i ...... - EL EL ZTojtdbv a a TaMtftf ll'IMHUi TUBING. AM CMlf E ! w .tlifcarehBaed a New and Im- Snoch mohsa' HONS bold purposes, axeapt washing clow Give It IM lauor vi ,-. atrial, for wicaowi m kw - - trgorWetek. Noreesovlag eat- efesuat'ut WStaiS" t" retire house) brtterthan I PD4n. Saves labor. Yvu o l lord ioMvttMttt. SAP OLIO B Scouring n I vei labetter and SwMtba Batk Brick. Will not serttca. &A.QJfaL. Tern nnlt.hln TlnwanTllrt ightena srtta- ant scratcMnB. rilebbfaaa ancTlVMmer owJeTtl Polli bettor tkaa Acid or mi aoa atone. P fi Ti I O fee Waahlna Dishes end Glaesware la iavahieble. Cheapo, loae Heap. Sapolio removea -" 8Ulra from Marble) M anM.a, Tables, and 8urary, from RareVlntihrd Walla, and from Chi na and Porcelain, 8 a p olio "- Stales and Urease from Oarpeta and other woven fab rics. Taere teaa oae article) kaowatkat wllljaaao May klaaa af work aid ela It aa wall aa aaaolio. Try lt HANP HP OL 10 tnf and wonderful efTae It. fnl- atSMp, having i no ec.uai la aa. rooaerv or abroad. I HAND s a p o u i q a an altleii for the Bath, rapes thafoandaUonnofall dirt, the pores and elves hnlthnic Uon and brilliant tint to U. J HAND S A P 0 I I ( (leanaeaaod beaatllee the Ski stantly removing any atalaor u irons ocm nanae ana race HAND S A P Q I Ifl le wtlhoot rival In toe worW fcr carina or preTentiiur roagbiiei(aiid aad (ahapplnc of eltixr baa er HANO s A P 0 L I 0 ru noTM lr, Mth, Iroi n" Ink Btalae and Sreaeq lor workaa in Maehiiie bbopa. Ulnea. Oe.Kla valvable For aiiklnc (be Ha Wbileand Boft. and giving to It a bloom of beamy' li naniaa ad b anj Ooaaatle kaown HAND & A P 0 I. I 0 cuita ererv . . r per can. Jbodjr anoald barr It Yen will UkeS DORT FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. m.mV Mrkaat if 'fce.kaa II at will afaeara It for yoa. If aot, wrlio for oar raaapkiet, ' Alt aboatSavoUe,M aa It wA fca aullea l9a ENOCH MOEOAN'S S0N8, tlo FA8 PLACE, H r DISSOIiVTIOIV. Tba eoparloarablp barsioforo tslttlif be- Sobartocrhota Tan Eek t dlMOIr d b mutual ooDaeat. 8. P. S0BBIl)ICKa0ll. 1. A. tut Etci. Partial ludabtad to tba a bora droll Butt sill aoa MUM up and aaa troubla. 1 Dated Patrolenm Oatre, April .l)Ta m Ooa 16-horaa Tift boiler looompir) or flit nmm L. VT I a. I" . - v-mnmm ii una as manu aoa aoa bollar lo aonpiaia ardar, 175 feat f Incb tnblnf, aztra baaty, 500 (mi Ursa kar roat, i eoowi rump. j . A. Tilt pi'Vl I'SCream! Ctda 7ater ! Prdamotion to the Citizens o Set, Ventre and Vicinity: S2 '32s F.A.LOZIER, Washington-St, For your pure h Cold Soda Water lawn from Long's feilver Port ale Fountain, No acid or tras destroy the stomach, and t'e best and finest of FLAVORING SYRUPS. ilave alsi ttted up In elegant style throughout, t newLADIBS' andaK'NTS' CE CREAM (PARLOR. l Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Dnora A bore Nobel Jr. Aaer halan'aDrr Uooda Store, GIVK Ml A 0ALU It. A. IiOZIER. Pet. Centre, May 11, -tf. c & ., H w 2 . w I W S3 1 ? Laa O ' 5 a o 1 "1 J, .2 cH Hen a 3 Q 0m 5j 8 FOR SAliE. A MlMhl, miIiImm An tli T?ohArt rWrm Good water bandy. Every modern conven ience. Will Deaoia caenp. enquire oi Petroleum Centre, May 7, 1873. if DISSOLUTION. Tba oooartDersblp beretolore existing tw Iween llaraball A Ricbards it dissolved by mutual consent. Parlies Indebted to tba above Grin must eall and settle up and save trouble. S H. MiRHHAI.I E. C. RlOUARDH. Dated Pelreleom Centre, June 8, 1873. BENZINE Jnst received a fresh supply of Jjenane, tne oest ever brought to town, at J. A. TJUN .UYUK'S. Petroleom Centre. May, 15, 1873- tf Vhal MSt The irreat JuvenUe Mafmxlne fDoanuayear, with aJ-plendid t i.oo ( hrorao, free. Bpeclmen,Seenli r R"le a clnbl Haywhwe yon saw thia. Jobn B. Alden, Publisher, Chi- TJRK the Belslager Heah Lock and Support to Vdeton Tour IVinilntirs? No spring to break, no cutting of t aah ; eheap, dura ble, very easily a 'piled; hold, eavh at ary pU,-e de sired, and a self (mtener hm the tajh Is down. Mend stamp for circular. Circular and all oo per -bronsad locks lent to any addrns in he CM., poetpaid, on receipt of SO cu i.ibers1 inducements to the trade. Agenta wanted. Addmw KKII.O BK BArll LOCK CO , to- 418 Uuket bt., Bam, burg, Pa. 1 aj in at aai w t- WINES. MOTORS. KTC $4.00 OIL WANTED The Oldest Established li quor Store en Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP'R, EEMOVED To the Mew Stand In Chrlette'i Old Store, oppoelte the JamcetomiClothlngi8tore, Petroleum Jl'entre, fa. New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty ot Sunday Com fort left yet. I have refitted e ntorn formerly occupied by 3. U. 4. hrlKtle, cornor of Washington and Flret Sti., and laid in a new etock of the pnrart aad beat of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THK MARKET AFFORDS. My etock consists In part o BOURBON, AND MOttOGAHE LARYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaicca Kums, HOLLAND GINS, HENNBSY, P1NT, CABTILLFM CO.'B, AND BUFPAfj, ROCHESTER V CAN ANDA1GLI AL.ES Bole Agent for the BROTHERHOOD WINES, of rrockton, N. Y, Also Agent for the Celebrated ORRAT WEST- EEN BKAhD of Amrrican Champairnc, made by the Fleawnt Valley Wine Co., Steuben county, New York, constantly on hand tba Imported cham pagnes, as. Mytockof C1GAH8 Is incxcllced In this region. C I KE1.P NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines Branch btora at the old stand, No. 36 Washington atreot. GIVE MM A- CALL At my new stand and sec BILL! PDOH, OWEN GAFFNE. , Caatr.rss. 11 P. THK OIL) MARKETS. BT W. V. TEL. LINE Ornca or J Pbtbolcruii Ccmtr Dailt Rbookp June 26, 1873 Tba market le quiet and dull to-day a $2,10. 690 barrels changed bsodf at Ibat figure. rbiladelphla, June 26 Crude," 8 , ReOoed U . Market quiet. PittaburK, June 26 Crude spot, &?i B. U. all year. 2 B.O.d Refined Spot, 22 Market Nomioal NewTork, June 24. Ctnde-8.. Reflneo, 18). Market Quiet. OOLUINNIU IUBR. New Tore, June 26. Gold 115. P. C. HBUMS, Pioneer, Pa., Mannfactnrer of OIL WELL Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description 'Repaired at Short Notice. Agent (or FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATENTflfiol HI INZ 8 WA TER PACKER, REPAIRING of sll klndu done at short no lee and ail work warrantou. Oratni bv nil. or teleimi.h nraeantlvatumded to P P BTTRTS W saasasara saaa Pioneer, Ft., Deo. 21, 1872 tf. New Goods. SAVE YOUR MONEY ! And boy your Boots aod;stcis at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE RnnT to. SHUF 5TnRF ! aww a wmr vuva w e w I ISm I keen a verv larce stock of all ktnda on band and Mil aa cheip a any nlher honae In the OIL navuiun . uonnecuso iu my Btora la a Custom Department ! And I guarantee a perfect fit In all my work Itepairing neatly done. Nut door to Wolf, uvwturj mure. PetrolenM Centre. Pa. aeot'tt I'HIiJffiW ELASTIC TRUSS. An Impor tune (iiv uiiuu. ii rniBin. ,ne nupiure hi an nines, im uimtT hi, uatuwi vxerciHH or severeit eirsin. li i. w rn with comfort, and if kept on ulght and day, effocls a permanent lure in a few weeks Hold eheap, and aont by Mail when requested, circulars free, when ordered by letter Bent to Tho Hl'stic Trufs Co. . No H88 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody umm Mvlal Spring ltuescs ; too .painful; they slip od ioj rtcqaeat'.y. G. P. Iloester, JO --SadL Huucenor to Miaae a Armatroag. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLO 118 AMD Merchant fpHE 8ubcriher having hoobt the old rtand of X Men A ArniKUons, has enlarsed Die boainesa and v.tl keep elwnys on he'd the rt 'he market aRonl. 1 will d iini.wii i .SKi? trade In the following products: Flour. Peed, Hay & Grain OF ALL KINDS. PRICE LIST. XXX WHITE WH-T FLOUR, per bbl, $10 rfiuM tv t a a fro r-nw. . r " y . CORN A OAT3 CHOP, per bund. 1,60 n nea r dhaix CORN MEAL " OIL MEAL SiLT, per bbl 0.T MEAL, p-r lb. 1,60 1,62 3.00 8,50 0T 60 1.60 1,5ft 64 75 ruTA iuus, per butb, HAV, pur buod. STRAW OATS, per btmb, CORN ' t9Tbee era Casb prices. I ,h""j; share of public patrotinp, feeling I confident. I can give aatlefsctian in price and ouai. i ij ui ifuuue P. P. KOESTER. Petrolenm Centre, Pa May Jg UKS tf McKinley & Gross, machinists, Blacksmiths, AND Mer Hate, Egbert ' Tarm, Petroleum Pa. Centre, Boiler Rppalring a Speciality. REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED I mm WA, Mn. -n mmMm . I . w . vuuo ut ur I oe uearly aa good as new when rnn.ir.ri I Good material furuisbed and prlcea raasor a mmv, Having bad long experience In trio hnas nejs we are enabled to give eatlslacilon. 'ara mcninLSI. SKUA8I IAN 011088 J'etroloum Centre, Pa, Jan. i.U. Slew Goods. Emel Zedwich, ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Has just retained Irom BuffsleHalth m. complete etock ot Fall and Winter Goods. Baa been eetsbllshed m Pe troVvm Ortr. i.r paat three years, and has the name of Making the Brat Fit and Flneat i" sue uii aiegtoiifi. Bsls coMtantly recetrmg erdera froat otbertre ..uu. vi un vu jwgions. fie constantly kocps on hand Ready-made Bootst& Shoes ; LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. m , CALL, AND SCFHim. Jwf KMbLZ pyrirn Tan Berkwlth t20 Portable limlly Row inn Much t lie, oil :tO IHa Tilalt meny advautgos over all. Satl.faotion gnsrantced' or t) refundid. Hint ewnpltte, with foil diroc tion. Berkwlth ben lug Mnchluo Ca ,803 Broadway New York. A CPIITC everywhere to eell rnr new VD-k TflTli9. Kmbrotdertiws Maet.lne.ia W A N lliJJlratrd Clrmtar, to the M I fui'tll, iillr t '..tul.n.. Oi fl II l. . new and novri seta for Ilel laijtiuiog Cuiupnuy, 3iU IJtoadway, New .iuik. a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers