CHARLES DICKENS’S OBITUARY OF IHACKE RAY. [From the OomUill Magazine.] It has been observed by somo of the personal friends of theigi eat English writer. who established this magazine, that Us brief record 'of bis having been etncfeen from, among men should he written by iho old in arms who pans these lincs r mud-of whom he oft-n wrote himself, and always with the warmest geu^rosity. • I saw him first," nearly twenty-eight years ago, wberLhe'prdposert to become the illustrator of my earliest booh I ! saw him• his?.,- ’shortly before Christmas,, when he to d me that ho bad been in bed thre>* days—di it, after these he was" troubk-d w:ta cold shiver* logs, “which quite took tkepovv<>rot' work ou of-hipi ’’—and that lie-had it in hi? mind to try :v ncw-xemedy which langbmgiy described: Hi was vety cheerful* and looked Very bright. In the night of that day week, he .died. • The Jong interval between those two periods is marked in my remembrance o? ni-n. by many occa sions when ho was supr-m-ly humorous, when he •was irresistibly extravagant,' wheu he was soft ened and serious, : whn he way charm ug with children.' Bui, by- none do I r**cUl him more ten duly than bi'tw.o or three that etartout ,;f the crawl when he unexpectedly presented himself in. my room, annpuncingnqw that some passage in a cer taiii boolc h*»d •made him 'cry yesterday, and aow that ho had come to dinner * 4 oecanseh-cou ! da* ? help it, ’ ’ and must task.such, passage over. No one can ever have more genial,-natural, and houesilv -impulsive, than I hay© seen him p.t tuose ♦icnea. No oaecai b surer, than. 1*.,0f the greatness and goodness of th i. heart thatiUen.di<cJosed itself! We had oundifferemces of opinion. I thought that hetoo Infuch reigned a want of earnestness, ant thathemade a.pieteuce oCundervaluing Ills art, which'wa? npt-.gqoti .for. the art that U 4 held, iri trust;; But'when- we fell upon these topics. It was n^'ver.very gravely, and I have a lively im* age of : him in my .mind, twisting botn his 'hauls . ihhisbair! and stampingabout, laughing,’to nuke an enjiof the .discussion When we were associated in "emembrauce of the Jnte Mr. Dougina Jerroldi he delivered a public lfectnre in Ebiidon, inthe'eonrse of which he rea 1 his very best contribution to Pune 1 ?, describing ah grown-up--crwvs. of *. a poor family -of - young children. No oneJiearinghim could havodonbtc a his natural gen lleness. or Irs thoroughly unaftbete l manly sympathy with the weak and lowly. H* read the paper most pathetically, and with asim plicity of tenderness that certainly moved one of bis audience- to tears. This was” presently after his .standing 1 or Oxford, from which place he had dispatched his -. agent ome with a droll note (to which ha afterwards added a verbal postscript), urging me to l -com> down and make a speech,-and te i thom.whohe * was, for lie doubted whether more than two of the electors had- ever heard of him, and be thought there might be , ;is .many as six or eight who had heard of meße.introduced the lecture just " mentioned,-.with a reference to his late electioneer ing failure, which was full of good sense, good spirit®, srid g«od humor. ' . . ■ He hada particular delight in boys, and a \,-ex cellent .way withthem. I r remember his once asking me with fantastic gravity,. when : he hid been to Eton, where my eldest son then was, whether I-felt,as lie did in .regard, of never seeing aboy without wanting in-tanliy to give him a sovereignl . I thought of this when I looked down into his grave,-after he was laid there, for I looked down into it over the shoulder of a -boy to-whom to whom hq had been kind. Thege are slight remembrances, but it is to little familiar things suggestive of the voice, look, man ner, never, never more;to be .encountered on this earth, that the mind first turns in. a bereavement. And greater tfcihg&that are known of .him, in the way ofhis warm affections, his quiet endurance, his unselfish thought fulness for others, and his .munificept hand,;may not be told. lf, in : the. reckless' Vivacity of his youth, his satirical pbn had ever gone astray or done amiss, he had* cans edit to prefer its. own petition for for giveness, lbngd?efort'; ■>, I* ve writ, the foolish tmev of bis brain; The hiinless jeat thit, striking hath caused pain; The idle word that he’d wish back again. Ihriopagesshouldltakeit upon myself at this " timeto discourse of his books; of his refined know; ledge bf.character,; of hia.snbtle acquaintance with the weaknesses othumaii'nature, of hi* delightful' playfulness as an essayist, of his quaint_and touchingballads, of/his mastery oyer tne English language. Eeast of all, iu these pages, enriched' by his brilliant qualities from the first of the series, and belvrehandaccepted by the public thro ugh the strength of his great name. - . . - QBut, on the table befo e me, there lies all that he.had wjiitep;bf his latistandbest story. That it wonlc be very sad to any one—that it is inex-: prfesjsblysbtb: a writrr- in It 3 evidences o'f ma tured designs mever to be accomplished, of inten tions begun to be executed and destined never to be complet'd, otcarefri* preparation for longroad# ef tbought ahat he waaiievn* to traverse, and for shiumg goals that he was never to Teach; .will b« readily.believed. j 'ilk* however,that I have felfrinpenuipgit his not been deeper than the con viction ;thst- he . was iu theheattclesc - vigor of* his.powcrs.when he wrougbtrorfthte last l . In'fespect of earnest feeling,. ;far- seeing purpose, • character, incident, and a certain 1-i ring*'picture esquetfess bl ; ndihg tho whole- X belfeve i r /t3 b much the best" of all this works;.. That he fully;, mehni jt to be so ’ that he had become strongly ‘at tached tbit, andthat.ho best wedgr»at pains upon it, t i trace in every page. It -conUtins one “ picture wbichmuat have him extrema and which is a master piece. There are two c*i 5 l; dren’in\ rtv totfohed with a hand .as loving and tender as ever a father caressed his little child . wilh. -ThereUeom**youngloveasparcandmao cent< and pretty as tlic.truth. And it is varyTe markablethat, by reason of the singular construc tion ofdlie story, more than one main incident usu ally belcmging to the end of sneb a Action is autici-r pated in the beginning, and tlius ' there is an approach to completeness in the frtgmeat,ras to the satisfaction of the reader’s mind cotiC'Vning the most inter, sti r g persons, which could liardly have been betterattained if the wiiterls breaking ofTiiad ibeen ioreseen. ;> • \ - The last line he wro‘<*,.amjUie lastproofhecor reeled, ore paper*, through. which I. have so gorroiyfally ni'dc my way. Tan'coadl lion of the little pa?os of/manuscript wim-a Duth stopped'.his.T hand,, shows that he carried'them about, aud often tai- eh them out of tiU’pocket here a* dijdjQre;/ fdr.patient levision and interlineation. Thalast words he corrected hi print were t ‘‘And my heart throbbed with nn exquisite bliss.” God grant .that on ihat Christmas Eve when he laid his head-back od his pillow and threw up his anns as he was-wont tt/do whenvery weary, some con scloasriess/of duty done and Chrislian hope ihronghbut life ihumbly .chori3hod r may have caiis'ed hte own heart so to throb, when he -pissed away tO/lxis Eedeemer’s rest! He’;was 'found peacefully..lying as' above,de scribed, composed/ undisturbed,' and to-all ap pearance asleep, ou the 24th '.of. IS6J. He was only in his fifty-third year— ,3o man that the mother who blessed him in his first sleep blessed him in his-iav,. Twenty years before hehadvrUten/aftef huihgiaa white squall; And when, its force expended. The harmless was ended, . And, as the sunrise splendid ’ * Came blushing o'er.ihb s*a: I thought, a? day was*hrr»akiug, . Ttly-little girls wore waking/ . Andsmilinsr, and nuking • . A prayer home-for rae. Those little girl? had grown to b 8 women when the mournful -day broke that saw their fttheriymg dead.. In. those twenty years of companionship wth him, they had learned much from him; and. one-of—them "has aliterary course before her, worthy of famous name. ■ - On. the bright wintry day, the Pst baton* of the old* year, he was laidvm his crave an K*iual Greeii, there to mfngls the dnst to which the mor tal part of him had returned, with that of a third child, lost in her in fancy i years ago. /The heads of a,oQpsonrsft : ot his fellow, workers in the Aftf/webebowed around his tomb - STOVES, lIBATEBS, &c. ■jLv THOMSON’S LON DON. KITCHENER or EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, Alm*l hotels or public institutions, In TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES.' Also,-Philadelphia •RAUgesy ‘HoVair Furnaces,- portable "Hoatere, LowdoWu Grides, Fir.eboard Stovßs, Bath-Boilers Stew-hote Places; Broilers, Oookiujt ’StoVes; at wholesale and retail, by the miniifaetnrers i - CHASE, SIIARPE & THOMSON, ~ aulS-tu.ths-6m.y ; ;No..’Hi(rNorth Second street. HO MAS S. DI X O N, ■ • Late Andrews A Dixon, No 1324 CiHESTN UT street, rnnaaeipni*. Opposite United States Mini, ' Manulheiureis ol • iiOWDOW. PARLOR, CHAMBER, ' • OFFICE, . AND OTHER .GRATES,, For Anthracite,' Biiitint’O’is And Wood Fir*, r '-\- ALSO. '-■‘‘"C::!,- - W ARM AIR FURNACES. For warming public and priYate bniidasf* REGISTERS, /VENTILATORS, ; " - r CKIMNEY CAPS. ■' OOORING RANGES^BATH^BOILERS. AC. ’KKin.pau.y.awnpY'-fttr . ; .,i J Culior-., ,-ord Also, of satae ma jnifa(jtiiie,: Arnorj » Enami'le.t ThreVd--'eic&~ S1 .00l warr-i> It'l in c.);t.:i lu 2,,, ysai gtro, anil Wiial «u er-nr.-rsapect to any ThretSlof ForelttnorAmcnctH production All coots an A EFortnieuts to Wntl'pnrt Lasers coots .tad. Also.- abrauii of the ahoye Thread exp..#' lv for Fewii e . • . - ■ y tor UHiUM.ES A3IOBY. *«:.v^oS., . Sklil .\g- AVjp* No V "■{ i*bH ‘‘tin t A fpigvfm? - iiSpJteS/ CAKRI E -VI AKERSi ■ .1. I-EITENBEiIGEU S: SON 807 PINE STREET. SPECIAL NOTICES. ryr==, 535.-FIFTH-WARD BOUNTY-FUND IJJj HEABCIUARTERS, 4UB WAL.iUT street. Ollice Hours Jrom 11 to 3. Tbe Trnasiirer i' now paying TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS WARD BOUNTY, Cash in bau.i, to ALL VOLUNTEERS, duly credtt.-d to the Finn ■Ward...- . Three hundred men will be taken- at otice; The Division Collecting .Committees meet every MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, at 7 5 o’clock, attJl2 South FIFTH street, to make re turns to the Treasurer and transact business gen. erally. ' B . . T FC. K?\IGHT, Treasurer. Attest—Jony J. .Fuaxklik, Sec’ y. ; lels-6 PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND IL3 CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY, OlHce of the Secretary, PiTTSitunau, Pa., February l*2tb, 1864. > Ihe annual meeting* of the Stock and Bondho'd ers of this Company, for the Eiection.of Directors, and such' otkerbusiness as may come before it, will he held at the Office Of said Company, in. the city of PITTSBURGH,on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of MARCH, A. I). IBoi, at 10 A. M. The Stock and Transfer Kooks or the Company, at their Office in the city of Pittsburgh, and at their Transfer Agency dn the city of New York* will be closed on thelstday'of March,,at3o’clock, p.M., and remain closed until l the 17th day of March thereatter. W. H. B.*RNESr fe!6tmal7 ' Secretary. |vng=»i MERCANTILE jjißiiAßY.~ Theannuil Uof Election of Officers of tais iustUution will be held at the LIBRARY, on TUESDAY, ruary iGih, between the houra of 4 and 8 P. M The adjourned annual meeting of tha Stockbord ers to consider the proposed alteration of the Char ter, and other bn-iness, will bu held on WED NESDAY EVENING, February *2Ub, at 7% o eh ck. v JOHN LARDNER, Jr., !elO-Gts .C Secretary. OFFICEJDIIY BOUNTY FUND COM ill3. MISSIONj' No. 4L2 PRUNE Street, PhUa i delphia, December 10, 1863. , • r The Commission Tor ; the payment of theO«ty Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjust ! the claims of all new recruits in old regiments. Until further.notice, the^Commission wlllsit daily from 3to 5 ’ >. Bounties, will be paid to those only whose names aTe borne oh rolls furnished to the Commission .by the Assistant Provost Marshal-Gencral, ortho . United States Mustering Officer for Philadelphia. -Claimants... for... the.-bounty .must be vouched-for by a responsible United States Officer. Officers . will bring their men to the office in:squads for the purpose. - ; In a few days notice will be given when and how •recruits in new organizations and veterans re-on , listing in the field can receive their bounty* ' Byoider of the Commission. <-•?. jaPtf ;- ~ SAMUEL C. PAWSONi Secretary. PHILADELPHIA AND READING 113 Railroad Company, Office 227'S6utk Foarth Street; - Philadelphia, SeptemoerS, 1803. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following- named persons are entitled to a Dividend.On the common stock of thi? Company. The residence of several k of them is- unknown, and it is therefore necessary that the Certificates of Stock should be presented or. calling for the Dividend. S. 8~~ T. A ' BTOCTKHOLJ>I Mrs. Iff aiy Bishop, ' Timothy 0. Boyle,: - Clement Biddle,. Ann-Co^eland, A. EmsUe-and J. Kew bold, Trustees, Debbie.Ai Hughes, • JamesHallowoll, • Catharine (XRepple,,.,, Daniel-Klapp, - ' filary Kuhn, Charles Kuhn,? Hartman • 'Kuhn and J. H. Kuhn, Ex’rs of S. Kuhn, S. Lancaster, Percy M.. Le.vrts, * R. V. R. Leisse, Exocu ; trix, and Jas. G.Shaff, Executor of X S. Leisse. dec*d. |Y"5=» TWENTYrSEUONU.'nf ißu BuUNI'Y 1.L3 FUND.—The Central Committee on Bounty Funa for theTwenty-Second ward, atdiueerimr he'd WEDNESDAY EVENING, tilth insta-t, reFolved to pay the sum of TWENTY.FIVE DOLLABS to each recruit that may be hereafter mustered in and cr.dited to the quota of said vrard. B. d Dunning. Sec. pro. tent. felMh, sa,ttii?t* rrg=*. GITY BOUN rx FUND com. IL§ MIISSION, No. .418 PRUNE street, De cember 29, 1863. ; ■ Warrants for tb® City Bounty,(two hundradand fifty dollars) vrlll be leaned to ail H€TT reef aits for old regiments, tbe quota of Philadel phia on the coming draft; Muster rolls, certified by proper mufiiertajf offi cers, Einatbe sent to tfeeofiiceof the Commission one day pferious to the issuing of the warrants. • Officers must accompany -.-and* Touch for their men when the warrants ar^delirered. ! Philadelphia soldiers re-enlisting in the field will deceive their warrants as soon as certified copies of the mnster-in-rplli, are fnj-nithsd to the Comnis Adjutant-General of the State: Men enlisted in Col. McLean's Regiment (IKld Pennsylvania Volunteers), will receive the bounty In companies when duly mustered into the U. S ssritice, and credited io the quota of the city. The! Commission sits daily from 3 toSP, M., during -.which hours only-warrants are delivered. These warrants are cashed oh presentation at the office of the City Treasurer, Girard Bank., By order of the Commission. jal-tfQ v - SAMUEL O. DAWSON, Seo’y. (Yts=“- PHIIiAU EI»PHIA SND READING LU?. RAIDEOAD COMPANY, OFFICE NO. 227 SOOTH FOURTH STREET, Philadelphia, December 2,16 S). '-- DIVIDEND NOTICE—The transfer Socks ot this Company wißbe closed oh THURSDAY. 17th instant, and re-opened on TUESDAY, Taneaiy 12,1564 , . , 1 A DiTldend of SEVEN PER CENT., dear of State tax, has been declared oa the Common Stock, payable tr. Common Stock on and after 31st Decem ber next to’ th eh ciders there.-, I as they shall stand registered on the books at the-elese offbnsiness oa the 17th inst. A DiTldend of THREE AND A HAHF PER CENT.', -- clear of all State tax, has been declared oh the Preferred Stock, payable in cash or Common Stock, at the option of the holder, on andaßerthe 31st of December next, to the Stockholders, as they shall stand registered on the books at ihe close ol business on the 17th-iKst, - H'/df-rs of certificates -which have been dis charged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are particularly requested to them duly registered on' the -Transfer Books 'to Welch they haye been transferred, prior to the 17th iiist. Stockholders* whose names are registered on : the New York Books will he paid at the Farmers’ Doan and Trust Company, and those -whose names* are registered oh the Boston Books will bo paid at : the office of ;Messrs I. E. Thayer & Brother. de3~ - v >- - , S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. •' fys-m ‘HIDTON’S- CEMENT.—The Ihsolna-e LaJ# Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers iseer tsinly the best article of/the Trihdf ever invented. p - , ° ll Id be kept an every manaiaetory,. workshop everywhere. By its use many dollars can he saved In the run of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or-become corrupt, as its e-jiu'-i -na.ion is on scientific principles, and under no eir cam stances or change oftemperature’will it emit any offensive smell. The various usee to which it can be successfully applied renders it invaluable tOiall classes - For particulars see aA-eertiramep’ u' hew r.tll ■ Alt tBKS' HOR- DRAFTED MEN, A Tj3n. WALM.UTjS!iee!—tPiULADELriUA, Feb.‘i, lii ~RECR ' -Ttvc'V-- VUITS- FOR HANCOCK'S COHPS.o . ii. 53 PREMIEM’. : .'.in ‘ • The Contributors to the OoaliiomityFuntlh'ave aiithoitz- tp pay.the tntn of iFire Hollars for etyry. reeriiß rsceiyed for tho Old' Fhr.ddelpMa Res-nnen Army Corps. ;This rtim vrlllTje paidoh the ri-nrerv or them, trnit at.iliH KRuAH and CHERRY. STREET HOSPITAIi.’ aa'd: trill.'centilitre op to the: ,20th ;l j inri-TißTil arfi rieceiTed. • V Reeruitsi-srilKfcn credited to "Ward •••; ;• ,/» , : i '*., : 7hft Reiiis>nts-rir required ; nrp the : uad noth' Fmma.- A'o , nutpf ; T& ’ ,‘r : v' '• • Tlu> attenlio’.i or'a’i' refruiU and. TeoraUing agf-r.fs is cfdlf'tl to t>e,matter, > , . ; ' , At. :i iu*u.>i r ~pf ..the.'conirihutortf tb the Coal Bouiity latino, held Pcti^ \txs 1 • That jhf kaUnfc* »'f :hnfuaU he an*h*d n> ihe tjiihis: uji *hr= Philadelphia, Regimeats of tho S‘-C‘nicV.Anny i'orv“*:- ArnSy <?f thh JPo'bmac ; ■•.*• Jhir; Jt)JiN (3TKLSON was Authorized to tu»b«-rsa thg iunct tor *fc:vt y, afro &*■■■■' . fr S-atr . —;—-Rr-W. -'ha.THB.UIT, Sfcs.-v * l,l -> a.-g? s r&isn ■» ~~ ■. - — T ' ■ ooEj3eEa:ois.TEsi li'= -V, ilf. NATIONAL U*-Ki’E-E..HOAi«TSR •• ■ i .HY.DSiTS ? *o:P- “ Fa:irahp»«.i..-;ai i fe machinjs'vvin imre. .ijiA-: , 11 ’’•a iuO 1 ;til-., b'ridei hav;u~ a jr.-netTie roast*! uni formly, amt having h patent rrt>.e, yos Sim s a’ iti. h- a fO pteventall lißliihty to.b'ira.- ‘And.yir'it is' so. simple. achtld can operate, it It rirtlt ro iit all the sribeti * nie* for.eotf er-equally well.-. Pric-asa; S'i,;S!li] ■?i. tHolel/aml Grocer* s sia-s from 3*l *o Slip. For sale at the HonaaFnrui-hiag IIAVd-e.-i-o and S.tirv;e i "S , Qr!'S.-;.:<3rocrrs fro.-t-aTitndv sale fur ths‘jn.':?er ssle-vt|it?les retail,thy.the'ti.Vs; e Kell iter and 'jltulv iyi:va.nfrtct.irinjg~‘ C napaur, ; PencsylTaiiia htid Ph l-i -delphia.;. .. jatf:l.«. tn. th. GRT/yrimt, Wi.v ping,. braiding,, eh ;t.Kf>ll)tßY.addrT:(iribpnring>lr>iie at ' - i‘..-U EK ON’S,,—S Nurth'iCi ( rllTHatreet and ‘ -51*.“ Eolith .SIXTH-etreel. I-adie-’ mider-clo’Uing in stock and made to order. Tucking neatly done to order. fe3-2m» DAILY mm. ING BUI LKTIK : PHILADELPHIA. tL T £SDAY fEBRUAKT 16 1864. iADFORD, Treasurer. SBB\ HAMEB.' Samuel T'. Harrison, James W. Hallowe]l, Fanny Mary- Mitchersox John Mclntyre, John S. Moore, James Mr.Nnif-ht, j■_ Benjamin F. Newport,' Benjamin Pott, . W. JL Rodman, Sarah’ Ann Richard*. Henry B.Shcrer, 'i Maria L. Sadler, Andrew Turner, Mrs. Kebecca Ulrich, : AshmerM. Wright, William Young, W, H. McVicker, Austin. Smith, Willis A Co. - Rea-th.s, n>* DRY GOODS: EBWIN hall a CO., Non SB S. SECOND Sireet, are'now opening new goods in every department. ■ New French! Chintzes and Brilliants. . - Percale Bo'ues, new designs. .. . Organdies and Jaconets. , : > Splendid quality and styles of Grenadines, Fine Black Alpaca Mohairs. Fine all wool He Luines, beautiful shades. . New styles of Dress Goods of various kinds. Colored Alpacas and Poplins. s New goods opening daily. feis inn of si fanoY'SILKs. lUU Blue, Lilac and Brown Plaids. , Black-end White, Brown and White do. IndiaPlhid Silks, Slperyard. S 3 Best Brown Silks. S 5 Best Black Silks. : S' Moire Antiques Best Goods.. Foulards, newest styles.-' Friendly Foulards. EYRE A LANDELL, Fourth and Arch streets. TY EAVY4-4 SHIRTING LINENS,SO CENTS. ■“CURWEN STODDART A BROTHER, ' -Nos. 450; 452 and 454 North Second'street, . fel3-3tj above Willow. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. The CHEAPEST SILKS in the Market. ],SCO yards neatploidlndiaSilks at Si 0[) per yard. 510 yards black and white India Silks, ajat l.prsyd.- Cl 0 j ards brown and white lhdiaSillrs, atslpr.yd. 1,100 yardsbiokeh plaids India Silks, at 81 per yd. UlUyardsblueand white India Silks, at SI pr. yd. ’ '1 hey make the most serviceable dress a lady can wear, They are selling very last. Call and ex amine them before the assortment is broken, t* At JC'HN.H. STOKES’S, 702 Arch street.< ; Marseilles ciuilts—of une. quality, at moderate prices. ' : , (Joud Blankets In large sizes. » ■ Sheeting Muslins, of every width. - Sevi rill grades of- Tickings . TABLE DAMASKS.— Power-loom Table Linen, - damask pattern. Power- loom Table Linen, dice pattern. Bleaches Table Damasks and 01oth3. 8-4 Bleached Damask, S’ 00, ahargain. Fine Towels, Napkins, Nurstry Diapers. Ballard valo Flannels. C3}j;c to 81 per yard, y New York Mills WiUiamsvilles, Wamsnttas. Bichaidson’s Shirting and fronting Linens. BLACK SILKS—Just opensd a lar a lot, marken low. Spring Delames and prints. Mode Alpacas, choice shades. Priattd Brilliants and 4-4 Fancy Shirtings. COOPER A' OONAIiD, fe4 S. E. corner Ninth and Market. T SIMPSON’S SONS, 922 AND 924" PINE . Street—Wonld respectfallv call the attention of purchasers in general' to the Large and Ohdioe Slock of Worked Lace Curtains, purchased last year at Auction in New York. Also, Embroidered Muslin Curta’nsand EmbroideredMnsliii for Oor tains by yard or piece, which w 11 be disposed of at.prices much less than present value to pur chasers, viz: ' ■ ; Bleb Vestibule Face Curtains, 8V 00 per pair. Hi, h Vestibule Lace Curtains, S 5 OOperpair. Pretty sty lesWindow Lace Curtains, S 3 50 per pair. Three Different Lots and Styles Kich Designs Muslin and'Lace combined,'Blo 00 per pair. ’ Superfine Rich Design, Extra Size Lac* Curtains, 318 00 per pair. Extra Superfine Voty Rich Design, Extra Size Lace Curtains, only ,825 00 per pair. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. 1 Lot ' Unite Pretty, Only St OOperpair. 1 Lot Better, ' , On.y ss OOperpair. 1 Lot Handsome, Only S 6 00 per pair. 1 Lot Richer, - Onlyss 00 per pair 1 Let Very Rich, Onlysto OOperpair TO CLOSE OUT THE INVOICE. ■ ' . ALSO, 5 lots of choice designs Embroidered Muslin Cur tains, §7, 88, SO. SIS and 814. TRULY BARGAINS. LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, ■ 4 lots Embroidered Muslin for Cnrtains, 75 cents per yard, worth the price flyo years ago. STOKE. —JAMES A LEE IN VITJ J the attention of their friends and others to theii large and-weil aesortsd-stock of goods adapted ti San BBdEoys’ wear, ccmpriatng tn part -Black French'Cloth*. Bins " do do Colored ,do . do " , _ ■ .OVERCOATCLOTHS. Black French Beaverx, Colored do . do ; Black Esquimaux do Colored ' do do Blue andßladk Pilots. . ' PANTALOON STtiPja Black French Casrimeros do • ■ do. Doeskins. - Fancy Casslmeres. Mixed and Striped do Plaids and Silk Mixed: Satinets all qualities. Cords, Bedverteens. As. . . , VESTINGS. Fancy suit Vestings,. Black Satin-Vestings.' v Fancy Silk Velvet do " Plain and Fancy Gashmerea . Wool, Velvet and Valencia.. Also, a large ft.-sortmeut of Trimmings, adapt*, o Men and Boys’ wear, at wholesale and retail. JAMES A LEE, -No. 11 North Second street, 3006 ■ ".' - Sign of the Golden Lamb. T STREET^'’ S ®°. Ni ?’,' a ‘—, AND KM, PINE Rave now on h xnd, and offer at very favorable prices, a full assortment of Housekeeping Goods, Linen and Cotton, comprising' Sheeting, Pillow Case, Shirtings.-Blankets, Spr* ads Towels, Nan kias, Doylies, Tab eOloths,Table Covers,Towels, Toweling*, Nursery Diapers, Table Damasks. Flannels, Ac. . a> - . • • “ GKBe.T K 6UUO I lONS-VEiY LOW ■PBICe>.—As we are determined to close ont our entire stork of WINTER DRESS GOODS. REGARDLESS OF COST. Closing out,French Merinoes, 73 Cents. Closing ont French Poplins, dosing oat bawls Closing out Cloaks. ALT. T HEI.E A DIN* f MAKES OF MUSLINS, Bleached and Unbleached, N> J«> v. k, o-4, 8-4, 9-4 and ln-4 wide, at the \ *’’ ‘ VEST LOWEST. PKIGE3. ' _ -1. : H. STEEL & SON, ?iO?. , tfj and 71.) INorth Teil!h street. PRESENTS.- ~ : ......... r LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. . S. MILLIKEN 4c CO., 829 ARCH and *da South SECOND street, have now open a tery flne assort ment of Ladies’, Gents’ and ChUdxsn’tHandker chiefs, which they are selling at a small advance enoldpricss.; ■ . ■ ; LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Borders, at 10,12,-14, is,-18 and S 3 cents. JiemsUtched, from 23 cents up to the Hnest. Kerlere Herders; Tucked Borders. Wide Hemstitched! borders. .' • Colored Embroidered Borders. • : ' Herringbone-stitch, in colors, fcc. Some of the Sbote are '- put up In fancy boxes, suitable for presents. ... ' GENTS’ HANDKERCHIEFS. . Tape Borders, from 20 cents up to the finest. * Printed Borders, new styles, from 31 cents. Hemstitched, hew styles,.in wide hems. Herastltched and printed. , Herringbone-etitch, in colors, *«. Also, a beautiful assortment of Children’s plain -and printed Handkerchiefs,. LINEN GOODS GENERALLY—We hays always on-hand the. m'bst extensive stock of all kindsoi Linen Goods to befohnd In the city; We import and'deai in Ldneu Goods,, exclbelyely, and can always. Offer to either:Wholesale or Retail buyers the advantage of pnrchaslhg at a'yery small advance on manufacturer's nriees. ' ' ij- ’< “ S*7®:JRDIKEN at OO.T ’ d.*2ai : C2S, Arch Streat,,and *l2 s: Seediid street LIQUORS, &C. G* AMP A.GN'E. WINE—IMPERIAL UA B f. e T l,y a ” PaSa ®,r rin *' i ‘i qßarts «»»Pta4' • J >URT2TOHT3Jc tiA.VERG-N'P frG- e ,la,jh.;tj -.i-.-auy.HinVact Soath Fnmt Sreet. I i S. WATERMAN, . 'ri>» only M-nofictnrpr ot -WATERMAN'-S COOKTAII. : ■' ' jiitcl *’* TONIO BIT-TEKSi Sold'Wh«lo?ale'3jia .Tteiait ft, MARKET PWladelptus. l y S KG ® ALKI?f ’ S ' " aßd 12 So »‘h D eSe itw CJPuTs.iJo WHISKEY Ail case# of oh« doaun Kj sach. _e>» eosaisttiatuUL tad .for ei'e i lv iiJn ATKINvIB ™.l •» --an H »‘-'a yar a :t y_'^, n ai! - 0 - .fjlXl'Ki; .'HjI'AiiKUNG, CUAm^AifN{*’ m •IQ. UEK, *l. wholesale". Groeers AETltfid ta examine. .T. J. street,' tiolo-cv Third aniiWa) nat ‘sireem. -ifcjj .j r. j/i.’iVTurr, • ——— tf . ; l-ii>vSt>ath i’roafßttiwt, abo-»o Waimn _As£=oyoti]SUSOKißigAMPELLSHK!larFß. ? 63i»est jrroy & ecws ■ i r • Golden Sja- Brand, ; ■ Ay Grnad.aiousso'nx, ■ iIK-MMHTES. POBTSrmd MADKIRAB. anil SpTEBKS and SHIPPERS, A CHAMPAGNE OtDER;. ■warranu^.'Tnow‘ii ??,?.° r 4 tar Shipping. Far sale. TrUqlesiije ml* • huioyr.T.hirri %M Waln.i”r»* Kjin r ' !l "-'-'P!>re OHAMFAG-KK'iJIDER noTf '■l-11 * K -'■ •? “'i '.004.- QA 'I'O-''S'KIONtJMvifiE, ;>ow landing from Br. hark Thomas Ualiett Vor ,al« hv WALLETT * SON. lausontu FfIONT itr*!* LEGAL NOTICES. Henry g duffieluys annie f. duf- FIELD —O. P. In Div., Sept: Term, 1883 No. 31. , To AI?I?IE:FV UUFFIEIaD,. respondent above namfd—Madam:’Please tafee notice that the Court hasCTahtedanile on y»»n to show cause why a divorce, A.y M ft should not re decreed inthis ca'e, returnable on-SaTURDAY, February 20th, 1864, at 10 o’clock A. IVL.; personal service haring tailed on account of the absence of respondent OHARDES W'. BROOKE, fet2 4t*. * Attorney for Liibellant. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the Estate of JOHN H. OURTIS, Sr., deceased, having been duly granted to the undeisigned by the Re gister ot/Wjlls for >he City, and' County of Phiia delphia, all persons indebted to said Estate will phase make payment, and those having or demands against the same, to .present them t 0 JOHN H. CUB ns. Executor, 4^ Street, or his Attorney, AARuN THOMPSON, 731 street. fe!2-12t* IN ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE,CITY .AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA; In the matter of the Est Ate of MOSES T. JOHN SON, a minor.; The Auditor appointed by theConrt to.audit, settle and adjuat-the eecoud and final account of Ns °N,/^ouardian of MO-ES T. JOHIsoUN, a minor, unci to make distribution bf the balance in the hands of the acconntaat, will meet the parties interested for the purposes ol his appointment, on MONDAY, February 22d, 1861, at 4 o’clock, P. • M:, at his office; No. lt-3 South FIFTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. , W. L. DENNIS, fe9-In4h,« Auditor. SUMMONS- IN PARTITION The.Sheriffls directed to publish the following order. . " JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. City and County of Philadaphi't, SS. The Commonwealth of. Pennsylvania to- the ; Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: If William Darlington, Administrator ds bonis non cpin testamento annexo of the last will and teslainent of Elizabeth Baldwin, deceased, make you secure of prosecuting hjs.claim, then vra com mand you that yon summon by good and lawful ’ summoners, SarahS. Barnes, Charles. M. Tyson -and Lydia Ann his wife, in right of the said Lydia Ann, Jonathan D. Barnes, Samuel B. Cope, Oli ver Cope, late of yonr county, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City and Conaty or Philadelphia, there to be held the first MON DAY of March next, to show wherefore wkereai they; the said Demandant and the said Defendant together and' undivided do hold all that lot or piece of ground with the buildings thereon erected,situ ate on the north side of Ohesfnnt street, in the eity of Philadelphia; containing in breadth on thesaid Chestnut street fourteen feet, and in-length or depth fifty feet; bounded northward by ground formerly of John Bar, and afterwards of the heirs of John Spoel, deceased, eastward by Strawberry alley, southward by the said Chestnut street, and westward with the shop and ground sometime in the tenuro of..lsaac Warren and afterwards be*, longing to Samnel Barnes, or . howsoever else the same is or of right ought to be butted and bounded. 1 with the .appurtenances. Being the same premises which Samnel E. Howell and wife, by indenfax. dated the twenty-first day of May, A. D. 1818, re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book M. R., No. 8, page36t, Ac., granted and.convoyea to Sarans Barnes and Elizabeth - Lawrence, widow of Thomas 'Lawrence in . ; fce as tenants in ■ common and not as joint heirs, the same Defendant partition thereof between them to be made (according to tho laws and cus toms of this Commonwealth in such castimideand provided), do gainsay and the same to bo done dc not permit, very nhjustly and against the same laws and customs (as it is said,) Ae'. And havo yon then there the names of those Snromoneisand this writ. Witness the Honorable OSWALDTHOMPSON, President of our said Court at Philadclnhia, the twenty-third day at January, in the year of our Lord one th:-nsaad eight hundred and sixty-four. { L. S. £ of the Court C. P. and dnly stamp, t.—.—-1 ed according to Act of Coagross, je23-owl T. O-.WEBB. Pro Prothonotary. GO-PAIiTNEaSHIFa. COPARTNERSHIP.— Phiz. ADHLrH ia, . Feb. 1, JSfil—The zmdersigned have THIS D.VYas roctati d themselves under the .firm of BOLDIN A WARTMAN,n» TobacCoand General Commitsioa Merchants, at No llti North WATER street, and IC6 North DELAWARE avenne. : . - GEORGE BOLDIN, Late of Boldin A Penrose. ■ • MICHAEL WARTMAN, fels-3t Late'of M. Wartmaa A Co. "VrOTlCE.—The firm of BISHOP, SIMONS A is- CO. is this day dissolved by mutu '1 consent, Thel-nsiness ofthe firm will be settled bv either of thennder.ignel, S. S.BISHOP. January 23, 1584. NOTICE.-—S. S. BISHOP having associated with him bis s o n CLEMENT BARCLAY BISHOP, J AMES HEL3IS, and WILLIAM H. MORISOT', will coniinnethe COMMISSION AND SHIP BROKERAGE'BUSINESS, at !05 ARCH Street, under the firm of BISHOP, SON A CO., from this date. S. S. BISHOP, O. B. BISHOP, JAMES HELMS, T - - - W. H. MORISON. January 23, IS6I. .. ja.:3-BtuAthlm} NI.-UCE —THE PARTNERSHIP HEBETO JOHN H. CURTIS, Jr. , under the firm of-J- 11. JI BAL, EsTat'E BROKERS AND AGENTS, at 431 WALNUT street, was dissolved by tbc recent death ofthe senior‘n»r Tho business wiil be continued by the under signed at the same place; under the tarn- firm. fel9-12t* • JOHN H. CURTIS: NOaXCE.— LEA AGO. HAVETHIS day admitted Jifeeph Tatnall Lea as a ge. nrral partner in their House. - Their business in the city or New York will be conducted under the style of ■ J.. 4 J. T. LEA A CO., ; _. , 112 Reads Street, New Turk. Philadelphia, Feb, let, IStH. feB-2w* CARD —An unexpected event having interfered with the intended arrangements or the sub scribers, it is deemed ndTisable to withdraw the notices or the Dissolution ot Partnership an i Co partnership oral B. MAHONY A-CO.', In which we are .everally interested, that were announced on the first instant. hi. B. MAHONY, J. P. STACKHOUSE, C. A. MAHONY. Pnir.ADA , Feb. 4th, l£6i. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE -Wo have this l day admitted Wt. CHARLES A, MAHONY as a partner in onr house, to date from the Ist inst. The style or the Area will remain unchanged. „ , . M. B. MAHONY A CO. PniLADA.. Feb lsg|. , I'el-lm*' Harry l. »ca rpent r-R is this day admitted to an interest in onr hneiuess. W. A F. CARPENTER, Tailors, „ ■■■',' 825 Chestnnt street. Pan.A., Feb. 3. ISS4. fe4-lin* WILLIAM H. HOWELL and THOMAS T. BARR are this day admitted members of onr firm. REYNOLDS, HOWELL A REIFF. THE UNDERSIGNED will continue the Wholesale Grocerj and Tea business. nnder the name and style or RE YNOLDS, HO WELL A REIFF, ISO North Third street, Philadelnhia And HOWELL, BARR A CO., hi Water street. New York-.- • ,THOMPSON REYNOLDS, OH ARLES HOWELL, BENJAMIN REIFF, > WILLIAM H. HOWELL, fel-lro* THOMAS T. BARR. Philadelphia, jan. LTisi.e-Taeeo-part. nership heretofore existing, between Thomas. A. Biddle and Alexander Biddle, in, the buslues* ° r ,2‘°.. c . k .Brokers; under the firm o' THOMi-S UDDLL A CO., ts'this day dissolved by mutual consent- The business of the Lite’firm will bet settled by either of the partners at No. fids Walnut street; , JANUARY 1, lefri—TKt'-lAS A. BIDDLE, of the late.flrtn oEThoma* Biddltr ACo , has thi 3 d-T associated with him HARRY PEALE, and Wifi continuefhe business of Stock and Exchange Bro ken, under, the firm of THOMAS A. BIDDLE A CO-, at No. ass Walnnt street. jal-ams NOTICE.-The nnder. V B is n °d HhTe this day entered into Co-partn-r -ship for the transaction of the DRY ilonns nntetreet. . ;, JOHN Pull. ADA., Jan. 1. ISM.- • laUhu* MUTU AL PROTECTIVE ASSOuIATION p. E ,j«- fully notiiy all delimiiients who have u-glecid or refused to settle their hills for the buri-d n>'their relatives orifrieiids,. with their ivsiiabtiv,. nYi.i.,,. takers, that, op and alter MARCH is-, l~»!,'.h*ir name?, re*iacnc.<v ii>ni .oduup.itiaii will ter'ed in tli.e UNDERTAKER o RLACK.liii)Oft for fn iire reference ; and hereafter, n.i Under .taker any work for any delinquent whi> is jpdehted tprtny.piher. Undertake for Virk urevi onsly di-no, -‘ivnlcss ■ satisfactory :trr , in;:wnv.‘»iN jw flrsfm-h-eto settle thesanu'; imd all Tv,ih? W ntter. doi-e .will bo strictly rasa: otherwise by spepiai ayroinUlf. , ■ ■ f „’ n e" .jjpi yi* f lIS Nt... ;h«- UttKStoUl 3hason§;;mass& 'pins, New and original ctaSigfc of Masoui.iMarks add Tempinr3 Medals, Army Medals end Corps Badges of every description deS-Sino i FOR NEW YOBK—New Dally Idas JKSEsSa.—Via Delaware and Raritan Canal— Philadelphia and New York -Express RtnsmbnM .Company will receive freight and. leave daily at 1 P. M., delivering their cargoes in New York th* following days. Freight taken at reasonable rates.. WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent, 14 South Wharves, Philada. JAMES HAND, Agent, Jya-tf PieTs 14 and 15 East Biver, If. Y. COLEMAN’S CALIFORNIA LINE. SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED The A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship EMERALD ISLE, . .... ■ Cornish, Commander, Is now rapidly loading at pier 15, E. R. foot Wall street. ■ . ■jft-S _ This magnificent clipper ship is one of the fastest sailors afloat; hat made the passage !?“THTo°I In same, time’as steamer America.' She has 3 decks, Superior ventilation, and is In every way a first-class ship. We invite shippers to inspect this vessel, and send their goods along, fide immediately. We expect this ship will beat the fleet now loading.’ V; v For baisnce of freight, apply to . BISHOP, SON * CO., jalC-tf . 10-5 Arch street, above Front. HENRY SIMONS. ; juul -In 'c thlinj . JfQS BARBADOS—The fine British « c’nr JSbe&MARIA JANE, Parritti master, will sett l-itt few days. For ITuight or passage, apply to GEORGE ALKINS, Nos. 1# and 12 South Dela ware avenue. BOR NEW ORLEANS. La —Direct . aßgf'l he fast i ailing regular packet bark COMET mptain P_. il. Morrison, haring two-thirds or her cargo engaged, will hare quick dispatch for tbe ahOTe port. For balance of freight or passa? e apply to WORKMA N A CO . 123 Walnut street! FOR BOSTON—Express Line—The fins Sgggpacket schooner OAKES AMSS, Captain liriich. is now receiving freight at Callowhili street wharf, and will sail tor the above port with Bor freight, apply to DAVID COOPER., IS North Wharves. feld - .sSJa FOK NEW YORK—Express Une-To asfthiSail on Tuesday. February IS. iftsi—The nne pi cket ’ schooner C. E. ELMER, Captain Maspn, is now receiving freight at Willow street wharf, and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For Height, apply to DAVID OOOPER, lfc North Wharves. lets /j&t lOR SALE—Tee coppered ami copper gggfastened hng ELIZA ANN, 223 tons regismr, SV 11 ,. ,c i’ a c °al, 2,-’CO bbls. capacity, built in Bine HU), Me., INI; length 98 feet, beam2B feet, depth of hold 10 feet 6 inches, metaled ISSO, in good order, ready fir sea, can be sent to sea at no ex pense; will be sold reasonable if appliedfor within mrte days. For terms, apply to J. E. BAZLEY A C0.,-122 South .Wharves.' . - f«U-5t JOHN SHINDLER A SONS. SAIL Sill MAKERS, No. 2M North WARVES. below "me street, Philadelphia All work done In the best manner and on th lowest' and most favorable term*, and Warrants, ip give perfect satisfaction. ' mhlS-t i Particular attention giTen to repairing. THE UNDERSIGNED having rental their Ship Y.rJ, located between Queen and Christian streets, with the Marine Railway and Sectional Dry A. S. SIMPSON A BRO.. take Ibis opportunity of expressing their thanks to their friends *Hd patrons for their long and con', tinned kindness. ■ • A.S. SIMPSON A.BKO. being prasJUal Ship- Wrights and Caulkers, we recommend them to our late customers and those that have vessels tore.” pair, and are confident whatever is entrusted to tnem will he earefully attended to. n3O-lm'» J. SIMPSON A NEILL. PHU.Ai>»LrmA,Teb. 1,166 t. /CONSIGNEES’ NOTICE;—The ViarkT i exS', \J Captain .T. F. Horton, from New York, is row discharging her cargo at Sonth street wharf < onsignees will ploase attend to the receipt of iheir goods, as; they will' remain on the wharf at' theirnsk..- J. E. BAZLEY AGO;; No; 122 South Wharves. .. ■- i e i s G ONSIGNEES’ NOTICE—Brig CONDOR. Brown, is now dischargine at s xvbarf. \tiU pUafe goods,and oblige DAVID COOPER, 18 North V. harves. . fe 3 3t Goal.— " ■ : : _ -KUHN.A HILLER, COAL OFFICE, No. 130 Sonth FUt’KTH; btrffit (Northweat corner Fourth and labrary sireets), Philaa»ciphia. . Coal i elected from the beat Hines for Family Vacyat ihe lowest market prices. Prompt at tention and tpepily Delirery. Also. AgrcmsforPHlldAl)El.PHlAand BOSTON* ICE. FamiUrF, Hotels and supplied at lb© low* estmsiiketpriees. -• ’• • C'lU-a.L*. —aOLtAJOi idUAr, j &iO'W and Spring Hountain Idehigh Coal, aad nest L.oeu»t Hounts-tn from SchuylkUl, prepared tjipressly for Xamily use. Depot, N. w. EXGBTH aud WlldlkOW streets. Office, No «« -South joam street ; *■ -• *■ •.njfrtr*; VOf.* a. fIASOB aisijib. JOKW P dkie^plil The uhdeksionedinvite attention j«vthetr'stoek of . . Butiir.Mountain Company’ll Coat, iiehigh Navigation Oumpaiiv’s Coait and ' fountain .•; n , >• dCOien they .are prepared to tei* at the lowest tnari sex rares, and ta deliver m the-best condition Orders left- with Q.-HASONi BYanKUi lufUiuxe l>nUding» SEVENTH street, :Uelow Mar. tet, win b* hUended to. ' .. ' r ;- **; ? BINES * SHEAFF: . ***^- >f - ’ • \ »:-> • ATnn j-*.<av r»*H«rf. TIVI In’ * riQTTON :s,UL. ; DLCK. ,o!OT.rOri OANYAS. V’-'TwJ weight, ftmh'oue to two feet wine. sH .hamte>rs; -; heavy nnd f lieht/ 2A VN'S IHIUK 1 AHi.AN3 > TUPS eju, and ot Faper Felting.' S a Twine. Ac. ' Bor sale by W. EVERMAN »OU., <.u3tf-)y No 138 Jonw’s all*; FOE SALE AND TO LET. MI' 1 Oil SALE—Modern Dwelling House. No. 19 Woodland Terrace, West Philadel phia, replete vritli every convenience. Apply to E. I* MOSS, Broker, ai9 Dock street. Ti' LET.—Large and email ROOM Aup stairs, Gl2 and6U CHESTNUT street. fe3-tf SHIPPING. igSSSfc STEAM WEEKLY TO tilVEfi illlatagbTOOL, touching at Q.TJEENSTOWy UJork Harbor).—The -well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company are Intended to sail as follows: ' - - - EDlNBmMxH........Satnrday, Peb.l3 CITY OF WASHINGTON CITY OF LONDON..;.. And every succeeding Saturday at Notlhi flint. Pier 44 North Biver. BATES OF PASSAGE: P&TABianr sold ok its kqotvaiibiii nr ots; Ist Cabin.. .....880 Steerage..... ....839 6* Ist Cabin to London. 85 Do. to London 31 9; Ist Cabin to Paris.;.-, ill Do. to Paris., it TR Ist Cabin to Hamburg .90 [ Del to Hamburg 37 er Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen Botterdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates.: Farrs from LrvEKnooL on QußßnsTowir. - First Cabin, 575, 885, 8105. Steeragetrom Liver pool .and Queenstown, 830. .-Those’who wish te send for. their friends can buy tickets hero atthese rates..'. . lnformaaon, apffiy at the Compa ny's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, V ; 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. BOSTON-AND PHILADELPHIA SBjiSgfeSTEAMSßlPLlNE—Sailingffo’m eacb p ° r .L°^ Satnrda I-- F ro m first wharf above Pin* c?f 6 i’s? llU^ d f IpWa ’ “d I*°ng wharf; Boston, on Satnrdfiy, February 20,1861; - . The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will tan from Philadelphia. for Boston on Saturday, at 10 o’clock, A. M.,and steamshlf NORMAN, Captain Baher, from Boston for Phil, adelphm on. Saturday, Febroary 20th, at 4 P. M. These new and substantial Steamship* lorm a S^urtfaye 16 ’ BaUin * : from e«tch port punctually on Insurance at one-half the premium charged tr» tail vessels. . ,„ \ . Freight taken at lair rates. ■ . X Shippers are, requested to sand slip receiphtand bills of lading with'their goods. " For freight or passage, having due accommoda Hons, apply to HENBY WINSOB A CO., .. 332 South Delawarenvenus. p OK NEW YOBK— Line— '■ -XOn Wednesday—The -flue’new'steamer FRANCES,- .Captain Bristow, is: now receiving freight at Girard’s wharf, above Market st. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves,; . . f e i 3 jfiSHgSft FOB ALEXANDRIA, GEOBGS aSMBiTOWN and WASHINGTON—Hand's Steam Line, via Canal—Every Wednesday at If M., and every Saturday at BA. M. Steamer LEADER, Captain Callahan. Steamer H. J. DEYINNY,. Captain Bristow. ' Steamers. SEYMOUR, Captain Boom. Steamer E. CHAMBERLIN, Captain Stewart These steamers form a,semi-weekly Una between Philadelphia and the above ports, sailing regularly as advertised, and carrying freight lower than by any other route. Freights received every day and bills of lading-'givein Apply to THOMAS WEBSTER, 14 North Wharves. selO-tf FOR NEW YORK. —DESPATCH SSssaSSana SWIFT-SURE LINES—Via Dela ware and Raritan Canal.—The -steamers of these lines are leaving daily at 12 o’clock, M.,.ands o’clock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnut rt For freight, \rhich ’will be ta&en on accomnio* dating terms, apply, to WILLIAM: M. BAIBD A CO., 132 South Delaware avenue. 1. ._. FOB SAN FRANCISCO. COAL. ... Satruxdayy Feb.'2o .*:..;SaturaayyFeb. 27 #fjj FOE SALE.—A place situatedon the BRIS fiiaLTQli torn pike, in,• Backs county, containing li acres of land, -large'stone and frame House and Barn, "with other ontbnUdingß, all in goodrepair; large garden, shade and other trees. This property' is -situated a few hundred yards- from the Pena Valley Station, on the Philadelphia and-Trenton.' Railroad, which would make it a desirable re sidence for a person doing business in Philadel phia. f .. • . Enquire on the Premises a FOR SALE.—The elegant and valuable residence, S. W. cor. of 33d and Bridle* streets, 24th Ward. The HOUSJE is large, hand somely finished, and .supplied throughout with, modern conveniences. ' Thegrouns are well laid out, and adorned with-shrubbery; Passenger Cars pass the door. A large portion of the purchase., money can remain, and possession given at once 1 ' if desired. Apply to PEGHm, fro. 523 Walnut street. , ia2S,tu,th,s; I2ts «§ FOR SABE OR TO BE RET —A fin four s' story Dwelling, with three-storr double bach buildings; SO4 North BROAD street:‘two bhths, two/water closets, billiard room table,-&c. Ap ply to J. H. . CURTIS & SON, Beal Estate Brokers,‘433 Walnut street- gg PINE STREET.—FOR SALE A four- K~2.stdry Brick Dwelling, with three-sto y back buildings, having every modern : coavcnlenca.' Lot 20 feet front by 90 feat deep to a street, sitnatb ■u Fjue street, west of Seventeenth, J. M. GUM MEY'AEONS,' 508 Walliut stieet.' dS WEST PHILADELPHIA—For sale, two JEaL handsome Cottage Residences: parlor, dining room, kitchen and out kitchen on first fioor: sir=—■ tmg.Toom and six chambers. Built in man ner, with, every convenience, aud desirably lo- . catedon northwest corner of Locnst and Thirry niuth streets. Lots each 59X1C5 feet deep, to a 20 foot street. J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, S'JS Wal nut street. - -- - GERMANTOWN —FOR SALE—Ahand some stone COTTAGE, having eyery city lmproTemeat, 'with lot of ground, 78 feet front by 250 feet deep; heautifullv laid ont and planted with evergreens, situate on DUY’S lane, midway be tween the Turnpike and Railroad. J. M ~u>T. MEY A SONS, 3t>s Walnut street, ' “ , f”, v T PRO PERTY within, five minutes walk of Duv’o Lane Station. A well bud; Stone Mansion w'tth all the modern improvements, I’J acres of ground An abundance or shade and lruit> trees. ' Oiod Ac. Apply to JUSTICE A JJATSe. NAN, 122 South FRI NT street. teld-'inidt ' MWiST PHILADELFHIA RESIDENCE! —l’or tales handsome double' thre--storv BRICK DWELLING with modern improve ments, on the south side tof Hamilton, street, first house we.t of. Thirty. fifth street. Lot .in fee: front by 100 feet deep. Immediate possession "■iven. Apply to A. B. CARVER A' CO., southwest comer Ninth and Filrert streets. - i-rield-St^ IS BUlf SALE—House-on SPRUCE street, HU near Thirtrenth street, with stable, Ac Also oneon SPRUCE street, near Twelfth street An! P'F'.o C. H. MUIRHEID, P letdoOtS 203 Sonth Sixth street.. ® ” S , TKKEr BBSIO.SNOE SAIi —TJiesplendin fonr-stoty Resi- North BRuAD street, 21 feet front, lot 200 teet deep, finished in the most elegant vn ini De 'rV-?! ni,let , ,> Wlt . h B , ivs > 'water. *c. Price sti,nno. The house is entirely new, and has never been occupied, and cannot ’be btiUt at'present' cost of materials, to be sold for less than 515,000. One of p F e 5 owners intended to occupy the house, and therefore spent a considerable asionntof mo cey on theproperty since it has been builL . The yard has been carefully laid ont and filled. ttiUi fruit shubbety, &e. This prooi‘rty is to be sold for the purpose of closing out a oartuer ahip coucrrn. * SALE.—A' first; class RESIDENCE. :JEuiL on Chestnut street* west of with all :™ naodernimproTements, In lull view of Kitten, house fc<paare. - —' jAddress* Box4s; POST. OFFICE, ® FOB SALE.—A (JOUNTRY SEAT, with forty f.crea of Land, near lan wood Station, on the Baltimore Railroad, eighteen miles ■ from Philadelphia. The house commands an- extensiVe yiew of thV Delaware river, about a mile dUtan% About seven acres of the land are admirably suited for a vineyard. - Apply to CHAS.-H. MUIEHEII); . 503Sburli "Ixth. sti‘«j*»r. or to JONATHAN GTTESTv on the Inquire at Linwcod Station Post Office DeKsyar* county, I enn a,.y*wliicliis ten minutes walk iroax tht>plac». ;■ . left 3:> » fiv,,¥-^£ NT -COUNT#*:, skat t'OS £uiloAL£— About eight miles from city: Railroad clepo., half a mile from the premises: convenient, slfOt.Ui churcles and schools. For healthinessami beauty of situation* as Troll as surroundiugad van tages, this property ie unsurpassed in the suburb* ' s of Philadelphia.- The large mansion (coramauding fine'views of the river Delaware) is of' brown atone, built and finished without .regard tbicoat,- And replete \rith; sill the modern conveniences for both summer and - The ground »*ompris>3 23 acres, .Veautifaliy laid ou». dud cruauienteii.with a great variety of fruit trees and shr nos. A Urw garden with abundance of limit. On the premjpea a; e . also: ereated a gardener* a > cottage, l ©rcbaial bouse, green bouse, , conservatory, an*! very oxtcDsive stabling, 11b expense whatever hnv» ing brrti niuke this in all respects a firsts, class Apply to mUIfUNTIiT A&.U PAklVl Ktjj*. S^ln tiontajuiKtj \ fitty-dris a^*» handsomely situated - in; Übdlttoahiim.'.town*• ipT Montgomery touaiy, 'P«iiiaVylYfiiii% * about eight miles from the city and cue and a-h*lf troia Hoad Station*, on the North PeJm.syrmnid Ratf*V road. The building are* nearly new, .substantial;- and ;:9lcnlated ior -i. winter or summer, resi-.. dene*#; Aj>ply'_to C.. K. MUrRMTEin, No. South ... W.x^vr :« . si*Ai>L,S TO f4KT, i*r 'Mim, 1522. neighborhood of Tenth and Walnut stilus. Three stalls, with every <to» reuienCC. Apply q£ No. lt> South Third street. ' deli-ti FOE SALE AND TO LET. mlOfa SALE-THii . RESIDENCE -OF the,undersigned, situate at No. 101 G VINE ® ll l-ogau ..Square. The lot is 18 feet front by 101) feet deep to 'Winter street. Til ) main build- l l '' our bigb-stone=; t-4 feet deep. ■ The b.ielt III 'T' aie about 15 feet deep; dining room and totflobri. and superior arranged dninb waiter from kitcbeii; two furnaces in the cellar „ roQn ? in- the house heated therefrom: rooml D :back-building is about 3U fee t in I T ery *!>gh story and two chandeliers: P® 1 !* ot , lis r “ om das ae mp irtment of 8. feet 8 inches, ill which is a superior pertna- Ti, nt *v^ o . ar^’v a H \ la work in oak graining. The third etory back has bath .room heated, ' with water closet and conserTatbry, id which is a superior billiard table, .which, with its appoint. Tht. ,S ’ n W , ,ll v. b|: ’,,? old * Tith toe honse, if desired. v '. l ! ole bonding is superior in construction and in thorough good repair; the best property or ior d K^ n A ln^ ec Pri «’SH,OCK). Insdred in the Franklin. SMOG caarematn •= ■ umfsiv DWELLINGS and COACH thataS*' S 9, d . ST 4BLIN&, ahont three.squares WondstrS 8 b0 9 8c3 (“ree of them) are situate on H te bv\n a r Bt .°S Seventeenth, and are 12 feet ,9 0 ?„ by 30 feet deep, with good yards. The on Pea’risfreßL. d h^ U!lg are 3a feet 6 inches front bu dSSntd^Vh 3 depth,add: are ventilated au around. This property was’ bnilt bv tbe undersigned fourteen years-aeo, is comnlbta in f' 1 * P? rta - and if. being placed in “Cough ™r> a ‘ r - Insurance the Green Tree for 53,500; iree from all lncnmbiance. Price S 9 O'O Also, all those two several properhes, No’ 2iin and 2112 Cherry street.,. These properties ware purchased by the nndersignedfourteen years since as superior heat dwellings (ho better buiU'can be found), and are improved_on the'rear south street (called Tower street) by two three-story dwelling, with bath rooms; each lot 16 feet front by l.ooa feetdeep. ; Insured in Franklin .82,508 on each lot, _ with two horises. T itles undoubted, and conveyance in one weefcfrom time of sale. 5i,500 can remain on each lot. Price 32,600 each. These properties carry comfort to a possessor. Apply for privilege to examine between the honrsof 11 andio’clock, to - ?•».. . GEORGE W. COLLADAY, ■ No.-GT) Walnut street. City Directory wanted for 1863 and to 6 *- • fels-tf tijzi FOR SALE.—Allthat conveniently located Cottage, with-the ample grounds' thereto-at-- tacbed, located oii thu upper side of , Wister street, of Dny*s lane, adjoining the Germantown"Rail-* roadat Dnyis Station, and opposite. Wister’s woods. House has all the modern improrementa —Gas, Range, Bath, Ac. Lot 112x313 feet' & inches to Jefferson street,, on which Is a Stable and Coach House. Well and. Hydrant "Water on~tho> premises. Apply to JOHN A. CLARK Attorney-' at-Law, or A. G. STOUT, Conveyancer, 428 WALN UT street, 2d floor. ja26-tu-th&s-12t* ' GERMANTOWN. —F Oii S<U« K—Early possession, the PREMISES, GREEN fctreer,' next the comer of Harvey, occupied by Dr. Dar rach, with parlor, dining-room, winter and sum mer kitchens, hot and cold water, bath-, water closet, &.c. i lot 70 by 2-:Q feet deep; plenty of shade and evergreens. By A. P. AJ. H.* MORRIS, $l6 Arch street. ; ::! ; ' ■ fcl3-3t* “Vir E aT PHIL ADEIi t*H I A. —Jfor a small Dwelling, Park street, only S 15;000. Agplyio J. H. OUBTXS Jc SON, Real Estate Brolters, <33Ttfalnut street. . f>!:j a COUNTRY PLACE TO BE LET WITH «i acres of : ground on Rirn Road, Columbia and Falls Bridge; fide MANSION of twel.T.c rooms, tenant-house, stabling, &c , easy ofascesf, yrittin half a mile of a Passenger R in road. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers,-133 TTalnat street. : feta SivOCO can remain on rhortga*^' • : - SeHOMA.OE.ER & C0,,- lO2l Chestnut "V o- HrM'uniimi),, No.-Vfcii South Sixth street. fe4-th,s,tn9t*
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