ft B. Warner DEALER IN SECOND-HAND IB. All 8l Casing, Engines, Bol'era, and OIL WEMj SI I' I'l l I S. HIGHEST CASH PUtCB 1 A1U f'UK ULU ROPE, IRON and BRASS, av-llatlne recently pnrer.nsed Now and Iin- urtiiP jwrrrNU UACHINK. I am iii-Aimr. Jdtnent and at all situ, ol Pipe and Casing from Ulack to 114 Inch. Jaaalnajlon-at., Nearly Opp. Bnch e.ur House, Pal. 5eire, Pa. Iprltf. n. n nfln.iiiv ENOCH MOHG AN'S SONH SAPOLIO In a snbstitutefor 8(p f.w all Honse- bo'd purposes, except waahiug dome SAPOLIO for Cleaning yonr tloUMi will ma the labor el aue (leaning, a trial, Glre it SA.POTTO fwWInd.iws is better than W hlte alrg or Wate.. No removing cur Ulna and carpe'e. cUinapntand Wood, lu Uci t ic .. k-M.. liw.ii tin enure n'nwq .. - r - al pptiut. Bares labor luu can t afford to ba without It o a p OLIO fir Scouring KnUn lsbetter and eleanM thai loth Brick. Will not acrskch. SAP OLIO la better than Soap and band for pollahlng Tinware. Brightens with out scratching. J - SAPOLIO PollsES Brass aodconper ntenail better than Acid or Oil and Hotien Stone SAP 0 L 10 for Washing Dlsheaand Olasswnre la lnraluable Chaape than Soap. S a p'0 1 io removea Stairs from Marhla Maine. Tables, and Statuary, from Hard-finl.h -d walla, and from Chi na and Poreetala. S ap o 1 i o- remotes Siaine and Oresm , ' . ' from QarpeUaad ether woven tab-, tlca. .. Thar laao one article kaawithat will 4 so Many kinds of work aud do It well as Maollo. Try ! HANP SAPOLIO new anl wonderful elf It .Toil, t Soap, having no,eqaal in this country or abroad- HAND 3 A POLIO , , at anaitlcio for ibe Bath, 'raM :hes (ha foundation" of all dirt, ODens the poraK and tuvea a health ac tion and brilliant tint to the akin HAND ' SAP 0 L I on . . iileaoseeand beeutlnu tbo Skin, lu- aUntly removing any stain or Diem '.; lsh from both hand and face D SAP Q L I 0 la without a rival In the world for enrinff or DreTeniiaiz rouehneM and adfetiapping of althor hands or face - HAND S A P 0 L I 0 re novae Tar. Htxh, Iron or Ink .' Mainland 6 reus--, ior worker In . Machine bhnpa. Milieu, o , 1 In " ' VAlaithle For aaaklu'.? the Skin White and Soft, audgivineto it a " 4-tloum of beauty U la nniurpoaa. ' ' ' ed by any Coeniatta known HAND S A P OLIO cuts lu tu U cent, per cake, and everybody aboakl bavp It You will llkelt &ONT FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. ii .V '! or "oar merchant if ha baa !. will procure It for yon. If not, wrltV f,ir oar Pamphlet, AII JMtapoiio, and It wll b mailed i SNOGH MORGAN'S SONS, ... w. PARK PLACE, N T Libert y sTm-pittsburgh, pa Co to WTI. L0Z1EK, th!8treet,near R. II. track, ,0' your BENZINE, deliv at the welh for $1,50 Bwrel. ' 'ttolaura Onto, Fab. ttb-atL. I'SCream! Soda Water I Proclamation to tie CUhfns o JJct, Licnre and Vicinity: R.A.LOZiER, Washingtoii-Stf Yor your pure Ice Cold Soda -Water Drawn from Lonrr's Silver Pnvf. able Fountain, No acid or gas to destroy the stomaeTi and the best aud finest or I have ali fitted up In clig:int wylc throucliout. a new LADIES' uudOLNTS' ICE PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT , EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Door Above Mobel Aucr , balm's Dry Good Store, - GIVE MS A CALL. IS. A. LOZIER. Pet. Centre, May 21, 17? tf. mi a a 2 , ft" 8 is- -":f'6 K 5 2. a ts to a n H a 3 O 5 :2 Sar-S a 41 H' r i-, a V BO r3 H 5 2 a HI 1 1 d a-1 m - Q Si .a i a KENVVDOD "uoidi"orBOYS Prencnt( Hlmni' nrtrnrtionf to nTcnta and Lrnar- diiir. A t. lean fiu t bonict trouah iuatrucliou; heulthful m-T.iiliiie; uxci llent librnry;. now appar Htiir. rt. iifi tor L'ataluguu. lihu.al diiconut lo clenrvint'ii CJMAICIaKfl J f OIITTS, A Itr.. Prtn.. New IfiriKlatoii I'euii. New jpoods. Emel Zedwich. f'UTTLB JOE.') . , BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Has just returned Irom Buffalo with a complute stock el . , Fall nnd Winter Goods. lias iK-vr. cotahliahcd in !' uo'i-trr. (rtrefcr yMK iliren ears, and ha. the name of MukiriK lUe lit t Fit and Finest Itool in lUe Oil Region. fie la conatantly reriTing order, from ether see tiou. of ihe Oil Region. fie constantly keep j on hand Keady-niade lpots,& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. CALL, AND Mi l ni.11. JOtf KMrSliZtlDS'ICH. J3f7" The Post Office NewHroom Soda Fouutaia tt now ruonmif lo tnll blast. Gall and trj it lae ul m cool soda wMf WINES, LIQUORS ETC $4.00 OZfa WANTED The Oliest Elstab'Mx'd 11 quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP'R, REMOVED To the New Stand in Christie's Old Store, opposite the damoiuwniClothing Store, Petroleum Centre, ra. New Goods in Great Variety, .uut plenty ot Sunday Liom fort left yet l have'reflttod Hie ptore formerly occupied hy J. II. bristle, corner of WashlnRton nnd First Stu., and laid in a new itock of the purest and best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. My stock consists In part of BOURBON, AND MOHONGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford andj; Jamaica Hums, HOLLAND GIFS, IIENNESY, PINET, (."AIITU.LEN ft CO.'S, AMD MAUTELL llilASWIES, Mil F AMI, niX'IlKSTRR & CAiVADAlGtA AliES Sole Agent tot tUa BROTH EHIIOOU WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, Also Agent for the Celebrated GRKAT WEST KEN BKAKD of American C'hamiiaL'ne, made by the rieunant Vallry Wine Co., Sieulien county, N.w York, constantly on baud the imported eham naguea, Ao. My Stock of.CigAKS la rncxellccd in this region. I KEEP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, GIVE MIC A. CAlalt At my new stand OWENOAFFSEV. T t CEte Oro- IT Tilt OIL, HIAKKETS BY W. U. TEL. LINE Officr op : Pktrolkrom Clstkk Daii.t Rkooro Spt. 25. 1873 The oil market la quiet to-day at $1,20. No tele. fbiluuelpliia, Sij)t, 21. Lelined 10. SUrket quiet. New Vorl;, 8. il. 25. Criido C . IMlneu, 18 . Sturltet-Qiiloi. OOLOINNeu VOKK. Nsw i'oRK, Sent. 25. Gold m. P- . HEINZ., Pioneer, Pa., IManitfactnrcr of OIL WBEil. Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description llepaired at Short JNotice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATENTEC of HI INK S WA TER PACKER. KEPATKINQ of nil kinds dote at notice and till work warranted. Orders by mai. or telegraph promptly attended to F. G. HEINZ. Tlotieer, To., Deo, 21, 1872 tf. few Goods. SAVE VOIR MONEY ! And buy your Boots and Sfcces at' Mrs. M. Magraaae's one price BOOT & SHOE STORE ! I keep a very lariro stock of all kinds on hand and nell aa choip us any other honne In Hid OIL KKOION. Connected with my Store is a Custom Department ! And I gnarauteo a perfect fit In all my work Reualriutf naatlv dotiA. Kmxt door to Wnir. Jewelry Store. Petroleum Centre Pa, dccltf Dauis From The Devil; OR CUPID ABUSED A Book jnst Issued, ezpoainfr tho "Fzasomu" lhat hva appeared lu the ;l"lew Tork Ncwnpaper. thf-lr hintorv and lessons. STVMS1I VILLI ANS KULI.Y BXI'OShD. Advertisements Trum dsne rate men to beautitul wo - en; Clandestine meeting how frustrated; The History o, the (loodrich Trail edy the rosnlt of a "persrruals. " Dccrtpiion of lvlng Bn.iiw..y Statues. EXPOSES SOCIAL COKHl'raON Sent on receipt of BO cts. Address Unique Frlntlng House, m Vesoy St., N. Y. The lleokwllll S20 Portable I'nniliv Buwiuif fllachlne, on :tO Daya 'I rlait maav adviintaxus over all. HHtlstm-limi gnarniiK ed, or 1 refuuutd. Snt romplute, with frill il.n-o ttnns. 'Berkwitb liewing llaxblne Co. ,a2 Broadw ,r ?ew Vorl,. NEW LITEKT! BOARD Exchange AND Jftefr tables f Main Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. ill) Prop'r. Wood Horses, 1 lturgies, Carriages, &c, always in readiness to hire. THE CELEBRATED FREDONIA PiOAD' Wagon Always on hand for hire. BOARBI3SraHO?iSl3:s I ra prepared to furnish iioardini! riorsfia tun best Accommotlatinns to be round in Petroleum Centre and Ibe cbeap est withal. The very best Sad dles and Bridles for Riding Horses. To the Traveling Public. If desired travelers will be taken to any town in the oil region at reasonable charges. Boilers and Engines Moved to any deilred point with dua dis paioh. Giro mo a call. S; CANFITJLK sept 1-if.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers