GISSff PEACOCK. Editor: VOLUME %I%.---NO. 248 EVENING BULLETIN. PUBLISRED MINIIERY IMENEurCh (Sundays excepted) at No. 329 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia lt2 . "Evening Bulletin Association PROPRI7I'O7IB. , GIESON PEACOCK, CASPER SOURER, -7. L. FETHERSTON ER.WEST 0. WALLACE. THOMAS J. WILLIAMSON. The litrmacriar is served to subscribers in the city at 3annum.B cents per week, payable to. the carriers. or is 00 per I. BRITTON—On Thur D sday lb , lst instant, Maria S. Tritton, of Darby Township, Delaware county. The funeral vtlil take place from her late residence, -on Sunday. the 4th February, at 2 o'clock, P. M. * DORLAND—Feb. Ist, /86S, Mrs. P. Dorland, In the 84h year of her age. • FAM—On the instant, John Fair, ag attendhis . The friends of the family are invited t 'fantral frOm Ida late residence, No. 1011 Locust street, p n elah Sanmeday tery. afternoon, at o'clock. Interment at Mach. Ce es BlLLlON—January 31st, _Francis Killion. , The relatives old friends of the family are respect fnilyinvited to attend his funeral from the residence of his son in-law. Henry Crilly, No. 1315 Marshall street, at 8;.6 o'clock on Saturday morning. To pro oeed StMichaers Church. Without farther notice. i MEARS— On Thursday night, February let, a iilestown. Twenty-second- Ward.. Geo. D. B. Mears in the 26th year of his age,. Due notice of the funeral wilt he given. PAGLO--On the 29th nit., at the American Hotel, Marco Paolo. of Venice. Italy. , SHARP —At Penningtonville, Pa.;on the let instant Susan P. wife of Rev. Joseph Sharp (formerly Shum -way), in her 49th year. • • - The relatives and friends -of the , •fanstly are in vited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. Lowell Shumway, No. 465 North Seventh street, on Saturday, 3d instant, at 2X o'clock, P. M. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. STALEY—On the evening of January gat, Andrew Staley. The male relatives and friends are respectfully In vited to attend his funeral from No. 1430 Cnestunt street on Monday morning - , the sth instant, at - sea o'cl. TATELITID ILOREENS FOR SKIRTS. V. Green Watered Moreene. 64 and 5-4 Green Raise, White Cloth for Sachs. White „Evening Silks. EYRE dr. .LANDELL, Fourth and Arch. SPECIAL NOTICES. ITREDERICE DOUGLASS on "The Assassi nation and its _Lessons," at CONCERT HALL "TR ITRSDAY EVENING. _Feb. Bth. fei-Its IIgHOWARD HOSPITAL. Roe. 1618 and IMO Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Had t:atment and medicines l'arnlshed Exasnitonsly lathe poor. sees -VNOTICE.—A Meeting of the Stockholders of the GERKANTOWN PASSENGER RAIL %AY COMPANY will be held at their Office, corner •of SIXTH and DLA.MOND btreets, on THURSDAY, February 15th, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to take action upon the agreement for Consolidation and Merging entered into by the Board of Directors with the Board of Di rectors of the Fairmount Park and Delaware River Passenger Railway Company. By order of the'Board. JOSEPH SMIGHEtLY, fek-f,m,w,6t* Secretary. EZitTRE,a BURY DEPARTMENT, WASH/2.I"QTON January 29.1866. _ _ _ NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Treasurer United States, the Assistant Treasurers at New Yorke Philadelphia and Boston, and the deeignated Untold -taxies at Baltimore and Cincinnati, have been in ,stracted to discontinue, on and after the ITE.ST of February next ensuing, receiving deposits for tempo xary;loan at six per cent interest, 3 hey have been instructed to receive such deposits In lawful money on and after that date, FIVE PEB, CENT. INTRTthST, payable on ten days notice, after ',thirty days from date or deposit. H , AtoCULLOCH, Secretary of the Treasury.• ilel.4t rpt 10*OFFICE OF THE LTIRTGH COAI, AND NAVIGATION. COMPANY, PB'ILADNLP/11A, z, A ; '• _ _ • . AN volt BALE. IN BUM STO SUIT PURCHASERS. The Loan of this Company, due April tat, MSC inte rest payable'quarterly, at the rate of alz per cent, per annum. This Loan is secured by a mortga g e on all the Com pany's Coal Lands, Canals, and 13.1waterNavi,gation in the Lehigh river,and all their Itailroads,constructed and to be constructed, between Mauch Chunk and Wilkeebarre, and branch roads connected therewith, and the franchise of the Com relating thereto. Apply to SOLOMON 6HYliEEiD Treasurer, de2l-rpm - . 1 22 South Second street. " SOLDIERS' F.A.31:11.1E8, 3 1 The immediate Beliq of the Soldier, the Widow, •ene . Chphart, in their own homes, is the only. object: we have in appealing to you for pecnniary co-operation. Suchfamilies are numerous, and their terrible destitu tion is known only to those who visit their humble homes, their damp dark cellars and cold, cheerless garrets. Rev, WM. MOM WEa.,S, Pastor of the Fifteenth Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia, and extensively known by the name of "City Pastor. ' has been devot ing much of his time, by his pen and personal labors, <hiring the last two years, for the benefit of this needy -and'deserving class. Convinced that our citizens have a heart in such a work, and stand ready to aid it when :appealed to, and finding that the calls for aid are daily increasing, and that finds are needed to meet them, you are earnestly solicited to contribute liberally to aid this noble and Christ-like work. I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; thirsty, and ye gave ,me drink; naked, and ye clothat me." All contributions will be acknowledged in the public papers. • bend contributions to Rev. WM. McEL "City Pastor." i • Superintendent of immediate Aid for Soldiers' Families, Residence, 1341 Lombard Street, Philadelphia Mrs. CITY PASTOR, Superintendent . of Clothing Department and of Visitation and Distribution. Miss H. MOONEY, Agent and Assistant Superin tendent of Supplies and Distribution. "We know CITY PASTOR, are acquainted with of work, and cordially recommend his cause and hire self as worthy of the aid and confidence orocurcitizen "JAMES POLLOC ,K "ALEXANDER HENRY, "JAMES ORNE, "HENRY D. MOORE." .1502fr,6:Em!-,Et . l;:rpi New Jersey Legislature. Timirrox, Feb. .I.—Both Houses have unanimously agreed to go into joint meet ing on Wedesday, the 7th inst. Mr. Scovel's resolutions, protesting against the with drawal of the .Federal troops from the States lathly in rebellion, will be reported by the •COmmittee on Federal Relations on Tuesday next,' ' PTIBIFIOATION OF THE SCHUYLKILL ItIVER.-Mr. Lewis Griscom seta at rest the .anxiety of many people on the • line of the zSchuyill river, regarding the sulphuric acid and other compounds of sulphur which :are discharged from the coal mines and min gled with theriver. About Bor 9 miles above Reading, a stream called Maiden creek,and two . or three smaller streams not named, • enter the Schuylkill and neutralize all the :sulphur contained 'in it, by combination with the lime contained in the water of Maiden creek and the other streams, which, like it, have their source in a limestone for anation. The sulphur of the Schuylkill /mites with the lime of the other streams, forming sulphate of lime, which falls to the bottom of the river in the form of white powder. So intense is this action that it gives the water a milky appearance forboirke • distance below where they mingle together. When the water passes Reading, it is almost • entirely free from sulphurous combinations,. -and is used for cooking and in steam boilers without injury either to persons drinking it, -or to the iron of the boilers. Of all sub -stances, iron is inju red the most quickly by - the action of sulp hur. '; Ax JasTENSIVE WORIL—Mr. Bateman, the engineer of the Glasgow water works, has published a pamphlet proposing a :scheme for supplying London with water by means of an aqueduct from North Wales. He proposes that the aqueduct shall have two branches in Wales, which shall meet before they, cross , the Severn; the length ,of the whole will be 152 miles; the , capanity will. e 220,000,000 gallons daily, and the cost 4 8 , 6 00,000—upwards of $40,000,000. . . •^, . • i. . r. .. . • . . ._ s. 6.-..-...,.....,....„ •.....t. 7 .. ....•,. - ..,..._.,....:-..:_.-..:,.1.....2..',.., , , , .•:, -• i' --_‘..-.' ~.s. ,_ • •• H• ..•.,,,_. • „.•:,..,,., .:,.! ;• .3 - 7-5 ..!:' ~ ;,, '- -., ,; 1 1 .-. , , „ cCile , r. ,.... t -:.., . ~ . ... ` , . ,:" i . ..-,. . . . . ~ _ . . ' .•.i; .. • ' 7 " • 1 - -.:, -:' . 7' .., k.• : .. .. .. -' , . ! :'',. : r., '.',...k. .• . - . . .. .. __ ...i. . • , , t .., • ...! 7 , • 7 ..- :• , kr rr -,:- r.: ..-,,,::- .:- ... . . • . . . , . ' : *I C : - ; t • . . - • • . • . ... , .. , . . . . . . -- „:. .: :;---; , ••Z.- , . i t. ~._,. .z , ''. . • - , t • . . • • . ~ . . . • . TEM REVOLUTION IN SPAIN. Its Causes and Progress---The Divi sions of the Liberal, Party---Tho Hon, O'Donnell's AttemPts to Arrest the Conspiracy. Pr ecipitated the Revolu;- tion--The Rising and the Move . ments, &c, The following letter dated Florence, Jan. 10, though not giving as late dates as re , ceived by the "Africa will be found very interesting. It is by the New York Tribune's correspondent : During the last two years I have repeat edly mentioned in, my correspondence that a revolution , was preparing in Spain, that a , vast conspiracy was organized all over the country, and, that - an outbreak might hap pen at any moment. The people have for a long time learned' to despise the private life of the Queen, who in girlhood was called the innocent Queen Isabel, but, sacrificed by her mother, King Louis 'Philippe and that unscrupulous Minister, Guizol, to an impotent, and ridiculous husband, had introduced the manners of the past'century in their worst features to the -Court of Madrid. The Liberals were shocked by her abject subserviency to'a cunning man; Senor Patrocinio, and , to her bigoted con fessor, the Bishop Claret, • and lost faith in the regular action of I'arliament ever since the change in the electoral .fratichise, and the illegal influence of Government upon. the - electors. -'.The important Progressist party abstained, therefore, from the ballot-4 box, at the last two general elections, which sufficiently proves that their minds! Were bent upon more violent 'measures! for changing the policy of the realm. Still, several causes repeatedly baffled the schemes of the revolutionists. O'Donnell, wiser than Narvaez, got ..Into power, and tried to reconciliate the Ptogressists. Senor Patrocinio and Bishop Claret were removed from immediate contact with the Queen, and the expedition to Pern and Chile was to give a different turn to public opinion and divert people's minds from home politics. On the other side, old Espartero and Olozaga, the traditional leaders of the Liberals, would not countenance any armed rising, and though, the party was quite unanimous in the' belief that the present state of affairs cannot last, there was .a scission about the more important question how to reconstruct Spain, when the Progressist. party should triumph. Some thought it might suffice to call a'Pro gressist Cabinet into , power ; others be lieved that as long as the Queen was not banished from f3pain; her duplicity would, in the long run.• always be able to neutralize the action of any Liberal Ministers, and therefore wanted to force her to abdicate and to proclaim her son, 'the' Prince of Asturias, King of Spain under the regency of the leaders of the .Progressist party. There were others - again who contrasted the correct and liberal ways of the Portuguese dynasty with the disso lute and reactionary Court of Madrid, and were anxious to nmte the crowns of Spain and Portugal under Don Lula, the youthful King: of Portugal. Some others, finally, had lost faith in monarchy, and' openly agitated for the- Republic. Such being the case, all unity of action was out of question, and O'Donnell was able to govern the country in his own way. Two events, however, hastened the crisis. The Queen had cowardly left Madrid at the ap proach of the cholera, while Napoleon and Victor Emanuel were anxious to visit the hospitals 'at-Paris and,'Naples, and the King and Queen of Portugal won golden opinions all over Europe by their amiable conduct toward everybody, and their most happy, family - life, which never fails to make a deep impression upon the people. On their return froth Italy and France, their Portuguese Majesties had, o" course, to come by Spain, and well aware that their stay at Madrid might become an opportunity for serious dembnstrations, they left the capital of Queen Isabella privately two hours after their arrival. The people at the railway station, however, recognized them, and cheered enthusiasti cally "the. Liberal King and Queen." The papers of Madrid grew every day bolder., and the belief that a rising was imminent became so strong in Europe drat' the London Times and several French papers sent correspondents to Madrid at the New Year. O'Donnell himself - was quite aware of the 'danger. In order to show his Liberal tendencies, he had prevailed upon the Queen to acknowledge the new Kingdom of Italy, and thus estranged the Ultramontane bigoted _priest party.. Then he tried to arrest the Progressist conspiracy. He knew the Generals belonging to the Revcilutianary party, Priui, Pierrad, Carlo, La Torre and several others, and wanted to remove them, some from the capital, some from Spain. It oozed out that at the Cabinet council on New Year's Day, it was resolved to give Prim a command in the Canary Islands, and to send some other suspicious generals from the capital to the Basque pro ; vincea, - thus to put them out of the way. Under such circurcistanceS, Prim lost. is pa-, tience, and gave unexpectedly the signallor arising at a moment when the Preparations of the Progressist party were not yet com pleted. On the 3d inst., the cavalry regi ments Baylen and Calatrava, in garrison at Aranjuez and Ocana, inNew-Castile, rose against their Colonel, and under the COrm.. mend of Df . a 3 : - .)r Bastes, marched towards the mountains !Cuenca, after having destroyed the bridge o er the Tajo. The same day 300 Men of the regiment .Almanza, at Avila, in Old Castile, rose likewise, and marched to ward the Portuguese frontier, but none of the superior officers joined the . movement. O'Donnell, informed by telegraph of the fact,tat once gave orders to arrest Prim at Madrid, Carlos La Torre a t Badajos,..Gen. Pierrad and Col. Gaminde at Valladolid. Prim, however was of course not to, be found. He had set out from Madrid on the 2cl to go on a shooting ex cursion to Cum:its. Gaminde succeeded in escaping from the hands of his captors. i Thel , tnister of War, Cavala, put himself at the head of 1,000 men, infantry, a regiment of cavalary, and a battery of artillery, in par. suit of the rebels, but, though the telegraph is in the hands of the government, we have not yet heard anything of his having reached the insurgents and crushed' the movement. Madrid has at any rate been put under martial ~ law the state of siege is •pro claiMed, andthus the capital remains quiet. Barcelona, however, is now, according to government accounts, in a state of great ex citement. _There have_ happened=: already PHILADELPHIA, FRID several smaller conflicts between the garrison and the people. Now it is known that Prim is very popular in Catalonia; and at 'Seville there was.a military riot about a month back, and we must avow that the insurrection has a good chance of success, notwithstanding all the Government de: spatches about the broken spirit and dis order among the revolted :regiments. O'Donnell , himself cannot but remember that the rising at Vicalvaro in 1853, 'when he 'put himself .at ..the head of the rebellion, seemed quite desperate; and was for some time reported to y have failed, and headless as Prim usually is; we could scarcely:believe that he would have put the halter round' is neck without being pretty sure that his example would be followed. 'Nothing -is known as •to- the'. political object of the Insurrection, whether Rile aimed only against the cabinet, or against the Queen, against the dynasty, or even against monarchy. In a few days Prim will either be shot or havebecome the Dicta tok of Spain. SOUTH AMERICA. Confirmation of the Death of Admira Pareja---His Successor---Re striction of the Blockade of Chilean Ports--- Commercial Af -, fairs, &c 1 [Correspondence of the New York Thom] PANAMA, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1666.—The British mail steamship Santiago arrived at Panama from South American Ports on the 20th inst. Her dates from Valparaiso and Santiago de Chile are to the 2d instant, and from Lima and. Callao to the 13th. The re port that Admiral Pareja, who held diplo matic powers, bad committed suicide on the flag-ship, is confirmed. The facts of this melancholy occurrence are substantially those I transmitted to you in my 'last. He shot himself on Nov. 29, the day after he was visited by and heard the news of the loss of the Covadonga from Consul Clark, at Valparaiso. The tact was not known in Valparaiso till Dec. 15, when an offer was made to the commander of the Spanish ship Blanca, by the Chilean authorities, to receive and inter the corpse in the city cemetery until it could be trans ported to Spain. The commander thanked the authorities for their courteous offer, but regretted that it came too late, as the waters of the Pacific had already re ceived the body of the Spanish Admiral. On the day of his death, the Admiral dined at his accustomed hour, and afterwards shut himself up in his cabin. Some time after the report of a pistol, discharged from a port-hole, wee heard; after that another; and then a pistol shot inside the cabin. The officers on decktook little notice of the two , allots from the `port,: hole, but were aston toiaished at the shot within the cabin, followed as it was by a death-like silence. .They 'entered the Admiral's cabin, and found his corpse, attired in full uniform, :stretched upon his bed, the head pierced by !a ball from his revolver. The .Mercurio of Valparaiso says this event has naturally been the theme of private conversation and discussion in the press. It has been unanimously at tributed-to the depression and mortification that the unfortunate Admiral must, have felt at the disapprobation of his canduct explicitly expressed by the representatives of all nations, and the resentful chagrin his pride had to suffer from the scorn ful derision with which his menaces were greeted, and above all from the cap ture of one of his ships in the very midst of his squadron. Addid to this he could not hide from himself the tremendous responsi bility he had incurred by entangling his country in a warwithout object and without glory, or anything to justify the sacrifices of blood or money n to continue it. These considerations frC st have weighed upon him with so intolerable a burden of I remorse and - disappointment that the poor harassed man, . sorely .tried by his dark hour grasped the awful solution of self murder.: Brigadier Don Casto Mendez Nunez,com mender of the Nnmancia, has temporarily succeeded Admiral Pareja in the command of the Spanish sguadron. Capt. Nunez has restricted the blockade to the porta of Valparaiso and Caldera, abandoning Talcahuano, TomA, Herrad cera and Coquimbo. He divided his fleet into two divisions, Villa de Madrid,..Eteso- Melon. Blanca and Vencadora, being at Valparaiso, and the Nunnancia iron -clad, Berenguela and Marques de la Victoria being at Calidera. The Valparaiso papers complacently remark that the object of this concentration is to preclude the possibility of another, of the Spanish ships sharing the _ fate of _ the Covadonge. The loss of this latter despatch vessel is a great source of inconvenience to the squadrtn and has demonstrated the necessity of nsing larger and more powerful vessels to convey despatches from one blockade port to another. Two sailing vessels used as transports had to avail themselves of the protection of the Resolution on the 26th of: November, in leaving , Valparaiso in search of provisions. As Peru is now almost in ippen war with Spain, and it is diftkult to imagine where these vessels will ffnd sup plies. While the new chief of the squadron,says ' the Mercurio, was engaged in the organize -lion of his forces, in order to preserve them from piecemeal destruction, the news of the fall of Pezet and of the triumph of the revolution in Peru arrived. As is well known,that revolution originated in the in dignataon felt by the Pertivian people at the ignominious 'arrangement of the Spanieh question by President Pezet,as also because the treaty adjusted by Vivanco, and Pareja had been carried' out without' the appro bation of the Legislature which the con stitution of the country demands. The government of Pezet having fallen, 'and being replaced by that which is 'the 'off spring of the revolution caused by his vil lainy, the Spaniards have lost a secret ally, and in exchange have to count upon one enemy more• who immediately would pre vent, or'at any ratewonld render extremely, difficult, the sending supplies to their ves sels from his country, and later on might probably wage open war with ,them. Commerce has greatly revived in Chile on account of the opening: f free ports. Ine portations have been very large, and the vessels that have arrived with cargoes, and in ballast have scarcely been sufficient to take away the plentiful stock of produce awaiting shipthent. The, wheat and other grains'of the country have been completely cleared off by the great demand - from Aus tralia and-uther countries. An expected rise in : copper in England has caused a great OUP WHOLE COUNTRY' AY, FEBRUARY' 2, 1866 revival in working that mineral, and the demand is very active. A gentleman in Panama has received a letter from Coplapo, published in the Mer cantile Chronicle, in which the writer states that a frigate of the Spanish fleet had at tempted to cut out the little steamer Maria Lomsa, carrying the Columbian flag, at Calderilla, on the Chilean coast, hut was prevented from doing so by a force of troops which were opportunely sent to protect her. The Spaniards, on returning to their vessels, "pounded away with shells and balls at the troops on shore, who replied with musket shots." No one was hurt, but the writer thinks the Colunabian flag has received a grave insult, which must be atoned for. The Maria Louisa, according to the Lima Om ercio, was destroyed by the cannon of the Berenguela. LOSS OF THE STEAMER MIAM Further Particulars---Heart-rending ,Scenes---Two Men Commit Sui cide--Two Soldiers Confined for Disorderly Conduct are Burned to Death --Good Offices of the Negro Wo men and Sol ' diers, &c. Mem - Pais, Tuesday, Jan. 30.—Thesteamer Miami, 'which left this port on Saturday heavily loaded with freight and crowded with passengers, in addition to 91 soldiers of Co. B. Third United States Regulars, on the hurricane roof, exploded on Sunday night. The accident occurred seven miles above Napoleon, on the Arkansas river, at 7 o'clock, in the evening, just as the . pas sengers had taken supper. Consequently, both passengers and officers were as sembled in conversation around the stove in the hall. The explosion was of such terrible force as to rend the cabin floor asunder, and let every living soul in the front part of the cabin down into the dreadful mass of fire and steam below. The boat took fire immediately. The pas sengers were frantic ;with fear. They snatched doors, life-preservers, and every thing light enough to float, and plunged with deafening, unearthly and piteous screams of woe into the river, in their at tempts to escape the devouring flames as they rapidly destroyed the boat. Captain Levi immortalized himself by his daring and heroic deeds, coolly walking about, trying to keep the people from jumping overboard, as the boat was fast drifting toward the north shore, where it touched a few moments after the I disaster. But now, to those in the back part of the cabin, it was as bad as being in the lacriddle of the river, as the boat was a vast flame in the middle ' and all in the back part were compelled to peristi in the flames or bury themselves in the raging flood below. Mr. John Lusk, second clerk of the boat, alongwith Chas. J. Johnson, his assistance, who were sitting in the hall, were either killed by the explosion, or burned or scalded to death. Mr. Lusk's wife and child, his sister-in-law, and a German lady just from her native land, werein the ladies' cabin. The former three were lost and the latter saved. Miss J. E. Rankin last saw 'her with her child, on a stateroom door which he bad given her. Over thirty of the soldiers were lost. Two had been tied up for disorderly conduct, and in the agonizing excitement of the trying ordeal, they were forgotten, and there left to burn to death. Two men were seen to blow out their brains with revolvers. After the survivors got ashore, the negro women and soldiers came to their assis tance,the negro w •men stripping them selves, of their under-clothes and rending them in shreds for bandages to soothe the keen pain of the wounded and dying. The negro soldiers were likewise ifoble and generous, they shared their coats and pants with those who had none. Captain llamas L. Crawford, of the steamer Henry Ames, having heard of the accident at Napoleon repaired with haste to the scene of the terrible disaster, and arrived at the place about 1 o'clock in the morning,greatly rejoicing the hearts of the sufferers and the survivors. Mr. Rankin greatly extols the noble, self-sacrificing spirit of Capt. Craw ford, for canceling his insurance,losing time and money,besides going fourteen miles ont of his way to render help and comfort tothe passengers on shore. After Captain Crawford and his noble crew had rendered all the assistance possi ble, he continued his journey to St. Louis, arriving at this port this morning at three o'clock. The total loss is calculated at from 125 to 150 souls. She had about fifty cabin passengers, beside the soldiers and the bOat's crew, summing the whole number up to 250 souls. General Ashley's band, at Little Rock, were on board, three of whom were lost. I have as yet, been unable to get the names of the lost. Pilots Leary and Wbeery, the head en gineer, the first mate and So!. Franklin are safe. Clerk Hemingray luckily remained behind. The boat was not insured in this city. The cargo was insured as follows : Phenix and Manhattan, $6,000; New York Home, 0,000.; ~Etna, $4,000. The boat is valued at $35,000. Soldiers' Families ---An Example Worthy Editor, of the Evening Bulletin : Please give me place by way of appeal, for the following letter from the wife of one of our city merchants : "JErrixroWN, .TEluary _Mont wtery pounty, Pa.— Rev. Wm. McElwee : —Lea,rnu3g through the EVENING BULLE- Tiw of the noble work in • which you are en gaged, rendering assistance - to' the families of our brave soldiers who have given their lives in our defence, I feel that all whohave warm fireside to sit by should be up and doing to render you aid - in your charitable work. Knowing that provisions could not fail to be acoeptable, I called upon some of our neighbors to see , if they would assist me in making up a large wagon load of provisions; such as each one had to give. .They all responded cheerfully to my call— and, I am happy to say to you, early this week_, I shall be able , to send you that Which I hope.will bring some comfort to the hungry." With feelings of deep respect, yours,_ "Mits. W. M. R. "P. S.----Ifyou think well of it you - might make the suggestion to other country neigh borhoods (through the press) to renclergon assistance in the same way. " Mts. IL" We do "think well of it," and in the name of Um vidowa- and orpbana of our brava of Imitation. soldiers, return a thousand thanks to Mrs. W. M. 1-t—, and to all those 'who so libe rally contributed to relieve theirwants. The wagon has just arrived and contains the following : 31/ bushels pOtatoes, 9 bushels. turnips, 450 pounds corn meal, 14 quarts Lima beans, 20 pounds scrapple and sausage, 3 gallons molasses, --- heads cabbage. • Again we say thanks ! thanks ! Pd Se—Our treasury is entirely exhausted. To-day we had to turn away scores of hungry widows without aid. Oh ! this should not be so. Send us con tributions of Money, food, clothing, immedi ately. During the last three weeks we have aided upwards of one thousand families, or more than five thousand individuals. This will show our citizens the magnitude of oar work and the necessity of sustaining it. CITY PASTOR,' ; 1341' Lombard street. Gustavus Vaughn Brooke, the Tragedian. The latest English papers announce the loss in the steamer London, on the way to Australia, of Gustavus Vasa Brooke, the tragedian, by whom is probably meant Gustavus Vaughia Brooke, the tra t tdian, who will doubtless, under his correc name, be well remembered in this country y our theatre-goers of fifteen years ago. His career in this country from 1850 to 1853 will be remembered as three years otivaried triumph and disaster to him, but to pleasure seekers who resorted to the theatres at which be performed as an uninterrupted season of success. G. V. Brooke had his specialty ,on the English stage. It was not of the highest order of tragedY,but it was of the successful order. It was not purely intellectual, but what was most important to him as to most actors—it paid. He was a better Virginius than Hamlet, a more tolerable Rolla than Macbeth,but entertaining and original in all. Gustav-11S V. Brooke was born at Hard wich Place, Dublin,and was educated'at the public school atEdgeworth, then conducted by a brother of Maria Edgeworth, the dis tinguished novelist. He lived, while at school, in the family of Mr. Lovell Edge worth, and was quite a pet of Miss Edge worth, who always took an interest in his welfare. After leavieg this school and family he went to Dublin to study for the bar; but, seeing on one occasion lfacready acting Hamlet, he dropped the bar and took, or endeavored to take, to the stage. For a time all efforts to gain a footing on the boards were unsuccessful. In terview after interview with managers re sulted in promises to give him a trial and nothing more. On one occasion he ap pealed to Cathcraft, the manager of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, but as that indi vidual was much fretted over the non arrival of Mr. Edmund Kean, who was to appear that night for the first time in Dublin, he met with little success. While Brooke was yet wailing for an answer from the surly Cathcraft, the news arrived :that Kean could not appear. The manager turned to Brooke, asked him what he could do, what part he liked, &c., and without further hesitation put him up for William Tell, without notice and without rehearsal. Cathcraft depended on the novelty to bring him and his theatre out all right: he did not care what became of Brooke. The per formance was given, mnoh to the &disti l °. ton of Brooke, if not the public. It was to the satisfaction, too, of the surprised manager, who immediately gave him an engagement. While still a mere youth, Brooke became a member of a company performing at the Birmingham theatre, where he was con cerned in an incident which is worth re lating. His engagement was prolonged for a considerable period; but, after a short time, the manager not only allowed him but few opportunities of appearing before the public, but omitted paying himhis salary during a period of eight weeks. On thelast night of his engagement he was cast for the comparatively trifling part of Tressel, in Richard the Third, Mr. Charles Kean play ing Gloster. During the afternoon Brooke addressed a note of complaint and remon strance to the manager - on the subject of his financial claims, and intimated that he should expect the payment of arrears. The manager either would not or could not pay, and in the evening the young actor perceived another person dressed for Tres sel, and every wing guarded by the stage carpenters and friends of the manager. Determined not to be battled in this man ner, Brooke, as soon as he heard the cue given for the entrance of Tressel, vaulted over the head of one of the carpenters at the upper entrance, and made his appear ance on the stage, greatly to the astonish ment of the King and the audience, who each beheld tiro Tressels in the field. Great confusion ensued, and Brooke, ad vancing to the footlights, explained the cir cumstance and threw himself on the indul gence of his audience. The sympathy of the spectators was enlisted on behalf of the lad, and he was greeted with applause, and with—what was equally acceptable—a little shower of money. To the repeated demands made from the wings that he should in stantly leave the stage Brooke replied by holding out his hand to the side for his ar rears of salary. At length the money. was given to him, and he came down to the footlights and leisurely counted it. Finding it was not correct he again stretched out his hand to the wing, and would not withdraw it until he succeeded in obtaining the full amount due to him: The play then pro ceeded ; but the next night the theatre re mained unopened. Brooke had ruined the treasury, and the season was closed. Mr. Brooke came to this country in 1850, and appeared, December 15th, at the Brook lyn theatre, as Othello. His success was brilliant and unqualified. He subsequently visited the principal cities of the Eastand made a great deal of money. - Early in 1852 he rented the Astor place opera honsk and began business As a manager, but was soon .6mpelled to doge in debt and disheartened. When the fall season of 1852 opened he com menced a starring tour throug the West, ; playing at Albany,,Buffalo, Cincinnati, St. Louisi,'Lonisville, Ake.. In.this tour he was very successful, and, with a. replenished purse / he sailed froth this country for Eng; land in 1853.—N. Y. Herald. SAD Accinravr..--Fridav afternoon, 26th ult., two sonsof Samuel ISOyer, living abotEt five miles west of Fremont, Sandusky county,oldo, were out in the woods hunt ing quail. A. flock was started up,when the oldest, George, facing about to shoot, dis charged his gun, the entire charge entering the left breast of his brother, who' stood about twelve feet distant, killing him, in.; staidly. George immediately started for 'home, a toile and half distant: 'On arriving' there waS to assist him,' :his mother being'sick on the bed, his father away: hitched a horse td, the sleigh and went out alone to bring 'the corpse of the brother, he had shot, He came across a neighbor, who assisted hinfin this sad ceremony, Gte orge , ,was about sixteen yearsof age, Ida brother' fivq.rtqect.leartl. FETHERSTON. 'Publisher LE SHEET, THREE CENTS AIII7SENENTS TELE Geces•rxtrr. To-morrow night "Arrah-Na-Pogue" will be performed for the last time this season, and oq Monday night will be produced for the first time in America a startling sensational drama en titled "Black Mail; or, the Hour of Ten." It is one of those absorbing and intricate dramas which French authors so delight to compose, and is of the most thrilling in terest. It will be powerfully cast, and mounted with that elegance and attention to detail for which the Chestnut has become remarkable. It can only be performed for six nights, as other novelties are awaiting their turn for presentation. "Henry Dim bar," dramatized by Tom Taylor from Dliss Braddon's powerful novel - "The Ontcasta;" is also in preparation at this establh3hment, Mr. Slim having purchased the sole right of representation, for Philadelphia. It has had the most brilliant success at Wallack's, in New York,where it is still drawing crowded houses. This piece,in turn,will be followed by a gorgeous spectacle which has been in preparation for many weeks, so that no velty, is;the order of the day at this estab lisiument. Miss IlostitEn's BENEFIT.—TaIfOIIrd'S tragedy of ."Ion" will be given this evening for the benefit of Miss Roamer, and it will be brought out with new scenery, brilliant costumes and admirable 'appointments. Miss Hosnaer : plays lon, supported by, Til ton, Rankin, Mackay, Wallis, James, Miss E. Price, &b. The afterpiece will be , "Id on Parle Fransuia," with Marlowe, Robson, Mrs. Thayer and Wallis in the cast. As "Ion" has not been given in this city for a. number of years it will attract a large and critical audience. To-morrow Miss Hosmer appears for the last time. On Monday Mrs. Emma Waller begins an engagement. Those who remember her Hermione, in "Winter's Tale," " and other pleasant perso nations, will be to welcome her again. CLARKE's • BEnnFrr.—The Walnut will blaze this evening with a gorgeous audience eager to witness Clarke's Tony Lumpkin, in "She Stoops to Conquer," and his per sonation of the cockney hero of "He's Jack Sheppard." "The Practical Man" will also be given. To-morrow "The Knights of the Round Table" will be played. THE PEAR FAMILY.—At Assembly Building the Peak Family and , their coad jutors are drawing. excellent houses each evening and at their matinees on .Saturday. Last night a peculiarly fine audience as sembled, the crowd being so great that many were turned away. The programme was fresh, pleasing and artistic, and was most thoroughly enjoyed by all who were present. The bell ringing, the vocal music and the harp playing were all attractive and were received with hearty applause. As an entertainment for families,letting out early, we.can cordially commend this exhibition, particularly as the tone of all their music, burlesques, &c., is of the purest and most elevated character. SIGNOR BLITZ charms the little people nightly and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at Assembly Building. His automaton dancer still uses his legs briskly towards the close of each entertainment THE GEHHA-N-L4. ORCHESTRA will give their usual public rehearsal to-morrow after noon. with the following programme: 1-Concert Overture 0p....... ... Rallimods ria morn Don 5eba5tian..._.........._...-----...-__--Doniz.ttl. s-Decoy Ruds-Waltz_ _ , _ ....... --Strauss 4-A ndante from Synardron - yliE flat.- "fifozart S-Overture-Der Freyaehfdz—.--------Weber s --Sounds from H Gang 'l 7 -Conjuration an Benediction from The Huguenots Meyarbeer Facts and Fancies. The Independent *advocates abolishing negro churches and negro pews. It will abolish negro Puritans next. Quite an artist is Bierstadt; but the young man at the next door is a beer-starter.— Washington Republican. The rebel Forrest has gone in as partner in a wholesale house in Memithic, just for his name—no capital. Mere dead wood in that forest. A correspondent of the London Times states the remarkable fact that the Queen of Spain did not cough, as usual, during the reading of her speech to the Spanish Depu ties. She probably wished to convey the idea that her conghers were exhausted. Another consignment'of salmon and trout ova is being shipped from London to Aus tralia. The quantity is about 100,000 salmon ova, several thousand trout ova, besides charr and salmon trout. 100,000 salmon .• ova! Wish they'd send some of them ova here. The 7th Regiment ball seems to have been a very uncomfortable affair. At the supper table nothing could be got but jam. In the cloak room people picked up the worst habits. The dancing floor was waxinated so Jennerously that the pit of the Academy could not be seen. The waterfalls of the ladies were immense and the gentlemen's pumps were kept going the whole evening. Asa military affair it was a success. The carriage -rows : were as compact as cart ridges and the amount of powder was in, due proportion to the ball. The band went through its play-toon exercises in good style, the favorite air being "Dix-y." The_ companywere all in full dress, except the oysters, who came in neatshell-jackets. The supper room was beautifully arranged to, represent a regimental "mess." .A woman in Chicago who surprised some• burglars complains that one Of them seized her and "turned her throat around to , the back of her neck." She must have had Hood's pathetic ballad in her mind, whose hero's "head was turned and so he chewed His plg•tall tillhe died:' The exhibition of the 'Girls' High School came off this morning. Mr. Principal Fet ters delivered the diplomas to the gradu ating young ladies.. They seemed to part with their scholastic fetters cheerfully, but we observed that some of them retaineda. little ink on their fingers. PRODUCE AT. THE WEST.—The following paragraph, from the Cincinnati 'Gazette, confirms the report that the West is filled with produce yet to come forward by rail to the seaboard. The delay in the ' move ment of thepork crop accounts in part for the partial falling off in reeeipts Decor= ber on the Western roads: " Within the hist six 'weeks there has been paid out at this place alone for hogs, about $9,000;000.' This was mostly Cincinnati capital * and 'the great bulk of the products resulting from this business are still held here 4 Prices: axe nearly all as high ' in Cincinnati as in New York; consequently, them have been no shipments of consequence to ,'the Eastern seaboard. This eccounti for the • • scarcity of money on one side. - Odituarlly the` money _ paid out- : for begs yrealkla;. , • large park been back by this time through the asualcharmeref trade; bit this on*ardz,''' fl ow o f currency has ibt'yet set iry merchants are.veito`alew:hz tenutauti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers