CHESS COLUMN OP THE PHILADELPHIA EVENING EITLLETIN. FRIDA:Y-fiTanuary-26;•1866 Answers to Correslion4ents. " N. M., NEW Yonif."—You are after him with a very sharp stick, but he will hive address enough to elude you, and we think that the game, from its nature, will remain a drawn one. Did you not find him rather a loanly person? Dr. R--- expresked hint self much gratified at having met you. " 3. 13.,,NEw YORK."—You may well rest assured that the Philadelphia Chess Club stands ready to do battle, either by tele graph or over the board, against New York or any other city ; and that any reasonable proposition would at once meet with a ready acceptance: "W. C. McK., JR."—Problem received, as you see by to-day's column. "F. H. H., HARRISBURG." ceived yours, and replied CHESS RAN - K.—The Saturday Night Chess Column of last week seriously makes the following funny classification of Philadel phia players : 1. Reichhelm; 2. Whiteman 3. Sayen.—[Ed. Saturday Night.] 4. Jellett ; 5. McKibbin. The announcement has af forded no little amusement to the Chess players of the city. We have received some sharply satirical communications, this week, in reference to this matter, but prefer not publishing them, not wishing to disturb the harmony of Philadelphia Chess circles. LONDON CHESS CLun.—A match at this popular resort has just been commenced between Mr. Steinitz, the well-known Aus trian player, now resident in London, and Mr. de Vere, a young player of great ability The conditions are, that Mr. Steinitz is to give the pawn and move in every game, and the winner of the first seven is to be declared the victor. In order that tke games shall not be unusually long, it is stipulated that each player must make at least twelve moves an hour. The score at the latest advices stood: Steinitz, 2; -de Vere, 5. From this score it would appear that Mr. Steinitz has overtasked his powers. MATCH BETWEEN ANDERSSEN AND STEIN rrz, FOR £lOO A FIDE.-Our readers, we feel sure, will be pleased to learn that negotia tions are pending for a match to be played in London, in the course of the ensuing summer, between these two distinguished players. Such a contest cannot but be pro ductive of some magnificent games, which will be looked forward to with much inte rest. Mr. Steinitz will here have the oppor tunity of fully exhibiting his skill. The stakes money upon both sides has been already subscribed. As soon as the arrange ments are completed we shall make our readers acquainted with them.—London Era. Problem No. 421. BY MR. W. C. Mc - KIMMEL% JR • r / ry 4 W-;---7-- .. „ . 4 %,/, '`.•• c. (/ i f , ' rff. c. , _,,,, i v ,. • '6'',gA AN '.„•-, rA if/ i if // /•' / d • 7; , , ,,,, / 7.. 7( •,/ 4 ar e " / 4 /1 - White to play and mate in fonr moves Solutioli to No. 415. WHITE. BLACK. 1. Q to Q 3, and mates next move. .Solution to Nio. 416. BLACK 1. Kt x 2. K to B 2 3. Rto K sq 4. R to Q sq mafe Solution to No. 417. WHITE. BLACK. 1. B to B 7 Anything 2. Mate. Solution to No. 415. WHITE. BLACK. 1. B to K 4, and mates next move. CHESS IN PHILADELPHIA. - Game No. 1271. Between Mr. Morphy, blindfolded, and Mr Smyth. -- (French Opening.) , Wia, (MR. ALORPHY 4 .) min (MR. SMYTH.) 1. PtoK4 PtoK3 2. PtoQ4 P to Q 4 3. P x P P x P 4.KKttoB3 BtoK3 b. BtoQ3 KKttoß3 6. Castles P to K R 3 7. KttoK 5 ' BtoQ3 B.Ptoliß 4 Ktto 133 9. Ptoß3 QtoK2 (He should have castled at once.) 10. R to K sq B x Kt 11. BPxB - KttoQ2 12. P toaKt 4 Castles (111-considered.) 13. to Kt 5 Kt to R 4 14. Btoß 3 QtoKt4 15. BxR Rxß 16. KttoQ2 B to Kt 5 17. Kt to B 3 QtoK2 18. PtoKR 3 BtoK3 19. Qtoß4 ' PtoQ.Kt 3 20. Q R to Q sq P to.K Kt 4 21. B to Kt sq K to Kt 2 22:Qt082 RtoKR sq 23. KttoQ2 Ptoß4 24. Kt to B sq Pt° R 5 25. Kt to K. 3 R.toß 3 26. Kt to .13 5 (eh) B x Kt 27. Qxß, _ Kttoßsq , 28. RtoK.Bsq - Kttoll 5 29. R to‘B___3 Kt to K 3 30. Q to Kr 4 Q to K sq 31. QRtoKßsq QxP 32. RxBP (eh) K to R sq 33. Q x Kt R x Q Mate in three moves. CHESS IN NEW YORK. Game N 0.1272. Played in the New York, Tournament, between Messrs. Mackenzie nd Stanley.l • (Ruy Lopez Knight's Game.) W. (MB. MAOKErzza.E.) B. (Ma. STANLEY.) I.PMK4 PtoK.4 2. KlKttoß3 QKttoßß PtOgß3 4. Btoß4 PtoQKt4 (This is decried by theorists. but in pracr Lice' it can be •ventured with comparative anfety.)' ' r • 5. It to Kt lit to B 3 _ 6. Castle s P to Q 3 , (An inferior Move.' P to Q 4 is stronger.) 7. lit Uißts • BtoK 3- 8. , Kt x 13 'P x. Kt, 9. P Q to K. , 2 10. 13 tO Q, Kt 3, „ Kt'to Q (If Kt x P, White would have proba.b/Y, bELTO plityed 11. 9, to B 3.) ' 11, 1 1"tvg$ --- Pta - KR4 • (Black having an exposed game, and be ing a pawn behind, very-likely felt. ,thathis only chance lay in an impetuous bssatilt:) "12: Kt t(513 - P10"B3" - ' . 13. Bto Kt5,7,7,, , ,:r.' 'cat to K 3 - - --- 14. -81-Kt - Q-,x - 15. i P to RB4 - lit to Kt 5 , . 'Q to, Q 2 17. PtoKR3 Qte R 2 (eh) •;- 18. P to Q 4 P x P 19. Px Kt •-• Px Kt (oh) 20. R to B 2 PxQKtP 21. R to Ktsq• P x P 22. Q x .NeP 13 CO K 2 • 9.3. R-x Rto R (ch) 24. K x R Q x 25. Bx B Kxß '26. Q x P (ch) K to Qsq , 27. R to Kt 3 (Winning Rook would have led to per petual check.) Have re- (As an accommodating move, this is ad mirable, and would hardly have been made by the Stanley of yore.) 52. Q x P (oh) Ktoßs (K to R 4 is, of course, better.) 53. K to B 4 Q to B 7 (ch) . . CHESS IN ITALY. Game No. 1273. Played some time ago, at the Genoa Chess Club, between Messrs. Max Bingen and A. Goehie. WH. (MR.BLis.'GRIL) .BL. (MR. BOEHLR.) 1. PtoK4 PtoK4 2. KttoKß3 QKttoß3 3. K B to Q B 4 K.Btogß4 4. P to g lit 4 KB xP S;PtoQB 3 KBtoQR4 6. PtoQ.4 KPxQP 7. Castles • Ptog3 8. QBPxP KBtogKt3 9. Ptogs Q Kt to R 4 10. Q B to Kt 2 KKttoK 2 11. K B to g 3 Castles 12. Q Kt to Q B 3 K Ktto Kt 3 13. K to R sq P to Q B 4 14. QRtoQßsq PtoQR3 15. QKtto K 2 Q B to - Q 2 16. QKttoK Kt 3 PtoQ B 5 17. KBtoQ Kt sq KBto Q B 4 18. Q to K 2 P to Q Kt 4 19. P to K 5 QPxP 20. K Kt x P K Kt x Kt 21. QBx Kt QtoK Kt 4 (R to K sq looks promising, but would not have led to any advantage.) P to K B 4 Q to K Kt 5 23. QtoQ2 P 10 g Kt. 5 24. P to K B 5 (B to Q B 7 would not have been good play ; Black would have retreated the Kt to Kt 2, rendering his game safe.) 24. P to Q B 6 25. Q to Q B 2 .1 3 to K B 3 K R to K B 4 Q toK I:t 4 27.QKttoK4 Q to Ii R 3 26. QBxKBP KRxB (Black could also have taken Rook first.) QKtx'XII QxR 30..4 Kt x QK KRxBP 31. P to K R 3 , PtoK Kt 3 32. Q R to Q sq 2i Y to li B 2 r 33. Kt to Q B 5 QtoKB7 4 34. Kt to Q 3 Q x Q 35. B x Q Q R to K B 36. K to Kt sq K R to Q Kt 2 37. P to Q 6 PtoQKt6 3S.QRPXP Q Kt x P 39. Rto Q Kt sq Q Kt to R. 4 40. Rto Q sq Q Kt to Q B 5 41. Kt to Q B 5 KRtoQKt7 42. BtoQKT3 Pt0Q,157 43. B x Kt (eh) K to R Fq 44. R to Q, B sq RtoQKtB 45. Ktto Kt 3 KRxR (eh) 46. Kt x R Rtogsq 47. B xP R x P 48.'13 to K 2 (A, fatal mistake, which loses the game in evitably; B to Q 3 would nave instued a draw.) _ _ K to Q 4 K to Q 5 Anything OD LIVER OlL.—Twenty-nve barrels, new made, C Cod Liver Oil, of very superior quality; Carb. Ammonia. Just received, in jars; also, just received,, twenty-live barrels very superior. lcohol, warraulko per cent.. In the beat of packages,'-and for sale by' JOHN C. BAKER at CO., I oc2l-ly No. 718 Market streAt. TTODOSON'S BRONCHIAL -TABLETS.—The Ate £l. viation of Bronchitis Catarrh. Hoarseness. and Similar Complaints, affecting the Organs of the Valce Public Speakers. Singer and Amateurs have 14en greatly benefited by, using these Tablets, and their high appreciation of their intr nsic merit, particularly re commends them to ons affected with BRON CHITIS, HO , and CATARRH of the READ and BREAST. Tor salebyDruggistagenerallY Prepared only by LANCASTE.R caries, northeast comer Arch and Tenth streets, P Et• delphia. • . XTEW STRENGTHENING AND REVMS .1 PLASTERS, with the pliancy of silk, the stren and softness of kdd. For affections of the Chest, p us. weakness. dm., &c. They are cleanly and odorl comfortable and effective. Sold by MI thecary, 1410 Chestnut street. a 8 1 111RUGGISTt3' SUNDRIES. Graduates —M. .1-1 Fill Tlles,Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers, all Boxes, Horn Scams, Surgical Instruments, ea Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glass t Metal Syringes, dkc., all at "First Hands" prices. SNOWDEN & BROTH ap54.11 23 South Eighth a ROBEZRT RH a VISTA RIM. at CO. N. E. MoRNPIOEI FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, Whole Sale Druggists, Manufacturers and Dealers in Win ow. Glass, White Lead, and Paints of every descrip offer to the trade,.or corummers,a complete stoc of goods In their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., Northeastoorner Fourth and Race stree . AGNE,BlA—Serming's Calcined, 10ID., round of .11.1. and boxes. also in bottles. Jerusing's Carbonate of 2 oz. and 4 oz. papers_Healar Ca r lci e ted Magnesia 'ratting and for sale by CHARLES SON & CO.; Druggists. Market and Seventh str ts, Philadelphia, , Be 6 • ESEDIN'PIAL OILS.—PUBE Ofl OF ALMONDS Lemon, Bergamot, Anise, 4 Cavan/ay, Cloves Orange, Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Lavender., Juniper, Cognac, Peppermint, Sassafras 61, Rose, _Rose Geranium, Citronella 'Verbena, &c., otwarranted artalitY. Zor sale by vr•LIBI, Co:. pruggw4s. Nos. 72( pad 722 Market street. • t • - 1 - IBBOS.—A LARGE AND GEZ•I7.„RAL STOCK AYR IlDriwt, • Chemicals and. Pharmaceutical Prepares tions, for Bale by WIT LTAIK V.T.T.TE3 CO., Diuggitin, No •744 en d.722.l%farket street, • ; • DAY itiThr.;:-.lnst received, an invoica,of Penalra pnrocrted Bat. Rnm, 'for eale-bythe callono3s . ROBEIrr SHOPMASER do 4 30., , Drugpati :N. E. co T' ner Fourth and Baca eireeia. , . . • , :s: • • •• • sa• —A, :It! • rtik I fiAr andportablecontelvanoe fortheamllestbm of tu2i lit:a - to the Intel:W=llWe Of the .rectazeti. Bold I by :iej: : t la IN , OBT~ArERTIFICATE FOR TEN SHIRES Alartially paid &oak- of the CORN EXCHANG E' 'BANK OF PHILADELPHIA,standing in the name of the andersigned—application has been made to the Board of the Corn =change National Bank for a: new nertifinate.---4011N-MURTLAND,,, 42,35e..:.Fr0nt etTeet. rirLABA:, Jan Bth ; Itte„. A ja9Bbt* • 8:1Th LaiMi . S.AlL an D T LOß b . )o era. f e r 174 , 1 1 I 1714 th . 1 „trona de., 4.yrA4rif i lia;,l:sl;imakers felfinrSail Thine ar ;39gLic.t,w,.EvERNAN4,643..,, . . 27. R to R 2 28. Q to B 6 (ch) Ktoß2 ,1 29. - 11. to Q 3 Qtoß 5 , 30. Q to Kt 7 (eh) K to Kt sq ', 31. Q to R 8 (oh) K to Kt 2 ' 32. Q to Q 4 Rto R sq 33. R to K R 3 RtoKKtsq 34. Q to . Q 3 Q to Q 13 8 (cu) l 35. K to R 2 Q to B s(eh) 36. K to Kt sq Q te Q B 8 (ch), 37. Ktoß2 Q to B 5 (ch) 38. QtoK B 3 Q to Q 7 (eh) 39. K to Kt sq R to Kt 2 40. P to B 6 RtoKB2 41. Q to B .5 Q to Q 5 (ch) 42. K to R 2 R a P 43. Q to Q 7 (oh) K to Kt 3. 44. QtoQ 8 (ch) Ktoß4 45. Rto R 5 (oh) • KtoKt 5 46. R to R 3 QtoK 4 (ch) 47. K to Kt sq ' Q to B 4 (oh) 48. Ktoß 2 R to B 8 49. Q to R 4 Q to Kt 8 (eh) 50. K to Kt 3 R to Q 8 (Black should have drawn the game.) 51. Q to B 4 R to K 8 54. KtoKts QxPfoli) 56. R to Kt 3; and;wins. (Evans' Gambit.) 48. R to Q 8 (ch), and - wins. DRIIGIS, LOST ANI) FONb. THE DAILY' EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1866.--- TRAVELING GUIDE. i-BEADusrcER,Ama , GREAT TRUNK zerz 'PROM' • tiy-1 1 I l lINTIERJOB.-OP SYLVANIA., TICE SORMYLE.U.SUSQ NA, CUMB ERLAND AND •WYO. ,II IG V AT THE NORTH, NORTHWEST and WINTER loat NGEDCBINT OP PANG TRAINS iesvin_the , -Depot, .THIP.. THENTH and OM.LOMI •ft•eeM, PhllMelphla at the following hot= At 8 A. M., for Reading, Lebanon,. Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Will . port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allen. town, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, york, Carlialegiumobers• brag, Hagerstown, &c., etc. This train connects at RN AM NO With the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains. for Allentown, Ac... and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg ac.; at PORT CLINTON with Catstwima Railroad trains Stor Williamsport, Lock Mwren. Elmira at HARRISBURG with. Northern Central, Cambarland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for ,No Plneg rt hrove , umberlantl„WillimrsporL York.. Ohambarsburg, AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves. Philsdelpb4a at 3.80 P.M. for Reacting, Pottd. Harrisburg, &c., (=meeting with. Reading and Columbia RAI. trains for eolumbia 4.c., and with Cara - wises. Railroad train for Milton, Will nwport, Elmira, Buffalo. &c. ,Tl7.l4Drerg ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Bending at . stopping at all wags•.a .tlons; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.80 A. IL Returning, leaves Emma •lphia at 4.30 arrives In Reading at 7.30 P. M ; Trains for Phftadetplda leave Harrisburg at 7.115 A. M. and Pottsville at 6.30 A. 2.1.. arriving In Philadel phia at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trams leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves . Reading at 7.55 A. M. e.ndHarrisburg at 9.00 P. AL Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia st 145 noon for Reading and all way ala duns; leaves Reading 11.V.i A, M., and Downingtown 12.30 P. d. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains have Pottsville at 8.00 A. M.. said Philadelphia at 8.11 P. lz CHESTE.R V — AILEY B.ALLROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediatepoinla take the 8.t)0 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. trains - from Philadel phia, returning from Downingtowr at 7.05 A. M. and 2 SO Noon_ NEW YORE EXPEEF?, POE PITTSBURGH AND Leaves New York at 9.00 A. M. and 8 P. M., palming Reading at 1 A. M., and 1.48 P. IL- and connecting at Harrisbur3 with Pennsylvanla, and Northern Central Raßroad rasa Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Wij liamsnort. Elm BalttmorL, do Returning Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrivali of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at and 9.05 A. H., passing Reading at 4.49 and 10.52 A. 11., arriving at New York Itt A. M., and 2.45 P. M. Sleeping Car accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without charge. Hail train for New York leaves Harrisburgat 1.45 P. Nail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at Is NoOn. 13432E1MMILL 'VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave - Pottsville at 6.45,11 A. H. and 7.15 P. M. returning from , Tamaqua at 7.66 A. M., and 1.40 and 4.15 P. 11. SCHITYLIMa, AND 81381:11ThIELAHHA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.45 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and. at LW .P. M. for Pinecroltu and Tre mont, returning from Harrisburg at 4000 P. AL and from Tremont at 7.00 A. M. atmI ETS. 6.00 P. H. ' TICK Thiroagh "first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points In the North and West and Camas. The ibllowing tickets are obtained only at the Moe of S. Bradford, Treasurer. No. Va South Fourth street. Philadelphia, or of El. A. Nicolls, Gummi !superintend ent, ItroaA t^Y COMMUTATION TICA.AtS, At_ 2Z per cent., discount between any points desin3d Ibr &mMes and sans.. Good ibr 2,000 miles,betereen all pointa, at $52 50 each, thr families and firma. BEASON TICKETS. - - - - For three.six, rune or twelve months, ftr holders only, to all points at reduced rates. CLEII.I2VMEEN . Residing on the line of the Road will be furnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at Ralf fare. EXCURSION TIGSETS. From Philadelphia to prindpal stations, good Mr Saturday, Sunday and Ifonday, reduced Dire, to be had only at the Ticket &lice at e=rteenth and (tallow. 1111 l atreeta. FREIGHT. Goods'of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. - FRE:IfiRT TRAINS. Leave Flair o e ‘ lplidadaily at 5..5t) A. M.. 1145 noon and e Y.L, for , Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pon Clinton, and all points beyond. aloBo at the Philadelphia Past Office for all places cc the road and its branches at 5 A. ZL, and for the prin cipal Stations only at 215 P. M. . PHILADELPHIA, WILM LNG -Mr- TON Alin R.A.LriaoRE ltAflr 'll3 TAME.—CommencinguaY, January sth, 1565. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at 4.03 A. M. (Mondays excepted), ihr Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilming ton, Perryville, Havre-de.43m.m. Aberdeen, Perry man's, Magnolia and Stemmer's Run. Delaware R.l t. Train, B.lz A.M.(Stinday excepted), for rd and intermediate stanons. 'ay-mail Train, at ' 9.15 A. dl t. ('stina.sys ex cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at Chester, Thu/ low, Linwnod, Claymont, and all regular statioms between Wilmington and Baltimore. Express Train at :lAS P M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Claymont Wilmington, 'Sewurk, Elkton. North-has% Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia and Stemmer's Rum Night Express at 11.13 P. 51. fbr Baltimore and Wash= 'nom, stopping at chmter. 'Tnurlow, Linwood, Ciay m ont Wilmingtou,biewark,..Elltran, North-East. Ferry - vale and Ilavreslellirace. Passengers by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk', City Point and Richmond will cafe the 9.15 A.M. Train. As an additional accommodation for those holding through Ucttets for Baltimore, Washlug;ton and 'Southern roints, a special car will bare inn Philadelphia Depot at 11.31 A. Nl_ connecting a:6ra:: a Ferry wall the Morning Express train from isetr York 11,M.123(4T0N Aix OmisluDATioN TEALS a, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil rr.ington. Leave Philadelphia at 3.15, 11.15 3.3 x. 5 Oo aurl-7.00 P. M. The P. M. train coonects wan Inc Dela, ware Railroad for Milford and to cerruedusce stations. Leave Wilmington La). bas and 9.SU A. Li.. 3.uu and 5.0 u P. M. • Trains for 'Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A. 131.. S.ln and 5.t0 P. M. _ THROUGH TRA.UCS FROM BALTIMORE LeaNeWirmington at 12-00 Si., 4.a.1 and .3.55 P.M. C.R.EhTER FOR Palk& DELPHIA- Leave Chester at au, 6.48 anCI 10.14 A. M., 12.36. 3.43, 5.01. 5.44 and ItL 9 P. M., From - Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 6.25 A. Way Mail. Llo P. M., Express. 0.. sP. M., Express. 9.25 Exprees. An Accommodation Tram for Havre-de-Gram and intermediate stations, will leave Baltimore at 4.10 P. M. ' Truths fOr Baltimore 'leave Chester at 9.52 A. M., 3.23 and 1.1.50 P. 3L Traps for Baltimore leave Wllin ngton at 12-27, 5.13 10.33 A...M., and 4.06 P.M. EON DAY TRAINS. . . Express Train at4.05A.. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wiltnington, Perryville, Havniide- Grace, Aberdeen , Perryman's, Magnolia and Stem mer's - Run. Night Express 11.15 P. sf. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping. at. Chester, Tituriew, Linwood, llaSmont,llmington,Newark,Elkton, .forth-East, Perryville and Havre de Grace. A Special Train will leave PhiladelpbJa far Wilming ton also lntermed,ate Stations at 9..0 P. M. BAL'illifOßE FOB PHILADELPHIA. • Leave Baltimore at 9.25 P. M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also atop at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from -Baltimore; or Wasnington. A special train will leave Wilmington for Prilladel- Oita and Intermediate Stations at 6.30 P. M. Freight train with passenger car attacned will leive Wil ngton 'far Perryville and intermediate statipus at 6.04 P. M. H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. a-. .v4u. - 7----- - -- WEST' .• • WES,Cv TER AND PHILA ., .. ..,......-.:" DEIa'LLIA RAILROAD, VIA mot . WENTER ARRANGHBLENTS. 1 On and after WEDNESDAY, October 18th, 1865, the trains will leave as follows: I WEST CHESTER TRAINS, , Leave Philadelphia for West Chester 8.05, 11.00 A. 5f., 2.15, 4.80 and 6.00 P.M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia 6.15, 8.15, .45 A. 3L.1.40, 4.135 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 8.15 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia: at 4.20 P. M. will not atop at Pennello n , J and will stop below B. C. unction at Media only. P .ENNEL . TON I:RAINS. Leave Philadelphia forPennelton 4.00 and lil.oo Leave .Pennelton tor Philadelphia 9.02 A. M., 6.20 P.' M. These Trains stop at all intermediate Stations. ONSUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,20 - A., M. Leave West Chester 7.55 A. Mend 4.00 P M. Trainsleaving Philadelphia at'B.os A. M. and 4.30 P. M., and leaving West Chester at 8.15 A. M, and 4.35 P. M.. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. R. R. for Oxford and intermediate points. a 3-r Pasang er 3;ar e allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage; and the Company will not, in any vase, be responsible for an amount exceeding one him • died dollars. tiniest' a special contract is made , for [the 'same.:.4P:o/BY WOOD, General Superintendeup . •!..4-,cittlf. , ,; o „, • 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND • BRIE RAILROAD. MS. • • great I• e verses the Northern and North 4-west cm/titterer Pmuisylvania to, the nay or Erie; on ,Lake Erick ••-• It• hark been'. leri.sed and is operated by the Pen vania Railroad Company. TXMI Or PASSENGER TRAINS AT I % AICHIVE EASTWARD. Erie NallTrain - GO Erie Express Train - ' - • • - —l.l 10 A. M. brie Mall Train 7 it) P, hi. Erie Express Train • • - - •-' ,7 20 passenger,care tun thronghon Erie Mail and 'Express Trains change, both War). betWeen:Philadel• phis and Erie. . , • • I xitiv YORK cowarsamccg. :Lease New Yorkat.6 CKJ P. M., arrive st Erie 837 M. 'Leave Erie 54 3 155.7. N., arrive at New Yo*lciar. M. • Plc c.hange cam between Erie and New Xi://1/, . Illeganq weeping Cans on aU Night Trains. , • • For Miormation respecting Passel' r Obeittesa 10114.7 , atcorneTTHIEVITETH titnd, hi' • Aridibr J r., • is. B. Eingr,ton, Jr., corner _Thizteenth.stold market gta...Philadelpidsv 31.,War.43ynoltie, • MIMI= Brown Agent, saistalo're. • t • : • •-• ..1L.,110U5T0.15,•, , • General Prole Agen . . . General "riolcetZp . hiai • • • IgSRROAPPI#IYIPAIWP9OI''' I'tl~ r ~VF~ST. piiiii4zlA•4(vANA TRAVELING GiUIDE. r , . NORTH ' - PENNSYLVANIA _ R.—THE 'MIDDLE 1101:1TE:—.: a. - moittlirectline to Bethlehenioillentownd- Manch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven Wilkeebarrei litahanoy.CitY, and all POWS ;lithe Lehigh And W9Oll Ming Coal Reams.. , • ; Paasenger, Depots 'i - n mama/ =Win street above Thompson ; and Center Of Pi and ANEW . -.,- WINTER 'inikAzgenosiorr. NINE DAILY TRAINS. , On and after,Monday.Nov. 20th.1865,Passenger trains leave the Depot, Third street, above Thompson, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows.: , AT 7.50. A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and and PrinCipAl Stations on North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting 'at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Catasauotia, Blatington, 'Mauch Chunk, Weatherly, Jeaneaville, Hazleton, White Ho , ven,Wilkesbarre, Kingston, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and. Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection with Lehigh and Val army Railroad for Mah army,ty' and with Catawissa Railroad, for Rupert, Danville. Milton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 11.45 A. 3L at Wilkesbarre at 2.40 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at P.M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, pacsiog Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for Eats. ton and points on• New Jersey Central Railroad to New York. AT 8.25 A. M.—Acxxonmodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers. for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Ilartaville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation. for Fort Washing. ton, stopping at all intermediate Stations. At 2.30 PAL Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at - Doylestown for New Hope. AT &So P. M.—Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rail road, making close connection at Bethlehem with Le high Valley Train for Easton, re-aching there at 6.45 P. M. Passengers for. Plainfield, Somerville and other points on New Jersey Central R.R. take N. I. C. Train at Easton, whim arrives in New York at 10 P. M. Pas. Bangers for Scummy - town take stage at North Wales. and for Nazareth at Bethlehem and for Greenville at Quakertown AT 4.15 P. AL—Aecommodaton, for ,Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for , Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at Abington : for Lumberville at Doylestown:: AT 6.15 P. X.—ThroughAuxnnioaation, for Beth lehem and all Stations on main line of North Palau'. vania Railroad, connecting at. Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley .Evening Train for points on h Valley Railroad and for Danville. itliansperband Wisali Railroad. AT 6.15 P. M.—Accommodation. foe I%wrnal4le, atop- Ong at all intermediate Stations. At 11 P. M. Accommodn PHILADELPHIA. Washington. TRAINS FOR Leave Bethlehem at 6.26 and /OM A. M.. and 6.16 P. -Passengers leaving Easton at LSO A. M., connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 12.25 P. M. Passengers leavingWilkesbarre at IP. M. connect at Bethlehem at, 8.15 P. M., and arrive in Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M. . Leave Doylestown at 6.80 A. M. 8.15 and 5.80 P. M. Leave 7 .4”..1.1.3 at. LW A. M. Leave Fort Washington at SUNDAYS his) and 215 P. M. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for .Pbe.delphts at 7.20 Bethlehem for Philadelphia at4P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars 0014 V 9 Pan• engem to and from Berke Street Depot. 3 h - bite Cam of Second and Third Streets Line convey passegners to Third Street Repot. Tickets mustberocoredat. the Ticket Offices, THIRD street or street In order to secure the lowest rates of fare. RUM (11.A.11.1i, Agent. Hillman's Baggage Express will call for and deliver at the Depot. B C a ln e No. 113 South THIRD street. nol4-tit - PENNSYLVANIA ONNITLAL RAILROAD. A RRA IsTGEBEKNTt3. The trains at the Pennsylvania B. B. will leave q d New , Depot at Thirtieth and Market streets. The cant of the Market Street Passenger Railway ran to and from this Depot. They also leave Front street every two minutes, commesemg one hoar pm pion to the time of departure of each Train and a ll ow about SO minutes for a trip. Theft cars are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey Passengers Into the city, and connectiona are made with allroads crow ntrsMarket street. STINDAYS-01111 leave Eleventh and Market streets at t. 45 P. IL, to connect withthe Pittsburgh and Erie Mail. and at 10.. W P. M. with Phltadelphia Ez dress Mann's Bslcssae Express will hereafter be located at No. 81 South eventh street. Parties desiring Baggage taken to the trains, can have It Gene resscinable rues npoeapplication to him TES-Us LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT TAU& REM • at 7.. V A. X. TA.A.Os . . at t* PAOLI ACCOM., Fit). 1 - " ioo A. PAST LINE. • • • • " r_co PAESISSURO, • • • " /- 111 P. ZIL HARRLBURO AOOOM., . 2.aa LANCASTER ACXOSI., • • " too PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2• • " at* PITTSBOROH. &ERIE Arr 7,3 p PHILADELPHIA VXPRESS . Lux CINCINNATI EXPRE„.. . La) A. FRIT. A DELPHIA EXPRESS • " 7.10 " PAOLI ACCOIL, No. 1 • • " seal PARKESBURG - - " ERIE I.X.PRESS. - • - " 11.20 LANCASTER TRAIN " 12-m P. FAST LINE - • .• • " Lio " PAOLI AOLXIIL, No. 2, • - 4.40 . RAT EXPRESS - • • " 5.4.5 HARRISBURG ACCO3I.. • . g. 90 Pniladelphia Express leaves deb-. Pittaburgt. and Erie Maine:lves dailY texceni Satorda.l). other Trains daily—except Sandal. The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will not =Mae aannyy ria.k torßag itE,. except for Wee itrig Api-arel, and I LAMS their resp 3 olisib ity to Ono Han, iced Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value. wlll be at the risk of the owner. unless taken by spemal con: roe,. For farther Information, as to time and connections, lee tails and framed curds, or apply to. THOm A H H. PARICE, Ticket Agent. at the Depot. An Emigrant Train runs daily, except Sand-iv. Por tall information as to tare aced accommodations, apply to FRANCIS RUNE. N0..127 Dock street. . pvrit4A OELYHLS.„ GERM • TOWN AND SORRLSTOW N sae TABLE—On . _ and after Wr..D -IiEIiDAT, November Ist, Itao, until ftirther notice: FOR ORRM NTO WS. LeaVenlladeltatta--6, 7,5, 9,10, u, 12. A. M. 1,2, ,3.10 Minutes, SU, 4. 5, rai - , 6,7, 8, 9 , 10. 11, 12, P. M. Leave Germantown —4. 7. Ili, 8, B.= 9, 10, 11, 12, A. U..; o 1,2, 2., 4, 4,6,, 6, eh, 7,6, 9, 10. p. IL I The SD) dwn =ln, and the 3% and 531 up trades do notstop en German ON town Br N anch. SUDA Y 21.. - - Leave Philadelphia- 7 9;1D loalarake, A. M.. 'I. aad M. P. ISL. Leave Eiermaantown-8 A. IL; 1, and DX, P. CajakiTNUT 'FITT.T RA Leave Pldhuielabla-6, 8, 10, 12, A. M.; 2, Eat, 53 7,5, and 11, 2.31. M.; L4o Leave C 8.40, hestnntlEDU-7.10 nd 10nOntdee, g am , and IL4O A. , 5.40, 6.40, 6.40, a. 40 P ON SUNDAYS. Leave Paladelphia-9:10 minutes, A. M.; !, and 7 past. Leave chestnut Hill-7.40 minutes, A. M.; 1140. 5.40 and 9-25 rainates P. M. FOP. CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRLSTOWN. Leave Philadelphiar—S, 6.35, 11.te xratintee, A. 31.; 134 a, 43i. 534, 8.05, and 113., P. M. Leave Nonistown-6,4,.7, 7.50, 9.51, A. M.; 134,434, and 8 P. M. The 534 P. a. train will atop at School Lane, Wisss, Woken, Mainbytir.k, Spring Mills and Conshohocken tray. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. IL. and 7P. M. Leave NOITIZtOWII.-7 A. AL. and 5 P. M. FOB MANA.Y UNE. Leave Phitadeluhla-6, 8.35,1145 A. IL; IX, 3, 4.46., 8;4, 8.05, and ILsi. P Leave 3fianarans-6X, 734., , 9X,1136 A. DL; 9, Ni and .8, P. DL ON SUNDAYS; Leave Philadelphia-9 A. At; tif and 7P. M. Leave Diansynak.-7X .IL.; sX and bP. E. W.V. WILSON, Geaeral Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTI n MORE at:canal. RAILROAD. INPs6II. A ititANGEILENTS.—On and after WED NESDAY October 18th, 15&5, the trains will leave Ball. adelpine from the depot of West Chester and Phil adelphia Railroad, corner of Thirty-first and Market streets, (West Philadelphia,) at 8.05 A. 55., andl4.4 P. M. Leave Oxford at 6.50 .a.. AL : , and 3.10 P. M., The train leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M., connects at Oxford with a daily line of 'Magee from Peach Bob tom la Lancaster. Returning leaves Peach B.:Awn:l to cennect at Oxford . with the afternoon train for Phila delphia. Passengers axe allowed to take wearineap. Patel -,only as baggage, and is no case will the Com pany be resPonalbH OD a .G m e o ne u ra t lS c u e p e e d r i i n n g en l de nt .ti OFFICCE OF THE AD %AM EX -PRESS COMPANY , k.lO uffEsr • •:T ' PHILADELPHIA,, January Vth, lam The Adams Express Company have enlarged their Deepat Washington, D. U. ' by building a Railroad Depot, and having acquired 'additional capacity for transportation. are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing ton, :Georgetown, Alextuidria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adanistown, FortresS Monroe, and abler Voices Booth, occupied by the army, greatly reduced. rates. Special agreements made tor Merchandise in large lots. Sutler's goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at oar office. Soldiers' parcels ralten,at much less than our usual rates. , Heavy and belay packages received and receipted for at our depot, Sontheaaccornei of BROAD and 1.0- 01JbT streets. , JOHN BINGILAIC Superintendent. / VT . 1,1, TY' P T ( 1 j : k L 1 2A • Ir. I VIA BALTDAGRE AND OPLIO gnrt.R )AD. ! . 'PIiB.OUGH FREIGHT TOPARISIIthiT_,.. I 1 , . DEPOT, .B.ROAD STREET,. ABOVE 0 14- vrtliP. • The undersigned will ,continne the GeneralFr_elght Agency of the Ph il adelphia, virtimingtott.and Bahl. Creme 'Railroad, for Philadelphia: by way or the above. to_oktitelhe West. • _ bhipperit and theptikillegenerallY are 'hstured th at theersanitttion of through trains seams 'toFreight -trigtransit: and prompt delivery to . all pelts parte. Thiptipi ;Sten and MsW i lri a r cs e c t i app to I •••• ' • • General Freight Agee • " SON 6. WILSON , Fright _ Agent, . felts' • •• . Office. Sixth;street. th,syv e chest et. , , . FOR NEW. YORE—BY THE N W • RAILROAD ROME. TRAJM. CA.MDF.N. LOW FARE. - - • ON AND 'Avrtat , MONDAY, o JAIC.3rn; ! 1861 1 , tne Express Train f andlLtlaware a the Raritan , y ;Railro ai ad will leave Camden, from Vide Street rry rongi-in - Fare $2 00. Exeuxtrion Tickets good for three d4sro. $3 00 . • • • ) I FtefFlatTrain leaVes at and arrives in New ork.loixt morning.. il•• • '• , • i FRovfNEN:Fp.I.IF.4, 3W. presslino leaves Pier, No:3 at 12.2 Q P. X. and • orrivo in Camden Freight and Aecoramodatkoi !Me leayeant4Pal.llnd ' wrives earinlenatt 11 'F. Mof1:, ,r - • Freight tairen at Jow ratea....4FP/F a i9 t L. 0016 , , , A rt COOPerp Fbtot, Camden. - ..,'15.911§11=321i This.VELiNG 01M)E. . FOR NEW_ ti CAM DEN AND - AzdraY and PHILA. —AND—TRENTON -RAILROAD' COM PANY'S LINES, from Philadel hiato New York; and '2,wayf &WOW frolit'W IMF= ' WHARF% „will leave asfollowavia: , - . Aire. r At - CA:af..`, Via Camden and .Ainboy, Aced ' in., 12'25 !At 5A.51.4 Via Camdenand Jersey C`iy x Elpresti, ;3.00 • ILL ItL , ;via Carnuen and Amboy rem; 18 25 At 12 IL ...(n0on) ,and BP. via Cam en, and AmbAceoraniodation,_.(Freight and; Pas- At 6 and ILECi.P. ;la Camden and ' Amboy, Accom modation, • . • (Freight and Passenger) Ist Clahs Ticket, , 225 2d Class Ticket, 150 nd At 6 a,loA.M.,2and SP.M. For Mount Holly,. Ewans vine:Pemberton and Tnicentown. At 6A. M., and 2P.11L for Freeholdl At 6 and - 10A. hi. 12111,8.00, 5, 6 and 11.30 P.. M. for-Pal myra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Edgewater, Bur lington, Florence. Berdentown,• ac. • The 10 A. and , 5 P. M. Line runs direct through to Trenton. LINES FROM KENSENZGTON DEPOT will leave At um A. M., 4.80 P. 111 and , 6,45 P, M. via Ken sington and Jersey' City_ hxpress 63 00 At 12P. M. (Night) via Kensington and _Jersey The Express 2 25 6.45 P. M. Line Will run daily. All others Sun days excepted. ” At 7.80 and 11.15 A. M. 8, 3.30, 4.30,5 and 6,45 P. M.. and 12 Midnight, for Bristol, Trenton,;(kc. At 7A, M., 1030, 3,5, and 6 P. IL for Cornwells, Tor risdale, Tacony, Wissinoming, Brides burg and Frankfora and at 8 P. M. for lialmesbarg and intermediate Stations. BELVIDERE LELAWARE RAILROAD, for the Delaware River. Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De pot:as follows: At 7.30 A. M. and 3.80 P.M, for Niagara Falls, Baf- Dunkirk, Canandaigua:Pp - airs, Ithaca, Owego, Riochester; Bingliampum, Oswego, Syracuse, Great BenO. , Montrose, Wiuresbarre Scranton. Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton , Lambertville, Elem. ngton; &c The 3.30 P. M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem, 4.c.- ' At 6P. AL torLatabertville and intermediatoStations For New York, and Way Lines -leaving Ken sington Depot, take the cars on. Fifth street, above Walnut, bait an hour betore departure. The cars run Into the Depot. and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot.- On Sundeyr, Qmnibasses will leave Wal nut- street wharf at 6P, M. to connect with 635 P. M line. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as .baggage bat-their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid far extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound. and will not be liable for any amount beyond 1100. except by special contract JO - Tickets sold and baggage checked direct Utrouijit to Boston. Graham's Baggage Empress will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PECELADELPII/A: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and P. M.., via Jersey City endear:idea. At 7, le and 11.% si A.M., 6 P. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken ngton. From Pier No. 1 N. River, at 6A. If. and 2 P. IL, via Amboy and Camden. As. 12 If., 8 and 6 P. M. (Freightand Passenger), via Amboy and Camden. WIL EL GATZMER, Agent. 2BILADELPBEFA AND ELMS THROUGH LINE. TAWThati. RA TLROAD. S.bort line to Williamsport, Bindra,oll Regions, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and all places tn the Western, North Western and South Wes tern Statea and the Canadaa. Four throngs trains daily (Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and Leave North Peruasylva. Iteadingll.ll.Depot. I nia Bal. Depot, 13 A. 2‘, 7.30 A. M. LSO P. M. 5.15_ . P. M. One train on &nifty at aTs P. By all these trains direct connection is made at El mira with Erie railway; at Salamanca with Atlantic and Great Westernn railway; at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Lake Shore D. B.: and at Suspension Bridge with Great Western railway. Fare always as low as by any other line. Sleeping ears on all night trains. Second class cars with cushioned seats accompany each express train, giving passengers the advantage of high speed with low fare. For through tickets and further particulars concern lug the routes. apply at the. Ticket Office, sr.s Chestnut street. ocil N. VAN BORN. Pas. Agt. LL.N Pii—FrornZetof - X:aXetstreet "i . oxcept Staidays. FALL AND Commencing wF,Dism - stIAY, .NOVEMBEIt 15th, For Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and nalem Railroads. at 9A. M. and anti P. M. For le and all intermediate Stations, a 9 A. M. and 3 P. 5L BF° r pe May and intermediate Stations, at 9A. M., to Mtll~-ille connecting with freight train (Passenger Car attached) for Cape May, due 3.45 P. M. and 3011 P. Bt. through psasenger, due 6.1)11 P. at. For Wasabozo' and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. H. 3and3 IP. M. For Woodbury, Gloucester, &c., at 9 A. IL, 3, 3.30, and 030 P. IL MESIV4E;E;MEMI J. V RENSSELAER, Superintendent, THE 'WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of ExpasZ.9 Bus 'ass, receive, deliver, and forward. through other re sponsible Express Vompanles, to all parts of the coontry, any article entrusted to thPm. A Special. Messen ger acconipantes each through train. Office, No. '5 Walnut street, p el'livolzzit gi,i ;141:71 HOOPSHIRTS, 628628 2CETi7 PALL STYLES NOW READY of Hopkins' "own make," at No. 628 ARCH Street. These skins are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of firsts: am trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladles, Misses and Children, which, for finish and dnrabilttu". have no equal in the market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also. constantly oe hand, a fall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 springs, at very lowprices. Skirts made to ordetr, alteredand repaired. Wholesale and retail. nolB-6nt{ IX7 IN DOW GLASS. VI WILLIAM EVANS, Jr., W 2 80=4 RBONT St, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Atinerlmn hnd French Glass, Patty. .Paints, Oils , Varnishes. etc. A very o.mtrable brand of Gl= for Picture Prances. - E. S. 11 NIC.II T & CO.. WHOLESA GROCEIRS, . S. E. C4)r.-WATER and CHLSTNUT streets, Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and • the Grocers' Sugar Rouse, of Philadelphia- Jal-tyr EOECtE SHARP. Patentee tv.d manutactarer of the BALL PATTI:EN SILVEE. WARE, No. 411 Prune street. JAZ-2mo. T. VALGEAN NMR33IC7I. NVIL, H. 'urRrPTU. JNO. E. MEE. DUTIEW ASH FOUND R Y. LETS AND WAKED s LtieTON STREETS, PmmanICC.VICLit. rm - Raßics. a SONS. "ENGIN - Rvits AND MaaRINISTS Man - start - tore High and Low Pressure Steam linens and Marine Service. Jam-, Unsure-ems, Tanks. Iron Pasta ao, ' ...tastings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron. rants Room for Goa Works, Workahepa a aib•or.c. ;Mations, &0. ‘terms and Gas Machinery, of the latest and mop mproved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; ant: Sugar. Saw and , Grist Mills, Vacuum Pana, OPM Steam Trains, Dasicatzas, Filtem Pumping En. Sole Sole Agents for N. Blllenea Patent Sugar apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer Asp ining Macinwall & Woohine. lsey's Patent Dearth:gal Segal Dra DENNSYLVANIA WORILP,--en the lONLAWA3.II . 1 1- • River, below PHILADELPHIA, CBLESTEB, Delaw are r , Pa. ,•SN OM, litudneers and Iron Boat Builders, • Manufacturers of All kinds of OONDBNBENG AND NoreirepEmaie EA GENES, iron Vessels of all descriptions. Boilers, Vats, Tanga - Propeli_ ,ers - &a. T. REANBY, W . B. BLEANNI, B. ABCIEMBOLl), Late of Late neaney, Neatle & Co., . Engineer In aniet Penn Works. Phila. U. nay?. F FHTELADICLPHLA 4 BIDING SOCHOOL... r I POITRTH street, above Vine; will re-open far miss Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. 46th, Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a tharotejs knowledge of this accomplishment will And every Witty at this sehooL The 'horses - are sale and well trained, so that the most timid need not ftar. Saddle horses trained In the best manner. Saddle hams, horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriages for rals, to cars, steamboats, - . _Taos. CIRAIGF, di son 'DETER WGHT •Z:. aIiCeORT RI NRS EARTEGEINWASS, SHIPPING AND COMEISSION MED.CELA • +l. NO. DS. WAL,.'ctrT STREET, races A.minner,. . cumuiane A. (=zoom, zgo.B.;.srosrixo. , , rinx•DOILII Vi 7111082% fIAS BLXTUBEB.--MISKIM • MERRILL & kJ THACKARA, NO. -, 718 , ki(SII:IDSTIWT street, Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &C„ &c., would call ,the Attentlow of the public to their large aid elegant aasortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendts; Brackets, &a: 'they also' introduce - Gas pipes Into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extend ing,ultering and repairing Gas. pipes. AU work War ranted.-; . r %so • DIA •+' , 1:14 . 4.. • I • • only place to get Privy .7ella Cleansed and plain fected;at Very low prices.' , A. PEYSSON; ' • - ;) Blannfitaturer of Pondrette. • . • •et r DIES MAKINGt. FiIEXPLE OFAFASECION. , —.PARP3 DRESS AND 11 CLOAK MAKING , In Its ...,vartetiea.- All the latest st.t les o rimy ortedl'aper.Patterns to selecturnno, in S teeve.v. Waiste: Opera-Cloaks and Thal t Coats: also: , large ,assortnient of beauttful -Dress Cloak Trim., wings and Buttons. Wedding . . anti traveli.Pg onttita Inide ivith n eatiass and despatch:" Suits of alourning 'at the slittrtest. notice, at •te e lowest-possible prices,. The eu tlte business , is =0 errthe .s,uperta tendence at : ' NES. Bl , yDEltiquidalt °Viers from'a distance+ • ill - ieeeNe 'her iiiiiiietlizte'attern Lad lea . PWast note my nemiiaba! 4drese .TO avoid being de-_ ceirea,,alco. loal, CheStant street twoidoors above toe -Picadetay of-1•Ine rEAT/ES:77, oOK OUT FOR BARGAiN.S.--NVA.I.,TONv N 48, I 1_1,4,19'0214 becoodeg•eet.inylow yonA:l i ca.U. and seqbas , stock of Al,l3Ultt arld, FRAIK,Kh. I , l9eF. 4 are the eleikiSiert. ever offeriwkr the - ptionotil , °weaves at WALTON'S btore, No, 98 .Nellfr zja t ut, NYCPBOPY.4 W0RM 1T 49 47 Vi 1 1 , 2290) a I •-/tV4I4 SHIPPING VOrt NEW YORK* EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LINE Nave cimainenCed their regular OIITSIDEiiips. TheNNWand fastalass Ste • ' hips WASHINGTON; Captain Chiehester: . NORFOLK, Captain Vance. • ALEXANDRIA, Captain Hattrick. . VIRGINIA, Captain Snider. Leaving from each city on TITE!ADAYS, THURS DAYS and sATUDDAYS, from first wharf below Market street, Phliadelphia, and Piers 14 and lb East Rivet, N Y ew ork. ,These Steamships insure at lowest rates, .• Freight received DA ILY at our usual low rates. WM. P. CLYDE & CO, Agents 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. - WAS. HAND, Agent, 117 Wall street; New York. ...r : , .. HAMILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. 7., "ANCHOR LINE OF STEAMERS."' -HIBKRN.I.A," • • • ••' "COLUMBIA." "CALEDONIA," . "OAMBRIA t " . • "BRITANNIA," ' . "INDIA." Steam to LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, BELFAST, DUB. LIN, NEwRY. CORK AND GLASGOW. RATES OF P A SAGE, PAYABLE IN PARER. CIIRIMICY. CABINS f 92, 880 and $7O STEERAGE $3O Steamship - 1118ERNLA.." ' leaves SATURDAY January 27. , . TILE PAID CERTIFICATES issued for bringing cut passengers trond the above points at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. Also, to and from ALL STATIONS ON THEIRI.iH RAILWAYS. SPECIAL NOTICE —Passengers will takeparticular notice that the "Anchor Line" Is the only line gra. ting through tickets at the above rates,from Philadelphia to the points named above, and that the undersigned is the only duly authorized Agent in Philadelphia.- Apply to W. A. R •ifTL.O Sole Agent for "ANCHOR No. did-WALNUT Street _ STEAM TO Lf Vitit.PouuLa •- - n .1. at QIIMINSTOWN. the Inznatt Line aaillng carrying the 1:1. S. Maf lL CITY OF NEW YORK_ -Saturday. lan. 77 KANGAROO.- Jan. 81 lap OF, BUEiTON...—___________Jsaturday. F e b. 2 , At Noon. front Pie" 44 North Riper. ' BATES OR PASSAGE, , PAYABLE Dr GOLD. Flat Cabin. --490 First to London-- ..-- 45 Steerage to Landau—. 34 First to Paris---....-146 Steerage toParis.-...... 40 Passengers also timmrded Havre, Hanabtag, Br, men, &e-, &c., at moderate rates. - Paresige by the Wednesday Steamers, First Chedit s 90._Steerage, 135, payable in 'United States (=nem,. Manna passage from Liverpooler eenskekm,lllol gold,.orAts egnlvaleat. . Tickets min be light bare by pergolas sandbag Ayr their friends. , For tamer inforessuon, apply at the Gam= 01. lees. , JOHN G . DALE. jest :. - 111 - Wabutt street. Philadelpida. 410111 M - FOB BOSTON. • ' STEAMSHIP tnint DIRECT. FROM.RACH PORT EVERY .F.1T'ED.4.112, FROM. PINE ST. WHARF, PRIMADMPHLS., AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship ARIES, Captain Crowell, =will sag from Philadelphia on Monday. Jan. 29, at 10 A. M. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews will sail from Boston on Saturday, January W, at 12 DIG r The line . between Philadelphia and Boston 41 now composed of the SAXON, Captain Maahews„.l9tO tons lmrthen. NORMAN, Captain Baker, IMO tons burthen. ABMS, Captain Crowell, 900 tons burthep. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers oods are requested to send Bills of Lading with their g. For freight or passage apply Y WINEGB di CO., Jays ISM South Delaware avenue, RE-OPENLNIG OF THE OUTSIDE LINE OF STEAMERS between PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE.' This favorite line will commence their trips on THURSDAY next, Seth inst. The following well known and staunch sea-boats will be placed on the route: fliteaMer A.D'Artna Capt.:Nichols. F ASTERN • Mundy " Edmonds, Days of :departure Moroi each dry) will be TUES DAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, leaving this city 'from first wharf below Spruce street at 11 o'clock, A. M. and New York from pier 4, ...North Ricer, at 4 o'clock P. M Freights received daily. and 'taken at reasonable rates. All goods destined beyond New York will bet forwarded free of commissions. For rates of freight, &c., apply at the office:3l4 and als South Delaware avenue. nco.stfi: P. R. CLARK, Agent. it=pvrri A D.F.4,PELLA. RICHMOND AND DTORFOLR smathsre COMPANY. The line steamships of this Line insure at the lowest rates and sail rt•galarly from the First Wharf above Market street, every WEDNESDAY ard SATURDAY. \ At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk and city Point, forming the moat direct route for the South and Southwest. For freight or passage, with excellent accommocisi lions, apply 10 WM. P. CLYDE a Co., 14 North and South Wharves. NEW EMPRESS LINE TO ALEX ANDRIA, Georgetown and Washington. ii;,U:Ceislpeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at AIPT ndria, Va., form the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market !greed every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 M. .For freight apply to the agents. W. P. CLYDE & CO., 14 North Wharves, J. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; M. Eldridge al Co., Agents at Aleiandria; • NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DELAWARE and IIILKSIZBASI) 82/141 IV-BOAT COMPANY: BARGES towed to and from PHILADELPHIA, HAVRE-DE-GRACE, BALT - I:HOBE, WASHING, TON. and intern eftte pointa. . P. CLYDE do CO.. Agents, N 0.14 siOuth Wharves, Phlladellinl2. • Captain JOHN LAUCIFTLIN, Saperimendent— rW- 4 7,7W7_ 7 1 ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER LME. SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift- Sure Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship . CARLYLE L. Ifo_pkln. Cemm'ander, Is now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River. This beautiful vessel is one of the sharpest and best vessels now loading. Raving a portion of her cargo on board with large' engagements, will have quick despatch. For freight, apply to BISHOP, SON S CO., 105 Arch street. _s FOR LA GUAYRA AND PUERTOCA -11E11D:to e bal tt r FIF an E y E da W y. .1 1( N r Ci the W a tk ov t% ports.. For trerill sail ght or passttze, apply to JOHNDAD LETT rt. CO., No. 1M V/ Mont 5 , h - est. jaV. . FOR ROSTON,Mass.—Express Line.—Tbe rine .chooner RUZABETII MAGEE, Magee, master, Is now loading for the above port at Girard's wharf, above Market street, and will sail with despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID CJOPEB.IB North Wharves. ja24 _ FOR PROVIDENCE L—Express now The le tn schoonerol ir theabove po Lambert,t t G masters 1 wharf,• above Mailtet street, and will have orancirdi despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, Itt North Wharcee: -sa2* • FOR BALTIMORE. MD.—The fi ne' schooner 3tlGgenMloadln'for theve waUve Market street, and will sail with despatch. For freight. apply to DAVID COOPFM & CO., Is N. Wharvee. .6ALzt FOE b , ALE.—The fast sailing 'schoonerJ. 11017STON, 295 tons register and aver? large Si - gVE carrier. Built of Delaware white oak and not tom metalled. Sails and rigging in good order, Apply to E. A. t OURS It & CO., Dock street wharf., / - 08, BREMEN.—The Al Bremen ship EMU; Pt. Renry °liken.' For Cabin passage. having line arcommodations,'apply to the Captain on board, or to woRam.AN ft W. I.= Walnut a., ;dela .&FOR FRED:MT OR. CHARTER.—The tine brig E P. S'f.e.WART Captain Holland. 4,000 bola. capuity: Apply to - DAVID COOPE , la IV. 'Wharves. ' ; . ja2o Q TEA MSETP ABTES, FROM BowoN,--orni. 0 signees of merchandise;: per above steamer, will please send for their goods, now. landbag at 'Pine street WbarL ia2s-8t HIP persolis are hereby . motioned S agalnat Artelting any. of the crew of the Br. ship S. TLLLY, whereof Cann La master from City Point, Va., as no debts (sr their ' contracting will be paid by captain or consignee. ED.HIINDA. SOU,DEIt tk. CO., Dock street wharf. ~ , del9, QHLP ZOIIAVE, Blair, muter. from Llverpool. is street dlscharguag under general Walnut wharf. , Consignees wilt - please' attond to the reception' of their goods: PETER 'WRIGHT & SONS. 11.5 Walnut street.. jalS-tf . , ALL .PEBSONIS ABE HEREBY CAUTIONED -Da- ; trusting the crew of the Er. ship MOUNT BOYn ar tu. _ mminger, master Llverpool.m no debts' f their contraction will he paid by the carisdn or.Corsignees. I..ETEIIt. WRIGHT. 44 SONS, usEwal. ' Anna:rem . . . - NOTICE.—AIi persons are •hereby' cautioned agidruft, barboring and Wastin noy of the crevr of the Danish brit . ; DeMiNIA.RK,' adebtn of Moir contract. tog be Paid: by. captain or oonslgnees.. WORK. MAN & CU.. C,onslgnee.g. la Walnut street. . • • JS•f3,SEMNIILB - R.Esacctspor to JMEN SHLNDLEI4 drAgNSOSsill meters N0.244.15 - orth VICARVZIS, belcita-vme street7-PliliEuitia. • , .a 641 mork .donerin:ther•bee =WOW d toieAoindit sat 4, mootAvorable tarps eutapsiFaut , Ed Ilya pari feersatbrattlan.. . • ' r at:Wit:lnn even ta IPOR HATE.‘-Si ELLI's CO:SS/31P SHEATHING EIG.T.IIOOts to Suit. Apply , torwsg, ; wArGirr HGNS. WatnP!. B 4 o P t,,,,, ~. 0;*•4" . , : . . . er. 6 :s IN—if—', LOW' IirSTAX: 'SARA. G Osei Neals ;; Bolt ati lind9r AWsll:o2pt. etinatantlyion *kw* teeralfglY URAPYRITMOOR foS9lsAninikliallgrit4 tt . HEENIIY Nnmsou at co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers