REAL' ESTATE SALES. tfiß.' ORPHANS’ GOUK C iSILE. - Estate, of 7«l!iL;BANB SONTAYLOR,dec’d.--<JAMESA. vF-REEMAN, of the Orphans* Court for. the. City and. GoniltyJof 'EbU ‘•adelpbio, or WEDN ESDAY, Feb 17, !864,catT2 O’clock, Noon, will he. sold at Public Sale, at < the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the follow ing described Real Estate, late of Baukson Tay ; lor, ,dej’d, viz.: .NOi-I..:VALUABLE.PROP ERTY, bo. 137 Norf* SE'- OND Street.—All that certaimessnage and lot of grand situate oh t n e * east side of Second street, be tween Race and Arch , *he city of Philadelphia, containing id or front on the said Sfecond street nineteen. length or depth one hundred and nine - ,teen fett .* Jbrickstore, No,. 137N.'Second, sheet, and will be «oki accordinVto a plin and .'survey made by the Sorveyor of the lot being 19 feet 2 inches front, and 111) feet devp, on the north line to v . wvB feet alley alleys of which ; ithas the privilege. The rear 17 feet Dinches of the lot being y feet inches wiae. 1 ‘ BRICE HOUSE, NO • 1?5 ELFRETH’S ALLEY.—AII that certain tnes “• cnage and lot of ground on the north side 1 or Gil . "Ort*® or Elfreth’salley, in the said city, includ-; ■ sag-ah eight feet wide alley leading from ihe said! :lilf^eth, ?^ ot ! t,6 said Gilbert’s or El-, •iron s alley, containing in fronton the said alley,' including as aforesaid ihe 8 feet alley 2G feet, add in length or depth 30 feet G inches.: Also, full and: absolute right to build under and over the said! alley,-provided a passage of 12 feet headway in : the left open forever. .N. Bi This-lot will also be sold according to the: said plan of tee Surveyor of the District, accord-; ing to which the property fronts on Elfreth’s • a)ley-25 feet ; 8 inchesj including' the said 8. feet alley and extending in depth 40 feet li£ inches. ; 1 r Nos. 3Snd4. THAEE-STORYBRICKDWEL- IiiNG, No. 122 RACE street, and-large Lot ad . -joining on the rear. All-that certain messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground therennto be longing, situate,, lying and b?iog on the south'side ©f Sassafras, (now. Race) street, between Front and Second streets, in the City of Philadelphia; con taining in .breadth eatt or west 20 feet, and in length or depth 76#,; And' all That ceitiin lot of ground, lying and 'being between* Race street and Drinker’s Alley, -and between Second and Front ntretts, in the City of Philadelphia. . .. . * N. B.—This is-a good lot, 20 feet 3 inches front, feet deep, with a large lot 31 feet 7 inches by .51 feet 2 inches on the rar making a gaiden. hounding ho. 0,; hereinafter described, on the north. The alley way of -which the description gives this property the right of way is now closed up, and no such right will be included in the sale. Plan and survey at the Auction Store. ■ > No. S.—THREE-STORY BRICK DWEC.L- Y**G, No. 124 RAOESTREE r.—Ail that certain three-story brick messuage and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side ox Race street, between Front and Second streets, in the city of PhiladeTph'a; contamingin breadth eastand west 15 feet, and in length or depth 76)$ feet. . N.: B.—This 2 feet 10 inches wide alley is now closed up and no such use is sold herewith Plan pud survey by ; which itis sold, at the store.* No. 6 — STABLE, LOT and 3 DWELLINGS, Nos. 3, 5 and‘7 DRINKER’S alley.—All that cer tain lot or piece of ground, and the three three- story messuages and stable thereon erected, situate pnthe north side of Drinker’salley, at the distance of about 145 feet 7# inches westward from the west .side of Front street, between Arch and Race streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in brealth north and south on the.east line thereof 37 feet and a half inch, and on the .west line thereof 37 feet 6 inches, and in length or depth east and west 86 feet BU , . Zf* B.— I The plan and survey of this property by the City Surveyor, by which it will be so!d,shows -yho lot r to be'B7 feet 1# inches fronton Drinker’s alley, and 37 feet sin ches deep. No. 7. OLD IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENT of $l5O per annum. All that certain y.eatly, ground .rent ofone hundred and fifty dol lars,-: payable on Ist January and. July ip each year, without deduction for taxes, Ac., reserved ont of a lot of gronndv situate on the westerly side ot the Ridge toad, at the distance of 115 feet 10# inches sontheastwardly from the southwesterly corner of said road.and Wallace street, in the late district of Penn. Containing in front oh said road 50.;.feet-l# inches,, and extending in length or depth on lines alright angina with the said road, on the southwardly line thereof 233 feet and Xof an inch; and on the northwardly . line tnereof2l2 feet and' % of ah inch to Pemberton street., “ *«37SALE OF THE WHOLE ESTATE PE REMPTORY. i $5O to be paid on 1 each at the time of sale. ’By the Comt, W. C. STEVENSON, Clerk O.C. FRAN CIS>KING, W. BANKSON TAYLOR, Executors and Trustees. . JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ta2S-fel), 10 Store, 422 Walnuts!., ab. 4th. fisT ORPHANS* COURT SALS.—Estate of KDL PETER WAGER, deceased. VALUABLE FARM, 178 ACRES WITH EXTENSIVE IM PROVEMENTS, TENANT HOUSE and OUT BUILDINGS, BETHLEHEM TURNPIKE, Montgomery county, 19 miles from Philadelphia. Under authority of the Orphans’ Court for the county of Montgomery, will be sold without re serve, at Public Sale, ou WEDNESDAY, Feb. 17th. 1864, at 12 o’clock, Noon, at the MER CIANS’ EXCHANGE, in the City of Philadel pbirr, the following described Real Estate, lateof PETER WAGER, deceased, viz—All that valua ble tract of 17S acres of land, titdate at the village oi Montgomery Square, Montgomery connty, ou the Spring House and Hilltown Turnpik-, 3 miles from two Stations, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, 19 miles from Philadelphia, and 10 miles frem Norristown, and 8 mile* from Doylestown. The improvements are large and commodious, ''consisting rfastone mansion, tenant hou>c,. stone barn, stabling for.ferty-live head of cattte, car riage-house, wagon-home, granary, "ice-house, Jfcc. A good apple orchard, peach orchard, and a variety of all kinds of pear trees and other fruit. The farm is nnder good fence, divided into con venient fields, and well watered by three streams. The avenue leading to the mansion is ornamented with rows of shade trees. The mansion is sur rounded with shade trees. About twenty acres -are in valuable Umber, and about eighteen acres lirst rate meadow. - .The lam is well watered by springs, wells,.and' running'streams. ~Tne loca tion/Js: cesiTable, very healthy, convenient to churches, schools, &c. t&r Sale ..absolute. $5OO to be paid when the property is struck off. . < S ' I'toEh!’ | Executors. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, J528,Te9,16 Store No. 42*2 Walnut street £3 REAL ESTATE. A. FREE fiISIMAN, Auctioneer.— DWELLING- and lirga LOT OF GROUND, east side of FRANKFORD road, above Ann street, Nineteenth Ward. On WEDNESD AY, February L7tb, ISG4, a: 12o’ clock noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHIL A DELPHIA EXCHANGE, thefollowing described property, late the estate of Randolph W. Evans, dec’d., viz: All that two-story brick dwelling house with the lot of ground thereto belonging, situate on the southeast side of Franlc ford turnpike road, in the Nineteenth Ward of the the city, nearly two squares above Ann street, the tame distance north of Washington avenue, con taining in front 100 feet, and extending in depth 310 feet to Waterloo s reet; containing about % OF AN ACRE OF LAND. The dwelling is two stories high, withback buildings gas introduced, a good stable and carriage house on Waterloo street; 'also, a.tenant house. Fruit trees in the garden, also grapes and berries; a good well of water, Ac. Keys it the Auction Store. - ygr 000 may remain if desired. • SlOO. to he paid at tirr eof sale ' JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell 16 Store, 42*2 Walnutst , above 4*h. S-REAL ESTATEr-J AMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer—On. WEDNESDAY, February 17th, 1664, at J 2 o’clock, Noon, wili be sold .at Public Bale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz: No. I.—IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENT OF 555 PER ANNUM.—A well secured irredeemable ground rent of §55 p?r annum, paya ble on the. Ist days of April and October, issuing oat'of a lot of ground with a three-story brick house thereon erected, situate ou the west side of Fifteenth street, 53 feet north of Parrish street, in the city of Philadelphia, 15 leet 6 inches front, and 83 feet deep to a *3 feet alley-leading into Ogden street, of which it has the nrivllega No. 2;—IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENT of S5O per annum. —jA.well secured i*re:ieemablB ground rent of $5O per annum payable on. the Ist dsjys of January and July, out of a lot of ground with three?story brLk. house .thereon, situate ou the south side of Ogden street, 31 feet 8 inches east of Fiiteenth s*reet,'l6 feet front 50 feet deep. $5O to bepaid on each at.the time of sale. ' : - - FREEMAN, ja2B,fe9 v i6- . StoreNo.422 Walnutst., ab.4th. M KEAL. A. FREE MAN, I: OUR* GENTEEL DWELLINGS, Nos. .13*29. 1331, 1333, 1337 COATES STREET. On WEDNESDAY, Feb., 17 r ieai, at 12 o’clock, Noon, will be sold at Pub-v Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE,'' the following described Real Estate, viz.:— AU that .genteel dwelling-house, No.'”. I*32o:*.Coates street, north sidp, 257ieet3)a inches eastward from Broad^stre et, 17 leet 9 inches front and B'J feet % of. to a 4 feet alley, of which it has the privilege. Al- jy, the dwelling No. 1331 Coates street, of'the same description and dimensions r Also, thed-welling No. 1313 Coates street, of the ’ eame description and dimensions. . Also,.the dwelling No, 13)7 Coates street, of the same riescnp'ion and,dimensions. abovej)re»«cties. fold clear of -all f incnmbrances. - . remain secured bv bond and mortgatfefnthensual manner di\ each - $5O to be paid ou btfbh'aHhte time of sate '■ZS' tk * ix JAMES A^FRHtSlVfAN^Auctioneer *2M«VI6 Store, N 0.422 Walnut st. above 4tix BEAL ESTATE SALES. m REAL ESTATE—ABSOLUTE SALE.— -MANAYUNK PROPERTY.—On -WED NESDAY, Febinary 17 3 1864, at 12 o*clock nodu, ! wiUbe sold, without reserve, atthe PHILADEL PHIA-EXCHANGE>.the following described real estate, '< viz:' BUSINESS LOCATION, "Main street—All that certain lot or piece of ground with the eight stone ai d framp buildings thereon erected, situate oirthe south side of: Main street, Manay unk, beginning at a point seventy* nine feet, seven and;three-fourths; inches west.of .Cotton street, thence west one and twentyiseven.feet two inches to a point, thence south fifty-two feet three ana three-fourths inches to the cauaL- thence east along the canal thirtyreight feet eightinches and a-half to a point,.'thence, north ni*ne :feet six inches to a .point,, thence southeast ninety-four feet nine inches to a point, thence north, seventy! eight feet to the point of beginning, r BUSINESS LOCATION, MAIN ST.—All that certain lot or piece of ground, with tlm two ttory stone house thereon erected, the south side of Main street, .Manayunk; beginning ,at a point two hundred and six feet nine and three fourth inches west of Cotton street; thence west tyrenty-two ieet eight inches to a point; thence -South; .forty-nine feet three inches -to the canal;, thence southeast along the canal twenty-three fee? two and three-eighths inches; thence north flfty twbyfeet three and t&ree-fqnrths inches to the place : . ~, :/BUSINESS XOCATIO.N, MAIN STREET.— All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two-story Stone House thereon erected, situate on the south side of Main street, beginning at a point two hundred and twenty* nlne.fet, five and three fourths inches west of Cotton.street; thence we? L twenty feet tw.o inches, to a point; thence sbnth forty-six feet six and one-fourth inches to the canal: thence eastalong the canal twenty feet seven ana seven-eighths inches; thence north forty-nioe feet three inches to the place of'beginning. Clear of all incumbrances. Sale Peremptory. Terms Cash. S5O to. be: paid en each when, the property is struck off JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ja28,fe9,16 422 Walnut street, above 4th, -PERK MPOR Y S ALE;—JAMESfiA. Eii?i FREEMAN. Auctioneer. -THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSfi., No; 1 DRINKER’S alley. On WEDNESDAY, February 17th, 1861, at 12 o’ clock neon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the foi-. lowing described real All that certain lotofgrcur d, with the three-story brick dwelliog thereon erected* situate ou the north s:de of DRINKER’S alley, 131 feet west of Front street, - in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front 14 feet 7# inches, and in depth 37 feet and inch. JK?“SALE PEREMPTORY. S5O to be paid when*the p-operty is struck oiT. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ja2Bfe9l6 Store, 422 Wnlnut st., above 4th. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—Estate of Ml JABEZ BUNTING, deceased. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. VALUABLE MEADOW TRACT OF 50 ACRES ON CAR PENTER’S ISLAND, DELAWARE RIVER, TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. Under authority of thfrOrphans v Court ior the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, March 2d, 1664, at 12 o’clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of JABEZ BUNTiNG, deceased, viz: All that certain piece or parcel of .meadow land situate, lying and being on Carpenter’s Island, ia the Twenty.fonrth Ward of the city o' Philadel phia, beginning atthe centre of the road leading ta Hog Island at the point where said road- crosses Church creek, thence in a southerly direction along said creek,the several courses and distances there of to Bow jertek, thence along Bow the embankment recently erected thereon, thence along the several coursea and distances thereof to low water mark on the River Delaw are, thence along paid river at low* water mark north 25# deg., e:ist 26 perches; thence north 40# deg.y east !G G. 10 perches; thence north 9 deg., east to tho bank; thence along the bank the same coarse continued 13# perches; thence north 65# deg., east to the middle of the aforesaid road leading to Hog Island; tbence along the middle of the said road to the place of beginning, containing 44 acres and U perches., and survey by James Miller, late City Surveyor, by which the property will be sold, at the store. Jjy Clear of incumbrance. S5O to be paid &t the time of sale. By order of the Court, WILLIAM C. STEVENSON, Cfrrk O. O. SAMUEL BUNTING, CHARLES O; SELLERS, Administrators. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell, 16mhl Store, 422 Walnut st. * above 4th. fig . RFAL ESTATE —JAMES A. FREEMAN, ELAuctioner.-To M«nufacturers, Ma.hiuW, and others. VALUABLE PROPERTY, MA CHINE SHOP, WAREHOUSE, FOUNDRY, Ac., at BRIDGEPORT, Montgomery county, op posite Norristown, with Steam Engine, Lathes, Machinery, Ac. On WEDNESDAY, March 2, 18G4, at 12 ©’clock, noon, will be sotd at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, nx: AH thvt valuable piece of laud with th© improvements thereon erected, situate in the Borough of Bridge port, opposite Norristown, on the Schuylkill River, m Montgomery county, at the S. E. corner of Second and Mill streets, beioggl feet 9inches front on Second street, and 140 feet on Mill street, than narrowing to 40 feet wide it extends toe further depth of 91 feet to the Reading R. •*. The improve ments are very substantia 1 , havmg b?en used for aa agricultural machine shop and ioundry and comprise a two-story brick machine shop, about 30 by 7u feet, in yfcicb is a 15 hors? steam engine with boilers complete, TA'.th lathcp, circular saws, pul lies, and machinery requisite for such a bu-iness; a smith shop joins, also a foundry with the power connections!introduced; and a large brick ware house, th* whole under good roof and heated by the steam from the boifera, a track is laid from the Re* ding R. R. into the premises. There is on office in the fhop with a fire-proof built t ierein. The main building may easily be converted into a e-itton or xooohn menufiuyory* These premises are 1C miles from Philadelphia, very accessib eby the Reading R.R., and Schuyl kill canal. The neighborhood is rapidly being im-: prow dby manuiactnre of all kinds. This property cost 5!6,U00, and will be found well worthy of attention. It may be examined atany time. Terms at tale. $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell,l6,mhl Store, 422 Walnut St., ab. 4th. M REAL ESTATE.— JAMES A. FREE MAN, Auctioneer. FASHIONABLE BROWN STONE RESIDENCE, No 1717 SPRUCE street, on WEDNESDAY, March 2d, 1864, at I*2 o’clock, Noon, will be soldatPublic Sale, Rt tho PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz: All that fashionable four.stcry Brown Stone Residence with double three-story back buildiuss and lot ot ground thereunto belonging situate on the north side of Spruce st., No. 1717, at feet front and 105feit deep to Ann street, a2O feet staeet. The residence is well built and-finished in a style ■ suitable to that neighborhood. Two superior Hand arid Ayer* s Furnaces til the cellar . Large plate-glass windows front and tack. M role vestibule, Breakfast on first floor with two kitchens. Large dining-ronm, communicating by enameled glass-dovrs with a Library room. Two pm treesvriih kotand cold water and la*ge closets. Hottlud cold water with walnut permanent washstanis in aU the chambers. Marble mantel in the par'or cost 5250. High ,eeiUvgs, numerous closets for linen and co d water closets Bath-room copper punished lin'd tub, plattd faucets, <Cc. The water carried of by .drains so that no drip is about the premises. By The property will be so dsubiect to a ground rent of S3Cu per annum (80,650; if proxerred; or all the purchase-money wifi be received. . fly s*2so in be paid when ttye property is struck off. JAMIS A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. fell,lC,mhl No. 422 Walnut-street, abovedth. A FREEMAN', Auctioneer. PEBh'H p TpIIY SALE TO CLOSE A OU«OEEN. YALL’AELE LARGE LOT, COLUMBIA, HOWARD AND PUTNAM Sis., l'Jth Ward, 3 fronts, ou WEDNESDAY, March 2d, 16G4 at 12 o’c ock, noon, at the PHILADEL FHIA EXCHANGE, the followin'; described real eslate, viz: All that lot of ground in tho I‘iih ■ward, beginning at the southwest corner of Co lombia and Howard streets, tuenceextending west ward alonpr tbe south side of tne said Colombia street. 192 feetlo% inches to gro 'ndo: Humphreys and Yerkes, tWRu e by the same southwardatright angles with the said Columbia street 63 feat l v inches to the north side bf Putnam street, th nee eastward along Putnam street, 193 feet 9jf inches to the liorthwest cornex. of Putnam and Howard streets!, and thence north watdalong Ho ward street, 50 feet to the beginning. ' . .. v . tssy' Tins is a valuable l t ■uita'ilt for. a manufac tory having.three jro--ts. ' 113” Plan at the store. K?* Sale peremptory to close a concern, sum to b 9 pail when tho pro perty is s-rttek off. JAMES A. .FREEMAN, Auctioneer: feli-lG.mhl- 5t0re,.422 Walnutstreet.ab. -Hh PEREMPTORY - SALE.—JAMES A.: 4 Auctioneer.BUSlNESS. ‘ DtVF.I.LING, Sonthvrest corner ■ sjr-'E- EE c^L al,< t GIRARD avenue, Twentieth Ward, on WEDNESDAY, March 2d, 1801, at. 12. o clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, with- H ,J h 0 PHILADELPHIA EX CHAf'G . tbe foUowlnß described R-alEsut-*. v iz: All that certain lot of ground, with the three: story btiCK Business stand and Dwelling Hon e thereon erected, situate of the southwest corner of Eleventh street- and Girard avenue, in hthe Twentieth Ward ot the city, is-feet front and GO feet deep. Subject to S9oa vear ground rent.' ' N. B.—This is a good business stand, no w occu pied as'a retail grocery store, with a good hall for thoAeponA-story....iST.Henta. lor over- Sst:ti per annum. SaleE’ereniptoTy. - . . ■■ ■ • 8100 to be paid, at the time of sale. r J JAMES A. FREEMAN;'Auctioneer, lelljio;ihhr ’ 'Siore,"t22'Waliiut street, ah. 4th 35 THIT‘pimTOENISG . m f SEAL' ESTATE ’ A LEB, BI OKUES OF UKLRS.— late of SAMUEL: SANDERS, decease.} JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. VAUU■ ABLE TAVERN STAND ‘‘UNION HOUSE, ’ HADDINGTON. FRAME -DSWSUIANG- -AN . > SMITHERY, TWENTY-FOURTH WARD; On WEDNESDAY; March 2, 1881, at 12 o’clock, noon, wilkbesoldat PubUcSale, t at the PIIILA> DELPHTA EXCHANGE,‘thefollowingiescribei real estate, late of Samuel Sandtrs, deceased, vizi All; that' valuable tavern stand, tenant fanus^j'fr.ime amble, £c.> 4&c,, with-the lot of Aground thereto belonging, in the village of Haddington, in the Twenty-fourth; {Ward, beginning .at a. stake on theMerioh Read, thencefouth 85deg., west 2 7-10 perches to a state in the line oriand now or lateof Thomas GoodwiD', thence partly by said laud and land-fpiow or late of James Logern,, north deg., west£'B-10" perches^to-'ar stake’ on The 1 Haverford Road!, thence along the same norih 85 deg., east 6 4.10 perches; to a’ ;the ;Merlon Road, thence south 4><'deg., west 4 perches to an other ttakeJn said Merion road, tbonce spath ; 23 deg.; wejt 56-10,perches, to the place of beginning '' And also that lot of ground ao joiuinc the above, beginning at the corner of Goodwin’s land thence along the Haverford Tldhcl, N. 85 deg., E. 2 7-10 perches, S. 5 deg. . B. 8 1-10 perches to a stake, a coiner Of land how or lateol- James Legrand, thence S. 85 deg. ~W. 2 7*lo. perches to a-stake, a corner of land, !of-John Rose; thence N. 5 deg. W. 8 1-iu perches to the place of begin ning, containing 218-10 perches. Also the lotof ground adjoining; beginning at a stake in the middle of tbo Haverfprd Road, tlinace by Logan’s lots. 5 deg. E. 133<5-10 feet-ta a stake,. thence by Goodwin’s land, S. 85 deg. W. 315 10 fcettq:ipQjnt r thP»cebyß. G. Mar.ttn’s land,-N. sdcg:;W. 333 6-.10 feet to a stake in the middle of the said Haverford toad, thence along the same, N. 65 deg. E. 31 s*lo feet to the place of b‘gin ning, containing 4,250 4-10 feet mote or less. On these two lots are erected four frame tenant houses and blacksmith shop. Willrent together for about SSt.-o per annum. Half of thepurchasemouey may remain. " f ■ $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. By order of tho heirs. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fcll,l6,mbl Store, No. 422 Walnut st..ab. 4th. ORPHAJNS’ CO*!J«T SALE —Es tat o Mil LOUIS O. BAUERSACHS, deceased.— JAMES a. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—BUllJ>- LOT, North Penn Village, Twentieth Ward. Under authoritymf the Orphans’ Court for the Oity and County of Philadelphia, ou WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1864, at o’ clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Louis C. Bauersachs, de ceased, viz: All that certain ioi cl ground, com posed of four-contiguous lots, marked in a certain plan of Ncrth Pehn village, Nos 565, 561, 575 and 076, situate on the north side of Dauphin str*a>t, and side of Hermann street, between Twen ty fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, and at tho ois tance of two hundred and obe feet one Tnch east ward from the east side of the said Twenty-sixth stref t, in North Penn Township, in the co’mry of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth ou the said Dauphin and Hermann streets, respec tively, tbiTty-six feet, and in length or depth from said Dauphin street to Hermann street, two hun dred and; twenty-five feet. %3T $5O to be paid at the time of sale. By order of tbe Court, WILLIAM C. STEVENSON, Clerk O. C. ' JAMES a. ZIEGLER, Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell-16mlil] Store. 422 Walnut st..above 4th. REAL ESTATE.— JAMES A. FREE MAN. Auctioneer NINE WELL-SE CURED GROUND RENTS, each 542 per annum. —On WEDN ESDAY, MarehS, ISGI, atl2 o’ clock, noon, will be sold, at Public Sale, at the PHIL ADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following des cribed Real Estate, viz : All-tho ?e nine yearly ground rents or sums, each of forty.two dollars * lawful money aforesaid, payable half yearly on the first day of the months of Jinuary and July in every year, forever, without anv deduction’for taxes, Ac. ,J>y Georg©R>. Sontbcott, hia heirs and assigns, respectively issuing out of and chargeable upon the nine several lots or pieces of ground, sit uate on the north side ot -Tasker street, between. Eighth and Ninth streets, in the city of Philadel phia -beginning respectively at the distances, 61 feet9inches; 96-feet 1 inch; 111 feet 9 inches: 127 feetGinchfs-; 205 feet 9 Inches, 2*21 feet 5 inches; 252 feet 9 inches; 263 feet 5 inches, and 284 feet 1 inch, wenward fiom the west side of Eighth street, each of said lots containing in front or breadth on the said Tasker street, *5 feet s inches, ardextending of that width in length or depth northward, between linpß pvrailel vruh the said EighthstreetdH fe^t. KSTThey are all. wen three-story biick dwelling-houses, and are punctually paid. f?5O to be paid'on e:£ch at the time of sale. > JASIES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, fen,lG,marl J^tore.422 Wnlnut st. above 4th QKPHAN.V COURT SALE—ESTATE SBiOT GEORGE J. BROWN, Deceased JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—FßAME DWELLINGS, andLOT, SECOND Street*.above Wharton. UnCer authority of tho Orphans’ Court for tbe City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY. March 2, 1504, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Public Saie, atthe PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of George J. Brown, ticcraxed, viz: An undivided third part of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on tbe east sideof Second street, in the City of Phila delphia, and having three lratne messuages or tenements theieon erected, beginning at the dis tance of 20 feet northward of the north side of Wharton street, containing in front or breadth on said Second street, 18 leet, and extending in length or depth eastward of that vrid h, 100 feet to Wheat street. BSu to to paid when the property is struck ofF. By the Court,, WM. C. STEVENSON, Clerk, O. C. WM. T. BROWN, Adminisirator. : JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fcll,l6,mhl Store, 422 Walnut st., ao4ih, <sa ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—Estate of Hi CROOK MINORS—JAMES A. FREE MAN. Auctioneer TWO-STORY BRICK CARPENTER SHOP, ALDER street, between Tenth and Eleventh streels. above Ponlar.— Under authority of tho Orphans’. C-onn'for tho City and County ol Philadelphia, on WEDNES DAY, March *2, 1664, at i‘2 o'clock. Noou, will be sold at Public Sale, at the. PHILADEL PHIA* EXCHANGE, the following described Beal Estate, the property of Crook Minora, viz: Alltbhtcertain lot of ground nvith the brick messuage thereon erecied situat** oil tho on< t side of Aider street, between Tenth aud Eleventh sfet-tp, at the distance of 62 teetGii' iu-hes north ward lrom Poplar strept, containing m front on Alder street 18 feet, and in depth eastward from Alder street 40fret. Subject to an annual ground rent of $24, payable hall yearly in April and October fly 850 to be paid at the time of sale. By older of the Court, [. WILLIAM C. STEVENSON, Clerk O. C. PIERCE ARCHER, Seo. Guardian. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fen,lo,mhl Store. No. 4*22 \ValnntSt..ab. 4th. - REAL ESTATE.—JAMES A. FREE EEL MAN, Auctioneer VALUABLE BU*I- Ni.6S LCCATION. No. 11H4 SPRING GARDEN street. On WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1961, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the .PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following ; described Real Estate,'viz: All that desirable two-*Tory brick Dwelling House, with three-story brick back buildings and lot of ground thereto be long ir.g. situate on the south sideof Spring Garden street No. 1U54, containing *2l feet front and abadt .105 feet deep, with tho privilege of an .outlet into Ridge avenue . . Thispr- perfyisinagood location for busin qtposiiethe Spring (sirdet* Market The first sfrrj i: <rii alivfl.witr havingleen built for a large arid only wants a • bulk wiwlmo to convert it to a store. The rooms are all fa»ye. .There are d 'ning room and kitchen < n first' floor\ ulsoji summer kite* n back veranua above saloon parlor in second story, ini cioutlers, 2/eaicr, Barge, hoc and cold water, gu , baths, \ - fly Half the purchase money may remain. § be paid when the property" Is struck off. JAM ESA. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell.lG.mkl Store No.422Walnjut. st ahoveFourth. REALESTATE-JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. THREETSMALL DWEL LINGSr Q.UINCE, BELOVT V/ALNUT. On "WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1861, at I*2 o’clock, neon, will be sold at Public? Sale at the PHIL ADELPHIA EXCHANGE, ! the following de scribed Real Estate, viz: All those three-story dwelling houses and lots of ground oh-which,they are erected, situate on.’the West side of Cbuince street, beginning 13T teet 10 inches north of Locust street and extending iu front, together, 43'lcet3 Inches, (each being 14 feet five inches front) and the two southward- f.oiies: 52fXeetYae$ifc and the northward one 50 feet to a ,2-fcet-\yicle alley, with the use of a *2-leet alley leading into a i)-feet alley, l«st described on the north. /Will be Bold separately. 'SIOOO may remain bn each house..* vS>u to-be. paid on each when the property IS Struck Off* -;-; ' ./ - * . . L’ „ * T AMES A. Auctioneer. fell.l6,mkL Store, 422 Wal a street above 4th. • EXECUTRIX’ S' SAile. -ESTATE OF ROBERT F JAMES, ES ItEEJHAN, Auctioneer.-ArtENTEEL T VVO- Sipp-RRICK-HOUSE. CHERRY street—On WEDNESDAY, March 2d, iSflf, at 12 o’clock, noon, sold .at public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the fol lowing described Real Estate, late of Robert P. e All -hat^genteel two-story brica dwelling bouse, with-tvro-story back dwellings and the lot of ground thereunto , belonging, On the north side of Cherry street, No. 519, iu the'Sixth ward of the city, containing in frontier feet, ani in depth 94 feet to n three feet alley, of which it has the privilege. - House has' saloon • gas, bxib\:&e.. . Subje.ctto agroniid'reritof ss24; - “ f 50, tope paid when the. property ialstcuck'bff.: ! . FREEMAN, Auctioneer: - fell,l6,mhl Store, 422’Walnut st., ah. 4th. REAL,:E6TATE SALi?^; MDRPg^ Ns . COURT SALE. —ESTATE Usceased.— Av .FREEMAN,:’ Auctioneer.—Uadi?:' Ti ty Orphans’ Courts the City 'an l County of Philadelphia, 'em ‘WEDNESDAY; h 2, c lB at * 1 ? soon,, win be sold at CHAKrf 1 til.".*u lile - i>HI LADELPHIA EXV htniw’ th ! following described Hei\l Estate; Bfot’lUy .of.Chrisdan SchaUzel. dbceasert, ■tht jrvv 1 ’ sLagerfieerß RE W E RY, FIRST and THOMPSON Slreets, near J^7^ n .? ,n:il ,i.^ ai fc' wr AlL that certain Jot or niece of w .' ll the tack beer vaults and stonebrew ihe Welt e 'i!il b ? i i? ingE t^eret>ll er ected, sitaateon feet norths?. 6 of 3ist at the disUece of 31J -trcet ? Dora-, the nortn side of Thompson Ward as.rictof Penn, now the aith froi t or hr?C ri S lt7 of Philadelphia,' : containing in tercim Jin S^ d ?v! El 6treet > s " feet ‘ and ex ' alTcl lines westward between par dViWef in r v,t ** 1 Phompson street 20U feet, gronndrentofSOU. P,7y,J‘ l nri Ce r j has “fwy* f“en Considered one of llos uL l?, KOi ' Poetically built on the Schuylkill dov i L e »W6u shelsyrnina l toom, cellar .for present rets ' i f lkal t hai e storage copcAty of flU‘o bar ,3 ? le H r ' malt 3 oraye: floor, hop ro -m, and loch frame OxceUng house,- containing kitchen and some ten rooms; all jn stick,condition as. to housed a : No. 2.—LARGE LOT S. E. ■ OORNPR op AI^ B S F, V .^ NTH streets, feet, J fronts.—All that certain lot. oi ground situ-' ate in the late, township of the Unincorpora:ed ftorthem Liberties, now in the consolidated ity of Philadelphia, at the southeast corner of York and Delaware Seventh streets. contaiamg la front on said Seventh street 61) feet, aed'emendm- in depth on York street 18+ feet inchss to Tyson street (5!) feet wide, leading from Danphrn street t > vork street, and equidistant between Siith and streets).- tiubject to a yearly ground' rent Slut) to be paid on each -when the uroperty is sirnck off. By order of the Court, „.W' C . STEVENSON, Clerk O. O. KATBINa SCHNITZEL Administratrix. i,, -IAHIES FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell, I6,ihhl Store, +23 IValnnt street, ab. 4th. COURT SALE. —Estite o ; EclS Alt AH BLOK LEY, deceased.—T A MIX a. Avi,T,iN, Auctioneer.—FßAME HOUSES AND LOT, Lanca«lcr turnpike and Mantua roort, opposite Thiitj’-Stxth street, Twenty. Fourth war w authority of the Orphans* Coart and County .of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1854, at 12 o’clock, noon, v ill be sold at. public sale, at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE, thefollowing described ReU Estate, late the prayerty of SARAH BUCK LEY, deceased, viz. :—All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two fnune messuages or tehtmems thereon erected, “part.and parcel of the GreenviPe Estate,” situate on the loriheast wardiy side of the Lancaster turnpiUe road, and wettwardly from Mantna road, formerly in. Bio-k -iey township, now Ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on ttie said turnpike road3s leet, and. extending m length or depth, between lines *t right angles with Ihe said turnpike load, to the centre of tho Old Lancaster road.. The said lot of being marked and re?ignated on a certain plan, filed of Kectrdiu the R*-cordtr’s OiU.e,' at P liiadeluhla, iu Deed Book fL .L.L,,No. .51, page 536, seven,” and-being jiart of th* same nremis s s which Edward Buckley, by indentore dated the l?th day of September, A. D. 1843, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed BookA. W. 8b.,N0. 418, AC. ,grfihted and conveyed ueto' the said Sarah Bncklev in fee, with the appurtenances. 67“ f-learol incumbrance. •50 to be paid when the property issirack oIL By order of the Court, W. G. STEVENSON, Clerk O. O. R; H. BATTUR Trustee. , JAMES A. FREEMAN* Auctioneer, feil,i6,mhi.« Store, No. 422.Walnutst. ab.4th M ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—Estate of ISAAC B. RUSSELL, deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 72S SWAN SON STREET, below ALMOND street. Under authority of the Orphans’ Court for the City.and * Countv of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, the 2d of March. 1804, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Es tate, late the property of Isaac B. Suesell, de deased, viz: All that certain three-stoiy brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, tituate on tho-. west side-of Swanson street, south of Almond street, lately in the District of Southwark, now in the city of Phi ladelphia, beginning at the northeast corner of a house formerly owned ay Francis Penrose, thence westward along said house and fence, as it for meily stood, seventy-two feet, at which depth itis twenty-four feet, three inches wide, thence northward three feet nhm inches, thence westward severny-sevcn feet nine inches, more or less, to the back of the Front street lots, thence northward tweutvfet six inches to ground noworiateof Samuel Penrose, tbence eastward on a straight line along said ground to Swanson street, one hundred and forty-nine feet nine inches, more or less, tbence s-uthward eighteen feet six inches to the place of beginning. The above is a tbree-story brick dwelling with two-story backbnilding. , G r Clear of all incumbr.ihce.' SSR to be paid at the time of sa)o» Bv tbe Couit, •tVH. C. STEVENSON, Clerk O. C, HENFY M. DECUKKT, Administrator, JAMES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer. fe11,16, mhl Store,422 Walnut street, above 4th. .IAMES A. FREEMAN* AUCTIONEER FARM, 75 ACRES. WEST CHES TER. On WEDNESDAY, March 2, !66t, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, will be sold at Public Sale, the follow ing described Real Estate, viz: All that valuable FARM, sitaated paitly AVithia the northern boun dary of the borough ox We*t Chester, and partly in tne township of WrstGoshen, Chester Co. Pa., containing 75 acres, more or less, iu a high state of cnltivation, with excellent, fences, dividing it into 10 enclosures, aiid supplied with au jabun dancr. of pure, spring water. ' > The improvements are located about the centre ol ike property, and comprise a stone dwelling, huge and commodious barn, wagon-house, coru cnb, ice-house, milk-hot*se, Ac. The buildings are well-watered by a forcing-pump from a never failing spring. Two flue young'orchards are on the property, comprising a choice selection of the best varieties of fruit, one of^which is now in suc cesjJnl tearing, and is unexcelled for productive ness. Possession April Ist. Half the purchnse money may remain.. S2SU to be paid when the property is Btrnck oil. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. feU-lG?:hl.. Store, 422 Walnut st,, above 4th; mKEAL ESTATK.—JAMES A. FREE MAN, Auctjomvr, COTTAGE RESI- CE : KING-MESSING Avenue and FORTY SEVENTH street, West Philadelphia. Ou WED NESDAY, March 2d, 1854, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz: A commodious and well finished two-s‘ory house aud lot of ground situate ou the . southwest corner of Kir.sessingavenue a'ud Forty seventh street. We?t Philadelphia, conta aing a Jront on the Atenne of 81 feet, and-on Forty sevenih streer, 87 feet G Inches. The house is of » brick (rough cast,) it has a largo parlor, dining room, terge pantry and kitchen bn the first floor, with neat vsranda and bav'windows, flne cham , beis and bath room, gas pipes inserted. Kitchen range and boiler, stove furnace and low down grate, Ac. The neighborhood is being rapidly improved with handsome residences. : 81,700 may. remain on mortgage. 850 to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A.-FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell,l6,mhl,* Store, 4:?2\Y:tlnut nbove Fourth st. ORPHANS: -Ct’URT SALE.—Esuue of 'PATR’CK uIROGAN, deceased.—JAlUES j\. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Three-story BRICK DWELLING, 170 AD4MS STREET. Under imthcnty of the Orphaus* Court for the City and (bounty of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, Match 2, )SG4 at 12 o’clock, noon, will lia sold at Public Sale, - at the PHILADELPHIA ..EX CHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late’the property of PATRICK GROGAN, deceased, viz: Ail that ce: tain lot ol ground with the three-story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the'west side of Adams street, 420 feet northward from Columbia ] street, containing in front or breadth on. said Adams.street, 12 feet and e xte; ding -in ; depth westward- betwean l«iies paialtel with said Columbiastreet, 46 feet to r-6 fiet wide alley leaning northward into Cherry street.• 8 t) to be paid at the t'liteof sale. .Bv order of the Court, ■tfILLIAM U. STEVENSON, Clerk, O. C. MARGARET GKOGAN, Administratrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ~ felJ,l6,mhl Store, 422 Walnutstro t above 4th, EXKr.DTUKS’ SALE.— E tale ot MARY fe CUTBBERT; cleoM.— .TAMES'A. FREE MAN, AucMo* c<r —BUILDING LOTS,-FIL BERT STREET, NINTH V/ARD —Under au thority contained in the will of tlielate Wary Cuth lur*. duc’d, wilL be told at public Sale, ;on WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1864, at I*2 o’clook,’ Noon, at the PHILADELPHIA. EXCHANGE,, the following durefibed Real Estate, yiz : All those two cennin Tots-of ground'situate on the sou'-li 'side ot Filbert stfer't, In th? Nin li Ward of the city *,ßtenc;? Of. 172 feet eastward froiu Twenty-second street, confamiDg in front lG ft-et and ex:ending In depth. 10*2 fast* 71 H3T -85:: to be paid ton ea ch when the property is si ruck off, •■■ ;. V-/ :, •. r iV. B. The above lots witZ.bcsnld to close the estate . There a rt: oa - eath side "of the'above lots'seven others which will be sold 'at the same tvne : by.order of other parties tolhf. estate. :-* '•***> -.i iermsat sale.-. . r; j 7; JAMES.A.t Auctioneer, . fell,‘lCjitihi "StoreNo, 422 Walnut st., ab. 4th. heal estate sales., .: COUBT S4XB —Estate of I( i?OLAS GUNBEING, dec’d.—JAMES. £*, r ,“ tJ ?' M —Tinderadthority of ,for ! tde city and county of t l Kl , pb ? a » on WEDNESDAY, Hired a,. 1801, '!£*Ss t at pnMic sale; it }" e . PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE,' the fol- ,reftl 'estate; latethe orooertv of Nicholas Gtindlirig,'.dec’‘d.,'viz: * , : '"Kd: I. DWELLING, BRIDGE street. • White Dali. All. that certain Jot or ground 6, with the lhree-story hnck messuage thereon erected 7 sitnate en tile east side of Bricge street, in tte twenty! tLird Wardof the city of Philadelphia, arid marked oil James D, Pratt’6 plan of lots No. to,containing m (rent oil said Eridgestreet 90 f-et, and extending tn length or depth eastssardly 12ofeetto Scatter! gcod sneetv ~ : • NO. 2—BUILDING LOT, BRIDGE STREET Allihat certain lot of ground, sitvtate in Twentv- Ibiid Ward of the City of Philadelphia,in the State of Pennsylvania,being composed of two contiguous lotsior pieces of .land, marked' Nos. 11 and! a certain plan of lots'laid out by James D. Pratt, bounded and described as. folio we, to wit: Begin ning at-a corner on Ihe eaatwardly aide of Bridge street, being also- a corner of lot No. is, granted or 'intended so to be, to John M Klotz, thence extend ing along the side ofieijd lot eaatwardly. 120 feet to a coiner on the side of a 30 feet wide street called bcatteigood street, thence along the aide of the same southwardly, 30.57jf feet to a corner of land now or late of James D. Pratt, thence along the aide of the same weatwafdly 120 feet to a corner on the side of Bridge street aforesaid,and thence along the aide of asid Btreet. northwardly, so feet 6 inches CUMBKANck beelnninS " ' 6 *' OI ' Ea : S .'OP IN-. f~° to bepsifl on each at the time or sale. By the Court. «r« ™™Cr°V^ E J EWS °N, Clerk O. C. *?tH!GHCIN’, Administrator. , JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. fell,l6,iphl, . Store, 422 Wainutst. above 4th. OtCv'tiAKy COURT SALE.—Estate o fife ROBERTS. POTTER,.deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.—TWELVECOTJRT HOUSES, Lane’s Court, Lombard street, above Tbirtfentn.’ .Under authority of the Orphans’ Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1664, at 12o’clock, scon, "will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Robert Ss. Potter, deceased, viz: All that certain large lot of ground with the 12 three-story brick dwell ings thereon erected, sitnate on the south side oi Lombard street, iGOfeetwestwardlrom Thirteenth stieet, containing in lront 3S feet, and extending in depth southwardly 122 feet, together with the common, use of a large court or alley way leading Into Lombard street, as also of a certain 3 feet wide alley leading south into Owens street. Subject, the easternmost m feet in front, to a yearly gronndrentofss4, and the westerntnost2o feet front, to a ground rent of S9O, also subject, the east rear lot, IS by 44, to a ground Tent of S 9 p*r annum. s*oo to be paid at the time of sale. Tfaeie court houses rent, at reduced rents, for from 95 to. $S per month, yielding a net rental above the ground rents of nearly 5650 per annum. By orderof the Court: WM. C. STEVENSON, derk O. O. ; MARGARET POTTER, Administratrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, • fel 1, 16, mhl ; - Store, 422 Walnut st., ab. 4th. JAME?» A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Per- E 5 emptorv Sale, by Order of Heirs, Estate late of PETER A- BROWNEi deceased, residence No. IU3WALNUT STREET, on WEDNESDAY, March 2d, 1664, at 12 o’clock noon, will be sold, without any recerve;at Public Sale,at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of PETER A. BROWNE, E?q., deceased: All that lot of gTound -with the desirable - THREE STORY BR ICR RESIDENCE; with double bask buildings Ac. thereon erected, situate on the north side of Walnut strfet, No. 1113 between 11th and 12th streets, containing in front 21 feet, and extend ng m depth 132 feet to a 12 feet alley of which it has the privilege. 7hix is a desirable property in a very pleatani nripkberhood. It mar be examined on application to ihe Auctioneer. v «7“55,6U0 may remain on mongage, if desired by the purchaser, $250 to be paid when the property is struck off. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell,lC.mhl Store 422 Walnnt street above 4th. jgLECTRICITY— WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH- Kessrs. GBX2£ and ALLEN, Medical Electricians, formerly associated 'with.. Professor Bolle* and Gallo way, having dissolved partnership, the practice will ue continued by THOS. ALL£N) at the old established office, No. 723 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown where he will still treat and-core all curable diseases (whether sente, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a chock or any pain,} with the various modifica tions of and Galvanism* This trea£ ment has been found remarkably successful in ail cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other of the throat and respiratory organs. * A.fewcf the: diseases in which successful cures have been made are mentioned below. Consumption, first and General Debility. setonefstages. Diseases of the Liver oi Paralysis. Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever and Ague. Prolapsus TJtexlfFallms Congestion, of the'Womb). Asthma. . Prolapsus Ani (or Piles; Dyspepsia. Nocturnal Emisslons- Bheumatism. Ac., Ac. Bronchitis. Deafness lrllueuxa and Catarrh. No charge for consultei 0 a. M. to 6 P. M. 'I estunoniois to be seen ;tlon, Office hour* from Manhood AJTD THB VIGOR OP YOUTH RESTORED IK POUB WE2BB, BY DR. RXGORD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE! Dr. Ricord, of Paris, alter years of earnest soli citation, has at length acceded to the urgent re quest of the American ; public, and appointed an Agent in New York for the sale of his valued and highly-prized Essence of Life. This wonderful agent will restore Manhood to the most shattered constitutions, whether arising from excesses, the effects of climate, or natural causes. The timo re quired to cure the most inveterate case is four weeks: and, if used according to printed ins trac tions, which are very simple, failure is impossi ble. This life-restoring remedy should be taken by all aMui to marry, as its effects are permanent. It is acknowledged by the medical press to be the greatest discovery ever made, its developing powers are miraculous. Success, in every case, is as certain as that science overthrows ignorance. Dr. Ricord's Essence of Life is sold in cases, with fell instructions for use, at S 3, or four quan tities in one for S 9, and will be sent to any part, carefully packed, on receipt of remittance to hi* accredited agent, * PHILIP ROLAND, 447 Broome street, de?-3m* One door west of Broadway. N. Y. QPAL DENTALLINA A euperlor article lor cleaning tho Teeth, dt >troying aEimalculra which Infest them, givint tone to the gums* and leaving a feeling of fra grance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. I may he need daily, and mill be found to strengths* weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and de tersiveness mill recommend it to every one. Be ing composed "with the assistance" of the Dentist, Physician, and Mlcroscopist, it Is oonfldentlj offered as a REBIABDE substitute for the uncer tain Washes formerly th vogue. Eminent Dentists* acquainted with the constitu ents of the DENT AT.TifNA, advocate Its uses; S’, contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained era pioyment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE Streets For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. E. Staohhouie. Eassard * Co., Robert C. Davis, a. R. Keeny, Geo. C. Bowers, Isaac 11. Kay, Charles Shivers, C. H. Needles, G. J. Scattcrgood, T. J Hnsband, . J. O. Turnpenny, *Ct Anibr OS e Smith, Charles H/Eberi«, Thomas Weaver, \yuilasn B. Webb. ... E. Bringlmrst & do,, James E. Bispham, llyott &00., . Hughes* Coombe, H-: O. Blair, Henry A. Bower, . Wyetb k Bro. Electricity. WONDERFUL DISOOVEKT *Kb WOK- DERFUL RESULTS. Ail acute and chronic diseases cored by spa tial gnnranfee, when desired’by the patient, at 1220 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure bo charge is made. No drug -1 ging the system with uncertain medical agents. Ail oures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism or other modifications of Electricity, without .chocks or any unpleasant sensation; For fur ther: information send and get a pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from ; some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia,, who have been speedily and permanently cured after ‘all other ; treatment from medical ’ men had failed. O ver eight thousand cured lx less than four years, a11220T7 ALNUT street N. B.—Medical men and others who desire a J knowledge of ir.y iiev.' discovery, can com- j rneuce a full course of lectures at any time. 1 , Prof. BOI.LES has qualified over one 1 | physicians, who use Electricity as a sueenusy. i ‘lConsultationfree.’ ” _ 1 ; :f ; PROFS. ■ BOILES * FALLOW AY, 1 1 ! ‘oc!fttf' ■ 122'i Walnut street. pnua.. j J UST BEUJiIYRIT 15 Y RATE IMPORTA , Uon,JJennessey’aflß9.o]d. Brandy, «pieaslj.' rcr'.mpdlcJiiar use., iSS*-*®! Pfcdrnkeentists, H:' Bf comer ARCH and; TEHTHSts., PHII a. i MSS at the office. de2-<hns James N. Marks, MEDICAL. A-E'BljSNij. its NEED—THY TV SHEET’S. EN prepared ftofc the recipe, of Dr. Steplinßweet of Connecticut, the groat bone tetter, and bits been Used in bis practice for the las t twenty yearswith the most astonishing success. As an. external remedy it is without a rival, and. will- alleviate §ain more speedily than any other preparation. or all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it la truly inlalible, and as • a ourative for, Sores. "Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sc., its soothing heating and powerful strengthening properties; excite the just, wonder and astonishment of, all who have ever given It a, trial. Oyer fourhun dred certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it within the last two. years, attest this fact, bold everywhere. mlO-ly J OM, ELBE’S COMPOUND STROP'-'OF «UUK.—We often hear'it repeated' tor'those ; s ed COMPOUND that among all the -thousand rem tales offered to the public,there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine, so potent as an in- Tlsorator, soeffectnal as a purifying specific* and. sojf hooting and restorative in cases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general einkiniror a prostration of the system. . For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE; tfo. 1525 Market street* and by all Druggists. ffe4-3ms HODGSON’S BRONCHIAL. TABLETS ARB found to be an .indispensable requisite in the treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hbarsness* and similar complaints .affecUng .the organs, of- the TOice: particularly recommended by public «peak ers* singers* and amateurs. Prepared,. whofet&l* and retail, by LANCASTER * WILLS. ESTLACK*S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES;— • These Lozenges axe a safe and’speedy curefor Diphtheria, Coughs,'Sere Throat, Hoarseness and • Bronchial Affections generally. j Try them SSTHAOK, Jri, Druggist, S. W. corl of Eighteenth and Market sts.. Phila. >a2B-3mo TAYLOR’S arnica oil OB embroca tion—A reliable article. Positively euros Rheumatism, Neuralgia • and Sprains, - Frosted Feet, Chillblains, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Side Bask. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and CallowhlU streets. Price. ascents. noai -3m* EDUCATION. BOWDOIN COLLEGE. • MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. The 44th Annual Course of Lectures in the MEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE at Bowdoin College, will.commence February 26th, and con tinue sixteen weeks. Circulars containing lull in formation can he had on application to the Secre tary, at WiUiamstawn , Jtfass. . . . P. A. CHADBOURNE, M. D., Secretary. Bbtjsswick, Ifc&l. lel-fet BORDENTOWN ' FEMALE COLLEGE BORDENTOWN, N. J. - This Institution Is pleasantly located on the Delaware River. lj. hour’s ride from Philadel phia.. Special attention is paid to the comnlon and higher branches of ENGLISH, and superior ad vantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental Music. FRENCH taught by native, and spoken in the family. For Catalogues, address Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELEY, A. M., -* ’ President. DENTISTRI. CHARLES M. SLOCUM, DENTIST, No. 1541 VINE Street. Extracting by Electricity. No pain. fel3-6t* UK. FINE PRACTICAL DENTIST tciTTi TTfor the last twenty years, 219 VINE Street, below Third, Inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on fine Gold, Plaltoa, ; Silver, Vnlcanite, Coralite, Amber, Ac., at prices for neat and substantial work, more reasanable-ttan any Dentist in this city or State. ' Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to cult. No pain in extracting. Ail work warranted to fit. . hast fsmlllK ■■ rt °oo-3mt m : m : m T)EAL ESTATE.—’THOMAS -fc SONS' PBI- Xt TATE SALE REGISTER. r CHESTNUT ST—Valuable property, If. W. comer Chestnut and Thirteenth -sts, 55 by ICO feet. lIRST.CLASS CHESTNUT STREET PRO PERTY, No 1222, between Twelth and Thirteenth streets, 76 feet front, 235 feet in depth to Sansoin st. On the Chestnut street front is a targeand ele gant mansion—OlfSansom 6treet a stable ana coach bouse. -- -• Brick Store, No. 5 north Water et, an 4 No. 3 North Delaware avenue. j ; . Valuable. Six-story Iron Front 7*0.121 south Third st. opposite the Girard Bank. Large and Valuable Lot, over II acres, Passynnk road, Ist Ward. See'lithographic plan. Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Eleventh* Twelfth and Thirteenth stai First Ward; See lithographic plan.: Also* aCountiy Seat and Farm, near Douglass vilie, Berks coudty. Pa. - r Large and Valnableßnildiog Lot, Arch st. west of Third st. f CHESTNUT ST—First-class Business Stand* between Second and Third sta. i VALUABLE RESIDENCE and Large Lot, comer Eighth and Spruce sts. ; Genteel Dwelling, 927 Spruce st. • Splendid Mansion, with Stable, Green House and Large Lot, 210 feet front, Southwest corner of Bread and Poplar sts. One of the most elegant residences in the city, and offered attke price, in cluding the splendid improvements, asked for vacant lots in that vicinity. . Valuable Residence, Main st, Germantown. Large and Valuable Lot, 21# acres, Old Second Street Road, First Ward. Genteel Dwelling, 458 north Seventh st. Valuable Business Location, 313, 315 and 317 Race st, 60 feet by 160 feet, extending through to Branch st. Brick Store, No 6 north Front st. Handsome Modem Residence, No 925 tnorth Eighth st. Handsome Modem Residence, Nos 921 and 923 north Broad st Tavern Stand, 15 acres, Kinger’s Station, North Penn* a. Railroad* Valuable Farm and Country Seat, 225 acres, Brandywine, Delaware county. Valuable Residence, No. 246 south Eighth et. Modern Residence, No. 1031 Walnut st. Handsome Residence. No. 1702 Summer st. Handsome Country Residence, 21 acres, Borden gwn, N. J. Large and valuable ARCH STREET LOT, east of Twentieth street, 105 by 150 feet. Superior Farm and Country Seat, Lancaster Turnpike, and near the General Wayne Station, 83 rcres, with good buddings. . Elegant Mansion and Large Lot, Harvey: street, Germantown. . , : Elegant Modem Residence, Stable and Large Lot, 310 feet front* N. W. corner of Forty-flrstand Locust streets. Handsome Residences, Haines st;, Germantw* n. Large and Superior Residence, No. 723 Arch st. Handsome Residence, No. 40S South Ninth st. Dwelling, corner ol Franklin ank Buttonwood. Modern Dwelling, Mt. Vernon street. Valuable Farm, 113 acres, Chester county.- Valuable Farm, 260 acres, Hamilton Township, Mercer county, New Jersey. Valuable Farm, 110 acres, with excellent Im provements, Bucks county, Pa. ELEGANT MANSION, WALNUT STREET, near Broad, one of the finest finished houses in the city. Price 835,000. • Valnable Store, Nos. 14 and 16 South Seventh st. Neat Modem Residence, No. 118 North Eleventh street. Modern Residence, No. 1346 Chestnut st. .. Elegant Residence, northeast corner Nineteenth' and Spruce sts. • ; Residence, 1911 Walnut st. Modem Residence, No. 2041 Chestnut st. Valuable Iron Front Store, No. 325 Arch Bt. Neat Modern Residence* 6SIN. Eleventh'street. Valuable Residence,’ 1 Main st., Genpantowu, with coach houses garden, Ac. Lot 140 by 224 ft.' Valuable Country Seat, 29 acres, Washington lane, near the township line, Germantown. Valuable Business Stand, Chestnut street, wes of Seventh. LARGE and VALUABLE BRICK WARE HOUSE, Nos. 216, 218 and 220 North Broad fit. : Modem Residence* No. 208 South Fourth street. Dwelling, Large Lot, & c., Chestnut street, 24th Ward.. .... ' - Five-story Stone Store, No. 531 Marketstreet. ; Handsome Modern Residence, N. E. corner ' 16th and Summer sts. - v , Modem Residence, No. 229 North Twelfth street. Four-story brick store, corner Leatia and Chest nNeat*Modern Dwelling, No. 335 South Twelfth t “‘VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY, Nos. 1106 aUd 1210 CHESTNUT st> • stone No. 1618 Locust; S Ji!fe*ant Country Seat, 89Jf acres., ; Tucony. " t valuable FAEM and Country Seat,'lM acres, on the rivor Delaware, near Andalnsia. '. * . Several Valuable RESIDENCES; Germantown. Neat Modern Residence,- No. 843-South Thlr teenth street - . ' ' VA DU ABLE FARM,-J3O acres,' 1 Montgomery, county. Pa., on the State road. ' ‘ ' ' • Several well secured ground rents. ■ . DWEENING S—'A number cf .small Dwellings," in all parts of thevdtjC, • . “ ■ ' i Handsome - FARM and COUNTRY SEAT, U acres, onemileirom Chestnut Hiller ■ furUurtUsti tee rriwtte ‘Safe Resrutav al the Auction Rooms, comprising qf Real Estate* • THOMAS A SONS. Ahctioh^rsi_ tf«l39'«nd Uf Sooth FoOrUi.streStrr - Prontsireea •' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers