-- BIJSINESS NOTICES. WHAT IS MY THOUGHT L7kF 9 What is my thought like? Why, indeed, ' It's like a court where lawyers plead; It'Slike a switch, unto the hide Of lazy urchins well applied; For, like a court, It's hill of suits, Though thee are garments, not disputes; Like a switch, though, it won't fret you, For In good habits it will get you. ' Now, what my thought is need I tell? What but the Tower you know so well? Our stock of Clothing telthe largest and most complete in this city, surpassed by none in material, style and fit, and sold at prices guaranteed lower than the lowest. TOWER HALL, No. 518 market Street, BENNETT & CO. WE HEAR That the proprietors r,of the STAR CLoriuso Pious's, (site: disposing of the bulk of their goods, which trey had on hand at the time of the tire, at very low prices), have just made up an immense stock of Clothing from .goods bought at razsragr PRICES, and can therefore sell at much lower rates than those who have such im mense stocks, bought when goods were at a high/tiers, to dispose of, and who will VERY RELUCTANTLY re• duce their prices to the present standard, IL B.—Prices of Winter Overcoats far below the .actual cost, and they would be a desirable investment for those who intend buying next winter. Lot of Vests. very cheap. STAB CLOTHING HOUSE, LOW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, CO CHESTNUT STREET, SIGN OF THE "STAR." PERRY & CO. OHNIKERTING GRAND PIANOS. SEMI-GRAND PIANOS! SQUARE GRAND PIANOS! yAre known to be the most perfect and permanent In stramients in America and Europe. In Gland and Mualcal Tone and in all respects of • delicate and enduring mechanlam, it is entirely con , ceded by the GREAT ARTISTS OP PIANO, And ALL DISCRIMINATING 14.IJSICAL AMA TEURS. that THE CIEICKERING PIANOS ARE FIRST On both sides of the Atlantic. NEW WAIUMIOOMS, 914 WEEESTNIFT street. jag-tn,th,s,tO W. H. DUTTON. A. REDUCTION OF TWENTY PER CENT. N REGULAR SCHEDULE PRICES. Desiring to reduce our lar6e stock of superior and highly finished seven octave Rosewood Piano", previous to the removal , to our new store, No. MESTNUT street, we have concluded to offer them at prices below the cost to manufacture. Persons de• shing.to purchase a first-class PIANO, at reduced rates, should avail themselves of this opportunity. SCHOMACEER dt CO., fe27-lm Warerooms No. inti Chestnut streek STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS Are now acknowledged the best in-M atruments in Europe ea well as America. They are used in public and private. by the greatest artigts living: in Burope, by VON BffLOW, DRE YsCHOCK, LiezT,JABLL. and others; in this country by BULLS, MASON, WOLPSOHN, etc. For ASIU sale only by BLS BROS., fe24- 1006 Chestnut street. CHICKERLNG GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIG HT PIANOS. Fifty-six Medals in America and Europe, and &lAA) Instruments in use. Great Collection of ORGANS and MELODEONs. New Were Rooms 914 CFIESTNUT street. mba-sa,tu,th W. H. DUTTON. CABENIET ORGANS AND STECK etsm CO.'S PIANO FORTES. Vib The only place where these unri valed instruments can be had in Philadelphia, is at J. E. GOULD'S. Seventh and Chestnut. 1 . 0.1-stwtf p EVENING BULLETIN. THURSDAY. MARCH S. 1866 THE UNION CONVENTION. The delegates to the Union State Con vention have done their work promptly and in the most satisfactory manner. General John W. Geary, of Cumberland county, was nominated for Governor on the first ballot. Whatever preferences may have been felt for other candidates for the nomination, every good Union man in Pennsylvania will give to Gene ral Geary his heartiest support. His civil and military records are both un exceptionable. Re will be especially remembered for his brilliant services in the war for the Union, and, his fellow soldiers now at home will gladly fight for him with ballots as they and he for merly fought together with bullets. With Hiester Clymer, the peace Demo crat and the opponent of soldier suffrage, as his competitor, no true Union voter in Pennsylvania can hesitate to vote for General Geary. The resolutions adopted by the Con vention are most admirable. They are such as must receive the approbation of every good citizen. On the subjects of the Union, the Constitution, the admis sion of Southern members to Congress, the national and rebel debti,the negroes, protection to American industry, the State administration, and all others, there is not a word that every good Pennsylvanian cannot heartily endorse. The rebuke to the treacherous Senator Cowan is properly administered. The resolution referring to President John son is highly respectful, and we believe it will make a good impression upon him. It asks no favors, but it states distinctly what, judging from his ante cedents, the people of Pennsylvania ex pected of him when they voted for him for Vice President, and what they still expect. The platform is altogether one oh which the whole National Union party of the State will rally with enthu eiasm, and upon it, with General Geary astheir candidate for Governor, they Will be sure of a brilliant victory in Oc tober. THE BEBE t. STATES The testimony taken before the Re- consti uction Committee, which has re cently been made public, is of a very important character. It shows that in most parts of the,South the people are much more rebelliously inclined than they were last April; that a large ma- jority of them openly avow their detes tation of the United States Government; that Union men are not safe, except where there are Union soldiers; that the megroes would be equally unsafe, but for. the Freedmen's Bureau and the troops; that the leniency of the administration has led the people to believe that they can obtain everything they ask, and they, therefore, are encouraged to abuse Congress and defy what they call the radical majority in that body. These and other facts being known to the Com mittee of fifteen, we are not surprised at their reluctance to admit the persons claiming seats in Congress to represent the lately rebellious States. They are as rebellious in spirit as ever, and if they, should all get their representatives into the Senate and House, they would hope and endeavor to legislate so - that the North, which won the victory in the war, should lose all the advantage,of it, and.the South should once more become the ruling portion of the land. . - Under these circumstance, there need be no harry to, admit them. Let them show a more subudasive spirit, and a little real loyalty, and their cases may come to be considered favorably. BUILDINGS FOR OUR PUBLIC INSTI TUTIONS. At a meeting of the Horticultural So ciety on Tuesday evening, it was de cided to ask the Legislature for a sup plement to the charter to enable the Society to purchase a lot and erect a building suitable for their large displays, lectures, &c.; and, if their means will admit,,it is designed to make it hand some and ornamental to the city. In this connection attention was called to the fact that other societies are contem plating:similar enterprises. The Aca demy of Fine Arts, Academy of Natural Sciences and Library companies, are also thinking of erecting new buildings, more spacious and better adapted to their purposes, and more central to po pulation than those they now occupy; and it was suggested that, if possible, it would be highly desirable to concen trate them all in one locality. For this purpose the Penn Squares were named as uniting greater advantages than any other location within the limits of the city. They are central to population and on the finest avenues, and might be improved so as to greatly beautify the city. Property on Broad .street it was supposed would surely be dome too valuable to be used much longer for coal and lumber yards, and that the time would comewhen it would be more elegantly improved than any of our present streets; while, if the growth of the city should keep pace with that of the vast country connected with it, the business now done there would be trans ferred to other parts more suitable and convenient for the purpose, and it was supposed that if these views should meet the public approbation, the public, to Whom these squares belong, would be willing to have them appropriated and adorned in the way proposed. The suggestion seems worthy at least of consideration. We are aware that these squares are held sacred, from the idea that they are the lungs of the city. But we can imagine that buildings might be erected 'suitable for the pur poses intended that would hardly inter fere with a free circulation of air, stand ing back from each of the streets with . which they are surrounded with shade and walks around them, and atthe same time of so elegant a character as to vastly adorn the locality. Being so near to nther, too, they would form a great at traction to the city, and striking every beholder as they would, they would aid in drawing to us those from other parts to whom literature, science and art are attractive. If there is no insuperable legal difficulty in the way, it may be well worthy of the consideration of the large numbers of our citizens who feel an interest in these institutions. And if they should agree in regarding the arrange ment desirable they could unite in urging upon public opinion, and the public authorities, the propriety of the appropriation. In such case they could use the large means they possess and that they expect to obtain, for the pur pose of erecting the most elegant and suitable structures that the skill and taste of our architects can design, and as thewhole funds of these institutions are derived from the liberality of public spirited citizens, the contribution of the free use of the ground in question would only be a reasonable one for so great a public good. THE RINDERPJF4 Ir. Some one has wickedly and causelessly circulated a report that the cattle disease, called in Europe the Rinderpest, but by one Philadelphia authority the Kinder pest, has broken • out in Montgomery county, and other parts of Pennsylvania. A small panic was the result. Nervous old ladies made themselves committees of investigation, to sit upon the beef they were to eat, the milk tney were to drink, and the butter they were to use. Extortionate butchers dreaded that people would refuse to buy beef at all; and if this result could be effected, we should not much object to a temporary Rinderpest or K inderpest alarm. But the truth has to be told. There is no Rinderpest in Pennsylvania. The bulls, cows and oxen of Montgomery county are in an extraordinary state of. salu brity. The Philadelphia' Agricultural Society has been inquiring into the matter, and they report a clean bill of health for the neat cattle of the country in general, and especially for those of Montgomery county. In fact no di sease at all resembling the Euro pean Rinderpest exists or has ex isted in any part of the United States. The ordinary ills that bovine flesh is heir to exist in - a moderate degree, but there is no epidemic. This is comforting knowledge. At the same time, we are glad that the Government is taking measures to prevent the intro duction of the Rinderpest, by prohibiting the importation of neat cattle and their hides from countries where the disease exists. VOW x r WORKS. The journeymen masons and carpen ters of New York are demanding three dollars and fifty cents a day for their labor, and insisting upon eight hours constituting a full day's work. The em ployers are, combining to regist the movement, and they propose to pay their employes by the hour instead of by the day, as heretofore. This must be the inevitable result of the eight hour movement, and it should be apparent to the most limited ,understanding that where workmen are more abundant than work, as they are at present, the workmen cannot. at re duce their employers' earnings twenty per cent. by lessening the hours of labor to that extent. Pliant legislators who are endeavoring to make capital THE DAILY .EVENINIx BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1866. among the laboring masses may enact laws fixing the hours of labor. Bat common sense and the inexorable laws of supply and demand will regulate things, and when the employer pays his eroployE , s by the hour, the most ram pant advocates of an eight hour system will be found working more than ten hours per day more frequently than a less number. In that event the loss of time will be the loss of the workmen; under the eight hour system, as urged and advocated, the advantages of en forced idleness would accrue to the em ploys, while the employer would be graciously permitted to bear a,ll the losses. John B. Myers Auctioneere, Nos. 232 and 234 Market street Co. . ;rill hold' on to-morrow (Friday) Mt rola 9 a continuation of the - immense sa e or goods from the late are at Messrs. Jnev,s, K,nt 'Santee& CO„ embracing a large and valuable assort ment of goods. Large Sale of Real Estate, 13tH Inst. Messrs. Thomas & Sons' sale on Tuesday next In eludes a large number of valuable and aesirable pro perties. Fee auction column. They have now , ready and ars preparing descrip none of several immensely large sales, to take place in the next six weeks. Particulars at the auction roc Ms. Sales of Beal Estate March 21st, 24th and 2Sth, by James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. Descriptions of James A. Freeman's Second, Third and Fonrth Spring Sales of Beal Estate may be seen in the advertising columns. The sale of the 21st has added to it a t esirable dwelling No 1717 Pine street, in very good order, to which particular attention is directed. JOHN CRUMB BUILDER. ' 1781 OWESTNUT BTILEET Mechanics of every branch required fbr ho . naebnild tug and fitting promptly furnished. Jai-em• PaticF S REDUCED. Splendid styles Portraits, artistically colored life-size Photographs in Oil ; a rare opportunity to obtain fine Liknesses, at moderate cost. B. F. REIMER, C 4 Arch street.' REVOLVING WAFFLE ERON 4 , of several sizes; Wafer Irons, Muffin Rings, Wisconsin. &Dune & to and other Cake Pass, for sale by TRUMAN t SHAW, No. 635 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. REDUCED PRICES.--A rare chance to secure a beautiful se. Cartes de Visite. at moderate cost. do at once to REINIRR's popular Gallery, Second st., above Green. ABIRTR-DAY GIFT TO TOUR SON, that may be very uselbl to yourself. IS a box of Tools. A va riety of them may be found at TRUMAN & SHAW'S, No. 8.3.5 (right Thirty-live) Market street, below Ninth. DEDUCED PRlCES.—Elegant styles Photographs It every variety. accurate, natural and lite-like Pic turns. Now is the time. Go to B. F. RtPSEB•S (la.: lesy, 624 Arch street: go early. P HOTOGRAPHERS. PlcLure-Frame Makers, Look Ingi.4lass deft ers, and others who use Iron Screw Eyes, . rosa Rings. Knobs. Nulls and Hooks Tacks, Brads...to.. are invited to examine the assortment those articles at TRUMAN et SHAVCs, No. 883 (e.lij,b.t Thirtygive) Market street. below Ninth. T" g.,USEKEEPERS. I have a large stork of every variety of Furniture wbich I v.ll, Nell redueed paces. consisting of PLAIN APD .MARELE-T , ,P eIoTTAGE W ALN UT ( FI All II E R PARLI SUIT , IN VELVET FLU pAgLOI; s1"11 , IN HAIR CLOTH. PA IIII•R sUITS REP.,. Sideboards. :Filen.ton Tableia. Wardrobe.. Ror, awes. h StlrsseS, LOU ilk P.. cane 1113(1 WOO. Ise4 t Caair Bedstel...s and Tables of ev. ry deszriruiou. P. P Gi.j FIN E. alliS.3l:n N. E. Corner Second and Race 1 - A7 Al N, LEAMING CO., Yl . No. =I CH h , TIN i 1' Atr.-,t, Agents for York an Boot:. Ntanufacturlog t have on h .nu t.llll tb.• desirable Good of ih• se Coropatki•s. York Cur Nankin& Nankin Checks, Plain and Paid Cottonades, Ileavy Twills, dc. Bnott. kfflls T rills, and 4V. 3C and 40-luch Itruwa sutrt inks and Sheeting& lIILLS-9& LOST OR MISLAID—PoIIey No. 553 dated Dee. 17. 1 KA of The Enterprise lo.,nrance Company mined to .bobert tole) . and tra.,lsferred to Enos Smed I , y, owner. The finder will confer a , acor o, return ing It to ENOz.:.shiEDLETY, rubb-th sa tot West Chester, Pa. BAing KU Brai % ding, Stamping WITH arDY , & TA r...LE Mk — , Embroider . M. A. TORREY , I sou Filbert Street ISAAC H. HOBBS. ARCHITECT - - - 154 South FOITRTH Street, Greta Western Building Room No. S. fe3-tmrp• THARRISON BOILER, A SAFE STEAM 1 801 ER.—The attention of ..11anutacturers aus others using Steam is confidently ceded to this new team Generator, as combining essential advantages In absolute gaiety from explosion, In cheapness of fir 4t cost and cost of repairs In economy of fuel, tacinty of cleaning and transportation. ac., not oosmssed by any other boiler now In use. This boiler is forme of a combination of cast-Iron hollow spheres, each sphere ti Inches external diameter, and .4 of an Inch Wel:. These are held together by wrougat Iron bolts, with caps at the ends. Nearly one hundred of these Boilers are now in op eration, some of ti4-m in the best establishments in this city. For descriptive circulars or price. apply to JOSEPH A8R11t;02..., Jr. Harrison Boiler Works. ,trays Ferry Road. adjoining the U. a 1 arsenal. Philadel phia. fez3d,lmrpt. A CHEAP LOT OF BLACK LLAMA LACE POD: 1 ES.—UHO W. VOli EL, No. lul6 Chestnut street, Invites attention to a lot of Black Llama Lace Pointes. from sls to $l6, warranted Real Llama Lace, and much below their present calve. mb2 ctrp• FINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS.—A fresh Ito -12 portatlon of benutitul styles, warranted correct TIME-KEEPERS.: FARR & BROTHEFL Importers, :724 thestou t street. below Fourth. F TTLE.H., WEAVER m M.. Manufacturers of MANTRA. AND TA_RP.ICD OORDAGE. Cords, Twines, A-c., 43 North Water Street, and No. 22 North Delawa.r. Avenue, Philadelphia. 1113wTst H. Prriara. Mtcrucr. WEAVIES, CONRAD F. Ot,oreass. TOB.DA_N'S ICELEBRAVED TONIC ALE.—The el truly healthful and nutritious beverage, now in tis. by thousands—invalids and others—has established a character for quality of material and purity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by physicians of this and other places. es a superior tonic and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its great merit. To be had, whn Jessie and etail, of P. I. JORDAN. 220 Pear street. TSAAC NATHANB. Auctioneer and Money Broker, A N. E. corner of Third and Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATE ASS'S Principal °dice, established for the last forty years. Money to loan in large or small amounts, at She lowest rates, on Diamonds. Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth ing, and goods of every description. Office boars from s A. M. till 7 P. M.. de73rfrP. MO HOUSEKEEPERS, for cleaning silver arid ver-plated ware, a NEW P )LISHING POWDER —the best ever made. FARR a BROTHER. felts 32 4 Chestnut street, below Fourth .R SALE.—To Shippers, ;Grocers, Hotel-keenn, and others—A very superior lot of Champagn• Older, by the barrel or dozen. P, J. JORDAN nos-rotf 220 Pear street. below Third and Wain'' HOO2 SKIRT MANIIF&CTORY Hoop Skirts ready made and made to order; warranted of the best materials. Also, Sairta repaired. BAT fel-aro 811 Vine Street. above Eighth. ITCH, ITCH, SCRATCH NO MORE.— "ITCH" "rwiTER" "'Ws." Dr. Swayne's Ointment. "TETTER" "ITCH" jr Swayne's Ointment. "TETTER" "ITCH" "TRITER" "ITCH" NEVER KNOWN "TETTER" -ITCH" "TETTER" "ITCH" TO FAIL "TETTER" "ITCH" "TETPE,R" "ITCH" IN CURING THIS "TEPPER" "ITCH" "ETTR" "ITCH" TORMENTING "T T ETT E ER" "ITCH" "TETTER" , "ITCH" COMPLAINT. "TETTER" "ITCH" "TE ITER" Cures Itching Piles, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Rash,all Skin Diseases. "Swayne's" "All Healing" . "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "A/I-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne'a" "All-Healing" "Ointment," "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." A great variety of cases yield to the wonderful heal ing properties of this Ointment, even the most °bed !, ate and protracted in character, ;eruptions covering the whole surface of the body, that put at defiance every other mode of treatment which the mind of man could invent. have been permanently cared. Price 50 cents a box. By mail 60 cents. Over 80 years have "Dr.. Swayne's .lifedicines" been in constant use in all parts of the world and their increas ing popularity is certainly proof of their great power to heal p r epA re d only by Dr. SWAYNE & SON, No. 330 N, SIXTH street, above Vine, Philadelphia. Bold by the leading Druggists. . 1E1,1, , ta,thj. e l % _ MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOAN ED UPON DIAMONDS WATCHES, JEWEL. Ey, PLATE CLOTHING, &v.., at JONES & CO.'S. °LOPATA wr.iGHED IRAN Lo OFFICE Corner of THIRD and mb wl-miry Streets, Below ard. N. B. —DLAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, &e., NOR BAWD AT 'IrTM A TM' ABLY LOWPBSCES. fe224,ni 122 2.7°` 3 9? NcvVT' E cle WarrlZTlValnati RAILETT in ,&OO.I2B Walnut etre% '` Y, ~ rp H E • FAVORITE CLOTHING • HOUSE of this City, is WANAKARBR & BROWN'S Popular Establishment, .atS. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET STREETS. They have the best stock of Ready-Made Clothing, and a fine assortment of Piece Goods for Custom Work, and are satisfied with moderate prices. Pay them a visit for your next Suit. fel4-1Y TAnen Department. HOMER, COLL A.DAY&CO. SUCCESSORS TO THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., HAVE NOW OPEN, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LINEN AND HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, To which they invite special attention. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. mlati-12t rp/ JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 Chestnut St. LNVITE THE ATTENTION OF CASH BUYERS AT WHOLESALE, TO THEIR STOCK OF FRENCH, BRITISH and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, which, tor extent, variety and general adaptation to the wants of the trade. is unrlvaled. As we are constantly in receipt of the choicest art cheapest offerini..-s of tbb and other ElaSZKets,our stock will always be worthy of insp.ction. nthi , lm; ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, C EHE S rJr N 'l' Will be Sold at Public Sale, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1866, At the Philadelphia Exchange, By M. THOMAS & SON AtteCrs. THE ELEGANT STGNE MARION, late the pro- Perty of SAMUEL El ILDEBURN. deceased, together with Stone Barn. Stabling, Carriage House. Ice House . large ConservatorT, and 43%, acres of emind, sitrtite , 'n the Germantown and Perk lomen Turnpike, withal ten minutes' walk from the Chestnut Hill Railroad Depot. Has large Hall through the centre, 10 feet in width and about :0 fee: in length; two parlors, library dining-room, breakfast room, and two kitchens an lirSt Boor. nine chambers on the sen. , tid, and three obambers and billiard room on the third :Icor, and every city convenience: handsome lawn with large shade and evergreen trees, graveled carriage drive-. Most desirable location, commanding the m 0,.: ex tended and picturesque view from (Iles:nu: Hill. tubtitnxii.sckmiP 7tf JAMES S. EARLE & SONS' Fifth Great Sale of Valuable Foreign and American OIL PAIN rFINGr. THE ENTIIIE 1.1.1P 0 11TATIOIs: OF JAMES EARLE & SONS ~IiLECTEL TEJ OF THE BEET EUttOPEAN ARTI , TS By MR JAMES S. EARLE IN THE FALL OF In:, WILT BE SOLD AT AUCTIr , N, In *Jae EAST ERN GAL LERIIO3 of the PFNN9YLVA N ACADEM Y 0 FINE ARTS, On Tuesday March 27th, And Wednesday, March 28th B SCOTT, 3r, mb.Setrp AtCTIONEER. NOTICE. JAMES, KENT, SAN TEE & CO. Beg leave. respeelf.illy. to inform their pathons ar.d ft:critic, that iaey a.,l t e ready To Resume Their Business, AT TIIEIR OLD STAND, Nos. 239 and 241 North Third St. ON MONDAY, March 12,1866. 114 PATENT WIRE WORK The hubscrit era would call the attention of the public to their varied and extensive assortment of patterns and Styles of Railings, Store Fronts, Door rand Window Guards, Bulwark Net ting for , Ships, A All Wein promptly executed. Liberal discern:lla made to Architects and Builders. ROBERT WOOD & 00 , 1136 Ridge avenue. forth,s,tuini rpp The Union Paper Box Manufacturing Co. N. W. cor. Race and Second Sts , Invite the attention of Parties (requiring goods in their line) to the facilities they have of furmahing Boxes of every description, which for durability and neatness they defy competition. PARIS 00. nahii-32t rp 1-41 N . Ed LAWN - DRESSES: The NEW STYLES for which the Ladies have been waiting, are NOW OPEN.. 11,Lc. PATTERNS ARE Very Beautiful. GEORGE MILLIKEN, LINEN STORE, A_rch.Street. .038-3 la RICH BLACK DRESS' SILKS, from the large Auction Sales, at REDUCED PRICES, A line line comprising all grades and widths. CIIRWIN STODD &RT & BROTHER Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street, ml3B-3t7 Above Willow. BARNSLEY LINEN GOODS. Now Opening, 7 CASES • Real Barnsley Sheetinga, Superior Barnsley Table Damasks, Extra Heavy Table Diaper, • Heavy Loom Diaper, Cold Bor'd Wash'd Huok Towels, Ex tra size. be 'r .s. Tim e Wv o lrit s 71e r t. T tgo e m ex tE r e7 sy' extraordinaryo•derford our are billty are also well suited to first Macs Hotels or Board ing Houses. Sheppard,Van Harliv gen&Arrison Importers of Linens and Housefurnishing Goods, No. 1008 Chestnut Street. MI/t. 6t "GLEN ECHO MILLS , " GERMANTOWN, PA. MC CALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, gInNL'FAURE.II.9, IMPORTERS A_ND WHOLE BALE I , EA.LEI-Iti IN CA BPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, w A REHOUSE, NO. 569 CHESTNUT STREET,. the •••:.ate Hoagie. PE I LA DELP/11A. Retail Department. IV (3. 51t) Chestnut St. mti&am rp MIDDLETON & CLAGEIORNI COTTON AND WOOL BROKERS, No. 123 CHESTNUT STREET, PEILADELPHIA 'We are prepares d• vo:e excluslre au<'ntion to the hnd sa!e of \VOUL and COTTON. stlrriplfs c•ort,ta , tly r.ceivitig of all grades of Ohlo . Penns3 Ivania and California WOOLS.:. Also. New url•ans, Mobile. Tennet.. , ee and Georgia COTTONs -I.I,"EINGS, WASTE, itn. Orders received for WOOLEN and COTTON YARNS and WARPS, all number,. either dyed or bleached. mhl-th sa Lti /111. J..T. GALLAGHER, Late of BAILEY & CO., FORMERLY BAILEY KITCHEN Invitcs attention to his N)•R J ESTA BLI SH M ENT, S, W, car. Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts. HIP. &Mt IC OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS. AND OTHER FINE JEWELRY sterlinf.- Silverware and Silver Plated Ware. ck ill he found very complete. Those wishing to par r la,. or examine w 11 find it much to their aqvuniage to favor him with a esti. All goons WARRANTED of FIRST QUALITY, and nriees satisfactory. The ci....L.RBFA - riso V A CI:IF - RON and Com:STAN - TINE W a 7 (2.11. of all sL - .es, for Ladies and ilentlemen. SpociSl attention given to DIAMONDS. Watches and Clocks carefully Repaired and War. ranted. ni th sa tu 4131 GERMAN BOOKS srark-linz, Rhine Wines, As follows: • sPARELDZG MOSELLE MUSCATEL, SCHARZBERGER, HOCK, IMPERIAL, JOHANNISBERG PEARL OF THE RHINE. SIMON COLTO& & CLARKE; erlu.th.s W. Coy. BROAD and WALINTIITSta. COAL !, COAL ! BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATED, AT ALTER'S COAL YARD, NIN - rll - 1 STREET, BELOW GIRARD AVENUE. ifirEEANCEI OFFICE CORNER OF SIXTH delotapl-4p AND GERING GARDEN w.1133113.1CW1TH CALL attention to our ~nlllcent assortment of superior PIANOS, which we always bave on 'hand, and offer them at very reasonable prices to jarnasers. Beat of references and FULL atre-neziels invariably gtven by TEX, 1:13//0/51 MAIM 2tLANUFACTITPSNO ow. tn sae 1 , 1817 Walnut dread) NO MERCY OR, KESTRELS AND FALCONS. _ A Fplemlid New Novel, BY THE' AU 'irLOR OF "Gny Livingston„' "Sword and Gown," &., BEGINS IN THE NEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE March 10th, And will be completed in a few weeks. The author of "Guy Livingston" is one of the most powerful and brilliant of English novelists, and "No Mercy." is consi iered his best work. PAGES OF THE BELT POPULAR LITERA TURE. For Sale by all Newsdealers. AT lo CENTS A COPY TERMS —For one year, $4; six months, $2; three months, 81; Specimen copies, 10 cents. 3101CTRLI PARTS in handsome covers, 50 cents. 0. H. BAILEY dr. CO., Aftilblisherg,XO mhB-2t rp No 7 BEER MAN St.. New York. THE eart.E.Avr F.13E110, ON THIRD. ST, DAMAGED GOODS . To be Bold at Auction. The immense stock of Messrs. JAMES, hhasa, SAls, TEE th PARTIALLY DAMAGED, a large portion, EFT LITTLE. if any in;nred, will 130 Sold at Auction by CataloEue, On Thursday and Friday, March Bth and 9th, BY JOIIII B: MYERS & co., .No. 232 at d 234 larket Street. The stock consists of every description of Dry Goods, do nans-41:rp OPENING. MISSES THORNHILL & BURNS, (FOCOLERLY J M. HAFLEIGH,) Have Now Open AT 120 S Chestnut Street,. A new and choice Stock of WHITE GOODS, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, LADIES' Alade-up Under Garments, &e., To which they invite theanention of the public. mh7w.th.s3t rp- 1866. SPRING. 1866. EDMUND YARD & CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Streets, IMPORTER:- JOBBERS CF Eilks and Fancy Dress Gcods, Linens and White Goods, Shawls and Balraorals. DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. --- -- GermaniTovn: Fancy Wcol Goods, A Full Line of Prints. AT TR V I.Citv'F-IT M RRRT RATES. fe2o-ZniTi FOR RENT. The New Bu'letin No. 607 Chestnut Street, WILL BE ( 03IPLETED IN A FEW_WEEKS. The proprietors are prepared to receive proposals for renting such rooms ILS they will not use th.mselveB. These will be T.P . F SECOND STORY FRONT ROOM, 60 by 24 feet. THE WHOLE OF THE NORTHERN HALF OF'" THE BUILDING, Four Stories High. with Entrance by a wide hall on - Chestnut street, And a Front of 25 feet on Jayne street: Suitable for a Jobbing or Commission House, a Bank, or Insurance Office. For Further Particulars apply at the EVEN - LNG. BUT.LRTIN OFFICE No. 329 Chestnut Street. PATEN T WIREWORK FOR RAILINGS, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIONS, dre.. IRON:BEDSTEADS AND WIRE WORK In variety, manufactured by M. WALKER & SON% mh3-Gm 4p3 NO. 11 NORTH SIXTH Street.. GOFFEPbiIqG MAGEIIitSi GOFFERING MACHINES. A large assortment of Go/bring Machin es Jest re; celved per steamer "St. George." FOR SALE BY Isaac Tovemsend, Howe Furnishing Store oftheist° JOHN A. TIM PHY, 922 Cheetnut Street, Ja2otl4pl Below Tenth street..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers