8— a ' L*MM BOWALBPS [VRO3St. ReligiNX POEMS, *ME 288214115V0 EZ ROBBRTS BBOTEEMSO____ L_ Last night I teased upon my bed, Because Llinew that( she•was'diied;- The curtains were Wltiltt, Ulu Vane was blue, The utoon peeped. through, , • ' And lts,eye,* L' red "I would that my love were awake !" I said. Then.' rose, and the silver censerlit, Arid over the rushes lightly Slept, Crept tn the nnorwri it, And:entered the room where my lady slept; Apo th , ” censer 111/11W t OVOT the bed on which stai !ay, And sparkled on-her goldetr-hair, Smiled on her lip and melted there, ° And I shuddered because she lboked so fair; For. the cur Mina were whibe, and ~ the >patle was blue And the moon loAlced through Arid its eye was red. , • "I will hold her hand, and think," I said. And ,at Amt. I nould not think, at all? • - • ' Because her hand was so thin and eold; The gray light flickering along the wall, .And I seemed- to.be;gro wing - 431(U'. ; Llciokcclin her,fac,e and c wid,nokweep,. I bated the sound 9f m 7 own deep breath,, Lest it:Shotild'startle her -That tieeined too sweet and mild for dCath:,. lbeardtlie farroff, clock intone,' . ' ' • Slowlyi3o slowly.= ,:-. • . ,•; Afar across the courtb,9f ,stong,, , • The black hound shook ...his _chain with a moan, -.4 • , • •••,' ' •• , ,s; As, village ploek chimed slowly' slowly slowly I prayed that;' he inightrise in bed, And enille,=and say onelittle word, ' "I imig fusee her eyes," I said i I should have shriek& it' sne had stirred I never sinned against thee, Sweet' And yet last oight, when tione'sonld'see: Iltnew not—but from feet, , ,:- a.seerned 'one scar; of •infamy; Perhaps because the fingers Tight , I:held, had:grown So wan and white; Perhaps because you looked so fair, With the thin gray - light in your golden hair.' You were warm and I was cold, Yet you loved me, little one, I knew— I could not trifle—l was old— I was wiser, carefnller than von. I liked my horse, I liked my hound, I liked to hear ine`trunapet sounn, Over my wine I.likedio But soberly, for I had mind. You wanted that, and only that; You were as light, as is die wind. At times, I know, it fretted me To chide theo.mildlt.'ilow and then—. No fault ofixiine,nollatrie to WoMen are women, men are men. At first you smiled to see me frown. And, laughing, leapt upon my knee, And kissed the chiding shadow down, And srnoothed.my great bear.d . ,mertily; But then a change came ci'er you, Sweet! You walked about with pensive head; You tried to read, and as you read, Patted your small, impatient feet:— "She is wiser now !" I smiling said— And ere I doubted, you were dead. All this came back upon my brain, While I sat alone at your z tehite bedside, And I remembered in my - padr; Those words you spoke before you died— For around my neck your arms you flung, And smiled so sweet though death Nyas ,;near;-, "I W13.13:80 ,- fooliith and so Young And yet I loved thee ! kiss me, dear." I put aside your golden hair, And kissed you, and you went to sleep; And when I saw that death was there, My grief was cold, .1 could not s weep; And late last night, yalan.3:rou were dead, I did not weep beside your bed, For the curtains were white and the pane was blue, . " And the moon looked through--; 1 - And its eye was red— " How coldly she lies !" I said. _ Then lound, so loud, before I knew, The gray and black cock.screamed and cre w , And'l-lietird the far-off bells intone, 2_ So sloWl"=so , The black hound barked, and 'I rose , with a groan ' • • - As the village, bells chimed slowly— slowly—slowly.: s _ - I dropped hand so.cold and thin, .. I'gazed, and your face' Seemed still 'and' wise,' And I saw the damp, dull dawnatarain, Like a dim-drowned face with oozy ayes; And I opened the lattice quietly, And the cold, wet air came in on-me,• And I plucked two roses, with fingers-chill, From the roses that grew 'at your window sill; I plucked two roses, a white ands red,'. Stole Stole again in the side.Ofyour bed, Raised the edge of your winding fold, ~, Dropped tharoses_npon. your brtrast, Covered them up in the balmy cold, That none might know—and there they • rest And out at the castle gate I crept, Into the woods,,and then'--I wept! But But to-day they carried you frdm here,' And I tbllowed your coffin with tearless cheek-+ • • They knew not about the roses, dear ! Lwould not have them think me weak,' VIII. And I am weary on my bed, Because I know you are cold and dead; And I see you lie in darknsss; Sweet! With the roses under your'ST ding sheet; The days and nights axe dreary-and SOld„ And I am foolish, and weak, and old. Concert:kink Croquet-LA, :AinggestlOn to Writers and - Bashfal PeAmis. Croquet h as become so popular in this country that the lovers of the game will, appreciate the following - from a late English. journal: - "Croquet has gained the protection of the lady who has daughters, and 'there fore it has overrun this country. The knock of the mallet; is heard everywhere and gentlemen's -gentlemen (we don't mean. footmen) write to papers that their welcothe in country - houses is spoiled .by croquet We' hear how the hostess has croqutt mania, and how the visitor gets his shins barked againat croquet 'bridges, ';and has his dinner burned and his new story Snubbed all on account of croquet. Croquetis creep ing into novels; and has alreadY got pictures. Artists, by the way, are won derfully quick at seizing a good , chance for drawing neat boots and pyetty feet. Croquet has been a boon to them. The looped petticoat and the Attitades place a great deal .+ at their ,disposal. Then croquet;,helps out a story. You ban bring the hero and heroine together in a croquet field, instead-'of restoring to' the old . conservatory business, Croquet is± even better, thari a Picnic for a situation.' To be sure:you lose the Chalice of a. bulir or the rescue from a Stream,:or - pi mpset,, a faint, , and a declaration uhdying, attaelhhent, but you have an Oportunitf for , drawing those deductions of char-, acter from slight actions at , :which moderh ridyialL4' .1.5 perfect. „ '.lC*-aeefisy I , :ci ~ ri4 iI*I.T,-.E.V.,.tT,T.g , , , 8.1144,4N:'N'A.P. 1 ;ii , J. f''Aiiit! 4 4 . P.,:f41° U.1.1% . ,if fixpliiio,v.!,4:l7.,•ll)y(;l!'raDy,* ri see fr.iathi 6 t*ek hcx bag ".6 1 14t ' elsewhemt tiv,. l lleary,,w)mise pgefivi • fixed nisi those' Of genge at ner; forgetall'about the game'atbitat delicious moment,and.taissed - gatireketiOn. Which' everything depended:Al "Croquet, hoz;Weyckha r a adYeiritages,iii another than a literaali:hitture:: are youpg .men who will; not talk' Whotnre shy of the sobietY 'of ladies; because they, dread. not lonly 'hawing toi I speak ' when' 'spoken' - - Co,' but , havi,4" perhaps to ixiitiate - a conversation selVesf'• The' peculiar 'distregs'iatid lemnitywhich,pervades an Englishman coated in' blitalr'ihr'an evening party,, j thegrimfacewiih.which he walksquad-, rilles as- though.,,he were walking-a ; pital,,hia' distracted questions an - d• wild' endeavorsto es,oaPeettitiarrissment Under cover of the weather or any other le mrio-", 'shelter Which like the ref,ugoi - it the ostrich, only conceals his ',head, ire cnred by crpquet. ,Therp is hope. for hiin 1-in a walking suit to whom a dre,sS4satiS !painful as-r the -shift; of !Nessus. The open 4J the' I , general absence:fief, restridnt or l'OrnialitY,helP4 to threw , off his bashfulueSs, arid eVen if 0,44:-, not 65.. so altiigethef;jhe Loin enter into'. oie - 4W; andlifilehiallillifikhklitand.iiie ;well.to his inallet,:..l'l. "The advantages which croquet con ; fere' lipoittheladieS'af6 iiiCalentatde.; ; To , [gay - nothin u g of the ,:new e.ypilse it giVes,. I Ifor 'bringing men near - them, th,ere are jin the gatne itself Cciuntiess opporanities for fascination which theyare notiikely to neglect. There is no 'mood .Which may not be shown in crerpiet;lthe verb i` to flirt' may be conjugated, in , every ;tense, and the entire_ grankmlit',of en ;chantment gone through: ,Th‘ipos tures of croquet, : . and. the_costumes !of croquet are irosistible. ' In-: those ;respects croquet -leaVes • per own devices, only - Stipulating,,that the manage them cenVeniently, creetiy and. with that.ait .arts- which: hides the endeavor: , Then, - ,ero.quet' adz' initspf additiS. 'Chess' is too tete,tt:te*:,ana a.tt,y only fit for pngagedpeoPle:__ it....you_zhave -no choice but either:to make r ,lopr. at ;very close qtarterireiliVe4llYoilr 'attention to a problem - whope difficulties remind You of an early trouble• With - the - asses' hridge'of Euclid. But in 'croquet the oig,o'sinorton may begot over With •:a hvided regatd. There, are croquet ma piacs, _Who on croquet , pure and simple, andwho must have it played as Airs. Battle played whist. But the Majority wish croquet diluted with g ,,, sip 40. Oat. and,lovp making.. The purists, of course, pis the purists -in -pre- Raphaelism, language, or pork, inveigh scninst everything which adulterates or distracts their diversion. .„ . _ "There should be -rules 'according to Hoyle' in croquet. Croquet Clubs are formed princiWly among persons who engage more for fun than'trlngqiii.We have, however t seefil`ccininiefitaties',on croquet in a monthly jieriodical whose pages are directly inscribed to the ladies. ThEr, manner in which, the subject is anapproached suggests at once its dignity d importance. • 'Commentary' itself is a fine word,. C .. ..4fir wrote , commen taries, and e few-univemityllons have commented from Greek particles and_ the second aorist into plump livings: The ,diagrams illustrating _ 'Cicquet, CoMmentariest . - remind: ,us_ of dkcsaes,. battle plans; and doubtless an association of this itind , -may- have- ;suggested the of to the writer. You have 'the proper Way to - set your bridges andstakes, - left flank;: right flank,' and other niiliqu'S terms as'a guide something map Which very much - iesehtbles- the tracing for an encampment. The' author of those lucid chapters is mindful not only , cif the manner of his game, but of the moral tone of it. , IsTote the little touch against the victinf 'gambling in'tltisi For reasons above given the spot should - be at least, twO'feet from the starting -stake and in the rightline tvgeen: the' lattet and the centre of the bridge. Lkne'w that some will consider this spot a-needless arrartgement, in fact, superflUity I had the space I could scarce command the patience to to argbe with" such cavilers::...:Et periencetr crOquetters -will look , at it in- a different light, and when wagers come to be laid, which in, time they. undoubt eillkWill—though not for large sums of Money ip is to be hoped—this regulation 7EI be insisted' on with rigorous exacti tude.'" CHINAISiEN AND THEIR. WAYS.-A -,California letter has the following: Queer chaps these Chinamen are, and queer "customs they have. In. one, corner of the room sits my Chinese bey, reading a bbok upside down, and after the manner of his country, grinning like 'a oham panzee over hieroglYphics that look like bunches of - black'radishes. ) He under stands, it all, though, and probably finds that style of literature very funny. I attended the Chinese dinner .which was given to Colfax, Fate With chop-sticks, swallowed a little of each of the hundred and eighty-nine courses that 'constituted the - repast. - We sat down - atsix• -sharp, and got through at one prompt.''' Yes I , ate broiled ba,nabbciand stewed' whale bone—which may perhaps be styled the Spring vegetables of the • Chinese sharks'fins, birds' nests, and other deli cacies too recuperative to mention. By Way of dessert they have pickled, cu cunaher and melon seeds and alr Manner of sweet things. Taken as a whole,how ever, I don't, thinkl should like a steady course of 'Chinese diet, though the tea which they gave us was of a,most won derful flavor.. It was Served Withodt sugar niirk, and cot $0 a pound, which is:perhaps the, reason:why. , they did not ask us to take a secondcup. You Would have beenathused could you have seen each guest making frantic, attempts td, get something into his mouth with the chop-sticks. Try to eat Vitla - , knit '- ting needles, and you will have some: idea of_the difficulty of the feat. ,They are &tired .Chop-stieks, I iiiPPOSebecaieW one would-be a, long while eating a with them: •If I - were 'a' bbardingLhOuse keeper I think I'&lring ! ;thein : upon my boarders to ,se instead of knives and forks. A little Jhash would ,', 4t,, derful great way with them I flanked the difliCulty.`of taking:hOldrotanything with.them by sharpening mine off Lathe end and harpooning the meat and, vecre; tables.- --- : , :•iOst-;0400 . k**1 . .i., T OST OR BiISLAID.. - CertifitatetTo.2s6for 550 SharW:, .1.40 f the. Capital Stock 'of Howe's Eddy , oll Ctmiptnir issued In the name of. T.. 421:• Johnson. ' • , .. 1 :,: , -, , •4 - ' Notice is hereby given that appileation.p4ll be' niatlir to the Company for a renearal.of the same ' . , . ~ ..:9 • . ,-... ' . • -.1 1 , i--30i V..CULVER: "' " t i nTLADELPEITA, Nov. 25, 1855 . . - del-falst*W. BOARDING.. HANDSOME RESIDMNDE,S; E.cht; tikrucl' andMighth streets;: is own. ' Tor tho'rg , ceotiontt boarders.' moonissingtsshia'shitesiaud With ,os,ltfl : Out priVate tahle„ • • t • • , ' --- 1151 7 11VECT — Ibeag: l glgt:l:'F4 l lY4tYlir7 ll2 , , t , ‘2. 00.6:7T. lA. tPi• D. t . 1 . J VOLDERS of TEITON I OI.4 CO itI'ANY, of utuo..will be beldatelbeir -office,Fico. 213 iDIA.II.72CET street an sioxtp*x.inicagaseha,kuaryt /Bt, 1166, = .ppuErts; • -- de aist A t —, ) ; , ) • 38e0,,,t4r7.,, 'BANS..,"= - I . Ert.antejr; :ts, the annual, xneetieg , of - the stockholders of ,this> Bank for the election of Direetais. will - he h`eklat Site .4p241147.11.9%e, op)TETIQ3DATri .Tanuary, sth,!,loB, between,the hours of 10,and 3 o'blisek of that day. ilell-30tip• ' - ',N:g.'3ll:lB.sBLlizt.ti, Cashier: R OFTId OP"PIitE',D.EEAWARE 'MUTUAL SAVETYINSURANCE COMPANY. Pttri,l-' DI LYHIA, DeCPMber 18th, .1.865,- • • The Annual Election toe tweniy-eightDirectnra Una_ iotti MONDA.Y . • the• - nrst day ot Tahuarynext, togyn - nen the , nuo ra ,of lo -and 2 P. ' " - -‘ • -HENET pyLnirisrr. :deal Bth.; 1 • "- Settretary:l ~..,..- ..,. . 420 WALNUT , STREET,- rairdanti,Pitta, i°7ljecember-12t14 " V . tkickholderii'ef. tlie . 'Mount A , special ineeting of t e ,s. . Farm' 1011 COmPoOr:3olllribe held . at ithqr_ otticeol i WEDPE:"DAX,Deoember 1.7, 184,a,; t , 11,0 Flock.for , i tfielkirpOs4 Of taktog into considratlon the reduction of thecapital, :, dW.I-lbtl! .-" -S: F.-WAZOIT. secretary KENSINGTONI• ".149 NEW JERSEY . eAnnual Meeting-of .as for the election tof Directors.nvid-be held at the omce.i(x3s BEAU - Street, above Laurel, on MONDAY. January 1, 1866, lbetween the hours of 10A.-111.,ana.2 P M. • CHARLES M. LUKENS. „ ' BgarqtarP , MCTUe.L'ETIVIC INSURANCE , COMPANY OVPHILADELPRIA.—TweIfth , nW (lleceol• !her> 22d. , lI The annual election for Directort will he held at the ;office of the coinpany;'No. 5 South 'Fifth street, on • SECOND IIAI „(hlondan the Oth day'. Of.'Ritst Month '(January): next., between houra of.l2and l o'clock. de22-12t, T. Rs...I.WWD, CHAPMAN: Secrettry. OPPICA,PRILA DELPHI& AND TRENTON ;LY - RAILROAD COMPANy. , Put LADELPFLIA, pe icember-213th, 1865. . . The anolialL Irieeting of .the Stockholders and nil :elect-lop for DtrectOls for the ensuing .'ear will be held At the company's office on MONDAY; the eighth daY ufJaVuttry, 1856, atl o'clock P. M. d2 l l - clatl J. MORRILL, SecrettkV. I:c?DIVIDEND' NOTICE.-OFFICE OF THE OCEEN. OIL .COM.PENY, N 0... 4U • etteztriut %Ike Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of REVEPEft. CJ NT., being fifty cents per snare tin4he capital stock. payable ou-aud of :41; hex t, - Clearof.fitate.Tax.: Transfer books will close,on Tuesday. December 2593a;3.P.'141.:, and open wedna: day. January 30. ' - .W.X.I.CeatTER., Treasurer. Purpsu.s., , , • • [de22. Zesia.2o . I:O'AMERICAN' LIFE INSURANCE AND 71AUST COMPANY, WALNUT vtreet INSURANCE,' AND Corner of EUVRTH, PHILMJELPIIIA, December 19. 1665. , - • _ _ NOTICE —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company„. for - the - Election of Thirteen . rus• tees,to serve .the ensuing year,will be HZ tixt Othce, MONDAY,on January Ist, ICeS, between 10 A. 25. and 12 O'clock, noon: • TOEM S. ytriLs3Cl. ',Secretary: l) MoSELEIIf 8.411.130A.D coupANy — i - th lA. December d, IW. - - he annual meeting of rilockb (driers or the MOSe - . ttl:lroad Company ;still be held at the (ace of the Philadelphia and .r.eading ttaliroad Company, No :re:, streeti..Pbiladelphia, ott-AiuNDA.Y. Jane.ry. 11th, Igt;6. ID A. 31".. when au elect, on will be held"for a •Pr esident and .41-T, Directors, to nerve the en siling yE,ir. W.A. CHURCH, COLI:III3.OO.K.DALS .R.,11L110 fa• Cog 'AN Y. Piirtwt t i iiu, December "I.2‘l:llqii. lhellannal Ileettug Of the' tiloelchoulera•• of the Cate. brookdale Railroad Complwy wlal be beidat tne wane of the ghlladelphia and twin:uric Railroad corupaay. Itreisouth FLrETITTH Street, Philadelphia, on ,110 DAY; Jannarp .15th, Me. at when an elechoa will Ile held '9r a Presidentand aix Dlrer t iora. Laserve the ensuing' sear. • W. CJILIRCH. deltjals • ' Secretary. [ OFFICE OF LE USG ot.D COMPANY, RELLLADELVIIIA, December 15th, The Annual Meeting of the StockbAders Of this Cara panylvill be held at. their office, No. 112 Walnut' street, on MONDAY, the sth of January next,at 12 o'clock SL: at which tape an election will be held for Prasdlent and twelve Olrectors Jor the ensuing year. L. CILAMEEL&IN. , Secretary and Tifeasurer. 3IA.NtFACTURER3' INSURANCE COM% u.,D7 I›,6.NY—citiCe. AO. 414. Walnut, street—P.i.utr- MiLYHIA, Dec. it iStS. The marital meeting of the stockholders of "The hitumfacturers' Insurance Company of Lae State of Pennsylvania" will be held at the office of the Com pny, on JAONDAY, Jany ls net, at {Direoc, P . hi.; when an election will beheld lb:. ten tors to serve for the ensaingyear. olrPi 31.8. ILF.TT Sec:reusrs. OFFICE OF. UNION— AIIITIIAL LiTSU w e ,' 'RANCE COlLPANY.—rmr...a.Dra..rima, Dec. :If. TN: Kameda Meeting ofthe stock and scrip bOlderS of the Union Mutual Insurance tbmpan.rof Phlladet ppttia. sell} tie held at the office of the Company, on 110ND4Y... January S. n 66, at is . 2l, at which time will be held an election for eight Directors to serve ter the ensuing three - y ears. JOHN MOSS,t3eey.t . OFF/CE CATAWLSEA' A IL R. COMPANY. No• 424 Walnut street. PBILADELPILLL. Decem ber 4th. Certificates of scrip on, the preferred stock of thla Company mill be famed on Februa. - y let, ISM.- The. transfer books Tor the .preterred stock trill be closed for this purpose on January Ist, 1566. and opened on February Ist. , By order dtc. M. P. ITUTCHMSON, dent fell WA) Pres. and Sec. OFFICE OF TER PRO VTDENTLIFE — AIRD TB,UST A;OIIPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No, 11l booth Fourth street, 12. th mo.. l3th. 186.5. The Annual Meeting, of thelttockhulders of the abovenamed Company. will be held at their office on TIDED DAY, Ist mo. 24 (Tuesday, January ;)."/Sod. at to o'clock, A. M. - - An election fbr three IMrentors.- le serve for three P. will be held between the hours AtinA.lL; and 2 den-fiat/ .1101VLAND PARRY Actuary. • (OFFICE OF TfLENZiTIIi'.EN'NSYLVANLA HALLROAD COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, De. comber, 1E43. THE - ANNUAL KEZETINU OF L'lth. STOCK HOLDERS OF THE NORTH PENNSYLVA NIA' ATMOAD COMPANY will be held at the ()Moen( the Company, No. VC Walnut street, Phila delphia, on MONDAY, January Sth , IS6S. at 12 o'clock. M., at which, time and place an election will be held for a President and ten Divetors to nerve ibr the ensuing year, EDWARDARIdts'TRONG 412otjas Secretary, OFFICE OF THE-hicELECENY OIL COM tlty PAM': 215 WALNtry &rein, It•oomr. No. 11:5 PHILADELPHIA, Dec, r2th,lsa The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the BIeHLTIRTIY OIL COMPANY' will be hbld at the Office of the CocoFecY, ve WALNUT street, Philadel phia, on TUBSDA Y, rd day of January, A- D. 1566. at 11.3{ o'clock P, M.. for the purpose of electing a Clerk and Board of nine Directors, and for the transaction of such farther business as may ;properly come before them. By order of the Board. del2Ole G. E z FRYER, Clerk. Its OFFICE ,OF THE McKLEIENY OfL CO. 218 Walnut Street. DECEMREB 22, 186,1. special meeting of the taockholOers of the Mc. Blbeny 011 Company will be held at the Wilco of the COmpany. No. 218 Vialnpt street, Philadelphia, on the 2d day of January next, at 12 o'clock. PIM.; ..fer the rurpose of cosoldering a. proposition to reduce the Capital Stock Of the Company from one miLdondollars to twO hundred thousand aollara.dlvideo into one hundred thousand shares of the par value of two dollars a share. By order of Board. 13? CHRISTMAS DINNER TO THE POOR.- The - Teachers and Managers of the BEDEraltti EETIIIISSION design giving their usual DIN NER on CHRBsTMAS DAIto the Scholars of the Day and Sabbath schools under their charge, at the Mission House, No. 619 BEDFORD tifteet: Dinner on thb table at 12 o'clock. Friends of the cause cordisay Donations In money, poultry, or provisions of any kind; thankflilly received by the undersigned, or the missionary at the Mission Honse. JACOB H. BURDSALL, MS Chestnut street. EDMUND S. YARD 209 Spruce street. GEORGE MILLIKEN; 82s Arch street. JAMES L. BISPHAts , 710 South Second Street. %. l il7ll. C. STEVENSON. , IS•S Green St. demaltt uFFICE r).l. -THE %RELIANCE .1.N.111. _OAS:TEL OMPANY OF PHILADELPELEA,vNo. BOd WALNUT Street.- YHJELADELPEIA.' December 20, 180, At.the annual meeting of the, Stockholders of the Reliance Insurance Company of PPhlladelphia, held On the 18th Inst., the following gentlemen were elected. Directors to serve for the ensuing year, viz.:, -Llem Tingley, Benj. W. Tingley, • Willlathnusser, Marshall Hill, SaraL Bispham, Charles Leland, L.,Lnrson, Thos., g. Moore, ..:Robert Steen. Smul. Castner, Stevenson,William ' Alfred English. • • Jas. T. Young. And at a meeting of the Board of Directors held this ..doy, CLEM TINGLEY, Esq., was unanimously re. elected•Preraident. THOS, .0 BILL, de2l,3t Seeretary. . • af OFFICE OFTHELERICiIi VALLEY RAIL C AD CcoMp.W, , , , I!..nirAnnr.rszt, NOVember. In order to 13rocureifunds "for' the< extension of the Reilroad:to,the Wyoming Valley, i . • • The , goardpfDirectoss of this Company, at their 'ineetipgrthiS day, passpifonowingrenoinuon: Beiolved, That the olders of this. Oompa i ni shall be-entitled to - s ubscribe at par, for T WEN PER CENT.AdditiOnalto.the Stock standing inAheir respective names- on-the Books-of - the - Company, on the /et day of Decembenstexti and each - Stockholder entitled tea fractional part of a shaza; - shalibe allowed to subscribe for a full share, sa fraCtlC": 6 ' will be le -. 8 1r . .44aiption,Booko -coif; bneil , at the Compa ty,s aloe in - Philadelphia on., the 15thofDecember, and closeoaMte r latio-X,Januark, 1866. 'ayineinsto'be mhde follows Five oollankper share to t ie,paid athe, time ollinbscriblng, and ilve dollarsper share - Sib the lstlf day,of each and every month erealter„Ontll the whole amount shall have Aleen 'pald==after whlcii.tertlfloatas the new stock, ill be, issued , hut nel tiler itderist nor dividend will be allowed Until :the whole' - shall be paid as, aforesaid. • hose.Stockholderk who fall to anm,gribe within the tbdementioned or tdpay the'serkakiiistaltilenti atorr before the period they fat} iltimvigibaaPielr right to 1 . tt - C l /4 3 PigiRthat;Tr , .:' 0/ditth• " ' Treasurer,, ' spxtait.i. rifeerteuris. . , . a".S(Ift.I%4TPINAL BANK,. n ,, y f rittinnaneniVePee.- 9: /e43.--Tfie annual elec.- - tfpnilbe blrectotlawdi Ise held m trallsalc ;ou r Q ; DAY the Slth,dAyr or 41.!!tipr7 ne:ct letweeaLthe; of 10 A::lCant.l 4 ' %LIT. Tqzr. elan' " . ^.17 ^ ^' cwhter.. THE' .LbislErtra'NeFj COSEPAIIt . IkeW: IO. R.IIILLAD.gLAIILa , .;DEcEtatrat Isthosos.-4- Di once la hereby glvea, that,, sigrersbl , -to. the charter: ari - elebtlen' ter Biteba Vtli , -be held at the Company's bilice':oti MONDAY, the tat clay ofJanuary next. at,lo:Vpli4r A.. AL delatjall G9b t. WILCOX., Secretary': ' FQIST. PEITROLRIINCOMANY..OF WART .I ZIROLNIA: Offtee;'."4l!. 'OR.WT.NICrT street; Rutr Ailutprititi; December Nth; MO: ' A spectallneettng the Ntockhptclers the , WIRT, PETROX,RI73I,COALPANY will be held on ,sATUR DAN",'December x0[11,1865. at 11 o'clock, A. AL, at the Office Of Rt Xhe Cpmpa n y, ontraportaot buslues.., 'de.2.3,254/ NORTON JOHNSON , 'sec r etary: • bOUTHVLAILIC - NATION al: BANK: km 44 , DBLP.IIIA, December. 9;'1865.. ' Bank Annual Meeting , of lbo dtopiholdera of tals, Bank forrthoglection of Directors, Will lie held at'Atte, _banking Bodaenntrueselayl the' ath day of Sanitary next, betateen the..holun of 10, o'clock, A.-Ili and 12M. , F. I". &MEL. • • ' Cashier. "Tll TH1.L.4.131;LP.E11,42; wILSfItiOTON RALT,IALUKE BAILED .31) (31:1dPANY,PEr,A.- Dl,Lpnak. Deeemher 19th,186.1. -T1 annual meeting cliche titoekholder , Sor this Conn- Pan)'. and. am electinn of Aireelorn. will take 'Diane-at the , office or the' Company. le Wilmington, on, the btleond lIOND.A.V 7 .(iith) 'of January . next; at it AI 4. Ottia: K. Seery: OOFFICE WARREN AND FRANELP;I" 24ILWAX. COM.P.a NY. 203,4 Walu t 4tret. YYIitADI 4 .I,I.IIIA; Dec. Ili LW.' 1165. • 3be 'annual :meeting of retoOtholders and electjon for jArecture of tke Warren, and, - Franklin Railway, Company , wlll-belefd'at the office of the Company, ort2dOlYDA.r. January Bth: 1866..• i • , , GEORGE b. THOMAS, Ja , Secretary. dl9-tu,tb,e,9t/ fl - 4.I4.j'ECTAG , EINETING OF THE STOCK. iurY, bolderof tie. Ebel:4l4e. On, Company will be hod at the Vetherill House, Sausom street, atiove . , Stith: on Tlijk=lDAlr:l the'2d' dayOf Jan uary , next; at 3 oclock P, , ,irto.o:ptduceth%CapitatSuxi; of 001, mai, pan ,y• to. consider a bupplemeut to the Atmual kteport.- of - gra-Hoard or Damara, and tb transact - each other" busdpess aa r may ,be brosglsp before.them. , •,, iiMeasts- - ' WSL A.7.,DELICH. secretary.' OFFICE -014 TlllO PENN 'MUTUAL Lin .I.IsISIJEANCTI 03f.PAIN Y, Igo 921 C.II.ESIN UT asset, PlffiadelPhla.. • ~ • . . - FS.EVTION —Afi ffir Nide Trustees, to serve for three gears, and On eoto serve for two years, will be held, at the office of the Company, 0tt.11102% DAY , the first day of January, 1866. Polls opeh from 10 A. M. to 12 11L • - • • ST,OPHENCs v del24,i,m.tjal Secretary. 1&:. CELESTE/1 :VALLEY itALLE.O.IO, - COAL PAN r Atm:mai -.Meeting of the Stock holders or the. Chester Valley! Railroad Company; Will be beld at the Aferebante,Exctutuge. _Pt ttadeb rhin. On MONDAY, the ath tday or January, A. D. INGG, at itY o'c oak. P. Al—. At which tneeting,au Lion ). tle be held fur a• President andi,beven Directors to serve far the ensuing rear. • , 1101S'DEM GIRARD NATIviVAI,B.,4I4€I,PuILADELratA rue A'nnual..Electlon fur DfreCtOrs will he Deld the Snaking Bonze on NVED'N..) D AY. /tab duy or January. 1866, between the hours ono 2.V."1f.: Armeeang.,of thaStockhokiere witl be held at the Immo place and On the same day at 12 o'clock ttL. for • cne,burpc;,e of taklag Into consulexatlon the general into ems of the Instltuthsn: • - - 454,tu,thAlale,„ , , , • fl DELAWARE ELLNING- :COMPANY OF IeLLORICiAN.—Notice - is hereby - ven, tharthtz T e nth Installvion t belugT WO DOI perStrate on each and every Share of the Capital Stock in the Bela trare Mining Company - of Mlcrogam - ba. tat , day been Caned by the Binird of Directors orsaid Company. dee and payable at, the office of the. Company, -.tie WALNUT titre-it; Fbllsdelphls , un br before the ISM day er "Decenalier,.TSM. Interest Trill be ch.ariml ou aL Instalments after the same shall hate become doe. ißy order of thelloal4i!j Directors. .- Arr W/STAB. Treasurer. : PIEILADELELTIL . Dec 4. MM. tiek.tterth-sa,tui DIVIDENtIt ATOTICIDi. Lm_DRND NoTicE—The Managers of the Tioga Improvement .tztupany have this day declared a Dividend or SLI: PER CENT4clear of Mavis, payable on and alter Mat inst. • , :WILLIAM MISS. 'MRS= er ' 'Nos. 724 and =Market street. rr- OFFICE OF EL DORADO 'OIL COMPANY, Northeast corner .F.IFTH and WALNUT sta„ PttlLan%LYHtd Dec. 111„ ,1655. The Board of Directors have this day Ceclared a dividend of ISIX CENTS per share, b4n.g Three PER CENT.. on the prom= cat:dial stock ot the company. out of the prx)fits ofthe company, clear slum, payable on and after the 2Sth instant., at the alike of the Onu pany. Transfer Hooka to be closed on the WE' L and ie-ooeued an the :tAlt Inat. B. A. gITCHELL., deaHt Treasurer. PErs..ISTLITANIA. RAILROAD 03M.PANY U TREASURERS DEPARTMENT. Pnxi-ansm oveinbe_r.l 165. i. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.-;•The Boam of DI. rectors have this day' declared a aeral.aunual Dividend of Fria: PER 5..1 IT. on the capital stock of the Com. puny. clear of-National and State Taxes, payable on and after November arab, letS Blank powers of Attorney, Ibr wheeling Dividends, can be had at-the Office of the Conapany.,l3s South Third street. . :TROIKAS T. FIRTH, no=-toil PHILADELPHIA'AND Ite.a_bM L. G RAIL aZ?:80A.33 COMPANY, Office South FOURTH Street.Pßimanst.eura. Dec. 11, 19t,3' DIVILoRND NOT/CE.—The Transfer Rooks of this Company will be closed on SATURDA Y, Dec. 19, and re-opened on Tuesday. Jan. 9. Me. A. dividend of 10 .P.ER CENT. has been declared on the Preferred and Common stock, clear of National and State Taxes, payable, In or common stock at parr. at the option of the holder, on and alter the cith inst.. to the holders thereof as They shall stand regis• tered du the books of the company on the 16th bast,. all :payable at this.oftare. S. Re.A.DroftD, dental/ Treasarer. 10'OFFICE OF TEE MORRIS CANAL AND .11A.NICING CO.—JERSEY CTTY, Dec.lBtD, DIVIDFNu NOTICE. THE FEIMPAIIT DIVIDEND OF WO TO AS PAID .E. 4 • • " ADVANCE. The Board of Directors have this day declared, from the earnings of The Canal, a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT,; upon the amount of the Preferred Stock, and a dividend of SM. PER CENT., upon the amount of the Consolidated Btack—free of Government rax' - PoYable on the tenth day of JANUARY next. at the office of the Mmpany in Jersey City, or to Stock holders resident in andnearPhiladelphiajd the Bans.: log Rouse of E. W. Clarke th Co., in that city. This Dividend Is in anticipation , and in lieu of that which would otherwise be paid February, miss. 't be Transfer Books will be closed from the :nth' inst., until the lath of January, inclusive. :deM- Limb) , JOR RODGERS, Bee'ry. • 1 1 \TENV FRIIITIL—FrIncess Papershell and Lisbon ahnonan 'splendid London Layer Raisins, In whole, halt and qttarter boxes, choice Eleme 11g. s, small drums, in store and tbr sale by M. F, SPLIZEN, Tea Dealer and Grocer,-N, W.oorner Arch and Eighth. C'ONGTAI TE.A.B-11x. "Benefactor" and "Ceres" I. In swre sad for sale by E KNIGHT a CO., S. E. cor. Water and Chestnut street. RIME, NEW JERSEY , LEAF LARD In barrels and kegs, in store and for sale by R. andNIGHT S. H. eor, WaterChestnustreets. CIREMbi PEAS.—Presh imported Green Peas and Mushrooms, Green Corn and Tomatoes fox sale by JAMES Sc. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth streets. G. L. rivnm Clerk ERZTEACIMI.—Adams r unty Peaches, the grown; put nn In gallon,al:galon aUtit cans, for sale low to famMes by SAXES E.. Walnut and Eighth streets.. Green ( rn Peas, kc. warranted to give sal tsfaction. For sale oy 21r. F. eLrELLIN, , N,W. cot Arch and Eighth streets. CIXTRA 'MAGBERHL.—Iiixtra choice Luse •Macke E xel in kids; . Also new Spiced and Pickled Sal. andmon. For sale streetsby M. F. LL IN, N. W. nor.. Arcb Mtith . • T acy P aIitSEBVED,GINGER.--A small Invoice of _LY this dellelousconfection, in small lb. boxes, Just received accous:rvs East End tirooory,No.llB South decoxal street. DRESF,RVED GIINGER.--soo cases choice Preserved .1.1 Ginger, each jar guaranteed; in store and Tor sale at, COLI6TY'S F.ast End Grocery,No. 118 South Second meet.. • • • ?TIME Currants. Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, Pure Spices, Cooking Wines and randies, new Sweet Cider, all for - sale at COUSTY '8 East End Grocery Store, No.l.lB,,SoutkSecond street. ATEw ;i'A112015711 BLOATEItt.;-41, small invoice 4.3 of these delightfhl and choice delicacies, for sale at. COUSIN'S East End Grocery, . Zio 118 South Second street. • : , ,_•*„ ,• PRIME SPANISH OLlV3M—SpanLsli Queen Olives, Stuffed Olives, East Indla , Hot Pickles. Boneless SardineS, and'all kinds of new Canned Fruits, Meats, Soups. Milk and , Colfee; at COLISTY'S East End Oro- eery. No. CS South eecond slava. • 7 , , • barrels Jersey cultiva ()ran berries in store and , lor sale by M.• .E..ISPILLIIe NI W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets. ' A LigEmAIORAPES.--100 kegs of 'these' splendid ,wbite gram_ In fine Order 'landing and tbr sale by JOS. 11. & CO., 108 Smith Delaware avenue. piREMX,INIEO3)9XP.aIity OF FBlLaz' INCOTIPORA. itiosturAnTuat,PziaiiiNVA T T. 2241VTALINTUT Street, emposite the Mk In additiontotWUNEand=iarWlNSUAANlMl shin company Insures from loss or damage-by _FEU, cm liberal terms, on brdldincs merchandise; =martin, &c. t for llmlted periodcorgc immanently an b u n cumi byLaeposit orPreiranm. , ; Iniz iam miseerk in gotttit erstinn Ibr more tb sui . a Ty c,durinKsyhich all losaatnnava , been prcniptl7 do:1111: 1 f ; ; ,;;; • , John W B. Hodge, . • .Wrallee LEIWPII• . • , lid triae; " . hLt iltahon.Y4 Benjamin mini, i i: f. John T./AWLS', • • „ Thorium H. rowegs,._. William El:Braids, B. 'McHenry, Robert W. Learning. • 19dinend CaetilloW ' , • Sarum/ VittlakEP:U4a. lituerz4WroooxiSecretariP,-..." o} - pj ay • - .• OWEIEMiT 1 61B001KRIOES. 1 66 i -MANCE. .)@:4:v,el (0:11 '866 !:241.;E8T: ", TDB B OR IMSGRANOM OOMPANY elf Bncetworated In 1841. Charter Parpetaal. OFF/am, RA MIFF. STRII3I:Ir. , ,• _ , PITA_L-449 lanaiies n A un& lois or da 4301 , mage • by est liouses,Stores asid other Baildings, flanked! Or Par ?Oda!, and on ,Parniture. Goods 'Wares and nterckaa aiseln town or courdl7. I.OSSER PROMPTLY' AD3UBTBD •AND ASOLTS ... . • . .J-4406,004 79 ............................... I Firsi t tdortgageo 'on GUY ProPertY. wet/ se- I cared.-- • 5124,109 99 UnitedjltatesGorernment Loans 3,35,049 00 •Philadelphia. City 6 per cent. .Loans, 90 Pennsylvania :3,000,080 6 percent . — 21., , 000 90 reingqi Ivan* sa Mortgagee ilroad Ponds; firs; and se- 126, 1 cond 000 00 1 Camden and Amboy Railroad Compaay's 6 per cdrit. Loan ' • , 6000 00 Philadelphia ,anclißeading Railroad tom,' ~ parry's 6 per cent. Loan 1 6,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad lop 7 per.c . enc, mon ' - gagebonda.—.----.- ' ' 1 4,660 CO Conn* , Fire Insurance Company's Stock....- 1,050 00 lilecbanics' ° 4 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock... 110,,040 000 0 00 0 Union Mututd. Insuranceßompanrs Stock.. I 630 00 Beliance.,lnsurance (Xonpany, ofyltiladel phia'st-tock Cosh in bank'and on hand -- • DIRECTORS, 13enj. W. Tingley, Wna...hlpsser. ' Marshall 111111 Samuel Bispharn, - Charles Lelail. H. L. Carson, Thomas H. Moore; Robert IScefn, • • sbemuel Castner. Wrn. htevervon. • Alfred English;,, - • • „Tames T. Young. TING.I,,EY, President. 7etary, , II N* 1; ISq5 ? deal-thns,ta,tt TH(iiitAß C. :13:ILL,Secre PX:.i:ahop,r.Lt.RTA; . ):oocenibq IIFE AREFURARCE :COMPANY— •THR GIRARD RUM INB..d_NCR, .42.T A TATITy and:RUST COMPANY, or Philade r plita.- - • - OFFICE. No. 408 CHESITa Street. Capital. , - <4717...,i0TER THRITiTUAL. 950;000—peid in and invested in Bonds ax,o ; Ck;rttintm to make insumucti on /AVIA gratIVAMM/1 lies and iiindoementa And make .contracta generally which depend on the contingencies of life. They act ecutorr Adednistraora, riestOem.,Reeelvers,Com Mantua of Lunatics, Guardians of Minors and Truateet generally, whether committed to Glair Otero ,by must Courts of Jratice or corporate bodies. ey give a ParticlOution or Frontal to the !mewed f 0 tue. aranatinses • „ Thomas =dem', a otue A. Brown, Robert ' Hairy G. Freeman, Thomas P . James, Eitacy .11 , Itarcroll. - George Taber, Wm. P. Jenks., ,I.Tohn C. Mitchell, H. N. Teirotets; Seth L Coraly, • non. H. Prayers. : Isaac Starr__ • Edwd. H. Trotter. • • lirmicem'ma.--Georgo innersole, 8.T..11.,5am Samuel Chemberlaine, D:, attend at the office dally IS oclock, moan. - • Pamphlets se w s t,,ing moles of rates and expreallum of terms of application, and further infarzleallo can bs had at the =tie: 'DHOILA.EI RID( WAY, President. Anew F. J i m. Actuary. TNSDRANCE COPEPAY OF NORTH Abiktit/QA I.—'w A RINE,_ _I;TRID AND INLAND TRANSPOS TATION LNSURANcR._ I ••• : _Ohice„No.s22 .:WALNDT street, Borah aktecette. Third travel' The , Properties of this itkaapany are well Invested And rornlsh an available/had tbr the ample Indemnity of t t all ti m m rsons who deelre to be protected by Ins ran MEM taken on Vessels. •rre.ma'and _cardLAND TRANSPORTATION RDIELS •ad him• - cuandlso peT Railroads, 081110.3 and steam: l oA % . FIBSATARI; on W.Pzchanase, purnltare and Build. .Itme CitEandCotuAty. IUCORPORATTea} DEC 179,1--CAPITA. AND PAID IN AND &ECITEMLY TOTAL sa PROPERTIE3; • • :zoa,ool. PERPPITUAL CHARTER." ‘? -- • - ..... • Anhui G. - Jamea - N. Bamnel W. -Tones, S. Morris Wain, John .EL:krown, -.ham letaso,n . Charles To.el . r , 3me Harefeen, Ambrose Wane, FraneLs B. °vie, ke n t nan ial Wood. EAtwanilt. TroViaa', Weal', E. S. Clarke, William E. Bowen, wail = c animha ..., ' T. Charieton . " ' Airrutra.R. corihf, precasts. (Dula.= PLATT. Secretarn [~ aln W yyatrJ "~aa:;ra) a~~ Jca OFFICE NO. lio SOUTH FOURTH STREET, i BELOW CBMSTISITIT. '•shili Mrs Insurance Oempariy cf . the County cd Thiladelphia." Incrgponated by the .74.0.3at0re at Peonsylvants in 1829, for Inderatdt3r aphod /Oa 07 damage by dear aT iosively. . RE PERPETUAIe. . This old lid reliable tradrution, with AD CSlVtal and. anninipmforui careitiny invested to in. fare budding% furniture, -sacultandise. etc., either pee inanenity or fir a Exulted dm against , loss or damage by fire, at the lowest mat co twilli the ahead= matey of ita crwomers. . . „loam adjusted and paid wit h all poeedbie despatch . zo.ions. Oharleir.l.Rutber. Edwin L. Fealdt. Henry Odli , 3 , ,, John Horn„ , ' Robert V. vedssey, Jr., Joseph.lfoom Henry Budd. - • George Hearn, Andrew M. lifiller c , . ~.. .Tames N. Stan.: , SUTTER, Preside:li •• .1 3 S .7. eer and Treaeurn, ,laterniaccor B. HOsca=carr.- FEitfI:I4I3CRAIWIt _lLx_arananna.z. vas arnErYLVANTA • truP.B INEWTRASCCIC Mkt, PANY—lncorpontted MS—Charter „Perpetual—No, kW WALK, UT Ettreete In tel:madame Souza Th l3 Company, th known to the conuttutio fir over tom room nee to Mime anbut lan or damson by are, on Public or Private- Rankin either permanently kr• a limited time. • Also, on Fornltaxe,stockiefEloals and Ilierchoneke Immo/ZIA on liberal MIS& • 'latent:ennui. together wall a large 8 rpine Pend it Invested In the most caretal moaner, ma= mans then to caw to the injuredon undoubted =mug a the case afloat. • I .. Rla. Da' Wel Snituf,..TrDIREETO., John Derereax. Alexander Benson s Thomas Smith; Isaac Harlehand, " I RPri7.. n i+M 'Thornaa Robins, 3. G)m " Pent Daniel Haddock. Jr. D •r Wil.ithar. G. CROWZIM. A_MIKRIOAN IhrSURANCES coIa:PANT: Joh —Wpm _ahar W./Ong, No. it WALNUT Street. MAR= AND INLAND INSETRANcus,— Blake talant on sestet cargoes and freights to all part =world, and =on Island rouwportrittost ca and other- consommes Lh!'OmithOit the States. - WILLIAM CRAIG, Preektent. SRTER 017"'" , KN, Vice Prealam. ROBERT J. MBE, Sec. pr tam. . MI& Henrs Wm. S. Lowbar, J. Johnston BroWla Samuel A. Ittilon. Mason Hutchins, .15,e,nry , S. RA11 , 711•11 margan. Pearson sees% William Crate, Petez - Solnt Hallett, Ir., Walla= H. "Merrick, Rm.). W. Pahang& FIRTENSURANCe. HE HOME INSIIBANOE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. No. 1E South FOURTH Street. Chaster Ferpe Pai tuaL d Au Capital, 4100 thorized Poo. Capital, 115XyMN • up Izururea 'lashed lose or damage by FE RE on building' Vnther permanently or fbr a IMUTED peritl. Also, NES (MEEANDISE generally and houeehOld' hunt. tore city or country. James Brown, - Chas. A. Duy, Wm. 4. Mewls Wllllam B. Bullock, •Wm. M. 'Needles, John D. Taylor, /AIMS CHAS. A. nihrinawft THOMAS EBSON`F3BE INSMIANCEEL 00.1SEPAN 03 Y PHILADELPHIA.—Office Northeast corner 01 THIRD and BUTTONWOOD tiLreetailate Tammi), rimnsted by the Legislature Of •Pn °mu lmm m= 'Pazarrirrasi,. Capital enthralled by law, 11100,000. Make Inzarance against Loss or Dal= Are of Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Goode and Merchandise, on favorable terms. DEFLECTORS, George ugust A Mier, Frederick Staalte, John F . Rehmerling, Jonas Bowman. Henry Troontner Prederia Doll, McDaniel. , Jacob Schandier, George Buts, Jr., • Stephen Smith, Hears , Garter, SatnuelMiller, Bdward P. Moyer. GEORGE s..W.ETT,Preeldent. 1 JOHN P. BELSTERLING, Floe President, PHEUP E. COLEMAN. SetnetarY HY PROVIDENT LITE .AND T.I3,IJST _OO *. A. PANT, OF PHILADELPHIA.— Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, 8111 month, 22d, 1865, INBITRES LIVES ALLOWS INTEREST ON DE ct posrrs Aria) oßzarrs Armurroa. .#. iaTres, ... .isome DIRECTORS. • • Richard Cadbmry, Henry Haines, • T. Wlstat Brown, Chas. 1 , 'V. 0. Longstreth . _ . f3AXIIEL it. SHEPLEY, President. =MLA= rammv, Aetnary.i. ; ~ . . • • Samuel R. Shipley, Jeremiah Hacker, Joshua H. Morris, Richard Wood.; A anEdallAN FIRE INSITRANCIE 002ff_PARY: INOORPORATICD uo.-ctrutanza Ramis. • 110 WALNUT StreetenrfTWßP Stririk Eavin¢r . e paid up CAP T=1316(±13. and SUB. Invaw in eons and available Secarittee,con• mum Co Insure on Dwelling S 'Farnham Nor. ohandlee, Vessels In port,gind their and. other Personal I!ropery. All LO3RM an Manner Thomas R Marls, `John Webb, - C. Morton,. ' disarm 0, OBAWFOR I FAKE 15113trILANTJE COMP . I ( 1. 1.;.11:4 * 36 'clatcsTNuT A- It r Aitain Tiilia ANDPUtrynßle. .---' -, iiricr.'''‘rßuci,„' znEWPrati:l:_N__l,llßA79ll.; 1, , • Obaries iiidiarai ni • • JO% W,EVIii.'I;MIN; 1 . • I t ! HtnrY'Legnat) ' . , Bgbqg B. Potter, Pei Wiled , , , 1 Jno. K.esaler O'n 1 p;sr.austim , .... . .'' , F.rl). Weesittir:! 1 EitiO.A; 'wren; l “ .41, ,Cbr • Stake!, RBANCID4:iIir IT IcI P -D • z .: ti ~ . ...........,, . OK, President.' • . l i ztew m inrCi t t il =o l 6 Vlderrestassr o , • . —, iL 1. ao 1 5 000 914 Ts 138.004 70 mErcusr.,lituddami. Themes Klaiber, Jr., Henry E 3, McComb. Le_nanel Gain, ells% . Hazen% . 7, Jilli P born Jones, John Woodside, WY. President, lIY Vice President, • =PO N. secretary. c. 111 Sontn Fourth Street jolui T.Lowle, James R. CataPpeUl, Edmund G. r r else:W. roultate.r, - 2 R; ILAILTS, Pleiades& .Seesetel744 se72l lIMMMAPIFVE'. , . REMOVAL: The Office of William olE.Nrir FOR THE... ORIGINAL TRAVELERS' INSURANCE ,OO,IIP,ANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn. The Oldest and-Most' - Reliable Accident Insurance Companyin America, AND THE NEW ENGLAND FIRE . INSURANCE t COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN-, Has Been Removed from No 404 to , 40 . 0 WA..ILNII3`r gt" DIRECTLY OPPOSITE. no2s.4cr,th,sja FIRE IYSURA.IIOE. Liverpool and London and Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Authorized Capital, Invested Pura's, over 16 Pffillions Yearly Revenue, over Invested in the United litotes, over All looses promptly adimsted witboilt refereuceifi England. ATWOOD SMITII, , General Agent for Pennsylvania,: OFFICE, No, 6 'Merchants' Exch=4e, del63,tn,th..tfi - 182ie s -4;IMEM3 PM{PMrMe&.. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, Assets on January 1, 1885., 02,6040,207-0 4 . A) MAIM .iIsICIME 808 Map 132.746. 1310.000. Losses Paid 51043 1-829 Over 045,04.000. pearesaym alai Teml= ms .eilletar a Merit *rem ccuries rt: Baziacer, Totem Wagner, :snit lge, . Gamma Gaara, . George Palen, ! Jecob.R. Grath, .. Alfred ma George W.Stedin • - wz ewis, k it , N.- ME tseddend. . 14 , 5 ..N11 . WAND Q.• .DA *Mee Ells:ldea. ' : 43re tem. annual . , . . • • . : DELAWARE linTru.A.l. saivn- INSURANON COMPAN Y. INCORPORATED BY TBE LEGIBLAspmg. OP PENNSTI.VAMLIk. OFFICE S. - E CORNER THIRDE AS3S.ND- WALNUT STREETS ALDELPHIA, ON VIS , . , ENSUEUNC.E, FiEL9,I • D.ARGO. To all parts of the wort& • YBEIGMT, , .lI.ILAIND . thSLEANCES• ,-- On Goode, by Ricer, Canal, Lake, and .I..andige, to all paru• of the lanion. PMETNECURANCES, On 'Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, dm. • . . ASSETS OP TBE COMPANY November L 1565. • , 1100,020 'United Statess per cent. loan, '71..L. V 5,090 Op .IZ),IXO trilled States 6 per cents loan, 'Bl.-- /28;103 OG. a 0,0.0 Calt.c-d States 7 3-10 per cent. loan . ~TrusnATNOLee (ko 100,000 State of Pe...nnsylvarda Five Per Omit. 94:14 00 54,000 State or PeansylVanhs Six Per Cent. Loan 125,000 City of Phlladelphia 31z Per lent. L0an,...... 112,812 50 93,000 Pennsylvania - Rained. First : Mon gage,lKr Per Cent. Bonds.-- --- .23,000 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Raidroad SeCondlfort gage Six .rer Cent Bonds 00 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad mortgage - Six Per Cent. Bonds. ____ .... 2 .3,750 00 11,000 see Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and, Interest guaranteed by the City of Philadel phia.. :,150143 Shares Stock Penna, Railroad Company- • • -5,580 CO 5,600 100 Shares STOCiaorth P - g - itiS . YI7I : DTh . ; Railroad Co m--- • 3,250 00 40,tkP Deposit with e llinfted. - States - Go. vernmen t, said tto 10 days cali.__ • 40,000 01 50,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Can; Lo an- 170.7C0 Loans on Rends and Mortgage - , - fir s t liens on City Pr0perty............ „ t ,.. 170,700 os L056,85e Par. _ 996,561 00 Real Estate 36.000 00 Bills receivaole for insurance made 121.013 37 Balances due stAgencles.—Premiums on Ma rine Policies. Accrued Interest. and. other debts due the Company .... 40,511 4t Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 65 , 133. lu-ituated value.— . 2,910 00 Ca.sh in Banks ..$55,g6 Cash In Drawer 678 48 sy DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand , , Samuel E. Stakes, John C. Davis, , r. F. Peniston. Edmuud A. Souder, Henry Sloan. Theophilus Spalding, William G. Boulton, John R. Penrose, - Edward Darlington, ...tames Traquair. H. Jones Brooke. Henry C. L allett; Jr., - Edward Lalburcade, James C Hand, , Jacobi.. Jones,' William C. Ludwig, James 13.11cFarLand. Joseph H. Seal,' Joshua P. allyr. e,, George G. Leiper; - Spencer Mclivalne, Hugh Craig, . J. B. Sempie, , Plusburgh. Robert Barton. A. B. Berger,Pittsburdb. John D. Taylor, D T.Moman, Pittsburgh. THOMAS C. HAND, President. JOHN 6. HE'NRI4 LYLI3I7IIST, Seen RE A. 13 1900/ATlOyir, Incorporated March 1820. i A OFFICE N 0.84 N FIFTH atree3. In. sure suiLDNGA__irousimzoLv FUR. r. NITURE End3l , M44: OHAND.tBBl_gener --t—_, It= LOU by Fite, ( 1 / 1 the OW of Philadelphia oaly.) 'mt. mama of the slis itsociatlo n JADMATT As I.ets 1865.0 f t BI)Ildi3 and Mori :mom on Property to the City of Philadelphia only. .... .... . ... „_ 64 Reel Eatate. (Office Mai sind.North arrests . ) 14,,z0) 2,5 11. B. 00y. 543... L EGA& . . ... 45,000 as De ,With U. 8. Analetant , Inenurer....—.... L 5,000)) PM= 43 TitI7SPNIES: " • . - GEORGE W. TlCYON,`Prealdeart. Wm. H. Hamilton, "- 7os. R. Lyadail, John Bonder, ' Levi p..ooara, t Peter A. Serge;,. ; Samuel Spartuawir, JohnPhilbin, Charles:P. Power: John Carron , ' Robert Entoemaker.'. 800. I. JesaulAghtfoot., • . mys T. 11„1: =: ;tax", A NTHR AD I T .71 , 1131:TRANOB .00ALP.A.Nre! A •OICANTER T.VERRETOAL. . • • No. MT WALNUT street; above Thlni, V pie insure againat Loss or Damage by Fire, on ItolLS-• Ingi; either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Form and:Merchandise generally. • - , Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, Oarroes - Freight. - Inlawalnanrance to all parte of Well/don. Witt , DIEWOTOBS. • * David Pearson. D. Lather,. , . peter Steger, Lewis Atulentled, . • Nauru, J. Blaktatori, z Dean, ' • • • .Tobn.S.etchturt, , EA onee.preitident. $lO ECllions. 5 Millions. $1,500;000: .Pl!.nL.A.ra4u.zaa.. MUlzi sic,ms UZes; Miiiket calve $1,t03 - ,630 ViceF7eEddent. harp.deistnoi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers