Mff PEACOCK. Editor, k. EVENING BULLETIN.'Frm) EVERY EVENING, • (Sundays excepted) at . "'XsICI.; 329 Cheitirat Street, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Association." • , PRORMIETOBII. , • ' GIBSON PEACOCK, CASPER SOLIDER' Ji., ' L. FETHEESTON, f ERNEST WALLACE THOMAS, J. WILLIAMSON. The Burman:el is served to subscribers in the cit 7 at as cents pe! Week,•ptiyable to the carriers, Or is 00 per annum. B6..TER--033. the' 28th tuatara, 2.fra. Magi:Wane _Baxter, relicklof- Schuyler Baxter, in the 88th year of • .-,Frmeralform the residence of her grandson James - W. T. Scott, 41 North Seventeenth street, on Wednes .day afternoon, 31st instant. at 2 'clock. HOFFMAN—At -Cape Palmas, West Coast Africa, on November 25th, 1865, Rev. Cadwalader Colder' Noffman,, Misatonary of the Protestant Episcopal Church', ''.and - . Rector of-St. -. Mark's, Cape 'Palm.% in the 46th year of his age. , ' 11111 , 1'611 AV.I-On the 26th instant. Robert shall, son of the late Thomas ,ani Maria J. liinshall; the,l9th year of bla age. • - ..-Therelatives and friends of the famfty are invited tR attend ,the- funeral, without further notice.from the residence ofGeorge W. Ithavrn, near the Fox Chase.' on Tuesday, 30th instant, at 12 o'clock... To -proceed to ..-ICedar Rill Cemetery, Frankford. _ ; ..,,• ,i,SMEDLEY—On the evening of the 26th 'natant, Phi- Grciedley, in her 68th' year. Funeral to take place - from the residence of her son, Isaac -Yarnell, Edg3nont. Delaware county, Pa., on yoortivlay3lstfustant, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Carriages will be at Glen Mills Station, West Chester and Phila. .delphia Rain:gad, on:the arrival of the A. M. Train from the city . , Her relatives 'and friends who cannot attend the funeral, are invited to meet at her late re -side? !,'231 Jacoby.stzeet,on Third day. 80th instant at o'clock, P. M.. previous to removal. WILSON—On the - afternoon of Saturday, the 27tn. instant, Mr. Joseph T. Wilson, in the 62d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect! fully invited to .attend the funeral from his late rest -dence, No., 961 Nokth Tenth street, on Wednesday , , morning, Jhe 31st instant, at 10 o clock. Services it 4 Third Presbyterian Caurcb, Fourth and Pine. r** ; "1 - 17 BITE MOREENS FOR SKIRTS. VT Green Watered Moreens. „- 64 and 5-4 Green Baize, White Cloth for Sacks. ' White Evening Silks.: EYRE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch SPECIAL NOTICES. IaZHOWARD HOSPITA_L, Nos. 1616 and 1520 Lombard street, Dispensary Department. He& atment and , medicines ituncdshed gratuitously sthe poor. se2,l E - SPECThI NOTICE.--PamenzzegrA, Jana . ary . 11366.—The "Old Guard," as an organi 2'. is in no way connected with the Hibernia Fire Engine Company,lslo. L. By order of the Company. ; -- JAMES PAGE, President. _____' ROBERT TEMPEST, Vic Pres't. AttestlOl'M IL DOWN - LNG, Se&y. . it/ THE. OLD GIIAND—As AN ORGANIZA. - , TION connected with no Fire Company, but' ..taoiwithatanding, all members of the Old Hibernia,' -No. I. Iti NOTICE.—The Ananal Meeting of the BIRD ;AICOAL AND IRON COMPANY, will be held so office, 410 Walnut street, on Wednesday, Pelr _limy 7th, at 11 o'clock A. M. JOHN TUCKER. Jr.., Secretary. TIM rcSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE 0 F PENNSYLVANIA, Jan.:nth, 180. The Annual • Meeting , of tbe. Stockholders will be • held at the Company's 011ice.9 and 5 EXCELANGE iIITILDING, on MONDAY, February Mir, MK at 12 ;tio'ciock noon. - W/Lbi A M HARPER, ja2C-60- Secretary. - • 7•t±L. SEPOY AEI.SEEF.A.LIO2i", teture, by Rev. WM. BUTLER. D. D., late Mis sdonz Rebellion on personal reminiscences, of the 4Sepoyin India. at the SPRING GARDEN STET M. E. CHURCH, corner of Twentieth and Snring Garden Streets, on MONDAY EVENING, January 29th, at 7.f,i o'clock. Tickets 50 cents. For sale at Perkinpine & Higgins' Se N. Fourth street; Tract Depository, U 9 N. Sixth et. And at the door. Ja.2.5-4trp' OFFICE OF NAVIGATION CONFANY, PHILLDSLEECIA, - Dpef.mber 21st, 1865. LOAN FOR SALE.. IN SUMS TO Muir PURCHASERS. The Loan of this Company, due April let, 1888, lute -rest payable quarterly, at the rate of six per cent. per annum. This Loan is secured by a mortgage on all the Com aiany's Coal Lands, Canals, and Blackwater Navigation In the Lehigh river,and all their Itailroads,constructed and to be constructed, between Mauch Chunk and Wilkesharre, and branch roads' connected therewith, and the franchise of the Company relating thereto. Apply to SOLOMON ErFfRPMERD, Treasurer, de2l-rpta ' 122 South Second street. IIa"AMERICAN UNION COMMISSION.—A MEETLNG OF: LADIES AND GENTLE _ad. , friendly to the poor Whites and Blacks of the ' Sonth, and to the work of education among them,will be held at the rooms of the YOUNG MEWS C TIA.N.ASSOCIA.TION,No. 1210 GanSTNIIT street,on TUESDAY EVENING next, Nth inst., at V' o'clock, - • - to devise ways and means to relieve the suffering in Georgia, which State has been assumed by Permsyl xania and West Jersey as their portion or the work. ' All friendly to , the movement are invited to be pres ent. By order of the Finance Committee, L. MONTGOMERY BOND, Chairman. P. S.—Gentlemen - recently from the South are ex pected to make statements regarding the, destitution existing there. SONS .OF ST. GEORGE.—At 'a Quarterly Meeting of The Society of the Sons of St. George, -established at Philadelphia for the advice and assist ance of Englishmen in distress, held January 13d, 3 13 65, the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year, viz : PRESIDENT—JAMES. ALLEN, --- VICE PRESIDENT —SHADRACK HILL. Taxestraga—JOSEP a PILLING. SECRETARY—JAMPS R. WEBB. '''43TEVIARDS. K. MILTON BARER, L A. ROBINSON, EDWIN PRETTY, E. J. ,ROBERTS. ISAAC 31137 P, -JOHN HARDLNG, H. H. PEACOCK, HENRY 'WHITE, REV. D. SIIDDARDS, CEA,PLAINS. BE V.G. A. DURBOBILOW COUNSELLORS. M. J. 11..ITCECESON. I JOHN G. BETCS.HAW. A. HEWSON, IDR. A. STOWER, DR. W. W. BURNELT. BLESSENGSR—GEO. FRYER. • Attest—JAMES R. WEBB, Its Secretary Facts and Fancies. The 2Tu2f, in a disquisition upon American humor, declares that there are neither people in America to make or to appreciate really humorous things. Turf was always the Igreenest of things. Why is a sick speculator in '‘Venango county like modern Egypt? Because he is Illinois lands. • • The proprietors of an hotel in Cincinnati -.quarreled about a lady boarder and one was killed. One what ? The musicians at the Grand Opera In Paris are on a strike. It first broke out aniong the drummer& , A gay young mutton butcher got off. a - pretty good thing in one.of, our markets on :Saturday. Seeing a suspicious looking fel low reconnoitering his stall, evidently with felonious intent, he sung out: "Quit eyeing' ,that lamb, or I'll lanim yer eye!" Theiatest French fashions say that the _long:White kid gloves have been seen once or twice, butf beside their, real" uglivies., -they would be so- expensive'rthat-, there is pause in adobting them. How could they 'la adopted without paws? A son of. Mr. Rankin t at.Waterville, Me., ;has been committed to`jail on the 'charge of setting fire to his father's house which was burned defor last week. There's Rank-fingrati4 - tu you! "-The address of the Fenian Council says : "we have reached a point from which we -can see the goal clearly." There appears to be a transposition of two 'vowels in the - vvord goal.. , - An ice bridge formed last week across the rapids above Niagara Falls on which people crossed from side to side. A nice bridge A child was born on board the Liverpoo; steamer NOva Scotia during her recent pas; -sae this Port.. Is that what is Meant when the steamers advertise "a few extra berthS • • . • • -•.• . " . . . . , 1 .. .. 1 - ; 4 :2: " 7 ',1`,... , i - '1..„, ‘,;. .."'J. ''' _1 ''''' ' - t ' . ':',..- ~•. '•" _ir . .:',. - ',.''..., ~..:,-.. ...?'• . 1 '' •',.'-'• ',.....",' "' , C:.,.1 ' ~.._. - ' •.: ...••., ..i. ..i .-z : 0 L. , .:, 'V -' ,••• • ' ~... ' - •%."; fr . . '," •2." L! ~ • .. • ' ~ , . , ,:, ~:' ~• ~ 2 ... I :.: i •-'' • ' !li •"" •i ' ..,,, ..,',•:::-;„ . ~::,, s:: • - T: , ". - :. - - --,7 .' . t , ....'.'.. 1 : :;.' ,11 '..'.l'''' • ' -,.+ , ... -,- -.•. ', , ~.,..;• -. ; , -.' ~ .'..,-, ..' ', , ..: '- ~ :. .• ;: ~-...,;-' ' , . ' Y". , . . . '.. ... ... I ' ' ' . ~ I r.- ~:: ~- i. ( ~ , ._ . •,. . L. .. - :.' •,•.-.:',. :' -.. i, fi'i , -- - •,: ,•,, - •--1 • ' -,, :!..' ' . ' A iik - •••• ' • ',.:' '''. ..L. : .... , ._,..• - , ~ ... ..,„,-,... -„,., ~.., • „.. , ::, ~ • . • ..,.... .. .. , . .... . . - . . , , ~. .• • • , : . - ~ . .. • , 1 • 4 1 ' . , , , . .. . , , . ~ ~ , . . . . . . . ...• . .. .. . .... . .. .. . . EF2E=I ,DIED. BY AN EYB THE Some of the members of the United States Senate have taken it into their heads that; Mr. J.l `l3...McOullogh, the reporter of the Associated Press in that body, was not impartial in his reports of the ~proceedings. The other day several Senators rapped him:over the_ knuckles in a tribunal where he had no appeal; but he has fallen back upon his reserved rights, and he defends himself in a field where he is a home' aild'ivhere he can deal as telling-blows as he was compelled to take in the Seniite, - chamber. In short, he has gone into'priiit with his defence, and without expressing any opinion as to; whether the charges laid to his account are just or unjust, we are free to say that Mr. McCullogh has rather the best of the controversy , ,thin Ur. He insists that the'real motive ter — the - complaint made against hitrLivas disappointedlove of appearing in print I npen the part of certain membericho'setorations he had honestly.condensed. He confesses the , condensation'' the' speeches "cu= riously rutin but he denies the charge of partiality or misrepresentation. Every rEporter for the press has had just such experience as that described , by this, nar 7 rator'of senatorial 'sayings and doings; and it is amazing how much more par 7 donable an ill prepared long report of a speech is in the eyes of many orators than a correctly given cOndensation of the' same address. • Some portions of Mr. McCullogh's defence are so amusing that we cannot refrain from making an extract or two from it. For instance: "To arise in a seat and proceed to abuse the repOrter of the Associated Press, or any other reporter, or anybody else, in fact, is one of the blessed privileges of a Senator, of which I would be sorry to deprive any member of • the Senate even if I had the power. - And whethei the Senator thus speaking be from the 'rock-ribbed coast of Maine,' as was the_case before the holidays or 'from the golden sands of California, by which this happy, if not original figure of speech was "completed by Mr. Conness yesterday, la a naatter of indifference to me, "But now that Senators have availed them. selves of this privilege, in abusing me, trust that it will not be considered impertiL nent if I try—not to assuage this wrath, no to apologise for omissions or commissions but to explain the whys and wherefores o these assaults. "Mr Conness further stated or intimated that there were parties at work toaecure the suppression of all notice of him and his Senatoriallabora Thw samaxemark made by any other person than a United States Senator would be a lie. Qf the self-conceit with. which the .remark is. Pregnant—the thought that, as reporter of the Associated Press I would single Mr. Conness out for ‘suppression'—l say nothing, belieting it appoint that will appear to best advantage when but delicately hinted at. "Lastly, Mr. Conness said I had, as cor- , respondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, published a slanderous and vituperative article about him a-year ago. In reply to this,,l have only to, state that the Senate is not the plice to seeks redress of a grievance of this kind. I have never permitted my opinion Gf men or ineasures toinfluence my reports of the Senate proceedings, and I lyould be as far from' injuring Mr. Conness as a reporter as I would be from qualifying or retracting what I have said of him or any one else as a correspondent. "Secondly, up jumps the newly fledged Senator from Nevada, Mr. Ste Wart, to enter his protest against my reports. I can best reply to his remarks by relating an occur rence of Saturday last. "Mr. Stewart sent word to the Reporters' Gallery that he wanted to see me, and I immediately called on him in the reception room of the Senate. 'Look here,' said he. 'hbw, is it that you did - notreport my speech yesterday ?' 1 felt a little diffident about telling him the exact cause, and remarked; so as not to hurt his feelings, that I had been obliged to report a debate between MesSrs. Wade and Doolittle so fully that I hlidnlt room to more than mention his effort. 'How is it,' said he, 'that you report some more than others?' Here was a point blank question, and I gave him this point blank answer : 'Because some men are of more importance than others. , ..For instance, Mr. Wade and Mr. Doolittle are representa tive men in the Senate—they speak for their respective parties.' . Mr. Stewart didn't like this, but really , l couldn't help it. 'Well; now, look there, saidle, and I.looked. 'I am determined that what I say must be reported, and I don't want to make' any fuss in.the Senate or any trouble with the reporters. *lf I obrnixtence a fight I am bound to carry it through. They tell you that out in Nevada.' Never. 'hating been in Nevada, I couldn't say hotf,this was; but he continued : 'I don't want any trouble with you, and I don'tslippose you want any trouble either.' ' I 'Of course I. did not,' but nevertheless I said to the Honorable Senator that' I was not responsible to, the Senate for what I re. ported or failed lo report; that I was ezh., ployed by the Associated Press, and got my instructions from its ~agent. 'Well,' said he, 'do they tell'you not to report what I say?' I told him assuredly, not. In fact,t, had serious doubts, though I did not men. tion them,. whether the Associated Press, as a corporation knew of the existence of the Honorable Senator. 'The Senatorial idea of the Associated Presti is that it is a Boswellhm machine for noting' with scrupulous exactness, the sayings antj doings of each particular - Jelinsonian, for the;benefit.of constituencies ' and-especially of State'Leghilathies, when , session, for theillipensation 'of Senatorial 'honors.' 'My idea is _that it is an association for informing threading publia Of- what transpires in Congress of general importance. I shall so regard-It until othervilse ordered, 'notwith= standing the 'trouble' threatened by Mr„ Stewart,, or the e.frorts of him or anybody' ' else to browbeat'or intimidate me." - -1 - We repeat that we offer .no opinion as to the: justness of the charges laid against the senatorial reporter, the - Associated Press; , but he had laid down some principles that every' - newspaper conductor will: endorse. There are too many public men who conceive the press to be marelya puffing =chine; contrived for < their owns ; special -:uses:. The managers \ of newspapers - take a different view of the matter, and as their bminess is to spread intelligence pefore the public in a full or a condensed form as in their judgment its importance merits, it is not wonderful that there are occasional collisions between the reprer . sentattves of conflicting interests. UnlesS a speaker is not absolutely misreported; he is unwise to quarrel with the re* porter. The pen, is as powerful ,as the tongue', -aAd 'Mr. 'MeCullogh has Shown that the scribe can take his own Part even in a - contest with potent, grave and reverend Senators. Railways and• Transportation. The cosmopolitan, character of British commercial enterprise is well illustrated in the history of her colonial conquests, and her- penetration into wild and unknown lands for a new field or source of traffic. First iteshe among the nations of the globe in ability to make an army and navy sub.i sidiary to the industry of a people: tendr-, ally and quite naturally with the Anaerican; the vast resources of his own country oc cupy his attention, on all. sides are calls for development, but the British merchant viewahis island home but as the centre of a trade whose circumference is the World. It is held•that-lenity is ,out of place in bank-, ing; so commerce like - Credit,' is without mercy. Hence outside., British trade has repeated everywhere the usurpations of India and China, modified, of course, by circumstances, but invariably at the cost of the people brought under its drag net. One great feature in the economic,craft of Great Britain is that her capital can wait., is not unduly hasty for returns. Her long games make a great contrast with American impatience of results which in financial matters seem like rapacity in comparison. English capital was early brought to aid in the construction in American railways, yet such agencies of transportation were as a whole unprofitable to the investors until the breaking out of the. rebellion. That the cautious English capitalists knew that our railway capital will not bring in immediate profits is clear, and the interesting question now is when and how the returns on capital were looked tor. Herbert Spencer contends that a railway in a region where it does not: pay expenses is not wanted, and that the building of such a road is a misapplication of capital. Our American experience, however, shows that a non-dividend paying road may serve its purpose as well as a dividend paying one, whether the purpose be to develop the re sources of one locality or to divert the trade and business of one point to another. Hence we do not think that for themselves there has been any misapplication of capital by the English investors in American rail ways, and as such enterprises are now attaining a magnitude which dwarfs all former operations ? it becomes important to consider—What is the English Railway Policy in the United States? "America belongs to Europe," recently wrote Dunartine, once called the "poet statesman," now the servile literary adula tor of Louis Napoleon. This was said in defence of Louis Napoleon's interference in Mexico, and Lamartine with all his vaga ries has a keen insight in the driftings of European politics which constantly assume a nearer connection with the interests of trade. The feelings evoked in Europe by, the rebellion was but a different expression of the same idea. England, is pre-eminently a manufac turing country, having but a limited area for growth and natural resources, except. cepting the unquestionably great concentration of wealth below the surfaCe of her soil. Hence, she must go outside of herself for products and markets for her manufactures. The United States is pre eminently a country of growth and material, and of her horde consumption, scarcely 9 per cent. is of foreign origin or manipula l tion, and one-half of her imports are in dispensable and unavoidable. England has interests in the United States, which imperatively call for closer con nection. She now connects with tbe United States by the port of New York, and ulti. ruately Norfolk may be the second English itepot in the United States. To aid in eking the whole territory of the American Union more or less tributary to English interests, it is necessary to cheapen the transit to the seaboard of United States pro ducts for transportation, and also to cheapen the distribution of her fabrics from the port of New York throughout the country. 'American m anti facturin g corpora tions show by their dividends profits approaching or sxceeding 100 per cent. for the year 1865.. Here there is certainly sufficient margin for. the foreign manufacturer to get in his goods,' his less cost for production compensating in' some degree for the difference between the internal revenue tax and the customs • duties. Sir Morton Peto, the head and front of the Anglo-American railway movement, great as a railway statesman, but unquestionably, greater as a daring operator, has certainly masked his policy well, excepting so far as his progress has rendered his purpose'evi dent. His ostentatious visit to the "United States, was a well conceived piece of diplo macy, a capital prelude to the introduction of his more mature plans, and the manner in Which he has made some railway officials Subservient to his purposes is no discredit to big ability, however much it mey reflect on theirs. 1 The Atlantic and Great Western Railway Company was incorporated as the Mead ville Railroad Company, May 20th, 1857, and little evidence at its birth of the great pretensions by which it at present in' eludes the three most populous and most productive States of the American Union in its. corporate franchises. Its inception shows -to what purposes an apparently unimportant Pennsylvania charter can be applied. Originally authorized to construct a. road from near - Meadville to Erie, and ii•om Erie to the Mercer county coal, fields,: the company, without regard to its char l tered routes, built its road across the nerthlvest corner of the State, and formed part of a through route to New York' with a six feet gauge.; The act of incorporation--provided for its connection with other Pennsylvania roads, hitt its difference of gauge interfered there, with, if it did not entirely prevent such con ndction. By act of May 10, 1859, the name ofj the Meadville Railroad was changed to that of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad. Company of Pennsylvania. It is now not only of Pennsylvania, but also of New York, and Ohio, and—what . next?: Its alleged consolidated capital; partly — ntisubscribed, now consists of 860,000,000. halfin shares and half in mort gage bonds, which is to provide for the completion of its, entire line. Sir, - Morton Pato, at a meeting of .the stock and. bond; holders, Nov. 24, 1865, expressly said that "no more money would be reqiiired." The system included in this consolidated capita/ enibraces no :construction of reads east'of the Alleghenies. This system has for the oun 'WEL COUNMY termini of its main line. Salamanca,in New York, and Dayton, in Ohio, crossing Erie, Crawford, Mercer and Warren counties, Pennsylvania, 388 miles. ' course of.con strnction are 100 miles of extension,viz:From Randolph (18 miles west , of Salamanca) to Buffalo 70 miles, and New Lisbon, Ohio, branch from Niles to New. Lisbon 30 miles: There are besides the Franklin branch from Meadville to Oil City 32 miles and Silver Creek coal branch west of Akron, Ohio, 6 miles. lEast of the Alleghenies the system of easinge and consolidating is proceeding, though apparently there is no provision for building the necessary links to work its combination of roads from Pittsburgh and Franklin to. New York. Ite present Pennsylvania plans are in consequence of a dissolution of its arrange ment with the lEzje read, and are to serve ihe same :end as when the Erie road was' used, excepting with .the addition of facili-, ties to manipulate theAnthracitecoal fields. The Erie road was usedby the Atlantic and Great Western, until the former could no' longer endure its grasp. The propensities, of the Atlantic and Great Western are well shown in the series of pro positions made to the Erie road in Septem ber last, and promptly refused by it. One proposition was that all the Erie road not a continuation of the Atlantic and Great Western's route should be treated as branch road. Proposition 15 is an excellent speci- Men of how the Atlantic and Great Western talks after it makes its allies its tool& vizi: "15th. The Erie Company shall at once proceed t'o complete its double track between Salamanca and NeW York, and the Atlantic. and Great Western shall do the same as soon as it may be considered necessary." From this the Catawissa Company can learn a good lesson, especially after Sec. IV of its contract with the Atlantic and Great' Western is re -read. Mr. J. W. Garrett, President of the Bahl moze and Ohio Railroad Company, in a speech delivered at Baltimore, Dec.l3th—the occasion being his re-election, announced the' alliance of his road with the Atlantic and Great Western, The motive to this is hostility to the Pennsylvania Central. Too puny himself to strike, he seeks the aid of the higher capacity of Sir Morton Peto. He is, not exactly like the Bourbons, he can forget some things, if he has not the faculty of blotting them out. His speech is pro fusely patriotic, and therefore in happy con trast with his remarks uttered at tne Eutaw House, Baltimore, in the troubled secession days of It6l. Then his present words about the "Union and the Constitution" would have bad some merit in them. But then he declined as President to carry troops over his road from Baltimore to Washington or from the western terminus of his road, so that the Government could be supplied with forces. Two matters very much concern Mr. Garrett, a road to Washington for members of Congress and the prosperity of the city of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. Concertung his great desire to eonnect com mercially southwestern Pennsylvania, with ;Maryland, he says, speaking of the rescinding of the chaster of the Pittsburgh and Connellsrille road for the neglected and virtually abandoned portion of its line: "The Baltimore and Ohio Company, and those associated with it are prepared to complete that short line Of Pittsburgh. and thus by its improved route reduce the dis tance to Washington from that central point In the West seventy-two miles. Whilst the great,national interests of the vast popu lations of the States of the Northwest are identified with this enterprise, as well as their great agricultural interests, which would thus secure a shorter and more eco nontical route to the seaboard; the city of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania are still more deeply and thoroughly interested. in the prosecution of this enterprise. "Almost as one man the merchants and the manufacturers, the capitalists and the peopleiof that city, and of Western Pennsyl vania, demand - the construction of this work, and well they may, with this line completed and a direct outletto Washington and Baltimore thus effected, the city of Pittsburgh has in its future a position scarcely secondary to Philadelphia itself. With its vast mineral resources and with its advan tages of water power, it is already the Man chester of America, and with this double and powerful outlet thus opened for its peo.. ple, a concentration of trade and increase of manufacturing wealth and progress in all that makes communities great and prospe rous is before that city of an unparalleled character. "In this connection it is proper to state that :the distinguished gentlemen from England who recently visited this country in rethtion to American railway interests, were struck with the absolute necessity, as well as the great importance of this line, and that eminent, sagacious and able gentle man, Sir Morton Peto, on behalf of the At lantic and Great Western Railway' Com pany, stated that in connection with the construction of the roads from Point of Rocks to Washington, and from Connells vine to Cumberland, capital would be promptly furnished, and 'vigorous measures taken to complete the road connecting Cleve land, by the way, of Youngstown, with Pittsburg, and thus furnish to members of Congress, and all other parties visiting the Capitol of the United States, a line from Cleveland, and the whole region of the lakes and nbrthwest, eighty-four miles shorter than any existing line." Mr. Garrett cajoles Pittsburgh. One ob ject in building 'the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was to divert the traffic of the Ohio river from Pittsburgh, its natural head, to Baltimore by tapping it at Wheeling. Now, Mr. Garrett would-further advance - the in terests of :Pittsburgh by taking the trade of the Monongahela region' from it. That is, if -" the shorter route - to the sea," which in includes 200 miles of inland navigation, is to be effective.' The . road from the Point of Rocks to Wash ington is a step in the continuation of the route to Norfolk, the natural terminus, which, without doubt, would find favor with Sir Moiton: In this event the deflection of the . road fiom the Potomac to Baltimore would become a mere branch of secondary imporMnce. Is the ild,elity of Mr. Garrett to Baltimore•really dublomif The "prompt furnishing of capital" will not conflict in the least with Sir Morton's Londoo speech, as the unfinished part of the road- from Cleveland via Youngstown to Pittsburgh, is now under contract, local capital furnishing the means. So wa have endeavored to present what appears to us to be the Anglo-American railway, movement towards the, concentra tion, of trade, rather than internal improve ment.—:American .acchange and Review. CAN'T 'MICR THE OATEL-Mr. Dam mond, the contractor for carrying . the mail from ILYnchburg to. l'ittsylvanut Court House; 77a.;: has thrown up the contract foe' the reason that he could not 'take the quired ostli. It would be a nice piece of casuistry to determine whether Mr. Driltllj mond's honesty or his obstinacy led to the throwing up of the -contract. MEXICO. Latest Official News from Presiden Juarez---He is Pursued by the Im perialists Towardal Paso---They Decline to Attack---Juarez Ap peals to Americans for Aid ---Escobado's Original Plan of Campaign on the RioDrande--- Railroad and Colonization Schemes. • WASHINGTON, January 28, 1566.—Official' news up to the 29th of December has been: received here from El Paso, the present seat' : of the MexiCan Government. After the oc-` cupation of Chihuahua by the French, they sent an expedition to El Paso against Presi-, dent Juarez, who Collected at that place Gen. Ferraga'S division, and made other, preparations to resist 'the invaders. with' every chance of success. When the French heard of this they marched back to Chihua hua, thini abandoning the idea of attacking El Paso. The news from the interior is represented as quite encouraging. The im-i pressi on prevailed in the whole country that the French would soon abandon Mexico. MESILLA, Dec. gO, MlSS.—Juarez is in El Paso. Mexico, fifty miles from this place. , He has with him about thirty officers and not many more men. The French drove him out of Chihuahua, and followed him -to: within forty miles of where he is now, and then turned back. Juarea expected a fight in El Paso, and made some preparation, but none- came off: He has several guns, six, twelve and twenty-four -pounders but no men to manage them. He wanted twenty-four-pounders, Ame ricans from our side to go over and take charge of the guns, and I think several would have accepted the invitation had the French continued to advance. General Mexican News. • Letters from Escobado, recently inter cepted, show the plan of campaign devised by him, and is sketched forth in the follow ing terms in a communication addressed by him to the Juarist Governor of Tamaulipas; We will remain in the States of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis so as to occupy the attention of the imperialists, in accordance with the wish of his Excellency the President and Commander-in -Chief. General Cortina saw fit to separate from us this side of Reinosa, as that brave patriot did not concur in our views. Gen. Cortina does not suppose that there is any practi cable base of operations beyond Matamoras. But I regret to inform you that the popu larity of the cause has declined at Mata moras. That city has experienced a great reaction in favor of the traitors, caused evi dently by the influence of foreign gold. Our failure at Matamoros was not caused as much by the defeat of our forces as by the acts of paid traitors. Your plans had met with the approval of Gen. N. Cortina. The city—which was sup posed to be most difficult, if not impossible, to capture—would have been delivered to us by those valiant citizens 'who still pre serve in their hearts the name and traditions of their invaded country; but, unfortu nately, Mejia was apprised of our plans by his informal secret police, the existence of which no one suspected at the time, and so our valiant freinds were hanged or shot without form or trial. I shall shortly arrive at Aqueloros by the Alamo road, and, in order to carry out the plan conceived by his Excellency President Juarez, I shall request the aid of Generals Mendez and Aguire. Generals Patoni, Covnia and Villagra, who are operating in Durango, could have joined me in Coahuila. We could have dashed into Nuevo Leon by way of the mountains, sweeping from there like a hurricane upon Revilla, on the Rio Bravo. Thence to Camargo, we might have followed the Rio Grande, leaving Monterey on our right. On the river, lam indebted in considerable amounts to Americans who have furnished materials, such as tar, salt petre and sulphur, received directly from hicily, and landed on the ceast by the American brig Hope. General Cortina is better acquainted than. we are with those Americans disposed to aid us. You, doubtless, know that the few shells I was able to secure while the trains were passing from Linares, came from Browns ville, where he got them by means of some faithful Mexicans residing there. The Emperor Maximilian hasissued a de cree granting to Don Ramon Zangrouiz the exclusive privilegeto construct and run, for the period of seveiity-five years, a rail road between Vera Cruz and Puebla, pass ing through. Jalapa and Perote. , company has been formed in Florence, 'with a capital of one million francs, for the purpose of colonizing lands in the depart ment of Vera Cruz. The amount hitherto subscribed has already bin forwarded to that city to be devoted to the purchase of land. Amcdg the subscribers are some of the leading men of Italy. The Accident on the Hudson River Rail way. -Extraordinary Preservation of Life On Saturday morning, about 61 o'clock, as the Lincinnati express train of the Hudson River Railroad was on its way to this 'City, when about a mile this side of Croton, it en countered an obstruction of an unavoidable character. It appears that more than half the cars composing the train lihd passed the spot which furnished the cause of the disas ter. The train, according to the reports in the Sunday papers, was going at full speed, when a rail on the ;left side of the track snapped - and sprang upward, raising with it one or two sleepers. The last two cars, of course, got off the track, and tha protruding rail and the now erect sleepers- came in contact with the upper side of the first of them, smashing the cor ner which contained the water closet, and tearing the side of the car open about half way. The jarring motion caused by the sudden abandonment of the track by the cars, broke down all the apparatus on them both, so as to render their being brought to this city impracticable. In consequence of this;both cars were left at Sing Sing, one being in gdod condition, with the exceptionof theuseless,brakes; and the other dreadfully torn, although not by any means a "total. wreck." The floor in both these cars was left corriplete. • No person was killed, as was reported in the city on Saturday, although it is one of the most on, thingt- connected 'with 'the occurrence that there was. not a great loss of life. A nutribel'Of persons were more or`lesi bruised • and some were slightly out, Mr. F. L. FETHERSTON.. and Mrs. McEwen t on their way from Utica, were among the injured, the former having had his leg badly fractured, and the latter injured in the side and one hand. Mrs. tcEwen reports that she lost a gold watch and $l2O in money, at the time of the accident. As the car in which she was riding at the time did not beconte a total Wreck, it is probable that, in the terrible Moment when the admonition to do well' ought to have been strongest, some person of reckless character, under pretence of helping the lady, may have assisted them selves to her watch and money. STATEMENT OF THE ENT/MEM—The fol lowing is the statement, at Ponghkeepsie,of the engineer of the train which met with the accident nn the Hudsen' River Railroad, on Saturday: Am engineer of the train which ran on:to a brolien.rail on the Hudson River Railroad, near Croton, on Saturday; my train at the time was running at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour; I think that the train which preceded me broke the rail; the first notice I had of the accident waS a violent swaying of my -engine to the east side of the track, the - fireman being hurled from his seat and one of the spring hands under the engine striking violently against the boiler, the patent brakes were imme diately sprung from the engine, the train running hardly 80 rods further; the two rear cars were thrown from the track; the 'one next to the extreme rear turned over on its side and was dragged' some distance, corn ' ing in contact with a bridge, the timbers of which crashed into the side of the car injur ing a number of passengers; the extreme rear ear did not upset until the train had nearly stopped, when it raised and stood on end: there - were four passenger - cars in' the train, including two sleeping cars. In addition to those 'mentioned as having been injured is the name of Charles Nichols, of Ponghkeepsie, both hands badly cat.- 1. Tribune. A COLONEL SMOTHERED TO DEATH FROM" THE USE OF A GAS STOVE.—A fatal acci dent occurred at St. Louis last Saturday, by which Colonel Christopher A. Morgan, in spector general of that department, lost his life. He lived in the house of Gen. Pone, on Chauteau avenue, and not coming t 4::: breakfast at the usual hour, the General waited until 9 o'clock, and then called him.. Kot receiving an answer, he proceeded to the Colonel's room and found him dead in bed, having been smothered by the fumes from the stove, which is one of a new kind for burning coal gas. A physician was at once sent for, and he pronounced that death had ensued about two hours before. It is supposed that deceased arose early in the morning, turned on the gas, and retired to bed, where he again fell asleep. Reentered the service early in the war, as a captain in an Ohio regiment, but, four years ago was transferred to Pope's staff and has remained with him ever since. He was about 40 years of age, and the son of wealthy pa rents, who are still living in Hamilton county, Ohio. WEST/lIIICSTER. ABBEY EIGHT HUNDRED YEAH& OLn.—On the • 28th ult., the eight hundredth anniversary of the dedication of Westminster Abbey was celebrated with great formality. The dean, sub-dean and canons occupied Their stalls, and the choir and transepts were filled in every corner. Dr. Stanley, the dean, in the course of his sermon gave'the history of the abbey,which was originally built in Anglo-Saxon times, although as it now appeared it was doubt less the work of the reign of Henry 111. To Edward the Confessor the abbey was prin cipally indebted for its celebrity and splen dor; but in the reign of Henry 111. the greater part of the present edifice was re built in its present lofty and elegant stvle. In 1540 the abbey church was, by letters patent of Henry VIII., constituted a cathe , dral, and thus Westminster was first raised to the dignity of a city. The Thnes, record ing the ceremonies of the celebration, says the whole of the music was selected composers who, either in the past or present were connected ' with the Abbey. AN OIL TowN TROUBLE.—TheMead yille (Pa.) Republican says --The citizens of Corry are much exercised over the dis covery that there is a disputed title to the ground on which the town is built. The facts are about as follows : In 1860 the land in dispute was purchased at.sherifrs sale by H. D. Francis and King, and was in the sale denominated as "wild land." It was purchased for a mere trifle. In 1862, the owners being in arrears for taxes, the land was again disposed of at treasurer's sale, and was bought in by.-Messrs. Frisbee and Cooper, of - Union, by payment of the taxes. The parties secured it bye deed, which was duly recorded. By law, the original owners could within a certain time, two years, we think, resume possession, by making good the taxes and costs, and, probably intend ing to do this, parceled the land (ninety two acres) into building lots and disposed of them, The two years having expired, Messrs. Cooper and Frisbee now claim the, and, it is said, the improvements with " THE RIGHT OF A FEMALE MINISTER TO SOLEMNIZE MARRIAGE. - The statutes of Massachusetts provide that "marriages may be solemnized by any minister of the gospel ordained according to the usage of his de nomination," and continually makes use of the pronoun "he" whenever any reference is made to the word "minister." It was the continued use of the masculine pronoun. which occasioned the doubt in the minds of some as to the legal capacity of Miss Olympia Brown, who resides at Wymouth Landing, and is settled over a church there, to so lemnize marriage. To settle the m atter, an order was introduced. ; into -the , House of Representatives last eek, by which the committee on the judiciary were instructed to consider whether any legislation is ne cessary upon the subject. The committee have now reported that no legislation Is necessary, being unanimously of opinion that a woman regularlyordained can t lander our statutes, legally solemnize marriage.— Boston Herald. DEATH FROM A RUSTY NAIL.--Says the Dayton (Ohio) Joulitat.--Saturday morning we noticed the fact that a few days previous Mr. Benjamin MUnday, Jr., had ran a rusty nail into his foot, and that the wound , had caused lockjaw. When the injury was;:., inflicted Mr. M. thought nothing of it, and s continued his work without' applying any remedy to the wound. ' But on Tuesday last the injured foot pained him considera- = bly, and on Wednesday, we learn, be de sisted from work, and . applied remedieslo. the wound. But the pain increasedi and the unfortunate man was . taken , with,loak kW. • A number of physicians were palled to his aid, but it seems thakon,acoonnt of his not knowing exactly , what Was thexatit ter with him, medicaraid came too late c and • after a lengthy period Aif , terrible ernrezing, death came' to his relief;yesterday . - • THE Beam:len or thee_i_V tailway in Oki • cago last year were $ 650 ,M; tigmbereflAtt 'Bollgera 13,01X400047,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers