dr. SONS, No, 503 Walnut street FOR SALE— A very desirable three-story 0. 4 - pointed stone RESIDENCE, with back: braidings and all modern improvements, in good order and ground, well cultitmted. Situate on Morton street, (iermantown, within five minutes' walk of Railroad station. J. M. GUMMEY &SONS, • ,hahB-tfa 108 Walnut street. rif ' FOR SALE—A large , and commodious RESI DENCE, nearly new, well built. and in good re ps r, with stabling, large garden and pasture ground attached, in 'a healthy and .convenient location, near a station on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, nine miles from the city.„ Inquire at No, .25 South SiBTII - street . . . • . mh7-60 FOR SALE.—A new nine -roomed HOUSE, on HIGHTEF.NTII street, below .11ASTER,Lwith al the modern Improvement& Immediate possession. Will be sold on accommodating terms. Apply on the premises to J. iSIcELBOY. zaha,-10,12.3t• VFOR SALE- I AIIodernTM9IDENCE; with side -lard, on the gouthside of GREEN Street,between entieth and Twenty-first. Lot 2t by 117 feet. Pos session In thirty days. _ • .13.1H..1.1.A.RTLEY, „ T r:o11e-80 106 SDuth Fourth'street., -I]FOR S ATE. A desirable three-Istory brick ROUSE, 228 South Ninth- street- all modern im proiements; immediate possession _giVert.... Apply to CURTIS Estate Brokers, 433 .Wal , FOR S ATM. A MESEBABLE'TECREE-STORY brick hotise; with threeetory double' back band tngt4l,4DrThempoon street; allmoderntinprovernento: Ap to 7 CURTIS I sc soA,:3lW...MtAtit.l3rokers, 4n , ail:Pitr Street , • ' , . briCl N0.2261 , 10ET F TENTH STREET OR SALE. A )mrideOlde.tbree-story brick:dwelling, with back dings; "in complete' order; iroradiate posse.ssion:. A ppy toA. B. CAIIVEg. CO„ . S. W. cor.ef 141LqTa sr? FOR RENTF=.4,:verycicstrable Tarnished Hoitse, el II - scat!! Of — W.9llaMl street ifear: Broad street: Aplily . ..te 17,1 . ' ki_FoR.BA-LE. 7 -11miniegvat-31otrE,_with every. cmodernimpr?yegientv: 214 West Waal:M:oopp etqfie •:: c : t. .•s• -,. %-! ..7 _ ,., . 152 S. goiirtlystteet,,,,, - FOR SALE OR TO LET.—A cottage at At tic - CilL- very-Aeslrqble .situallon. Apply 214 estnnVstreet.'up etstirel.' • - , , . 70-LET.—A frirnislied HOUSE in West Pnila: delphia. ~,I nenire on premises, north ,side of TlMlStreet, first bonsewest offlo_rty:thirds;.'s,4* SOB, SALE—HOUSE and I,ol' ; , No. 234 South r.NN• TWENTY-PI_RST, s treet, 20 :145 , ,190 feet: Inquire• On he premises. :nah9-3t2 • /§P , RENT—The- Handsome STORE, No. 16 JE: 1 1;' inquire; No. laSongiiern#Streetc7. valttabici:,BurropTG , sfors; .1: situated oh' - Spring:,Garderfstrept;toeSt..Cot h Ei gk' teenth. immediately adjoining the rieWliaptist' Urdu' 72 feet front by 180 feet deep to Brandywine street. Part of the purchase money can remain. Apply to THOMAS TOLM AN, No, 12 Q. Fourth street, up Btare, mh.r6t Iv OltPeteelsteriCOUßT etaeLhe-Estate .. eif eWIL- M le LIA W. KNIGHT, degeasedeeTHOMAS et leS.-,1 , T0.e1e-ELEGANT: COUNTRY - SEAT AND COTTAGE, Southeast corner of Career street and efe,' B ean avenue, Germentowne:Twe.nty-pecond Ward, \Vayne etation.4 , lqueinent. to - Mt-alias. order -. of ; the Orphans' Court forethe Cite and CountYeof , P,hiladel: phia. , will be seiTd.ae Palle Sale, cni es-1 TeOAV, March 27,1866:at 12 o'clock; Noon - , at the. PaLt,A_DeIf.,PIELN. EXCHANGEethEefiellowing described propertyslate bf WILLIAM W. KNIGHT, deceased; vie: (N 0.2 in the order of Sale) . 1 - - Allehat lotof e•round; vittnehe frame messuageand otherbuildinget thereon' erected= Situate on the southeast eoriaer of Clapier street and McKeen avenneelwenty;seiond.Wardsdeecribed eseerdine to asxetern survey.made by er Lightfoot,. Eserld, arveyor, as follolvs t _Beginning-at the seid corner; thence along McKean street south 46 degrees3o minntee . E.e , ss feet 1 inch to the northwesterly side' of !terrace street, now called Norris streetethence elong Norris street, south 43 degreed 8 niinutes W.'437 feet ei inches to ground of Robert Wade; thence north 49 - degrees '45 minutes . ee. 332 feet 734 lecbeseo the southeastside of Clapterstreet, thence - along Clapier street, -north•49 elegrees 15 minutes E. 457 feet4ee inches to the place of beginning; tiegetlier With* the -free use. and • privilege of the , said -=named streefieeitt. isommori with the tenants :Mei 'occupiers of the ground bounding thereon. - .; -: e• P.' -- t ..'s .., eNeßeeThe improvements area modertefreme Tried dance. hes two basement kit ehens, two ranges and cell lars; first floor; parlor, dining room, sit:linger:eine and library, and six chambers above; gee . With, 'haedsome fixtures. (which are , included in the sale;) pepered and painted -throughout. numerous "clesetseuermae neat side-board; book-cage and dish tack; bat - h.-11M and cold water, water closet Extensive perclercupola on the home giving a beautiful view of- the . B ee. rounding :country: . Also, frame stablee and'. "coach The grounds are tasteftely laid out and plantedwith old oak trees; •evergreee, dm. Geoirepriegewater, garden, log ,cabin house e &c. There is, alsoeln addition to the above. - a brick .'end stone rouglecast•Cottagee has parlor, dining-room, and kitchen on firstiloore store room, bath ,- water-closet, oloset, five chambers- and . gerrets above, gas throtighout. May be examined any-day previous to a ale. .. 1...., . The above is in the immediatevicinity of very 'hand some residences: , and adjoins the very • elegant country s tof Pratt McKean; t e . .0 eeeeee :es. • , Noe2.e-Very elegant Pointed Stone COUNTRY RESODENCeI, ' sClapier street,. Germatitown. v ayne Stallone , No: 1 (No:s in the order of Sale).' All Met loteet grouite, , withi the Stone messuege thereon erected situate on the southeastward - aide : ote Miner street. described aecordbm to a recent = survey thereof by 'Lightfoot. as lollowseßeginningette a' 'point 'on the southeasterly aide of CmCier street 569 feet and' y, an inch sonthwestwardlyfrcen , the Southevesteside -tor Set Vier atreetethenceeextendiee . le:tette 50 . degnies -15 minuteseast3l9 feet ginchert to the nerthwest side of Xerxes streetilhence along the same , &tette - et degtees 33 minutesevestlB4 feet SV, 'inches to -the'; eastwardly side of a.3sleetevide street; called Scheeler' street And thencealang theasid Schuyler streetenorth 111:.d - eestees 353 e minutes, west 822 feet - 6X Melia , . •. to the southeasterly side of Clapier street, and thence along theestiniie north 30 degrees - 45- minutes, 'east 96 feet It incbes lei the place of beginninge -Together -with' the free use: riglatiand privilege •of the 'said-Norris street, Schuyler street and Clapier streeteie 'ccinimme with the owners. tenants and occupleris of the other groend bounding thereon. . • . • , N.13.-The•residence is new, three stories high; built in a very superior manner, of the best material; 'porch frorttand babk. • First floor-parlor with handsome bay window: large dining room with bay . windew per manene sideboard; hot and cold. water; sitting room, library and large-hall, walls beautifully frescoed and painted • superior banisters. second floor, two large and beaudMlthambers and three smaller ones. Third floor, three convenient chambers, numerous closets. marble mantels', gas throughout,• bath ,• hot and cold water. water clostt, large kitchens, dining room: cellar laid with mortar, meat vault, pump of spring water, furnace, cooking rangeAcestabling ana carriage house with stabling for three horses, coachman's room, fish , pond; &e. " - • ;or No expense-was spared by the late owner to make thie every superior residence f r his own occu pancy and commands a beautiful view. No, a -(No. 6, No, 3, in the order of sale.) All that se ip, piece, or parcel of ground, situate on the south east side of-a 35 feet wide street, called Norris street, in the Twenty-second Ward described according to a recent survey thereof, made by Jesse Lightfoot, as fol lows: Begirining at the corner of said Norris street and McKean avenue; containing one foot In front on Mc- Kean avenue, and extending of that width along Nor ris street southwestwardly 1067 feet 11 -inches to the eastwardly side of Schuyler street. Together with tae tree use and privileges of Schuyler. street and Norris street and McKean aVenue in common with the owners...tenants and occupiers. of the other ground bounding thereon., - _ .r..." No. 4.-Twohandsomemodern three-story stone RESTDENCESeCIaPieretreet.GERMAN'TOWN, vay ne Station. All that lot of g mend, wilt the stone dwelling thereon erected; situate on the northwesterly side of Clapier- street, beginning 640, feet 136 inches northeastws rely from the northeast side of Wissa hickon avenue, containing en fro 1. on Clapier street 100 feet, and extending of-that width in depth north westward 200 feet e thesaid side linee each making an angle un the stitlth side thereof. with the front on Cla pier street of sa degeeese46,se; minutes. Bounded north eastward by ether ground of William W.-Knight. de ceased. and southwestwardeand -northwestward by ground of Beridatuin Sharp. - , -.. • - - N. B.- Tbe house is new, and fielshed 'in a very su perior manner, and bas all thet modern conveniences: parlor library: dining - room and kitchen, on the fine Boor ; 9 chambera above, gas, bath, hot, and cold water, water closet, permanent . washstand; marble mantels, porch front and back; slatteroofeetc. , a NO. 5,-No. 2-(lece 4in the Onfer of Sale). All ;lee that lot olgrontid, with the stone dwelling house thereon erected, situate On the northwestwardly aide of Clapter street, 740 f feet. leeeinches northwestwardly from the northeast side of aVissahickon avenues con taining in front on Chester etreetloo feet and extending of that width in depth northwestward rnaleet, the sato sidelines( 'each- making an angle; be . the south side thereof with tbe flout on_Clapler street of 89 degrees 463; minutes. Bounded northeastvmd...by ground of J. Livingston Erringer, south Westward by other ground of the said William W: Knight, deceased, and north westward by ground ofßenjamin Sharp. N. 8.-The imprevements are the same as No. 1, above described. e - •.. , • k e et.. No. - 6.-THREE VERY VALUABLE LOTS. e. CHESTNUT H 1 LL,TWENTY-5 ECOND WARD. - o. 6.-(No. 7in the Order .of Sale,)-AU-that tract of tan' &situate ln the Tweriteesecond Wind, and described as follows. viz :Beginning at a etake in the -middle of Perk 'street, called also Wissahickon avenue, 'but re-- corded cn the confirmed plan of the second section of the surveyand regulation of Chestnut - Hal on Spring field avenue; thence along the, centre of said avenue sonth 49 degrees, 8 minutes; west 407 feet Bi 6 inches; to a stake a corner: thence. by' lann now or late of Chas. ry.; Muirbeld, . marked Lot No. 2, -on a certain plan or pro: t, of which thisels apart, south 48 degrees, ea a 588 teeth inches to a stake on-thetheast side of e tel perch wide lane: thence along thesoutbeaet of said lane by land of Jesse Hinkle, north 4241egrees, east 349 feet 8), haches, - to a stake;- thence by land of eamrtel H. Austin. marked No. son the aforesaid plan, north 48 degrees. west 467 (eel S inches. to the place of b glu t:dem-containing 4 acres aed 1153] perches of land. , No. 7 (No. sin the Order of Setae All that tract 51 of land in the Twenty-second Ward. desc-ibed as lo lows, to wit: Begtnning at a stone in the middle, of Park street, called also Wissahickon avenue, but ie corded on the confirmed plan of the second section of the survey and regulation of Chestnut Hill as ipring field avenue; thence along. the ee.ntre of said avenue, south 49 degrees 8 . minutes. west 46e feet 1114 Inches to a stake at a cerner e on the soetheast aide of a one perch wide lane; thence along the southeast side of said lane by land of Jesse Hinkle, north tedegrees, east 466 feet to a stone; thence still by land of the said Jesse Hinkle; north 48 "degree's, east 329 feet 3,e inches Jo the place , of beginning: containing 4 acres and 12 112-100. perches of land tok:ii No. 8-(No. 9in the Order of Sale.)-All that lot ofland in the Twenty-second ward, described as lows, to wit: beginning at a etake in the middle of Park street; called Wiesehickon avenue, eutredorded in the confirmed plan of the second sectlen of the sur vey- and _regulation of Cheetnut Rill, as epringdeld avenue; thence along the middle of said avenue- tee next four following - courses - -and distances, to wit: south 72 degrees 34 minutes, west 209.feet4 incises to a atone; south 52 degrees 12 minutes. west 174 ' feet 1- inch to a / tone; south 30 degrees 30, minutes, west 175 feet 10 inchea tea stone; and south 21 degrees.3o miuntese west 101 feet to e stone in the line of Hiram J.' Hartwell's ground; thence by said Hartwell'' ground north 48 de grees 13 minutes. west it 6 feet 8 inches to a stake a cor ner. and north 42 degrees 10 minutes, east 095 feet 3 inches to a stone;-thence by other land now or for merly of eitenuel - H. Austen; south 48 'degrees, east 158 feet to the place or beginning. containing one _acre, be the same more or less. . , ~ - ~, , in - No. 9.=' , VALITABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY; esNos. 144 and 140 DOCK etreet, east . or Second.-- 9-(Noe 'lO, in the:Orderof Sale).Allthatlot of ground; with the buildings and irnProverdenee thereon erected, situate on the southwest side of -Dock street, 182 f, et 'more brims southeastward from the southeast corner ot said Dock street and Second. streets , contain ir,g. in front onleock StreetelB feet More 'Or lese, (in cluding on the north eide thereof a 2 feet 9 inehas wide alley), and in depth on the north line thereof 35 'feet 6 inches more or Imre to the elistelde of as feet, 6 inches wide alley, which inrisisorthwardintetheesaid 2 feet 9 inches' wide alley: and on the south' line - thereof. 46 feet to the east side of said 3 feet 6 incheseviee alley, and on the Tear end thee eof 16 feet 5 inceee ,' . • - N. B. On theabovelotisa blacksmithebore Zr 0.144 Dock street Avery .., y ianle ablVeieduesin e f s s S locati - e e r Elo N of ground with th hebuil r i o gs a nd improve rentethereon t erected, stellate on the southwest stdeof, Dock`street. 200 feet, more or-leas, southeastward 'from the seutheast corner . oeSecond etreet and. Dock street; thence extending n estward on'a, line at right angles to the Bald Second street 46 feet 'tea 3 feeedieches wide alley; thence Si along the said 13 feet 6 inches wide atley 7 feet 10 inches to ground devised by the will of latzabetb Lisle to Henry Lisle: thence further south ward still along.the • last .mentioned ground 12 feet 7.3. e inches to ground of - ----,e thence eastwardalong the same on a line at, right., angles to_ the said Second street 55 feet 6 inches to themeet aide of Dock street,• thence northward : along the same • Se feetrthence still along the same noethweetweedly,let.feet be inches* to the place of beginning. ~ . , ; • - . ~ ...- • -... 1-': N:l3 tentereel Above, lot eleraas N 0.146 D 001,.. . STAND,I.-VERY VALUABLE BiIeINESS L ie . . FuUR STORY„ BRION. I:STORE:NO. 509 t;orenuerce street, west of Filth . streete extending through le - Meth streets - '-teeci e deonts--(Nor 12: in the in der of sale.)-Allthat„liet of ground,. withethe , four story brick store thereon erected, situate on the north side Commerce-,etreet, 151. feet- 3. inches,weete oteFifth street, epistle Ward; containingereiront aneCommerce street 16 feet.B inchess and extending northward 87feet 3 eltiebeeelhen increseings en ;the event-side eeterecif alongebe rear of: rin-axeAof ground left Operiefor the benefit otetbiEl and the.Oth klofseofeground* Weeding thereon', t o the Width 'of 27.feete , Inelaeseandextending Of :that itc.reseeedrevldth etill forther nortliwaed-12 feet 91bichIssftben:narri5Wing-egaiWtia the - Wldth' °fie-feet 8, illthetelend; extendin e. still fartleatenerthwarel Of ,te said lastmentiotedevidth 110. feet' to thee - teal:oWe of North street (Together willithe freentreetne.privildge. °flee. Medi area of grbundebeing 28 , recite lieblieS in length be , 15 . 1 feet S hien esein ehteenth rad laid ,. enitetibee opened by the said WerieWeKtight.itt , hiseifetime fee tbendredsalcih e of light anclaleeteeethesballelingsbrected on this andebeetbeeeleeteof ground,emending therecni, with thn:lent end , puressarellieptheesamiesliall here eirteeeteeeee, betke.l49eePeeleee ~ ' etve e teeeelel to 17 . Thecrirt.orated ebectfgreendeneitting ,oreqemraexce atekee, eiegeeNeifillOCOgst4f 6 tLeeleekegle.teetetitleheee tteethXidl)leleßefeteiefeigeee'eo:Vee-egYeteot Vearge rifle% a isli Cieeeafaileieb.tt .aeleqeelweee VOA:wee M e s e .yeariyegroned meet oeeetun. et sefee, to e enryAe Reiebean, 'hie heirselind` essigesiebe nail:yearly pay meets, on . the • lst day of May anti November in every year, without deduction for taxes, &c,; and the part of said lot of ground fronting on said North street, and extending of the like width of 16feet 8 inches south- Ida Stock Board. FIRST 130.6a1D.' .10 sh Norris'own R 51 9 eh. do ' 2ds 51 100 'sh Beading R 630 100 sh - do - - -2 ds 4871 100 sh -- do cash 4133,i" fish do _ 49 100 sh=' , -do - "-• = 100 sh do 30 ds bafls 484 sh do - ho 49 26 sh Penns B. 55 100 sh ReStOrlyille blO 33 BOARD;-' 300 eh & Erie b30 . 29'6 10 eh 55 100 eh Fulton Coal 634 6 sh 3feehElr. 2.8'4 sh.Comin'l Ek. 55 200 sh Cate,wie . b 5 ,313 ,&T%%Z . 1.71..`,.irg1'J. _tag BEAT,' • IMtATE. AILYTEOSYSO',WiI , ETIN-: ward 100 feet, is subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent or payment of $l2 25-100 to Wm. Wharton aim emisannart • Jais .wife, their heirs'and assigns, antl, alsetp the yaps-sent of asecond 4 -Yearly mandrel:4 W flBO to Samuel Rio tt Harbur,iits heirs and luta tgriat equal half yearly payments, on the tint "days of May and November in every year, without deduction for taxes, &c. N.B.—The improvements,are a substantial and well built iunr-story noildingr ftrst.;.and second stories iron front, third and fourth stories brick; basement under the whole; iron guards Iron. and back. It ia occupied as a hardware store: gas introduced; water on every floor; watcr clorteta3m:2d, ad . andAtte stories, hoisting apparatue;' flre-prOofa in drst and SecandistOrles,slur ters lined with iron, &c. No. 12.—TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, .U 1 No. 1012 Spring Garden street, west of Tenth street, with, a.two-story brick dwelling in the_rear„on Nectarine street.; .;All at,.lpt 4 of . ground;`, With .rthe brickineanage • thetedn' ereetCd,'Sitnate' On' the south side of Spring Garden street, 154 feet west trom the southwest come ,. of Spring Garden street and Tenth street; containing in breadth east and west 18 feet, and extending in depth <about Jll2 feet to:Nectarine street. Bounded E. by ground granted to Henry Post, S. by Nectarine street, W. by ground granted to John Hunter, and N. by Spring Garden street; woidory-ttaine kitchen, gas; bath; gas oven;'&c.; Mao two-story ' brick dwellilhg - fronting on Nectarine street M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneer. i 1/S9 $110;141S6Oth Fourth street. mh3,10,25 PUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS & SONS. Auction ACurrs.—VERY ELEGANT COMNTEX SEAT. 4.4 , ‘ S. Germantown and Perklomen Turnpike CHESTNUT HILL, late the residence of Samuel Hildebarn, Esq., decd On TUESDAY, March Stith, 1566 atl2 o'clock , Noon; will bosold at' public sale,' at the 'Philadelphia Exchange; all that I elegant= Country seat:late the property of Sam'l Hildeburn Esq , deo'd, situate on the southwest side of the Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike, between Hiideburn and Sunset avenues, Chestsnt Hill. The lot containing in front on said Turnpike 142 feet, andextending;in depth along Hildeburn ave. COS it,, and on the northerly, line 5221 E The:Watialeril was built by the, late owner' th,aNerY, sa l pied& manner, sparing no 'expense to 'make en'ele gr.= retddence. as arge Hall ) in Mel centre; about 70 feet in lengtn, wide piazza on trine infest . ..elegant parlors, with sliding doors: library, dining room. breakfast roomand 2 - kitchens on the - first floor, 9 chambers on thesecondlloor, - atitl - 4 - chrimbers and a billiard room on the third 400 r; bath, hot and cold water, furnace,cOoking range, , The lawn Is beau tifully laid out, planted with shade and evergreen trees, with large stone wall in front ;and the scenery is unsurpassed=overlotiktr White Marsh ' , Valley - and other.beantifol scenery, „ , Immedlat possetia etori.' May be eine:ailed "any day previous to sale. AM - The above is one of the most , elekant and beau tiful located country placer in' the'vicinity of Phila . • M. THOMAS dr. SONS . Attelfolieers, fe23.28,mh8.7,10,17,19 139 and 14113. Fourth street" FOR SALE— A.-BEAUTLb UL COUNTRY SEAT, about 4,ti miles from the city, on the V NI YORK ROAD,half way, between , -Fisher's lane and Branchtowh," , confahling about five acres. Tne improvements consist of a two-story double stone dwellingslionse, rough cast, with 'plarze,''on two sides, two parlors. doing room, library, and two kitchens on the first floor, Tour Chambers,bsth . zoom. water closet on 'moor d; and four good chambers in the attic. Spring and hydrant water in thelarger kitchen, fur nace in the cellar that heats the whole house, and gas in every room except two of the • • The outbuilCings consist of a large new carriage home., and stable, with stalisfor five horses, and plenty of carriage room, a tarse ice house tilled'with ice, dc. The grounds are handsomely laid out, and abun dantly shaded. Apply at 13e9 Spruce street. m117.6t C RY -.E.SILBNCE TO RENT FOR Ica su f fine Tlt r Season or longer. n Montgomery County, smiles from luenixville, communication four times' daily. Large double buck Mansion Bunset; - two Acres of Ground, Truck Garden, 64.0 Grapevines Fruit Trees, Ice-home filled, also ; riv lieges reserved by owner of the Farm, N - Lz; Seep of "Lorre and Cow, earrlage-htmse, &c. i'or farther particulars inquire of. CIILLRLD3 D. K~'IGITT. SolltAl 'rhird street. Ii desired the entire Farm of h 5 acres be sold on favotanie terms. . 1e25-w-s-trj FOR BALE.-A- VERY - CHOICE AND DE9I RABLE FARM in the Twenty-third Ward, 10 in es from Market street, adjoining the village of Bustleton, containing So acres. Improvements nue. and land in a high state of cultivation, with plenty of shade, fruit and water. and everything in first rate order. Apply at 102, Chestnut street, second door, be. tween 10 and 2. laM-tu.th,sa,tl ifIN COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE.- A handsome 'et ntry Seat, with 35; acres of, round attached, situate on river Delaware at Dordentown, N,J. Man sion horse has paylor,flibrau,dulingrooin, 2 kitchen, and 7 chambers. All necessary out buildings. Iva mediatalimsession given. - Jt M.-01:7MMBY SOS Walnut street FOR ,RENT.—A double .tone Cottage (partly Ulffirrnfahed), with from one to five acresof ground. pleasantly located on• the route of the Passenger Rah. way, aof a mile f r om Witmington, Del. J. M. GUM - DM? dr, SONS, 508 Walnut street. SMPPEVO FOR NEW EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LINE Have commenced their regular OUTSIDE trips. . . Sign The NEW and first class Steamships . _ . .. virA SHIN GITON, Vartlial[ l l Ckleaester: NORFOLK, Captain Vance. , , ALENANDIELIA, Captain-Hattriek. VLROINIAL; Captain Snider. Leaving rnim each city on TIZWDAYS, THURS. DAYS and SATURDAYS, from first wharf -below Market street Philadelphia, and Piers ii and 16 East York These Ne w - • These Steamships Instre at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY atom usual, low rates. WM. P. CLYDE es CO , - Agents Sontlt Wharves, Phiadelphia. JAS. HAND Agent, la3-ift 117 Wall street. New York. Cg; - . receiving freight tialiy at invr - rates. second_wharf berOW - Sprtleottreq;ard, will Insure at low rates. P. FL CLARK...Agent, 314 and 816 BonttiDellwarn avenue. • - • STRIA Mvirrry LINE DIRXCT :Est), . 9 FROlit /UCH PORT VER. PITE DA FEL - FROM PHCE ST. WHARF, _PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship NORMAN. Captain Baker, will sail tram Philadelphia on Saturday, March 10, at le A.M.. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sail from Boston on Tuesday, Maros 11, at 12 M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston is now composed et the • • • SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen. NORMAN,Captain Baker, 1200 tons inxthen. .nItEFIB, Captain Crowell, 900 We burthen. , These substantial • and well appointed 'Steamships will sail nctual as advertised. an wi be received every day, ly a steamer - beingi d always *eight on ll the berth to receive cargo. - Shippers are .requested to send Bills of Lading with their goods.. Fortreigha cr V ' ssag RY WINS.= A 00.. By 2 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA RICRILOND AEiI The an d atinunahlps of fro m e twine at the loweea rateo and sail rrg.ntarly the Find Whrtrf above Market street, every . IMiIbNXBDAY and SaM.I).AY, At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, liorfoll and City Point, forming the moat direct route for the South and Southwest. - • For 'freight or gassage,,with excellent accommoda done, aPPI.9 to WM.P. OLYDR. Q 00.,. '.• - M North and; SernthWltarves. - . .NEW ,EIXPRESS LINE TO , ALEX itiY -, ANDELI: Georgetown 'and- Washington v Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with,cohnectiont at' 'Alexandria; Va.; forta tlny.rnost ¬ - route 'for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville. Nashville, Ballot., and the Steamers -leave. -First Wharf above • Bf.arket'efter every NlT.ednosday and Saturday at ]S , For allkht - apply to the agentsCLYDE 3 14.Nortli - Wharves. 3. 8.-DayidBolll;ligent ritgi3o rectirnit;M. faquige Co., AgentetWAlexandria. • -- , - NEW avw-sa&T , LINE. _,: '' ' D.E.L.,4•WARE , and . C.••,.d.dE.E.LIF. , 3 .r.Ale , TV-BOAT 00,3172LN'i; 1 ~.._ 4 3 8.A.13,GZ8 towed to . and. from PHDLA.DPIIId . h.LA. HAVRE-DE,GRA RA_LTIhi.OPX, W 4.,a11.1110 POWs-ad ,interra points; ~di •-, . _ •-,. .. • .e. OLYDR - 00,Aglinte, . • Mitt South Wharves, Phuattelphia, Captain JOHN luttiffilall,l3uperintendent. _ • • 'Etat dutArrcisct) 7808/1 5 1SONIEVCIASZFORBILLOIZPPERLINE. ' - 13AMLING BEGTTLAItLY,' AB ;•ADVEBTIQED. 'Frea t t for this Line( sent to Zew Fork by, SW: Thei Bp/end/CAI entreat. e at reduced rates. Ca& ship • , L. Hopkinoilemtnatider, 1 - ts,la now-ra t rdl9. loading az; oer'llEast - ItiVen Thiti hews fel Vessel Is one or the sharpest and bestlesselti now/Gad/pg..., aayin g , A portion of her altgo . , on boa rd with large engagements, wilikave o& ft despatch. For freightiyacy.to 1.. 1 1 c F. FiblioFiFicier, & Ver.; , r; ore,qt, - - VOUtAitt.triXl3 - 'lli -- • ' = . . e l Alissfast_ tlfter r, 7: s r: KA,1432CD121, - ,qtkuridere,iteastet.lliaving l mool -43 f ber carter eolgaged,.:will' tie 'despatetted" as aboTepositively, on. Tneulay..l.ttla...lrhot Fori.balancf) affrelght, apply titi - E'.4;T:/17.pE.p.et GO,;,DoOkAtree; art .. -•••S -1 - : . . . 7,:natit7f6t,- ielicionert.Wll:.FlTßEP , ll, Cobh;maeter,lB-40at loading-atlVlllavhitreettvhArf. and - „will have promdepatt.ti. 4 Ftir 7 mA.vED caoP:,%EtTiottheWhant ATOTICIE- 401 %TOM/ he r ,:ez.atio,ied„...bit .I.‘,,harporing. and3rneting, an ,'or,,the,ar,eAr rotth' DM111.112.11% - aa no ebta Ottheie 4:mar , ing will be paid by captain, or vanaigneee, • Br,,Co:;COredgatieB,l2B liVainnt apreet'.',r referig'CTAlO, Xpe or t er .4 4 Dc.,^ohl It:020,301 ,oc t gl e VAtitt „V „ laza b g aril of t t %% ta k e lY:-lAPAST III46 I4 III 4 ±;" g 4 2 Dock street wharQ 4-4 F.'," 4, (!i" TAB. a EammtEß;infeeessortololtbratiMatiEP .51 , MONK sairmakerkliro..loo-Nenhapai&W , LEW Avenue, Philadelphia. Ali work done in the beet manner and on Lae lomat and most Osvorable terms, and warrarned to eve par Sect cattafaction. Particular attention claws id repairing. PIMIDWEIL - ':gi v 7W:DA TRAVELI:Nti GIMIDE; NORTH ..PENNSYLVANIA - MIDDLE RODTEr aborted an mos direct line to Bethlehexa,Allentowni Nitta, ,Chnnk, Hazleton,' White - flatten ,Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy. City,asul pH pit bathe Lehigh Et& WYOI wing Coal Regions. - Passenger Depots In Phitadel hla THIRD street above Thompson, and corner of BERBB and AMICItI, CAN stmts. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. " ' NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and after Monday,Nov.2oth,D/65"ZeliVr trains leave., the Depot Th, street, above Thompson, daily (311131121-Ya excepted ), aafollowa AT 7.30 A. 711.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and and Principal Stations on North - Pennsylvania Rail. , road, connecting at Bethlehem with Leldgh Valley Cailr Railroad for‘Allentown, Ostasationa,Slatington, Manch Weatherlr - .reanesville, - Hagleton, White Ha. ,en w 'Masks/re, khavton, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming alleys; also, in connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad. Mr MahanoyClM _and with Clitawfara, Itsdlroadgor Rimert,,iDartyMe, Milton and Wllliamirport'Arrive - st - ManChlllmnk at 11.45 A. M. _at Wtlkesbarre at 245 P. M.; at iiiahanoy City at t P. AL Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Trainipassing Bethlehem atr12,,00 Eas tand 'points on New -Jersey Ventral Railroad:. to New York. AT 8.25 A. M.—Accommodation, Mr Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate - Stations: Passengers for WillovroDrove,-Hatborci and Hartsville, by this ,train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. 21.—AccoramddatIon. for Port Washing ton, stopp a ? at all Intermediate Stations. -.A.M.:MP ?Accommodation for; Doylestowd, • stop. Ping at ' intermediate stations. Passengers - take stage. at Doylestown for New Hope. AT 8.80 P. BL—Evening Express fir Bethlehem and principal .Btations -4m - the .North:P Ivaida Rail road, maMn&clorte , connecitirin at , Bethl with .Le. high ValleY Train for Easton, reaching there at r 3.46 P. M, Passengers Mt ' , Plainfield,_4Mmerville and other points on New Jerseorß,entral , R...R.Ltake N . J. C. Train at Easton, which arrives In New York at 10 P. M. Pita for Stimskytown take stage at North Wales. an at ‘,,Bethlehelniand for Greenville at Quakertown AT CM P. Id.-I=.AuCommoriarbury for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Fititbord' and Hartaville take stage at Abington : for Lumberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. m.—Throtigh Accommodation, for Beth lehem and. all Stations on-main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, cormactitig at slietideinurOvlGilehlith Valley LEveningc_Trainforgralzda - nu Tem& ValleY Rallroatildni flor Dativilhg Casawisas Estihowl. 27±1:757% ztt:—*::xsiitodathin;.4or , tiinaaabiqtstiip ping at all Intermediate Bastiona. .6111. P. ZE,Antanntodallan Sor Mtn ViPaplngton. TBAII7BFOB •P/U:L.IiDELPECIA. Leave Bethlehem ArtWilizel 7402 A.M.. and 6.0 P. M. passengers leaving EastOn at 9.30 A. M., connect at Bethlehem arid arrive in Philadelphia at 1225 P. M. Passengers leaving Wllkesbarre •at 1 P. M., connect at Bethlehem at 6.15 P. M.; and arrive In Philadelphia at 6.45 P. M. - • Leave Doylestown at 6.80 A. M. 8.15 and 5.30 P. M. Leave Lansdale at 6.10 A. M. . Leave Fort Washington at 10.50 and Mt P. M. ON SIINDAYB.. Philadelphia for Bethlehem 9A. M. Philadelphia for Doyl_ estown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Phila delphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem du Philadelphia ars P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets et: Par:sr Cars cony y paw er 4nit ere i t ge. A rs ne of Second om i a ' n s d M e lt di e = Line convey Irrallegmers to Third Street isepot. _ • Tickets must be procaredat the Ticket CelfuzsaßlßD rates street of or EFTials street. In-order lS, to secure the Agent. lowest flue. .F.t.r CLARE. Baggage Express wAlcall for and deliver at the Depot. B OIMrSo. US South THERM street. ,FOR NEW YORK.—The GAM: - DEN AND AMBOY and PHILA.- I 51a. IW. A' I TRENTON' KALLROA_D COME. PANT'S L.DrES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from WALNUT STREET Yi'MARF, will leave as follows,vix. : . Fara At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy,Accom., g 2. so At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, 300 At 2 P. M. via C . a.mnen and Amboy Express, 2 z AL 12 M . _" moon) and' BP. AL, Via Camden and Amboy,. Accommodation, (Freight and PaS sengea) . 25 At 6 and 11.511 P. if., via Camden and Amboy, ACcons modation, (Freight and PasSenger) Ist Class Ticket, . 2•B 2d ClassT?cam. 150 At 6 and 10A.M.,2 and 5 P.M. For Motuat.liollyEMVUS ville, Pemberton' and Vincentown. At 6A. il., and 2 P. M. far Freehold: ' At 6 and lo A 1.12 AL 3.00, 5, 6 and 11.30 P. AL for Pal. my ra, Riverton, Delano°. Beverly, Edgewater, Bar ling. ton. Florence. Bordentosvn, dhc. The 10 A. BL and 5 P. M. Line runs direct through to Trenton. I.INES FROM.E.Cf3D:GTDN DEPOT will leave as follows • At 1115 A. AL, 4.31 Pi M . and 6,45 P. M. via Ken sington and Tetley tlty Ke"'ir. ress . V co At 12 P. M. ight) via ngton 'and Jersey The 6.45 P. AL Line will run daily, • Alf others San daya excepted.:' At 7.50 and 11.15 A. M. 2,3. m, 4-39, 5 and 6,45 P. M. and 12 Midnigist, fbr Bristol, Trenton. ,tc. At 7A. 11.,.'itr50, 8,• 5, and 6 P. N. for Cornwell!, ror • • risdale, Holinesbiug,Taceny. WissinomMg, Brides ;burg 'and'FrankfOrd and P. 11.; for Holmeelsorg and Intermediate Stations. . • BELVEDERE' 1112LAWARE • 11-AlTxtrtAD, fer the Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvanist;ant New )Cork State, and the Great Lakes. - Twd through trains dally (Sundays excepted) fromEenelnytoan De pot, as follows: • - At 5..%) A. X. andB.3s P. Hi 'for Niagara Falls, But faloclumkirk; Canandaiguaitlmira, -Mat*: Owego, Mont ,ptoti..wers-, ;'-hyaaavwci - oweas Bend, _Wilkesharre ' Scranton. Stroudsburg,. Water Gap, Belvidere, -Easton, - Lambertville, Fiera ngion, &Jr- The 3-30 P. N. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Eastott 31.auch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. dr At 5 P. AL for LambertvMeandintermediateStations /VP For New York. and Way Lines leaving Ken tington Depot , take , he cars on Yifth street, - above Wannt, half an hour.beiore departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from th Det. On bandayr.-Qmnibcsses will leave Wal- nut t stre p e o t wharf at P. M tO- eons:teat with fl 45 P. 31 line. • . Fifty Pounds ofßakgage only* allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prombltedflom talchs - • anything as but their wearing appareL All baggage over ratty pounds to be paidlbr extra. The Company limit their responsibility tbr baggage to One Dollar per pound; and will not be liable for any amount beyond IWO, except by . 'specialcontract. - • Tickstx avidOnd baggage checked dir ca th.-,:ntillt to Graham's Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. 'Orders to be left at 'No. S Wel; nut street. • LINES FROM NEW YORE FOR PHILADELPHIA: Will leave from toot of Cortland Street, at 12M. and 4P. AL, via Jersey City and , Camden. At 7, 10 and 1.134 A. 31., 6P. M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken singuus. From Pier No. 1 N. River. , at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden.' At 12 AL, 3 and 6 P. N. (Freight and Passenger) ; , via Amboy and Camden. WM H. OAT/MEL Agent. Tr, PENNSYLVANLA. GEM •VFLBOAD. m• AIate.NOECILMNTS. The Ludes of the pennsylvama IL. R. Wl.ll leave the New Depot at Thirtieth and Market streets. The cars of the Market Street Passengec Railwa3 run to and from this Depot. They also leave Front street °Very two minutes._ commencing one hour pre vious to the time of departureuf each 'Frain and ahoss about So minutes fOr a trip, Theit cars are, In waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey Psasenvm Into the city, and connections are made with all roads aces n,glEarket street. ON SUNlZalra—Cars leave. Eleventh and surge: streets as 6.457. AL, to connect with the „Pittsburgh and Erie tc.il•and at 10.11 P. M. with Pldiadelphla Ex. _Hann s Baggage Ittpress will hateafter be located al No. al South Ileventh street. Parties desiring Baggage taken to the trains, can have it 40110112 208150210/0 riles u a temlicatOn to him. 'r,F.ASI4 ARRIVE AT. DEPOT =AVE. ERIE 'EXPRESS . MAIL TRAIN PAOLI L ACCOL, No. • 1 FAST INE • peDa'F.AtilllitO, HARRISBURG ACCOIIL, LANCASTER ACCOII., • , PAOLI Twsl -7 4, No. 2 • PITTSBURGH .k.ERDE MAIL .FHILADELPITIA EXPRESS ansive. CINCINNATI 'Pm PRESS,. • " 1.20 A. Bi PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS • " 7.10 A. PAOLI ACCODL., Ne.l - " 9.20 PARICESBURG • - , . " 0.30 ERIE x - PRESS • • 11.20 LANC.ABTER TRAM • P. BE FAST LINE A - -•- " PAOLI ACOOM.,No. 2, , • , ,4.40 " DAY EXPRESS - • • ' 1 5.45 " HARIIISTIURG-AUCOM., ~ • • , 1,1 ,• Philadelcbia dally: - PittsburgOther Erie Mail leaved (Merit Balsirdlin Trains dally-exCept day. The PennaYlvantallartroad 00:34111 libreganiiie any risk fln 13 except:or-W=log and their respoielibffitY td One 'EL in value. ail Baggage exceeding that amount 'avian°, bo at the risk of the-owner, - ardetts talcen by tpectat eentlmet. For farther Infornattioni seta time and connections. see bills and framed cards, or 6pply to. ; Z ; az-PARKs. Ticket Agent, at thb Depot. An Emigrant Train tirnadally,except Sunday. For lull inibrmatlon as to gars and luxximmodatlawi, apply to PRANCIIit ;No; -IN Dock Street. ,•• YPIELLADELPHIA. AND BALM _ MORE CEIMITRELL RAILROAD. —,••n ‘l4: ORKElNTnandaftet/W-RD NPRMAY. CMtabeilatte, - 1885,thetridna willleaVAPhil , adelphittlMM:fthe cdepotof , -West Chester And Phil adelphia Railroad, corner. le itTMrtydinit - and! Market streets, (West Philadelphia - at 8.03 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. Leave Oxford at 0.00 Ul.:.llC.'and3.lo P. M. A. mar ket train will leave thatßiaing Sun, .on Tuesdays and Fridays, for Philadelphia, atIO.4S , AJAL, aad returning will leave Philadelphia , for RiainerSun,on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 24161 P. M. u: i• The train leaving Philadelphistat 8,05 A. M., connects at Oxford with a doily line of stages from Peach Bot tom in .Lancaster colinty. Returningleaves truing Pot, tom to connect at Oxibrd With the itifternoon for Philadelphia. PasseiagerS are allowed to take wearing apparel only as:beggsgei MAI bum taw will the Oom less a nany be pecial 18 m respo contract nitre for Mant ade on= exceeding 4100, un s for the same. -1 1 'I, CIA 'Z'LI 21:t1. 'WOOD. GenaliarSuilettntemiurm -; ;;tr 2 -;;";,. 777.11 1 , " G a. o - N ;mi -‘b 4 e ir? riN: ei , Er,b444 . , inAT4334) _ , , • 4 ,- %1 a th . j .,... : ill. 1 . 5014,11.'" .. s) 3 .. s . cometrj ,i ; ju .4ut,:: , tt f a talr a VlE . VA ht liti. A : ....., . . tha•Pldladejobla, Wirelln ..ce)it e..7...d mr.f. ......, : • :, . ~ rorpatadelphla, by was of tho :lbws 4:ti g oVl area 'the 0 uu t 1_ to•Fellght r` ihdlab ped WO to T arid putt, , through rotas and.farther Information, apply to A. COWTON & CO., General Freight Agents. JPICN B. WU...SON, Freight Agent. Filth street, Zd door below Chestaut. !,`l~A~~tG~i lO,`IB~~G~ . `, 47:-• • READING BA 7TAXIA.D. - 4FROX a s k i m: __iltEAT TRUNK, TO THE' /NTERIGNOPKEIN SYLViaiLk; 13•CHITYUKYLL,HUBQUEHAN 51AVOUMBERLAND AND-WT.O2MM NAlridß, TEL NORTH, P;fl_7l•2l. w ms2Land the CANADAS. WINTER_ ..RaAsaIIItLEND OP-- , PABEIRAGER TRAINS - i.eavintho w ; B Catanl n i ITAsoe.e.s. ssild'ODO ' B Madalphia atthe following bolus: '•'• • - •• •-• • +•'-' , c• 210.13NDSHILLIE. - 0 • ‘''-• At 8 'Aril:, for- Readhsg,'''Debanon, , lfsirlibUrg. Pottivllle'•Pine Grove, Tantaqual•Suntrbry, • will port, Elmira; Rochester,-Nhigara Buftlo, town, Wilkesbarre, Pittston,y • erk,Carlisle, Main connects • at! I'MADING with the End Pennsylvania' Railroad . trains for -Allentown; , drc.; and with the Lebanon Valley train for , Harrisburg, ad; 'at , TORT•'• CLINTON . ' With: Datawissa Railroad trains for Williamsport, Lock Hagen. Elzatt*,'&4. at HARRISBURG' witlrNorthern Cantral,Venaberituld Valley,' I end Srbnylkill and, 131184nehanna Aral= fin lirorthtunbrialld,Willhonsport.'Yetk; lltdonbershmg, Pinegrove, " " • AFTERNDON'EEP/DIES: Pfilladelpida at 2.20 P. 11f.• for•11.1 01 M - Potts tHarrisburg,trm, , •comiectieg with-gaming and Columbia B. trains for Columbia dn., and with Cats wissa Railroad trait; for hilitonMillanulPOrkEhllirs4 READING ACCOMMODATION. ' , DeaVealteadMgMASO A. at, stopping at all arrives in'Thlladelphla at 9.20 A. lletarning;leaves Pliludeigva at 4.8017. , M.l:trxrives in - Reading at 7.89 p.. 51. • . • , , Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.25 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.80 A. -M.V arriving :In' Philadel phia at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. X., and , Pottatllb3 at, 2.45 1 P.:11.; -azdvimg at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. X. •- • • . Harrisburg accommodation leaven Beading at 7.88 A. M. mut Harrisburg at 9.00 P. X. IMarkettrailiovitliwPaesenget: tar riaticherf, leaves Philadelphia - 1245,n00n• for • Reading. and- all -way B t a ti on sammy3 Tte.ding IMO A.-. 51.; and - Downingtown 11.80 - P.ll. 10r. Philadelphia and all wayetationm . - lAlltheabove , traltus rundsdlyiElundays 'Sunday trains Leave %Pottsville at - 4.oCrmV • ssul 'Phlladelphla at &MP. M-‘• •s- - • - • CIELESTER VALLEY lI.AMROAD..- - Passengers for Dawningtowmandintsraterliate=a take the 8.00 A. M. and 4.80 P. M. trains from P • Ptah, _mturning from ., DowniUgtoWn 7 : 05.A.: IL - and 12 so con_ • ' • - - • ENV YOB } nicemZEI'FUR kyrnEugaronc,AND . . Delves New YllAt. at 9.00 A. .5L- and - 8 P. X. Pa6B l 2 Reading atl A .- ; - and lL • P: IL. and - 4;1)1mm , _ Harrisbl with Pennsylvania, and Northern °mural Railroad .Trains for PitratmrgholEduago, Wil. llamsport. Baltbnoro. Au. 'Returning, !Express Train 'lawny Harrsburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Ettinten from Pt at and 9.05 A.llV,pasetng Readillx at 4.49 and 11112 arriving's& New York In A. M.,•and1.46.r. M. Sleeping rghl i r s viihV lthx°l2l: " 6"l"ll4l3el City man an train Ne w York leaven 1,45 p . M.' EralitralA Par 112rrisburgleaves Netv oxtail" ECHITYDIIILL VADLEY.RAILROAD. • Trains leave Pottsville at 6.45, II A. M. and 7,1.5 P. M. taro:Ming from Tamaqua at 7.15 A. - AL; and 1.40 and SOHUMULL AND SLISQtrYELLICINA RATIMOAD. • Trains leave Auburn at 7.45. A. Df.. , for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50-P. M. 'for Einegrove and Tie. mont; returning fromHardsburg at C00P.21. and from 170.2n0nt at 7.00 A. 3.L.and 6.08 P. M. - TICKETEI. Through "irst-class -tickets and • emigrant tickets to all the prinOpal 2;oM:sin the North and, West and . The following tickets are obtained only at the Office of S. BradfOrd, Treasurer ,No. South north street, Philafielphta, or of G. A. rumps, General superintend ent, 7 4- , .ing. - • COMMUTATION TICKETS, At 23 per cent., lusretmt between any 'points desired for NmMes and firms._ _ MILEAGE TICKET% • Good for 2,000 rolles,between all points, at lid 50 Erin, for Hamilles and firms. • . Sv• &SON TICKET& For three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders Only, to nil points at redone& IRGYI rates. CLEII33IO Betiding on the line of the 'Road will be famished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at dolt--fare. _ EXCURSION 110r...cats, From 'MTlade-Iphi% to principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be sad only at the Ticket =neat Thirteenth and Callow hill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of au deeteptlons forwarded to all the above panto from the CornpailyA Bete Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAIN& Leave Philadelphia daily at 5.30 A. AL, 1L45 noon and 6 P. AL, for Ruithe, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points borne!, . • ape° at the Villatielphia , Post Office for allplacee on the road Cods Ita branches at S'A. - IL, and for the prin. cdpal Mo .only at 2.15 P. PHILADELPHIA R&1 Ll i " I AND -Commencing MONDAY. hiarch nth, /865. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broadstreet and:Washington avenue, as foilOws: Ex.press- Train, at 4.15 ,A. M. (Morava excepted), for i t mere and Washington. stopping at Chester. Wilmington, Perryville, RavredeASitace,.. Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia, Chase s and Steramer's Bun. Delawareß.l3_ Train,l3.lsA3L(lsThcmday excepted), for Salisbury. Milt rdtmd interta.%te stations. Way-mail Train, at 9.15 A. M.. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at Chester' Thurlow, _Linwood, Claymont; an art - regular mations netween Wilmington and Baltimore. Ex prtss train at 11.44 A. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, • Fitz - Mee Train at 11.45 P. M. (BnxidaYll excepted), fbr Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester,- Claymont, Wilmington, ricrwark,Bllitton, North-East, Perryville, Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia, Chase's and Stecomer's Bun. Night Express at ILtO P. M. forßalilmore and Waah. th rastengem by boat from Baltimore fin Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and -Itichmoad will take the 11.45 A. Bi. Train. _ WII mrsit4TON' ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, stopping= all stations between Philadelphia and Wil- Mington. Leave Philadelphia at 8.15,1115 .A.M.;8.30,5.50 and 11.z0 P.M. The 3.39 P. M. train connects with llie Dela. ware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate sta. dons. Leave wriington. 7.00, 8.15 and 9.30 - A. M., SAO and SOO P. M. Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M., 8.50 and 5.:.0 P. THROUGH. rR.LINS FROM BALTIMORE • Leave Wilmington-at 1100 EL. LSO and 1(100 PaLLa. teLPHIA. Lace Chester at 8.111, 8.56 and 10.14 A. 1L,11.3. SAS, 5.045.44 and 10.36 - P. M. Prom Baltimore to Philadelphia.-Leave Baltimore 8.;. , a A. M., Way Mail. ,9-ai A. M., Express. LlO P. ILL, .ftpress.• 625 P. M.,- -- press: 8.501. M., Express. Trains far Baltimore leave Chester at 4.19 and 9.19 Q. M . and 3.5 P. M. • _ Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington St 5,M, and 10.85 A. if., and LOS P. , SIINDAI TRAINS. Erprms Traittat - 4 15 A: M. ibr Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Perryville, Havredel3raceo Aberdeen, Perryl3llllYB, Magnolia, Chase'a and Stammer's Run. , NightlExpresa 1100 P. M. for Baltimore , and Wash ington. • . • - 'accommodation Train at 11..z0 P.M., for Wilmington and intermediate Stations. - BALTIMORE FOR PITILADELBEELC Leave Baltimore at 8.50 P. 31..; stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stop at Elk ton and Newark- (to take passengers fbr Phrladelphia and leave passengers from Washington' or Balllmore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore ,or A spec train will leave Wilmington fbr Philadel• phis and Intermediate Stations at 530 P.IIL Freight trains with passenger car attached will leave Wilmington fer . Perryville and intermediate stations at, GM P. ;M. ' Leave Baltimore for HaNTe de-Grace and intermediate Stations at 4 45 P. M. ' . • ,RENNEY,.Etnixtriisteralent . St 720 DS. • • ".10.00 , " 1200 M. • " 1.WP,.11L • " 230 4. 4.00 5 . 30 0 7.30 .• . " nao MINWM sr,tt_ tua MILLADELMIA GM:ULAN ' TOWN T AND' 2=IORRIS'POWN =NM"'my .-TEDLE TABIOL-On- an& After WHI). NEBDAY, November Mt,188.5. , until farther notice. Leave PhiltaielDhia6. 7c8i9,40,11, 12, 44). M 4, 1..2, me minutes, ; . X, 4,5, SX, 8,7, 8, 9,10, 71, 72, P. M. Leave Gerin,antown,-.6.• 7, - 1fi,44 , 1 , 20. 9, 1001021:A. M.; , ^B, 8, 4. N. £, 6 X, 7i1:9;10, 71X,7_21.; _ 5%1 80.014ritt,_and UnIBX and, IVX up trains d» not stop en Germabtown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 'minutes, A. IL; I. 7 and LeaveGeiniantowM4 A. Id. I;r6aii9X,p. AL • CIII.STNOTHILL OAD. Leave Philadelphia-8, 8, 19, 12, A. IL; 2, CX, SX, 7,11, and ic P. M. Leave Chestnut HM-7.10 minute/48,7.40, and 11.0 A. 5 L4O, 8.40, 5,40, &Al and 10.40 r. -_, 0 • -MAYS. Leave Philadelphia-41.10 iniuutze, A. M.; I, and 7 P.M. Leave Chestnut HUI-7.447 minutes , A. M.; 12.40, 640 and 9.25 minutes P. IL I 4 - FOR corTsHosaznata AlTh NOMMESTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-8, 8.35,11.05 minutes, A. M.; Hi. c 43i. 53i, BX, 3.05,_and1.,,, M. - Leave -Nortistown-M,a7;1.50, 9,11, A. MA 13, QC The sg P. Whoa- Alekoni: hisraOmuki 8P7114 05 1 A And Conshohocken '• , Leave Ph~ladelp~tis-9 Al M.))2%. lila 7 P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A. IL; and 5 P.M. FO, MANAYCNIC. , • ' , Leave) PhiladelnhiaS;B.3s,lLos, A. FL; IX, 8, IX, 0,5,-85,417,9341X-B-M-- - - 'Leave Blanto:um-631,` 840, 9X,113, A. M.; 7, 5. 83i and 8, P. M. • • ONEFONDAYIB. , - Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M 4 2,X, and 7P. M. Leave Matlayundr- 4 _7K A; AL; sVand T. J..,80.73 General Superintendent , Depot, Ninth and Green stmetA; DA . TELBOUGH LINE. , • • - TAW.tht3A,SAILEOAL. il - &lit= llne toliT„_ll.lpert,Elintro ,o2lle g lond4dro N Eraapprision MeV. AIIEL plaCediil'yhetern, North Western allii°°uthWea et'n States ondUe Ciinadrie. Bilildiva excepted) . Les ' v O O ttr- P t hil l:4li a t PeloYdit an atimdal d Leaveve North, yennw Leadi4gßreP°t. I 3114'.3P.R.i.. Dep o t •- • r,, .B, , aito • 5.15 P. M. ",.; 1.31) . PA`M. • ' d A y tits 15 , k. ' • tr4/11°1113u32 rand tEI ~ •Ar w.ir.••••er direct cooriec on, e a • it.ar•N"Nyit,b, }Dtie Allwapp at.rst . doto_anck . wittv,A_tialttio and , ,Greot,,a•Mternn .railviT•Y l at PlAlWnrir .U.lO With ,Lehe _Shore *ridge Wittoereat Western railway. ii Yam Bledplx' t .41 sa bra,n,yOpeciirle." bxt r ab a 4".• - ' 1311 t plib" Betond cats , 07 th , n ion cc° patm each express 'train. giving pdeeengerePthe-adtraktari of high speed with low fare. F or through tickets and farther partletdars concern log the Nutal^ at the. Ticketof ce. 121 Chestnut street N. VAN EDEN, Pas. Agt• tittmarge 1865. ,A.ND ERIE 8.A.U.5.0AD.;1865. ißea 4i - traverses the , o Northern' and Noun. West counties, Pennsylytusia the city , 4Clei ' 4)n Lake Erie. -t , it has been:leased an& is operatod by, the Pargipb.. yania - ,ltaltroad Company. " , . (-• • . Whom ON PAPtaxbilazat . TEAMS 1T P:71114.11311.F:2PL4. EASTWARD Erie A 3 1 1 7 1 .3 . . ' to r. 24 EriePEW.aa, l 3 Train - - • , -"" 8 - ; 41'..- Tkain ss . • I'2o - 11 . passeneer cars run ...vosnortnbris Nan ankßlgo _resat Tram w ith ou t change } both ways, between fiael.: nhis sad 331rie. . • -•-• 'brat roux comriorrost._.` ' - fOade New Tbrk• at 666 P. M., arrive at Brie s 87 A. M. Leave Erie at. 153 P, M., arrive at New Yorkaas IC No change of cars between Erie azsiNew m o w., d For Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. - For motion respectinglanicapr business awl, :at 131.1ZTL16/11. And MAU. St .ftll.l. &WAIL OI •• And for Freight business, of the Company% SataangdOn, Jr., corner •Thirbsentir sad 11114Fbiladelphia. J. W. Reynolds:24le.• r4 :7 Brown, Agent - , N. O. R. Bi t . Baltimore. • H..11. - sa.OI3I2YrON, • -General Wert Agent a uk ulelptaw; Banana Ticket AVIA .1- TWAstinsPOrt. .WENT cnIESTERAND.IIIifait. t osi? - 7 , DE.LPHIA' • R A rialrlitik , 1711. WINTER _ ;Oa and eller WEDNESDAY , October 18th , lerio. kite trains will leave artfollows: . .• - , WEEIT CTILEISTAIR, TRAMS, • 'Leave Philadelphia far West Chester &06,1L00 Lae.. • Zoom Wret Cheater for Philadelphia 6.40, .8.1540.45 40 P. M. . • -; . ~•.=• leaving West Chisterat &BAAL. and leaving Th i ladelphiaat 420 P.M., will, not. atop at. Penneiton, and - willstop below B. CAtmction. at Media 0n1y..: Leave (Philadelphia fbr. Peenelton. 4.00 LIAO Leave Penneltoa-lllr ranidephisi ihsA. , *; est) These Tiling; .gtep' at all inteimedlate DN 131311DAYB—Leave Philadelphia at, 8,80 and 2.00 P. - - • • , ,Leave West orgitester7.so A.ll and 4.00 ' M., and nintidelphilVat 8.05 A.M. and 4.301 P. N., and leaving West Chester at 8.15 A. M, and 4.35 P. M... connect at B.O.r.Ttmctinn with Trains on the P. and for Oxford andintermedhtte,points. AirYsaseagertgarealiOwea - to take.wearing slower only sa Baggagryand the - Company wio not„, izr any ease, be renxlnslble for an amoral& eiceeding onehun, drod - dallars unless a ..spnwhd,-_- contract is nude for the llama Y 'WOOD. General SuDertotandeatt• r„.".•:.,,„•,,,,, • w.,:,:v.„,,.. 00tis1. , .$: • z ta',llV,Yir•-•• ''' '.. ' 1 wi. cK Mksil:fe : I THE PAN HANDLE ROUTE 'WESTWARD Owing to the great distance saved by THIS ItOtrT the Ocrveztuxtent has assigned to it the carrying of the S.2ditil, to the Princinal Cities of the West 'and Southwest. TEEMS BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CAW BETW.L.h.N PITIT , A TIBLPHIA..A.ND_OLNOINNATI, AND BIT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. , , , PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE /N CINCINNATI, EiDLAN.LA_POLIS. CAIRO AND S OTHKR LT. LOOIS, ON E. E TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY IN Passengers leaving Philadelphia. at 11.50 A; /IL 'will arrive at Altoona in the evening for--supper, -where Woodruff's Celebrated Palace ittate-Room Bleeping Cars will be attached, aroji run through to' Columbus without change. scaling changing cars at Pittsbarglii at midnight, a comfort never before afforded to p thei traveling community Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA. STEUEES: Vi TV" at PEEN - SYLyANIA. RAILROAD OFFICE- • Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets.. . -Philadelphia.. _ _ _ B. F. SCULL., • Gen'l Icket Ag't.Btenbonville; jams, B. MIT .T e: '1 Eastern Pass. 26 Broadway,s w Y JOHN DIIRS_ND, Gen'lSup't. .. 43 fei°4-11i WEST JERSEY SAILBOAT) SSE3--From foot ofatarket street 3.-4I.EM:BAIc-%IM SundaYli` FAI LA" Vc7 Commienring VirEDNESDAT,NOVEMBER 13th. For Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on Westlet• ger and :stem Saltroads, at 9A. M. and a,90 PAL- For Miliville and all intermediate Stationsost9 Er.. and.; P. M. ForCapelliay and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. Df., to connecting with freight train (Passenger car attached) Ibr Capehlaydue 3:.?-9 P. M. and 300 P. M. throug h Pazne nger. due 8.00 P. M. For Glassboro' and intermediate Stations, at 9•A. M. aandB.3oP. M. For Woodbury. Gloucester, &c., at 9 A. M., .3,/ and 6.30 P. M. w Frei iht train willleavePhliedelphia than SandibriTs still A. M-. and Camden, at 12 M. • VAN R DMISSELA-My Superintsmoont. THE WEST JERSZYRiaI`6I.EXP OOMPANY Will attend-to all thensual branches of EXPRESS BlTS sszs, receive, deliver. and forward. through ether re sponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the coca try, any are entrusted to them. A Special Meissen tw• sex:cm:mantes each through train. Office, /SO. 6 OFFICE-OF THE ADAILSHIC- M , PMI'S COMPANY; 820 IDIS'Pr -T '4D l ' . Framanst,rnm, January 27th, Eat The Ads.ma Dress Company have' their fewilities Wngton, D. C., - by building a Depot, and -having acquired additional capacity ibr Epr p e o ssfe ti ght P now p e an p ePda o m ea w toW H sah ea in Y ton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, AdiattaltAM Fortress Mo and Other - South, occupied by the army, at redu ades, Special' agreements e for 21 - ereliturdnie In large lots.- Sutler's goods and army supplies at: satisfactory prices, cm application at our Mace. Soldiers' -parcels . taken at much less than our usual rates.. - Heavy and bulky packages received -r and receipte d for at our. depot, Southeast corner ot BB.OAD and LO OUST streets. - JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent. RARITAN AND DELAWARE Gaiter .R..AXLROAD.—NO PICE.—On - AY, February 12th ,_the Express Train Ntill-be discontinued. The Freight Train leaves CAM DEN at 3 o'clock, P. M., daily. (Sunday excepted,) ar riving in hiew York next morning. 'Freight taken at low rates. feint' • L: B. COLE. Agent. LEGAL - . NOTICIESs Xi ARIA LOUISA BUELAIL by her next friend, vs. CHARLES W. BITELAIL— °Mkt of Common Plets of the Citk and County of ptutsAel phis. In lei sorce. December Term 186.5 No. 27. CHARLES W. BUELAR. Respondent- in 'above case—Six - You will pleasa- take notice thatinterroga. tortes to be addressed to the witnesses to be prodticed in - this Cale on the part of the libelant. have been filed, and that tre said witnesses will be prminced and ex ermined by J. HOWARD GENDELL, Es 4., Examiner appointed by said Court for that purpose, ort the Mth day ol Blarch t ,A. D. MG, at 4 o'clock P. U. of that day; at his office, No. 4(e Walnurstreet, rhiladelohia. when and whez e you may attend: or in the meantime tile cross interrogatories, as you may think proper. JOHN C. REDILEFFER, fe27-15t 3 Attorney for Libelant.. IN THE, ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY. AND C021..i I OF PHILADELPHEA.—EstEit of PATIENCE SIMONS, deceased. The auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the so count, of , A4llllam Hughes, Executor of .Patiesou, Simons, deceased, as filed by Mary Hughes and Ed,qun A. Hughes, Administrators of William Hughes. de— ceased, and to iepOrt distribution of the, balance in WO bands of the accountant, will meet the parties infar ested forthe purposes o f bis appointment, on FRIDAY." , Mauch 161 h, A. D. 1E66 at 4 o'clock, P. 3.t. Atlas. office, No. Sr Race street in the cit of , Phil itdelphia. mhy3,s,tu,th-Sts TN - THE ORPHANS' C YURT FOR THE .2- - COUNTY OF. PHILADELPHIA.—Estate:' . .of • i‘t MASON, deceased, The auditor pointed by the reurt to audit, settle and adjast'tne account of JANE E. MASON, Executrix. ,of thelast and, testament of said deceased and to 'report' dis= tribution of the balance in the hands of the secountint, 7111 meet the parties interested for the purpose 'ands aTlPOintment, on TUESDAY March 13th;1866, at '5 o'clock. P.M., at his Office, No. 529 VINE street, inthe city of Philadelphia. EDW. S. PAM PEEL,W4 nah3-s,tu,thst Andltor. .1.3 THE ORPHANS' COUlt .FuR Tan; Cl LW' .I. COUNTY OF PHIL ADICLPFFIL —.EstaZ i e GOTTLIEB F. GROSZ. deceasecti—Notiee is h y riven CATTEARINE GROSZ, widow. s of said 11.ve dent, bas filed in said Court her petition, and art praisemeut ofthe personal property elected terbefird tnined by her undet the act of Aprll 14th.:,1115t,'and supplements, ar d that ;the same will te.npprovedn,y , the Cour on FRID_kI , Apr il 43'h; lB66,Aurtiesslaacep tions be filed thereto. ' ' TACOS BOWERS; ` rah9-asw4t* ':,Attorney for Pettttener. ITEE S' CO CRT FOR 'TV.EGITy_AND CouvrrY P Ft IL 3.13 E! inn A:.—Estste Of PA VII) P. 3100 RF, deceaseu—Notted: herebr giVen that.AXNE I.looREzwidow of said decedent, has filed in said Court her petition and an appraigemeotlf . the ersonal property elected to be retained by Ithr.Xuder the act of Aprlll44loE4l, and its aupplements.und that the same Wlll he approved by the Court on FRIDAY, April 6th, 1866; =les§ re.tceptibro be filed tbereto. 1.-- • .1.4 .1 - . GEOUGE W. THOR,I , T,, tttnntey for Petitipaer INTN THE ORPHANS' COUn.T FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PR LADELPH.IA. —Estate , of AT.RYANEERLEFAIER,Sr.; deceaied.The Audited° appointed by the Court to audit, settle and^ adjust the fourth and final account of DA.NIEL'IIIoIfOX and ALEXANDER LEIMER: Jr 4: En eel:dors , of the last wilt and testament of Alexander, iLeituer, Sr.. deed, and to-report distribution of the balance. In the hands ofthe accountant, will meet-the pedalos inte rested for the purposes of his appointment , oar SION, DAYs, liarch'i9th,lB66.b.V4 o'clock P. M:, ls his office, No, LIS S. SIXTH Street; in the City - of Philadelphia. • inart-eu,W.4,st* 400D.1, Auditor. DYEING 'THE ..taxxgaq ISLAND 'FANCY; D AT. THE OLD hr_AND,L' - ••!.- No. 12 NORTH BIGHTS TR-NET'(BABT_IBRiIp.) • NO OTHER `OFFICE tbol3enetlts of an expe f - iece of 'nearly:V-INT .7•111 A BS' ON ST iswaT,D,"ankticluiwci - I.EQIGALI - Jg BY AN Y 'OTHER EST In ibittitioun try: NVP , offer sopa 'for indrice entaVne - pO Btts qr FAN.' -GOODS,fOrt tyNOOII - ' errprzisrprtir - • •,' - • - Baitti li ElLw.N.E.WLE , w,s'&ol , .•••••••• 0.1,7t.J,..-Nortb-.miet _Strecis: Nqs; ;lard 2'JOHN p reet; 'New:N:ll4r, j i L.- .No. 238 BROADwAY; New Torr., -• • No. 269 _FULTON Street, Brooklyn. toh3-Irn? nAIiARY WED.—Twenty-five ,barrels Prima Oa, nary Seed In store aad tors4a by WOIIII.2dAN CO.. Ro. street giaSt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers