From our Third Edition of Yesterday. The Union State Convention '(Special Despatchto the Bulletin.] HARRISBURG, March 7th. —Hon. John Cessna called the Union State Convention to order in the Hall of the House of Repre ,sentatives, at twelve o'clock. Every available space was filled, while - hundreds thronged the rotunda, the Senate Chamber - 1 . -and the outside of-the Capitol. Mr. Lawrence, of Washington, nomina ted William B. Mann, Esq., for temporary Chairman. and Mr. Dickey, of Lancaster. Nominated Louis W. Hall, of Blair. The vote was taken and Mr. • Hall re ceived eighty votes, and Mr. Mann re ceived fifty-seven. • All the opposition to General Geary com bined on Colonel Mann, General 'Geary's friends voting for Hall. The vote was taken by yeas and nays for the purpose of testing the strength of Geary. General Geary will probably be chosen on the first ballot. Major General Stbadman and General , Selfridge were invited into the Convention, .as also a deputation from the Loyal League -of Washington. Mr. Hall, on taking the chair, made some brief, remarks, which were applauded. Temporary Secretaries were appointed, and Committees on Organization and Reso lutions were formed. The greatest enthusiasm was evinced everywhere, and Gen. Geary's friends are jubilant over the prospect of coming vic tory. [Correspondence of the Associated Press.] ' HARRISBURG, March 7.—The delegates to the Republican State Convention assembled in the Hall of the House of Representatives .at 12 o'clock to-day, and were called to order by the Hon. John Cessna, Chairman of the State Central Committee. Mr. Lawrence, of Washington county; moved that William B. Mann, of Philadelphia, act as temporary -chah On3an. Mr. O. S. Dickey, of Lancaster, moved to amend by substituting Lewis W. Hall, of Huntingdon. The substitution was agreed to, yeas 80, nays 57. _Mr. Hall was then declared elected tem porary Chairman,nd upon beinr , 6 conducted to,tlie chair thanked the Convention for the honor conferred upon him. E: R. Rogers, H. B. Swope. J. P. M'Clel lan and W. J. P. White. were appointed temporary Secretaries. Gen. Todd of Cumberland, moved that a -committee of five on credentials be ap pointed—which was agreed to. The Hon. Edward McPherson and other representatives from the Loyal Union League of Washington, D. C. were on mo tion, accorded the courtesy of seats in the -Convention. A committee equal in numbers to the Senatorial representation was ap pointed on permanent organization. A committee equal in number to the Se natorial representation was also appointed on resolutions. A motion having prevailed that all resolutions be referred to the above committee, Mr. Cessna moved int the functions of said committee be continued during the entire session of the convention, which, after considerable debate,was agreed to,and the Convention adjourned till 5 P.M. *IV v: t leri3dri )IZIM 41 I t WASHINGTON, March 7 SENATE—Mr. Wilson ( Mass. )offered a reso lution, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire what legislation. is necessary to protect officers of the army from arrest and prosecution by the civil courts, for acts done in obedience - to orders from superior officers while in the United States service. Mr. Sprague (R. I.) offered a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the Com mittee on Foreign Affairs to report a bill for the appointment of a Commission of two medical officers, one from the army and one from civil life, to examine the subject of cholera preventives, and to attend the cholera Congress in Europe. Mr. Davis (Ky.) called up a resolution offered by him a few days since, calling for a committee to investigate the cotton frauds. He offered a substitute for his original proposition, providing for a standing com mittee of the Senate, on the subject of abuses of power, a majority of which shall be composed of Opposition Senators. Mr. Trumbull (Ill.) caused to be read a letter from Gen. Brayman, in reply to the accusation of official corruption made against him in a letter from William Bar net (Cin.) alleging Burnet to have been guilty of frauds at Natchez, and asking for ,full investigation of the matter. At ten o'clock the constitutional amend ment was taken up. Mr. Sumner (Mass.) took the floor. Ho - crsx.—On motion of Mr. Wilson( Iowa), the Senate bill in relation to the Court of Claims was taken from the Speaker's table read twice and referred to the Judiciary committee. _ Mr. Eliot (Mass.), by unanimous consent, introduced a bill to continue in force and to amend' the Freedmen's Bureau bill. Read twice and referred 4o the Judiciary committee. Mr. Stevens (Pw.),from the Committee on Appropriations,reported a bill to reimburse the State of Pennsylvania for moneys ad: vanced the Government for war purposes, -and it was made the special order for Wed nesday next. On motion of Mr. Loan (Mo.), the Senate bill to `reimburse the State of Missouri for moneys expended for the United States, in enrolling, equipping and provisioning the militia force to aid in suppressing the re bellion was taken from the Speaker's table and referred to the Committee on Apropria lions. Mr. Francis Thomas (M.d.),by unanimous consent, offered a resolition which was adopted, instructing the committee for the District of Columbia, to inquire into the ex pediency of providing for the construction -of an aqueduct across the basin at the :mouth of Rock Creek, to pass the water from the Chesapeake and Ohio canal into the Washington canal, and through it to the! Eastern branch, near. - the Navy Yard, so that cargoes from loaded boats by the Chesapeake and Ohio canal ,may with facility be unloaded on the banks .of the Washington canal and at the eastern branch, thus diminishing the cost of , coal and other articles to the Government :and to the citizens of Washington. The business of the committee Mfor the District of Columbia, which was interrupted :yesterday by the expiration of the morning hour, was taken up, and the bill to amend the act to incorporate the Mutual Fire Insu rance Company of the District of Columbia 'was considered and passed. Mr. Ingersoll (Ill.), from the District .Committee, reported a joint resolution ap propriating $2,500 to be placed in the hands of Col. Benton, commandant of the Wash ington Arsenal, and to be distributed by him among the sufferers by the late explo •sion at that Arsenal, according to the equity and necessities of the several cases, and di recting the said commandant to report to -Congress the`distribution with the vouchers -therefor. The joint resolution received its several readings and was passed. Mr. Ingersoll, from the same Committee, reported back the House bill to incorporate the Great Falls Ice Cofopany of the District •of Columbia, Beport of the amture , of a Steamer by Fenian Privateer. NEW Youx, March 7th.—A. report is afloat here to-day, that the steamer City of London, which sailed on last Staturday, las been captured by a Fenian privateer. It is undoubtedly a canard. . Burning of a Danish Bark. NEW Yowl - , March 7.—The Danish bark Earl of Shaftesbury, laden with cotton, pot ash, &c., took fire last nigh at the pier. She was filled with water before much damage was &Me. The vessel was about ready to gall for Stockholm. The North Carolina Legislature. RELEIGH, N. C., March 7.—Mr. Win stead, of Pearson county, was elected speaker of the Senate last night, vice Mr. Little, resigned.. From Fortress Monroe. FORTRESS MorinoE, March 7. —The steamer Hatteras has sailed for New York. The steamer Saratoga lays ashore on the bar near Richmond. Markets. NEW YORE,MarCh 7,—Cotton is quiet at 43@.14c. for middlings. Fleur is steady for good, while the in ferior brands are 10 cents lower; sales of 8,000 barrels, et $6 85@¢.8 30 for State; Ohio, $8 20 ;u, and Western, $0 75@$a 40;Southern is firm for good qualitirs,at $6 130rg. $l5 50. Wheat IS dull for interior, while the goo/ qualities are advancing. Corn quiet, but declining. Beef steady. Pork heavy, at $26 75 for mess. Lard heavy, at IB@lB cents. Whisky dull, and. the quota tions are nominal. Stocks are firm; Chicago and Rock Island. 10534 Cumberland prefd, , l3'.; Michigan Nouthefu, 71 N. Y. Central, 91;4 . : Reading, 98V.; Hudson River, 103, Canton Company; 44; Missouri fi's. 783.1": Erie, 803; Western Union Tel. Comp., 6s; U. S. Registered 6's of. 1881 103; 3 ; Coupons 1002, 103. Ditto 1551. 1033,“ Ten For ties, 90; Treasury,; 3-it's, 99'.@9934.• Gold, 1331.1. Sales at Philaded SA LFS A ' $lOOO Pa 6s War Loan 100 2100 State 13s con e 5 S 6 1000 1:1 S 10-409 cou 1000 Canal & Amboy mgt 6s 'B9 8 1 14 100 sh Ocean Oil b3O 113 i 100 sh do ha) 11% 20 03 Penb a 11.- 55 1 . i 20 sh Wyoming Val 59 lush Cam & Amboy 116 9 sh do 11534 SECON slooo ty Ci 6s as 87 , i 500 U S 7 3-10s g Aug 99 12560 II S 10 408 reg 90 tto City 613 new 100 sh Catawia pf 100 sh do 330 31,1 i 200 sh do 31% 90 sh St Nicholas C 9 BOARD OF TRADE', JOSEPH C. GRUBS} E. A. SO E. REO. L. =BY, TO ABBIVE, FROM FOB Kangaroo ^ Liverpool... New York. Erin —Liverpool...New York City of New York—Liverp'l.-New York.. Nova Scotian Liverpool...Portland_.... Borussia Southampton... New York .. Java .Liverpool... New York... The Queen Liverpool... New York.. Hansa Qouthampton...New York_ ~.Liverilool...New York. ...Liverpool...Portland ... __Liverpool...Boston ...Liverpool...New York ..-.Livernool...New York - TO DEPART. Nouveau Monde_New York...Havre March 9 St. David New York... Liverpool March 10 Fah Nee New York...St Jago March 10 H Chauncey New York...Aspinwall March 10 Hermann New York... Bremen March 10 Edinburg New York... Liverpool Marco 10 North 4American-Portland...Liverpool _March lo Louisiana New York... Liverpool; _March 10 Caledonia- New York... Glasgow March lo Asia Boston... Liverpool March 14 Baltic NeveYork...Bremen March 15 Ericsson New York.._Brem en .March 15 Borussia New York... Hamburg March 17 Erin New York... Liverpool March 17 Arago New York:..Havre March i 7 Java .New York... Liverpool March 21 Corsica New York...Nassainkilav'a_March 24 6ity - ofßoston.. Hibernian Africa Pennsylvania Australasian.. PIABIERTE BELLETIN. POET OF PECILADELYSIA—MARcu 8. StrX klar.B, 6 23 I SUN ISNTS, 5,59 I HIGH WATHH, 721 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Eastern City, Shaw, 5) hours from New York, with mdse to Plt Clark. Off Cape lieulopen, saw a bark, bound in; saw off the Brandywine, one bi ig, at anchor. Barks Ann Elizabeth and J Trucks, were at anchor below Bombay Hook. Schr A Jennings, Jennings. 2 days from Chinco teague, with coffee. rum and logwood to D N Wetzlar & Co, being part of the cargo (consisting of iiou bags of coffee, OS tons logwood and 8 puncheons rum) of the wrecked schr Constitution. Scbr Baltimore. Dix. 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins, Schr A A Aldridge, Fisher, 8 days from Savannah, with cotton, &c to captain. Schr Union, White, 4 days from Salisbury, Md. in ballast to captain. Scbr Geo T Thorn, Townsend, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to I) S Stetson S: Co. Schr Magnolia, Chase, i days from New York, with salt to Win Bumm S Son. Schr Isaiah Eraser, Mills, from Baltimore, with salt to Wm Bumm & Son. • Schr Lucy, Spence, 1 day from Brandywine, Del. with corn meal to R M Lea. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer F Franklin. Pierson. Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Brig Blue Wave (Br),CarroD,Barbados, C C Van Horn Brig John Geddes (Br), Seabrook. do do Schr Burrows C, McElwee. Calbarlen, S & W Welsh. N.MitttiOßA3l - DA. Steamer Kennebec, Edmunds, hence at New York yesterday. Steamer St Lawrence (Brj, James, cleared at New York yesterday for London. Steamer Westchester, Ingram, cleared at New York yesterday for Wilmington. Del. Steamer Alabama, Limeburner,cleared at New York yesterday for New Orleans. Steamer City of Manchester (Br), Halcrow, 'Bleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamer Eagle, Lawrence, cleared at New York yesterday for Havana. Steamer St David. from Liverpool, sailed from Port land yesterda? for New York. Steamer Fong Shuey, Gough, at New Orleans 27th 'ult. from New York. Ship Charles A Farwell, Gerard, from Callao for Cork, which put into Rio Janeiro, leaky, resumed her voyage Jan 2O Bark Bjukan (Dan), for New York, sailed from Rio Janeiro 18th Jan. Bark Lucy B Ashby, Ashby, from Shanghae for N. York, at Pernambuco 11th ult.—would proceed next da Hark Adelaide, Etcbberger. at Rio Janeiro 31th Jan. from Baltimore. Brig C F O'Brien, Knowles, at Rio Janeiro 11th Jan, from 9 obile. Brig Wilhelmine (Brem), Rusmers, from New York, at Rio Janeiro 6th Jan. Brig W H Bigelow (Br), Roberts, at Rio Janeiro Bth Jan. from New York. Brig Matilda, Martin, hence, below Providence 6th instant. Brig Venus (Br), for New Orleans. sailed from Rio Janeiro 19th Jan. Brig Denfisark (Dan). Drewson, hence for Cork,with petroleum, put into St Thomas 13th nit. dismasted.' Schrs Mary Price, Garrison, from New Castle. Del; J L Maloy, Carlisle: Rachel S Miller, Baker, and J E Simmons. Smith, hence, below Providence 6th inst. Schr Pearl, Brown, from Providence for this port, at Newport sth Inst. Schr George Deering, Willard, from Portland, at Neuvitas about 17th ult. Schr Jenny Lind. Graves, at New York yesterday from Duck Creek, Del. Schr Fanfale, Vance, cleared at New Orleans 28th nit, for this port, with 340 bales cotton, 42 bales moss, bales hides, 39 tons iron, 70 empty casks and 10 pkg,s mdse. .Schr W Tull, Haley, for this, port, cleared at New Orleans 28th ult. with 150 bars 'railroad iron. 127 bbis fire clay. 48 bales rope cuttings and sundry mdse. Schrs Reading RR Nos 46 and 95, from Norfolk for Baltimore, in Hampton Roads 9th inst. . Schrs Jas T Haig, J Beatty, M T Russell, L Sturte vant. Lizzie Taylor. and others, put back to Hampton Roads 4th inst. Schrs John Dorrance, Rice; Henry May, Franklin; Polly Price, Yates; M A McGee, Ayres, and F F Rey nolds, Grisley, hence at New York yesterday—the latter for Bridgeport. Schr Reading RR No 35, Baker, sailed from Rich mond sth hat. for Western Branch. COAL. O. MASON ROOTS. JOHN I. SHBA77 TIRE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO their stock of Buck Mountain Company's Coal. Lehigh Navigation Company's Coal, and Locust Mountain, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with S. MASON BINES, Franklin Insti. tote Building, SEVENTH street below Market. will be promptly attended to. BDUEB & SHEAFF, _ sag Arch Street Wharf, SchnYlkill. OA.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW AND C Spring Mountain, Lehigh Coal. and best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill, prepared expressly fm family use, Depot, N. W. corner .EIGHTH and LOW streets. Office. No. 112 South SECOND street. mb27 S. WALTON & A Great Chance to make Money on•a Small CapitaL SPENCER'S I PATENT 1.1.111111.11 LOUR,M, BAPSQUAH PLE, BUCKWHEAN an., and will Strain PRESERVICS,SAUCES, &c. A REAL FAMILY coarroar. In the KITCHEN Lt is the right thing in the right place. No Household would be without it after a sin gle trial. It is the only Sifter now in use that gives satisfac tion. Every sifter is warranted 'to give perfect satis faction E. SPENCER. Factory, No, 846 North SECOND Street, Philads, State and County Rights for Sale on easy terms. Wholesale Tradp supplied on reasonable terms. Samples sent to any Address on receipt of 8t 00. ile22 BOND'S — BISSTON BlSCUlT. —llond'ETßiTstitate and Milk Biscuit, landing from steamer Norman, and for sale by JOB. B. BIISSMR & CO.; Agents for Bond. DS Sontb Delaware avenue 1 - ERIA.L FRENCH PRIJNEBI.-50 cases In tin 1 canisters and fancy boxes, Imported and for Bale by /OS. B, RUBBLE& &CO 108 Booth Delaware *Venue, THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1866. alio:Stock Boarn. FIRST BOARD. 14 sh Lehigh Nay 52' 45 sh 2d ,fc 3d St R c 73 19 sh Minehlll R 543,1 200 sh Maple Shade 135 3 110 sh Catawis pf b3O 31.1 1100 sh do 31% 100 sh do sswn 30,1 100 sh Sch Nay pfd hi 28 35 sh Nor Central 810 441; 100 sh Reading R s 5 49 BOARD 30 sh Lehigh & Maha noy 57 10 sh Philo& Erie 2.934 25 sh Ches & Walnut 51 !•-: 3sh Cam &Am R 148 8 sh Morris Canal 78 30 sh Ig Pa R. 35 100 sh Restonv'e R b 430 34 114.7/A ;Feb. 17 ....FPb. 21 ...Feb. 21 ....Feb 22 .._.Feb. 24 ....Feb. 28 ...Feb 28 ...Feb. 28 March 1 March March 7 Match 10 TIN SIFTER STRAINER. Invaluable for use In all cues where a Strainer or Sieve is required. It will sift SNIPPING.- FOIL NIEW 71 7 0011.1-41..., EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LINE Have commenced their regular OUTSIDE trips. 4.iirfi The NEW and first class Steamships WASHINGTON, Captain Chichester: NORFOLK, Captain Vance. ALEXANDRIA, Captain Hattriek. VIRGINIA, Captain Snider. Leaving from each city on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS and SATURDAYS, from first wharf below Market street, Philadelphia, and Piers 14 and lb East River, New York. These Steamships insure at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY at our usual low rates. WM. P. CLYDE & COAgents; 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAS. HAND, Agent, )a3-tfT 117 Wall street. New York. ark T.R..b, OLD ESTAPLISHED 'DENT OUTSIDE LINE FOR NE W YORK Is receiving freight daily at low rates. second wharf below Spruce street, and wiil insure at low rates. P. R. CLARK, Agent, fey-tfa 314 and 316 South Delaware avenue. STEAM 'lO LIVERPOOL. Calling at QUEENSTOWN. the Inman Line, sailing s'EMI-W N ERLY, carrying the U. S. Malls. EDINBURGH Saturday, March 10 - .... . - R . ANGAROO Wednesday,March 11 CITY OF NEW TORR.— ... ...,- .. -Satarday, March 17 At Noon, from Pier 44 North River. • RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE IN CURRENCY, BY THE MAIL STEAMER, . First Cabin sPOlSteerage 1: 15 " to London... 1251 " to London. 40 " "to Paris 135 " to Paris 55 PASSAGE BY TILE WEDNESDAY STEAMERS. First Cabin ;90 I Steerage 135 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre. men &c., dc.. at modera e rates. Steerage passage from Liverpool or Qui enstown. $l5. Tics eta can be bought here by persons sending for their friends. For further information, apply at the Company's Offices. _ _ _ _ JOHN G. DALE Agent 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. r s-ur FOR BOSTON. ,•-•' • • i t .7 STR A WIMP LINE DFFIECTI. SAILING FROM BACH POET EVERY FIVE DAYS FROM PilE ST. WHARF, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker, will Ball from Philadelphia on Saturday, March 10, at 10 A. M. The steamship ARIES, Captain Crowell, will sail from Boston on Thursday, March 8, at 12 M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston Is now composed of the - SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen. NORMAN, Captain Baker, 1200 tons burthen. ARIES, Cap fn Crowell, 900 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships till sell punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day,. a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading with their goods. For freight or passage 'HEN R amo to ly Y WINSOB At 00., mhs =2 South Delaware avenue. ,tiln, A nELPH EA, RICHMOND &NI ,NORFOL.E. STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The tine steamships of this Line insure at the !owes , :atm and Ball ri-kularly from the First Wharf above Siarket street, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk And City Point, forming the most direct route for the South and Southwest. Forfreight or passage, with excellent accommods .cna, apply to WM.. P. CLYDE & 14 North and South Wharr&e. STE,' kYSELIP HARLAN FUR NEW ' ORLEANS, LA., DIRECT FROM. PHLLA• DELPHI A. +A I IS POSITIVELY on SATURDAY, March 101 h. at lu A. M. - - - • - INE=REMI=EI . . . The new Iron C. S Mall Steamship HAI:CLAN Fcrbes. master, I.hou tons regiKter s now rapidly loading at Me steamship Wharf at Vine street, and naving nearly all of ber cargo engaged, or going on board. will sail as above. For freight or passage. haring splendid state-room accommodations, apply to BISHOP, SON & LA., 105 Arch Street.l Cabin Passage . _ fek Sleeraae Passage ...__ .to, ................ . Agent at New Orleans, Mr. I. C. Harris. wile will forward all goods addressed to his care for the in tenor or Texas. nila64l NEW EXYRESS LucE TO ALEX "" ANDRLS.. Georgetown and Washington a C o esapeake and Delaware Canal. with connection. at Alexandria Va., form the most direct route tot Lynchburg, Bristol. Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton anc .he Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market titres -.very Wednesday and Saturday at I2M. For freight apply to the agents, W. P. CLYDE S CO- 14 North Wharves J. B. Davidson, Agent at G eorgetown : Elldridge • Co., Agents at Alexandria. 0 NEW TOW-BOAT LLNE. DELAWARE and CLIZEAPEA.H.) S' TOW-BOAT COMPANY. BARGES towed to and from PHILADELPHIA HAVRE-DE-GRACE. BALTIMORE, WARMING TON. and Intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents, No. 14 South Wharves, Philadelpata. Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN, Superintendent- FOR'. _AI 1 "_ 1 : - V ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER LINE. SAILING REGUL ART y AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift. sure Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship CARLYLE L. Hokin , Commander, Is now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River. This beautiful vessel Is one of the sharpest and best vessels now loading. Having a portion of her cargo on board with large engagements, will have quick despatch. For freight. SADLY to RIEDiOP, SON & CO. ja.2srt 105 Arch st reet. FOR BOSTON,Mass.—Express Line.—The fine schooner E. H. FURBER, Cobb, master is now loading at Willow street wharf and will have prompt despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID CJOPER. IS North Wharves. mitt' FOR PROVIDE—NCR, R. L—Express Line.— ..-14s. The Mae schooner FLIGHT. Reity, master. • Is now loading for thb above port at first wharf below Callowhill street, and will have prompt d•-,patch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, is North Wharves. mh atFOR 12ARDE • AS.— elle Al fast Winn, brig KA .AHDLN. Saunders, master, having most • of her cargo engaged, will be despatched as above positively on Tuesday, lath inst. For balance or freight, apply to E. A. SOLDER & CO., Dock street wharf roh,,t WANTED.—VesseI about. ;:o:t tons capacity to load coal for Charleston. S. Another about 200 tons capacity for a voyage to at. Mary's. Go., and back. Apply to EDMOND A. SOUDER 0., Dock street wharf. mhtst TEAMSIIIP NORMAN, FROM BOSTON.—Con• signees of merchandise. per above steamer, will .lease send for their goods, now landing at Pine street A - harf. mhs-::t HENRY WINSOR & CO. HIP NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned U against trusting any of the crew of the Br. ship S. L. TILLY, whereof Cann is master, !roma City Point, Va., as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignee. EDMUND A. 13017DRR & CO. Dock street wharf. deli/ I%;(OTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned against LI harboring and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig DENMARK, as no debts of their contract ing will be paid by captain or consignees. WORK MAN & CO., Consignees. 123 Walnut street. TAB. B.SHlNDLEERoraccessor to JOHN SHINDLEP ea SONS, Sail Makers, No. 300 North DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. All work done in the best manner and on tue loweBt and most favorable terms, and warranted to give per feet satisfaction. Particular attention given to repairing HAIR RESTORATIVES. EUREKA. THE INFALLIBLE HAIR RESTORATIVE! This is no Hair Dye. paorAzießgasi:frOO:cm 3 to: 43l :• l •o:(Glophallit 4 :4 It will cleanse the scalp, and thereby promote the growth of the hair. If the hair is dry, stiff and lifeless, It will give It a slitneas and lively youthful appearance. If the hair is becoming thin, weak and falling of 3, it will restore its strength and beauty. If the hair Is gray or becoming so, it will restore it to its original color without staining scalp or head. Tt is free from all impurities or poisonous drugs. it is no hair dye, but an infallible restorative, and will do all that is promised. when used by the directions. SOLD. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BY ROBERT FISHER, Sole Agent, No. 25 North Fifth, between Chestnut and Pine, Rt. Louis Agent for Pennsylvanlas MOTT dt CO„ 232 North Second street, Philada. felB th.s.triSmi DENTISTRY. . OVER 35,000 TEETH EXTRACTED with . out pain; nitrous oxide gas admintitered. The most beautiful Teeth inserted and the natural contour of the face restored. Dr. C. L, MITIsT.NS, No. 31 SPRUCE Street fe2.o-Imd G - I r r AND CO. \t ' sh MA.ETSTERS, 101/3-114a4hift NEW PUBLICATIONN PIIESS!! ' IN PRESS!! READY NEXT SATURDAY. FAIAE, PRIDE TWO WAYS TO MATRIMONY A COMPANION TO ' FAMILY PRIDE," AND "FAMITX SECRETS." In ope large Duodecimo Volume. Price $1 50 in Paper; or, V. 00 in Cloth Send for oor Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders, retail or wholesale. to T. B, PETERSON & BROTFIERS, 303 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. Books sent postage paid, on receipt of retail price. Ali NEW BOOKS are at PETER-SONS'. inh7-2t tt. MISS MaCEEVER'S POPULAR WRITINGS. • HER NEW BOOK, TEE WOODCLIFF CHILDREN. A 16mo vol, for boys and girls. Prettily illustrated Price $1 2.5 bliss McKeever is one of the most successful. and healthful of writers for the young, and the impressive moral which forma the basis of her stories. is always mace palatable by an abunaance of attractive Mai den ts.— Cincinnati Gazftte. • NEW EDITIONS. • WOODCLIFF, by Harriet B. McKeever. I volume, • th - ck - 12.m0. cloth. EDITH'S MINIFY RY. 1 volume. thick 12mo , cloth. SUNSHINE; or. KATE VINTON. 16m0., cloth. TAE FLOUNCED ROBE. AND WHAT IT COSTS. With frontispiece. 16mo, cloth. Miss McKeever's popularity as an authoress.and the elevated character of her writings, have given to them a standard character equal to those of any female wri• ter of the present day. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Pnblishers, N 0.2.5 South Sixth street NEW BOOKS—JUsT PUBLISHED. 1- NOW BOUND. By J. 0. Whittier. TEE ETHICS OF THE DUST. Ten Lectures to Little Housewives. By John Ruskin, M. A. A is OBLE LIFE.. By tne author of -John Halifax." limo. cloth. THE SHEPHERD AND HIS FLOCK . By J. R. Macduff j D. D. 12mo, cloth. OR.ANT 9ND HIS CAMPAIGN. A military bio graph. By Prof. Coppoe. 1 vol Bvo. JOT RNA L OF EUGENIE DE GUERTN. For sale by JAMFS S. CLAXTON, Successor to W. S. & A. Hartlen, mll2 606 Chestnut street, A LL EMS LIFE OF PHILLDOR.—THIE LIFE OP PHTLIDOIL Mush:ism and Chess Player, bye°Orli &lien, Greek Professor In the 'University of Pena. sylvanbx with a Supplementary : I ,sky on Phllidor, at :Mess Author and 'Mess Player, by Thasaile Vol n o i debrand and de Lana, Envoy Extraordinary and Ms. ster Plenipotentiary of the King of Prussia, at tht 4";nrt, of Saxo-Welmar. I voL, octavo, % vellum, gill np. Price 31 IS. Lately published 13 2___ E. 11. Bumn.E - •00., nos 127 South Fourth street. I'eLMES RAYONS Blank Books and Stationery, 1101 Market St. Old Books bought and exchanged. ot=.l* BIErSINESS VAILBIN. 628 HOOP SKIRTS, 6 28 NEW SPRING STYLES NOW READY al Hopkins' "own make," at No. SS ARCH Street. These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants 01 first-class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladles, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal in the market, and warranted to give sarkf , rtion. Also, constantly on hand, a tall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 VD 40 Kings, at very low prices. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Vv hoiesale and retail. not;-ftini L , C. KNIGHT fi CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 14..5. E. Cor. WATER and CHI STN streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of the -zouthwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House, of 'Philadelphia. jal-lyr rrEORGE SHARP Patentee Et.d mo.nufacture_r of the BALL ?AVERY:Us: SILVER WARE. No. 41. Prone street_ .2:1-319 :AXES A. WRIGHT. THORNTON PIKE- CLEMENT A. GM...cold. THEODORE WRIGHT. FRANK L. NEALL. PETER WRIGHT Lt. eONS, Importers of Earthenware, and Sac loping sad Commission Merchants. No. 115 W AL-NET Street, Philadelphia. r VAUGHAN KERRICR„ WM. H. MERRIAM JNO. E. OOPF.. OUTHWARIC FOUNDRY, FLETH. AND WAR= Plax.A.Dgmnak. KEIRRICE & BOLTS, ENGINEERS AND !EU/W.:O etanclacorre High and Low Pressure - Steps Eng:MS :or River and Marine Service. uer. - „Gasometera, Tanks, Iron Roans, *c. ,sztintm cf all kinds, either Leon or brass. iron Fame Booth for Gas Work's. Workidtops a . trawl Stauorus, &c. c. ma and Gas Machinery. Of the hams and inCSI I , °roved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; ant ingar, Saw and Gast. Mills, Vacuum Pans, as Stearn Traits, Dedicators. Einem, Pumping :Mr tines. (t.c. ;tole Agents fez Efilens'a Patent Sugar Rainy pparatua, Nesmyth's Patent Stearn Hammer art upin seal ,S; Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal SulP3 Draining Machine. DoENNBYLVANLe. WORMS—on the DELAWARD L River, below PHILADELPHIA, • pH:WM& Delaware county, Pa. HEANEY, BON & 00. Engineer' and Iron Boat Builders. Manufacturers of Allklnds of CONDENSING ANDG ENES, NON-CONDENSING ZIP Iron Vessels of all descriptors, Boilers, Vats, TangS Propeller'. &c., &c. T. &RANEY, W. B. BEANDT, 8. AscrEcEBOLD, Late of Late s. , ?aney, Nestle & Co., Engineer tn Cala Penn Works, Phila. ErZl4=n U.S. Navy PrPHILADELPHIA RIDING 80H00L.... , OURTH street, above Vine, will reopen ibr iW Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. Mu Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough rnowledge of this accomplishment will find ever? %catty at this schooL The horses are safe and well trained. so that the most timid need not fear. Saddly sorses trained in thig beet manner. Saddle hot= !lorseet and vehicles to hire. Also carriages ibr rain, to cars, steamboata, &c. THOS. MAME 8 eart.' GAS FLXTURES.—MISKEY, MERRILL & THAUSARA, NO. ;IS CHESTNUT street, Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c.„ &c, would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, &c. They also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extend ing. altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. ASO ()AIN'T WELLS.—OWNERS OF PROPERTY.—The only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Main. tected. at very low prices. A. PEYSSON, Mannfactarer of Poudrette, Goldsmith's Hall. Lib street rary LEGAL NOTICES. lIURLAH i3 7 2 a Court friend,hernexto . flimon Pleas of tile City and County of Philatlel : hia In Divorce. De^em" , er Term 1565 No. 27. CHARLES W. BUELAH. Respondent in above Yeu will please take notice that interroga. N.: les to be addressed to the witnesses to be produced in this case on the part of the libelant. have been tiled, .". that the said witnesses wit' be produced and ex omit, ea by J. HOWARD GENDELL Esq.. Examiner appointed b raid Court for that purpose, on the 20th dos* of Marzh. A. D. 1866, at 4 o'clock P. ?S. of that day; a: 'hrs oce, No. 4R2 Walnut street, Philadelphia. when ar.d whereyou may attend; or in the meantime tile cross interrogatories, as you may think proper. JOHN C. REDHE.FFER. fe . 27.15t Attorney for Libeatnt TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TRT CITY .A2ND COURTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate u. PA'l 1 Et' CE rsIMOIN s, deceased. The auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and ad lust the ac count of Wilhelm Hughes. Executor of Patience Simons. deceased, as flied by Mary Hughes and Edwin A Hughes. Administrators of William Hughes. de veased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties inter est ed for the purposes of his appointment., on FRIDAY, 3f arch lath, A. 1). 1066 at 4 o'clock, P. 51., at his othee. No. 507 Race street in the city of Phil adelphia. mhs,s,tu,th-ses_ TN THE ORPHANS' CoURT FOR THE I. COUNTY OP PHIIADELPHIA.—Estate of \t'll LIAM MASON, deceased, The auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of JANE E. Al A SON, Executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, March 13th, 1964, at 5 o'clock, P. M., at his Office, No. 529 VINE street; in the city of Philadelphia. EDW. S. CAM PBEL,thst Auditor. EE-TAIE OF JAMES FULTON. DECEASED. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the Estate of JAMES FULTON, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims against the said estate will present them withont delay to GEORGE HENDERSON, Executor, N0.41'2' Market street; REBECCA J. FIIL'ION, Executrix. N 0.703 alnut street W hsts "CBI ATE OF ELIZABETH SL A.CK , dec'd.—LET El TEEM TEST A.ME !ITA HY upon the, Estate of Eli; zabeth 81ack., deceased, having been granted to the un• dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims sesinst the same, to present them without delay to JOHN B. HAWK, Executor; ESTHER BINCRER. Executirx, Richmond street, above Ann. rahl-that* IUSTE OF WILLIAM B. theZELL, DECD.— /..12.4 Let era Testamentary noon Estate of William B. llazell deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims to make known the same without delay to JOHN G. WILSON, Fxecutor. No. )405 Hanover street, or to his Atrne THOMAS J. DIEHL, 530 Walnut street. mbl t -t o h6ti y, ESTATE OF CHARLES A. POULSON, ;deceased.— LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been duly granted to the Undersigned on the Estate of said dece dent, all persons having claims against the same are requested to present them, and those thereto in debted to make payment, to CHAS G. POULSON', Franklin, . Venango C.Junty ; JOHN HOSKINS 921 •E ring Garden street; Z. POULSON passim, 1214 Chestnut street, Executors,•or at 735 Walnut street. fe22-th,Bt* REMOVAL. RgaidOVAL—J AMES LYND has removed his LAW OFFICES to N o. 411 OHESTNIIT Bt. fel9-Iml - REMOVAL. -JAMES SIEINDLF,A, Sailmaker, .LVmay be found for the present at No. WO North - Delaware Avenue. ' fe224mot ATICTION SALES. I THOMAB SIRC).I .1r 80N. AUCTIONEERS ANT COBM.:• 2 10N MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHEST.N 01! stheet, (Rear entrance 1307 Sensors street.) Household Frolliture of every description received ' Consiptmenti BALES EVERY FRIDAY MORNTNG. Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the saes Reasonable Terms. BALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOORB, An., AT TEI EXCHANGE Thomas Birch A Son respectfully inform theb riends and the public that they are prepared to attend to thesale of Real Estate by auction and at private sale Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. NEW AND SECOND HA ND HOUSEHOLD FURNT• IJI E, .PIANO FORUM. MIRRORS, CARPETS, de., &a. FRIDAYON MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, No. MO Chestnut street. wlll be sold— . A large assortment of superior walnut parlor. cham ber and dibunt room furniture. &c CHOICE 'WINES AND LIQUORS—PRIVATE. STOCK. ON FRIDAY. At 1 o'clock. at the anctl n, will ha soh a pri vate stock of Wines, sc.. incirding Champagne Spark. line Moselle. Shartzbtrger, 1,1,.ck, Claret. C.tawba, Abeynth, Carracoa, BALE OF 40E0 FIEOES OF Fi.FOA.NT WALL PAPER ON MONDAY MORNING, MARSH 12, At 10 o'clock, at the auction sure, No. 1110 Chestnut street. will be sold— About 4000 pieces of choice hanging paper, of the latest styles. Sale N. E. corner of Eleventh and Chestnut rats STOCS. OF FINE FANCY [:ODDS, TOYS, GAMES. • cfac Bre.. ON TOESDAY MORNING. MARCH 13 At to o'c.obk, at the northean corner o Chestnut and Eleventh streets. will be sold the entire stock on band of tine fancy goods and toys. comprising a great .> v riety. The salewill be continued daily until, the entire stock and lizturrs are closed out. THOMAS BIRCH & SON will sell at anction, at their Gallery. 1110 Chestnut street on the evenings of THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, March 15th and 16th. at half past seven o'clock each evening, a VALUABLE COLLECTION of Foreign and American OIL PAINTINGS, embracing many works of rare merit. Among the Paintings area num. her the property of a private gentleman about leaving for Europe. It is the most interesting and choice col lection which has been offered to the Philadelphia public this season, and contains a few works by de ceased artists of reputation. Altogether 50 different artists are represented by about 150 subjects. FOREIGN ARTISTS. Paul Weber, Moreland, Didee, Van Severdonk, Bernede. :dolliere. pander Waarden, ..Itancind Vincent, Doll, _ Notterman, Krieshoff, , Witk amp, Chaillot, Martinella, D 43 Simone; Burtel, Leonard. AMERICAN ARTISTS. 4;. W. Nicholson, 0. El artwick, G. Harwood. J, B. Ord. CA. eommers, P. Dabour, J. A. Woodside. Thomas Moran. H. Boese. G. F. Bonsall, J. R. I qmbdin, F. Meade W. A. BontiPld, S. B- Waugh. Leomans, L. S. Jatlliard, Gre.mewald. 8.. Hemp, E. Moran. T. H Smith. ... The RY b:bition will be open to the public on Thurs day morning. "March Bth, and continue open every day and evening until time of sale. FURNESS, BRINLEY & CO.. No. 615 CHESTNIT7 and No. 612 JAYNE atrpet. SALE OF BRITISH FREN(`R AND AMERICAN DRY 0001).;. ON FRIDAY MORNT-NG March 9th,at 10 o' catalogue, on four months' credit. Sq.l packages and lots of fancy and staple Im v.ort d Dry Goods. 'ALE OF PLAIN. DOTTED AND FIGURED SWISS MISLLNS, LACE AND MUSLIN CUR, TAINS. &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. A large assortment of plain, dotted and figured Swiss muslins. A full assortment of rich lace curtains a 01171. a of embroidered mita In curtains DRAPERY 31116L1 NS AND LACE CURTAINS. For Cl y Trade. 10. , pieces 9 1 and 12-4 damask draDero musllcs no pieces Si do do lace bgrders do. 2u, pieces 12 4 to 16-4 tine to superfine lace curtains. So plc ces 14 4 gulpilre do. Ist , pieces gauze curtains. N. B.—The particular atte Lion of the trade is rc quested to the above assortment cf Swiss goods as it crm prises the largest an best assortment ever offered at auction. WHITE GOODS AND BRILLIANTS pieces tine white brilliants. o pieces 6.4 tine white I`..Zainsooks.. Soo pieces Ninscok checks and stript 4 s. ISO pieces Um Victoria lawns. —ALSO— BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS. lols 2441,40 inch heavy black gros de Rhines. taffe ta., grre grain, drap de France and gros de Lyons, adored poult de sole, &c. LADIES' PARIS t•II.S. NECK " IFS, HDRFS., &c. •:tc dozen Paris silk neckties plain and hemstitched linen cambric hd kis. DRESS GOODS. An assortment of faxmy dress cx>ft, colored alpacas, black mohair checks. An. --.. ;- ~ _ All Wool. t , pieces choice colored Pads mot:milli de lainel, all wooL DOZITIC GOODS FOEL CASH_ An assortment of cotton and woolen domestics, for h.rn SALE OF 1500 D01....MC PARIS KID GLOVES Just landed from steamef. ON FRIDAY MORNING. Apargeaad entire invoice of very loperior criality chi:lc,. colors Parts kid gloves. for c'ty retail trade UY JOHN B. MYERS di CO.. AUCT/ONZES Nor. 222 and 234 Market etrpec mrn.r of Sank ♦ Di L • • •igD- We will sell on THrIi..DA 1 and FRIDAY, March 4th and 9th commencing each day at 10 o'clock, by catalogue for cash, the vc ry large stock of Dry Goods or messi.s. 7 t MP'S. SENT. SANTEE & CO.. partially damaged at the late tire, a large portion of the stock but Little: If any, injured. The attention of the trade is solicited, as being well worthy thejr notice. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH A ND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. dm. ON MONDAY MORNTNG, MARCH EL, At li. o'clock. will be sold, by catalogue. ON FOUR HI ONTHS CREDIT, about S5O lots ofFren ch, Ptdia.Ger than and British Dry Goods, embracing a full assort. ruent of fancy and staple articles in silks, worsteds. woolrus, linens and cottons. N. B.—Goods arranred for examination and cata logues ready early on morning Of sale. LA Itt: F. PEREMPTORY SA LE OF BnOTS. SHOES, BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, &c., ON TIIM.DAY MORNING, MARCH 13, Will be sold, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months' credit, about 1.200 packages Bents. Shoes. Bal. ntgrals. Ac., of City and Eastern manufacture. Opal for examination with catalogues early on the morning of sale. !POSITIVE SALE OF INGS, CARPETINGS, CANTON MATT fie. ON FRIDAY MORNING. March 16, at 11 o'r leak, will be sold, by catalogue. on fur ruorelas' credit, about 200 pieces superfine, and tine ir grain. royal damask. Venittan, list, hemp, cot tage and rag carpetings, which may be examined early on the morning ofsale. B. SCOTT, lA., AUCTIONEER, 102 A OHM l'Zi I! l street SA LE OF VERY FINE AGATE. BARDIGLIO, AND CA STELLINA VASES AND URNS. FINE FRENCH BRONZE FIGURES AND GROUPS, ALABASTER 1-TATUETT'FS, BOHEMIAN GLASSWAI, BISQUET FIGURES, &,c. • The Ito . ortation of Messrs. Viti Bros. ON TUESDA - and WEDNESDAY MORNINGS, 7iiarcl:i - i3 and 14 At 10i, o'clock each dap, at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, will be sold an invoice of the above articles, jute landed from Italy and France. Th• collection will be open for examination on Monday morning. PHILADELPHIA ARTISTS', SALE OF OIL P.. 4 IN,TI iii GS. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, March 15th and 16th. At 7% o'clock. at Scott's Art Gallery, Igo. 1020 Chest.- rut street. will be sold without reserve, a number of Paintings by Philadelphia artists, viz— W. bberidan Young', R. Heb.r Reed, Edmund G. Lewis, J. B. Beale, F. Moran, F B. Schell, G. r. Bensell. 'P.P. Otter, E. B. Beaten. H. Boese, H. C. Bispham, John Wilson, W. E. Cresson. s, S. Levis, George E. Candee, E. Med ilheney, 0 A. Sommers, T. J. Fennimore, D. E. Wyand, D. W. C. Boutelle, D. B. B night, IG, Burling, George P. Wood, Jr., S. Williams, A. Fredericks. Montigny, 1 eon Juilliard, F. W this. Paul Weber, W. S. Searby, W. E. Winner, G. F, Atwood, Thomas Moran, i And others. Joseph J. John, I Comprising one of the best assortments of oil paint ings by native artists ever offered at public sale in this city. Open for examination on THEPRINCIPAL MONEY tzI'ABLISHMENT, S. E. corner of SIBTH end RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally; Watches,Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRRATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Face. English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le pine Wetches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and Lepine Watches: Double Case English Quartier and other Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breast pine; Finger Rings; Ear Rings, Studs, Fine Gold Chains: Medallions; Bracelets:* Scarf Pins; Breast Pins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases, and JewolrY gene . rally. FOR SALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Chest, suitable for a Jeweler, price te,so. Also several Lota in South Camden, Fifth and Chestnut streets. DAVIS & HARVIZY. AIIUTIONIGNIts (Late with M. Thomas & Eionsa - Store No. 833 chestnut street. TIRE S.UI ar Tuesday. SALES AT RESIDENCES will receive partici:dal attention. Administrators' Sale No, 905 Wood street. SUPERIOR FUR J PETSN ARITTJRE, PIANO, TAPESTRY ON WEDNEBDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, by o diSr of administrators. the house hold and kitchen furniture:Mono, tine tapestry and other carpets, tine feather beds, &c. May be examined at 8 0 clock on the morning of the _ -------- J• RITzrATMCS. r e. - • s • :451,3, • . Auction Howie, -No. 927 . 10111MTNCT street,. Misr cent to the Cotinental, Girard, St Lawrence, Marko Rouse and other PoPular Rotel& De Vleigarles De Visconti, Monday, 12th Inn AWCTION SALES. 1161 THOMAS dr. EOM AUCTIONEERS. Nos. and 141Siouth 17013RTEL street. SALES OP MOUES Aim REAL ESTATE at the Rrchanrce, every MEHRA Y, at 12 o'clock rionat mg- Handbills of each properly issued riaParatell. and on the Saturday previous to each sale WOO cattoi Icrgues ir pamphlet form, giving fall descriptions, REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Printed catalogues, comprising several hundred thousand dollars, including every description oral and country property, from the smallest dwellings the most elegant mansions; elegant country seats, farms, businesspreperties. &c. lir ITIRDE SALES AT THE AITOTURE STORE EVERY THURSDAY. lOr residences Particular attention even to tu e fa at rents . itsl. STOOKS On TIIFSDA Y. MARCH 12. At 12 o'clock noon, at the Phlladelphla Rachango, swat coupon bond West Chester and Phtlaclelplidat &Slroad, convertible. 114 1 .10t0 se en per cent Pt mortgage coupon bonds .tenbenville and Indiana Railroad. 53 atareS Conti - air - National Bank. sEccNn SPRING SALE. MARCH 13. rrph C, nrt Safe-5 Late of Stills minors—VA LUABLE THEFT: STORY BRICK (mimic) RESI DE-NCR% with all the modern conveniences and large Lot. N. W. corner let h and Locust sts; 3 fronts. Im meplate poiv esslon. Open Ifondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. from 12 to 4 o clock. Orphans' Court sale—Estate of George K. Smith, iec'd—MODERN THREE STORY BRICK DWELL ING, No. 451 north 4th et, south of Noble st, with two stables in the rear. Same Estate—BUILDING LOT, York st, west of Amber st. Orphans' Court Sale—Fstate of Harriet Budd Simp- Pon, decd—THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, Thompson Ft, east ofLeuls Ft. Same Estate-2 THREE STORY BRICK DWELL INGS, Geisse and Gordon sta. 19th Ward ame Estate—Lot of Ground, 2i are st, west of.lddSon st, 15th Ward. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Witham R. Banner, d ec'd —TURN E STORY 'BRICK DWELLING, War cock st, north of Poplar st. Same Estate—LOT, Union and Liberty sts, Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John Haas, deed— Lot, Sixteenth st. r orth of Parrish st. F ame Estate—Brick Stable, on a 10 feet wide alley leading into New Market at. Executors' Sale—Estate of Anthony Buttner, Br., dec'd—VA BITABLE CLAY LOT, about 11 acres, on Nictitown lane, between the Germantown railroad and Germantown turnpike. LARGE AND VALUABLE RESIDK's:CE, N 0.902 Walnut st, west of Ninth st. Has themodern convent ebcee. 23 feet front. Clear of all lncumbrance. 510,000 May remain on mortgage. MODERN 'FOUR S ['OILY BRICK RESIDENCE, No 142 north Twentieth st. near Arch at. Has the modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Open daily from 11 to 1 o'clock NEAT Af °DERN THREE STORY BF , ICK ESI— P ENCE, No. 2019 Mount Vernbn st,west of Twentieth. Has ti e modern conveniences. VERY VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS-2 Four Story Brick Stores, Nrs. 129 and 131 south Front st, hrtween Walnut ar.d Chestnut sts: 35 feet 8 inches front. HREE STORY BRICK DWELLING S. E corner of Eleverth and Melon sts. 2 THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Nos. 1.114 and 1336 Columbia avenue. Clear of all inc3rnbranre. Same Estate—THßEE STORY BRICK DWELL ING. No. 919 Melon st. Faector's Peremptory Sale—Estate of John Brown, decd—TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. I 7 North Tenth street. south of Spring Garden street. X FCI.I . or's Sale—Fstate of Thomas Uncleson, dee'd. DE'S'IRABLE LOT. Woodbine avenue, German own. vALtABLE PARM, 13.5 acres, Ashton township, Delftware county, Pa. ' VALUABLE LOT AND BULLRINGS, Nos. 402 and 104 Poplar street. 5 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Ellsworth stTP.t. TIIREE STORY BRICK DWELLLISIS. Twelfth stre• t. above Ellsworth. LA ltr:F. and CALLABLE LOT. Ellsworth street, east oflwelfth. VALUABIE MACHINERY. ON FRIDAY 2sIoRNING. MARCH 9 At 10 o clock, at No 447 north B.ioad street. corner of uttonwrod street, wishont reserve, a quantitp of ye nabie machinery, consisting of planes, lathes, drill prPssrs: screw machine screw cutting machine, Fow ler press..Yises, shafting, Pull ys. rfelting, grind tone. bilfcksmitha' tools,fic. Full particulars in handbills now ready, F , ale No. 411 Scot NEAT 11Cit<Iiii °Lb 1 ,- 1 TUBE. CA:reP.E;rogic ON FRIDAY MORN ING, LARCH 9 At 10 o ' clock, at No. 41r snuth Eighteenth street. br•low Pre street. the mat household furniture sr hool disks, kitchen ntenallu carpets, beds and bedding, to atressgs. fia May be exam 'fled at 8 o'clock on the morning of aal" VAI I:ABLE MISCRLL SHEOL'S BOOKS,N GRAVINGS,&c. ON FRIDAY AFTIJINOON. MARCH 9, A t +he auction store. valuable miscellaneous books fn m a library, Including many t are wort. on the fine art . Also, a large numbor of engravings, etchings, &c. SALF: OF HORSES. ON SATURDAY AFTER:coos A t 2 o'clock. at the Darby Railroad Station, Darby resd and Grays Ferry. 18 horses. suttab.e for farmers and 6 hers. Also, 2 mares with foal. Terms cash, XTRNSIVE SALE OF HORSES. COWS. WAGONS, l'A RTS. HAANF.-SS. HAY, IRON TANK, FARM LN.PLEMENTF... &c. ON 'II...YZD AY MORNTNG, March 13th. at le o'clock, at the farm of D. E. Ker sbow...Esq.. Island Road, went) , fourth Ward, about two miles from Blue Bell Tavern, Darby Road. will be ',old, without reserve. the entire stock, comprising 3 horses. :5 cows. list tons hay, together with an exten sive s..sor,ment of farming implements, dairy fixtures, &c. Full particulars in handbills. The sale will commence at 10. o'clock A. M. Me cisely. Sale No 1612 Filbert street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FEATHER BEDS, HANDSOME VELVET CARPETS, etc. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, At to o clot. at No. 1612. Filbert street. by catalogue, the superior furniture, fine feather beds, bedding, fine glassware Sad china. handsome velvet and Brussels pargets *ay be examined at s o'clock on the morning of sale F X TENSTVE SALE OF FURNITURE AT \V JFXSEY HOTEL. CAMDEN. • • (N F.IIII)AY MORNING. MARCH 16, At lo q clock'. at the West Jersey Hotel, Market st., d Camden, the entire furniture including parlor an ntr room. rilty .chamber , , fine feather beds, hair matrtsses, table and bed linen, crockery and glass ware. bar room and kitchen furniture, cc. Also express wagon, furniture car, cart, dray, hay Scales, Sc. Sale at the United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above P mirth street. _ _ VERY SUPERIOR PARLOR AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, Rosewood Piano Forte. French Plate ill antle, Pier ano Oval Mirrors, Feather Beds, Hair Mattresses, Glassware, China, Axminster, Velvet and Brussels Citypets &c. ON NON D MORNING March Ist h, at 10 o'clock. at the United States Hotel. Chest' ut street, above Fourth, by catalogue, the very superior parlor, chamber and dining room furniture, rosewood piano forte, by Reichenbaek, a large number of fine French plate mantle, pier and oval mirrors,fine feather bids, hair mattresses, China and glassware, handsome Axminster, Brussels and velvet carpets. being the en tin. furniture of thirty rooms. JR - Full particulars in catalogues ready one day pre vious to sale. AME 23 A. FREEMAN, AIIUTIOBRIER, No, 422 wALN - uor street. VALUABLE RESIDENCES AT PRIVATE SALE R:Pla T. ESTATE OPERATORS. 3rT;E3ANT WALNUT STRLN:t MANSION—Ono of the most elegant residences on Walnut street, 50 feet front; large ground. stable, &c. Also, - BROWN STONE MANSION, Walnut near Broad st. Will be Bold. at very low rates, to a party who will take them all In ono lot, five desirable dwellbso in the heart of the city. Immediate occupancy can be had U desired. This is a very favorable opportunity to par ties who seek good real estate investments to bay a& old prices property which will pay well and Jeerer's& in value. For particulars apply at the auction store. ST A R1,16 --A very desirable property in the neigh. boyhood of Twelfth and Locust stn. TAVERN STAND and 9 acres of land, on Rides' road, 9 miles from the State House, known as ant "Sorrel Horse." Plans, surveys, at the stare: Property No. 412 south Front at, 41 by 100 feet. do do 1138 and 1140 Lombard at 30 acres, Germantown 37 do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth do do Barker do do do 8 Building Lots, south Twenty-second et Property northeast corner Fourth and Spruce eta Dwelling, with side yard. Darby road Brown-etene Store, Second at, near Chestnut Residence and large lot, Burlington do No. 201 south Tenth at do do 418 south Eleventh at Dwelling, 430 Pine st do 508 Pond at 6 acres of Land. Federal at. Tweetyillath Ward VALUABLE STORE, CHESTNUT ST—A. very valuable business property on Chestnut at, having two frpurs—in good order, &c. Occupancy with the deed. BY BABBITT Cash Auction ATTOTIONREM3O-. No. MARKET street, corne r gißartk street. Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge; Notice to City and Country Merchants. ygNEMPTORY SALE OF tow LOTS OF DRY NOTIONSLOTHS, CASSIMERE-. HOSIERY, FANCY SHIRTS, DOILIiroTIC GOODS, cto , ON FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH. 9. At 10 o'clock. Also, at 11 o'clock. 100 cases and car. tons Boots, Shoes, Balmorals, Hats. Caps, &c. Also, retail stoc. , 4 of flue cutlery, dm. pHILIP FORD ati 011. ADOTIONIEBIRS, No. 506 MARKET street . SALE OF 1400 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON MONDAY MORNING, MARCH n, Commencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell by catalOgo% for cash, 1400 cases Boots; Shoes. Brogans, Balmoral% Congress Boots, dm., comprising a large and desirable Assortment of goods, for men's, boss', youths. wo men's, misses' and children's wear. TL. ASHBRIDGE & CO., . AUCTIONEERS , No. 505 MARKET street. above Fif,h. MINGLD3H PICTKLIB, CIATEII7IIS,_ _SAUCES. :dto.-e• 114 CrosSe & PlCkles, gigatiPa. trances, Durham Mustard. Olives, &e.,_ ship Yorktown and for sale by JOB. B. fstr CO.. UR Saab DPlawarcl swami& SALE ROM AND TWINE MANUFACTURE, and. for Bale OF_ FF/TX.a. WEAVER & 00., la North Water street, and , 49 North Delaware avenue: BASSINS.--000b oxesiltuichandLayer • . • N i r r too. boxes' Valencia Italeins 100 mats Beedlemr Balsins for sale by Je.i. B. BUS&EIR & 00., 1158011tbk Water street:. Fighteenth street
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