SECONIAIYITION. Y TELEGRAPH. INTERESTING WASHINGTON NEWS Southern Congressmen Going Home, Their Parting, Visit to- the President. The New Minister to the Republic of Mexico. The Policy of (Yur Government Fore- shadowed. From Washington. jSpecial Despatch to the Bulletin.] WAsitnictrox, Dec. 23. —The Southern delegations, Senators and 'all, having de eided to go home and wait the action of Congress, called to-day upon the President and notified hiin of their intention: They expect to return and be admitted by the 4th of next Mareh. • The, instructions of , our- new - - Minis' ter to Mexico, who is ordered at once to his post, and to remain near President Juarez, , are of so decided a character that the imPeriai party will not be long in :'ascertaining the policy of the 17, S. Government. Frani Fortress Monroe. FORTRESS * MONROE, Ilea. 23d. The steamer Charles Chamberlain has arrived from New York. She had the ship o,ueen in tow. The latter encountered dales about the 21st, and broke away from the ship off Absecom Light. The ship has not been heard from since. 7. The Steamer Hibernian. PORTLAND, MO., Dec: Z.—The Canadian mails for the steamship Hibernian, for Liver pool, will be detained until 5 or 6 o'clock this evening. Consequently she will not take her departure till then. Price of. Gold In New York. [By the Peoples Telegraph Line.] NEW Yonic, Dec. 23.--Gold has been quoted to-day as follows : 10.30 A. M. 145 11.40 A: M. 145 k 10.50 , 1451 12.00 M. 1451 11.00 1451 12.25 P. AL 145 a 11.25 1451 1.00 1451 Markets. Nita . Yonx, Dec. 9.3..;-CottOn is quiet at 51@a2c for middlings. Flour firm; 4,004hb15. sold. at $7 15®8 so for State; 58 60@l0 XOO for Ohio. $7 15@8.60 for Western; 'se 80€115 25 for Southern, and $6.20@1L 15 for Canadian. Wheat and corn quiet, sales unimportant. .- Reef steady. Pork steady at 11:23 25@28 57% for mess. Lard firm. Whisky dull. Stocks are firm; Mims° andßock Island. 107, Cum. lberland preferred' 444; Michigan Southern. 74Ai: N. Y. Central. 953 i; Beadle g;10735; Missouri 6's, 7634; Erie. 953;' Tennessee 65. 90; Treasury 7 . 3-10's, 983 i; :Five .. Twenties. 10,3%;:'G01d. 145;4'. Cmciaarxrz, Dec. 22.—Plour Is quietist $6 57. Whisky Irregular at $225, duty paid; and $2 26 In bond. Hogs firmer, but not quotably basher. Receipts. 5,100. Pro visions firmer. Mess Pork closed active at $26 SO. Lard .17c. for prime city. Gold, 1451 i. PenmnaL Dr.. Emmett Robinson, a well-known physician of Petersburg, Va., died in New York last week - ' • F. B. F. Entgess, formerly a prominen memb e r, _of the Maryland legislature from Charles co.;:died recently. E. Golding,7 a school-teacher, has been in , didted atst. Louis for: teaching the "young idea - how to - shoot" before he took "the oath." • ' ' D.Curry was knockeddown in thestreet at Richmond a few nights ago, and robbed of A recently married • lady '' in Cincinnati, was called into the parlor of the house where she 'hoarded, for the litu-puse of seeing a young won:lan:Who had inctuired for her. Upon entering the parlor, ."sh.e recognized a discarded lover in feminine disguise, and only his awkwardness in taking his revolver from an unfamiliar pocket gave his intended victim time' to'-'escape from the dastardly murder which he had planued with so. much cunning. - • The/lon. David G. Burnett, thevenerable ex-president of Texas, is on a visitto•N'ew ark, N. J.,,his 'native city, after an absence of thirty-five , years. Mary Smith, a colored servant at the Lin dell Hotel; St. Louis, has been, committed to jail to answer the charge preferred by a lady boarder that she, the said Smith, stole "one long braid of black hair of the value of $25; four pairs of crimped rolls of the value of about $8; 'two waterfall puffs of the value of about Is 4; one invisible hair net of the vale of about $3 50; four pieces of crimped hair of the value of about $10," all belonging tckand worn by the complainant. Dr. Gwin ' who was arrested some time since on his return froin Mexico to the IJitited States, is confinednt Fort Jackson, below New- Orleans. Cotrirrs. Qui‘UTEP. SEssioNs—rudgeAllison.—The case of Edward Simons, charged with the murder of Bernard Kane, in October last, was heard of habeas cUrpus, in order to have the accused admitted to bail. It - will be re membered that the murder occurred• on. the Passyunk road, near the prison, the de ceased-being shot by the accused. It was alleged that although the pistol was dis charged by Simons he did not intend to shoot any one, and as the deceased was standing fifteen feet away, there was no intent to injure him. ' Held under adVise•- ment. We learn by • recent advices from Con stantinople, that AzoP Effendi,'' who, for the past , thirty . years, filled the post of Beeretaire Intiae, or "Counsellor of State,7= to the Turkish Embassy in Paris,having recently, 4lied, the vacant pest as been proffered to , Mr. Oscanyan.' The Porte, could not have made a'better appointment; for Mr. Oscanyan is doubtless eminently qualified for the position. The reforma- tory measures for the regeneration of. Turkey as laid' down in Mr. Oscanyan's work, entitled the "Sultan and his People," have many of them been adopted by - .the, Turkish government and are being strenu ously carried out 'as, we perceive by,: ,the official reports of Mr. E. Joy •Morris, , our representative' Turkey; so that • this. tribute of appreciation is.well bestowed. JOSH BILLINGS remarks in a recent let ter: And now let me, say, Mi Dear Wide- Awake, i have fell in love, with Philadel phy,.—its meandering hoss cars,—iti white virgin stun stepk—its sober bonnets,—its Girard Hotel = and its nut brown ale and chiefly ov awl,"its . "Press Club,"—clubs are, trumps, especially in Philadelphy. r likePhiladelpliy,'and if you see ennyboddy thare, male, or femail, that noboddy•seems tow Love, and who hankers for a Lover;: tell them gently, that' Josh will love them, enny grade,—year even . 60 (oat tow the' Speak of me softly, tew all my friends. • Josiit IBTT.T.Tmos. 8. IT IS STATED that as the Emperor Apo leon is forbidden by his physician to smoke, he is distributing hi s . fine collection of mtarschaup pipes amon g his friends. dant Trata'-E-VENING,BTILLETIN " CITII - 131ITLILE1"IN . §n . A7m3,.--The cold weigher: of th# fast . feVideyslas enxised'all the ponds anOnmall streams, in, thei'vicinity' of' the, city .to-be- eome,tightly frozeri,c , the: lovers of skating now have an excellent'vportgnity, of enjoying their exhilaiating different parls,which have been established in various sections of the city,- are alrinfaU blast, and are reaping a rich harvest. At one of them alone, we . are informed , ceipts during,tlds; 'week haVb varied freni $1,200 to $2,000 per day. Some Of these parks are fitted •up in ,the most convenient, manner, With sumptuous saloims for ladies and gentlemen, clothes rooms, restaurant§ I *C. „ The Philadelphia Skating Park, at Thirty first and Walnut qtreets, nas been g:matly improved during the past year, and is now supplied with almost every , appurtenance which could conduce to the comfort of its patrons. This morning theskating was ex- , cellent, and a large number of persons were gliding about on the ice. The central :loca tion of this park and its easy accessibility makes, it a favorite resort for ladicis and children. The Union Park, at Fourth and Diamond streets,' is excellently located for,the convenience of the`• residents in the northern section of the city. The ice is now in good condition and the Park . is nated at night.A band of music rain attend ance during the afternoons and iiVeningi.', CORRESPONDENDE.—Prom Dr. B. Shelton lialtenzie,the Literary Editor and Critic.— "Some years ago Evan's Gift Book Store was accepted as one of the institutions of this city, and was conducted with a great deal of fairness. After a prosperOus reignof seven or eight years Mr. Evans 'came to grief,' as ,the saying is. He had been -. robbed on all sides—plundered ; to a vast extent. One of his employes, his confidential clerk, built half a street with money, which, he eventu ally confessed, he had abstracted from letters address to Mr. Evans, and received by mail. Mr. Evans could have stood this but the war obliged him to close seven of his branch offices in the South, by which he was a heavy loser. "Mr. Evans has manfully struggled since his business eclipse ; latterly as agent for the Florence sewing machines. , He ha., just recommenced his old gift book businerm, ad vertising liberally (which was the secret of his former success), and is likely to make a fortune again."—Philadelphia Correspon dent of N. l. Bound Table. • HEADS or DEPARTMENTS.—The follow ing nominations were made yesterday afternoon, by, a caucus of the Union mem bers of the new City Councils : Chief Commissioner of Highways, Wil liam W. Smedley. Assistant Commissioners of Highways, Henry B. Bobb, Nathan Spering. Commissioner of City Property, Charles Dlxey. Chief Engineer of Water-works, H. P. M. Birkinbine. Superintendent Girard Estate, Charles S. Smith. Agent Girard Estate, Samuel S. Cavin. Chief Inspector of Streets, George F. Gordon. Superintendent City Railroads, John Bosler. THE _Tricorns TAX Lurr.—Whatever dif ference of opinion may exist as to the propriety of the publication of the list of incomes, still, when published, it , furnishes a very interesting and readable description of literature. The newspapers containing the names of taxpayers, and th e . amount of their respective incomes, are bulky, and not sufficiently compact for preservation. The whole has been put together in tuseat book which is for sale by T. B. Peterson it Brothers, Chestnut street, above Third. Those who desire to preserve the record of the "rich men" of Pluladelphia and Bucks countsr, for the year ending April 30, 1865, will find" it in the compact shape which we have described. CildistitAs EmEnctsms.—The closing ,ex ercises of the Beck Schools, Catharine above Sixth, last Thursday • morning,' were at tendedivith a high degree of interest, there being a large number of the: parents'and friends of the pupils present. - Several ad dresses were delivered by the Directors, which at once claimed marked attention on the part of all present. The exercises con sisted of recitations, readings, dialogues, and the awarding of diplomas, concluding with,a valedictory, by Harry Wills, one of the graduates, all being interspersed with local music.-- These, combined with The - tasteful arrangements of the rooms, and the handsome manner in which the pupils ac 4uitted themselves, formed a most pleasing entertainment:' - . • . ATTEMPTED ' MURDER.—EII73 Peterson, a - young ,colored woman residing in Barclay street, above Sixth, was stabbed, last even ing, in atsmall court on Lombard 'street, above Sixth: She received a severe wound in the left side and a cut on the arm. She was conveyed to the Pennsylvania laospitaL The injur ies are said TO have been inflicted by a colored man named John White.. Itis said'that White and the injured woman had been living together, and on account of some disagreement between them she left in the morning, determined to have nothing more to do with him. He came across her about eight o'clock in the evening, and inflicted the injuries above stated. • SWINDLING HOARDING HOUSE KEEPERS. . , —A man, who gave the name of James d Smith an says that he is from Maryland, was arrested, kst night at Fourth.and Arch streets. It is alleged that he has been in the habit of stopping at hotels for two or three days and then ,leaving without - paying his board.- • He was twice - et the Continental, and went twice to a bearding house on Arch street. On the second visit he was arrested, by . ,order of, the landlady. The nrisonor will have a hearing this 'afternoon at the Central Station. • • LArribs_or A FERRY BOAT,—The steam ferry boat Atlantic ! fully completed was launched last evening 'from the National Ship Building company's works at Kaighnrs Point. A description:. bas already been given in the BULLETIN. She will run from Tine street wharf to Cooper's Point, in connection with the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. She had steam up this morning and attracted considerable attention along the river, front. '; el THE Si'. ASEPti'S Farn.- 2 The fair now being held at St..-Joseph's Church, in Willing's Alley, Is wellattended. A con - test is in progress, for a set, of base ball, equipments and for a fire horn. Last even :ling the votes stood—For base •ball equip ments, Magnolia, 39; Enterprise, 31; Penn, 10. Far the 'Honi—Hibernia Engine, 28; Hope Hose, 2S;_ Goad Will Engine, 27. • WHEREAS The Managers of the Citizens' Volunteer Hoiiital Association; after clos ingtheir labors find through the liberality of their aintributors theta largersum of money was donated , to ~the Institution; ,than was required 'for carrying out the objects for which it was , originated, and as, there will be the sumr!of foil; thousand dollars re-' maining on'hand after. setting apart - a por tion of •said funds Dlr. 'the use of the laclies who were connected with them, to be still applied in efforts to alleviate the sufferings of the sick and wounded soldiers remaining. in the Government Hospitals 'or. elsewhere, and , • wh 'cra m, - The 'Managers upon careful deliberation are ;unable to find an institi, tion better adapted to continue 'the objects for whiclithe , saidtmoney was interided,by the contributors; thin the "Soldiees-,-And Sailor's Home or-Philadelphigir 'therefore :iicsobtd, nit our Treasurer; be directed, to pay over:tO :the •Trpasiiritr..,-pf -The diet's' and Sailors' Philadelphia,!!: the shave named sum offour , thousand litti lars.‘for the use.of saiditistitutlit h ; Resolved, That the Treasur e s=, of. . the "Borne" be requested - to - a - eicskowledge - the. receipt ;of the said - amttunt, t-nd have these resolutions „published In dome of; thcl daily, papers. Dios: TASIEER; •-• President; '' • - T. L. GI:FF:014o, Seeretari. The Treasurer of the §'Zildiers? knowledges the reeeibt of four thotwarbi dollars, as above. - W. STRUTHERS, Ueasurer AnnEsTEl).—John ' :White' the colored' man who is charged ydth having,stabbed, Knit!. Peterson, in the Sixth Ward, last eve ning, as stated on another page of to-day's paper, was arrested shortly, after:the occur rence, at Sixth and Lombard street!, He was arraigned before Ald. Butlerthis morn ing and was committed for a -further hearing. -CHARGED wrrrc ROBES=Y.—Mary and Sarah King, mother and daughter, were be fore Ald. Moore this morning upon the charge of having robbed a man named John Buck. of $7O. They were committed to answer. ROBBERY.—Last night about 11 o'clock Mr. James E. Johnson,while passing Ridge avenue and Spring Garden street wasseised by two men and robbed of. his watch and chain. CHURCH DEDICATION. 7-01 Evangeli cal Reformed Church, on qteen street, near Sixteenth"; will be dedicated to-morrow morning. The dedication sermon will be delivered by Rev. J. J.R. A. 13oulberger,D,P. ' FATAL RESULT.—Henry Hornkith, wite fell down an embankment, near the 11. S. Arsenaka few nights ago, has since died of his injuries. The deceased was 74 years of age, and resided on Federal street, west of Twenty-seventh. • THE BARD or "NATIONAL GRINDERS," The perfect purity and health of the teeth Seldom Item& Their greatest beauty still less often seen. This, notwithstanding all the science and quackery Of the day, pf mended preparations, sa fragrant new mown h ayl Bee Dr . Miles Pamphlet, 48 Alt p the eon, Chris o tmas OM Offices 902 Walnut, and 515 Chestnut streets, up stairs "THE FUNNIEST THING."—"PHARAOR'S Sicapswpre."—Onicins and. interesting. Bower, Sixth and Green. 50 cents a box mailed, 65 cents. __"PErAraoH's SznPmartn."—A Scientific buracle! Astonishing everybody! Amusement for all! Bower's Laboratory, Sixth and Vine, 50 cents. Mail, 55 cents. Einnzas on Rol , Tunn—Treated with pro- Amadora' and practical el= by C. H. Needles s B. W. corner Twelfth. and Race el:recta Ladle& Department conducted by Mao, on Twelfth etyma, let door below Race. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES IN EVERY VA awry. SNOWDEN k RROTHER,Lcap olOghth rters, 23 South Fstreet. BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Card Reoeiv. ere, Jewel Caskets, agar awes Cutlery. etc. SNOWIIEN ch. - BROTHS:Et, Importens, 48 South Eighth Meet. Crkmarimr, CLOTHING , Clothing, Clothing, Clothing. Clothing. Btu Zeta Costs, Business Mans. Basipeas Coats; 13114nees Oasts, Business Coma , Beelneas Coate, Business Coats, Business Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Maclnnen'4'Coats, Coachmen's (ate, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's (Coats, Coachmen's Coal" - WilkingCoats—new style. Walking Coats—new style. Walking Coats—new style, Walking Coats—new style. Pants, s—varl ed styles. Pants, Pan Pant ta—varted styles. Pants, Panta—varled styles. Pants, Pants—varied styles. i Vesta, Vesta—all descriptions. Vests, Vests—all descriptions. Vests, Vesta—all descriptions. Vesta, Vests—all descriptions. Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, . Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing. In greatest variety. Routing Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Bunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Bunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats. Being constantly supplied from Foreign Importa tions and Domestic Manufacturers, we are enabled to offer the choicest assortment of,fItEADY-MADE CLOTHING at reasonable ruicas. Also, a splendid stock of UNCUT GOODS for Citi zens, Boys, and Army and Navy Officers, which will be made to order at the shot nonce Rocranix lIHO I / 4 BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL, 603 tad ad Chestnut street. THIS KILKENNY CATS--THE TRUE Hts- TORY OF THE PIELCI.LN SPLIT.—This little quarrel, which is a very pretty one as It now etands, la exciting sore interest to the comMunity, and we, as faithful chroniclers of passing events, will give "The Rise and Fall of the Fenian Empire," as far as heard from. It appears that fYldationy (which Is a corruption from Oh,my honey:and though the spelling haa changed the corruption haa not, if we are to .take the reporta of Roberts, the Senate's President) is the favorite of the New York Pentane. and is Identified with New. York interests exclusively: baying his clothing, hats and boots in Broadway, while Roberts, the other man, Is in favor of buying wherever you can make the beet bar -011)B, consequently advocates, the buying of gunpow der on'Ounpowder creek, pikes at the iron works in Pike county, and clothing at Chas Stokes & Co.'a one Thiser the Continental. in this city. determination, it appears, Is sustained by the people of the country, which the following telegrams Indicate; Cossnorteumzsi, 9.30 M.—President Sacra, New York—Everything going on well. Will stand by you. Get what you want at Charles Stokes & Co.'s one price under the Continental, and draw on Head Centre or Manayunk.' _(Signed) \Vamp Tows. Tiracum, 10.20 P. M.—President Roberts: Leave New York and take up your abode In Philadelphia; replen ish your wardrobe at Charles Stokes do Co.'s, mid out shine O'Mahony, and we will foot the bill and O'Ma bony too; ifyon will send them on here. (Signed) THq/COlf "HEAD CILNTILE." gI.AIOHN'EI POINT, 2.40 AL .—.Ppcsittent Roberts. New York—The Senate and yourself are .sustained by us Heap your head up. your boots blacked, and send on your measure for a full snit• of. clothing to Charles Stokes & Co.. under the Continental, and you "will be remembered with honor 'till tame shall strike on the dial of Eternity." (Signed) TIGER Tome, Near the Ship Yard, Kalghn's Point. N. J. Buy ME ONB.—Comipg out of the Circus the other night we beard a gentleman exclaim, "what beantiflil Meerschaums." and on turning to see what was so much admired, we found it. was Wiley dr. Brothers' elegant display at Eighth . and Walnut streets. To finish the story we recognized in the cOttple who were of like opinion with ourselves, a newly wedded pair—" Buy me one, dear:" was tie hbsbarid's endearing request—"l will, George." was the reply. blovrthat was a sensible loving woman, she would make a home a paradise. We envy theMau thatpossesses such a wife. r.c.ii• patronize and make loving husbands and beaus. New Jersey Natters. I BURNED TO , DEATH. Two young and interesting children,belonging to Mr. David Teal, who resides near Cape May Court liouse, were so severely burned a day or or two since, by their clothes taking fire, that they died in a short time afterwards. REMOvED.—The principal office of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company has been removed from Walnut street to Cooper's Point. on skating is now excellent on the ponds in the vicinity of Camden. The parks are also in tip-top order. A new one called the "Kaighn Point Park"was opened M-day within two soares of that ferry. It covers an area of seven acres, and is fitted up with all necessary convemerices. Dzsgarons ELEcrin.—At a recent meet ing of the Stockholders of - the Raritan and Delaware Bay Railtoad„ the following : named gentlemen, were elected Directors for the ensuing year: Hi M. Alexander, H. H. Brady, Ezra Nye, Joseph 0.... - Felffs;, Ashbel Green, Wm. Torrey, Samuel G..:Wheeler, Jr., Wm., - Fatterson, Z. Scriven, W. S. Suo dOniSamuer- W. Torrey, F. W. DoWnert Lewis B. Brown. • HArrusomx.—The •Camden Home •for Friendless ,Children received oyez, three hundred dollars as the proceeds of the re cent concert held for the benefit Of that in stitution. , tAP onvrED. 7 --Govern or Parker has ap pointed Ilpdnian M. Price Trustee of the State Normal School, in place of L. A. gCLoSEr, —Navigation 'on ,the ' Delaivare and Raritan' Canal wasclosedto;day. Many. DEtittilll 3 -k inapqrtant-neiiiii9yeritients•;:*lll. -made, tgAnglettfylaticgis,46itijelifiAng,the "sewl BPAAh' .fo-:DtSkan. 7 -:On Saturday last Children'comprisingg the-family ofßiehard Gross, Ipcilinicia.lne, tOrbirt , of Raleigh, .C. timed to death. Mr. and Mrs; ,Grosi-reft-hberutVent kyiday,' leaslog their children to take cafe Of r tne kotse. *bout - - - four - Voloak,:unFi§laturdaY f . moriiing, the 'liense - took fire, and do' cbildrett perished in the flames ' Tina Sorpnaarrini Vin Washington. man4est great bitteiffless to*ard ,;.Teff. Davis---amusinihinfotbeing - theleause of, the nth of the Confedeiitcy, culd4tkidlessly prolonging the war. ' ' '" ' SPEAKING 'of a beautiful brunette belle'of an Illinois city, our friend accounts fOr did! brovinness of her complexion by the tact that she has been so often; toasted. AT an - agricultural, dinner, the following toast ; was given: "The gsine of fortune;, shullie the ands as you spacial - 3 must win." . . • ; PtltsT .000 10 17 1: Va. 104 stee os kega io ei b i t 2000 17.8 Treas. 78-10 Notes June :9711 500 sh a 011 8 44-100 WO Er do b 5 3% 100 sh Flllton Coal etas 8% , BALES AFTER. 1.500 U 8 &rb 'B4 con .100 X lUOaa in) new 89% Ocean 011 18% Inn ah • do als 18% 100 all do 18% .lao sh Hdo nVe It 10 38 37% do b 1700 ah Belicholas 0 b 5 oo ab ' do 100 ah Era. Oil , b3O 3% 203 ah .do b3O 318 100 200 eh do 030 100 ah Catamisaa OW 30 100 eh do 830wn 38% 100 ah do • bBO 80% 400 sh do 40M C 24 Public 500 sh Miller PIBSTc z3O sh Rend 830 53.4 , too sh Dalzell Pet ID) eh Ocean 011 IMO 100 eh Fulton Coal 8% =ST CLAIM Amer]Can (add_ --USX bid Reading Railroad 52% sales Raw York 0entraL.......... wee, 11. S. .21,11 int off.- ---.1 bid tr. B. 63 4 62013-____-loti, . salesa Hudson River-- --10834 sales IWnois sales sales Steady. Therewas nothing but Inn and frolic at the Stock Board this morning, and no disposition to do baldness. George Cambium, Esq., the President, opened tr.„llro ceediage by naading an rassay,in proseand blank Verse, setting lath in glowing colas the eccentricities of the leading xnembas of that organization. The portraits were vividly and truthfully drawn, and in such hu morous language as to cOnVuipp the assemblage with laughseg. 'Government Leans were not offered largely. The Five Twenties, registered. sold at 101; the Seven-Thir ties at 8134, and the Ten-Pe:tits at Wig. State and Thy loans were without change. Reading Railroad closed very quiet at 52.. V Pennsylvania Railroad at 561( and Ostavrisas Railroad Preferred at sit©3BU. Canal stocks were very quiet, In 011 stocks there was more dispnaltion to operate, and a general reaction in prioes of the good Companies Is anticipated after the com mencement of the netejear. The Penn National Bank has declared an extra divi dend or fifteen dollars per share, by increasing the par value of the stock from $35 to ISo per ahare.. The Greenwood Coal Company has declared a divi dend orreur per cent., payable on and alter January 2d, . 'Jay Oooke 64. CO. Quote OoTerBuneat BeCurll66s, *Cu *day, as tollOwa: :7111:711118, 17.8. re, 1881. 117734 107 1, 1 Old 15.1603038(13.------....._103 103,1, New " . 1864 _ _ION - 101 , e 8.-W Bo..Barlds nds, 1865."—.--..............M1 101 ~. 11>40 7 S-1 Junust 97X e—.._---- Sep $8 9s. Certificates of Indebtedness— irg_, - 9$ Gold—at IS o'clock...-..... --MX' 141 At thePhiladelphis GoirrEzeitange, No. 87 BOuth Third street, basement, Gold quotations were az che folloaintrates: WAD A. m., 143,v. atm If., 14SM@ISPA. U. A. IL, 145,%@14534. ILLSO P. If.. Gbh. 11.9) A. ilf., 1453] 1435. MG) P.M.. 1453 i. .. Ifessrs. Donavan & Brother. No. 40 Smith Third. street, make the =awing quotations of the Estee of =change to-day, at Di P. Al,t Amerlcsa ld. 145.1 i Quarto's and Go hadve5...................--ito 1151( Dimas and half dimse....—.. " l;dla. Witt New York Rxchanke....... die. per. Smith, Randolph 4 co:Bank en.. to South Third street, quote at o'clock as !Mows: itsg@iss-N 11E3 1 .1881 Bonds-.....:.. ......_..---- ..---167; iii); U.B. 5.2 D, I88::_ ...:....:....._............_...._....._.109 , 1103); - " ' 1864;...-.::..—..._.—...,-....-....—...1C0% ICO . " 1665 i - ......:......_......x.:. »._:100,N 1004 ...- . - '..... ...... ..._ t 2 . ,:. T.'4. U. B. 7-50),•—iii . j0i1iG........ ................ —.—..—. 38,1 SIN sd series.. U. P. Certificates of ThiregecliiSZ: Stock suarket smog. SATIMI.DA Dec. 23.—The dullness which always pre vails at the close of the year is now aparent in all de partments of trade and the transactions are of an tin. Important character.:, There is but little inquiry for Flour and only leoo barrels were disposed of In lots at 1,7 23r47 barrel for superfine, Saga 50 for extras, ents 25 fbr Northwestern mixt femlly,loo@li 25 for Permeated Ohio do. do., and ili r Solgll2 So for fancy lots—according to quality. Small sales of Aye Flour at $.66 Z. Prices of Corn Meal are entirely no Mal. There Is very little prime Wheat offering and lbr other descriptions there is no demand. Sales of 1000 bushels Western Red at $2 2.5 and 500 bushels choice Southern at $2 35. We quote White from $2 4010!!'370. 500 bushels Inferior Red at $1 85. Sales of 1000 bushels Western Rye at $l. Corn comes in slowly and is In der mend at yesterday's quotations. Sales of 8000 bushels new yellow in the cars at 82 cents, and afloat at 85 cis.' 1:103 bushels old yellow, aflost,sold at 87 cents and some new white at ft cents. Oats are In demand at AU ad vance of 1 cent 11 busbeL Sales of 3,(4X) bushels Sout hern at 50@51 cents, and a cargo Of Prince Edward Is land at tne same figure. Prices of Barley and Malt are unchanged. The receipts of Cloverseed are srdall and 400 bushels sold at $7 75@8. 0o sales of Timothy. F.axseed sells on arrival at $3 14@13 20 . There has been more doing this we e k in wool, says the Price CUrrent, but the demand has been mostly confined to medium grades, while coarse loaf have been comparatively neglected. The downward tend ency in the latter, however, which has prevailed for some time past, has been checked, and there is not so much anxiety to realize. The sales comprise-- 1045,000 lbs common and fine fleeces at 50@.75c 35,000 lbs fine 70(teft 12,00011)s tub 62405 d 18,000 Its medium 65(®7 ic 10.000 tbs h blood 67c 20,000 lbs 55 and blood 65@65c 20,000 lbs X. and 3.1' blood 62(4660 30,000 Its Merino pulled 63665 c 10,000 lbs blood 60c 15.000 IN common 52.®53c 15.000 Iba common aria 55c 12,00011. s mixed fleeces 620, 10,000 Ills Uhl° lovr fleece .51c' 3.000 lbs mixed fleeces 60c 10,000 its common washed 47,0 30,000 lbs No. 1 City pulled 50c. 65,000 Its 4 .. 50 20,000 lbs Istribs' pu11ed......40c 8,100 lbs common unwashed 40C 30,000.Th3 Texas 30c '20.000 AS California on private terms Whisky to dull; small sales at $2 83(412 35. . • ;JMPOR a T e Ii ti TIONS: ' • • ...Po for the Phil O la Evening Enlletin, NA81:11L1I—Brig Ohilo. Lee-795 boxes sugar 71 bhds do 14 caves cigars 18.000 green fruit 84 bbLs do d07,01d sails a lot old rigging order. • • ' a!if garine .BW/din 0n ' 5e 028 4, 2 1 196, ' ARRIVED THIS DAY. . Brig Phillip Ittrrebee,Headi 5 daYs In ballast to J E Bagley & Co; , , • Brig Chimborazo, Hatch, 5 days froPm Providence. in, . ballast tO Quintard & Ward Brig Wrn A Dresser, Hatch; 25 daypioth Bangor, with lumber to captain. ' • Behr Geo Henry, sollidont.s4lazatreez in ballast to Blakiston, Draeff.& Co - - • , Behr Wm James, Clottety days item Rich mond, Va. in ballast to captain': • - Bahr Boonville; • Sears t .11 :Asks frem, , , Boston, ,with mdse to Mershon & OLBIABED THIS DAY. ' Steamer Cumbria. French,Savannsh, EA Eibuder&Ce,'. Steamer Eastern gity, Munday. item Ycirk, - P lY Clerk.' steamer Millville,Honest', MAivllle, Whitall, Tatum & Co.•'• I • sAr.Fta' igToois. B _. 9sh k NAmer cah 294 1200 eh Dalzell Pet .. 2' 200'eh Sugar Val , .'• ,2% 100 eh Sugar Creek De:, -,- - i. velopmeut 194-100 200 eh Franklin 011 r,. 1L• 20 , 1 eh,Ocean 011 e3O 183 ',FtlitiiiTAß.D. MO" o e a SO zoo.ali'oil Creek and, •_ Cherry Ittut hr)isti St Nicholas Coat 103 sh Beading". 53% 100 sh do 53% 160 sh do 65&101 53g iloosh do 1360 .53 , .300 do sal 53% s o h. do -b053% 9sh Norristown D. 84 I 500 sh Big 3fountorn Coal 1)5 5 500 sh M Sugar Dale 530 w sh aple S hade - n 5 aphis Exchange. • . nugrn maim, O. sat M. 100 akßrigar Creek De , . veloPment Lei 603 e h Cherry Ann and 100*Nt i §lcMaa Coal 510 63 PINCES OF STOOKS IN NEW YOBS; • (By 7blegraph.) rl.i:~.r.:r:} -! Philadelphia Markets. RILUUME BULLETIN, POET OR .PHILADELPECIA•••DEC. • I t y • 11. 1.865 - , -TRIPLE SHEET. BarVidr tnings V 3 igkwly, Mave, Vaa l H orn. Brig 7 Wr Sawyer Ray. Sawmill:4 'Warren, 9Yeq6: . RV I .EI II4C I 6nd 7 " Br a De .Leo eoDoeliran, ort PT, Brigphipliorazo.Hatch,Providenee, Quintard4.Warcti Brig Russian, CharleSion, Rathbun,..Cald iweill& Brig Itasca, Reed. Boston, }si - 1 , 4 Scbr Mary E Amsden. Boston,' sobrßeadlneßß Mo46,'Divisatichinond. s S C hr Q e l o ßenr9o o P l 4T, "IPAfaltr, Mialciaitm),l3lYaetr 46 - Co. Bohr Ellai Bradley, CliailestonrE adudee& Scbr,JasO'Donohue, pillbrook, Boston, Vi Houter,ar. Behr Geo Stockbiixa, , Babcock:Port .11jonroe, Tylei&Oa 14chr..Enuful..11pc . on, ~13earqe,I New YoTy.,, J J Donee & Bon: • • BchrDHall Daughty..l ( revr York. T Justus. . Sabi' VV Tall, .11useell, Ntriv Orleans„D S Btetsoa&Co - L - BI3OIOIhILISiDA. ' I bi 4 ,LIWOM Wiley. from ( New (York 30th Jun at Ban mancisco 22d inst., ' , -Steearterehester, Warren, ,hence at New York yes terday: Steen:lerPeruvian (Bi). Ballsntine troin Liverpool Deo 7,oria Londonderry Bth, and. Portland 20th, with 300 passengeni, at Bew York yesterday. &tenser Battoga; Bing, from Neat York 20th hist. for hlorfolk, Richmond, die, returned yesterday in eon- Brig Atirate , Davis ; hence at Portsmouth 19th inlet. liehr 11Eiturhuond, Paine; hence for Boston , /few port 21st inst. Behr Nellie D:Studamii, sailed from Pall River biith IVA. for this port. , . t I : • MARINE' MISCELLANY. During the heavy NW gale at Fall River, 21st Inst. schr Mileage,' of Warren, which had been launched from late Marine railway in the inarning, draggell her anchors and went . ashore in the harbor, and it Was IsTated wmald receive :damage If the gale contlnned. Sloop Ram iltom of Brhstol, sunk at the wharf. Closing out our entire Stock of rich and handsome .Dreisa GaAs, at very low prices. 4. good chande to make imitable and scUeptable gOLIDAY PRi3SENTS. ' Blob Wil ke, Iris/Poplins. Bich 8111 c Poplins. AU-Wool , Plain Trencb2drinoe, Rich Trintedlrrench Ideakom, Chbuibßresa Goode, every varleW. Handsome Brodie Shawls, NewstylAßlaaeltilmwin:.. , Handsome Balmoral Marts, ennoble for pie Street and for 13kating. A:job lot of S-4 Black Queen's Coal. At 11, ft 23,11 50. Arare chance for bargabm- as we are determined to close ont our entire Winter Stock, WTTHO:OT REGARD TO 00ST. H. MEET. al BON, Nos. 713 mins N. TENTH street. TO BANkING COMPANIES, Banking Rooms. The undersigned will contrast with a Banking 0021 t• puny tofurrdsh very handsome Banking Rooms with the advantage that they can arrange their Vaultse rhig,the construed= of the burning Apply b and 10 to M. C. LEA. 11122 Locust street. deeagt rp. SECOND CLAM sales salsa .-- Wes sate! ...... ealee sales .—_ Wee 23. /NUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, JAMES W. QUEEN Or, CO.'S, SKATES ! . Euctins ' SMITH a RICHARD - SON Have, aa usual, the largest, chewed and Ws; stool of S 11 =hriest oaurprtses the newest styles. We Uttar ourselves that every one out be salted a the Elea Of the BEATE ROY, I . 611 MARKET STRKETO nolatt PHILADELPHIA. SKATES! SKA.TESH SKATES !II A large Moak on band andibr aaleby W. W. MORT & SON, '. 509 Conimeree street, Trade find It to erattito ex amine terehs 1-101A]l:)A75( GrIPTN: JOHN W. THOMAS, 405 .and , `407 North Second Street, Has now open alarge and handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods, Domestic ;Goode suitable f Holiday Presents ComPrlslng Velvets Cloaks, and Cloaking itaterials, 1312 awls, Moire Antiques, Gay Plaids fbr Children, , u Irish POplith, French Poplins, And every variety of Rine DRESS GOGDS, Embroideries, p Point and Lace Sets, Valencienne Lace Sets, Lace Collars. Worked Linen Sets. Lace and Embroidered Handkerchief, Silk and Poplin Scar.% - 61.114 - Neap Tles, ate, dtr.., With our usual assortment of des 12 14 16 19 21 23 71 fl, FANCY THERMOMETERS AT JAMES W. QUEEN ifc de2ltfrpt 924 CHESTNUT STREET.' . . PATENT SIRE WORK The subscriberslire the only and exclusive inannitio taxers of • Under the • l c i nitri • WORK L Jenkins Patent in this city, and would call the attention of the public 'to theirvarled and extensive assortment of patterns and ,Stylei of .T . tai li ngs, Store Fronts, Door and , Wi#dew Qtails, Bulwark Net tine for Ships, &e &o. All ,tuters promPtly• exeCuted. liberal discounts ms.cle to Architects andßUllders. • NOBEET,,WOOD & 1136'Aidge avenue. deii-thisa to 'St/ HObSE FOR RENT. Ihn Is Pierre snrise,rcontalnhtjt one Inthdred and twenty, chambers, besides parlors,• dining rooms dm.. Is offered tbr rent Eon a leaseoat fifteen thousand dol- Jars per annum. The rent beibre the war was twelve ,twouido2d dollars per annum. ;, The house is- in good `order, over six thousand dollars having been - spent by .Usti owners in repairs within the last two years. •• . •"'- • - • • - ./COTEDT $s FiDNY:a.RDS entia 5p5 ' 794 Walnut street - . tm turavramao . EuturiDllCK of Erfeiy . chid Aft= o to alzieet wide, all numbers. , Tent an Ari4yaick i yapenmikere, v i z , E. v. JOHN W. ,E,.m" AN No. laa.Tones'iAlley, OME DRESS GOOD USEFUL THIRD EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LITER FROM O ATJPORNIA. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Eevere Cold at the North. From California. SAN FRANCISCO, Deo, 22d.—There is a better feeling in Mining stocks. The sales to-day were at the following prices: Ophir 320; Chollar A"otosi 140@142; Yellow Jaqtet. 445@450; legal tenders are quoted at 67; coal oil $l l2l. ' Cleared ship Isaac Jeanes, Boylin, for New York. Railroad Accident in North Carolina. Barmen, N. C., Deo. 23.—The main train on the North Carolina Railroad mud the, track near Concord, on Friday, killing ,L A White, Express Messenger, and Mr. Oats'. 'Baggage Master. The particulars of the accident have not been received. Cold Weather on the Plains. FORT BP-Am , Dec. 22.—At 7 o'clock this morning, the thermometer stood at'2B° below zero. Heavy snow storms have fallen on the plains lately. It has-,drifted in the hollows, between here and the .Missouri river, to the depth of from fifteen to twenty feet. No coaches have arrived from Atchi son for the last two days. Basirmfomt. Dec. 23.—Plots is very dull; amccerlleN are dull. Wheat armee: prime is held firmly. Corn quiet at 88c. for while and 83@84c. for yellow. Oats firm at 52 @ 5 3e. Seeds steady. sales of Cloverseeds at “, 25. Provisions steady. Lard 183i©I9e. Whisky nom at .2 31, BEAUTIFUL SETS EMBROIDERED LACE CURTAINS, BROCATFILLECURTAINS, SUITABLE CHEISTMAS .PRESENTI3 LAA.IMUES. L E. WALRAVKL% MASONIC A A LT,, 719 Chestnut Street; DREXEL & CO., BANNERS, 34 SOUTg 'THIRD STREET: 7-80's, 10-40's, Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound Inte re st Notes" of 1864, and GOLD MOM SILVER,. Bought and S o ld. Drafts drawn on ltngiand, Ireland, Frante and Ger many. 5-20's of 186 xehanged for the old issue of 1862 and the market ( 4 .rence allowed. no2l-tf sp JUST RECEIVED, NEW ENGRAVINGS, A_PTERLANDSKER., BrIERT.P, YVON, PORTABLE CARAUD, NAMNAN, &c., Also, fine assortment of French Photographs from the original paintings of Gerome. Toalmonche, Meta. sOnier, Girard, Lefebvre & Co. Photographs from the celebrated painting by Gs rom e. of Emperor NAPOLEON LEL receiving the Si amese Embassy. Orders reoeived for same. FINE ENGRAVINGS. LOOKING GLASS and PICTURE PRAXES, at A WOED OF ADVICE:: "Coughs." Sudden changes of weather by "Colds." • "Coughs." checking the insensible perspr. "Was." "Coughs." ration, occasion Coughs. bolds; "Colds." "Coughs." Sore Throat, Otc. These require "Colds." "Coughs." Immediate attention ; if allowed "Colds." .."Coughs." to continue, Irritation of the "Colds." "Coughs.", lungs, a permanent throat affec "Colds." "Coughs." tion, or an Incurable lung dis. ."Colds." "Coughs." ease 'is often the result. The • "Colds." • "Coughs." timely use of Swayne's Com- "Colds." "Coughs." pound Syrup of Wild Cherry will "Colds-" "Coughs." at once arrest these attacks, and "Colds." "Coughs." thus check in its commencement "Colds." "coughs." the scourge that sweeps from our "Colds." "Coughs." midst thousands and thousands "Colds." "Coughs." every year. - "Colds." * "BE c5..8./..euz. OF YOUR LUNGS." "BE CAREFUL OF YOUR LUNGS." "BE CAREFUL OP YOUR Luxus." 'BE CAREFUL OF Youn Luxus." A safe and reliable remedy. A safe and reliable remedy. A safe and. reliable remedy. "Suayner Compound Sin'up of Wad []terry." "Sienna's Compound Syrup of W il d Cherry." "Swayne • Com mend Syrup of Wild Cherry." "Swaynes Otenpound ,Syrup Brad Cherry." "Swaynes Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry," A trial of many years has proved to the world that this remedy is more efficacious in curtug all throat. breast and 'ant, complaints than any hitherto known , to mankind. or Bronchitis; sore Throat, Asthma. it ' is a soyere.ign remedy. For the weak- and debilitat it acts as a strengthening alterative. For disturbed weep, its use will give repose. - - - Price, et 00 per bottle; six bottles. $5 0 0 ; ' - .._ • • _Prepared only by VinelSWAp. dlr, • spN, rrorui . , !Sixth tdanet, above ,' Phila.' IDICRLED HESRENG:=soo barrels Bay of Island% '-' llerring, in store end to;salp. by.X. 8011.1411:41c, • CO.. Dock Street •rLittE • • •i "ATEWRailairS.-80014 oitalhuichandlaye*TtAtabl, ,- 131 soo boxer I'Valttnide Raisins,•••• 100 mats - !Media*. Raisins forsalelazWL-74..Builsaallaitt coallseco l o..' ,Water stn et. Uc •TV ABLE3C.-7,000 tins/tab Can a Sar Wha ~,„%x tt il= formale'VYT. A . I3OI P E I t -, - - 300 O'Olook. REP CURTAINS, •L S. ROBINSON,
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