PoDESlyllUinit% Legisbze., CIABE OF - YESTERDAY'S PEOCKEDINGIB. SENATE.—Mr. Nichols read one to change the name of Robert McGaw Wood to Robert. McGaw. Also, one, exempting the real estate of the Children's Hospital, on Twenty-second street, above Walnut, from taxation. Mr. Connell, one, authorizing Andrew Craig, adthinistrator of Joseph Craig, de ceased, to sell certain real estate. Also, one, authorizing the Coal Ridge Improve ment Company to issue preferred stock. An act incorporating an Express - Com pany, with extended powers, and to operate in the same manner as the Adams Express Company, has been read, and referred to the Corporation Committee, of which Mr. Ridgway is chairman. Mr. Ridgeway read a bill relative to the Erie and Allegheny Railroad Company. Also, one incorporating the Philadelphia Malt Company, with a capital of 2250,000, and power to manufacture and sell ale, porter and beer. Mr. Haines, one establishing a ferry at the mouth of the Juniata River. Mr. Royer, one securing to owners logs, shingles andlumber lost in the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers. . This bill proposes to compel all persons who capture logs. shingles or lumber in those rivers, to ad vertise them, and if not claimed by the owners within a certain time, to sell them; the proceeds to be subject to the claim of the , owner for one year, The bill for the relief of the people of Chambersburg was reported favorably by the Committee. The following bills were passed . Incorporating the Northern Coal and Rail road Company to build a road from their lands in Luzerne county, through or above the Water Gap to the Delaware. Allowing iron companies to mine coal fo their works and to have additional lands. -Allowing the Shenango Coal Company to l i build a railroad from the Ohio State line to the Wheatland Furnaces, in Mercer county. Adjourned till 3 P. M. Afternoon Session.—The following bills passed finally: One allowing the Thomas Iron Company to mine coal for their works and hold addi tional lands. One increasing the compensation to the Commissioners of Delaware county. One authorizing the Gettysburg Railroad Company to issue preferred stock and bor row money. Mr. Randall had passed a bill incorporat ing the Mahony City Water Company. Mr. Nichols had passed a bill incorporating the Delaware Coast Wrecking Company, which, with a capital of $1.50,000, allows them to use steam or sailing vessels for wrecking purposes along the coast and tributaries. Mr. Ridgway bad passed a bill which re peals that part of a supplementary act of the Consolidation of Philadelphia as has been construed to authorize the Receiver of Taxes to charge a commission of five per cent. from delinquent tax payers. The bill confirming the consolidation of the Millersburg, Summit Hill and Ransch Gap Railroads, and authorizing the leasing of part of the Lykens Valley Railroad, was passed. Mr. Worthington had passed a bill incor porating the city of Chester. Mr. Royer had passed bills changing the venue in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Wallace Henderson and John Leedon, of Montgomery county. Adjourned. HOUSE.—An act appropriating $lO,OOO to improve the navigation of the Delaware for descending rafts from the upper counties, has been urged by Mr. Nelson ( Wayne), and has been sent to the Senate. The money is to be expended by competent ar,td responsi ble Commissioners. The time during which State banks were authorized to change into National banks expired last January. Mr. Craig has intro duced an act extending the time for one year. Mr. Thomas, an act relative to the grade of Dock street, provides that the plans on file in the Department of Survey of Phila delphia for the revision of the grade of Dock street from Third street to Delaware avenue, are hereby established. Mr. Ruddiman read the following : "Whenever in any last will or testament which shall be admitted to probate, an es titte or estates shall be devised to one or more for or during the term of his, her, or their life or lives, with the remainder to his, her, or their heir or heirs, or child or chil dren, or descendant or descendants, or issue, the estate of the first taker or or takers shall be deemed and construed to be an estate for life in such person or persons, and the words of thedevise over shall be deemed and con strued to be words of purchase, and not of , limitation. The following railroad bins, granting spe cial charters, were objected to, and conse quently postponed for one week : Incorporating Pequa Valley Railroad. Incorporating Slatington, Lynnport and Hamburg Railroad. Incorporating Delaware and Susquehanna Railroad. Relative to Erie and Pittsburgh and Oil. Creek Railroads. On motion of Mr. Freeborn an act incor porating the National Union Club was con sidered and passed. On motion of Mr. Thomas an act releasing the Children's Hospital from taxation was considered and passed. Mr. Donnelly's bill making eight hours a day's labor in Philadelphia, was considered this morning. Mr. Quigley favored the bill, stating that it was really wanted, even by many of the employers, and certainly by all the leading men of the city.. Mr. Kerns favored a general law for the State, but said that the effect would be in jurious to the mechanics and laboring men of Philadelphia, because others from all parts of the State would flock there, where they need only work eight hours instead of ten, thus provoking needless competition, and reducing wages. Mr. Quigley thought that there was room enough and work enough in Philadelphia for all the mechanics who would come. Mr. Ruddiman was in favor of solne wise legislation on the subject; but was opposed to making a distinctive and special law for any particular portion of the State. The mater should be so regulated as to extend even justice to both the capitalists and the laboring men, and to harmonize all the interests. Mr. Crosland advocated a general eight hour lax for the State. Mr. Mann advocated postponement, but before reaching a vote the House adjourned until 3 P. M. Afternoon Session.—The House resumed the consideration of the Eight-hour bill, and the discussion was, continued between Messrs. Waddell, Donnelly, Quigley, Rud diman, Davis and Crosland. The discus sion took a wide range, embracing politics, personalities, protection of capital and pro tection of labor. All the speakers declared they wouldvote for any proper bill reducing the hours of labor all over the State, but no speaker favored the present bill, which was limited to Philadelphia. :.The bill was postponed until, Wednesday evening. Mr. Subers read a supplement to the An ticrustation Company, which passed. The State Treasurer's act, amending rave nue laws, passed unanimously, in substance as follows: The first section requires every bank to pay a tax of one per cent, to the Commonwealth on each share of stock. The second section requires, railroads, canals, and transportation companies, which are not liable to a tax on incomes, to pay a tax of three-fourths of one per cent. upon their gross receipts to the Commonwealth. The third; Section releases all real estate • from till:idiot'. for State purposes. The fourth section authorizes the military loan 0f15 1 31 to be paid off with the proceeds of he above. The bill was passed to a third reading; but did not have the requisite two thirds in favor of suspending the rules, and laid over. The act allowing the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad to build branches was passed. Adjourned. _ Nebraska - Legislature. OMAHA - 2 Feb. 13.—The Nebraska-Legisla ture adjourned yesterday. Resolutions in dorsing the President's administration were passed almost unanimously. Bills providing fora geological survey of the territory, and liberal provisions to in duce emigration, were also passed. Fire al Middletown, N. Y. • MIDDLETOWN, N. Y., Feb. 12.—A fire occurred on Sunday, in the balding occu pied by W. &J. Kirkpatrick, tobacconists, and A. A. Browley, hat and cap store, and extended to an adjoining building occupied as a dry goods store. The loss was $20,000, most of which was insured. Coal Statement. The following is a statement of the amount of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for the wo days ending Feb. 10, 1866, and previously since December 1,1.864, compared with same time last. year: Week. Total. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Haz1et0n........ 8,517 10 83;754 01 East Sugar Loaf 2.039 01 20,664 04 Mount Pleasant 549 07 .5, ‘72 06 .. . lead° Harleigh . 1,031 13 9,903 03 Eobervale 558 01 6,842 03 Stout 695 05 6,173 07 Council Ridge 1,127 17 14,43 04 Buck Mountain 958 10 • 12,052 15 ._-_- New. York and Lehigh 669 14 6,084 04 H Oll eT . Brook 18.241 17 German Pennsylvania 1,417C01 .10,602 II Spring Mountain..... 1,81,9 11 23,347 12 Coleraine 1,090 10 4,926 14 Beaver Meadow...... 446 CO .John Connery....... ...... ....... 122 , 12 608 19 Lehigh Zinc 803 Os 4,786 16 J. B. Reber ek Co 160 19 1,062 12 McNeal & Co 886 10 10,192 11 Knickerbocker 484 02 6,062 It Cost Run 155 68 Itatlibnn. Caldwell & Co-. 492 98 1,257 19 Glendon_.... 090 07 5,676 97 liiii - hanoy 181 88 2,138 06 J. a 0. 0., Bowman. 790 08 1,257 19 H. Myers .. . 258 05 1,962 15 Stillman 1,433 13 4,720 07 Baltimore ..- 834 13 4,282 05 Franklin- 52913 3,721 02 Consolidated -.--- -. Andenried -.— 59419 ...... 2,326 13 Lehigh and Susquehanna- 493 12 3,2a3 05 Landmesser's 150 10 952 13 . ... Wakes 1,007 17 6,875 06 Warrior Bun 156 02 934 08 Parrish & Thomas 156 05 4,418 15 Other shippers —.— 10 05 657 18 Total.-- .6,850 00 257,493 15 Corresponding week last Sear —.V.,588 11 230,510 07 Increase ..... ..... --...—.. 1,261 09 139ARIVar 'I`II,A.D.EI- BENJAIIir4 MARS JAMES R. CAMPBELL. iIiONTECLY CO JAMES C. HAND. PASSENGb.IRS ARRIVED. Ii per steamer Cumbria,from Savannah—G \V Parnell of Thomasville; Capt H S Bender, Savannah: Jos G Bender, do; Wm Fredricks. do; Jas Charles, do; Class Van Vliet, wife and child, of Psrries Island.3C; Harry Fredricks, do; John N Burgess, or Roche ter. NV: Capt J Golding, of Cape May. Nj; W H Knapp, Agt. Ass. Pease Newark; Rodrigues Santos. of Vera Cruz Andrew Lippincott. of New Jersey; Uriah Corson, do; Eimer Yonne, do; Henry Bremes and wife, of Savan nah, and many in the steerage. IMPORTATIONS. lbr the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. SAVANNAH—Steamer Re Cambria, French-14 bales cotton Hay & McDevitt.; 35 do Russell & Co; 1 parc,t Lindsay & Blaklston; 4 bales con- n Jas Myers: 21.) do Hay & McDevitt; 11 empty 3. bbls 20 do 1.4 du 28 do do 41 do do Engel & Wolit 46 bales mdse 19 du Ido do Latbbury & Wickersham; 12 cases mdse Githens & Rexamer; 18 casks 1 bbl Massey, Collins & Co: 48 bass mdse W Y Hughes & Co: 1 box do Solomon, Pierce & Co; 105 empty bbls 95 do is do Massey, Collins & Co: 1 box mdse J C Hand & Co; 1 bale domestics 174 do cot ton Claghorn & Herring . 30 do domestics Hay & Mc- Devitt: 25 bbls flour L K Knowles & Co: 4 hhds mdse 6 cases do 4 tierces do lot iron 21 bales mdse .1 R Rue. BOSTON—Stesmshlp Saxon, Mathews-10 bxs olives 12 pkgs crackers .1 B Bussier & Co; 10 kegs emery Rae der & Adamson; 69 boxesalmonds Benners & Co; 'aide mdse Biddle & Co; 19 bbls cranberries Sesser & Bro: 9 casks oil 25 bbls do Shober & Co; 63 bales skins D C Spooner 20 bbls cranberries Scattergood & Co; 5 bbls oil S H Crawford; 68 boxes tacks Truitt & Co; 9 casks soda ash W Cunningham; 50 bars yellow metal Winsor & Co; ICC bbls codfish Crowell & Collins; 13 kegs rivets Taylor & Co; 20 bbls rum W H Cooper; 50 bbls syrup Waterman, Son & Co; 27 bbls rum John Gibson, Sons & Co; 8 bbls cranberries G W Watson & Company; 5 bbls oil W Cantwell; 14 bales cane NI E Young; 5 casks soda ash J 11 Dulles, Jr; 17 cases boots and shoes T L ashbridge & Company: 15 boxes fresh fish Geo F Fields; M do tacks G F Gale &Co: 51 do tacks and nails C M Ghrlskey: 43 pkgs fur niture P P Gustine; 30 boxes cocoa 3 bales hops T Grant; 26 boxes tacks Handy & Brenner, 19 do mdse 10 casks do N L HaJt & Co; 15 bbls cranberries N Hell logs & Co; 159 cases boots and shoes Boker Bros; 12 do dot Early and harris; 112 do do P Ford & Co: 59 do po Foster & Bennett; 70 do do Graff, Watkins & Co; 451 do do J B Harmer: 55 do do Haddock, Reed & Co; 30 dodo Nibbler, Keith & Co; 47 cases boots and shoes E. A Hendry: 51 cases boots and shoes F & J W Jones; 77 bxs mdse Johnston, Holloway & Cowden: 25 bbls cranberries I Jeanes & Co, ZJO do syrup T M Knight: 14 cases books Lippincott & Co: 139 drums hake S if & H Levin; 50 coils rope John S Lee & Co; 5 bbls oil R V Massey, .11.; 5 bbls pickles E Mathieu & Son; 14 cases boots and shoes J B Myers & Co; 42 do do Munroe. Smaltz & Co; 236 do do Nickerson & Mcgiely; 15 do do W W Paul & Co; 16 do do Peiper & Markley; 29 do do J & AT Saunders; 12 do do Thacher & Co: 5 tubes 3lerrick & Sons; 23 casks soda ash R H Morgan: 79 pkgs glass Muzzey & Munroe; 69 bdls shovels IN ew 11n, Fortiley & Co: 10 bbls oil 1 case mdse Pratt & Den nicon; al6 empty - kits Paul & Thompson; 12 pcs steer ing wr a S d P Philadelphia Wilmington o; 29 dortnite 5 bxs machin 797bdIslipirteelspBiRowland &.on; Baltimore b ° d r L set a i tris a. ' H. Sowers: 11 pkgs dry goods C Amory & Co; s:do Ark man, Billing & Co. 99 do G Brower & Co: 133 do .1 S Barry & Co: 38 do Bangs & Maxwell; 8 do J T Bailey & Co; 89 do B W Chase & Son; 13 do Frothinclon & Wells; 5 do Howitt &Conner, 6 do J King: 22 do T T Lea & Co: 13 do H P &MP Smith, 10 do R T White; 3 do 30 pkgs mdse sundry consignees. Arrival toad of Ocean Steamez TO MIPS FROM YOB BABB City-of Limerick-Liverpool...New Y0rk...—........Jan. Scotland-- -Liverpool.-New York ._Jan. 31 Bremen .-Soutbampton-New York.-- ..... Jan. 31 City of London-Liverpool-New York Jan. 31 Belgian. ........ .....-LiverpooL-Portland Feb. 1 Canada Liverpool-Boston_ .Feb. 3 Recla-..----...-.Liverpool-New York Feb. 6 Allem ania—_Soutliampton-New York Feb. 7 Louisiana Liverpool... New York Feb. 7 England ---....-.Llverpool-New York Feb. 7 Moravian Liverpool... Portland Feb. 8 Cuba Liverpool... New York Feb. to Arta_ .... -Liverpool. : .Boston .Feb. 17 --- TO DEPART. Damascus Portland... Liverpool Feb. 17 Britannia New York... Glasgow Feb. 17 Fulton ...New York...Havre Feb. 17 Bavaria .New York-Hambarg ....- Feb. 17 City of WAshingt'n-N York... Liverpool Feb. 17 Helvetia .New York... Liverpool Feb. 17 Santiago de Cuba--N York-Greytown-Feb. 20 Montezuma..... - New York-Kingston, ja.. .Feb. 22 New York New York-Aspinwall Feb. 21 City of Cork New York... Liverpool Feb. 21 Australasian New York... Liverpool Feb. 21 South Amerlat...New York... Rio Janeirook.c......Feb. = Atlantic .New York... Bremen...-- ........ 'Feb. 22 Bremen New York... Bremen Feb. 24 Scotland New York... Liverpool Feb. 24 Corsica New York-NassandtHav'a...-Feb. no Canada Boston-LiverpooL- .Feb. 2S Wia . .31111 IJ' PI Vl4l 8171501M8E1, 6 44 I MTN BETS, 516 I HIGH WATER, 1 4 YESTERDAY. Steam er,cumbria, French, 65 hours from Savannah, with cotton, domestics, &c. to E A Souder & Co. The schooner Charlotte Capt Goldin of Cape May, was abandoned at sea, with loss of rudd g. er head, on the 19th of January, about 145 miles southeast from Kandy Hook. She had a general cargo of cotton. tar and shingles. The crew were taken off by the bark Geo B unt. from New York,and landed at Savannah. and brought on by the steamship Cumbria. The C lost rudder head and was leaking badly at her rudder port to tt e amount of eight or ten hundred strokes per hour. Not insured. The cargo is supposed to have been insured. Steamer Saxon, Matthews, 4S hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to Henry Winsor & Co. Passed off the Brown, bark V J Burbank, coining up: off Liston's, an English brig, deep 7 laden. MICMOIUNDA Steamer Kennebec, Edmonds, cleared at .Ik.ew York yesterday for this port Ship Wm Cummings, Miller, from Leghorn, at New York yesterday. Ship Samuel Russell, Luce, from Yokohama Nov 24. at 1.14 w York yesterday. Bark Azelia, Brown, from Foochow, at New York yesterday. Brig Circassian, hence for Cienfuegos, was spoken 31st ult. lat 26 30, lon 6s 20. Brig Lila, Day, cleared at Mobile sth instant tor Boston. EI4=MWE=GMI Behr James House, Gage, cleared at New York yes terday for this port. Behr S S Lee, Somers, cleared at Buckaville 2d inst. for New York. Behr James Martin. Myrick, from Boston for this port atNewport 11th inst. Scilr N L F Smith. from Boston for this port, at New York yesterday Schr J Satterthwaite, Long, at New York yesterday from Wilmington, NC. Seine S C Tyler, Steelman, and Florence, Sparks, hence at Boston 12th Inst. . _ . Behr B.W Godfrey, Godfrey, at Boston 12th instant from Georgetown, SC Behr Central America, Phinney, from Norfolk, at Baltimore 12th inst. Behr Louisa Frazier, Steelman, for this port, went to sea from Charleston Bth inst. - NOTICE below Martin's Ledge Buoy Boston,as gone adrift. In will be replaced as soon as possible. The Shovelful Light Vessel. which was taken off her station by ice on the 7th ins!. has been replaced in her proper position. By order of the Lighthouse Board. G B Bl..vicir, Com 11 B N.. BOUM, Feb, 12, Lighthouse Inspector, Id DLstrigt. /BM I'HE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1866. Capital Stock, $500,000 Par Value and subscription Price, SIO. Sec. and Treas. pro. Tem., J. HOPKINS TARR. The land of this Company consists of about 1.111 acres n :Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, about VI milts from the town of Charlotte. . . On this property 15 shags or pits have been opened and sunk to various depths from 10 to 85 feet., demon strating the existence of three parallel veins of ore o about 5 feet in width and about 15 feet apart; converging to a common centre at the depth of about 150 feet, for ming one immense mate or vein of ore extending in length through the property more than half a mile. There are also on this property other veins of ore an explored. All these ores are known as the brown ores, and are very rich, yielding an average of about per ton in gold. The above results having been demonstrated by the rude working of the mines for several years past, the risk of investment in unde veloped property is not incurred, and by the application of modern mining and reducing machinery the Com. pany anticipate an Immediate lodising return for their money. ' Having an ore that readily yields poo per ton. some estimate can be made of the value of this property, with the present iniperfect system of mining. Ten tons of this ore can b 0 taken out and reduced daily from every shaft opened at an expense not exceeding st.s per ton leaving a net daily profit of $1,730 for each abaft worked by the Company. the large working capital reserved will enable the Company at once to procure and erect the best modern machinery for :mantpubaing the ores, by means of which the yield will ):ie largtaiy increased. These mines whilst they produce ores =her than those of Colorado or Nevada, have many advantages ever them, particularly in an abundance of fuel and cheap labor, and the facility with which they can be worked during the entire year, whilst those of Colo• redo and Nevada can only be worked during the warm weather. A test assay of an average specimen of the ore from the Carson Mines was made as lateen the 27th of January, of the present year, as will appear from the following certificate of Professors Booth and (Jarrett, the Assayers of the Philadelphia Mint; Dear Sir: We have carefully assayed the sample of ore from Carson Mine, forth Carolina, and find It to yield ten ounces nine penny weights of pure Gold to the ton of ore. The coin value is therefore gm (2 per ton of ore, "yours respect] ally, BOOTH & GARRETT. Dn. M. B. TAYLOR,'• 404 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Subscriptions to the Capital Stock will be received at the office of the COMPANY, No. 407 Walnut street, where samples of the ore may be seen and fall infor mation received. re3.l2t XfOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—The an -1.11 dersigned have this day, formed a limited Partner ship in accordance with the provision., of the Acts i n the General Asierubly, of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, relating thereto, unoer the name or firm in HOMER. COLLADAY et 10.. for the purpose of trans• acting the business or importing andselling Dry Goods in the city of Philadelphia. The general partners are BENJAMIN HOMER. THOMAS HOM...i• and FRANCIS B. COLLADAY. all residing in the cit Is Philadelphia. The special partnerTHOMAS W. EVANS, also re siding in the city of Philadelphia. The said special partner has contributed In cash to the common stock of the said partnership, the sum ul one hundred thousand dollars, and the 'rotted part nership formed and entered into as above stated, is to commence on the Ist day of February, 1866, and will terminate on the list day of January 1869. BENJAMIN kozant, THOMAS HOMER, FRANCIS S. 00f .1.4.-7)AY, General Partners. THOMAS W. Par,Specialrtner. fel-sstf J. HE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing made. the firm of CHAS. HILLBORN & CO.. is this dal' dissolved by mutual consent. All parties having claims against said firm will present them for settle meat to CH aS. HILLBORN, WM. FL NIXON, JANUARY 511886. 513 Commerce Street. The nude reigned will continue the Paper and Rag Business, on his own account, at 513 COMMERCE St. re2-f,m,w,6t* CHAS. HILLBORN. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL PAID IN, IN CASH. $200,000 This company continues to write on Fire Risks way. Its capital, with a good surplus, is safely Invested. 701 Losses by fire havebeeB soo n p ,000 romptly paid, and more than Disbursed on this account within the past few years. For the present the office of this company will re , main at 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to its OWN BIILLDING. N. E COB. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure our patrons at such rates as are consistent with safety. DIRECTORS. THOMAS CRAVEN, ALFRED S. GILLETT, yryaliAN suRpPARD, N. S. LAWRENCE, MACKELLAS, CHARLES L DUPONT, JNO. SUPPT , F 6 R_ L HENRY F. KENNEY, MO. W. CLAGHORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. SLLAS YEEtK.ES,Ja., THOMAS MAVEN, President. ALFRED B. GILLETT, V. President and Treasurer. JAI,Lbz B. ALVORD. Secretary. jaietf COMPAIOTIES. PROSPECTUS OF 'D N, CARSON GOLD MINING COMPANY. No. Shares 50,000. WORKING CAPITAL, $50,000. OFFICERS: President, COL WM. B. THOMAS. Solicitor. WM. L. HIRST, Esq. DIRECTORS. COL. WM. B. THOMAS, CHAS. S. OGDEN, EDWIN MIDDLETON, IaiEXAMSER J. H.A.UPEB, WILLIAM BERGER, • PHILAD.E.LPHIA. January 27, 1668. COPARTI ERSHIPB. February Ist, 1886 INSIJRANCE. INSURANCE COMPANY„ FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 408 CHESTNUT STREET. PETELADELPHLS. FIRE AND INLAND NS /NSUEANCD . nranOTO J Francis It MICA no. W. Evanson. Charles IttebardsOu. I B9bart D. Potter, Henry Lewlk Jam Kessler, Jr., Samuel Wrlol. IE. D. Woodruff. P. S. Justus, Chst . Stokes, Geo. A. West, ' Jos. D. EMs. PRANCIS N. UCE. President. aIIAS. RICHARDsON. Vide proffraudd W. I. BLAMataßlßeaNtarl, IiStsIMANCIE. STATEMENT OF DI M! CON DITION OF TIE CONNECTICUT Mutual Life Insurance Company, ON TER Ist day of January, 1866. First. I Capital Stock,being a mutual Company has no Capital Stock.. 2 Number of shares of stock subscribed for. 8 Amount of assessments on installments on stock paid In cash. Second—The Property or Assets held by the Company. 1 The value or nearly as may be of the „Peal Estate held by the Company, at cost- 09,481 36 2 Amount of cam on hand. slo,eo 72 8 Amount of cash deposited In Banks: In Rateßank 818,302 56 In tne hands of our New Pork Bank ers 137,918 l 107,913 80 145,889 CC 4 Amount of cash in the hands of Agents and in cOnnie of • transmission.. ..... . . 36,500 51 5 Amount of loans iectiiQlby Bonds and Mortgages. con. stitut.ng the first lien oh Real /state on which the , e !slew than one year, due and 0wing:....—...._.. .. 1,897,885 24 6 Amount of loans on whch Interest has not been paid within one year......-.......... 118,655 64 1,9M,592 78 7 Amount due the Company obeen o n whichbtain u jded judgments have 3,12:4 25 8. Amount of stocks - owned by the Company, whether of any State or the United btates, or of any in corporated Clty of the 11. Staten, or of any other de scription, specifying the number of shares and the par and market value of the same : Par Ar arket Value. Value. U. State Bonds andTreasurY COsi Notes_ .. . _42,500,000 r... 510,000 2,534,026 80 Bonds of the - State of Con necticut, 1,000,000 00 Bonds of nsvllle City, Ind 15,003 16,000 Central Na tional Bank, N. York, 81 shares --.. 8,100 8,748 8,100 Fourth Na tional Bar.k, N. York. alO shares 30.001 23,000 93,00/ Merchants Bank New }lawn. 100 shares 5,003 6,000 5,000 260 shares of stock of Banks of "Lanford.— :6,C0 29,733 W,235 ..e shares of Hartford & Haven R.B. 10,000 17,000 10,200 20 shams of Coon /Over Railroad 6.000 6.22/ 5,003 9 Amount of litor_k held by the Company as collateral se curity for Imps, Ith the amount loaned on each kind of stock, Its par and market value, Par Mar Am:: Amount ratan, Fatws. loaned. 90 abases $lOO each of National Bank of Rockville. Con. aectirut-._ 19,000 9,000 7,000 CO 930 shares 6.30 each of B.nk of Ohio Valley, Clnctnna.LlO,WO 13,000 100 shares $l O O each darchants'Saying, Lcan and Trust Company,Chicago-10,920 15.003 40,070 CO 100 shares IR® each of State Bank of Wisconain._- 10,000 10,010 2.33.1. 57 CO shares $ lOO each of 'Dartford Na tional 8ank._...__...6,033 7,093 1,800 CO 101 shares Isoeach of Bank of Otdo Val ley, e1001n0ta1,....., 6,C00 10,000 4,000 00 29 Allies $5O each of NallonalExchange Bank, liartiord.._ 1,250 1,150 1.0/0 03 63 Shall.% $163 each of First National Bank, Bartlord..- 8,500 10,000 8,503 03 60 shares $lOO each of "Etna Fire Ins. Company --. 6,000 19,800 10,000 CO 10 U. S. Bond $1403 each and 1 of Dela ware and Lacka wanna and Wes ern B. R..- . 11,000 11,000 6,000 00 10 Bonds 61, ( 08 eac h Chicago and North Western Railroad. IC Bonds sl,ooo each Pittsburgh and Cleveland R., 8....... 30.000 30,003 15,000 00 4 Bonds sl,to) each IndisnopolLs R. R. 4,(03 4,000 2,000 00 U. St 5.40 Bonds e5OO 12,050 12,050 11.000 00 16 Bonds 6500 each Cleveland and Pittsburgh R. 1L.... 8,000 6,001 5,000 00 2 Bonds 61,000 each Town of Menden, . Connecticut 2,000 2,000 1,900 03 5 Bonds $1.060 each ludianapolls and Cincinnati R. It., and 2 bonds 61,000 each U. S. 5-20 a 7,000 7.000 S,CCO 00 U. S. Bonds and Treasury Note,73 10.12,750 12.750 10,500 00 110 931 57 11 Amount of Premium Notes. 8,33,1611 31 I 4 Amount of Interest on Invest ments, dues unpaid and ac crued interest.. - 1:5,550 17 13 Amount of Premiums in the bands of Agents for De cember business and in transit 487,065 93 Total Assets. Third—The Liabilities of the Company. 1 Amount of losses due and unpaid 2 Amount of claims for losses which are in suit or con tested by the Company 18,000 00 8 Amount of losses during the year, which hove been paid 510,020 00 4 Amount of losses during the year, which have not been settled 272,700 00 5 Amount of losses during the year, which are contested 800 60 6 Amount of losses during the 5, year, repotted to the Com pany and not acted upon... 7 Amount of dividends de clared 8 Amount of dividends de- 359,118 CO clared due and unpaid.. 9 Amount of dividends de clared and not yet due- 97,511 00 10 A mount o money borrowed, and the f nature and amount of security given. ri Amount of all other existing Claims against the Com pany Fourth—lncome of the Company. 1 Amount of cash premiums received 1,489,488 83 2 Amount of premium notes taken ty the Company 1,321,259 12 s Amount ofpremiums in the bands of agents 487,065 62 3,207,813 57 4 Amount of Interest Money_ received from the invest.' ments of the Company...... 526,989 06 5 Amount of income from any other sources, Accrued Interest and Interest un paid 175,550 17 --- 702,539 23 Fifth--The Expenditures of the Com pany. 1 Amount of losses paid during the year 640,270 00 2 Amount of losses paid during the year, which occurred prior to the year 180,230 00 3 Amount at which the losses . were estimated in former statement, which were paid during the year 130,730 00 • 4 Amount paid and owing for insurance premiums... 5 Amount-of return premiums, whether paid or unpaid... 6 Amount of dividends paid during the year ; 373,857 00 7 Amount of expenses, paid during the year, including 0011=15 , 51011, and feed pate to he agents: and officers of the Company 8 Amonnt of Taxes paid by the Company.. - 9 A.mount of another expenses and expenditures of the 91 V a r nY i'urehased Poll-- cies Notes,truficifelieWikal: 1 Amount of Promissory Notes - ' Originally forming the . Capital of the Company.— 00,000 oo IS Amount of said Notes. held by the Company as Part of the whole of the Capital thereof None. State of 02nnecticul, county of Hartford, so. Be it remsmbered that on this Ist day of February,A. D. 1866, before, the subscriber, a Commissioner of the State of Pennsylvania. to take the acknowledgment of Deeds and other writings, to be used and recorded in the said State of Pennsylvania, and to administer oaths and affirmations, personally appeared James Goodwin, President of the Connecticut 31utual Life Insurance Company, and made oath that the above and foregoing is a true statement of the condition of said Company, upon the first day of January, 1866. And I further certify, thatl have made personal ex amination of the condition of said Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company on this day, and am satisfied that they have assets safely invested to the amount of Three =lions of Dollars; that I have examined the securities now in the hands of the Company, as set forth in the foregoing statement. and the same are of the value represented in the statemmt. I further certify', that / am not interested in the affairs of eaid Company. fixedss whereof. I have hereunto set 1119 hand and my official seal this first day of February, A, - D. /866. • sEsi.} [ Sl g ned] Commissioner for Pennsylvania. Parties Insured ln this Company receive the greatest ossible advantage to be derived from a pol:cy of Life Insurance. as this is the largest Life Insurance Com pany in the world. It la conducted exclusively on the Mutual plan. Its profits are divided annually, which . have averaged over fifty per cent. per annum for nine teen years. A. credit is allowed of one-half the pre mium in anticipation of the dividend, thus securing at once double the amount ofinsurance for thesams cash outlay as Is required In an all cash company. A DIVIDEND OF SLXTY PERCENT. WILL BE PAID DURING THE YEAR 1868. RISES TAKEN ON A SINGLE LIFE TO TUB AMOUNT OF t 20,000. had fly Apons received said every information can be ' • ••• OFFICE IN PHILADELPELI, 404 WALNUT STREET. WALTER H. TILDEN, Agent and Attorney for the Company. f-5,w,5,61/ INSURE YOUR LIFE IN YOITR OWN HOME COMPANY, THE AMERICAN, OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Cori Fourth and Walnut Streets. Insurers in this Company have the additional guar antee of the CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH, which, together with CASH ASSI• ITS, now on hand amount to e 1,143,874 14, Invested as follows : RCM) U. S. 5-2 n Bonds.. 100,0 co City of Pralseeiniiii=l7, TaTi; 70,050 U. b. Treasru" Antes.:-5A._..._«.« Z.OOO Allegheny County MAO 11. B. Loan of USE-- 10,ono Wyoming Valley Canal "bonas.—. 12_1W Compound Interest Treasury Notes hoe° Philadelphia and Rrie Railroad Bonds-- - 10,000 Pittsburgh. ForiWayne and Chita. go Rath old Bonds_. NAM City of Pittsburgh and other Bonds 9,000 Reading Railroad Ronda._ 1,000 Shares Pennsylvania .bailro:sct.= 410 SWIMS Corn Exchange National 3. 4 4,521 IX, -- Rank— -107 Shares Farmers' National Bank of Reading. S_bareaContoTieTiiicilai:tlo . niallua 141 ! hares Williamsport Water Com- Vortsages. Ground Hants and Real Estate_ 147,309 Si Loans on collateral arm ly lesessi 95 Premium notes secured by p01icie5.......__.. Mixt 53 Cash in hands of agents secured by bonds__ 52.469 16 Csab on deposit withll. B. Se.uuo Casts oil band and in banks_ . 65,631 14 Accrued Interest and rent due Jan. L......_... 16,213 0, INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1865 $544,492 92. Losses paid during the year amounting to DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the insured to pay premiums. The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies In force December 31, 1865, was Fifty Per Cent. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the Sear• Its TRUSTEES arewell known citizens in our midst. entitling it to more consideration than those whore managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Whilldind William J. Howard, J. Edgar Thompson, Bamuell. Bodine, Groege Nugent, John Alkman, Hon. James Pollock, Henry K. Bennett, Albert C. Roberts, Bon. Joseph Alaison, P. B. Mingle, Isaac llaziehurst. Samuel NN ork, ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, • SAMUEL WORK, Vice President 5 ,n 4,307 s 9 JOHN C. silts, Actuary JOHN B. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer. A few ant rate canvassers wanted. 1829- CHAR%ER PERPETUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Assets on January 1,1866, 02,500,851 90. Capital Accr°t d Surplus. OT.A TMS, .11,467 53. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 05,000,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms DIRECTORS, Chas. N. Bancker, Edward ATs C. Dale, Topias Wagner, George Fales, Samuel Grant, Alfred Fitler, Geo W. Richards, Eras. W. Lewis, M. D. Isaac Lea, Peter McCall CHARLES N. GEER President. ED WART, C. DALE, Vice 'President. JAS. W. McALLIISTER, Secretary pro tern. fe2td3ll INSSMAIVOE EXCIATSIVIELY. THM F E P RE EMNBYLVAIVIA. 8188 INSURANCES! 00M PANYIncomorated DM—Charter Perpetual—NO. 610 WALNUT Street, Independence Square. Thin Company, favorab known to the community for over forfOr Mire , t o Insure sl a t lc" or damage bY me on Public or 'Private dbilitct either permanentl y or for a limited time. Also, on Furnlture,Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, Cus liberal terms. Their Oapllsa, together with a large Surplus Fund IS bivested in the most careful manner, which enable" them to oftlir to the insured an . undoubted setmritY the case °floss. . . - - • Daniel Smith, sr., • Jolar Deveresx, Alexander Benson. .Thomaa Smith, Isaac Saalehurat, . H enry • Thomaa /Wane, J. Muth gbant, geu, Daniel . Hfuldact. 8.- - . DANIEL .WrH, Piesidens. 371 WAX e. VSOWNIS4 150=etanr. !Ef MI GEORGE G. SILL, 3 0 >461,061 45 It 0 X 887,636 31. ...4400,000 00 .... 944,543 14 .-1,162.808 8, INCOME FOR 1868 $1310,000. sozi 874,106 Z 1" AL ELAWARP. MUTU EtA.PEPY lIMESUBANCE A. , COMPANY -INCOEPOBATEb--BY- THE -LrormA.mora or PENNSYLV.ANIA 1835. OP/q.OM EL E.. corrirß Tandy Arn?-wmaitrr 19,76175 PHILADELPHIA. --- g -- friftd - ArkapTEta. mAauttE INSURANCE. OR VESSELS; GOO To all parts of the world. ntrairr, , nitsuramorEs On Goods, by Myer, Canal, Lake, and Land Carriage, to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, dtc. • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1865. mom) United States 5 per cent, loan. '71...... 195,000 00 120,000 United States 6 per cent, loan, 'Bl 126,100 01 200,0.0 United States 7 3-10 per cen. loan . Tr Notes —194,375 03 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. Loan 90,,.W• 00 64,060 State of _Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loanoo 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. 53'2D° LOBll,. 6O 20,000 Pennsylvania' Railroad First Mo r t - 1)2.812 gage,Six Per Cent. Bonds 20,030 00 26000 Pennsylvania, Railroad Second Mort- gage Six l'er Cent Bonds - 23,750 00 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds.-- . 23,750 00 11,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by" the City of Philadel phia. _.. 13,537 561 9,150 143 Shares Stock Petma, Railroad Company..__ _ 8,580 00 5000 100 Shares Stock - NO . lth: Pennsylvania — Railroad Company. .. 3,250 00 40,000 Deposit witlitlie United States bo- . vernment, subject to 10 days 40,000 00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. L0an._..._18,900 00 170.700 Loans on Bonds and Morten.first liens on City Property 170,700 00 1,058.850 Par. Market va1ue...... 996.560 0 Real 331 state. --. 38.000 00 Bills recelvanle for insurance - miiie..... .121.013 30 Balances due atAgeaciee.—Premiums on - Ma rine Policies. Accrued Interest. and otner debts due the Company .. . 40,511 44 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Cou ris enlee, 55,123. Dulmated 2,910 00 Csah In Cash In 678 48 $56,635 77 Thomas C. Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund A. Bonder, Theophilns Spalding, John B. Penrose, James Trailtunr. Henry C. lallett, Jr., James C Hand, William C. Indvrig, Joseph H. Beal, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig. Robert Barton, John D. Taylor, JOHN O. Hz IBY Lvisumw, Secre -,---- FIRE ASSOCIATION, *nisi Incorporated 'March 27, 1860. OFFICE, No. 34 A. FIFTH street. In ,a sore BU + LDIN GS HOUSEHOLD FUR __,4.-p=-- NITURE and CHANDISE gener .---,---;•,= ally, from Loss by / ire, (in the City of t....r...0 , 4.'...., • Philadelphia only.) SIATE.II=iT of the .Assets of the Association January 1, IS6i. Bonds and Mortgages on property In the City of Philadelphia...._..—_..__ *36,466 17 Ground Rents 20 848 31 . .. .. . . . Real Estate (Office No S 4 Nlrth Fifth street) 14,a35 13 D. S. Government .5-:1) Bends ___ 40 (J oc D. S. Treasury Dotes. 6,64.0 00 City Warrants. 646 04 Cash on hand— —__.— 27.422 41 THCSTEFS, GEORGE W. TRYON, President. WY. 11, HAMILTON, JOSEPH R. LYN - BALL, JOHN SOU DER LEVI P. COATS, PETER A. KEYSER, SAM. EL SPARHAWK. JOHN PHILBEN, CHARLES P BOW F..R, JOHN CARBoW.I JES S E LIGHTFOOT, LiEORGE L YOUNG, !ROBERT SHOFYr A KKR, W 3 -S. T. SUMER, Secretary. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AJENRICA. 1.--ILARINE, FIRE AND LNLAND TBANSPOE TATION INSURANCE. 011ie% NO.= WALNUT street, south side, east Of Third street The Pro“putee of this Company are wall invested and furnish an available fend for the amlra i dentnity of all ns erso who desire to be protected Insurance. RISES taken on Vessels, to and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISES on Mar• chandise pa Railroads, Canals and Steamb oats. PlNEon Merchandise, Furniture and Build. harps In City a A nd Oannty. Mt—CAPITAL MO 000 AND PAID IN AND SECORKLP nTVID- 1 1.1105, TOTAL PROPERTIES, 41..700,c00. PERPETUAL OIELARTER, loth= G. Coffin. 13amnel 'W. Swim John A..lrrocm, Charles Taor, Ambrose wnite, Mad D. Wood. Weird:4 William E. Bowen, T._Charl AILTHITE CIBAS.Lra PLATT. Secre TICE COITNTY FLUE INEUILANCE COMPANY..., OFFICE NO. ILO SOUTH InsM r an - 03 --- - the "The Fire ce mpany of fOottrQ , 01 Philadelphia" Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania in MS, for indemnity against lose az damage by firamlusively. TER PES.PETLIA_L. This old Mid reliable institution, with ample captal and coitingent Lind carefally invested continues to :n -ame buildings, furniture, merchandise, fie, either per manently or fbr a limited time, against loss a darnaga by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the abeJlatig safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with ail possitle de notch D In.ECTORS. 1 Charles J. Sutter. c44. A RT. 7 .,. Retail. Henry eftilly, John Horn, Robert V. Massey, Jr,. Joseph Moore, Henry Mudd, George Bleck% Andrew H. Mier James N. Stone. J. StrITEE„ Prmidans; ItIaCTIA.11:12I F. Hotimiraxv. Sec'v and Treasure? DINE-NIX DELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1804—CHARTER PERPETUAL. •.:24 WALNUT Street, oppoaite the Mcchanga In addition to MARINE and - RCIAND INSURANCES this Compna7 Insures from loss or damage by PERE, on liberal terms, on bnildinv, merchandise, ficrnliare, gc., for limited periods, and permanently on building! by deposit of premium. The Compass has been In active operation for more than mass ?EARS, during which all losses CATS New promptly aditurted iand paid. John L. Hodge, M. R. m.bony John T. Lewla, William S. Grant, Robert W, Learning. D. Clark Wharton, Lacerate* Lewis, J , JOHN B. BaxtraL Wrcoox. = - : TEEFF.B.SON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP ,J PHILADELPHIA.—Office Northmst corner at THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streets(late Tammany). Incorporated by the Legislatnre of Pennsylvania. CHAMTBB PrausxtrAr... Capital authorized by Iseri Uoo,soc. Make Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Buildings, Furniture', Stook Goods and Merchandis% on favorable terms. D tOTORS, George Ere_V:„ Christopher R. Allnaz.. August 0. miller, Frederfra Mask°, Jam F. Belsterling, Jonas Bowman. Henry Troomner, Frederick Doll, William McDaniel, Jacob &handler, George Buts, Jr., • Stephen Smith, Henry Garker, Samuel Miller, Edward P. Moyer. „GEORGE M.ETY, President. JOHN F. BEISTERLING, Vice Predawn. PEELLSP IL COLEMAN. Secretary A MRHICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Zl. —Office Famahar Building, No. 12 WALNUT Street. M.A.B) AND INLAND INSURANCES.— Risks taken on vassals, cargoee and freights to all parts of the world, and ongood! on inland transportation on rivers, canals, railroads and other conveyances throughout the United States. WIRI.LaM CRAIG President. PETER CULLEN, t r ies Prealasn& ROBERT J. MIPIt, Secretary. ZUMIZMOBI3. William Craig, Fayeurfs..C.Lop=i' Peter Callen, , John Hallett, Jr., ,• J. Johnston Brown, Will i‘m H. Merrick, Samuel A. 'talon, - Benj. W. Richards, Mason sll"hivn, billies Hallett, Peareorli Henry L. Elder, Wm. N. Baird, S. Holm= Morlial. BErrin.tag A WOMAN PERIL INBITREiNGE COMPANY. JX. ENCIMPORATED /910.--4111ABTEll PERE% fitria.. CO WALNUT Street, abovePHl TR2CSD Street PIELLADMA. Having a large paid up CAPITAL STOOK and SUB. PLUS invested in sound and available Secnrltlea, line to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Mer chandise, Vessels in port, and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. AU Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. Drakosond. Thomas R. Marls, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Jame) B. Campbell; Samuel C Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patrick Brady,' Charles W. Poullmeil [orris. 88. M RTR. President. Secretary. inya inset 2d rffEconEA easeso..L. OBAWYORD. 'VHF PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST _COX. PANT, _OF PHILADELPHIA.— Incorporated by the State of P s ennsylvania, Ed month. 22.41,186, INSURES LIVES •ALLOWS MPIESPET ON DID SAODS D aarrrs 4suarrulls. CAPITAL ---- DEBECTOBS. Samuel B. Shipley, Richard „,. eadir ,„ , Jeremiah Hae.&er, Henze isaine27. Joshua H. Morris, t w ar Brown, lictard*Wood. Wm.CLongstreth , yam.l,Ooln. 1 SASML R. SHIPLEY. President. ELOWTAND PaltaY, Actuary, - 03710/34 *02441 No, 111 Souta Fourth BizeoS $1,253,680 18 nom. Samuel E. Stokes, I. F. Peniston. Henry Sloan, William 0. Boniton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafoarcade, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Aida vaine, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D T-Morgan, Pittsburgh,. 3 C. HAND. President. DAVIS, Vice President. nary. del3tnol .3a1,419 10 James N. Dickens, B. Morris Wa.ln, John ataaon George L. Hi rrlBo'34 Pranda 8 Cope Edward H. Tro tez E. 8. Marks, WIT raTsy OCI .1111:111r411, Presidert, FOURTH STREET, 'OE .COMPANY OF Fii_r LA- DIRECTORS. David Lewis, Benjamin EUMg, Thomas.H...Powese, A. R. McHenry, rfi mond Castilian, Samuel Wilcox.. Louis C. Norris. re:HEBER, president. ..::......pso,ooo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers