"Army, In the serial" Seeking the Bab ble," in the U. ,S'.'S'eriiiee 11 - 4a-zina, the following toed thing ,beenirs: It was at the dinner to , WhicliColonel Cromwell had been, kind finoughto in vite his new assistant (Who has ,tm gratefully been - - letting.-.the - Soup soul itself fo jelly, while he was ixdulging'in 4 enQ of his pet long-winded digressions), that the Colonel tools • adiantage of a favorable gsp in the,conversation and dishes to insert his promised story, about the -It' ivas . erignally the Prop erty,..he said- (meaning the, Issory) of a splendid fellow who bad served. as inspector general on. he same statrivith him in Grant's- army at `DonelSett and Shiloh; the scene had been•witnessed in General Halleck's muddy and cautious., advance On Corinth;" and had . been told to Col. Cromwell as he lay wouiaded in one of the hospitals £,Lt Cairo. - ,From that moment, he said, his wound began to heal. A 'rota-Mule teain had becoine hopelessly tangled -up in the- road- by the refractory conduct of one of its,mem bers. The teamster, dismounted and up to his boot-tops in mutl,was beating the balky animal with the butt end of his - whip. To him, arrives, horror-stricken, a traCt-bearing member of some corn missionand attempts to reason with the teamster (reason with a teaansterl) then gently to,expostulate, next ,decidedly to rebuke; firstly for his brutalitY, second for his added and ear-offending profanity —for by this time the mule has begun to kick madly, but - with excellentinten- - tion,and the ass to swear. terrible;Mouths- ful." , M " y friend, finally remarks the man of tracts, designing an impressive climax—"My friend,y,ou. should not , beat that poor dumb animal so.' - How would you like -yourself?" "Go to " I will not say where . , exclaims the infu riated teamster with :many an—l will not say what=besides, and seizing a huge fence-rail, whereof there were still a few left in the State of Mississippi in those early days, begins to belabor there with the back of the unfortunate'• beast. "If-hc-don't-likerit,'" he shouts i breath lessly and betwee n whacks, "WHY -WAS-HE-A-MULE = Whereupon Rolles burst into a roar, and laughed till the tears ran down his fat cheeks, while Doctor Crippler cackled till he was pnr ple and had- brciught on a violent cough, and poor Jenkins upset his camp-stool, and a. whole. dish of tomatoes, under the influence of the surprise,, and, it is un necessary tci say, continued to g,tggle. at theshiarte.st notice during the remainder of thece , ; - Tening: TheColimel hickkea in expressibly; pleased, but merely smiled, called to the attending contraband - -to bring more tomatoes, and occupied him self in tracing my name on - the table: cloth witlithe end of a clean fork: "That story," he said.presentlVivhen we had somewhat returned to civilized life, "is like the sword' cane in one res pect; it hides.its true point. "Though.the subject •belongs to the Quartermaster's Department,the a;pplicationis Universal. Whenever anybody beats you. with a fence-rail, and you. don't like At, as I , fancy you won't,ask yourself, `Whywas you a mule?' and you will feel betterim mediatelY.. You were Made to be licked."' "And to kick," suggested , Rolfes. "Yes, and skin whose legs? Iron trace chains are harder than mule bark any day." "Go on.with the Sandforik and. Men ton, Colonel and don't Mind - US-, 11 -said = - the big youth with• a grin, - whereat the Colonel, insteadof, being naor!Ally offended; Merely rumpled theyoung, gen.- . tleman's hair,- and told- hint_he should be sent away. froni ,the table until, he, learnt better mannerii. I soon found the use of that moral; and, through the next - few months, when I had little but hard work, and nothing but abosefor iny-pahisifrotadn'- feliors and superiors alike, always ex cepting , my three compamom Art. ,the traces;..when it .seemed to-my over strained -k nerves :that everrimaii , who wanted or fancied he wanted any thing.; - without shadow of a claim, came in person to headquarters to ask for thirsting for the gratification .of having a grievance ,against the :,humble intstra ments of his' denial; when'it appeared as if everything we did was undone by Gen. Bulger, and had to be doae over again', and again 'undone, and gone through with once more;, when I fan- tied that the, general issued harsh. and.. disagreeable- orders for n 6 - 'Other purpose ,than; by cOruatermand ing them promptly upon personal application to him, to create thb unprei sion that Colonel Cromwell - Waal:the enemy, and General Bulg'er the benefac tor of the army; when the „Department at Washington threatened dismissal for non-rendition of returns which the ge neral had carried in his coat riocket until they had becOnie greasy with age; when the corps and, division commanders said they hadn't received orderS, 'for which we held—their -written- receipts;-rwhen Colonel Close did the same thing, two or three times a 'day, and' *cite • private notes' aliout it to the general, which made that just man think we were nursing a private feud; , when the foreign aides-de-camp seized the Stalls Set apart for our horses, and their delightful ser vantsstole our saddles, and we coup get satisfaction,no becanse' said" 'aides wouldn't understand the American customs, and we couldn't speak, let us say; the Cossack langnage; when Cap tains Vauxrien . and Prettyman ,were always detailed to accompany the general to the reviews, and to the gorgeous din ners given- by Admiral Puifer„on. the Flagship G. V. 'Fox," whilE Captain - Bolles and Lieutenant Jenkins were the ones to hunt up a btidade of - the 27th Corps at2..A. ofadark and rainy night, oN to go - out-in a small boat, before: daybreak.withla sharplporther rising,tol carry the forgotten despatches to the steamer of the Blackeye Line for New York, anchored off ther,-bar;=lin a - Word, whenever one of "those' little troubles overcame me, such as cause the stoutest heart to contract with thejhought,that the world has turned agairistik'suddenly a bright ray would ligheup-thedarkness, and I would say to myself, 'Why was I a mule?' and fall to whistling the,' `Year of Jube-lo;"' as cheerily ha' an artist.'"' THE PTONE'svALLT—:-It somewliatbarl-f ous to notiee,says the:Atimy andll'abtiJoter-' , nal, that the 4-inch_plate iron, 27 tnet t e s _ w id e o by 7 fentlaig,-with-which-the-zasernate., the:rebel rairrStoiieWaillarp . the French' 6l . 3 4 - 7) 2 4P•rk: na,, rolling - I init. at; Tours.Laerguns and •,mahoganyrtgll/I:ar riages arnMat*ed. Sir' W,ini,ArMstrong:Ai compaiiy,, Z - dvitcastle-xpon,rryne, land; and ;th".^iiials orinclicatoralhthe mates, , "by, tihieh machinery are. Minlatecl whilst .thervesser is inaction, ar e,lnzlrliE;d inTAYailiskr. , ;l - Al: 7 thoughclinilt , Frtutee, , l3he'-alin hasr a pa ir;' of patent English anchorNSA; - whibli'appdat to be a vpmgooci;Patttirnt in? :de tiL., • s•.{ qT,L , T 3 ; . _ ; 'lll - B • AILY-iLY8.g1X61..8., mo-i Fie ,Taking Our earriage; we diNlet4d the pest-boy to show us the way to Fox How, the residence of..the.lametated r Dr. Arnold, of 'Rugby-MICK:ph J- The . 166rioon left the high road which leads back to PuOl?fi thr9 1 , 1 &14-49 1 P1e,5 1 41 Awt , oPiNi ing a rustic gate, too a raiheraintinvitt ;rig, half-mountain • path which, winds along a wild yalleylnp th.eiictuflOugh rig°. Fell. This valley is Fox How. After clh_libil?g some lone Of tfie n z.lairt.4. died feet, we came to the )I.stzuse.,_ It was a ModernitrUcture, auclifs world be deemed very modest indeed at Sing . Sing iT.r.vingtan;_. but .ample.enough, with very pretty grOdndsi - allaglo.l:ith rhododeralrOns and - az - Ora:B. Directly below, across the main valley, is Rydal park, enclosing its magnificent, forest trees—scarcely surpassed irt - England. From this ascends rapidly alou C .. a stream a valley overhung on eitherside 1,3 T lofty, mountain spurs. It is a View' of rare interest—forest in the foreground,baeked by the stern and bare 'slate mountains that tower behind, on either side, till the little cress valley: is lost in the,dia tance. ' As we breathedthe fresh moun tain air and gazed upon this, scene of beauty 'overhung by grandeur, wet - wild well understood and sympathise with the hearty. though - not impatient long ings after Fox HoW that occur so oft;erk in his journals and letters. On his death bed, in his last: anguish, he did-not fat get the country home where he. rested and reveled' in' his long vacations, but responded with speechless assent to the reinark of his little-Son: "I wish, papa, •we had you at Fox How." Pare hearted and noble soul, thou Wert :gone to a better home when , thy weeping wife and children went" Without thee along this mountain road a few .days after the fatal June 12th, 1842. It was perhaps uncivil and intrusive and American, ,but we could not resist the impulse to ask to be admitted and to ' pay our , respects to- Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Arnold Was absent,' but two daugh ters welcomed us in, and we sat a long hour in the doctor's study and parlor combined, an ample room looking out toward Rydal Mount, and Rydal Park. There was a large p'ortrait from which the very familiar print of the good man was taken; there were sundry books and atlases and the other , appliances of a well used domestic library for a scholar. Thitc.was his working-place when at ease and at home. It ,does not suit our taste to repeat conversations with the living. We were satisfied that the daughters, in simplicity, intelligence ana oultdre, were worthy of the great Christian teacher of his generation.— Hours at How. ...ATALLY BURNRIS WITS KEROSENE OIL. - :•—llargaret Breen, a young woman living I _at No. 116 East Fifty-ninth street, New . .York, while using kerosene oil on Tuesday .evening, to kindle a fire, an explosion of the Oil occurred, setting fire-to:bee:dress. She - _screamed for helP, and asststanoe soon reached her, but before the flames could be * extinguished she was so terribly burned about the lower limbs that death ensued on Wednesday morning. , HOOP - SKIRTS, 628 NEW FALL STYLES NOW READY '' of Hopkins' " own make," at No. n2O ARCEEStriset. These Skirts are gotten op expressly to meet the waling of first-class trade, and. embrace every size and style for Ladles,' EfisSes and Children, which, for finish and durabillty„havemo equal inthe market, and warranted to give satisfaction. t Also, amSutntly 011 hand, fall assortment of good Eastern madeSkirbt, from 15 to 40 springs, at very low prices. -- Skins''Made to order, altered and -repaired. Wholesale and retail, . rnoladmi , C. 17.EITAEPP, No. Us North Dearth street, -4„ • hiladelphia. afrannfamnrer a n dd - Importer of TRAVELING BAGS, .PaItTE MONNALEB POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CASES MONEY BELTS, SATCELELs, PURSES. cabin, Bankes'.Ca.ses, Dressing Cases, Writing Desks,' Port Folios, .11.11 Books, &0., As. Jobbing, promptly attended to:, . nOV.7-2MI NIFQ.4 _;DOW GLASS. - • "i9Li,r.rA A.l - EVANS. Jr., 252 South-FRONT St., Wholesale and - Retail Dealer - 1n American and French Glass,, • Oils, Varnishes, etc. &very - Ca.43m)„ . : - , Glum for Picture .l earn VAUGH.A.ISr, 21KRRICMC NSIL EL HOIRSICaI 3270. E-I±P.E. 2otrrErwAaat FOUND.I,2I.Ic, 81/MEE AND weals, EL:CGTON f3TBEETS, PEOCLADE: MERRICK * SONS LICSIGISIKEES AND- MAClEthrting, • • High and Low Pressnre.Steszo Ilien Er=tvanst er and Marine Serviazi._ _ ....41W;e380ECItterS, Tanks, Iron Boats, . l uLtirozentall - kinds, , either iron or brawl. ES'me - Seatkil for Gas 'Mirka, Woriuthepe s cishrusulitionsoke.."- tsst - rnsanAGaailLschinery, of the bites* wed In* omred construchon. description or Mai:dal:ton - Mackinaw; one ' Sugar, flaw and Rest Mills%%mum Pane, Mesa -Trains, Daaoators, - - , Pumping V. enenolice. , -So le Agents . for Billenx's _eaten' sugar l Apparatus, -Nesmyth's Patent • Steam Hamnaeritn Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Oentrilbeal Sugar Dilating Mr-Phine. IRNROKYLVANin. WORKS—on the D.KLAW44II,/{ River, beIow.PRMADFILPFELA., OB:112:3TEE ; Delaware coffin Pn. SON , 09„ ll:ortneera and Iron Bost Su n d e r s, ^ anonn ' Allklnde of • CONDENSING AND. NON-CONDENSING Mg- Iron yeeeettof aA descriptione, Balers, Taal 'Pro S. ABORIBOLD, • Late - • cauidi Penn Werke, Pb 112.. LIYIB4fI 11. S. Nav7.l) fII.I3JE EHMADELPIEL& 11.1 - 1011ce soßoaL, J,. FOURTH street, aboyaNin _,e w_lll reo p e n for ths Vali and ; Winter season OE MONDAY; Sept, ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough knowledge of. Ws amoinplishatent sail and every facility' at this school. - .The , horses - are 'oath and wa trainpd, so that the most timid need arta fear,; , liaddls horses trained in the bast annum' , .Eisfittlls horses, horses and vehicles to hire. i Alsowarrisses forloto tale, to cans, s taanaboate, &o. THOS.gIitELIGE at BON, TIMES WRIGHT* SONS 'k .r atd:KOITERS OF EARTIIKETWARR, AND BECIPPING .AND COMMISSION • N 0.116 WALNUTS-MED:CT, imAnzr.pEaa. 014:69 A. waiGns., OAS PIXTU,RES.—MISILEV, MERRILL d.r OAS T.HAC.KABA, NO. 718 CFMATNIIT street, Manufacturers fof FixtUres, Lamps; dM„ would call • the attention of the • pnblic to`their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers; Pendants, Brackets, &c. They also introduce Gas Pipes Into Dwedir.gs and Public Buildings, and attend to exteact• lug, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All - work War. jag° •FWY-WELLS —OWNERS OF PROPERTY.—The orily place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Disizi 4ected, at very low prices. r ..9; ,PEYSSQN4 ilfaunfacturer ofPondrette. • ....d.....ic.idstnith.s gall. Lib street racy EMET.PPMe RERSONS ARE TrFRPBY CAUTIONRD /I against trusting the erew,of the Br. ship MOUNT ROYAL ngerjinaster,Trom Liverpool, as no debts el' theirs ontraction will be paid by the Captain or Consigetees. ,PET WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Wal• nut street:-' "DR. EiRIP MOUNT 8.0,Y4L, • Cummiugeril roaster. .1) from Liverpool, is now discharging under gen.eOde at Emith's wharf. Consignees will PIPFIEW attend to the reooption of their goods. 'TETER, WP.IGHT th SONS, US Walnut Street. ~ r. . . 1 1 VOTIOE.—All.peraondare herebytaintioned against £ harboring and trusting any of the crew of the. `Danish brig DSNMAP.K . , as no,debte,of Weir contract- Jag will doe:paid .byrcaptain 'or consigmea v WORK MAN defm.vedrisignees3:l= Vi r altiht - street. . tined against 4.7t,trustinrany billietrew of the at park , A. -:3;rie.T.LETT.M44.ffor.l'aVerPOO,V catio ,detots otitheirY Ito to - paid - by captain - or " - consignees. TER W R1G:132,4 ;Ws n, strap. ,t,f iTIP NOTIC persons are hereby cantilned 1 3 0 + vikaliaht,,trusting tiny otvtitecrotufaboar„ I.TiLLT,'whereof Cand is master. from City eoint, , Va.,:es no debts or their contraeting - ,Wilt be paid bttt captain or carsigne.ei T)ldlittre,A.rELlClDELalik CD., Lock titreft wharf. dela. riti.ll4lAtag4l,soixessom t 0 SOmasTSITICNIAIea ' et SONS, Sail No. 244 llarth :below Vinci ativiet AA work , doP.o inAtio beat , tooniffiatte on :,..:43-towaa' "wed inost - filyprOletterzoo,snd warranted tatalre Pet B NtihfacticAiill.lll4' - aoßd • Pattioulat attentio'n Ewen to repairing. ConneetinKr with ' from Richmond, Norfolk and City • int, forming the most direct roate for the 'South and Sonthamt.,..-„„ • FORA - LW YORK.—Nets Daly• Line—VlS . - Delaware and blladp] phia an. • or) .11xtreas Steamboat Company will lir celve height and leave daily . at 2 P. IL, delimit:ix OW cargoes In Nev York th e following daya. /height taken at reamnable rates. NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DELdWAIIE and oBrz:LA1 3 E4ln ou-aa.t. -BOAT COMPANY. _ itA.EGIES towed to and from P.:LADKGPIII, HAVEE-DE-GBACE, BA_LTIMORE, TOE, and Intermediatepalm. CIEDE OSll.entili ' N 0.14 South Wh z z• PnimelpWa. . 0 _VG: tI b• j FOR BAN Fiteir.NCLSoo. ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER LUNE. SAILING REGULARLY AB ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Sure Line at - reduced rates.' • The renowned clipper ship STAR OF THE L'NIGN is now taking in the balance of her cargo at pier 1] East River, and will positively be the first clipper ship weal. - Aillteight ainitad be forwarded Immediately, as she will close out in a few days For freight, apply to' • • BISHOP, SON OM, les Arch st , FOR -ROSTON—Ex ress Line.—The— fine , schooner FRANK KRABERT, Chase, master, —..:*.now loading for the above port at Girard's wharf, aboVemarket streett despatoh.- For freight,apply te,DA.V.MODOFER&V.O..IB;North IFbarves• • ' f i c ; de4 Ffait CIC.d...R.T.IrqTON, S. C.—The tine schooner ELLA, Bradley, master, having the most of her cargo engagcd.,witi sail for the above port on Snturday, the 2sd inst. `Fo'r frettit - orpassage,appiy to E.A. SOCCER CO.,.Dock street wharf.. derla•st . . ' - i-i. FOR FREIGHT 'OR . CHARTER.— Schooner ..L CAROLINE EENSALL, Captain Woodruff, 2,000 bbls. capacity. e , chboner A. L. .FU rAtAN, Captain „Daggett, 1,400 bbis. kapac,:ty: now ready tor any voyage. Apply to DAVID COOPER ct CO.i IS N.-Wharves. dos orEasA entsooxi TEMODOEM Tomes?. , FOll, BOiTON,'Mass.;:-Express Llne.—The fine packet schooner ELM.ED, M. 'WRIGHT. Freeman, master, now. loading •tor the abbvp port, - Wharf, will have prompt despatch. For Prof ht, apply, to DAVID ,C.4t/PEIIA CU., 18 North. Wharves,. • S Ffat 13.AL,TIMORE, MD.—The fine schooner MARY OAT, Captain %e.t.a, Is ni;67 loading for tue above port at t3irard'6 wharfabove Market street and c7ll sail with debpatOh. For freight, apply to DA:N/1D COOPER CX)„ IS IC, What-Va. FOR LIVERPOOL. The fine Al eldp ..4MOUNT.BOYaL, Cumminger, master, haviog the greater ;portion of her cargo engaged. will sail with despatch. PETER ViritleiliT az SONS. 136 Walnut street. ,• Lis.. 1, FOR FROVIDENCE.R. .E.—The lee schooner ka :, 1 1 2 - mg,BALIDN..Bearse. master, now loading theaboveport, at Cattell's wheal, above Market. street, tall 'with despatch. I , ''or freight. apply'.e DAVID C.ooRgat & 00.J$ N. Wharves. a e22 •••1 . 1 FPRBBEMBIsIThe Bremeg Caziategr,v, Onkeg. For Ca.biwpassuge haviug gue.ar.cottant dation.% apply to the•Captatn ey boarcll or to' Wpit.lll4 AD. a CO., 124 Walnut et. dets C 0"N ¢IGNERS' --I,loTiebi.--The.'sobooner BMW: :B e.arse, mailer; from Boston, Is tom. discba gpg.ber Oargo at Aaoh street whort. 4 Conefgnees will"please attend to' the teeePtlort 'their;:goodS. l pik:Yl.l) COOPER& C0..1S N. Wharves: , den IT.r.IIRIMAC, from .Llverpool: fis now MS- 6 c CtH hArgii.g Tinder genend- order, at,Shippen street mharfi Lonsignees will please fat tend tO 01:v.-reception , of their goods., 2.ETER WRIGHT dr.!BONS; 115"Wa1,-. Out street. 3 It. .t .^ • • delfilet) :DR. BARB A. W. SINGLETON; froLiverpookls _LY riots , discharging utider geperal ep Bhippert street ;whiffet Consignem Vein% a tte nd 'to the m•- , cption ofthelr.gOollee. i:Ef•!{, wlytyßdr.S9,.lls: . watrsltstreetl ' ' :TRON.IIOSTON.. , I;• Con; 1.7 sig eeir okiiiekeilsinclise;, per above' SW.mpr, wgtA ati sen t .I. ll nlr7,_,R,Mf t Wig,.l l 9 ll at street repl-at HENRY WINBOR di CO. ftf . tikal qiAt 1 , 1 ;1.: t.": 5 'Abt.tily) fto :47 %f, ~ . 41414ELIPPIN. ;14' ap,l;a• -lat'Avvo,:gAvanAll „ ... .. .. i. 1 6 -, , ii i i.6 ,i ,.... t.. , ...,,,,, „ 4 . 1 ,-;,,, , t ia n tg 4 e ,. / t i , ii , .. 1..: , :i ;. ''' . 4 , itr . i'P .§ 0 , 1 1 3 - 011 . ir1i , ..: , 1 ,, ;0 ,..1;• - ,-, ; 3 visLa .- • • • • -c. '..) : 1., :, , t,,- , •-• , „,, , — 4, :-..,,, , ::, • 1 , ~, , ,,,paptf4 i n CIifARLESIA....Ear,NCII,.,i •;:y ': ..2•,' , 41i. living': been vrnurottinblr - deralttd. , ,:•ivill'ualif 'trete ~ ,elearo,,eip wilarr, ..ItALRI• , etraet,%vri 1 ,5..A.p1ei1.P.A.1% 1 Dexternlier 2341.at'10 o'clock, A...„'IL iloaKiiira.y., ,, .V'or: frelaht or paketige,-kaitug , iegtoitauoorrirucd?.."' tionN Ut applrru, ~,, i,..z. , - , i '... 2 , ' ;,.,' idd '''' O.IEIVEBAL OFFICEi L, - , ~z:v, . , No. 3 DUCK. Street Wharf . • ' . t. 1 FREIGHT AND PASSACiE OFFICE 1- " ',. (lezeut F. ti.,4. 11 , : ' , NV2l.oNOtrtlVDelaware avenue:- . . 35Ciaamvs. Alkuter. 0.01..tca. -2 • post , LIVERPOOL 'Alen( CORK DIRECT . forst-clagal, full; powered Clyde !built Iron:lumen stearnships,of this Line leave regularly - E EVERY WEDNESDAY • AND SATORDAI THROCORDIPIttzbe W • First, Cabin : (by Wednesclay'e stetaner)....,-.4:,.:..5A .09 , Steerage (through-Awn a./ PAYABLETN PAPERIIONEY '' ' • ' , LcirDOIv4KERY _BELFASTI7BLii3 , !. • an .rdr7.327 3 0ar.. The elegant Clyde built iron screw Steamship ..E.IIIE, F.NIA leaves on SoialTßDA . :r.Dee.•.l6, 1805, . Cabin Ar.licortii.ef . to 10cati0n).,...—.-"-S l ad •rs Al]. payable. in paper :money., MIT booked throng!: free from Philadelphia-to any of the above ports. Parties about visiting the bld country will unit it tc, their- advantage , to call on Abe undersigned before en gaging their railtold pas expenses to New :York. , Porssg ,*ctirply - 'A A tirrT.T,, • No. 217 Walnut street (up stairs): ' Drafts issued for any amount, payable tr. suzy part w "Pagland, Ireland Soothmtl and Wales Or on the Ooa i =i . ; 'BMA* TO LIVEMPOOL. e , , L.,ainng,ac QUERNETPWW.hige the -13,n a „ 4 S . 1431'1/111 . •iliesCaY Deer CITY: 0F:42011,E. w •--IdatllZE/LY.. Deo. 7.i ...........Wedne5day, Deo. '2.7 -Saturday. Dec. so ....... A.t Noon. Iron, Pier 44 North River. . DAThlb 0F..2.41313A13fi• , PAYABLE I - 71 GOLD. • • Virat Cabin. —............P0 Steerage.— — a .... —.la First to L0nd0n ......_:....:-.: 95 Steerage ro . Londia-- af First to Park—.. -- 1 K" Steerage to Paris._... . , 41, Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Haaribarg, Ere men. ad., &c., at moderate,ratelt. • "'Assegai by. the Wednesday Steamers, First Cabin g9O. Steerage, 1:35, payable in United Staten currency, Steerage passage ft-om Liverpool or-Queenstown, v.: gold, or its eouivalent. Tickets can be bought here oy persons sending /or Weir friends. For further inforzaatiou, hpply at the Company's 0:. tlcea ' JOHN G. DALE, Agent 111 Walnut street. Philadelphia. CITY OF BOSTON:_.' CITY, I • •- FOR BOSTON. iC EiTEAUSHLP LINE DIRECT. od. .11,ING FROM . EACH PORT EVERY 1 - 2,' DL I'S. PLI%L W HARI% Pal DELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship -NORMAN, Captain Baker, will sail ham Philadelphia on 'Monday; Dee. 25. at 10 A. t 4. Tt e steamanip AltlEs, Captain Crowell, will sail from Bascom on baturiilay. December i, at iZ M. be line between .Plilludelphla and, ,Boston is now composed of the EA.X ON, captain Matthews, 12e0 toni bnrthen. ICUBMAIC, captain Baker, 121io boas barthem ARII'S, Captain Crowell, iv° tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail mimeo:tally as advertised, and freight will be received every day, a ste.rene being e h en y e Oil the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send Bilis of Lading with their goods. For ireigllt or psseagwly 'KEY wENBoit & co., delg - 2= South Delaware avenue. RE-OPENTP:IO OF THE OUTBIDELPTE OF' STEn.M.Eata - between • PITTLADELPICIA: als11) IN. — EW YORK. P This. favorite ltne wid commence their triton on TIit.E.S.D.A.Y next, 3uth inst.. The following well known and stanncb sea-boata clll be placed on the route: Steamer ADMIRAL,_._..... Capt. Nichols EASTERN ...... " Mandy 4 EEh NEBEC._ " Edmonds Days of departare (from each city) will be TETEb% DA I S. L".kt.I_ , ..DAYA , AND SATURDAYS, leaving this Fity from flint wharf below spruce street at ll o'ck,'A. M.. and New York from pier '4,' S‘oth Hier, at 4 o'clock P. M . Freights received daily, and taken at reasonable rater, ' All goods destined beyond New York will be Jellmrded free orconamissions. Ec rates of freight, etc., etc, apply at the °Moe, 814 and ale; South Delt.ware avenue. nolttta P. R. CLARE, Agent. *1 :. NOB£0.~: :~ : ~'.t:•~ N ib ,~ ,~ The fine steanislairaof this Line Insure at the lowest rates and salt rtgutarir from the First 'Gnarl' above Pdark.eterreet, every • AY snd EIATVADAY. At Noon, .tloru3 For appxy to freight oF pasagge,' -th excell eut aocoram . oda . , WEL P. CLYDE & , , 14 North and Death. Wbarres. ' NEW EXPBMS ' L.LNE TO 1 - 7 ." ANDRIA, Georgetown. and Washington. „yin t; eszpeake and Delaware Canal, with Connections at Alexandria, Va, form the - most diner, route for Lynchbarg,Brtatol, fiDzioxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market steeel every Wednesday and Batavia at .12 M. F" freight apply t°- CLYDE & 14 North Whareme... .y.B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown ; M. Eldridge & Co., Agents at Alexandria. ViriLlatilt P. CLTDIC,'Asant; 430 LITD uth V7harves,...Aga, Phllada 7.6.3M1= 13112nt, PlerBl4 and 15 East River. N. T, FOB.; AtiIISE,ILLES, VRA.NCE.t . The bark • WaI,NA.II.NAME. Capt 'Lewis P.'Cook. For Cabin passage, baring fine accommodations. toihe.Captsin on board, or:tpWO.R.X.istAbi Wabanustreet: , - • dela ; t V i riir .1; - 4 Tr 4 7 ,?. ri' %, ',"' i • A ft.:.q If 0, ; 1:-.• T.lTcl:4li (1.L.1111.q :. KlTadau / ti .1 . ... t A .i. a , $,, , 4 ~ .i . aLLOILEILLA4ATILRUL-Mi-O.EALDEII,43I-1§66,---4-111411A-ISTIEVE- .Pi :IP a ft:11 - 0 - 1,1!91:1 wit - ; AWAY( :NORTH L PEN2O3YLIrictIf.A.:'R• • :r 7 / 1 11uglEEDDLE am tneurolgent M O Bethlehem, Allentown,, : , -Matialz f ittrank;N.. anititorf tallaverf Willitsharria. , AfAhanay.Oitzr, and all potato in the LOA, nind RanuNna.,. ; Paastrigeita 114.PlaRreileMisTgillak iabova Th mama, and corner ef • and"4.l9F er • 1 . r t. • b,:ii•d• itinArld atter Monday4NovAlittideSS,Pinlienigroi trains r i ileave ;the Depot,-Third atreet.AXlVe TAfaziPtitin. Lail iStmakYs ditceptedVaaMllcipit . , . • . ,•• AT 7.2 , 1rA. 1.1.. 11orruhrEtratia..ter 'Bethlehem and' • and PringlPal Statimaa. on - North Pennsylvania: Rail , • 'load, „connecting Beiddehem..with. Lehigh Valle; .• RallrUnd for Allentolvn, catastiu4Llet,anitir.gtory Mance' Cilandt ,„ Wearaierty/r.reasesvillel, Hazletoia,, White Bs. '; . ven,Wilk - esbarre, ginanten,-Pittsten, and tdVPintinihil• bigh ptiad - Wyd.vThg YaLleys; also, in connectioriwith Lehigh and Mahanoy - Ridiread t o Ilfahattoy Chty. and pith Chticirlatiwr BiniertpDenvitle;Mllten and Williescspe r.• Arrive at Manch Chu nk n at 11.45 • M.: atlVilkesbnire at 245 "zra anoy Olty at 2., Passengers by this =trains cadz • take the. Lehtk • - Valley,Train, passingjilettdehein at, law •)1E.,f0r.. , Has.) ton and psints on . New 4enliey qentral• Railroad • tik, New Yrk: • ` • ' A. Ml—Awrzancnflaticin, for Doyle:do l e/IN . ' op_ping at all intermediate Station.s.' passengers Widow Grove, Hatboro' and is le, brthb take Stage , at 'Old , Yonkßoadl ' • AT 4.u,A.• ti.•.,Acconnizeilation.Abr;;Fort ton. stopping at all intermediate Stgions. _ • .; A-t Zkiti P,M. 'Amon:ln:iodation . Jot DoYlestornt, store ping •at all. intermediate 'stations.-"•.Taasengers. take stage ; at Doylestown for New Hope. 7 • • . ' • . AT "Za ll Evening;.F.:xi:vests for 'Bethlehem and principarSta tiring on the North Pe . ivania Bap.' road fi naaking . anise contention at Bet em with I,e: high 1r alley ,TM.OI for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P.. ti Passengers for Plainfield 'Somervilled another points on New Jersey Central' PLR.'ake NV.T. 0: Train et Easton, :whine arrives in New York at 10 P. M. • Pas. angers' for Sunineytown take stage •• at. North Wes. and for Nazareth at Bethlehem and for 8 reenvilla 'al Quakertown • AT Cis P. Ms A e=mmodallnn, • for Doylestown,- stoppingnt all I etertnediate, Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, 'Hatboro' and HatbsVille , take stage at A bing ton ; - for .Ltunberville, .at Doylestown. • • AT S;ls R . 31.--. Through AnCoroxnuaarion, for Beth. lehozo and all Stations on main ithe of North Pe 1•. Va2. -1 / l ltallroad, connecting, tet,..Rethlehem: with , 14.1 , 1 - Valley Evening-Train forpoints on , Dehign Valley, • Railroad and for Danville. Willlarngicirt and sfttawissa Railroad. • . - • AT eas P. M.7 , Accoreancdcationi fox .Talomel Me, stop. lag at all interreecllate Stationa., „ At 11P. M.A.ectsmmodation• for Fort 'Washington ' TRAMZELFOR Pins.A.DELPHL9:.' •• • • Le.ave Bethlehem at &2t and ,10.02 2d., and 15.13 P. Passengers leaving Easton at 9.20 A. EL, connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philad.elphia at 12.25 it Passengers leaving Witireabarre at 12. M. Claallea. at Bethlehem at 615 ' P. /11., aad arrive In Philadelphia et SAS P. M. Leave Doylestown. at 8.10 A. M. 8.15 and s.soz:hr.. Leave LansdalB at 6.10 A. M. Leave Port Washington' at 10.50 and 2.15 P. M. O.N SIINDA.YS. • Phlladelphla for Bethlehem ats AL , Phtladelphts. thr Doylestown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia et 7.Z3 A. 1 Beihleheru for Philadelphia at 9 P. • • Filth and SLith Streets Pa,ser-Ter Cars cony y pas. • augers to and from Berke Street Depot. NI hire Oars oPERCOnd, and Third Streets Line convey era to Third Street kepot. Tickets mustbe =rocured at the Tleket Otnt:ea, TfflßD street Or B'VR . R . P. street, - In order to secure the lowest' rates of Mre. RT. Uj CLARE., Avant. Hillnian's B .- - preas wID call far And Ilellvair itaggar," at the Depot. Othee. No. Ils South THIRD =teat PENNSYLVANIA OBLEMitAL RAILROAD. TR ARP.ANGESMN'TS. 4,4 The trains of the Pennsylvania R. R. will lesve the New Depot at Thirtieth and Market streettO Te cars of the , Market Street P Railway. ran to end from thts Depot. They aksa ears Front utreet every two minutes, commencing one nor& pre vions to the time of departure of each Train and glow about B minutes for a trip. Theis cam are la waiting on the arrival of each - Train to convey Passenters Into the city t und connections are madewith allrw. cross ng litaro-el, street. to ETTICD a Ys---Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets at 6.4.5 P. R., to connect with the Pittsburgh and Erie hfaiL and at Itl, Pz M. with Ph.iadalvhia Ea. Eadersige Erpress wfl b neater be lodated at No. Si South Eleventh street. Parties desiring Baggage Laken to the mina, can have It done at reasonable rates upon 14011ov-inn to Liza. T i The LEAVE AND ARAM: AT DEPOT zga.ya.-• ERIEEXPIDIE - - - . . PAOLI .6.CCO . ED. / - • FAT LEC}..., N . • • . . . . Tr* RRN BURG 'ACCO.M..; - .LANMSTER ACCOdf...„ - TP-UN, No. 2 . . PITTS3IIIO3.H . &ERIE MAIL - .PELUADELPRIA. REP • vq•St ana.rva. C.Lti CINN ATI PaPylv••••3,. 1.Z3 PaILIDELPHIn IMP/IMS • " suck PAOLI: A 000,11.„ No. - • " gal " PARES:IM "M • ' • ERIE EXPREQ(4 • 2 120 - FASTLINELLISCASTED TBAU " LEI N.• - • ". " Ist . • - , PAOLI' ACCOZI:; No. 2 • ' 4.40 DAY EXPIM , S - . AA uttilii.BlTED .8.000 M., • P. " 8.40 Philadelphia Elg i sea loaves daily_ Pittaborgb and Erie Mail leatee ( except Saturda y). _ Other, Traboadally-•exceptlondaY. • The Petmaylv unto Bannoad Oo..wtil not assume any rlak.,for Paggege, el.cept for y7L- eer.lngA_pintrel, and. Jilm l their rtepotudbillty tO One Handfed Dollars An value." All Baggage exceeding that amount in vain will be at , the risk of the =met, unless taken by apectal... contract. For further Information, as to tithe and COnfieCtlons, at bills and Maned cards, or apply to. THOILAS H. PARK& Ticket Agent, at the Depot. , An lefidgrant Tribirons daily. except Sunday. - Poe 1011 Intormatlon an to tare andsocommodations, apply .to FRANCIS IMNEC, No. 137 .Dock. Street. . • t. PM-LADELFBIA4 0 1 PRM . - 4 s ::- , " " TOWN AND bolualsrowr rima.= -19.--i 9 .2. TA11L33.-On and after WED liwynity, Nov emberW _watt! further notice. FOR O.F.DOWDI. ZosaVe Philadelphia-4.7, 8; 9, 10;11, I°, A. hr..; 1. '2; LID wirartel, 8,.% 4,6, 6Xio, T t B,9. 10,11,12, P. _ r Leave Germantown-41. 7,8, 610, 9, 10, 11,12, 0 4.. M.; 1,2, B Sa do 4.1‘, 8,9, 10, The l wn tralnaand the 331( and 5! up train de net my on German town trench. , • ON 51 - Th. - DAYEL Leave Philadelphia-9.10 minutes, A. M.: 3.' 7 and Leave 13 ermanto-8 A. AL*. 1, 6 and 91‘, P. M. CELDSTK 1T17.1 Deily° FhtladelphlL-6,T;19, 12, A. ISL; 2,3 XI 6X, 7, :St and 11, .P. 2L, • .• Leave Chestnut /Mal-710 . minutes, 8, 9.40, and DAD A. M.; 1.40, 8.40, L4O. 6,40 8.40 ar.2 10.40 F. M. 9 akanDAYs. P.ll Leave Ftßadegaiust-9.10 minutes, A. M., 6, and 7 LeaVe Dhestatit Hi11:4.40 raltintes, A. M.;'1240, 5.40 and 9.25 zniantes P. M. c - FOR CONSMOROMM 41W ZioartisTowr?.. Leave Philadelplda-4, inhaates, A.1.L.; 134, 11, 4 13£. 5.54, 634.8.05, and, I.lxi, P. M. , Leave Norristown-6%,_7, 7.60, 9./1, A. AL: 1#.136.5 apd 8 P. M. The sg P. Itl train will stop . at School Lane, Whoa. hiektin, Zitaxarunk., Spring Milla .and Conalinhocken onlY4 _ ,1 ON SUNDA YSS. • • ve Philadelphia -8 A. M. 24. and 7P. M. ve.Norrietowa-ri A..IL. and 5 P. M. POR - M. , ..U9A'SrI MI. ve Philadelphia-a, 9.35,11.0.5 A. M.; ; Di, 3 , 4 X, 534, 6K05, suid.tlx P Id 'Leave ManaYlinA-9X, 734 , 8 . 0 0, Dan 313 4 M.; 2, 8. 83i, and 8, P. M. • , ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-8 A. AL; 234 and 7 PAL Leave litanikyn.dk-7X A. M.; Skand 9 P. M. W. T.IVLSON, General bnperintendent, . s, l f, . Depot, Ninth and Green streets. • t .t.,•,.- 'BAY - -- ---'-v- . - . 1 • RA.R RA.II,ROAD. ITAlki , AYH DELAWARE _. 1.4 •••" •- t -- — 7.. i' , '... ..a ARa.II•ZGEMEN'T. '. Co eating MONDAY; September 15th,1865. CAMDEN TO NEW:YORK. 'From Cooper's ,Forry, Camden, daily, at 9.15 A. lif., for Tuckerton, BoYneygat, Tom's River, Manchester, Bergen. Squaricum, Farmingdale, Shark River, Long Branch, Ftranctiport, ,Oceanport, Eatontown, Shrews-, bury,' Red Bank,' Middletown, Highlands and Port Monmouth, thence to New York by the splendid steadier .I,I , SSV HOYT. Through in 5-hours Fare Th .r . $2. ' cursion Tickets, good for three days, P. ugh 'Freight Line leaves Camden at LSO P. M., arrl *ng at New York at 4A. M. nest day. • Lean es clew York 4.15 F. M.,.artivilig at 'amide ll SO P. M. neat day. - W. s. SNEDFN, Superintendent. • re OF - FIDE or TILE ADAMS E. 1- - ss COUPARY; Bio WIEST - • ,PRE Px,trzahltLeXCla, , lanuarT 2 7th:lB63.: The Adams Express Company .have enlarged their facilities at Washington; D. 0., by building a Railroad Depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation, are now ,prepared to forward 'Heavy E4Ort'ss freights; Package+ sea Parcels to Washing ton, Seorgatown',, Aldxrdria, Annapolis, Frederick,, Adamstown, Fortresscrape, and °marl , ' aces South, 'occiapien by the army, i t greatly reduced .rates. Spetial agroemems made tor Merchandise hi Tarot': lot,. Sutler's good.s mad army supplies at sadsfaCtory pricel, on applicutioa at our *dice, Soldiers' parnela taker;at much less thau our usual rates. Heavy and belay packages received and receipted far at our depot, Southeast corner of BROAD.and LG. gus'll streets.. JOSH. dumiLite,ident. ;41 , .118 , 51.1 •Irp , B a T • -'ll/1 1 NJA BALTEKORRAND OHIO aidattoAD. THEM:QM PraIIEIGHT'DEPARTnImeiTi_ , • -- DEPOT,-BROAVSTRESI',-;ABOVE• CUTELini — ' . • The , nodersigne4 continue; the General; Freight ;Agency of the Philadelphia, Wilmington end. gam. • kliziOre R.P.lironkl, for .phadelphis, by way of the above route to the did - , • ShlPPOnliAlid - the Public generzaig . ` are aseored that the Orgllums: tied_ tbrougn trains ;OEMMOS w reign t maim transit; and promppt delivery: to _ all parts pasta. , 'Vox tkOntigh ffitoo soni. Orator ,information, apply COWTON it .r ,Ganeral 'Freight Agentk, “ f.' ll3ll.WTLSON;;litteight-etpatm •.1 " ' 'sixth street. ;Way a pili t t. ~,PALLADELFRIA..A.ND ' • • ' MORE' 'orisTEAL ItArtato &D ' ;of A : • oEisfENTELL:,On arid after WED- I NESDAY PcteberAthi4os_, the will leave FOS' tulelptila Mem 'the Aepot of •iWes „Chester and Phil -1 adelphia Batiroaditermlif of T :first and" sfarket streeW. (West2.biladelPhia,) ati tlies&.•W,MsciAll*P.; ,Leave Word' at.. 640 SL, ant *r- The trliE9eavingpmadelphla at OA. L. CO4umut at, OxfbrciVii th iidallYlinist of stageefrozn- PeaCkßot- 4. tom inteattogitUr.-JtettirningleaVewiPetichliottom - td; - CdrineCt 0 444 With the,afternoon train E l l 21.41a 7i f 'Passengers are tare iv [l r eP• panel VAT 0 1 08ggiige;and;i010/Calla Win e. r ; parry be responsible for an amount exceeding etoo. H. WOOD. General Superinumdent. wit&w3iw[G_Mm[ges , .R..EADING RAILROAD. intast - CIREAMIERIINE LINN •Ma are' :1 To mem - Cfr :ErnArANTA THE solarnatia_ _ _ umastßafrm iAND.WYGOMIS , A •jt TIM P.TH ORTHWEGT anal the CAN , WINTER thulAmixanarr -OP • PASSENGER. TRAINS leaving the C0n Nnu D...21321. T.ltedhluiand CA at Oile tbiltaidnglionnu c 3 4 , -4 , -4' 1 ifrOBMINAI MAIL At 8 A. N., for Reading, Lawson, garriebuzg, ,•••Potts Me, Pine Greve, Tamaqaa, Sunbury, Williams. pert, Elmira, Rochester, Ntagant Falls, Ratilalo, tewniWilkesharre(Pitlatdri, - Pork; Clarlisle,Chambers , FlEgerstevrn, This train oennecta at READING with the East _Pennsylvania Railroad - trains for - Allentown, atc.; and with the Lebanon Valley taxis for jEfierrlisisurg, abc.; at PORT cuructli with Clata slam Railroad trains ihr Ina 4 wort„, Leek' Rouen. Elmira, ilte.; at HARRIBRURG with Northern Central, Cramberiand Valley, wed Sonuyllrlik and antique/Anna trains for Nortintraberland,Willintelniort. York, Ciaamberabarg, Pinegrove, AFTERNOON MU:PRESS. f, Leaves Philadelphia at, an .1•V U. for Retain& Pat vllle, Harrisburg. connecting with Reading and Columbia R.R. t rine for Columbia &C., and With Oata vies* Railroad train for Milton, Williarnctport, _Buffalo. de. RE A' ACCOMMODATION. rt naves-Beading at 8 30 A. M., stopping at all wards, tiona; arrives in ghtladelphiarat 9.30 A. M. RReturning, leaves,Philadelphla at .4.M. .30 P. arriveszr , ding at'7.r7o Tnzlna for,Philaaripitta haave Harrlalittrg at 7.25' A, and ppttsvale at 3.3u,A. M.. arriving m Phibsdel- Plzie. at 12.45 P; M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg sal.4s'P. Pottsitllle at 2.45'P. M.;' arriving az Philadelphia at 7415 • ' ' _ ' Harrisburg acconlingdatlon leaves 14-....50 In at MS A. M. and Harrisburg at 0.00 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leava• • PhlladelphlA , at .12.45.nc0a ,for Reading and all way! stationsrledvenßeadingll.3o A. 21., and Doa•ningtown ly,a).P:m._for Philadelphia, and all way stations. shwa trains run daily, tinadava ezwpted. E>mtdity - trains leave %Pottsville at. 8.00 A. IL. and . Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M . CII.L. , ST.R. - P., VAIXEY P.AIIatOAD.- Passengers for Downin g tovr..t and interznediatepoints sake the 8.6 J A. Af."and 4.30 :P. f.I trains from Philadel ' returning front Dowmingtowr at 7.05 A. M. and JO NEW YOR.U. P FCR PITIBBITAGH AND Leaves New,Y ork at 9.08 A. M. and BP. H.. pawing - Reading at 1 A. At., and L 45 P. M.. and connecting at Rarrizburg with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroadl,-_press Trains-for 'Pittsburgh, Chicago, 1 - I r-Insrerti,Hamiral Baltimore; &c. Returnins Rxpreas gain leaves Harrisburg on -arrival -of Pennsylvania '.Empress from Pit'nbargh, at • 8 and 9.05 A. /f., passing Reviili7. at 4.41 and 10.52 A. a arriving at New York 19 A. and 2.45 . Car accompanying these trains V.:rough between jersey City and Pittsburgh, without c ALIA fbr New York leae n TEEarrisburg at 1.45 P 81 MdU train, for .Harrisburg leaves New York at /2 Noon. SOIIIMXILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at G. 45, 11 A. M. and 7.15 P.M., revurninl rrom Tamaqua as 7.;i5 A. and Lia and 4.15 P. M. _ ." tiCHDYLHDLL AND STISQD.MIANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.45 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harristbtuir, and at 1.50 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre. Mont: returrdng from Harrisburg at -4. COP. M. and from Tremont at. 7.00 A.M. and 4.00 Y.M. TS. Tbrafgh "first-claits tic k ets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points In the North and West end • Canadas. . - The follo ore obtained only at the Office of B. Bradford, 'l'reasarer, No. V. 7 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. Nicolla. General Superintend ent, Rasniug. • (30312MTATION TICIMETS, At 25 per cent.: dlscount between any points desired tbr faitultes and Irma Zilt.w AGE TICKETS, Good for 2,003 m ties,betneen all pante, at 1152 53 Catch, fbr fanallusarid &EASON Tlamas& Ifirbr three, six, nnite or twelve months, for holden snly, to all points at redcced rates. CLVRG-TAMN • Residing on the line of the P.oad will be tundshed w hal ithf-faxe cards, enttlingthenaseives and wives to ticker si EXCURSION TICKETS. Frow. Philadelphia to principal stations, _good for ~M Ratarday, thuaday and - oxiday, at reduced af i re, to be had only at the Vapt Othce at Thirteenth and Callow bill sWeeta. • - PRESORT. Goods of all deabrlptions forwarded to all the above po.nts from the Cornpan;•!a :New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAM& Leave .Ptilladelpdallyat.s.lo A. 111..„ 12.45 noon 8118 8 Y' ZI., forßeiriting,.:Lebacon,..ll.arristnug, Platt:Mlle, .Pori Minton, and aid points beyond. /mom at tz e ph itlimphiti Post Office for all planes on the toad and tta branches at S:A. M. and for the prlzi tdpal Stations only at 2.15 P. ii. • St 7.30 A. M. sir , suu Si. 10.00 12.00 by " LOO P. 'M. 4.00 520 . " 7.30 ". fl von ..s PHILADELPHIA, AND BALTIMORE Rs rr,. V TABLE.—Commencing MONDAY, ()Lieber 23d, Mb. Trains 'will leave Depot, corner of Broad - street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at 4.05 A. M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stoPp_ing _ar Wu , log ton, Perryville, _Havre.de-Gradza, Aberdeen, Perry 'man's, and Magnolia. ~ Way-mull Train; tat &15 A. PI. (Sundays eit eepted); for R Elmore, stopping at allmadam. coi.ne , 3lte with Delaware lt o ,lroad-at ,for Sallabary and intermediatestations. Express Train at 1-15 P M. (Sundays excepted), far Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Wil mington, Elkton, Perry v Ille and Havte-de-O race. Express Train at 4,50 P. M. (Sundays exue tad), far Baltimore and Washington, stopping at gton, NeWark, .Elittonithesst; „Perryville, Harrede. Orate, Perryman s Zdgewood, and 44m Hun. !.lconss at 11.15 T. M. fOr Baltimore andWash ingloni 8 . 4!PPI ; 148 - at-chaster, Wilmington. Rewark,EPL. ton,' t., paryvUle and Havre-de-Grace. by boat from Haltiniore ibr PortreSs . Monroe:Norfolk-I.ow Point and' Itichnlond will' take . the 8.1.5 A. AL. , As an additional nonommodation only for those hold ing tirhets for tititst , pointz. a special ear will trace the Ph i ;tieelphia Depot at 11.1. A. M., connecting aray's Ferry with the Morning hapress. train trona Stew York. . Nur nu - NGTOic ACCOMMODATION TRAMS, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and WIl• mington. I..c.aveThfladelphla at 11.15 A. IL, 831 590, 7.03 and 10.00 The 3.30 P. l!L train connectawlth the Dela. wore Railroad for ILtlfurdand intermediate stations. Leave Wllnaintton 7.00, 8.15 saq 5.80 A . IL. 3.00 and cso nr: •' • •• Trains for Newcastle .leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A. /1„ a..%1 and 5.G.e P. M. THROUGH TRAINS FROM RAI/TDIORE Leave W n 12.00 M., 4.27, 8.02 and 9.54 P.M. w..sT ' FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Chester'at .8.58 and 10.14 A,.1.1.12.Z8, 49, 9.34 and a.ss P. • From Baltimore torhilaltila.—Leave Baltimore 8,25 A. M., Way Mail. 110 P. Express. 4.10 P. AL., Way Train. ' 6.85 P. M., , 9.15 P. M., Express.. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 8.56 A. L5O and 1140 P.M... 'l, .Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 518, 0.30 A. M., 2.25, 5.10 P. 11:12.25 sug - Diry nmaiars. • • - - Mcprms - tram at 4.05 A, AL for Baltimore and Wash: ingtou, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Ravre-de" Grage.Aberdeett; Permilan's and Magnolia. . • Nithp Epress.ll.ls P. AL, for, Baltimore and Rash: ingtom, stopping at 011ester,..Wilroington,Newark - ,Elk,- ton, NOrtbeast'Perre and:Havre de Grace. Actomodation Trill at 10 P.' M. for Wilmington and .Way, Stations.- . _ • BALTIMORE MR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.25 P. M. stopping at Havre dA Grace, Perryville and Wilmington.: also stops at Elk.' ton and 16 ewark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washing. ton or Baltimore) and Cheerer to leave passengers" from Baltimore or Warningtcle. A Speelsil train will leave yirilmington for phi Mel. phla at 6.'SO P. - Freight train with passenger car attached will leave Wilmington for peryville, and intermediate stationS at 6.04 P. 15.1, H. F. BEN KEY. • - • 'Superintendent. P Zz Bpi EIIw3ELPRI A 'Azni , MIME RAILROAD. rT s gratin . . a - verses the Northern and North. west ponntiee of penruiylvsinin to the city Of Erie, on 'Lake Erie. N It bas, been leased and Pt operated by do Penrusyli Vania Rall.roarrOolnpany. TIME OF PASSIGN4.III2 TZA-lerli AT PICITADELITCEL A-11RIVEEASTWARD. Erie ?tat Train - - - -100 P. M. Erie Express Train - - - - 11 10 A. - ' LICAV7if WIFSTWAIID; • " - Erie Hall Train • -- , • - • 720 P. Erie Express Train • - - - M A.X. I Ptit i enger cars ran through on Erie Hall and Express Tral s with mai change, both ways ; between Philadel , iphio ,- , • Leavel 7:£17 - 17071R" CO'SI.4 New York ar atErie 337 A. -Leave Erie at 1.55 P, arrlye at • York 1.15 No Change of cars between Erie and New York. rletan t sieeining yar , . ~ se Wit '1 , •••••ina• PorAnibrmailon respectingp_assenger business apply , Ist corner THERTLETH suad HAS :4=l. T sirocito, delphla. 'And for Freight buslnees, Of theOompany'e Agents: 8.1. Kingston, ..Tr.,• corner Thirteenth and Marker ets - Philadelphia • J. W. Reynolds: Er&.. William Brown, - Agimt, N.O. R. ormore. • • .H: HOUSTON, general FrelVat -LAi g G e nt P hll de Iphisk; GeneraTichet Agtn cx M General Sup't.. WR,iamsport WEST CHESTER. AND PHILA DELPHIA. RAILROAD, VIA NVIbITHs' ARILINHEZI On dafter WEDNESDAY, October 181,14 1665, the trains leave asibilows: - • -T .OBESTER TRAM/z• Leave Pbiladelpbia fur ,West Chester go, 11.00 A. AL, 215, 4.80 and B.oor. Ar.. • • ?Leave West Chester foot Thlradelphia 8.45, 8 . 1 5,10.45 1.40 t 4,35 .ISio-rt rut t, • I • Tra)naleaving W Chester notl6 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia' at 4:80 P M.; will stop at - Penne.llon, • and willsop below B.C. Junction ablietibs'only. • ' , r • .PENNELTON TRAJNS.I_ • • Leave • 'tbr Penneltem - 4.00 and ; 11.00 P. ' 9011 , . ..; Leievei penxieltOn - fOL I ;headeiPhilt , 9.Cr2 gsot ci": 31 .1 • • • - • • These 'llll'in erm a,e Stations ON ON SUNDAYlllitilitave Philhdelphial. at. 8,30 tA.' M. *D - Lea d 2; kre P 'WeTt'Clielit - ' 4.0:1 r- P ; ' Trains leavlit Phbattelpata'ats It A li, `and 430 Mt and2payinglWßgB.V4o3terlitB.lsil'lll4and..i.3s connect at 13. CL,Tuncnun wil4,Tr 4l / 1 8. 00 B. O. P. Rift& Osfehl's nti itatemeileis'pmnm, .f' assent afflivittat to tuba tio.ernig tatiparel OWY •BPSF4ga..and pie TePnall2: eflieirylr,:ta-isnyl dee% he r.esphpelhle lortv ainviiiitreze.eeallta u4»;1111477 ) cited dollamtanliaie rieptielaideinterael is -- made 'rue tut' same. 11 t:NAY WOOD. It tioneral Superintendent TEUEVELIN , , ;flu r ' i 'm ~4 W - --. l' .-...,.... POE NEW YORE.—TIIO* 4,..1• A i .lsa.-. 7, 4.11...7'" DI , N A ND AMBOY and P :yr l .r-u.a - -r-• J._ _ .-.. -.1 . ) • TRENTON • RAILROAD * 6 i PAitili .41.14-ES., frog Pilladelphista New York • way places, from WALNUT STREET ', - '.? will leave ea fellovra, via: • , - ' Ate A. M., vin Camden mad-Amboy, Amore., , fr At 8 A. M., via Catudea sad Jersey 4, o :exparall 2 ~' At 2P. M., via Cdracken and Amboy rem, 2 , r At ll A. In. and 12 hi, (noon) his en and Amboy, Accommodation, (I?zetgbz an d pia,. senger ) . • • • At 6 and 11. Er) P. M., v ia Camen , an daAmboy .Aeanta t.a. east, t, and PasMager) Ist Class Ticket, . 25 25 Class Ticket, .59 At 6A. M., 2 and SP. X For Mount settrans ville. PembertOn and Vincentown. At 6 A.' IL; and 2 P.M. for irteliold; ALmy wAL LU 5.00, 5, Sand 11.38 P. M. for Eat- re„, Riverton, :Deltutco, Beverly, Edgewater, BM , Plorence/Itordeo town, ,&c. The 5 P. tx. Line runs direct through to Trenton. At P. M. htestarboat Trenton for Bristol, .Busting-; 'ton, Barerl.) , dm. Lines_from _Kensington Depot wilLleave_as..pllows: At 11.15 A. M., 4.30 P. M and 445 P.• AIL , via K sington and Jersey City Express ... Sa 00 At in P. AL (Night) via Kensington Jersey City Express- 225 The 6.45 P. M. Line will run daily. AB, 'other* Seth dx‘ye excepted. - • A(.7.30 and 11.15 A. 31.,3, 3.3(), 6.36, 6,65 and 5 P. M.. and 12 Midnight, for Bristol, Trenton. &c.g At 7 A. Bt. li , nr,sB, 8,5, and 6 P. M. • for. Cora W 61.19, TibiaTib ia risdale, olroesburg, Tacony, burg . and Frankiord and at BP. M. _for E{9.4teplumg, and Intermediate btaticdts. BE.,.VLD.ERE LRLAWARE RAILROAD; for the Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania; and .New York State, and the (treat Lakes. - Two threogli. trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Rensinkton De pot. as follows: • At 7= and &30 M, for Niagara, 'Palbs„ - Einf.: fan),unkirk, Canandaigua- ll ' , Mrs, Ithaca. .Owego;: Rochester, Eingbaimpton, Oswego, Syracuse, treat,_, Rend: Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton. Stroudsburg, Water Gap,- Belvidere, Easton, Latribertviße,-Plead ngton, &a. The 3.80 P. M. Line• connects, direct with , he Train leaving Easton for Mauch .Chunk. Albin- • town, Bettlebera,'&& At 5 P. M. forLanflfertville and tntermedlateStatlons. = • For New, York, and WAY.. Lines' sing.ton Depot, take, the cars lon Fifth street s abovAp Walnut, half an hour betotc departure. The 'Cara rnh - Into the Depot, and on arrival of eath=Traiti,turt from = the Depot. _ , , •. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Paasen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything - es baggage but their wearing appareL • All baggage • over niry pounds to be;paid for extra. The Company: • limit their respomtbllity for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and wM not be liable for anyamount beyond' Coo, except by special contract. t . Graham's Baggage .b4press will call for and deliver. , baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. t nut street. LINER FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILAmpgrA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, y 12 M. and 4P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7.1 D and Wi" A. M., 6 P. M. and 12 'Sight via JenleY City and Ben aington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pieriro.li. River, at 12 M., 3 and 7 P. BL (Pie.14.1..L and Passenger), via Amboy and Camden. WAL H. CIATZ,II,EII, Agent. .I`.. PHILADELPHIA AND ELUL itic.a .z.o- ar , :qtA•TasouGH LINE. CATA.WIt-Sn RA l I,KOAD, . Short line to Williamsport, Eimira,oll Region.s,Erie, Balialo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and all places th the Western, North Western andtionth Wes tern States and the tXusadas. Four through trains daily (Sundays excepted). Leave I , biladelptua and Leave North PennsYlva- Beading R.I/.: Depot. nix B.R. Depot. 8 A. M. '7.20 A. M. 3,30 P. M. 5.15 P. IL One train on Sunday at 315 I'. M. By all these trains direct connection Is made at El mira with hYle railway; at Salamanca with Atlantic and Great Western's railway; at Danlri rk and Buffalo with Lake Shore B. E.: and at Suspension Bridge with Great Western railway. Fare always as low as by any other line. Sleeping cam on all night trains. Secco.d dues cars with wsbioned seats aCeilinPanY each express train, giving passengers the ad - vantage of high tpeed - with low fare. For through tickets and further particulars concern lug the routes. apply at the. Ticket °lnce, 425 Chestnut street. oc:ll N. VAN HORN. Pas. Agt._ . JERSEY RAILROAD LAC E3—From font of Market street -5.4 r B eff . j ulc ap i l M oxfoy• Sundays. FALL AND Commencing WEDNFADA2T, NOVEMBER 16th, 1565. For Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and Salem Railroads, at 9 A IL and 330 P. M. For Mlllvl le and all intermediate Stations, at 9 .3.; 7if. and 3 P. M. EFor Cape May and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. IL, to Millville connecting with freight train (Passenger car attach( d) for Cape May, due 3.43 P. M. And 3.00 P. M. through passenger, dne B.OOP. R.. For Glassboio' and intermediate Stations, at. 9 A., M. S and S3O P. M. _ - - For Woodbury , Gloucester, an., at 9 A. IL, 3, and 6,30 P,. Freight train wlllleavePtilladelphiallrom Sandfard* at 10 A.-Bf , and Camden, at 12 M. J. VAN R.M.-SSELAMSuperintendent, eni., JERSEY RTCP COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of ItramEss Ivae,s, receive, deliver, and forward, throng other re-:. spotudble Express Companies, to all parts of Um corm try, any article entrusted to them. A Special Messen ger accompanies each through train._ Office, .Bre„ 5. Walnut street. LEGAL NOTIEUM, TN TEE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND J. COUNTY OF PEULADELPHIA--.3&tate of ANY LE:NI-Z.—The Auditor appolated by the Court:to audit, „. settle and adjust' the account of William Macferran, nardlan of the pmson and - estate.of Ann - Lentz; undeei - the WILL of Jam. Lentz: Jr., aeceased, filed by Eliza ~tscterra..l!dcfertan, Administratrix. of the estate of .WlRlatn deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hanos of the accountant, will meet the+ . parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, December 27th. 1865, at , , P. 31.. at his office, No. 5!4 WAr l icllT street, Robin No - . 5, in the city of Philadeiro ia. HENRY. P S;Jn„ -Auditor. de13,15,1=1.2. , -st• TN THE ORPECA2 , IS' COURT FOR THE CITY 1 AND OOUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA;—Estate of • ' DANIEL WOODRUFF, deceased. The Auditor ar - i. pointed by the Court, to audit, settle and adjust the account of Edward S. Lawrence, Administrator ot the • Estate of said decessed,and to nutkedistributlon of the - '• balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the , •', parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. • ; on THURSDAY, the -Ith, day of/January. 1861 at 4- o'clock - . P. M., at his °Mee, No. 529 Vine street;lie the city of Philadelphia dele-tn,th,s,sts] EDW. S. CAMPBELL, Anditer. THE ORPHANS' COUttT FOR THE tirlif _ AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPRIA.—Estatenf JOSEPH AUGUSTUS, deceased.—The Auditor: all pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the n , account ot Anna R. Augustus,. Admlnistrattia attic, Estate ofjcseph Augustus, deceased. and to port, distribution of the balance In the hands of the so-. counterit, will meet the parties interested for the ,pur-.; poses °phis appointment, on WEDNE 4Ratuary s. 1866. at 4 cidlock P. Y.. at his office. No. ail Seath Filth street. second hew. in the city of Philadelphia.-. WILMA hf B. th satu-S4 !Auditor.; . THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CfTY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHTA—Estate of - ANN - WETHEBILL, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle and adjust the amotuat of Andrew D. Cash and Mary A. Wetherill,'Executors of .' the last will an d testament of Ann Wetherill,decea,sed, and to report distribution of the balance in - the hands of the accountant, will meet:the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY. January 11th, Übe, at 3511 o'clock R. M. at his office.. 80. 5t7 Race street, in the city of Philadelphia: JOS. A.BRa.MS, Auditor. de2l-th,s,tu-st,t- LETTERS TESTIMENTARY tin 'the — Estate - Of 31. ZELL; ideCeased, having been granted ra the subscriber, al), persons hat'ing claims against the said • Estate, are requested tb make the same known ,', and c, those indebted to tile said Estate, to make payment to my Attorney in fact. ANDREW J. SLOANNo. SCO • - Chestnut street, ANNIE ZELL, ExecutrLx, 'No. 1.411 Race street. . n025-sst* TN I THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY A AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA,—Estate of ' wuzi A 7,1" DAVIS, deceased.—Notice IS hereby given:g that JANE DAVIS, Widow of the said decedent Ass: • tilettni said Court her petition, and elects to reusin;em . , in rnoney'unt of the estate of the decedent, under the • act of April 24th, /al, and Its suppleinentstand that the same will be approved by the klourt on. FRIDAY, Janilary ith, 1866, unless exceptions thereto be filed. WM. S. PIERCE, dels f sett Attorney for Petitioner: I :111AESIIMLL'S SALE.- A RsEr . Avs SA r.r —Sy virtue of &writ °faille by M the•Hou. JOHN CA.DWA_LAD.ER, Judge 'of the rustrict Couxt of the 'United States In and for the . Eastbrn District of - Pennsylvania, to me directed, will be seld,at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash. at Powell, Seigers ct. Co.'s store, No. 127 North PEON Tstpeet.'at 11 o'clock', A. M. on PHD RSDA.Y, the Ztt lt day of December,. 1865, SIXTY -FOUR BAR. , RELS, containing Manufactured -Tobacco and, Cut Smoking ,Tobacco of domestic. mantuacture, 'or the weighttogether of five thousand pounds. • P. C iers 'MAKER, 11. S. Marshal E. D. of Penns, PIOLADELRECEA, Dec. 11.1865. ". , - delZtntlisst IitjA.BBI3.A.L'S BALE.—By virtue. of a writ,' of sale .111.1 by the Bon. JOIIN CADWA.I,AD.F.R, - Judge of; the District Court of the United States in-L and for the '.astern District of Pennsylvania, to me directedArill be sold at public Sale, - to the highesraffirtiest - bidder. foreastr,on the premites,at the junction of the Gernaan. town Railroad and Nicetown lane, on 'I".BI7EtSDAY, the 28t11, day of - December, 1666, at 2 o'clock P. 21,, 200,000 bricks,l frame Mothouse 1 frame-building, 1 water' tank: 1 chain pump, 1. brick and stone chimney, ,7,050 greed bricks, 2 'steam boilers, 2'„clay_truCks. , ron. bound ho.gshead. 8 wheelbarrows, l barrel coal. tar, , 2 tons coal, lot' of iron chains, '6 hoes, rakes and, spades,' :42,raft pelts, ~, 1 0 iron kiln bam'es aud doors,'3oo kiln grates,. 20 iron plates,- 26 hemlockJuist,, lot:of 3-incW plank, 736 feet; 63 hemlock Joist, 135 shed poshlr, 57 shed post.% 25,500 feet 3:hich conamonbeltilOck, boardS, 1 tin •-• built of brick," 11.alit built ofstone,4ted-horsespOlver 'steam engine;,l - Chanal4o paleut Steal:d briCk. Ina• chine, IWrge Ord screen.. •,, . • .-, it .1 y.I •.; - - r! slAitkrshal Qr, re,tinii:i • • 6 nE-Lima;)ffee. . -deitz-tu.tibe,644, jOtOAINIti.;; ';‘ %'•• IBARGAILIS - .101 - 10Albit3 'Et 1 ! 1 . • ATTEND 0- 4 7 • . 1 : 18 + ) ". 1 1KnelcuiP aliaPd a iarKe and , fd4oultitneortment 1 ,, ilt 1 i. , 1 r orarmalf pt - f rt," eror, tbdFß•lc,V• 6- ter(Abdc0..1.4) 2 0,44% . / . 4l4.paotvssc4A7-; toVnly t per cent:Wow tbe nstral rates. • Ttde lonailirg, but a Positive tett, Cull end nett or yourselves. oci&t.ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers