CITY ISITLILETIN. PHILADELPHIA COUNTY nineteenth annual report of the Inspectors of the county prison for 4865, made. to the Legislature, has just been Pstiedt 'lt' stales that the total — number-of commitments for the year .186.5' was 16,142. This was not a vexy large increase over those for . 1864,', which :were1.4,067; 1.11 is leas than thosefor 1863; which , were - 17.219: and'more than' one• filthless than those" for 1860, which amounted to 20,801.. . The entire increase in tt e commitments for 1865 was of, white males.. Thus there were 10,461 white males c ommitted against 8,098 for the previousl ear( and of white women only committed -against, against - 4,771 for the previous year.' • •• - The expenses Of the prisoners were 169,452 33. The profits or the manufacturing department were 62,357 69, and the amount received tor the support o t United 13tatesprlsonete 2.5. This leaves the actual cost to 'the city for the mahte.,nance of the prison, VS 252;33; "'During the year sir deaths occurred' in the convict department. Twe of them were, from suicide.° one from coronic diarrhoea, one ',from paralysis, one,from 'consumption and one from syphilis. The following were the expenses of ' the prisbu for the lbst twelye years : • • • - _Prisoners.Ebst 3851 1855 . • - 14,794' .85,499.37 1856 14,961 , 90,352 78 - • 16,803 . 54,841 90 _ - ...13,134. . . ; 53,183 63 1859 • 20, 5 236 ' • ' : 62,341 07 1861, ...... . .... 16,201 50,643 59 •• 14,646 50,745 25 _._ • .. .. . .. 17,219 55,225 95 3864, 14,057 58,737 51 1865....... .. . ... . . 16,142 69 252 33 ahWie . ciaggfra ' rliose committed in 1865 were as : • . , _ ' • kdulterY, 22 attempt to burn. 1; "assault, leg; deadly .assault, 106; attempted rape, 13; assault and .hattery, 4,569; absconding appientims, 8: abuse,_sB3; accessories le murder. 3; arson, 17; bawdy-houses, 'W.; bigamVl2; burglary, 128;_ barratry. 2; conspiracy, 47; contempt: of court, 1: -..'dlsorderly houses, 105;' disorderly 7,341; disobedient _ apprentices, 2; •". . deserting family, 100; desertion' from vessel, disloyalty 2 de -'rending and cheating; 116; embezzlement , 6; forcible entry, 2; felony, 4; fornication, 8; fornication - and bas tardy; B.4•frandulent voting,•t'fraud, , 9; fugitives from justice, 21; forgery, 22 highway robbery, 41; horse steal ing 45;: Mdecenpy, 21: intoxication, .1,539; malicious miechlef. 191; may heart. 6: misdemeanor, 678: murder, 17; mdtinY,' nuisance , 16; -perjury , 111' professional thieves, eh: pasting counterfeit notes, 90; rape,. 9; re ',Delving stolen gabcts; 2:4 riots, 46;' robbery; 92, stealing, 2913; suspicious persons. 17; swindling, 3; shpOttek. 4; linuormnlicensed, 2; selling policies, 1; treason. 2;.vegrants. , l,o3s; sentenced, not. to labor; 524 to await Judgment, 10;, to await requisition, I; t0ta1,16;142, , : Of the whole number 10,461 were - white- males, 4,392: white females •654 colored males; and '635; colored The discharges' 'duilug 1865 numbered 16,38 U as. fel - - laws; Time rout; 1,693; by Inspector3Vs,Bls; magis trates. 6,7Bl;:Quarter Sessions' Clerk, Mot Ignored bills, 264; e. 15 act, Irhabeas corpus, 51; City Solicitor; 92; pardon;l;..U,S. Marahal, 57; deaths, 42; Sheriff,. con victed, 937; .at Court, 291; House of Refuge. 5 ;'• Coroner, 4:-Meciirderitl49plnsolvent Court, 1; judge Stroudal dme out orcOnvicta to hard labor, 194: - - The charges -upon which 403 prisonere sentenced to hard 'labor '212 - 1885 were as follows: "Larceny, 337, burglary, 8; robbery, 8; assault and battery With Intent to kill, 5; mayhem, I; rape, 2: receiving stolen goods, 4; passing counterfeit notes, 4; forgery and misdemeanor, 26; perjury, It and bigamy, 1. White maps,-.802:. white females, 46; colored males, 27; colored females. 26. ~ The nativitiett pf prisoner. sentenced ,to hard -labor were atifollows; Pennsylvania, 158; Eastern, States, 6; Middle -States. (except Pennsylvania), 30; Southern states, 49;' Weatern . States; 8; 'lreland. 96; England,"l4; Gerrcianye2s;.Scotland, 5; France, It- and'otherparts of the world,ll. •• • • The ages of the convicts were: 20 years and under, 101; *Om 20 to 30 years, 175; from 30 tole years, 84; from 40 to 50 years', 28; and over 50,15. Of the 408 convicts 71 can read: 218 can read and ~write; and 84 cannot read. 157 were moderate drinkers; ,144 temperate, and 103 intemperate. , ,THESt NATIONAL ORPHAN N IIOMESTEAD— . The Sabbath Schools con nected with the Churches ..rarced: below have taken $55 shares in the Orphan omestead Fund—First Baptist Church, Chester, Pa.. yen shares,4l7s; First Presbyterian Church, Chester, e shales, $75; St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Chester, „ o ur shares, $.00; Baptist Church, Upland, Pa , one hare. St. Andrew's Episcopal. Church, Wilming ton. Delaware, three shares, $75; Trinity Episcopal Church, Wilmington. Calvary Episcopal Church, do., Calvary Er iscopal Mission, do., each one share of $25; Calvary Episcopal Church, Germantown, Philadel phia; three- shares, $75; Baptist Church, Thirteenth street. Philadelphia, two shares, SFO; Fourth Baptist Church, Philadelphia, one share,l2S; First Lutheran Church, York, Pa., one share, $;5. Total in this list, $7OO. Treasurer of the fluid, Peter B. Simons, Nu. 613 Sansout street. FAIR FOB A WORTHY ORTECT.—A. fair is to be held in St. Paul's Catholic School House, during ICaster.week, .for the purpose of procuring sufficient money to erect a dwelling house for the sisters having charge of the school. The lot on which the building is to'_ be erected, was lately purchased by Bev. Father 6heridan. and adjoins the school on Christian street, above Eighth. We understand that considerable in terest is manifested by the parishioners is the success of the fair, and no little competition on the part of the ladles and gentlemen having charge of the differ- BEEOELEB. ON . _RECONSTRUCTION..— 011 Thursday evenibg, the. 2hi,ti the -Rev. Henry Ward Beecher is announced to' . deliver his great lecture on 'Reconstruction" at the Academy of 'Music, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian 'Association. The sale of tickets; as the reader will find' elsewhere. will commence on Wednesday, the 14th inst.' Mr. 33eecher will be followed by Mr. Gough, on the even ings of March 26th and Wtb, at the seine place, and in the interest of the same association. ' ' DontEsTic liamcors.—Prices in market thiii morning were as follows: Apples, 35 to 45c. per bait peck; butter, 55 to 65c. per pound; cabbage, 8 to 72c.•per bead; cranberries, 14 to 18c. per quart; eggs, SO to 2.5 c. per dozen; •roast beef. 22 to 25c. per pound: sir loin steaks. 27 to 30c. per pound; mutton, 15 to 200. per poun d al' -'ork, pony. per pound; potatoes, 18 to 22c. peck:y, 20 to 28c. per pound; turnips, 10 to 120. per half peck; and veal, 52 to 27c. per pound. • Tun DECEASE OF MR. J. P.. The Home Vimionary Society, which has sustained a in the death of its late agent, Mr. John P. .Arrison, held a special meeting yesterday, at which resolutions were adopt: d, expressive of the esteem in which Mr. Arrison has long been held. - services in relieving the'svant and destitution of the po rof our city•render such a testimonial to his worth most fitting and appropriate. PAIN - Fur, AccruEwr. - -Yesterday a man. iiansed . Rock, engaged in loading the steamship Nor folk, at the first-wharf below Market. street on the Delaware, fell through the main hatch,causing a com hpound fracture of the left ankle. He was conveyed to issesidence in. Front street above Race, but was sub seqently removed to Penn's Hospital. , • NEW SCIENTIFIC TCYS.—Mr. William Y. NcAlliater, No: 728 Chestnut street, has for sale spiral magnesium lights and fulminating paper, which ena ble persons to get up private displays of tire works, and at the same time impart instruction and afford amusement. . '' WE ivould' call the attention - of our . , 3 1 2aders to the fact, that. Messrs. Olark & Biddle, 712 Chesinut street, are offering their watches, jewelry, diam onds, silverware, &c., at a discount fully equiva lent to the present decline in gold. CHURCH ON FIRE.—The alarm of fire last abtittt half-past eleven o'clock. was caused by the partial bunting at the Twelfth Baptist Church, Richmond .street, below Bhackamaxon. Loss about .two hundred dollars. Fox SALE.—We call attention to an ad ipeattisement In -reference to the sale of the lease and ritures of one of the finest banking houses on Third street. The advertisement will be found - in to•day's THE BALL OF MECHANIC ASSOCIATION, vhichtakes,place at Broadway Hall on Monday even ing. promises to be a brilliant affair. The proceeds are for a.deserying object. .. BIILLE'rr FOR SASE AT , MR. QIJEF,N'S Stand, S. W. corner of Seventh and Ceestnnt streets. THE - MOST REPINED. 'LADIES USE and endorse only. exquisite "Email de Paris" for .Im. Parting to the. roughest skin the color, texture and complexion" of polished ivory.,L'Emall de Paris is used sa a delicate beautifier for theatre saloon and bat room. Mlle.' VeStvall, D. P . Bowers, Lucille 'Western, and otherladles recommend it to the profes- BiOn and publip for its _efficiency. and harmlessness, Vold by B.lfouin, 11l S. Tenth street, ancl.P.VPraggistB and dealers in toilette articles. • . . - .a.nomT E.G . :WHITMAN 'SC CO.,CONFECTION- Aras.—There is no Rinderpest or trichina in confec tionery. In some confections we knovr of there are what fa about as bad, to wit: poisonous coloring mat ter and impure flavoring material. E. G. Whitman* Cos, the fanions Confectioners of No. 31.8 Cliestant. Street, not only discard all impure and unwholesome ¬arial, but they employ none but the very beat. heir manufactures are as wholesome as theY are de' illOons, and their choice novelties, such as dessert' con- Actions and elegant sweetmeats for evening parties, gOdeservedly Immensely popular. -•- - Low PEICES.--Good yard-wide bleached Sfuslins ai thirty-one cents yer yard; also one case at twenty-eight, and one at twenty-five cents per yard. These, g..ods are DRY, — l,, perfect order, and much cheaper to the customer than wet. mildewed and ten der goods, with which the cittyy is flooded. • J. C. S rm.AWBEIDGE &CO Northwest corner. Eighth and Market.. 00EBETS 'AT REDUCED PRICES--,GIytEAT a o UCTIONS.-Mr. John M. Finn will open today a f French Woven Corsets, at prices far below the French cane Corsets, at 51 40 per pair. •:French whalebone Corsets, at 51 50 per pair. i French whalebone Corsets, finer, at 5175 per pair. ...gecond quality, embroidered top, at 55 75 per pai r . , -First smutty, embroidered top, at 14 50 per pair. • Embroidered top and front Corset. at 15 50 per pair. Remember the stand, Southeast Corner of Arch and .eventh streets: • , hfr. Ban has also opened a tine of 'Nottingham lass Curtains, as low as 5276 per pair. SPRING E IN FINE CONFECTIONS. Merchants &ern abroad now in this city, who wish 'to procure choice and reliable confections for their sales, sire recommended to c4ll at' the store of Mr. Stephen Whitman` No: 1219 Market st., where they can pro cure in abundance the rarest manufactures known in ,this departmentof merchandise. They will purchase of Mr. Whitman. erclusively- the best confectiont, as - mannfactureit - none but the most reliable kinds. Thosedeslers WhoVish to receive a first class trade ;for these ediblesehould keep only the drat-class con lectiOns.:lfenCe N 0.1210 Market street , BONA. ?EDE Irce_nnTßD Pin Ans and Lyn° burgh Rtbaccci. PrlceStednced 40 per percent No Domestic cigars Bold as Imported; alio the : best five .cent -Lon dres in the city, at r.FLArriat.TY'S, 837. Chestnut street, opposite the' Continental... Store closed on Sunday. WINE of Tar Syrqp for - Coughs, e .Golds nd Affections of the Lungs.. Thlal rataturela enttrelY _V( getable,and affortlaspeedy. TtAllef in. aLl_Bolmonary_ , iseases, such as Asthma. Spitting of Blood, Broil , hills, &c. Prepared only by , RABBIS &OLIVER, Druggists,.. S. E.. Oar,. Tenth and - Chestnut streets, Ma. A MODERN-urt,AoLn - , From old and young, from rich and poor, from high t. um and - lowly, cornea the Universal . Voice of praise HALL'S VEGETABLE- - • SICELT_AN HAIR RENEWER. It is perfect , _ and miraculous article. Cures h‘eldneSs. .11 ekes hair grow. Abetter 'dressing ban any oil" or "pomatum."._ Softens brash, dry and, wiry hair- intO Beautiful Silken Tresses, But, e neve all, the. great-wonder is the rapidity with v. bleb it restores .GRAY HAM TO ITS ORIGINAL Use it ale* times and PRESTO, CHANGE!, the whitest and worst looking hair- resumes its youthfhl' beauty. ,It does not dye the hair, but strikes. at the .root and • fills it with new life and color ing matter. , • . . It will not take , a long disagreeable trial to prove the truthbf this matter. The first application will do good; you will see the NATURAL COLOR returning every day, and BEFORE YOU RN WIT, the old, gray, discolored appearance of the hair. will Le gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and besot'. Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer ; -no other article is at all like it in effect. You will, find it a-rp pTO - PLEASANTTO,TBY, and SURE TO DO YOU GOOD. :There are many imitations. - ,..73e sure yon procure the genuine, manufactured only by . P.AI',L & CO.. Nashua, 21. 44'• For salebynll druggists.. . • . EXTRA . ExIiTt.§::CILOICE FLOUR. For Sale by Mitchell & Fletcher., 1201 Chestnut street. T.a.k. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING_ - Cusick; sold at, 704 - Chestnut• street, excels for tieauty and . excellence atitch: strength, firmness. and curability of seam; economy of thread, wide range of application, compactness and elegance of work, sim plicity:of construction, and everything else, and those wtto select it never make a mistake. Over- MAO of - these celebrated machines have been •sold, of which nearly 8,000 are now In -time In Philadelphia. ' • • POSITIVE GOOD, • "COM_PARATIVE BETTER.,''- - • SUPERLATIVE, 'tki_a.. BEST GARMENTS 'AZ MADE AT-Tiur, BROWN 13 CONE ULO3IIING HALL ;OF ROOXHILL dc. WILSON. NOS. 60 AND 603 ST OT STREET, : ABOVE - „ _ ' OTTINGHA-11 ()RETAINS, VERY Cami.v.—A superior, assortment, as /ow in price ,S 2 75 per pair; the material also by the zWust - offed by 4 _ N. .E. corner Seventh and Arch. P. S.—Seelfz.Pinit's attractive COBSET announce n3ent elsewhere:' - JAax RENT, SANTEE & CO., will re anaie business, on Monday, Mareh 12th, at their old stand, Nos. 239. and 241 North Third street. , . CoNsTiTtn..rorTAT., cAllfENnbrErrrs.—The grind work'in Progress at Washington seems to be trying to amend the Constitution of the United States. Some congressmen think it badly needs fixing up, and others imagine that the moreyou try to tiz it the more you break it. .There is one thing that never needs amendment, and that Is the coal sold by W. W. Alter, No. 957 North Ninth street, and at his branch office at Sixth and Spring Garden streets. - LONDON Ara JcluaNAT,.—A set of this work., from 1899 tO date, is offered at a low price at 33 South Sixth street, Office of the New American C9clo ptedla. Hoop SE.mrs.—New Spring styles, Hop lan's "own make" gotten up expressly for first-class tradesuperior in style, finish and durability, to all others in the market—warranted to give satisfaction. Wholesale and retail at Manufactory, No. M Arch street. INIMITABLY FINE CONFECTIONS. Choice and rare varieties for select presents, manufactured by STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, FOR MALLOW PASTE. Moss Paste, Soft Gum Drops, and other efficacious Confections for Coughs and Colds, go to E, G. Whitman & Co.'s, 818 Chestnut street. Dealers supplied. SPRING FASHIONS in Gentlemen's Cloth ing at Charles Stokes & Cos'. one price, under the tontinental.. PURE LIBERTYWEI= TiPATl.—Preferfed by Dealers, as It always gives satisfaction to their cus tomers. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.— J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of theXye and Ea, treats a• 1 diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 5 , 9 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company theirpatients; as he has had no secrets is his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made ler examination. jaa. .L.lLrPri Carpet and Furnittul)l7p bolsterer Of twenty.tive years',experience. Informs his friends that he has removed to the S. VT. nor-Twelfth s 3 &Chmtnut. where they will-always find a reliable e-,wruskozat. or Dcddlng. Window tiando, CUrtatn., tc., etc. • NEw NPRM'D LiOODS.— We have a splendid stock of New Goods for Gents. Misses and Children, comprising ar uses' and Children's Hats. Gents' Hats, all the new styles. Boys' Caps a large variety. Ladies' Furs, stock selling ont. Gents' Hosiery, Gloves, Neckties. Novelties in Canes. Umbrellas, etc. Best stock m the city. Call at the great Sazaar of CHARLES OAXFOBD m SONS,- Two Stores, under rile Continental Hotel. PURE LIBERTY WHITE T.r.a l ).--Orderil daily increasing. PARENTS AN • D OTHERS, aboutequipping their boys for the Spring, will and the stocc of Cavil metes and :51.1xed Goods, for suits. offered by J. C. strawbridge & Co., to be unequaled in prices and variety. See their advertisement In another column. Taz FENwr Ch.RtuimLs and Roasted Al monds are those manufactured by E. (3. 'Whitman & C0.,318 Chestnut street. Dealers supplied. New Jersey Matters. THE UNION LEAGUE.—At the recent-rega lar meeting of the Union League. in Camden, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted: Beloved, That this League disapprove the course of President Johnson in vetoing the Freedmen's. Bureau bill. Besolsed, That we equally condemn the weak-kneed manner in which six Union Senators quailedunder the fear of. Rxecutive displeasure, and failed to sustain their first-expressed opinion. • Resolved, That this League condemn Hon. William A. Newell for voting with the negative upon Mr. Stevens's resolution Of Reconstruction, offered in the Rouse of Representatives, on February 20th, and that the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of these resolutionslo Mr. Newell. Resolved, That we hereby tender our thanks to Hon. John F. Starr, of the First Congressional District, for toe firm stand he has taken upon the questions which have agitated Congress during the present session. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be for. warded to each of the 'Union Leagues throughout the State of New Jersey. also to the Representative of the First District, Hon. John F. Starr. THE • NEW ScHoor, HOUSE.—The bill authorizing the Board of Education of Camden to bor row Vag* for the purpose of erecting a new school honsein Middle Ward,has passed the Legislature, So soon as the necessary arrangements can be made, therefore, the Board will commence operations.. • ItEribious.—There are about eight per sons to be immersed in the First Baptist Church in Camden, to-morrow evening; and, , the ordinance will also .be.performed in some of the other Baptist S1: 1 11,1N131. 4:31-000.1316 I SPRING STYLES EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, O 1 4Chestnut ffitt. T)EAD! READII READ II ! I.lw. . -THADDEUS STEVENS'S GREA. T SPEECH. THADDEUS STEVENS'S GREAT SPEECH. THADDEUS STEVENS'S GREAT SPEECH. "SUNDAY PRESS"-TO-MORROW. "SUNDAY PRESS"—TO-MORROW. "SUNDAY PRESS"--TO MORROW; - FOUR- CENTS t FOUR OMITS!! FOUR OE 'CrT3 LT LER I WEAVER 800.. Mannitictorens of ' • .U.N34.A. AND TARRED CORDAGE. Cords, Twinee,Ata:. 'So. 22 North Waterldtrent and rio 22 North. Dela - .1 3 1dindel war _ wise Avenue, ren. - ToRDA.3II3 IairIaKERATED_ TONIC ALE.--The truly healthful and nutritious beverage, now in use bythousands—inValids and others—bas, established a character fbr quality of material and purity of - num thetare; which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by IPhYsicians of this and other places. as a 'superior ionic. and requises but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its great merit. TO be had, wholesale and stall. of P. I. JORDAN. 320 Pear street. ISAAC NATHANB, Arictioneer and Money Broker, N. B. corner of Third and Spruce streets, only one sahisre below the Exchange. - NATEA B r ga PrillaPal Office , ,' established for the Mat forty years. • Mo ney to loan In' large or mall amounts, at the lowest ratea, on Diamonds, tallier Plate, Watches, _Jewelry, Cloth. . /1 • 1 1: .....allt!Seods °revery description. oMoehomufrom M. nu 7P. hg. . • - deal -tern; I,9 l:sragD zock 13uve g R a utreirt wharte. _ soo. narre. 7 of Milan d'a erring, In store and female by E. A. RIOUDER, THE DAILY E VENING BULLETIN :1 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 10 . of the worst disorders that affect mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none can equal in effect Heimbold's Compound Ex tract of Sarsaparilla. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instila the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimu lates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the o isorders that grow and rankle in the blood. No. 1210 Alarket street. Scrofulous, mercurial and syphilitic diseases destroy whatever part they may alteet - . Thousands die an nually from protracted diseases of this class, andfrom the abuse of mercury. Visit any aospltal, asylum and prisons, and satisfy yourself of the truthfulness of the assertion. The system best resists the Inroads of these diseases by ajudicious combination of Tonics. vrt - rAtROLD'S HIGHLY OONCANTRATED • FLUID EXTR &CT SARSAPARILLA Is a Tonle ei the greatest .calae—arresting the most lacerate disease atter the glands are destroyed. anti tne bones already Elected. This is the testimony of thousands who have used atd presmibed It for the last le years. AN MTERESTING LETTS/I. is published In the .If,dico-Chirnrgical Review, on the subject of the ex tract of sarsaparilla In venereal affections, by Benja min Travers, F. U.S., &c, Spealtiog of Syphilis, and diseases arising from the excess of mercury, he state, "That no remedy is oil/ea to Me extract of Sarsaparilla: its power ts extraordinary, more so than any other drug lam acquainted with. It ts in the Strictest scats a tonic with this envotunbte; attribute:that it is applicable to a state of the system so sunken and yet so irritable as ren errs other substances of the tonic class unavaitabie or injuries's, TWO TABLESPOONFULS of the Extract of Sar aaperilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as usually made. The decoction is exceeding troublesome, as it necessary to prepare it fresh every day. and the syrup is still more objectionable as it is weaker than the decoction; for a fluid saturated with sugar Is suscep tible of holding in solution much less extractive matter than water alone, and the syrup is otherwise objectionable. for the patient is frequently nauseated. and his stomach surfeited by the large proportion of sugar hegs obliged to take with each 'dose of Sarsapa rilla, and which Is of no use whatever, except to keep the decoction from spoiling. Here the advantages and superiority of the Fluid Extract In a comparative view are strikingly manifest. Fin' the diseases named above, and for WEAR DTESSREI and PAINS , IN THE BACK, FEMALE COMPLAINTS and DISORDERS arising from ex , cesses of any kind, it is Invaluable. • . DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD DDD DUD DDD . DDDDDDDDD THEE: EXTRACTS NAVE BEEN ADMIT TED TO I/SE IN VIE UNITED STATES - 44:RSIY, and are also in Very general mein all the tstate 110sPI TAM and PUBLIC- SANITARY INSTITUTIONS thronghout the land, as well as in private practice, and are considered as invaluable remedies. ' BOLD BY' ALL - DRUGGISTS. Principal Depot RELRBO.LD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREIIOUSE,_ 601 BROADWAY, NEW. YORK AND 104 South TENTS Street PkiTLADELLP/ILS:.• Sold by Druggists everywhere. lam' BEWARE COUNThatrEppe THE CHOLERA Derived of its -Hoy'sas - IT Kiri. lying'and , Enriching - the Mood, To use -a P;eventive There's none equal to HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CCNCENTRATED FLUID 'EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. Pure and Healthy Blood Resists Pisease. ;and,whild there may be no occasion for alam, those of impure blood are most liable to suffer. HRH . HHH , • HER HEE MTH lIHH HEM HRH HRH HHHILHHHITH HUH , HRH HUH _ HHH HRH HHH HRH • HEIR „jPI THE: SPRING MONTHS the system 'naturally undergoes a change, and ART4MBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF SARSAPAItIL. LA i an assistant of the greatest value. GIVING BLOOM TO TILE PALLID CHEEK BEAIITEFYING THE COMPLEXION. KEE Vlirr "VFW EEEEEE EEEEEE EEE FIRE EEE 1:4 :4 DN:4 :131 IT ERADICATE/3 ERUPTIVE and ULCERA TIVE DISEASES of the THROAT, NOSE. EYES, EYELIDS, SCALP and SKIN, which so disfigure the appearance, PURGING the evil effects of mercury and removing all taints, the remnants of DISEASES hereditary or otherwise, and is taken by ADULTS and CHILDREN with perfect SAFETY. LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLL NOT A FEW 31113111 MILMM MEM M 31 213131 11.3131 M M 3.131.31 MMili M M 31M31. 313111 31 31 M 3131 313111 31 M. 3131 41 313131 31 31 M 3131 313(31 31 31 313131 3131 M3l 313131 313131 M 3.1 Mint 31 3131 31 marm 31M31 V 313131 88888888 888888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 88888888 88888888 Bela 888 888 B B 888 888 888888888 88888888 0000 000000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 7 000 000 000 000 000 00000 0020 0000 LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLL HELIIROLIPS EXTRACT Rl:rent! CUBES KIDNEY DISEASE, lIELRBOLD'S EXTRACT sucnu CURES RSEUMATISM. EXTRACT RIJCIIU CURES URINARY DISEASES. HELMEOLD'S racrnAcr mealy CURES GRAVEL. HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT RUCRII CUBES snacruitas. lEELMBOLDIS EXTRACT RUC/111 CUBES tatopsy. EIDII43A.TXON.; -" , ----...-----.- . ---: 11'1 1 -,..i..--;A:' , --: Thorough Business Education BY ATTENDISO Br3ant, Stratton & Kimberly's NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. ASSEDiBLY BuIIaLNGS, 8. W, Corner Tenth and Cheatnnt Sta., PIIILADEELPHIA, W. KIMBERLY, A. M., Principal, The Philadelphia College, an Important link in the Great' International 'Chain of Collegea,loct‘ted in forty two :principal• Clues •In the United States and Canadaa. EXTENSIVE ROOMS Pitted up with Banks and Blindness Houses. • Theng and • Pragt4qaCpmbined.. . , Thereby bringing loth use all kjnde . of Saslows Paper. • Penmanship. - The Spencerian Syetem of. Business Penmanship taught in 118 purity. Telegraphing Taught In the moat thorough and piactical manner. URBINO SCHOOLS. Young Men who are engaged through the day, can acquire a thorongh knowledge of BOOK-ICESPING and BUSINESS by attending Evenings only. For further particulars, please call at College Booms, or address Bryant, Stratton & Kimberly, I;i:lisP.lo:4o44:etfl CARPETINGS. "U -LEN ECHO MILLS," GERMANTOWN, PA. &CALLUM, CREASE& SLOAN , MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLE HALE DEALERS LN CAEPETINGS, GIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &c, WAREHOUSE, NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the State House. PHILADELPHIA. Retail Department, No. 5114 Chestnut St. mh6.-Ait • - OARF'ETINGS. A lure assortment of DOMESTIC CA-RPETINGS Constantly on hand and for Kale at, the lowest prices, GEORGE W. BILL, deTI-Stri No. =North TIMM) Street. 1,; IDi CO k`f HIIIMPHREYSI HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Ha" proved, from the most. azoNe experl-mm, an entire au • Simple-Prompt-=cient. and Re. liable. They are the only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use-so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. No. & 1, dies FEVERS, Congestion, Inflammation Cent 2. WORMS, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic.--_-ffil cRyING•COLIC, or Teething of Mfants.-...ffi 4, " DIARRHCEA of children or Multi--. 6, " DYSENTERY, ' Griping, Bilious Colic.--ffi 6, " CHOLERA 31ORBUS Nausea, Vomiting -25 7, " COUGHS Colds Bronchitis-- 8, " NEURALGIA, 'toothache, Fivreia=-26 HEADACHE, Sick Headache, Vertigo..--2,'1 10, " DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach U, " SUPPRESSED, or painful Periods-.-.---23 in " WRITES, too profuse" CROUP, Cough, difficult Breathing 14, " SALT RIEEUM, 3 .5111e-las.ErupClOna ..._SS " RHEUMATISM, Rheumatic .Paim. 16, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues---. 50 17, " WIWI% blind oftpleediag-.----, 18," OPFITYIA tarY, and sore or weak .L.Tes-.. • F 19. " CATARRH, acute or chronic, Intinenza....-..50 20," WHOOPMG COUGH, violent Coughs....-. 60 " ASTHMA, oppressed Breathing.. ,50 22, " EAR DISCSA_RGES impaired Hearing.---60 2,3, " SCROFULA enlarGlands, 24. " GENERAL DEBILITY,, Physical Weak ne55.._........__....ii 6O 25, " DROPSY and scan - tscanty i iiiii i iiiii . ------.50 26, " BEA-SMENES' sickness from ri . ding...-.«.50 27, " KIDNEY DISP A stv Gravel .-50 " NERVOUS DEBILITY. Involuntary Ma mmies. al 00 20, " SORE MOUTH. Canker.. - -60 an " URINARY Incontinence, wetting 10ed...-..50 PAINFUL Periods, even with Spasms.. s 2, " SUFFERINGS at change of CO 83, " EPILEPSY S alms, Si, Vitus' Dance.... 100 4, " DIP . ulcerated Sore Throat.....-50 FAMILY CAM?, 35 vials, morocco case, and bOoks..----.-........110 00 20 large vials, in morocco, and b00k...............-- 6Oa 20 large vials, plain pad 506 15 bozes (Nce v gattil book. ARY SPE(BECS, Mahogany cases, 10 -1-110 00 Single vials, with directions...- 100 iZir These Remedies, by the case or single box, are sent to any part of the country, by mall or express, free of charge on receipt of the trice. Address _ SPECEFIO HOWEOPATECLO MEDICINE COMPANY, Office and Depot, No. 562Broad , 411New York, Dr. HUMPHREYS is consulted at his'office, personally or by letter, as above, for Air= of dia. ease. DYOTT dr CO. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY dr. COW. DEN, T. R CALLENDER and AMBROSE SMITH, Wholesale Agents: Philadelphia' 1v27-th.s.talyrp, IRON RAILING. PELLADELPIELIA AND NEW YORE. ORNAt MENTAL IRON WORKS. Tbe subscribers. founders and manufacturers of cABT, WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, for enclosing private dwellings, public squares, L.Nime• es t _&c., PATE teri NT WIRE BAnaire, ,, 'WINDOW AND DOOR GUARDS, for offices, store fronts ,bulivark nettings for ships, dta., Ac., made under the .471 SINS PATENT._ being the only authorised' manuilicturers of Wire Work under said patent in the city. • IRON STAIRWAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT, IROMEURNITURE, STABLE 1 - rll INOS, of every,varlety °flier and improved designs. SPECIAL CARE BESTOWED ON. GARDEN AND CEMETERY, Aiss.usibicoSil! ENTS, , • Our varied assortment af . Fountain 'Vases, Statuary, fie"c..givin tifktrOperlOr ftteilltleti.. orders Mall receive carefhl and prompt attention. jam,th,s tu,emrpl_ , RoBERT WOOD dr. CO., 'Office and Warerooms,llB6 RIDGE Avenue. GRUVER 'B AKER'S mpitovEDlipxum. on ...Loos. , sTrraff rum raci Auzancrics: wo. l and No. 9 fbr Tailors, Ahoemahoks. Saddler% 790 OPEESTITOT Street; Philadelphia. • 13 L, , • .sq• aspasi Jir THADDEUS s rEvEnreir3liZAT SPEECH. THADDEUS STEVENS'S GREAT SPEECH. THADDEUS - STEVENS'S GREAT SPEECH, "SUNDAY PRESS"-TO - ALORROW. "SUNDAY PRESS"-TO•HORROW. 'SUNDAY PRESS -TO-MORROW. FOUR CAZITS! 01 3/t Was FOB CENTS!!! MinUMMNMm. `Risimos_comanazasiTAl, mums _EXCHANGE TQT • tilViirites ormansemen may had, up M 63i o'clock, any evening. , , CADMISSION' TICTZM CHOICE EEATS THE PROGRAMmE orFicE, ' • 431 CHF STNITT street. oßpost , e the Pon Office tor the ARCH; CMESTIIIIT. WALE - I:Mixed ACADEMY 0P.M.11810, up tog , o'clocleeyery evening, sei9 tf • AMEBICAN ACADEMY .OF MUSIC. Grand Teatimonial Benefit complimentary to - • , CARIVCROS DUCEY AND SIMPSON. Managers of he Eleventh Street Opera House, On MONDAY EVENING, March 12. 18fe. The Committee of Arrangement take great plea sure in informing the public that they have secured the Academy of Music .for Monday. evening, March 12, INS, for the purpose stated above.. - - • . 4...9DRRESPONDENeE. L • - RIULAMELPIrta. Feb. 24th. ISM John L. Cameron. R.P. //tray and Rohl. F. Simpson, Eag., , Managers Cameros: 4- Dixey's fifinstrets. GENTLEMEN---AS some expression of the apprecia tion we have long felt of your unremitting exertions lu providing the citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity with a class of -Public Entertainments, alike mamma. tioaable tachometer and unvarying in attraction, it has been resolved by your friends to ask your accept , lance of 'a complimentary Testimonial, which we have Monda arranged to,take place at, the Academy of Music, on yv erY e respectfully, ning Marchl2th. friends V, your , A. G. 'Curtin. • F. W. Gramon. I'. L. Fetherston, - E. J. Hincken, . Wm. B. Bullock, Wm. Messer' • John A., Clarke, M. Hall Stanton, E. W. C. Greene, Francis H. Duffee, °ma- H. Graffen, . Thos. R. Callender Samuel Nathan, Joseph R. Lyndale C. M. Donovan. • Thou. J. Williamson , Frank L. Haight. Stackbonse, W. 0— McAllister, H...11.-Hellter, • Wm, Cowell, Chas E. School, • T. W. Neill. . , Jas. B. Patrick, H. E. Thayer, Wm. Blackburn, J. P. Magill, .3%.4.1. Stoddard, J. D. McKee, Soo. B. Coa4 ,Frank McLaughlia, Chas. Talmadge, Thos. McCulloch, P.R. Abel, 0.9. Evans, - • *. John McLaughlin, S. Leedom Smith, . Mason Giraffes, S. levitt Dilks, , J. Musgrave. • , - • , riiitAxampliaA. March Mt, 1866. GENxisarEsr—Your favor of the 24th ultimo. tendei logas a -Complimentary Benefit, is received. It af. fordo us unspeakable pleasure to find that oar profes sional,ellbrts are deemed- worthy of such a generous commendation as you have ; expressed., Our aim has a/m* l 4• been. to. provide , entertainmenta of: a kind which while amusing the public, will in no degree de prave its taste and your warm, appreciation of our coarse In that respect will encourage us to persevere In it. We gratefully accept the testimonial with which you propose to honor us. and beg to subscribe our selves, with sincere esteem.,, Your obedient servants. two - miss, DIXEY & SIMPSON. To His Excellency Hon., A. G. Carlin. M. Hall Stan ton, Wm. Messer, F. L. Fetherston. Wm B. Bullock, Joseph It. Lyndali, Enos., and othera. Pnit,angLenia, March% 1866. William lireeser, Esq., Chairman Cbmmittos of Ar rangements Garocrosz, Dixelt and Simpsan 2?..5t1• Dean Sut—Learning that arrangements are in pro gress far a Complimentary Testimonial Benefit to our worthy managers. Messrs. Carncross.Dixey and Strap. sou we take pleasure in informing you that at a meet ing of the Company, held this morning at the. Opera House, it was resolved to tender our professional ser vices for that occasion. We remain your obedient servants, Harry Lehr, T. 11. Beck, Wm. L. Hobbs, Robert Fraser, J. A. Palmer, S. S. Cox. R. N. Slocum, C. A Boyd, Charles E. Gibbons, Thomas A'Recket, Jr., J. W. Holden, J. S. Paul, Lew Simmons. Charles Stevens, S. W. Lamont, J. F. Cheever, C. Villiers, 'Buffalo Boys, Committee of Arrangements—Wm. Messer. wt. W. C. Green. E. J. Blacken, P. E. Abel. C. H. Graffen and H. R. Hellier. Box Sheet now open. Tickets, so cents. Reserved Seats, 'a cents. Reserved Seats may be obtained at Trampler's. Seventh and Chestnut; Box Office Eleventh Street Opera House: Programme Office, Chestnut, above Fourth. and at the Academy of Music. It jalasl:3l NEW CEZIMTNITT STREET TREATRE, CB .IzlN - DT street, above TWELFTH. LEONARD GROvrER and WM. E. SINN. Lessees and Managers. ,Resident Manager THIS (Saturd aSPLENID y) EVE D NING. March 10th, 1,566, A BELL. GREAT ATTRACTION. POSITIVELY LAST TIME. The popular Romantic Drama,ln Three Acts, THE THREE GII.A.RDSHEN ! • THE THREE GUARDSMEN! THE THREE GUARDSMMI THE THREE GUARPSMEN ! THE THREE GUARD-MEN! THE THREE GITARDSHMN ! THE THREE GUARI)S3IHN! THE THREE Cast to the strength of the Star Company. To conclude with • IRELAND AS IT WAS. IRELAND AS TT WAS. IRELAND AS rr WAS. IRELAND AS IT WAS. IRELAND AS IT WAS. IRELAND AS IT WAS. IRELAND AS IT WAS. I Illzr A\l) AS IT WAS. MONDAY EVENII4O, arch 12th. THE FIEESIEN OF PHILADELPHIA. TUFSD 4.Y, March Istlt, Benefit to DISABLED FIREMEN In fictive preparation THE STeLEN JEWELS. Admission to evening performance, cents, O mita and gd. TIVALNUT STREET THEATRE. 11 I N. E. corner NINTH and WALNUT Streets. SATURDAY EVENING. March 10. 1566. FORTY.SECOND AND F A REWELL NIGHT OF MR. J. S. CL..kRE.E, when will be presented the most EXTRAORDMART EIL.L OF THE SEASON, Tom Taylor's great Play of THE TICEET.OF-LEAVE MAN. Sob Brlerly. Mr. J. S. CL R V -F Walnut as Ha - NO:than' Gritlitha as doss, Fawcett as Green Jones, Chester as Dalton. Miss Graham as May. Mrs, Walcot as Emily. Miss Germon as Sam, Miss t.V.rr as Mrs. Willouoby. CLAtil_E AS BUCKSKIN, in the great comic Sparring Scene of P. P.; OR, THE MAN AND TIGER. To conclude with, for the first time in many years. Rua:stones thrilling Drama., THE DREAM AT SEA. At B. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET Ili THEATRE Begins at 73: o'clock. REVIVAL OF THE STREETS OF NEW TORE. Third Week of the great Engag, ement of MR ca.A.NFRAr, Aided by OLIVE LOGAN and C. T. PARSLOE. TO -NIGHT (Saturday), March 10, IMO, noucicault's great Drama of THE STREETS OF NEW TORE. Badger —Mr. CHANFRA.O OLIVE LOGAN Bob, the Boot Black.. " Sir. PARSLOE With Banjo Solo and Jig. Lucy Fairweather— Miss E Price Mr. Puffy.._ — —Stuart Robson MONDAY—THE STREETS OF NEW YORE. TIT.TrAY—BENEFIT OF.STAGE MANAGER. Seats secured six days in advance. NAT/ONAL HALL, Market Street. above Twelfth. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY .EVENESTIS. March 9th and 10th. POSITIVELY. LAST APPEARANCE OF FATHER REMP'S OLD FOIMS earn EMMA J..NICHOLS. Tickets, 30 cents. Four fbr 11.. Doors open at 7; Concert at 8 o'clock. GRAND FAREWELL MATINEE. SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 3 O'CLOCK. Children, to Matinee, 10 cents. mho-2t* N.R'W AMERICAN THEATRE. WALNUT street, above Eighth. REST ENTERTAINMENT IN THE CITY. EVERY EVENING AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER. NOON& SPLENDID BALLETS. BRILLIANT COMEDIES, Laughable Burlesques, Humorous Farces. Delightftd Ballads. Comic Pantomimes, GENIUS—NOVELTY—MEIIIT. Amusement of all nations combined. '' Dramatic Can:Mani. Grand Corps de Ballet, Ethiopia and Pan. tomime Corps. Evening—room open at 7 o'clock; commence it 7.30. FOR ACCOMMODATION OF .LADLES A.ND CHILDREN, Matinees will be given every Wednesday and Saturday' Afternoons. Doors Open at 2 o'cloclp commence at 2.30. BRILLIANT ARRAY OF ARTISTIC TALENT. SIGNORA, JOVETPA, THE GREAT ITALIAN • DANSEDBE Al'lle RULING, Mr. G. W. SMITH and his grand Corps de Ballet. 100 talented artists. l ato SOITA.MORHCYLOP. ` IRELAND, • With the Voyage Home to New York, PAINTED ON 88,000 FEE'T OF CANVAS, For a ahorttime only, • AT NATIONAL HALL, MARKET Street, above TWELFTH, • Commencing EIONDAY,arch 12th. THE caatirin JIIBTT.R.v. And the cel _ ebrated "NEW YORE ILLUMINATED," .BURNING MCP," Given with each entertainment, ' • Admission reduced to • 25 ORN lb% Performance at 8 o'cleck P. Matinde,- - W EDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 8 o'clock P. M Scholars admitted to liatinßefor 10 cents. ' DOOll3 open at 2 and 7P. M. - mhB 611 31% D aglisolTih!.1%T.P° 8 7°' r a"c l ! a laXi, :g e j i g; returned from Europe will giva a 8 :ramp ups ' , ENTERTAINMENT at the MUSICAL FUND H ALL on SATURDAY, EVENING, March , Ioth, being the only one he can give during his present visit—which will include a selection from his mostpopular Songs, Scotch Songs, and his Cantata the May Queen. Tickets,' 80 cents. -Reserved Sesta, So cents extra. May ,be had- at Mr. TRIMPLER'S Music Store, Seveath and Chestnut, where a plan of the Sall may be seen...To commence at 8 O'clock. ' in.46-5* A SESUBLY BUILDINGS: • • ' 401. , - THE SPBYNX. THE SITEYN X; SIGNOR BLITZ Will introduce eevening this week the maivet:Mß Illusion of THE SPB z NX, which bra created an Pa' mense sensation in Europe and in this country. -• • Commence, evenings at 7}g o'clock, and Wednesday and Saturdar afternoonsi at s Onion's. • , • AdmissiOn, 25 eta.; Children, 15 cte.; BeaelYo o oookli 600 CHOICE BEATS 11.1,'ettiz) at; I aikv - - SELECT - ENTERTAINMENT-- CONCERT HALL, On BlondafEirsening, Mara 19, 1866, At 8 o'clock P. M. Recitations by B. IC. MUBDOCH and N. K. EMIG AEDSON, Mies.. and several young Ladles. Singing by Quartettes and Solos. Single admisalon • ' • • . x CENTS. Tickets ,can be procured at .- Gould's . Music Store, Seventh and Chestnut; Pngh's Book Store, Sixth and Chestnut; Itb3ley's Book Stand,. Continental , Hotel, and at Burns's Saloon. Fifteenth street.above Walnut. Proceeds to be applied to the purchase of a Musical Instrument for a Primary School .of. the Fifteenth ,„ Ward. ” • . it* PROF. =MARK BAILEY, OF YALE COLLEGE, '- The accomplished Elocutionist, bas consented by•re• of special friends, to give one, ' READING,. AT CONCERT HALL, ON TUESDAY EVENING, March 13th. Admission, 50 cents. Tickets for sale at T. B.Pugh'S Sixth and Chestnut streets. in"-tt xif rizimeariA. Olitamminu.—Pithile Reheats*/ every Saturday afternoon' at the Mnsical Mind Made Hall, at half-past time o'clock. Engagements by addressing GEORGE BASTERT, agent, iza.- - mon• erey street. between 132,ge and.Vlna. cebitf A CADEary ,TS • vx,"abova 43., ,- .1 Tenth isimeet, Open from 9A. IL till 6 / 0 . DL BiVarat'aml mm yettrre ERR! on ezhibltlon KRUG ETE. ;FOR RENT. The New Bulletin Building, No. 607 Chestnut Street, WILL SE COMPLETED II A FEW :MUMS. The proprietors are prepared to receive proposals for renting such rooms as they will not use themselves. These will be 'ME SECOND worm' FRONT ROOM, 60 by 24 feet. THE WHOLE OF THE' NORTH:KOH HALF OF THE ISUELDENZG, • Four Stories High. with Entrance by a wide hall ma Chestnut street. And a Front of 25 feet on Jayne street: BUitable for a Jobbing or Commission House, a Rank, or Insurance Office. For Further Partlonian apply at the E'VEMNG BULLETIN OFFICE. mbSt f N. 329 Chestnut- Street. FOR.SALE, THE MODERN THREE STORY El ri tt N I VPALIJIIVia With three story back bu Wings and every osnve• nience, marble entrance and vestibule, situate No. 1908 Pine Street. • Lot 18 feet 4 inches in front, 100 feet deep, with the privilege of a 4 foot alley. Apply on the premises sFOR SALE. -- GERMANTOWN,corner of Day's end Cottage lanes, a handsome pointed stone 'DENTE, containing eleven rooms, with gas, hot and cold water, and all the modern conveniences, on a lot of nearly two acres, with a well-planted lawn, fine garden, plenty of trait, &e,. dm. As a conveniently lo cated rural residence. it cannot be exceeded. Apply to JOSEPH SBNDEORDESE. corner of Seventh and Spring Garden streets, or on the premises. its pfFOR SALE.—THE ELEGAIN.:7 MANSION and grounds at Chest:anti:OlL owned and ocett d by Mr. Horace G. Browne, within three squares of the Depot. Terms easy. Possession April Ist. Apply to C. H. mhlo sAn,th-lm: No. 105 South Sixth street. DESIRABLE DWELLDIG , corner of RACE and t3EVE.r, An.n.NTH streets, for Sale, and i.ta m late pommion. TO BEAT—Store. No. 906 ARCH street. A. P. MOR RIS, 916 Arch-street. mhlo-3t* COUSPIRT SEAT AND FARM FOR SALE—Of Ft ty or One Hundred Acres, Eris to *urnpike , above the 7 mile stone. =NIT HOUSE TO LET. Apply to R. WHITAKER, 610 Locust sirset. its trk, • FOR SALE—One within best business stands, in lila, a donrishins toivri one hones ride of tills city by railroad. u W. A. =BS, 12.1 Market street. Mr. Fog S A A— Desirable House, No. 1350 SPRUCE tfia street Also, 16 o, 2.r. , 3 V DIE street. Apply to 70EUT A. BURTON, MC Walnut street..• le-1 LEASE AND FIXTURES FOR Sa LP. of one 4=zri of the finest BANRYNG ROUSES on THIRD street. Aptds* No. 33 Routh Third street. mhl.9-St AN GERILTOWN OUSE D LOT TOR S.A,LE—Situate on Pr i ce AN street, within two min utes walk of both steam and horse railroads. It con tains gas, hot and cold water, range, bath, heater, &c. Lot O feet front. Pricel4.3-0, subject to a und rent 0ft2.10. CHARLES C. LONG ETH, naltS-at rp' 303 Walnut street. JWEGAJL IN 011.(JEtt.o. ETATE OF JOHN RAU, DECEASED.—Letters of Administration haring been granted to the tin dprsigned. all persons baring claims against, or who are indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pre. sent such claims or pay such indebtedness at once to JOHN H. GOLDBECK. Poplar street. miadawet* T my)l.9 TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of .TIM VANN St_RIVELY, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make 13.syment, and those having claims prevent them to GEORGE S. SULTVELY, M. D.. 1= Thompson street, Executor. mhlo-lawSt LEffilFS TESTAXENTARY having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of SAMTEL COL.LADAY. deceased. ail persons indebted to the same will make paym ent.lind those having claims present them to J. FITZGERALD. Executor. 909 ebnrch alley. or to his Attorney, H. T. GROUT. 16 North Seventh street. . LETTERS = , •T A MENTARY having been granted to tbe up-on the Estate of ROBERT STVPN, decesubas ed,crioers all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to JOHN G. STEEN, WI L.LIAM S. STEEN and. J. ADLISON HENRY, Executors, Bridge street. bet. Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth street. malelavr 6t LETTERS TESTABLEN TA RY having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of RICHARD GRAFTO' BELT, M. I)., deceased, all persons in debted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to SALLY R. BELT, Ex ecutrix. or to her Attorney, ROBERT H. McGRATH, 2r," South Sixth street. male-1aw.61 lEI - 11.10, OF ADMINIsTRATION having been IL' granted to the subscriber noon the Estate of JAMES SHIELDS, deceased. all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having . claims present them to ISABELLA SMBLDS, admmistra trim, or to her attorney WILLIAM VOGDES 128 South Sixth street. mhlo•lawBt. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the subscriber upon the Fstate of MARY I.ARARELLA, deceased, all persons Indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to AiqN C)ZIAS, Executrix, 812 Darien street. mitle•lskatt, LEWERS TESTA.II:ENTARY having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of SAMUEL. HILL, Deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment. and those having clalme present them to MARY E. HILL. Executrix. or to her Attorney, JOSEPH HENDERSON, Southeast corner Pa:rish and. Marshall streets. mhta /awn WANTS. A 1 AD. SEVENTEEN TEARS OF AGE. of good address and unexceptionable retbrence, desiree a situation, and is willing to make himself useful in any capacity: Address C. H. T., at this office. mhlo.2tt Ur ANTED —A single Cslored Man. who understands TV about horses, and will make himself generally useful. Address J. B„ Box 960, Post Oflice with refer ence. it* oo 11.°1 0 Z n Wanted from to gio.oooollcambered and imProi Farms in Bucks County for which_ six per cent. in terest' will be paid semi-annually. Titles examined, and no chat ge for investing. B j, SMITH, & Co-. Its . Conveyancers, Newtown Pa, '.l "43'Zi 1" - ED, for S , b.. mer• moderate size, well located; furnished cr nu t unished house, with stable; easy of access; within 15 miles of the city. Address. ADETALES, Boa 2010, Poet Office. • mblo-Sts BOALIIXDUir4II. JIGENTLEMAN'CiLN RAVE A LODGING ROOM, ../1- furnished or ttnfhrolshed, with Bre.tcralttM de sired. Apply at 1604 SPROCEstreet. TXrANTED.--SIINMEatBOARDING By TWO TV' Single Gentlemen, on the line of the Pennsybwe r . Me, Media, Chestnut Hill, or North Penney/verde Roads. nrsteclas.s references -Wen, Address box SECOND 7s STORY, ROOM with first. e :3 +2 RI bo nf artt tliestnut above Fitteenth. Address, „ nsh9.rptfi- , • Ittaletin Office. 'RAZE ROPE .A.ND TW E fiLaBOyEALIMIEID and for Oble i tat tat i • WEAVE R , ock,, • , , . Arerth Water Meet, and , _ Nortb Detwaare avenue: 120NlYS BOSTON ItISCIt llT.—Bond% Boston Butte's - and Milk Biscuit,.. laniling : from steamer Norman, and for sale by JOB. B BW ,- 11,4 11:genta fon Bond, 10,Stouth Thgartreavenne„ •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers