t ,,: 7'PeransylinuilEs , Legisintriie. . . [CLOSE OF YESTER - 3iLT'S PBOCEEDWq!.dr HATiIIi§BURG, Jan. 7.6,'1566' fif - Ex - I.2X`—Mr: Connell called'up tthe bill allowing the Philadelphia' Fire 'lnguande , Coinpany to increase their capital. 'Passed • Mr, Schell called up the bill incorPoiatilig' the'Lehigli Slate Company.' Passed Mr. Lowry called up the billincdryarating the Corry Gas and Water CoMpanY. 'Passed. Mr. Ridgway 'called up the bill thiliple mentary to the act incorporating the Pres ton Coal and Improvernent Conipany. Passed. Mr.' Connell called up the bill incorpo rating the Fidelity Trust and Safe Deposit Company ,of. Philadelphia. Passed .to ' third reading and laid over. ' • Mr. Schell called up the bill incorporating the Lehigh: Valley Insurance ' Company. Passed. The - bill incorporating the Dilaware and Susquehanna Railroad Cori:Tarry; was passed.' [This railroad is to run frdm Wil kesbarre to , the Delaware 131Yer, near" Easton]. • Adjourned until Monday past eighto'cloc . evening a'thalf • • k . , Housg.—Mr. McPherrin offered a resolu tion ordering the printing of four thinisand copies of the resolutions relative to the death of , President', Lincoln, together with c the speeches delivered in thellougeon 'Tuesday. evening. TheTesolution was lost,by . a vote of 54 nays to 35 yeas: _ • - ' Mr. Adair offered a resolution to print one thousand copies' of the report of the Atlantic and Great Western' Railroad Investigating Committee. ;Refused • Mr. Josephs Moved that when the House adjourn it do'uotb;ineet on Monday, even ing next, by. which time the Governor's Message would:be 'ready. Messrs. Quigley and Kerns supported the motion," an-d;Rusl dirrian and others opposed it. , The motion wa g' 'l os t ) Bills Introduced.;-Mr..llriddiman; incor pcirating the Pennsylvania Association „Tor the adytdacement of Science.. . ' Also, to ratify-and-confirm 'the charter ',Of, incorporation„. 'of 'the Atlantic petroleum Storage Company. the followingi? amending the revenne o the, - Coninugkectith: .R An Act to amend zne Revenue laws of tuts Ommonwealth : SECTION 1. Be it enacted, tec. t. That from and after the pessage of- this act it shall be the duty of the cashier of any bank of this Commonwealth, whether incorporated Co under the laws of this State - r ofthe United ' States, to collect annually from every stock holder of said bank a tax_of one:per ceuttun upon the par value of the stock held by said stockholder, and to pay the same into the State Treasury on , or before the fErst day of July in every year hereafter, commencing on the first day of July, A. D.. 1866, and the said stock shall ;be exempt froiii all other taxation under the laws of this Common wealth. SEc. 2. That in addition to the taxes now provided for by law, every railroad, canal and transportation - company incorporated under-thelaws of this Commonwealth, and not liable to the tax upon income - under ex isting laws, shall pay to the Commonwealth a tax of three-fourths of one per centaur upon the gross receipts of said company. The said tax shall ke paid semi-annually upon the first days of July and January, commencing on the first day of July, 1866, and for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of the said tax it shall be the duty of the Treasurer or other proper officer of said company to transmit , to the Auditor General at the dates aforesaid a statement, under oath or affirmation, of the amount of the gross receipts of the said Company during the preceding six Months; and it any such Company shall refuse or fail, for a period of thirty days after such tax becomes due,to, make said return or to pay the same, the amount thereof, with an addition of ten percent. thereto, shall be collected for the use of the Commonwealth as other taxes are recoverable by law froni said companies.' SEC. 3. From and afterthe passage of this act the real estate of this; Commonwealth shall be exempt from taxation for State purposes, except thehalf-mill tax imposed by the act of May 15th, A. D. 1861, pledged for the redemption of the loan created by said act. Provided, that this section shall not be construed to relieve the said real es tate from the payment of any taxes due the Commonwealth at the date of the passage of this act. Mr. Josephs, relative to the Board of Di rectors of the Equitable Insurance Com pany. Passed. , Mr. Watt, a supplement to the Union • Gold and Silver Mining Company. Mr, Pennypacker, a joint resolution re questing the Governor tot forward to Mrs. Lincoln Ei - copy Of" the resolutions of the HOlll3O (adopted-on Tuesday night) relative to the late President. Passed. Mr. Sturdivant, incorporating the Titus ville Pipe Company, to lay pipe from Pit hole to Titusville. Mr. Grady, incorporating the Scranton and Providence Passenger Railway. , Mr. Wingard, supplement to the 'Penn sylvania Tubing Transportation Company. Power to lay ten miles of pipe. Mr. Markley, incorporating the 'Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company. • • Mr. Harp, incorporating the Northumber landrCounty Rstilrodd. Mr. Davis, an act relative to the _Ger mantown• Water Company. Passed.-- Ad . , ourned: ' _ The Philltulelphia Gas WorliS. The thirty-first annual report of the Trus :".. tees of the:Philadelphia Gas Works for 1865 • was completeclye.sterday. It states that the . cost of manufacturing gas per 1,000 cubic feet in 1865 was as follows: '93,069 tons of coal; at $ll 40 per - ton, . . . . . . $1,060,986 60 'Carting, freigh4 shells, •wages, . . . . A 13,130 51 Repairs of works, mains, . -219,206.'45 Salaries of officers, •clerks, me ter inspector's and incidentals, '268,865 73 Interest on loans and. invest ment to - Sinking funds, • " $2,242;542 95 Less receipts for coke, tar,lime, . . 200 331 70 • $2 012 161 Li Showing that-t 32,025,000 cubic feet' 'of gas; • that.being the amount delivered: to• private and public consumers in 1865, cost 0'2,042,- 161 25, or $2 79 per 1,000 cubic feet... -• The cost of lighting the public lamps was $572,893 71. The amount received from the city for the same was $381,243 50, showing a loss to the works of $191,650 21, 1 The net price Net 1,000 feet, received in , 1865, , . • . $2 85 . AVerage price '.'per 1,000 feet, received 1861, • . •■. . 2 531 Making an exeess,of•price received in 1863 , 31. :cents per ,000 cubic feet, which, ,on t funount delivered l to private consumers in, 1865; - . 565.939,500 cubic feet; amounts to . 4179,0.417. Thepaximum consumption of gas in 24 Wei..3;036,000, cubic feet;, which on the 19th •of December,.. bei ng 350,000 feet more thah on any one night in• - 1864. Coal on' hand Ist of January, 1866, 16,526 total:. s Limn used during the year, i 6230. bushels.. The - number. of .meters- Seivice pipes introduced in. 1865. was 860, which makes the present number. of, meters 'use 49,914, and service pipes Applidations for gas 'end'registers • wereslB6B. Miring the . year 29,2'73 ' new lighta were added, making the total 617,770. The publie lamps ,number 6,981. -The gross profitS of the year. amounted to $121,469 95, and the loss onl the businpss of the year is set down at $158,783' 60:- T owmg,it is said in the Oaihier's report, to the high price - Of coal and wages paid to the work men, and the great loss sustained in light jug thepublic lamps. . . • ' ! • ... •' , *_ r, From our Third' Edition _of Yesterday . CW 419n- - -` [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] t• WASHINGTON, Jani2.sth,-1866,—The Cana dian officials werein conference, with 'Secrem tary McCulloch last evening,' aPCLito-day with the Ways and Means Committee of the House. Theydesir - ekirsf to get an ex tension of the Reciprocity Treaty l . If they cannot get'that, then they wish such com mercial relations,a - s rwiLl be most advan tageous to both the United States and Canada. This latter desire will probably be acceded to. , The c,onsideiation of the - McCulloch finan cial bill has been postponed_by the Ways and Means Committee indefinitely. The foreign clause in the bill has been rejected. Despatches from Gen. Sheridan represent Matters quiet again on The gdo Grande. He is rigidly inve.stigating, the Bagdad affair. , The "Iron-Clad" 'aionfsdnoc. Bosrox, Jan. 25.—The BrigßeseWay from' Pernambuco; reports that she' saw U. rionclad Monadnoc 'going into Pern'ar4-' buco, on - Dec. 22d; in' company with two l; cbnvoya. The steamer Russia from' Boston, had tir! rived ont"in . bad condition. A survey had! been held and she will probably be bOif l denined: Match. , CLEVELAND; .J an. 25 .— Frawley : F pri, 47, billiarirmatch for the chaiiipionship,,of the State of Ohio last night, by two points. . th CONGBESS—FIRST SESSION: I , WAsrarrGYriik, Jan: 2S SENATE.-Mr. Foote (Vt.) asked -to be . eased from serving- on the Committee on Pensions. So ordered. " Mr. Grimes J(Iowa) .was. excused • froml s , rvipe,on the ,Committee on Public Lands. Mr. Sumner (Mass.) presented petitions] from citizens of .F'ennsylvania.,, asking ) the gmarantee of a republican form of govern:: men 4 which were referredto the Oammitteel on,Peconstruction. • Mr. Harris (N.,Y.) presented the petitioni of Piul S. FOrhes, asking for relief from,•al chntract'for the building of a vessel., Re ferred.to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Cowan (Pa.) presented the petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, asking for such action as shall prevent any States from Making distinction in civil rights on ac-, count of color, which was referred to, the committee on - reconstruction. • • Mr. Cowan also presented a petition, in favor of a protective tariff, which t was re ferred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Hendricks (Ind.), from the Commit-i tee on Public Lands, reported a bill to es tablish an additional land office in the State of Oregon, which, at the request of Mx. , Williams, was taken np and passed. HOUSE. —The House resumed the con sideration of the Constitutional Suffrage ! Amendment. Mr. Eldridge (Wis.) opposed'•it, stating, among other reasons, that certain States. entitled to be heard, were, not on this floor, by their representatives to be heard. Ice Bridge across the Bt. Lawrence. QUEBEC, Jan. 25.—An ice bridge , has been formed across the St. Lawrence river. New York Stock Market. Stocks are heavy and lower. Chicago and Bock Island. 97; Cumberland preferred, 46: Illinois Centre'. 1173-4. blicbigan Southern, 66%; New York Central, 96%; . Reading. 9.5. i; Hudson River, 44%; Gaston Com, pans, 44%; lilissouri 6s, 76%; Brie, 83%; Western Unicor Telegraph, 51: U. S. Coupons, , 1381, 103%; Ditto, 186 :4 102%: Ditto, 1865,101%; Ten-Fortfes, 93: Treasury 7 3-108; 98%@99; One Year Certificates, 86%; Gold, 139%, Death of a Prominent Merchant. James Boorman, of this city, for many years an active merchant of great influence in the commercial world, died yesterday morning,in the eighty-third year of his age. For several years past he had been retired. old age preventing the continuance of his active labor. The old firm of Boorman Si Johnson started in this city. before the war of 1812. The partners were two young Scotcbmen, and they began mercantile life as agents for, one of the old Scotch houses of Dundee. At one time the firm, changed to Boorman, Johnson S Co., by the admis sion of Adam Norrie, sold all the Virginia tobacco brought to this market. This firm also did something in the iron business, and received large consignments from Sweden: On'pne occasion, in 1835, we believe, they received a consignment of "iron pillars" from Stockholm. They were put, on the market, but *only , to be laughed at. Nobody wanted them, and so they Ai mained unsold. -Unable to find any , better use for them, the iron dealers had them. placed in thefront wall of their building in Greenwich, directly opposite Albany street, where they still remain, and are pointed out as the first iron pillars ever used in this city for such purposes. Boorman, JOhnson Co. were at one time not only the largest tobacconists but also the largest ISfadeira merchants, in the city. Mr. Boorman has a history, but it has ever been written; and cannot now be, save by some old merchant, who, like him self, -was intimately associated - with the mercantile enterprises of this city. Probably no merchant of the city was ever more ac tive in all schemes of benevolence than Mr. Boorman. It is a singular and interesting fact that he has been President of every cor poration, club, Sic., with which he was ever connected, not excepting the Hudson, River Railroad, of which he was one of the origi nal projectors. There appears in a curious list of subscribers to the 816,000,000 loan au thorized by Congress in February,.-1313, the name of Mr. Boorman for the sum of $10,00:2. Jaceb.Barker ,heads the list with $lOO,OOO. John Howland subscribed $50,000. Isaac assort loaned $500,000, and G. V. Broom the same amount.—N. Y. Herald. Sales at Philadelphia Stock Smiled. B a l',.'Fß AFTER FIRST BOARD. $3OOO US 5- ?s '65: c 101% f 100 sh 1S Y and Middle 8000 City 68 mold 91%1 Coal Fields '7'; 8 West PhDs R • 'B7j 2 109 sh do , SOO sh Union Canal 31-16 100 sh Catawlssa pa , 200 .sh Maple Shade bs4tin 37? - . • - slO 394-100 100 sh -Phil dr Er 1 e :b3O 1194' 890 sh .do . 315-16 92 sh Lehigh Val 61 , . 100 eh Del Div ' 81 200 sh Big. lionntain ' 10 sh Reading R 493.' Coal , , - b 5, sk. 240 sh do 510 49.14 200 eh Hestonv'e R 36 100 sb'N' Pa It 890wn 32?-;', - , ' ~t 50,353 FIRE PROOF -SAFES IdARV.TI4I'S _PATENT ALUM AND ;DRY PLASTER FIRE • AND, BURGLAR • • -SAFES.„... 72rCHESTNU L T STREET. Nearly _Twenty-live years experience in the '..rrariu facture and sale of Safes in New York City, enables Us. to present to the publican article unrivaled thwmar-: ket, ,Our Hares are - Preefrom'dampness, and do not corrode the iron.' Thorintahtyliredkrocif, and do not lose that quality. Furnished with the beat Powder-Proof Lock. I: 4 WF97t.TNG ROUSE SAFES of-orruuriental styles for Silver Plate, Jewelry, &c. aii - Safes of other makers taken in exchange, — bend for descriptive Circular. MARVIN& C0., - 721 CHESTNUT STREET, jale lm } Masonic IrallLPliiladelphia, and • — 24% BROADWAY, N. 7.IIIITBLETI DEDVIISTBY— o pain 4i7 PierrolflaltdViga,PAldid and safe plan for cured at once, (without extracting) or no. Pay. AR TIFICIAL TEETB in beautiful style. I O. H. SLOOTTN,[ Ira vine Met. r `. 1.4 4 . • '; • .EVENING i31:114L - O;TiN iL E LPHIA %FRI A 3 1; t 3rAlVIJARY 6 . 186(.3. DENTISTIOn.' . .. : •. . .. , VALtv„-y.F.TEMLIN. , ~,, BtN.TAII . 35.1 S 1 _... ... ..,;, JAMES , it. CADIPERLT , ,,, )ltOgrgafle. 90)/MITT/Ms JAJSLES C. RAND, •-t. : . .. . .. - '','! B..r , . ... • • ' arrival and fiantanLoiPeenn:Steamere. TO ARRIVni: ' 4 - Tarifa Liverpool...New York.. • `England Liverpool...New - York... Hermania liamburg...New Y0rk...., Pennsylvania Liverpool... New -York City of Manchester.Liverp'l...New Y0rk...... Java' Liverpool...New - York Etna L.Averpool...New York New York Southampton... New York Helvetia Liverpool York DamascusLiverpool.:Po itiadd. Africa • LiverpoOD-Bostori • Virginia - Liverpool... New York • Bavaria.. Southampton—New - York TO DEPART. City of NewYork'...N York... Liverpool Jan. 27 ,Pennsylvania York... Liverpool Jan. 27 , :Hansa • - New York... Bremen lab. 27 Erin New York—Liverpool.: Jan. 27 York... New Orleans fan. 27. Ne.sbannock ' New York... New Orleans.. Jan. 27 • The Queen ...New York... Liverpool Jan. 27 Propontis -Philadelphia...Liverpool , jam, 28. North AtnerituL.New York...RtoJaneiroAc Jart.--z) York...Nassau&Hav'M....Jan. 29 Kangaroo • New York... Liverpool ' Jan. 31 Asia .Boston.; -.Liverpool , Jan.3l 'City of Dublin..... New York... Liverpool 'Jan. 81 ,H Chauncey • New York...Aspinwall Feb. 1 Washington New York...Havre •• Feb. 2 Germania • New York... Hamburg Feb. 3 City of Boston. er ....New York...LiVerpool Feb. :Cit Feb. 7 riIABINE FORT OF PHILADELPMJANITAJI.Y 26 Buis HIGILB;7 5 1 SUN SETSi 4 55 I HIGH WAT 833,10 37 CVE A Tt • 11„YESTKSDAY- Schr L Springe, Steelpan; 'Key West, D S Stetson tdarffORANDA. • Steamer Emily B Souder. Lock Wood, , Cleared at N. York Ytnterday for Charleston. • • ••• • !steamer Russia, Porter; from Boston. at Pernam. ,buco 22d ult. arrived Ina damaged condition. A. survey had been held npottiber, and she would probably be condemned. " • • • • - Steainer•lsabella , Winnberste, cleared at - Baltimore • 24til that. for Havana via Charleston. ". .Steamer Monelca, Karel:imam at Charlaston:2lkhist. from New York. ItSteamer City of Bostonn (Bi), Kennedy, at Ne*York from Liverpool: has 2077 passengers. Fussed, Jareu,•lo miles east of Fastxret, steamer Etna,-for -Liverpool; 21st, let 433% lon 53.50, passed steamer. Canada irom Boston for Liverpool: Ship Saranak, Rowland, cleared at Mobile 18th inst. Ship Douglass Castle, Matitchie,• from Foochow '.1•71 Oct. at New.YOrk yesterday, with teas. Ship Jamek,Guthrie, Johnson, from Calcutta Novlo. for Boston, treionded off liaypore Dec 15th,but got off 'and proceeded on her voyage. • • Ship Ocean Rover, Wilcomb, from 3lanila, at Boston yesterday Ship Ellie McLaughlin (Br), Trete3•7: hence at Ant- , twerptenlitst. , - • • • - . .• liteamer.R.B Cagier, Dollard, from. New Orleans, at New York yesterday. .7 ' • • - ' SteamerStrandrewYore yesterday. - ,.#om.Liverpool - 30th olt. at New. Steamer elabanta,-- -- from-NeW Orleans 171/1- host. at New Yotryestfrde.y". • - - ' . Bark. Zahn's: Hesvitt, benca at Genoa Stb.ult. • ' Bark C Warwick; Chichester, cleareciat AN York 'yesterday for Rio Janeiro.- _ . Bark 1,1 F. Corning, Thompson,Groin - London for this port, put back to Deattith inst. ' • Bark Isaac Rinivis. Hand. hence at Marseilles. Brig Maria Wheeler, Wheeler, - hence at Mobile 1010 Insun. Brigraima (Hamby, Rohn, heiace st Cuxhaven 7th Inst. damaged. Brig Mary Ida, Cain. 'hence for Rio Janeiro, was spoken in lat u 7 40, lon 72—no date. Bria Juan F Pearson (Axe); cleared at New York yesterday tor Buenos Ayres. Brig Nemeaug, Bogeys, sailed from Bordeaux Ith inst. for this. port. Brig•Fritlnot hence for Falmouth, before reported, ,Was abandoned 26th ult. crew saved. Brig Russian, Getchell, cleared at Charleston 20th inst Wilmington 7'C. Brig B W sawyer, Ray, hence, was going up to Sa vanbah 19th Bast. Brig Edith (Br), Reed, from Rio Janeiro, at Balti more 24th inst with coffee. schr Salhe B. Bateman, hence at Mobile 18th Inst. Schr Jas A Ilderdice, Howell, from Georgetown, DC. at Boston 24th Inst. schre It L Thy and Halo, sailed from Holmes' Holt- • VA inst. Seta Heine Potter. from Newbern, NC. for this part, Was seen ILM inst. five miles south of Hatteras. 0 MARINE MISCELLANY. Brig Daniel Boone, lying near Miler's Foundry, Sa vannah, while attempting to heave down on the 16th inst. for the purpose at repairing her bottom, sprang her foremast so badly that she will have to have a new mast before finishing the repairs at present making on her. Solar Olivia Bell. of Brookhaven, from Virginia for Fairhaven. Ct. was spoken 11th inst. off Cape Henry, with loss of sails, boat, and second mate, and was sup plied with, bread and oil by schr Forward, at New London 21st Last. from Baltimore. She had on board the crew of a schooner that had foundered at sea. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. The public are hereby notified thatan error appeared in lilunt's Coast Pilot, for August last. stating triat the Light on CUipe Race has been changed from a Fixed to a Revolving. and the Light on Cape Pine from Re volving to Fixed. No alteration whatever has been made in the said Lights: By order. • JOHN STOA_RT, Secretary. Board of Works, 8L Johns, SF., Dec- so, 15e6. ltli~lai&Tt:. tig ` FOß SALE OR EXCHANGE, FOR GOOD =. 7 CITY PF.OPMITY, a very good FARM, of $8 acres. more or less; 15 acres of wood, 73 af good, pro ductive Land; the whole under very good fences. This property is situated 12 miles north of the city,on a good turnpike, and IM miles from Abington Station. The improvements are a 'very handsome -3-i story, double NONE HOUSE, with a 2 story book building, (10 rooms) pump house, wood house, large barn, hay house, double coach house with granary above, exce • lent wa•er at the house, also In the barn yard. Terms very easy. 'lnquire at No. 109 South SECOND Street. Up stairs. If not sold by February 10th, the same will be rented to a good tenant. .1:12.1431, EIARCH STREET.—FOR SALE,--A handsome four-story brick residence, with thres.story uouble batk buildings, and. lot 17 Seerdeento ustreet. bituate on the south tilde of Arch street, west of Twen tieth. and furnished throughout in the best manner at d .n perfect order. GlThrst - Fy , S SONS, sus Walnut street., GER3,T• N. - TOWN—FOR SALE:—•A Handsome double btane RESIDENCE, with an acre of ground attached, situate on tiltoemaker's Lane, east of the Railroad, and within, five minutes' walk from. the Station. Has ev. , ry citsi convenience. 'Grounds and lawn tastefully improved. J. M. GUILNIET &SONS, 5073 WALNUTStreet. • FOR bA LE—A. handsome three-story brick residence, with trree-story double back bulldlngi andfive feet side yard; -situate on Sixteenth street. near Wallace; has every modern convenience and im p ‘b, SONb rovemen 508 ! t, a Walnut st Rd Is in perfect order. J. M. GUM.ME . reet. fti .. l FOR SALE,—Premises No. 1908 Locust street. Walnut street, above Fifteenth street. o. 1609 Spruce street. . . No. 2615 PLue street ; by - C. H. biIIiEHEID, jal6 lot 21i5 SPOtn.Sistb. street. FOR SALE —The property. located at the N. i corner Franklin and Willow streets, 'near 38 fe.• ont by 56 feet deep; has been used as an Ice depu:: bas railroad conveniences, &c., immediate possession can be gltient Apply on the premises. Ja2s.sta &A ,FOR SALE—A desirable four-story Brick Hour (Mat Ale), with three-story double back building,, moo SPRUCE street. All modern improvement:, Apply to T. H. 01JRTIS dr: SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. • r a , FOR SALE—THE THREE-STORY BRICK dwelling, with th ee-story back buildings, and as t e modern conveniences, situate No. 134 North Twentieth street. Immediate possession given. .1. M. GUMILEY. dr. SONS, 608 Walnut street. • FOR ALE.—The three-story brick residence -19 te;et front with three-story double back build na r and every convenience. situate No. LW, South Twenty-first;street. J. M. GUMMEY SONS, 51ki Walnut street. FOE SALE.—The three-story brick residence, tid' 22 feet front with attics and back buildings, and of 100 feet deep to a 10 feet wide alley, situate No 244 Routh Eighth street... J. (lUMMEY SONS, 5., Walnut street. • BM p'ans- pply at FOR SALE—The • aluable property. No. 12 i CHESTNUT street, . teat front by 23.5 feet deep to om street. .A ' . jallii•ln; 43 N RTH TaIRD STREET. 'FOR SALE A D IRABLE THREE-STORY 2 brick house, with thr e-story double back build. Applyl4,l Thompson street all modern improvements. to J. R. CURTIS - SON, Real Estate Brokers, 4 . 33 Walnut street. • FOR-.BALE—THE THREE-STORY BRICE 5.0 ... dwelliafg,' with attics, two-story bac< buildings, bath. dic.;- situate No. 41t North Fourth street., J. L. GUMMI:EY &SONS, 508,Walnut street. , VALUABLE STORE PROPERTY.—FOR ;VI SAlZLEiltuate 'on the Southwest corner or • TEE , sind MERCHANT Streets. J. M.'GLIMDLEY & SONS, 508 WALNUT Street. 11 1 :1 FOR SALE, , Store No. Be 2 Market street. nquire at 153 South Fourth street. ' jals-in,w,f6t4 . . THREE LARGE BOOMS, WIT - STEAM POWER 1. TO RENT. Inquire at Keystone Mfll, Callowhil street. west of Twenty-HRli: , Jo:4-U*. IJIUA.TIOI%. DIAN° FORTE AND SINGING TAUGHT, by Miss 5.A11E LEyi'EttS, either.at her pupils residenceor at her own, Westside of THIRTY-SEVENTH Street, ..first house above Chestnut Street, West Philadelphia. ' Terms, $l5 per quarter._ • Her pupils will ave the use of one of NarVesen'S Superior Pianos- a most excellent instrument. - ~ M iss L., had for two years the entire charge of the music class in. Pleasant Hill Seminary. West, Middle. town Pa,, and can refer , besides to 'a very large circle of private pupils. JaA IUfISSIM.A.RY E. ,TABOPP'B English and‘rrench .13-1- Boarding and Day School for : Young Ladles,. - 18.11 Chestnut street . Philadelphia. !d€ 2 6780t. " : : P::° i.i; FALL SESSION OF -MISS „ ARROW'S SEIALNARY.F.OR YOUNG LADIES will .cona. mance,:.oa, wedneeasky, September lath, at' ,her re9idence, corner of Poplar and Sixteenth streets, Philadelphia. Dannourbrogs:—Bev. G.ymlen• Hare D. D. Rev. Themes Brainerd, D. D., W. H. Allen, Bag late President of Girard College. /3717-1 y• AIMERIA. — GAM , .If.9.-100 kegs of these splendid white rapes In fine order landing and for sale by Jos, 8,211 D g 5S= di 00,, 108 Soatlk Delaware aVerme '4.- ,t.II3ISITILILDICIEN ;!:1 wAltx Igri774 4.Ny*Ty..gotrakNoir. COMPANYiri , , 311CORV RATED BY' THE 9 .PErmsYLviairiA LE4 1 1134tTin r___' °2 ofmtua IR'OORINTER THreb AND WALNO'I: 13119433 .. 7_4":RIEILL I:N _ADELPHIA; ON VESSIELSr 13 CARGO _,_ - yo,all parts of the world. FREIGHT; ' - —INLAND HINURANCES On OuodS, by River, Canal, Lake, and Land Carriage, ; tosilzlatargs URANCES of the Union, On, Merchandise generally, • On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c.. Jan. 9 Jan. JO .Jan. 10 .Jan. 10 Jan. 12 .Jan. 13 Jan. 17 .Jan. 17 Jan. 17 .Jan. 18 Jan. 90 ...Tan. 24 Nov. 14 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1.1865. 100,000 United States 5 per cent, loan, '7l f 05,000 00 120,010, United States 6 per cent, loan, 'Bl 128,100 00 200,01.0 United States 7 3-10 per, cent. loan Treasury Notes 184,375 00 410,0 00 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. I Loan 00,655 9° 54,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. • Loan 53,259 00 125,1186 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan 112,812 50 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort, gage,SlX Per Cent. Bonds 20,000 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Radroad Second Mort _gage Six Per Cent Bonds .. . 23,750 00 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 23,750 00 11,000 300 'Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest ph gu ia. aranteed by the pity of Phi1ade1.13,537 . 13,537 60 7,150 143; Shares Stock , Penna. Railroad Company., 8,580 00 5,000 100 shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 40,000 DepoSitewlth the United States CO • vernment, subjectto 10 days . 30,000 State of Tennessee .Five Per Cent. Loan. 18,903 00 170.700 Loans on Bonds and. Mortgage, drat liens on City Property 170,700 00 1,036.850 Par. Market value-.... 998,560 00 Real Estate ~.-.... ~ .. . ..... 38.u00 00 BUIS receivaole- fot , liasnranceinade - ' 121,01387' Balances due atA gericles.z-Preml ems on Ma- • • rine , Policies. Accrued Interest. and outer debts due the Company:- . -40,511 44 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other companie4, g 5,13.3. mgmated Value... 2,910 00 Cash In Banks' .155,958 89 Cash in -678 48 - 858,6:15 7 DIRE Thomas C. Hand, John C..Oe.vis, • „Edmund .a. Souder, Theophilus Spalding, ' John R. Penrose, , ; James Tranuair. ' ' Henry C.:L anett, Jr., James,c , Hand, William C. ' • Joseph H. Seal; • Cleorge G. Lelper, . 1 • Hugh•Cralg. Robert Barton; , • . • John D. Taylor, THO • • : •JOELN C HENRY Via.Buirs,Secr INSII.E.AACErt.fairAztRE AN i OF IiOr INLANp .AM.E 13.1 TBANSP1 T A TUM nsgtrYLANCE. r• ' Oalp3, ,N 0.522 WALNUT 'Meet, "math side, awn of TAlrti street: The Properties of this Company are well Invested and funatth an available fond for the ample indemnity of all persona who desire to beproteeted by Insurance. MARINE TtlqT o 3 taken on Vease!s, Fretzbta and C V N l.ilsr D TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Bier qh.andise per Railroads, Canals and Steamboats. FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Build. in KS In City and County I . 3ToortpcfgATEDlN . 1794—CAPITAL AND PAM IN AND SECLRELY rz. - VESTE.D. TOTAL PROP.MITIES, 1,700". PEEP AL coaAsTm. vissoroas. Arthur G. Collin, Bamnel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Cha4es Taylor, Anaprose Richard D. Wood. WWII= Welsh, WU= E. Bowen, (.2=l ASTHMI Manias PLA r. f3ecre FINE ABI3OOIA N, .Ntw %set Incorporated lifarch I. r.c & OFFICE. Na 24 N. Pli• - rtt street. In. sure BUILDINGS . HOUSEHOLD YOB , *r".fs NITIIIIII, and hillEtCHANDIBBsenor -7 z n a m l: f o b 3 , Fire, (in the City of BTATEMISOT of tS7 - 4 Assets of the Association January 1, 1865. Elonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia only--.----.W7,161 a arotsd, MEM 34 deal Estate. (Office, Fifth and North streets.) 14,tge . Ci. S. Gov. 5-20, 4500 Ot Deposit with IL B. Assistant Tresushrer—.— 5540011 Oath h-r , t l Is.ess r TWISTERS: 63108G8 W. TRYON, President. • gica l Wm. H. Hamilton, Jcs. R. Lyndall, John Bonder, Levi P. Cost!. Peter A. Beyare, rnelkiparhawk, John'Phlibin, Charles P. Bower John escrow,. Robert Shoemaker. G. I. Timm Jesse Lightfoot. myS• T. B.• .kr• • Beeretia7. DaRCENIE INSURANCE :0011PANY OP PRIMA- L DELPHIA. INCORPORATED ISOI—OBASTER PERPETUAL. NO. 2:% WALNUT Street, oppwiW the Exchange. In addition tobIARINErsurECLANDINFRJRItNO3 this Company Insures from lose or damage by_PULE on Meng terms, on buildings, merchandise, innontare, Ax. 4 for limited periods, and -permanently on nolidlnite •oy deposit of premium. The Com p any hatt_been In active operation nor roars than SlXTYduring which all losses bay been promptly adjusted and paid. John L. Hodge, -- David Lewis. M.S. MahonY Benjamin Bring, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powsre, William B. Grant, A. It McHenry, ..I.obext W. Leamina„ Edmond Oastillon, D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, .. 1 Louis C. Norris. JOHN B. '%l OHERER, Pres:Maul B,.MUEL Wrzcox. Secretary. rELE . OOUNTY FIRE INSUBANOE 00M.PANY.— OFFICE NO. no SOUTH FOURTH ST-IMM "The 'Fire - Inaniiinie Company'of the County IN Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania In 18a, for Indemnity against loss C: damage by dre, eactuaively. CRARTIM PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample cal ps.l and c.ntingent fund carefully invested continues to M sure buildings, thrniture, merchandise, &c., either per. manently or for a limited time against loss or damageby tire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absoime safety of its customers. Losses adjusted andpaid with all posat,le despnw. DMECTORS. Charles J. Sutter. Edwin L. Peakft. Henry Crilly, John Horn, Robert V. Massey, sr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Mecke, Andrew EL Miller James N. Stone. CSIAILLIS J. SUTTER, Presider's, RENJAIECET F. HOECKLEY. Sedv and Treasurer. - DIXE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. THE E PENNSYLVANIA FIREINSITRANCE COM. PANY—lncomorated 1825—Charter Perpetual—mc, 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continnea to insure acainat or damage by fire , on • Public or Private Bnlldingu, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on rurnittne,Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fend is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to oftbr to the insured an undoubted security the Case of loss. DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devereux, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Harlehnrst, He Lewis, Thomas Robins, 7. Gillingham Fell. Daniel Haddeck Jr. DANIEL SMIIPH s Jr., FreuldOlit Virxxsust G. Onowmax. Secretary A VICSIOAN FERE INSTIRANOE OOMPANY. ENOORPOSATHD 1810.--CHLABSEH MOH% AL. HO WALNUT Street, above TRIED Street, P T T Having a large paid up OA. ITAL STOCK and SUB , PLUS Invested In sound and available Securities, con. onue setinsure on Dwelilngs;Stores, Enrniture, Het. chand Vessels in port, and. their Cargoes, and other perosnal-Property. .A.ll Losses liberalli adjusted. PmmPtt DI SECTORS. Thomas B. Marls,. John T. Lewis, John Welsh , , James E. Campbell Samuel 0. Morton, Edmund Cl. Patrick Brady, kraal Harris Merles W. POnlinell . • ITHOBIAS R. MARIE , President. *Lazes 0. Z. OnAwJroir.D. Secretary. my2:l A TtrERIOA.N lIIITIELL INSMIANOE OOKPANY. LI. —Office _ohar BAilding, No. 12 WALNUT street N.A.Rum AND INLAND DISURANCEE22.— Risks taken on wsusels, cargoes and freights to all parts or the world, and on roods on and transportation on rivers, canals, TaiMads and other,convennesl throughout the United States. • WILLIAM CRAIG Preeldent PICTER.DOLIDEV, Vice Presifiella ROBERT J. MEE, Secretary. • 7; 1111331 1 , t 43 Call C rn hn-Dallett . Jr. ' William iferhoki Beni. W. nicbszdi, 011ues Dalt_ 43tt Mr= Balrai ITHIF PROVIDENT , LIFE AND .TBUST_COM ~ 1 PANY, or PHILADELPHLS..— ' ,1 incorporated by theßtate or Pennsylvania, 8d month, 8 • 'IN lavEs,:A.L.Loiws , rwriqucii ON. DE • POSITS Amu .011 ANTS ANThnlv." . "`" • CAPITAL - DIREDTORS. , Samuel IL Shipley, ', ' !Richard OadiatlY, ,Jeremiah Hacker, - ' Henry }Wiles, i '... Joshua H. Norris, ' T. Wistar Brown, Richard Wood. Wm. D. Longstreth, Coffin. SHIPLEY, President. Ohm. F, SAMUEL ROWLAND PARRY, Aetna $1,213,630 lit IRS Samuel E. Stokes, r, Peniston. Henry tiloan, Edward Darlington,, H. 3Ones.Brcioke,' hiwtrd Lafourcade, Jason. Jones, - JameS B. McFarland, Joshua P.Eyre, • Spencer...Mc-llva S. B. SetuVe, Pittsburgh. Ber=, , Pletsburgh.- D T.Morgan, Pittsburgh. C. HALVD." President. DAVL, Vice President. tau; deistnot James N. Dickezue, EL Morris Wain, John Mason, George L. Harrison. Francis R. Cope, Edward.. Trotter , E. 8. Clarke, Williams Caini. n Henry'. • . COPFLI. Pres!dent, i . I v i v e n zat o il iv sli b * .. T. Johnston Brown, Samuel A.. Tinton. Mason Hutchins, ZI L. Elder, ,- - 8. Rodman 14arglini ..., Pelson Berri& '- . "'" - M:,,ei~ooao . 1 1./kIO I 4;t_EQUIWA MHO ...:.,. , '' f ~. •- : I :NSTRAN(Cf.E.', ,,, I ''..'' , „ . 41.1.11AR.D Tlitt" 11201D ,, IARINE :INSURANCE "'" , COMPANY. OFFICE, fis,WALNIJT STILEET,PHILA,OELI'ECEA. ,pAPITAL,PAID IN, IN CASH. $200'.000, This company continues to write oil Fire Risks only. Its capital, with a gooctsurplus, is safely invested. • 701 Losses by fire havebeenpromptlypaid,nrid more than $500,000 - Disbursed on this acnuntwithin the past few years. For the present theoffice of this company will re . 415 WALNUT STREET, :But. within a lew months will remove to its OWN BIILLDING- N. E COB. SEVENTH Alva caEsTriIIT. Then, as now, we shall be nappy to , insure our patrons at such rates as are consistent with safety.. , DULECTOBS. THOMAS CRAVEN, ALFRED S. GILLETT, lURNAN SHEPPARD, S: LAWRENCE, TitOS. MACKELLAEj , CRAM...ES L DUPONT, JNO. SLPPLEE, HENRY F. KENNET. .TIG). W. CLAGRORN, JuS.E.PH KLAYP, M. D. SILAS VERY, HS, Ja., THOMAS Of ALFRED S. GILLETT, V. JAMES B. ALVORD. Se. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 03 PHILADaIr.PHIA.—OiIice Northeast corner OE THIRD and BUTTONWOOD atreets(lste Tammany), Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Oztermate, Ismakirrosr.. Capital authorhod by 12,w $lOO,OOO. , Make Insurance against Loss or Damage bl Fire of Falba or Private Buildings, Furniture, SLOW Goods and Merchandise en favorable terms. i George MeV, . . Christopher H. Miller, August C. Miller, Frederick Staake L Jahn F. Beleterling,' ' Jonas Bowman. Henry Troomner, Frederick Doll, William McDaniel., . Jacob &handler, / George Buts, Jr.,, ' Stephen Smith, Henry Garker, r... " ' Samuel Miller, Edward 2 .fo .. • ez_r, _ GEORGE .w.r - r , rreident. JOHN 7. , BRLSTTaII'fxNG, Vice President FABER INEIIIRANCE COMPANY; - • • . - . NO. 49s CHESTNUT. TREET, PHILADELPHIA. . VIBE 'AND' INDAND ,INSIIBANCII 1 3 Brands N. Back, „ /no. W. Hymnsli, Charles Elehardzois, '• '- Hobert - B. Potter, Henry Lewis; .., .: • , ...Incr. , Xessler,Jr„ Ballitlei ,Wria,4l.• : ;, , -• ' ,E. D I Woodrcul. , . P. 8..7w3t1ee.. . ,' Gar ,Stotrea. ecQ. A. Won; i - • ' • ' 'los. D. Ellis; ' ' - ...111,ANOIS N. WE, Preahleal. W. Litha , ar =es. pa oar • aluauwor. yice .?risdit. .. •*lir cor.urrk:B ovani :2 II ti Krell 1it(0144 DETERSONS' NEW'ROOSS!'' - Published this day, and for sale at retail or-whole -sale at T. B. PETERSON A; BROTHERS', 306 CHESTNUT STREET. A, LIGHT AND A DARK CHRISTY A.S. BY JAM _Henry „Wood. Price 23 cents. - ORA BELMONT: or TEE SINCERE LOVER. A True Story of the Heart. Complete in one large duo decimo volume. Price $1 50 in paper, or $2 00 in cloth. THE , TWTNS AND - HEART.; By I,L F. Tupper. Complete in one large octavo volume. Price 75 cents. THE CROCK OF GOLD. By H. F.. Tupper. Cora- Ttlete in one large octavo velutne. Price :5 cents. OUR -MUTUAL FIttEND. By Charles Dickens. With all the Author's. Illustrations, 42 in all. Price $1 CO in Paper; or. ti 50 in Cloth; or, in two volamett. Cloth. with tinted Illustrations $4 CO. ROANOKE: or. Where is 'Utopia. A thrilling novel of southern Life. By C. H. Wiley.. Illustrated. 75 cents. LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS. OF GENERAL SHERI- De B: the Hero of the Shenandoah Valley. By Rev, C. W. Dennison, late Chaplain in the U.S. Army, Il lustrated Price. 75 tents in paper, or $1 CO in cloth, TRAIN — S SPEI' CH TO TILE FEN - lAN'S. 72 cents. CHARCOAL SKETCHES. By J. C. Neal. Price $2 50. THE LOST' WILL. By Mrs. Wood. t rice 50 cents. RED COL RT FARM.. By Mrs. Wood. Price 75 cta. Copies of any or all of the above popular books will be sent to any one, fret of postage, on receipt of price, Address all orders to the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON ck BROTHERS. sO6 Chestnut at... Philadelphia , Pa. NEW HCSICA.L COM_PMIITIONS, Cemposed by ALMS. N. GOLDSBOROUGH, Pro fessor of Music and Teacher in the city for eleven years; Organist ut St. Peter's (Episcopal) Church, for merly of St. Paul's in 16C1. 1. Grand Te Denm in B flat (composed in 1561)) 75 cents. (2d ter edition: plain in melody, but harmonized ny Tbomas Lend, one of our oldest' and beat organists and Musicians 2. "Home Street Home."—, The composer claims these 7 original variations. t - Bea - mind Snow' Ballad (Original) M cents 4. "tirand Concert Polka'• In A _..... ...... _ So cents Brilliant anti eau. • S. -Marche Triumphale BlilltaLre" (Union)_. 75 cents. For Organ, Plano or Brass Band. E. FuFne for Grand Organ in A..........--_-__. 75 cents. 7. -N% hen Oladnesso ' er.' 8a11ad ..__._.._.. -- So cents. 6. "Last Rose of Sommer." Billuant riattons 9. Collection of Church Tunes- -. la. "Evening Voluntary." 24 Edition —3O cents. These are to be published by subscription of $5 for the whole collection, or single copies of the CHURCH PIECES TO CH JIRS, 5 copies. 20 per cent discount. Call or address _ _ _ . . No. 2101 BRANDYWINE Street, Or Andre & f.b. and Chas WA. Trampler. ja22-e• XTEW BOOKS.-WENTPRED BERTRA AL and the .11 IWor ldly. She Lived in. By the author of the "(kma LIFE AND Tams OF GARDINER SPRING, Pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church in the City of Nett York. t vole., with portrait. N INTRODUCTION to the Devotional Study of the Holy Scriptures. By kdward Goulburn D. D. PLAIN TALKS ON FA NITJA R SUBJECTS.. By J. G. Holland. 1 vol. Cloth. LITTLE FOY -4 4, By Christopher Crow - Reid, au thor of - House and Home Papers, NAN AND THE GOSPEL. By Thomas Guthrie, . D. TZLE SMITTEN' HOLBEHOLD. A Book for the . _ _ . For sate by JAMES S. CLAXTON., Successor to W. S. & a. Martial, £O6 Chestnut street. A LLELVO LUX OF PHELaDOR.—THE LIFE OF PHILIDOE. Musician and Chess Player, by Geom.. Allen, Greek Professor In the Univendty of Pen:;, aylvarda; with a Supplementary F=ay on Philider, a Mess Author and Chess Player, by 'FhassEe Vol Hs debrand nod de Laza, Envoy.e.Thttraordir_ary and 410 Later Plenipotendary of the King, of Prussia, at th Court of Baxe•Weintar. 1 vol., octavo, y, vellum, Cr top. Price9l 35. Late* , Published E. H. BL i TI,ER 00,, nO5 117 South Fourth :area: AXES BABR',B 'wank Books and Stationery, 110 : • ..t„ • • 7.61:•:•_•• • • :se • i 1 >44.1., • INSIJR4I CE STATEIE Tit A. ENT OF THE FFA I P.B OF THE HOE SE.:SUMAS:OE 03-ILPANY OF PHILADELPHIA . on the sow day of December, 1865. °dice L6O South Fourth street, January 13, 1866. Capital pitid up in full A , SETS. United States loan, 10.40's f 19,075 0 , 1 '•I6SI 2.5X0 (.41 •• " 5,275 1..0 " " Tren-sur7 notes, 7 3-10 10,900 it) Loan of the State of Pennsylvania 13,655 t 4 Schuylkill Navigation convertible loan 4,012, Elmira and Williamsport Railroad registered bonds Loans on demand, with ample collateral se, curity Cash in nank and in drawer Interest due and accrued Office furniture Premiums due.-. RECEIPTS Premiums on fire risks.... Interest Interest due and accrued PAYMENTS. Reinsuradees and return premiums Rent, adverttsins, stamps, printing, &c Salaries and commissions. Losses by tire. Taxes DIRECTORS. James Brown. ..,einuel Charles A. , J. Hillhorn Jones, William D. Lewis, John Woodside. Williain N. Needles. Wm. B.' Bullock, • John D. Taylor, . Longstreth, Thomas }timber, Sr. John - N. - Hutchinson • JAMBS BROWN. President. iTI3OII.IS C LL -- .OLg,SS p IDTj•(.f°l~ OPAL DENTALLINA, Asuperior article for cleaning the Teeth, less s m vicnite whichr-iniest them giving tone to tr. s genie, and leaving a feeling of- t i zatrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth.* may ` e need colY AT26 Will be found to strengthen - weak. and bleeding ince, While.the aroma and,detersiveneaa .wlll recommend ft to every one, Being composed with the assistance of the Dentist, l'hysician and Microscopist;' it is" omit: dently seared Oa a VO‘T,T A litT,W substitute du the on. certain Washes dimmerly in vogue. Bminent Den ,tists scaus,inted with the (30)ustitueck .of the DEN/ALBINA, advocate its =ea; it contain! nothing to prevent::unrestrained employmem lade only by . „TAN33I9 T. SHINN, Apothecary, . Broad and. Spruce streefe, Ter sale by Druggists gemerallE, and , _ end Brown, D. L. Stackboeuse, gamed 'Hobert C. Davis, (3 .. ac eenv z . .43 CO. 0. Bowers, IsaacH. Say,, Charles Shivers, CL H. Needles.- ' "'Ch.]; Scattergood,. T. J. Husband, _ ' • -". a TarnnennY Ca Ambrose Smith,' Charles H. Eberle, , . omas Weaver, James N. Ilsirks Th i_ Ipppligni;.l:t: Webb, - Briughtiro ' .Tames L. Hisphanf, Byott & Rugheb & Coembe, , Aieeir9..A. Bawer. Wyeth & Bro. /02431 g • aid a safe bad speedy cure 'andhth Conplis, Bore ,Thrtiat f . Roasseness •• affections gencrallY. Try them:OTROS. ItSTLACIS .Tr., Druggist, B. W tlef of Itlianeeritti and Dfarke - a. eeta,l s- hiladaintdu • • • noB-3m3 BOMLDEViit. 'PRE 'HANDSOME RESIDENOE, S. E. corner of A. Spruce and Eighth streets, has been opened for the reception of boarders. Rooms single, and suites And Witkvior Tiitanut pziyato tabu laalzkov AVM, President. Fran ident and Treasurer. • tarp. , jaiatf 75 cents. ei 11/ - 7,867 50 16,515 E ) ... 7, 016 62 . 2,719 1,201 to ... j 114,678 0 57349 20.3 99 4,;24 24 2,0Cf7 , 9 548 39 $10,250 03 . DUY, Vice President. cretary. ja2o,lw SPECIAL NOTPOES. P;ZuFFICE OF THE BRANDON ISLAND OIL COMPANY, ROOM - 18;- 5 2.1 Walnut street. annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an election for/Breen:3re o serve the ensuing year will be held at.the 'office of -the Company on MO.NDAY, February sth, at 12 M. '.LL:EDWARDS, . jal6-tfes/ " ' Secretary, U. 0 FFICF OF THE WQLFCRF,EK DIAMOND COAL COMTANY.—P - mu.ammmr_ra, January 23, 1E66. The annual meeting of the StockhelderS of Ude Company; to elect Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at their Office r D 5 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, February 7. at 12 o'clock noon. Ja.24-tfe7i R. R. ROdB, Seey. U OFFICE OF THE WEST BRANCH AND SUSQUEHANNA CANAL COMPANY, Jr-FISHY SHORE, PA. JANUARY--20th, , The annual oleetlon for President and. Managera of this Company will be held at their office in Jersey Shore, on WEDNESDAY. the .7th day of F6bruary, between the hours of lu A. H. ano 2P At F. T. CARPENTER, ESeeretary and Treasurer Ja24-w,f.m,6t4 THE A_NNUA - L' 31EETUCG of the Stock holders of the "Gibson Oil Company," of Philadelphia, will be held at the Office, 532,, 'Walnut street, on Tuesday, February fith, 1866, at 11 o'clock. A. 31. At tbiameeting the , question as to the propriety. of reducing the Capital Stock of the Company will be 'submitted to the Stockholders. , SPECIAL NOTlCE.—ThelArumal Meetins of Stockholders of the r,ORT.G.PENNSYLVANIA lh iAL C3IIPANY will be held at the office of the company,No. 2i3 WALNUT Street. second floor, in the City at Philadelphia. on WEDNESDAY, January 31st, 1866, at 3 o clock P. 11.. ,at which time and place an " election for officers and dilectore for the ensuing year will take place. - WIS. H. GORDON, sec'y. PRILA.D.IMPECIA, Jan. 15,. 1866. . jals-m,w,f664. CORN EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION, Filar LADE.i.eina, Jan. 'l3, 1866. !7i(ne Annual Meeting of the Corn Exchange Associa tion will be held at their Hall, corner of Second and '.Gold streets, on TUESDAY, Jan. 30th, 1866. ' The Polls will be open from 11 A. 3L to 3P. M. and , from 7 . to .8 P. M., for the election of officers to serve. for thaensning year., The Annual Report will be read at 8 P. M. 'JOSEPH S. PEROT, Secretary: , [Us OFFICE OF „T.isLE CRESCENT , CiTY OIL € PAN Y.—Pirmugt.pari; San. 16. 1666. • Notice ishereby, given to all delinquent Stockholders 'that unless the assessment of Ten Cents per share made by this Company shall be paid .nor before 12 o'clock, noon, 11.0:`..D.A.Y, February 12th, 1866, so much of the stock of said delinquents as will be required to pay said assessments and necessary expenses as pro- Ntdect by law will then be sold at the office or the Com- Tarty. at public auction. ; ; . ; - jal6,tfelig BUZBY, Treasurer. - - OFFICE Bt NTLINGLON AND BROAD TOP MOUN., - TAIN RAILROAD. COMPANY: No. 2.53. Jouth THTRT) blreet.,-,EmaADEL.ErIue, January Wl 1866. The Annual Meeting of the Stor'rholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top MourAain Railroad and Coal Company will be, Held. at. their office on TUES DAY, the eth day of PebrUary . ,lBs6,at 11 o'clock, A.M. when an Election, will be held , lor 41,Prefildent,and Twelve Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. ja-'2B t les J. P. AEHTSEN, Secretary.' TEE BIG MOUNTALN IMPROVEMENT COMPANY".—PRILADEIXECLA, January 20, .113,:5. —1 he Annual Meeting, of the Eitocklsolders of the Big 31ountain,improvement Company .will be held atet °thee o. 25u WALNUT. street, on MONDAY, Fe bruary 5th,18d4, at 4 o'clock, P. M., when an election: will be held tor live Directors to serve for the ensuing year. '1 be Transfer books will be closed on Thursday, the 25th Instant. . ja2.041e5 'WILLIAM P. JENKS, President. UNION CANAL COIq'ANY, Parisam...- PECIA Jan. 17. 1e66. '1 he annual LI eeting of The Union Oinal Conavany of Pen nsylvanfa will be held at the Office of the Com pany, T o. Walnut street, on TUESDAY, February eth next, at 11 o'clock A. 31., when an election will be held tor officers and managers of she Company, to serve for the ensuing year. OSCAR. THONIPSON,, Secre:ary. The Transfer Books will be closed on the .Tith inst. jal7-tfesl OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN Loy COAL AND rRON COMPANY PIEILADEIe YRIA, Janutu 4th, 186 e. The Annu al Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company, will be held at their office No 220 South Third street, on MONDAY the sth of February next, at 12 o'clock M.. when an election will be held for seven Directors to serve for the matting year Th. e Transfer Books ef the Company will be closed for fifteen days prior to the day for :mid election. ja4-tfee4 EDWARD ELY. Secretary. ..4TOFFICE BUCE MOUNTAIN COAL CO.— PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 5, 1866. ICE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of TEE BCC% MOEN LAIN COAL COUPA.s.:Y cclll be held at the office of the Company, No. 3'.?) WAL NUT street. on WED.N . PsDAY, Feuruary 7th, 1866, at o'clock AM. AnElec tiott for SEVEN DIRECTORS. to serve the ensuing year, will be held on .the same day, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 21'. M. )es f,m,w,tfq7i Lq> DELAWARE .ALLNING COMPA_NY OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given that all stock in this Company on which the - ninth instalment 01 THREE DOLLARS per share, called October 24th, 1865, and due November sth,. 1665, is not paid, Is for feited for said default, and that, according to the Charter and Ity-Laws of the Company, it will be sold at Public Auction on MONDAY, February sth, 1666. at 12 o'clock, M.. at the office of the Secretary of the Com pany, No. T 26 Walnut street, PLaladelptda„ unless paid on or before that time. By order of theßoard of Directors, - B. WYArr WPATAlt,,SeereterY, DATEDPHTLADELPHIA, Jan. sth, jas-ilt,movf,tfd JAND - i_RTDmr,ISRS. At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Sq l :3lo.lMsT COAL COMPANY, held this day, the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing Sear: GIDEONBA ST, Schny II:011 Haven, Pa. McCLEldLAN,t3bambersburg, Pa ROBT. F. TA - I r.oR. Philadelphia. M. IIALL STANTON, do. j. 3. 7 lIS MAYER, do. At a meeting of the Board of Directors Of the SHAMOKIN COAL COMPA.NY, held the same clay, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Ejals.7ttl GIDEON BAST, President. M. lIA_LL ,TANTON, Vice President. C. It. LINDSAY, Secretary and 'treasurer, VA.OFFICE CATAWISSA BAJLROAD COM PANY. Sib. A% WA_LNUT street—PEtuanKL- P Dec. ,N, MS. compliance with request of the Board of Brokers, hereto annexed the Transfer Books of the Company for the preferred stock will remain open until the 20th of January, MA after which date they will be cloied until Eebruary 1, By order, sc. 31. P. lIIITCH.DiSON, Vice President and e , ezretary Philadelphia Board of Brokers, Dec. 23, 1865. T. H. DE' PDT President Catawissa Railroad— DI:AR bin: Our transactions in your stock are so large and the time of closing your books of transfer as De.rued, is of so long a duration , this Board would re spectfully ask as a favor, If you can make it conve, nient to dos°, to keep the transfer open until the loth of January next. I am. truly, your obedient servant. dezit.tf OEO. N'. CA ArBLO:3, President. ~➢iViiiKld33 OTICIEAS. NOTICE.—The Directors of the PHILADEL PIIIA BENTON RAILROAD have this day declared a Dividend of. TEN (10) PE'S Lib:NT, (clear of Taxes) upon their capital stock, payable in stock, on the 15th day of FEDI:CA RV. 1660, at the Company's Office. No. 224 S. DELAWARS AvExu.E. Frac.lons paid in scrip. J. PAIIKER NORRIS, Treasurer. PEULADELPRIA, San 20, 1566. Ja224fels IUS OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AliD IRON COMPANY. PIIII.ADEL rit lA, January 25th, 1566. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Com pany held this day, a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, clear of State Tax, was declared, payable to the Stockolders or their legal reprrsAnta tires on and alter the 6th day of February next. ja2stfe6 EDWARD ELY, Treasurer. Bab DlVlD.END.—TheDltectors of the DALZELL PETROLEUM COMPANY,' have this day de clared a dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the capital stock, clear pi State tax, payable on and after the 24th inst.. at the office of the Company, 213 Walnut street. Room Tramper Books will 'close 16th inst., and reopen 26th inst. G. E. FRYER, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 9,1866. Jelo.w.f m,St NOTICE.—EFTAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL AND CAMDEN AND AMBOY R AIL ITAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES. The Directors of the above Companies have this day declared a Dividend of TEN PER .CENT. (clear of U. S. Tax), upon their Capital Stock, payable in Stuck, on the 35th day of February, Ms, at their Offices, in NEW YORE.- and PHILADELPHIA.' Fractions paid in Scrip." RICELA.RD STOCKTON, Treasurer. Jartherty lath, 1866. _ JD:213.24Q _ 1} OFFICE OF THE MERRIMAC MININ COMPANY OF I.A.RE SUPERIOR, No. 132 W ALNUT' street, RELTLADELPBSA, December Ist. 1865. NOTICE.—The Assignees of the MERRIMAC MINING COMPANY °FLAKE SUPERIOR will pay a Dividend of FIFTRFN PER CENT. (15 per cent) on all claims properly adjusted against the Company, at the office of the Company, 132 WALNUT street,Phihr dolphin, on and after the2d day of January, 1366. When the claims consists of drafts of the Company, said drafts must be presented for endorsement of amount paid, and when the' claim is hi open account, the certificate of the agent of the mine mustappear aa to its correctness. - . • , Fnatiat hoyER, 11 Ass i gnees,- SAML P: DARLINGTON, I. L. TIDD, Agent at the Aline, P. O. address, "Greenland," : • Ontonagen •city, Inch. OFFDIE .OF. THE BOHEMIAN MINING CO RIP.ANY OF MICHIGAN, - WALNUT B 1 EET. PHILADELPRIA, Dec. Ist, 1865. lecyncE.—The assi,„gmees• of the Bohemian MiMng Company of Michigan' will Day a dividend of MY TERN PER CENT., (15 per cent.) on—all claims', pro perly ad4ustedi and due by said Company. at the office of the Company, 132 Walnut street, Philadelphia, on and after the second day of January, 1866. When.the claim consists, of, DBA:FTS of .the Cern+ , ; said diets must be presented; , for endorsenlent of amount paid, and when in open account, the certift. sate of • the agent ,at the mina must appear ea. to ice; . SAMDEE.P. DARLING I TT.T.TAX H. TiliC t BOYER, B. F. pEaR, Agent at the Mine. r F. O. Addrees, Greenland. • Ontonagon county. Michigan. del.f.m,W.tfel. OOCOA.-111 bags for sale ..by JO : 01 DALLIDTT 00.4 W anus street. son B. DL. WEAVER, Secretary T. H. TROTTER, . Secretary
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