From our Third Edition of Yesterday. Froin Havana. NEW YORK, Jan. 29.—Thesteamer Creole, from New Orleans via Havana on the 23d inst., arrived at this port this morning. The U. S. steamer De Soto, with Secretary Seward and his party, arrived at Havana= the 20th.. The Captain General's offer of his country seat for their use was declined, the Secretary going to a hotel, where, on the 21st, he received a host of lhnirers, the first of whom was the Captain General. On the 22d' the party visited a Cigarette manufactory, and Mr. Seward returned tug ca*of the Captain General. In the evening he attended a banquet given by General Dulce at the palace, which, with the sur rounding public buildings, was illumi nated. The ladies accompanyity , b the party occu pied the Captain General's box at the Tacon 'Theatre, whereafter the banquet, they were joined by Mr. Seward. The professors and students of the Uni versity subsequently paid their respects to 111 r. Seward and a number of Cubans, in small boats, escorted the De Soto to the mouth of the harbor on her departure on the 23d. From Washington. LSPectal Despatch fo theßulletin.] WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.—Secretary Seward is at his office at the State Department to day, as is also Mr, Frederick Seward, Assistant Secretary. While at St. Thomas, Secretary Seward had a long interview with Gen. Santa Anna, of Mexico. He is now residing at St. Thomas. The arrangement of the testimony against Semmes, the pirate, is nearly completed. The trial will commence towards the close of the present week. It required time to get together evidence concerning all the cases of piracy committed by Semmes. XX.Mth Congress—First Session. WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 SENATE.—Mr. Grimes (Iowa) offered a joint resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to Rear Admiral Farragut and the officers and men under him, for their gal. lent conduct in the engagement in Mobile Bay, August sth, 1864. Referred •to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Sherman (Ohio) offered a bill, which was referred to the Military Committee, au thorizing the President to appoint, at the request of any college capable of educating 150 young men, a military officer to act as President or Superintendent, to give in structions in the military sciences. Mr. :Wilson (Mass.) from the Committee on Public lands reported a bill to grant a million acres of public lands for the use of the' public schools of the District of Columbia. Mr, Wilson called up the bill to restrict the amount of fee far the collection of sol diers to $lO. Mr. Clark (N. H.) offered an amendment which was adopted, excepting cases in which the accounting officer shall certify the services rendered to be worth more. The bill was passed Housz—The House took up Mr. Niblack's (Ind.) resolution, offered last Monday, de claring that the President's refusal to accept thb present of a carriage and horses from bis friends in New York, was, under the circumstances, eminently prudent, com mendable and patriotic, and expressing the sense of the House that the practice so com mon of giving presents for appointments or promotion is demoralizing and ought to be prohibited. The resolution was passed. Mr. Julian (Ind.) offered a resolution which went over, that the people demand the trial of Jeff. Davis for treason, and his execution if found guilty. Major-General Sherman being in the Hall, a recess of five minutes was declared, and the speaker introduced him in appropriate terms. General Sherman responded, when Mr. Washburn (IIL) proposed three cheers for the General, which were enthusiastically given. New York Bank Statement. NEW YORK, Jan. 29.—The Bank state ment for the week ending on Saturday, shows: An increase of loans, . . An increase circulation, . . A decrease of specie, . . A decrease of deposits, . . A decrease of legal tenders, . Death of Dr. Mott. SCHENECTADY, N. Y., Jan. 29.—Dr. Nott died this morning. Few York Stork IffarkeL ' Stocks are lower bat active. Chicago and Rock Island, 97k; Cumberland preferred, DS; Michigan Southern, 613.1 g: New York Central, 01,14'; Reading, NU; Hudson River, 101; Canton Com pany, 44; Erie, 81; Western Union Telegraph Com pany 11%; U. S. Coupons, 1881. 103 N; Ditto, 1862, 10274t , Ditto,1865,101N;Ten-Forties, o:el . :Treasury 7 3-109, 98'1009; One Year Certificates, 983''; Registered. 1881. 103 , ,ttt: Ditto, 1865, 1M Gold, 14031. Stocks are higher since the Board. Markets. BAr.rnaoare,Jan.29.—Floor is steady. Wheat scarce; Pennsylvania Red 82 35 . (4)2 4t, Corn active; white. 90g92c.; yellow, 47c. lists firm at 40@49c. Seeds firm; Clover ea 8 25; Timothy, E.l 04@4 25. Provi sions heavy. Whi - y firm at $2 31. L' viva Vld! FrEE.—About noon, to-day, an alarm of fire was created by the burning of some rags in Hughes' mill at Hestonville. DURING 1865, 125,000,000 letters passed - through the New York Post Office. The office netted to the Government $1,503,174 22 prpfit over expenses. Sales at Pidladel SALES AFTER $4OO Sch Nay 68 '72 83 1000 0 te Trees 7 3-10 y 2000 o J N d otes Juulne es% 05 % 3000 U S 5-203 '62 102% 100 City 60 new 90% 1000 do mural 00% . 10 sh Cam le Am R 115 100 eh Ocean Oil b3O 16% 100 eh Read R bBO 100 eh do 49%1 100 sh Hestonv'e R 83% SECOND Vs° US 5-20 s '62 102 2500 do 102% 20000 Penna RR 1 mtg 943% 100 sh Union Can pt b3O 300 eh do e 60630 534 200 eh Maple Shade bs 100 sh do Beo 4%1 12 sh Lehigh Val 61% BURST BOARD, 100 eh Catawlssa pfd se 31,14 400 sh do _lOlO 30% 109 sh do 31 200 eh do be ak 200 sh do Eno 2.01,.' 100 eh do com b 5 20% 100 sh Maple Shade se!) 4.,•'2 100 sh McElrath 200 eh Fulton Coal 7 100 sh NPa R 341; 1100 ski Siksq Canal 9 9 sh Penna R 54% BOARD, 500 sh Catawa pfd 910 aog 200 sh do bswa 304 100 sh do b 5 3056 100 sh do btO :31,.:: 100 sh do 910 3032 300 sh do 810 30% I ll° sh do com 830 205; frith, PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing Wade/ the firm of CALDWELL, SAWYER & CO.. at Phila. deiphia and New York, HALL, CALDWELL & CO., and E. R. SAWYER & CO., at Boston, is this day dia. aolved. Either of the partners will elgn in liquidation. P. A. HALL SEEK CALDWELL, E. R. SAWYER, N. P. GORDON. PICCLADELPHIA, January 10866. THE UNDERSIGNED have this day entered Into co-partnership, and will continue the Coal business under the firms of CIA r.inv.r.uL, GORDON & CO.. at 112 Walnut street, Philadelphia, and No. 35 Trinity Building, New York, and of HALL, CALDWELL & CO., at /44 Statastreet, Boston. F. A. HALL, • SEES CALDWELL, Jim, N. P. GORDON, • B.A3killEL B. YOUNG. PnErnsiomplas, January 1, 1866. VI"HE UNDERSIGNED have this day entered into co-partnership, and will continue the Coal business ander the firms of QUINT.AIiD, SAWYER & WARD, at No. 9 Pine street, New:york, and US Walnut street, Philadelphia, E.. 11,, SAWYER & CO., at No. 42 Rtlby street, Boston. E. A. QUINTABD, . E. R. SAWYER, • M 11 WAlt ' PECILADRIPHIA, January 1,1868: WARD. DRESS HARING. rrBNEPLB OP PASHION.-;.PABIS DP,EsS AND 1 • CLOAK MAKING is all ita varieties. All the latest at) les of imported .Paper Patterns to Select from, In Sieevee, Waists, Opera Cloaks and Tight (bats: also a large assortment of beautiful Dress Cloak Trim =lap and Buttons.. Wedding; and traveling outfits made with neatness and despatch. Suits ot' Mourning at the shortest notice, at or e lowest possible prices Te entire business is under the-superintendence of DIRS. M. A. BIN DEE, and all orders from a distance will receive her immediate attention._ Ladies will please note my name and - a4dress;t6 - 113'0111" Ming- do' calved. No. lull Chestnut street, two doors above the Academy of glue Arts. a ad 010-Iml. • • $1,031,110 . 490,176 . 2,158,613 . 3,803,791 . 2,480,746 hitt Stock Board. ThJBAIY TIELAWARE kIVIVAL SAFETY ITIERTRANOS I_l (X3.IIiPAIVY, - LtiCOEPORILTED Ft THE LEGISLATURE "OF IiSYLVA2q7. ,o 1835. OFFICE E TaIRD u kYthETIS iTailt — TELPTue. mAparta INSURANCE, I ON VESSELS} IZ CAGO, TO all parts of the world. FREIGHT, nsTLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake and Land carriage, Union. FIREaII parts of the FIRE .INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c. , ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1865. 010000 United States 5 per cent, loan, '7l ges,ooo 00 120,060 United States 6 per cent, loan, 'Bl 128,100 OQ 4.1e,0.•00 United States 7 3-10 per cent. loan Treasury Notes 194,3700 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. Loan 90,555 00 54,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 53,250 00 125.000 City of .Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan 112,8/2'50 20,030 Pennsylvania Ito lroad First Mort, I gage,six Per Cent, Bonds 20,0410 00 25 000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort- , gage six' .e er Cent Binds 23,750 00 25,000 V estern Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 23,750 00 11,000 3/0 shares stock/ Germantown Gas Company. principal and interest guaranteed by the City or Philadel phia 18,537 50 .7,150 143 Shares Stock Penna, Railroad Company , 8,580 00 5,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 3,250 00 40,000 Deposit with the United States Uo vernmef t., subject to 10 days ca 11... ... . 40,000 00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 18,900 00 170.700 Loans on Bonn; and Mortgaze, first liens on City Properto 170,700 00 1,1216,850 Par. Market valve_.... 996,560 00 Real Estate 36.000 00 Bills receivaole for insurance made 121,018 87 Balances due 5t..3 geecies.—Premlums on Ma rine Puhcies. Accrued Interest. and otner debts due the Company 40,511 44 Scrip and stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 55,138. Esilmattud Cash in Banks 455,958 89 Cash in Drawer.— ............. ..... 678 48 t. 48,65.5 7 DrhECTOEa saanuel E. Stokes, F. Penlston. Henry moan. Wiliam G. Botliton, Edward Darlington, H Jones Brooke, Edward Lafonrcade, Jacou P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joebua P. Eyre, 'Spencer Mclivaine, IT. B. temple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D T.Morgan, Pittsburgh, C. HAND. President. Thomas C. Hand, Jehn C. Davis, Edmund di. Sonder, Theo', Spa.ditug, John R. Penrose, James 1 raqueir. Henry C C.l alleLL, Jr., James Hand. William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. seal, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig. Robert Berton, John D. Taylor, • THOM DAVIS, Vice President. • Lary. delatnol JOLLN C. aIEKRY LYI.RITKN, Sere tiSLTRANCE COMPANY UV NORTiI AIINESCA _L-MARINE,_PTRE AND INLAND TRANSPOD PATTON INSURANCE. 0thee,N0.262 WALNUT street, south side, east Third street. The Properties of this Company are well Inveutesl and furnish an available hind for the ample indemnity oflions who desire to be protected b— Insurance, MARINE RISKS taken on Vessels, 43 and Cargoes. _ _ _ INLAND TRANSPORTATION ILISKii on Met. ranudlee per Railroads, Canals end Steamboat/J. FIRE RIRKB on Merchandise, Furniture and Bald. pln City an County Onant7 11 . . OORPORATED Det—CA_FITA.L, 0-640.0rra AND PAID IN AND SECUREEX iNvE:4;Trui, TOTAL PROP.ERTD, t 1.700,000. PEEP AL CHARTER. - - Arthur G. Collin, _ Bsunnel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Merles Taylor, Ambrose White, Richard D. Wood. William Welsh, William E. Bowen, T. Charle ARTHUR Omiatiaas Secre FIFE ASSOCIATION. - Incorporated March 27, 185 v.. A OFFICE .o. 84 N. FIFTH street. In, ep. sure B HOUSEHOLD PUB. NriDitE and 161.SatCHANDDliE genet , ally from Loss by Fire, (in the Qv/ of Pbi Melphla only.) Bu t :.TztomffT of the Assets of the Association Bonds and Mortgagee on the City of Philvielphla Gromid Bente... . b 6 , 806 SI Beal Estate . (CAW, eFreeTs .. .) 14.n10 IS D. S. Gov. 640. iNtiiio 00 Deposit with S. Assistant Treasurer-...—. 25,00011 TRUSTEES: GEORGE W. TRYON, President. Wm. H. ITArntitall, JOS. R. Lyndall. John Bonder, Levi P. Coats. Peter A. Keyser, Samuel Sparhawk, John Phtlbin, Charles P. Bower. John Carrow, Robert Shoemaker, Geo. L To Jesse Lightfoot. T. B Secretary. PHtENLE INSITRANCE .COMPANY OB PHILA DELPHIA. INCORPORATED Det--(IELARTER. PER.PIifrIIAL. NO. 524 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. In addition to IciiatlNEanal al/MYRA-NM Companythis lnsures from lists or damage by FIBS,FIBS,en liberaterms, on buildinps, meruhandiss, =whirs, dm, for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit of premium. The Compost has been In active operation dm morn than sixpy , during which all imam bate been promptly adinstad. and paid. DIRECTORS. John L. Hodge, David Lewis, M. B. Mahony Benjamin /Ming, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powers, William B. Grant, A. B. McHenry, Robert W. leamina. Edmond Castillon, D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lowrance JAMUL • Louis C. Norris. JOHN B. vvEraErmure., President. Somoza. Wmoox. secretary. :s • " 0:4: I. I :W2O• Is: I'l Mir • OFFICE NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH STRENT. "The Fire Insurance Company of the County e Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Leztalature of PmnsYlvards in 1889, for Indemnity against loss En damage by fire exclusively CIiARTER PEIBPRYUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample maim and c,ntingent fund carefully invested continues to in. acre buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either per manently or for a limited time against loanor damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the aasoluxl safety of Its customers. Losses adjusted and paid ROTRS. with all posighie despatch DU. e l Charles I. Butter. Edwin L. Feakfl, Henry Crilly, John Horn, Robert V. Massey, Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd., George Heck.% Andrew H. Hiller James N. Stone. J. SUTTER, P/011dEEI, BENJAMIN F. Hosciunt. Sec'v and Treasurer. .FirLINSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. THE ectiILVANLS. PIKE INSURANCE 00M. PA NY—lncorporated ILlDS—Charter, Perpetual—No. 510 WALNUT Street, optte Independence Square , This Company, favorab known to the community for over forty years, con nee to Priva te anst 1= or damage by are,, on Public or Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture,Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on Liberal teriall. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Pend to invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted seOurity 19 the awe of loss. D/REOTOBB. Daniel Smith, Tr., John Dereresx, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Harlehund, Henry Lewis, Thomas B.obina, J. GMlnghann Fell. Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL BEEI TH, Jr., President. VIIIMIAIi G. Clsowirm. Baustary • 'Elul al • • IN: I I :7.1. I: I's .`,l•,\• • LICCORPORATZD 1810.-O:ELAILTEB PEEPS 4 TUAL. 110 WALNUT PIU S MAD tr eetIMP abov eBECA T . = Street, Having a large paid up CAPITAL STOW{ and SUB. PLEB invested in sound and available Securities, oom tinue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furnitum Her. chandise, Vessels in port, and their Cargoes, mid other Personal Property. Ji.ll Losses liberally - and proximity adJustaL John T. Lewis, James B. Campbell) Edmund G. Dutilh, Charles W. Poolimegi Israel Norris. Thomas It Marls, John Welsh Samuel Patrickßrady, r131015fA9 B. MARIS, President. ALEZ:II7 C. L. Cterwponn. Secretary. A MERMAN MITTUAL IFIBURANOE 002d:PANY. --02Xe mAi MM/WW ID No. 12 WALNUT Street. INBURAPIOEB.— Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all of the world, and on _goods on inland transportallon on rivers, mulls railroads and other „JionveyssiOSS thrlx4ClWas the'Unitedtes. arum President PETER cuLizasr, toe Preslaad. ROBERT J. MEE, Secretary. Duczarorta. Henry O. DalletS, wm. . Lowber, J. Johnston Brown. Samuel A. itttion. Mason Rntehina. He pry L. Elder, S. Rmrrukla Morgan, Sarni li Peter Callen, John Palled, Jr., William H. Herrin/E. B. W. Rich. Galles ,ett ards Wm. M. Baird, Pearson T" PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST :0025. PANY, OF PHILADELPHIA.— imuorporated by the State 0r1865 Pennilylvalda, 8d month, 22A , • INSUR POSES LIVPD,WS S. GRANTS INTEREST ON PEA ITS AN ANITCIPITE CAPITAL ..... ..... DIREC . TSRS_ Samuel R. Shipley, Richard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, HenHaines, Joshua H. Morris, T. Wiatar Brown_ Richard Wood. Wm. C. Longstretb, Chas. F r Coffin. SAlitiEL inELPI,EIT. President, BGWXRASTD PABST, Actuary. omen. an24-17.' 1110.111 Fourth Sinned THEI DAILY' EVENINGOULLETiN PHILADELPHIA, 0 ; TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, iNd;il'.4;.; $1.253,630 18 James N. Diatom, B. Ztiorrls IValn, John biaton, George L. Etarrbe3n, Francis R. Oope . Edward E. Troiter, E. S. Olarke, William Gamma n Henri Preaideut. MO 49 _IV UKANC FIRE INSCRA_NCE.• Liverpool and London and Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. Authbrized Capital, $lO tililliont Invested Fnnds, over 16 Yearly Revenue, over 5 Millions Invested in the United States, over $1,500,000. All losses promptly adjusted without reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania, OFFIC / E, No, 6 Merchants' Exchange, delG,s,to,th to let PHILA.IrELPFILA. FIKE A.NI) AIAKINE INSIUPANCE COMPANY. OFFICE,4I , WALNUT STREET, Pl 4 T 'TELPHI,L. CAPITAL PAID IN, TN CA&H. $2OOlOO This company continues to %lite on Fire Biske only. Its capital, with 21 good surplus, Is safely Invested. 7011 Looses by tire havebeen promptly paid, and more than 8500,000 Disbursed on this account Mtn In the past few rotes. For the present the utlice of this company will re main at 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a Jew months will remove to its OWN BUJ LUNG N. hi tint. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. Then, as now, we shall he nappy to insure our patrons at such rates as cue consistent with safety. DII .ClllllB, TH' MAR CRAVEN. A.LNRED P.. PILLETT, kURANIAN SHEPPARD, N. S T:DOS. NACKELLAR, CH.AR , .E.S 1. DUPON'T, JNO.S PPLEE, 11ENR • F. KENNEY JIO. W. ...:LAtIR °RN, Jusk-PH. EILAI-•.P. Ai. D. ELLAS IMRE t'S,JE., TlR.Thi AS C ALFRED B. LLETT, V JAMES B. AINURD. Sec 'l' 1E IEI lE INSURANCI COMPANY OF PHILADELPHLA., No. 150 South Fourth at . above Wal- nut street CHAR - I ER PE'R MCP 7AL. This Company Insures against loss or d.smage by Ita on PUBLIC and PRE VALE, oultdin,FUR.SE TI...itE and ItCliaND , Nel, generally, City or t ountry. Also Insures dwellings perpetually by de po.its of premium. DIRECTORS, JASIFS BROWN, MITEL COFFIN, CHARLES A. DC77. J. HILt,BORN JONE 4, WILE. I A 4D. LEWIS, , J0t11.7 WOODSIDE. ..N NEFDLoS, INV , I.,L(AII B. KLMLDCK, JOHN D. TAYLOR., WM C. LONG4Tf:AITH. iliuMas EI_MBE.B., Jr . JOHN N. ROTC:HINSON. J AMES BROWN. President. MAL", A BUY, Vice Presideut. nircar AR NElLSO.N.Secretary. Jut.24,tu,LOy 'FRE FELIANCE USZSGECANCE COILPANY OF .1 PHIL. DELPILIA. lacurip , ,rateci in 1641. Charter PerpeLual. OFFICE, Z. SaS WALNUT STREEI. CAPITAL 5:31)0 uOO, _ Insures against lots or damage by FIRE, on Houses. stores aid other Euildiuls, limited or per rum!. and on Furniture Goods Wares and merchan t-se in town or country. 1.0:L-.EA.:P.N.OAIPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSA.TS 44(39,004 79 Invested In the following :securttles. vLr. First 'Mortgages on City Property, well se cured j 124,100 ro United Mates Government Loans 185.uiJ uo itilladelplaa City 6 per cent. l'ennsyl vania ta.uou,o,o 6 per cent Loan 21,003 n keuney Ivan la Railroad Booth, first and ae . . coed Mortgages 11.5.0 k. 00 (men and Amboy Railroad Comp. ay's 6 per Cent. Loan 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Beadb,g Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent. Loan 5,000 00 RuntingOon and Broad '1 op 7 percent. mort - - gage 60ni16...__.--..._ ...... 4,561 aa L'onnty Fire insurance Company's Stock.— 1,%0 V) Mechanics' Banc Stock_ 4, O) 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock... 10,000 se Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock- 380 au Reliance Insurance Company of Palladel • .. . lEMS!EMJ 114a3.004 79 DIRECTORS. Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Ellll, Charles Leland. Thomas kL Moore, Samuel Castner, Alfred lenglisii, .. Young. z 7,911 TINOLEY, President. secretary.__ _ Clem. Tingley. Wm. Musser. Samuel ELsp ham, H. L. Carson. Robert Steen. Wm. steceuson, James T. CLEt THOMAS C. HILL, Sect PIILLADIMPIEre. Decent IEFFERSON FIRE ENSURAMXI3 OOMPALNY 03 PHILADIMPRLS.-oEloe Northeast corner o: THIRD and BUTTONWOOD atnessUate Tamm.). Incorporated by the Legislator° of Pennyyla. Coasran. Pxrawros.x.. Capital auorized by law Siou,ooo. Make Imarance against Lms th or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Staab Goods and Merchandise, en favorable terms. DIRECTORS, George Elrety, Christopher R. MIL= Angola°. Miller , Frederick Staab), John F. Relate:ling. Jonas Bowman. Henry Trootnnw, Frederick Doll, 7 , William McDaniel. Jacob &handier. 4 George Bute, Jr.. Stephen Smith, Henry Clarke", Samuel Miller, Edward . Moyer. GEORGE ERErry_Prealtletit, JOHN P. EXLSTRIZZING, Vice Prealdeaa PHILIP E. 001.1CALLN. Secretary A N OILAII T TER P ACIT ER E PETUAL. INSURANCE COMPANY... No. WALNUT street, above Third, Phila.. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire,on hags, either perpetually or ibr a limited time, HousehOlA Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes end Freight. Inland Insuraffee to all parts of the Union. DERECWIRS. -- Wm. Esher, David Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis Andenried, S. E. Baum, J. B. Blakiston, Wm. F. Dean, Jos. Manfield. John E Pre eichem. WEL sident. WM. B. D , Vice-Prealdent. WM. M. 13111TH. Secretary tan FAKE INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 406 •,..ESTNIDIT STRIUECT. 1 9411. • A UELPHIA. PIER AND INLAND INSURANCE Prancis N. Buck, Jno. W. Even:nem Charles Richardson, Robert B. Potter , Henry Lew, Jno. Kessler, Jr., Bamnel Wright, E. D. Woodruff, P.S. Justice, Out . Stokes, Geo. A. West, Joe. D. Rills. FRARCID3 rI. MK, President. CRAB. IIICHABDISON. Vice Pnablenar. yr. L IttAncorssu). Secretary MEDICaa,. OPA_L DENTALLIISIA. A superior article for cleaning the Teeth, destroying kw areal% which Infest them giving tone to the gams. and leaving • feeling of fragr ance and pared cleanliness in the month. /t may used daiW, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums while the aroma and date raiveness will recommend 11 to every one._Being composed with the assistance 01 the Dentist, PhYWdIII and Microscopist, it is confl depth eliered as a nnT.T ART ' substitute for the ma. certain Washes formerly In vmme. • Radnent Dentiote, acquainted with the coast/tomb of the DERTALLINA, advocate its meg it mistake nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment Made only by 7AM:123 T. SHUTS, Apothecary, Broad and Spruce sir es ly, and D. L. Stackhoe, Robert Q Dav isl Geo. O. Bowers, Charles Shivers, G. J. Scattergood., J. G. Turnuonny lai Co Charles B. Eberle, James N. Marks B. OD , Watttk 00., M. 0. /Dab Wyeth dt lire. For sale by n`° 'u gen Fred Brown, Hansard .54 Os., • G. B. Room, Daao H. Kay, O. H. Needles, T. J. Husband, Ambrose E3mlth, Thomas Weaver, Williavriji Webb, Hughes & James L.Coomb Blapham, e, Henry A. Bower, ETLACK'S DIPHTHERIA. LOZENGES.—These lozenges are a sate and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, bore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial affections generall_. Try them. THOS. ESTLADIC, Jr., Druggist. S. W. tier of Eighteenth and Market streete,PhiladelPhia. ISILIPPJLAI 4* FOR BALTIMORE, fine schooner MARY GAY, CaptairrEeen, is now loading for tue above port at Girard's wharf,above Market street, and will sail 'with despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER di CO., is IV. Wharves. OHIP NOTIOV.—AII persons are hereby cautioned a.gainst trusting Cannf the crew of the Br. ship B. -L.- TILLY, whereofis master, from City Point, Va., as no debts of their contracting will bepatd by captain or centignee. EDMUND al. SOCAISAIS Dock street wharf. den) - QHIP ZOLAVE, Blair, master. from Liverpool, 18 1 , 3 now discharging , under general order at INTalnut street wharf. Consignees will please attend. to the recePtion of - Sheir goods, ,PRTEB. ' WRIGHT & EONCA. 115 Walnut street.. - , jalB-tf ALL ,P.E.III3ONES ABE HEREBY CAUTIONED against traetingthe crew of the Br. ship MOUNT ROYAL Comminger,_ master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contraction will be paid by the,Captain or Connignefa. PETER WRIGHT dc BONS DB 'Wel. ATOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned against harboring and trusting any of the MIA of the Danish brig Dr NMARK. as no debts of tnelr contract. lug will be paid by captain or consignees.: YOBS• MAN et DOnsieW. 42 3 Walnut street. A V'EN, President . Preeldeat awl Trewairer. etary. jaiStf de2o-th.s,tn,Ll OINIPP11 1 1161'• , *BA, vAlv Di Ait W,LEA.KSHIP, _sz The Steamship • Cu fan RiA., Captain FRENCH, now loadir g. w1;1 sail from RACE street wharf, Thursday, February Ist, 1860, at 12 o'clock. 'Noon. For freight and paaage. apply to E. A. SOUDER 6.1 CO., lap-3t N 0.210 N. i)elaw aro Avenue. rooDit NIEW - Y - 401tEK. EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LINE Have commenced their regular OUTSIDE trips. gY e. :ZA The NEW and first class Steamships WASHINGTON, Captain Chichester. NORFOLIi, Captain Vance. Al. L~aiib&ClA, Captain Hattrick. Itialf. 1 A. Captain Sniffer. Leavirigl tom each city on TUE .I) , kVS, TRIMS DATts ants St , LU.e.LA I'S, fruu. fist wharf below etreet, Phit , delpfda, and Piers 14.auct lb East I,lver. e , I•eSe lateau, hips lusure at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY at our usual low rates. WILLCLYDE & CO Ag.ncs, 14 South Wharves, Pnilnuelplaa. JAS. in ND, Ageut t . ,jai-tfi let Wail k F reet. New York.. Xf itzl MI LL's PANSAGE OEFICE. • "A 2,CLIUR Aid sats." - MBVENIA," "COLUMBIA." ' t .ALILLAJNIA," "BRITANIs lA," "INDIA." Ste-m to L/V.B.RPUOL, LONI ONDERRY, BELFAST, DUB Ll N. IS ENs ,. BY, CORK A ^41./ OLAUGUW, • RAIE'S PAI-SA(46, PAYAB-E.LN Y.t P.Elt t...CIRRENCY. 19 , teal and fal sTe FRAGE._ steamship ••.111r1r..RN Lie leaves dATUrti/A.Y, January THE PAID CERTIFICATES issued for bringing out passengers from the above points at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. Also, to and from ALL STATIONS ON "HE IRE-H RAILWAYS. bl - ECIAL S OI'ICE —Passenge. a will take parcicular notice that the "A nehor,Llne" Is the nuly line gra ring through to kets ut the above rates, from Prilladelphia to the I,oh:its named uoove, and that the understguen is the only duly authorized Agent in rhlladelphia. Apply to W. A. 11Am' LL, Sole Agent for "ANt'HUR UNE." jar.Stf No. 2.7 WALNUT' street Zsauttug at CICEi.:NeiTOWI3, the Lamm ktne,satllng SEM I-WIEE.I.,y, carrying the G. S. Mail.. .K.ANOAROO Wedneso ay. Jan. 31 LITI .1“..&10Z. ..... Feb., s Al Noon. Irons 'Pier 44 North Fever. RA11.23 OP PAYABLE rY EIOLD. Arat Cabin. swerace.......— ._4O) trat to 85 Steerage to London— 84 First to Paris__ Steerage t9Parb3—. 40 Passengers also fru-warded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre. men, etc., dm., at moderate rates. Passage by the Wednesday Steamers, First Cabin, kve. Steerage, Vs, payable in United States currency. Steeragb passage rrom Liverpool or Olineeustown, to geld. or its equivalent. Tickets can be bought here by persons sending for their friends. For Ihrther intormallon, apply at the Company's 01 rv.e. .10810. DA T.r., Agent. is2s ill Walnut 'street. Philadelphia. ggrr,, FOR BOSTON. v. STEAMSHIP LLNE DIRECT, AAJL (NO FROM LACH PORT EVERY 1 IVE DA PS, FLOM PLINE:. , I'. WHARF, PHILADELPHIA, AA L) LONG WHARF, BOS rot:. • -- The steamship SAXON, Captain 31atthews, will sail from PhilMelpnia on saturday. Feb 3, at lu A. 21. stc.i.ruship NORMAN, captain Baker, will sail from Boston on '1 harscLay, Feb. I, at 12 M. 'I he line between Philadelphia and Boston la now computed of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1100 tons bnrthem NoRIIAN, captain Baker. 1:319 tons barthen. ARLES, Captain Crowell. 940 tons bartheo.. These and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as Avertised. and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo.. bhippen ace requested to send Bills of Lading with their goods. For freight or passageo i mly to 'NAY WINSOR & CO., Ja39 =Math Delaware avenue,. OPEN LNGOF THE OUTSIDE LINE OF STEAMY. ctfli between PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE. This favorite line wl , l commence their trips on THA:7III , DAY next, 3rith inst. The following well known and staunch sea-boats will be placed on the route: ADMIRAL- Capt. Nichol& " wady, •• Edmonds "I; city) will be TUE?. Steamer s er . °REA T I. ri dSe uß... lslarThAtt:BreEC N C( *L r: Z Y ISATt7BI3A. VS, teasing trtto o'clock. A. ... c trota hi.. l.l '. an ra p t:arp e ar w r l be o l r o k w tro t-p m ruce pie a r tre 4, et N a o t rt t b l 1111 ex, at 4 o'clock P. M Freights received daily, and taken at reasonable rates. All goods destined beyond New- York will be ioiwarded free of commissions. For rates of freight. etc.. Sc. apply at the office, 914 and alb booth Delaware avenue. 0251 f) P. R. CLARK. Agent. „Eroy PHIL.A.DELPHLA.. RICHMOND &ND NORFOLK STRA mslarrP COMPAICY. The fine steamships of this Line Insure at the lowest rates and Ball rt gularly from the First Wharf above blanket 'greet, esery WEDNESDAY Lod SATURDAY. At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, prorhalk and City Point, forming the moat direct route for the South and lionthweaL For freight or puasage, with excellent accommods Clone, apply to WM. P. CLYDE & CO., 14 North and South Wharves. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO A LEX. 1 • ANDREA, Georgetown and Washington via al.esapeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria, Va., form the most direct route fox Lynchburg, Briskd, Knoxville. Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. '• Steamers leave First Wharf above Market atreel ever 3 Wednesday and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents W. '. CLYDE fi 00., 14 North VlThsrvds. J. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; M. Eldridge Co., Agents at Alexandria. it. NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DELAWARE' and C ERA PILJEJI OJA W-BOAT COMPANY. BARGES towed to and from PHILADELPHLS. HAVRE-DEORACE., BALTIMORE, WASHING TON, and internseatie potnta. .P. CLYDE CO., Agents, No. it South Wharves, Philadelphia. Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN. Superintendent. NK I I ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER LINE. RAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift t4n na i,ine at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship C A RLY LE, L. Hopkin. Commander, .5„-. Is now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River. ,V,t, This beautiful vessel is one or the sharpest and best vessels now loading. Having a portion of her mg° on board with large engagements, Will have quick despatch. For freight. amity to BISHOP, SON & CO., Ja2.511 105 Arch street. FOR LA HUATRA AND PUERTO CA "L; E m El tas P . ve — i T ll he sa b ir r al s ' n l e ß a i dv ‘E da l‘ ; r tOriiie " al k ut• e e ports. For freight or passage, apply to JOHN DA. L LETT ct. CO., No. 12. s Walnut street. jags AtFOR itOolON siass.—Ei press LA ne.—Tne tine schooner RLIZaRETIE MARE E. Magee, master, is now loading tor the above port at G Iran:l's wharf. above Market street, and will sail with despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID CJOPEEL Is North Wharves. jai s, t , FOR FROVIDENC_ L IC R. L—Kapress The fine schooner ALICIA, Lambert, master, is now loading tor the above port at Girard's wharf, above Nal ket street, and will have prompt despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. 1a24 atFOR SALE.—The Al fast sailing brig TBRODURLTS, 268 tons.reglster, 2.600 Nuts. ca pacity. built 1864, bmtom cop pered and copper fastened Sails and rigging in good order. Apply to N. A. bO . I7DbR & CO., DOCK street wharf. Jed 9 st 4_ FOR BREllteN.—Tbe Al Bremen snip Elan , ce its; Capt. Henry Oaken. For Cabin passage. having tine accommodations, apply to the Captain on board, or to WORKMAN dr C0..123 Walnut St. dela FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTS R.-4hp tine brig E P. ST.hWART Captain Holland. 4,000 bole. capacity. Apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 P. Wharves. JIM CTP.AUSHIP SAXON, FROM BOSTON.—Oon• ►7 signees or merchandise, per above steamer, will please send for their goods, now landing at Pine street Wharf. Sast HENRY WINSOR dc CO. TAB. S.SHlNDLB.R.,euccessor to JOAN bET.LNDLEB el de SONS, Bail Makers; No. Sti North WEA T IVEks below vine street, Ordladelphla. . All work done In tho beat manner and on law lowa. and, moat favorable terina, and warranted to CiVe per feet gatleaction. Partionlar attention given to renalrinz. VOR ELLIza &CO.'S SHIP SEE &THING X FELT. to lota to suit.. Apply to PET" wnIGHT & EONS. 115_Watnuistre_et, de2.3-if rierMiNiA.DID !SAIL DUCK of every-width 1.../ from ose to six feet wide, all lumbers. Tent and , AwnineDook.Pstnennakers felting R Bail Twine; &0. . ' rVKMAIN ls/.lonoteP cTaups, hA.ucEs, .82. Crosse & Biseltwell's'Enwllaa Pickles, Catsups, Baufrs. burbatu Mustard, . Cllvo3, '&O., lauding shlp Yorktowe und for sale try JCS; B. BIJSdIE,iI CO 1 08 bouth Delaware aventte• irITBithif)A.TIONS. PRESS: .IN PRESS T. B. PETERSON &:mictirrxits, : ' • • No. 8.66 Chestnut M.:Philadelphia:Penn. Lt PT. MARTIN'S EVE. By Mrs: "Henry }Vaal'. Coin ylete Ju one large °mewl veiume. Printed from the author a 'manuscript mid advance proof sheets, add to be hailed here prior to its yobliesuon 1n Europe. Price ou in paper, or t 2 in cloth. THE QUEEN'S BEV.KNOE. By Wilkie Collins. Author of "The Dead Secret," "After Dark," "Hide reek," "Basil; or, the Crossed Path," sec. Printed from advance proof-sheets. One volume, octavo. Price :5 cents. CODA DELASONT: OR THE SINCERE LOVER. . true awry of the ueart. Complete fu 0u , ,, large duudeclmo volume. Price 19. 5 W paper, or $2.1i2 cloth. THE LriST BIUDE. By T. S. Arthur. One volume octavo. Price 'ec. THE FORTUNE SEEKER. By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. South worth. Chruplote lu une large daodeclum vol ume. Price 41 50 in Paper, or C. 5 in Cloth. VI. JEA..1.01,751r . By George Sand. Author of "C!on sin 0," "Cone tess of Ituuolstuds,' "Indiana," "First and True Love " ere., (Sc. onnz.lete in one large duo decimo volume. Price 41 5. , in paper, or V. m Uluth. FALSE PRIDE; an, TWO WAYS TO MATED El Y A companion to "Family Pride" and " Ptrudy Secrets. ' In one Inge duodecimo volume. Price Ol So in Paper, or .?,"4 in Cloth. Booksellers are solicited to order at once what they may want of each of the books, so that then* urr erP can be fined from the first editions. Se; d for Peterrions' Descriptive Catalogue. Boos nen t, postage paid. on receipt of retail prices. Adoress all cash orders retail or wholeoate, to T. B. r ETE.P.SON & 13110 t K N.RS, No. Ch-stnut,Street Philadelphia. ALL NEW Bur A l PE, ltlt.SyNN'. 1a29-2 EW .13UOIKR— WIN.LFRED BEETRA.6t. and the .1 World She Lived in. By the author of the "Gotta Family." LII AND TIMES OF DARDINTER. SPRING, Past •r of the Brick Presbyterian Church in the City of Bev. York. 2 vole., with portrait. N IN . ] SIODUCqIO* to ti. Devotional Study of the Holy•• , .cripturei. nv oriwara Goulourn D. D. PLAIN Llis ON . FA BILLLie. sLIBJECrs. By 7. D Holland. 1 vol. Ciotti. 1,111• LE FOXFS. By chrLstopher Crowd°ld, au thor of '•House ..nd Home Papers," NAIL .A.D.D IHE Gt.ibFir,L. By Thomas Guthrie, L. D. TEE SMITTEN HOUSEHOLD. A Book far the illlcted. For sale by TAMES B. CLAXTON. Successor to W. S. dr, A. Martini. Js22 ro eheotnut stnset. J UST PUB [SHED. ORSHLP IN THE SCHOOL ROOM, EY BEV. W. T. WYLIE, Containing L.ssong and Hymns, with appropriate and laminar music, selecusi witu great care. Each esson presenta at its Lgantuencement a top c which is the he)-note or the en , ire service. It will band an ITIVaI , able aid in public and private m well as Sab bath Schools. _ . The especial attentlo. of Soperintendents, Teachers and Parents to ca:led to this work. One vol Bvo. cloth, 264 pages—price $1 50. kCHER&LER.RUEN, BANCROFT & CO., ja27411 512 Arch street. Laa , Deb a.kFR Ui r LLF.It OF 11 Piina3X/R, Arminian and Calms Player, by Geom. Allen, Greek Profteaor in the Univeraty or Penn Bylcrada; with &Supplementary llsay , o.n Pbilldor Chem Author and Chess Player, by Th .., ila Vol Hz! debrand and de Lam, Envoy Extraordinary and AU:a later Plenipotentiary of the KIM of Prussia, of to Ootut of Saxe-Weim ar. 1 voL, octavo, vellum, top. Prim $1 SS. /JAW/ Published E. H y dt 00., 1:103 127 &oath Fourth armor.. AllEt3 BARE'S Blank Books and Stationery, IBM . I :4J •• • •• • • • .4, 4 4., 1113SUIESS CA_BBI4. HOOP SSIEtTB, - - NEW FALL STYLES NOW READY of Hopkins' "own make," at No. Mts Atit.t.ili Street. Muse Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first-class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, which, for dash and durability, have no equal In the market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly oa hand, a full assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from is to 40 springs, at very low prices. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. noia-smi C. KNIGHT & CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, E.E. E. Con WATER and CHESTNUT streets. Phtl adelphfa. Agents for the sale of tne Products of the Southwark.' sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House, of Philadelphia. JallPr r:IFARGE SHARP. Patentee Ev.el manufn?tursr or the BALL PATTERN SILVER WARE, 41. Prune street. T VAUGHAN IdERRICIEC, WM EL IbEEMELION Jl. DOPE'. QOFTRWARE. FOUNDC ORF.. Y, arum AND WAS 3i 11;07015 STREET'S, pir f rl EIVAIIMMI C t13).1:.11,14 3 N .111.•W.Y...P• T 11 . 0 all Z tirumfacturo High and Low Pressure Steam Etughta rtrver and Marine Service. Gasometers, Tan-, Iron Boats, &C. ..Psstbigs Ol r,U kinds, either Iron or brass. (rot , Frame Roofs for Gas Works. WOrksksPe a _eats, 1.46140113, trus and Gee BtAPhinery, of the latest and MOM m proved construction. Seery description of Plantation Machinery; and Sagat, Saw and Grist MUI Vacnnm Pans, Opts Steam Trans, DeMcatora, Mere, Pumping Dm lanes, ex. Sole Agents for N. Billeux's Patent Sugar A.pparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Oentritbsal Saga; Draining Machine. IDRNBRYLVANIA WiLkaisas--on LneDELSW6B3 Rtver, helnw PRTLADRLPECLA. 011:133TIM Delaware county, Pa. BEANEY, Enkineers and Iron Boat Builders, BON DO.. Manufacturers of All kinds of OONDENSLREIAIVB NON-OONDEEt, EMBIBM BB.GIN Iron Vessels of all descripCows, Boilers, Vain, Tan2ts Propellers, &c., &C. T. BEARBT, W. B. BRANEY, S. ABCCEUBOLD, Late of Late itestney. Nerwie & Co., Engineer In Oblea Penn Works, Phila. ELYIS4II V.B. Navy.'• WPHILADELPHIA HIDING SCHOOL.. OTIRTH street, above Vine, will re-open thr this Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. Pith, Ladles and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough knowledge of this accomplishment will find ever, facility at this schooL The horses are safe and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. SaCIAIS horses trained in the beet manner. Saddle horns horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriages for fans. rub, to cars, steamboats et: c. THOS. ORATOR & 808. I:WWRIGHTSUNS. O 6 RTERS OF EARTHENWARE, SHIPPING AND 001EISISSION ? , 13KSCHANM NO. G 5 WALNUT STREET, PHILAIMLPRIA. JAILISI A.. WRIGHT SECOR-VTG.ti GAB FIXTUREM.— Einstf EY, MER RUA. & TRACI:ARA. NO. 718 CHESTNUT street, Manufacturers of GUS FL ores, Lamps, e... -r„ would call the attention ut the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, &c. 1 hey also introduce ORS pipes lute Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extend tog, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. ja.3o iVRIVY WELLS hatS OF PEOPERTY.—The 1 only ulace to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Disin fected, at very low prices. el. PSYSSO7. , 7, Manufacturer of Poudrette. Goldsmith's Hall. Lib street Lary El' DUCATIOrtI. PAN° FORTE AND st.NOING TAUSHT, by Miss JANE LEW E.S. either at her pukils residence or at her own, West side of THIRTY - RTY-SE 'ENTII Street. first house above Chestnut Street, West Philadelphia. Terms, e. 15 per quarter. Her pupils wlll nave the use of one of Narvesen's .....uperlor Pianos- a most excellent instrument. Miss L.. had for two years the entire charge of the music ;lass in Pleasant Hill Seminary West Middle. town. Pa., and can refer besid~ to a very large circle of private pupils. Jai susl LA SELL FEMALE SEMINARY. Ten miles 'mom Boston. on the Worcester Railroad. Spring- T. rm hegii February Ist Iccc. Number of boarders limited to tiny. Twelve thorouelt, experienced teach ers. Special advantages for Music, French and Paint ing. Address, CHAS. W. CUSHING, gals-s,tu,th9t Auburnoale, Mass. 111 EFIVbWIN, J. J . " teach For terms and particulars call at 110 VINE Street. References—Lee dt Walker, Music deniers, Chestnut street. W. H. Boner &Co., 1102 C.. estnnt et. ja.2o-1t DUOBY ACM:MEd:Y.I22.4 CHESTNUT STREET: IA , The second session will commence on Feb. sth. E. 'CLARENCE SMITH. A. M., ja29-61.* Principal. FRENCH LANGUAGE—Conversation by A. VAIL LA NT, Was WALNUT street. Courses and Les sons. Evening Classes. . Ja2l stu thl.s* QUHOOL FOK BOYEit—SPRING a.P.DEN INBTI- 0 TUTE. Terms ,115 per session of five months. in,th,s-18t* J. ht. HUNTING TON, Principal. IUiISR (MARY E. THROPP'S English and French Boarding and Day ;school for Young Ladles. 1841 Chestnut street. de2B-sots Philadelphia. rrliE of MINS atutorPe SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES will corn. mence on Weanwiday. September .18th, at her reildenee, corner of Poplar and Sixteenth street% Philadelphia. Ramalzwcas :—Rev. G. Hellen Hare 11. D. Rev. Therms Brainerd, D. D.. W. H. Allen, .Eag Late Freeldent of 9irardD'l7-1301. WA N 714. $1 - ',5()0 PER Y.KAII.:—We want tgents.erery . where to sell, our turitov.t.ii VA Sewing :Machine& Three new' kiwis, ruder Rod tipper Toed. Warranted tire years. A Niro , alarY ihrgecotnmis- Woia paid. Th. ONLY 1110,011WO !lOW f.n Liuited state, for less than ?i0; which are fatly 1 imumt b it H owe Whetter Ch (Ater dr taker. Siager (b; and ItrothEl rnactihes nt'e- inl e. etnge• tit r (N. (111:11fRiVrtY • thires.:. or 1.3.11 upnri gad. S CLARE. Biddeforti:lf .•-, fir WA "71ID'FOR RENT • -A • CO , • d&.0.i0 61638 dWeilx ' Wl4 r!dem .tavPtterce9 inAlermbn. 1"'"•°P1' A '7. Etira/IS & e(N,l3e. t Irukenc, "4atot strt*t • : • amFog BALE—Three *dory Brick Datillidg, 1224 Brown street; all modern inciprovemeniat , Very" law *.t ht ee Story Brick Dwelling, 716 ClateS Street; MO-', dern conveniences; potqse4don. '1 hree story Brick Dwelling, 611 North TweatY Be. coed street; modern conver fences; will rent for 5600. ' Three Story Brek Dwelling, east sloe of Ninth atreet' north of Christian etreeti. now occupied as satestan• rant; cheap. . Three Story Brick, Flfreth's alley, between Arch and Race streeta, west of 1 street. Valuable Lot of Ground, north side of Adams street east of Enierald street, Kensington. a& pp ly to WILKINS% dc EDWARDS. - - Convey at3cers and Brokers In Real Estate, 524 Walnut street, Roopa 15. - pFOR SALE.—A VERY CHOICE AND DESI RABLE FARM in the Tw , ntythird Ward, 10 mires from Market street, adjo+ning the village of BuFtleton, containing 90 acres. Improvements tine. and `and in a high state of cultivation, with plenty of ~hude, fruit and water, uod everythine in lirdt rate order. Apply at 11)1, Chee [nu, Street, second door, be tween 10 and 2.. ja2o-tti,th,sa,tf cif'.._. FOR sALE.—A FARM COlltaillinff 102 acre. Su oe,rjj LPod,situeie one mite from Moo ,stmerk,N, cue half mile from railroad. Modern dr/Uniff ITIRDSIOII. 42 by 35. Cerriace house, icehouse, large new barn,:i smaller bares and 2tenaothouses:all in excellent rPrialr7.tandard and garden fr dts of every descrintion: bar &onie lawn, well snitch-41. J. M. (.41J31M.F.Y dt SONS, 508 Walnut street. " FOR RENT— Ia I :II Tli E FIVE-STORY BITTLD.UCG, No. 44 North 1.1.17E1 Sirret. One of tit« must comm. - 01°L1 and pr. 13.111F1.L Stores In ;re city. The upper rooms un innatly iavorable for manufacturing. Po.Ntittion April Ist. Apply at 113 North THIRD Street. ja-26-st. gt ARCH STREET.—FOR SALE..—A handsome tour-story brick residence, with three•etOry otatble back building - a. anti lot 17 feet deep to a street, ,ituate on the south sidt of Arch street, west of Twen tieth. end furnished throughout in the beat manner a. d p.-rfect order. T. as. GOV.ISI:EY SONS, 508 Walnut street. §.. FOR SALE.—A. first class country seat on Ger ' tnanwan I.ailrond, 5 miles from the city; 20 acres of and: large....tone house, built vrithom regard .0 colt, tins Rad water introduced. Two tenant houses. large stabling, hot house and grapery, ice-house. eh.c. Ad dress C. D., at this eflice. ja2S-St* FOR BALE..--A handsome three•story brick • qf recideaCe, with t'ree...tory double back buildings, ta, fire feet side yard; situate on Sixteenth street, near 'Wallace; has every modern convenience and im provement. and is in perfect order. J. M. GUMMY ez SONts. 508 Walnut street_ ic , oll SA LE.—Lot of ground. 100 feet front on Ridge L Avenue, corner of Vineyard street., running through to Poplar street( P.stentietn Wardt. Apply to JOHN nicK4 dq, Loo waLunt street, 2nd story. OA STORE TO RENT.—Fouretory store—Ko. 6'7 Eva North Second street, (three doors below Arch) =mediate posses:Jon. Inquire CII S.LES E. ANSPACH 324 Walnut Street. FOR riALE—The throe-tort' modern, Brick Dwei,ing, with back buildings and lot of gronnd eet tr nt y Ins feet deep: .itust No. 1224 Nortn FIFTEENTH Street. I. M. GITIIIIIIBY rk SONS, 508 Walnut street. FOR SALE—The four. story brick DWELLING ES..i with ihrePetory back building., situate No. 219 North Twentieth siren; ha' every modern conveni ence and 1s in good order. Possession given April Ist, J. EL GL - 31111EY & CONS, 508 Wairmt:street. FOR S.s..L.h.— Thr tnree-wory brlctc nC(3, with two-story back buildings,situateNo.2oBB V ne street: has every modern convenience. Pueses• ston given March 15th. .1. M. GUMMEY SONS, .51:49 Walnut street. ,'• - •rz FOR SALE—A desirable four-story Brick House SP , (Mastic), with three...tory double back buildings, lab SPRUCE street. All modern Improvements, Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON. Real Estate Brokers, sas Vigilant street. FOR SALE—The valuable property No. 1214 CLITIsTU r f street, 25 ieet front by 235 feet deep to Sansom street. Apply at Jalo-Im* 43 NORTH THIRD STREET. .--.1 FOR SALE A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY " bnck house, with three-story double back bulld ogs. Hot Tkompson street all modern Improvements. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Beal Estate Brokers, 45.1 \% abut street. VA LUABLE STORE PROPERTY: FOR tP.:r SALE—Situate on the Southwest corner of FOrRTEI and MEROR A—NT Streets. J. M. GUMMY a t-t.,NS, 508 WALNUT Street THREE LARGE ROOMS, WITH STEAM POWER, TO RENT. Inquire at /Keystone Mill, Call •whill at. sti„ treat of Twenty-fißh. ja2i-Sts SHERIFF'S OFFICE, 1 PIEFILADEMPHIA, January 22, 1866.1 NOTICE IS likatEßT GIN .E—NZ, in accordance with the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvan ia. passed 11th day of March, A. D. 1846. entitle: "An Act relative to Registered Taxes and Municips: , Claims in the County of Philadelphia," that the follow-- lug writs of Scire facias sur claim have been placed in my hands for service, to wit: HIBENEY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. City of Philadelphia vs. E. H. McCurdy, owner, or reputed owner. or whoever may be owner, C P., cember Term, ISafi, No. t 4, f.:.r the sum of sixtesa ninety-eeven cents. for work and labor done and performed,and materials tarnished against all that certai int or piece of' ground situate on the west erly aide of Palethorp street, at the distance of one hundred and twenty-five feet one Inch northward from Norris street., in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, containing in front or breanth on the said Pale thorp street, eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth westwardly of that width at right angles to the said Palethorp street, one hundred and nine feet to Second street. Same vs M. Bouvier. owner, dtc.. C. P.. December Term, 1965, No. 395; for the cum of sixteen dollars and sixty-ihreecenta,tbrwork and labor doneand performed and materials tarnished agatnst all that lot of ground, situate on the westerly ride or Palethorp street, at the distance of eighteen feet five inches northerly from Norris street, in the Nineteenth Ward of said city containing in front or breadth on the said Palethorr street seventeen feet eight inches. and extending to length or depth of that width westerly at right angles , with the said Palethorp street one hundred and nine feet to Second street. Same vs. John T Jones, owner, fie-, C. P., December Term, r 865, No. 38G for the sum of one hundred and twenty-five 2,1044 dollars. for wqrk and labor done ane performed, and materials furdished against all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the -story (un finished) brick building toereou e.ected, situate on the southwardly corner of Norris and Moyer streets, in the Eir hteenth Ward of the said city, Oegiuning at the said corner, thence exteedieg westerly along tire saia 3103er street thirteen feet eight inches and tive.eighths to a point. thence southwardly at right angles with the said Moyer street about tiny. nine feet one and a quar ter inches to a noir t in the middle of a three feet wide alley tanning into said Norris street, thence north easterly alone the middle o. the said alley about thirty nine feet seven ann three-quarter Inches to said Nor ris street.. and at right angles therewi.h. thence north - waierly along said Norris street forty-seven lees and three-quarters of an inch to the place of beginning. Same vs. William C. Stiles owner, fie, C. P , Decem ber Term, 1805., o. 397; for tne sum of one huge red and eighty et-Ito dollars for work and labor done acid per en 'fled cud materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of gram, situate on the north west rly side of etemples st•eet, and northeasterly side of 'fucker street, in the Nineteenth Ward, of the said city. containing in trout or breadth on the said Mr TO ',hie street, eighty feet and extending in length er depta, of that width northwes eriy between lines parallel to and along the said Tucker Street one hun dred and five feet ten inchs to a thirty feet wide street. Same vs William Ger n. owner, &c., C. l'.,DecembeV Term; 18th, No. 401, fur the stun of two hundred awl" sixty eight 21.100 dollars, for work and labor done • and tern rived, and materials furnished, against all - that certain tot or piece of groned situat- on the southwesterly corner or William and Thompson. streets, in the Twenty filth Ward, containing in front or breadth on the stud N t Wain street ist, feet, and ex tending in length or depth southwesterly of that width. b tweet:Lanes parallel to and alongsaid Thomp- , son street 59 feet, more or lee , Same ve..lohn Mooney. owner, fie. C. P., December Term, IBSS, No. 404: fur the sum of one hundre i and tiny-five 95-100 dollars, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished, against all, that certain lot or piece of ground. with the two story brick store and L ame kitchen thereon ereeted,situate on the southeasterly side of Brown (now Edgemout) street, and southwesterly elde of Whltsmstreet, in the Tea n tr-tifih Ward, containing in front or breadth on said Fogemout street 101 feet. and extending in length or depth so, theusferly between the lines of said William street, on the northeasterly side thereof, and Fremont strict en the -outhwEsterhy side thereof 18 feet. a IN THE D.s RICT COURT. e The City of Philadelphia vs. James Fort. owner or lei:feted owner, as c, D. C., December Term, 1855, No. see: for the sum of five hundred and twenty-nine dolls re and Live cents, for work and labor done and performed. and materials furnished; To wit: for ravine, tic , in front of all that certain lot or piece of ground wills the frame dwelling thereon erected: situate of the southwesterly side of Cumberland street and the northwestery side of Beach street, in the Eighteenth Ward, containing iu front or breadth on said Cumberhuid street, one hundred and seven (107) feet eleven and three-quarter Inches and e 3 tending in length r r depth southwesterly along the northwesterly side of Bench street, seventeen (17) feet more or less. ja.V-2avelt C4L-MEILVT A. imisciox, Tramway WRISHSt. IigTHOMPSON'S LONDON RITCHENER., OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, hotels, or public inhtitutions, in TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZEZ. Also. Philadelphia Ranges, Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fire board Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates Broilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., at who:esale and retail, by the • manufacturers, _ CHASE, SHARPE ea THOMPSON, o?.l3,th,s,tu,smit No. 2fhq North Second street, Late Andrews & Dixon _, }i s No. I.= onausrmarr street„indtadelPhßs. • nufact rar °P of4e Uniteddtatea Mint' 4. • • • PARLOR. And other For Anthracite, Bairn:LWOW/ and Wood Zit's?, WARM-AIR FußavAcrEs, _ For WarrttloMe and Privatepolßoadinza, • , , COOTCIiI43-RANGF.I3; BAT/E• OC2I lA,'HOI.ViIALTr.; and *R}CTATIA. - • , _ opa StwarCane Syrup, bandoome art telp,, ft , i. safe by 31:6,'.)T.,'8'E1 . -1117{, - :&.•00 Ipß ecilLt3 Vtlau pre avenpe, = • :,'!. REAL ESTATE: 'I Ja7.7-Pft.tti,th ,3t MIIITPaCIPAL C.LAINS. EM3M3IIMMI EN THE COURT OF COKHOW PLEAS. STONIE2S AND JILEAIMEIMs. . . .....-...• • . ......... ,•_.• , -;:•:;,,..7-,..-;;;!,,.:1‘,,,...::.,:;:i:v.-:+74:-.-...;.:i....-.k,7'..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers