rom our-Third -Edition of Yesterday., From Washirkglork;,:,' [Special bespatckta WAeFii6ro - INT, Feb. 2, 1866 The Special Committee on thctwtir debN of the loyal States . have received the amounts which each Stete has exoended Oaring the rebellion. Pennsylvania expended' fifty four millions; New,Jersey, twenty-six mil, lions; New York, one hundred and eleVeri millions. The aggregate amount all the States is about five hundred millions. Strong efforts will be made in the House to reach a vote on the Freedmen's bill to day. Similar efforts will be made in the Senate 011 the bill to secure all persons in their civil rights. The Canadiaia officials were again ,before the Ways and Means Committee to -day. Their progress is slow in aocOmplishing what they desire, which is an extension of the Reciprocity Treaty. Generals Thomas, Sherman: and Meade, were in conference with the House Military Committee to-day. • • Generals Meade and' Thomae have just been introduced to the floor of the House. The forroei made a very happy speech, after which the whole House arose and gave them three cheers. • Cona•zilaiFirst Session. WASEUIT,GTON, Feb, A 1865. S.E.wATE.—Mr. Nye . (Nevada.) offered a Joint resolution which was adopted, re quiring the Secretary'of • the Interior to set 'apart a room in the Patent Office for the exhibition of, specimens of gold and silver. ,Mr. Sumner (Mass.) offered ajoint resolu tion to carry out the guarantee of a republi-' can form of g.overnitient, which was ordered to be printed. _, . The bill for .the sale of postage stamps on credit,_was taken up and _passed. The bill for the protection of - all persons in their, civil rights was taken up, and Mr. Davis took the floor in opposition to it. Hottsz.—The House took up the -motion made by Mr. Raymond: (N.: Y.) yesterday,. to reconsider the vote by which, on motion, of Mr. Brooks, the _day before, certain tes timony in the latter's behalf in the eon tested case of Dodge against Brooks, was' referred to the Committee on Elections. , Mr. Davis ,(Ky.) oomplianed that Mr. Brook's testimony had been delayed since March last. Mr. Brooks explained the circumstances of the delay, and asserted ,that no official notic,e - had been furnished to him by Mr. 'Dawes to hand it in. Mr. Raymond said he made the motion reluctanAly at the request of Mr. Dodge, the contestant, and not with anyiintention what ever of prejudicing Mr. Brooks's case. Mr. Brooks, at the request, of Mr. Gar field, gave way for a recess of ten minutes in order that Generals Meade and Thomas might be formally introduced. They were introduced in a neat speech by the Speaker, and made lively responses amid applause and the waving of hand-' kerchiefs. The Fenian. ilialaLTON, C. W., Feb, 2.—Gen. Sweeney and Col. Roberts passed through this city last night, on the express train. Col.. Hooker, the Mayor, with the Chief of; Police,_ passed through the, train and took; an observation of them in the sleeping oar., Markets, BALTIMORE, Feb. 2.—Wheat dull. Corn heavy; yel low, 77 cents; 'white, 98 cent& Oats steads , . Flour an settled; Western extra. $9 95. 'Seeds dull; Cloverseed ttace.,B 25. Sugars drooping. Whisky dull and ncani Bally $2 2S. . Sales at Philadel 'SALES AFTER CO City 68 naw 914 2000 Read R 'BO 863 , 4500 N Pa R Gs 834 100 sh N , Pa R. b6O ' 37% 200 eh Soso Cul b 5 1435 200 sh do 200 eh Resto nv'e 87 b 5 271 3 iii 100 sh do b3O _373; SECOND 3000 Union Can bds S eh Cam & Am B - 118 raa sh Lehigh Val. 60% 100 shlEestonviilell blO 37 S 100 sh do b3O 38% 400 eh MeElrath Oil 1% 6115SOCE rfft34. or A.P.A. SF. 7C.E.21, . .. EXTRA FIN DU JAPON, . • The finest ever Imported; put up originally for the' French Market. . - FOR SALE BY . JAMER'R. WEBB, ' jaliti WALNUT and EIGHTH Streets. 03RJEJEN erreen Corn, Fresh Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes, Plums, &o. ALBERT . C. ROBERTS, DEALER rIsT FINE GROC.ERLES, Corner Eleventh and Vine. Streets. CHAMPAGNES: The genuine and well known superior Heictieck Co.'s Champagne for sale at all times, in lots alone to! ten Baskets, at the Company's price in New York,' with the addition of 25 cents for expenses from N. Y., Sent home free of charge. Also. Moel & Chandon'sl Green Seal and Verzeny, Widow Clicquot, Sparkling! Rhine Sbazberger, 7ohanntsburg Sparkling . ' Moselle; iduscateLand Hock, at aglow prices as can be bought anywhere. SIMON COLTON & CLAEIKE!, S. W. cor. BROAD and WALNUT S,treet. TITEBB & TWOMBLY'S PIUEDLIIIM CHO* I V V LATE, COCOA, BBOM.A. and other . prepar 'item, manufactured by Josiah Webb & Co., for sale b a il , B C. KNIGHT & CO., jad•lict S. E. corner for the Mane cturers; f ..NEWFRUITS.—Princess Paper-shell and Lisbo Ahnonds; splendid London Layer Raisins, whole, Malin(' quarter boxes, choice _Blame fl small drums, in store and for Sale by .F; SP , Tea Dealer and Grocer, N, W.corner Arch and /Sigh . OASES FRESH REACHES, TOMATO/A 5,-000, Green•Corn,_ Peas, dtc., warranted to give satisfaction. , For 'sale by X. FOSPruf Arch and VA ghth streets. 'fig!"-- ' ::TRA MAO - KERB L.—Extra choice large Mack= rel In kids. Also new 'S iced and Pickled Sal mon. For sale by SF t N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth streete. TIRY PBESEItVED.G.INGEE.--A small invoice M i . this delicious centection t in small 36 lb. boxes, lust received at COUSTY 'l3 East End Grocery,No.llB South IiEGERVED MENGE:R.-800 cases choice Preserved}P' Ginger, each Jar guaranteed, in store and for sale at.COUSTYIS Neat End Grocery, No.llB South Second MIICOE ll:Ea—Raisins. Currants, Citron, Lernod .lU..and Orange Peel, Pure Spices, Cooldng Wines and Brandies, new Sweet Older, all for sale ' 0011STI East End Grocery Store. No. 118 South Second street. 1 NEWYARMOUTH BLOATERS -A small invoice )I'.. th ese delightful and choice delleacies, far eale at COUSTY'S East End .Grocery, To. 118 South Second B :4141: ::1• :a 1: r IpardshQll6ol ll j a iveg, .1 Het Pickles. Bola Sardines, and all kinds of new Canned Fruits, Meats Soups. Milk and Coffee, at COUSTY'S East End Grp cerY. No. 118 South Second street. ' , • , ERICES.-20 barrels jersey cultivated Cran ~ _. .e ß t l 4l3) erri, es in• store and 'iornale by . Di. F 13P.1.L.131 44. W. cor. Arch and Eighth street I. DRESBIIICIN - G. . . Empra OP FASHION: - DRESS AND .L CLOAK MAKING ln .811 its varieties. , All the „latest styles of Imported Paper Patterns to select Isom; Inßleeves. Waists, Opera Cloaks and Tight Coats: also , a large assortment of= beautiful -Dress Cloak :Trim ',-mings and :Buttons. Wedding and -traveling outfits made with neatness and despatch. Suits of , Mouraing at - the shortest-notice, at ire-lowest possible. prices Tneentire business' is' under the superintendence of 3128. - 31. , A. MAD - KW and all ordersfrom adistance vin:reteltre:,ber , immedlate .attention.. - please note ray, name' and aoress to avoid', aad 'de. celved: Nci;lo3l Chestnut . street, tWo' doors above the ittnideiag of Nine A rts jal(Flm . • • hiAiStook Board. F—TABOARD. 6 sh 10th 111th St R 511‘ 500 sh Feed - Dam b 5 200 sh Excelsior Oil 44 100 183 sh Penns R 55 20 eh Girard Col R '26 100 hilt C.latawfasa pf s 5 85!,i 100 sh do cash 33« 200 eh do .05 .35g BOARD. 200 sh Ma do ple Shade b 394.56 100 sh 100 sh Susq 18 , 100 - eh - do 860 13 1 ; 100 eh Catawissa pfd 15 WEST OIERSTER AND PRELA.i 44Sio DELPHI_A> RA_ILBOAD • • . WINTER ARRANGEMENTS On and alter WEDNESDAY, October 18th, 1555, the trains will leave as follows: 'WF R CHESTER TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia fer West Chesterti.os, 11.004.7 g. '2.15, 4.80 and S.OO P. hi. I Leave West Chester for - Philadelphia 6.45, 815,10.. 'A. M., 1.40, 4.35 P. M. • Trains leaving. West Chester at 8.15 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. will not stop at ,Penneiton and will stop below B. C. Junction' at Media only; • PIiIIgERT,TON TRAINS— Leave -Philadelphia for Penneltou 4.11 e and ILOO Leave Pennelton for Philadelphia 6.20 These Trains stop at all intennediate Stations. - ON SUNDA - YR—Leave Philadelphia at IWO A. 39 "Leave West Chester 7.55 A. M and 4.00 P Men • Trains leaving Philadelphia at 505 A. , M. and 4.80 leaving - Westettester at - 8.15 hi; and 4.25 P. 21.. connect at JAC. Junctkni with Trains on the P. and P.. 31; zor Oxford fuollatermediate ipointx • AR-passergerslare allowed;to take wearingapparel 0111 . 7 aa. 3 3aggagovaild• the Company will'hot;,./n li anYl ,caseibe responslolefbr, an amonns exceedin&onennq dud dollore. drama ' special contract 14 made forthe same. General Jahnethatendent ~. , • , -TRA.VEUN ' READING RA3:LROAD. '•-• ' GREAT TRUNK LINE /Box rry..l7. rerricaloß oit PRVIN , BYLVANLS THE SCHLTPLIIILL,ksusauxa N. ,_A CUMBERLAND AND WYOMNG VAPJaifES. TH.' E NORTH NO THWEST and the OANAti)AS: WINTER GEMENT OP PAIStusriGER TRAINS leavink a t x) he Company ' s Depot THLEb , TEENTH and 0 Streets. PbEallelPhlit at the following hours: , MORNING NAIL • At S M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisoura, Pottisv_ille, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Willis , a. port, Elmira, ROchester, Niagara PallaillaEal_ ea* town, Wilkeebarre, Pittston, York, Oarliale,onanduers• bmg, Hagerstown, d:c., dtc. _ _ This train connecta at READING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown. &at and with the Lebanon Talley train for Harrisburg, dec.; at PORT CLINTON' with Catawissii Railroa tra i ns for Willis . sport. Lock Mean:Elmira. dm.. at RARRISRURG with Northern °antral, Cumberland Valley; and Eichayikill and Sus_quehanna trains for Northnmberland,Willismsport Pork,.ol l aMbeis bar g , PinegraVe, 4k.C. . . AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Philadeiplkiiiivie P. iff:for R:eming, Pott.s. vile, Harrisburg, &c., connecting with Reading. and Columbia R.R. trains for eolumbia ha, and.witb Cats, wisaa Railroad train for Milton, Williamsport Elmira; Buffalo. .td• - venI?..,IILING At.N;v1X.0D.a...T10.1g.,! Leaves Reading at 6.50 A..M., stopping at all waysta• ions; arrives in Philadelphia at 5.30 A. M. •• • Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.80. P. M.; arrivea in Reading at 7.30 P. M. • I • • Trains ier Philadelphia leave , Harrisburg ,at 7.15 M. and Pottsville at SAO A. M.. arriving in Phiadel• phia at 1245 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M., and Pottsville at Y... 45• P. M.; . arrivlnesit Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.135 A. An and Haratsburg at 9.00 r' Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leavea Philadelphia at-1245,n00n for Reading. and all way stations;-leave... Readingll.3o 'A.;'.ISL . ; andHowningtown 12.10 P. M. tbr Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays exoept_ed. _ Sunday trains leave POttsVille • at, 0.00 A. M.. - and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M CRF : SMIt N r . Alffrr R TT , i)AJ), Passengera for Downingtown and natermedlatapotnta take the SAY A. M. and 4.80 P. IL - trains from'Philadel phia; returning rrom povionagtowr .at ; 7?lXi, A.. .BL and SO Noon. . - . • - . NEW. YORE EXP RESS__,POR PITIIiattIP;SH AND , . . THE WIMP.' , . , Leaves New. York* LIR .X. X. and .8 P, IL. Palen; P.eading ata A. M., and 1.48 P. IL. and connecting at Earrisbnrg with Pennsylvania., and Northern Oen .fral llakiroad Express Trains for Pittabursth, Claws% Will Liamsoort. *mint, Bailin:Km, &c. . _ Returning, Express Train leaVea Marrisb n zln arrival of Pennsylvania • Express front /Utah at S and 9.05 A.'.14.; issinn Readifur at 4.49 and 10.b8 A. , arriving at' New York 10 A. M., and L 45 P. X. Bleeptaa Car acmnaiyan z %thae trains thronsdi between - Jamey OW. and ,P bur ,Nvitkont charge. , • Mail train r ew York lama Islarrjejonrg_at 1.45 P. Noo IL Mail train' for Harrisburg leavea.ffow TolB, at la n. . ' ESCHTITLIM,L VALLEY RAILROAD. nuns leave Pottsville at 445,11 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. moaning from Tamaqua at 1.35 A. M.. and 1.44 and 4.15 P. golara - r.artfr• AND 81713411ThEIEUIMI'L A HAMBOAD_,.i Traria leave Auburn at 7.45 A, IL • for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 H. for l'lnegrove mad T`r•a,-1, wont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.00P.X. andiron , Tremont at 7.00 A. 2i. and 6.00 IF'. H. - • Pat•4;iizi Through .ret-clens tickits and emigrant tlekete to all the principal points In the North and Went and Carson", The following ticket, are obtained only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treenurer, No. =7 South Penni street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Moons, General auperintend t, 4150313MTATION TIM:I=3, At 25r oent., discount between any points desired for and firms. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good for 2,000 milmbetween all points. at itS E 0 each, for families and firme. SEASON TICKER'S. For three.alx, nine or twelve months, for holden imlY. to all paints at reduced rates. CLERGYMEN Residing on the line of the Bold will be tarnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare EXCURSION TICKETS, . o From Philadelphia to principal sta tions, goad far Saturday, Sunday and lionday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Mee at Thirteenth and Callow. hill Billets. FREIGHT. • • Goods of all desctions forward to MI the above points from the Com rip pany's New Fr ed eight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT WAIN& - Leave Philadelq, daily a 6 6.60i. M.,12.45 noon and 6 1 , , M., for Bea , Lebanon, Hl.r• riaburg, Pottsville, Pen Clinton, and points beyond. 7 • 11W:113 Close at the Philadedphla Post Office for ail place, on the road and its breaches at i A. 3G, and tbr the prin. Olpal Stations only at 216 P. M. IRM4PHLLADELPHLS, WTLMLNO TON AND BALTIMORE RAlL ABL.F...—Conimencing MONDAY, , January Bth, M. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington ayenne, as f0.110W3: .Express - Train, at COS A. M. (Mondays excepted),i for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilming ton, Perryville, Havre-deOraos. Abmteen, Perry- Man's, Magnolia and Stemmer's Ram Delaware R.R.Trainosas A.l,L(Swiday excepted), for Salisbury, hillfad and Intermediate stations. Way-mail Train, at 9.15 A. M. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore, Stopping at Chester; Tharlow, Linwood, Claymont, and - all regular stations between Wilmington and Baltimore. Expreas Train at 2.45 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North-East, Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen', Pexryman's,, Magnolia and Stemmer's Ran. Night Express at nas P. Si. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stop ing at 'Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, n,Newark,ElktOn, North-East. Perryville and Havre-fie-Grace. Passengers by . boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, 'Norfolk City Point - and Richmond will take the 8 . 1 5 A. M. Tr ain.: As an additional accommodation for those holding through tickets for Baltimore. Washington and bouthern points, a special car will leave the Philadelphia Depot at 11.309. M., connecting at ()ray Fe with the Morning lexpress train from eiew York , - W - ()TON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN,*, stopping atall stations between Philadelphia and Wll - Leave Philadelphia at 8.15, 11.1b.112,L, 2.30.8 00 and 7.08', P. W. The 8.30 P. -M. train connects with the Dela. ware Railroad for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 7.00, B.IS and LSO A. M.. 8.00 and 5.008. M. - Train for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at &15 A. M.. 3.30 and 5.00 P. M. THROUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 12.00 M.., 4.90 and 9.55 PM.. CILENTER YOB Pallas DELPILLA. Leave Chester at 8.01, 8.58 and 19.14 A. M.,12.55, 3.48, 4 .01, 5.44 and 10.29 P. M. Prom Baltimore to Philadelphia—Leave Baltimore 815 A. M.., Way Mall. LlO P. M., Exprese. 6.85 P. M., Express.:. 9.25 P. M., Express. An Accommodation Train for and intermediate stations, will leave Baltimore at 4.10 P. M. • Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 9.52 A. M.. 8.23 and 11.50 P. M.. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 12.27. 6.1.3 10.33 A. M., and 4.00 P. hi. SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.05 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Pak. ) , Y llle; Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, .Perryman's, Magnolia and Stem mer's Run. Night Express LLB P. M. fbr Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Tharlow, Linwood, Claymont,Wllraington,Newark, Elkton, North-East, Perryville and Havre de Grace. A Special Train will leave Philadelphia fer Wilming ton and-Intermedlate Stations at Leo P. M. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.25 P.M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stop at Elk tori and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia; and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore)! and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore on Wa shingto n. A special train will leave Wilmington for Philadel phia and Intermediate Stations at 6.80 P. M. Freight train with passenger car attached will leave Wilmington ter Perryville and intermediate stations . at 6.01 P..M. H. F. BENNEY, Superintendent. IS6 A PHIMADELPHIA AND: • EERIE RT ROAD. ins. great verses the Northern and North-- west counties of Pennsylvania to the City of Erie, on Lake Erie. • • • .T.t has been leased and is vania Itallroso Oompany. operated by the Pennsyl.4 . • T OP PASSIBLYGEB Imams AT ninansmrtria. Aria Mall Train - - - - - Erie Express Train - - - LEAVE WESTWAED. Erie Mall Train - - - • - • ' 720 P. It: Erie Express Train • - • -720 A. IL Passenger Ohn rust through on Erie Mall'andta i rez Trains without change, both ways, between P . phia and Erie. • ' • ' • • - • srkw YOBS oosiiireriosr. • Leave New York at 6ee P. M., arrive at Erie 837 A. i Leave Erie at 155 1 , , M., arrive at Netv York LiC P. No change or cars between Erie and New York. Elegant Bleeping Oars on all Night Trains. For MformationestingPassenger business abP Steamer p3lll, suid - MA.B= streets, PhD* d elphla. _ And for Breightbasineas, or the Company's Anats: 8.8. Ilinotod, Jr., corner Thirteenth; and Market its. Philadelphia. 3.W.lleynolds, Erie. William Bream, Agent, N. U. Baltimore. H. a. iziousTorr, General Freight Agent Philadelphia, R. wAawiterza, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, • , • - • A. - Ty LE.4, Bon 18uP't. WllilamBPOt6 THE DAILY, EVENING EVLT , ETIN • YXILAPPATIA, , SATIJ,ftDAY,, gEI 3 ,RVAitt 3,'1866- IRIMICI • NORTH .2•211,01J:113 .I.IVAN/A R.,7112(1 ' 3 LIDD.LID.BOUY/0-+ o an m direct line to Be Allentown Match - Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven liksebarre. Mahanoy C11y : and aPPOlntel in 0 2, Labilia, and. W.Vai _ ming Ooal ReDicria, Paasenger DepOni in Plinildelphisi r THlßD titreet abOve Thompson; and corner of Ram 9 and AXIIRtI CLAN Meets." • NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and after Monday,Nov. 20 th ,1 a 85 ,Passerigar alma leave the Depot, Third street, above Thompson, daily _ (Sundays exceptedVaa follows: AT 7.50 A...lll.—Morrung Express for Bethlehem and and 'Principal Stations , on: North Pennsylvania Rail road; connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley 'Railroad for Allentown,Catezanqua,Slatington,Manch Chunk. Weatherly Jeaneavllle, Hazleton, White Ha ven Wilkesba re, kinvton;Pittaton, and all pointa in Lehigh and Wy alleys; also, in connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy 01.ty, and with Catawissa. Railroad, for Rupert, Darivllle, Milton and Williemapart. 'Arrive at Manch Chunk at 11.45 M.; at erre at 2.45 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at 9 P.M. passengers by this train , can take the Lehigh Valley Train, paasin_K Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for Eau ton and poin ts ri OA New Jersey ,Central Railroad to New York. AT 8.55 A. M.—Accommodation, for Doylestown; stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, • take - Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 'A. M—Accommodation, for Fort Washing. ton, stopping at all intermediate Stations. At MD P,..11. Accommodation tor DoYlestown. stOP. ping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. _ AT 8.50 P. M..—Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rail. road, making close connection at Bethlehem with Le. high - Valley Train for Easton. reaching there at 6.45 P. 21. Passengers for Plainfield, Somerville - and other points on New Jersey Central R.R. take N. J. C. Train at Easton, win= arrives in New York at 10 P. M. Paa sengeas for Stuameytown take stage at North Wales. and tbr Nazareth at Bethlehem and for Greenville at Quakertown AT 4.15 crommodatlost, for •Doylastown m at i v n ? g G a ro t v a e i !ita i Stati" BartavailleFatnr. for Abingtonge at ,• for loamberville at Doylestown: AV 5.15 P. 'M.—Through Aooonunodation, for Beth. lehem and all Stations ou main line of North Pennsyl. vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Valley Evening Train for 'Ante on liehigh Valley Viand for .Danville , rt and °atomisers Railr • AT WS P. lif.--Aocommedation, the Lansdale, stop , ping at all Intermediate Stations. At U. P. M. Accommodation for Port W ashingtoru, Leave Bethlehem et ea and 10.02 A. M.. and 6.16 P, paesengera leaving Mitten at 9.80 A. H., connect at Bethlehem aad arrive_ in Philadelphia at 13.2.5 P. H. Passengers leavieg Wilkesbarre at 1 P. H. connect at Bethlehem at 11.1 h -P. M.., and arrive in PlaZadelpitia at *ASP. M. . Leave Doyleet9ws, at 6 . t6 A. M 1.15 and 540 P. Ks .Leavelasnadale at 6.10 A.. M. DeavelTort Washington atINDA.7B. 10.50 and 2.15 R. 11. „ St Philadelphia for B ON ethlehem at ISA. M. • Philadelphia for, Doylestown. at E P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7..C3 A. M. Betklishern'for Philadelphia al4 P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Careconv y pat. Whitto and from Bexios Street Depot: • White Oars of Second and Third Streets Line oorrferf paasegnera to Third Street Isepot. Ticketemnet he rocrtred at the Ticket Offoes, TIE= street or B street; in order to secure the loweet rates of fare. BLLIS °LABE, Agent. a C Isoismssx'a Beane Exprees will Gill for and deliver Depo !aracrNo. at the Us South t. street. • PENNS YLValsTLfk fIEITP - Esj, • • A Tr.ROAD. ..6.III3.A.NGEKHENTS. The trains of the Pennsylvania R.'S.. will leave - the Few Depot at Thirtieth and Market streets. The care of the Market Street Passenger Railway run to and from this Depot, They also leave Front street every two minutes, octramc.r.mug one hour pre. vlousto the time for a of each Train and waiting on 30 minutes for a trip. Their cam are In waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey Passengers Into the city, and connections are made with allroads cross. ur Market street. igss Surrneve—Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets at 5.45 P. M., to connect with the Pitt b urg h and Erie Mall. and at 10.25 P. M. with Philadelph ia dress. Hamra Bauga¢e Express will hereafter be located tit O. 81 South eventh street. Parties desiring Bagsuge takertto the trains, can have deneat reasonable raise upoa atddlcatlon to him. TE.A.Lbes LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT F23.1F. EX:FRP . . MALL THAIS. - - PAOLI AC OM., No. 1 - FAST LINE, - • • PARIEFSBURG, • • HARRISBURG AOCOIL, • LANCASTER ACCOIL, - PAOLI MAIN, No. I PITTSBURGH ir..ERIE MALL PHILADELPITTA E.,TIOME; ABBIVE.. CINCINNATI FVPRES.S. • PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS • P P ARKESBURG AOLI ACCOM., No. I • - - • . STIEFLF&PRML* . " ' . LANCASTER " FAST 12.22 P. Ig UNE. - - - • .. PAOLI ADOOIL, No. 2, • • " DAY EXPRESS - " S.ts .1141.111UPPBURG• AOCOM., . 8.40 Phlladelplia Explr /eaves daily. Plucbargh and Erie Mall leaves Trains daily—except S unday. The Pennsylvtualaßauroad Oa will not assume any risk for Baggags, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their respotodbility to One Runtired Dollars in value, Al Baggage exceeding that amount in value, be at the risk ofthe owner, unless taken by special contract; For farther infernitddon, as to time and connections, see bills and framed cards; or spar to. • • Tztoxes H. FARM% Ticket Agent, at the Depot, An Illosigrant Train runs daily, except Sunday. For full infronatlon as to fare and amommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK. , NO. 181 Dock street. • • r _ PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN. • TOWN AND NORRISTOWN ia ea '/ACE TABLE —On and after WED. NiBDAY, Novemberntll further notice. FOR WN. Leave Mei ind hia—S. 78. 9,10,11,12,A.M.; 1,1 — inntes, W, 4 P , 0, SX, 0, 2.10 Leave Germantown-4.7,7g, S, 820, 61, 12, A. lit 4 I 2., 8,4, 4X, 6,6, 7,8, 9, 10,11 P. M. I Its 8.20 down wain, and the 3% and 5% up trains du not stop on Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlladelphia-9.10 Minnie!, A. IL; 2, 7 and 11121, P. Leave Germantown-4 A. M.: 1, and DX, P. EL, CHESTNUT HILL R ATVRIILD. Leave 'PhlladelphlB-6, 8, 10, 12, A. IL; 2, or. at, 7, I. and 11, P. M. M.; 1440 0 , & h 4O ~ 6.4 u &a4.1141t-9.. 10 & RateP.B , I L 9.40, and UM A. Leave Phlladelphia7-9.10 minutes, A. M.; I, and 7 P.M. Leave Chestnut 11111-7.40 &Wade% A. E. 1240. 6.40 and 9.25 minntee P. M. FOB CONSMOHOCKEN AND NOIthISTOWN. , Leave Philadelphia—a, &W. 11.05 agnates, A. ZIL; 13 Y, 4.,%. 535, 634, 8.06, and 1.13 i, P‘ M. Leave Norrtatewnh-5X,47, , 7.50, 9,11, A. M.; 13, CC 9 and 8 P. 'EL The 5% P. M. train will stop_ at School Lane, Wissa only. hickon, blanayindt, Spring Mlls and Conshohocken! ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia -9 A. M., 2,411, and 7P. hi, Leave Norrlstown-7 A. M.. and 5 P. M. • • FOR hiANAYI7NK. Leave PhiladeloldA—e. 8.85, A. AL; 13i, 8, 63f , 6.05, and Wu E At Lmve Idartikrur.-6X, 23i, 8.20, D3G, LOO A. AL; 1, 5 ei and 8, P. AL ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia n -9 A. M. Etx and 7P. M. Leave Mana *-73 , 4 A. M. s and BP. M. W. T. WILSON, General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets, pffri.a DELPHIA AND BALTI MORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.i . 61. . GF.afENTS.—On and after WED I NESDAY, October 18th, 1865 the trains will leave Phil stdelphla from the depot of' West Chester and Phi adelphis Estilroad, corner of Thirty-first and Marke streets, (West Philadelphia ,) at see A. M., andeLSO P hi. Leave Oxford at 6.50 A. M., and 8.10 P. M. ' The train leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. /51., connects at Oxford with a daffy line of stages from Peach Boti tom In Lancaster. Beturningleaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the afternoon train for Phila. delphla. Passengers are allowed to take wearing ap. parel only as baggage, and in no case will the Qom. . pany be responsible for an amount exceeding $lOO. H. WOOD. General Superintendent, OFFICE OF THE ADAMS EX COMPANY, 820 CHEST. ti "at 'PICELLDEL.PHIA, January 27th. hmr.. The Adams Mittman' Company have e the facilities at Washington, D. C. by building a Depot, and having acquired 'additional capacity fo transportation, are now prepared to forward Sea Express freights, Packagte and. Parcels. to Washing !ton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortreas 1110broe' and Other rf aces Southi •occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for Merchandise in large lots. Butler's goods and - army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at oar office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and. receipted for at our depOts.SollthWt, corner of BROAD and LO, aria streets. r :JOHN BINGFEEAM, Superintendent 1 00 P.M; 1.1. /OA. iiii usw.i PHILADA. - s"f• i VIA BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. THROUH. I/BRIGHT DFRABTMEICT, I DEPOT, BROAD STREET, ABOVE utimRRY. , The undersigned will continue the. General s Agency-of the 'Philadelphia, Wilmington -and ih n i t i l tlmoce Railroad, for Phile , ftlltbla, by way of the abort rronte to the West.' v• • - • • • v • 'Shippers and the pnollo Bea the are ammred that the organization of th rougn Walla secures to Freight twxoLor Wawa and prompt yllvery to all parts parts. Au through rates add, mwner Information, apply - • 00 A& ~ • General „Weig C ht :Amin. 1 JOHNS. WILSON, Prelgin Ararat I ' Office.-Blzth surest. abov e oneetnuti liI63FOR. VY_ YORIL-BY THE NEW - 11.AILROA:D. ROWE CAMDEN; W FARE: . -lON AND AFTE:Ri am: `1866L 1 the Express Train of the Raritan and Delaware .ESEI9, Railroad NyillletingOde3 t korg Vine Street Ferry Mid Dia „rotgh T !lye, hOms. Fare , Fee. TareLasioil Tickets good fox , three days, - ed 00; • Preiglit-Thilnileaver at via 10P. AD and arrives New York:moat morning.!: , . . i F - Rolltr/EW:xolol;EXPiesilliiejekveii tier STo. d at 12.20 P. M.'mtd!aVrives in Camden ate.Bol". Freight and Accommodation line leaves at,4P.M.Mid 'arrives at Camden at 11. P. M.pply !Freight %km at low rater.: A. B. Dole/ Agent-Copers Point, ia,MdfoL . „ , , !infra W. B. SNEDB.II, Superintendent 1 , .1 at 7.20 A. Ist LW A. 111., " 10.00 " " 12.00 H. • " Lou P. IK, 4. 2.30 4.00 Bit 81 &so " I.BOA II " 7.10 u p . m mi •17 an n easiVtirib - Xt& alawi••••••••eadmomiliM• ‘," 4. • %.4., FOR. NEW yO.F.K. - ..-ThetoA.Mi DENAND AXBOY, and /1311.24 TRENTON' . -14 . A TL . ROAD CON! PANT'S LINER etom tdato New York, and way tra‘cea, , -from W WEFtEET WHARF; will leave as follows, -. /te; At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy,,AccorM, 12 26 At 8 A., Xi via Camden and JerseY.Ci_q:Express,! 800 At 2 F.. 11.; via ,Caina en. andAmboy Elcpress, 26 At 12 (noon) and 81. 2L - Vvis Camden and ; Amboy.' Accommodation, (Freight and Pas: 2 SS A,t 6 and ..U. RP. Camden and AmbOy, Asicons: modation, • • ' ' • (Freight and PasSenger)lst Class Ticket, . 9 . 98 _ .2d Class Ticket, 160 At 6 and 10A.N.,2 and 5 Elf.. For Mount Hollywans• villa. Pemberton: and Vincentown. At SA. M., ' and P. M. for Freehold. . At 6 and VIA. M. 12 2f. 8.00, 5 band 11.80 P. M. for Pal. myra, Riverum, Delanco, Beverly; Edgewater, Bur. , lington, ' , Florence. Bordentown, &c. The The 10 A. Mi and 5 • .1"'. *M. Line - runs direct through to Trenton... LLNES FROM E.IO7SINGTOZT DEPOT . ' will: leave as follows : _ 11.15 A. 4.30 P. M aid 6,45 P. M. via' Ken singten and Jersey'.City hypress At 12 P.7L (N ight),yia Kensington and Jersey City Express 2 25 The 6.45P.M. Line will run daily. All' others Sun. days excepted. , At 7.80 and /1.15 A. M. 3, 3.80, 4.30,5 and 6,45 M.. and 12 Midnight , for Bristol, Trenton. &C. At 7 A. 10'50, 3,5, and 6 P.M. • for Cornwell's, ;Lori risdale, Holmesburg, Tacony, Wissinoming. ,Brides: burg and Prankforct and at sP. M. for Holmesburg and intermediate Stations. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD, for the Delaware River Valley,, Northern. Pennsylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De pcit. as follows: ; . • , At 7.30 A. IL sad 8.30 P. M, for Niagara Paps, Buf falo Ldnkirk Canandaigua wsrnira, -Ithaca , Owego; ROC/sester, Blnghampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend. Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton. Stroudsburgi Water Gap, Belvidere, _Easton, Lambertville, Flensi ngtonote. The 8.30 P: SL Line connects' direct with he Train leaVing Easton for Maucn Chunk. Allen./ town. Bethlehem. dc. A.t 5 P. M. tor Lambertville and interin - ediateStations . ger For New York, and Way' Lines 'leaving Ken! sly ton . Depot, take the oars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an.hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train:run from the. Depot.' On Sundays, Ctrantbasses will leave Wal• nut street wharf at 6P, IL to connect with. 6.45 P. 21 Pliy Pounds or BaggagMy',alle each Pass ger. P assengers are prohibited nom mid= wed anything en as baggage but their 'wearing apparel. Ali baggage O ver . fifty he paid fer extra. •• The Co limit their responsibility ibr baggage to One Dollar Pa l i pound; and will hot be liable for any amount beyon $lOO. except by apecialcontrect- r • tfir Zokats sold and baggage checked dtreit through to Grahald'eßag. age - adl for _and • delivet' baggage at the . Depots, Ordexe to be left at No. 3 Wati • nut street. UNITS FROM NNW YORK FOR PHILADELNIIA.: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 1r M. and P. IL, via Jersey City and Camden. At 7, 10 and I.lli It. Di., P, 2d. sad Night via Jersey City and Ken . aii B Pier No. , I ?N. River, at . 6 A, M. and 2, P. via Amboy and (*linden. At . 12 . M., 8 and .1 M, (Freight and Pesten ger), MIL H. G oy via Amb TZILER, and Camden. .A Agent. _ • PHLLADELPHLt AND RULE HA. THROUGH LINE. • AWTSEIA RAILROAD. Short line to Wilibamspert, Elmira,oll Regions,Eria, Buffalo, Magus Falls, :Suspension Bridge, and aII places Ih the Western, Northestern and South Wets•l tern States and the Oanadas. • Four throngs trains daily-(Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and Leave North Pennsylvs. 7.30 A. Beading A. R.B.Depot. Ma E.B.Depothf... a Sae P.M. 5.15 P.M. One train on Sunday at ALS P. K. By all these trains direct connection Is made at RI., mire with Erie railway; at WA,. • flea with Atlantic and Great W esternn railway-, at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Lake Shore R. B. and at Suspension Bridge with Great Western -railway. Fare always as low as by any other line. Sleeping cars on all night trains. Second class cars, with cushioned seats accompany each express train. giving passengers the advantage of high speed Withlow fare. For through tickets and further particulars concern trig the routes, applyst the. Ticket Office, sZ Chestnut street. N. VAN HORN. Pas. Agt. RWENT JERSEY RAILROAD LIMES—From foot oil:Mute I street; o T er KR . . 0 ozekv Sunday& FALL AND Commencing WEDNIMDZY, NOVEMBER For Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and Salem liallioads, at 9 A. X. and 8.80 P. M. For trine and all intermediate Stationa, at 9A. X. andBP. M. 11[Foreape May and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., LA Mills'lle connecting w ith freight train (Passenger car attaebt d) for Cape to' .dne 2.45 P. IL and 3.00 P. M. through passenger, due 8.00 P. IL For Glassboro' and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. IL and 2.30 P. M. For Woodbury. Gloucester, eta, at 9 A. EL, 3, 810,, and 5.90 P.M. Freight train ttill I eave Philadelphia front Sandford's, Wharf aril) A. . and Camden, at 12.11. J. VAN RENSSELAER.Superhatemdent. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRES3 0011.PANY Will attend to *lithe ItEmal branches of EXPRESS Boa rs, receive, deliver, and forward, through other re=, sponslble.Express Companies, to all parts of the e 01111.4 try, any article entrusted to them. A. Special Hessen= ger accompanies each through train. Office, No. 5 Walnut street BILISINEtin lIMUUtft. - HOOP 4RIRTB, 628 NEW PALL STYLES NOW READY 628 of Hopkins' "own make, at No. s ARCH Street These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the mantel of first-class trade, and embrace every size and sty for Ladles, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal in themarket, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly oa. band, a full assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 4a aPfings, at very low_pricea. Skirts • made to order altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail, nolm4 ri C. KNIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, .IZa 6.E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of Lae Prodnata of the Southwark Sugar 'Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar , House, of Philadelphia. Jal-lyr eIEOBGE SHARP. Patentee a ,, fl. • manufacturer of %Jr the BALL PATTBBNI SILVER WARE, No. 41 Prune street- jal.nosmo* TAMES A. _WRIOAT. THORNTON PIKE. CLE%I J ENT A. CaLSCOM, THEODORE WRIGHT FRANK L..NEA.L. P.STED WRIGHT & SONS, Importers of Earthenware, and Shipping mad rchats, No. 11.5,W2LUNDT Street, Philadelphia. MERRIc3T. 'WAUGH...en MERRI mo. m car obp WlL, E. .H. uunt - wAsr, FOUNDRY, FtifTß. AND WARM INGTON STRE.LTS, Pirmatormerta. lIMERRICR & SONS ENGENESILEC AND Me B, Lianamtme High and Low Pressure Steam Enifint'l for Lxuc , River and Marine Service. ..I,n der, (lawn:tater:4 Tanks on Boata, &n, ..tastitn% of all kinds, either iron dr Wass. iron Frame Boos for Gas Works, Workshops a ,irarosx.Rtituons, dte.' kset trus and Gas hfikehlnery, of the latest and mos m_ proved construction. Nvery description •of Plantation Machinery; ant Sugar, Saw and 9rist Mile Vacuum Pans, Omer Steam Trains, Dellacators, , M_UM. Pm:nei' ,•Ma glnee, cte. Sole Agents for N. PalenVe Patent Sugar Hollins Apparatus, .Nestnyth'a Patent Steam Hammer an Dra i ns Mc. & Wolsey% Patent Centrifugal Sum, Dra IambEINNEIYLVANIA WOBEE—on Me D.ELAMAER A. River, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER, Delaw are cu mt, i lz. , , nm, PA. .... . . SON & CO„ Noginoens and /ion Lost Builders, Atanofactnrens of All kinds of OONDELMNG AND NON-002.1Dll&TS.MI JUN- , GINEB, Iron Vessels of a ll descriptions, Boilers, Vaks , TaWU! T.E.1111133Y, B. . Prr PP .B., 8. A.II,IIIIIBOLD. Late of 4 Late Heaney, Neafte & Co., Engineer Penn . Works, matt. ting-tri U. B . INA :1: • eitifElas :ap• :s& :Au ,• e u: FOUR.TEE street, above Vine, will re-open for th Fall and Wintet season on MONDAY, Sept. Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thoro: • knowledge or , this , accomplishment will find - • -: , facility at this school., The horsee are See and w: trained, so that the meet timid need not tear. • horses trained In the best manner. Saddle hors horses and vehicles to hire: Aim carriages. for min, to cars, steamboats, Bv. t 2111043.0RA1081 a ' BON.' AB FIXTURES.-Idll3llßY,_ 11.1.ERPX4L THACKABA. • NO. 718 iOBIOITNIIT street, ,Nanufactiiress, of ,Gas Fixtures, Lampe , &A, toy would call the ' attention of the 'public to their large and elegsht assortment of Gas Chandellers,..Pendanta Brackets, ac. %her also introduce Gas Pipes in Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend ta extend t f big; altering'and repairing Gas' pipes, AIl wo,rk ranted. Jan TlPalirY WIILLS.—OWNERSOF PROPERTY.—Th •urdy plat* to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Disink. tented; arVerY low prices. , P.EYSSON, • ' • • • - Manufacturer of Pondrene. Goldsmith's Balk Lib street racy • sTovjEts AiAmi nmkmm. • : I Air , . r• :s• ss: : -T=.- . "•fr EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, hotels o •••••;, public institutions, In TWENTY DIRE • • SIZES. Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Not- , • Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, F • board Stoves, Battfßoilers, Stewhole Plates Broile I:manufacturers :I Cooking Stoves, etc., at wholesale and retail, by M &ABE, SHARPE & TTIONTSON, 028,th,s,tuAnnt •N0.,209 North Second street, , ..,... • • TH•O2.9.Ati•i3, , DIXON & BONS, '.---!-->" , ,>:, --• , late Andrews & Dixon, • • r •• • ENO. 1824•CRESTAilJT'otree_„,t rkilladelptan. a_ -;-- - ' OFFealte - , 1 dt4t 46 ALVA • , .: ‘• VE. AMBER,' ' • ' " - •..v •• - • ':. OFCCE,- •• - - •.•. . ''. c ' ''`. _ ~.. :Axido er GOUT 33 ) 9 ; 1• —2— • i • For 4nl4.lnoltjapti Otis and' Wood-cam • ~. -" p: WARM- F AIRFURNACES, • ,1; ,• • Pc!? Warnainn._Poblin and Privao3 BuiliMigts; ! 4. REGISTERS, VENTELAT O332- ,••• •'o3llllAtittuNT: e -FELT, - -ilownibi. . ! • -rATENT tax. . AND 1 La - tba sue:mint Foltibr ShiPri: l ll.s44 AbbnBto e a bum! Eliseo, und-Zoil titer' Kirthi -‘ R§, 4 3TLSALTH.BOnatEiFir:49.. , 1 'l •s t a in r_f t sM it O u l a • PVISIEANT piTiP,lDie;nuoi oak ).-- ••• .yr49 kl .4, , ,,w k4 acr.RET..' . ' , t.' Debrwi r efigaraga. 1 •..‘i.Lfi,:. f.T. - pre ~ 1 ,11,..1 ~....,...„„- - i ~-_,. -,;•; 0. :,c,v, , ~.,:.,....,- ..,, ....,. .c;-,y.4 .6)mPtibist- “1 -0 4Liati NEW YID: EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LINE - - Have commenced their:regular OUTSIDE . ...c;r; 14 'llBlOCWtr StUaruships CUM WASkiiHiii,FOlif;;Captssin dilelseater: NOEFOLir; Captain *einem. ' AE.E.K.AINDIFILIk; Captain ElLiattrlek. VERGIINLi; Captain Snider. • Leaving from each city on TURvDAYS, THURS. DAYSY and SATURDAYS, from first wharf below Market street,. Philadelphia, 'and Piers 14 and Is East River, New York.. , • 'These Steamships insure at lowest rates. ' Freight received DAILY. at our usual low rates. WM. P. CLYDE CO , Agents, 14 South Whar S. ves , Philadelph ia. jag.tril • 111 Wall street, deNtit'ik. HAMILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. "ANCHOR LINE OF STEAMERS."' "HIBERNIA," , "COLIIMBLA.." "CI A 7.RDONIA," • "CAMBRLA.," "BRITANNIA," "INDIA." Steam to LIVERPOOL, LONDONDICERY,, BEZUFAE3T, DUB. LIN, NEWlt___,Y CORE ANIO GLASGOW. _ RATES OF PASSAGE PAYABLE PAYABLE IN PAPER CuRRENCY. CABINS • - - (ON CM and $7O STEERAGE 430 Steamship "lIIBEIVIO' leaves SATURDAY, January 27. THE PAID CERTIFICATES points issued at for bringing' out' passengers from the above •- LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. Also, to and train' . SPECIAL STATIONS E— PTHEIgReIS w H il lR tak L e W r A ti Y cn S ia x notice that the "Anchor Line" Is the only line granting through tickets at the above rates, from Philadelphia to the points named above, and that the undersigned the only duly authorized Agent in ridladelphia. Apply to . W. A. 1 -7 A-M7LL, Sole Agent, for "ANCHOR LINE," "la2Stf ' N0:217 WALNUT Street TO Juviratroo.u. i s tia m cimmi r rowzr, the Inraan Line. Y, carrying the U. S. Mails. taping KANGAROO-. --...-------Wednesday, Tan. 31 CITY' uP 805T0N......-.Saturday. Feb. 3 At Noon. from Pier 44 North Itiver. - BATES OB PASSAGE. PATAALS XS' GOLD: First QUIII2. Steerage..... . .......... 0 First to 95 Steerage 10 1, 0 211 /012-... 94 First—ars Stew/wet° Paris. 40 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, maw. dkc., at, ntOdersto rates. • Passage by, the , •Wedneaday_ Steamers, First Cabin, - Steerage; .33, payable in United States atutrant7. Steerage passage from Liverpool or l gold, or its equivalent. Tickets can he . bou ght erso persons swans' for their friend& For farther ; ingsastatipn, vW_at the o x=ll 01 goes. • O.•DATE, t. ja23 • 1.11 Walnut street. Philadelphia. o - FOB BOSTON. • A t STEAMSHIP' LIME DIIIIO7I. r • G I°23oif POSTI:V.KBYI2}7 DAYS. FROM PINE ST. WHARF_ WHARF, • AND LONG WHARF', BOSTON: The atesanahip SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sail from Philadelphia SaturdaFeb 3atlo A. M.. The ateamah on ip ABMs, Ca ptain C , rowe% Will sail from Boston on Tuesday, February 6, at 12 M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston is now composed of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burials% NORMAN, Captain Baker, 1200 tons burthen. ABLES, Captain Crowell. NO tons bnrthen. These substantial and well appointed ate will sail punctually as advertise& and freighr w a rl i n received every day, a steamer being 'always on the berth to receive cargo,' their Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading with For le2 freight or peausgeoVt outh to BY ware WERSO 00., 622 S Dela & avenue. • BE-OPENING OF THE OUTSIDE LIMA OF STEAMERS between pErLADRIXICIA. AND NEW YORK. This favorite line will commence their tripe on THERSDAY next, Seth inst. The following well known and staunch seaboata will be placed on the ate Steamer ADMIRAL ---.--oapt. Nichols. EASTERN 'r Mundy, KENN - FR - RP . • Edmonds. Days of departure (from eaCh will be TUEd. DAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURD A YS, leaving this city from first wharf below Spruce Street at 11 o'clock, A. M. and New York from pier 4. North „River, at 4 o'clock P. H. Freights received daily, and *taken at reasonable rates. All goods destined beyond New York will be *forwarded free of commissions. • For rates of freight. &c., &c., apply at the Once, alt and Sis South Delaware avenue. no tip P. B. MARK, Agent. • :465' :off_ • • ,11 , • 1Q0:: s : S : 03.4. ..,•. The tine etearozhtps of this Line insure at the lowest rates and sall .rigniarly from the First Wharf above Market street, every WEDNESDAY and. EttatraDA.Y. At Soon. Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk and City Point, forming the most direct route for the South and Southwest. M2Mi= WIC P.OLYDE CO 14 North and South Wdebaries' „fa: As NEWIA ..XPRTLISF3 LINZ TO ELUDE ' .esapeake and nelaw l e g re e Canal, an a d ith W ir inatcl iz i i at Alexandria, Ts., form the most direct route for Lynchbmg, Bzistal.Enoxville, Naahrlile. Dalton and the southwest. Steamers leave .First Wharf above Market street every Wednesday and Saturday at It For freight apply W the agenm. W. . CLYDE a 00., T. B. Davidson, Agent at 14 North Wharves, Georgetown; IL, Eldridge Co., agents at Alexandria. a § NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. ' - DELA W.L8.13. and CHEM/BAKE 42 .64 a. -BOAT COMPA2TY. 8AJ1G3313 towed to 'and from PRECAADELIOECUL, HAVEE-DlWata , BALM:KOBE, WASECENG• TOE, and Werra epohata. . P. CLYDE .1 . Cp., Agents, No. 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia, Captain JOHN LADOHLDN. Superintendent. FOR SAN FItANCISOO. ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA. CLIPPER LINE. SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for, this Line sent to New York by Swift- Bare Line et reduced rates. • The splendid Al extreme cltpper ship CARLYLE, L. Ropkin. Commander, s e: Is now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River. This beanUfal vessel is one of the sharpest and best vessels now loading. Raving a portion of her cargo on board with large engagements, will have quick despatch. For rteigh!._applyto BISHOP, SON & 00., 106 Arch street. FOR - LA GUAYRA AND PUERTO C.A.. nal; SELLO:—The bark WHITE WINO; Wilkie, master, will nal at an early day Mr the above ports. For freight or passage, apply to TORN DAL LETT & CO., No. 128 Walnut street. Jtat6 FOR __,_ _ON Mass.—ExpresslAne.—The due schooner KLIZALBETH MAGEE., Magee, ' - master. is now loading for the above port at Girard's wharf, above .Market street, and will sail witn despatch. For freight, apply to, DAVID CJOPER, 18 North Wharves:ja24 saFOB BALMS I - • MD.--The fine schooner MARY GAY, Captain Keen, is now loading for toe above port at Girard's wharf,above Market street, and will with despatch. For freight, apply ; to D A ID IPER & C0.,18 N. Wharves: FOR PROVIDENCE R. R. L—Express The tine schooner ALICIA, Lambert, master, is now loading for the abovellort at Girard's wharf, above. Market street, and will have °rolling desratch., For freight, apply.toDAVLD - COOPER, 1$ North Wharves. • • • • ja24 FOR SALE The Al fast sailing brig THEODORIPS;2 bottom 600 bbls. ea r pantry. built 1864,copperedand eoPner filstened._ Sails and rigging in , good order. Apply to E. A. BOWER & CO., Llock street wharf. Ja29-6t FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—The • brig It P. STEWART Captain Halland. 4, (Y4) .bbls. capacity. „Apply to DAVID, OOOPEN, E. Wharves. Ja2o FOBS' .—The Al Bremen ship E 11.114 Capt. Henry Oaken. For Cabin passage. having fine accommodations, apply to the Captain on 8.13,151 board, or to W0.81 , i & LW Walnut at. delB r(DIOSIGNEES' NOTICA—The schooner SARAH A'. V He 31BIOND, Paine, master, from Boston,. / 1 3 now discharging her cargo at - ft nit twherf below •Callowhill street. Consignees. will.please effendi.° the reception of their goods. DAVID COOP.IKR,IB N. Wharves. fel Ste' persons are - hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Br. ship S. L. TALLY, whereof Cann is master,' from City .Point,, Va., as no debta"of -their contracting will be paid by captain or consignee.,E,phrighiD A. /391.1DRa & Dock street wharL den , Q1:11.1.2017AVD 'Mester; from Liverpool, le 10 now. dlecharging under gemaral order at Walnut street wharf Oonelgnees . willplease attend to the reeeption-'of their goods,' PETER WRIGHT SONS; 115„Wainut etreet,,..; . I IVOTICE:—AII persons are hereby cautioned • _ , • Al harboring and trusting any of , the crew of the Danish brig DEVI:ULRIC, as no debrief tnelr Contract. 1 4" will be paid 'by 'captain ,or consignees.' WORIg• saart.& COnsignees,l2S , Walnut street.; - • TAI3.; B. BElLTlThretoraccossor to•lttifil EIHINDLEA & 80N13613r _ ,makeriu* 9 .2“rfortaW/LIUM2I. below Vibe's 4.rnmaasionis; • • All work' done in the belt roarthoisumd Oat too lowaki jultd mast lavorAble_talobotadWilirouved tO flOolwl• feet satkfactloo,' . • . . • • . "f I railicatar atteritiiin ' • putsAir=B,-,F.y.i.aaCO:VSHIPII3I37 , ATIIING PELTiitt-lotetb mitt 'Apid.titoPETER , WRIGHT & SONS, 115 'Walnut street. -;de2thtf - - .Hatensomit.B.Es t elni i corner. of Di Spruce and- glitti ets, as' pen ;. dperied' fot• the reception or bearders.ttlioonnif single, and stdtea and ttbgr<Withcnt<Priva • table., • .., ! - BEAM EHAMM'S PEREMPTORYSALE OF VALII- • ARLE ERAI., ESTAIN.—THOMAS dt SONS, Auctioneers,-7vALITABLE BUSINESS STANDS,— Two" . feut - Bvol9' briek' eTORES; Nos. 11 'audit! South Jti SECOND street and four two-story brick D WALD.' INGS, LETITI A CQITE.T.— In the District Court for': ' the rity and county of Philadelphia. Equlty. „.CYHOS J GOOD, et al., l's. R. G. WHITE, et al, No. = 8, December Terns, 1865. On TUESDAY, February eth, 1866, 'at .12-o'clock, Noon, will be ,sold at Pubic Sale, Withoutreserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowinaAelcrlbed properly:clear of a ll Inctimbrance, / 1 1 z 1 : th l' at four-story o art t tlt B e on the street east aide off econd street, aboutloo feet south of Market :street. containing in front on Second street leet 3 inches, and extending in depth of that width So fee t. No. 2.--STQRE, .No. 18 South SE ND street.—All that lonvetory brick store and lot'of ground', situate on the- east side;of Secund street, about 112 feet 3 inches south of Market street, containing in front on Second street 18 feet 3 inches, and extending in 'depth of that width 80 feet. • . No, a. FOUR DWELLINGS; LETITIA street All that lot of vound with the four twastory brick houses thereon erected. situate on the west side of Letitia frontbou 100 feet south of Market iitreet: containing in on Letitia street 24 feet a 6 Incites, (including a certain 434 feet wide alley on the north aide of the said lot, 80 feet in depth, Which added to the other 45,i feet of ground by 80 feet in depth now compose an alley 9 feet wide) and attending westwardof that width 100 feet. . • • • Sigir The three above described properties adioin each other, feet in deptht 24 feet Winches on Secend street by ISo n through Letitia street-- two valuable fronts: It would be most admirably adapted tor.a wholesabs business or manufactory. It Is seldom so large a lot can be had In the centre' of the business part of die city. • No. 1. (No. 4in the Order of Sale.) Dwelling No. 182 South Eleventh street. All that lot •of ground, situatee three-story brick dwelling thereon . erected. on the west aide of Eleventh - street, 91 feet 9 • inches north of Walnut street; containing in front on Eleventh street 15 feet 3 inches, and extending West ' ward of that width 58 feet.. , No. 2—(No. 5 in the Order of Sal)7WlLLflikl a , Nd. 164 South Eleventh Street. All that lot ofgrotmd, with- the three-story brick dwelling thereon erected, situate on the west side of kleventh street. 7634 feet north of Walnutstreet; containingln fronton Eleventh stre-t 15 feet 3 inches, and extending westward of that width 58feet: - • No: 8-(No. 6 in , the Order of SaIe.)—DWELLER , No. 186 South Eleventh Street. All that lot of ground, with tlsei four-story - brick dwelling thereon erected, situate onthewest aide of Eleventkstreet, 56 feet north of Walnut street; containing in vont' on Eleventh street 20 feet 6 Inches, sad extending westward of that width 58 feet • No; 4-(Nn. 7, In the Order of SaIe.)—DWELLING, No. Iss south Eleventh Street. All that lot of ground, with the four-story brick dwelling thereon erected. situate on- the West side of Eleventh street, 25 feet 6 Inches north of, alnut Street; containing in front on Eleventh. street 20 feat 6 inches; and extending west ward of that width 58 feet. . s—(Ne. S In the Order of SaIe.)—DWELLMG. Bro. 140 South Eleventh Street. All that lot of grouhd with the 'bonvetery brick - dwerle , g thereon erected, situate on the west side ofEleventh street,lsfeet north of Walnut street; containing In front on Eleventh street 20 feet 6 inches, and extending westward of that width as feet. • far Tbe above - descrrbed properties on Eleventh streer are subject together to a yearly wound rent of gaSi en. flar Bale absolute. •._ • . vs , 3 aster THOMAB & BONS, Actioneers. . jais,2o,ita • tele FOR SALE, OR TO LET UPON GROUND RENT—A valuable tract of LAND, adjoining the ronadelphia Gas Works , is the First Ward, having nearly balls mile mile) front upon theriverSchnYl• hat This portion is particularly well • adapted for rnanurectnring purpos, an well as a Bailable d.epot Ibr anthracite and bitumonons coal , a branch railroad leading from the Pennsylvania Railroad, slope at the Prentismand can be readily extended about =yards to the river Schuylkill, there connecting with a mbstan wharf. The property will be divided to Bull par chasers. Also to Bent a brick BUILDING, with extensive river front. suitable for various manufacturing pur poses, in connection with the Gas Works, with steam power and other rov ents. ffeLth,s,tulZts •:+ Apply at 121 W street, second story. va.EGA:.I.IT COUNTRY BRAT—FOR SALE— Containing ten acres of land. situate on the Wis sahickon Heights, 7 miles from the city and conveni ent to the railroad station. Large double stone man sion, with hail 11 feet in width, two bath "rooms and every City convenience. Porter's lodge, large stables and carriage house, conservatory, &0., and fruit of every kind. J. M. GUAUSLEY es SONS, SOS Walnut street. PFOR BALE.—A PERT CHOICE .AND BASLE FARM In the Twenty•third Ward, 10 as from Market street, adjoining the village of Bustleton, containing 90 acres. :Improvements Ilne, and land In a high state of cultivation , with plenty of shade, fruit and water. and everything in - first rate order. Apply at 1112, Chestnut street, second floor, be tween 10 and 2. tf _ _ _ MI FOR SALE.— The handsome four-story brick RESIDENCE, with three-story back buildings. every modern convenience and lot of ground Twentieth to a to feet wide street sitnateNa. 4.1. 1 = street. Is In perfect order. J. BLGOIf/dRy it SONS, 508 Walnut street. v ins FOß T.v,—The valuable property No. 1214 CEEST/VOT area., 25 net front by 285 feet deep to orn Street. Apply at jalOams ;5011TEL THIRD srazirr. EgNog BALE A DvsrrtA RLF THRIM,STORY brick house, with three-story double back build , 1401 Thompson street; all modern lumrovemeats. Apply to I. CURTM & SON, B.eatEstate Brokers, Cora Wahmt street. CM FOR SAT 7 A desirable tbleeertory brick 03 , 11 ROUSE, it 3 South Ninth street—all modern im pr, vemenls; immediate posseetion given. Apply to J. H. CURTIS dr, SON. Real Estate Brokers, 43 Wal nut street. FOR SALE—The BriCk Buildl rg and lot 20 feet front by 04 feet deep tors 10 feet wide outlet,sitaate South Fifteenth street. J. M. GII.N II %IPY SONS, 509 Walnut etzeet. • FOB fiALE.—A four-story Brick Store Property, situate on Third street, above Cherry, snbstan t y and now paying a good interest on the in vestment. G. M. (3;13.1MY &SOAS, 508 Walnut at. TO RRNT, OR FOR SALE.—.A. largebuildhlg erected for lio.rding School purposes, with fine month. attached, within half an hour's ride of the city,. A. W. GAYLEY, .7909 Pinestreet. fei-3t* ATO RENT, OR FOR SALE, "MELROSE 4:31 - FrN,' at Media, an establahed Summer ding Ronse,.with 6.scres °nand attached. G.A.YLEY,I9O9 Pine street. fel3t• • 7:: A War DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSE to rent for ten months, No. lin Walnut street. pply to No. 16 S. THIRD street. fel•st It FOR SALE.—A desirable dwelling on Walnut street. west of Broad. Address "W. 11." But- Office.LSTlN , fe24ts • ENT—LARGE sTORE, 63OMAREET Immediate possession. Apply 1507 ARCH Street., lal • street Ja4l-st• ITALUABLEBUILD.Da) LOT FOB BALE —A lasi; lot or ground, bounded by ktbristlan, sixteenth and Montrose streets, 264 feet fronttly 1:33 feet deep. J. M. GUILILEY 4 SONS, SOS Walnut street. ITALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY FOR SELF, V with pier 45 feta in width, and two docks and 5i feet in width, situate on the Delaware at Lombard street. J. 71. GITSESEET et SONS. 508 Walnut street. TOR SALE.—The large lot Southwest clrner Race) .1 and Twenty-thlrd streets. 133 feet s inches front., and in aepth along Race street 330 feet to low watel mark on the Schuylkill river. BEDLOCK et PASCHALL No. 715 Walnut street. • I ja3l-Nytets,64 DRIJGb,, COD LIVER OlL.—Twenty-five barrels, new wade, Cod Liver 014 of very superior 'paltry: Carb. Axtimonia. just recelved, in jars; also, just received, twenty-five barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted 95 pea cent., In the beet of packages, and for sale by JOHN C. RAKER dz• CO, No. 718 Market street. 114111 0 DOB 0N '8 BRONCHIAL TABLETS.—The ciation of Bronchitis Catarrh. Hoarseness. and Similar Comtilalnta, affecting the Organs of the voice. Public S ens, Singer and Amateurs -have been greatly benefited by using these Tablets, and their high appreciation-of their intrinsic merit, particularly re commends them' to sons affected with BRON CHITIS; and CATARRH of ithe HEAD and BREAST. For sale by Drnnists generally Prepared only by LANCASTER caries, a. northeast corner Arch and Tenth streets, Phila. delphi 8 ;Cm , e e • r e fa • TI PLASTERS_ , with the pliancy of salt, the stre ng th and softness of aid. For affections of the Chest, Palns, weakness,' &c., &c. They are cleanly' and odorless, comfortable and effective. Sold,by JEWEB,ELL. , thecary, 1410 Chestnut street. 'anis -rinuGolsTs , str•lN - DHISH Graduate --13fortAm 11!! PJli Tucc,oombe, Brushes, , Hirrons, l'unmasersir•ua Box ,„ H orn scoops, Surgical Instrument, Trusses_ Hard Lui So ft Bobber Goods; Vial , Oases, Glaar 154161 Hetal syringes, dra., all at , "Flrat .Eanda" dues.. , EtNOy7DEN 6k B aps-tit : • . • : • =South: Eighth Malec% R 0 B F. , T SHOEBIARER & C 0. ., N. E. CORN :A: FOIIRTEL AND RACE STREETt3, Wholesal Druggists, Manufacturers and • Dealers •in Wind. Casa% White Lead., and paints of, every description otter to' the trade, nr consumers; a colnplete stock Qopd4lu their line at the lowed market rates. __ :0. tR°T.StO c • &CO. . 4 - s • jori7ref: ••• . • . 0. AGNESLa—Jahninea talicinedi in lotb. round tins ..11/I.and bexea,also in boyaes. Jetu4nx a Carbonate of Zoz. and 4 oz.•papers. Alas • Calcined itwartol7ll. d4l44l V b ff a airt and - Seventh "Itr a eig: Philadeiradk . & OS VaillMita, 0.1:1A3.-r•PUBat,O.ll,B O.V.A.I4AOND.S. ZA Lemon Bergamot,__ Anise, *, earraway, Cloyes, OlsegeMintergreen, C innamon ; Lavender - Ain/Per, Oegeatiekpermint,taaasatraa,Rose, Bose Gerani um, Citron Arbene__ . .ite."all of warranted quall For sale bY;W.II,LIAN - FITTTN,dt Co., ,Drusziste, _W . arid 722 Market street, • _ • • "' TWJGB.—.A. LARGE e Jignlairf IatraIVEIM I PONAttI , .‘ .Pre • , 1 Nelegi r trnd e m bY lltarketetree" .• tit.`" AY-11113E-4aßt'recelvelVart ini9:413e13"34/4thine 'lrariolteeraay Brun, for vale Pythikeglonitly 31013.13aW eraCnmARKEt & 00., Druggiati , r . oar' ~ z tpurttcanazaccatreetai;•., -; , P , 7 0 :7.,1! I 1 • 'S • " "' rfo • t• anOportsittle oon tvonoe for the app ,pt eritgCti tthistraeratU the i tec la ux 4 * 45111 A 2 E8.M...1•.1 'A • h . heaßahhighthell.l , v ' •stivincitimildAvEuumisuitaso&b._ -2.,ibt.eintradntruTkev 44, w,e7,l2 4 o,,,,,v6., I allaplyorictio3 , ol Ana Ita M GO .108 scauttapelpavoar,ailirplatne. , _ _
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