f etroleuvn Centre Daily Record. M.Cnln,7i, Tnnradar eP. 85 IMvlne Her v lee. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and P. M. Sabbath School at i P. M. eats free. A oordial Invitation extend, ed to all. Rev. T. Graham, Pastor. PRE8BTTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 'clock P. M., by the Pesior, W. 0. Burch jrd. Sabbatn School at 12), directly after toreooon aervice. . Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School Teacher1! Meeting Tuesday evenings of Ml week. Pfrleaa Centre IiOdge, So. T10, I. O. of O. F. Regular , meeting nigbti Friday, at 1 'dock. Signed, W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. O. C. 11. Ba.iL.icr, A Sec'y. tjrPlac of meeting, Main St., oppotlte VcCllntoolt Ilouse. A. U. of V. V. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.. eat every Monday evening at 1 o'clock, la Odd Fellow'i Halt, Petroleum Centre, Peon'a. Jamrs Wilson, M. W. Jamcs S. Wuitk, K. I. O. of It. M. Minnekaunoe Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday verting la Good Templar's Hall. HT Council fires Hjbted at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Sachem. C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Records. Gold' at I p. in. Ill A Western Itomance. II there bad not been something good acd true at tbe bate of tbe literary Idea which placed a laurel on tbe bead of MraBret llarte, and Showered gaudy tbotigV less lasting flbwersoo a score of imitators, II bad not appealed so warmly to the sympathies of tbe public, nor met with a praise that was at one time almost frenzied. Briefly the theme we mention wia tbat of a hero c self-sacrifice glowing through, a nature out wardly rugged, perhaps debased, and all be brigbter from its tawdry surroundings. It til not tbat tbe spasmodic virtue excused Iba life of vloe, but rather tbat tbe vice made brigbter tbe virtue, as the frowzy balr ol a gypesy adds ten told to tba gleam of bar brltllaot eye. We are led to this utterance by a atory which reaches us from Sun Jose, California, and which better pens might fall to deal with at tenderly as it merit). They were cousins, It seems, carried west by their pa rent! la the great geld excitement of '49. Fata threw them early apart, and upon their resources. They could not well have fallen lower tban they did. Whether from aimple necessity, or from the evil bent of unregenerate minds tbat we may leave to tbe theologians manhood fouod Jim a ras cal of tbe wont border type, and Ellen seeking ber bread among tbe lowest of a olass tbat seem to have lost every trace of womanhood in tbeir horrible trade. A few month! ago, and they met again. There war no questions asked of their past lives, no inquiries aa to character aud occupation, but Jim took quietly back to bii hovel a wedded wife, and tbe woman strove in ber unlearned way, to make him both help-mate and drudge. There was no romance about their life God lave the mark! Jim still itole lor a living, and the cupboard was often bars and tbeir stomachs empty; and not unfrrs quently there were angry words, and curses ad may be blow, bat still they were not weary of tbelr partnership. Tba and oame quickly. Some unusually doting robberies io the vicinity bad roused the Vigiienoe Commltte, and Jim found It necessary to absent himself for short time Iron that lection of th country. Ellen could not ac company, for reason that bridal of many months' Handing may guess at. In bis sb senca the Regulators, convinced that many of tbeir bersea bad gone Into Jim's bands, got bold ol Ellen and gave beat the choice of banging or Informing them 'of ber bus band's retreat. She bad only six bouri to decide, but ibe did not llnob. Tbe sun was hastening seaward, and death was near, when woid came from Jim by dirty half breed : Don't faert tbe gal an lis bring yer horses to-uiorrer. jlm Welch. The letter tbat gives the atory telli o Jiui'i reckless manner as he rodn Into camp' witn tba "d d orittera tbat waan't worth etealln', no bow," and how be went to his death with a curse on bis lips and a chew of tobacoo In bis innutb; but says nothing luttber of the woman. It Is probable that abe was taken care of, for even Judge Lyoch'i court Is kindly when out of Session. It Is a harsh atory and mors plainly laid Ibau we havo given It, aod is Is doubtful If . flue of the rough participants saw in it any u.lcg out ol the common way. Yet many a laiiiout coic lasiu lit. 8, in pie pathos. THE TOWN XVK LIVE IN. I'strnlcnro Centre has prorrj herself tho alma mater of oil development in Western Peawylyanle. For yeaie she wee the busy centre of oil production; the fountain of anlnexhanHiule inppljr of eisao. Honey flowed In like a river. Pot tunes vera made mors rapidly II possible than the fabltd favorites of Aladdin's lamp. It was s "ery bee Live of Industry and prosperity. Its population say s mile square was 18.000 or IM.UUU, and no where could have boen found men more genial in social lifo, more shrewd and energetic In business, nor a mining community where people were marked by more virtue and Intelligence. Now that fickle fortune has turned her back upon ns, she ha proved to be tbe fostering mother for the renion. No town or district Is there In the oil regrou that the Centre has not sent her sons snd daughters to help build It up and not rnc of them all but likes once In a while to retnia and vWt their old home and take a cup of kindness--local la In force jot fur the days of auld lang syne. And wlihal she can still boast In the midst of hard times oi a fair busiiess, a daily pa per, three churches, numcous places of business and a happy and healthy rising generation too nu merous to mention. Major J. F. Mackoy, ol Franklin, was in town to day. The Major was one of the pioneer operators or the Oil Creek district, and has hosts of friends hereabouts. At present he Is a candidate for Coun ty Trossurer ou the Kepublican ticket lie Informs us his chances for belug elected are good. Politics fS not our province, at the same timo wo think thu Major would make a careful, Judicious and prudent officer. Mlllerstown must he a lively place. A corres pondent of the Oil linn's Journal, writing from there, says: Boys, knee -hlpli to a duck, h ive beon aeon tai gorlug'hrouh the streets crazy drunk. Leautiful specimens of young America Mr. John M. Sherry, agent for Sherry's Now York Theatre, was In town this forenoon, engaged in billing for that troupe, who arc to perform here Oct 7th. He Informs us the troupe was never bet . ter or stronger than at present. Undoubtedly they wU draw a crowded house- They made him a bed both cold and dntm Ihl, man aa "fu.l as a goose" and all night long by the flie-fly's lamp, be slept in the calahoesei Gil. Adams bos opened the Cosy Silo jn, foimer ly occupied by Clint, Uolijon, and will hcrea'ter eondnct.the business. Oil. is obliging and accoin" dating, aud would bo pleased to have his old friends pay him a call. A wll put down by Jubu I rwln, Stewart and oth ers, on the Gubrlng farm, upper B.'nnchou,tuins ont a dry hole. Elder Leech, an axed and respected citizen of Plumcr, died at his residence in that village, yesCJs day forenoon. For a long term of years ho was an exhortor In tho Methodist Church. This evening the Rebekah Degieo, I. O. of 0. P., hold a social gathering and auppen at Odd Fellows Hall, at the conclusion of tba regular meeting. Tbe Rousevllle Lodge have been invited and are ex J peciwl to ds in attendance. A dispatch from St. Louii dated Sept. 24 aya: Allen Is on tbe street today without a cut on bis face, while McCool keeps bis bed suffering from tbe terrible beating be re osived yesterday. He presents a sorry (pec tacle, and the cuts on bis left check and lips and loss of teeth will dieligure him for life. Allen's next flht is with Boo Hogao, ef Pittsburgh, for $2,500, already posted, and is to take place near this city in five weeks. Sportlug men bere tender '.him a banquet here tomorrow night. Allen's share of tbe contest was $4,400. Allen and Hogan signed article! tonigbt. Hogan ii well known in tbli region. He bai no reputation as a prize lighter, aod in act bai not much reputation any way. A wouderful trade ia tbat of petroleum. Twelve yean ago tbe Brat export sale em braced 250 barrels aod the e ile was herald ed as a "large" one. In 1801 tbe export of tbe whole country amounted to 1,600,000 gallons. In 1872 tbe export amounted lo iau,uuu,uuu gallons, and during tbe seveu months of the present year more tbaa 115, 000,000 gallons have been exported. Tbe utilization of petroleum In tbe interests of commerce has been remarkable. We only wlsb tbat our readers knew bow hard it Is to get locals, and with what av idity editors 'go for them.' We thought we bad a local tbe otber oday, bnt when we reached lor it it wasgoue. , Our devil eald lo us, Mr. Editor I got a local lor you; well what is IttjSmitb Ii married: who'es Smith? that fellow that used to work for Brown two or three days, weti we don't know Smith, but who did he marry? I don't know wbe, and thus we missed a local. Tho West ii now literally pouring its new grain into tbe market, 1,614 carloads Of grain having passed over tbe Mississippi River Railroad bridge at Davenport aod Rock Island for Chicago or tba East, Sep fember 1st and 2d. The city Is being flood ed with grain arriving by rail and canal, but It nevertheless continues to bring fair prices. Tbe grain reoeipts at that city on September 1 were '1,075 car loads, and of these, receipts by canal were 149,100 busb els, principally of corn. Aa editor whose ideas on curreot jottings are somewhat uixed, says tbat "kissing a lady with a circular saw on, t pretty ruff.'i A save has beon discovered near Devils river, Texas, the interior ol which con tain i very remarkable paiutlugs acd sculp ture, apparently of A '.tic. oc'iu. THE Oil j FIELD. . VICISITT OK XaRSS CITT. : Within the last few weeks, several wel lying west of Kerns City, one owned by Tack, Moorbead and others, one owned by Galley and others, together with another well or two, tbe production! of wbisb bad heretolore been quite small have been sunk deeper and locreased for a tims to one, two three, four and five hundred barrels per day. Ot ber owners of wells in tbe vlcioity are making calculations to drill deeper In hopes ofa similar result. The parties who have been favored with success are not boisterous or noisy about tbeir good fortune; they do not tell every one the depth to wbicb tbey drilled; but tbe opinion prevails among many tbat have penotrated tbe earth until a fourth sand has beon toiiud wbicb yields a more bountiful supply of oil tban ever has been obtained Irom the third sand in tbe neighborhood. We are to d tbat a number of wells which scarcely pay at tbe present prices are to be sunk deeper In view of fluding a fourth sand before tbey are abandoned. It la said tbat on Monday last a well lo cated on tbe Tack & Moorhead farm, was without doubt drilled to tbe fourth sand. Tbe sand is said to present a good ap pearance, aod as the drilling progressed tbe well flowed oil at intervals. On Wednesday afternoon we paid a visit to Karns City, all persons thereabouts con curred in assertion that Ibe Tsck A Moor head well, a short distance west of town, had been drilled some depth to tbe fourth saod. The tools remained in the hole, while the well was flowing incessantly yielding oil nt the rate of three or fonr hundred barrels per day. Oilman's Joorn. rAKKER UITY TO HAVE UA3 It Will DO seen by an article elsewhere in this week's paper, tbat tbe Indian Spring Gas Com pany have commenced to lay their pipes fiom the vicinity of Kairvlew lo this city, and in ten days they expect to be prepared Q supply our citizens with natural gar, both for illuminatiug purposes and as au article of fuel. Tbe conveniences of gas are well known to most ol our people, and propos ing to furnish tbe city at the rates charged elsewhere, as the company propose doing, is certainly an Inducement to parties to use tbe artlole. Tbe company should be en couraged in everything tbat is just and fair Oilman's Journal. Mrs. Eliza Hi ter, widow, aod James Graham, guardian ol Para' I N. Rlter, minor son of James M. Rlter, deceased, who was killed on Ibe Allegheny Valley Railroad, at Sorubgrass, on tbe 13th of January last, baa commenced an action for damages against the company, In tbe District Couit of Allegheny county. The amount cl aimed ii $10,000. ,. A young dress maker in Van Wert, Ohio, went to tbe depot to see a Cleveland drum mer off. She gave Mm a good start with the aid of a oowbide and several eggs. She out bits with the formor and plastered, trim who ine latter. jiveian4 drummers are bad men, and should be kept at borne. Tbe posteffice authorities lo Washington have been Informed by tba government of Germany tbat tbe newspaper tax is no lang. er collected from persons in the kingdom of Prnssia lo whom may be addressed newsne, pers printed in tba German language In this country. At the Crown Point and Bridport Fair, in Uteex county, last week Mr. A. A. Buck, a man 65 years old exhibited a borsa train ed by blmielf tbat performed a variety ol feati aa are usually sea only la tbe ciicut ring. Tho Balliet well on tbe Bower fat no north of Edenburg was tubed last Saturday, and is y Is Iding 100 barrels a day. Tbe other well on tbe same farm la reported to be in creaeior. It has produced 65 barrels a day lor nearly two months. Clarion Demo- orat. A flowing well was struck on Sags Run, . . ... . uonr kiii vuy, yesiernay, wnicb Is said to be doing 400 barrels dally. The owners are Dr. Sbamnurg and Green Brothers. ''Rulei to govern persons who are drown ing," are published at length In a Milwan kee paper. This is a good idea and should be followed by several similar codes such as "Direction! for ladiei and gentlemen blown ap in steamboat;" "Guide for tbe victim! of a railway collision;" "System to be pur med by aeronaut! who fall from tbeir bal loons;" "Tbe wbole duty of a man after Bitro.glyoerioe explosion ;" "Regulation! to to followed. by all persons struck by ligbl "iog; ana -rroper deportment during rapid descent from sixth story wiodow " Seciiro the shadow ere tbe substance fades by going to Taylor's Photograph Gallery, over Christie's Drugstore, Wasbloffton St.. Petroleum Centre, Pa. U9 mskes a ,... true to lifo acd finished in tbe highest style ol the sit. It The Uayden expedition hai discovered tbat tbe Middle Fsrkvof Colorado is Inter 1 seoted to a great extent with dikes of basal, j tie rock, and III these once melted rock! are found moaa and wood agates, while led end yellow jaspets cover Ibe bills in great abun dance. The Indians ol ancient limes UBea lo resort to those plaoes lo procure material for tbeir arrow beads, and chipped flints and broken arrow heads occur quite fre quently. There is no doubt tbat Hint ar mw beads were in common use among the Western Indians before tbe introduction ol pork barrels aod hoop-iron. On tbe recent voyage to New York of tbe steamer City of Brooklyn, a woman who was a steerage pas-eager, insane from sickness threw ber little boy four years old overboard then with ber babe In ber arms jnmped lor to tbe sea. Slio was rescued but her chil dren were drowned. A curious case was recently tried io a Hungarian Court. A man found his wife in the agonies or death from swallowing pol soo, and, with questionable humanity, put her out of ber misery with a revolver, with whiob be alterwards tried lo shoot himself. The culprit was tried for murder, and sen tenced to ten years' Imprisonment, but on sppeal the sentence was commuted to three yearn, on tbe ground tbat the woman could not have recovered from tbe poison, an d tbat killing ber was merely a mistaken act ot Immunity to shorten her sufferings. A sadi'accideot occurred in the Berlin settlement, six or seven miles from Clarion on Sunday last, by wblch George Pettier, a young man of that place, lost bis lifo. It appears tbat I'eilt'er, with several other young men, were sitting on a loj in the grove, and.one of the party, natmd Swatz- ager, bad a gun lying on his arm, and was working wilb tbe lock, when tbe cua was accidau tally discharged, thecontoula Indgj ing In i'eltl'L-r's neck. Tbe wounded man was caught by bis brother, in tbn act o' falling. lie said, "X m shot I must die,' and immediately expired. The deceased wai a nephew of Judge Cook, from whom we got the facts. Tbe occurrence has cast a gloom over the entire community, and much sympathy is expressed for tbe pareuts and relatives of tbe deceased. Forest Re publican. We must keep telling about the Sbub, lor he's going away pretty soon, aod then will be of no more use lor "personals" or new papers. That man has absolute control over tbe wbele revenue of tbe country, and can tax bis subjects as much as be pleases. He is worth about $20,000,000, one half ol wbicb is in jewels. There are about 4,500 scbolers io the Rrf man Catholic schools in Boston. Tbe Pope received from 1849 to 1873.one hundred and seventy million francs as rater Pence. Tbe New York Evening Post ssys tbe next trial ol Stokes for tbe shooting of Fisk is set down for October 6th. Louisville ii swarming with oater pillars and according to the Courier-Journal aver age fifty to tbe square foot. A convention of railroad .conductors has been called to meet in Boston on tbe 8tb of noxt month. A statement "recently appeared in the London Times laying tbat the wheat crop in England would rait to per cent, below the average. A Gorham, N. H., cat bai a "fleece as white as snow, " and four inobes long about Its neck. Two Texai cattle men in Wiobita recent ly played a game of marbles for one bun dred lleen a side. A publio spirited citizen of PittsSeld.Vt., kindly offers for entertainment tbe petrified ooay or his mother who was butied twenty years ago. Girl Wante... To do general housework. Inquire at Gor don ' Hardware store Vnr Mil In 15,000 to 20,000 feet ol SECOND-llAND TUBING, at from 25 tnRK t. ..... The Tubin Is in first class order and all reaay ntiea AP' 211 II. H. WARNER. CHANGE OF FIRM. Having disposed of my Interest In tbs "u " Blum, oexi ooor to Dimmoo a Drug Store, to my brother, Lawrence Zed wlob, ail parties knowing themselves jo debted to me will please call and settle at once, and all persons having bills against me will present tbeui. I shall superintend the business for a time aod can be lound at tbe atore. EMIL ZEDWICH, Pet Centre, Sopt 22. Little Joe. G. Fe KOK8TEU, Flour & Feed iJlerchant, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. PRICE LIST. XXX wtlto Vh't ri, $9,(10 1 Meal, a, , $2' JflWtaitBiM. lS ' ou- senlM NEW GOODS' NEW GOODS, NEW GOO jj NEW STOCK DEY GOODS CARPETS, Oil Cloths Motions, JCST KKCEIVKD AT HZ. SAMUELS : DRY GOODS STORE Washington Ntn ct, Petroleum Ci'iitreJ The Largest anil Cheapost stock ot CALICOES 8 to 10 ct per yard. BLEACHF.I Ml!LI.!l from 11 to 16 cts LANSDAI.E UNBI.KAMIKD IHSUfl 10 to 15 ctS' BEST GINGIIAIfK from 1S.' to IS cts CLARK'S N T 'I HREAB 4 spools for S3 cts. Dress Goods, Shawls, HoJ iery, Corsets Pomes Ic Plece70ood, Ladles Ties, Kbt( Ilooytkiitu the very bent quality Drillings aod Ull eu. j-ine ana needle, o cisjkt paper, uupes a lue luwwi rates. Millinery Trimmings LACE GOODS, And & complete stock of ladiJ Hats and Honncts, Also, Complete Slock of BOOTS SHOE0 Wbicb will be sold at AITCTION SALE! (toper tan the Cheapest Commencing August 1st, ISISj P3rJGlve me a call and examine and prices. M. SAMCEIA Fat, Centre, July 17tb, 187X McKinley & Gross, Machinists. Blacksmiths AND Egbert Farm. I'etroleuff! Centre, Pa. Boiler Repairing a Specialty- REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED tST We wairant all work done by u" H ria naapls a t nnni n a ri am d'hun i firu ' Good material furnished and prices rear Having had long experience In the u I nose we are enabled to em Mturaciion. JOSKl'H McKINLKY. 8EIIASTIA I l'TOlnm Centre, fa., fan. 3. (I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers